thotsforvillainrights · 11 months
damn youre really breezing through requests!! hope youre doing well 💕
can i request Redestro with a daughter (or gn child, i dont mind!) who goes to UA as part of the support course because they want to not only live up to lead the MLA, but to lead Detrenat as well?
(Doing great I think for the most part, thank you!!!! I also hope your going good too! Gonna try to write a tiny bit this evening, let's hope I get charged up and make it far lol)
~Going off to School~
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Apprehensive green eyes scanned the packed bags by the open closet over and over again. His heart was in between a sort of bittersweet pain and worry mixed with pride at the events unfolding in front of him. Time flies is the truest statement especially now. And he couldn't help but to see his now teenager still as a small child even in pivotal moments as such. That same face now smaller, all the diaper changes and zoo/aquarium visits zipping through his mind. Each and every small school award, first steps, first word, small dimpled hands holding his much larger ones on walks now long gone...where did the time go?
"Dad, are you crying again? It's been 10 minutes since the last one." His kid chuckled at him. He smiles and quickly wipes the tears away that seem to keep pooling back up instantly. "Apologies, it's just that I'm...feeling quite a bit in this moment." He laughs sheepishly. His daughter/son/kid smiles softly and moves to give him a quick hug before zipping up the last bag. "Dad, I know you're probably really worried but I promise UA is a safe school and with my meta-ability, I know how to take care of myself haha!"
"Yes, but the dorms have me a bit worried. Are you sure you don't need me to just move there? Deika isn't too horribly far away for me to travel, for work. Besides, I can get a lot done remotely and-" His child laughed and shook their head. "Nah, this sounds a little bit more like bargaining haha. I'm not a kid anymore, and besides, I know even if I DO end up needing help that it won't be too far away. Especially not with uncle Tomoyasu's satellites trained on me." They wink before picking up some bags and beginning to lug them out to the car. Rikiya follows suit and grabs the remaining collection as he follows closely behind them. He watches with a twinge of sadness tugging at his heart as his kid finishes loading up and gets into the driver seat of the car. They smile sweetly and buckle the seatbelt. "Dad, I love you and I swear I'll call as soon as I finish settling in, okay?"
"I should hope so, or I will be up there within the hour if not."
(he wasn't joking, despite the smile)
The two bid their goodbye and as he watches his child pull out of the garage and head down the road, Rikiya can't help those familiar tears welling up in his eyes again for the millionth time today. Later that night he doesn't settle down for bed until he gets a call letting him know his child is okay. Even so, he still tossed and turned just a little bit beforehand. It'll take some time to adjust, but he's sure to get down to it eventually.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 10 months
that dfohiko verse AU with toshinori and rikiya as test tube twins
WC: ~1000. Fun detail that I didn't actually incorporate in the snippet but I feel compelled to tell you anyway: All for One named Rikiya ("power" + "to be"; riki + ya), and Sorahiko named Toshinori ("genius" + "law"; toshi + nori). This absolutely positively does not give the twins issues about which parent loves them more (big lie).
(age seven)
“Who’s older?” Rikiya demanded, because he was canny enough to know that there was something to be held over his brother’s head if he could secure the status. 
“What does that matter?” their dad asked, levelly.
Toshinori had other concerns. Dinner, mostly, because their dad had cooked. He usually did when their father was out on business. “I told you they don’t know,” he told Rikiya, digging into his omurice with barely restrained glee. “We got dropped off by a big white bird, so they can’t tell.”
“That’s not what happened,” Rikiya said. “Garaki-hakase said--”
Their dad’s head tilted. “Said what?”
It was not like the doctor had told Rikiya to keep what he had said secret. And, anyway, Rikiya was pretty confident that everyone had to follow what his dad told them to. If not his dad, then definitely his father.
“He said that you and otou-sama ‘knew us from the beginning,’ and that he ‘was there to scream our lungs out for the first time,’” he recited. “But even Garaki-hakase wouldn’t tell me who was older! All he said was that you’d know.”
Their dad made a noise in the back of his throat, like a scoff. 
“I guess I could call you Riki-nii,” said Toshinori dubiously. “But Toshi-nii sounds just as good!”
Rikiya looked first at Toshinori’s guileless face, then at the spoon clutched tight in his hand. Before he could throw the spoon, their dad reached over and curled his fingers over Rikiya’s fist. Firm enough to prevent further movement, but not enough to hurt. It was warm.
“What does it matter?” their dad asked again.
“I wanna be older than Toshinori.”
He frowned down into his bowl. Saying what he really wanted out loud would alert Toshinori to what he was missing, and the last thing Rikiya could win at was a competition with his brother to get what he wanted. Toshinori always got what he asked for; Rikiya needed to take it.
“Because I want a younger brother,” he said.
“Can we have a younger brother?!” Toshinori interjected, and at his words, their dad twitched back. Rikiya’s hand felt cold without the restraint.
Stated so plainly, flatly, forcefully--it was clear that their dad wasn’t even up to entertaining the idea of a third child, which Rikiya was fine with. But Toshinori didn’t get the message, because he only made an idle humming noise and then said, like it was a cunning loophole, “What about a younger sister?”
“No,” their dad repeated. “The two of you are enough. For us and for yourselves. You don’t need another sibling.”
“Okay,” said Rikiya, “but otou-sama talks about his younger brother all the time.”
“That’s his own deal.”
“Do we have to fight for it? Like, whoever wins is the older one?” It was surprising to hear the question not come out of his mouth, but his brother’s. That was a concern. Toshinori was getting the gist of what was going unspoken. Well, Rikiya thought blackly, it was only a matter of time.
“If I catch either of you starting a fight about who’s older,” their dad intoned, “I’ll end it. The two of you are twins. You’re equals.”
There wasn’t really anything to say back to that. Rikiya sulked into his dinner, and so did Toshinori, but it was definitely for different reasons.
(age eleven)
Toshinori knew Rikiya was glaring at the wall, picturing Toshinori’s neck, and he refused to quail. He got dared, so of course he would follow through. It was just… It was just a little daunting, to have the question put to him, to put to their dad, who wasn’t exactly the greatest at emoting soft feelings.
Still. Toshinori got dared, and so he would dare.
“Tou-san,” he says carefully. He is sprawled on his belly in bed, covers drawn up to his shoulders, sleeping cap wrestled over the ruffled mess of his hair. Half of Toshinori’s face is squished into his pillow, but even half is good enough to peer anxiously up to their dad’s face.
“You wanted the both of us, right?”
A strange expression crosses the usually grim countenance. Neither Toshinori nor Rikiya got the eyes of their parents. Toshinori sometimes wishes he looked a little more like Rikiya, who had the curve of their dad’s nose. Their father liked to tease Rikiya by tracing its bend and delighting in its prominent trait, and Rikiya pretended to hate the attention, but Rikiya once told Toshinori that it was definitely preferable to, you know, not having any defined features of their parents.
Probably the worst thing Rikiya’s ever called Toshinori was ‘donor-child’, but considering Toshinori came out of that fight on top, teeth bared and knuckles bruised, Toshinori’s inclined to leave the incident behind them. His father had been weirdly pleased, hauling him off his brother.
“You’re my child,” his father had said, before picking up Rikiya too. “And you are too, Riki. The things we pass on aren’t purely about appearances or meta abilities.”
Backlit by the hallway light, dressed down in casual clothes--their dad wasn’t a househusband the way their father teased him, but Toshinori noticed him wearing the trappings of normalcy for once, and some part of him had thought vulnerability. 
