#damn POV is all over the place but can't be bothered to fix it
princess-josephina · 2 years
Fruity Four Advent Calendar 1-12: Christmas lights
Thought I'd jump straight (HAHA) onto the first wagon of @unclewaynemunson 's Fruity Four Advent Calendar train. Hope it's ok this one's just Steddie, I couldn't fit in the girls without making it ridiculously long and chaotic.
UPD: now also on AO3.
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"Steve? What the hell are you doing?"
Eddie's back from the grocery store with some food and finds Steve back on the roof, taking down the enormously long lights string they'd just spent 2 hours putting up (a little too close to potentially breaking their necks several times). Steve turns to look down at him and wobbles for a second, giving Eddie a mini heart attack before he catches his balance again.
"It's broken!" He shouts, sounding frustrated. "It's not lighting up. Guess it might have died, from like, lack of use? We hadn't used this one in years."
"Oh my god, Steve, are you serious?!" Eddie yells back at him. "Leave that and get back down here."
Eddie grabs the cable, sighs with relief when Steve's safely reached the bottom of the ladder, and then follows the cable's length until he reaches the end, lying on the garage floor by the power socket. He crouches next to it. Steve leans over his shoulder to see what he's doing.
"Did you check that the socket's working?" Eddie inquires, and Steve rolls his eyes.
"Ugh… Yes?" He gestures at a small lamp on the counter nearby. "Tried with a lamp. It worked, so the socket's fine." He crosses his arms on his chest, defensive. "I'm not an idiot, Eddie."
"Never said you were, Stevie," Eddie glances at him and replies in that strange, patient tone Steve's never sure what to do with. "Just making sure." He fiddles with the plug in his hand. "Probably just blown fuses. These things die all the time. You got tools here?"
"Like what?" Steve asks, and feels foolish when he understands, a moment later, what Eddie meant.
"I need something small. Like a tiny flathead? Tweezers would work too."
Miraculously, Steve actually produces a dusty toolbox from somewhere in the back of the garage and hands it over to Eddie, who quickly rummages through it and then works to open up the lights plug, sticking out his tongue in concentration as he always does. Steve doesn't ask questions, figuring he shouldn't distract Eddie, but Eddie motions for him to come closer anyway and starts talking.
"See these two tiny things?" He says, and Steve has to lean over to see, resting his hand on Eddie's shoulder for support. Eddie keeps explaining, simple stuff that sounds obvious, really, but no judgement or condescension in his tone. "Those are electrical fuses. They're like… safety measures, to protect the whole cable from overcurrent, you know, so your house doesn't burn down. And yeah," Eddie holds the tiny thing between the fingers and raises it closer to his face. "See how it's all brown inside? Yeah, this baby's dead, rest in peace." Eddie quickly extracts the other fuse, too, and shoves them both in his jeans pocket. "I'm gonna drive to the hardware store and get the replacements." He grins, holding his arm out to Steve from the floor, and Steve grabs it to pull him up to his feet.
"So that's gonna… fix the lights?"
"Well yeah, if it's just the fuses, if that doesn't work then the problem's somewhere in the cable itself, I'd need to borrow a voltage tester from Wayne and…" Eddie stops talking, because Steve is giving him a strange, open-mouthed, awestruck look. "What?"
Steve looks away, shakes his head and laughs.
"Nothing. That's just… awesome. That you know all that. I thought we'd have to buy new lights."
"Jesus, rich people." Eddie rolls his eyes and then narrows them at Steve, his expression somewhere between exasperated and amused. "Do you really just buy new shit every time the old one breaks?"
"Yes?" Steve shrugs and rubs his chin, at least having the decency to look sheepish. "I mean, unless it's big stuff like a fridge or a TV, then my father gets a handyman to have a look…"
"…Who spends 15 minutes intensely looking at its insides and then tells you some super complicated detail needs replacing and it will cost you 80 bucks, when ninety percent of the time it just needs a new power cable?" Eddie grins. "Wayne worked as a handyman for some time, I know the drill. You know, if the rich people of Hawkins were to willingly let the town's satanic freak into their homes, I might consider a career change. Easiest money in the world, apparently."
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It's just a short drive to the hardware store and back, and 30 minutes later Eddie's replacing the fuses while Steve sits right by him on the garage floor and watches his hands work, fascinated. As if Eddie was casting some high level wizarding spell, not doing basic household repairs every kid of Eddie's income level learned when they were 10 years old.
"Okay, fingers crossed, Stevie. Here we go."
Eddie plugs the cable into the socket and they glance at each other briefly before jumping up at the same time and racing outside, Eddie slipping on some ice by the garage entrance and Steve catching him, and they both laugh, arms still around each other, as they look up to see Steve's house all brightly illuminated with multicolor lights in the winter dusk.
"You did it!" Steve shouts, shaking Eddie's shoulders and grinning at him, delighted and overjoyed in a way that makes Eddie's stupid heart melt with fondness. "You saved Christmas, Eddie!"
"Uh. I just fixed some stupid lights. No biggie," Eddie flushes, not knowing what to do with himself when Steve looks at him like that. He glances back up at the lights and twirls Steve's scarf between his fingers because he needs to keep his hands busy with something, so they don't do something stupid. Like grab Steve's cheeks, all bright rosy from the cold.
"That's just it", Steve's voice is quieter now, and he keeps looking at Eddie intently. "You always make everything better and act like it's no big deal."
What the hell is Eddie supposed to say to that? Before his brain can even comprehend the words, suddenly it's Steve's hands bracketing his own head, fingers warm against his freezing ears; shit, Eddie might never get to see the best Christmas he'd probably have had in his entire life, because he'll be dead of a heart attack. "You're fucking amazing, Eds, you gotta know that." And then Steve's staring at his lips, and hey, maybe Eddie doesn't need to die.
Feeling stupidly brave, Eddie tugs on Steve's scarf, and Steve moves easily, no resistance. Two clouds of breath mingle into one in the cold air between them. "Stevie. Sweetheart," he murmurs; Steve bites his lip and ducks his head at the endearment, god yes, please let him be right about this. Eddie leans in, heart thundering in his chest.
Steve's lips are cold, but the inside of his mouth is deliciously warm, tastes like cigarettes and mulled wine they'd shared earlier. Eddie shivers and swallows back an embarrassing moan, and thinks fuck, maybe Jesus doesn't actually hate the gays, because Steve is kissing him back, and if that's not an early Christmas miracle, Eddie doesn't know what is. And goddamn, that boy knows how to kiss. Eddie's blood feels like an electric current, and he's all weak in the knees and wobbly, all that stuff straight out of romance novels he never thought was real.
It's almost dark outside, but the Christmas lights are so bright they are both in plain view here, in Steve's front yard, and yet it seems like Steve doesn't even care, doesn't stop kissing him and doesn't hurry at all when he walks them backwards into the garage, until Eddie's back hits the wall; that makes Eddie jump in surprise, and they finally break apart.
Steve looks at him with the brightest smile Eddie's ever seen, all pure wonder and fondness, and Eddie's glad to have the wall for support. He's literally swooning, dammit.
"Just so you know…" Eddie giggles, knuckles brushing Steve's cheek, no longer cold to the touch. "You're fucking amazing too, Stevie. Just a different... area of expertise, so to speak."
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touyasdoll · 3 years
Complicated - Chapter Two
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Chapter One: Here
Pairing: Dabi/Touya Todoroki x reader
Warnings: self-degradation/self-doubt
Word count: 2.2k
A/n: Gonna rework this and ditch the first person POV, jsyk.
A/n pt. 2: This story does contain spoilers for the show/manga. The dates/ages of characters are going to be shifted around a bit.
It's been two days. Is he gonna call? Text? Completely forget I exist?
I sigh, trying to expel the anxiety balled up in the pit of my stomach.
Why would he call? We talked for, what, five minutes? He seemed older too. You were in your damn school uniform, idiot. He's obviously got more important shit to do than chat up a schoolgirl who can't mind her own fucking business.
"Ugh," I groan to no one but myself in my apartment. "I'm really just the biggest fucking jackass, aren't I?"
Flopping down on my bed, I let out another weighty sigh and bury my face in the plethora of pillows piled beneath me.
Relax. Maybe he'll text. Maybe he won't. And if he doesn't he's just sparing you the embarrassment that you would inevitably bring upon yourself.
A yawn escapes my lips as I feel a wave of drowsiness wash over me. Glancing at the clock, I could see it was hardly 5 PM.
Fucked up sleep schedule, here I come.
The familiar comfort of my bed allows me to quiet my thoughts enough to fall into a shallow sleep, until I'm startled awake by a vibrating sensation coming from underneath my chin.
I blink against the harsh light emitting from my phone, squinting to see who was disturbing me.
What the--oh shit!
It was an unknown number. Recognizing that it could be him, I sit up faster than I have ever managed to after a nap and fumble the phone into my palm, eagerly sliding my thumb across the screen to accept the call.
My breath hitches and I bite my lip in anticipation as I wait, eager to hear his deep, silky voice on the other end.
