#cyber crime and cyber security company
turtltech · 2 years
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hellguarded-moved · 1 year
// made lil tweaks to my criminal verse. at the very least i now know what ig actually does there
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Unveiling the Power of AI in Shielding Businesses from Phishing Threats: A Comprehensive Guide for Leaders
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/unveiling-the-power-of-ai-in-shielding-businesses-from-phishing-threats-a-comprehensive-guide-for-leaders/
Unveiling the Power of AI in Shielding Businesses from Phishing Threats: A Comprehensive Guide for Leaders
In today’s hyper-connected digital world, businesses encounter a relentless stream of cyber threats, among which phishing attacks are among the most insidious and widespread. These deceptive schemes aim to exploit human vulnerability, often resulting in significant financial losses, data breaches, and reputational damage to organizations. As phishing techniques grow increasingly sophisticated, traditional defense mechanisms struggle to keep pace, leaving businesses vulnerable to evolving threats.
The Escalating Risk of Phishing Attacks: A Pressing Concern
Phishing attacks have surged in prevalence, with cybercriminals deploying increasingly advanced tactics to breach corporate defenses. According to the 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, phishing accounted for nearly a quarter of all breaches, underscoring its profound impact on cybersecurity landscapes worldwide.
The evolution of phishing tactics presents a formidable challenge for conventional email filtering systems, which often fail to effectively detect and mitigate these threats. From spoofed sender addresses to emotionally manipulative content, phishing tactics continue to evolve in complexity, rendering traditional defense mechanisms inadequate.
Recent reports highlight emerging trends in phishing, with QR codes gaining prominence (7% of all phishing attacks in 2023 per VIPRE research) as tools of social engineering, while password-related phishing remains pervasive. Despite advancements in cybersecurity, phishing attacks persist as a primary avenue for cybercriminals to exploit organizational vulnerabilities. According to a report from the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), it received 800,944 reports of phishing, with losses exceeding $10.3 billion in 2022.
Data from the Anti-Phishing Working Group (AWPG) show the number of unique phishing sites (attacks) reached 5 million in 2023 – making 2023 the worst year for phishing on record, eclipsing the 4.7 million attacks seen in 2022. Analysis from IBM in 2023 revealed that 16% of company data breaches directly resulted from a phishing attack. Phishing was both the most frequent type of data breach and one of the most expensive.
Likewise, mobile device safety analysis showed 81% of organizations faced malware, phishing and password attacks in 2023, mainly targeted at users. Sixty-two percent of companies suffered a security breach connected to remote working, and 74% of all breaches include the human element. Malware showed up in 40% of breaches. Finally, 80% of phishing sites target mobile devices specifically or are designed to function both on desktop and mobile.
The Inadequacy of Traditional Phishing Defenses: A Call for Innovation
Conventional email filtering systems, reliant on static rules and keyword-based detection, struggle to keep pace with the dynamic nature of phishing attacks. Their inherent limitations often result in missed threats and false positives, exposing organizations to significant risks.
A paradigm shift in cybersecurity strategies is imperative in response to the escalating sophistication of phishing attacks. Relying solely on legacy defenses no longer suffices in the face of relentless and adaptive cyber threats.
Harnessing the Power of AI: A Beacon of Resilience Against Phishing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a transformative force in the battle against phishing by offering adaptive and proactive defense mechanisms to counter evolving threats. AI algorithms, capable of analyzing email content, sender information, and user behavior, enable organizations to detect and mitigate phishing attempts with unparalleled precision.
AI-driven phishing detection solutions offer multifaceted benefits, including:
Analyzing email content to identify suspicious patterns and linguistic cues indicative of phishing.
Evaluating sender information, including source domain reputation and other header information to detect anomalies and impersonation attempts.
Monitoring user behavior to identify deviations from standard patterns, such as unusual link clicks or attachment downloads.
By leveraging machine learning capabilities, AI systems continuously evolve, learning from new threats and adapting to emerging attack vectors in real time. This dynamic approach ensures robust defense mechanisms tailored to the unique challenges faced by organizations in today’s threat landscape.
Enhancing Protection Through Link Isolation and Attachment Sandboxing
Aside from email contents and sender information, emails can contain two additional threat vectors that warrant special consideration. These include attachments which may contain malware, and links which may lead to malicious websites. To provide sufficient protection, enhanced techniques such as link isolation and attachment sandboxing are required.
Link isolation provides an additional layer of defense by redirecting potentially malicious links to a secure environment, mitigating the risk of accidental exposure to phishing sites. AI-powered link isolation goes beyond static rule-based approaches, leveraging machine learning algorithms to analyze contextual cues and assess the threat level of links in real time.
Attachment sandboxing complements these efforts by isolating and analyzing suspicious attachments in a secure environment, mitigating the risk of malware infiltration. AI-driven sandboxing solutions excel in detecting zero-day threats, providing organizations with proactive defense mechanisms against emerging malware variants.
A Holistic Approach to Phishing Resilience
While AI-driven technologies can offer unparalleled protection against phishing attacks, a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy requires a multifaceted approach. Employee training and awareness programs are pivotal in mitigating human error, empowering personnel to effectively recognize and report phishing attempts.
Additionally, implementing least-privilege access models as well as robust authentication mechanisms such as passkeys or multi-factor authentication (MFA) fortifies defenses against unauthorized access to sensitive information. Regular software updates and security patches enhance resilience by addressing vulnerabilities and mitigating emerging threats.
Embracing AI as a Cornerstone of Cybersecurity
As organizations navigate the complexities of today’s threat landscape, AI emerges as a cornerstone of cybersecurity resilience. By integrating AI-powered detection mechanisms with innovative technologies such as link isolation and attachment sandboxing, organizations can strengthen their defenses against phishing attacks and safeguard critical assets.
In embracing AI as an integral component of their cybersecurity strategy, organizations can confidently navigate the evolving threat landscape, emerging as resilient and trusted custodians of sensitive information. As the digital frontier continues to evolve, the transformative potential of AI in combating phishing threats remains unparalleled, offering organizations a potent arsenal in the ongoing battle against cybercrime.
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i-hls · 9 months
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Attackers Impersonate Security Researchers, Attempt Extortion
Multiple extortion attempts were conducted by threat actors who posed as legitimate security researchers and promised to hack into the infrastructure of original ransomware gangs to delete stolen data for a fee. Arctic Wolf Labs report that victim organizations were contacted via Tox Messaging
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the yandere haikyuu teams x their manager?
Boring. I need some spice in it. How about-
Yandere Daichi as a cop and his darling is a civilian and now he's so obsessed with her that he murders her husband, frames him as a criminal and will literally stop at nothing to get darling in his arms because again... who will suspect good old, everybody's best bud COP Daichi to be able to do heinous crimes???
Yandere Sugawara as a psychiatrist because come on- he gives major "master manipulator" vibes and now he's obsessed with his darling patient and will continue to do malpractice and gaslight her and prescribe her all the wrong meds until she loses it and he gets to admit it her under his "special care" and now he can play with her mind all day long🤍
Yandere Oikawa is now a pro volleyball athlete and he just saw Ushijima's little sis, the same one he used to bully and even rejected (and ofc, HUMILIATED) when she confessed to him back in highschool. But now Oikawa's obsessed with her and also still hates his nemesis Ushijima, so what's better than killing two birds with one stone??? And Oikawa still has a very devoted fanclub, only now it's larger and more powerful than ever so now he uses them and his socials to peer pressure you into dating him and eventually, marrying him because he ain't getting any younger honey and he needs some cute babies out of you ASAP.
Yandere Kuroo who is the smart IT tech guy at your office but in reality, he has his own cyber security company that he uses to spy on you, controls your entire life through your socials and don't even get me started on your online banking shit. If its any consolation, he's very rich so... yeah. He may not look like a million bucks, but he does have them. In several offshore accounts.
Yandere Kita who somehow ended up as a mafia leader, probably inherited it as family business and he has like severe OCD so he wants everything done to perfection or so help you, you will 1000% end up 6 feet under. Mafia Kita who has this vision of you being the perfect wife, solely based om the one time you offered him your handkerchiefs because he had a nosebleed from stressing too much and now Kita thinks you're an absolute angel and he wont let you destroy that fantasy of his. Seriously. He will pick out your outfits, tell you how to act and all, punish you if he must, but he does love you.
Yandere Ushijima who is a farmer and has decided that the reader whose car broke down and came to his door asking for help, will now be his wife and be a countryside mom to many kids (u can't say no, okay? He wants a big family) and animals! But hey, he's a very caring husband and will massage your feet, give you baths and feed you his homegrown veggies and meals daily once you are round with his babies🥺
Yandere Bokuto who is now a popular politician and he needs an obedient wife to keep up appearances and play the "family man" image up. So he decides to threaten reader who had a one night stand with him, and Bokuto somehow has very intimate images and videos of you and he uses them to get you to marry him. And now he controls every aspect of your life and tells you to do exactly as he says, and he abuses this privilege more as he gets more powerful and you could only imagine the horrors he would inflict on you if he does actually win elections, but you can't run away because again- he has eyes and contacts everywhere.
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byemambo · 16 days
4Minutes EP. 7 - My Takeaways
Wow, this series is only becoming more and more intense for me to organize my thoughts in a timely fashion. It also doesn't help that so much content has been released for me over the past few days and there are only 24 hours in a day hahahaha. But now I'm back, and looking forward to the final episode in the next few days. It's been a wild run and I'm excited to see the wrap up.
Emotional Development: Outcomes of a Broken Home
In this series, we get a chance to entangle ourselves with various family dynamics and the characters growing up within those dynamics. What I found most interesting and can help aid in my analysis is how abuse and neglect affect those who grew up deprived of emotional needs during their upbringing, but other significant moments within their development. I really enjoy consuming psychology media, but I'll be referring to Patrick Teahan's 5 Emotional Development Delays: What You Need to Know which actually came out not even 24 hours before I began tackling this post so it was the perfect time.
Teahan has highlighted his points within the original video as such (which I may or may not refer to all of them):
Codependency & Romantic Intimacy Delays
Security Delays
Perception Problems Delays
Functioning Delays
Negative Coping Strategies Delay
I think it's safe to assume that almost all the main characters within this series have dysfunctional upbringings, pivoting them in certain directions in life that mimics the dysfunction or invites it into their lives (all highlighted under the cut!).
Korn: Fear Driven by Shame and Incompetence
Through Great's confrontation in front of the business building after walking out of his dad's office, more details of Great's childhood consisted of being the son to the mistress, where Korn's mother took on the role of his wife respectively. Once Korn's mother commits suicide which some people have speculated that Great's mother could have possibly killed her herself but this has yet to be confirmed, there is an obvious shift in the relationship the family has with one another and has best been illustrated during their family dinner scenes and Korn's confrontational scenes with Great.
In Teahan's first point about codependency:
"...a four year old will be terrified that a connection is severed with an angry or aloof parent, [often] coming up with really good attempts to appease or please a parent to reestablish or make that connection, even if it consistently fails..."
I'm sure after the death of his mother along with Great's mother inversely taking her place beside his father, Korn confines himself by meeting with his father's demands, even if that entailed perpetuating the same cycle of corruption and harm placed upon those beneath their influence for decades. However, we witnessed one of the first moments of Korn's facade breaking once he was scolded by his father once more when the company's crimes were revealed to the general public: speaking out of turn and belittling Great's mother in an uproar.
This frustration only grew with time as the operations of the organized crime scheme continued to fall, from the cyber hack, to the information leak and inability to forcefully receive information and leads from the captive, to Samarn reporting to his father without permission. I spoke more about Korn's character in my episode 4 analysis which I think is worth checking out for more details on Korn's personality. Being treated with harshness and as a failure only triggered his innate desire for his own autonomy and to be desired by those he cares for, only to be turned away over and over again: Great, his father, Tonkla.
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Episode 5
Along with Teahan's thoughts on romantic intimacy that coincides with codependency, stressing the distinction that these delays and resolutions to conflict are "childlike" and not "childish":
"...children don't like a process of getting to know someone slowly and they want things to be more immediate."
Once we were able to piece together the differing timelines between Great's reality versus his 4 minute reality which is elaborated in my episode 6 analysis, it seemed like Korn's scenes remained consistent except for the initial scene we get with Great after dropping him off after dinner during episode 1. Depicting him as someone who deeply cares for his younger brother as his familiar and someone he can confide in, this persona alters itself to someone who desires a means to an end and doing everything within his power to maintain his family at the top of the hierarchy, Korn spirals and becomes the main cause of his downfall through his own temper and neglect.
The stark difference between how he approached his romantic relationship at the beginning with Tonkla versus the last time they spoke to one another in person is like night and day, but Korn's darkness consumes him to a point-of-no-return. Which now revisiting the episode for more clarity: Korn is last seen at Great's condo while the police are still present at the crime scene, however, we don't see him at the hospital once Great had been admitted and suffering from instability of his vitals. I can only infer that he had left to follow his parents across the border, or Tonkla had successfully gotten to him with the intention of killing him.
When Korn attempts to overpower Tonkla into having sex with him despite not being present for weeks during Tonkla mourning over the murder of his younger brother, rather than meeting his supposed lover with empathy and remorse: he doubles down though intimidation tactics and speaking down to Tonkla. This of course fails once Tonkla's emotional state had been pushed beyond its limits, breaking him from the confines of the relationship of master and servant, even if it was for a brief moment.
Great: Free Will Does Not Exist
Great's demise made me pity him as an individual, especially after I reading cookie-kat777's post about Great's depression. Throughout the original timeline, Great is someone who moves in the world with recklessness and a deep rooted hate and defiance towards his father out of spite. Teahan's thoughts when discussing perception problems further explains Great's skewed mindset towards the severity of his actions within the moment, not understanding the deep set grief and despair he had brought onto others:
"...when we have a toxic parent, a child is whatever the parent says they are. They can rebel against those or take them on, both become extreme distortions of perception...they might never take themselves seriously and they will stay small. A toxic parent expects adult behavior from a child...adult survivors struggle [with] not seeing their own humanity as well as the humanity in others."
We see this emotional outburst onto Great from all angles: his hook up turned unrequited love Tyme, his brother, his father, his mother. With his own instability to make room for the processing of his own emotions, I could only imagine the weight he experienced during those final weeks before him being shot by Tonkla. He had no care in the world about Manee's death after his hit and run, his eventual whiplash from his assistance in getting rid of the body with Title, his immediate horror witnessing the killing of Nan, and eventually his own demise.