“... Yeah,” their dad says, gruffly. “The both of you.”
Toshinori quails first. He lets his eyes slide away, burning in shame, and clears his throat to say a quiet goodnight. Their dad inclines his head, the dusty gray of his hair catching yellow glares, and then he leaves, closing the door shut behind him. They wait in the dark for a long, long minute.
And, quietly, Rikiya says, “He hesitated.”
“He still said it,” says Toshinori, staring at that closed door. Something had gone through their dad’s face, and Rikiya had definitely had his back to them, so it’s up to Toshinori to decipher it. He doesn’t think it was a bad expression. Their dad loves quietly, that’s all. Toshinori shouldn’t have pushed the matter so clumsily into the open.
“He had to. He probably thinks we’ll run to otou-sama and get him in trouble.”
“Stop talking about the worst case scenario like it’s gonna happen,” Toshinori mutters, and he digs his nails into the pillow.
“It’s because you won’t that I have to,” Rikiya sniffs, and there’s a creak of the bedsprings. He’s curling tighter in his blankets, Toshinori would bet anything, because he’s doing the same thing.
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kharmii · 5 months
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A collection of messed up family dynamics. The translations were confusing on these first ones, so I'm going to attempt to give a summary of what I believe is going on. Comic starts out showing why Dabi and Geten complement each other well. Child Dabi (Touya) is burned by his own quirk, so his mother with an ice quirk uses it to calm the pain. Meanwhile, Child Geten sees ReDestro get burned, so he used his ice quirk to comfort him as well.
Side note: Some fans head canon Geten got his quirk awakening by seeing ReDestro get burned. That's an interesting idea. It would mean ReDestro had him before he knew the full extent of his power. He may have just known the potential through the Himura name and therefore he still saw him as a powerful pawn.
Anyway, Geten, -while asleep dreaming- grabs Dabi's hand while reliving the memory of using his ice quirk on ReDestro's burns. This makes Dabi relive the memory of his mother using her ice quirk on his burns. Geten tears up in his sleep from the memory. Dabi wipes his tears, then dabs blood from his ripped stitches onto Getens mouth (Geten exclaims 'What!?') and they kiss.
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I'm not sure if Geten wakes up disgusted, or if he is still asleep and his dream turns bad. He yells "YOU!!" in a way like he's full of disdain and also says, "This must be someone's ploy!"
Dabi replies, "Don't blame others."
Geten: What a place...Shhh...
Dabi: You came here half asleep, right?
Geten: I do not remember!!! Lion tongue! (reference to his mouth being spikey, unpleasant).
Dabi: ...Ice Yarrow...(same, yarrow has thorny stems) The inside of your mouth is also cold.
Maybe I'm just too hot...Yeah.
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Dabi gets drowsy from the cold and says, "The cold one....I don't hate it.................
Geten kicks him in the head and says, "Do not sleep!!! Wow. I hate it!
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Once again, Dabi has memories of being soothed by his mother's ice quirk while at the same time, Geten (who looks similar to Dabi's mother) has memories of using his ice to sooth someone's pain.
Geten says, "The hot one too. I hate it."
That's when the reader realizes that he was acting out in frustration over Dabi being in pain just by existing.
Meanwhile, Dabi is feeling blissful and relaxed from being chilled so much. He tells Geten, "In that case, please do it just right."
They are good again.
Next collection is a sad 2-part comic showing Child Geten being looked after by ReDestro. Geten can't sleep one night -and feels sick at heart- so he comes to sleep in ReDestro's room. ReDestro says, "Can't you sleep, Apocrypha?" then tells him not to act like a dog.
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Geten bringing a dog bed into ReDestro's room then getting told not to call him 'Dad' while still being comforted and cuddled represents to me that he's being raised as a beloved slave, not a son. This way, ReDestro can brainwash him into being constantly agreeable and a comfort to him (as opposed to how biological children can be infuriating and total pains sometimes), and he can be emotionally distant enough to put Geten's life in danger during quirk training while not having to fear for him the way he would a real son.
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Goofy comic where Geten collects Meta Liberation War books, and ReDestro tells him he should distribute them to other people to spread the word. Geten doesn't want to share. Since the text is small, I'll post a translation here:
Curious: We have finally surpassed 600,000 copies!
Re-Destro: Wonderful.
Expressions that are easy to understand for young people...
However, I have always been concerned about the changes in the wording of the original text.
It's important, but it's still a shame
I would like you to consider making a complete reproduction version when you reach the million copies mark. It's my dream.
Geten: million………ReDestro... I can buy 50 more books this month. *looks sharp* Your dream is mine!!!
ReDestro: It's apocryphal to buy wastefully anymore...stop and distribute the stock for missionary work.
Geten: I won't give it to anyone!!! Your dream is my treasure!!! Wasting it!?!?!?
(My pocket money has decreased)
Art credit: yaoi, hrak (yaoi), My Hero Academia BL 3000+ bookmarks / (※注キャプション)荼ホ+外荼外の今までに描いた漫画 - pixiv
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perpetual-enjine · 3 months
I’m also surprised at the whole thing with Endeavor’s career being “over” and him “taking the fall for Dabi” or whatever.
He lost his dominant arm to defeat the nation’s worst villain. He’s a war veteran who saved the country. “Dabi” is old news - it’s been a while since the reveal, and the whole time, as soon as he got out of the hospital, Endeavor has been fighting. Logically, he should be at the peak of his clout! He did something even All Might was not able to do. There is no way in hell, after removing the biggest stressor in every person’s life, he would still be dragged by most people for his past behavior. Especially given that he never denied his wrongdoings and has shown remorse. To a regular person, the very sight of Endeavor should bring relief, just like the sight of All Might used to. You know the man will sacrifice a limb to save you and risk his life - because he’s done that before.
Additionally, after All for One confessed to taking Touya and messing with his body, it should be clear that he had his hand in the making of Dabi. Endeavor didn’t make his (adult) son “kill 30 innocent people” any more than Shigaraki’s dad made him ruin cities and decay heroes.
Last but not least, Endeavor is a big-time dilf.
Yes, it sounds super unserious, but think about real-life media, the public, and fame. He’s a tall, good-looking, physically fit man with a sexy job, unusual hair color and rare eye color who wears a skintight outfit and has a powerful, impressive-looking quirk. When a famous person is attractive, they get away with shit a lot more easily.
Look at real-life MHA fans: who’s simping for ReDestro? No one. Now who’s simping for Dabi? Everyone.
This really isn’t reflected well in the manga or anime, Endeavor is depicted like some scary guy people avoid, but if you look at how real people behave, that’s not realistic. There would be simps galore, apologists, fans chasing him asking for stupid shit like “please yell at me,” “I want to have your babies,” or “please set me on fire,” people flashing him their boobs, people selling and buying Endeavor body pillows, accounts with pictures of his ass, etc. All this shit would only get more intense after the defeat of AFO and would contribute to Endeavor’s public approval score.
So no, I don’t think there’s a big scandal or that it makes sense for him to retire for something other than health or personal convictions.
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itsnothingofinterest · 7 months
So here’s a thought: in the latest chapter; Kudo’s transfer causes Deku and Tomura to relive and mix memories of first meetings with/opening up to future friends. Considering how Kudo was the one who met with and reached out to Yoichi; do you suppose it’s possible we could see the rest of the transfers bring forth memories thematically relevant to the sacrificed OFA user? And if so, can we guess what these memories could be?
