#daicon 3
daiconarchives · 1 year
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rose---child · 2 years
just thought this was interesting
context : daicon3 is a ova made by daicon film in the 80s, this group will go on to become ginax, the anime studio but the films were for a convention that i forgot was called daicon
i think its funny how daicon is just a osaka convention so ginaxes “daicon 3″ was at daicon 3 since it was the 3rd time nihon science fiction taikai was in osaka, the year before in 1980, it was in tokyo so it was tokon 7 
like i just assumed daicon3 was the 3rd of the daicon films, but no, its the same reason daicon4 is in 1983 and not 1982 since its at daicon 4 where 1982 was tokon 8.
daicon 1 was in 1964 so,a long time before ginax was a thing (to be fair ginax wasent what they were called in the 80s, its just what im calling them since if you know about daicon 3 in the first place you probs know that they were first called daicon film and not ginax
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moonlit-trolls · 2 years
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<- is afflicted by emotion
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cruelangel94 · 1 year
On the 20th of August 1983, Daicon IV was released. It was made by Daicon Film, a 12 man studio with the 3 founding members being Hideaki Anno, Hiroyuki Yamaga, and Takami Akai. The studio would later go on to become Gainax studios.
Happy 40th Anniversary! 🎉
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kennak · 4 months
ガイナックスの旧経営陣の放蕩経営については、2019年のカラー代表取締役の庵野秀明氏のダイヤモンド・オンラインへの寄稿で知っていましたが、今回のガイナックスとカラーの発表文を読む限り、繰り返し登場する「当該幹部」「旧経営陣」の姿勢に一ファンとして虚しさを感じました。 雑誌「アニメック」で「DAICON 3」OPアニメと、ガイナックスの母体となったアマチュア映像制作集団「DAICON FILM」を知り、彼らが映画『王立宇宙軍』でプロになっていく様を、リアルタイムで追いかけることができた、いまの言葉で言えば“推し”のアニメスタジオだっただけに、この幕引きは複雑な思いです。
アニメ製作会社のガイナックス、会社破産を報告(オリコン)のコメント一覧 - Yahoo!ニュース
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maguro13-2 · 5 months
The Dark Picture ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Operation Drawcia Pt.10 ~
[BINGO Highway - Keiichi Sugiyama]
Announcer : 3...2...1 LET'S GO BINGO!
Maka Albarn : !! (Hits ball with hammer)
Announcer : And they're off!
Maka Albarn : I'm gonna win this for the man I was told!
Haruko : This one's going to be mine to win!
Bulma : Step aside! Cause Bulma Briefs is on the stakes! Let's spin it to win it!
Lucy Heartfilia : Heheheheh. There goes the bigshot this year, hoping that who's gonna win big here, this should be prove entertaining to get the stakes on who proclaims to be hero or not. Hmm? (looks at the screen) That girl...Isn't she from the Ohkuboverse? What do we have here? Could this be the one that is going in the bag or will she die trying to figure her life out? Just imagine if that girl who looks similar to the one Ohkuboverse's past. Maybe If I get into contact with her, this should be a good idea.
Maka Albarn : The stakes are mine!
Haruko : You ever think someone in your life, bro!?
Bulma : Fat chance! None shall stand in my way!
Daicon Girl : The Stakes is mine to take! So I'm winging it!
Maka Albarn : No way!
Haruko : That's my way to shine! I'm getting the goods!
Lucy Heartfilia : (in mind) What fascinating display of how a girl was mistaken for her misdeeds, sounds like this one should prove entertaining. I'd like to see this how this goes.
[suddenly the entire casino blacks out]
Announcer : Uh-oh! Uhh, folks. There seems to be some minor technical difficulties.
Lucy Heartfilia : Huh?
(people screaming and panicking)
Lucy Heartfilia : What's with this sudden black out? What's going on here? What's with this black out?
Maka Albarn : Hey, what's going on! Who turned out the lights!?
Maka Albarn : !?
Cream the Ribbit : What's with this weird sudden trance light! It feels kinda weird!
Maka Albarn : Look! Up there! That floating Magician's hat!
Casino Pawn : Oh no! It's him!
(a magician appears coming out his hat)
Casino Pawn : WIZ!
Wiz : So...I smell a rat that that scourging in the Casino. Why not have some fun while you can?
[Monkey Business - Jun Senoue]
Maka Albarn : Who is that?
Lucy Heartfilia : A magician from the Mirror World? What's it doing here in the casino? Is it something that no one would give him extra credit for this?
Bulma : [To Wiz] Who are you!?
Wiz : Why I am the great Wiz, the Magician from Mirror World! I see that you have a fair common sense of your raising the stakes. I'm just here for the girl that was mistaken for her crimes against humanity. See this picture? (shows a photo of Maka Albarn) This one here is a mystery to find this 14-year old girl and we've been tracking her down since she sniffed out the reaper's castle like a dog. Now tell me, where can you find this Maka Albarn person that is responsible of laying waste to Japan's population?