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Episode 5
In a world where no matter what he does, decisions are made on his behalf without his input, without his own thoughts, without his own feelings, without his own agreement. Rather than taking accountability for their own sins, his family continues to place the burden onto Great, making such claims about following through with such horrific intentions for "his" sake. Whether it be providing him with a financially stable home life, giving him the fancy cars and fancy condos to live mindlessly in, buying the prizes out of the claw machine, all in order to keep him quiet and obedient: it may seem out of the question for some people that undermine the conflict that Great experiences simply because he's a "rich spoiled brat". Even though I have never seen nor have touched the level of wealth and status Great's family has been able to achieve, as someone with my own mental health disorders and dissonance: unhappiness does not care about who its target is, and even with all the wealth in the world and everything handed to you, there is still plenty of room for dysfunction and despair to thrive. After all, misery loves company.
We can see this level of recklessness and destructive behavior through Great's actions, especially with his reactions to all the heinous situations he comes across. Moments such as him hitting Manee or helping Title dispose of Dome's body, you can see how he's in a daze for majority of those moments before continuing on and avoiding damages and accountability. But once those moments pass, a wave of anxiety and stress overcomes him, using impulsive outlets such as smoking and sex to calm his nerves or even heighten them to reach a state of euphoria that temporarily shields him from his damning reality.
The only few moments we witnessed Great's joyous moments in his reality as well as his imagined reality had to do with the presence of love and affection:
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Episode 1, 3, 4, 7
What I found interesting from the flashback was not just about Tyme and Great having a shared past, but it seemed like Great's childhood during the time of Tyme's family becoming partners in the operation was fairly tame. There are genuine displays of affection from his mother and father, and it only makes me wonder when the shift occurred between him and his father to escalate to a point of destructive behavior. Was is when he wasn't able to play with Tyme anymore? Was it when Great's father's moral values shifted once Tyme's parents were killed for an exchange of more wealth and status?
Tonkla: Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth
Teahan's comments on negative coping strategies highlighted my own interpretation of Tonkla's behavior and personality throughout the series:
"...we often find things that would help us address pain. ...can also find drugs and alcohol to manage horrific stuff going on in their home life or in their parental relationships."
I talked about Tonkla's personality and perception in depth in my episode 4 analysis when talking about his dynamic with Korn, alluding to potential physical abuse since we witnessed his emotional abuse earlier on in the series. 4MINUTES deciding to include this backstory helps us as the audience understand the severity of Tonkla's home situation before deciding to live under Korn's care that we see in episode 1. How brutal and violent his father is, how despite reporting to the police on multiple occasions, they remain hands off and enable the abuse to persist, underhandedly assuming Tonkla and his brother to continue enduring the abuse they suffer every day under their own roof.
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Episode 7
We can see how passive and absentminded Tonkla becomes when it comes to enduring his own mistreatment, which we get a gist of this from how he processed Dome's passing as well as the secret hot and cold relationship he has with Korn. Surviving off of the same impulsiveness Great relies on to cope with such a bittersweet reality, Tonkla's drug usage and rough sexual encounters keep him from going beyond the edge for as long as possible, but of course, falls short once Dome, his only family member passes away. When we see Tonkla's dad abusing and killing the cat that appears in front of Tonkla as a hallucination throughout the episodes, the collar becomes an even deeper metaphor to Tonkla's imprisonment and stagnation serving as a reminder of not only his father's abuse, but his ownership underneath Korn (he even mentions his father passing away during the conversation with Korn after their first time in episode 4 but now we know his true cause of death).
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Episode 7
Teahan elaborates on the romantic aspect of these emotional delays:
"...there is a special bond or a fantasy with their partner which doesn't match the reality of what it is." "...not caring if our partners are actually abusive for fear of being wrong or being in a relationship where we're not a good match."
As well as perceptual issues stemming from abuse during a child's upbringing:
"Often the abuse itself is a parent damaging a child's perception because the adults have the power over reality...they really get into fights in their head and the offense, real or imagined, stays with them, where we perceive the person having an issue with us or making it about us when it's really about the other person."
However, we see this shift in reclaiming his power once Win comes into the picture and tries everything within his power to bring justice to Dome's murder (we don't know for sure if that's stemming from a place of sexual desire, romantic, a strong sense of justice, or a combination of all three). As far as I'm concerned: out of all the main characters, Win has been reliable and consistent in his protection and devotion to Tonkla, offering up a different side of connection as a juxtaposition to the abuse and power imbalance Tonkla dealt with for majority of his life. Because of how disconnected he becomes from Korn's absence, I find it interesting how Korn managed to keep important details such as his relationship to Great a secret from Tonkla, making this betrayal more damaging. As the famous Code of Hammurabi states: "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth".
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Episode 7
Tyme: An End Before a Beginning
Tyme's life overview pains me not because I fell madly in love with Jes over the course of this series airing or anything, his life beginning with emptiness and grief after the death of his parents. The trials and tribulations he experienced, from the loss of loved ones, growing up in poor conditions, a deep desire to earn a living to give his grandmother a better life, there are many aspects to Tyme's life that contributes to his passive nature, trickling into his professional and personal life from Den reminding him to treat his patients with humanity and his breakup with his ex girlfriend. We see this when he approaches Great and has sex with him in order to get a step closer to avenging his family, we see this when he confronts Chanin, we see this when he's willing for Samarn to take his life once Nan dies in their hands. However, the most vulnerable of Tyme comes out when he is told by Den about Great's condition at the hospital, which brings on immense guilt and grief for a relationship they could have had if their circumstances were different.
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Episode 7
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Episode 7
I appreciate that Den becomes a voice of reason, which lots of people had wonders about how big of a role he plays as a character within the grand scheme of things. I believe that Den's character has enough push and pull without being too directly involved and entangled with the main characters, since we know how dedicated Den is to his research as well as the health and well being of his patients. He becomes one of the few people outside of his grandmother that Tyme has trust over, as well as emotional safety in sharing his burden and thoughts about Great and his current state. Whether Den knows the full details of what both of them have been through, Den gives Tyme a sliver of hope for a better outcome, which I found interesting when he was having his conversation with Lukwa about what happens during her OOBE (out-of-body-experience).
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Episode 7
What became the most significant for me was Tyme becoming in tune with expressing his deep emotions, which we witnessed him crying at various stages of this episode but with the same emotional baggage: when he witnessed Great's emergency surgery, when confiding in Den about his regret, asking Great for forgiveness by his bedside, and when he's running away from his aggressor before ultimately being shot dead.
For someone that has expressed very little emotion from the moment we were introduced to him as a character until the final few episodes, almost having a similar detachment and perceptual issues Great has, I could only imagine the intensity of his emotions during each moment of vulnerability. Not even 24 hours pass and Great is shot outside of his home after they had their argument and Tyme placed the blame for Nan's death on Great, Great entering a coma from his injury and Tyme dealing with the weight of responsibility for his physical state (whether it is actually his responsibility or not, sorrow will have its way and point him towards guilt), and while bleeding out, grieving for the death of his grandmother, the death of his parents that he can no longer avenge, him now having no chance of asking Great for his forgiveness and remaining an angry and betrayed person in memory. That honestly becomes an even worse punishment on top of what he had been through thus far in his life: the punishment of being dragged to your end without being able to embark on your beginning with the person you care about most.
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Episode 7
Both him and Great enter the period of 4 minutes at 11:00PM, which makes me wonder if there will be a way for them to revive themselves if their timelines converge. Is there a possibility for them to call out for one another in their own imagined realities? Can their senses transcend such abnormal circumstances? If Tyme were paying attention to these details outlined in Den's research paper before getting shot, will he be able to use this knowledge to find his way back to Great? Will both of them be able to see one another in the gallery Lukwa saw Great in? Will they both live together or die together? So many questions that I hope we have the vital answers to once episode 8 is released.
This post feels like word soup LOL. I think it's just me having too much fun keeping up with other content while still trying to figure out how to lay this analysis out. If you made it to the end, thank you so much and I appreciate your time! If you're feeling extra generous: check out Xdinary Heroes's new song iNSTEAD! (esp if you like metalcore/rock). See y'all on Friday :)
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universitypenguin · 8 months
Chapter 25
Summary: Doubts about Nguyen arise in the stalker case and the murder case. Princess and Lloyd review the evidence and decide where to focus their efforts as they race against the clock to rescue Laine Cruz.
Word Count: 6,182
Warning: This story contains content that is intended for those who are at least eighteen years old, such as strong language, sex, sexual content, and references to murder, kidnapping and criminal elements. 
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Chapter XXV
Jake Jensen was in nerd heaven and you loved that for him. 
He sat at a desk in the middle of the D.C. Metro Police station bullpen. A female detective from cyber crimes was leaning over his shoulder. She was slender with a pixie cut and delicate facial features that reminded you of Audrey Hepburn. Jake’s fingers flew over the keyboard of your work laptop as he explained how your system had been hacked. 
You hung back, settling into the guest chair across from Detective Diskant’s desk, fifteen feet away from the computer nerd fest. Diskant hadn’t shown up yet. He’d called after your allergist appointment to ask if Jake could bring in your work laptop and go over it with cybercrimes. You looked around the semi-deserted bullpen. A few uniforms stood around, talking near the front desk. There were a couple offices around the central area that appeared occupied, but it seemed most of the detectives were out and about. This gave you mixed feelings. It might be good to have the police force on the street, present in the communities they served, but where was their back up? Was everyone else at a conference or a training in-service or was the station always this empty?
Trying not to stare at Jake and the lady cop, you searched your purse for a nail file. It had been ages since you’d gotten a manicure and long past time for a good re-shaping. As you filed, you tried to be subtle about glancing over at the computer nerds. The lady cop laid a hand on Jake’s shoulder and smiled. 
You couldn’t catch the words but you knew body language. That head tilt and the sly glance that darted away once eye contact was made was straight out of Flirting 101. Despite the clear signals the lady cop was throwing down, they still went over Jake’s head. 
“Princess, can you come over here?” Jake asked. 
You winced at the expression that flashed across the lady cop’s face as she withdrew her hand from Jake’s personal space. 
“What’s up?” you asked, moving to stand behind Jake’s chair but keeping a respectful distance between you. 
“Look at this,” Jake said, pointing to the screen. 
You examined the string of numbers he indicated. “What am I looking at, again?” 
“It’s an IP address from Bishop & Howard.” 
“This is where the attack originated. Also, it came through our server.”
“So we know who was behind the attack?” 
Jake sighed. “Not exactly. We know where it came from. The naming convention of the IP address doesn’t exactly match the company’s standard, but some departments do use unique identifiers.” 
“Don’t you guys keep an inventory list of all the active IP addresses?”
“I already ran it through the list. No match.”
“But it came from our server?”
The lady cop cleared her throat. “Is there any reason a particular department would have a computer with a unique IP address?”
“Usually they’re marking computers that are designed for sensitive information, but most of them aren’t connected to the internet.” 
“We should ask what departments use unlisted computers,” she said. 
“I doubt they’d just hand that information over,” Jake replied. 
“But this narrows down the suspect list to employees of Bishop & Howard,” the female detective said. 
“How else can we match this IP address?” you asked.
“I’ve set up one of the specialized computers for an investigation before. The format of the IP address includes a project code, security level, and identifying number for the system. If I do some digging, I might be able to figure out who’s computer this is.”
Reading between the lines, you knew ‘digging’ meant ‘hacking’ but didn’t call him on it in front of the cyber crimes detective.
“I didn’t realize those specialized computers were connected to our servers.”
Jake rubbed a hand over his face. “They’re not supposed to be. But clearly whoever’s stalking you is tech savvier than we thought. It’s like someone deliberately used the untraceable system to cover their tracks."
Detective Diskant finally entered the room, carrying a laptop under his arm. He stopped at the desk where Jake sat and placed it down.
“You need to see this,” he said, pressing play on a video file. 
At first it seemed like footage of an airport, but when the angle shifted you recognized the platform at Washington Union Station. A train pulled up and passengers disembarked. Diskant pressed pause when the video reached a certain frame. 
“Recognize anyone?” 
“Nguyen,” Jake said. 
You scanned the crowd, looking for the familiar face. It wasn’t until Jake pointed him out that you recognized Shun Nguye. He was in the center of the screen, blending into the blur of travelers. 
“We need to reconsider the prime suspect in your stalking case,” Diskant said.
“Look at the time stamp,” Jake said. 
“August 16th, at 11 A.M,” you read.
“Unless Nguyen has developed the ability to be in two places at once, he couldn’t have attacked Princess in Lloyd’s backyard and been in the train station.” 
You closed your eyes feeling weak. “That explains the photos,” you murmured.
“What photos?” Diskant asked.
“The pictures left on my car. It was right after the birthday dinner with my family. I remembered them yesterday. The timing didn’t make sense. Nguyen couldn’t have taken them, not by himself.” 
“Right. Based on this, we can rule him out, but it’s suspicious that he’d return to Virginia.”
“We’re back where we started, with no idea who my stalker is,” you said.
Diskant inclined his head, acknowledging your statement. “No, we don’t.”
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Lloyd spent the afternoon in a coffee shop transcribing his interview with Tate Corbin. Despite his aversion to such establishments, they offered reliable internet which was a service he desperately needed. Still, the saccharine sayings painted on the walls, boldly advocating the joys of chemical dependence in Brush Script font, were hard to stomach. He didn’t find the artistic photos of coffee plants hanging beside his table any more palatable than the quotes. 
The pictures grated on his nerves; at least the drug dens he’d frequented hadn’t been plastered with photographs idolizing the coca plant. In truth, these images were captured with the same propagandistic intent as the works of other renowned visual manipulators like Dmitri Baltermants. However, the Soviet photojournalist had composed his photos with nuance and emotion - qualities sorely lacking in these uninspired shots.
Lloyd glanced at his watch and saw that it was still too early to call you. He sipped the last of his mint tea, watching the crowd queuing for their 2:30 fix. 
“I can’t get anything done after noon unless I’ve had three shots of espresso,” a woman in line declared.
He waited for her companion’s response, anticipating that three shots of espresso per day ought to warrant some kind of self-reflection, but the woman’s associate nodded understandingly. Really? That was it? Why did no one offer her the intervention she clearly needed?
Behind the counter baristas poured beverages into plastic and styrofoam cups and passed them to waiting addicts. Cocaine was an indefensible habit, but at least its packaging wasn’t a significant driver of microplastic pollution. Those damn cups had to rank among the worst inventions society had ever dreamt up. They were somewhere near the top, probably right in between Jake Paul’s career and neonicotinoids. 
At 2:45 his patience had worn thin. Lloyd grabbed his keys and headed for the door. Driving back to D.C. wasn’t part of his agenda, but he was on the cusp of an outburst that would earn him an invitation to never come back, so the forty minute drive to Zach’s office was worthwhile. 
