#cyberpunk 2077 release delayed
chevvy-yates · 1 year
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⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
snuggle poses by @humberg. ♥︎
Ryder overly proud lying in the arms of his boyfriend looking at you telling: Ja, this soldier boy belongs to me, and to me only. Thyjs staring attentive at you telling: he's mine, try take him away and you will regret it. At first I wanted them switched but then thought lets give it a try and see how Ry looks in Thyjs arms instead. Had them looking at each other but switched Thyjs to looking at the camera and loved his gaze so much I decided to switch Ry's as well.
Resul: less snuggly — but thefore more characteristic given their personalities.
This is in their apartment. I appreciate that the modder who did the mod decided to place the 'maximum pleasure' logo behind the bed. My thoughts always trails off this ambiente could be perfect place for a hot private BD session — and I gotta say I dig it because it just adds to especially Ry's character and taste so hard.
This pic tells so much about them, ahhh (when you know a lot about them).
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morgandekarios · 1 year
if phantom liberty releases while i'm on the other side of the country from my playstation i'll lose it
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chipped-chimera · 2 months
I enter the cyberpunk 2077 tag. I see a post about the game not being 'punk' because of all the triple A gaming company typical shit 'means it's not punk'. I roll my eyes so hard I exit the tag.
Points, context, rebuttal, whatever beloooow (I am not reblogging post because I don't want to attract hate to OP, but I am writing this cause I'm sick of seeing it).
Yeah triple A dev treatment fucking sucks. It sucks CDPR vowed to do different and didn't but that is missing a bunch of context. Here comes the context -
I've been following CDPR since about 2010-ish. They've always held onto older era gaming attitudes and respect their consumers. I guess in a way they were still made for an older era around the Cyberpunk release for the following reasons.
They shot themselves in the foot with their own marketing. Hiring a big name may have done that. If you look at the teaser trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 on announcement it basically says release date wise 'its done when it's done'. Being part of that older era they want to put out a COMPLETE game. Well tested. They came from a time where game updates were a LUXURY and that's why I trusted them to release a good product.
Marketing however got so big that it exited the realm of core fans and into the general public (derogatory). When they announced another delay, I was chill. I trusted them. Shit takes time man, whatever it takes to make it good AND treat your employees well bro. General public however was out for blood, sending death threats, pulling preorders.
There's this fine line you have to tread in marketing. Too little hype, no one knows about your product. Too much hype, you skyrocket expectations. Hype at the wrong time - you end up peaking at the wrong moment and end up losing momentum for release. You can see the conundrum here. They were arguably in the skyrocketed expectations and the losing momentum risk region.
So they did crunch time for release. In a way they had to. I mean sure they could have been 'punk' like OP suggested and said fuck you to the non-core fanbase but unfortunately punk doesn't pay bills. It doesn't keep the lights on. It doesn't keep your employees employed. It doesn't stop them from getting sent death threats for a delay.
So they rushed it out, it bombed. That sucked BUT it brought them peace. Because while everyone was making fun of them and quickly forgetting about it to go laugh at the next bomb of the month - it meant they could actually get onto fixing/finishing their game because people like ME knew them. It wouldn't be left as is. Also let them work at a less insane pace.
I started playing it (I finally had a PC that could handle it) right before the Edgerunners release and the public reboot. It was a fucking. Solid. Game. I studied game design and if I didn't get sick and had to stop this game would have been my goddamn final paper. There are so many good choices narratively and mechanically to the point you can't separate the two. It was everything I expected.
They worked hard to get there. We currently live in an era where entertainment is treated like fast food and people can be fucking incoherent when they're told to have patience. Why do you think so many games release in a scuffed state? Why do you think this new 'redemption arc' story in the game industry has become increasingly common? Because Devs keep getting sent DEATH THREATS just for doing work. That's fucking insane. No wonder they're working overtime and sleeping at the office because the general public has turned gamedev into an industry that basically uses psychological torture as a whip to get your game out 'on time'.
Yes there are absolutely horrible triple A gamedev companies, usually under the stable of a larger company (EA, Activision etc. take your pick) but CDPR ain't that. In my eyes their hand was forced.
