#damn i might never write again- YIKES
intercomkris · 1 year
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KAZUO KITANO : ❛ jackucho, i thought i told you to not call me after school hours. . . or general ? ❜
Kazuo regards Jackucho with a blend of exasperation and indifference. Jackucho's unrelenting crush on him, while flattering to a certain extent, often borders on intrusive and overwhelming. Kazuo's stoic and snide personality finds Jackucho's relentless pursuit to be more of a nuisance than anything else. He respects her tenacity but wishes she would understand his need for personal space and independence. While he appreciates the attention of his admirers, he believes that Jackucho's obsession with him has crossed a line. He feels that it's essential to maintain a level of mystique and detachment in order to uphold his "picture-perfect" image, and Jackucho's constant presence disrupts this carefully constructed facade. Despite his reservations, deep down, Kazuo may harbor a mixture of sympathy and confusion toward Jackucho, given his own complex personal history. However, he is unlikely to openly express these feelings, and his stoicism remains a barrier to forming a deeper connection with her.
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In the chilling and nostalgic world of "The bay has eyes," Kazuo is the embodiment of the "picture-perfect jock" archetype, seemingly ripped from the pages of a 1980s or 1990s slasher flick. His athletic build and charming appearance make him the quintessential character to face the horrors of the bay. However, his stoic and snide demeanor often leads others to underestimate his intelligence and resourcefulness. Kazuo, true to his stereotype, starts off with a trusty baseball bat, a symbol of his jock status, although he's more than capable of using it to fend off threats.
As for his survival prospects, Kazuo doesn't die first, but he's not necessarily the final boy either. While he may endure for a considerable portion of the film, the "bay has eyes" verse has a way of keeping the audience on their toes, and his ultimate fate remains uncertain. His stats reflect his personality, with above-average physical strength and agility but lower charisma and awareness scores, given his stoic nature. Kazuo's character might appear to be a red herring at first, seemingly oblivious to the dangers lurking in the bay. However, as the story unfolds, his resourcefulness and ability to adapt begin to shine, revealing that there's more to this "picture-perfect" jock than meets the eye, making him an intriguing and complex character within the horror narrative.
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This might be an odd request, but if you’re interested could you do Jhad angst with prompts 2 and 21? I get it’s a pretty niche ship, but I’ve seen your other work and I’m interested on your take of the pairing.
Brother I shit you not I was JUST talking about this ship right before you sent this ask I am not even kidding. The timing on this was amazing. Here’s the screenshots of my exact reaction
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ANYWAY I’d gladly do this pairing!! I think it would be really cute and I may or may not be thinking about writing a slow burn for it eheheheh
2. “Please don’t leave me” and 21. “I’m better when I’m with you”
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Alone. A word that kept repeating in J’s head.
She was alone again, just like before, just like she always was. Just like before the manor, and after the massacre. She couldn’t win. She just couldn’t win.
Tessa was her friend, yet she was ripped away from her by that damn thing. V was her friend, yet she ruined that by siding with it.
Why couldn’t V just understand? It was the only way to survive. There was no escape, even in death… Though apparently she was wrong. Because they won. Solver was gone, and she was alone again.
J sighed as she gripped the blow torch harder, repairing the ship she had unceremoniously blown up.
She grit her teeth together, memories of their battle flashing before her, of Cyn using Tessa’s skin as a suit.
Suddenly, the blowtorch snapped in half from the pressure, the metal dented.
“Damnit!” J exclaimed, angrily throwing it into the snow beneath her. She jumped off the ship and kicked the broken torch further away, fists clenched by her side.
“Yikes-“ A voice said nearby, by the exit of the corpse spire.
J immediately swiveled around, one of her hands switching out for a rocket launcher as she aimed in its direction.
The worker drone flinched and fumbled with whatever it was he was holding before putting his hands up, eyebrows raised.
“Woah, J, relax!” He said.
“Oh.” J huffed, lowering her arm.
It was Thad, the one worker drone she managed to befriend. Well, more like he befriended her, despite her previous attempt to kill him. Granted, it was at least a few months after she had attacked that bunker.
She’d first met him in the woods, just outside of the abandoned city where “Tessa” was scouting out. She’d put J on watch duty.
At first, J didn’t bother to interact with him. But then she kept seeing him, and he’d only look even more sad and cold each time. Eventually, it turned into pity. She’d visit him while Boss was scoping the planet.
She would never admit it, but she slowly grew acquainted with this strange Worker Drone. Maybe it’s because it reminded her of the manor, when life was simpler. Maybe it’s because he reminded her so much of Tessa, goofy and dorky and funny and caring all the same. It was a breath of fresh air.
That was, until boss pulled her away from him too, because she finally had a lead.
J wouldn’t see him again for a while, at least not until everything came to a head and it was finally time for Solver to finish what it had started on the planet. They hadn’t gotten to talk at all, of course, everything was so intense, but she had noticed that he was hesitant to attack her before the planet had suddenly broken into pieces.
“What do you want? Here to mock me?” She asked with a snarl.
“Uh… no,” Thad said, scratching the back of his head. “I wanted to check up on you, actually.”
Her gaze softened as Thad walked further in.
“Y’know, that whole big battle seemed really intense. Thought you could use some company, since…” He trailed off.
J crossed her arms, putting her weight on one of her legs. “Because everyone hates me now?”
Sweat ran down his visor. He blinked and nodded slightly.
“I wanted to give you this.” He held out the item he had been holding to her.
It was a plush of a pink rabbit, its ears, arms, and legs floppy. It had button eyes and a white belly, yet it looked dirty with oil and debris. J took it from his hands and turned it slightly, looking at it.
Her expression softened more.
She loved plushies, even now after all this time since the manor days. She had missed just being able to hold one close and play with it. She gently squeezed its torso.
“…Thank you, Thad.” She said, glancing away and furrowing her brows, “But I don’t… I don’t need plushies.”
Thad raised an eyebrow. “Then why did you hesitate?”
J stopped for a moment, then moved the plush to her other hand, her claws extruding from the other as she pointed them at Thad.
“Don’t forget I can kill you right now!” She threatened, baring her teeth.
Thad put his hands up again, but only chuckled. “C’mon, J. You know you don’t have to hide anything anymore, right? You don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not. It’s gone. It can’t hurt you anymore.”
J froze. How did Thad know any of that? He was just a worker drone. There was no way he could’ve just said that on a whim.
He was right. She knew that. But— how?-
“I, uh… I asked V, N, and Uzi to give me a run down on everything,” Thad admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t fully understand everything, but from what I got, it… sounded pretty rough. For all of you.”
J felt her legs start to shake. First, anger, but then confusion and relief, all hit at once. Someone knew, someone, for the most part, understood, wanted to understand, wanted to understand her. Her expression twisted, trying to keep the emotions at bay, but the softness of his voice, the tone, the look he was giving.
It all made her so weak, in such a good way.
J lowered her arms and hung her head, arms shaking, her fists clenched around the bunny plush.
“And yet, after all of what they told you, you still want to talk to me?” She asked incredulously, her voice shaking slightly.
“Of course I do. You were there for me when I was stuck in the woods, even if you were mostly mocking me.” He chuckled at the memory, then added, “I’m repaying the favor.”
J glanced away from him, hugging her arms.
“Thanks, I guess.”
Thad smiled up at her, then looked past her at the ship.
“What’re you working on?” He asked.
She followed his gaze, then groaned.
“The ship. I was repairing it after I blew it up- You know, as an… apology to V. And N and Uzi, I guess,” She explained, “But I just broke the only welder I had.”
“Oh!” Thad perked up. “Want me to go grab you one?”
J looked at him again, confused. “Why?”
Thad shrugged. “Why not? I don’t want you to be lonely out here forever, J.”
Her core shook.
“Be right back, kay?” He said, turning on his heel and sprinting back out of the spire.
J watched after him until he disappeared behind the corpse walls. She looked down at the snowy footprints he made in his wake, tracing her eyes over each ridge of the shoe tracks.
She turned back to the ship, her mind wandering as she hugged her arms.
Now that she thought about it more, Thad really did remind her so much of Tessa in many more ways that she thought. They were both so bright and bubbly all the time, yet they bruised so easily. They were fragile, one and the same yet two separate people. Two separate things.
She was athletic, just like him. He was kind, just like her. He smiled with his teeth, just like she did when she laughed. She would glow when she was happy, and so would he.
He made stupid jokes just like she would, and would sometimes mess with her just to get a reaction. J gripped her arms tighter and closed her eyes.
The day of the Gala. Tessa’s left arm was hurt. It was bruised, yet untreated. J wanted to help, but she couldn’t.
“I’m ‘right, J.” Tessa would tell her, smiling nervously and rubbing the bruise with her hand.
She could tell she wasn’t alright. It hurt still, even moreso emotionally, she figured. But J never got to express how much she cared, because in the end all she was to Tessa was a pet. Something to be admired and laugh at, something that wasn’t supposed to have or understand the same complex feelings that a human possessed.