He set up in the spare office you’d taken over and laid out his notes when the door swung open, and you stalked in, looking upset. 
You shrieked and jumped a foot in the air. Lloyd blinked, ears ringing from the assault on his eardrums. You were pressed against the wall clutching your heart with one hand and cradling your purse to your abdomen like it was a shield. He sat very still.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
You groaned, closing your eyes and sinking down the wall, crumpling. “I’m fine.”
“Yeah? Well, you don’t sound fine. Or look it.” 
Lloyd stood up, moving around the desk and approaching you. He took the purse from your hands and dropped it on the spare chair, then dragged you into his arms. You melted into the embrace, tucking your head in the crook of his shoulder. He smoothed a hand down your back and listened as you breathed deeply.
“Bad allergist appointment?” he asked. 
“Not really. It turns out that I have an aspirin allergy, which we already knew. How was your interview?”
“It ended up killing more leads than it generated. What’s wrong?”
“I had a meeting with Detective Diskant after my appointment. Nguyen isn’t my stalker.” You filled him in. “So, Jake’s running down the information from the hack but we’re back at square one.”
Lloyd reached behind you and closed the blinds to the office window, then took your hands and guided you to the office chair behind the desk. He sat down and drew you onto his lap, positioning your legs to rest over the arm of the chair.
“I wrote up some timelines for the Harmony case,” you said, looping your arms around his shoulders.
He glanced over at the murder board you’d arranged on the office wall. Part of him wanted to dive into your meeting with Diskant but looking at your face, he knew that wasn’t a topic you were ready to pursue. Not right now, at least. 
“I see that. Did you learn anything at the bible camp?” 
“Li Wei had a secret boyfriend during the spring of 1999.”
Lloyd groaned. “Not another secret relationship. What is it with women and hiding their love lives from investigators?”
“Don’t ask me. Anyway, that revelation was the highlight of the trip, but it got me thinking about the timelines of the case.”
“Timelines, plural?” 
“Yeah. I’ve been playing around with the theory that the cases weren’t actually connected since the beginning. I know it might seem unlikely for two prolific killers to be operating in the same area at the same time, but the differences in victimology are so stark it has to be considered.”
“And the timelines changed your mind.”
“If there was evidence of two killers, it seems like we’d have found something pointing in that direction by now.”
“But you’re not letting the theory go?” Lloyd asked.
“Not yet, but I’d rather focus on the evidence. I started by reviewing the events from 1999,” you said, pointing to the wall. “Li Wei’s boyfriend is the first event. Then, on June 14th, she and her daughter, Zoe, disappear. Two weeks later, the first of Harmony’s missing women, Stacey Moore, was abducted.”
“You think there’s a connection?”
“The timing makes me wonder if that killing was a trigger for the perpetrator. Another possibility is that he viewed Li Wei and Zoe as a… test run, of sorts.” 
“That speaks to his behavior. He’s controlled, premeditated, and careful. If he captured Zoe first that would have given him leverage over Li Wei.”
“Exactly. And if we look at our suspect list, something else that comes up on the 1999 timeline is the connection between Shun Nguyen and the other parties.”
Lloyd straightened, adjusting you on his lap. “There’s something linking Nguyen and Li Wei? What is it?” 
“Nothing. I looked high and low, but there’s no connection. I can’t even establish that he was ever in Fredericksburg. His only connection to Li Wei is through Julia, who he didn’t meet until late 2000.”
“When was his residency interview at the hospital?”
“June 18, 1999. After the interview on Friday, he spent the night at a hotel, drove back to D.C. in the morning and took a train home to New York.” 
“Which we already knew,” Lloyd grumbled. 
“I know, I’m just trying to organize things so they make sense. And you know what really doesn’t make any sense?”
“The idea of Nguyen commuting between New York City and a small town outside of D.C. to kill random strangers almost a full year before he knew he’d be living there,” Lloyd said.
“We don’t have much in terms of physical evidence, so we’ve been using behavioral profiling to try and understand the killer’s actions. Know what’s more accurate than behavioral profiling? Geographical profiling. Scientists use it all the time.”
“I’m not arguing with you. The case against Nguyen always hinged on his connection to Julia and his knowledge and access to chemicals.”
“There’s a distinct pattern in these early crimes and it points to someone local. Abducting nine people and never leaving behind a trace requires planning and preparation. Nguyen couldn’t have spared the time for all that in 1999.” 
“Which brings us to 2000, when he moved to Harmony.”
“He moved in July. A week later, Kayla Ballesta went missing, which sounds damning until you account for the car accident Nguyen had been in two months earlier.”
Lloyd grunted. “Yeah, but who could fake an injury better than a doctor?”
“Radiology doesn’t lie. He wasn’t in any shape to abduct Kayla that July.”  
“Do we have his radiology reports?” 
“No, but Peter Shaw had them. According to his article in the Rolling Stone, he had two different orthopedic surgeons review the images. They both confirmed the severity of Nguyen’s fracture.” 
“It’s compelling, but you know what else is compelling?” Lloyd asked.
“After Nguyen was arrested the disappearances stopped. That’s too much of a coincidence to ignore.” 
“You know what else is too much to ignore? An open book pelvic fracture.” 
You chuckled at the wrinkle of disgust that passed over Lloyd’s face and stroked his jaw with the back of your fingers. “I went through all the evidence from 2001, which didn’t take long because there’s almost no evidence to speak of.” 
“There was more evidence at Julia’s crime scene than any of the others,” Lloyd said.
“She went missing either on April 17th or 18th and her body was found encased in concrete beside Cub Run Trail a few days later. Police identified the remains about a week after finding them and Nguyen was arrested in August.”
“Going back to the behavioral evidence, we can establish a few things for sure. Starting with the obvious, the serial killer is knowledgeable and capable at using chemicals. He has access to them somehow and might have a secondary location where he can treat the bodies.”
“Which we know from the remains found at the trail,” you said.
“Right. Julia’s bones were brittle and crumbled when touched, which is a property of exposure to a strong base. If they’d been soaked in acid the bones would’ve been rubbery and flexible. Nguyen’s chemical training and access to materials through the hospital led the police to focus on him.”
“But he was never tried for any of the other murders and everything that made him a suspect was circumstantial.”
“Ninety percent of the case against Nguyen amounts to fact that the disappearances stopped after he was out of the picture,” Lloyd reminded you.
“It’s also interesting that Li Wei, Zoe, and Julia’s remains were all treated the same, even though there’s three years between their cases.” 
“All the bodies found beside the trail were disposed of by the exact same method. It’s too specific for a copy cat - unless the original perpetrator told someone precisely where they left the first two victims.”
“Wouldn’t they have had to describe the chemicals and methodology, too?” you asked.
“For the results to be this uniform? Absolutely.” 
“What about victimology? That’s always been a huge question for me. All the killer’s known victims are female but aside from that, things start to get murky.”
You gestured to the photos on the wall, where the six portraits of the missing women were grouped. “They match a specific type. They were average build, natives of eastern coastal Virginia, with advanced degrees and professional jobs. Li Wei doesn’t match the pattern, and neither does Julia.” 
“But the real outlier is Zoe,” Lloyd pointed out.
“Agreed. Which is why we’re paying Annabeth Green a duke’s ransom to run a paternity test on her remains and identify her father.” 
“You set me up for that one, Princess.”
“I have to spread the blame around. Do you know what she charges for that kind of a test?”
Lloyd snorted. “Do you?”
“Unfortunately, yes. Her secretary just emailed me the invoice.”
“What’s the goal of the paternity test?”
“To identify a new suspect. After going through all the evidence, our suspect list is pretty barren. Nguyen was too far away to have killed the victims from 1999 and there’s no connection between him and Li Wei Chapman. He wasn’t able to kill the first victim from 2000 because of his injury. And when it comes down to it, I don’t think he killed Julia, either.”
Lloyd ran his tongue around his teeth.“I agree. He didn’t have the opportunity. That was established by the Virginia Supreme Court beyond any reasonable doubt. Did you find anything on Leo McKenzie?”
You shook your head. “Nothing new. The Fairfax Sheriff’s Department hasn’t sent me a copy of their file on him, either.”
“They’re not known for their inter-agency cooperation.”
“Well, it probably doesn’t matter if I have their file or not, because Zach got a copy of McKenzie’s discharge papers from the Army. His back injury is serious enough to exclude him from suspicion. That leaves Tate Corbin. How’d your interview with him go?” 
“Not great. He has an alibi for two of the abductions thanks to a biennial fishing trip with his merchant marine buddies.”
Lloyd gave you the details of Corbin’s alibi and you scribbled down the information, making a note to contact the witnesses tomorrow morning.
“Also, get this. There was only one other person who bothered checking out Corbin as a suspect. You’ll never guess who it was.” 
“Detective Roth?”
“Peter Shaw.” 
You chuckled. “Ouch.” 
Lloyd gathered you closer, his eyes falling half closed as he nuzzled your neck. “Yeah.”
“He didn’t give an alibi for Julia’s murder, though.” 
“I knew he wasn’t the one before he produced the alibi,” Lloyd said. 
“His reactions were off. This killer has flown under the radar for too long. His public mask is impeccable.”
“And Corbin…?”
“Corbin is weird. There’s no mask. He wasn’t interested in talking about the missing victims. Then, when I finally got him talking, he wasn’t curious.” 
“Why would the real killer be curious? He knows more about them than we do.”
“He’d want to know what we had. The question of evidence would’ve been brought up, but Corbin couldn’t have cared less. The real killer would’ve been excited by the conversation, but he’d have masked the reaction. Corbin was ambivalent. And the last reason is the same as the first,” Lloyd said. “He’s too weird to be the killer. He’s loud, opinionated, and obnoxious. He doesn’t fly under the radar at all.”
You giggled. “Eliminated from suspicion because of his personality…” 
Lloyd rolled his eyes. “We’re looking for a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Corbin is a peacock.”
“Well, we’ve shaved the suspect list down to zero. Nguyen’s off the list for lack of opportunity. McKenzie isn’t physically capable of abducting anything bigger than a puppy. The most promising suspect, Tate Corbin, is off the list for being sane, and he has an alibi for multiple abductions.”
“We’re out of suspects.”
“Which sucks, because there’s a missing woman who needs us to figure this out.” 
“Well, at least we know we’re looking for a strong base. Corbin completely sealed his innocence in my mind when he brought up an acidic mine as the potential disposal site.” 
You sat up in Lloyd’s lap, nearly elbowing him in the stomach. “What acid? Where?” 
Lloyd grumbled and caught your legs. He wrapped an arm around your knees, holding you captive. “Copper Ridge Quarry. It’s south of Harmony and it’s been abandoned for decades. The government has spent billions containing the toxic sludge.”
“Copper Ridge Quarry. That sounds familiar.”
“It’s a super-fund site. Every year the exposed ore reacts with rain and ground water and produces new runoff. Until someone figures out how to stop the reactions, the acid will keep getting more concentrated every year.” 
“Gross. Hang on, let me check something.”
Lloyd eased his grip and let you reach your laptop. He waited as you typed, flipping through pages of the database you’d organized months ago. 
“Here. Copper Ridge Quarry is in the database.”
“They already checked it out?”
“Mmmhh… According to the file summary, NASA sent a robot into one of the acid pools in the 80s and it was never seen again.”
“Did it return any data?” Lloyd asked.
“No. It looks like the investigation into Copper Ridge wasn’t very thorough. The first time they checked it out was in October of 2000. The local police’s resources were stretched thin. Between processing evidence from the abduction sites, organizing massive searches, and running down other leads, Copper Ridge didn’t get much attention.” 
“What about later?” Lloyd asked. 
“They tried again in 2001 when Stephanie Young disappeared, but there were conflicts with the search warrants. Some of the land around Copper Ridge is privately owned and required a compelling reason to search private property, which they didn’t have. In the end, they searched all the public land they had consent to access, but that’s it.” 
“An acidic mine site is an intriguing lead, but we don’t have any evidence the killer uses acid.” 
“Is that really a logical jump?” you questioned.
“Scientists use strong bases in labs to remove flesh from skeletons. If you expose the bones for longer, about five to six hours with some heat, they crumble.”
“That’s not possible with acid?”
“It would work,” Lloyd admitted. “It might even do a better job of completely dissolving them, but it’s more dangerous. The acids strong enough aren’t safe to handle. Sodium hydroxide on the other hand, comes as a salt. It’s much easier to obtain and if you got it on your skin it might cause a rash, but that’s it. You have to dissolve it in water before it’s dangerous.”
“But Copper Ridge would eliminate the need for him to obtain chemicals. Assuming he had a way in, it mitigates the risk of being caught by purchasing records or his professional access.” 
“If he had a traditional education, he’d lean towards a base,” Lloyd said.
“If he’s smart enough to use a base, why not use an acid? It’s all chemistry at the end of the day.” 
“Following the same logic, why not dispose of Julia’s body the same way as Li Wei and Zoe’s? The crimes were three years apart. He’d have had time to perfect his methods,” Lloyd said.
“That’s been my biggest gripe with all the victims being connected. But this afternoon, I remembered something Marco said when I explained the case. He commented that it was ‘like he put the sisters together,’ with how he disposed of Julia. It meant more to me before we learned Li Wei was actually Julia’s cousin. But now, what if he had the same motive both times?”
“We haven’t considered his motives.”
“I have. If you lay out the whole timeline, Li Wei and Zoe were his first victims and they’re both anomalies in victimology. Li Wei wasn’t born in the U.S., but she did grow up here. She dropped out of college freshman year and didn’t finish a bachelor’s degree, let alone a masters. She worked at her parent’s bible camp, which was a far cry from a professional job, like the other victims. And she doesn’t fit the physical victim type, either. She was too tall.”
“And Julia’s the same. Too tall and too thin, no degrees, no job. Plus, she really was foreign.”
“Right. Li Wei could have passed for a Virginia native, but there was no way he mistook Julia for an American. Where’s the motive, though?” Lloyd asked.
“If they don’t fit victimology there must be a motive. That’s why I really wanted the paternity test on Zoe. Usually, with a child victim, the perpetrator is one of the parents. We can rule out her mother, which leaves the father.”
“What about Julia?”
“She was digging into Li Wei’s death. If the killer found out, wouldn’t he have been compelled to interfere?”
“Yes, but why not dispose of her like he did all the other victims? If your theory about Copper Ridge is correct, he had the perfect disposal method. I can imagine him failing on his first attempt to dissolve a body with a strong base, but going back to the failed method three years later? That’s stupid.”
“Or it’s incredibly smart. Anyone who found all three victims, encased in two different concrete slabs, beside a popular jogging trail, albeit, in a remote area of said trail, would’ve connected the dots. Then they would’ve connected the victims. Julia arrived in the U.S. in 1997. It’s plausible to imagine a connection. We only know there wasn’t one because of Aliyah.”
