#daily t4 fractals
amnyatas · 1 year
siren's reef would be my favorite fractal if not for that last boss. one time i had someone experienced on t4 come and help, and even they couldn't succeed, and all the pugs got mad and would leave when it was too hard(or if we tried to strategize at all. it helps to use cleave there, for instance). it was hours of trying to get it for daily and i gave up eventually and i never did it again
a shame bc the sunset before the last boss is absolutely gorgeous
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pugging fractals be like
T1: Very chill and easy. No need for group cohesion, everybody brings their open world builds and it's perfectly fine. You will either be doing a lot of learning or teaching mechanics, though.
T2: Still pretty chill and easy, though you can generally expect people to know more of the mechanics, so it's smoother than T1 even though it's nominally more difficult. Occasionally someone will get sniped by an instability, but it'll be more funny than anything. At least one guy will want to organize their inventory after every instance, though.
T3: The difficulty has started to ramp up, but also somehow people have forgotten all the mechanics. Everyone is constantly dying to instabilities. Nobody has enough agony resistance and needs to be scraped off the floor by their half-dead comrades. Everyone is talking mad shit, party chat has actually developed antibiotic resistance. Nobody is playing healer, quickness, or alacrity, but everyone blames everyone else for not playing support. Nobody is rezzing but everyone complains when they are not rezzed. At least one sudden quitter per group.
T4: Much more numerically difficult, though everyone is somehow now magically cohesive again. Everyone in the group can play at least 2 support roles. Dailies and recs get done with astonishing efficiency. A well-oiled machine of fractal stabilization. Everyone signs off afterwards with "gg ty" or some variant.
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kutscene-kestin · 3 years
I haven’t had anything to do in GW2 for so long, except for the occasional holiday achievements. I just can’t bring myself to go back to pugging t4 fractal dailies like I used to before PoF, and to be real, my guild isn’t coming back to life any more than its leader is. So I’m eager for the expac to give me something to do for a while.
Someone new followed me a while ago and their blog looked interesting so I’ve been meaning to browse through it. Maybe I’ll do that soon. Get myself back in a GW2 frame of mind.
I’m so tired. I vaguely remember when this game and its fandom gave me life. Why is everything temporary?
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basic-mesmer · 5 years
The baby "two of us just scraped together enough AR for t4s YAY" learners group from one of my guilds: knocked out t4 swampland and volcanic, then did daily recommended 40 and 12. Zero wipes, but Bloomhunger did almost kill us real good and make us reset the fight.
The experienced fractals group from the same guild: had to drop difficulty to t3, ended up clearing zero fractals.
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eyfari · 6 years
Toxic Guild Wars 2 Fractal Community
Man this is my first OG post in a while, using this as a temporary platform to rant I guess. I encountered a very ‘friendly’ person in my T4 + recs today, I did my darnedest to heal and keep everyone buffed as a Druid and we completed them successfully. The daily recs come around and I was tired and stupidly ran into some room I wasn’t supposed to, and my Mesmer from the previous t4s says “Ah wouldn’t surprise me, they did all kinds of stupid stuff like that in my previous T4 group” ????? This Mesmer only chimed in to say “zzzzz just dodge the circles it’s not hard” or similar comments to my previous group and was super condescending.... why tf are people like that. People like him are the reason I’m losing my drive to even play the PvE side of this game anymore. I can’t stand toxic fractal people...
They think their shit smells like roses
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senterya · 4 years
Convinced myself yesterday to log in to GW2 and try the new fractal.
It's a really pretty one with mechanics that some people will consider fun and some others will consider hella annoying for sure (I personally liked jumping over cliffs and dodging through waterfalls, but they might get annoying when people just want to quickly get through their dailies). I loved the overall aesthetic and that they used the elementals to create differently themed segments.
The bosses require a fair amount of mobility so going there with a banner warrior wasn’t the best experience due to not having any ranged options on my default banner build, but it was manageable. Despite playing on T1 difficulty, we needed a druid to be able to get the boss under 50% hp (and eventually kill it), because most of her attacks hit hard and you have to know when and how to dodge. I personally liked the difficult boss at the end, she is challenging but not as annoying as Captain Crowe or Mai Trin (but we’ll see how doable she is on T4 with certain instabilities like Hamstrung, Mist Convergence or No Pain No Gain...)
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khorren · 4 years
GW2 Meme
Tagged by the every-lovely @pr-gw2​ <3  As for tagging others if you wanna do it, or even parts of it, make it an Ask thing, or do one a day, go nuts. Sharing stuff is fun!
   Favorite living world season? Probably LS 4. Definitely a lot of repeatable content here that I go back to fairly often. Don't really go back to do LS3 stuff. LS5 is shaping up nicely, and curious to see where it goes from here.
   Favorite expansion? I play HoT more, but I prrrrrobably like PoF more. It's more fun to explore, has more life to it.
   Favorite soundtrack? Two favourite tracks from the game will always be "Over the Shiverpeaks" and "Amnoon Oasis". Really hoping for some remastered, remixed, sampled whatever version of the Factions theme tune in EoD as well. That tune slaps. As the kids would say
   First profession you played? In press beta I played  ranger, when the game launched I played ele.
   First race you played?  Press beta, norn! At launch human.
   Favorite Destiny’s Edge character?  Eir. She’s massively flawed, has done some bad things in her life, but I like her a lot.
   Favorite Dragon’s Watch character?  Canach <3
   Favorite Elder Dragon?  Eh, no particular favourite really.
   Best boss fight (story)? Really like the Kralk fight in War Eternal. That whole mission is hella cool.
