travelella · 6 hours
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Dadal, Mongolia
Amarbayasgalan Gelegjargal
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the-elusive-libbin · 2 years
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A flat colour commission for someone who wishes to remain anonymous. Here we have M Alear and his new husband Seadall after a stuffing session, something Seadall really deserves~
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aazaadiii · 8 months
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autumnbrambleagain · 11 months
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Sasfsets was cooking again.
The round, wooden belly of the skimmership was heavy with a fog of spices and oils. Danacha had never eaten like this before. In truth, her owners had been Brinnelanders, and everything they had was savory and straightforward. In truth redoubled, her owners had not fed her the best of their meals, and so "fine cooking" was an unimagined luxury for the longest periods of her life. In truth final, she was not sure how to feel about it.
It was not just that dadal cooking was spicier than fetrad. Her native people adored spicy foods. She had been told, at least. Her native people would eat mouth-burning peppers stuffed with thick sour cheeses and fermented jams. She had been told. At least. But it was the quality of the food itself. It was that Sasfsets herself made it. It was that she shared it.
Danacha's people had a saying. When something seems to not align, it is your own perspective of it that has failed. Or. Or at least. She'd been told her people had once said that.
It had been easy to ignore. The worm-mark on her body siphoned off her hurt and her pain, and made quiet existence and inertial acceptance so simple. And yet her concern had grown too large for the worm to eat. And so, standing awkwardly at her owner's side as she cooked on obliviously, stirring and humming, Danacha broke an old rule she was not yet even sure her new owner followed.
"Mistress," she started, politely.
"Yaya?" Sasfsets yapped back idlyly, her attention wholly on the thickness of the curry.
"Would you not--prefer my cooking instead? You already do so much."
"Yaya," Sasfsets repeated. "I'm sure your stodgeface owners were happy to sit about in their thickest chairs and toss you about while they got fat and doughy. I, however!" Out came the ladle, dripping, spraying fragrant oil in a dramatic swoop, pointing reassuringly at Danacha, "I, however, have no designs on becoming bread. Honesty could you imagine me as a parent."
She tittered at something Danacha wasn't sure she understood and continued to tend to dinner.
"… yes, mistress," Danacha said awkwardly. Had the conversation been stopped? Had she anticipated her questions and denied them? Or was it true foolishness to ascribe that much forethought to her… owner? "Mistress, I have been thinking of something. It has grown heavy in my soul, like some navigator's pearl, and I--I would be very--"
"See this is what I hate about Brinneland dicks," Sasfsets interrupted. "Even in the Golden Kingdom the stripes talked themselves up but only in Brinnesch can you say that many words and not get out anything worthwhile at all. The brown banner fell, don't be polite, say what you got. Holding it in gives you cramps every kid knows that."
It was impossible, Danacha thought, that her owner had thought anything out nearly as much as her previous owners had. As much as Danacha was, right now. Sasfsets must simply have not given their situation any thought at all. "Mistress, you saved my life."
"Yeah! Yeah did it take you that long to realize it are you on a lag? Oh jeez that was like a hi'alda ago oh no you have so many conversations to catch up through."
Was she making fun of her, Danacha thought? By now she couldn't imagine Sasfsets was hiding some reprimand in these words. Was there anything below the surface of her soul at all? "--you. No. Mistress, I. Uhm."
"If you need to take time, take it, that's the neat thing about time every second you take there's another one imagine if that was like that for a samosa or something. Or bullets? Oh no if you make me choose between infinite fingerfood and infinite bullets I'm gonna regret them both eventually. Which one would be a fatal regret?"
She had to go for it. "Mistress, they were going to hang me because of the worm that lives within me. You argued for my life, and when you failed, you rescued me anyway and fought our way free of my former owner's estate."
"Aha, aha. If you gotta think out-loud to get there too that's cool don't let my prattle discourage yours."
"The things you said in my defense--they still echo in my soul's ears. On the merest breeze of the Ocean you risked your own life for mine. It was heroic."
"Yeah a good adventure."
"But. Since then. You. I am still your slave. I carry your effects, I perform your tasks, I attend to your--needs. Mistress I worry that--perhaps you do not--have not thought through the entirety of the situation, each angle considered in turn. The inconsistency of your rescuing me, only to recollar me--the call for my freedom, followed by, continually finding--uses for me--"
"Is this going to be finished before dinner? It's got… a shortglass left, I think. Well then it has to simmer. But are you going somewhere? Because boy do coastal get upset when you just hang out near the dockrows and not actually move the line along." Sasfsets looked up at Danacha, her curious, silly little face holding no reproach or judgement, as if this were simply a game that she was growing tired of waiting to see the twist of.
"You think of yourself a hero in saving me," Danacha said, surrendering herself to delivering the point, "but you've merely enslaved me again, and made me subject to your whims."
"… it's contradictory. I thought--perhaps you didn't realize that--"
"So my people are from Escalihax," Sasfsets said, returning to the curry. "Half, at least. You see, Brinneland was formed when the fetradden of Hoalhorm and the gemeren of Gammerlern decided they'd work well together. They were right! Hoalhorm liked to think itself very honorable, very impressive, and Gammerlern was up its own ass with philosophies. Combined you get a nation of people obsessed with heroes and ethics, good and evil. Escalihax, though, see… that was dadali."
She was giving Danacha a history lesson? She already knew this history. She wasn't so woefully uneducated. Did her owner not understand the concept of context itself?
"Early on we found the aventeri, and we thought, hey, you're all patient and enduring but kind of, you know, what's the word. G'lotton. Languid. Yeah. Languid. So dadal motivation and aventer work ethic combined, and even then we needed to run into the letraxi--the birds, you know, I'm sure you've seen--and then, finally then we had some real thinkers in our midst. And even then? Bird thoughts. Social games."
"… yes, mistress. I don't understand, mistress?"