You know what is punk? Going with a little, 'unpopular' (basically not DnD) ttrpg written by a black man and building a new IP and experience from it - AND having him on board and getting his active input during development. Because dear lord current media in general seems to be allergic to taking risks and new IPs.
You know what else is punk? Releasing free DLC updates that would be a micro transaction otherwise (no I am not talking about Phantom Liberty and I argue that's an 'expansion' though I guess no one uses that word now) and putting the goddamn pdf of the ttrpg handbook they based it off with the game download. Putting stickers in physical releases (going by my witcher experience), giving you goddamn HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGES of in game posters to print for yourself FOR. FREE. No one DOES THAT anymore.
Also arguably putting out Cyberpunk is punk just in the narrative it tells in the goddamn first place - especially in the current climate, but I think I've made my point here.
Also my last point, in big letters because it's driving me fucking insane:
Anyway I'm sick of seeing CDPR being thrown under the bus and being treated in ways that will actively end up affecting future development. I really, really hope they haven't been too affected but if they end up feeling forced into modern day gamedev cycles and all the bullshit that goes with it ... well I know why.
And it starts with people who spout shit like this.
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dalishious · 10 months
Hi, sorry for my bad English but I'm very interested in your opinion- do you see the delays as something good? With all the early access shit that happens with so many games, I think it's good that there are so many delays and want to believe that it's because they want to release it as a finished product and not something half broken that needs countless patches (the best example I can give is cyberpunk 2077). Do you think that's the case or is it mostly because all of the havoc behind the scenes?
It entirely depends on the nature of the delays.
Do I think taking the time to properly test out bugs and resolve issues before release to be a meaningful delay? Absolutely.
But do I think BioWare fucking around with shit like Anthem because EA demanded a "live service" game from them to be a meaningful delay to Dragon Age? Absolutely not.
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animehouse-moe · 2 years
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: In Hindsight
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⚠️Warning: Major Spoilers, Don't Read If You Haven't Watched⚠️
God, where do you even begin? I guess the thing that sparked it all was Edgerunners winning Anime of The Year at the Crunchyroll Awards for 2022. Given which titles were up for nomination, I think it was definitely deserved. From there it sparked all the memories of nearly every last moment from the anime. Reliving all 10 episodes in my head with the good, the bad, and the ugly. Then I started listening to I Really Want To Stay At Your House on loop to cause further emotional damage before settling on this post.
I watched Edgerunners in a single sitting originally. I was still in University at the time and had an 8am class the day/night that Edgerunners released. So I went to sleep early and set an alarm for 3am or whenever the series dropped. From there, I watched it in the dead of night, silently, and from start to finish in one go. To quote Homelander, "... I gotta tell you, it was perfect. perfect. Everything, down to the last, minute details."
Sure, I'm a huge advocate of the fact that dropping it at 3am on a weeknight all at once is a super easy way to kill hype and viewership, but at the same time that made for an experience I wouldn't trade for the world. It was just me and Edgerunners that night. Nothing else. And it hit like a truck.
So where to begin, really? I guess Night City, the City of Dreams. I first came in to contact with Cyberpunk as a little high school student (yes, that long ago) 10 years ago now with this teaser trailer for Cyberpunk 2077. From that moment a decade ago, I had clung to the hype, the excitement, the notion that CD Projekt Red was going to deliver something unbelievable and out of this world. I battled through all the delays, all the criticism and challenges that came with 2077, and on release day I played for 10 hours straight (with bathroom trips, food breaks, etc of course). I was enthralled. The bugs didn't matter, the performance was trivial to me. It was like I was dreaming.
And Edgerunners replicated that feeling and heightened it even more. It was CD Projekt's dream distilled into 10 episodes of greatness. Beautiful, enough so to make me emotional just writing about it. It took the world that they spent so much time crafting, the characters and stories they spent forever perfecting, every ounce of their talent and craft, and produced something tangible. The anime is mapped perfectly to the Night City that CD Projekt brought to life, down to the most random of locations and roads. The soundtrack is entirely lifted from the video game. It's all there, it's nothing short of astounding.