But the pause on the other side of the line seems just a little too long. Something is off.
Is this him? Is it..just some creep? A prank? What the hell?
"We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty."
My eyes slam shut, a shake reverberating through my spine as a cocktail of anger and embarrassment wash over me.
That's it. Hope is off limits from now on.
"Fucking great."
I tap the end button, half ready to throw my phone out the window.
Instead, I decide to check and see if I missed anything else while I was out.
Hope is off limits.
I shake my head, trying to erase the little embers of hope that persist, praying that maybe he did reach out.
To my surprise, there's a text from an unrecognized number.
Unknown: You free tonight, doll?
Holy shit.
Looking above the message, I see: Today 6:58 PM. I wince as I dare to look at the clock, which mercifully reads 7:26 PM.
Tapping the text box, I don't give myself the chance to overthink this opportunity.
Me: For you? Sure thing.
Tossing my phone onto the bed, I nod my head, processing the sudden burst of confidence I seem to have found.
I'm not like this. What is it about this guy? He's just that--a guy. One that I don't know. And now I'm just gonna meet up with him?
He's literally a stranger. Who the hell do I think I am?? Is my vagina just running things now? Gonna run out and meet up with some strange dude, because he's pretty and charming?
You know who else was pretty and charming?? Ted Bundy.
That's right, you said it. This is dumb, logically. This is everything everyone’s ever warned you about.
My phone buzzes and my heart rate spikes in response, tearing me from my spiraling doubts.
Unknown: Our spot. 30 minutes. See you there.
A noise that I've certainly never made before eeks past my lips as I process his instructions.
Fuck it. The possibility of this guy being a serial killer has been assessed. I'm going, risks be damned.
You're an idiot. You're an idiot. You're an idiot.
I sigh for the umpteenth time today, waging war in my own mind.
I don't know what it is about him, but I have to see him again. Nothing bad is going to happen. It'll be fine.
That's what I tell myself as I exhale, until I catch my reflection.
My hair is disheveled, my mascara askew. I didn't even bother to take off my uniform before I passed out.
As if I weren't flustered enough, now I gotta make myself looking somewhere near presentable and get down there in time.
Here goes nothing.
Fifteen minutes fly by and I think I've managed it as I step back to look myself over in the mirror once more.
The shortest pair of high-waisted shorts I own, paired with a low-cut black crop top and my favorite slip-ons. My make-up doesn't look perfect and there's not much of it, but it's touched up, and my hair is at least brushed.
Okay, no turning back now.
Grabbing my keys, I tuck my phone in my back pocket and make my way to the meeting place.
Our spot. The man is smooth and I think that he knows it.
I re-read the last message he sent for probably the thirteenth time in the past five minutes.
The clock in the corner of the screen reads 8:02.
Maybe he won’t show. Maybe this is a joke. He and his buddies with come around a corner and laugh as they speed off.
Damn, can I chill? No. He’s going to be here. And I’m going to act like a human fucking being. A normal girl. Someone he could like; I’m capable of that.
Aren’t I?
Scanning my surroundings yet again, I take in the scenery. I never really get out at night, but the city looks so pretty this way. There’s not too much traffic, especially considering that it’s a Friday night, but there are some people milling about up and down the sidewalk. Some look like they’re on their way home. Some look like they’re on their way out for a night on the town.
“Hey there.”
My eyes are quick to follow the sound of his voice. I look up and he’s strolling up to the bench where I’m seated, the same one where I bandaged his arm the other day.
His hands are shoved in his front pockets, thumbs pushed through the belt loops of the tight, black jeans he’s sporting. His white t-shirt dangles off of his frame in a way that suits him, offering a glimpse of his muscular chest. A black coat completes his ensemble and he certainly looks the part of the typical bad boy.
But, damn, does it look so good on him.
“Hey, there. How’s the arm?”
I scoot over a bit, allowing for ample space between us if he were to take a seat. To my surprise, he sits towards the middle of the bench, so that his thigh brushes against mine as he settles.
I tuck my hair behind my ear, glancing down and covering the noise I want to make with a quiet clearing of my throat.
“It’s good. You do make a pretty decent nurse, sweetheart.”
He grins and pulls his coat sleeve back, revealing the still bandaged wound.
“Wait, have you changed that?”
You’re such a mom. You better hope he’s into MILFs, because otherwise this ain’t gonna get you where you wanna go, girl.
His brow furrows in an expression that tells me all I need to know before he even speaks.
“What do you mean? Changed what?”
A quiet sigh leaves my lungs as I hold out my hand.
“May I?”
His puzzled expression doesn’t falter, but he shrugs and offers his forearm up for inspection.
Carefully, I pull back the tape holding the bandages together and slowly begin to unwrap them.
That is, until the smell hits me. I barely catch of glimpse of the reddened skin before my nostrils detect the scent of burned flesh and excess viscera.
“Oh, dear. Have you even unwrapped this thing?”
Trying not to agitate anything further, I delicately wrap the bandages back around his arm, taping them down once again.
“No, should I have?”
I look up and my gaze meets his, a sense of true ignorance evident in his expression; I try not to laugh. I really try, but a soft giggle escapes nonetheless.
“Yes! I mean, if it doesn’t hurt, I’m sure it’s not that bad right now, but you should be cleaning and redressing a wound like that once every 12 hours at the very least. It’s been what, like, at least 50 at this point?”
His good arm reaches for the back of his neck, scratching at it as he dons an apologetic half smile.
“Sorry, I’m not exactly nurturing by nature, doll. I don’t know the first fucking thing about this kind shit.”
I cock a sympathetic smile as I look at him, sitting there looking almost helpless. I guess he is, in a sense. It’s actually kinda cute how he doesn’t seem to have an inkling of how to properly care for himself.
Because that’s absolutely what you want in a potential relationship. Someone to fix, how fun! Why not open up a shop for broken boys? Girl, when will you learnnn??
“Well, I don’t have anything on me right now, but if you don’t mind coming back to my place, I could clean it up there? And I’ll teach you how to keep up with it this time.”
I guess not today, motherfucker.
“Coming to my rescue again. You must be in a hero course, huh, doll?”
His smile is so naturally disarming as he stands and offers his hand out before me.
“I don’t mind, if you’re sure you don’t. I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable and I don’t wanna be a burden. I didn’t ask you out tonight for you to have to play doctor on me again.”
He seems so sweet, so genuine. Maybe he is broken, but everyone deserves kindness. He looks like he hasn’t seen much of that. And as cliché as it is, maybe I can help him. Maybe he can help me.
I slip my hand in his, smiling as flirtatiously as I can manage as he pulls me to my feet.
“I don’t mind. I was kind of hoping I might get to play doctor on you again anyway. Maybe you could even return the favor.”
I brush my fingers against his as our hands disconnect, taking a page from his own book and watching his expression as my skin glides against his.
Or maybe we could just do this. This works too. No muss, no fuss. But oh my goodness what if what I just did was weird and he’s not even interested??
His eyebrows rise for just a moment as he chuckles and glances down, still grinning as he puts his hands in his coat pockets.
“Well, sweetheart, I don’t know much about medicine, but I do know how to give a pretty thorough physical exam.”
Something twitched deep inside my belly as my breath caught in my throat and I damn near tripped over my own two feet as we started walking.
Thankfully, his reflexes were quicker than my inate ability to fuck things up and his good arm reached out to steady my frame as he stepped in front of me.
The delicious scent of his cologne mingling with remnant cigarette smoke nearly made me dizzy as my hands connected with his chest, now completely unable to ignore the muscles just beneath his thin shirt.
“You all right there, doll?”
Long, slender fingers find their way under my chin. His thumb just barely brushing the edge of my bottom lip as he strokes it over my chin.
His eyes are practically piercing mine as he carefully lifts my face to his. Who knew being in such close proximity to someone so beautiful could be this paralyzing.
Holy fuck. Forget fixing me. He can break me and I’ll probably thank him for it.
The strong hand on the small of my back threatens to rob me of my breath all over again and I have to fight to keep any semblance of composure in his arms.
“Yeah.” I tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear and will myself to break eye contact. “You always have girls falling for you this quickly?”
I pity laugh at my own joke, wishing my quirk was something that would allow me to disappear.
But then he’s chuckling too. It’s melodious at first, but then it morphs into a deep reverberation that sends all the right chills down my spine as I level my eyes with his again.
He looks like an enigma personified. His eyes look so gentle and warm, but his smile reads so sad. The words that leave his lips sound like both a warning and an invitation to my flushe red ears.
“Trust me, princess. You don’t wanna fall for me. I’m no good for you.”
Oh, but it’s too late for that.
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madmadmilk · 3 years
LOOOOLLLLLLL… the way that moms say whatever they wanna say to their daughters 🤪🙂😕😔
TW: body image… (feel free to scroll past >>>>)
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(shirt is rolled to show what it's like to move around in a crop top lol it happens u know. i fix it sometimes.)