Hmm, it might be tough given how most of the OFA vestiges are...not the most fleshed out characters MHA's ever produced, but I’d like to take a crack at it.
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~En: memories of Danger & survival We’ll be going in the order I roughly think Deku will shoot the vestiges over, even if that means starting with some especially basic ones. (I'll also be avoiding memories they were both there for since they'd be uninteresting.) For the case of En, the most fearful of the group; that'll be a simple set of times these two were each in danger.
For Deku; that could mean facing Machia or Redestro, although I'd also love him to see some visions of heroes like Endeavor or Star & Stripe coming for his life as well. If he wants Tomura's perspective, he should get his perspective on heroes trying to kill him. And there's quite a few to pick for Tomura to see from Deku; the Zero-Point robot, Muscular, Muscular again, Lady Nagant, ...maybe Gentle?
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~Bruce: memories of loss & what comes after To keep things simple still, both of these are two moments (+ surrounding context) they each saw an ally die to a villain. The same villain: Overhaul.
Deku would get to see Overhaul kill Magne right in front of the League. Tomura would see him kill Sir Nighteye in front of his interns. Then as I theorized previously, we could get too see one or both of them experience the blended memory of beating fused Overhaul into the ground and taking his arms for great justice & greater revenge.
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~Nana: memories of family & allies (Also, since the effect should be pretty strong by now, and also because it's interesting, let's suppose they may start actually experiencing memories now instead of just playing them in the background.)
For Deku; Perfect as it may seem, it's a bit early to see the Shimuras, so this might instead mean seeing some lower stakes memories with the League. Maybe their training with Machia, maybe some early recruitment moments if that doesn't step on Kudo's thematically relevant memories. Really just check out @codenamesazanka's post here for some great ideas; with special mention going to Tomura sympathizing with Bakugou because he was chained up at the sports festival. I'd love for Deku to see Tomura directing his humanity to League members like Twice, but humanity directed towards Bakugou would be a great foot in Deku's door. (Which of course means the best thing for Deku to see each such kinds of Tomura's humanity, for Deku to compare.)
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For Tomura; Oh there's a plethora of choices for Class 1A hangout moments he could see. Although to be honest...I've not been the most invested in these moments, so I can't say which'd be most impactful for Tomura to see. I'm a villain fan, what can you expect?Although if I had to guess, knowing this series and whose memories we're talking about, it'll be something focused on Bakugou. Call it a hunch.
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(Though it'd be nice if we did get to see Inko again instead. And I'd laugh if this was how we got to see Deku's dad at long last.)
~Banjo: memories of…okay kind of struggling here since there’s not much to Banjo. Honestly think he might get stolen instead since his quirk's such a lifeline & Tomura could probably steel more than one quirk by the end of this. But if he does get launched; maybe he could cause…memories of friendship? Or of high emotions?
For Deku; that might mean seeing memories of the League working together, maybe in Daika. Or speaking of Daika, maybe it could be Shigaraki’s city destroying awakening. Or maybe the time the League got ambushed & restrained in their bar and Tomura yelled at All Might just how much he hates him.
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For Tomura; there are also quite a few of Deku’s memories that could qualify here. Maybe the fight with Muscular, maybe his 2nd fight with Bakugou, or maybe it could fittingly be the time Uraraka and Shinsou saved him from Banjo’s own quirk.
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~All Might/Toshinori: memories of (not) being rescued.
For Deku; I think this would go as I described in this post: a mixed memory of him rescuing Bakugou from the sludge villain combined with Tenko wandering the street; resulting in desperately trying to pull Bakugou out from the sludge for hours or days while people pass him in the street, until he finally drags sludge!Bakugou to the bridge to encounter AFO. If he wants Tomura's perspective and see what drove him to villainy, this one's a big part of that.
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For Shigaraki, this would be a far simpler memory; but an impactful one too I think. The meeting with All Might where Deku was told he can be a hero. How Tomura would respond to those words, I can’t be sure. Maybe it’d be as meaningful to him as it was to Deku. Perhaps he’ll dismiss the words as just an old dream he doesn’t care for any more, or acknowledge their meaninglessness coming from someone else’s memory. Or if I’m so lucky; maybe he’ll even think back on all the members of the League & other criminals looking to him to make the world they feel safe in and say to All Might “what do you think I’ve been doing?” (Probably not but I think it’d be cool. A guy can hope.)
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~Yoichi: memories of their origin.
For Deku; this would obviously be seeing the crying Tenko crying outside of his house because he was abused by his family. Maybe also the events earlier in that day seen in ch.235 too. This would lead to Deku attempting the thing quite a few readers see as the natural conclusion to this memory sharing; Deku reaching a hand out to save the crying child…and it won’t work. I mean duh; this is a memory. He can’t talk to or do anything for the past version of Tenko; all he can do is learn, all he can do is watch the deaths of the Shimuras transpire and hope he gets something out of it that’s worth losing all of OFA.
Although, if I may propose one interesting twist in this: I’ve been theorizing for a while now that AFO could’ve taken the Shimura family’s quirks and hidden them & their vestiges in Tomura. This wouldn’t be my favourite way to bring that up (I’d rather they first meet with Tomura instead); but suppose that allows Deku to talk to the Shimuras as he lives through Tenko’s last day with his family? Could at least be neat.
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And for Tomura; I can’t think of a more appropriate Origin-y chapter than chapter 1 page 1: Izuku getting bullied by Bakugou. Maybe they’ll also both be in the same place (we did suppose Deku would meet the crying child above after all), and Tenko could take the place of the kid young Izuku was protecting. I could see Tomura being quite moved by the image…before scoffing. Deku, his self-claimed ‘hero’ who’s been getting in his way and attacking his mind this whole time? Protecting him? And from Bakugou of all people, or anyone else Deku saw as a hero? Lol. Lmao even! Maybe if it was AFO; afraid Bakugou prevented something so convenient from happening though. But as far as Tomura's seen; Deku will save him from anyone & anything except the heroes who mean him harm. A bit like his mom & grandparents with Kotaro. But then maybe he could see Bakugou actually attack Deku, like really beating him up, and it could cause him to wonder…why? Why would Deku then forgive him? Rescue him? Work along side someone who’d treat him like that?
I don’t think any basic-arse heroic symbolism that hasn’t even reflected Tomura’s reality so far would really change his viewpoints or anything. But that question might nudge them. Might introduce the idea that the worst, most powerful people with no big incentive to change, can do so anyway. So maybe, just maybe, Tomura doesn't need to kill them and wash their influence clear as the only way forward for his villainous ilk.
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Chapter 387: Congealed
The chapter begins with Geten and Compress talking in a prison. Geten says that the Himura family blood is thick and that they were a clan with many different lineages, all very rich and prideful. But the more the age of quirks advanced, the more prestige they lost
He says that they didn't want their blood to get mixed to other families' and Compress comments that it's a mix of family pedigree and quirk discrimination, Spinner told him about this. As a result, they started getting married to distant relatives and almost went extinct
The last desperate measure was to sell those from the main line to arranged marriages, like what happened to Rei. The other lineages slowly disappeared and Geten, who is also a Himura, was taken in and raised by Redestro
Geten then says that with the passing of the generations quirks have become more complex, and sometimes even the user themself is not fully aware of their genetics and the full extent of their power. He then asks Compress to tell his story since they have plenty of time
Cut to Endeavor and Dabi's fight and they're now 800m away from Gunga. Endeavor hears the news about Dabi's impending explosion and realizes that not only the civilians will be hit, but also the heroes who are trying to contain Toga's clones
He is exhausted and extremely hurt due to his fight against AFO, but Dabi goes straight to him shouting "LOOK AT ME, DAD!!!". Endeavor visualizes kid Toya saying "look what I can do now!" while smiling, but what comes next is a giant fire punch
Flame pillars come out of the ground and Endeavor asks him to put out the fire, but Toya just keeps shouting "look at me!!!" and "let's play, Natsu". Endeavor realizes that he is barely able to think anymore and wonders how he's still alive with such hot flames
He extends his hand towards Dabi's chest and starts thinking to himself. There are two kinds of phenomenons when someone is close to death: awakening an already existing ability, like what happened to Bakugou in the previous war, or developing a brand new type of ability
And that's what happened to Toya: he has ice coming out of his chest - he inherited Rei's quirk. Endeavor begins to remember everything that happened and says that it's all his fault. He intended to go on living to pay for what he has done, but now...