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Moving on from my intense hang up on the existence and overall execution of Edgerunners, I want to talk story. Edgerunners was the perfect story for Cyberpunk, for chasing infamy in the City of Dreams. The whole idea is the burden of dreams on David. How it affects him, how he only lives for those around him, how he himself doesn't have a dream outside of making the dreams of others come true. Standing atop Arasaka Tower, becoming a Night City legend, going to the moon. Sure, David comes off incredibly selfish, but that's because he has nothing else. He has no aspiration, he was and always will be an aimless kid that fell into the wrong spot. A victim, a casualty of Night City, along all the other Edgerunners.
The anime makes sure we understand that, that nothing that David does is for his own dream. He is burdened by his mother, by his adoptive father and mentor, by his girlfriend and savior. He carries the weight of their sins, of their lives, of everything they ever dreamed of. His mother's jacket and the Sandevistan, Maine's Gorilla Arms, Lucy's very life. It's very emotional, the kid that was never special was forced into defying Night City to make dreams come true. To carry the will of those that let him live on so that they can be vilified in the Afterlife, and so that David could live on forever in the Afterlife (a bar in Edgerunners for Night City, David has a drink named after him).
Love and camaraderie and companionship meld into one as David finds his niche in Night City to fight for. He stumbles, he makes mistakes and causes problems, he struggles and rallies against himself and the nature of his existence for the right to be, for the right to dream. And it ends up putting him 6 feet under in a pile of cybernetics among his friends who fought alongside him to do the same.
Edgerunners is a beautiful testament to Night City and the nature of Cyberpunk. Death, shortcomings, failure and tragedy, a constant sense of being wronged by life itself. But beside it in equal force is passion, resistance, hope, a sharp edge that is destined to be wielded against oppressor and abuser. It's the duality of existence, that no matter how much someone has been squashed underfoot, no matter how much suffering they're forced to endure because of their existence, they can dream. They can dream, they can fight against the fabric of reality for the right to exist, for the right to be remembered as something, someone. As a lover, as a hero, a friend, an Edgerunner. A legend.
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hishima · 1 year
its funny because people love to say that about games they hate/dont care about (i saw it a lot when cyberpunk 2077 came out and was awful) but when its a game people DO like all that goes out the window and they want it NOW
EXACTLY i really think that with the games industry in the state that it is now (crunch, horrible working conditions, unfinished games being released to make a deadline etc)(this is more specifically about AAA games but whatever) it should be considered a GOOD thing if a game is delayed. yes even a much anticipated indie game. to me that shows that the devs are taking their time to make sure the game is good and maybe, hopefully, enjoying the creative process
wrt to hollow knight/silksong specifically, i think that because hollow knight did so well, it's easy to forget that it was literally made by 3 people. and afaik it's also those same 3 people working on silksong. of course it's going to take longer. i also think that because hollow knight was successful, team cherry now has the opportunity and support to do a more ambitious project (we've already seen that silksong is going to be MUCH more complex than hollow knight in the combat system alone). something like this will take time. and if it needs to take additional time to be as good as it can be, personally i'm more than happy to wait
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harshamajorproject · 2 months
"Building a Successful Gaming Brand: Lessons from Top Studios"
In the competitive world of gaming, establishing a strong brand identity is crucial for success. This post explores how studios like CD Projekt Red, Naughty Dog, and Nintendo have built and maintained powerful brands, securing their positions at the forefront of the gaming industry.
CD Projekt Red: Transparency and Community Engagement
CD Projekt Red, renowned for "The Witcher" series and "Cyberpunk 2077," has built a brand around transparency and community engagement. The studio is known for its open communication with players, sharing development progress and addressing challenges publicly. This approach was evident during the "Cyberpunk 2077" launch, where CD Projekt Red issued apologies and updates to rebuild trust after a rocky release (Blaszczak, 2020). The studio also actively involves its community through forums and social media, fostering a loyal fan base by listening to feedback and valuing player input (Sosnowski, 2021).
Naughty Dog: Storytelling and Quality
Naughty Dog, creators of "The Last of Us" and "Uncharted," is celebrated for its storytelling excellence and commitment to quality. The studio invests heavily in crafting immersive narratives and complex characters, making its games emotionally resonant (Smith, 2019). This storytelling prowess has become a hallmark of the Naughty Dog brand, attracting players who seek deep, engaging experiences. Additionally, the studio's commitment to quality is evident in its willingness to delay releases to ensure a polished final product, reinforcing its reputation for excellence (Johnson, 2020).