Haruko : No way, dirt bag! I'm not gonna tell you on anything! We don't have time quiz games, mad hatter! [To Bulma] You tell him, guys! He's a such joke to be a magcian!
Wiz : What!? A JOKE TO YOU!?! I AM THE MIRROR'S WORLD GREASTEST MAGICIAN EVER AND YOU WILL--*clears throat* Sorry for my behavior, humble apologies. Now then, where is the one that I call the name "Maka Albarn".
Maka Albarn (?) : Hey, Top Hat! Over here! You think that I was Maka Albarn in a bunny girl's costume...but it was I...(converts into her true form; Inky Albarn) Inky Albarn!
[My World - Jun Senoue]
Wiz : What the-!? Hey, you're that queen was imprisoned by Drawcia 70 years ago! The Queen of the Ink Demons herself! You got a lot of nerves to thinking that you are a look alike to Maka Albarn. Where is this girl named Maka Albarn, demon queen? what in heaven's name did you--
Inky Albarn : Heh! The real Maka Albarn is at the Reaper's castle. She's fine by the way. I just happened to be disguising myself as her in a Bunny Girl's costume or we like to call it Playboy Bunny if you know what I mean.
Wiz : You old hag! What do you want from Wiz or something?
Inky Albarn : My son! (shows a picture of Inky Jr) I want information about the Dark Picture, now! Let's get everything down to business, first of all, I want someone that is strong enough to beat me in a duel, with that information gained from you, I'll let you decide that I will be the one to lead our selves out of the shadows. Now then, you would go mind boggling to a 70-year old queen, I maybe young, but I'm 70 years old.
Lucy Heartfilia : And I thought she was a young girl or something, totally mind freaked about it.
Wiz : You're on, My fair lady. I should consider this to a duel, but let's see if you can handle one of the Mirror World's magical creatures! Behold, have a present for ya!
Inky Albarn : Why thank you, kind Magician. I would like to have a present if it was monster inside or literally--(sees a horde of Boxy in front of them) Just a monster that is a present with a ribbon for a head.
Wiz : I'd like you meet my magical pet, Boxy! This monster is special, I made her a well trained creature that is soon to be ready to bring you a gift, you being a tasty treat as a dribbling chew toy! Now then boxy! Be a good girl and show that demon queen how we do casino business! Make the humans your tasty snacks!
[Robot Carnival/Robot Storm - Jun Senoue]
Inky Albarn : I'd like to see you die trying, but dying should make you laugh it out! I'll take her on, just don't get myself cocky while I still can!
Haruko : Hey, help us out! Don't leave me hanging! You ready for this!
Bulma : I never felt this better!
Daicon Girl : Hope we don't mind sticking around! This is going to get crazy!
Lucy Heartfilia : Let me Join in the fight as well! (convert into her Clear Heart Robe uniform) I haven't got this much excitement from Erza Scarlet! Hope you're willing to get crazy tonight, girls!
Haruko : Let's put these present boxes on a leash! It's time that we smash them good!
Wiz : Go my Boxy! Destroy them now!
(the boxy horde charges)
Haruko : What? What's the interruption?
Marluxia : Excuse me for the intrusion, but did someone say "Maka Albarn"?
Wiz : Uhh...We did.
Inky Albarn : Say...You're a scythe wielder like me.
Marluxia : Why thank you. I am too a Scythe Wielder.
[Organization XIII - Yoko Shimomura]
Inky Albarn : Anyways, who are you exactly.
Marluxia : I am Marluxia, but the Organization call me the Graceful Assassin!
"Marluxia : The Graceful Assassion of Organization XIII"
Inky Albarn : It's an assassin? What a shocking coincidence I might add, how come you're an assassin while you're still a scythe wielder?
Marluxia : That is not of your concern, I was sent here to dispose of those who seek into the truth and I've come destroy the puppets of the devil's influence.
Inky Albarn : "Devil"? You mean Shinra Kusakabe, no one's will shall control me, I am the queen of the Ink Demons, and you're just joking about it, right? Come on, I mean...you're a guy with pink hair, how do you want to dispose of those who seek into the truth? Maybe you got the wrong idea here.
Marluxia : I do not joke about it and these lies from the Devil's influence, it hurts more than it hurts the truth. They mean nothing to us! Humans and Witches shall overcome their fear and hatred against others, those who seek truth or tell a lie will perish, and to show you to the appreciation that I must give you, I shall lead you for a brand new start by collecting data as we all know it, the heart and soul filled with light and darkness. I demand you give it to us personally.