J knew she was more than that.
Then, before she and Cyn had reached the cabin fever labs. She found Thad in the woods again, hunched over and sitting in the snow, holding his left leg tightly. When she walked over, he looked up at her and smiled.
“Hey! What’s up?” He’d say, cheerfully, attempting to mask the pain he was in, albeit terribly.
“What happened to your leg?” She would ask, sounding stern and uncaring, her arms crossed across her chest, portraying faux feelings of apathy toward him.
“Oh— It’s nothin. I’m alright, J.” He’d promised, smiling up at her nervously.
Her heart swelled. He even talked like her sometimes.
J opened her eyes again and looked up at the glittering stars above her, a complacent expression playing on her face.
It was a surprisingly clear night out that night, the stars clear and twinkling softly, looking back down at her.
Thad was everything Tessa was and more, wasn’t he? He cared about J. He wanted her to have friends, to learn how to live with them so she wouldn’t have to live alone forever, regretting the decisions she made and the pain she caused.
He held his hand out for her, much like Tessa did, but this time, as a friend. Not as an owner, guiding a lost dog to her home. Thad had picked her up despite her flaws and tendencies, to try and guide her down a path of love and joy.
Not to mention, he was as handsome as his personality. J would never admit it herself, but he looked nice. Nicer than most male worker drones she had come across and ultimately slaughtered. For a moment, she wondered why he, of all drones, had hair, despite most males not having any, from what she could tell. So full of mystery as well, wasn’t he?
Just then, J froze, her head snapping back down as she stared into the distance, her eyelights hollow and blush forming beneath them.
“…Oh no…” She said slowly, the realization kicking in. “No no no!” She exclaimed, hiding her hands in her face.
She had fallen for him. And hard. Either it was because he was so much like Tessa, or because he was just himself, it didn’t matter. She liked him; no, she loved him, just as she had Tessa.
But— how could he ever love her back? She tried to kill him— She tried to kill everyone. She sided with the thing that was trying to eat the planet and kill everyone else with it. N, V, and Uzi undoubtedly hate her, and worst of all— …She was a failure. All of this time trying to be the best, and she couldn’t even do one thing right.
She failed Tessa. She failed to be the best maid, she failed to keep her safe. She failed Cyn, and the company. She was sent to do a job, yet she couldn’t even complete it.
She was pathetic.
The sound of snow crunching underfoot broke her from her thoughts, a gentle tap on her shoulder.
She flinched and turned her head.
It was Thad, looking at her with concern. “Are you okay?”
Don’t look at me like that.
“Yeah. I’m- I’m perfect!” J said, straightening her posture and turning to him, her tail swaying close to the ground. “Just fine.”
Thad tilted his head, then shrugged. He held out the welder to her.
“Here. Just don’t break it this time,” He joked.
She rolled her eyes at him. “Yeah yeah”
J’s wings appeared from her back again and flared out as the anti-gravity jets roared to life, sending her up so she could gracefully land on the top of the landing pod again, carefully welding the metal pieces together. She watched Thad out of the corner of her eye.
He put his hands into his pockets and watched, leaning back and forth on his feet. Despite his body language, he didn’t look bored. He seemed more intrigued than anything, looking over the ship in its whole, or at least as whole as it was at the moment.
J glanced at him.
“Why are you still here? Shouldn’t you go back to the bunker now?” She asked, putting on an annoyed facade.
“It’s the middle of the night, man,” Thad explained, “No one knows I’m here. And I don’t have to get to school for another two hours.”
J huffed. “Well, you better not distract me,” She said.
Please talk to me.
Thad put his hands up and nodded. “You got it, J.”
No, not like that. Stop acting like her.
J drew her eyes away from him and back at the metal she was welding, trying to focus. But her thoughts always went back to him. She couldn’t get him out of her head. Just the thought of hugging him was enough to make her mind spiral, and the idea of holding him made her feel like melting.
She was hyper aware of all movement in the area - a side effect that came from being a disassembly drone - so every small subtle move he made was enough to gain a glance from her. When he shifted his weight, or moved his hands, or took a few steps forward, she’d notice and look at him.
Suddenly, his words broke through the icy air.
“Hey, J.”
J glanced up at him, then back at her welding job.
A smile slowly grew on Thad’s face, getting an idea.
“What’s this thing for anyway?” He asked, knocking on a metal panel, “Trying to build some kind of forest creature?”
J paused, looking at him in confusion. “You, of all people, should know what a space ship like this is for.”
Thad shrugged. “I mean, if you look at it from an angle, it kinda looks like a messed up spider.”
J simply rolled her eyes and returned to welding the metal panels. She moved to another support and lifted another metal panel, holding it against the metal already attached to the ship.
Thad seemed to stare at her for a moment, then glanced away.
It was times like these where J wished solver granted them the power of mind reading. She wanted to know what was going on inside that little brain of his. Two out of her six eyes squinted at him, the remaining four focused on the welding.
The only thing that filled the air was the crackle of the welder and the howling of the wind for a moment, until Thad interrupted.
“Hey, JJ!” He called.
“What, Thad?” She asked, the eyes on her display deadpanning.
“I bet your humor is as hard to catch as a frisbee in the wind!” He said with full confidence, a wide dorky grin on his face, his hands on his hips.
Stop doing that. Stop being like her. What is wrong with you?
J stifled a smile and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well maybe you aren’t trying hard enough.”
“Ooh, playing hard to get! I like it!” He teased, pointing at her with finger-guns and winking, “Challenge accepted.”
J shook her head. What was he doing? What challenge? What was the point of this? What was he going to gain out of this?
J’s mind raced so much, she nearly welded her hand to the ship.
Now he was doing the one thing she told him not to do. Distract her. Granted, him merely being there was enough to distract her at first, so maybe he wasn’t at fault.
“Ooh! I got a good one,” He said, a mischievous look in his eyes as he rubbed his hands together.
“What’s white and has wheels?” He asked, anticipation in his voice.
J paused for a moment, thinking. She tilted her head slightly. In all the jokes that Tessa had told her, this was one she was unfamiliar with. Her mind went to the first most logical answer she could think of.
“A bike?” She said, hesitating.
“The snow! I lied about the wheels!” Thad basically shouted, throwing his arms into the air with a large grin across his face. She noticed that some of his teeth were strangely sharp.
“That doesn’t even make any sense,” She said, rolling her eyes and returning to her welding.
“Sure it does!” Thad said with a snicker, “You gotta stop thinking so literally about everything, J.”
She stopped, if only for a moment. She remembered when Tessa had told her that, after making a dumb joke like that, with the same gesture and the same, proud grin.
Her grip tightened on the welding tool.
Thad paced around, thinking of what to try next. She glanced at him.
Seriously, what was he doing? He kept saying random jokes, despite the fact she told him not to distract her. It’s not like she was going to do anything to stop him, she liked the jokes, it just—
WOAH. No! She did not like the jokes! She didn’t like jokes! Jokes were stupid and wasted time— There wasn’t any point to them, they made no sense—
Suddenly, she heard a thud and flinched, breaking her from her thoughts once again. Her head snapped to the sound, only to see Thad stumble back from one of the ship’s legs and fall into the snow, holding his foot with a pained expression.
J couldn’t help but snicker at his misfortune, confused but delighted.
He opened an eye and looked up at her, surprised to hear her snickering. She turned her head away quickly and covered her mouth, stifling her laughter.
She lowered her head and shook it, trying to keep herself calm. Behind her, she heard Thad call her name. She looked up and turned her head to him, curious.
Right as she turned her head to him, he began sprinting up a mound of snow, only to purposefully slip and tumble down the mound, landing on his stomach. He looked up at her expectantly.
J simply stared at Thad, her eyelights half-lidded. She shook her head and averted her attention back to her welding. She was almost done with the panel.
Honestly, watching him get thrown around was kind of funny, especially since he was throwing himself around. All that, just to get her to-
The realization hit her like a bowling ball.
Those silly jokes, the stupid looks, the dumb actions that would end in him getting hurt— they were all for her. To get her to laugh and ‘loosen up a little,’ as Tessa would put it.
Dear God, he’s just like her. Why is he so much like her? What is wrong with him?!
“Oh!” Thad suddenly exclaimed, causing J to stop welding. It was alright, though. She had just finished a panel.
She groaned, trying her hardest to keep her front up, and hopped off the ship, picking up another panel.
“What did one corporate say to the other?” Thad asked, excited to tell the joke, eagerness in his voice.
J raised an eyebrow as she shook the panel off, dusting snow from it. She was intrigued this time. Thad didn’t seem the type to know anything about corporations.
“What?” She asked.
“Nothing, because they’re bad at diplomacy!” He announced proudly, almost way too excited to see her reaction.
J stifled her laughter, quickly raising the new panel over her face so he wouldn’t see the look on her face.
She was smiling because of his dumb joke. It was funny, of course it was funny, and it made sense- and she was sure Thad picked up on her attempt to cover her laugh.