????????? listen ok I love my mom so much lol. She’s a hardworking and generous lady and a sweet soul. BUT LOL this lady feels like she say ANYTHING to me. (ME, specifically.)
i understand that sometimes it's word vomit or a lapse in impulse control cos i'm a "safe space/person" to her, but gahhh damn!!
i understand when she talks about other things, people, videos– or things that happen in her life cos i can understand that this is how she digests and views the world around her. it's never bad things, just like nurse stories and strange people she encounters: ya know.
but today!!! we're supposed to grab dinner and i walked into her room to ask her something and she doesn't even look at my face, just at my body and goes,
"is that what you're going to look like?"
lol girl.
recently, i started to weigh more than my mom. we're similar height and shapes, and sometimes ya know, it hurts the ego–– but i'm happy for her. it's shouldn't affect ME and MY well-being. we're different. that's it.
but i'm like wow that's quite horrible to say lol
it wasn't a comment on my outfit– though sometimes i know she's bothered when i don't wear a bra, if my cleavage is visible, or if something is tight on my stomach or if you can see my midriff (mind you i only wear high waisted things). it was a comment on my body!!! my tummy!!!
lol i try my best to love my body in every form that it takes, and obvi there are good and bad days but sheesh lol. im glad i can shrug it off (because i know how my mom communicates) but lol i should not have to be subjected to this??? all i did was walk into the room???
i shouldn't have to "hide" my belly, or dress in a "flattering" way to present myself to the world. lol i am already existing,, already here, i might as well dress myself that make me feel happy, comfortable, enriched lol.
rest assured, my self esteem is still intact, i'm fine. i know what i look like and i'm happy with how i dress and present myself haha. it's just sad to think that i hear my mom's words and understand how she places "value" on aspects of physical appearance.
it's a lame POV tbh.
ofc we all wanna be 'pretty' and 'photogenic' but i'm living for myself. not for a camera or any external approval. only person i wanna impress [with my looks] and be adored by [for my strength] is myself lol.
also!! like putting aside whether or not this is a "good outfit"... i was just standing there lol. like, you can say you hate my pants and i'll be like "ok i'll go change". but when you point at a body part its like "lol ok i'm fucked i guess"
who cares if a lil belly rolls over? or if u can see panty lines? or if my tummy touches my thighs? lol that's my body bro
just hm.
i love my mom but that was rude lmao
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***also camera can still be deceiving so i can't trust myself lmao. idk if i actually look like that, but ya know. i don't feel bad about myself so i don't need any praise or criticism for /how i see myself/. it's just there lol i live to accessorize myself and i'm happy
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one-spidey-boii · 5 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch. one
an; heya friends. this is a story i actually began writing last year (yoinks) and im pretty determined to finish it now that we’re all stuck inside for who knows how long. thanks covid-19. since i began this last year, before i was well versed in the world of tumblr fics- this story does follow an oc of mine. but i’m pretty sure all my future works will be y/n’s. if oc’s bother you i completely understand. but thanks for reading if you’re interested!
**italics indicates flashback**
summary; edie (ee-dee) wolfe (wulf) can throw knives. peter parker can shoot webs. the two are tasked with watching the avengers compound for the summer while everyone is out kicking bad guy ass.
“do you even have a cool superhero name, wolfie?”
“i’m sure i can come up with something better than spiderman.”
warnings: mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 2.5k+
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edie's pov
i grab another chip from the half-empty bag laying next to me on the floor and shove it into my mouth. my other hand is scrolling through my instagram feed, only liking pictures of dogs and the occasional selfie of someone i follow.
the school day is over and i just got home, i immediately start stripping to my underwear and a big t-shirt. pants are for being around people, and i need some alone time.
today was weird. i'm quickly nearing the last week of my senior year and today i received some summer bummer last minute news from my friend, peter.
"hey, e." peter says while wringing his hands in front of him. i turn away from my open locker and look at him with a smile.
"what's popping, parker?" i ask as i close my locker and lean against it. he smiles weakly and shuffles in his place. i raise an eyebrow at him and fold my arms in front of me, awaiting an answer.
he clears his throat and looks at me with an unreadable glint in his eyes. "aunt may, uh, said we're going on vacation this summer." he says with a straight tone. my eyes brighten with interest.
"where to? somewhere with a beach, i hope," i say with a chuckle. he lets out a quick breath and drops his hands to his sides. he looks around the crowded hallway and pulls his lower lip into his mouth. i stop a smile from creeping at the side of my mouth. before he could say anything else, our mutual friend ned comes up from behind peter and grabs his shoulder playfully, making him jump a little.
"what's up, guys?" he asks with a huge ned leeds smile on his face. i let out a short laugh at peter's reaction and answer our friend, "hmm, we're just talking about parker's vacation this summer. i'm betting it's a luxurious beach getaway." i say with a wink in peter's direction.
peter lowers his eyes to the ground and tenses up. ned groans and rolls his eyes. "you mean the one that requires him to be gone all summer long?"
i furrow my brows and look at peter as his suddenly sad eyes snap up to meet mine.
so yeah. our best friend is leaving us for the entire summer. all plans are thrown out the window and stepped on by the thousands of people who walk the streets of new york. after that stupid news, my day just kinda went downhill. i was looking forward to spending my summer nights with the usual group of friends- staying up til four in the morning, watching movies, and making the most of our last summer together.
i shove another couple chips into my mouth as a knock sounds at my door. i grant entrance with a full mouth and my mom peeks her head in. "edie, did you leave your brother at school again?" she asks with disapproving eyes.
i pull myself onto my elbows and swallow my food, "he was running behind! i told him to be out at two o'clock on the dot." i huff out at my mother, "he's fine taking the bus." my mom frowns slightly at me and looks over my semi-messy room.
"you're lucky the school year is almost over," she says while still observing my room, "you should probably clean up in here. and put some pants on." i look at her blankly and flop back down on the floor with a sigh, focussing my eyes on the ceiling.
she cleared her throat and continued, "edie, do it."
i peer at her in my peripherals and mumble a snarky response. she chooses to ignore it as she closes my door and yells an 'i love you' through it before walking away.
"yeah, yeah, love you too," i grumble under my breath. there goes my mom, trying her best.
at that moment my phone chimes and displays a text from the one and only peter parker. i pick it up and read the message.
'can i come over? feel like we need to talk'
i open the chat and stare at the words for a moment before replying with a simple 'okay' and pushing myself off of the floor to begin picking up the clothes scattered across my room. i pick up my favorite hoodie and bring it up to my nose, immediately pulling away in disgust and tossing it into the hamper. perhaps my mother was right.
i continue this process until my hardwood floors are fairly clear and visible. spotting a lone sock under my bed, i bend down to pick it up.
before i can straighten back up, my door flies open and i hear a loud “SHIT” before it slams shut again. i whip my head up, hitting it on the end of my bed frame in the process. i throw the sock across the room, completely missing the hamper and cradling my head in one hand. ouch.
i walk over to my door and pull it open slowly, carefully peering my aching head out to look both ways down the hall. after concluding that nobody was there, i begin to close it before something catches my eye. peter stands there, pacing back and forth at the end of the hallway and rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, mumbling to himself. i clear my throat to get his attention. he whips around and stops in his tracks.
"are you lost?" i ask with a soft smirk. he shakes his head slightly and takes a step towards me, "i'm here," he rushes out with his arms spread in presentation, albeit a little awkwardly and takes a step backward, regaining the distance between us.
"i see that," i laugh, "let me put pants on real quick."
i leave the door open as i grab a pair of leggings and pull them up over my legs, only stumbling a few times as i hurry. walking back over to the door, i watch as peter stares at his feet and plays with his fingers.
"you coming?" i ask. he nods and slowly walks over to me. i turn on my heel and fling myself on my bed. peter enters my room, tosses his bag to the side and hesitantly takes a seat in my desk chair, looking anywhere but me. i open my mouth to say something but peter cuts me off.
"ishouldhaveknockedimsorry." he rushes out in one breath. i quirk an eyebrow at him and he takes that as a cue to explain. "i didn't knock. so i saw you in your... panties." he says, defeated.
i bite down hard on my lip to stifle a laugh as i sit up in my bed. peter and i have known each other for years, i could care less if he saw me in my underwear, but to play with him, i look him the eyes and fake a serious face, "first of all, the word 'panties' is off limits. that's a big no-no," i say as i shake my finger at him, "secondly, peter, who cares?"
he lets out a sigh of relief and relaxes in his seat. he smiles, "well that's good to hear, panties make me uncomfortable." it was silent for a few seconds before he processes what he said and stutters to fix it, "i-i mean the w-word 'panties' not a-actual panties. ah shit..." he trails off.
teasing him, i add on, "oh of course, 'panty-dropper-parker' could never be afraid of some measly scraps of lacey fabric." he rolls his eyes and genuinely smiles for the first time all day.
a comfortable silence falls over us as we lounge in my room. i know he came here to talk about summer, but to me, there was nothing to talk about. he's leaving and i'm staying here. as much as it sucks, i can't do a damn thing about it.
he speaks up first, "a-aunt may is really excited about the vacation. i guess we're going to a few different places, making it kinda like a road trip." i smile weakly and nod my head, deciding not to say anything. he takes this as a cue to keep talking.