Sasfsets tapped her spoon on the pot. A sharp tink-tink-tink. "You got to build up to your point I get to build up to mine. It's gotta simmer I get it I get it. So my point is. You grew up around Brinnescher ideals. Heroes and ethics and we're talking Brinnesch now but that's just because you don't know Escalihaxim, and goodness would this be hard for you if you did, because you know what we never developed?"
Her sharp eyed, sharp-toothed smile was now aimed at Danacha like a weapon, and she felt her heart sink into the waiting black coils of not. "A word. For hero. For villain. For good. For evil. We don't even have those words! We have loanwords, equivalents… my Escalihaxim name is Nilivir. And. I? Me, Nilivir? I did not grow up even with a word for hero. Sasfsets, you say, isn't that a fellam-y name? Ah well you see DPREI was a joint Escalihax-A'abrin colony, and when those A'abrin slaves revolted oh we still kept the old culture. And what do we have in fellam, you ask? Heroes? Good? Evil? Yes!"
Sasfsets swung the ladle up in bold demonstration. "Yes! We had those words! And yet we had rigid class structures and countless generations justifying slavery so when you cut up all those ingredients and distill them to make me--Sasfsets, Nilivir, me, your charming and delightful owner! We reach the only taste our mouths can find which is that no. Danacha. I did not think myself a hero for saving you. I saw you. I wanted you. I claimed you. Now you're mine. I'm sorry you went so long misunderstanding the situation."
Breath was coming with difficulty to Danacha, short nose-gasps of the rich-smelling air. Her owner was not, in fact, simple. Misunderstanding. Misguided and in need of correction. She was possibly crueler than the last. Ah, ah no. Her appetite was gone.
"Why," Sasfsets said, sniffing at the pot and gently dropping a pinch of some bitter green spice in. "Did you think you were going to tell me being a slave wasn't fair, wasn't just, and I'd realize you were right and let you go?"
Danacha's throat was too thick with shame for an answer to find passage through.
"That's a pretty big yes hiding in that silence. It's okay, you grew up a slave, you weren't privileged like me oh I get it dear I get it. I'll help you sort out some thoughts, yes? Yes. You grew up Brinnelander. There, everyone's trying to get the good happy ending. All their stories end with 'And he reigned long and justly, until the peaceful last of his wakes.' That's what every asshole wants you to think but in two alba he got stabbed or poisoned or his wife ran off with a cuter nath or whatever. Dumbass Brinneland ideology, don't get suckered into it. Everyone's looking at the forever-horizon but the horizon don't move. Be happy where you are 'cause you'll only ever be where you are. You got this seed in you you want your happy ending but what then? Get off my ship and suddenly you need to eat, slave to hunger. People uplip you for being Voidy, slave to culture. Former slave don't have many skills slave to capitalism and the market and you think you can be free! Danacha!"
Sasfsets spun away from the pot in suddenly frightening dramatics, arms--all four, the auroral ones pulsing with earnesty--spread wide. "You are free! Everyone is infinitely free. Did you not ever realize? Everyone is infinitely a slave. My budget, local cultures, orders from above, family relations, politics, I am a slave! I am free! You are free! Do you need help knowing it? Do you?"
Danacha was at an utter loss. "Y--Yes!?"
"Slave! The forever-horizon is infinite in every direction! Sneak off the ship when I'm not watching you! Make friends with one of my enemies and have them rescue you--or kill me! Kill me yourself! The Void is wrapped deep in your muscles! Kill me and take the ship and become free! My arms are Auroral, you wield my antithesis, one snake-bite, a single strike! How simple! A happy Brinneland ending waiting, one murder away! Is it even murder if I own you? Isn't it heroic to kill me? Aren't I the villain for enslaving you, for putting you to firm, hot, shameful use?"
Was she--was she inviting it? It wasn't that Danacha couldn't--on a purely physical level, she could kill Sasfsets. She had seen her pilot the ship. She could do it? Unlock this awful collar, never wear anything around her neck again? Never be ordered to--satisfy--
"You're considering it!" Sasfsets was smiling, the insane thing, smiling. "There we go. Dig it up. Dig up the infinite freedom every living person has at all times! Use it!"
She truthfully was considering it, Danacha realized. The resentment she had, to Sasfsets, to her previous owners, to all owners, to all people, boiled within her, a heated emotion the worm usually ate from her, but this was boiling, unedible, and so the worm rose out of her body, black serpents uncoiling from her muscles, rearing up, and how simple it would be to lash out and take this lesson to true heart--
"Yes!" Sasfsets chittered delightedly. She reached her auroral arm across the stove, beyond it, returned with something that passed into her fleshy hand and--that--was a gun. "You want to kill me right now and you can do it! Or maybe I put a corpse-gold bullet through your skull and you disappear from yourself forever! Infinite choices! Oh, see, this is the Escalihax philosophy! This is what I live for! The moment! This infinitely long tense moment! Will I fire first? Will you tear my soul apart with your little worms? Tell me we're not both utterly free right in this very living second. Danacha! What are you going to do!"
She was insane--Sasfsets was insane--wasn't she? Was she? Was she wrong in any way? And yet her gun was so very real. Danacha wasn't ready to kill. Danacha wasn't ready to die. "Please--please don't kill me--I'm sorry--"
Without a single care Sasfsets passed the gun back to her auroral hand and returned the gun to the far table. "Well, there you go. Tibi nit tivi you have about an equal chance of killing me as I would you, so don't think it's slavery, or me, or anything else that's keeping you here. It's you. It's your choice, now. Think that bad a choice? Because I am finishing some fucking amazing curry and since you didn't kill me you get to have some. And in the forever-horizon you're a slave, but oh wow in this spot right here? We're gonna be eating some amazing fucking curry. Don't tell me it's so awful to be a good girl, and set the table for me, so we can go nuts on this dinner right now?"
"N--no, no, mistress, it isn't. I will--set the table, mistress."
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whooolaanmo · 1 year
If we never try, how will we know, Baby, how far this thing could go? 🎶🎶🎶
MARIA : Give me a sign, If I'm on your mind, I don't wanna fall in love alone 🎶🎶🎶 single kana ulit bakit ba ayaw mo ako jowain?