Now he understands that Toya will not stop repeating his mistakes, he will keep hurting others. He has failed to take care of Toya, and now that's the consequence. Endeavor says that he will not let his son die alone and won't let him involve anyone else in his revenge
Endeavor then holds Dabi and begins to fly. He takes advantage of his son's flames to propel them as high as possible, but the heat causes him to start losing consciousness. When all seems lost, Rei appears beside the two and starts to use her ice on Dabi. End of chapter
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kakusu-shipping · 4 months
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omg i hope you don't mind i'm mhabrained today and i wanted to draw some self inserts so i drew mine, @echoes-lighthouse's, and urs hanging out ^_^!!!!
i'm so very curious about your mha self insert ... if you wanna share i'd love to hear what his deal is!!!!!
First of all this dynamic is amazing an accurate I am BEGGING you not to break anything. Tired Dad Energy my beloved <3
Second HOLY SHIT I went looking for my about post on this S/I and the most recent one was from 2021. I haven't watched the show in forever but when I do finally go back I need to color those sketches I made of their updated designs and make an about for them because Jesus Christ. I can't keep sending people to a 3 year old post.
Seeing those two posts side by side though does make me feel great about my art though. Three years. Damn.
ANYWAY, I'll give you the quick rundown
This S/I is my League of Villains self insert, he's Sir Nighteye's twin brother, legal husband of AFO, and Father to Tomura Shigiraki along with the rest of the League.
My Self-Ship with AFO is the only Self Ship I have that's completely non-romantic. Normally there's affection on at least one side, but here AFO is just using me, and I'm just going along with it to stay alive. No love here. I also self ship with Mr. Compress and Twice with this S/I during a little imaginary intrum after the Meta Liberation Arc where everyone's just crashed together at ReDestro's place.
His Quirk doesn't have a name cause the old name I had for it is dumb, but it's basically the opposite of Nighteye's quirk; He sees a person's past upon making contact with him. The difference while he doesn't have the once a day limit like Nighteye, he needs to be in direct contact with the person who's past he's looking into in order to keep seeing their past. The longer he stays in contact, the farther back he can see.
He sort of has the energy of a used car salesman when dealing with anyone outside of the League. He's overly friendly and unassuming. With the League he's very momcore, a bit overbearing and a big worrier, but overall chill mostly just doing basic chores like laundry and what not. Outside of both those scenarios he's Stoic, blank expression and calm demeanor, like his brother that's his default, he just puts on a very good act.
That's like. All the quick basic stuff kdjgkf Thought the post ended up kind of long
Thanks for the ask!!!! And the drawing!!! It's really good!!!
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villain-sympathizer · 2 years
Could you write a fic where ReDestro takes reader, who's a member of the League (kind of like League dad like how he's MLA dad) on a date, and when he gets there to pick them up, the whole League gives him a hard time protective sibling style? Is that too much? Sorry if it is.
you're darn tootin' i can write that!!
────── ・ 。゚: *.☽ .* : 。゚・ ──────
Re-Destro x GN!Reader; Takes place after MVA arc, but before the PLF vs. Heroes battle
[Contents: Platonically protective league; Mentions/threats of murder (thanks to Dabi and Tomu) but no actual violence; Season 5/MVA arc spoilers; Possible grammar issues lmao]
Word count: 806
[[Note: I write my x readers in third person and completely non-descript, so that others can insert either themselves or OCs if they want!]]
»»—— Impromptu Interrogation ——««
"Still can't believe it's you they're going out with," Jin comments while Rikiya smoothes out his tie in the floor-length mirror, before his other voice chimes in with: "Couldn't think of anyone better!"
Rikiya and the newly formed Paranormal Liberation Front, sans the original members of the Meta Liberation Army, were all gathered in one of the many living room spaces of his mansion, awaiting for one of their original members to arrive. Said member was one he planned on taking out on a date, and their team mates decided to interrogate him while he nervously fiddled with his suit and paced around the room.
"Better not be planning anything weird with them after dinner," Dabi pipes in from his spot on one of the couches, legs spread and arms draped over the back of the cushions. "Or we won't hesitate to finish you off, like Shigaraki was supposed to." He motions to their leader, who took residence on the comfy-looking recliner and almost seemed to be asleep, if it weren't for the middle finger he gave Dabi in response.
"Fuck off," Tomura's voice comes out gravely, with a slight croak to it. "But also, he's right. I'll decay the rest of you just like I did to your legs if you try anything on them."
Rikiya let out a shaky breath, turning away from the mirror to resume his anxious pacing. "I have no intentions with them after dinner, except to bring them back home. You have my word."
"That better be all, or I won't hesitate to cut you, baldy!" Toga shoots the commander a vicious grin from her spot on the floor, a pillow placed beneath her knees for comfort as she continues her board game with Jin at the coffee table. Spinner was also playing alongside them, but was either uninterested in the topic, or simply unwilling to join in on such a ridiculous argument.
Mr. Compress makes his way over to the ever-worrying CEO, deciding to show at least a smidge of kindness to him by helping to fix and smooth out the older mans suit. "My colleagues' threats are as empty as their skulls, my friend," he hums from beneath his mask, making sure Rikiya's tie was properly tightened. "Pay no mind to them. I'm sure thing's will go smoothly with [Name], you have nothing to fear."
Rikiya offers him a grateful smile, about to thank the masked man for his reassurance, until his tie was gripped and he was harshly yanked forward by the force of the others robotic arm.
"However," Compress begins, voice low so that only the two of them could hear. "Unlike theirs, my threats are nowhere near as empty. You best treat them with more respect than your ancestor you love so much, or so help me, I'll throw your compressed marble to the bottom of the ocean before I release you from it. Understand?"
When Compress got a nod from the other, he lets go with a cheerful 'Good!' just as the door to the living area opened, revealing the very topic of the groups conversation. They were dressed nicely, just formally enough for a light romantic dinner date - but Rikiya could have swore he were staring at a deity in that very moment.
Once the door closed, [Name] looked up and around the room, about to give a greeting to the group with a smile. However, they quickly noticed the tense atmosphere around a couple of the members, especially with the two men closest to them. "Oh, uh... I'm not interrupting something, am I?"
Rikiya's brought out of his short stupor when he hears their voice, straightening his back and putting on a charming grin. "No, not at all! I was just asking Mr. Compress here to make sure my tie was straight," he assured, making his way over to his partner and gently taking their hand, pressing a quick kiss to it. "Are we ready to depart, dear?"