She tried to play it off, lunging back onto the pod with the panel in hand. In the corner of her eyes, she saw Thad’s goofy grin, and knew that trying to hide it had already failed.
A silence fell between the two of them as Thad began to pace, presumably thinking of more jokes, scratching his chin. Whenever he’d think of one, he’d stop and blurt it out. Of course, most of his jokes needed her to respond, but J didn’t mind that.
With each joke, J would giggle just a little bit more than before, even snorting quietly once. She couldn’t help it.
The way he delivered each joke with enthusiasm and the tone of a comedian, his stupid, adorable little face, full of excitement and pure joy, his face brightening whenever he’d hear her giggles.
She had to admit, his charm was irresistible.
She slowly began to forget her worries, forgetting how much Thad and Tessa had in common.
After a prolonged silence, Thad stopped in his pacing again.
“Oh! What do you do if you get the bird flu?” He asked, that same silly grin playing on his face.
J leaned back and looked at him with a smile. “What?”
“You get— …Uh…” Thad trailed off, glancing at the snow.
“Wait, I— I forgot the punchline,” He chuckled softly as he spoke, furrowing his brows as he tried to remember.
J snickered. “Take your time.” She said smugly, turning back to her welding.
Silence fell between the two again as he wracked his brain, trying to remember. J almost forgot he had even started to set up a punchline.
Suddenly, Thad’s head jolted back up as he shouted.
“Tweetment!” He exclaimed, his voice so loud it echoed through the barren outdoors.
J finally couldn’t hold in her giggles anymore, a hearty laugh erupting from her throat as she leaned back from the spot she was welding. Her legs slipped, sending her careening off of the pod and into the snow, still laughing and smiling, snorting every once in a while.
Thad grinned at her, admiring her smile and the way she laughed. He loved every snort, every giggle, every time she would roll on the ground, clutching her sides as she couldn’t stop from laughing.
He had succeeded in getting her to let loose, at least for now.
He chuckled, approaching her from the side and leaning forward slightly to hover over her face, placing his hands on his knees.
“It’s nice to see you smile like this, Jaybird,” He said softly, his expression kind and full of adoration.
J’s heart exploded in her chest, butterflies in her stomach as her eyelights hollowed at what he had just said.
Tessa’s voice echoed in her head.
“It’s nice t’see ya smile like this, Jaybird!”
That same smile. That same nickname. That same damned expression and tone of joy and pride. Those damned green eyes.
J quickly sat up and shoved his face away, turning away from him and curling up in a ball, her hands on her head.
Thad yelped and stumbled back slightly, trying not to fall.
Damn it all! Why do you have to be like this, you stupid toaster! Why? …Why me? Is this my punishment? Is this what I get?
Her mind raced, a swirl of emotions, anger and sorrow and melancholy, her core pounding in her ears.
“J?” Thad asked, concerned, rubbing his face.
She didn’t respond, her arms beginning to tremble.
She hated him. No, she hated herself. How could she let this happen? How could she allow herself to fall so heavily for this little drone? He was so much like Tessa, yet so different at the same time. She craved to hear his voice and feel his touch all the same as she did with Tessa, yet somehow stronger.
Thad’s worry only grew as he stepped forward, placing a hand on her shoulder. “C’mon, Jaybird, talk to me. What’s up?” He asked again.
That stupid nickname!
He was so much like her. But what if he was too much like her? What if she had fallen for someone with the same quirks and personality and phrases as her first crush, just for them to be ripped away again? Just for her heart to be taken and stomped on and spit on all over again? What if he didn’t like her back? What if he was just there because he thought she was pitiful?
“…You’re so much like her,” J finally muttered, not lifting her head, her voice shaking. Despite her doubts, despite everything— she decided to tell Thad what was going on. Maybe not about how badly she wanted to kiss him, though. Not yet.
“…What?” Thad responded, sitting next to her in the snow.
“Tessa. Cyn was wearing her skin, you know.”
Thad’s eyebrows raised. “…Oh.”
J chuckled sadly, hugging her legs. “I’m such an idiot, Thad.”
She paused for a moment, waiting for Thad to react, though he didn’t.
“I sided with that thing because I thought there was no point in fighting. I knew what it could do. V and I both did.” She sniffled. “It toyed with us. It used us to slaughter billions, all three of us.”
As she began to explain, Thad sat beside her and rubbed comforting circles on her back, listening closely.
“It used us to kill Tess’s family. It used us to kill her. It wore her skin like a badge… I still remember her screams.”
Finally, J’s head lifted. She looked out at the snow, her eyelights hollow, digital tears wavering in the corners of them.
“…I tried to fight back, Thad. Before all of this— I wanted to stop it. But I never won. It would always kill me and then clone me again. There was no escape, even in death.” J paused again, then huffed. “Guess I was wrong.”
it became silent between the two. The air around them turned sour, dampened by J’s experiences.
She sniffled and sobbed, internally berating herself for being so vulnerable in front of a stupid adorable worker drone. She was pathetic.
“…Geez,” Thad finally muttered, “I can’t imagine how I’d feel if I was in your situation.”
J didn’t say anything.
“I… I don’t think you did anything wrong, J.”
She turned her head to him.
“Sure, you made some mistakes,” Thad said, shrugging, “but you were just scared. You did what you thought was right, even if it wasn’t the best. Everyone makes mistakes.”
J stared at him. “How can you not be mad at me?”
Thad thought for a moment, glancing at the stars. Then, he looked back at her. “Because everyone has their own story. You were forced to kill someone you were super close to. You gave up, because you couldn’t fight back. You only wanted to survive.”
He paused, then smiled. “In the end, that’s all any of us want, right? That’s why the Worker Drones fled under the ice when you guys showed up.”
J looked into his lime green eyes. Her heart swelled. He was genuine. He didn’t hate her. He actually understood her. He was finally someone who cared enough to see her side of the story, to listen to her grief and fear and empathize.
Something Tessa failed to do.
Tears welled up in her eyes again as she dropped her head back into her knees, hugging her legs.
Thad frowned, his brows furrowing in concern. He gently leaned on her, awkwardly slinging his arm around her shoulders and patting her arm.
“It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay, J,” He reassured, speaking slowly and softly.
Stop doing that.
She hated this. She hated being vulnerable like this, sobbing pathetically into her knees while a Worker Drone leaned on her, comforting her. She hated that it was working. She hated that she needed comfort. She had said it before, she would say it again. She didn’t need anybody.
…But deep down, she knew that wasn’t true. Without someone to boss her around, what was she worth? If she couldn’t do a job, what was the point? That was the real reason she had started to put that stupid pod back together.
Most of all, J hated how much she crumbled around Thad. She hated how much he reminded her of Tessa, and how she fell for him just like she did her. Just because they cared. Just because they were trying to save her from a terrible path. She hated how pathetic she was.
She was suddenly broken from her thoughts by the sound of an alarm. She hadn’t even realized she stopped crying. How long were they sitting there for?
Thad jolted upright, slapping his face.
“Crap! I stayed out too long! I’m sorry, J, but I gotta bolt!” He said in a panic, quickly scrambling to his feet.
J perked up as well, but quickly turned, her knees hitting the snow as she reached up and grabbed his wrist.
“Wait!” She called.
He stopped and looked back at her, surprised.
She looked back up at him. Blush spread across her visor as her jaw hung open, eyelights hollow.
Wait. What am I doing?! She thought, panic rushing through her wiring.
“…Uh… P…Please… don’t leave me.” She asked quietly, glancing away, “I… I, uh… I feel better when I’m around you, Thad.”
She groaned and pulled her hand away, covering her face.
“God, I’m so pathetic, aren’t I…?” She asked no one in particular.
Thad didn’t seem to move for a second. Then, he dropped down onto his knees and gently grabbed her hands, pulling them off her face with a soft smile.
“No no, it’s okay! What’s one missed day of school, right?” He shrugged, “It’s Friday anyway. I’ll stay. I promise.”
J looked at him in the eyes, her processor running at two miles an hour. She felt so conflicted— she wanted him to stay, but her pride— like it wasn’t already damaged enough— but it’s a Worker Drone! I don’t need pity from a worker drone—
“…Thank you.” She muttered, cracking a small smile.
Thad smiled back.
“No probbles.”
J snickered.
“Such a dumb abbreviation.”
She didn’t care. She could sit like this for the rest of forever.
HOOLLLYYY SHIIIT. LONGEST ONE OF THESE EVER I APOLOGIZE FOR ALL OF YOUR DASHBOARDS. ANYWAY. I'm so sorry this took fucking ages to complete, my personal life has been so so busy.
I HOPE YOU ENJOYED ANYWAY!! This was so so much fun to write, I love exploring J's character. AUGH. Don't worry Thad eventually helps her get over Tessa :D
Also so sorry to all the people who are waiting on their requests , especially to those who have been waiting since August. Life has been busy and I've been unmotivated. I'm hoping to get back to it whenever I can though!!!!