ME : kumanta ka na lang dadale ka nanaman ng mga pa ganyan mo, eh alam mo naman na ang dahilan.
MARIA : oo na oo na kasi mas iniingatan mo na pagkakaibigan natin at ayaw mo masira kung sakali maging tayo at di magwork eh paano nga kung di naman susubukan??
ME : kulit naman ibaba mo na nga ako 🤣🤣🤣
MARIA : 🤣🤣🤣
Aug. 15, 2023 10:35 am
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comoland · 29 days
[사진여행자] 신성한 땅, 다달솜(Dadal sum) 여행 풍경
러시아와 오논강을 사이에 두고 국경을 맞대고 있는 이곳은 풍광뿐만 아니라 몽골인들의 마음속에 칭기스칸 전승의 중요한 성지처럼 여겨진다. 때문에 공항과 고속도로 건설을 반대하는지도 모르겠다.
#몽골 #울란바타르 #다달솜 #캠프장 #칭기스칸 #부르큰할둔 #오논강 #말타기 #Mongolia #onon_river #dadalsum
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mongolie · 1 month
Faire des plans en Mongolie
Voilà, je rentre de trois semaines de voyages/vacances/visite de la famille en Mongolie. Comme d'habitudes, nous avions fait des plans avant de partir, et comme d'habitude, nous n'avons pas pu les suivre.
Le plan était pourtant assez simple, rien de bien compliqué. Nous allions aller avec le beau-père à Dadal, afin de visiter ses racines en pays bouriate. Ensuite, nous devions ensuite passer du temps dans un coin paumé de campagne à faire du shorloog (eg des brochettes de viandes) et du Khorkhog (parce que c'est quand même super bon).
Le plan a changé quand les vieux ont décidé de faire une cousinade parce qu'ils sont vieux et que ça le fait de faire une réunion de famille. Nous avons adapté nos plans, puisque le lieu de ladite cousinade (Möngönmort) se trouvait sur le chemin de notre destination. J'avais aussi prévu d'avoir de la donnée sur mon téléphone mobile durant tout le séjour, afin de pouvoir cartographier et ajouter des espèces dans INPN Espèces. On a l'habitude que les plans ne soient pas respectés, mais on en fait quand même, afin d'avoir malgré tout une petite idée de ce qui nous attend. Cette année nous n'avons pas été déçus.
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444namesplus · 5 months
Babal Babar Babel Baber Baboul Babour Babul Babur Badal Badar Badel Bader Badil Badir Badoul Badour Badul Badur Bafil Bafir Bagal Bagar Bagel Bager Bagoul Bagour Bagul Bagur Bahil Bahir Bakal Bakar Bakel Baker Bakoul Bakour Bakul Bakur Bapal Bapar Bapel Baper Bapoul Bapour Bapul Bapur Basil Basir Batal Batar Batel Bater Batoul Batour Batul Batur Bavil Bavir Bazil Bazir Bebal Bebar Bebel Beber Beboul Bebour Bebul Bebur Bedal Bedar Bedel Beder Bedil Bedir Bedoul Bedour Bedul Bedur Befil Befir Begal Begar Begel Beger Begoul Begour Begul Begur Behil Behir Bekal Bekar Bekel Beker Bekoul Bekour Bekul Bekur Bepal Bepar Bepel Beper Bepoul Bepour Bepul Bepur Besil Besir Betal Betar Betel Beter Betoul Betour Betul Betur Bevil Bevir Bezil Bezir Bobal Bobar Bobel Bober Boboul Bobour Bobul Bobur Bodal Bodar Bodel Boder Bodil Bodir Bodoul Bodour Bodul Bodur Bofil Bofir Bogal Bogar Bogel Boger Bogoul Bogour Bogul Bogur Bohil Bohir Bokal Bokar Bokel Boker Bokoul Bokour Bokul Bokur Bopal Bopar Bopel Boper Bopoul Bopour Bopul Bopur Bosil Bosir Botal Botar Botel Boter Botoul Botour Botul Botur Bovil Bovir Bozil Bozir Bubal Bubar Bubel Buber Buboul Bubour Bubul Bubur Budal Budar Budel Buder Budil Budir Budoul Budour Budul Budur Bufil Bufir Bugal Bugar Bugel Buger Bugoul Bugour Bugul Bugur Buhil Buhir Bukal Bukar Bukel Buker Bukoul Bukour Bukul Bukur Bupal Bupar Bupel Buper Bupoul Bupour Bupul Bupur Busil Busir Butal Butar Butel Buter Butoul Butour Butul Butur Buvil Buvir Buzil Buzir Dabal Dabar Dabel Daber Daboul Dabour Dabul Dabur Dadal Dadar Dadel Dader Dadil Dadir Dadoul Dadour Dadul Dadur Dafil Dafir Dagal Dagar Dagel Dager Dagoul Dagour Dagul Dagur Dahil Dahir Dakal Dakar Dakel Daker Dakoul Dakour Dakul Dakur Dapal Dapar Dapel Daper Dapoul Dapour Dapul Dapur Dasil Dasir
