how could u not have a daddy kink when sam seder exists???
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Writing a college choice chapter and I just got walloped with the memory of my dad making an absurdly detailed spreadsheet with like 4 separate sheets to help me choose which college to go to. The apple does not fall far from the tree.
...but this apple still managed to choose the wrong college.
#I didn't even apply to the state school I ended up transferring to and loving#My guidance counselor made the state school I ended up loving seem like a dumbass school#Bitch I coulda gotten a full scholarship to go there had I applied in the first place!!! Why didn't you encourage me!!#They all knew I was in a 6 month long dissociative state during college shit#WHY DID NOBODY EXPLICITLY TELL ME KSC WAS A GOOD IDEA#Fun fact every time I write a high school AU#It's my attempt to relive my senior year without the trauma and the Extremely Bad Shit and the 6 months of dissociation#So that's why most of my HS AUs are fluffy fun with some angst thrown in#Because my senior year was mostly trauma and angst (it was So Bad) with a little fluffy fun. Prom was great#Anyway this post is to show that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree#Mom wanted me at the elite private school Dad wanted me to Just Choose A School Oh My God Sara#And I wanted to go somewhere with my friends#None of us got what we wanted#I chose UConn while high on NyQuil and I really think someone should have questioned that#Mom? Dad? Anybody?#Come on#Anyway#This turned into an essay#If you reach here send me a song lyric and a pairing and I shall fluff in thanks#Oh Daddums#Also my mom opened like 4 of my college letters without me then burst into my classroom while I was teaching to tell me#Still annoyed about that#'You got waitlisted at your dream school!!' 'COOL THAT'S BAD NEWS IT COULD HAVE WAITED UNTIL I WASN'T TEACHING????'
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twisted-w0rds · 5 months
Daddum, daddum...I heard it..
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datmcomic · 2 years
how do you pronounce datm in your head? i say “da-tim”
Haha! About the same - kinda with a soft T though. Like maybe Dadim. Dad'm. daddum.
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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Transcript Below!!!
HEIGHT: 6’6”
In the wake of the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor meltdown in 1980, residents of nearby Pennsylvania communities claimed that organic life grew to abnormal proportions. Laymen,
Scientists and nuclear physicists believed that the large amounts of plutonium released from Three Mile Island likely caused the dramatic growth in vegetation, trees, and even in animals. 
IN fact, some farmers in nearby communities reported to local and national newspapers that tomatoes grew to the size of small pumpkins and strawberries grew to the size of Granny Smith apples.
These same unusual growth patterns also occurred following the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in the now-defunct Soviet Union later in the decade. 
One possible product of the Three Mile Island disaster is making his presence known in  the World Wrestling Federation. His name is Adam Bomb. Adam, who tops the scale at a rock-solid 292 pounds, grew up near Three Mile Island and was of normal height and stature as a kid. However, things changed big-time between 1981 and 1987. Adam experienced incredible increases in size and strength during his adolescent years without ever touching a weight or consuming a protein shake. He was brutally strong for his age. 
In addition, Adam also developed a volatile disposition, and as a hobby, he read about the production of firecrackers, dynamite, plastic explosives and thermonuclear weapons.
As an avenue for his increasing aggression, he was encouraged to play football and wrestle in high school. It didn’t pan out. He was given his walking papers in both sports for breaking bones of teammates during scrimmages and intersquad sparring sessions on the mat.
His high school wrestling coach, who requests to remain anonymous because he fears reprisals, says that Adam Bomb was and is a “walking nuclear reactor.”
“He is just like a nuclear reactor on the verge of meltdown, just like the Island,” the coach tells this magazine. “He has always burned with rage and intensity, and as he grew physically stronger and became more aggressive, he fed off of his own intensity until a certain point was reached within. At that stage, he usually went haywire, and everything he touched within a certain radius, he destroyed.”
Adam Bomb is doing just that in the Federation. Since exploding into the ranks in late May, Adam Bomb has Blown away his adversaries. In his wake, Adam is leaving many wrestlers devastated physically and mentally, and some, unfortunately, devastated on a permanent basis. Adam, who has been called the “product of the nuclear age,” says he will cause a “nuclear Armageddon” in the World Wrestling Federation. 
