metal-dortmund · 2 years
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Videodreh erneut verschoben - neue Vampirzähne in Arbeit!
Es tut mir fast leid, die Fans wieder zu vertrösten, jedoch wird die Reparatur meiner Fangzähne aufwendiger als gedacht und dementsprechend länger dauern. Am 29.10.2022 werden BlackRoy dann endgültig die Dreharbeiten zum Corona-Comeback durchführen und dann zeitnah ein filmisches Schmankerl auftischen! Wir alle sind schon auf die sexy Outfits der Models Satyra66 und Munja gespannt. Bis dahin mache ich mit meinem durch den Unfall stehen gelassenen Bart mal auf Bud Spencer. Zudem wird das Vorhaben der Stadt vorgetragen, die uns hoffentlich finanziell unter die Arme greift.
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A little article of the new film Dengler with Ronald Zehrfeld, Tom Wlaschiha and  Jürgen Prochnow
Google translation:
Private investigator Georg Dengler is to clarify who shot Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos. The two alleged legal terrorists died as a result, when the police discovered their mobile home after a Sparkassenraub in Eisenach.
The vehicle is on fire. Later their bodies are found with severe head injuries inside.
Dengler, who is actually holding up with observation jobs, gets 15,000 euros for his research. The successful author Wolfgang Schorlau published his novel "Die schützende Hand" in 2015. At the end of the previous year, the ZDF produced a film about the political thriller.
One of the protagonists is the Thuringian LKA man Marius Brauer. He is supposed to help Dengler to answer the question about the death of Mundlos and Böhnhardt. Schorlau served as a model for this novelist of the Thuringian investigators Mario Melzer.
Many open questions to Eisenach
At the end of November, the Arnold-Freymuth-Gesellschaft in Hamm (Westphalia) honored his "intrepid and tenacious engagement as an enlightener". According to Franz Josef Düwell, his official speech on 27th November, the official was "the opposite of those who had called on memory gaps and memory problems before the Berlin and Thuringia committees of inquiry".
The Arnold-Freymuth-Gesellschaft was founded in 1992 after the fire attacks in Mölln, Solingen and Hoyerswerda as a not-for-profit association. "Xenophobic crimes encouraged insight as to how much vision is moral failure and what destructive consequences it provokes," it says on its website.
Mario Melzer had portrayed openly and in detail the difficulties and obstacles encountered in his work as a target man on the trail of the right-wing criminals. Franz Josef Düwell, however, also made it clear that the official's "readiness" of the official "made him finally the nest-miser". Others, who were not able to remember, had made carriages, criticized President Düwell in Hamm.
But now Mario Melzer was given a special honor. Tom Wlaschiha plays his part in the ZDF crime "Dengler - the protective hand". The younger generation knows Wlaschiha from the Game of Thrones saga. Since the fifth season he embodies the "man without face".
The film as well as the book of Schorlau deal with the happenings around the Eisenach NSU-Wohnmobil and the investigation after discovering the supposed terror cell national-socialist underground (NSU).
What happened before Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt died in 2011? For almost two years now, a Thuringian NSU investigation committee has tried again to elucidate these processes. The processes of this November 4, 2011, still pose numerous puzzles and thus almost inevitably lead to speculation.
Why had the two alleged legal terrorists, Mundlos and Böhnhardt, stored in their vehicle numerous weapons, including the service guns of the two police officers who were attacked in Heilbronn in 2007? The Michèle Kiesewetter from the Thuringian Oberweißbach did not survive the attack.
Why, in the mobile home, were there also bundles of money from a previous robbery? Mundlos and Böhnhardt had robbed a savings bank in the morning of the 4th of November in Eisenach and captured a good 70,000 euros. Why were even DVD with the NSU-Bekennervideo on board the vehicle? So what had the two men before? And were they really just two?
Why did Mundlos and Böhnhardt, who had murdered ten men cold-bloodedly, do not fight with arms on this 4th of November, when a police march approached their vehicle at noon? The subsequent investigations by the police are still controversial.
Best-selling author Schorlau questions these questions in his thriller. He leaves the reader with the uneasy feeling that there are abysses in the tension of German news services, police investigations, legal procedures and right-wing extremism. A current issue also in the light of the ongoing debates on internal security, investigations by the security authorities and possible legal tightening after the assassination attempt on the Berlin Christmas market.
For Schorlau Mundlos and Böhnhardt were shot. The real NSU investigators, on the other hand, assume an extended suicide. Mouthless, Böhnhardt was first to be shot, then fired in the vehicle and finally killed himself. This is also the case in the accusation of the prosecutor in the Munich NSU trial against the third NSU terror suspect Beate Zschäpe and four other defendants.
Dengler starts to determine. One who helps him is the Thuringian LKA man. The form of the political thriller leaves him the artistic freedom to play with the theme, to reveal many of the contradictions. The fact that not everything shown in the film has been so true in reality also shows its end. But this is not to be anticipated.
The Schorlau novel is an exciting subject for the third film in the Dengler series of ZDF. A star-ensemble had also gathered on the shooting on the set, because also Jürgen Prochnow and Ronald Zehrfeld as well as Birgit Minichmayr and Götz Schubert play with.
When the film is broadcast, according to ZDF is not yet determined. Exciting entertainment is definitely offered. In addition to several theatrical performances in Germany, more than a dozen books on the subject of NSU and countless contributions to newspapers and magazines, the political thriller offers a further opportunity to deal artistically with the subject of right-wing extremism, the rule of law, news services and police investigations. There are always new perspectives.
Original german article from Here
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dave-ivanov · 2 years
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Videodreh bei BlackRoy verschoben auf Oktober!
Wir wollten ja bereits im September drehen, aber nach fünfwöchiger Reha folgte direkt ein Verkehrsunfall mit Brüchen und Nähten. Das muss ich jetzt erstmal ein wenig ausheilen, jedoch kann es schon bald mit den Proben losgehen (auch bei Nine 8 One, die ebenfalls in der Fertigung des neuen Albums stecken). Fürs Catering konnten wir den Traditionsbäcker aus meinem Unionsviertel in Dortmund, Bäckerei Düwell, gewinnen. Das wird ein richtig krasser kleiner Film und wir sind so gespannt wie ihr.
Auf dem Bild seht ihr mich mit meinem Kumpel Ben Granfelt (Ex-Leningrad Cowboys, Wishbone Ash), wie er meinen operierten Arm bepinselt. Rechts neben mir Ausnahmebassist Martin Engerlien, der schon federführend bei dem Hit "1000 und 1 Nacht" von der Klaus Lage Band war und mit ihm und weiteren großartigen Musikern ein Projekt und eine Tour macht.
Presseanfragen und Reports zu dem Videodreh von BlackRoy (07.-09.10.2022) sind erwünscht!
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