Nintendo: Innovation and Nostalgia
Nintendo's brand strategy combines innovation with nostalgia, appealing to both new players and long-time fans. The company consistently pushes gaming boundaries with innovative hardware like the Wii and the Switch, positioning itself as a leader in gaming technology (Kohler, 2020). Simultaneously, Nintendo taps into nostalgia by reimagining classic franchises such as "Mario" and "Zelda," maintaining multi-generational appeal (Hernandez, 2018).
The branding strategies of CD Projekt Red, Naughty Dog, and Nintendo highlight the importance of transparency, storytelling, innovation, and nostalgia in building a successful gaming brand. By learning from these industry leaders, emerging developers can craft their own strategies to foster loyalty and recognition, ensuring their place in the ever-evolving gaming landscape.
Blaszczak, M. (2020). The Role of Transparency in Building Brand Trust: A Case Study of CD Projekt Red. Journal of Interactive Media Studies, 12(3), 45-60.
Hernandez, P. (2018). Nintendo’s Nostalgia Strategy: Revisiting Classic Franchises for Modern Success. Gaming History Review, 8(1), 34-42.
Johnson, L. (2020). Quality Over Speed: How Naughty Dog Maintains Its Brand Reputation. Game Development Insights, 15(4), 52-67.
Kohler, C. (2020). The Innovation Imperative: Nintendo’s Path to Success. Technology and Gaming Quarterly, 22(2), 71-83.
Smith, R. (2019). Narrative and Emotion in Gaming: Naughty Dog's Storytelling Mastery. Journal of Digital Narratives, 9(2), 89-103.
Sosnowski, T. (2021). Engaging the Gamer: Community Involvement in Game Development. Interactive Entertainment Studies, 14(1), 23-39.
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govindhtech · 2 months
AMD Fluid Motion Frames 2(AFMF 2) Tech Preview Available
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The Technical Preview for  AMD Fluid Motion Frames(AFMF) 2 is Now Available.
AMD Fluid Motion Frames (AFMF), their cutting-edge frame generation technology, improves frame rates and gameplay fluidity. The one click performance enhancing solution AMD HYPR-RX 2 offers amazing gaming experiences on AMD Radeon  graphics cards and is easily integrated into AMD Software.
AMD HYPR RX 6000 Series
Gamers adore using AMD HYPR-RX with AFMF, as demonstrated in the video below. AFMF is compatible with thousands of games and runs on AMD Radeon RX 6000 and 7000 series graphics cards as well as some AMD Ryzen Processors with Radeon Graphics. When they asked gamers to rate the image quality and fluidity, they gave AFMF an average score of 9.3/10.
They at  AMD are always striving to enhance their software innovations, and we are thrilled to announce that they have created AMD Fluid Motion Frames, a major improvement over their first iteration of this incredible technology.
For a better frame generation experience, AFMF 2 offers additional adjustable parameters and optimisations, including AI-optimised additions for greater quality, lower latency, and better speed. Additionally, they now support borderless full screen, Vulkan and OpenGL games, and cooperative gaming with AMD Radeon Chill.
Overall, AFMF 2 is a significant advance over AFMF 1, and They are excited to release it as a technical preview so that players may provide feedback and help us make it even better.
AI-Selected Improvements
 AMD Fluid Motion Frames 2 adds two modes with ideal parameters enabled by default but customisation by advanced users. They know many of you have requested more control over how AFMF works with your games.
The first is “Search Mode,” which modifies the way “fallback” functions in AFMF 2 to adjust the smoothness of frame production. In order to achieve the highest interpolated image quality in high-motion sequences, fallback refers to the temporary disabling of AFMF frame generation, which occasionally results in jitters that affects how smoothly the game runs.
Enhancements in Performance
Reduced Latency Frame Production
With this most recent version of AFMF, they’ve also achieved some noteworthy progress in lowering the delay introduced by frame generation. When utilising AFMF 2, these enhancements are applicable regardless of the hardware, resolution, or settings mode selected. This improves more than just the appearance of the  AMD HYPR-RX with AFMF 2 experience; it also makes it feel smoother.