Prompt Post! Lizzy x Doll; "Stay with me forever"/"Because I love you!" N x V; "I thought you didn't want me"/"Why haven't you kissed me yet?" V x Thad; "I'm in love with you" V x Thad "I missed you so much"/"I can't stay away from you" N x Thad; "Can I kiss you?" N x Thad; "I want you. Only you." V x Thad; "I thought you didn't want me." Sam x Uzi; "The way I feel with you"/"I can't stay away from you." Uzi x Thad; "Please don't leave me"/"I'll always love you" N x Thad; "Please marry me"/"Why haven't you kissed me yet?" N x Uzi; "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen"/"I'm better when I'm with you" J x Thad; "Please don't leave me"/"I'm better when I'm with you." <- You are here!
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hoes4hoseok · 2 years
enhypen as folklore
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i enjoyed writing this so so so much and i had forgotten how much i liked writing these! the last few i churned out from a sense of obligation but i had a lot of fun with this one :) i hope you like it!
ni-ki as my tears ricochet
"cursing my name, wishing i stayed, look at how my tears ricochet"
i'm so sorry for this...we sure are starting with a bang because the lyric "i can go anywhere i want, just not home" physically makes me ache when i'm thinking about ni-ki 😭
1. he's literally far from home irl & 2. if you were with ni-ki...he'd feel like home & any end to the relationship would make you feel lost
overall, i just associate that type of hurt with ni-ki (yikes🤧💔)
jay as mirrorball
"i'm still on that tightrope, i'm still tryin' everything to get you laughing at me"
oh my goodness jay is such a mirrorball.
i'm not saying that he's desperate for attention or that he doesn't get any, (that's not what the song describes, anyways) but rather that he's trying. his best.
i get it if you don't understand the vision at first glance but after i gave it some thought i can see it so clearly
jungwon as seven
"we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry, or hide in the closet"
this song is so sweet & innocent in how it describes a childhood perspective of things & how simple we thought problems were then
i think that jungwon maintains a little bit of that innocent optimism even though he's older now :)
what really seals the deal for me is that he's the leader & literally solves problems for the group all the time (presumably)
i don't mean that he solves them like a child would, but the nostalgic comfort that the song brings is similar to the comfort i feel you'd get talking to jungwon 🤧
jake as august
"august slipped away into a moment in time 'cause it was never mine"
jake is wouldn't hurt you on purpose, & i think that goes without saying because he seems like such a sweetheart
but man, if you catch him at a vulnerable moment when his heart resides with someone else...he will break. your. heart.
the whole idea of not being able to call the end of a relationship what it is in your heart because you were never really together & he never really cared the way you did...CHILLS. terrifying. (my heart goes out to those who have experienced that irl, i'm so sorry).
jake fits the idea because i think he's trustworthy. like,, he could smile & you'd probably be sold (no offense)
again, at the end of the day, he didn't mean to hurt you. maybe that's what hurts most 👊
heeseung as illicit affairs
"you know damn well, for you, i would ruin myself a million little times"
i've always heard this song in two ways: a very literal sense of having a physical affair in secret && a more emotional version of it
personally, i can picture myself getting my heart broken by heeseung in both senses! might just be me though 😀
the thing is, he seems so charming & falling fast for him would be so easy that if you did, it's very possible that he wouldn't fall in the same way you did (i'm crying the song has been playing on loop for ten minutes now)
i was originally gonna give this one to jay & mirrorball to heeseung!! lmk what you think
sunoo as betty
"the only thing i wanna do is make it up to you"
sunoo would 100% be willing to serenade his apology...that being said, i do not think he's a cheater!
i feel like if he hurt you he'd want to make it up to you & apologize at the same time instead of hoping you just take the apology alone...like this man will make you feel WORTH IT
AGAIN he'd never cheat though ✋ (i think) but if he made you feel bad he's gonna fix it,, he isn't leaving you feeling like an old cardigan under someone's bed
for the record, i'm a 'betty takes james back' truther though.
sunghoon as the lakes
"i'm setting off, but not without my muse, no, not without you"
i am so passionate about preaching how this song & sunghoon are perfect for each other EEK
i love assigning songs about heartbreak to sunghoon because i just see him as a heartbreaker (whoops) but whoever he DOES end up with (if anyone) is one lucky mf
the idea of "all you need is each other" makes me melt because it's so so so romantic
it's not realistic for all couples & that's okay but i can see sunghoon wanting that kind of relationship someday :)
but beyond that he's also private & not very social (by his own description) so he just generally seems like he'd resonate with it 🥰
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txt version ☆ evermore version ☆ masterlist
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thegeminisage · 1 month
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. last night we watched voy's "waking moments" and ds9's "waltz" (omg waltz).
waking moments (voy):
i was afraid this one would be bad but it was good! -something i say about voyager a lot lately.
naked tuvok was extremely funny especially when they kept teasing him about it. he's like "vulcans dont experience embarrassment may we please change the subject as quickly as possible"
my villain origin story is when inception came out and claimed to be about lucid dreaming i, who was at the time obsessed with lucid dreaming and attempting to teach myself to do it, flipped my lid because absolutely none of it was even remotely accurate to like, actual dream science. (in the very first act, someone READS, which like...you can't read in dreams or at the very least not in the same way you do as in reality. i spent the whole movie fuming and took something very different from it than the shipping girlies did)
anyway, this healed me, because while i WAS annoyed that tom paris was like yeah one time with no training whatsoever i had a lucid dream (not impossible but man come on), he did quickly and accurately explain what they ACTUALLY were
this is also a piece of media that made me very afraid of the moon. just like majora's mask
like, the plot twist when he thought he was awake but was still dreaming...damn...they got us...and then they did it AGAIN. those magnificent bastards, etc
like, not only is that a very successful and smart bit of writing to be able to do the same twist twice, it had me guessing for the rest of the episode at what might be real and what might be fake. they could never do this, but chakotay seeing the moon again in the final shot would have been great
speaking of chakotay, can we please stop saying "vision quest" on this television show. that's two episodes in a row. he can just lucid dream like anybody. don't worry about it. you don't have to make a special racist lucid dreaming ritual
waltz (ds9):
OMG WALTZ...............................
dukat is crazy. off his fucking rocker. it's so good and so layered and it's the perfect way to illustrate that like. the ramifications of colonization and occupation on EVERYBODY involved without forgiving him for what he did and what was his personal responsibility to stand up against and like. how "good" people who do nothing are in so many ways worse than evildoers and become evil in a system that turns them into evil people because if you're not against the oppressors you're literally with them
like, dukat shows up to bajor and he is just Some Guy. shaped by the values of his culture (ie that their race is superior and colonization is the cool hip thing to do) yeah but he's just a dude. he's never really had to look at it up close until now. so he looks around at the labor camps and the executions and he goes yikes this makes me squeamish! hey guys what if we were super nice to the bajorans. and then less bajorans died and they were like Great this enables us to fight back better! let's do some terrorism! and he was like wait what why are you fighting back. you're supposed to love me because i said we should kill less of you. like i need you tell me it's all okay now and i fixed it and he absolutely SNAPPED when they would not do that
like he's crazy now but i think this is just the final result of like. he looked around at what was happening and he could not deal with the fact that he was participating in it. he needed someone anyone to tell him he was good and kind and loved and would never do such bad horrible things unless he was FORCED to and when no one told him that he just told himself that and it became the truth. because either someone forced him to do this or it's his fault and he is a bad and evil person
he begged sisko ALL. EPISODE. to tell him he wasn't evil. he just wants one single person to tell him he's not a bad person. that he wasn't a bad person when he raped leeta, or (in all probability) ziyal's mother. that he wasn't a bad person when he sentenced innocents to torture and execution and that he wasn't a bad person for overseeing the slave labor that BUILT THIS FUCKING STATION
and no one will tell him! his own daughter wouldn't tell him! ziyal got FUCKING SHOT because he's so evil his OWN DAUGHTER could not stomach what he's done. HIS OWN DAUGHTER. and he's so evil that he's not even grieving for her! he's grieving for the loss of the one person he had managed to trick into thinking he WASN'T evil! when sisko took him into prison and he handed back that baseball he was full of forgiveness because he wants just ONE PERSON to forgive him (even kira said this in a previous episode) and like NO ONE CAN. his own daughter can't!
and then hes like. well they MADE ME do this. the bajorans MADE ME punish them because they wouldn't worship me for being SLIGHTLY less awful than the other people occupying their planet and forcing them into labor camps. but I'M less awful everybody should LIKE me everybody should FORGIVE me but they MADE me execute them by the hundreds and rape and torture them they MADE me do that!