Datal Datar Datel Dater Datoul Datour Datul Datur Davil Davir Dazil Dazir Debal Debar Debel Deber Deboul Debour Debul Debur Dedal Dedar Dedel Deder Dedil Dedir Dedoul Dedour Dedul Dedur Defil Defir Degal Degar Degel Deger Degoul Degour Degul Degur Dehil Dehir Dekal Dekar Dekel Deker Dekoul Dekour Dekul Dekur Depal Depar Depel Deper Depoul Depour Depul Depur Desil Desir Detal Detar Detel Deter Detoul Detour Detul Detur Devil Devir Dezil Dezir Dibal Dibar Dibel Diber Diboul Dibour Dibul Dibur Didal Didar Didel Dider Didil Didir Didoul Didour Didul Didur Difil Difir Digal Digar Digel Diger Digoul Digour Digul Digur Dihil Dihir Dikal Dikar Dikel Diker Dikoul Dikour Dikul Dikur Dipal Dipar Dipel Diper Dipoul Dipour Dipul Dipur Disil Disir Dital Ditar Ditel Diter Ditoul Ditour Ditul Ditur Divil Divir Dizil Dizir Dobal Dobar Dobel Dober Doboul Dobour Dobul Dobur Dodal Dodar Dodel Doder Dodil Dodir Dodoul Dodour Dodul Dodur Dofil Dofir Dogal Dogar Dogel Doger Dogoul Dogour Dogul Dogur Dohil Dohir Dokal Dokar Dokel Doker Dokoul Dokour Dokul Dokur Dopal Dopar Dopel Doper Dopoul Dopour Dopul Dopur Dosil Dosir Dotal Dotar Dotel Doter Dotoul Dotour Dotul Dotur Dovil Dovir Dozil Dozir Dubal Dubar Dubel Duber Duboul Dubour Dubul Dubur Dudal Dudar Dudel Duder Dudil Dudir Dudoul Dudour Dudul Dudur Dufil Dufir Dugal Dugar Dugel Duger Dugoul Dugour Dugul Dugur Duhil Duhir Dukal Dukar Dukel Duker Dukoul Dukour Dukul Dukur Dupal Dupar Dupel Duper Dupoul Dupour Dupul Dupur Dusil Dusir Dutal Dutar Dutel Duter Dutoul Dutour Dutul Dutur Duvil Duvir Duzil Duzir Fibal Fibar Fibel Fiber Fiboul Fibour Fibul Fibur Fidal Fidar Fidel Fider Fidil Fidir Fidoul Fidour Fidul Fidur Fifil Fifir Figal Figar Figel Figer Figoul Figour Figul Figur Fihil Fihir Fikal Fikar Fikel Fiker Fikoul Fikour Fikul Fikur Fipal Fipar Fipel Fiper Fipoul Fipour Fipul Fipur Fisil Fisir Fital Fitar Fitel Fiter Fitoul Fitour Fitul Fitur Fivil Fivir Fizil Fizir Gabal Gabar Gabel Gaber Gaboul Gabour Gabul Gabur Gadal Gadar Gadel Gader Gadil Gadir Gadoul Gadour Gadul Gadur Gafil Gafir Gagal Gagar Gagel Gager Gagoul Gagour Gagul Gagur Gahil Gahir Gakal Gakar Gakel Gaker Gakoul Gakour Gakul Gakur Gapal Gapar Gapel Gaper Gapoul Gapour Gapul Gapur Gasil Gasir Gatal Gatar Gatel Gater Gatoul Gatour Gatul Gatur Gavil Gavir Gazil Gazir Gebal Gebar Gebel Geber Geboul Gebour Gebul Gebur Gedal Gedar Gedel Geder Gedil Gedir Gedoul Gedour Gedul Gedur Gefil Gefir Gegal Gegar Gegel Geger Gegoul Gegour Gegul Gegur Gehil Gehir Gekal Gekar Gekel Geker Gekoul Gekour Gekul Gekur Gepal Gepar Gepel Geper Gepoul Gepour Gepul Gepur Gesil Gesir Getal Getar Getel Geter Getoul Getour Getul Getur Gevil Gevir Gezil Gezir Gobal Gobar Gobel Gober Goboul Gobour Gobul Gobur Godal Godar Godel Goder Godil Godir Godoul Godour Godul Godur Gofil Gofir Gogal Gogar Gogel Goger Gogoul Gogour Gogul Gogur Gohil Gohir Gokal Gokar Gokel Goker Gokoul Gokour Gokul Gokur Gopal Gopar Gopel Goper Gopoul Gopour Gopul Gopur Gosil Gosir Gotal Gotar Gotel Goter
Gotoul Gotour Gotul Gotur Govil Govir Gozil Gozir Gubal Gubar Gubel Guber Guboul Gubour Gubul Gubur Gudal Gudar Gudel Guder Gudil Gudir Gudoul Gudour Gudul Gudur Gufil Gufir Gugal Gugar Gugel Guger Gugoul Gugour Gugul Gugur Guhil Guhir Gukal Gukar Gukel Guker Gukoul Gukour Gukul Gukur Gupal Gupar Gupel Guper Gupoul Gupour Gupul Gupur Gusil Gusir Gutal Gutar Gutel Guter Gutoul Gutour Gutul Gutur Guvil Guvir Guzil Guzir Hibal Hibar Hibel Hiber Hiboul Hibour Hibul Hibur Hidal Hidar Hidel Hider Hidil Hidir Hidoul Hidour Hidul Hidur Hifil Hifir Higal Higar Higel Higer Higoul Higour Higul Higur Hihil Hihir Hikal Hikar Hikel Hiker Hikoul Hikour Hikul Hikur Hipal Hipar Hipel Hiper Hipoul Hipour Hipul Hipur Hisil Hisir Hital Hitar Hitel Hiter Hitoul Hitour Hitul Hitur Hivil Hivir Hizil Hizir Kabal Kabar Kabel Kaber Kaboul Kabour Kabul Kabur Kadal Kadar Kadel Kader Kadil Kadir Kadoul Kadour Kadul Kadur Kafil Kafir Kagal Kagar Kagel Kager Kagoul Kagour Kagul Kagur Kahil Kahir Kakal Kakar Kakel Kaker Kakoul Kakour Kakul Kakur Kapal Kapar Kapel Kaper Kapoul Kapour Kapul Kapur Kasil Kasir Katal Katar Katel Kater Katoul Katour Katul Katur Kavil Kavir Kazil Kazir Kebal Kebar Kebel Keber Keboul Kebour Kebul Kebur Kedal Kedar Kedel Keder Kedil Kedir Kedoul Kedour Kedul Kedur Kefil Kefir Kegal Kegar Kegel Keger Kegoul Kegour Kegul Kegur Kehil Kehir Kekal Kekar Kekel Keker Kekoul Kekour Kekul Kekur Kepal Kepar Kepel Keper Kepoul Kepour Kepul Kepur Kesil Kesir Ketal Ketar Ketel Keter Ketoul Ketour Ketul Ketur Kevil Kevir Kezil Kezir Kobal Kobar Kobel Kober Koboul Kobour Kobul Kobur Kodal Kodar Kodel Koder Kodil Kodir Kodoul Kodour Kodul Kodur Kofil Kofir Kogal Kogar Kogel Koger Kogoul Kogour Kogul Kogur Kohil Kohir Kokal Kokar Kokel Koker Kokoul Kokour Kokul Kokur Kopal Kopar Kopel Koper Kopoul Kopour Kopul Kopur Kosil Kosir Kotal Kotar Kotel Koter Kotoul Kotour Kotul