wywardprince · 2 years
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“Be happy while you’re living,                                  for you’re a long time deid”                                                                         – Old Scots proverb
indie rp blog | para | selective                                                   .| promo by @dalathin |.
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felandaristhorns · 5 years
I appear from the void purely to say thank you for having evil characters.
Pfffff, you’re welcome! I just like writing for characters from the wrong side of the morality chart. Fenumin’s so much fun because he’s just a shade too self-centered to be acceptable - he’s got huge soft spots for certain people, but that just makes him more dangerous, not less.
And Andruil and Dirthamen, likeThey did things that ultimately made Fen’Harel decide tearing the world apart in the name of sealing them away was preferable to letting them continue to run wild. They cannot not be evil.
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tryvyalsynnes · 5 years
Just want to reiterate that that positivity post is absolutely 100000000% true! I'm always happy to see you and your writing on my dash, you are absolutely lovely and genuinely have a gift!
EEEEE Thank you!!
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ofxelvhen · 5 years
For a meta: Considering his history, does Dacien have any opinions on alienages and the culture therein?
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
While Dacien’s parents grew up in an ailenage; his mother left to find a Dalish clan willing to take them when Dacien was still an infant, his father having died shortly after his birth. He has no memories of life in the ailenage and his mother doesn’t go out of her way to share those memories. He doesn’t ask. He figures if she risked everything to get them both out it was for the best.
However, that’s not to say he hasn’t seen a few ailenages in his time, and that’s not counting the fact that Inahwen has at least a handful of others who were born city elves. What little he does know, he thinks is admirable in a very bittersweet way. They cling to the traditions and beliefs of the Dalish in a desperate attempt to hold on to their own culture. He knows there are plenty in the ailenages who worship the Maker along with the Dalish Creators, and others who solely worship the Maker, and it really all depends on the micro culture in each ailenage how exactly he feels about it. But it can be boiled down to a sense of pride- the elves are still surviving. Maybe not thriving, maybe dwindling, but they’re finding ways and they’ll never be wiped out for good. It makes him proud.
In the verse wherein he was Inquisitor, once he rejoins his clan, elves that worship the Maker, be it with the original elven gods or not, get a quiet sigh from Dacien. He had enough Chantry shoved down his and Halan’s throat during the Inquisition, he knows how the Andrasians really feel about any religion other than their own. He’s not going to tell anyone what to believe, but he is going to sigh and his heart’s going to be a little heavy. Each elf worshiping Andrate feels like a loss of culture after the Inquisition. After “there’s not room [in your faith] for one more?” after “It wasn’t really an exalted march” after hearing Herald of Andraste pointed at Halan too many times. He’s tired of the shemlen religion. He knows far too much of the history between Andrastians and his own people now and it weighs heavy on him. He won’t force anyone else to bear the load, but it makes him Sad.
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lathal-a · 5 years
“You smell like cinnamon buns.“
“Do I?” Iveani asked, trying to discreetly smell herself to see if it was true. She didn’t smell anything, but it could just be her being used to it. “That’s strange.”
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(leaves a homemade cake here all for Tal)
It wasn’t often Talon found a cake in his quarters.  Was it his birthday?  He had to think about that for a moment, before realizing no, that wasn’t for almost another two months.  And it wasn’t like many people knew when it was to begin with.  Was it a gift?  Something with a more sinister purpose?  It wasn’t like he was one for sweets to begin with.
Staring it down, arms folded across his chest, the assassin thought through his options.  He could leave it there, untouched, throw it away (which seemed awful rude if it was simply a gift), or see if anyone else would appreciate it.  The last seemed the most tempting, but if it were poisoned, it simply wouldn’t do to give it to others.  
The obvious answer here would be to taste it first.  A little bite, off the bottom likely wouldn’t do him any serious harm if it were poisoned, and if it was simply a gift, it would be less noticeable than anywhere else.  Later though.  He had things to do besides find a fork.  It wouldn’t go bad sitting for a few more hours.
