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headfullofashes · 6 years
Daily Ramblings #2
‘Ibu, kenapa paman yang tinggal di gedung seberang sangat rapi dan tampan? padahal tempat tinggal kita tidak jauh berbeda’ ucap seorang anak kepada Ibunya. 
‘Karena paman tersebut tinggal di gedung bertingkat nak’ jawab sang Ibu, asal. 
‘Kita juga tinggal di gedung, walaupun tidak semegah dan setinggi gedung paman itu. Kenapa kita tidak bisa seperti paman itu bu?’ tanya nya lagi 
‘Kenapa kita harus seperti paman itu?’ tanya sang ibu, membuat si anak bingung. 
‘Begini nak, tiap orang sudah ada jalan hidup nya masing-masing. Jalan hidup kita kebetulan berbeda dengan paman itu, namun hal itu tidak membuat kita lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah dari siapapun. Perbedaan itu ada untuk membuat hidup lebih berwarna, bukannya membuat hidup merana.‘ 
‘Tapi bu, paman itu tidak pernah menderita, berbeda dengan kita yang setiap hari harus menderita’ keluh sang anak 
‘Siapa bilang dia tidak menderita? jika kamu perhatikan, paman itu setiap hari hanya dapat memakan satu jenis makanan saja. Sedangkan kita, setiap hari dapat mencicipi berbagai macam jenis makanan, tanpa takut akan jadi rusak, sakit ataupun mati. Paman itu juga tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa untuk sekelilingnya, hanya bisa berdiam diri di gedung pencakar langit yang megah itu. Berbeda dengan kita yang setiap hari bisa menolong sesama, dalam berbagai macam bentuk. Jika ia tidak terlihat menderita, mungkin karena ia mahir menyembunyikannya. Lagipula, tidak ada makhluk yang tidak menderita. semua sudah dapat porsi nya masing-masing dari yang Maha Kuasa. tugas kita hanya bersabar dan mengambil hikmah dari penderitaan itu’ 
Sang anak tidak lagi dapat berkata-kata. ‘benar juga kata ibuku, paman itu hidupnya membosankan sekali,’ pikirnya. Paman gedung seberang hanya diberi makan dua kali sehari, kadang sehari sekali jika cuaca hujan. Jenis makanannya pun hanya satu, berbeda dengan dia yang acap kali mendapatkan berbagai makanan. Tidak jarang ia makan lebih dari 3 kali sehari, jika para pemilik kedai sedang penuh. Paman itu juga tidak memiliki banyak teman, karena ia diharuskan hidup individualis demi menjaga ketampanan dan tidak mengganggu kecantikan serta ketampanan orang sekitarnya. ‘Aku jadi kasihan padanya,’ kata si anak lagi. 
Selesai melihat paman itu si anak tiba-tiba merasa lapar, dan mengira-ngira apa yang akan didapatnya siang nanti. 
‘Hari ini kita makan apa ya bu?’ 
‘Hmm, menurut kamu apa?’ 
‘Engga tau, yang jelas paman diseberang makanannya sudah datang.’ 
‘Loh kok tau?’ 
‘Truk besar berwarna kuning itu kan makanan paman itu setiap hari, bu’ 
Dari kejauhan terlihat truk berukuran sedang berwana kuning dengan tulisan “Suku Dinas Pertamanan dan Perkebunan Jakarta Selatan” menuju ke arah gedung pencakar langit tempat paman itu beserta tanaman-tanaman hias lainnya tinggal. 
‘Oh bapak kedai soto sudah selesai bebersih nak. sebentar lagi kita dan para tetangga rumput liar akan makan, bersiaplah!’ 
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princessvibess · 4 years
Long time no see. As.. You know I’m terrible at updating soo.. 😅
A lot of things have change this year. I ended my blog and grew out of gyaru just to name a few. <—- I know sad right?! I might occasionally still do the old school style from time to time though. I have a bunch of coords saved on my phone might upload them here.
