#damien bridges
estellardreams · 9 months
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They changed the radio.
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powerpills · 3 months
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Mama mia! That's a lot of characters!
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the-sky-queen · 7 months
I think a lot about how Not Okay™ Damien is. Boy is constantly smiling and internally he is just dying. He starts laughing for no reason and he legitimately can't stop himself. He has breakdowns and panic attacks on a regular basis.
I broke him so bad. He's so insane and I love him so much.
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running-tweezers · 4 months
The way I would give any nonessential internal organ.
The way I would do something to wind up on the national news.
The way I would perform dark rituals of questionable morality.
For a Damien/Huxley bridging audio.
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vind3miat0r · 11 months
redactedverse twitter part 2 👍
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td-tbbg-official · 5 months
edit: THE FIRST TD:TBBG CHAPTER IS OUT!!! go read it now! :3
“Sorry for the radio silence, folks! Things have been hectic on the production end, but I promise we’re on the right track!
“In fact, we are so on the right track, that I can make an exciting announcement...”
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The first chapter of Total Drama: The Bridge Between Generations drops Friday, April 26th, at 12 PM EST!
“That’s right, folks! We’re coming at ya live from Camp Wawanakwa this Friday!”
“Eh, Chris, it’s not exactly live...”
“I know, darling, it’s just a saying.”
“Also, won’t this make production slower?”
“Eh? Why would that be?”
“Well, the episodes aren’t all done being edited, and our production team has their own business besides the show. When will episodes drop?”
“Well, we won’t have an exact schedule - they will drop when I feel like it. After all, we have lives outside of the show.”
“Hm, fair enough. I guess I should gather the crew to keep on editing.”
“Yeah, yeah, go. I gotta film an outro.”
You excited yet? I know I am! Make some noise and show your support by subscribing to canonically47 on AO3 and tuning in for...
ooc note
launching TD:TBBG is super exciting! it’s been months since i started promoting this project, so finally getting to publish it feels amazing!
please be understanding with me while i put out the fic. i am a busy high school student with extracurriculars, volunteer work, hobbies, a social life and many other things to handle. this fic will be written out of pure pleasure and new chapters will drop whenever i feel like it. i ask that you are patient with me on this journey <3
well, with that said... are you ready for friday? 👀
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jbaileyfansite · 1 year
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Promo photo of Crashing (2016)
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canonically47 · 10 months
Total Drama: The Bridge Between Generations - extract
“Now, go on and leave your bags in your cabins. You’ll see I’ve made some changes for this season. Guys, you get one cabin, girls, another. There’s two rooms, so each generation gets one.”
“Hey, Chris?” Zee raises a hand. “Where do I go?”
“What—” Chris sighs. “Zee, you can do whatever you want, okay?”
“Sick!” Zee exclaims and takes another sip of his soda.
Damien pats him on the back. “Just come with us, man.”
“Okay! You get the guys’ cabin, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” Ripper says, “I’d hope so. I thought you were a guy, too, though. Are you not?”
Zee thinks for a bit. “I don’t know. What’s a guy?”
Ripper freezes. “Um… Like… a smaller version of a man, I guess?”
Zee blinks. “What’s a man?”
It’s now Ripper’s turn to think. “Uh… Like… I don’t know, someone who… Uh… Makes girls… swoon?” Then he facepalms. “No, shit, girls can make girls swoon, too, idiot, MK’s got Julia all over her and she’s not a dude. Get it together!” he tells himself. “Shit, man, you know what, I don’t know. Let’s just go.”
“Did I hear that right?” MK frowns in the confessional.
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mourningmaybells · 2 months
i need to change the name for chris' romance route i fear it is derivative
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of course the more literal names have different names mentioned in the end, but i'm stumped on chris' tragic fling
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angelstills · 2 years
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Episode 4 Crashing (TV Series 2016)
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estellardreams · 7 months
I hhave a feeling that people are messing up what the question is... When I said "Who's the Most Dangerous Trauma Sibling™?" I meant in their current forms, not if they snapped out of their states on who would be the most vengeful... That answer would've gone to Damien, anyway.
No, I'm going to fix this predicament... By telling EVERYONE who's actually the most dangerous. Starting with the least.
Nikolai Peterson
Do I even need to explain? The small, anxiety riddled hedgehog who can't fend for himself and has too many problems in his mind? You think HE'S the most dangerous? Really?
He can't run, so definitely not Sonic. Agoraphobia literally shows his recovery process, and it did take a while for him to revert close to normal but those traits still remained.
And his anxiety is PROBLEMATIC. That boy can't fight for anything and Starline constantly capitalizes on his weakness. It's... Rather pathetic, really.
There's a lot more to go into but... He's not strong. At all.
"You are not Sonic the Hedgehog. You have never been Sonic the Hedgehog"
Niko is normal. That's the point. He doesn't believe he's Sonic. He's the complete opposite to him in every capacity, too.
Kyle Molina
Kyle is... A unique case. He's a completely blank slate.
I am not exaggerating.
He kept resisting Starline so much that the platypus had to resort to drugging him so much that he couldn't think straight and his memories were buried underneath the fog.