“The killer was making sure the cases would be connected.” 
“But when no one found the second slab, Nguyen was arrested and the rumor mill started up, claiming he was connected to the six missing women,” you said. 
“The killer was handed the perfect scapegoat on a platter. So, he stopped killing and as far as public opinion went, no more disappearances meant they’d collared the right guy.” 
“I know it’s a lot of theory, but looking at the whole sequence from 1999 to 2002, how the killing started with Li Wei and Zoe, then stopped after Julia, it’s almost like a full circle.”
“He didn’t stop, though. If he had, Zach and I wouldn’t be spending our Monday night on a search party for Laine Cruz,” Lloyd said. 
“What if this is a copycat?” You sighed at your own question and shook your head. “The problem with all this theory is that we don’t have any evidence to back it up. Paradoxically, we have more evidence than anyone else who worked the case ever did.” 
“We’re here because Roth searched an old crime scene and got lucky,” Lloyd said.
“There’s solid evidence suggesting the killer is knowledgeable in chemistry. He’s proven capable with them, and we have physical evidence that two of his victims were disposed of with a strong base. We also know his access to these chemicals wasn’t a fluke because he used them twice - once in 1999 and again in 2002.” 
“And the concrete slab itself is evidence,” Lloyd said. “He knows how to mix, form, and set a concrete slab by himself. It’s not as specific as his advanced chemical knowledge, but it’s still a proven ability.”
“He’s prepared and careful, so disposing of the bodies wouldn’t have been the first time he worked with concrete. That makes sense,” you said. 
“He’s also shown to be quite knowledgeable of the local area. Abducting six women without leaving any witnesses isn’t easy. Also, he’s familiar enough with Cub Run Trail to dispose of bodies there twice. It was a remote section of the trail, sure, but that points to him knowing the area.”
“And getting them up there? He’s got to be physically fit.”
“Unlike Leo McKenzie. We have evidence that Julia’s teeth were destroyed with a gunshot, and the .22 shell casings found in Nguyen’s yard after she went missing. It’s not difficult to get a gun in the D.C. area, but let’s add it to the list.” 
“Also, the last fact, but maybe the most important: he had the opportunity to commit all nine murders.”
Lloyd grunted. “How do we know so much about him, but still don’t have a suspect?”
“He’s careful and prepared. Speaking of that, what about the woman that went missing on Friday night? Have they found any evidence at the scene of her abduction?” 
“Laine Cruz. The search isn’t going well. They found her car abandoned in town with a dead battery. It could have been sabotage or the perpetrator saw an opportunity and took advantage. Her purse was in the car, but not her cell phone. There’s been no activity on her bank cards and her phone is turned off.” 
“What are they doing to find her?” 
“The usual - tracking dogs, a search grid. It seems futile,” Lloyd said. 
“Isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result?” you asked. 
“According to Einstein.”
“Search grids and dogs didn’t find any of the other missing women, did they?”
“No,” Lloyd conceded.
“We were brought in to investigate the new evidence and figure out if it was connected to the missing victims.”
“Are you saying they should call off the search?”
“No, but searching is their job - not ours. I think we should focus on following the evidence and investigating what we have.” 
“You’re saying Zach and I shouldn’t join the search,” Lloyd said.
“Copper Ridge Quarry is a fresh lead. I think that’s where our time would be best spent.” 
“Alright. We’ll do it. Are you okay with staying late at the office? I don’t know how long this’ll take.”
“Don’t worry about me. I’ve got a mountain of paperwork to catch up on.” 
Lloyd studied your expression and noted that you still looked upset. He slid a finger under your chin, turning your face up to his. 
“Hey. It’s okay. Jake will find a new lead.”
“What if my stalker isn’t someone we would suspect?” you asked. “What if it’s totally random?”
“Don’t think about that. Let Jake and Landon worry about the stalker. Let me worry about him.”
Your eyes scanned his, filled with concern. There was nothing he could say, Lloyd realized. He changed tactics and lowered his gaze to your chest.
“How do your nipples feel? Still sore?”
“I…” you squirmed. 
He ran a hand over the curve of your breast, feeling the gentle curve through the thin silk of your blouse. There were three layers of cloth between his fingertips and your flesh but he still felt the hardening of your nipple. You hissed and he paused.
“They’re not sore,” you said, reassuring him. “Just… tender.”
His lips curved. “What’s your current opinion on nipple clamps?”
“It’s an eighty-twenty split.”
“For or against?”
“For,” you admitted, lashes fluttering as you fought back shyness. 
Lloyd squeezed you tight and explored your throat with soft, teasing kisses. You relaxed instantly, muscles loosening as your head fell back to give him more room. His free hand went to the fastenings on the front of your blouse, flicking open each tiny pearl button.
You caught his hand. “There’s a window on the door.”
“I closed the blinds,” Lloyd said. 
You let go and when he arched a brow, you nodded. He carefully undid each tiny button, flashing you an amused look.
“Did you plan on making it hard for me to undress you, or this coincidence?” 
“Actually, I just thought the buttons were pretty.”
“They are. However, this is prettier,” Lloyd said, pushing open the silk and sliding off the thin straps of your camisole. He purred at the sight of your cream colored bra. “Front-clasp. I forgive you for the buttons.”
He flicked open your bra and you shivered at the sensation of cool air on delicate skin. Lloyd shifted you again, turning your body so your back was positioned to the door of the office. It wasn’t necessary, but you appreciated his awareness.
“Mmmhhh… still a little swollen,” he murmured, caressing his thumb over a puckered nipple. “They’re warm.”
You trembled when his hand moved up to curl around the back of your neck. He kissed your sternum and his mustache brushed your skin in a teasing dance. His facial hair wasn’t bristly, but it wasn’t soft, either. His hand slid from your throat to your collarbone and slowly cupped the weight of your left breast. Your eyes closed in pleasure.
His cheek pressed to your sternum and you felt his hot breath against your tight nipple. The slow, gentle stroking of his thumb over your breast was restrained and controlled. You shuddered. Part of you wanted to beg for more. The other part knew the office door might have the blinds lowered, but it was still unlocked. Lloyd’s tender stroking was making your head go fuzzy. You arched your back in offering, but he didn’t react. 
“Please,” you whined.
Lloyd made a rough sound and dropped his head, kissing a slow path across your chest, down your sternum to suckle the inner curve of your breast. Your fingers threaded into the cool strands of his hair as you pulled him toward where you needed him the most. As his mouth fastened around your nipple, you felt his lips curve into a smirk, but couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
He’d finished lapping at the first straining nipple and moved onto the second when the door to your office swung open. You were so caught up in the moment that the noise barely registered. It wasn’t until the sound of a masculine voice cut through your mental haze that you gasped.
“What the fuck, Lloyd?! Hang a damn sock on the door next time!”
Zach’s shout brought your head around. The man had turned his back and clamped a hand over his eyes. Lloyd slowly released your nipple and raised his head.
“Have you heard of knocking?” he asked.
“I didn’t know you were in here!” Zach protested.
For some reason, you weren’t scrambling to fasten your bra in a panicked rush. Instead of embarrassment you felt dizzy with lust as Lloyd re-fastened your bra and returned the straps of your camisole to their original position. His eyes caught yours and he smiled, eyes glinting with something like pride. Whether it was at his own work or your lack of reaction to the embarrassment of being caught, you weren’t sure. He started from the bottom as he re-buttoned the tiny pearl fastenings of your shirt.
“Can I turn around?” Zach asked. 
You grined at Lloyd, who’d only fastened two buttons of your blouse.
“Sure,” you said.
Zach turned half way, peeking from the corner of his eye. He nearly wrenched his neck out of place when he spun away again, unleashing a string of curses that would’ve made a sailor blush. 
“Do you two mind? I don’t like walking into the middle of a porno in my own office!”
Lloyd snickered. “Please. Grow up, Zach. There were racier scenes than this on T.V. when you were a kid.”
“I’m going to wait in the truck!”
You giggled as Zach raced out of the office like something was chasing him and smirked at Lloyd when he finished doing up your blouse. “I take it you don’t share details about your sex life with Zach anymore?”
“If did, he’d probably knock my teeth out.” He wrapped his arms loosely around your waist. “Speaking of things that would send me to the dentist, why are you so calm about me forgetting to lock the door?” 
You linked your hands behind his neck and shrugged. “I don’t know. I thought getting caught in a compromising position would be embarrassing but it wasn’t. I mean, Zach didn’t see any parts of me he hadn't seen before. We weren’t hiding the fact that we’re sleeping together, so he didn’t learn anything new.”
“Funny. You were a virgin three months ago and Zach’s the shrinking violet,” Lloyd snickered. He bent down and kissed you thoroughly. “I won’t be back until late. You’re sure you don’t want one of the guys to give you a ride home?”
“No. I’ll wait for you.”
Lloyd reached for his jacket and paused. “Princess, if you have time tonight, can you do me a favor?”
“Go back through the footage of Nguyen’s interviews. There was a moment in there, something he said that I didn’t quite catch. It was like he had a slip of the tongue and then backpedaled to cover it up.”
“You just described his whole communication style,” you said.
“Yeah, that’s why I was driving myself nuts in Qatar, listening to the tapes over and over, trying to figure out what it was.”
“Okay. Do you remember which day it was on?”
“It was on the first day of interviews. I didn’t notice the slip until I listened to the audio of the interview on the flight out of Singapore. Maybe it’s nothing, because I haven’t been able to find it again, but at the time I was absolutely sure he’d said something important.”
“Maybe another set of ears will help.”
“Thanks, Princess. Don’t expect me until late, okay?”
“Good luck tonight.” 
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Next - Chapter XXVI
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alex31624 · 2 months
Duck Comic Reading Club Week 7: Paperinik New Adventures: Earthquake
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Ok, let's get to the point, this issue is the best one yet. An amazing story and a gorgeous art combined.
Oh God, the art. The Francesco Guerrini work here is astonishing. The use of the colors is masterful. Brilliant in every aspect.
This week story start with an earthquake on Duckburg. No major disaster occurred, except for good old uncle Scrooge.
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Why do you insurance your oil rig with your own insurance company?
I mean, I got that he didn't have to pay himself the quota for the service, but now you have to pay for the damages. So, stop complaining you crazy old bird.
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But One found out something fishy about the earthquakes, and is up to Donald to investigate this. Is so funny that Duckburg is Paperopoli in italian. Is better than Patolandia tho.
PK took one of the many vehicles at the Tower, and went for a ride, super hero style.
This page is a piece of beauty.
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We got a new character, Mary Ann Flagstarr, a PBI agent. Tough lady.
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PK had had encounters with the police, but now, he faced federal agents. My boy is not making any friends.
But, you know? A vigilante, a superhero, can't work with the authority. So, yeah, go get them PK.
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Another new character, Professor Morgan Fairfax. What a nice fella, I'm sure he has never done anything wrong in his life.
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One knows something is not right, they need to keep investigating. But now, is time to go back to the world of cyber space.
Another beautiful page, this issue can't miss.
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But is hard to step into a federal database without anyone noticing, so they got caught. Thankfully, One was one step ahead and got himself a great scapegoat.
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Oh, now you don't like spread misinformation, right jerk?
He didn't face any charge, and, to be fair, he was innocent. But, if being ugly was a crime, he would get the chair.
Back to the Professor, and he's making some really evil looking smirks. Could it be that he's not the nice guy that we though?
Also, another banger page.
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PK infiltrates in the building, using some advance tech. One is a cheat code, and here's being used at his fullness.
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PK had a weird Donald moment, when he stuck in the vent, fall to the ground, and got face to face with the worst security guard ever.
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Hey, masked vigilante sneaked in this government facility that I supposed to be looking after. I'm gonna make some lame jokes, and then I'm gonna miss the shots less than a meter away.
Don't come in the morning pal.
You know? I'm starting to think that this guy Fairfax is not that nice.
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Yeah, yeah, he's the bad guy. Trying to burn PK alive is in my Being Bad Bingo.
And yet another absolutely gorgeous page. Is amazing.
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Thankfully, One and his infinite tech come to the rescue. PK also save the guard, because he's a hero.
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Now, this one part was kinda weird. Agent Flagstarr has been shown trough the issue as tough, focus agent, that wants to get the job done. But, a few words of Fairfax and a gift are enough to make her dismiss orders.
Also, that face… you can't trust someone with that face…
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Now we found about Fairfax plan. He wants to create a earthquake strong enough that the whole planet would change, and new land would appear.
At the cost of the entire west coast being destroyed.
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The worst part? One agrees with him. What the hell man? Not cool One, not cool.
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PK got in the plane and try to stop Fairfax, but Flagstarr was in his way. The agent was conflicted on what to do. Madam, help the guy who doesn't want to destroy the whole west coast. Is not that hard.
Man, the art on this issue is out of control.
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PK is so cool.
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Finally, One got a change of heart, if you can said that, and helped PK to stop this madness. I knew One wasn't a psychopath.
But that last image of the device at the bottom of the sea is quite unsettling.
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What can I said? This was awesome. I love all the detective PK stuff, the danger was palpable, One almost got Duckburg destroy. The art was magnificent, the colors were vibrant, it looked beautiful in general.
Hands down, the best one yet.
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ixhika-jsx · 1 month
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Resources and study tips to get you in cyber forensics
Master post • Part1 • part2
let's get you prepped to be a cyber sleuth without spending any cash. Here’s the ultimate tips and resources.
Ps: you can't become one while doing these pointers but you can experience the vibe so you can finally find your career interest
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### 1. **Digital Scavenger Hunts**
- **CTF Challenges (Capture The Flag)**: Dive into platforms like [CTFtime](https://ctftime.org/) where you can participate in cyber security challenges. It's like playing *Among Us* but with hackers—find the imposter in the code!
- **Hunt A Killer (Digitally)**: Create your own digital crime scenes. Ask friends to send you files (like images, PDFs) with hidden clues. Your job? Find the Easter eggs and solve the case.
### 2. **YouTube University**
- **Cyber Sleuth Tutorials**: Channels like *HackerSploit* and *The Cyber Mentor* have playlists covering digital forensics, cybersecurity, and more. Binge-watch them like your fave Netflix series, but here you're learning skills to catch bad guys.
- **Live Streams & Q&A**: Jump into live streams on platforms like Twitch where cybersecurity experts solve cases in real-time. Ask questions, get answers, and interact with the pros.
### 3. **Public Libraries & eBook Treasure Hunts**
- **Library eBooks**: Most libraries have eBooks or online resources on digital forensics. Check out titles like *"Hacking Exposed"* or *"Digital Forensics for Dummies"*. You might have to dig through the catalog, but think of it as your first case.