AND HE'S NOT EVEN GETTING MAD AT THE RIGHT PEOPLE. you could justify anger at the cardassian government even if that still does not let you off the hook morally for helping that government commit atrocities but he CAN'T. because his identity and his idea of acceptance is so tied up in that society he CANNOT believe it's the problem because it's too much like believing HE is the problem and he CANNOT be the problem because HE'S good and moral and soooo nice to bajorans! he was even "in love" (blech) with the bajoran who became ziyal's mom! he loves bajorans so much he called leeta into his office just to be better friends with one and definitely not abuse her at all!
and the end result is you take this mostly normal guy who is not a good person by any means but is also vaguely squeamish about war crimes happening right in front of him. and you put this guy who wants really badly to be liked in this position of immense power where he is doomed to be hated. and what that does is turn him into the screaming maniac we got in this episode saying he should have killed every bajoran man woman and child who ever lived. colonization ALSO HURT HIM, irreparably. like we're also doing a fantastic at job at illustrating the evils of colonization - just the entire concept of it is so systemically rancid that it is hurting and making worse literally every single person involved, because the people upholding it and participating in it, like dukat, can never ever be forgiven for that crime
AND HE SHOULDN'T BE. this is so crucial: there is NO sympathy. sure he is suffering but he made his own bed of nails he dug his own fucking grave and he DESERVES TO SUFFER there is no fucking m*rvel let's meow meow this guy bs. this is not l*ki this is not w*rd this is a fucking killer. this is a guy who sisko hits on the head with a pipe and says AND THAT IS WHY YOU'RE NOT EVIL??? we joke about speaking truth to power but jesus fucking christ sisko shouted it at power from the ground with a broken fucking arm and a phaser pointed at his head
it's just such a good job at making such a complex fucking villain without him needing a redemption or a sad little wet cat phase. it's so refreshing. sisko literally said damn sometimes i forget people really are evil but there it is. i hit evil on the head with a pipe and told him to get fucked
and by the way.......the fact that avery brooks did do little outside of ds9 is a fucking crime because good lord that man can ACT. the fact that he didn't win that vintage hot guy scifi poll is fucking unforgivable. not only is he hot but he is out-acting everybody else on that show by MILES except for perhaps nana visitor whomst he is only out-acting for like maybe one mile. he's running fucking circles around them. he should have been an a-lister. sisko is so cool and badass and sexy and i had never even HEARD of him until i was like halfway through tng. again i say: unforgiveable!!!!!
okay. i'm calm. i'm normal. ds9 GOOD.
TONIGHT: voy's "message in a bottle" and ds9's "who mourns for morn?" rip morn :(
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randomgentlefolk · 8 months
Hm, I wonder how Leelathae writes in her diary? I mean, does she write them in just dialogue, or narrative, or what? Either she is writes in dialogue, or she described the witch pretty well for Gwen to recognize who the witch is.
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I mean, I didn't expect these ingredients, but sure. Does this imply there's a cemetery near The Pastel Kingdom? Cause Leelathae isn't allowed to be far from home, right? And I doubt she would ask someone to get dirt from cemetery for her...
I wonder what Leelathae plan was? Cause she didn't get the chance to execute it since her portrait was stolen by Leland. Or maybe she did execute it while in the Plaid Kingdom?
I agree with the witch so much. The painters fr did Leelathae dirty 💀
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Huh. How does the ingredient turn into a paint-like liquid?? None of the ingredients are liquid based. Maybe the dirt?
This whole spell thing is sick man. It's so dang cool!! I wonder if anyone notices Leelathae sparkling?? I mean, one of the maids has got to notice right?
Also I've never knew there's tea inside snickerdoodles (chai is tea, right?). Well, it's not like I've ever tried snickerdoodles, but last time I read the recipe, I don't remember tea being in the recipe. But that was years ago so it might just be my memory.
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Well, the mystery of the portrait is finally solved! And yet there's another mystery.. what writing did Leelathae put behind her portrait? Yes, the diary is one of them, but there are other things too. Like those brown and green papers. I'm guessing it's a message toward her kids?
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Ohh, that's why!! Leelathae was glowy because of the spell!
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BRUH SO WAS IT LIKE, A MISUNDERSTANDING THIS WHOLE TIME?? I did kinda predict it in my really old post, but I was joking T_T
Something's kinda bothering me about what Leelathae said in her 3rd wish. Why is she only talking about her daughters? What about Jamie? Or is there a hidden meaning that I am not getting here? If someone would enlighten me, that would be nice.
Aw. It's actually pretty sweet when you think about how they didn't even know how to speak to each other at first, but they still fell in love with each other <3
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Oh. Oohhh....okay. This doesn't justify what Leland is doing right now, but it sure give a big reason for it. Yikes. Damn. That must've hurt.
Okay okay, let me just remember the past episodes to realize all the causes here.
Leland's parents died due to tragic carriage accident (didn't a carriage accident happen more than once? Tho I can't remember to who besides Leland's parents)
His best friend, Jack, didn't arrive to Leland's parents' funeral, which is the moment he needed him the most (not Jack's fault though, since he was literally stranded in an island)
Leland obviously has a little crush on Jack, which is why it hurts him when he found out Jack brought Leelathae to Pastel Kingdom (again, not Jack's fault). I think this is where he jealousy starts, the point where Leland thinks he has to be better at every love things than Jack.
He overheard Jack saying he didn't need him, which is probably the nail in the coffin for Leland. I mean that monologue Leland has? That's kinda internal mental breakdown right there. (I gotta say, this scenario is kindaaa similar to Gwen overhearing Frederick calls her ugly. I wouldn't say it's the exact same thing of course. It's just the overhearing that makes it similar)
So! Looking at these 4 reasons, it is highly likely that Leland has some problems (no shit sherlock). HEAR ME OUT. I don't know what it is yet. I was thinking of abandonment issues, but I have yet to read much about it, so i'm not sure yet.
HAH! Glad Leelathae decided to haunt his dreams tho!
OH SHIT OH SHIT. NAH LELAND NAHHHH. HE BETTER NOT. ....well at the time i'm writing this the next episode is already out so.. guess we're gonna find out...IN THE NEXT REVIEW!!
Yeah I haven't read the episode yet lol. I bet it's gonna be chaotic though.
That's it for now, until next time.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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mirzamsaiph · 7 months
Okay, calming down now. Hi, how are you doing? I hope you’ve been good. I AM SO SORRY I haven’t commented on your new chapter releases, I’ve been having a rough time, year 12 is hard man, and I still have like two more terms of school after this one, and then university. I promise you I have read every chapter you’ve dropped, even if I haven’t commented. I’ve been lamenting for days on whether or not to send you an ask bcs like, ur my fav and ya know, it’s only fair I do bcs I follow you anyway lol but I also have no idea what to say, ur making me shy, damn. I’ve just been lurking in your Tumblr feed, liking all ur posts like a gremlin bcs sending an ask is too scary, (forgive me, for I am a coward). How long has it been since I last commented, I don’t even know 🙁.
I’m writing this as a draft in Google Docs in the middle of my maths double, who writes a draft for an ask? Me, I write drafts for asks apparently, yikes man. The maths part doesn't matter, I do not care for it.
I still love every single one of your chapters, ESPECIALLY THE READING THE BOOK ONES!! LIKE HELLO?!?!? POSEIDON FOR BEST FATHER!?!?! Sobbing, screaming, crying after reading that, I love the sea fam. Percy is so bbg too, like hold him in my hands and give him lil forehead kisses kinda bbg, so precious. AND just the campers, they're so cute, I love when Camp Half-Blood actually comes across as a family, or like an actual camp, the singing around the camp-fire is so wholesome, and Will being Percy's hype-man, like c'mon man, they're just best buddies, I love that for them.
It is deeply important to me that you understand just how much I love your fics, and just like ur content in general. When I get bored I always check my emails for updates or I go on ur Tumblr and just scroll, like I love u pookie, fr.
I’m just gonna send this as is, I’m psyching myself out over this hahah. I’ll try and get around to commenting on chapters again, especially one’s I’ve missed, and if I have time I might just start sending them via Tumblr. I need like somewhere to list everything I wanna talk abt in the comments.
Anyway, bye bye, see u soon.
Fun fact, in however long I’ve had Tumblr, this is my first ask :3
PS: I just realised I never put my name lol, it’s Smoll_Satan. This is my Tumblr account 👍.
I’m doing great, school is kicking my butt :( trying not fail this semester as the moment. Year 12 (which I’m taking a wild guess and saying that is junior year, in American terms) is known as the hardest and most stressful year, so no judgement here girlie!
Don’t fear girl! I’m not scary at all, I’m like the literal least intimidating person on the planet. I’m just a girl I promise. I saw you go through and like my posts and I was giggling everytime I got a notification bc that was really nice 😭
Writing in your docs is so real because I have done the EXACT same thing so many times, mostly bc I fear tumblr is gonna bug out on me ;( Also I hate math too, it irks my soul.
THANK YOU. POSEIDON IS GETTING HIS REDEMPTION ARK. TRUST ME. I was screaming writing that, i was just so surprised that I wrote that because I lovedddd it.