Examine the reductions in latency in Cyberpunk 2077. Using the “Ray Tracing: Ultra” graphics preset at 4K, AFMF 2 in conjunction with their in-driver AMD Radeon Anti-Lag technology yields an average 28 percent reduction in latency when compared to AFMF 1.
Even with integrated graphics, you can play competitive eSports games at high frame rates and low latency by combining AFMF 2 with their recently developed AMD Radeon Anti-Lag 2 in-game technology. Using the “Very High” graphics enabled in Counter-Strike 2, AFMF 2 + Anti-Lag 2 improves latency over AFMF by an average of 12% on their AMD Ryzen 7 8700G Desktop Processor with Radeon 780M Graphics while maintaining a frame rate of over 120 FPS at 1080p.
Additional Modifications & Enhancements
AFMF 2 now enables borderless fullscreen when using visual cards from the  AMD Radeon RX 7000 and Radeon 700M series, in addition to exclusive fullscreen modes. The already enormous list of games that can be utilised with AFMF has been further expanded with the addition of support for Vulkan and OpenGL games in AFMF 2.
Furthermore, they’ve activated AMD Radeon Chill compatibility, which enables you to set a driver-controlled frame rate cap. The native FPS cap of your AMD FreeSync display will be automatically set to half of its maximum refresh rate when you enable Radeon Chill after turning on AFMF 2. Then, Radeon Chill will stop the FPS from exceeding the maximum refresh rate (which can result in screen tearing and lower image quality) after AFMF 2 frame generation is implemented.
In games where your graphics settings are projected to generate frame rates that will surpass your monitor’s maximum refresh rate, they recommend using AFMF 2 with Radeon Chill. In situations where your expected maximum FPS will never reach your monitor’s maximum refresh rate, they recommend using  AMD Fluid Motion Frames 2 with Radeon Anti-lag.
AMD Radeon RDNA 2
Product Support for AFMF 2
AMD RDNA 2 architecture-based graphics systems and later can support AFMF 2. The table below shows you the default “Auto” settings for each of the new AFMF 2 adjustable modes.Supported Graphics HardwareResolutionAFMF 2 Search Mode “Auto” defaultAFMF 2 Performance Mode “Auto” defaultAMD Radeon RX 6000 and 7000 series  graphics cards (desktop and mobile)1440p and 4KHighQuality1080pStandardQualityAMD Ryzen 7000 Series  Processors with Radeon graphics, and higher (desktop and mobile)1440p and 4KHighPerformance1080pStandardPerformanceImage Credit To  AMD
Download the AFMF 2 Technical Preview, Get Advice, and What’s Next
Get the AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition Preview Driver for AFMF 2 by clicking this link; the release notes contain more technical information.
Before installing, They advise you to uninstall the AMD Software driver that is currently installed and do a driver cleanup.
There might be problems and glitches since this preview driver offers an early look at AFMF 2, which can be reported using the AMD Bug Report Tool.
It is anticipated that the AFMF 2 technical preview driver will be upgraded with new features and bug fixes in the near future. In Q4 of this year, they want to release AFMF 2 in their standard production software.
To learn the most recent information on all of their incredible AMD technologies, including  AMD Fluid Motion Frames 2, keep an eye on their AMD Community channels and AMD social media sites (X, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok).
Read more on govindhtech.com
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thebonfiresblog · 1 year
Is it nova choom?
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"Is it nova choom" also translates to "is it awesome mate?" As the name suggests Cyberpunk 2077 has a unique and jazzy lingo within the game making it CD Projeckt Red's most promising release. However the game was announced in 2013 as a revolutionary and groundbreaking open-world adventure. People were kept waiting in anticipation as the PR teams let loose tidbits of information here and there. After being released almost 7 years later on 16th of April 2020, gamers around the world couldn't wait to get their hands on a copy of the game. Well who wouldn't have thought about it, the hype around the release was sensational. They even have a character known as Johnny Silverhand who was voiced and modeled after the revered actor Keanu Reeves. The game in itself was very well thought out with players heralding the success of the game, then came the bugs.
