#daisuke let him go crazy stupid please
gio-goose · 5 months
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Tyrant barrel if Sin locked tf in 😤😤😤😤
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DIABOLIK LOVERS CHAOS LINEAGE Sofmap Tokuten Drama CD: “The Vampire’s Every Day: Board Game Edition ~ Ayato VS Kanato VS Laito ~”
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Original title: ヴァンパイア達の日常ボードゲーム編~アヤトVSカナトVSライト~
Source: Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Animate Tokuten Drama CD [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke
Translator’s note: Back when I translated the silent squad version of this CD, I remember thinking to myself that it had to be the funniest drama CD I ever had the pleasure of listening to. While I still think the Shuu/Reiji/Subaru one is just a little better, this CD definitely delivers as well. I’m just not that crazy about the triplets, but if you’re a triplet stan, you’ll be sure to have a blast with this one!
Laito: …What’s this? A board game…? Heehー Seems like the perfect way to kill some time. I’ll go show this to the other two guys~
The scene shifts to the living room.
Laito: Ayato-kun, Kanato-kun~ I found something interesting! …Geez! At least answer in some way! You heard me, didn’t you?
Ayato: Buzz off! Be quiet!
Kanato: You’re an annoyance so please keep it down.
Laito: Oh come on, don’t be like that! Look, I stumbled upon this board game I’ve never seen before, so why don’t we play together?
Ayato: A board game…? Keh! Stupid. I bet it’s hella borin’ with a bunch of words.
Kanato: Nobody is stopping you from playing by yourself.
Laito: You’re both so cold…You might actually enjoy it once you give it a try? Hear me out! It says that this game is based on the concept of ‘life’.
Kanato: You are only making me lose interest even more. I could care less about such a thing.
Laito: How come? Let’s experience a human’s life first-hand! I think this would be a great way to study the human world.
Ayato: Haah!? Study!? Then I’m definitely not playin’ that shit!
Laito: …Oh, I see~ Well,there’s always a clear winner with these kind of games after all. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to play because you’re terrified of losing~
Ayato: Ah…? Oi. I can’t let that one slide.
Laito: I mean, you don’t think you can win, hence you don’t want to play, correct? I understand. If you really don’t want to, then I won’t force you either. I bet you wouldn’t want to come in last place, huh?
Ayato: Last place, who? Don’t just assume that would happen! I’m number one, even at games! …If you still don’t get that, guess I’ll have to prove my point with this one.
Laito: Eh? Which means…You’re up for it? Guess I have no other choice then~ If you want to play that badly, I’ll let you join. …Here, this is your pawn~
Ayato: …S-Sure. Oi, Kanato. You better play as well.
Kanato: Haahー... I can’t believe you’d fall for Laito’s obvious taunts so easily. How many times do you need to get tricked before you’ll understand?
Ayato: Aah…!? What are you talkin’ ‘bout?
Laito: How mean! I didn’t trick him or anything!
Kanato gets up from his seat.
Kanato: I have no time for this. I’m going back to my room.
Ayato: Oi, wait, Kanato! I can’t prove that I’m number one if you don’t join as well!
Kanato: Oh, don’t worry. We all know that you are the number one idiot of the family.  ーー Anyway, I’m heading back to my room. I don’t want to get caught up in this worthless game.
Laito: Worthless? So in other words…You’re not confident you can win, correct?
Kanato: …Oh, no problem. Unlike that doofus over there, I am perfectly fine with being in last place.
Ayato: You bastard…Just how many times do you have to call me an idiot, huh!?
Kanato: I think it’s about time you realize that I still haven’t said it nearly enough.
Laito: Wait, wait! Geez, don’t fight, you two! …Listen, Kanato-kun. There’s this delicious slice of cake in the fridge.
Kanato: …!! Cake…? Could it be…The one we ate yesterday?
Laito: Exactly! The one Reiji made! I didn’t have any and put my piece in the fridge to eat later.
Kanato: Don’t tell me you’d be willing…to let me have it!?
Laito: If you promise to play with us, it’s all yours! …But I guess you’re not as naive as to get won ver by something as simple as a slice of caーー
Kanato: Deal! Let’s get to it right away!
Ayato: That was quick. Who’s the simple-minded one now, huh?
Laito: Let’s get started then!
Kanato: Yes, that’s fine. However, I will eat my slice of cake first.
Ayato: Anyway, that means all three of us are playing, right? This is a great opportunity to remind you guys that I’m the top dog!
Laito: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Then, we need to decide the playing order first.
Ayato: Order? I’m obviously goin’ first!
Laito: That doesn’t sound very fair, does it? …Everyone deserves an equal chance. Let me think…Ah! This board game comes with a roulette, so how about the person who spins the highest number gets to go first?
Ayato: Heck yeah! Imma get the highest number!
Ayato: Hah! How’s that, huh? I’m number one, just like I said!
Kanato: Hahn…Nom…How can you act all high and mighty when we were only deciding the playing order? Please keep that attitude for when you actually win the game.
Laito: Kanato-kun, you should also choose between eating or talking. …But now we know we’re going to go in the order of Ayato-kun, Kanato-kun and finally me. Well then, start us off, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: I just gotta spin the roulette like I did earlier, right? Here I go!
Ayato spins the roulette.
Ayato: ‘Kay, five squares forwards.
*Thud thud thud thud thud*
Ayato: So, what’s written here? ‘Whoever ends up on this square, gets takoyaki.’...is what it says. I like the sound of that! …But what does it mean?
Kanato: I think you just have to ‘assume’ you got it?
Ayato: That’s no fuーー
Ayato: …!? O-Oi…! Takoyaki showed up in front of my eyes out of nowhere! A whole mountain of them!
Kanato: What on earth just happened!? How could that just appear out of thin air…?
Ayato: Who gives a damn!? Since they showed up in front of me, it means I can eat these, right?
Laito: Are you sure you should eat something so shady? It might not be actual takoyaki.
Ayato: I’m sure it’ll be fine! I have faith in the takoyaki! …Mmphー!?
Laito: What’s wrong? Did one of them get stuck in your throat or something?
Ayato: Mmh…! They’re delicious!
Kanato: Okay, I’m up next. I’ll spin the roulette, okay?
Laito: Mmh. Keep on going.
Ayato: Oi, don’t ignore me! This takoyaki is seriously delicious!
Laito: Eeh~? Is that so? I guess it really was just regular takoyaki then.
Kanato: Exactly. He’s already worked his way through the entire load.
Ayato: Mmh…Damnit! That wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy me!
Laito: Anyway, this means that whatever’s written on the board…
Kanato: Yes. It seems like it becomes reality.
Ayato: That’s hella rad! I always thought the games here in the human world were kinda dull, but there’s some real gems amongst them!
Laito: Hold up, Ayato-kun. I don’t think such a game exists in the human world. Why don’t you read what it says on the front of the box?
Ayato: Ah…? Over here?
Ayato: ‘Super popular! A board game straight from the Demon World.’ …This thing was made in the Demon World! No wonder I thought it smelt fishy!
Kanato: You sure have some nerve to say that after you had no issue downing that takoyaki earlier.
Laito: Well, turns out it’s not actually a game from this world but who cares as long as it’s fun, right? It was pretty interesting to see a real serving of takoyaki pop up and if it comes from the Demon World, it should be right up our alley, right?
Ayato: I guess you have a point. …’Kay, let’s keep going!
Kanato: Very well. It’s my turn next. I’m in the mood for a sweet dessert. I’d like a square which will give me a whole bucket of pudding.
Laito: Sorry to break it to you, but I don’t think this game works like you’re ordering from a menu at a cafe.
Kanato: I’ll accept a parfait made with ice cream and fresh fruits as well! …Well then, time to spin the roulette.
ーー Three. Well then, I’ll move my pawn forward.
*Thud thud thud*
Kanato: …? What’s this? ‘A large amount of stuffed animals is coming your way…?’ ーー it says. …Hm. Judging from what happened earlier…Don’t tell me…Will this actually come true?
*Rumble rumble*
Laito: Hm? Does anyone else hear trouble?
Stuffed animals come falling down on Kanato.
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: …Uwah!? …A huge amount…Ouch…! …Of plushies…is raining down on me…from above…!!
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: They keep on coming…And for some reason, only on top of Kanato-kun…
Ayato: Amazin’...Where do they even come from?
Kanato: As if I know…!! …Ugh…Don’t just stand there calmly…and…do something about this…!!
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: That’s easier said than done…We can’t save you from that army of stuffed animals.
Kanato: What did I do…to deserve this…!? Uu…
Ayato: Ahーah…He got completely buried underneath. Oiー! Are you still alive down there?
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: …Ughー! Haah, haah…Of course I am! I don’t care if it’s just some game…I won’t let myself get humiliated like this…!
Ayato: You love this shit, don’t you? You should be happy to get so many of them!
Kanato: I’m not happy at all! I might be able to let it slide if these were cute plushies, but I don’t want these ugly abominations! …Why does only Ayato get what he likes!? That’s unfair!
Ayato: Like I know!? Complain to this game, not to me!
Laito: Well then, it’s my turn to spin the roulette next~
Ayato: Heh! I bet you’re gonna end up on a weird square as well.
Laito: We’ll see~ Ready…go!
ーー Let me see. Seven squares.
*Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud*
Laito: …Hm?
Kanato: What’s written on there this time? …If you get your favorite food too, I’m throwing a riot.
Laito: No…It doesn’t seem to be my favorite food. ‘You fall into the ocean and have to skip a turn’...it says.
Ayato: Hehe…! What’s that? Hilarious!
Laito: What could this mean? Based on what we saw earlier, then this will probably happen in real life but…
Laito: Wah!? …What is this!? …Geez! I’m completely drenched! This is the worst!
Ayato: Haha! You’re soaked! There goes those clothes you love so much. On top of that…You’ve even got an octopus stuck on your hat, haha! …Oi, let’s cook up some takoyaki with that bad boy!