Will and Percy are best bro’s but Percy is ready to threaten him when he and Nico get together. Trust Percy is a protective older brother… (the singing was so sweet :(()
GIRL I LOVE YOU OH M GEE YOU’RE SO SWEET. I love seeing your comments, whilst you look for my chapters I go looking in my comments for your comment.
Don’t psych yourself out when it comes to Tumblr asks! I love them, like I find it so amazing. If you do comment trust I’ll be replying to each one, they are the source of my amusement for each chapter. (literally have cackled reading your commentary)
BYE! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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When Rose Tyler meets a mysterious stranger called the Doctor, her life will never be the same again. Soon she realises that her mum, her boyfriend and the whole of Earth are in danger. The only hope for salvation lies inside a strange blue box.
1. LOVE this opening. Such a great bedroom hahah. Perfectly messy and pink—makes me wonder what t2r’s shared bedroom must look like now!
2. What does Jackie do for a living? I know it’s canon (or fanon?) that she’s a hairdresser but do we actually ever see her working as one?
3. Who’s Derek? And why does Rose think a mannequin prank would be up his lane? RUN. Such a great meet cute 😭😭😭😭 these two are married now you guys!!!!!!!
4. ‘Cos to get that many people dressed up and being silly, they got to be students. 
That makes sense. Well done. 🥺🥺 nothing just the Doctor always appreciating the insight Rose brings🥺🥺
6. ‘So, I'm going to go up there and blow them up, and I might well die in the process, but don't worry about me. No, you go home. Go on. Go and have your lovely beans on toast.’ ohhhhh he wants her to join him so bad 😭 the poor guy. This is right after he’s destroyed his entire planet and there’s just SOMETHING about Rose he sees, huh? 😭🥺 also ’Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life.’ Such a great line!
7. TARDIS appearance!
8. ‘Honestly, it's aged her. Skin like an old bible. Walking in now you'd think I was her daughter.’ oh my God Jackie Tyler I have missed you. Imagine your mum reacting to you almost getting blown up like THIS though 🤣 yikes!
9. Rose doesn’t tell Mickey about the Doctor—no matter how ridiculous the plastic plot sounds she believes him, even if it is unconsciously at the moment
10. All the calls Jackie is getting one after the other insinuate a pretty closely knit neighbourhood, doesn’t it? All these people know where Rose works and are concerned enough to call up. Imagine how traumatic the sudden shift to Pete’s World must’ve been for Jackie—I know she’s got the parallel version of Bev but it’s not the same, and it must’ve taken a WHILE to adjust to everything.
11. “The airs and graces” comment. So much to be dissected here! Jackie’s relationship with herself and with her daughter implied very heavily in this one line. She seems to be jealous, even.
12. They have a cat flap! Rose confirmed cat person moment (1). The Doctor waiting outside the flat xD. Talk about picking up strays🥺
13. The dialogue is so damn gooood. And Christopher’s delivery is so endearing
14. Jackie hitting on the Doctor!!!!! Need tentoo to bring this up ASAP. She’s his mother in law😭
15. Staircase shot is incredible. Love the Sort of, yeah❤️ bit. Also love how the Doctor repeatedly checks on how she’s handling the information (*Are you alright? Do you believe me?*)—however unconsciously he’s doing it, he IS checking her suitability as a potential companion 🥺
16. Mickey SMH. Also apparently he doesn’t wash his dishes 🤣
17. Loveee Clive. RTD’s writing is so immersive, it really makes the whole world come alive. These side characters add so much depth to the story—something sorely missing in the Moffat and Chibnall eras.
18. THE WHEELIE BIN. I always forget how fucking ridiculous this episode is until I rewatch it 🤣 also lord Rose is so uninvested in this relationship. P-P-PIZZA will always be one of my fav lines
19. The infamous Jimmy Stone! I love how we’re given the one line about him and it’s inspired thousands of fics. Rose considering completing her A Levels here—would that be something she’d be interested in doing in Pete’s World?
20. TARDIS!!!!! Doomsday theme begins here 😓😓 love how the Doctor is judging how easily she can accept his alienness—he claims to be done with human companions every time but he is undoubtedly impressed by Rose. Also find it incredibly interesting he didn’t even think about Mickey being dead. This, contrasted with other alien lives (including the Daleks, sometimes) that the Doctor seems to value…is an intriguing juxtaposition. Is there a little simmering jealousy of the boyfriend already? Is he slightly unable to look at consequences of actions beyond his own? He has just come off of a genocide at this moment
21. Mickey’s mother! Bit of a mistake here, we learn that he was raised by his grandma in *Father’s Day*
22. Lots of planets have a North!!!
23. I always found it funny that Rose, who seemed so upset about Mickey a second ago, is now holding hands with Nine and running down the bridge lmfao. They really are very alike in their love for the thrill.
24. ‘Yeah, that was always a possibility. Keep him alive to maintain the copy.’
You knew that and you never said? 
Can we keep the domestics outside, thank you?’ hmmm. Jealousy, perhaps? Or a disregard for lives he doesn’t believe are at the same level as that of higher beings? As much as he rejected the Time Lords, he is a product of his origin, and has quite a condescending view of humans
25. Shunt off. God, I love you RTD
26. The Nestene Consciousness is alarmed when it recognises that he is a Time Lord. Later in the show, it’s implied that the Time Lords were almost, if not as bad as the Daleks were, during the Time War.
27. RIP Clive 🕊️ fingers crossed it’s your cameo we’re getting in the 60th
28. Rose! My beloved! Bronze medalist! This screencap in particular is very Bad Wolf
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29. I honestly can’t wrap my mind around people who say Rose was wrong for going with the Doctor. He came back for her!!!
30. The perfect opening episode. Extrapolation is done so elegantly and we even get a sense of how absurd the show can get. 10/10, and one of my favourite episode 1s!
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ofallthingsnasty · 11 months
Omg that new capture kill post was amazing! well worth the wait😫😫😍Bill is the worst lmao
I mean considering the circumstances of this relationship, it could be a way worse situation for the reader. But I could just feel the reader's frustration with her life in the writing. She's so bitter about it all ( understandable lol) but she can't escape from this prison that Bill has made for her because he's a damn werewolf that will track her down no matter where she goes💀💀💀 And now that she already has a kid, along with Bill actively trying to knock her up again....yeah the 'JuST DivORCE HIm' advice isn't going to cut it🙃🙃
And jeez Bill is such a deadbeat lol Does he actually help out at all with the housework and looking after their daughter? I can just imagine the poor reader later on pregnant AGAIN and with one kid tied to her back, another in her arms, and little Claire throwing a tantrum in the corner, and the reader just begging Bill to please help her make dinner😭😭😭 And Bill just laying on the couch smoking a cigarette going 'nah you got this babe, but we can fuck after you put the kids to bed😘' ughhhhh what a jerk💀💀💀💀
Out of all the men you have written about, I honestly thought that local nasty man Micah Bell would be winning the award for worst husband/father of the year🏆But he's got some serious competition lmaooo😭🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ because from your posts at least Micah does the reader the one favor of pissing off for a couple weeks/months and leaving her in peace. So I honestly don't know who is worse out of the two yikes haha. And Evan? Sure he would be a pretty good dad, but with the trade off that the reader is never allowed to leave the basement...ever...soo🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Sorry about the long rant😅 your fics just vibe with my brain so much💖💖
😭💕 Oh my god please never ever ever apologize for ranting in my inbox, there is no such thing!! I'm beyond stoked that someone thinks that deeply about my silly little creations 😭 And I'm glad it was worth the wait for you!! Some days I can only write 200 words because I have so little time, which complicates things so much, ack
I mean considering the circumstances of this relationship, it could be a way worse situation for the reader.
That's true, haha - if you tried to pull these little stunts with Evan, you'd lose 'talking privilege' quicker than you can say fuck off. Bill is really only that lenient because he knows you can't leave (and because it's hot to get you all riled up and then take you down a peg or two). He isn't delusional, either - he knows full-well that what he's done is fucked up but why should he care again? You're his cute (sometimes hissy) little wife, you cook, clean, take care of his children - and he can fuck you whenever he wants to, because what you're gonna do? Fucking nothing, that's right.
He has his silly little 'old man' insecurities because you're a bit younger than him and can get quite jealous, but that's remedied with making you stink of him. Easy.
And jeez Bill is such a deadbeat lol Does he actually help out at all with the housework and looking after their daughter?