"if i could take you i would, e." he says with a sad smile.
i sigh and wipe the disappointed expression off my face, "sounds like a good time, parker. make sure you bring me back something special." i say with a wink.
peter laughs and nods his head in agreement.
this is going to be a long summer.
i'm back to laying on my floor after peter leaves. this time i just stare at the ceiling and try to distract myself from the impending doom of the summer. rolling my head to the side, i catch sight of my black suit peeking out of the closet. my eyes widen and i spring to my feet to grab it off the floor.
"shit, shit, shit," i scold myself as i wad it up in preparation to throw it back into my closet, my only thoughts are hoping and praying that peter didn't see it. i stop before i throw it and stare at the stretchy fabric of the completely black suit. i haven't gone out in a few days, making me yearn for the feeling of the suit on my body. with no hesitation, i strip down and pull the one-piece up my legs and hips, threading my arms into the sleeves and pressing the button on my right wrist that makes it fit perfectly to my skin. i follow that by tugging on my black boots that come halfway up my shins.
i rummage through the duffle bag i keep under my bed and grab my set of knives. i put one in each boot and slide the rest into the utility belt that i clip around my waist. with a quick look in the mirror, i pull the hood over my head with a smirk and open my window to climb down the fire escape.
peter's pov
it's not easy lying to my best friend. but with great power comes great responsibility, or whatever. i hop down the remaining steps of edie's apartment building and walk over to the nearest alleyway, away from the public eye.
tossing my backpack to the ground, i unzip it and pull out my suit before stripping down and climbing into it. with a touch of the button on my chest, it shrinks to fit me and i pull my mask down over my head.
a few days ago, mr. stark asked me to stay at the avenger's compound upstate this summer while everyone else went to do crazy superhero stuff.
"okay, kid. nows your time to shine." tony says with a serious look on his face. we're on the roof of a random building and it was nearing sunset. i straighten my posture and nod at him sternly.
"yes, mr. stark. whatever you need, sir, i'm ready."
not letting his serious face falter, he continues, "i'm taking the gang away for the summer, figure we need some bonding time. cap and i still aren't on great terms." he lets his eyes drop during the last few words, but regains his focus quickly.
a smile crosses my face as i try to speak, but he cuts me off, "no, no, no. before you get your hopes up- you're staying here."
my face falls at his words. just when i think i'm going to be able to actually do something, i'm left in the dust feeling like a little kid. mr. stark notices my change in mood and grips my shoulder, "come on, kid. don't get pouty yet. we'll be gone, so you need to be here. at the compound...kinda like a bodyguard."
i perk up at him, excited that he saw me fit enough to protect that building and everything in it. "you got it, mr. stark."
as excited as i was, i knew that i would have to come up with a damn good plan to convince my friends why i would be gone all summer. so, that's where i came up with a vacation. i told aunt may that mr. stark asked me to stay with him at the compound for my internship, which wasn't a full lie. everything was worked out.
i've been out for a few hours- helping old ladies cross the street and responding to any cry of help in earshot. taking a quick break, i pop down on top of a building with my feet dangling over the edge, eating a churro that someone had given me for catching some guy trying to steal their cash register.
my ears perk up at the sound of metal clashing onto the ground. i stuff the rest of the churro into my mouth and follow the noise.
in the alleyway below, there's a female silhouette, surrounded by three men. their voices are low and hushed, enough for me to have to turn on my enhanced hearing to make out what they are saying.
"listen, fellas, why don't you just go on home and take this as a warning." the female silhouette stands with her arms in front of her, as if ready to fight if necessary. the men just chuckle at her and move in closer, mumbling crude phrases that would surely make aunt may slap me upside the head if she ever heard me say them.
with that, i take it upon myself to jump down and land in between both parties, facing the group of men.
"how's it going, guys?" i say playfully before shooting a web at the man in the middle, he flies back onto the ground and sticks there. i turn towards the girl, whose face is shadowed by her hood, and ask with a small smile, "need some help, m’lady?"
she scoffs at me and takes a step forward, kicking one of the remaining two men in the face, who was coming at me from behind. she brings her hands to her waist to reveal two throwing knives. with impressive ease, she chucks one at the last man, pinning his foot to the ground and he lets out a guttural scream. the man she kicked in the face is coming back around with a fist up into the air, ready to throw in a good hit.
i lunge forward to grab him, but before i can, she grabs his hand and knees him in the groin. "ouch," i grumble to myself, feeling the bad guys pain. the girl turns on her heel towards me, and holds the other knife in front of my face as she breathes heavily with a grim look in her eyes. this is way too close for comfort. i swallow thickly and take a step back, "guess you don't need help after all, i'll be on my way now." i rush out and extend my arm to shoot a web to the top of the building where i came from.
once i'm up there, i sneak a look back down into the alleyway and watch the three men scurry off. i shift my eyes and find the mysterious girl staring back at me. all i can see is the small smile on her face as she turns and runs the other way.
|| anyone wanna be on a tag list? message me :)
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princessvicky01 · 6 years
His Warriors
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Part 9 of Annabel X Cullen epilogue story ‘Happily ever after’ following them after the events of trespasser.  
Click for: Whole story on AO3 or Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7 Part 8
Summary: Dad!Cullen - do I need to say more? SFW - Annabel gives birth to their first child. Cullen’s POV.
His Warriors
Anguish doesn't even begin to describe the knot in his stomach or the tension in his muscles. Cullen can already feel the distant rumble of a headache coming on, but can’t indulge in such weaknesses right now. Not when Annabel needs him. Not when Annabel needed him, and he'd been shooed away like some child!
She is having his *child*, damn it, and he should be there, supporting her, caring for her. That, however, is not what the incessant midwife thought best and so here he is, banished to wait in the great hall with everyone else. Pacing does little to dispel the raw fear that coils around him. He’s not certain anything has ever twisted his guts so tightly, not even his first harrowing had so profoundly reached into his core and squeezed him until he could hardly breathe. He finds himself reacting to the slightest sound, the most subtle movements, his body on high alert as his mind tumbled through a thousand different worries.
Dreary eyed, he'd been awoken by a sharp elbow in his side, and a hissed compliant. His wife having moaned bitterly about being uncomfortable all day, had woke him, holding her bump, wide-eyed in the dark, to whisper that the baby was coming. Instantly he'd been awake, cupping her cheeks in his hands, and asking if she was sure, if she was alright. Her response was best not repeated in polite company, but it seemed after one false alarm, this time she was correct. That had been many hours ago, and the pink rays of dawn were now lighting the great hall and casting long shadows in the wake of his pacing.
At least he's not alone, Sera is slumped over one of the tables, cheek propped up by her hand, and Josephine bustles from one room to the next, sometimes smiling with excitement and other times fussing with a worried frown. Leliana was up in the room with Annabel, apparently during her time as a sister she’d had experience with such matters, and Cullen knows above all else she will keep his family safe. Something which his mabari is also keen on doing if his soft whines and sniffing at the bedchamber door were anything to go by.
The only other main source of anguish in the room is the lonely figure resting on a bench by the bedchamber door, with dark hair covering his slumped face and a fine antivan brandy precariously balanced in his hand. As if sensing Cullen’s attention he grumbles. “You'll wear a groove in the stone at this rate,” Annabel's brother doesn't even bother to open his eyes as he makes the quip. Cullen snaps a glare at him, but it fails to generate a reaction, so he continues pacing regardless.
“Blood, so much blood, flagstones which run red, mops uselessly smear, it doesn't stop, sheets of white turned crimson, this isn’t right...” the telltale soft and distant voice of Cole fills the anxious silence and makes Cullen all but jump out of his skin.
A fierce scowl takes hold as he marches to the spirit, the talk of blood shooting fear through him as surely as a blade to his throat. “What? Is she alright?”
From under his floppy hat, the boy peers out, glancing from Cullen to the bedchamber door. Maker no… Panic rises and seizes Cullen's heart. It's only once he catches the steely blue eyes of Bryan that he realises it's him who Cole’s gaze is fixed on, and not the distant hollow cries of the woman upstairs.
“So young, she did not want you to see that, too young, too soft, she didn't want to let you go…her darling boy…”
“Who are you?” The hint of a snarl carries across as Bryan rises to his feet with his bristles prickled.
“Some squiffy demon thing,” dismisses Sera with a look of disgust. “Who was supposed to have left!”
“Well, whatever you are, you have no business being in my head, continue to do so, and it’s yours that will be in danger,” the snap from Bryan reflects a temper long since frayed, with dark, heavy bags under his eyes betraying countless hours of anguish.
"...You can't protect her, its not your-" Cole tilts his head softly to him but stops when a warning growl sounds. Wide-eyed the boy looks to each of them in turn. “But... I'm helping…”
“You can help by telling us if Annabel’s alright?” Cullen refuses to let anything distract him from the events going on in the adjacent room. He knows that fear had driven her brother over the waking sea, that worry had called Sera from Orlais, and that kindness kept Josephine busy. They care, and he knows Cole does too, he may not like the spirit, but Annabel trusted him, called him a friend, and right now Cole was the best link he had to her.