Laito: Eh!? Is there really an octopus stuck on me!? …Uwah! Its tentacles are on my face…! …Ayato-kun, please…Could you take this off?
Ayato: Hah? Do that yourself.
Laito: I-I can’t…! I mean…It’s just so nasty…”
*Squish squish*
Laito: Uwah! I can feel its suction cups on my back as well…! Uu…I’m begging you…Ayato-kun…
Ayato: Fuck off! I don’t wanna touch that octopus either! Figure something out!
Laito: Eek…! Please…I really can’t take it anymore…Uu…
Kanato: Gosh, could you pipe down already?
Kanato grabs hold of the octopus.
Kanato: Don’t make those disgusting noises over some stupid octopus…
He removes it from Laito’s body.
Laito: Haah…I expected no less from you, Kanato-kun. Thank you for removing it…
Kanato: That doesn’t matter. More importantly, why is Ayato-kun the only one having a good time here!? It’s no fair!
Laito: I agree! …Achoo!
Ayato: Heh! I don’t know either. Well, I guess it all comes down to karma.
Kanato: In that case, you should be having the worst luck of the three, no?
Ayato: Say whatever you want. All I can hear is a couple of sour losers. …Come on, let’s keep going!
Laito: I think you’re looking for the term ‘sore losers’...? (1) You dummy. …Hey, are we really going to keep going? I’m kind of tired of this game.
Ayato: What are you saying? You’re the one who offered we’d play! Watch closely! Imma spin the roulette a second time!
ーー Um, three squares, right? Better move my pawn forward.
*Thud thud thud*
Ayato: What did I get this time? ‘All windows in the manor break.’ ーー it says.
Kanato & Laito: Uwah!?
Laito: Ah-aah…All of the windows in the living room were blown to pieces. What are you going to do about this, Ayato-kun? I’m positive Reiji will be mad about this.
Ayato: Don’t ask me! The glass broke on its own! It’s not my fault! …Che. Fuck! I had such a good square earlier too!
Laito: I feel like this is going downhill real quick…Should we just stop after all? Because something really bad happens.
Kanato: No! I have not yet given up on my bucket of pudding! It’s my turn next so I’ll spin the roulette right away.
…Four squares.
*Thud thud thud thud*
Kanato: …Hm. …This is?
Ayato: It says that Subaru’s coffin will explode.
Laito: Subaru-kun’s coffin? These messages are finally becoming personal. …Anyway, this means…
Laito: Well…That was to be expected.
Ayato: You done fucked up. Imma tell Subaru it’s your fault later.
Kanato: Be my guest! I didn’t actually do anything myself.
Laito: …Nfu~ Now that we’ve come this far, it kind of makes you want to know how the game will end, don’t you think? It’s my turn next, right? I’ll spin the roulette~!
*Thud thud thud*
Laito: ‘Shuu’s vinyls explode…!?’
Laito: This sound…Seems like they actually did explode, huh?
Ayato: Hehe! This is really starting to get risky. If they find out, they might just kill us. …!!
Kanato: …? Is it just my imagination…or has the mood suddenly changed?
Laito: Right…Could it be because of what happened earlier? ー They can hear people running to the living room.
Ayato: Shit…These footsteps…They’re coming!! If they find us right now, we’ll definitely be given the blame and then our heads are on the chopping block!
Laito: That sucks! Who even suggested we’d play this game? Ayato-kun, you should keep these games to a minimum.
Ayato: Who is playing dumb now, huh!? You’re the one whoーー
Laito: Hey! Now’s not the time for that!! More importantly, we have to do something about the situation at hand.
Kanato: Exactly. I can’t stand the thought of being unrightfully scolded for something I had absolutely no control over! So, what are we going to do?
Ayato: We gotta make a barricade! Let’s block the entrance by pushing the sofa and some desks in front of it!
Kanato: That’s a pretty good idea coming from someone like you. Well then, Ayato. Get straight to it.
Ayato: Haah…!? Why do I have to do it by myself!?
Laito: I guess we really have no other choice. We’ll block the entrance and while Reiji and the others are trying to get past it, we’ll use that time to make a run for it. We should still be able to talk our way out of the damage dealt. Come on, Ayato-kun! Let’s move that couch over there!
Ayato: Yeah! I’m lifting it up!
Laito: Ugh…
Ayato: Okay, the desk is up next. Kanato, get rid of the board on top.
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Laito! You grab the opposite side of the desk!
Laito: Yeah, yeah.
Ayato: Okay, this should do. …We actually did a pretty good job. I doubt they’ll get in any time soon now.
Kanato: Good grief…I can’t believe you’re asking me to do physical labor. I’m totally beat.
Ayato: You haven’t even done a damn thing!
Kanato: Oh shut up, Ayato. Reiji and the others will hear you. Well then, let’s use this opportunity to get ouーー
His foot bumps into the roulette.
Kanato: …Ow! Which idiot left the board laying around here!?
Laito: You did, remember? You moved it out of the way while we were making the barricade earlier.
Ayato: Oi…Hold up. Isn’t the roulette spinning?
Laito: …Huh? Ah, yeah. It did. …Ah-aah…It’s all because you kicked it, Kanato-kun.
Kanato: Haah!? Don’t tell me you’re blaming me now!? My foot bumped against it, remember!? I’m the victim here! Uu…Yet, you…are making it seem like it’s all my fault…Uu…
Ayato: Che…Don’t waste your time cryin’ like a baby. …Anyway, what does the roulette say? Which square did we end up on?
Laito: Um…Let’s see…It landed on ‘3’ so moving three squares forward from where Kanato-kun’s pawn was…
Kanato: Uu…Sob… ーー It says ‘The whole manor goes boom.’
Ayato & Laito: …!!
Kanato: I’m never playing a board game agaーー
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Ayato gets the expression wrong and says 負け犬の鳴き声 or ‘make-inu no nakigoe’ which literally means ‘the cries of a loser (lit. losing dog)’ while it should be 負け犬の遠吠え or ‘make-inu no tou-boe’, which literally means ‘the distant howling of  loser (lit. losing dog)’. For my English translation, I had him say ‘sour’ instead of ‘sore’.
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sillyroyalty · 4 years
Here I am ! Finally I have risen from my bottomless pit of procrastination. As expected I am here to grace you with a new Haru fic because I refuse to let this tag die
I’m begging you please I need more people to write more fics of him I can’t be pulling this entire tag by myself help (lol)
I hope you guys like this one, please let me know in the comments. Feedback would be great 💓
“HE DID WHAT ?!” your voice shrieked through to the other end of the phone line causing Suzae to hold out the phone a little away from her ear.
“It seems to be fine though” Suzae reasoned “ an ambulance has already came to his aid, the injury is not fatal-" she spoke trying to reassure you only to be met with more panicked sobs and incoherent crying on the other end of the call. You were well aware of Haru’s whereabouts and decided to trust Daisuke, Suzae and Haru with the case they were pursuing. Haru had filled you in earlier letting you know the overall jist of the situation. As dangerous as it sounded and left you in shock he pleaded you to understand and let him carry on with his work.
“I know it’s a lot to take in at once but trust me, it’s going to be fine you’ll see,” he assured you handing you his dirty jacket that was drenched from falling into the ocean.
“Please go home immediately after work, no driving around the city looking for me !” He ordered, brushing away the stray hairs that that fallen on your face from your ponytail, he kissed your forehead and hurried off to a car. “ Bye ! I’ll see you soon” he waved and gave a small smile. You watched as the car sped off with a flurry of emotions running through you, most of which was worry and fear accompanied by the stupid upbeat positivity Haru gave you before he left. You gripped the wet jacket in you hands and decided to cling onto that blind hope and positivity.
Cut back to where you were now, on the phone frantically running out of your office to your car.
Shot. He got shot ! Your mind went into a state of panic unable to comprehend Suzae’s rambling on the other end of the car.
“W-where is he ? Can I come see him ?” You choked out swallowing hard, navigating out of the car park into the road, “P-Please?”
“Of course you can see him” Suzae replied ,“I believe you are already aware of our location, he’s at the closest hospital right now”
Haru awoke feeling heavy and tired. Looking around once he regained his bearings, he was hooked to some medical equipment. He blinked as his eyes tried to adjust to the hospital’s bright lights, letting out a groan as he registered the pain from the gunshot on his leg. Laying there staring into space he thought back at everything that reached at its conclusion. Lost in his thoughts he didn’t notice someone being paged into his hospital room until a he was met with a short figure collapse into his chest crying.
Sitting up slightly in bewilderment he realized it was you. Your eyes glassy with tears pouring down your red cheeks. You looked absolutely shaken and were a total mess. He couldn’t help but feel a pang if sympathy for you in this situation. He braced himself to hear you yelling, fussing over and scolding him for getting injured but instead to his surprise none of that came. Instead you regained your posture and sat the edge of the hospital bed. After trying wipe the unending tears streaming down your face, your smaller hand trembled and held his own. Instead you brought it up and kissed it softly, muttering a constant stream of thanking the heavens for him being alive.
Patting your head to soothe your crying he took a look around the room. The hospital room assigned to him was pretty big and private probably booked by the Kambe family. You guys seemed to be alone in this white, sterile, slightly eerie place, no sign staff in sight excluding the small call button.
You caught Haru’s gaze as it drifted across the room, immediately starting to fuss over him.
“Oh my gosh Haru ! Are you okay ? What’s the matter ? Should I call the doctor “ you erupted in a questioning frenzy looking around for any potential problem you could make sense of.
Haru was quick to shake his head and smile grabbing your hands in his,
“No no...I’m fine don’t worry...,” he reassured you. He was relieved that a predicted rage rant from you about his recklessness was showing no signs of taking place for now.
Taking in a deep breath shakingly, you pulled a chair out to sit at the beside after convincing Haru to lie back down to get more rest. You sat there running your fingers through his hair as he tried to recount to you on all that had happened. You stayed fully engaged till the end of the story. After telling you about how he dealt with the butler and then staggered to get help before passing out, he cautiously turned his head to meet and study your gaze. You stared down at your feet processing the entire story before confessing to Haru.