With housework? Oh no, never 😭
With Claire? Kind of? He takes Claire off your hands once in a while - his secret weapon is his mother, who is a rather lovely lady, actually. That woman pities you so much, she'll even let your (future) three kids dance on her back if it means that you can catch your breath here and there. He does more with his sons than with Claire - but only to bully them into becoming "real men" (😢). He's such a fucking asshole, I'm making myself mad over here lol (Also you're spot-on with that scenario, that is him to a T 😭)
Out of all the men you have written about, I honestly thought that local nasty man Micah Bell would be winning the award for worst husband/father of the year🏆But he's got some serious competition lmaooo😭🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
💀😂 hfdjfhdsjk - Micah might leave you and the kids for weeks at a time but your finances are a DISASTER. Bill isn't the richest man in the world, either, but at least he has a stable income and with the exception for cigarettes, he actually doesn't spend much money on himself. Every penny goes to the kids, then you - he has at least a little bit of honor. (And tbh I pictured the reader-character as at least a part-time worker - as long as it's feasible, of course. I heard childcare is expensive asf in the US.) Sorry, Bill - you only get second place 😭
(Also Evan is actually a super involved, very loving father. Considering that you're never leaving the house unsupervised, that man shoulders everything. But he does it with glee. He loves his little boy. He's just an absolute freak of a husband 😭😂)
Thank you so much for this sweet ask!! You made me think of the logistics of this way way deeper than I ever thought I would lmao
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
heyy i just saw that you write for knb so pls can i have headcanons for aomine with black s/o that plays tennis ?
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Warnings : Aomine is a bit of a perv (obviously), couple of curse words, black!reader and blasian!Aomine, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : fluff <3
Word count : 0.9K words
Additional notes : Thank you so much for requesting for KnB! 🥰 It’s one of my favorite shows, but the fandom has pretty much gone into hiding 🫠However, I’d like to comment on something, nonnie. As someone who is very heavily mixed and has never been represented in any piece of media, or in any work of fanfiction, I’ve tried to rectify that by making absolutely sure to never describe any body type or size, facial features, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, personal experiences, religious beliefs, or even something as silly as hair length—unless, of course, it is a comfort fic that has been specifically requested by a person, which I have considered this to be, or an emergency request. I aim to be as inclusive as possible with my writing by making zero references to anything detailed, because the last thing I would want is to see someone feel disappointed that they do not feel seen. Fics are a source of comfort for everyone, after all. I did write this just as you’d wanted it, nonnie, but I hope everyone understands where I’m coming from by keeping all my readers so vaguely described! All things aside, I hope you like this one because I personally loved writing it (and honestly I related to a lot of these points; particularly with wash day being today… yikes) 💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp.
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Now I am of the firm belief that Aomine himself is blasian with a close extended family and I will die on this hill, so bear this in mind as you read on
He’s… a piece of work, to say the least
It took a lot of time to convince him that no, ogling at magazines is not exactly acceptable behavior when he’s no longer a bachelor
But then again, he slowly found himself losing interest in the pinups anyways the further his relationship developed with his sweetheart
After all, his eyes always trailed after them no matter what, completely enraptured by them and their body regardless of how they were feeling (yes, even as they scolded him) to the extent that he’d even grin
Needless to say, this granted him a lot of annoyed “Eyes up here, Daiki”s, but they never quite found it in their heart to actually get mad at him; not when he always looked like he’d never take his eyes off them like that
It was equal parts flattering and embarrassing, really
As someone who’d spent quite literally half his life dedicated to sport (or as dedicated as he felt like being, in all honesty), he was ten times more appreciative of their figure because he knows damn well just how much effort goes into maintaining it like that
Every toned muscle, every curve and indentation; it had him spell-bound and admiring just how hardworking they are to be this… ridiculously hot
Speaking of sports, Aomine might be the best boyfriend when it comes to having an athletic partner, even if he’s a little embarrassing
He wasn’t particularly interested in tennis—or anything aside from basketball, really—but he sure as hell was in awe with how much effort they put in on the daily
Early morning runs, gym sessions, tennis practices day in day out; they really worked themselves to the bone to aim for their goal, and there wasn’t anything he found more attractive than that
He’d be the sort of boyfriend who’d show up to matches with a devilish smirk and tell his partner to go kick some ass—the loud, proud boyfriend if you will
You’re sorely mistaken if you think his inflated ego doesn’t extend to his lover’s incredible achievements
Any cheating or misconduct from their opponent? You can bet he’s spewing filth from the sidelines at the top of his lungs (and yes his lack of subtlety got him kicked out of the stands more than just the one time)
But honestly, his slight vulgarity is pretty motivating, because they know that they’ve got a supportive boyfriend to back them up
Come win, come loss, he’s always there to share every moment with them, a lazy arm draped around their shoulders
Given his genius in his own sport, they should prepare themselves for his grumbling and lack of enthusiasm whenever they go out to practice
Cut him some slack; he’s never had to work much when his prodigy far surpassed anyone else’s talents, so practicing was simply a waste of time for him for a couple of years, and he might discourage them in that regard
Aomine might be a little tactless sometimes and say unintentionally cruel things, but then again he’s still learning how to rely on someone else; it’s been so long since he had someone place absolute faith in him while simultaneously having high expectations of him
He very clearly struggles with openly expressing how he feels, so it will take some time for them to feel like they have him completely to themselves, all vulnerabilities exposed to them
However, he truly does appreciate their honesty and openness with him, because it encourages him to do the same; the reassurance that this is a safe space eventually gets to him
Given how his cousins and extended family were always around when they were little, he’s got some helpful experience dealing with levels late-3/4 curly/coily hair, and would absolutely be a great help when it comes to wash day… that is, if they can deal with his impatience throughout the entire process
He’s got the strength and deft fingers for it though, so they let him earn his pay (that pay being an obscene amount of make out sessions and begrudging cuddles that he’ll never admit to craving)
Despite being dark-skinned like his father, Aomine tends to get sunburnt very easily, so after he stubbornly grits his teeth and ends up achey and irritated with his burns for years, they force him to finally apply sunscreen—and he’ll be happy to return the favor, especially if they’re on the beach together and his hands get to wander a little over the expanse of exposed skin
The field of professional sports have had a very long, deep-rooted history in systemic racism, and he’s seen the effects firsthand as a blasian pro-basketball player in Japan, so there’s no one better than him to understand what his partner goes through in the world of tennis
Every vent of frustration is one he takes very seriously; it’s one of the rare times he listens intently without making any cheeky or annoying comments
Whether they want him to interfere and submit a formal complaint is up to them, but he’s just as willing to simply give them some much-needed emotional support and get angry on their account
It makes them all the more proud of their achievements, knowing just how much more they’d struggled than your Average White Joe, and that triggers Aomine’s boasting of his incredible, strong, badass lover
Yes he’s a dick but he’s their dick
All in all, it’s a learning curve, but he’s generally a very fiery person, so once things betwen them have been established as being pretty serious, he’s an A+ supportive boyfriend
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Taglist: @mrsgiovanna
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[I wrote this post like a diary entry, personal feelings here, I like to write my thoughts down to process them and also purge them so I don’t have this whole mental debate every time someone appears in my notifications to say something to spark it etc etc]
I can be very "don't knock it till you try it" about things, and part of what actually made me realize how acespec (or demi) Simon reads, how much he centers his desire in Baz etc is actually engaging with content that argues the opposite. I remember when I was still reading the books (I think it was february, last year?) I saw something like "we can all agree Simon likes more than one gender based on [insert boobs quote]" and I was like "oh sure, totally" – it was... months? later that I went back to that like "wait a minute... no, we do not agree, please read that quote again but slowly." Or it was seeing content where Simon was into Agatha that made me realize the difference between the assumptions people make vs the things that are actually said by Simon and Agatha and how they express it vs (maybe more importantly) the things that are never said. Seeing Simon portrayed as ~typical young boy crushing on the Pretty Girl~ is part of what made me realize how he’s not actually like that – and likely has never been like that – with her. The way he expresses himself in what he thinks and the formative things from the past he shares (like saying he has always “wanted her” in a memory where he is actually wondering how it feels to be like her) (and the things he never thinks!) about her doesn’t support it. The first time I read that inanimate objects I was like "so he was attracted? yikes" (my first read with those two, even before giving them any thought, was a constant "yikes"... I Did Not Like their Vibes, I'll tell you that much). It was a second or maybe a third read of that scene that got me like "oh, this sneaky little mess is not even answering the damn question here.... he completely avoids giving a real answer until he starts saying he doesn’t think he was attracted... You almost fooled me, Simon. You almost fooled me..."
Part of me realizing how Simon is really not experiencing attraction whenever he says someone is cute or whatever is looking at content that argues otherwise – it's in seeing why this is argued. Or how, despite me seeing the appeal and loving some characters who are Total Sluts, when it’s Simon I’m like “I don’t knock your game or your hoe ways but I might as well call you Willy or Jon or something.” It’s just became essential to who Simon is, to me, the things he’s communicating when he’s calling himself a “Baz-sexual,” and the way in which he doesn’t see the appeal of sex for the sake of sex. I've personally come to hate slut Simon AUs, actually (there's a difference between being A Slut and being horny) (Simon is only horny around one person) (I understand that sometimes, the appeal is no deeper than “X is hot, the people want to see X fuck!!” but to me it doesn’t apply here because it just stops feeling like it’s him and not Willy boy or whoever.) 