Johnny Polo, Adam Bomb’s snob of a manager, is the kind of guy you always wished you could punch in the face but never had a chance to do so 
Polo, who was raised in the comfortable countryside near Palm beach, Florida–which is one of America’s most affluent communities–has had it all. Pampered as a child, his parents and their entourage of servants gave the brat anything he wanted. 
When he turned 11, for example, “Mommsy and daddums” bough Johnny a 60-acre piece of land not far from their home where the boy learned to play polo, a sport traditionally reserved for the financially elite. But Johnny gave the sport a bad name. He often cheated in matches and used his mallet to whack other players rather than smash the ball across the playing field. He was subsequently barred from every polo club and organization from Palm Beach to Beverly Hills, California. 
Johnny has now focused his talents on the area of sports management and promises he will take Adam Bomb to the top of the Federation.
“It’s only fitting,” remarks the brazzen brat. “Johnny Polo was at the top of the list in the polo game [probably the most hated among  fellow competitors], and now I’ll take Adam Bomb–my creation of devastation– to the top of this organization. With my mind and Adam's muscle and madness, there’s no telling where we can go or what we can do.”
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s0ren · 5 years
For every ⭐️ I get my muse will say something they admire about yours
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“Cmon Dad, we all know you’re the smartest person there is, you always know what’s best and make sure we do it. You’re just, awesome.”
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celtic-romulan · 6 years
The reason why I get a kick out of the Gods of Egypt movie is because my Scion RPG character is a child of Horus, who is played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in the movie. XD
Which means Bird-Daddums could look like Jaime Lannister...
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...if he wanted to, that is. In the game, he’s portrayed as an actual ethnic Egyptian guy when he’s not in his godly, falcon-headed form. 
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joyfulpoet · 6 years
Watches s6 of Voltron. Screams into the distance while crying.
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techmomma · 3 years
Ajax and Cyrus are not good people. But I think they still have... understandable motivations, even if they’re stupid and assholes.
They were never close to their kids, because of. Y’know. Man issues. Which in turn means they’ve never really been close to any grandkids either. Yet again, they end up alone, this time mostly of their own consequence even if the seeds were planted by their own father. They’ll never admit it but I think deep down they know that was their fault even if they’re still very bitter that uncle tibby gets more affection than they do (the nerve! Being more affectionate for a man who bothered to remember their names and birthdays!) A relationship with their own kids is a bit of a lost cause now, they reckon.
And then here comes Estella like a second chance. She wants to be around them, even if it’s to see the shit they get up to. She’s happy to see them. She seems to care. (She also wants to use them to get in trouble and rebel against Daddums but sh.) In making friends with Estella, they actually get close to someone. Even friends, they might call it.
And then Estella dies. It hurt when Dad died, it hurt when Mum died, sure, those were easy enough to attend. But Estella’s death brought so many feelings they couldn’t deal with and didn’t know how to deal with and they clearly weren’t going to get help from their siblings. How does one deal with a grief of this scale when they never learned how to deal with even lesser emotions.
So they didn’t. They don’t come to the funeral and pretend it was solely because they forgot, they were busy, they missed the date. Because being seen as an uncaring asshole was so, so much easier than having to say goodbye to the one person who seemed to give a damn about her terrible old uncles. To see her be put in the ground. They couldn’t do it.
So they didn’t. They don’t really understand that they regret it, deep down. Maybe wish they had gone, somewhere deep inside their stupid heads. And now there’s other weird grief feelings with Estella’s kid, Momo, who also seems to actually put up with them—to a degree. A desperation for affection like Estella gave them, but a resistance for fear of going through that grief again if something were to happen to Momo.
And thus show that underneath everything, they really are TB’s siblings, unable to deal with grief in the good ol’ Poppyfeld tradition.
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wotsukai-archived · 4 years
White people joking about british people bruv dats your daddums
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datorchoe · 4 years
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Divayth, papa, daddums, you could probably run MY shit and you want me to clear a path for YOU?!
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banannabethchase · 7 years
I've been going back and forth about posting this, but I'm going to.