- **LinkedIn Learning via Library**: Some libraries offer free access to LinkedIn Learning. If you can snag that, you've got a goldmine of courses on cybersecurity and forensics.
### 4. **Virtual Study Groups**
- **Discord Servers**: Join cybersecurity and hacking communities on Discord. They often have study groups, challenges, and mentors ready to help out. It's like joining a digital Hogwarts for hackers.
- **Reddit Threads**: Subreddits like r/cybersecurity and r/hacking are packed with resources, advice, and study buddies. Post your questions, and you’ll get a whole thread of answers.
### 5. **DIY Labs at Home**
- **Build Your Own Lab**: Got an old PC or laptop? Turn it into a practice lab. Install virtual machines (VMware, VirtualBox) and play around with different operating systems and security tools. It’s like Minecraft but for hacking.
- **Log Your Own Activity**: Turn on logging on your own devices and then try to trace your own steps later. You’re basically spying on yourself—no NSA required.
### 6. **Community College & University Open Courses**
- **Free Audit Courses**: Many universities offer free auditing of cybersecurity courses through platforms like Coursera, edX, and even YouTube. No grades, no stress, just pure learning.
- **MOOCs**: Massive Open Online Courses often have free tiers. Try courses like "Introduction to Cyber Security" on platforms like FutureLearn or edX.
### 7. **Scour GitHub**
- **Open-Source Tools**: GitHub is full of open-source forensic tools and scripts. Clone some repositories and start tinkering with them. You’re basically getting your hands on the tools real investigators use.
- **Follow the Code**: Find projects related to digital forensics, follow the code, and see how they work. Contribute if you can—bonus points for boosting your resume.
### 8. **Local Meetups & Online Conferences**
- **Free Virtual Conferences**: Many cybersecurity conferences are virtual and some offer free access. DEF CON has a lot of free content, and you can find tons of talks on YouTube.
- **Hackathons**: Look for free entry hackathons—often universities or tech companies sponsor them. Compete, learn, and maybe even win some gear.
### 9. **DIY Challenges**
- **Create Your Own Scenarios**: Get a friend to simulate a hack or data breach. You try to solve it using whatever tools and resources you have. It's like escape rooms, but digital.
- **Pen & Paper Simulation**: Before diving into digital, try solving forensic puzzles on paper. Map out scenarios and solutions to get your brain wired like a detective.
### 10. **Stay Updated**
- **Podcasts & Blogs**: Tune into cybersecurity podcasts like *Darknet Diaries* or follow blogs like *Krebs on Security*. It’s like getting the tea on what’s happening in the cyber world.
### 11. **Free Software & Tools**
- **Autopsy**: Free digital forensics software that helps you analyze hard drives and mobile devices. Think of it as your magnifying glass for digital clues.
- **Wireshark**: A free tool to see what's happening on your network. Catch all the data packets like you're a digital fisherman.
### 12. **Online Forensics Communities**
- **Free Webinars & Workshops**: Join communities like the *SANS Institute* for free webinars. It's like attending a masterclass but from the comfort of your gaming chair.
- **LinkedIn Groups**: Join groups like *Digital Forensics & Incident Response (DFIR)*. Network with pros, get job tips, and stay in the loop with the latest trends.
### 13. **Practice Cases & Mock Trials**
- **Set Up Mock Trials**: Role-play with friends where one is the hacker, another the victim, and you’re the investigator. Recreate cases from famous cybercrimes to see how you'd solve them.
- **Case Studies**: Research and recreate famous digital forensic cases. What steps did the investigators take? How would you handle it differently?
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There you have it—your roadmap to becoming a cyber sleuth without dropping a dime. You don't have time find your interest after paying pennies to different ppl and colleges. You can explore multiple things from comfort of your home only if you want to.
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turtltech · 2 years
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moocha-muses · 4 months
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"My grandmother does run a criminal organization, and it would be a waste not to enjoy a swim in the nepotism pool with Uncle Emmett, but I'm really more into cyber crimes, so I was wondering about what sort of security your game company uses-"
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Beware of cyber scams: How hackers tried to scam me - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/beware-of-cyber-scams-how-hackers-tried-to-scam-me-cybertalk/
Beware of cyber scams: How hackers tried to scam me - CyberTalk
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Lari Luoma has over 20 years of experience working in the fields of security and networking. For the last 13 years, he has worked with Check Point Professional Services as a security consultant, helping customers worldwide implement the best-in-class cyber security. He is a subject matter expert in hyper-scalable security solutions.
Cyber crime is on the rise. People encounter scams in their everyday lives without really understanding they are being scammed. These vexing and vicious scams can arrive in various forms; phishing emails, fraudulent phone calls or text messages. All of them aim to exploit unsuspecting victims for financial gain. Recently, I found myself on the receiving end of one such scam. This led me to reflect on how important it is to actively anticipate the latest cyber threats and to maintain vigilance.
It began with an email notification purporting to be from PayPal. The notification claimed that my account had been charged $600 for McAfee Antivirus software. I was urged to take immediate action. The email instructed me to contact a provided customer service number to resolve the supposed issue.  As I scrutinized the email further, alarm bells rang in my mind. The sender’s address raised suspicion— the address was connected to a generic Gmail account, a far cry from the official communication channels one would expect from PayPal.
Despite my skepticism, I decided to call the provided number to investigate. What ensued was a conversation with an individual who claimed to be a customer service representative. However, the person’s demeanor was far from professional. The individual immediately inquired about my location and whether or not I was on my laptop. When I requested a reason and asked why we couldn’t handle the issue over the phone, the person replied that it was because a laptop has a bigger screen, and it would be easier to fill out the form that he was going to send.
Sensing something amiss, I stated that I wasn’t home and didn’t have my laptop with me, to which the caller abruptly hung up. It was a clear indication of foul play; a phishing attempt to obtain sensitive information or compromise my device’s security.
Reflecting on this encounter, I realized just how easily people can be fooled if they think that they are going to lose money. These scammers were very unprofessional and didn’t sound authentic on the phone. Also, using a Gmail address was a big mistake for them. If they had executed on their activities with a bit more sophistication and polish, I might have fallen victim to the scam.
Here are crucial tips to help you and yours avoid falling victim to similar scams. Consider sharing these tips with employees:
1. Verify sender information: Always scrutinize the email sender’s address. Look for any red flags, such as suspicious domain names or generic email providers (like Gmail or Yahoo), especially if they’re being used for “official” communications from reputable organizations.
2. Exercise caution with unsolicited requests: Be wary of unsolicited emails or messages requesting urgent action, especially if the emails or messages involve financial transactions or account verification. Legitimate companies typically don’t request sensitive information via email.
3. Double-check website URLs: Before clicking on any links in emails, hover over them to preview the URL. Verify that they lead to legitimate websites. Make sure that they aren’t phony links to phishing sites that were designed to steal login credentials or personal data.
4. Use two-factor authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA wherever possible, especially for sensitive accounts, like bank accounts or email accounts. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a secondary verification method, such as a code sent to your phone.
5. Stay informed and educated: Keep abreast of the latest cyber security threats and techniques used by scammers. Organizations like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and cyber security blogs, like CyberTalk.org, provide valuable resources and tips for protecting yourself online.
6. Report suspicious activity: If you encounter a potential scam or phishing attempt, report it to the appropriate authorities or the impersonated business. This helps raise awareness and can compel a business to act, thereby preventing others from falling victim to similar schemes.
7. Don’t engage in discussion with scammers: If the email includes a phone number, you shouldn’t call to resolve the alleged issue.
Maintain vigilance regarding any unsolicited messages that you receive. Don’t click on any links and don’t call numbers provided. If an email informs you that a large sum has been debited from your account, consider whether or not the story seems authentic. Check your credit card bills and contact the real customer support numbers for the company that the scammers are purportedly from.
For instance, in the case that I outlined above, I should have researched the real customer support number for McAfee or Paypal and called there, rather than calling the number that was included in the message. Stay savvy and secure.
For more insights from cyber security expert Lari Luoma, click here. To receive clear cyber insights, groundbreaking research and emerging threat analyses each week, subscribe to the CyberTalk.org newsletter.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
The Best Lies || Max Burnett
Summary: The first time you met Max you were a cyber security specialist for your family company, a leader in the tech industry. Max was the reason that life was shattered and your career down the drain. When Max returns to your life in need of your help you find yourself needing to decide whether people truly deserve second chances. Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, where to begin...there's criminal activity (cyber crime, trafficking, conning), violence, sexual themes, plot twists. WC: 9.4k
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You looked around the auditorium and saw which students were paying attention and which were busy doodling in their notebooks. Wrapping your knuckles on the podium, a few heads darted up and you pinned them with a knowing look before continuing your lecture. “The brain is a complex computer that is constantly uploading information from the world around you, mostly subconsciously. It’s function is to keep you alive, and that means it is searching for signs that something is amiss.
“There is a reason people trust their instincts, it is the brain accepting the information it has received and deemed something to be safe. But, with some manipulation and understanding, the brain can be lied to.
“Now, who can tell me what the best lies are?”
The bell indicated the end of the lecture and the students all began closing their books or packing away their laptops. There was no keeping their attention for a minute longer and you spoke louder so they could hear you over the noise. “Next week we will be discussing how to lie to the brain, so read up on the material that will be emailed out to you this evening.”
Most of the students had already disappeared before you had unclipped the microphone from your lapel and you gathered the textbook you had used for reference only to find a man sitting comfortably in the front row. He definitely wasn’t one of your students, with his expensive cashmere overcoat and shiny loafers. He screamed ‘investment banker’ or ‘hedge fund manager’.
“The ones that hold a kernel of truth,” he said as he stood up. “To answer your question.”
“Yes, Max, I don’t need to be reminded that you are the best liar I had the displeasure of meeting.” You closed the textbook with a little more force than was needed before taking a deep breath as he closed the distance between you. 
He turned up the charm as he smiled at your reaction and his eyes darted to your lips. “From what I remember, there was a lot of pleasure involved.”
You shoved the book into your satchel and zipped it shut before crossing your arms. “Cut the bullshit. You didn’t come here for a stroll down memory lane.” 
“Aw, I mean, I wouldn’t say no if you wanted to really relive those nights,” he said with an arrogant snicker as he ran his knuckle across your cheek. When he received no reaction from you he dropped the act and stepped back with a sigh. “I need your help.”
A laugh erupted at the admission and you held a finger up to stop him talking further. “So let me get this straight. You, Max Roberts, the man who single handedly ruined my life, wants my help?”
“It’s Burnett, actually, and I wouldn’t say I ruined your life, professor.” He spun around with his arms out and looked at the huge auditorium that had only minutes earlier been packed with hundreds of students. “Things worked out pretty well for you.”
“Of course, not even your name was real.” You scoffed to yourself. “I’m doing so well; I’m only estranged from my family, unable to form any meaningful relationships because I trusted the wrong man and in therapy twice a week. Yeah, it worked out really well.” You rolled your eyes and turned away but he caught you by the hand and stopped you. 
His thumb caressed your knuckles and a flash of surprise flitted across his features before he hid it. “You still wear the ring.”
You tore your hand from his and shoved it in the pocket of your blazer but it was too late. “It serves to keep me from making the same mistake twice. Now leave before I call security.”
“You know, it wasn’t all a lie.” He reached into his pocket and pulled something out. His fist uncurled and your breath hitched at the diamond wedding band that matched the engagement ring on your finger. “I wouldn’t have bought this if it was.”
You shook your head vehemently as the spotlights hit the diamonds and they sparkled brightly. “You’re still lying.”
“Did you ever take it to a jeweller?”
“Why would I do that?” you asked with a scoff. “So they could laugh at me too when they tell me it's worthless.”
“Look, I know I’m a terrible person, I won’t argue with that, but I messed up.” He looked genuinely guilty as he dipped his head and peered sheepishly through the long dark strands that fell over his eyes. “I was…myself when I was with you.”
A familiar burn of resentment grew when your foot lifted to take a step forward but you caught yourself before you could move closer to him. Like the sun, it was impossible not to fall into his orbit but you fought the pull of gravity. “I think you are starting to believe your own lies.”
The doors at the back of the room opened and Professor Stafford walked in with his briefcase and an arm full of textbooks to prepare for his lecture of Criminology 401. The arrival brought back your common sense and you swung your bag over your shoulder before jerking your head to the other exit. 
“My office,” you ordered, knowing delaying the conversation would only mean he found you at another point in time. You would give up your free hour between lectures in the hopes you wouldn’t have to see his face ever again.
Max looked curiously around the room, lingering on the bookshelf, before he dropped into the chair across from your desk and crossed his ankle over his knee. Those intelligent blue eyes took in everything and you could practically see the cogs in his brains turning with what he was learning in the silence. 
“What do you want, Max?”
He let a small piece of his perfect facade fall away so you could see the fear in his eyes as he leant forward. “I have a problem, one that is time sensitive, and you’re the only person that can help me.”
You should have outright refused, in fact the words were on the tip of your tongue but instead you asked, “And if I don’t?”
Max licked his lips and tried to smile but it was constricted to a small twitch at the corners. “Then my lawyers will be in touch to settle my estate and you will once again be very, very rich.”
“It’s the least you could do after what you did to my family,” you growled but the words tasted bitter at the thought of him being dead, even though you had wished for that very thing on your darkest nights.
“I know, I know.”
“Your little posse of thieves could surely help you out, you were awfully chummy with them. What do you need me for?”
Max sucked the air between his teeth and pursed his lips. You were suddenly nervous and reached for a pen to fidget with while you waited for him to speak. “I had a job lined up with a bank, but the man I had on the inside had an accident. He was a security analyst.”
The pen in your hand lost balance and tumbled onto the desk as you bolted to your feet.  “No, no fucking way, Max! I am not a con artist, and I’m not going to be a part of this.”
He pointed to the wall of framed qualifications as he argued, “You know it all already, you studied this. Freud, Festinger, Bandura.” He listed off the authors of the works that filled your bookshelf.
“And before this I was an expert in cyber security but it still didn’t stop what you did to me. It was humiliating, Max, you ruined my name. Do you understand that? Do you even stop to think about the innocent people you have hurt while you play dice with their lives?” You already knew the answer as you spun your chair to look out over the campus beyond the window. “I only studied Cognitive Psychology so I could understand how you could make such a fool of me.”
Max’s shoes were quiet on the carpet as he rounded the desk and turned your chair to face him. Dropping to his knees, he bowed his head until it rested against your knee and your fingers itched to run through his hair just to see if it was still as soft as it used to be. 