“It hurts…” Cole trails off, head dropping, face concealed once more by his hat. When he doesn't expand his statement a growl rumbles from Cullen’s chest, his patients long since spent.
“We know it damn well hurts! Will she be alright!?”
Cole flinches but continues. “Endless pain… out… make it stop, I can't, it's, it's-” a scream from upstairs breaks the nonsense and sends Cullen rushing to the door. That's his wife, and he will not stand here while she suffers! Usually, he would follow any rules laid down by Leliana, but not this time. Opening the door, he climbs the stairs two at a time, heart pounding in his ears to drown out all but his love's horrific cries.
Greeted by bloodied towels, he feels the blood drain from him, his heart falters in place, body swaying … Maker, please, no… Racing to the bed he finds Annabel sat uptight, brutally crushing a pillow under her nails. Her dark hair, slick with sweat and grease, is plastered over her flushed, clammy face, but she seems just as strong and radiant as ever. Panting hard she takes a moment to notice him, and he swears he can almost see the relief in her eyes. Kneeling by the bed, and sodden sheets, he wraps his hands over hers. “Annabel… I… I…”
“You shouldn't be here,” interjects the midwife with a hand on her hip. “The last thing she needs is you fretting. Now go on. Out. She's fine, the baby is fine, now go on.”
The way his wife pants for air, face crumpled in pain, suggests she's anything but fine and he remains rooted to her side. Where he should be. Where he belongs.
“Cullen… I can't … Cul-” Annabel snarls through clenched teeth, and he can almost feel the pain radiate through her trembling muscles, soon enough tears begin to spill down her cheeks before she slumps back against the pillows, shaking her head. “I can't do this… I can't…”
“Remember to breathe,” Leliana's tone is soft and reassuring, and Cullen isn't sure he'd ever heard her like that before. Mothering almost. “You can do this Inquisitor.”
“She's right,” Cullen squeezes her hand, filled with a sudden earnest rush of love and need to reassure her. “You can do this.”
Puffing, Annabel sits upright to glare hotly at him. “Then you bloody well do it,as I've had enough!”
“Time to leave, Commander,” there is a underlying seriousness to Leliana's shift in tone. The snap of his wife and the fold of the midwife arms all help encourage him back to his feet.
Perhaps the ladies did know best...
Dejected and feeling just as heavy as when he'd entered Cullen turns to leave, and that is when Annabel all but screams in visceral pain. Instantly he's by her side, both his hands clamping over hers as the midwife checks her. Maker above, did women go through this every time? Is this normal? Can’t they do something!?
“It's time to push now my lady, babies ready, so when you feel your body tell you, you push, really push.”
His heart skips a beat. This is it, lifting Annabel's hand to his lips he peppers a kiss against it while she sobs. Clearly beyond weary and sick with pain, Cullen wishes he could take it away, that he could shoulder it himself, and understands now more than ever the depth of his wife's strength.
“I can't…” another panted sob from Annabel, made while seeking to hide as she curls away her face under thick hair.
Cullen squeezes her hand tightly. “Yes, yes, you can,” when she only huffs in reply his hand reaches over to brush her dark locks away and lead her face back to his with a gentle cup of her chin. “...I love you… I love you more than I ever knew possible, if, if you only knew... You’ve beaten Corypheus, closed the breach, vanquished countless foes, all things many claimed impossible. Yet you, you did all that. You *can* do this,” his eyes lock onto hers burning with conviction that smoulders behind his words. There is nothing this woman could not do, and that is something he has never doubted.
Then he sees it, that determined flare, that tiny crease of her brow, that steely determination set in her eyes. His warrior. His Annabel.
She nods, even though she whimpers, and fixes her blue gaze on his. He finds his thumb stroking her hand as she puffs, and when the next contraction hits, she pushes.
The next few moments rush by in a blur. He spies Leliana with yet more towels, then it's here. His baby. Their baby is here, it's just a flash of ruddy pink, but his heart leaps in his chest on sight of it. The connection with it, the devotion to his child so powerful he finds himself on his feet without realising, earnest eyes searching the bundle as the two ladies fuss over it. Jubilation quickly begins to give rise to fear, Annabel makes an anguished noise and squeezes his hand. The next sound that follows brings him more joy than he knew possible. The baby cries, loud and clear, a screaming wail just like its mother. Relief sweeps over him and glancing down he finds Annabel crying once more, but these are not tears of pain. These are the same tears of overwhelming joy that fill his own eyes.
“Congratulations, you have a healthy little baby boy,” the midwife beams at them and Cullen all but collapses back onto the bed. A baby boy. A son. He has a son. He still can't wrap his mind around the concept and finds himself just repeating that single word over and over: son. What did that mean? Raising a boy into a man... How could he even achieve such a thing?
“Can I hold him?” Annabel's tone is quiet, yet almost desperate, and in all honesty, Cullen seeks to ask the question almost as urgently as her. That is his son.
“Of course.”
And there he is. A tiny red face, with the cuteness nose and most adorable cheeks Cullen has ever seen.
“Hello, little one,” Annabel stifles back a sound that's half giggle, half cry, before looking up at him. Cullen can see in her eyes that the pain and anguish of the morning have been washed away in a sea of all-consuming love who's depths knew no bounds. Leaning over he presses a kiss to her forehead, beyond proud of her and already utterly besotted with the teeny boy.
The baby sniffles and whimpers, shuffling angrily in his blanket, instinct draws Cullen’s hand to help loosen the sheet, but he pauses halfway. His hand so large, his son so tiny, so new and fragile.
“It’s alright,” Leliana's soft reassurances and the burning desire to touch him are enough to overcome the doubts. He loosens the sheet lightly, so his sons curled fists can punch out, and he can't help but chuckle.
“A warrior already I see,” he jests, taking the tiny balled fist between his fingers to gently soothe the child's ill temper.
“Well, what did you expect?” Annabel quips. “Takes after his mummy and daddy.”
Daddy. Dad. Father. Papa. Cullen swells with pride at the new title, undoubtedly the grandest he has ever received. Pressing over once more he places a kiss against the babies forehead, committing his newborn scent to cherished memory and as he pulls back, he finds that tiny fist has curled around his finger. Emotion lodges in his throat to bring fresh tears to his eyes. It's as if somehow this precious little bundle knew who he was...
“He's perfect…” Cullen’s awestruck murmur is made as he shakes his son's hand for the first time. The baby let's go and begins to snuggle against Annabel who instinctively pulls him close. Looking to his wife, his radiant, beautiful wife, he gives a dreamy smile. “You are perfect.” Reaching down he plants a soft kiss against her lips. For a moment they remain like that, with foreheads pressed together, with their baby nestled between them, a tiny perfect family all his own. The Maker has truly blessed him.
“We'll leave you three alone for a few minutes,” the midwife he'd forgotten was there interjects, and he looks up to find her and Leliana wearing gentle auras.
“Thank you,” he nods. “For everything.”
“Of course, Commander,” Leliana bows gently in reply and when she rises her smile is a tiny bit mischievous. “Although, there is one more thing, does he have a name? The Inquisition will need to welcome it's newest member accordingly.”
Glancing back at Annabel he blinks, they had vaguely discussed various names, but in the warm fuzzy haze of the morning light Cullen’s mind is blank.
“Well, I was talking to Mia, and she gave me an idea,” Annabel may be speaking to the room, but her attention is fixated on the baby in her arms, which had apparently distracted her so wholly she loses the thread of whatever trail she’d been taking.
“Oh? I didn't know you and Mia had discussed baby names?” Cullen’s prompt makes her eyes lift to him once more.
“We didn't, but we did discuss your father… She told me about him, a quite, honest family man, a man who died protecting his children from the blight… And I just thought, well, that it might be a nice way to honour him? I mean, I didn't know him, but I know he'd be proud of the man you’ve become, and it just seemed fitting, a strong name…”
Dazed once more Cullen blinks heavily at her, then at his son, her sweet words bringing back memories of a man he'd always wished to be, the notion that he might be proud of him, is a new but welcome one. One thing is certain though, Arthur would’ve been honoured to have his little grandson bare his name and would have made sure the whole village heard about it. Annabel is right, Cullen can not think of a more fitting tribute.
“I think that's a marvellous idea,” Cullen’s smile widens until it sparkles in the amber of his eyes which fixate once more on the most beautiful bundle he’s ever seen. “Welcome home, Arthur.”
Thank you for reading! If you liked it please leave a like, reblog or comment if you can to spread the dad Cullen love <3 For anyone interested there will be another final chapter following on from this which will explore dad Cullen even more, because, surprise surprise, I love him.
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If They Only Knew
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Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader
Written By: @gettingbywithalittlehelp96 & @itsfunnierin-enochian
Chapter Summary: When you decide it's time to act on your feelings, the answer you get is not what you expected. Will everything be alright?
Warning: A little bit of angst; Fluff.
Chapter 11: Are You Ready Steady On?