Players felt hopeless as their games would be ridden with bugs and glitches, often more than not game breaking. Forcing the majority of players to wipe their progress completely in order to have a shot to get further than they last did. The public response was initially dismay which ramped up to unbridled rage and public outcries. The reviews on apps like Steam and Epic Games were colorful to say the least, and chock full of criticism and insults. The public was especially enraged at CD Projekt Red after the developers owned up and accepted that the game was not ready to be released to the public. Gamers were disgusted at the studio as they understood it to be some form of a money grab in order to turn out profits and then abandon the game.
The development of such an ambitious title would understandably take time, it was of no help when people started sending the developers death threats after delays from the release date of Cyberpunk 2077 which went up to 7 years and even then delivered an unfinished and literally unplayable title. Even Sony pulled the game from its stores and shelves and gave people who bought it a full refund. The studio had no other option but pull the games as well from other distributors and put it back into development. After another two years in 2022 they patched and put the game back into rotation. This release fixed the majority of the issues that were caused by the first release and also brought in more features than the previous one. This thoughtful albeit expensive decision taken by CD Projeckt Red was well received by the public and the studio which was quite reputed due to the back to back successes of The Witcher series somewhat gained its reputation back. But then again what if it was all a ploy by the studio? To get the people dissappointed at first and them win them over? Guess we'll never know.
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lostlevelsclub · 1 year
Not E3 2023
Mike and Ting talk about the games announced this summer.
Contact us: @lostlevelsclub or [email protected]
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Warhammer 40k Darktide Will Get No New PC Content Until RPG Gets Fixed
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After a very, very difficult debut, Warhammer 40k Darktide has definitely been overshadowed by some of the best PC games of 2022, and Fatshark is well aware of this. The developers won't be releasing any new content for Warhammer 40k on PC until its fundamental systems have been addressed in an effort to save the once-anticipated title. As we discussed in our Warhammer 40k Darktide review, Fatshark’s grimdark adventure was plagued by performance issues, random crashes, grindy systems, and troubles with in-game balance. Well aware of this – especially given the beta feedback – Fatshark dropped Darktide anyway, and admits that this probably wasn’t the right call. “We take enormous pride in our ability at Fatshark to deliver a game that millions can enjoy,” writes CEO and co-founder Martin Wahlund. “This was what we set out to do with Warhammer 40,000: Darktide – to create a highly engaging and stable game with a level of depth that keeps you playing for weeks, not hours. We fell short of meeting those expectations.” As a result, the devs have chosen to hold back on releasing any seasonal content and premium, purchasable cosmetics on the PC version of the game. “Over the next few months, our sole focus is to address the feedback that many of you have. In particular, we will focus on delivering a complete crafting system, a more rewarding progression loop, and continue to work on game stability and performance optimization. “This also means that we will delay our seasonal content rollout and the Xbox Series X|S launch. We will also suspend the upcoming releases of premium cosmetics. We just couldn’t continue down this path, knowing that we have not addressed many feedback areas in the game today.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_o5oOJs_v0 While this is unfortunate – especially if you were hoping to pick up Darktide on Xbox – in my opinion it’s the right decision. I tried the Darktide beta, and it was a mess. My partner, a longtime Warhammer 40k fan, has barely touched the game despite his excitement because it’s just broken. Hopefully Darktide will do a Cyberpunk 2077 and re-release in style, but until then halting content (especially premium content) is the right thing to do. I applaud Fatshark’s decision – it likely wasn’t an easy one. If you’re still set on ploughing through Nurgle’s hordes, be sure to check out our list of the best Darktide weapons to help you on your journey. If the game isn’t performing for you, though, we also have a list of the best Warhammer games for your perusal – it’s a big universe out there, after all. Read the full article
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artnestdecomo · 2 years
So like, Hogwarts Legacy is going to be the Cyberpunk 2077 of this year right? Development hell, Warner is a shit company in general, the game has been turbo shy about showing much of anything despite releasing next month. Multiple turbo delays and it still looks kinda ugly and unpolished.  After we got live service Suicide Squad game, Gotham Knight being peak mediocrity, Multiversus being released in turbo broken “open beta” state with 20 USD alt costumes and microtransactioned to all hell, and MK11 getting abandoned abruptly. I don’t being a “apolitical” gammer is gonna protect anyone from Warner being utter garbage.