His charisma was contagious, and [Name] couldn't help but give a bashful smile in return as they blushed. "Why yes, yes I am," they respond, before turning to address the rest of the group. "You lot better not have hassled him while I was getting ready, or I swear..." A chorus of 'Noooo...' is groaned amongst the lounging villains, and [Name] knew that was the best they'd get from their friends. "Well then, Riki, let's head out, shall we?"
"Yes, lets," Rikiya agrees with them, opening the door to let his partner leave first, then making his way through the doorway himself. Before the CEO closes the door, he catches a glimpse of the League all shooting various glares his way just before the door clicks into place.
Rikiya made sure the both of them were back by 10 pm on the dot.
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transhawks · 2 years
lmfao, both. both is good
dumbass take - what cooler place to eat out a cloaca than amidst floating undead experiments suspended in mystery juice?
Smart take - Dabi...doesn't give a fuck. Again, he's like focused on certain things and he underestimated who Takami Keigo was. He found his origins but he fundamentally didn't understand who or what that boy had become and was willing to do. I think the HPSC did a miraculous job with hiding all the wetwork Nagant (and perhaps Hawks) did, because none of the villains seem to consider that the government has been killing scores of people for decades.
Dabi just... thought he had a "gottem" because Hawks was willing to kill to get in the League and didn't even question why that was. To him it was sufficient proof of a lapse in heroism in Hawks, so he was a "tainted" hero anyway and didn't see him the actual assassin he was. What Dabi didn't see is that Hawks isn't a "bad hero" or a example how the system promotes bad actors - he's an example of what the system needs to sustain itself; the machinery behind the emerald curtain.
I hope I'm explaining myself well because there is a distinction. There's a difference between a corrupt hero willing to do anything and a person who has been trained to do anything. One is amoral, the other one is following following rules.
Two, Dabi is a bit more aware than the rest of the League about the Noumu process and quirk farming of kids and I don't think he's fond of it but not enough to speak against it. I don't think he gives too much of a fuck about the lab aspect and how he can use it for his ends. Again, the organization aspect of the League and then PLF never concerned him beyond his own goals. He checked out during the meetings as Twice told us, fucked off somewhere.
And finally, I don't know how to explain this but - Dabi is mentally ill, like a lot of the characters. And I think one of his symptoms is this drive towards risky, reckless behavior. I think the villains he sent towards his family are also in this pattern. He seems to gamble a lot, and risk a lot, and part of that is because he's also quite clearly ready to die at the end of all this. High stakes and all that.
The pragmatic answer - the anime kind of fucked up by showing us this because it doesn't fully make sense and makes Dabi seem more stupid than he is, which doesn't mesh with how clever he actually is. Which given they fucked up the ReDestro scene, unsurprising. While I still stand by the idea that Dabi is less caring about the League as an abstract concept/Ujiko's/Afo's plans being blown up by him past what he can use to tear down society and his dad especially, maybe it was too risky? But also, this man shot a fireball at Hawks while he held Jin at knifepoint confident that Hawks would protect a man he's been trying to knife. Like he was right but man, that was a gamble he ultimately lost when Hawks murders Jin right after.
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arjengelly · 1 year
Beauty & Beast x MHA
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BELLE Fuyumi
WITCH Redestro
DAD Endeavor
BIMBETTES Toga, Tenko, Kurogiri/Sako/Jin?
LAFROU Compress
HORSE Shoto lol
*AU Where Enji was allowed to marry Rei on the condition that they give their first born daughter to the Himuras when they ask for her (she’s still a teacher here). Redestro was also bound to a business deal with the Himuras upon acquiring Geten.
Not gonna be exactly like the classic stories.
We get Fuyumi teaching Geten & Dabi wreaking havoc on the townspeople…
Geten & Fuyumi would do anything to avoid their arrangement. Fuyumi often rejected Keigo’s advances but in reality she likes having his attention.
Keigo and Geten try to switch places by swapping clothes. Trumpet & Skeptic walk in on them while the two younger men are half dressed. Keigo is wearing a white wig. Skeptic & Trumpet mistake this as some disturbing role play with Keigo assuming the role of Fuyumi.
Keigo: “Uh… This is exactly what it looks like!”
Eri eventually rewinds Toya and he is presumed as Geten & Fuyumi’s son: a pure Himura. The Todorokis get another chance to do right by Toya. The boy becomes a catalyst in reforming Deika city and its people, with the help of the heroes.
*sorry for the sloppiness… it’s just a random thought I had to get out my 🧠
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pocketramblr · 2 years
AU where Giran is Geten’s Dad
i was going to say something about how much worse it'd be if his own kid sold him out to ReDestro, just compounding the betrayal, but like... i think if Geten was raised by his dad Giran, he wouldn't have ended up in the MLA lol. like he'd have been taught to see them as idiots, lowlifes so bad even his dad won't work with them. even if late teenage rebellion had him striking out, i think it would manifest as him trying to join the league in physical fighting, instead of just sticking close to his dad's business. which means then after every mission Geten would be silently fuming because he wants to complain to Giran about how much trying to work with Dabi sucks, but can't because then his dad can say 'i told you so'.
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So hyped you opened asks again Ive missed you so much 😭💕
Could I request headcanons of Redestro with a kid who has a similar quirk to his, but its caused by anxiety/fear instead of stress?
And once again, happy birthday!!! 🎉
(Thank you so much! I feel like you have a direct link to my thoughts because I've been craving some soft dad content with this man for a few days now...)
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-I'd like to think he lists becoming a loving husband and father as the number one accomplishment on his list of life...well that and establishing the MLA and Detnerat but that's a different story. From the very moment his boy was born/adopted, he was fully dedicated to them. I'd even say long beforehand when the child was just an idea, he was all in.
-He's a very dedicated father. He's there for every little preschool event and each and every up or down in his son's life. He's got so much love and wisdom to give to his child. That's why when they head to kindergarten and experience their quirk developing for the first time, he's the one that beats you to the school. No kidding. He doesn't get a driver for the day either. He takes himself straight there.
-As it would turn out, your child unfortunately developed their quirk (or meta ability) on their first day of kindergarten. It's identical to Rikiya but the circumstances in this case have caused it to activate due to him apparently being anxious about everything surrounding him. It can be something akin to stress but more so along the lines of fear really. Rikiya is at his side in a moment, lifting him up and nuzzling him into his chest while keeping a careful eye on the ever growing stress marks he's developed on the side of his neck rather than his forehead. You sign the paperwork to check him out of school and make it home in 30 minutes flat.
-Throughout the evening you try to keep a close eye on your son but mostly you remain to the sideline, watching intently as Rikiya handles the situation. Due to him having a similar quirk, you decided he should be the main person to handle the situation.
-And he does.
-It's a beautiful site to see, watching him calmly and patiently talk to a panicked toddler. It takes some time but you finally see him chip away at the imaginary wall surrounding your son. The marks start to subside but never fully disappear as they remain on your son's neck...just like his father. Rikiya pulls his son close and explains the way burden works. He offers to help train it to keep it in line, but mostly he offers his full support and love to the child. It's certainly a lot of information and pressure for a 5 year old to take in after just one day but you can see the small spark of determination burning in his eyes as he balls up his tiny chubby fists.
-Day by day he regains his confidence as he does his best to train his quirk while simultaneously navigating anxiety at such a young age. And with every single step of the the way you can guarantee to see Rikiya right by his side, guiding him ahead.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
So does that mean Geten is Redestro's adopted kid now since it has been confirmed he raised him
not to knock any sandcastles over, but imo Re-Destro is as much as a father to Geten as Endeavor (pre-Kamino) is to his kids 😔🙏 i realize that it is tempting to think of a tiny Geten toddling after single father Re-Destro, but... then i would compare Re-Destro to All for One, in terms of picking up lost children off the streets and honing them into weapons for their cause.
