sirgawainofgalifrey · 2 months
Not to knock on Wrightworth or other Phoenix ships but people like to make most of Phoenix's actions have a romantic undertone and really miss out on the fact that he'll just about die for anyone he considers a friend.
Like he took on a clearcut murder case with zero experience (what's a cross-examination lol) because he was friends with Larry in school.
He STRAIGHT UP ATE GLASS AND METAL for the girl he was dating and was willing to ignore that she'd murdered someone.
He changed his whole ass career to get in contact with Edgeworth again just to make sure he was okay emotionally (and for other reasons that people like to ignore just for making it all about Edgeworth), even though they literally were like in 4th grade together for like half a year.
The first case he defended Maya was almost entirely because of Mia, because he didn't know Maya yet.
Literally EVERY CASE that he defends Maya in he's going above and beyond all reason and logic to prove that she's not guilty.
Him literally going against all reason and evidence and Edgeworth's own admission in the Edgeworth case to prove he's not guilty.
Him literally in the Engarde case willing to compromise all his principles to get a murderer off the hook to save her (they give you the option of going with pleading that Engarde is innocent, even though it doesn't effect the outcome).
Him literally running across a burning bridge at night over a huge cliff to make sure she's alright.
All I'm saying is I think the writers more intended to characterize Phoenix as someone who is willing to do almost anything for people he cares about (even if he acts like a grumpy asshole most of the time), more than emphasizing any one romantic relationship.
(I also think that's why he took Edgeworth faking his death so hard, and was so pissed at him for it. Like he felt betrayed and helpless at Edgeworth commiting suicide, mad (at Edgeworth and himself) that Edgeworth thought he couldn't come to him for help, when he would do anything for him. And then he finds out he was deceived, and couldn't understand how anyone could do that to someone they care about, like it's not in his friendship vocabulary ((also the fact that Edgeworth had confided in Gumshoe and not him that he was still alive, meaning he trusts Gumshoe more than him as a friend.)) It all comes down to Phoenix being betrayed that he's not trusted and his devotion to his friends not returned.)
Anyway sorry this is so long I hope it makes sense.
(also I've only played the original trilogy)
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bornwholocker · 5 months
Hello tumblr I come bearing gifts
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poofmalyakaet · 11 days
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my favourite girls from ace attorney
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midnightbrightside · 1 year
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i wish they would all go to therapy
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u3pxx · 2 years
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[toxic by britney spears starts playing]
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pxme-granate · 7 months
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my-cursed-brain · 3 months
Please Hoyo I want to see more Knights of Beauty content. I'd like to see more of Argenti, more characters for the Knights, or even just more lore. Argenti is my favorite character and I want to see more of him that isn't guns n roses related
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magotthemaggot · 2 months
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Bunny Dahliza
Don't get used to me drawing Eliza often
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nyaagolor · 9 months
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got a request on discord to draw lesbians
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rascalentertainments · 2 months
Wish Granted Ship Dynamics 💛💜
The DTIYS challenge is nearly done being made, but in the meantime, I thought it would be fun to share the shipping dynamics for the story currently (and possibly after)
Star x Asha (Starstruck)
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This is actually one of my favorite kinds of dynamics in any media. Someone full of joy and comedy bringing some fun into another person's life and they become better for it is such a wonderful thing. In this case Star bring the joy to Asha that she's been missing for most of her life. And more he shows his kindness, the more she's falling in love with him.
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Star takes a little while to realize what he's feeling for her is love, so his gestures to her go from regular kindness to romantic throughout the story. One thing that he does is kiss Asha's hand to comfort her when she starts to worry. Its actually a celestial based custom one does to calm someone down, but after he finds out its a romantic gesture for humans, he starts to fluster after he does it. (She finds it cute anyway)
He can tell when she's in danger or stressed and Asha can feel the same for Star, even when they're far apart. They can literally feel each other. They just want to keep each other safe in their arms. Could it be because she called him down and they're connected from that? 😉
(During Story)
At first Asha can get annoyed with Star's constant optimism and silliness instead of taking the mission seriously, but the more she's around him, she starts to soften and open up to him later in story about what happened to her father and saba. Not to mention she won't admit she finds him charming sometimes.
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Also, Asha starts finding more things she likes about Star. Besides his optimism, he's also eager to help everyone just like she is. He's got a kind and cute smile, his sense of humor is infectious, he has a cute smile, he's a sweet guy, he also can be serious if someone is in danger and its kind of attractive, and why does she keep thinking about his smile? So when the uh.....ending arrives, the thought of never seeing him again breaks her heart.