“Wow....I mean... I never knew Daisuke’s family would be in such a complex situation...”
“Well maybe it’s expected of crazy rich families like that” Haru contemplated, “it probably turned out just fine though, I mean I’m here now so-“ Haru broke off mentally cursing himself for bringing up the event of him getting injured. He watched as your mind traced back and recalled the reason you both were sitting in the hospital now, your face turning pale as you thought of the worst case scenario that could have happened.
He watched helplessly as your hands flew up to your face to try to wipe away the tears that once again resurfaced. He sat up immediately again bringing you into his arms as you cried.
“Hey...no...don’t cry please...I’m sorry” he consoled, “ the gun was only shot at my leg, it wasn’t that bad of a wound. There’s a ton of worse-“ Haru once again cut himself off before he accidentally said something that would surely not help his case. Inhaling he spoke again, “ listen...it’s okay now... everything is fine, I’m not in any danger...I’m still here with you, not going anywhere where...” he mumbled. Moving his hands to cup your face to make you eyes meet his, he wiped away some of the tears with the edge of his thumbs, smiling as he observed your eyes blink and the look in them soften.
Guilt slowly seeping in him on observing your state. You looked spent and absolutely exhausted, the fear of Haru being seriously injured had drained all the energy out you.
He scooted further onto the bed patting on the space him to him gesturing you to join him. You hesitated but he was quick to say it was fine.
“Honestly I don’t know what kind of first class hospital dorm this is...” snuggling against you as you lied down next to him,
“ this bed and room is way bigger than any normal hospital ward I’ve ever seen, but guess I’ll have Daisuke to thank for that” he huffed earning a smile from you. Wrapping his arms around you he played with your hair until you had drifted into slumber with him joining you soon after.
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marialenikiforov · 4 years
Daisuzu short fic💕
Tired of not knowing about Suzue's true feelings, Daisuke plots a way to make Suzue fall for him. It doesn't go as planned.
Suzue had proven to be the most loyal person to Daisuke, someone he could really trust with everything, including his life. Aside from helping him to solve the mess regarding the Kambe family, the girl had saved his life on countless occasions already, sometimes even putting her own life and safety at risk just for him.
Daisuke never considered himself to be someone that believed in romance. He never had a girlfriend during his years at University, his 'love' life revolved around one night stands with several girls he met during his night outs at clubs. However, Suzue made him feel things he never felt before. Having someone that cared that much for him made him feel better than any sex-filled night ever could. It took him some time, but after being away from her for a while due to her vacations Daisuke finally accepted that he had fallen in love with her.
Weird thing love was. Sometimes he felt happy just by seeing her or having her close, but there were also times when he felt annoyed over the smallest things. An example of this was whenever Suzue seemed distant.
Aside from that time when Suzue pulled him under the covers to hide from HEUSC, she was annoyingly 'distant' with him. The two had known for years and yet she continued to call him Daisuke-sama, she continued to act as just an employee when he never treated her like that... or at least not on purpose.
That thought drove him crazy, Suzue was always very polite, very sweet, very caring of him. He loved it, but at the same time made it difficult for him to distinguish her feelings towards him. He knew she cared a lot for him, but did she loved him? Kato thought they were a married couple when Daisuke first introduced him to Suzue. That should mean something, right?
There were times when Suzue was so clingy with him, mostly when he came back from dangerous missions, but there were times when he felt how she kept him at arm's length. He sometimes hated himself for seeming a teenager who had a crush, but everything felt so confusing when it came to Suzue. Then again, he never allowed himself to get this attached to someone before.
Daisuke was deeply lost in his thoughts when a knock on the door of his room followed by a very familiar voice brought him down to Earth.
"Come in."
As the door opened he was able to see the girl that was currently the cause of the mess inside his head and heart. Suzue was dressed in her usual clothes and wore that sweet yet worried expression on her face.
"Daisuke-sama, do you feel all right? You've been in your room since breakfast was over." Suzue said while she approached him.
Daisuke was sitting on a chair close to an open glass door, a cigar on his right hand which he quickly put away since he knew Suzue wasn't too fond of that smell.
"Yes. Just checking in with Kato about the adollium situation." He lied.
"How strange! HEUSC didn't inform me anything about a situation that requires your attention, Daisuke-sama." Suzue said as she furrowed her eyebrows. She could tell that something was off but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. "I can help you with anything if you need me. I'll be in the lab doing some research." She announced with a more relaxed expression. She was determined to help him.
Before he could say anything, Suzue had turned and left him alone once again. Daisuke sighed. He needed to know what she felt for him, but how? He tried to think about his previous experiences with girls, or at least the ones from his former classmates.
After some minutes, Daisuke made up his mind and touched his left ear to activate HEUSC.
Suzue found herself sitting on a couch directly in front of Daisuke. The music roared loud around them at the rooftop of one of the most exclusive clubs in London. Daisuke was surrounded by girls dressed in provocative dressed and he seemed to enjoy himself.
She felt stupid for thinking that this was some kind of date. When Daisuke asked her to dress nicely she never imagined that she would be left to watch how other girls offered themselves to him. Several men had approached her already offering drinks but she rejected them all. She just wanted to go back home and convince herself that all of it had been some kind of nightmare.
The moment a girl sat on Daisuke's lap, Suzue had enough. She stood up and walked away from the scene. She touched her earring.
"HEUSC, send my car to Daisuke-sama location. I'm going home."
Suzue could feel the tears burning in her eyes already as she made her way to the elevator. She had been a fool, how could she think that Daisuke had finally see her as a woman? She pressed the button and waited impatiently until the doors opened.
What she never expected was that someone else managed to jump inside the elevator with her before the doors closed. She pressed the button for the lobby while ignoring the man in front of her.
"Where are you going?" Daisuke asked.
"Daisuke-sama, with all the respect you deserve... why would you care? You were quite busy a moment before."
Daisuke felt like a bucket of ice-cold water was throw at him. He had messed up badly by trying to make Suzue jealous.
"Suzue I-"
"I'm going home, HEUSC already sent my car. Keep having fun, sir."
Suzue sounded hurt and as much as she tried to hide it Daisuke could tell that she was crying. Her face was visibly red along with her eyes. He tried to get close to her but Suzue pushed him away, which felt like a stab to Daisuke's heart.
How could he possibly think that this was a good idea? He remembered some of his old friends doing it, maybe he should have asked Kato for advice before actually doing it.
"Suzue, please listen to me," Daisuke said visibly guilty.
"I never thought you could be this cruel, Daisuke-sama. Bringing someone who loves you to see how you flirt with all these girls."
He froze. Did Suzue just-?
"You what?"
Suzue finally looked at him as the doors opened. "As if you didn't know already!" She walked outside the elevator and into the lobby of the building. "HEUSC, how long till the car gets here?"
"Five minutes, Suzue-sama."
She grumbled and listened to the familiar sound that Daisuke's shoes made as he ran. Suzue quickly walked out of the building to wait for her car, but once she was outside she felt a hand around one of her wrists.
Daisuke was staring at her, she could see the deep regret in his eyes. He could make her so weak sometimes that she almost forgive him in that instant.
"Why Daisuke-sama? Why?" She asked, unable to contain the tears any longer.
He pulled her for a hug, which she tried to reject at first.
"I was an asshole, Suzue," Daisuke explained as he felt how she slowly let herself be hugged close to his chest. "I never wanted to hurt you. I just-" He sighed and prepared for the worst. "I love you too Suzue. I have loved you for quite some time already, but since I didn't know how you felt about me I thought I could maybe make you jealous if you see me with other women. In... my mind that would make you fell in love with me too... maybe."
Suzue looked up at him. Even with the tears in her eyes, he could tell that she was mad at him. Daisuke thought this was definitely the end, Suzue would quit, she would go back to Japan and Daisuke would be left alone once more. And... with all honesty, he felt like he certainly deserved it.
Suzue pulled away from the hug and Daisuke closed his eyes to prepare himself for a slap on his face. Surprisingly, it never came. Instead, he felt a smack on his arm. When he opened his eyes Suzue was still mad, but at the same time, he could see the smallest glimpse of a smile on her face.
"Making me jealous? What kind of teenager plan is that, Daisuke-sama?" Suzue said in tears. "N-never do something like this again. I can't- I-"
Daisuke gently wiped away the tears from her face with his thumbs. "I won't. I promise I won't hurt you ever again. Please forgive me."
Suzue nodded slowly, feeling how he grabbed her chin with two fingers before kissing her. The two shared a short and quite salty kiss, but it was perfect nonetheless. Their little moment was interrupted by the arrival of Suzue's car.
"Let's go home," Daisuke said softly, opening the passenger door for her. She nodded and got inside with his help. He could tell HEUSC to send his AC Cobra back home by itself later.
As he got on the driver's seat and grabbed Suzue's hand he swore to himself that he will make up to Suzue every single day for hurting her like this. At least his stupid plan had somewhat worked, the two had confessed their feelings towards one another.
Hey Daisuzu gang! I hope you liked this 💕
Has any of you read or watched Jane Eyre? This was kinda inspired by one of my favorite scenes hahaha 👀😁
Again, feel free to ignore this and tell me if you don't want to be included in the tags 🙂
@daisuzuship @innovativestruggles @narcopharmacist @unholysoggytea @riaymei @ieatcrumbs @cow-goes-oof @matchabucks @bluegleeful @levi-is-heicho @kakooshi @kokorokai @darknessrxse @fluffyyagiza @geniusmeemee @sungmnnnn @koalarin @alstroemerie @petiamaximoff38 @hellohellokookie @kannra21 @milcyuw
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yorekichan · 4 years
DaiHaru fic: Waiting for you
Fandom: Fugou Keiji
Couple: Daisuke x Haru
Tags: Hurt/Comfrot, Married couple, Mpreg, Fluff, Protective Daisuke
Or on my AO3
For my the sweetest and cutest DaiHaru goddess Naopie @tatarangelic
Shingeki no hugs. 