Kotur Kovil Kovir Kozil Kozir Kubal Kubar Kubel Kuber Kuboul Kubour Kubul Kubur Kudal Kudar Kudel Kuder Kudil Kudir Kudoul Kudour Kudul Kudur Kufil Kufir Kugal Kugar Kugel Kuger Kugoul Kugour Kugul Kugur Kuhil Kuhir Kukal Kukar Kukel Kuker Kukoul Kukour Kukul Kukur Kupal Kupar Kupel Kuper Kupoul Kupour Kupul Kupur Kusil Kusir Kutal Kutar Kutel Kuter Kutoul Kutour Kutul Kutur Kuvil Kuvir Kuzil Kuzir Lalab Lalad Lalag Lalak Lalap Lalat Laleb Laled Laleg Lalek Lalep Lalet Lalib Lalid Lalig Lalik Lalip Lalit Lalob Lalod Lalog Lalok Lalop Lalot Lalub Lalud Lalug Laluk Lalup Lalut Larab Larad Larag Larak Larap Larat Lareb Lared Lareg Larek Larep Laret Larib
Larid Larig Larik Larip Larit Larob Larod Larog Larok Larop Larot Larub Larud Larug Laruk Larup Larut Lelab Lelad Lelag Lelak Lelap Lelat Leleb Leled Leleg Lelek Lelep Lelet Lelib Lelid Lelig Lelik Lelip Lelit Lelob Lelod Lelog Lelok Lelop Lelot Lelub Lelud Lelug Leluk Lelup Lelut Lerab Lerad Lerag Lerak Lerap Lerat Lereb Lered Lereg Lerek Lerep Leret Lerib Lerid Lerig Lerik Lerip Lerit Lerob Lerod Lerog Lerok Lerop Lerot Lerub Lerud Lerug Leruk Lerup Lerut Lilab Lilad Lilag Lilak Lilap Lilat Lileb Liled Lileg Lilek Lilep Lilet Lilib Lilid Lilig Lilik Lilip Lilit Lilob Lilod Lilog Lilok Lilop Lilot Lilub Lilud Lilug Liluk Lilup Lilut Lirab Lirad Lirag Lirak Lirap Lirat Lireb Lired Lireg Lirek Lirep Liret Lirib Lirid Lirig Lirik Lirip Lirit Lirob Lirod Lirog Lirok Lirop Lirot Lirub Lirud Lirug Liruk Lirup Lirut Loulab Loulad Loulag Loulak Loulap Loulat Louleb Louled Louleg Loulek Loulep Loulet Loulib Loulid Loulig Loulik Loulip Loulit Loulob Loulod Loulog Loulok Loulop Loulot Loulub Loulud Loulug Louluk Loulup Loulut Lourab Lourad Lourag Lourak Lourap Lourat Loureb Loured Loureg Lourek Lourep Louret Lourib Lourid Lourig Lourik Lourip Lourit Lourob Lourod Lourog Lourok Lourop Lourot Lourub Lourud Lourug Louruk Lourup Lourut Lulab Lulad Lulag Lulak Lulap Lulat Luleb Luled Luleg Lulek Lulep Lulet Lulib Lulid Lulig Lulik Lulip Lulit Lulob Lulod Lulog Lulok Lulop Lulot Lulub Lulud Lulug Luluk Lulup Lulut Lurab Lurad Lurag Lurak Lurap Lurat Lureb Lured Lureg Lurek Lurep Luret Lurib Lurid Lurig Lurik Lurip Lurit Lurob Lurod Lurog Lurok Lurop Lurot Lurub Lurud Lurug Luruk Lurup Lurut Pabal Pabar Pabel Paber Paboul Pabour Pabul Pabur Padal Padar Padel Pader Padil Padir Padoul Padour Padul Padur Pafil Pafir Pagal Pagar Pagel Pager Pagoul Pagour Pagul Pagur Pahil Pahir Pakal Pakar Pakel Paker Pakoul Pakour Pakul Pakur Papal Papar Papel Paper Papoul Papour Papul Papur Pasil Pasir Patal Patar Patel Pater Patoul Patour Patul Patur Pavil Pavir Pazil Pazir Pebal Pebar Pebel Peber Peboul Pebour Pebul Pebur Pedal Pedar Pedel Peder Pedil Pedir Pedoul Pedour Pedul Pedur Pefil Pefir Pegal Pegar Pegel Peger Pegoul Pegour Pegul Pegur Pehil Pehir Pekal Pekar Pekel Peker Pekoul Pekour Pekul Pekur Pepal Pepar Pepel Peper Pepoul Pepour Pepul Pepur Pesil Pesir Petal Petar Petel Peter Petoul Petour Petul Petur Pevil Pevir Pezil Pezir Pobal Pobar Pobel Pober Poboul Pobour Pobul Pobur Podal Podar Podel Poder Podil Podir Podoul Podour Podul Podur Pofil Pofir Pogal Pogar Pogel Poger Pogoul Pogour Pogul Pogur Pohil Pohir Pokal Pokar Pokel Poker Pokoul Pokour Pokul Pokur Popal Popar Popel
Poper Popoul Popour Popul Popur Posil Posir Potal Potar Potel Poter Potoul Potour Potul Potur Povil Povir Pozil Pozir Pubal Pubar Pubel Puber Puboul Pubour Pubul Pubur Pudal Pudar Pudel Puder Pudil Pudir Pudoul Pudour Pudul Pudur Pufil Pufir Pugal Pugar Pugel Puger Pugoul Pugour Pugul Pugur Puhil Puhir Pukal Pukar Pukel Puker Pukoul Pukour Pukul Pukur Pupal Pupar Pupel Puper Pupoul Pupour Pupul Pupur Pusil Pusir Putal Putar Putel Puter Putoul Putour Putul Putur Puvil Puvir Puzil Puzir Ralab Ralad Ralag Ralak Ralap Ralat Raleb Raled Raleg Ralek Ralep Ralet Ralib Ralid Ralig Ralik Ralip Ralit Ralob Ralod Ralog Ralok Ralop Ralot Ralub Ralud Ralug Raluk Ralup Ralut Rarab Rarad Rarag Rarak Rarap Rarat Rareb Rared Rareg Rarek Rarep Raret Rarib Rarid Rarig Rarik Rarip Rarit Rarob Rarod Rarog Rarok Rarop Rarot Rarub Rarud Rarug Raruk Rarup Rarut Relab Relad Relag Relak Relap Relat Releb Reled Releg Relek Relep Relet Relib Relid Relig Relik Relip Relit Relob Relod Relog Relok Relop Relot Relub Relud Relug Reluk Relup Relut Rerab Rerad Rerag