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thunderrabby-blog · 2 years
CD Projekt to settle Cyberpunk 2077 investor lawsuit for $1.85 million
CD Projekt to settle Cyberpunk 2077 investor lawsuit for $1.85 million
CD Projekt will pay $1.85 million to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging that it misled investors over the quality of Cyberpunk 2077. The suit was filed in December 2020 by Rosen Law Firm, which was seeking damages for CD Projekt investors under federal securities laws. After three delays, the highly anticipated RPG was released for PC and consoles with a host of technical problems, resulting…
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stepphase · 2 years
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Video games: "Cyberpunk 2077" returns to PlayStation Store, most bugs have been fixed
SONY The studio "continues to improve stability across all platforms," ​​Sony said.
“Cyberpunk 2077” will return to Sony's PlayStation Store next Monday. The video game was pulled from the online store last December, due to a cascade of flaws shortly after its high-profile launch.
Official: Cyberpunk 2077 will return to PlayStation Store on June 21, 2021.
Health fixes and warnings
"Users will continue to experience performance issues on PS4,  " SIE warned, recommending playing the game on PS4 Pro or PS5 for a "better experience." “CD Projekt Red continues to improve stability across all platforms. "
Ten days after its release in December 2020, “Cyberpunk 2077” had been removed from the PlayStation Store by Sony while the studio made fixes. A journalist also complained of having had an epileptic seizure from the video game, forcing developers to add health warnings.
"A big lesson" for the studio
The release of the game, technically very ambitious and with a very big budget, had been delayed several times before arriving exactly in time for the holiday season. The Xbox One version was also sloppy, but Microsoft and other platforms continued to offer the game.
"It was a great lesson for us, one that we will never forget," said the President and Co-CEO of CD Projekt last April. “We remain ambitious and we are doing everything we can to raise Cyberpunk to a level that will delight everyone, whatever the platform. "
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0 notes
docexe-mx · 2 years
You know, people often say that Nintendo should finally get on with the times and act more like other big publishers, but releasing a broken, buggy unfinished mess that was supposed to be their big holidays game and one of the most hyped releases of the year surely wasn't what anyone had in mind.
As things stand, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet really looks like it's going to be the Fallout 76, Cyberpunk 2077 or GTA The Trilogy of this year.
I know that the marketing and merchandising machine of the franchise is giant and unstoppable, but there was no real good reason for Game Freak to release the game in such state, especially considering they had already released Legends Arceus earlier this year. They could and should have delayed both games to polish them further, at least for a few months.
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elementalturnip · 2 years
Everyone complaining about the new Pokémon game's performance issues and saying "iT sHoUlDn'T bE iN a BiLlIoN dOlLaR fRaNcHiSe" has no clue why they're like that.
For the record: I am not defending anything I'm about to describe. I am simply explaining why it is like that.
1. Pokémon, or at least the core game series, is (in)famously developed primarily by GameFreak, a *very* small studio by AAA standards. If I had to guess, they're probably bound by contract to develop these games.
2. The actual rights to Pokémon are owned by The Pokémon Company, which is a joint venture between Nintendo, GameFreak, and Creatures Inc.
3. In order to appease shareholders, the Pokémon brand is pretty much forced to come out with new versions every few years or so. This requires new games, sure. But it also requires collaboration between a shit ton of other companies who are in charge of merchandising, the anime, the TCG, the games, etc.
4. All of the different new generation Pokémon products are usually released in a short time span for maximum marketability. That means if one aspect has to be delayed, the rest of it does. Shareholders don't like to wait for their money to start rolling in though, so you can't delay too much.
5. As we've seen with plenty of games recently, most notably No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk 2077, rushing game development for any reason usually leads to a worse product.
6. Games are printed a while before they actually release. This is because the cartridges need to be manufactured and then shipped around the world. This allows dev teams to work on day one patches but the game that actually ships may technically be unfinished. Also it can be a little demoralizing for dev teams to be done with a project only to have to work on it more.
7. Game development is really hard. Like, honestly, it's a miracle most games exist in the state that they do. Any change to fix one problem could cause several other problems elsewhere.
In short, you can complain all you want about how poorly the games run but at least be a little understanding. It's not necessarily the devs' fault.
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