''Do you need anything Haru? Maybe I should bring you something to drink or give you more pillows?'' Suzue looked at him with concern.
''No, no Suzue, '' flustered Haru replied quickly. ''You are really taking care of me more than enough, '' Haru smiled and put his head on big, soft pillow.
''For sure? You have swollen eyes... Does it hurt you somewhere? Or baby doesn't give you a moment of peace?'' She looked with attention at his belly, bigger and bigger every day. It's already 8th month, huh? Time flies so fast.
''No, no, really Suzue... I am totally fine,'' Haru tried to put really big smile on his face and was waving his hands a lot to show how energetic he is.
''Hmmm... O.k,'' The woman said seriously with sharp eyes. ''But promise me, if something will be happening you will call me immediately, right?'' She had really serious tone so Haru nodded obediently.
''I must go to do some work now, will come soon again along with Kikuko-sama too.  So please rest for now, Haru-sama,'' Suzue got closer to hug him warmly. Haru must admit that after marrying Daisuke he really had gained the best sister-in-law (even if technically she wasn’t) very caring and sweet, tho... she could stop calling him Haru-sama. It is so awkward!
When Suzue left the room and Haru was alone he touched his eyes... Hm, so they are really very swollen... No wonder to be honest... He was crying for a really long time. It was even hard to say how many minutes or maybe hours have passed....
It was all the fault of this stupid dream! No, not dream... Nightmare, which was showing everything Haru is scared the most... Some big dangerous mission on work.... Then blood, so many blood. Tons of bullets in Daisuke's chest. He still wants to say something to Haru... But he can't... Daisuke Kanbe gave the last breath being in Haru's arms.... Haru is losing him...
Stupid dream! Haru scratched his head ''Stop thinking about this!!!'' Man reprimanded himself, then he tried to read a book but intrusive thoughts were stronger. And last part of his dream appeared before his eyes... Blood... blood... his blood... Baby... Lost...
No! No! It is just stupid, mean dream!!! The man started to pat his belly ''Hello baby girl, I am sorry, I was nervous today. Daddy Haru will stop thinking about this stupid dreams... I promise.''
Haru curled up in a ball and tried to bring some positive thoughts, watched some funny tv shows... But he didn't feel better and bad thoughts were flowing all over him. He knew it was just a dream... But still. Especially taking the fact that his pregnancy wasn't so easy and happy at beginning... It was pregnancy with complications.. Baby girl had big health problems, now thanks to all health care and best doctors Daisuke provided them, it is better and calmed now but Haru must still be very cautious.
If it wouldn't be enough worries,  Daisuke had had an accident in work during some mission, luckily he backed from this only with one light injury as he said „just a scratch” which got healed fastly.... But it was enough to Haru to worry about his husband. Especially now when he is all over alone (in meaning: without his best partner - Haru!!!) on some mission in Europe.
The worst is fact... it was Haru who persuaded Daisuke to go there even if the man really wanted to stay...
''Go! I will be fine! Really, Don't treat me as fragile egg. I am a man too you know?! I hate when you treat me like that...''
''Oh... If you say this like that...'' Daisuke gritted his teeth and fly to Switzerland for few days..
I was so stupid that I persuaded him to fly, especially when he wanted to stay so much... But I don't want to be burden for him... Baka Haru, you big idiot with big ego!!!
Tears overflown from his eyes... Daisuke...Come back to me... But his thoughts were interrupted by phone signal... And it was … Daisuke. Daisuke Kanbe calling... Whaaaaat?!
''Dai-dai-daaaa,'' Haru felt like his throat got dry immediately. ''Daisuke?! What are you doing? Isn't now deep night in Switzerland?'' Haru tried to sound very cheerful but his voice was trembling.
''Yes... It is deep night,'' Daisuke sighed and sounded a little sleepy. ''But Suzue was calling,'' Oh shit... ''...and said you had visibly swollen eyes and looked like a biten puppy... Plus you were poorly pretending everything is o.k'' Daisuke was talking calmly but his voice was full of concern. ''So what happened? And please don't lie to me, you know I will recognise when you will even try''
There was big pouse and complete silence from other side of phone. ''Haru? Haru?'' Daisuke got impatient waiting for any sign from Haru who got quiet for way too long. Grrrrr I really should put cameras all over the room, I would know everything then. Why have I even listened to Haru when he said it will be breaking his privacy...
''HEUSC, show me Haru, change this into video conversation,'' the dark-haired man commanded.
Now they both were seeing each other... Haru saw Daisuke in his elegant pyjama and his hair down. His sleepy eyes were looking at his sad husband with love and attention. On the other way Daisuke looking at Haru felt sharp pain in his chest... '''Baby....'' But he couldn't finish because on Haru's eyes appeared big roundy tears. He was overflowing with emotions and didn't know how to stop them. It was just too many fears he was hidding by all this time...
''Haru, darling, I'm here, please say me everything...'' So Haru did, he finally told all his biggest fears, about these horrible returning dreams when he lost them both, the fact how much he regret he wasn’t honest and was persuading him for his departure to Europe and Daisuke was listening everything with breaking heart....
''Dai-chan.... I miss you, so freaking much...''
''Me too, baby, me too... I am sorry I listened you and flied here... We should be all this time together....'' Daisuke seemed sad and visibly moved by Haru's words but then added more brightly ''But I know how to fix this!''
''What? Fix? How?!'' Haru was dumbfounded and only heard BALANCE UNLIMITED and their video conversation ended.
There wasn't Daisuke on the other end but Haru smiled happily ''You smug bastard.''
Not so long after this, Haru heard enormous noise coming from the garden, he looked through the window and noticed the weirdest plane (?!) he had ever saw. Daisuke got off from this cosmic machine, he still was wearing pyjama and still had not brushed hair.
''Princess, your dady is really crazy man... And we love him for this,'' Haru touched his belly and felt energic kick from their daughter then he rushed to the main gate. He imagined himslef running by all the stairs to land into Daisuke's arms... But he chose the elevator, it was safer for him and the baby.
It was Daisuke who ran into him after leaving this weird machine. When they finally met near the main door Daisuke showered Haru with kisses. Starting from kissing his still wet eyes and eyelashes like he would want to take away all Haru's pain,
''You are here...''Haru snuggled his face into shorter man's chest. ''Thank you, thank you...''
''Yes, I am and I will never leave you  alone ever again, Haru and you, princess,'' this saying, he put a hand on Haru's tummy.
''By the way, what is this machine? Is this even legal? How it was possible to fly here from Switzerland in such short time?'' Haru's eyes were beaming with curiosity.
''It is a top secret.''
''Meanie,'' Haru pouted. ''But I am really happy you are back. Thank you, Dai-chan. So let's go to our room, what will wait for you? Many hugging and sleep coz you must be all exausted.''
''I really like this plan,'' Daisuke kissed Haru's cheek and they headed to their bedroom.
Haru and Daisuke were so focused on each other that they hadn’t even noticed Suzue, grandma Kikuko and Hattori who also came to welcome Daisuke. But they really didn't mind the fact they got so ignored as air. They were happy enough to see their favourite duo smiling again.
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tbr-agency · 4 years
a ‘little’ jealousy.
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“Who is he?”
⤷  Haejin accompanied Jaebeom to Deepshower’s club for an event, as his bodyguard, not knowing Jaebeom's jealousy would be tested.
timeline ⟶ June 2020
characters : Lee Haejin (𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒) , Im Jaebeom (Got7) , Deepshower, Ichiyanagi Daisuke (𝐂𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝐌)
warnings ⟶ mention of smoking, slightly rated since it involves tongue (?)
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“You don’t have to come with me, you know.”
“But I wanted to come.”
“You’re coming just because you missed going to the club and you find this as an opportunity right?” Jaebeom teasingly glared towards Haejin whose eyes were focusing on the road since she was driving - though Jaebeom insisted to drive instead.
“Well... 40% of it.. yeah.. But 60% of it is I wanted to go clubbing with my boyfriend, is it wrong?” Haejin innocently gazed towards Jaebeom - causing him to chuckle flusteredly.
“I was about to nag at you but since you put it that way, I’m honored to go clubbing with you then.” answered Jaebeom while holding Haejin’s free hand - earning a slight giggle from her.
It’s been a while that the both of them had the same schedule together - ever since Haejin was promoted to be a trainer in MMG, so as the girls. 
Since Got7 was allowed to go back to their individual apartments, Haejin would always drop by Jaebeom’s apartment - to spend time with him that would always end up cuddling and eating dinner together before Haejin leaves to her shared house.
“Haejin-ah, can I see your bag?” 
Before Haejin could answer him, Jaebeom already reached out to the back seat to grab her bag. 
She took a glance towards him, to see him rummaging her bag, knowing what he was looking for.
“Are you checking if I brought the box?” questioned Haejin bemusedly.
“I told you I’m trying to quit, so I didn’t bring one.”
“Oh yeah? You said that before leaving Virginia and I heard from your staff that you were caught smoking outside the university.” answered Jaebeom bluntly and Haejin could feel his eyes on her - making Haejin to be flustered.
“It’s hard okay, but I’m trying my best. Knowing that I will be in Korea forever, I’ll try my very best.... for you and maybe for myself.” said Haejin genuinely while her eyes were on the road. 
Haejin wasn’t a heavy smoker but from time to time, she would end up finishing half of the sticks in one box. 
“Please, for me.” added Jaebeom softly while holding onto Haejin’s hand.
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Haejin wasn’t a stranger to flashy lights and loud bass. 
As soon as the couple step into the club, Jaebeom walks closely towards Haejin as they walk past random people.
Knowing that they were in public, the couple had to minimize their PDA - afraid that his fans might be there but Haejin knows that most of the people there are mostly Deepshower’s friends since she could recognize some of them.
“Jaebeom-ah! Haejin!”
A familiar voice called, making the two of them turn towards the voice to see Deepshower running towards them.