A very thick and deep fog, to be specific.
To summarize who he is now... He is very calm and collected, but still holds an imaginative mindset underneath that silent and stoic exterior.
Kyle is also not the type to get mad. That's very clear. He's more likely to show fear than anger or sadness in general.
He's like... The type who doesn't emote very often. He's generally calm, collected, and keeps his thoughts in order. Starline couldn't wipe his intelligence, but he did wipe his memories, leaving a very intelligent child on his own with no idea why he's even like this in the first place.
"You cannot fly. You do not have two tails."
Kyle was made to believe he was a normal fox. What sets him away from Camellia is that his memories are all gone.
A blank slate can't do anything if it knows nothing was there at all.
Damien Bridges
This one is... Obvious. Damien is borderline insane, and that's been a continuous fact with him. He is just as smart as Kyle, but due to his more unstable mind he's a lot more... Unhinged, so to speak.
Damien is practically the definition of "dying inside" and I am not joking. He's been smiling so much, his pupils have shrunken down, and he's constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown every single day.
Insane laughter is there too. And it can get bad to the point he spirals.
But where this differs is... How Starline handled him versus Amy. We'll get into her next.
Damien has mental restrictions on him, so he'll not snap and be forced to rely on Starline. It's mainly the case of repeated fake flashbacks that Starline helps him through so Damien must rely on him for help and safety from these recurring traumatic experiences.
And if people TRY to take Nox from Agoraphobia into account for the fact that Damien is the most dangerous, KEEP IN MIND he became the major antagonist when he went off his meds and essentially "broke out" of his programming. He doesn't count.
"You are not Shadow the Hedgehog. You are not the Ultimate Lifeform."
Damien is similar to Niko in his treatment in a lot of ways, but his trauma response is completely different in correlation with his new personality. As such, he's on the edge of being erratic, insane, and hard to deal with. The only thing that keeps him in line are his mental restraints.
Camellia Rivera
I had this discussion with Sky so I'll rephrase what I said here: She's the closest to her OG counterpart, and as such the most likely to fight back and grow aggressive towards others. Damien has the disadvantage of mental restraints, Camellia doesn't.
Camellia, in Heliophobia, is the only character who's run away from her family. In other circumstances, like Pragmatophobia, she is the first person to realize she's been manipulated by Starline. The first one to discover the truth. And even her efforts in both Pragmatophobia and Athazagoraphobia don't go unnoticed. She makes an effort to help save others also stuck in this trap (whether it works or not, no idea).
Camellia is also very strong-willed. That energetic, bubbly personality presents her as being a lot more confident and open about herself and her ideals. She might slip into anxious territory occasionally, but she's been very strong entirely through her existence.
"You are not magical. You are normal."
And what happens when you remove the idea of someone being magical but leave their personality untouched? You get Camellia.
And Camellia is absolutely someone you shouldn't get into a fight with.
I rest my case. Thank you for reading. :)
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powerpills · 7 months
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the-sky-queen · 9 months
Newcomers to the TEU, here's the rundown:
Tachophobia is the main story created by myself and @boom-fanfic-a-latta. Sonic is kidnapped by Starline and hypnotized into thinking he's just a normal person (Niko) who was having delusions of being Sonic.
Pragmatophobia is an AU offshoot by @estellardreams where Starline then also kidnaps Tails and Amy and hypnotizes them into normal people (Kyle and Camellia). (He later also kidnaps Shadow)
Athazagoraphobia is AU offshoot of THAT by me where Shadow's treatment wasn't interrupted and he's hypnotized into a normal person (Damien).
Heliophobia is and AU offshoot where Starline kidnapped all of the Trauma siblings (Niko, Kyle, Camellia, Damien) at relatively the same time and has to take care of all four mentally ill children.
Chronophobia is a new AU offshoot by @allpainnogain99 where Silver has been kidnapped and is likely soon to succumb to the same fate as the trauma sibs.
All the other AUs haven't been talked about a whole lot as of yet, but we are more than willing to answer questions about them! If you have any questions in general, send them our way!
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teawiththespleen · 1 year
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ay it’s the guy from crashing
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bottomvalerius · 1 year
Physical strength wise, the blorbos ranked (at their peaks) would be: 1.) Sam 2.) Damien 3.) Donna
Magic wise, however, it’s a bit tougher to call who is stronger between Damien and Donna (it’s almost like they’re destined to duke it out or something HUH), but they’re both better at it than Sam ever was lol
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td-tbbg-official · 9 months
Last season, he came back with more confidence than he left with, and managed to make it much further than we thought he would. But in the end, he was sent home after he couldn’t find his immunity totem... Yikes!
Everyone, please welcome... Damien!
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“I got cheated out of a million bucks because of Julia stealing my immunity idol! This time, I need to stay focused, sharp! I can’t let this be my legacy. This season... I’m going to win.”
How far will Damien get? Only time will tell, here on Total Drama: The Bridge Between Generations!
coming soon to an AO3 near you.
questions, concerns, suggestions to be deposited in the ask box.
TD: TBBG is written by @canonically47. the blog is entirely run by the writer.
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