“I’m sorry,” Max murmured, the words so foreign from his lips that you couldn’t comprehend he had even said them until he repeated himself over and over. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
You didn't want an apology. In all the years since he had ghosted you and left behind a steaming pile of muck you only wanted one thing, an answer. “Why?”
Max sat back on his heels and wrapped his arms around his knees as he looked up at you, his lips parting only to close again as he struggled to formulate the words. “I was scared.” You waited for him to expand but the silence dragged on until you cleared your throat and lifted your brows, spurring him to continue with a proper explanation. “Isn’t it obvious?”
“Not to me,” you growled, angered by the question.
“I fell in love with you, goddammit. It wasn’t meant to happen, but it did and…I ran.”
“You ran, that’s the understatement of the century,” you huffed as a headache began to form at your temples. 
“I know it's not what you want to hear, but the reason you believed everything I told you was because too much of it was the truth.”
Those were the best lies. And goddamn if it wasn’t working again as you felt the instinct to believe him even after all he had done. No matter how well one trained the brain, the heart was still easily betrayed. 
“Your life is really in danger?” you asked quietly as you worried on your bottom lip. “No lies.”
“Cross my heart,” he said with a morose nod as he drew his finger across his chest. 
The debate in your head was far shorter than you would have liked for such a monumental decision but you couldn’t stand idly by knowing you might be able to save him from whatever mess he had got himself into.
“If I do this, I never want to hear from you again. If you see me in the streets, you pretend you don’t know me.” He looked ready to argue but another glare kept his lips sealed before he nodded. “Okay, tell me what you need me to do.”
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The cheap polyester pantsuit itched your legs with each step into the Hartmont Brough Bank and you tugged your lanyard out to show your staff ID to the security guard. The sleepy man barely looked up from his newspaper before hitting the buzzer to let you into the office space behind the tellers.
“You must be the new cyber security analyst,” a portly gentleman greeted with a smile while looking for your name tag. 
“Ashley Jenkins,” you lied smoothly.
Confidence, that was the key. If you looked shady or uncomfortable the alarm bells would start ringing in the manager's head. 
“Welcome to HBB, Miss Jenkins. I’ll show you to your cubicle and get you introduced to the team. It is rather small but they are close knit.”
He continued to rattle on about the office dynamics and where to find the bathrooms and the staff room. You barely paid any attention as you scanned the office space and watched the other staff interacting.
“Here you are.” He finally came to a stop at an empty booth and gave him your thanks as you stepped inside to open the laptop that was ready and waiting. “Email should be set up already but if you have any issues call down to IT.”
“I think I can take it from here,” you said, probably knowing more about fixing computers than the IT team anyway. 
You were left to settle in and run through a checklist of audits, scanning each system for any malware or vulnerabilities. With a name like Hartmont Brough it was no surprise the clients of the bank were the top 1% of the wealthiest men and women in America and they expected their money and investments to be protected by the best.
It was worryingly easy to slip back into the life you had left but if you had used your real name there was no chance the company would have hired you. The entire tech industry used your family name as a cautionary tale or, more appropriately, a horror story. All because of Max and the sweet lies that rolled off his tongue like honey.
The modest apartment that had been rented under your fake name smelt like heaven when you opened the door. After the long day spent learning the names of everyone in the building the last thing you wanted to do was cook but you lost your appetite at seeing Max standing in your kitchen. 
Hearing the door open, he looked over his shoulder and smiled. “Welcome home, sweetheart. How was your day?” 
You dumped your handbag on the table and shrugged off the blazer before crossing your arms. “What are you doing here, Max?”
“Making your favourite,” he said, showing you the contents of the frying pan before tossing them expertly in the air to catch them. 
Your scowl softened as you sashayed towards him, his bottom lip tugging between his teeth as he watched your hips swaying intently. Reaching past him, you turned the stove off and ran your hand up his arm to his chest. A smirk grew on his lips and he stepped back as you gently pushed him out of the kitchen. 
Max walked backwards past the table and the curve of his lips only grew as he came closer to your bedroom door. There was only a moment of surprise when his feet crossed the threshold and he turned to see you had led him to the hallway before slamming the door in his face. 
“Thanks for dinner!” you called out as you shoved the deadbolt across and went to enjoy the hot meal he had made. 
It was late by the time you had finished creating a fake social media presence in case anyone at work looked into ‘Ashley Jenkins’ but the next job couldn’t wait until tomorrow. 
All the hardware stores that you drove past were closed but you found what you needed at Walmart and made your way back to the apartment to change the barrels in the door lock. Knowing Max, he would have no qualms about letting himself in again and you would probably wake up to find him lounging on his side of the bed.
No, not his side of the bed. The other side of the bed. He didn’t have a side anymore.
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A headache was forming from lack of sleep and the coffee from the staffroom was nowhere near strong enough to survive on. Your nights were spent recording lectures and readings along with marking papers and answering questions that your students emailed in. It had only been two weeks and you weren’t sure how you were going to keep this up when Max had given no timeline on when his con was going to be complete. 
“...what can I say, happy wife, happy life,” a familiar voice trickled through the office and you shook your head. 
“Great, now I’m hearing his voice,” you muttered under your breath before taking another gulp of the burnt filter coffee. 
“It was nice to meet you, Mr Jenkins.”
The headache seemed to explode from your head and manifest into a 6 foot man that was grinning as he carefully waved to your manager, two takeaway cups of coffee in his hands and a brown paper bag tucked under his arm. 
“That had better be a triple chocolate muffin,” you grumbled as you took the bag from him. The mouthwatering scent of the freshly baked treat wafted up as soon as you opened the bag and a moan slipped past your lips when you confirmed it was exactly what you had been hoping for. 
Max bent over you to place one of the barista coffee cups on your desk and his cheek brushed yours from the closeness. “Now why don’t you introduce your husband to your colleagues, sweetheart?”
You controlled the burst of anger that rose in your chest and suppressed the urge to roll your computer chair over his toes as you adapted to the new information he had conveniently left out in all the conversations you had. “That wouldn’t be very professional of me, honeybun.”
Unfortunately, the others in the office were drawn to the smell of strong coffee and baking and their heads popped up one by one but there was one in particular that Max zeroed in on. 
Brent Mathers, Relationship Manager and the answer to the question you had been wondering since you arrived. Brent was the mark. 
You locked your computer before pushing the chair back and felt the warmth of Max’s hand on the small of your back, a familiar weight you had once leaned into and almost did on reflex. The heat grew as his hand remained fixed to you while you introduced him to your team, making your way closer to the mark. 
He had obviously done his research, but you expected nothing less from Max, and he casually managed to work Brent’s interests into the conversation until they were chatting like old friends. It was a reminder of how easy it was to fall under Max’s spell and the wake up you needed to move away from his electric touch.
“No way,” Max gasped with false surprise and threw his hands up. “I have season tickets to the Knicks but Ash won’t come with me and I hate going on my own.”
“I would rather waste my time doing anything other than watching basketball. And, on that note, I am going back to work.” You pressed a quick peck to Max’s cheek before heading off.
“See what I have to deal with,” Max joked, earning a laugh from Brent. 
“Well, if you ever want some company I won’t turn down a seat at the game.”
“I’ll hold you to that. Here, lemme get your number, there’s a game Friday if you’re up for it?”
And he was in. Game, set, match. Max had won and Brent didn’t even know it.
“You’re a natural, baby,” Max purred in your ear as you walked him to the elevator after he had successfully wormed his way into Brent’s life. “Improvising like that isn’t easy. I’m proud of you.”
You wished you could blame the tremor in your hands on the caffeine in your system but you wouldn’t lie to yourself. Especially not when the elevator arrived and Max dipped his head to yours and kissed you with lips that were just as soft and full as you remembered. 
Brent wasn’t the only one in trouble.
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Your finger hovered over Max’s phone number and you chewed your bottom lip as you debated tossing the phone from your reach but common sense lost and you pressed the green button. If you had changed your mind it would have been too late as he answered on the second ring.
“It’s late.”
“Can’t sleep.” 
There was a constant hum in the background and you wondered if the call had dropped from how long he was silent for. Maybe he was watching the same window to the past when you would call him during your night shifts, or maybe he was distracted by whatever life he had outside of the con. 
“You called me,” he finally said before you heard the squeal of tires and a honk of a car horn. 
“I know. I,” you caught yourself and sighed as you stared at the phone, the seconds of the call growing, “nevermind, I shouldn’t have done that. Goodnight Max.”
“Wait,” he called out, a thud echoing in the background. “I’m outside.”
The buzzer rang a second later and you tossed the blankets back to answer the door, still not quite believing it was Max on the other side until it swung open. The phone was still pressed to his ear and you both flinched at the high pitch whine they made before ending the call and you laughed nervously. 
“I didn’t think you would come.”
Max stepped inside with a lopsided grin and kicked the door closed. You had been frozen at his arrival but his entrance had left his body almost flush to yours and he closed that distance by curling his arm around your waist and tugging you against him. 
The words about to fall from your mouth were stolen as his lips crashed against yours and you forgot what you were going to say when your hands came to rest on his hard chest. Your lips parted as he deepened the kiss and you ceded control to him when his tongue danced with yours. 
Clothes disappeared with each step towards your bedroom and you lost yourself as your hands acquainted themselves with Max’s body. 
“This was a mistake,” you whispered to the dark room, unsure if Max was still awake or not while you lay in his arms, your head on his chest. 
“People like us don’t make mistakes, we make choices and we stand by them. You knew what would happen if you called me and you still did it,” he murmured back with a deep, sleep-laden voice. His arm curled tighter around you as he rolled onto his side and tipped your head back so you could see his eyes boring into you in the dim moonlight. “But if we had to choose a mistake, mine would be that we didn’t do this sooner.”
You closed your eyes and brushed your lips softly against his before speaking, “It won’t happen again anyway. You’ll be gone soon, off to your next con and I will go back to my real job.”
He caught the hint of bitterness in your tone and propped his head up on one hand while the other traced delicately along your spine until goosebumps prickled across your skin. “Can you go back, after this month, could you really go back to being a boring professor? You can’t tell me you haven’t enjoyed the thrill.”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said as you sat up. “It’s wrong.”
Max groaned and flopped back on the pillow. “You can’t cheat an honest man.”
“That hurts,” you grumbled, grabbing your silk robe to cover yourself and put space between you both.
“Y/N, I didn’t mean you.” He crossed the room and trapped you between his body and the wall. “You were never the mark, sweetheart.”
“I was just collateral. Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
Max sighed and dropped his forehead to yours. “I’ve apologised already, what else do I have to do to make it right?”
You took a deep breath and looked him dead in the eyes. “Tell me everything.”
Max sucked in his bottom lip as he pushed off the wall and walked over to the window to see the city sprawling below. “Only if you quit. Quit your job and work with me.”
“I can’t just quit!” 
Max’s frown reflected on the glass before he faced you. “You can, you just don’t want to. You’re afraid.”
“I am not,” you argued before sighing in defeat. “Okay, maybe a little, but the last time I trusted you it bit me on the ass.”
Max’s shoulders dropped and he took a heavy seat on the edge of the bed. His fingers laced together and he leaned forward on his elbows deep in thought. 
“Brent isn’t the mark.” You blinked dumbly at his admission, waiting for him to continue. “He has two clients who have amassed their considerable wealth by trafficking sex workers to Europe using their shipping companies.”
“You’re suddenly a philanthropist?”
“God no,” he scoffed. “I’m not planning on taking them down. I just need to get their contact details and pass it on to the people who want it, badly. They can deal with them.” 
You nodded in understanding. “The people who are threatening you.”
“I’m going to clone Brent’s phone at the game Friday night, give it to the boss and get the hell out of New York.” He finally looked up from his hands. “I want you to come with me.”
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Friday Evening
“It will be highly encrypted so the cloning could take a while, half an hour at the most, and the devices need to remain close to each other, working 2-3 feet,” you explained again to make sure Max fully understood the parameters of the clone phone. “If they are separated, the copying will pause for up to 30 seconds. If they don’t come back within range in that time then you will have to start again.”
Max straightened the cuff links at his wrists before centering his tie and nodded. “I got it. How do I look?” 
You slipped the phone into his pocket and plucked a wayward piece of lint from his shoulder before flattening his collar a little more. “Criminally sexy.” 
Max smirked and patted his pockets to feel his keys, wallet and phone. “The game should be finished by 9.30 and I’ll meet you at the Rose Park Motel at 10.”
“Be careful,” you murmured as your stomach twisted in knots. 
“Always,” he said softly, cupping your cheek in his palm. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.” You swallowed the lump in your throat as he walked out of the apartment that had been boxed up in a matter of hours last night. If everything went to plan you wouldn’t be coming back here again. 
You sat in front of your laptop, the last item waiting to be packed and finished what you had been typing before hitting enter and closing the lid. You zipped the bag shut and slung it over your shoulder ready to leave for the last time before feeling your phone ring.
“Mr Hansen?” you answered, confused at the call out of work hours.
“Oh, Ashley, thank god you answered,” he rushed out. “I really need your help. Can you come to the office?”
“Yeah, of course, I can be there in 15 minutes.”
“Good, great, thank you,” he stammered before hanging up in a hurry.
Head office should have been empty when you arrived but most of the cyber security team, the senior leadership team and the bank’s lawyers were bustling about when you pulled your chair up. 
“…no ransom yet…”
“…targeted every weakness…”
“…could it be Anonymous?”
You peered across at Floyd in the cubicle next to you and found intricate lines of code filling his screens as he searched for the hacker that had compromised the bank's software. “Do they really think Anonymous hacked the bank?”
Floyd barely looked up from his screens as he continued to type and talk, “No idea but, if it is, it makes you wonder who the rich folk are that use this place. Anonymous don’t waste their time looking into petty crime if you know what I mean.”
You scooted closer and whispered, “You think there’s dodgy stuff going on?”
“Who knows?” he said with a shrug before pausing to turn to face you. “I just know that we have dealt with black hat hackers before but this has the suits proper scared.” 
Floyd focused on something over your shoulder and spun back to his screen as the heavy feet of Damien Hansen arrived. “Ashley, I need you to focus on the Online Portal system and make sure it hasn’t been compromised, as I’m sure you’re already aware of the situation.”
“On it,” you confirmed as he ran a handkerchief over his clammy forehead and rushed into the conference room where the lawyers were waiting. 
Cracking your knuckles, you logged into the computer with your credentials and got to work. Two hours passed by in the blur as you checked the code of the Online Portal system for any tampering and just as the clock was about to strike 10pm a cheer rose from Toby’s desk opposite. “It’s gone!” 
The entire office seemed to swell as one of the owners and his posse of lawyers surrounded the small cubicle while Toby explained the virus had ‘expired’. 