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hopewrought · 5 years
7 & 33
the ‘be honest’ meme || @dalathin
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7. What’s your opinion on call out posts?
I support them when they’re warranted, necessary, and have receipts. While there ARE some callouts that have gone around which seem more like a petty grudge that’s spiraled, or posts that have no proof; those are fewer in number than the legitimate posts that exist to warn people. In my opinion they serve an important purpose. People should be warned about predators in their communities. That’s something we SHOULD care about, especially as there are minors and vulnerable people in the RPC. Instead of seeing it as drama, warranted posts should be viewed as a necessary way of trying to keep ourselves and others safe. Brushing off incidents of predatory behaviour as ‘drama’ is a huge disservice to their victims. 
33. How do you feel about personal blogs following your rp blog?
To be honest, I’m not the most comfortable with it. A huge number of them ignore my rules and reblog my ooc posts and other things that I don’t want reblogged, and I end up having to block them. I’ve also had some steal my headcanons and material from threads to put in their fanfictions. In another fandom I also received bizarre asks from a personal that appeared to have a weird crush on my muse. I’m absolutely fine with the personal blogs of friends following me obviously, and there are a few cool people I’ve gotten to know because they followed me and respected my rules which is why I don’t have an auto block policy. I like to give everyone a chance.
I’ll have a quick look through their blog and if I see that they’re underage, they have reblogged other things from roleplay blogs, or there is content that conflicts with my moral leanings I’ll hardblock immediately but otherwise I live and let live. 
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embracedestiny · 5 years
Séaghdha says Hawke can be the little spoon as much as he wants. 💗💖💕
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          Now that’s something Séaghdha need not offer twice. Once all the bulky weapons are removed Hawke flops down on the bed roll next to his tiny elf, wiggling into a comfortable position until his back is somewhere against Séaghdha’s chest. He reaches behind himself to take the other’s arm and pull it over his side, silently demanding to be held. His own hand rests warm on Séaghdha’s arm and like this Hawke dozes off, feeling snugly and very content.
( ---That is until Barkspawn decides to join them after a little while, flopping down half on Hawke’s thighs and Séaghdha’s calves. It looks uncomfortable, but the Mabari clearly doesn’t mind as it yawns heartily and drops its head on Hawke’s hip. )
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lavellaniisms · 5 years
⌛, 🌌, 💗
questions for the mun!
⌛ - How long have you been rping?
Ohhh boy.. I wanna say since 2014/2015? I can’t remember honestly
🌌 - What’s your favorite part of rp? 
I don’t know if I have a favorite part of roleplaying if more so that I just like that it relaxes me
💗 - Do you prefer angst or fluff?
Oh definitely fluff!! I find it easier to write but I wouldn’t say no to some angst 
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worthyfate · 5 years
For munday, have a ton of questions: Do you have a favorite among your characters? Is there one you wish you got to write more often, and why? Do you have a particular routine or something you do before you sit down to write, like something to help you get inspired? Aaaand what is your favorite and your least favorite thing about writing on tumblr?
1) so my muses are split between canon characters and player characters, so i’m gonna pick one from each category. teren is my bae from my own characters, and always will be, and i think i’d probably choose fenris from my canons
2) i’d love it if my couslands got some more, mostly because i’m still working out their voices. but i’d also really like ellie to get some things as well, because she’s soft.
3)snorts, nope. i just... open up tumblr and if i have muse, i have muse. usually i have to take a nap and eat something first before i am any level of productive, and i also usually do my most/best writing after midnight so. but nothing really routinely inspires me (but in general, chatting with people about our muses always gives me more inspiration to sit down and write things)
4) i really like the friends i’ve made, and how, if you give people time, they can be some of the people closest to you. i dislike a lot of things. a loooooot of things. so many things. but to avoid and conflict, i’ll just say that something that has happened to me a lot is people will move on from tumblr, and even if i have a way of talking to them, they drift away? i’ve had three friends i was intensely close too but they moved on, and we lost contact because the relationship we built via our characters didn’t carry well. and that’s sad, really.