   Best boss fight (fractal)? Have fond memories of Ensolyss from the Nightmare fractal just from the sheer amount of times I did it with 2 friends back when I used to do daily T4 fractals. Other than that, Frizz, the end boss in Aetherblade fractal, I really like that fight.
   Best boss fight (raid)? Only ever did one raid to open up the mastery track. It was Gors, I got a mini of him out of it :D
   PvE or PvP or RP? Going to be contrary and say WvW! But the majority of my time is open world PvE or achievement hunting or just farming metas for loot and gold. Mmmm. Stuff.
   Favorite canon couple? Logan/Rytlock. That counts. Shush.
   Favorite fanon/self made couple? I only have one self-mead couple and that's my salads Faebrynn and Teaghaann, but I don't really do anything with them. My norn guardian, Aoife, has a little human boyfriend, but he doesn't exist in game. I think they're pretty cute :3
   Favorite quote? "Like being alive more than hate undead. But maybe. Maybe we fight." A skritt says this at the waypoint for Triple Trouble, so I hear it every day. The way the line is delivered is super cute. Other favourite line is again from a Skritt, this time in Brisban that says "Don't fit. Don't need it" as its building a golem type structure that immediately turns on its new skritt owner. Skritt have some of the best lines in this game.
   Most emotional cinematic? Probably the one at the end of Living Season 2 in the shiny cave. It's a sad scene in general and 99% of the time ruined by someone's minipet.
   Favorite VA? Any skritt voice actors. I think they deliver some of the best lines. Sadly I don't know any of their VAs
   Post a fun screenshot!
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My old WvW/home guild Strike Force during one of our anniversary guild character screenshots. I had a lot of good times with that guild before it all went tits up. But yeah, doing this was fun.  
Post a landscape screenshot!
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   Most used mount(s)? Jackal, Griffon, Skyscale
   Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)? Raptor: Gallant Lightbearer Springer: Elonian Jackalope Skimmer: Dajkah Lantern Jackal: Twin Sands / Shrine Guardian Beetle: Trailblazer Warclaw: Savage Gladiator Griffon: Spotted Sylph / Starbound Skyscale: Shimmerwing
   Favorite weapon? Juggernaut. Not the most beautiful weapon in the game but one that means the most to me as it was funded by the Jade Quarry WvW community back in 2013 :)
   Favorite gear set? As far as full sets go, the T3 Norn cultural will always be my fave. Heavy -> Medium -> Light in that order.
   Favorite title? Still a big fan of God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals. There really isn't one that encompasses so much done in GW2.
   Something you worked really hard to get? My legendary collection probably? 32 legendaries made. Woo.
   Favorite GW2 Youtuber / GW2 related video?
While not specifically GW2, my favourite guild wars franchise video will always be "Nobody likes you, Kormir"
  Most used miniature? Mini SAB Assassin, Pet Rock, Maraca Choya are the main 3 I have out.
   Most used novelty? The kites from the Casino for the most part, or the Norn lodge chair.
   Number of achievments points? 34,368. Next living story should give me enough stuff to get to 34.5k Hoping to see 35k before EoD but we’ll see. :)
   Something you’d love to see in GW2? Housing! I'd love to see it BDO style where the houses are fixed in the world and any number of people can just go up to the building and pick your name / address from the list. I'd like it tweaked (of course) with more privacy permissions, have it so guildies or mutual friends can interract with fun items inside. Expand the scribe system to have more items and whatnot, I think it can be pretty fun. Housing for everyone, basically. Don't make it a finite resource like FF14/Archeage, cos that sucks. A little indoor/outdoor patch would be nice.
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cerus · 8 years
day two - in game jerks
OH BOY. there have been a couple but here’s a recent one which is kinda funny:
-me and three guildies are doing t4 fractals, we end up getting a pug as the fifth-
pug: *human female chrono meta™, has at least three legendary weapons, legendary armor, several ghostly infusions, “I’m rich, you know”, max mastery, map completion, called “Hot Cashier Chick”, repping DnT*
guildie 1: alrighty kiddokes lets go
-first up is swampland, goes pretty smoothly but the pug hasn’t said a word even tho we’ve been trying to talk to them. no biggie, pugs are like that-
-thaumanova is next-
guildie 2: okay so if you give me swiftness and regen i should be able to solo the room of death (they’re on a reaper)
me: okay ready, three two-
pug: *one shot triple blinks it*
guildie 1, 2, 3, and me: ...k, that was pretty sicc but would’ve been nice to get some notice
-uncatergorized is the last daily-
pug: *actively using feedback/the mesmer focus trait that reflects projectiles to try and stop the harpies knocking us back*
pug: wtf no wall of reflect???
me, the guard: um no lol its just harpies nbd
pug: *leaves*
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kutscene-kestin · 3 years
I would like to say I’ve missed doing fractals. I’d be lying. T1s are still refreshing though compared to the scar-like memories of doing T4 dailies on the regular.
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gossamer-scraps · 6 years
Here’s something kind of scary: agony infusions serve the sole purpose of allowing one to do high-tier fractals. If done daily, these are quite good money...
...but my account has a total of 1800g of infusions for the privilege. Have I made that much money from t4 fractals? I have absolutely no idea.
(I haven’t done significant amounts of fractals in over 5 months, so I’m definitely not getting any value out of them lately. I also have a bit over 150 pieces of ascended gear, but the vast majority of those are drops, so I’ve spent very little on them. I’ve probably only crafted like 10 pieces.)
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kutscene-kestin · 5 years
Tried to remember when I stopped doing t4 daily fractals on the regular. Figured it was probably when PoF came out. I took a break to focus on the new content, and never found it in me to go back. It was good gold, my only real source, but I just can’t shove myself through that anymore. Maybe if I started it again, I would remember why I liked it, but...*sigh*
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