psicat101 · 27 days
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the 40-50 feral cats in your timespace bubble:
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The ultimate elemental manifestation, projected from a dying star at the end of the universe.
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bot · 2 years
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Valiant D'arktanyan from Battle Cats commission for @FrogOhno !!
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heart-forecast · 11 months
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Valiant D'arktanyan
╰┈➤ ⚔ | ⚔ | ⚔ - ⚔ | ⚔ | ⚔ - ⚔ | ⚔ | ⚔
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greaterbalrogcat · 10 months
You have to pick one lineup and are not allowed to use anything else anymore. Ever. What do you put in?
building off 7's perfect lineup v4.2 (https://youtu.be/wK2brpFBZ3k) for this one, all units are assumed to be boosted and talented to maximum
eraser, manic eraser, jiangshi, cameraman, balrog, yukimura, nanaho, dasli, phono, dphono
mitama was replaced by dphono in 7's perfect lineup v5.0 (which is not officially in use as of right now because v4.2 has yet to lose) due to dphono covering her role better, which is a change i agree with. however, my goal here is a lineup which can feasibly do everything with minimal struggle regardless of size, whereas 7 wanted to minimize 5.0 to just five units (and may have succeeded, see https://youtu.be/sd0URpeF7yo), which means valuable units such as yukimura and dasli can stay in the lineup. eraser, nanaho, and phono have been added for versatility and consistency. eraser is added for obvious reasons, as without it meatshielding is much less tight. nanaho makes metal stages MUCH more consistent, as without her you would have to rely on cameraman's 2% crit chance and your CC units, has a chance for barrier break, allowing you to replace breakerblast on occasion in mixed stages where you need to break a threatening barrier, and its zkill and solid generalist stats make it half decent for anti-zombie and generalist usage. if you don't know how busted phono is, just look at his stats. arguably third best uber in the game.
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only thing preventing this from truly happening is lack of boost 🙏
units that could've made the cut: -chronos was originally going to be added over eraser. however, i decided that meatshielding is more important than her ability to stall and potentially get one of your melee units an extra hit off, and she was replaced -boulder is probably the closest to getting added, with chronos at a close second. its stall potential cannot be understated. as of right now, i think eraser does better, but that will likely change -kasa jizo was in consideration, as he was in all perfect lineups up to and including v3.2 iirc, but he's just not that good in later game and camera can fill his role of spammable aoe dps -mitama was replaced because dphono is more valuable than her due to having better dps, bigger aoe, more standing range, more pierce, costing less, and better immunities, and both cannot be used due to how a slow effect will override a previous slow effect, even if the new slow effect would last less long than the previous (fun fact: mitama is the only unit i was considering for the lineup that i do not have. would've probably replaced it in the screenshot with a different fest and said "pretend garu is mitama" or smthn) -d'arktanyan is extremely powerful but its dps is simply outclassed by the ubers we already have and its specialist role is largely irrelevant as the lineup needs to be capable of beating the entire game -ramen could've feasibly replaced eraser in this loadout; however, without access to research combos and already having jiangshi and camera, i prefer eraser. same goes for chibigau -can can is just super rare balrog. double money is nice and all but largely unnecessary, btrain is that but faster and weaker -slime is good, don't get me wrong, but what would i replace for it? the need for piercing damage is fulfilled by dasli, phono, and dphono, and the other units in the loadout are simply more necessary -courier would help with behemoths, which this lineup's reliance on units such as dasli and dphono, both with surge, could struggle with. nonetheless, there's nothing in the lineup less valuable than courier, so it doesn't get in
put your lineup/changes in the tags, no requirement for you to have all the units, i just have too much time in this game so i have the entire lineup
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kasai-tora · 4 years
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Valiant D'arktanyan from Battle Cats
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