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reimerstuff · 4 years
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The road to North Fork... #road200 #northforkcalifornia #sierranationalforest #creekfire2020 #dailyramble (at North Fork, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGyhFr1gE23PRlDXABerafj7Sntw8sVmjBPqBc0/?igshid=fdzw9riuijzj
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dutchmassive · 5 years
i cipher with myself.  all my homies know i can i do gibberish raps for hours w/o pause.  
  got alot backlash for posting these haha   since i haven't released written or serious bars in a while.   cats gotta learn to have fun, not take themselves serious
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xoxiren3-blog · 8 years
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I keep putting off my writing/book... sorry baby. 💔😣😢 #writing #poetry #poems #writer #bars #dailyramblings #spokenword #creativethoughts #sapiophile #wordsmakemehappy #wordsexciteme #wordup
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witchybitchykendall · 5 years
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My journey in the last few months has changed me for the better. So many things have fallen out of place so new things could fall into them, and it’s hard to see how losing the things you thought were good for you can be beneficial. But they can be, and It’s crazy how the universe knows you better than you know yourself.
 People have warned ‘be careful what you wish for because you just might end up with it.’ well I wished anyways, and I wasn’t careful, and I didn’t get what I thought I wanted but I did get what I needed.You may not always get what you want, but you will always get what you need.
So before you lose hope, ground yourself and think about how much better things have gotten, you can find positivity in the most negative things.
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chopsticknojutsu · 7 years
16.06.17 - Desperation and Wrong decision
Tell me its going to be okay.
Desperation and wrong decisions.
I’m weak with no stands and all I want to do is just stay in bed and stare at the empty ceiling.
I have bed sores now and its been days...but the dread only comes and goes... 
and maybe I do giggle from time to time...
but the more you seem to do it the harder it hits you next time.
I wish i could read them like the books that I do.
I might just be stupid
and the irrational one.
but right now I’m just too scared to move
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lazy days are the best and thats something I’ve missed a whole shit ton. Because my life is pretty much owned by my profession right now I rarely get a full day off. When I do those days are typically littered with errands or other “adult” responsibilities so not too many lazy days. But today the wife and I got waffle house and crawled back in bed with computers and kitties to do a whole lot of nothing. Talk about bliss. 
Also- got this spiffy little chromebook thingy yesterday. It has a touch screen and folds back like a damn transformer to be a little tablet. Happy birthday to me :33 its my new toy for journal things and general use. 
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surrealgardening · 6 years
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lucyheartfilia07 · 5 years
Cerebrus, my hound of Hell
I swear to Greek Mythology, if I ever have a dog, I am gonna name it "Cerebrus"
- Big , black hound
-Scary enough that onlookers will shit their pants at his growls
-Of course I am putting up a "Beware of the Dog" sign, ..... just with a little more sass..
"Enter the gates if you wish to challenge your fate, and don't mind which part of your body Cerebrus ate."
"Tame the guard of these gates, if you have a warrior's heart and a survivor's fate"
*smiles like the Joker in IT*
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princessvibess · 4 years
Its so sad that Cecil Mcbee is closing. I luv their clothes but stopped after the new design change. 2020 really is taking everything..
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dutchmassive · 6 years
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xoxiren3-blog · 8 years
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iL Cruz in building. 😉 #iLcruz #poet #artist #author #writer #poetry #poems #bars #dailyramblings #spokenword #creativethoughts #sapiophile #wordsmakemehappy #wordsexciteme #wordup #firstbook #selfpublished #aclosetfullofhoodies #acollectionofconfessions
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headapple · 8 years
Never Assume
If you are ever in a meeting with me never assume my silence is a display of timidity. I typically speak when I have something to add to a conversation. To blather on in a meeting with no other purpose than to be seen or heard is one of the most loathsome displays of narcissism that I can think of. Time is precious to me. When I speak it is purposeful.
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chopsticknojutsu · 7 years
23.05.17 - Heat waves
Maybe if I closed my eyes for a minute this would disappear. This dreadful gut wrenching feeling. 
one step closer to reality I stood. This world is not where we belong.
And the sky is burning in like amber and I hate every little thing I absorb.
The books, the hums, the nods.
Word by word I used to teach myself little bits of this world.
And even in my aloneness I never quite felt this consumed by loneliness...
I used to look up to the moon once upon a time.
But the skies around me have fallen to their doom...
and the universe...
and the stars...
I cannot seem to see...
It feels almost like I have gone blind...
Who will save me now?
Maybe its the heat wave talking....I don’t know
I am doing everything for myself to keep me happy....but its not working...
Because the impending doom I am destined for always seems to catch up...
creeping up, on to me...when I am not looking....
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