“Haejin-ah! I missed you!” Deepshower ran towards Haejin for a hug. Haejin could see Jaebeom frowning deeply, eyeing Haejin to let him go but she could only raise her hands up since she didn’t attach her arms on his back.
“Don’t be jealous, Jaebeom. It’s a friendly hug. We used to do that.” Deepshower detached himself from her, turning towards Jaebeom with a smirk.
“Haejin-ah, Ii’m afraid I have steal him away from you since he is the guest.” added Deepshower, earning a nod as her answer.
“I’ll be nearby.” voiced out Haejin towards Jaebeom.
Though Jaebeom looked hesitant to leave her alone, he was being forced taken while his eyes were still on her.
Haejin could only wave at him while smiling at him, to reassure him that she will be fine. 
After seeing Deepshower dragging Jaebeom away, Haejin sighed as she looked around - knowing she was going to be bored.
Her eyes then traveled to the 2nd floor with a smile.
An area where she would usually hang out - back when she was working as a bouncer, knowing how she was going to spend the time.
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Haejin looked towards the first floor, eyes wandering as she kept a look out for drunkards and for stranger people. Her eyes then traveled towards where Jaebeom is as he was busy having a great time, standing beside Deepshower and his crew as always.
Naturally, it made her smile.
“You look like a crazy person, smiling to yourself.”
Haejin frowns as she turns towards the familiar voice, to see Daisuke standing next to her.
He looked towards where she was gazing at, then turning to her.
“What are you doing here?” questioned Haejin as she was still frowning and she was already folding her arms.
“To keep an eye on you, of course.” answered Daisuke with a slight smirk, causing Haejin to scoff.
“I don’t need anyone’s eye. I can do my job alone.” answered Haejin as her eyes went back towards where Jaebeom is - Haejin’s body movement froze as soon as she met Jaebeom’s eyes.
It was as if he had been watching her, conversing with Daisuke.
“You heard MMG’s rules. Code M and The Bloody Roses will be working together.” said Daisuke and Haejin’s eyes turned towards Daisuke with a deep frown.
Yes, it was indeed MMG’s rules. 
There was a meeting where all the 3 units were being called and to summaries the meeting, Code M were being scheduled to accompany The Bloody Roses’ on their daily schedules.
Earning mixed reactions from The Bloody Roses’ members.
Mainly, Eunhee and Yeonji who weren’t too glad to hear the news.
“I know you’re together with the lover boy.” Daisuke gestured towards where Jaebeom is, causing Haejin to sigh.
“Glad that you know then, I hope you know that you should know your limits. You’re standing too close.” added Haejin as her gaze was lowered, trying not to make eye contact with him.
If Haejin could explain their relationship, Daisuke and Haejin were friends that had feelings for each other but knowing how Daisuke is, Haejin decided to let go of her feelings.
“You do know that I’m a change person right?” questioned Daisuke, feeling his eyes on her intensely. It was obvious to Haejin that the guy still had feelings for her.
“No, and I don’t intend to find out.” answered Haejin bluntly, her eyes still on the first floor.
There was a moment of silence, a stuffy one. In that moment, Haejin’s eyes moved towards where Jaebeom was to see that he wasn’t there - making Haejin to search for him.
“I’m gonna go and keep a lookout. Better do your job.” said Haejin as she was about to walk away from him when a hand grabbed her wrist.
Haejin turned towards Daisuke, finally meeting his eyes. There was a sense of longing and adoration in his eyes. It was the first time out of 2 years since he was always abroad.
“So it’s true that you have no feelings for me?” Daisuke questioned, his voice turned deep - knowing he was serious.
As Haejin was about to answer, she was being pulled by the back as her head landed on a hard chest - already guessing who it is, as she could smell his cologne.
Haejin looked up to meet his piercing gaze. 
His eyes then turned towards Daisuke, bowing to him as he wordlessly grabbed Haejin by her hand, walking away.
Somehow, Jaebeom dragged her to the back door of the club, and Haejin realised that Jaebeom was leading her towards her car.
“I’m driving.” said Jaebeom coldly, leaving Haejin as he went towards the driver’s seat.
With a sigh, Haejin sat on the passenger seat as she put on her seat belt. She thought that Jaebeom was going to drive but somehow he just sat there.
That’s when she realizes that Jaebeom is mad, she was stupid enough not to realize his iconic angry chin slowly appearing.
 And she was right, Jaebeom was upset - but it was more to being jealous.
Jaebeom didn’t know that he would feel this way as soon as he saw her with the guy who looked like he was going to steal Haejin away from him back there.
He had his eyes narrowed to the second floor, seeing how close the guy was standing next to her. 
Jaebeom could see that Haejin was uncomfortable - seeing how her eyes were fixed towards the first floor, not wanting to look at the guy’s eyes.
He got more triggered when the guy grabbed her wrist and Jaebeom had to excuse himself as he quickly ran towards the 2nd floor.
Accidentally hearing what the guy asked her, it was as if his words were adding more fuel to the fire to Jaebeom’s mood.
Jaebeom by then was mad - and he is still mad.
“Who is he?” asked Jaebeom as he tried to calm himself down and he thanked the Got7 members that they had helped with his temper.
It has gotten better as years passed.
“A friend.” Haejin muttered, knowing the mood was already destroyed - thanks to an old friend.
“Friends don’t stare at each other that way, Haejin.” answered Jaebeom, his voice was already obvious that he’s pissed.
“A friend and also a co-worker. He’s in the same agency as me.” explained Haejin as her gaze was towards the front.
“I heard what he said. Why did he ask that? Were you and him a thing?” 
Jaebeom faced Haejin - It’s not that he doesn’t trust her, Jaebeom was really curious about the guy. It looked like they have known each other for a long time.
“Well.... Almost a thing, but I decided to not... be with him.” answered Haejin softly, her gaze went downcast.
“Why not?”
“He’s a player - Maybe not, but he likes to flirt with girls.” 
Haejin turned towards Jaebeom, her gaze fell towards Jaebeom’s eyes. Somehow, Jaebeom’s heart started to pound nervously which amazes him.
Even when they are together, Jaebeom still feels shy or nervous whenever he had eye contact with her or when they do skinship.
“Don’t mind him. I love you anyway, so.. I only have you in my mind.” added Haejin with a smile, causing Jaebeom to finally sigh as if he was letting out his anger.
“I know, but it’s just the way he looks at you. It was as if he was trying to take you away from me.” muttered Jaebeom, looking towards Haejin with a slight frown.
“He won’t take me away from you, Beom-ah. I’ll always be with you - well not always, you get what I mean.” Haejin tilted her head slightly towards Jaebeom - not realizing that she showed him aegyo, causing Jaebeom to chuckle slightly.
Jaebeom leaned towards her, grabbing her arm slightly as she naturally leaned forward - and what made Haejin’s eyes turn wider is when Jaebeom’s lips locked with hers, feeling his hand landed on one of her cheeks for support.
With that, Haejin deepens the kiss and she could feel Jaebeom leaning towards her more - feeling Jaebeom’s tongue on her lips as if he wanted to enter her mouth and Haejin decided to allow the access of his tongue.
Haejin suddenly detached herself from him - her hands gripping onto his collar, causing him to be shocked.
He was almost in the mood.
“You know we can continue back at home right?” Haejin raised an eyebrow towards him, as he then realized that they were in public.
“Yours or mine?”
“Yours,” answered Haejin as Jaebeom was already buckling his seat belt and in 1 second, he had already started the engine of the car.
“Get ready then. I can’t wait to show you how much you meant to me,”
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masterlist : Got7 Bodyguard Au
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animemangasoul · 4 years
I'll Be There
Summery: Tamaki needs to know if Eijirou is ok.
In which Suneater and Red Riot are caught in a trap and Tamaki's unable to fight back until he knows Eijirou is alive.
“How do I know he’s even alive?”
“He is.”
Tamaki glared. Fists clenching behind his back and chest heaving because.... because....
The gun pressed to his forehead was cold, dangerous, life threatening.  
It didn’t scare him. Not fundamentally. How could it. He had the ability, the quirk to apprehend these criminals. To put a stop to everything.
Briefly glancing around, Tamaki again fixed his eyes back on the ringleader. The man was tall, scruffy to put it politely and slightly on the edge of deranged. Tamaki could have worked with that if.... if....
“I want to hear his voice.”
If they didn’t have Kirishima.  
“Let me talk to him.”
If they didn’t have Red Riot.
The villain scoffed, dirty hand running down his chin as an ugly smirk cut across his lips. “You think me stupid, Suneater?”
‘Yes, yes I do.’  
“No,” Tamaki said, keeping his gaze steady and his voice firm. “No I don’t.”
“Then why the hell do you think I’ll just let him talk to you? You want him to tell you he’s location, is that it?” The gun is pressed even harder against his face, and Tamaki stills momentarily. Catches his breath, and steels himself.  
He wasn’t afraid of this quirk less grunt. He could potentially disarm him in less than five seconds, and with a minor distraction, all these three criminals would be down and out for the count, but.... but....
What if they killed Eijirou for it? Wherever he was in this warehouse, Tamaki didn’t know his condition, didn’t know if he was dead or alive. Anything he did now should have to be weighed with Red Riot’s life in the balance.  
“I know you’re not stupid,” he finally said, making sure to keep his voice calm. “But I also know that you know I’m not stupid either. Red Riot could be dead. I need to find out that he isn’t. Because if he is--” And there, he lets the calmness slip, let’s the edge of fury break through and.... The villain pales.  
That moment of fear only lasts a second before the butt of the gun meets his temple with whip, and Tamaki’s head snaps back. He grunts but doesn’t cry out.  
A metallic taste fills his mouth, and Tamaki frowns, turning his chin slightly to spit it on the ground. “Unpleasant,” he muttered. “Very unpleasant.”