Floyd leaned back in his chair and stuck his head past the privacy barrier between your desks. “No one makes a program as complex as that and sets a timer for it to end.”
“It makes no sense,” you agreed despite checking the lingering trace yourself and seeing that was exactly what had happened. “Unless it’s a warning?”
“You there, Miss, what do you mean ‘a warning’?” Mr Hartmont asked as he fixed his eyes on you from Toby’s desk.
You looked around and shied away as all the attention was suddenly on you before clearing your throat and giving your opinion, “Well, there was no ransom and it didn’t target the personal details of the clients. What if it was just getting a layout of the system as a whole?”
The co-owner narrowed his eyes and you looked at Floyd for backup. 
“Imagine a military operation,” Floyd said. “Before launching an attack they do the reconnaissance work so they know what they are heading into.”
You mouthed ‘thank you’ to Floyd as Mr Hartmont’s eyes widened in understanding. “That is something we will certainly take into consideration when we decide our next move.”
The hoard of suits retreated back to the conference room except for Mr Hansen who came and thanked each of your co-workers. “We will need some of you to work through the night, just while we are on high alert, but you will be well compensated.”
“Shotgun!” Floyd called with a grin at the thought of a bonus pay followed by Jessica and Danny. 
“No thanks,” you said with a yawn. “My husband will be waiting up to tell me all about the Knicks game. Actually, on second thought I’d rather work than hear about that.”
The guys laughed and shook their heads but Jessica gave you a look of commiseration before waving you off. 
“Thanks again for coming in,” Mr Hansen said as he walked you and Toby to the elevator. “You are both real assets to the company. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, see you on Monday.”
You parted from Toby in the staff car park with a polite goodbye before racing to the motel Max would be waiting at. 
Your palms turned clammy against the steering wheel and your pulse quickened at the nervousness that was festering. 
You were running late. 
What would Max think?
Your phone had been tossed into the East River as you crossed over so your location couldn’t be traced. Someone would surely start looking when you didn’t show up at Hartmont Brough Bank on Monday morning, not that they would find anything. 
You pulled into the Rose Park Motel and looked for Max’s sleek Mercedes but found most of the spaces empty and the others had rusted, beat up cars in them. 
Your watch said 10.22pm.
“Where are you, Max?” you asked under your breath before walking to the motel reception. “I’m looking for my husband, he booked a room here. Maxwell Roberts?”
The woman sitting behind the desk rolled her eyes and tucked her strangely hair behind her ear. “If your husband booked a room here it ain’t to bring his wife.” She pointed to the sign on the wall that had the room charges per hour. “Sorry, honey.”
She gave you a look of pity but you ignored it as you reached into your pocket and placed a few crumpled notes on the table. “I’ll take one for an hour, please.”
There was no surprise she didn’t take any of your details down, not when you saw a hooker stumble into the reception with a client. They wouldn’t want to use the motel for their illegal soliciting if they had to leave a name and credit card for ID. 
Taking the key that was slid across the chipped formica countertop you made your way to the room, only stopping to grab your laptop from the car. 
The room was as dank as you expected and you chose to use the rickety drawers as a stand up desk rather than sitting on the bed and risking whatever bugs and fungi lurked in the blankets. The wifi was insecure and slower than you were hoping but it would be enough to find what you were after. 
Max would have thrown his cell phone away before he even got to the game and kept only the clone phone that held all the information he had surely been successful in stealing. There was no way he would have discarded it already so you were going to find it, and find him. If he thought he could leave you high and dry for a second time, he had another thing coming.
You jumped at the knock on the door and grabbed a bread knife from the kitchenette before looking through the peephole to find Max with his hands in his pockets and a bored look on his face. “Open up, sweetheart, it’s chilly.”
“What the hell?” you hissed as you opened the door and closed it quickly behind him. “You were meant to be here an hour ago.”
“Brent kept taking calls, some emergency at work,” he explained as he kissed your forehead and saw your laptop open. “Had to take him out for a drink to finish the cloning.”
“I was about to start looking for you,” you admitted much to his amusement. 
“You thought I’d run?” he guessed with a pout, his eyebrows crumpling together as he tugged you by the hips and into his arms. “I thought you trusted me?”
“I do,” you hurried to reassure him and erase the sad look in his eyes. “I do trust you, or I wouldn’t be here.”
Placated, he released you to grab the go-bag you had brought into the motel and shut your laptop lid. “We should go, the handover is in a few hours and we have a drive ahead of us.” He left it at that and went to check out of the motel while you climbed into his car.
In this side of town without wheel locks your car was almost guaranteed to be stolen and the sooner that happened the better. It would be one less thing to dispose of that was linked to Ashley Jenkins.
Max was grinning as he slipped into the driver's seat and his happiness was infectious. He reached over the gearbox and laced his fingers with yours as soon as he was on the road, his fingers moving to the beat of the indie music playing on the radio.
“You should sleep,” Max suggested as the city light disappeared and the houses turned to farms. “We won’t be there for a while yet.”
“Where exactly is there?” 
He spared a second to glance at you away from the road before giving the answer, “Boston.”
His clipped tone gave you the impression he wasn’t interested in the conversation or answering anymore questions so you fell silent and rested your head against the window to try to sleep. Exhaustion won and you only woke up when the car came to a stop outside a stripclub.
“Um, what are we doing here?” you asked as you unbuckled your seatbelt like he had and grabbed your bag from the backseat. 
“Wait here, Y/N. I’ll be back in a minute.” He was already out of the car without waiting for a reply and you gave him two seconds head start before climbing out after him. He licked his lips as you caught up and looked ready to give you another order but was interrupted by a very large bouncer. 
“You're late,” he growled in a voice that was far softer than he appeared to be. 
Max waved a hand in your direction. “Women, what can I say? Tell him I have what he wants.”
“Tell him yourself,” the bouncer replied as he opened the velvet rope and jutted his head to the stairs that were sign posted as ‘Staff Only’. 
You were halfway up the first flight when Max turned and stared down at you with pursed lips. “What didn’t you understand about ‘stay in the car’?”
“I didn’t just work hard for a whole month so I could stay in the car at the end.” You pushed past him and continued to climb the stairs until you reached the first floor and paused to see where Max would go but he was still where you left him, tapping a finger to his lips deep in thought. “You’re already late, remember?”
His head fell back with a groan before he took the stairs two at a time until he reached you. “Fine, but keep your head down.” He curled his arm around your waist and turned down a corridor. “These men don’t mess around.”
They proved him right the moment Max knocked on the door and stepped into the large room with a glass wall overlooking the stripclub below. Two more burly guards stood just inside and a devilishly handsome man sat behind the huge mahogany desk. 
With just a flick of his ringed finger, the boss set his men into action and one tore you away from Max while the other sent a hard punch to his gut. 
“You’re late, Max,” the boss said as he rose to his feet and buttoned his suit up with deft fingers. “We had a deal.”
“Dev, I’ve got what you want,” he countered as he pulled the cloned device from his pocket and clutched his stomach. “It just took a little longer than expected.”
Dev took the phone with a small laugh. “You think I didn’t have eyes on you? I have been watching you the whole time.” He threw the device on the ground and stomped his heel on it until the glass crunched under foot. “Bring me the girl.”
“No, no, leave her out of it.” Max moved to intercept you as the guard dragged you closer to Dev but he was quickly winded by another punch. “She doesn’t know anything.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” Dev ran his finger down your cheek and you shivered at the strangely intimate touch. “She’s very beautiful, isn’t she, Max. Do you actually care for her or is she another distraction while you make deals behind my back?”
Dev reached into his pocket and pulled out a small stack of photos, tossing them to the floor at Max’s feet. His face fell passive as he stared at the images of him shaking hands and smiling with some strangers, he didn’t even bother to deny the allegations.
“Now, where does that leave us?” Dev asked as he walked behind you and sent the guard back to the door. You dared not look at what the man behind you was doing as you felt his presence close, instead you locked eyes with Max and hoped to see some sort of plan forming in those depths.
“What do you want?” Max asked after breaking away from your stare. 
Dev sucked his teeth and you jumped as his large palms came to rest on your shoulders. “Those scumbags have been taking my girls, butchering the ones they don’t sell. Maybe I should give you a taste of how that feels?”
The grip on your shoulders tightened until a small sound escaped your lips and Max jolted forward. “Or, you tell me everything you know about them.”
Max raised his hands to try to diffuse the situation as he spoke softly, “I don’t know anything, I swear.”
You saw the faint sheen of dampness on his palms and his upturned collar fluttered slightly from the rapid increase in his pulse while his pupils dilated. Even after you had been threatened he was still lying, putting you at risk. You shouldn’t have been surprised. 
Something more powerful than rage hit you square in the chest, something you had felt once before - betrayal.
“He’s lying,” you uttered quietly, knowing Dev’s face was close to yours from the warm notes of whiskey that lingered on his breath. Dev’s fingers lifted in surprise and he spun you around to see your jaw clenched in anger, lips pressed to a tight line.
“Not the devoted, lovesick little girlfriend after all.”
“I have a thing about being lied to by him,” you said as you lifted your chin higher and stared back into the searing grey eyes of the boss. “Hurting me won’t get you what you want. He obviously doesn’t care.”
Dev chuckled and dipped his head closer to whisper, “We’ll see about that, won’t we.”
You were shoved away from him and into the arms of the guard who began to drag you from the room. The need to fight flooded you and you kicked your legs out, trying to grab anything you could, but it was fruitless. You couldn’t break the hold that kept your arms pinned and Max was blocked by the other guard. 
“Louis, take her to my private room,” Dev said as you passed the threshold, throwing you a wink before he shut the door. 
“Let me go, please, I have money.”
“I don’t need your money.” Louis laughed as he opened the door to the room next door and started to place you down gently. “Relax, Dev doesn’t hurt women.”
You stilled as your feet reached the carpet and you saw a window into the office. A one way mirror that you hadn’t noticed when you were inside the room. “It was a ploy.”
The guard pressed his finger to a button on the wall and Max’s voice came through on the vent that opened near the ceiling, “Look, I brought her into this but she had nothing to do with it. Let her go and I’ll tell you what I know.”
Surprise nearly knocked you off your feet as he bartered for your freedom and you stumbled away from the window and into a metal chair. 
You had spent years wondering if any of what he said to you was real, if he had even cared when he stole millions from your family and ruined your career. Then, again, when he showed up out of the blue in your auditorium, you had doubted his feelings for you. But finally, you had your answer. Only you weren’t sure it even mattered by now.
“Tell me first, then I’ll let her go. Unharmed, of course.”
Max ran a hand through his hair, messing the dark strands before unbuttoning his suit jacket and dropping into a leather recliner. “They know you want information about their boss.”  
“How did they know that?”
“Because I told them,” Max admitted with a tight-lipped smile. “And they gave me a tonne of cash for it.”
Dev tutted and took a seat at his desk. “Always thinking about the money aren’t you, Max.”
“Your boyfriend is a bit of an asshole,” Louis commented as he took a seat beside you. “What do you see in him anyway?”
“It’s none of your business,” you muttered as you watched Max tell Dev everything. He explained how he approached Dev’s adversary, figuring he could make some money out of the exchange as well as use the threat to draw you back into his life. Every word he spoke caused your stomach to drop further and you turned to Louis. “Did they really kidnap your dancers?”
Louis gave a tense nod. “They take homeless girls too. No one reports them missing or cares when they show up dead.”
You turned your attention to Max who was cold and unsympathetic to the horrible acts that were happening while he rolled in the cash playing both sides. He even had the audacity to look smug as he sat there comfortably. You suddenly realised that although he actually loved you and you had been slipping back into those feelings, it didn’t change the fact he was an asshole. An asshole you could no longer stomach spending the rest of your life with, no matter how thrilling an adventure it may be. 
“Hey, where are you going?” Louis asked as you shot up from your seat and stormed back to the office. 
The door slammed open and Dev cocked an eyebrow at your entrance while Max frowned in confusion. “You piece of shit,” you growled. “You lied to me!”
“Sweetheart, I don’t know what they’ve said about me but you can trust me,” Max said softly, like he was talking to a skittish horse that was unbroken.
“They didn’t have to say anything,” you said as you stepped closer to Dev. “You did enough of that yourself.”
“I suppose I should’ve warned you how thin the walls are in this room,” Dev said with a smirk. 
You reeled in your fury as you pushed emotion aside to focus on the facts. “You told me you would be giving him the phone so they could deal with the traffickers.”
“I say a lot of things, sweetheart.”
“I know,” you said with a humourless laugh. “Trust me, I know. I guess that’s why I didn’t completely believe anything you told me. You always did tell the best lies.”
Max straightened up in his seat and his eyes narrowed as his head tilted. He was desperately running through the memories of the last month trying to figure out what the vague threat was. 
Turning your back to Max, you faced Dev and crossed your arms. “There’s a laptop in the car downstairs, send one of your men to get it and I will do better than just getting you contact information.”
“Y/N, no, what are you doing?” Max interrupted and tried to rise from the chair only to have his shoulders pinned by the guard behind him before he patted Max’s pockets to find the car keys. “What did you do?”
Louis caught the keys that were thrown his way before slipping from the room. 
The atmosphere spiked as Max squirmed under the pressure of the grip but you couldn’t find any enjoyment in his discomfort, even if he deserved that and more. 
“May I?” you asked Dev as you nodded to his empty chair. 
The seat was still warm as you took a seat and the scent of his cologne stronger like it had permeated the air around his desk from the long hours he spent working. You could already see he was a boss who cared about his employees, even if it appeared he was some kind of ring leader, and he looked exhausted beneath the confident stance and 5 o’clock shadow. 
The inquisitive stare was broken when Louis swept into the room with your laptop bag and carefully placed it on the desk, moving Dev’s keyboard aside for you. 
“What are you doing?” Max asked again, a hint of true fear in his voice as it peaked.
“I really hoped you had been honest with me.” You didn’t even look up as you continued typing. “I was ready to leave everything, go anywhere with you…but there was always that doubt.
“That’s what my lecture was about the day you came to my class. Instinct and intuition.” Dev circled around his desk to stand behind your chair but unless he understood coding script all he would see was lines of nonsense across the screen. 
“What is all this?” Dev asked as he leaned over the chair to look closer as if it would suddenly make sense.
You glanced up over the screen to lock eyes with Max. “Last night while you were with Brent I hacked the bank to trigger their security procedure.”
“Why?” he asked.
“In case you failed. I couldn’t just go digging around where I shouldn’t, it would’ve raised some red flags. But once they’ve been hacked? It’s a free for all to search every file, software, system.”
You hit enter and the window switched to the home screen of SAP; the accounting software that held all the information about every client of Hartmont Brough Bank from their name, address and tax code to their bank account number and balance. 