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vclnora-blog · 5 years
@dalathin​ [ continuation ]
❝Bugs?❞ Séaghdha blinked, looking across the campfire to his companion briefly, not wanting to take his eyes off his cooking for too long. He preferred to do the cooking when they were on the road; not only did he enjoy it, but considering his upbringing ‘camping’ came quite easily to him. And, he hadn’t noticed any bugs when he’d been going through his supplies to start preparing for dinner. The confusion on his face was obvious.
❝Have you been having a bug problem?❞ He glanced back up to Aoife, tilting his head a bit. He wasn’t sure if he was just doing something right, or if he was being especially oblivious lately. ❝I… I hadn’t noticed any bugs.❞
      Shaking out one of her books, a shiver ran down the woman's spine. Between the leather on the books and the bones carried around for Eoghan most insects seemed to find something they’d enjoy in her pack. 
“That’s probably because I’m pretty sure every one within a mile radius is over here.” Aoife said, tone dry as she realized there was nothing she could do about it. It wasn’t an uncommon realization. The fact that bugs were going to be around hit her a few times a week depending on how long they were on the road. ( even moreso if they were riding horses ) “Do you think if I just carried mint in all my pocket’s they’d bother me less?”
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felandaristhorns · 5 years
dalathin replied to your post: enoughofabastardtobeworthknowing replied to your...
it’s true tho
I am betrayed by those I trusted, now, in my darkest and drunkest hour,
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@dalathin  ||  Discovered the ARCHER
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“There are  B E A R S  nearby, ya know that, right?” He frowns, his position comfortable upon a rock nearby, fixing some feathers to some carved arrows. “Not the best kinda place to just be WANDERIN’.” He pauses once again; “And my CLAN are nearby-”
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thegaleandlance · 6 years
Dropping by to wish a happy birthday!! 💗 (hopefully, I've got the right day!)
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// Thank you! You sure did get the right day! I hope you have a great day yourself!
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pelle-lavellan-a · 6 years
@dalathin cont from X
Pelle frowned at his fellow elf.  Séaghdha acted as though Pelle hadn’t been standing right there supporting and their companions in that fight. He saw that brute of a man who came charging for  Séaghdha and took a great amount of effort to take down.  Séaghdha was lucky to have not been alone with that brute or surely he might not have walked away in one piece.
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The older elf placed a hand to  Séaghdha’s forehead. “I warned you about pushing yourself, didn't I?”
He sounded like a nagging mother, but so was Pelle’s nature when it came to  Séaghdha. The boy was like a little brother to him. The two spent a great deal of their life learning things together, in recent years Pelle had even taken to tutoring him a little, offering what little years of experience he had on the elf.
It would be a shame to see  Séaghdha fall victim to something nasty just because he was a bit rash with his actions at times. Pelle had been the same once upon a time, but the years had changed him. Thedas, had changed him
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@dalathin  ||  Discovered the PRINCE
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QUIETLY had he been pacing through the wilderness in which was unfamiliar to him; the beauteous greenery posed as an intense reminder of what his kind were once blessed with. For decades had his clan hidden beneath the surface to avoid the madness in which had gripped the lands; now, war and pestilence had stretched even to those caverns and cities beneath the surface where his own folk dwelled - and it had been put upon the shoulders of their prince to head out and seek answers. Skilled in war from decades ago, trained and steady in his art - Nuada headed toward the scent of a campfire, forever vigilant and cautious for the grass in which his bare feet trod was endlessly different  from the last he lingered. “You there-” He called, spotting another elven being - as he so presumed by the elongated ears. “...What is this place named? Why is there so much blood within the soil?” 
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