(which actually makes a wonderful parallel to poke at in dfohiko twins verse! wow, can you imagine Rikiya being proud about having 'personally raised' Geten? but because he's unfortunately a product of his upbringing, he actually just followed in the steps of AFO, and became not a dad, but a father figure to try and impress?)
((he brags about having an adopted son to Toshinori when they have a reunion, and Toshinori restrains himself from pulling out his phone and showing off pictures of his new adopted son))
but let's look at the evidence for canon!
first and foremost, the line that 'confirms' that Re-Destro raised Geten.
"The few remaining [Himura branch] families and their members scattered, including myself. Which is when Re-Destro came upon me and brought me into the fold." (c387, Geten)
no age range indicated, unfortunately. if i threw a dart, though, between Dabi (age 23-24) and Rei (age... 44. not canon, but if it was younger, we'd probably be holding multiple knives to Endeavor's throat), i'd put Geten around mid-30s. just old enough to know he should flee and ditch the Himura name.
the phrase "into the fold" is, uh, not very familial. which leads me to my second quote.
"Elevating one's [Quirk] ability will be the only way to really live! Beyond that sheer strength... life has no value!" (c230, Geten)
this does not sound like a young man who had an easy upbringing! you say 'adopted,' i say 'recruited.' unlike with Sorahiko and Toshinori, i don't think Geten was staying in Re-Destro's spare bedroom, or even personally trained by him.
based off what Geten absorbed of the MLA's philosophies, i think Re-Destro chucked him into the MLA-equivalent of Bible camp and offhandedly directed Geten to become stronger in order to meet him again.
tl;dr I totally believe Geten wasn't brought to Re-Destro's attention until the MLA heard of the LoV, at which point they believed his ice (previously WAYYY too flashy to be of use for the MLA) could counteract Dabi's flames.
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
Endeavor is wracked with horror at seeing Dabi's ice, thinks it's all his fault, his hands moves in a clawing fashion away from it, Hori puts in millions of Endeavor panels in a bad graphic collage which make no logical or visual sense, and then has him think back to how he said his family can be happy (in a world) where only he doesn't exist(it's written similar to title of the manga Erased so this should be the more literal meaning) and decides the only thing he can do to atone to Dabi is take him high into the sky for them both to die together because he failed to look at Dabi. Rei showing up like in the hospital should not actually change his mind if this were following like it has been because he has reached past a breaking point. The whole chapter is about how abuser man bad and can't do anything because plot needs you to see abuse is bad and how the real heroes are victims who rise up with their true good karma. Also its more irony to rub salt on his wounds of why he didn't take an ice sidekick. Rei seemingly helping him is more like a hook Hori dangles for fans to take the wrong interpretation which will be hammered home in the next chapter that it's only about her stopping her husband's madness and wrong actions to save her children this time as she swore to Shoto in the letter to never repeat her mistakes (actions follow the words through unlike someone). The victims as Rei said really do feel genuine guilt enough to take action unlike him and step up unlike his "escapist ass". Shoto had cemented this concept in meta when he said sentiments don't count without action and Endeavor alone shows no action, only inaction and selfflagellation.
Foils and parallels are made and other injured characters doing more(Iida running 500km on land breaking Deku's record) makes his complaints about not being able to move sound like petty excuses and that he never really tried to go plus ultra most likely. Rei is awakening her quirk because of her beloved son ad even having ice vapors rise from her eyes(and Endeavor was panned for having asspulled laser eyes as a Boys reference?). As Geten paraphrases a Redestro ideology, which is the gist of Vigilantes, that regular people when allowed to are powerful as top heroes because of untapped potential. But Endeavor didn't awaken anything as if he doesn't love his son enough unlike the mother to even spark something nor had he previously made any effort to think of how to save Dabi by taking help of suitable quirked allies or even interviewing Ujiko in jail, he just has inaction and sentiments on his side and now he could only think of himself, his hero duty and suicide.
And Dabi actually awakened his Ice because of Shoto's phosphor not as Endeavor puts it near death which will be clarified as usual to be Endeavor's flawed perspective. This powerful and can do anything Himura genes and ice are keeping him alive is all because of Shoto who made the Phosphor move which has come back to keep Toya alive because of his Himura side family's genuine and unconditional love and in plot it is all to spite the abuser Endeavor by proving him wretched. Shoto is who the chapter title is a reference to(Dabi called him that in the chapter Phosphor). Rei was an all Might parallel visually in both the (probably will be shown to have been one of the kids rescued by all Might in his debut so it's ultimate ly All Might's credit once agan for saving the would be "Himura" family). The Masegaki kids are probably the ones who are repaying Shoto's niceness to them by helping his mom. In short it's back to the virtuous mom's genes were all what was right and the bad dad's genes are everything that is wrong. Even though some make jokes that the consanginuos marriage genes must have led to disabilities it's the opposite and Endeavor's bad flame is baaaad.
In fact everything is only to cement how Endeavor was bad ad wrong and unfortunately Hori has not given him much else character wise(even his backstory seems to be him having being fueled by contempt of his father's weakness). His so called atonement is too poorly written, the plot is too judgemental to be smooth, and because the goalpost just keeps being moved further from him and excused for his "fans" with small words that can be easily refuted it's not solid.
Endeavor's mess was first being cleared by Shoto in the initial Dabi fight and now it is being done so by All Might and Mom the two perfect avatars of the endgoals he had set for himself as achievable in hubris- hero and parent. His ending being attempted suicide averted like his last nemesis Ending is about all he'll get it seems.
This is a lot...and to be totally honest I don't fully understand what you're trying to say. That the story is being anti-abuse, so my opinion about how giving Touya ice is bad are wrong? That's why Enji is written the way he is? Or are you just bashing Enji's character? I'm really not sure. So, I'll just go through this point by point and give my opinion.
The whole chapter is about how abuser man bad and can't do anything because plot needs you to see abuse is bad and how the real heroes are victims who rise up with their true good karma.
I mean, I guess, maybe that could be the point but this was a stupid way of writing this entire side plot if that was the theme. It would have taken far less time and wasted pages if Hori had just left Enji an abusive asshole. That's a way better and faster way of showing abuser man as bad.
Also its more irony to rub salt on his wounds of why he didn't take an ice sidekick. Rei seemingly helping him is more like a hook Hori dangles for fans to take the wrong interpretation which will be hammered home in the next chapter that it's only about her stopping her husband's madness and wrong actions to save her children this time as she swore to Shoto in the letter to never repeat her mistakes (actions follow the words through unlike someone).
Enji not bringing an ice sidekick as a strike against him doesn't work. We haven't seen anyone but Himura's with ice Quirks. It's not like anyone has called him out on not using them either. I mean Shoto could have said something about it earlier to throw shade. We don't know if this was an option he had and refused, so he can't be facing karmic repercussions for it now.
As for Rei, I really hope Hori doesn't use her in this way. In a different post I outline why doing so would be stupid given how Hori has written Enji. Enji isn't a mad man doing wrong actions--he literally is in a position where he is incapable of doing anything else. Which is probably why you had to invent an ice sidekick he left behind, because otherwise he really is only doing what he can.
The victims as Rei said really do feel genuine guilt enough to take action unlike him and step up unlike his "escapist ass". Shoto had cemented this concept in meta when he said sentiments don't count without action and Endeavor alone shows no action, only inaction and selfflagellation.