Inky Albarn : No way, hombre! Not happening! It's going to take a lot of minute to clean this one up. Get out of here, Daicon Girl. This one's a tough one to battle me in a duel.
Daicon Girl (?) : That's a good question about saving my life, ya old hag!
Inky Albarn : Wha-!? Hey, who are you, poser?
Larxene : So much for wearing that disugise, them Bunny Girls are giving me the itch or the sniffles!
Inky Albarn : Let me guess, you're one of them, aren't you? Lightning Larry.
Larxene : That's Larxene to you, old hag!
"Larxene : Electrical Member of Organization XIII"
Larxene : Now then, I'm gonna go easy on with you by juicing myself up, queeny! I'm about to go Static Shock up your bum! If you're willing to take us on to see the likes of Maka Albarn or that messed punked kid named Crona, THEN BRING THAT SH**, MOTHERF***ER!
Inky Albarn : Alright, you asked for it! Time for me to bust some balls, and yours will have to do next.
~ Mission 09 : Deadly Assailants of XIII ~
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3starjammies · 3 months
wait I just realized, that one Daicon 3 fan restoration got cancelled because of Gainax doing their own restoration, but Gainax is officially dead now and I don't think that Daicon 3 restoration ever came out...
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moko1590m · 4 months
かつてテレビアニメ「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」などを制作したアニメーション制作会社のガイナックスが、東京地方裁判所に会社破産の申し立てを行い、受理されたことを発表しました。なお、「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」の権利は「エヴァンゲリオン新劇場版」シリーズを制作した株式会社カラーの管理下にあります。 GAINAX NET https://www.gainax.co.jp/ 株式会社ガイナックスからのお知らせに関して | 株式会社カラー https://www.khara.co.jp/2024/06/07/240607/ ガイナックスは1984年に設立されたアニメーション制作会社です。母体となったのは、1981年に大阪で開催された日本SF大会、通称「DAICON 3」のオープニング映像を制作するために集まった大阪近辺の大学生集団です。このとき、「エヴァ」の庵野秀明監督らが実制作に携わっています。 アニメ特撮アーカイブ機構が公開した映像では、当時の資料などを見ることができます。 【ATACの日常】DAICON3 オープニングアニメ - YouTube ガイナックスとして制作した初の作品は、1987年公開の長編アニメ映画「王立宇宙軍 オネアミスの翼」です。 『王立宇宙軍 オネアミスの翼』4Kリマスター版 予告編 - YouTube Amazon.co.jp | 王立宇宙軍 オネアミスの翼 4Kリマスターメモリアルボックス(4K ULTRA HD Blu-ray & Blu-ray Disc) [HD DVD] DVD・ブルーレイ - 山賀博之, 山賀博之, 山賀博之, 貞本義行, 森本レオ, 弥生みつき, 村田彩, 曽我部和恭, 平野正人, 鈴置洋孝 庵野監督の話などによると、ガイナックスは「オネアミスの翼」制作後に解散予定だったとのことですが、制作費が予算を超過したため、経営を継続して返済を行うことになり、1988年~1989年にかけて全6話構成で展開されたOVA「トップをねらえ!」などの仕事につながっていきます。 Amazon.co.jp | トップをねらえ! Blu-ray BOX Standard Edition DVD・ブルーレイ - 庵野秀明 また、1995年~1996年に放送された「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」の制作でも広く知られています。なお、庵野監督は2006年にアニメーション制作会社「カラー(χαρα)」を設立し、2007年にガイナックスを退職しています。 Amazon.co.jp | 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン Blu-ray BOX STANDARD EDITION DVD・ブルーレイ - 緒方恵美, 山口由里子, 三石琴乃, 林原めぐみ, 宮村優子, 庵野秀明, 摩砂雪, 鶴巻和哉 その後、ガイナックスは2012年ごろから経営状況が悪化。庵野氏は株主として経営改善を提言しましたが受け入れられなかったとのこと。 2018年には「映像制作に知見のない人物」へ株式譲渡が行われました。当該人物は2019年、未成年者への準強制わいせつ容疑で逮捕され、懲役2年6月の実刑判決を受けました。 芸能事務所社長による準強制わいせつ公判の判決について | レイ法律事務所 https://rei-law.com/press/10675 なお、「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」を含めた「エヴァンゲリオン」シリーズについては、この事件以前に株式会社カラーが全権利を有する状態となっており、当該事件の報道において「エヴァ」の名前が使用されたことについて、カラーが抗議しています。 当社作品に係る一部報道について | 株式会社カラー https://www.khara.co.jp/2019/12/05/news/ ガイナックスは2020年2月に経営陣を一新し、「エヴァンゲリオン」シリーズの著作権管理などを担当していた株式会社グラウンドワークスの神村靖宏氏を社長に迎え運営の立て直しを図ってきましたが、2024年5月、債権回収会社から債権請求訴訟の提訴があったため業務継続を断念し、会社破産申し立てに至ったとのことです。 なお、「ガイナックス」の屋号やブランドはすでに株式会社カラーに譲渡され、管理が行われているとのこと。 また、旧「福島ガイナックス」である「株式会社ガイナ(スタジオガイナ)」と「福島ガイナ」、および「ガイナックスインターナショナル(GAINAX International)」「GAINAX京都」「米子ガイナックス」「株式会社ガイナックス新潟」「GAINAX WEST」などの法人とは無関係であることが改めて告知され、カラーによる利用許諾のない「ガイナックス」商標の運用は不正使用の可能性があることが示されています。
アニメーション制作会社「ガイナックス(GAINAX)」が破産 - GIGAZINE
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teddog · 11 months
Got tagged by @writer-and-artist27 and I have some free time before my flight.