“I’ll make it even more unpleasant if you don’t--”
Tamaki shifts, one knee of the ground and a hand redirecting the gun to the wall behind him before the villain can even take a second breath. “Listen to me,” he hissed. “The only reason you’re not a bloody smear on the ground is because I don’t know if my partner is still alive somewhere. So I suggest you get him on the phone and have him talk, or this deal is over and I’ll do with you as I wish.” He almost stands, almost. But he doesn’t want to make any of these trigger-happy crazies do something he would regret. Not while Kirishima was still unaccounted for. “Understood.”
Scruffy snarls, looking even more deranged now and two more guns are pointed at him, but after a second of contemplation, the man fishes his phone out of his pocket and.... and....
Being a hero came with its own drawbacks, its own concerns, its own fears and Tamaki was fine with that. He’d signed up for it, he’d accepted it, he’d grown to love it. But, he also hated the uncertainties. Hated how they made his stomach coil and his breath hitch. The unknown always managed to scare him the most and the fact that the last thing he’d heard before being surrounded was a pained yell from Red Riot.
Red Riot who was supposed to be bulletproof.
It.... Tamaki may have been Suneater, but all that was eating at him now was the bone chilling terror that these buffoons might have seriously hurt his partner and if they had; his fists clenched in their broken chains at that thought. Tamaki was going to make them pay.
He just needed to know that Eijirou was ok. That he was in the clear. That he would live if Tamaki took these goons out. That’s all he needed. That’s all he wanted. A reassurance. A promise.
The second pistol whip doesn’t come as a surprise, but Tamaki still let’s out a tiny grunt of pain. Scruffy chortles. Tamaki doesn’t dignify him with a response. It was clear the crook wanted to take back some form of control now that Suneater had practically threatened him into giving him intel.
Blinking slowly, Tamaki tried not to gape at the criminal who was currently snapping into his phone gun still pointed at him.
“Daisuke! You there man? I need you to put that Riot guy on the phone for a sec. He awake!”
Was this man just... Did he just say his companion’s name out loud. For all to hear? For Tamaki to hear?  
‘An idiot,’ he decided.‘He’s an idiot.’  
“Here!” A phone is suddenly thrust at him and--
His heart stops.  
“Red Riot.”
Because it’s Eijirou’s slurred voice on the other side of this phone. Eijirou who’s so out of it he doesn’t even refer to him by his hero name.
What had they done to him.
“I’m ok sen.... Suneater. So Do it.”
Do it.
Tamaki knew what that meant.  
“Do it? Hey! What does that mean?”
He just had to trust that Kirishima was telling the truth.
“Oi?” A slap. “If you don’t talk--”
Suneater surges forward. Quirk activating before the criminal can even blink and in a matter of seconds, he has the yelling man tied down with tentacles. Shots are fired and brief flare of pain blooms at his side, but his shell protects him from the brunt of it and Suneater has the other two down and out in a few minutes.  
Making sure all three villains are fully secured, Tamaki rushes towards the phone, fingers almost shaking as he picks it up and presses it to his ear. Already stumbling his way out of the dark room. “Red Riot! Red Riot come in!”
“Red Riot!”  
He’s running now. One foot in front of the other as he barrels down the stairs; vision swimming, head aching and breath coming out in short bursts.
‘Did he have a concussion?’  
‘Did it matter?’  
Trying not to let his thoughts stray, Tamaki keeps a firm hold on the phone as he runs and runs and attempts to keep his worry at bay.  
“Red Riot!”
And then--
A gun shot. Another, and another.
Color drains of Tamaki’s face and his heart races. Oh God. Oh God. The sound comes from his left, down the hall. He could---
A scream this time, but this one is faint, muffled and coming from the phone. No, God, no.
A grunt.
Suneater is all but sprinting at this point. No splitting headache, no pain, no nausea able to slow him down, not when his heart was in his throat and his mind was screaming for him to do something. Anything.  
He rounds the corner and skids to a stop in front of the closed off storage room, arms extending and banging open the door. “Red Riot!”
The scene in front of him makes his blood freeze.
There at the very corner, Eijirou is curled up. Coughs wrecking his body and bare chest showing dents, bruises, cuts and there, a single bullet hole, a single bullet that had managed to get past the ultimate defense and....
Tamaki attacks before he can even think. A vicious sort of instinct taking over as he lurches himself at the four assailants who’d been shooting at his friend. Shooting at him and laughing, knowing that the toxic gas he’d inhaled before would make even the invincible Red Riot vulnerable.  
He’s angry. He’s so so angry, and if Tamaki hadn’t been a hero for as long as he’d been, he might have done something unforgivable then and there, but he doesn’t. He grabs two of them by the throat and slams the other two against the wall; perhaps breaking a few bones, but he doesn’t kill them. He doesn’t.  
Throwing the last two aside the minute they go slack in his grip, Tamaki practically throws himself next to Eijirou. Body only stilling when the other flinches away from him.
“Hey, hey,” he says softly; ears on alert, trying to listen for any noise, any sign of rescue. “It’s just.... it’s just me Red Riot. It’s--” His throat is dry and his lips wobble and-- Tamaki hates how uncertain he sounds.  “It’s gonna be ok. I’m here now. It’s going to be ok.”
Eijirou whimpers. Curls even tighter against himself and.... Tamaki just wants to reach out and touch him. Just wants to make sure the other knows that he’s there. That Eijirou isn’t alone anymore.
But he doesn’t do that. Because he knows it’s not what Eijirou needs right now. And Tamaki has to make sure he does exactly what Eijirou needs. He can’t get this wrong. He refuses to get this wrong. He’s already failed him. Eijirou is hurt, afraid, in pain and suffering and Tamaki.... Tamaki needed to make him feel better, to feel safe.
“Eijirou? Can you.... Hey- Can you hear me? I’m here.”
The redhead just lowers his chin even further into his knees and whines. That sort of whine that makes your very soul shrivel.  
It tears a whole through Tamaki’s heart.
“Eijirou.... Please look at me. You’re safe. You’re safe and I’m here now.”
He doesn’t know for a long he keeps on talking, for how long his eyes linger on that sluggishly bleeding bullet wound, but slowly, ever so slowly, Eijirou starts to look up and... Thank God. Thank God. Tamaki hurriedly blinks back the threatening tears as he scoots closer now that his friend’s eyes are clearer. “You with me?”
A hesitant nod.
“Yeah?” He has to make sure.
Another nod.
Tamaki smiles; it’s soft, worried, but Eijirou smiles back and it might be just a ghost of his usual brilliantly sunny expression, but it’s enough. It’s enough for now, so Tamaki's smile grows, and he reaches out. “Can I?”
The redhead follows his gaze and lands on the bleeding hole in his shoulder. He nods.
“Ok, ok good.” Fishing out the small med kit in his left pocket, Tamaki draws himself even nearer and gently touches the edges with a finger. Eijirou hisses. “Sorry,” Tamaki says, voice no louder than a whisper. “I’ll make it quick.”
By the time he’s done, wound wrapped up and other cuts dressed to the best of Tamaki’s ability, Eijirou has calmed down enough to actually answer his questions albeit only in single words and mumbles.  
“Ok,” he says, moving back. “All done. “I’ll just--”
An arm latches onto his wrist and it’s all Tamaki can do not to act on instinct, instead he takes a sharp intake of breath and looks at his friend. His friend who’s got an iron grip around his arm. “Eijirou?”
Tears are trailing down the redhead's cheeks and the teen shakes his head viciously; sharp teeth biting into his lower lip till blood is trickling down his chin. “Don’t go. Please don’t go.”
Tamaki stiffens.
He’d never seen Eijirou like this. Not this vulnerable. Not this scared. Not for the first time he feels the anger boiling under his skin burst into flames. How dare these low lives make someone as bright and brilliant ad Eijirou look like this. How dare they.
He tries not to show that on his face. Instead scooting closer and covering Eijirou’s shaking hand with his own, squeezing it once. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I’m right here. Right here.”
When Eijirou reaches out and folds his arms into his suit, practically clinging on for dare life, all Tamaki can do is wrap his own arms around him and pull him close; eyes itching with tears and lips wobbling. “I got you,” he says; fingers running through red hair and body swaying Eijirou’s slightly. “It’s ok now. I got you.”
Eijirou’s sobs are heartbreaking and the teen is shaking, body practically quivering where it’s glued into Tamaki’s side and Tamaki pulls him even closer and rests his chin atop of his head; his own tears finally spilling past his cheeks. “Shhh,” he mutters. “I got you. You’re safe now. I got you.”
He holds him till he cries himself to sleep, he holds him till help arrives and he holds him all the way until Fatgum is gently lifting him out of his arms and putting him on a stretcher. And then Tamaki holds his hand, never letting go. He’d made a promise after all. He was here now and that meant Eijirou was safe. He was safe.