You were nervous, no, not nervous, you were panicking. You didn't even know what were you doing, it was like gravity had pulled you to this place and you hadn’t even noticed where it was until after you had already knocked on Rob’s door. Once you came to that realization, you thought about making a run towards the elevator, but it was too late.
As soon as he opened the door and his blue eyes met yours, the smile that formed on his face acted as an invite into his arms. An invite to hug him tight, where you would lay your head on his shoulder and breathe in his smell, as his arms tightened around you.
“I've missed you,” you choked out. Those were the only words you could even get to form.
“I've missed you too, y/n."
His beard and warm lips on your skin, as he placed a soft kiss on your cheek, had you feeling weak already. Once inside you sat down on his couch, watching him as he walked into the kitchen, bringing two beers back with him, and offering you one. It had been so long since you were together like this, and you missed it.
“So, how are you?” He asked when finally sat down next to you.
“I’m… I’m good. How are you?” You were so nervous. It felt as if this was the first time you were meeting him, and that was a strange feeling.
“Well, pretty good now that you're here.”
He wasn’t taking his eyes off of you, and it was making the already difficult task of forming words, even more difficult.
“It’s just I really, really wanted to see you, and i need to know.” Stopping he looked down for a minute, than looked back up at you. “Why did you just… you just disappeared, and I can't understand it.”
“I know Robbie, and that’s why I think it’s time I’m honest with you.”
Clearing your throat, you ran a hand over your face, trying to put all your courage together to tell him how you feel and when you looked back over at him, you could tell those blue eyes were pleading for you to say something.
“I… uh.. well…” Stopping, you took a deep breath and let it out. “You know how you asked me if I was acting strange because I was in love with someone, and you noticed because that was how I acted the last time?”
He nodded
“Yes. I thought you had fallen for another asshole, but Billy isn't an asshole,” he replied with a cute little smile, causing you to let a little laugh.
“Rob… it wasn't Billy,” you replied, shaking your head.
You didn't know if you were ready, but that damn smile had you more convinced than ever, so you knew you just had to spit it out.
“I never liked Billy like that,” you continued. “I mean I did, but just as a friend. I… I was acting strange because I didn’t know how to hide my feelings, the feelings I was having for you. I’m in love with you Rob.”
There it was. Everything was out in the open. For the longest time, He just sat there staring at you like he didn’t believe what you were saying. He smiled, then quickly looked away, before shooting up and starting to walk away. Meanwhile you sat there feeling stranger than ever. Do you keep talking? Do you run? You didn’t know what to do, but you knew you needed him to say something.
“But… you're with Billy now,” he continued. “Besides, we're just friends.”
You went to speak, but nothing came out. After his confession last night, his answer was not what you expected. You finally decided to tell him all about your conversation with Billy. About how he told you that he didn’t want to keep you from the person your heart truly belongs to. After that you couldn’t help but notice the look on Rob’s face. In all the years that you had known him, this was the first time you couldn’t decipher what was going on in his mind.  
“What? Why? You were fine with Billy, a-and you can't just go from him to me as if you are trying to see which one fits better!”
That was the problem with Rob. He always talked before thinking, and he always regretted it instantly. Of course this was one of those times and even if he didn’t yet, he was going to be regretting how that just sounded.
“That's the only thing you have to say?” you asked, eyes full of tears, fighting hard not to break down or storm out. “Basically, I'm just a slut to you.”
“I never said that y/n. I'm just saying that you acted too soon. Plus, what makes you think that I feel the same way?”
That’s when you realized what he was doing.
“Do you think I didn't hear you talking with Billy the other night? Why did you decide to go to him and tell him that you are in love with me? Why did you do that Rob?”
Your tears started to fall, but you quickly wiped them away. You had a mix of emotions and had no clue how to manage them.
“I was drunk Y/N!” he blurted out quickly.
You noticed right away that he was protecting himself, lying to not confess his real feelings. Now it wasn’t that you wanted him to give in easily, but you didn’t expect this reaction either.
You were crying freely by now, feeling like an idiot.
You thought that everything would be alright and that you would be able to be together, but no he just had to choose the easy way out.
“So you didn't mean anything you said? Anything?” You asked, through your sobs. He walked over and tried to place himself in front of you but you stepped back, not wanting him that close to you.
“I- I don't know what I said,” he said, an almost forced look of confusion on his face.
“I said I was...in love with you?”  
“Yes you did and you know what, it’s not the fact that you said it that bothers me, it’s the fact that you had to go and tell Billy about it. Why didn’t you just shut up?”
The way he was acting had you disappointed and wondering once again if this was nothing more than a drunken mistake.
As he went to start speaking you interrupted him. “Rob, when you asked me if I was in love with an asshole, the only thing I was thinking about was how I was finally in love with the perfect man, but thank you for managing this so poorly, because it has made me realize you’re just the same asshole I have been trying to avoid.”
Quickly grabbing your bag, you ran out of his apartment. Once again, you left him feeling disappointed by Rob and his mixed signals, and now you were thinking about Billy too. Even though he let you know that it was alright and told you that he understood, things weren’t that easy. There’s no way things be that easy. When you arrived back to your apartment you had every intention of forgetting all about what happened, but, instead you landed in your bed and started to cry, sad, angry and disappointed.
Rob's POV
As he walked around his apartment, he felt like an idiot, The things that he said to Y/N playing on a loop in his head. Why didn't he just tell her how he felt, instead of making her cry? Why did he tell Billy? It wasn’t true what he told her. He knew very well those feelings were real, but it was easier to lie about them.
He just couldn't believe y/n was in love with him. He couldn't believe that she left Billy, just to tell him she loved him. He knew that, but he pushed her away, simply because he was scared.
In those few minutes after she told him, his mind went through everything, every possible scenario. What if things went wrong and it ruined the friendship? What if he made a mistake and because this wasn’t the first time he had hurt her, she would decided she was better off alone? There was also the chance that everything went just right. The chance that the love you felt for eachother was so strong, so real, that you could actually be together forever.
All of those fears, mixed up with how much he wanted her, finally made him see there was only one way to find the answer to all those questions. Telling her the truth, letting all of his feelings out was a risk, more now that he decided to lie about it but maybe once everything was said and done, he would be able to let her in, and Y/N would let him in as well.
The last couple of weeks had been so hard, between her leaving and then having to see her with Billy, but there was still one thing he was feeling guilty about. He was the person to blame for all this, and that meant he was the only one able to solve it. Grabbing his phone, he searched through the numbers until he found the one he wanted and dialed.
Hearing the voice on the other end he let out a breath, relieved, he was able to start somewhere anyways.
“Hey William, what's happening?”
“Hey buddy, all is good. What about you? What happened with Y/N?” Billy asked, sounding pretty enthusiastic.
“Well…” Rob thought for a second on how to give Billy the short version of how things went.
“You screwed it up, didn’t you?” Billy interrupted.
“Yes, kind of,” he admitted. “But I want to fix it. She told me she talked to you…”
“Yes, she did. It's seriously all okay Rob. She is a great girl and you deserve each other. It was obvious anyway.” Billy added with a laugh. An action that helped Rob to relax.
“Wait, what was obvious?” Rob asked, slightly confused.
“That you two liked each other. Ever since we met, I always thought you were a couple. Just don't waste anymore time, Rob, go for her.”
Billy filled him in with any information he could think of that might be able to convince you to at least talk. He apologized to Billy for getting him in the middle of all this, but he only responded again that he knew better and he knew that sooner or later you were going to end up together because you belong together.
After his conversation with Billy, Rob was filled with confidence, and headed straight to y/n’s apartment to do what he should’ve done in the first place.
Reader's POV
You were trying to understand where it had all gone wrong. How you could go from being inseparable, to being such assholes to each other. Something was definitely wrong with you both.
Even though it was early, all you wanted was to slip into your pajamas and watch a movie, but when you heard the knocks on your door, you knew you wouldn’t be able to carry on with your plan. Thinking that it was Briana, you didn’t even think twice, and that’s probably why it was an even bigger surprise when you opened the door and found Rob standing there, with the same lost, puppy eyes he had looked at you with earlier. Those blue eyes were so beautiful, but you knew better than to let yourself start falling for him again.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, trying to seem annoyed.
“You know…” He began looking at his shoes. “I was the one who gave Aaron a punch in the face after cheating on you. That asshole.”
His confession, actually surprised you. After all these years, you were just now hearing this?
“Why did you do that?”
“Why do you think? He had you and then he cheated on you, like the asshole he was. I was there, what could I do? He asked for it,” he shrugged, with a little smile.
That smile always had the power to melt your heart, you stepped aside, letting him in.
Before you could say anything, he turned, his blue eyes fixated on yours.
“I've always been in love with you,” He blurted out. “I've always needed you and wanted you, but I didn't want to risk losing you, and I can't do it anymore. I’m sorry, I've been nothing but a jerk to you.  I- I love you Y/N.”
Once he had finished, he let out a deep breath, like a weight had just been lifted of his chest, and just stood there, looking at you waiting for your reaction. You couldn't believe it was Rob telling you that and as you looked back at him you knew this was the right time, that this was your moment.