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One idea I had in mind after they (possibly) get together is that they go from an awkward pinning phase to being ridiculously lovey-dovey. If you thought Magnifico and Amaya were ridiculous, Asha and Star are just as bad. Minus the stealing wishes thing of course. 😂 Star always show affection and isn't completely shy about it, but after Asha finally opens up and becomes more like herself, the two of them adore each other and are so affectionate it actually starts annoying some of the teens later. Dhalia, Dario, Hal, Bazeema, and Safi are pretty okay with it. Most of them could see the two of them liked each other already. Simon is...indifferent about it for some reason. Gabo is secretly happy for them but he can do without the constant PDA when they get carried away.
Star: "You'll always be my princess." 💛
Asha: "And you'll always be my prince." 💜
Gabo: "And I didn't help take down the monarchy so you two could make just make goo-goo eyes at each other. Get a room." 😕
2. Bazeema x Safi (The background ship)
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I'll keep this part brief since they're actually more of a background thing. Not that there's a problem with it, I just want to make sure that the main story is still being told. It's more of a sweet background ship that you enjoy seeing unfold when there's breaks for the cast. These two are more like two quiet mice with a shared fondness for nature.
They actually know each other from afar, since they both grew up in Rosas. But they never spoke to each other until years later cause they were too shy to talk. Yes, I'm serious, its the worst case of "JUST SAY SOMETHING" ever. 😂 When they get thrown together because of becoming "accomplices" to Star and Asha, that's when they finally get over their shyness. Bazeema sort of speaks like Fluttershy and disappears suddenly, while Safi barely speaks at all. Yeah, he doesn't have a ton of lines, but I swear its not anything against him. (Except for that Chicken obsession, is he just Gonzo?) I think it fits better and its s better not to his Dwarf counterpart. Plus he'll only say things that are important in some way.
They're just really sweet to see together, really!
3. Dhalia x Flazino (Would you believe they got shipped by accident?)
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So I already established that Asha and Flazino are friends only. Since there are some Wish viewers that stated they want to see a male-female friendship without going romantic, so I did that here, they're platonic only. Can't say the same for him and Dhalia though, lol. She's pretty chipper while Flazino wants to burn the place to the ground.
The two of them start out as work friends who only saw each other when Sabor needed his food. Flazino would talk about how stressful being an apprentice is (minus telling about the Hamlet) while Dahlia would tell him the mishaps of her day. They're just really relaxed with each other. At first its just to vent a little once in a while. But then Flaz started showing up to the kitchen on breaks, Dhalia started to bring him extra meals when it looked like he needed the extra energy, the two of them would talk about things more personal for hours..... they're dating and they just don't realize it. 😂
Then there's Dahlia fangirling over Magnifico. She admires his confidence, skills with magic, charisma and his loyalty to his citizens needs. Flazino has only one of those things and it destroys a part of himself that she likes the worst boss on Earth. She'll come to her senses, don't worry. 😅
4. Magnifico and Amaya
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Basically: Team Rocket in public, Hades and Maleficent in private. I liked the idea the art book had of the citizens not knowing they were evil, so I figured they'd have a personality that was friendly and inviting (like how TR puts on acts as charming hosts) to the public. But when they're alone they have a more sinister/spicier side to them and Sabor wants to barf. 😂
While they may have their little differences, the one thing they have in common is wanting absolute power, no matter the cost. They've worked together for years making their magic stronger that they know each other inside and out. So when they go against the heroes, they sort of mock their relationship. Kind of like they're saying their own love is stronger than two teenagers who don't know anything. Stating that there's no way the two of them could love each other after such a short amount of time together. (Its also a shot at the "falling in love in 3 days" trope Disney used to do.)
Given where the Disney villain couple theme comes in, they heavily mock Star and saying its pointless to love a human who can't love him back. And on Asha's end its basically telling her she just calling on Star by accident as if to give a reason the two of them couldn't work and it kind of makes Star question himself and his purpose, same goes for Asha. Yeah, they're just assholes, even towards other couples. 😂
@oh-shtars @signed-sapphire @chillwildwave @annymation
@snackara @your-ne1ghbor @ishadow246 @tumblingdownthefoxden
@uva124 @cocoapowderpictures @natsuki208
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nay-lon · 1 year
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A serial killer who uses poison and tries to ruin Phoenix's life/ frame him for murder
unfortunately Nick has a type
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wowowwild · 1 year
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"So what were you doing up until 1 am on a work night?"
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gaylawyers · 3 months
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Quick Bonus Round 3 fills for @yuriolympics !
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Since Sunset Spring won in the poll, I made a quick drawing for these two :3
They really look like a sunset in spring 🌄💗
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madetolooklikeus · 6 months
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12: Two Beasts
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atlasdoe · 7 days
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Dahlia Fleur-Peri & Camelia Solis <3
Gryffindor common room 1977
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