Rules: Shuffle your on repeat/liked songs and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people!
1. Red Barchetta by Rush (but why this Rush song? I don’t know)
2. Rydeen by Yellow Magic Orchestra (on a YMO kick recently)
3. Every Subway Car by BNL (it reminds me of my partner, wah)
4. Crosseyed and Painless by Talking Heads (wait for it…)
5. Crosseyed and Painless by Phish (this is the theme for my Uso VampDies fic. I’ve 50/50 on if I prefer the original or the Phish cover, both in heavy rotation)
6. Take Me Out by Frank Ferdinand (another song related to that fic)
7. Daten by Creepy Nuts (Call of the Night has a phenomenal soundtrack and remains in heavy rotation)
8. Twilight by ELO (in my nerdy rotation because of the Daicon IV animation)
9. The Carpet Crawlers by Genesis (just the Genesis song of the moment that’s living rent free)
10. Enid by BNL (IIRC, partner and I listened to the BNL Gordon recently, Enid is probably one of the more structurally complex songs on the album and tends to get stuck in my head)
Tagging: I’m bad with this part of the game, pass it along if you want to!
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michaelmac6072-art · 3 years
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Anime nerd brain thinking about the Daicon shorts again. Not much more for me to say right now, other than that the girl is awesome & fun to draw, both as a child and as an adult. :)
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juliana-egg · 7 years
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i did more pixel art to try and overcome my burnout !! this is a tribute to daicon IV, my biggest inspiration hands down
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daiconarchives · 1 year
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DAICON III & DAICON IV cosplay gathering
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guille19 · 5 years
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twitter art recap
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odioart · 3 years
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Various Artists x Odio  Daicon V Recap  1. Haruhiko Mikimoto x odio (Gunbuster)  2. Hideaki Anno x Odio (Macross, Harlock, Yamoto  3. Sameda Koban x Odio (FLCL *doujin)  4. Takeshi Honda x Odio (Neon Genesis Evangelion)  5.Yoshiyuki Sadamoto x Odio (Neon Genesis Evangelion  *manga) 6.Toshihiro Kawamoto x Odio (Cowboy Bebop)  7. Sushio x Odio (Kill la Kill)  8. Hiroyuki Imaishi x Odio (Gurran Lagann)  9. Hironobu Muto x Odio (Cassette Girl)  10. Bubuzuke x Odio (kill la Kill *doujin)  *Note taking a rest from the on going Daicon V retrospective to focus on the Shonen Jump Summer Event that will be launching live from my Patreon this June. So here are my top 10 Daicon V picks from the retrospective thus far. If you would like to follow or support my work you may do so (HERE) where I will have Shonen Jump exclusives all summer long. thank you! 
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dangus-doo · 2 years
I draw a pen doodle every day until I forget
Day 50: Unit 00 (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
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So over the past few days, I’ve been really just angry. And when I get angry, I listen to ELO (Electric Light Orchestra,) and when I listen to ELO, I think about Daicon 3/4, and when I think about Daicon 3/4, it leads me to Eva. My favorite EVA design is the original unit 00, and I feel like it gets a raw deal. I know the yellow one is the one they use most often now, and it’s a pretty solid design too, but I’m just a sucker for a blue robot/cyborg.
So, spoilers for Evangelion, but I had a little theory. Each EVA is sentient to some degree, right? We see that in the original show and the End of Eva with units 01 and 02 in their berserk forms. So is unit 00 sentient? It goes wild a few times in the show…
Does it take it’s soul from a Rei clone to function? And if so, is it still around past the 3rd impact? (Or some of it at least?) Imagine if it just watched everything happen. How strange would that be? Could it even comprehend what’s going on?
Do you think it can tell that all the water is red now? Do you think it remembers what the Rain used to be like?
Do you think it misses Rei?
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hichamkiy · 7 years
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Japan Animator Expo: Cassette Girl - Studio Khara - 2015
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