Running over to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him tightly against you. His arms tightened around your body, bringing you even closer to him and placed a kiss on your cheek.
“I love you, Rob. I love you so much and I was so scared too. I'm sorry for everything,” you said, through your tears.
That was the only thing you could tell him for the time being. It was just a tiny part of how you were feeling, but it would do for now.
Pulling out, you looked into his bright blue eyes as he wiped away your tears with his thumbs and  your fingers ran over his beard. A smile spread across your face, not believing that this was you two finally together.
When you leaned back in, your lips brushed his, while his hands ran up and down your back. You were nervous, as if it was your first kiss ever, but it was your first kiss with Rob. With soft and small kisses, your hand ran through his hair. Even though it was shorter, you could still notice his soft curls. Any moment you weren’t kissing, you could see the sweetest, happiest smile on Rob’s face.
What started off as a soft kiss quickly deepened, as his tongue parted your lips. Pretty soon you found yourself lost in the sweetness of his lips and the way his beard scratched against your face, in how natural your movements seemed to be.
When that inevitable feeling of having to come up for air came, you pulled back to look at each other, both wearing big smiles.
“I've been wanting to do that for years," he said softly.
“Me too Rob,” you answered, stealing another kiss.
Nothing. There was nothing you wanted more, nothing you could think of that was more important than that moment. You finally had Rob in your arms. You finally had each other, just like you've always wanted. For sure you've had a lot to talk about, but…You would have enough time.
TAGS: @marichromatic • @missihart23 • @natasha-cole • @notfunnystillhere • @kocswain • @apeshit7x • @princess-of-erebor1992 • @rblstrash • @spnmightkillme • @tas898 • @wontlookaway • @sirraxa • @damn-it-destiel • @i-hear-crazy-calling-my-name • @burningrupture • @internationalmusicteacher • @sherlockedtash88 • @cyrilconnelly • @srtaprieto • @dropthepizza346 • @queenofhellwithcrowley • @pinkykayley • @idabbleincrazy • @imperfxctlydean
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will this be a legit tumblr fic series? no, absolutely not I just felt like writing something. Everything else will be bullet points since I can knock out like, two to three seasons in one go.
Shannon (Shan) Maywether.
Oc introduction P1
This takes place in between season 1 episodes 10 and 11 in like a mini sode I like to call "Eye of Unfairness" its a play off the fact Shan means unfortunate and unfair in Scottish (something I recently learned)
Also feel free to change out Shannon's/Shans name for your OC if you want to! I don't mind! Keep in mind this fic was made with Shannon's personality and physical condition in mind. I also wouldn't mind feed back!
Third person POV
A day had passed since the reveal of the green ninja. It was a surprise to learn that Lloyd, a kid, was the supposed chosen one. It was shock to, well everyone on board the Bounty.
It was Wednesday, so Shannon was tasked with cooking for the day. She stood, cutting vegetables for the side dish she was wiping up alongside the English breakfast she had made. Her mind was filled with ‘what if's’. As an older sister to 10 younger brothers, 4 of which that happen to be around Lloyd’s age it was startling for her. There was no telling when the 'Final Battle' will take place and what would happen during it, took the focus from the sharp edge of the blade she was holding.
"ow, damn it-" dropping the knife on the cutting board as she cursed. Bringing the cut wound to her lips she sucked on it as she searched for the bandages they kept in the kitchen just incase if kind of thing happened.
After finding bandages and bandaging the cut Shannon finished fixing up the salad. Just as she set the freshly tossed salad on the table the other residents of the ship walked in.
"Morning Shannon" "Mornin' Zane"
The other ninja mumbled a good morning as well as they took their set's at the table and began eating the breakfast prepared.
"Hay Shannon what happened to your hand?" Lloyd asked looking at the older girls hand.
"Oh, accidently cut myself." She replied placing her coffee cup down looking over at the small blonde. She ruffled his hair earning a ‘stop it’ from the boy, and chuckled at how messy his hair was now. 
The rest of breakfast went without much problem seeing as how everyone was still riding down from the adrenaline that was yesterday. It all seemed peaceful still Garmadon walked in.
Shannon's POV
Garm walked in, late as usual. And as usual we where all kinda put off with what he was eating. Dark matter grubs I think there called? Never payed much attention to this sorta thing really. I just can't get the truth we uncovered yesterday. Lloyd being the green ninja. Its going to hard for him I can tell.
Letting out an tried sigh I got up with my now empty plate and made my way over to the sink.
"Shannon, the Bounty is landing in a bit. You wanna come run groceries with me?" Nya asked as I passed her.
"Uhh, sure just tell me when you're planning on leaving." "You got it!"
Third person POV
As stated by Nya the Bounty had landed not long after they finished washing the dishes. The boys were outside training. Shannon seated cross-legged on the steps just watching with Wu. Garmadon had disappeared back into the ship, probably his room for the time being. Lloyd was hanging around the place too, inside reading. And Nya was getting ready to head out.
It wouldn't be for another 10 minutes till Garmadon emerged from where ever he was.
And unfortunately for everyone he was at the steps of the ship leading to where the ninja were training, and felt like causing some chaos.
Now it's not the man's fault, he has the venom of an equally evil snake brooding in his veins.
He knew he couldn't mess with the ninja, it was like a principle thing seeing as how they where tolerating his presence on the ship. Wu literally came to what might have been hell to most folks and brought him back to Ninjago to save his son. Nyas off limits, and as much as he wants to, his son, Lloyd is probably still shaken from not just the green ninja thing, but the snakes as well.
Which left Shannon.
The young lady had made it clear since there first interaction, that she held nothing against the dark lord. In fact she even played along with his bullshit if she felt like it. Best part, she can hold her own too. She may not train with the boys often but she knows spinjitzu, and has proven to be a good fighter, Shans just lax and a go with the flow kind of person.
With that in mind, he decided to make a comment.
"Not going to change?"
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Shannon questioned, she didn't bother to look at him, as she took a swig from her tea that Wu had generously offered.
"With the amount of purple you wear you might get mistaken for a snake"
"Phff, at least I don't look like a took a bath in tar"
With that, a swift yet not powerful smack to the back of the teens head was earned. It was supposed to be playful, harmless but as the force of the hit passed through the youngers head, the sound of heavy glass hitting wood made itself known. This caused the boys to stop and turn there attention back over to the steps on the deck. As Shannon looked up, it became evidently clear she was missing her right eye.
Panic ensues.
Jay, Cole, Kai, and Zane screamed at the fact there friends eye was now just gone. Garmadons just standing there questioning if he put more power than he initially thought he did. Wu went wide eyes as he stared at the girl next to him, seeing small streams of blood leak out the now empty eye socket. Lloyd and Nya came running out to only to scream themselves.
With a sigh Shannon picked up her Eye and monical that had fallen.
"Guys, chill out!" She yelled.
"CHILL OUT! SHAN YOU EYE FEEL OUT OF YOUR HEAD" the Blue ninja yelled. Pointing at the eye in the Burnetts hand.
"Its a glass eye bolts for brain's" Shan retorted.
"Glass eye?" Cole repeated.
"Yes, a glass eye! Why did you think I wore a monocle instead of regular glasses? Sure I can't see jack with my right eye but it acts as a shield of sorts!"
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"I-im so sorry, are you okay Shannon?" Garmadon asked.
"Ya, im fine" she answered.
After that everyone had gone inside. Zane grabbed the medical kit to disinfect and put a temporary patch over Shannon's eye. Garmadon had taken the glass eye and with the recommended disinfectant Shannon just so happen to have on her, put the bloody thing in a black glass cup filled with warm water and the disinfectant liquid mixture, to clean it. He may be the bad guy, but he's never really hurt anyone to the point they lose something like an eye.
Once done he gave the glass to Shannon who was now sitting in the armchair.
"So, umm how'd you uh- you know lose you eye?" Kai asked weirly, he feared there might be some sort of trauma along with it and didn't want to trigger it.
"You don't have to tell us!" Nya quickly added.
"Na its fine" Shannon said as she waved off there concerns.
"I was about seven when it happened. Home invasion. The guy had a gun. I had heard sound from downstairs and curiosity got the best of me. I think your all smart enough to piece together what happened next" she said. Everyone kinda relied back at the mear mental image.
"Yikes" Jay, shivered at the thought of it.
"I mean it’s not all that bad I guess. Altho I didn't have a say in whether or not I got a fake eye"
"What do you mean you didn't get a say in it?"
"It’s exactly as I say it is. When I woke up my depth perception was crap, but I had both my eyes. It wasn't until the doctor told me my parents were admit about me having one"
"So are, you like going to be ok or?"
"I'll be fine green bean, if anything this was a good thing, means I need a new one. Thankfully I shot my brother text about one lot long ago." Shannon said dismissively
"Brother?" Wu questioned.
"Okay, Nya you ready to got out?"
"Ya but it can wait-" "I'm good, I swear Nya lets go" the older girl instead as she got up and dragged Nya out the ship for their planned outing. (She put the glass with the eye in the table as they left)
"Well that was, concerning" Cole said as the two girls disappeared.