Rerak Rerap Rerat Rereb Rered Rereg Rerek Rerep Reret Rerib Rerid Rerig Rerik Rerip Rerit Rerob Rerod Rerog Rerok Rerop Rerot Rerub Rerud Rerug Reruk Rerup Rerut Rilab Rilad Rilag Rilak Rilap Rilat Rileb Riled Rileg Rilek Rilep Rilet Rilib Rilid Rilig Rilik Rilip Rilit Rilob Rilod Rilog Rilok Rilop Rilot Rilub Rilud Rilug Riluk Rilup Rilut Rirab Rirad Rirag Rirak Rirap Rirat Rireb Rired Rireg Rirek Rirep Riret Ririb Ririd Ririg Ririk Ririp Ririt Rirob Rirod Rirog Rirok Rirop Rirot Rirub Rirud Rirug Riruk Rirup Rirut Roulab Roulad Roulag Roulak Roulap Roulat Rouleb Rouled Rouleg Roulek Roulep Roulet Roulib Roulid Roulig Roulik Roulip Roulit Roulob Roulod Roulog Roulok Roulop Roulot Roulub Roulud Roulug Rouluk Roulup Roulut Rourab Rourad Rourag Rourak Rourap Rourat Roureb Roured Roureg Rourek Rourep Rouret Rourib Rourid Rourig Rourik Rourip Rourit Rourob Rourod Rourog Rourok Rourop Rourot Rourub Rourud Rourug Rouruk Rourup Rourut Rulab Rulad Rulag Rulak Rulap Rulat Ruleb Ruled Ruleg Rulek Rulep Rulet Rulib Rulid Rulig Rulik Rulip Rulit Rulob Rulod Rulog Rulok Rulop Rulot Rulub Rulud Rulug Ruluk Rulup Rulut Rurab Rurad Rurag Rurak Rurap Rurat Rureb Rured Rureg Rurek Rurep Ruret Rurib Rurid Rurig Rurik Rurip Rurit Rurob Rurod Rurog Rurok Rurop Rurot Rurub Rurud Rurug Ruruk Rurup Rurut Sibal Sibar Sibel Siber Siboul Sibour Sibul Sibur Sidal Sidar Sidel Sider Sidil Sidir Sidoul Sidour Sidul Sidur Sifil Sifir Sigal Sigar Sigel Siger Sigoul Sigour Sigul Sigur Sihil Sihir Sikal Sikar Sikel Siker Sikoul Sikour Sikul
Sikur Sipal Sipar Sipel Siper Sipoul Sipour Sipul Sipur Sisil Sisir Sital Sitar Sitel Siter Sitoul Sitour Situl Situr Sivil Sivir Sizil Sizir Tabal Tabar Tabel Taber Taboul Tabour Tabul Tabur Tadal Tadar Tadel Tader Tadil Tadir Tadoul Tadour Tadul Tadur Tafil Tafir Tagal Tagar Tagel Tager Tagoul Tagour Tagul Tagur Tahil Tahir Takal Takar Takel Taker Takoul Takour Takul Takur Tapal Tapar Tapel Taper Tapoul Tapour Tapul Tapur Tasil Tasir Tatal Tatar Tatel Tater Tatoul Tatour Tatul Tatur Tavil Tavir Tazil Tazir Tebal Tebar Tebel Teber Teboul Tebour Tebul Tebur Tedal Tedar Tedel Teder Tedil Tedir Tedoul Tedour Tedul Tedur Tefil Tefir Tegal Tegar Tegel Teger Tegoul Tegour Tegul Tegur Tehil Tehir Tekal Tekar Tekel Teker Tekoul Tekour Tekul Tekur Tepal Tepar Tepel Teper Tepoul Tepour Tepul Tepur Tesil Tesir Tetal Tetar Tetel Teter Tetoul Tetour Tetul Tetur Tevil Tevir Tezil Tezir Tobal Tobar Tobel Tober Toboul Tobour Tobul Tobur Todal Todar Todel Toder Todil Todir Todoul Todour Todul Todur Tofil Tofir Togal Togar Togel Toger Togoul Togour Togul Togur Tohil Tohir Tokal Tokar Tokel Toker Tokoul Tokour Tokul Tokur Topal Topar Topel Toper Topoul Topour Topul Topur Tosil Tosir Total Totar Totel Toter Totoul Totour Totul Totur Tovil Tovir Tozil Tozir Tubal Tubar Tubel Tuber Tuboul Tubour Tubul Tubur Tudal Tudar Tudel Tuder Tudil Tudir Tudoul Tudour Tudul Tudur Tufil Tufir Tugal Tugar Tugel Tuger Tugoul Tugour Tugul Tugur Tuhil Tuhir Tukal Tukar Tukel Tuker Tukoul Tukour Tukul Tukur Tupal Tupar Tupel Tuper Tupoul Tupour Tupul Tupur Tusil Tusir Tutal Tutar Tutel Tuter Tutoul Tutour Tutul Tutur Tuvil Tuvir Tuzil Tuzir Vibal Vibar Vibel Viber Viboul Vibour Vibul Vibur Vidal Vidar Videl Vider Vidil Vidir Vidoul Vidour Vidul Vidur Vifil Vifir Vigal Vigar Vigel Viger Vigoul Vigour Vigul Vigur Vihil Vihir Vikal Vikar Vikel Viker Vikoul Vikour Vikul Vikur Vipal Vipar Vipel Viper Vipoul Vipour Vipul Vipur Visil Visir Vital Vitar Vitel Viter Vitoul Vitour Vitul Vitur Vivil Vivir Vizil Vizir Zibal Zibar Zibel Ziber Ziboul Zibour Zibul Zibur Zidal Zidar Zidel Zider Zidil Zidir Zidoul Zidour Zidul Zidur Zifil Zifir Zigal Zigar Zigel Ziger Zigoul Zigour Zigul Zigur Zihil Zihir Zikal Zikar Zikel Ziker Zikoul Zikour Zikul Zikur Zipal Zipar Zipel Ziper Zipoul Zipour Zipul Zipur Zisil Zisir Zital Zitar Zitel Ziter Zitoul Zitour Zitul Zitur Zivil Zivir Zizil Zizir
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itosevenito · 5 months
if you forgot what you were gonna write, just write a bunch of random do-dadal it'll come back
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homegirls-xoxo · 2 years
