letstalkhockey · 8 months
What are your genuine thoughts on Dixie? She’s done a lot of things that just rubs me the wrong way and I want to ask why people like her without sounding jealous (cause I’m not). I just feel like Trevor can do better and he’s such a good guy and she has said she “wants to marry rich so she can stop working” and her and Charli dressed up as Walmart workers for Halloween and made it seem like having a real job isn’t stressful while there’s people like me that have to get up everyday to a job we don’t like but we can’t quit because that’s our only income.
Sorry for the rant I just need to get it off my chest.
It’s totally okay! 🩵
For me personally, I don’t like to have an opinion on people that I don’t personally know. For this, I wouldn’t exactly say I have much of an opinion. But, I totally see where your coming from. I used to watch Dixie and Charli’s videos, especially when they were first blowing up on TikTok. They’re both insanely pretty, but sometimes there actions aren’t.
I have hope that her and Trevor isn’t for the fact she’s said that, because we haven’t seen much of them two unless it’s content posted by friends, so if it’s being kept private I can only assume it’s somewhat serious. But I wish the absolute best for the two and I hope they treat eachother the way they do deserve to be treated!🩵
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