It was around midday the girls were not back yet. Jay was still unnerved by the eye in the cup being in such an open area, moved it over to the kitchen counter. Training was cut short because of the incident. Wu taking into account not just the mental impact of one of his charges eyes popping up in front of them, but the buildup of stuff they'd been having to deal with since his absence. Besides when the girls get back they all need to talk of a plan to get the Fang Blades back from the Serpentine before they can awaken the Devourer. 
Wu and his brother where out front on the deck talking, it felt like forever to the two of them since they last spoke in such good terms. The guys (pluss Lloyd) where inside playing video games as a pass time. It wasn't long after when the sound of a car, a taxi, could be heard coming there way. As the taxi came to a stop the guys had logged off there game and stepped out to grate the return of the only two females on their team. 
But instead of the raven and green tipped brunette haired, a blond tipped brunette boy stepped out the vehicle (not before paying of course) and made his way over to the Bounty. 
“umm, dumb question since there aren't many flying ships around, but is this the Destiny's Bounty?” The Boy asked as he neared the ship. upon closer inspection the boy was wearing a leather jacket with a white under shirt, and jeans with a pair of black converse. He had a mailman bag slung over his shoulder. 
“ya it is, what bring you all the way out here though?” Cole answered as he crossed his arms. attempting to look menacing which seemed to be working.   
“uh, I came to drop something off for my sister, Shannon?” The boy answered.
“Shannon, as in the monocle waring Shan?” Jay asked 
“yes! that one!” 
“Cool, Cool... wanna climb on board?” Kai asked him.
“Would I!” The boy, Shannon’s brother made is way up on the Bounty.
“By the way, what you name” Zane asked as the brunet dorded.
“Shane, Shane Maywather and might I say it’s a pleasure to meet the guys my sister has been staying with after all this time.” He, Shane replied.
“wait, so let me get this straight” Cole stood with his hands on his head, clearly confused by what was said. 
Its been about an hour since Shane was let on borde and the guy could see why his sister liked it here so much.  
“there are 10 of you? including Shane makes 11″ Cole sated. Shane just nodded as he let the earth ninja racape what Shane had told them. Wu and Garmadon where in the kitchen intently listening to the conversation they were having.  
“yup, Shan and I are the oldest, there where are the quads; Jason, Mayson, Tyson, Carson.” He started again listing his younger siblings.
“Then the triplets; Asher, Carter and Xavier. Then the last set of twins; Franklyn and Merlyn” Shane finished. 
“No wonder Shannon can deal with us so well” Jay said looking astonished.
“ya she had to deal with 9 younger brothers and one older one” Kai remarked. Shane snickered before correcting him.
“Shannon is the oldest, in fact despite us being twins, she’s technically a year older than me.” 
“But isn't being twins, like two people being born on the same day?” Zane inquired.
“True, but you see, my mom had Shannon on december 31st 1995, at around 11:55pm, I then happened on january 1st 1996 at 00:02am in the morning” Shane explained.
“dude” Jay commented. Shane laghed.
“yup,Shannons the ‘big sister’ of the house” He said glancing about.  
“i'm surprised though, i though Shannon would have at least mentioned something about you guys to us” Lloyd pipped in. He enjoyed Shannons company she made him feel welcome. And when she caught him setting up the prank for Kai as his uncle had asked him to, she gave him some pointers on how to eviscerate Kai’s high score. Even took some pressure off him as she stayed in the room in anticipation for the fire ninja so they wouldn't get too suspicious. To learn Shan had several younger brothers, like Jay commented, meade scene in how she was not only dealt with them but was able to deal with his father so well.
“Honestly,it's do be expected. Because Shannons the oldest our parents are hard on her... We come from a fairly well of family to the point where money is more or less a play thing to our folks” Shane started, the ninja(pluss Loyd)went wide eyed.
“so you're saying you guys are rich?” Jay asked dumbfounded. Shane fidgeted with his fingers.
“Y-Ya pretty much. But Shannon, and our parents, they... They don't get along at all. For all i can remember, the only time i've ever had with Shan was when she wasn't in any of her classes or extracurriculars. They pushed her to be perfect, and at the same time pushed her away. Looking back there where countless arguments over a lot of what they where doing” Shane said looking down at his lap. 
“There was this one argument that just hit the nail in the head though, a couple years back, it was during dinner and our parents had invited a business associates family over. They had a son, about three years older then Shannon and I. Our parents had announced that he would be Shannons fiance and thighs went downhill fast” Looking up once more Shane let a had run though his hair as he relieved the memory. The guys were taken aback by this, seeing as how Shan was arguably one of the most level headed people they knew. 
“sounds stressful” Kai quipped not really knowing how to respond to that, bur as a brother to a sister himself he could understand the feeling of not wanting your sibling to do be forced into doing something they don't want to. 
“You don’t half of it” Shan said with a sigh. 
“After that, she stormed out never to be seen scene again. At least physically, she managed to keep contact with me, we talk but not as much as either of us would like...” He finished leaning back and letting the surprisingly soft couch engulf him. 
“I’m glad though,she deserves a break after everything” Shane commented.
“ya well if you call fighting an army of skeletons, snakes and eventually Garmadon a brake, then you my friend are in need of a vacation as well” Jay replied plopping down next to Shane with a dorky grin. The tenshin that had been building in Shane dissipated, yup he could really see why his sister liked it here so much. 
Dropping the topic of who much his and Shannon's parents where that talked about other random things. It was a little bit later when the girl got back.  The two where catting about, something girl related when they walked into the main room of the Bounty. 
“Hey! Welcome back! And guess how came to visit?!” Jay sang, gesturing to Shane who was seated next to him. Shannon looked over at her bother in shock she thought-
"Good to see you again Sister!~" Shane said as be bolted form where he was sitting to envelope Shannon in a hug. As he did Shannon dropped the bags she was holding, seemingly shocked that her blood brother was here. 
“Shane?” She breathed, then hugged him back, leaning into it. 
After a bit the two separated.
“It’s good to see you again Shane! How have you been?” “Good, good, what about you? what happened to your eye? Where is it?” 
Shan laughed a little and shook her head.
“There was an accident this morning, Garmadon hit the back of my head and it just popped out” Shane stood still. Taking in the information. Once complete he turned and tried to lunged to where Garmadon was, if it wasn't for Shannon having grabbed him in that split second. He probably would have gone into a full on fist fight with the dark lord. 
“Lemme go! I'm going to eviscerate him!” Shane hissed struggling against his sisters grip. Thank the First Spinjitzu Master that Shannon trained with the boys ocashinaly. 
“Calm down little brother it was an accident” “Like HELL”  
The two go back and forth a little more till Shane camls down. Garmadon rightfully spooked at the fact that this, well mannered, e-boy looking, kid was threatened to ‘eviscerate’ him. 
“Fine, I won’t attack him, doesn't mean I won’t like it” Shane said mutting that last bit. 
“Seriously (1)Balach Milis, if you applied this anger properly, you wouldn't have to deal with what Eric and Lizzibeth right?” Shannon said as she let him go. picking up the grocery bags, and placed them on the counter. 
“(2)Flùr Gaoithe, you know when it comes to Mama and (3)Athair I can’t do do that!” He complained like a small child. 
“You really need to grow a backbone” Shane said shaking her head.
Things had settled down since then.  
“It’s getting late, I should get going, I have band practice tomorrow and need the rest.” “boo, skip and just stay here for the week” “Flùr Gaoithe” “Balach Milis“ 
With that The younger twin got up, gave his sister the new glass eye she had asked for, said his goodbyes, shot Garmadon one last glar, and left. 
“Your brother seems like a nice person” Gramadon said looking over the the greet tipped girl. 
“Ya, he’s awesome. Wish he was less of a pushover tho” 
Jay feeling thirsty, walked over into the kitchen. He spotted the black glass cup, completely having forgot about the eye inside it. Now you can't really see anything at the bottom. And Jay, in his infinite wisdom, thinking it was just some random cup of random water that had been left on the kitchen counter, and drank from it. 
 “Did Jay drink from the eye glass?” Lloyd asked his uncle who was watching from the blue ninja form the table.
“He drank from the eye glass” Wu confirmed. The others erupted into a fit of laughter and giggles. 
 (1)Balach Milis - Sweet boy  
(2)Flùr Gaoithe - Wind flower 
(3)Athair - dad
this was translated using google translate, the language being Scottish Gaelic. I know Ninjago was based off of asian culture. But like I said, Shan it scottish for unfortunate and unfair. Also nothing in the lore of the show explicitly states that Ninjago is the only continent on the planet. 
I HC that there are different parts of the world. its safe to say Ninjago is the main land where a lot of the exciting things happen, but across who knows how long away there are different countries. And Shannon’s family like immigrated to Ninjago, during it’s early years where big contributors and financial support, in building the city. 
but ye this is a mini sode, i came up with. criticism is always welcome! I will be doing bullet notes for Shan and Melody, and maye Gold to since i have an active fic about her that i haven't updated in, forever but yaaaaa. 
till next text post i guess lol                          
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