“Holy shit,” Dev said breathlessly. “Who are you?”
You held out your hand for him to shake as you formally introduced yourself, “Y/N Y/L/N.”
His eyes widened in recognition of your surname. “As in Y/L/N Enterprises?”
“Not anymore,” you huffed as you narrowed your eyes at Max who was fuming in the chair. “Give me their names.”
“You don’t want to mess with these people,” Max growled through his teeth.
“That’s what you said about him too,” you said as you gave Dev an appreciative once over, “but he seems pretty decent to me.” 
Dev smirked at the compliment and Max thrashed against the hold on him as he argued, “They won’t just kill you, they will make you watch every one you love die first before they gut you too.”
“Dev?” you prompted as your fingers hovered over the keys waiting to search the portal for a name.
Max gave up trying to get through to you and turned his attempts on Dev. “If you tell her who they are you might as well put a gun to her head now.”
That gave Dev pause and you were shown another glimpse of his moral compass. Placing a hand on his arm to get him to look away from Max, you gave him a reassuring smile and said, “They won’t be able to trace this to me. He’s just trying to save himself because the target will be on his back.”
His grey eyes scanned yours for a moment, searching for a hint of a lie, before he gave a small nod and stood up. “Adam Bethel and Kristian Svensek.”
You started with Adam and whistled at the bank balance that had put your family’s fortune to shame. “Would be a waste to just erase it.”
“Here,” Dev said as he opened his internet browser on his phone and found a charity that supported survivors of sex trafficking after rescuing women. “Give it to them.”
Max groaned and dropped his head at the thought of stealing all that money and not keeping a cent of it. The thought made you smile because he was right when he said you enjoyed the thrill of playing spymaster but being Robin Hood was even better.
You entered the banking details for Agape International Missions and made the donation anonymously before moving onto Kristian and giving his sum to Shared Hope International.
Sitting back, you stared at the screen and smiled with satisfaction, the final balance: $0.01. 
“600 million dollars,” Max grumbled and gave up fighting, falling back into the chair. “You just gave away 600 million dollars.”
“Nope, I just invested it,” you corrected as you exited the hidden backdoor you had built into the system while you were supposed to be scanning the Online Portal last night. “And if Adam or Kristian report the money missing then they will have to somehow explain where the money came, something I am sure they don’t want the authorities looking into.”
“There’s still billions more just sitting there! Why don’t you just take it?” Max pleaded and you saw the manic gleam to his eyes. He was hooked, like a heroin addict, he was addicted to this life and would stop at nothing for his next fix. 
“Because I’m not like you.” You realised that there would be too much temptation for someone to copy your code to keep the backdoor in place in the system so you erased it before closing the laptop shut. “It’s over, Max.”
“You really had me fooled,” he chuffed as he rose to his feet and this time the guard let him. 
“Doesn’t feel great does it?”
Max ran his tongue across his teeth before pointing to Louis blocking the door. “Are we done here or what? It’s been a long night.”
Dev nodded his head to Louis and the man moved aside for Max who paused on the other side. “I trust your new friend can help you get back to New York, forgive me for not wanting to take you there myself.”
“I can manage just fine on my own.”
“So I have found,” he muttered as he sauntered off down the stairs.
“Wait,” you shouted and rushed after him as you remembered something. “You should have these.” You pulled the engagement ring and wedding band from your finger and tossed them to where he had stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “Sell them if you need the money that badly.”
He stared as the rings resting in his palms, the diamonds sparkling in the laser lights that escaped the door to the stripclub that was beginning to close. His shaking fist closed tightly around them before he threw his head back with a bitter laugh and tossed the worthless rings out into the street. 
“Goodbye, Maxwell Burnett,” you said as he turned to the dark streets and you watched his silhouette until it disappeared. 
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Six Months Later
“Nature vs Nurture. What makes us function as we do? How is our cognitive reasoning influenced? Are we wired to behave the way we do through inherited genes or from the environment we are subject to? These are the questions I want you to think about before we return next semester. For now, enjoy your vacation and happy holidays.”
The classroom was far smaller than the auditorium you had lectured in at Fordham University but you had settled happily into life at Boston College. You closed your textbook as the room quickly emptied, each student eager to leave campus for the term. You couldn’t blame them, you were just as ready to take a break after the year you had endured.
Shoving your book in your bag, you slung it over your shoulder and pushed away the thoughts that encroached uninvited. Every now and again you wondered where Max was, what trouble he was getting up to. You couldn’t help it. He was your first love and no matter how many years passed he could still worm his way into your thoughts, perhaps he always would. So long as he stayed out of your life, you could handle the rest. 
The bang of the door closing had you jump and you spun around too quickly, your heavy bag throwing you off balance, but a strong pair of hands caught your waist and kept you upright. 
“Everything okay?” Dev asked with a frown before scanning the room to see if there was a reason you were on edge.
“Lost track of time in my own little world. I’m fine,” you reassured him with a quick kiss. “What are you doing here anyway?”
Dev pulled out his phone as he explained, “Your program got another hit, it found them.” A pixelated image of two young women appeared on the screen, taken from an ATM security camera, but the facial recognition matched the last two of Dev’s dancers that had gone missing months ago. “It was taken in Kosovo. Louis’ gone to check it out before he calls Agape but it will take him a while to get there.” Dev’s excitement was palpable as he pocketed the device and wrapped you in his arms. 
The bag slipped from your shoulder and thudded to the ground but you didn’t care as you threw your arms around his neck and squealed with joy. 
“I just had to come and tell you the news,” he murmured between kisses. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Max was right - you couldn’t just go back to the mundane life of a professor. But you couldn’t be like him either, cold and calculating without remorse. You chose to be better, you chose to do better. 
“I told you we would bring them home.”
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Matt Bomer as Dev:
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179 notes · View notes
mariacallous · 1 month
French prosecutors gave preliminary information in a press release on Monday about the investigation into Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, who was arrested suddenly on Saturday at Paris’ Le Bourget airport. Durov has not yet been charged with any crime, but officials said that he is being held as part of an investigation “against person unnamed” and can be held in police custody until Wednesday.
The investigation began on July 8 and involves wide-ranging charges related to alleged money laundering, violations related to import and export of encryption tools, refusal to cooperate with law enforcement, and “complicity” in drug trafficking, possession and distribution of child pornography, and more.
The investigation was initiated by “Section J3” cybercrime prosecutors and has involved collaboration with France’s Centre for the Fight against Cybercrime (C3N) and Anti-Fraud National Office (ONAF), according to the press release. “It is within this procedural framework in which Pavel Durov was questioned by the investigators,” Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau wrote in the statement.
Telegram did not respond to multiple requests for comment about the investigation but asserted in a statement posted to the company's news channel on Sunday that Durov has “nothing to hide.”
“Given the existence of several preliminary investigations in France concerning Telegram in relation to the protection of minors' rights and in cooperation with other French investigation units—for instance, on cyber harassment—the arrest of Durov, does not seem to me like a highly exceptional move,” says Cannelle Lavite, a French lawyer who specializes in free-speech matters.
Lavite notes that Durov is a French citizen who was arrested in French territory with an arrest warrant issued by French judges. She adds that the list of charges involved in the investigation is “extensive,” a wide net that she says is not entirely surprising in the context of “France's ambiguous legislative arsenal” meant to balance content moderation and free speech.
Durov is a controversial figure for his leadership of Telegram, in large part because he has not typically cooperated with calls to moderate the platform's content. In some ways, this has positioned him as a free-speech defender against government censorship, but it has also made Telegram a haven for hate speech, criminal activity, and abuse. Additionally, the platform is often billed as a secure communication tool, but much of it is open and accessible by default.
“Telegram is not primarily an encrypted messenger; most people use it almost as a social network, and they’re not using any of its features that have end-to-end encryption,” says John Scott-Railton, senior researcher at Citizen Lab. “The implication there is that Telegram has a wide range of abilities and access to potentially do content moderation and respond to lawful requests. This puts Pavel Durov very much in the center of all kinds of potential governmental pressure.”
On top of all of this, many researchers have questioned whether Telegram's end-to-end encryption is durable when users do elect to enable it.
French president Emmanuel Macron said in a social media post on Monday that “France is deeply committed to freedom of expression and communication … The arrest of the president of Telegram on French soil took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. It is in no way a political decision.”
News of Durov's arrest is fueling concerns, though, that the move could threaten Telegram's stability and undermine the platform. The case seems poised, too, to have implications in long-standing debates around the world about social media moderation, government influence, and use of privacy-preserving end-to-end encryption.
Lavite says the case certainly invokes debates about “the balance between the right to encrypted communication and free speech on the one hand, and users' protection—content moderation—on the other hand.” But she notes that there is a lot of information about the investigation that is unknown and “a lot of blurry zones still.”
On Monday afternoon, Telegram seemed to be receiving a download boost from the situation, moving from 18th to 8th place in Apple's US App Store apps ranking. Global iOS downloads were up by 4 percent, and in France the app was number one in the App Store social network category and number three overall.
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roseamongroses · 1 year
something about the history of spider-byte's name (and intial lack therefore of a last name) is calling to me. like even now that margo has a last name, ppl still don't recognize her civilian identity bc of how little screentime she had and the brevity of the comic appearance.
hmmmm ok i've marinated. idk much about tech so take the terms with a grain of salt and just focus on the emotional story. think i have some headcanons:
margo lives in a society where it's common to use virtual reality to escape/ experience life but margo is actually one of the more extreme cases of this escapism
she's friendly with others, something doesn't seem to be wrong, but her peersknow she's always connected to the vr/always online. they don't notice how little they know about her home life or about her, despite her being familiar with everyone else.
and this disconnect only becomes worst once she takes on the mask of spider-byte. helping people in the way she's always desired to be helped is fufilling, but it doesn't take long for margo to become lost in her online persona.
the longer she spends as spider-byte, the more the two worlds blur. and once she gains the ability to physically manifest her avatar, her spider abilities begin to transfer into her irl body
at first margo was excited about this change. she could finally be the hero she wanted to be inside and outside of her vr- headset, but she quickly discovers that her bodily automony is being manipulated.
sometimes her skin glitches, changing into a rainbow of colors without her say-so (she'd have to fake sick to avoid questions from her peers/parents) . sometimes when she splits her avatar her body doesn't immediately return and if it does it never feels the same. as if data is missing.
but most obvious is that her understanding of humanity--of herself changes. not in a cruel way, but she feels an alienation from human connection that she'd never experienced before. she saves the day, not because of her childhood desire to do good, to be saved and save others, but because it is her avatar. it is her purpose as spider-byte, not the dream of margo kess.
it's when margo catches herself refering to herself spider-byte, even when she was outside of vr relaxing that she begins to investagate further.
she begins to question her relationship with the cyber crime police department and how easily they accepted her" "vigilatism"/ eventually she tracks down conversations between the department and an unknown scientist/ leading cyber security company. i'm thinking of this being her "doc oc" connection, but im open to other villian parallels tbh
the thing is this "doc oc" knows that margo has been tracking them . they think its funny. they're facinated with their experiement and are very willing to play along with the investagation as long as they get to observe their subject.
the fact that margo got "bit" was part coincidence. the program/ bug was sent out to find a suitable host. someone isolated, someone online for long hours to properly conduct the experiement, someone who had the need to escape and become something more.
it could've been anyone. they were meant to be corrupted entirely by the program, only leaving behind a husk irl as they accepted their new reality. but margo was different her need to do good was so great that it redirected the prgrams goals entirely. allowing for her persona of a hero to infliratrate her real life and vice versua in a way "doc oc" had never seen before
doc oc at first wanted to let margo live as a hero . but her changing the bug--resisting its intended purpose intrigued them more. it wasn't enough to collect data on the experiement spider-byte anymore. now doc oc needed to break her. to rebuild her and understand what makes her so special
and this back and forth does mean margo loses a lot. some days she doesn't even remember her last name. but she's motivated now to reclaim her life, her heroism, and make sure no one else is taken advantaged ;like this again
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spinningbagel · 10 months
Hello!1!1!1 I’ve got another design for you, this time being Shooters and while I’m here, I’ll talk about districts because they’re pretty simple to explain
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And an alternative version with the glowy parts (because I’m a sucker for things that glow)
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Anwyas, design talk now.
The drawing on the left is what he normally wears since he works from home and doesn’t need to be on the field to assist Sheriff. So he’s incredibly dressed down. It’s not like anyone’s gonna see him.
The one on the right is for rare occasions where he does need to be out there with Sheriff to assist him. Is he dressed a little femininely and slutty? Yes. Will I change it? No. I’m sure you guys will live just fine.
The eye where in canon he wears a glorified eye patch™️ has been replaced by a prototype cybernetic eye. A gift from his parents. He’s their guinea pig of sorts with it. It obviously allows for sight and can zoom in or out on certain things, it’s also got a facial recognition software in it. To Y’know…scan faces,,,ID people. Anwyays x2
Some general things about Shooter is that his parents are head mechanical engineers for the company that make the cybernetic limbs and enhancements so their family is pretty well off.
He lives in district 3 which is why in the design for him being outside his apartment has blue accents on the jacket.
Shooter has his own apartment and job but despite that, his parents give him a monthly allowance. How much it is kinda depends.
Aside from assisting Sheriff on missions, his other job is adding enhancements or modding cyber weapons, his work comes at a surprisingly cheap price and his services are popular among those living in district 1 and the underground community. He doesn’t ask questions about people’s backgrounds, he just does the job in exchange for money.
Right so that’s Shooter out of the way, let’s talk districts.
The city, oh so creatively named CyberCity is split into districts which is basically people being sorted into areas based on status and money.
The districts are as follows:
District 0:
The poorest of the poor live here and this is where most of the underground community operate due to the fact there are no cops or authority figures to keep watch and any that are there, are more often then not corrupt. Brutux resides here and controls a very large chunk of the district. It’s like a slums. Also most people refuse to wear the district colour.
District 1:
The middle class basically, people who are decent financially and don’t pose threats to society. There are cops and therefore lower crime rates but there is still the chance of having corrupt cops in the system. Sheriff & The White family live in district 1
District 2:
Not much to say. Rich pricks live here, basically no corruption in terms of security, they’re well protected.
District 3:
Politicians. The most security. They don’t care about the lower districts.
The districts also have an allocated colour and everyone has to wear something that has the colour of their district. Obviously you can wear multiple colours but your district colour has to be the dominant colour.
District colours:
0 - Red
1 - Orange
2 - Blue
3 - purple
I think that’s everything I have to offer for him and districts. Enjoy, I’ll probably to Vegan’s design when I can. Prolly tmmrw idk.
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