But we see that Enji does care and feel genuine guilt. He is only barred from doing more because the plot can't have him act. We can see this easily when we think of all the times he didn't 'act'.
When he left Shoto to follow Izuku--this doesn't make sense. He can't be avoiding Dabi here. The Heroes are looking for any leads to find AfO or any of the LoV. Enji may not be with Shoto, but that doesn't mean he's not searching for Touya. It frankly wouldn't make sense if he wasn't. All the Heroes want leads and Touya would be a big one. They aren't going to just ignore Touya out in the open just because Enji doesn't want to confront him at the moment.
Fighting AfO instead of Touya--Shoto told him to do this. Sure, he might have been pissed because Enji 'ran down the clock' but as I've pointed out above the way Hori wrote it, that doesn't make sense. Either way Enji was willing to change teams and go after Touya together with Shoto, but Shoto told him to leave Touya to him. And given how the AfO fight has gone, that was the right choice. AfO has trounced all the Heroes and only Enji managed to kill him so as to put him in a situation where the Heroes can win by simply stalling.
The present Touya fight--Enji broke off from the AfO fight to deal with Touya immediately. He didn't leave it for someone else to deal with. He retreated and didn't attack Touya at all from what I could tell, and tried to talk to him. It wasn't until he was told Touya was going about to explode and take civilians and Heroes with him that he resorted to taking Touya into the sky to die together. He has zero other options and it is really the only way he can atone for what he did to Touya in that moment.
Foils and parallels are made and other injured characters doing more(Iida running 500km on land breaking Deku's record) makes his complaints about not being able to move sound like petty excuses and that he never really tried to go plus ultra most likely.
Look, I love Tenya but what he's doing pales in comparison to what Enji is/has. Tenya barely did anything during the first Touya fight. He is completely uninjured. On top of that Shoto himself is having a hard time standing or moving after his fight with Touya, where again his injuries were minor. He's just tired from using his Quirk.
Meanwhile Enji got stabled in the side, falling hundreds of feet to the ground, bled out, then got back up, lost an arm and used his biggest attack possible to kill AfO. Then when AfO revived he continued to fight him, constantly using his fire to stay in the air, until Touya showed up. From there he has been attacked by Touya which only makes his overheating body worse.
The manga clearly shows Enji's actions, particularly against AfO as plus ultra.
Rei is awakening her quirk because of her beloved son ad even having ice vapors rise from her eyes(and Endeavor was panned for having asspulled laser eyes as a Boys reference?). As Geten paraphrases a Redestro ideology, which is the gist of Vigilantes, that regular people when allowed to are powerful as top heroes because of untapped potential.
None of this is even true. Rei isn't awakening her Quirk. That's just her Quirk from what we know, she's just using it now. As for the Redestro ideology, it's based on Quirk superiority. Sure some regular people could possibly be as strong as Heroes if they used their Quirks all the time, but others wouldn't, and according to Redestro, those weaker people are lesser.
But Endeavor didn't awaken anything as if he doesn't love his son enough unlike the mother to even spark something nor had he previously made any effort to think of how to save Dabi by taking help of suitable quirked allies or even interviewing Ujiko in jail, he just has inaction and sentiments on his side and now he could only think of himself, his hero duty and suicide.
What would Enji even awaken that would help in this situation? He has a fire based Quirk and Hori has never shown us any different. If he suddenly had water powers or something that would a huge ass pull on Hori's part and even he doesn't generally do something that out of left field. It's not that Enji doesn't love Touya, and Rei does, it's just that Rei has a Quirk that counteracts Touya's while Enji's only makes it worse.
Again we are never shown anyone outside the family with ice powers except Geten. We don't see Enji refuse allies like, maybe Geten because he thinks he's great on his own. In fact Enji usually does use sidekicks but had them fight with Shoto to keep him safe and up the chances Shoto could stop Touya safely. If there were ice sidekicks available past characterization would suggest Enji would use them.
As for Ujiko no one knew he was involved with Dabi's survival and there was already way more pressing things the Heroes would want from him, like say AfO's location, or Quirks. What he did to Shigaraki. Honestly, Ujiko randomly telling a guard about Touya makes zero sense as it is and was clearly only put in to help flesh out Touya's backstory. Heck, even if Enji had known to ask Ujiko, the scientist didn't have any solutions anyway.
The Heroes duty stuff has always been shaky because of how dire Hori made the situation. I'm sorry but it's stupid to say Enji is choosing being a Hero over a father because he doesn't want his son's inevitable death to end up killing hundreds if not thousands of innocent people. The fact he refuses to kill Touya (something that given Touya's condition wouldn't be hard) and instead die with him so he's not alone, proves he does love him as a son.
And Dabi actually awakened his Ice because of Shoto's phosphor not as Endeavor puts it near death which will be clarified as usual to be Endeavor's flawed perspective.
This is nothing but a prediction. Nothing about Enji's perspective is flawed here, if that is even his thoughts and not a narrator. Touya is seconds from dying via explosion and his body is charred to almost just bones. Sure, Shoto's new skill might be what helped unlock Touya's ice, but from what we've been told about this world that's not something that happens, so why would Enji come to that conclusion?
This powerful and can do anything Himura genes and ice are keeping him alive is all because of Shoto who made the Phosphor move which has come back to keep Toya alive because of his Himura side family's genuine and unconditional love and in plot it is all to spite the abuser Endeavor by proving him wretched.
Maybe don't praise the horrible racist, eugenics family so much. Touya having ice that keeps him alive shouldn't be attributed to them or act like they're somehow better then Enji. They are just as bad as him, if not worse because they did this over hundreds of generations. Attribute it only to Shoto's unconditional love and Rei.
Also how does this spite Enji whose entire reason for having kids with Rei was to have this outcome. If anything it shows he was right. Enji wanted Rei's ice genes to cool of his fire genes and that's exactly what's happening. In this way it's a win for Enji.
Rei was an all Might parallel visually in both the (probably will be shown to have been one of the kids rescued by all Might in his debut so it's ultimate ly All Might's credit once agan for saving the would be "Himura" family).
I don't see these All Might parallels at all honestly. Also, what would be the point of Rei having been saved by All Might at one time. I'm sorry but why wouldn't she have told Shoto this, if this was true--would have made him like Heroes way more then just seeing an interview with All Might on TV.
In short it's back to the virtuous mom's genes were all what was right and the bad dad's genes are everything that is wrong. Even though some make jokes that the consanginuos marriage genes must have led to disabilities it's the opposite and Endeavor's bad flame is baaaad.
I'm sorry but this is just a horrible thing to say in general. People can't help what they get from their parents. This sort of thinking is harmful. Are you saying that if someone gets their abusive parents hair or eye color they got the 'bad, evil abuser' genes.
Plus, Shoto's entire thing has been learning to accept his flames regardless of how much he hated inheriting them from his father. They are a part of him and he uses them to do good. In fact his new attack you keep praising is a combo of both--it wouldn't work without fire as well as the ice.
In fact everything is only to cement how Endeavor was bad ad wrong and unfortunately Hori has not given him much else character wise(even his backstory seems to be him having being fueled by contempt of his father's weakness).
And...so what? Yeah, Enji was a bad person and was wrong. The point is that he wants to change and how he goes about it. I don't care that his backstory didn't give him some sob story.
His so called atonement is too poorly written, the plot is too judgemental to be smooth, and because the goalpost just keeps being moved further from him and excused for his "fans" with small words that can be easily refuted it's not solid.
