#dagger of the mindt
kurjakani · 2 years
I know they're murderers n all but I want what they have
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teefa85 · 1 year
Having done the busywork before what I’m guessing is the final dungeon, some comments under cut...
It’s too bad people were so cavalier with spoilers because I KNEW all the characters who were working with the Moonshade Order as members or active supporters of their crusade like two weeks after the game came out!  Because I think Mindt being the order’s leader and her being Tanzy’s Goddess would have been way more shocking!  So would Ori and Kazan/Oboro being involved in all this.
Though Tanzy’s story is quite sad.  She was depressed over losing her husband and Arcanette manipulated her for her own ends.  And also sad finding out it that the Dark Hunter who killed Acta’s mom was ALSO behind the loss of Glacis’ egg and the torture of the partner Ochette didn’t choose (with Harvey’s help...though THAT’s not surprising considering how he was almost as amoral as Claude).
I don’t think Temenos minded much his partner daggering his former friend down, seeing as she was behind the events leading to Roi, the pontiff, and Crick’s murders.
With all the flames lit, we’re off!  I’m sure we’ll be fighting Oboro before taking on Vide, so I’d better be ready.
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