The End
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shortieandcoconut · 5 years
Valentine's Day Surprise! Part 2 (Digimon FF- Miyako/Yolei x Ken)
(Note: Asterisks = Thoughts.) The only things I've changed this chapter is a few words, some grammar and made Miyako's email situation make more sense. Part 2 of 'Valentine's Day Surprise'. Link to original: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12176931/2/ Also, RIP, formatting. ~~~ As soon as Miyako arrived home, she headed straight to her bedroom, took her school bag off and plonked onto her bed with a sigh. She did greet her family of course. Poromon looked a little worried and asked, "Miyako-san, are you okay? Did you have a bad day at school?", while flapping his little wings in the air, hovering near Miyako's head. "Oh Poromon...", Miyako said with affection, as she turned around and grabbed the pink feathery ball Digimon, into her arms. "I'm fine... Okay, maybe I'm feeling a little bit down, but I'll get over it eventually. Besides it makes things easier when I have such a great friend like you, Poromon. Thank you for always being here for me, you don't know how much I appreciate it", she said with smile. Poromon blushed, "Oh, th-thank you Miyako-san! You know I would do anything for you. Always!", the little bird monster said cheerfully, but he was also shy about it. "Thank you Poromon!" Miyako cried out, and squeezed the Digimon into a tight affectionate hug. "Mi-Miyako-san! ..Breathe!", Poromon was flailing around and gasping for air. "Oh! Sorry..", Miyako replied nervously. *Beep! Beep!* *Beep! Beep!* Miyako swiftly turned her head, "Huh!?" *Beep! Beep!* "My D-Terminal! Someone must've sent me a message!", Miyako was surprised, then curiously said, raising her eyebrow, "I wonder who though?" Motomiya, Daisuke «Hi Miyako, I've got a big soccer game on today, and I was wondering if you and the others wanted to come along to support me! I mean, you don't have to, I understand if you have homework or somethin', but y'know, I'd really like it if you did come along! But I understand though, I've sent the others this message so I'll be happy even if one of you guys just come along. Alright see ya then! :P ~ Don't forget how awesome I am!» Daisuke-kun. Miyako let out a chuckled sigh, "Daisuke-kun..." she then replied to her D-Terminal: «Hi Daisuke! I'm sorry, I'd really love to come, but unfortunately I'm just really busy right now. (Which was sort of the truth, she was going to do a little bit of homework and get Ken his gift, but she also just didn't want to go anywhere at the moment) But you know I support you, %100 of the way, I'm sure you'll have a fantastic game. One of the others would probably be there, so I hope that'll make you happy. Anyway, once again I'm really sorry, but I'm just busy. Enjoy the rest of your day.» From Miyako-san And with that she let out a heavy sigh and closed her D-Terminal. Pondering on her thoughts, she thought now it would be a good time to start some of her homework. "Who was that Miyako-san?", Poromon curiously asked. "Oh, it was just Daisuke, asking if I wanted to come to his soccer game.", she replied dryly. "Oh, Daisuke-kun! Are you going to go?", Poromon asked with a shine in his eyes, hoping her answer would be yes. He wanted to catch up with the other Digimon and Chosen Children. Seeing the cheerful look in Poromon's eyes, Miyako replied, "Sorry Poromon, not tonight. I have things to do". "Oh...", Poromon looked down. "Its okay Poromon, I promise we'll do something during the week together okay?", she tried to cheer him up. "Promise?". "Promise". As Miyako was doing her homework, Poromon had fallen off to sleep in his tiny bed, looking as peaceful as ever. She decided to check her emails. She know she shouldn't procrastinate, but she just couldn't help herself, besides her brain felt like it was about to explode with all the information she was putting out and taking in. Scanning through her emails, she found a rather unusual one. She hesitated to click on it, thinking it just could be one of those stupid chain emails, or some scam email that promoted some ridiculous product or holiday that looked too good to be true, basically spam; and she didn't want to click on it because she didn't want a virus. However the nature of this email wasn't like any of the aforementioned emails. There was no title or subject, well there was something written in the subject box but it just read "?", and there was no information about the sender. *Should I really open this?* To Miyako in this moment, it was a matter of life or death. What if it was sent from some crazy hacker trying to steal her computer information, or anything similar? *Well like they said, curiosity killed the cat* And she opened it anyway. - Much to her relief, it wasn't some hacker trying to hack her computer, but the contents of the email left her somewhat bewildered. Inoue Miyako, «Please go to the computer lab at Odaiba Elementary, today, 600 PM sharp. Something special is there for you.» "Eh?". Miyako felt really confused, and had a sinking feeling in her stomach at the same time. Did she have a stalker now? Was there something wrong in the Digital World again? Was an evil Digimon trying to get to her? Anyway, she thought if she didn't show up something bad might happen, so she mustered up all the courage she had and headed to Odaiba Elementary. But just before she did, *Oh! Poromon! Should I take him? He's so sound asleep though and I really don't want to bother him*. After thinking hard about it for a bit she decided to leave her feathery friend at peace. Which she thought, probably wasn't the best decision for a female in this day and age, but what the heck, she was a fighter. Time was ticking away, she really didn't have much time to head down to the school. After arguing with her parents for about 10 minutes about why she was going out at this time on a school night, or for a girl her age at all without a sensible reason, she was only left with 20 minutes to get there. So she hurried herself along. *Beep! Beep!* *Beep! Beep!* She received a message on her phone. "Oh, who on earth is messaging me now!?". Usually this wouldn't be a problem, but since she was stressed from her situation she really didn't need someone bothering her at the moment, she quickly checked it anyway. «Yo sis, where are you!? You should've been home from school ages ago? Are you okay? Did you get hit by a car? Did someone kidnap you? Did you do something really bad at school that you got detention for all this time? Please tell me, I need to know! I'm really worried about you.» Mantarou. *Oh Mantarou...* It made her feel somewhat a bit better that she had such a loving and caring family always looking out for her, she quickly replied to the message and told her brother to ask her parents about it. She really didn't have time to have a long conversation. Not soon after she got another text message, but she just ignored it. It was probably just Mantarou confirming he talked to their parents. She arrived at the computer lab at ten past six, not exactly 6 o'clock, but it was good enough right? Miyako hoped. *Even though whoever said it was 6:00 PM sharp... I hope they're not too anal about these things*. She was starting to wonder why the mystery person, or thing, or possibly a Digimon, wanted her to come here. As far as she could tell, there was absolutely no one here, not even the school staff, all of the computers were turned off, not to mention none of the inside lights in the school building were on. (So Miyako had to use the light from her phone to navigate.) She didn't have any messages from any of the other Chosen Children, namely Koushiro. So what on earth was all this about? *Is this some kind of prank? Because if it is its not a really funny one, and I want to go home. Whoever is doing this must have it in for me...* Miyako wondered, *Maybe its someone at school that really hates me. That's just great, that's what exactly what I need, more drama in my life!*. Just as she was thinking about that, she thought about how late it was, *And its so late, for a school night. School kids would be at home studying now, or eating dinner! Oh! I also promised Ken I would be going over his house tonight! Oh geez! I almost forgot about that, what kind of a girlfriend am I!?* She started to panic. *Poor Ken, he's probably sitting at home right now, wondering why I haven't come over yet, he probably hates me now, maybe he thinks I don't love him anymore and this is my way of saying that I want to break up with him. Oh I'm so sorry Ken!* She was about to send him a text message on her phone but then thought she was just overreacting about how Ken would feel. Suddenly one of the computer screens lit up. "Huh? Was this computer always on? I didn't notice it before...", she walked over to it. At the computer, she just realised this was the exact same computer that the Chosen Children had used for going to and from the Digital World a few years ago. She frowned, and her thoughts started running a million miles an hour, *Is the Digital World in trouble again? Do they need our help again? But why just me? Does it have something to do with my traits or my Digimon?* Her thoughts continued like this until she saw something on the screen. Much to her horror, what she saw was something she never expected in a million years to see again, or so she hoped.
[Thanks for reading! Part 3 coming soon! I know how the story ends but I don't know how to get to it... if you have any ideas please let me know, and I'll credit you for it of course!]
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tabooneko · 7 years
Diabolik Lovers Vandead Carnival Imajin Bonus: Mukami Laito’s great dreamed life ~my home, my rules~
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Happy New Year everyone! o(^▽^)o
I prepared a little present to welcome the new year~
English Title: Diabolik Lovers Vandead Carnival Imajin Bonus: Mukami Laito’s great dreamed life ~my home, my rules~
Japanese Title: DIABOLIK LOVERS VANDEAD CARNIVAL いまじん特典: 無神ライトの 華麗なる理想生活 ~よそはよそ、うちはうち~
Cast: Sakamaki Laito (CV. Hirakawa Daisuke), Mukami Yūma (CV. Suzuki Tatsuhisa), Mukami Ruki (CV. Sakurai Takahiro)
Duration: 21:32
*Yūma is huming*
Yūma: Ah, it grew so well!  As expected from the Demon World’s seeds. Flower bloomed shortly after I planted it. And we don’t have to worry about bugs here, so grow big!
Ruki: Yūma, so you are here.
Yūma: Oh, Ruki. What’s up? It’s rare to see you in the garden. Why are you here?
Ruki: I have something to do here. Hmm? This flower, you bought its seeds during the carnival, right? Why did you plant it in the school garden?
Yūma: Our garden at home got a little devastated recently. Those are really unique seeds. I have to protect them at any cost.
Ruki: Eh, Kō is such a child to destroy a garden in revenge after a fight.
Yūma: Exactly. It’s hard to believe that he is supposed to be my older brother.
Ruki: Yūma, you shouldn’t say that about Kō. I heard from Azusa that you wore Kō’s clothes and stretched them so much that it’s now impossible to fix them.
Yūma: Hah. You always have to pay back. It’s a basic rule of a man.
Ruki: At this rate it will never end. You’re brothers. Sometimes you have to give in and apologize.
Laito: As expected of Mukami brothers, you get on well with each other. Some nice things you said. I’m getting sick because of this lip service. Nfu~
Yūma: You’re this darn bastard with hat from Sakamaki family.
Ruki: Sakamaki Laito, why are you here?
Laito: A lot of things happened, you know. When I was wandering around school, I smelt a nice, sweet scent so I came here to check it.
Yūma: Huh? Do you mean this flower’s scent? It doesn’t really smell-...
Laito: Oh my? You didn’t notice it? Even though it’s a scent that lures vampires.
Ruki: Lures vampires?
Laito: If you think I’m lying, try to smell it from closer distance. I’m sure you will get dizzy. Nfufu~
Yūma: Smell?
Ruki: Hey, Yūma, don’t do it. I have a feeling it won’t end well.
Yūma: Yeah, I know that, but since I’m growing it, I’m a little curious.
*Yūma smells the flower*
Ruki: Yūma, stop! I have a bad feeling about it.
Ruki: What happened?! That pollen...
Yūma: Damn it. What’s going on... Suddenly I feel a strong... urge to sleep...
Ruki: Ah...
*Yūma and Ruki collapsed*
Laito: Oh my. I told you that you will get dizzy. Nfu~
Ruki: Oh? Where am I? In our house? But I was at school a moment ago... What’s going on? Moreover, it’s already morning. Maybe I was only seeing a dream. Hah, if it’s true, it was a really stupid dream. It’s not like me.
*Ruki gets up*
*Doors open, Yūma is yawning*
Ruki: Yūma? Something wrong? You got up unusually early.