Last week, the best man I ever knew died. My father has always been a weird dude, but weird in the same way I am: nerdy, awkward, caring, kind. He's more selfless and brave than I am. And now he's gone.
The leukemia didn't take him - it was an infection, probably some virus that he contracted from one of his overseas deployments. He was always helping people. Between his engineering and firefighting we won't ever be able to know just how many lives he saved.
I miss him so much. Losing my dad is the hardest thing I'll probably ever endure. He won't meet my kids. He won't walk me down the aisle. He won't see me grow old. He won't get to retire and rest. I don't get to hug him again.
My dad is the best man who has ever been. I want as many people to know how wonderful he is so his memory lives on. In his honor, I hope you will spread love and share bravery.
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bisluthq · 4 years
According to Buzzfeed Alex Aydin is tagged as her bump on insta and he shared it to his story. He's a screenwriter and has been papped with her before.
See I was weary at first and why was I weary?
Because we can’t judge bébé daddums from tags on Insta, Kay friendlings.
But this does seem confirmed now so again good for them and Mazel Tov all around.
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awholelotofladybug · 4 years
(stammering au) Sabine, have you ever had the Agrestes over for dinner?
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“Plenty of times. I remember the first time. I was so nervous, because, well, let’s be honest, Emilie Agreste was born with a silver spoon, so I had no idea if my cooking would be adequate. I wanted to make a good impression, so I had the whole family dress up nice, and worked my fingers to the bone making the best meal I could. It was such a relief to know that Emilie was a polite and patient woman, one with very good manners.”
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“Mumsy and Daddums raised a lady.”
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socialistexan · 5 years
It's amazing, because on that "this is what being working class is like" post, I typically get 2 kinds of comments, 1 is "God I wish my rent was that low" and 2 is people who have very obviously never been in the real world (either they're young or extremely privileged) and don't know how rent works (thinking rent is paid weekly) or have an underinflated sense on how much things actually cost because mummzie and daddums pay for everything for them.
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tirsden · 4 years
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I decided that since the exported version of Dante in my neglected Casanova game became a spellcaster, the true patriarch of Tanaka Town should become a spellcaster as well. Gods, I forgot how slow finishing off perks is with a non-magical bloodline sim.
With Dante’s spellcaster perks maxed out, I switched back to my big ol’ magic family and tried once again to get Von and Forlorne’s nice ash-brown skin color transferred to someone in the Ancient bloodline generation, but no... the new twins have their dang mom’s skin tone and hair this time. They’re both boys, Malkavian Spectre has short hair and Toreador Spectre has long hair. I dunno if I’ll even try again, or maybe just have one more go at it and CAS-edit whoever I get into the ash-brown skin and call it good. I don’t like doing major edits on natural-born sims but mrrr, like... that ash-brown skin tone traversed three generations without issues but the Ancient bloodline level is all light-skinned. Even extremely-dark-brown Tirsden and light-skinned Zeiss couldn’t make a brown baby. I’m one more 3-day pregnancy slog from pronouncing Sims 4 racist as hell.
Or y’know, I don’t understand genetics. Nevermind the kids have the same exact blonde or black hair their parents do, but always mom’s skin tone. Bruh.
Rant aside, while working on the toddler twins I ditched the mother unit again (who I hate anyways) and brought in Gaz aka Dante’s grandson who’s been floating around a 3-4 star celebrity rating for ages. Finally decided to top him off properly, and he also maxed parenting skill as a non-blood-related caretaker for the twins. He’s back at Dante’s house and so is Dante himself, as I had temporarily moved him to an apartment for the spellcasting grind to avoid playing the almost-full household he normally oversees.
Oh right, and the twins’ father Forlorne got struck twice by lightning and died, because he pathed outside for no good reason and literally would not walk back in until two fast strikes toasted him. For some reason that lot is really lagging (possibly due to weird stuff like having an entry point for visitors really far from the house), so I have a feeling the game had already declared him struck and dead while I was flailing at my screen watching him stand in the thunderstorm. Thankfully Gaz was around with an inventory full of death flowers, so I didn’t even have to test if daddums having flowers in his own inventory would save him.
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