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cmda ene udriin mendiig hurgey. shine on garaad 4 honoj baina gehdee neg l buh zuiliig erch huchteiger ehluuleed aihtar uram zorigtoi baigad baigaa ym alga oo. Gehdee shine dadal zurshil zan tulwiig suulgana gedeg tiim c amar bishshudee kk. Heer tald baishin bosgohtoi l adil. Step by step. Alham alhamaar l barina shude ehleed hundama tsutgana geh met. Nz n odoogoor baishingaa barij ehleh gd l 100n ailaar tsement haigad ywj baina hhe. Oird jaahan sonin bno gunigtai c gehu ghde temvjinges bolson gj bodohgui bnoo ygd ghr n nz n ene jil zuwhun uurygu ehend tawina geel heltsen bga. ghde ene muu temvjin hen bolcood nmg unfollow hiiged followersoso remove hiiged bgnbee hhah inneed c hureh shg uur c hureh shg. ghdee ingeed twn uujuu bodhoor ndd uurygu bodood uragshlah huch bolj ugc bga c ym shg. mnii naiz c bas baishingaa barij ehleerei magadgui chi mn hediinee bur toosgoo uruud ywj bga bh hairtaishuu.
: Jade
date: 2023.01.04 23:37
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Nalaman kong ma swerte ako pinaglaro at pinag aral ako ng magulang ko nung bata pa ko hindi pala lahat ng bata e dumaan sa kamusmusan
Nakapag-aral ako ng walang iniisip o pinoproblema tungkol sa baon pang araw-araw,nakapag aral ako ng hindi nakakaranas ng hirap.
What i have learned:
Hindi madali ang buhay kaya hanggat nakakapag-aral ka sikapin mong mag karoon ng magandang buhay para sa sarili mo at para sa pamilya mo.
Dadale, Heart Granton
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esytes69 · 3 years
Soldier injured in alternate of fireside close to LoC in J&Ok’s Rajouri
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Operation on in opposition to group of armed males, in accordance with Military.
One soldier has been injured throughout a firefight with “a gaggle of armed males” close to the Line of Management (LoC) in Pir Panjal’s Rajouri district in Jammu and Kashmir.An Military spokesman stated the incident came about in Dadal village, just a few kilometres away from the LoC.“Primarily based on data relating to the presence of a small group of suspicious armed individuals close to Dadal, search operations had been launched on Tuesday night. Through the night time, an alternate of fireside came about, during which one soldier acquired minor accidents and was evacuated,” a Jammu-based Military spokesman stated.The Military stated the operation was in progress within the space. Read the full article
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autumnbrambleagain · 2 years
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ah shid i did me some commission can you imagine
fido's dadal Nurri drifted out of Auroral Oceans and into the City in the Middle. Like 30% of all drifts, she immediately was smitten by the City Angel that welcomed her. Unlike the other 30%, she's appearing in a commission, and the local City Angel is negotiating with her metafictional owner for an in-character arrangement involving tea and slavery. Although Nurri isn't aware of that as of the snapshot of this moment.
most drifts into the city have a hard time adjusting to the whole "what do you mean there's a billion universes what's a metacorporation and how can it own eight realities", but Nurri, who was a slave once and then became an Ocean-adventuring asshole as one tends to do, finds her post-drift career to be back into slavery, but like, a more chill kind with tea and lesbeans.
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shahid121 · 3 years
During Exchange Of Firing With Militants One Soldier Injured In Dadal Sunderbani Area Of Rajouri District
During Exchange Of Firing With Militants One Soldier Injured In Dadal Sunderbani Area Of Rajouri District
KNN EXCLUSIVE LIVE During Exchange Of Firing With Militants One Soldier Injured In Dadal Sunderbani Area Of Rajouri District
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jonh-2022 · 2 years
São Vicente: Conheça a ilha onde nasceu Cesária Évora
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Sendo a segunda ilha mais populosa de Cabo Verde,a ilha que possui um aspeto árido,tem na pesca,no turismo,e na exploração do seu movimentado porto do mar o Porto Grande,sendo essas citadas suas fontes de receita. São Vicente possui muitos pratos tipicos,muito deles tendo marisco como base.Para alem da celebre"catchupa" pontificam o "arroz de cabidela de marisco a Dadal" e o "guisado de percebes" a feijoada.