Yūma: Nah, I just had a bad dream and woke up.
Ruki: So you too, huh? But good timing. Could you wake Kō up? He said that he has work today.
Yūma: Huh? Why me?
Ruki: And apologize to him too. Azusa is concerned about you two. Don’t make your younger brother worry about you.
Yūma: Tsk. Okay, I get it.
Ruki: I’m counting on you. I’m going to prepare breakfast.
*Ruki left*
Yūma: Heh. But Kō really has a big problem with getting up on his own. I have no other choice. I’ll give in this time for the sake of my selfish big brother. Hey, Kō! How long do you plan to sleep?! You have work, right? Get up already! Ah, and sorry for... Hiya-...?!
*Ruki is cooking*
Ruki: Hm, perfectly cooked. Now bacon...
Yūma: Ruki! RUKI! RUKIIII!!!
Ruki: What’s it, Yūma? You’re so noisy. Did you wake Kō up?
Yūma: I-I-It’s terrible!
Ruki: Terrible? What do you mean? Kō was drawing a world map or something?
Yūma: It would be terrible in its own way too, but I’m talking about something even more terrible!
Ruki: Just calm down for now.
Yūma: How can I be calm?! Listen carefully, Ruki. K-K-K-Kō disappeared.
Ruki: What?
Yūma: There is more. Instead of Kō, there is someone outrageous in this house.
Laito: *yawn* My brothers are so noisy in the morning.
Yūma: Aaaah! Iyaaa!
Ruki: Huh? You’re... Sakamaki Laito! Why are you in this mansion?
Laito: Why, you ask? What’s wrong with being in your own house? My brothers are so weird.
Yūma: Bro-...! Don’t come near me, you pervert!
Laito: Eh? Oh, you’re so cruel, big brother Yūma.
Yūma: Stop calling me brother! It’s irritating!
Laito: But brother is brother, right? Brother.
Yūma: I’ve told you to stop!
Ruki: Calm down, Yūma! For now, go wear some clothes, Sakamaki Laito. We will talk after that.
Laito: Yummy! Those half-cooked fried eggs are the best! White and yellow parts of eggs are melting together... ah, and when I turn it over... it’s just perfect!
Ruki: I’m... glad to hear it. Hey, Yūma, why aren’t you eating?
Yūma: Do you think I can normally eat in this situation?
Ruki: You’re right.
Laito: At any rate, you regularly eat every day after all. As expected of ex-humans. Well, I also like macarons, so it’s okay.
Ruki: Sakamaki Laito, listen. I’ll ask one more time. Why are you here?
Laito: I‘ve already told you. What’s wrong with being in your own house? Moreover, I’m not Sakamaki Laito. I’m Mukami Laito. Please, at least remember your own little brother’s name, big brother Ruki.
Ruki: Little bro-...!
Yūma: Hey, Ruki. What’s going on here?
Ruki: I have no idea. Maybe I’ve gone crazy or something.
Yūma: I’ve looked around the house, but Kō and Azusa are nowhere to be seen. Really, what’s going on?
Laito: Nfufu, haha. You haven’t noticed yet? You’re unexpectedly slow.
Ruki: What?
Laito: We’re inside a dream.
Yūma: Dream?
Laito: There was a flower in the school garden which Yūma took care of, right? It’s that flower’s fault. It uses characteristic scent to put vampires to sleep and show them illusions. What a troublesome flower.
Ruki: Illusions? Do you mean that the three of us are seeing the same illusion at the same time?
Laito: Yeah. Hmm... More than illusion, it’s literally a dream. The three of us are seeing the same dream right now. Well, those flowers wither fast when they use their power. So we will wake up after some time.
Yūma: So it was such a dangerous flower?
Laito: It’s from the Demon World after all. Thank you for the treat. Now since I have an occasion, maybe I’ll inspect Mukami’s residence a little.
Ruki: Wait! Why?
Laito: Because I can’t just come here in a normal situation. And to tell the truth, I’m in the middle of a fight with Ayato-kun, so I don’t want to come back home. My selfish older brother who thinks he is the best and always nagging and scolding older brother aren’t here after all. It’s a perfect occasion, so let me have some fun to reduce my stress.  Nfufu~
*Laito left*
Yūma: Hey, Ruki, you sure it’s okay?
Ruki: Even if we struggle, it looks like we won’t be able to come back to the reality. If it really is an illusion, nothing is real. So let him do whatever he wants.
Yūma: A flower that can delude a vampire, huh. We found something really unbelievable.
Yūma: Uff.
Laito: Hmm~ I heard some rumours, but you really cultivate your own field.
Yūma: Huh?! Tsk, when did you appear here...
Laito: Hey, what are you cultivating?
Yūma: Huh? Ah. A lot of different things. I’m not obliged to answer you.
Laito: You’re so cold~  Even if it’s only a dream, we are brothers here after all. So why don’t you just tell me? Big brother Yūma-...
Yūma: I told you not to call me that! It makes me sick! I get it. I’ll tell you. Here I’m making a new ground. But there are cucumbers and tomatoes over there. You happy now? Huh?!
Laito: Cucumbers, huh... You’re growing some nice things here. Will you give me some when they grow?
Yūma: Huh? Do you like vegetables by any chance? Oh, I didn’t expect that, we can even get along. Sure, I’ll give you some when I harvest them.
Laito: If it’s possible, I’d like the biggest one.  Yeah... For example big enough to make Bitch-chan cry and choke!
Yūma: Wait. What do you want to use my cucumbers for?
Laito: What do you mean? For a play with vegetables of course.
Yūma: Don’t mess with me! I’m putting a lot of effort into growing those vegetables and you want to use them for something like this?!
Laito: You’re only saying it now. I heard you also put things by force in Bitch-chan’s mouth, Yūma-kun~
Yūma: Stop it! When it comes from your mouth it doesn’t even sound like a joke. I cultivate those vegetables only to eat them later. I do it to let everyone know this delicious taste.
Laito: Oh, you’re just trying to sound innocent~ I’m sure you also want to see Bitch-chan’s face when her mouth is all sticky and full of tomatoes.
Yūma: Shut up! Don't lump me together with you! By the way, if you have time to talk about stupid things, just help me here. "If man will not work, he shall not eat" - it’s a rule of this house.
Laito: But I don’t really have to eat, you know?
Yūma: You ate fried eggs before, right? So stop complaining and start plowing!
Laito: Eeeeh?!
Yūma: Don’t "Ehh?!" me! Even Azusa has already done it! So get used to it! Here is your hoe. Grab it!
Laito: Huh? W-Wait a minute!
Yūma: "If man will not work, he shall  not eat"! Lower your back more!
*Laito started working*
Laito: Eh, why did I have to do something like that... My back hurts... Hands and legs hurt too...
Ruki: Hey, Sakamaki Laito.
Laito: Ah, Ruki. Do you need something?
Ruki: What does this muddy corridor means?
Laito: Yūma made me help him with field work. Because of that I’m all in mud up to my knees. Geez.
Ruki: I can guess just by looking at you. I’m asking why you left our corridor all in mud?
Laito: Why? Even if I leave it, someone will later clean it.
Ruki: Eh, that’s why I hate nobles...  Listen, Sakamaki Laito. I don’t care how it is in your house, but we have our own rules here.
Laito: So what? What do you want to say?
Ruki: Clean this dirty floor by yourself.
Laito: Huh? Why should I?
Ruki: In Mukami mansion, we always clean after ourselves. To maintain our sense of independence. That’s our education policy and rule.
Laito: I don’t care about it. In our house, Reiji take cares of stuff like-...
Ruki: My home, my rules. As long as you’re here, you have to follow them. So clean this floor at once.
Laito: I want to know... why do I have to... do something like this. In my home, even if I left it like this, Reiji would clean it even without asking. Reiji is complaining all the time, but unless he do something by himself, he won’t be satisfied. That’s one of his good points. Eh, somehow I really want to come back home now. To that mansion and my brothers. I even have a feeling I’d be able to apologize to Ayato-kun now. I want to come back to my home, where I can do whatever I like.
Ruki: Looks like you woke up, Sakamaki Laito.
Laito: Huh? Where am I?
Ruki: At school. I’ve just woken up myself. Look, flower is withering. Scent got weaker too. So our nightmare came to an end.
Laito: Hmm. I’m glad though. To tell the truth, I was wondering what to do if I won’t wake up.
*Yūma is growling*
Laito: Looks like he is still dreaming. Then...
Ruki: Where are you going?
Laito: It’s obvious. I’m going home.
Ruki: I see. Be careful on your way back.
Laito: Yes, yes. You too. Goodbye then, big brother Ruki~
*Laito left*
Ruki: Hmph.
Yūma: Hmm?
Ruki: Are you awake, Yūma?
Yūma: Huh, Ruki? Where are we?
Ruki: In reality. Flower withered and scent got weaker. From your point of view, it’s probably a waste that it withered though.
Yūma: No. This one time I'm not sad. No matter if it’s a dream or illusion, I don’t want to experience such life ever again.
Ruki: Looks like not only Sakamaki Laito wanted to come back home after this dream.
Yūma: Seeing a nude guy so early in the morning can only be a nightmare. Eh, all I did was sleep, but I’m really tired now.
Ruki: We should go back home too. If we won’t hurry, night will come to an end like in that dream.
Yūma: Right. Hey, Ruki. Let’s buy something to eat on our way home.
Ruki: Yeah. If you have any dish you want to eat, tell me.
Yūma: Pasta. With a lot of shellfish.  
Ruki: Hmph. Roger. So tonight we will eat Vongole in Bianco. We’re running out of spices, so let’s buy some too.
Yūma: Yeah. Ah, right, Ruki. You came here, because you some business to take care of, right? What was it?
Ruki: Ah, no. It’s already done, so it’s okay.
Yūma: Hmm.... Let’s go back then. Kō and Azusa are waiting for us.
Ruki: You’re right. Despite all the fights, home and family are the most important after all...
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