I'm a little confused what you're getting at here. Are you saying it's badly written because it's to judgmental of him and Hori keeps moving the goal posts? Yet, you also disagree with fans of his character because everything they say in defense of him is untrue/dumb?
If you've read this far you know I don't think Hori wrote this side plot well. It has many mistakes, but I wouldn't say one is moving the goalposts. I'd say the worse is not letting him do anything, or putting him in situations where he can't make a good choice but punishing him like he had one.
Endeavor's mess was first being cleared by Shoto in the initial Dabi fight and now it is being done so by All Might and Mom the two perfect avatars of the endgoals he had set for himself as achievable in hubris- hero and parent. His ending being attempted suicide averted like his last nemesis Ending is about all he'll get it seems.
I mean, Shoto didn't clean up Enji's mess, otherwise Touya would be fixed already. And AfO wasn't Enji's mess. He would have killed AfO pretty damn fast if the guy hadn't had a secret trump card. If AfO's anyone's mess he's All Might's, who has been fighting him for decades. That's why he decides to fight him regardless of being Quirkless, because he feels it's his responsibility.
Personally, I don't think Enji saw either Rei or All Might as end goals for himself at this point in the story. Dude's not confident enough at this point to think he could ever be like them. He already knows he can't make his family happy like Rei can, which is why he got them a separate house. He's barely given All Might a second thought this entire War--he's just doing his best at this point.
I wouldn't call Ending his nemesis--he appears for a chapter and Enji didn't even seem to remember him. Nor is his so called suicide attempt any where similar to Ending's. He's not asking to be killed, and I don't even think he wants to die, but Touya is going to die and he wants to be there for him like he never was before. Given Touya's state he probably could kill Touya himself rather easy and survive, but he's not going to do that, instead he's getting Touya to a safe place to explode and won't leave his side no matter what.
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
Is it so hard for people to admit that Hawks killed Twice just because he thought it was his best and only option at the time with no other strings attached, completely of his own violation instead of saying the HPSC ordered it and that he did it because he wanted to validate his existence like Touya and was upset he didn't get public approval from doing so? How do you misread a character that badly. I know they're narrative foils, but not everything about them has to be, and that panel was taken seriously out of context. It was Hawks telling All Might why he wanted to know about OFA, because the citizens would be fighting against heroes too, and if it was connected to Midoriya, then with all the misinformation about it and heroes betraying intel to the media, it could spell trouble if they don't settle that matter with clear facts. What it wasn't, was Hawks subtly whining about not being praised for his actions.
And he got his own self stuck in this narrative mess 🙄 not because of anything the HPSC did, it's funny. You kill one guy and all of a sudden you're part of the "heroes save villains plot chaos and AFO enabling you to face your demons with tons of juicy self-reflection, foiling, and childhood trauma habits dragged to the surface" when all you wanted was a simple, practical war. And besides. The only way "he did it on orders" works is if he's an idiot who "head empty-ily" relays info to the HPSC, waits for their super smart agents to think about it and hold a meeting, and then give him step by step baby instructions on how to proceed with his mission and who to focus on and kill. Like uh-huh, as if he wasn't alone in the shark's den improvising every interaction. Last I checked, the HPSC wasn't ringing him up on the next best action to take when ReDestro cornered him like that. We'd have gotten "should I follow orders?" angst thoughts from him, or the HPSC telling him Twice was dangerous instead of him coming to that conclusion on his own from Deika. The most involvement they'd have had was getting Keigo familiar with killing and past his reservations about it from not wanting to be like his dad and wherever his, "When neither side gives up." comes from, which is clearly part of the "In my experience, villains with wills of steel refuse to go down." storytelling. Either hero work or training simulations, or past hero stories from other people. Hell, Nagant knew about AFO right? He was her mission. The HPSC helped cover up All Might's fight with AFO, maybe they told Hawks that story, how All Might was forced to kill. Even the Symbol of Peace.
At this point, I think the Hawks people speak about in meta is one that fandom made up to support their agenda about the villains, who they also don't want to accept that the nuance behind their actions isn't some self-sacrificing mission to save the world from the truly evil heroes.
Many don't believe to think Hawks is capable of independant thought when the tragedy of his character is that he is but he's stuck in a situation that's demanding him otherwise. Yet, despite this he tries to do things his own way and against any orders given regardless as he doesn't want to be a caged bird.
If Hawks had been told to kill Twice, it would have been referenced in the manga already firstly and if was a brainless lackey, he wouldn't have tried to approach Twice with the option of him turning himself in. He would have just killed him. But no, Hawks is an independant character who made his own decisions because that's what he has always done.
Hell, Hawks decision when he was finally out of the cage is to continue being the man he was! To be the hero and shining light that he had always wanted to be!
This fandom doesn't deserve Hawks at all.
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itsnothingofinterest · 6 months
You know I'm seeing some people try and say Tomura is becoming like Kotaro after those panels last chapter and now again in 417, like he's become the very thing he hates, and...I'm sorry, but that's some bullshit. They may both be 'bad men' but they are distinct in their personal badness as Overhaul and Redestro, maybe moreso actually.
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And the claims towards what their similarities are just seem almost silly to me.
'They're both spreading misery' well sure in a really vague way that could also apply to All Might, Deku, and literally every hero and villain in this series and a lot of the rest of the cast, I guess that's a similarity they share. But I personally feel comparing authoritative domestic abuse and anarchistic super-villainy is a bit of a stretch; it’s why we always considered AFO and Overhaul to be distinct from (and usually worse than) the League proper.
'Tomura's getting Tenko hurt just like Korato by not letting Deku save him' …No? This is a memory guys; Tenko was hurt by Kotaro. It looks to me like Tomura simply doesn't want Deku interfering with his mind (or maybe even attacking his innermost self, as the vestiges have suggested a few times now) but that might just be my read. Because like; Deku came here to figure out his past, here it is being shown to him. Something I find pretty fitting; this whole time Deku's been acting like he's gotta fight so hard to figure out his deal but Tomura's never been shy about sharing his motivations. What more could Deku want seeing this, and is that 'more' not inevitably overstepping and an attempt to alter Tomura's mind? It's not like Tomura has reason to trust this hero's good intentions, so I think it only makes sense for him to let Deku look but not touch. But yeah, If these images are upsetting to see happen; well Deku went digging for them for exactly that reason.
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I mean I have even seen it suggested that Tomura is to blame for putting inner Tenko through like this because he's playing his suffering on loop in his mind and...weird Tenko vs Tomura framing aside...what proof is there that a) this is happening all the time in his head rather than this memory replaying because Deku dug for it, and b) if it is on loop; that it is unique for that? Do we have solid reason to believe Deku's memory of being told he can't be a hero isn't on loop in his own heart as well? Maybe every memory is on loop, or maybe this and every other memory is only replayed when it’s remembered; either way we’ve to proof this memory is unique for any of this. It's just such a weird argument I've seen made to suggest Tomura is uniquely wrong for being motivated by his past. In a series that can feel like it loves flashbacks almost as much as Naruto.
Anyway my point is; just because Tomura's a villain who isn't playing ball with Deku's attempts at messing with his core, that doesn't make him his father the domestic abuser. Tenko & Kotaro kind of have their dislike of heroes for their irresponsibility in common (Tomura even famously borrowed his dad's line on that) but that's pretty much it I think, and even then Tomura's hate is broader. I know the typical trope is for the well-intentioned-extremist-type villains to become the very thing they hate; but I just can't see much of that here.
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