São Vicente também é conhecido pelo Festival Internacional de Baia das Gatas realizado no primeiro fim-de-semana de lua cheia no mês de Agosto.
Também é conhecido por ser a terra natal da ilustre cantora Cesária Évora que teve o maior reconhecimento internacional de toda a historia da musica popular cabo-verdiana.
São vicente sempre foi uma ilha fértil em atividades de diversão culturais .A sua noite é famosa pelos seus bares animados com musica ao vivo,nos quais por exemplo se iniciou a carreira de Cesária Évora. Alem da musica, na cultura são-vicentina destaca-se o teatro e a literatura.Eventos anuais tem grande destaque como Carnaval,o Mindelact e as festividades de Fim de Ano.
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a stash of names generated by a markovgen fed with the wikipedia entries on "spear" in spanish, portuguese, latin, french and esperanto
Akralis Alesemás Alida Aliquer Alles Allonne Alondos Ancea Ancong Ankad Antebado Antre Apparme Apparojn Apparsibata Apunte Arancho Ardum Areĝaj Arigüedra Arinco Arivale Armale Armancores Armetrado Aroireidos Astali Auxilis Aviore Aviormas Añadadre Añado Añosaj Añossemente Añossima Añosta Babiegiano Babiffert Banse Bretres Bribilina Brintita Britas C'ennoj C'esenum Cablemin Cacest Castas Ceres Cesta Cesto Chast Coldas Comai Comezzabile Comodadada Comongo Conas Conatiana Congen Coria Corma Cormados Culant Culasta Culte Culter Culturata Cusaricc D'ene D'enese D'estamento D'estio D'hastantur D'unga D'use Dadale Dalizzarmée Dall'es Dalotée Dasse Dassi Dasto Dasturo Daventre Degattuter Degles Delfoj Dell'as Dell'um Dellossis Demetto Depud Dertina Diade Diado Dierankaŭ Diermétam Differmaine Differua Dimilemili Dinga Divarmalin Divenco Dongler Dongo Dotte Duaefinaj Durant Durber Durobjektp Ecidale Eiedi Elido Elléolilono Elune Emiler Emmanita Emmas Empiestos Enegiondo Entatiguae Entebancojn Enterge Entun Entune Eracea Eravoché Ermazis Ernaring Escatas Esces Escon Esder Estatigo Ettelotéri Ferianché Forentur Fores Forianuasto Forinarana Forindongo Forméta Fruale Fruasta Fuegle Fun'ar Funte Fuocores Fusad Fusadin Futrata Gemile Gencojn Gento Gentois Gerert Gisticure Glidalo Glile Glitte Grancidast Gratabifoj Guerince Génée Génées Généri Générible Hacesta Hamplanzaro Hample Hanko Hantigia Hassibles Hasto Hasturad Heida Hetidemma Hetri Hetálicory Hiquos Hombre Hubma Hubmadimest Ilegionata Ilona Inata Incone Indivarum Indonità Indos Inetantra Infall'ast Ingiot Ingisé Itaringa Itigna Itilidottal Itter Iturae Jarince Javara Javarti Javast Javaĝaj Javen Javent Javeri Junermake Juneta Kados Kavazia Kavierrest Kongis Korre Korres Ktoiencea Kunetterni Kungheina Kuntili Kuticultres Kutio Kvariale L'are L'aro L'asta L'hasima L'unte L'usque Lanarma Lanata Lancidata Lankongo Lante Lantisée Lanus Larma Larolíti Lastaj Lastorio Lasturad Latate Lestiloj Lilist Listo Litun Llankaŭ Llegado Lonaj Longo Longue Lontebados Losimper Losisert Lostasta Lottura Lunompi Luntatante Mall'un Mankavart Mante Manterres Medra Mente Menter Mentili Mentruallos Menusaj Metailo Metiguaj Metra Mettis Milegra Miliqu'à Millonia Mitaj Mohastante Munte Nella Neolico Nerii Normake Norpiklune Norre Obanticcio Objeke Ochistancea Ociadossis Ocosanomoha Okone Oninconsida Onite Palantis Pallotée Pancis Panserdata Parmazable Pelon Perta Pescomaingo Pidast Piedience Piegnurad Piette Pietálizzas Pieviedi Pilas Pinas Pintiame Piore Piorre Plegnum Pokonarmil Policam Ponte Pormancos Porpiles Porrehispe Posimetri Posta Postalera Prana Prene Pribati Proirkaj Prolda Proli Précia Précidepok Précis Préclinte Pudifa Pudifferas Pugna Pugnaj Pugnata Puile Pulad Pungli Péradade Périnatin Périnellées Périorpike Pérista Quega Quegatai Querear Rearoj Reses Ricable Rindifferum Riquaj Rissimodas Rombrekto Santojn Sanza Sarmeart Senchacc Serge Serre Sersadante Simane Simette Simis Simitain Siontuvecis Soldavía Solia Sonatia Souraefin Sovan Spesencipli Stainu Stanome Subma Suiventigna Suiverol Suprolia Suprécia Surata Table Tailia Tasado Tatata Tebatale Tebate Terando Terantis Terdad Teria Terin Terma Teroj Testalle Tienel Tienne Tiersankaj Todegaj Todum Tronière Trono Tuner Tutina Typesenta Un'aprécli Unestas Unusa Usaglegarme Usarma Usent Usesque Usolítinory Usourequa Uspiklun'au Utert Utigna Utinua Uttica Uzabolis Uzate Uzatin Uziavía Uzion Varmakeoj Vaĝaj Velle Vieto Viettura Vochomale Áfriorane Êtria Êtropa Ĉasadelon Ĉasta Ĉasto Ĉefine Ĉevisé Ĝistuvene Ĵetaltur Ĵetoire Ĵettis Ĵetto Ŝtoda
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