I don't write as much about Baz only because of how clear he is in his thoughts, whereas Simon is easy to misinterpret, or tricky to figure out, but: I also don't think Baz would be into the Slut Life, or that he would be into or remain into someone who's enjoying a life of slutdoom (as a compatibility thing, I mean. This dude sees mule-headed Simon sticking his chin out to single-mindedly commit and he's suppressing an exasperated sigh and a boner) (his exchange with Dev makes me think he's pretty chill about others being Sluts, but I don’t think it’s something he wants for himself or would be into in a potential partner; he dreads a future where he might be sneaking out to sleep around – which to me speaks more to how he doesn't think he would fall in love with anyone who isn't Simon, rather than him desiring casual sex. He wants emotional connection and devotion and commitment and monogamy). I have a stronger "nope" reaction with Simon, and I think part of it it's that Simon hits a very specific spot in the way he engages with intimacy that I don't often see in media, much less with male characters. It’s part of why I’m drawn to him, and like I said: when you remove the things he communicates with his “baz-sexual” comments, I think an essential part of what makes the character goes missing and... I miss it, when it’s not there. I think about how in the MRB AU, even when Simon didn’t hope for more than just Baz’s friendship, he was completely unable to keep his attention away, or look for something with someone else. He wasn’t going to the clubs or hooking up to decompress or something, it was all Baz for him. Not to be crass, but as soon as even the concept considers him sticking his dick in non-Baz orifices (outside of the very specific comphet scenario where he is notably not even turned on) I'm putting my hands in my pockets, whistling as I look for the exit. Nothing to see here, for me. Just not for me. 
I recognize that part of it it's that I'm here for snowbaz exclusively and I'm not even a little bit interested in reading them in any sort of romantic or sexual scenario with anyone else (or any lasting thing that could come out of it, like co-parenting with someone else or a divorce scenario where there are still ties or something like that) which means there are plenty of stories what I would normally be totally into! but as soon as I cast Simon and Baz in the lead roles specifically... that kinda puts a damper on things, for me. I would read the fuck out of certain stories and concepts, but not necessarily with them. I don’t mind when it’s like, past experiences that are meant to inform things about the characters (but who the ex is it’s none of my business!) I don’t think every story is for every character (although I understand some find the appeal in this sort of approach). Part of the appeal with those two for me is in the ways in which they love each other and how much and how unhinged they are about it (it’s only ever been Simon for Baz and... it’s only ever been Baz for Simon! Even though he dated before! half of this blog is about noting the latter haha he might be less obvious or less direct, but it’s there) For everything else... I’d just rather look elsewhere
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nocaptainonthisship · 11 months
twenty questions for fic writers
thanks for the tag @wyrd-syster and @bad-surprise!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
9, as of this moment, but 10 by the end of the week.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Just over 85k which feels both low and absurdly high.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Actively, Rings of Power, though I've also got a Captain Swan one-shot, and dabbled briefly with Reylo.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(Artanis) -- my beloved. In which Halbrand is an international superstar, and Galadriel is the girl who broke his heart.
To Make A Queen -- the beginning of it all. I wanted to write a one-shot to remove the haladriel brain rot. It became a two-shot. 11 months later, we're here.
it will come back -- my longest complete work to date. I am immeasurably fond of it, and desire never to read another word of it again.
once, i belonged to you(and twice i was free) -- the rapunzel inspired dead-dove. in which galadriel is a princess locked in a tower, and halbrand is her jailor.
A Kingdom They Became -- what started as my own personal breakdown about my chronic pain became possibly the work I am proudest of to date. I am still overwhelmed by the response to this fic.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Eh. I certainly try to. However, my brain does a thing, you see, where 24 hours after I post something to ao3, the door is closed and my brain considers that fic officially DONE. After that point, responding to comments is a much steeper uphill battle. That being said- I do read and savor every single one of them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hands down, its It Will Come Back. I had *intended* to write a happy ending, but the closer I got to the end, the more I realized that a happy ending would not have been satisfying. I'm incredibly proud of the ending I wrote, but it definitely hits the angst pretty hard.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Dangerous Creatures -- silly little aussie farm-life fluff. (But its haladriel, so Gal still kills something.)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. I have- up to this point, anyway- been incredibly lucky.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but what kind?? Still figuring that one out, so for now I'll say, "Whatever kind I can manage on any given day."
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't. I might in the future, but I do have a hard time taking crossovers seriously as a reader- I imagine that feeling would be far worse as a writer.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, thank god.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but maybe one day!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Cowritten- no. I am a beta on a fic (this is not a come-on* in any way shape or form by the lovely @ophidion) which is a process I've more than once compared to being a midwife helping someone bring new life into the world.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
All time fave seems like a great way to get me to change my mind tomorrow(no, I'm not commitment-phobic, you are!) so I'll just say I like pretty, bitey girls and bad men who want to change but don't know how. In any permutation.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Everything that is out there currently, I am confident I will finish. The things I've thus far kept to myself? Only time will tell.
16. What are your writing strengths?
This question feels like a personal attack. Yikes. I think- I hope- the way I write sweeps you up like a raging river, uses rhythm and verbiage to transport the reader entirely into a different world. I'm good at the mechanics behind making you *feel* something, of manipulating an emotion to transport you inside what a character is feeling.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Speed. They say you shouldn't care about your first draft, because you can always fix it later. Well, jokes on them, I NEVER fix it later, so I damn well better do a decent job on my first pass. This makes me slow, and makes the thesaurus app on my phone one of my top used.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do not do this, other than perhaps a words here or there(and that word is almost always going to be a pet name I make no apologies.) I think it has it's time and place, but it can also pull you out of the story entirely.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Lost (Skate Lives, bby!) beginning wayyy back in the summer of 2005. I was 12, so I thank the gods every days that lost-forum is dead and I never cross posted to ffn. (I also wrote for twilight back in the day, but we don't talk about that.)
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
The A Kingdom, An Empire, A Home series has, I think, my most beautiful writing to date, and despite being incredibly difficult to write(or perhaps because of it) it is also the most satisfying. It is a complex exploration of pain, redemption, and the complicated feelings towards parenthood. If I traveled back in time to just a year ago and showed past!cap that prose, I don't know that she would believe herself capable of it. Turns out she is wrong, and there is only better to come.
tagging: @alicuntismswrites, @lisenberry, @pursuitseternal, @hazelmaines, @mostlydriedmango, @maironite
(I do not know who has already done this, sorry!)
(Also, if you've tagged me in one of these games at any point in the last couple months and I've ignored: I'm sorry, don't hate me. My brain has been a mess, and these sometimes seem intensely overwhelming.)
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dottores · 1 year
AHHHHHHHH screamed and sobbed into my pillow when I came home to read the new chapter of Heliotropes. I fought every inner demon afterwards I’m not even gonna lie to you.
I’m the commenter from ao3 of the color purple, and I saw your response to my comment and cried even harder bro. I know it’s only been four chapters (and a segment data page!), but I’m already so attached. The ending of the new chapter hand me audibly going “no nO NOOO”. Arggggg darn you, your angsty ideas, and how well you execute them.
I’m so happy that I was right about how much Dottore has influenced her, even more than we had been originally lead to believe. However all your hints of future fights has me sweating in my seat, but excited nonetheless!! It’s interesting for me to think about how sneaky Ms. Purple must have become over the years. Being a good secret keeper and staying under the radar must be hard, and she’s definitely learned a thing or two, I’m sure.
Seeing how conflicted Ms. Purple is with her family is so interesting, especially since we already know that Dottore probably wouldn’t care for her family no matter how wonderful they are. I love him, but I fear he might take advantage of her distance from them by making it worse or manipulating the situation. She cares for them, and you can’t just stop loving someone, even if they hurt you again and again. This is something I doubt Dottore would be able to understand, since emotions aren’t something he can typically rationalize.
ALSO IM SO HLAD YOU DIDNT MAKE MS. PURPLE A COOKIE CUTTER THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I’m so happy you’ve become invested in this fic, as I can see just how much it’s helping you explore both yourself and your talents.
When I went back to reread The Color Purple again, I realized how close Delta and Iota must be to her. On top of that, Dottore had already threatened to send Theata to work with Delta. I was thinking about how funny that was, as those three would be the most problematic for Dottore if they found his (their? Technically) soulmate first.
Also I already suspected Brighella of something bad, BUT NOW IM THOROUGHLY CONVINCED HES THE SPY. Which would be so SO bad for arlecchino since she brought him in (yikes).
All of this is making me wonder about possibilities and routes. I’m curious to find out what Ms. Purple will do to earn Dottore’s respect, because even if he does care about her as she’s his soulmate, that doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t really want her there. The plot thickens.
NO WORRIES ABOUT THE COMMENT BTW!! I’m surprised you even responded, it really made my day <33 Your work inspires me, and I’ll never shut up about how great you are in expressing exactly what the characters are feeling or doing without losing the audience’s focus. I’ve yet to read any of your stories and feel uninterested, even on characters I don’t particularly care for. Thank you so much for your time and efforts, I promise you me and hundreds of others are always thrilled to see that you’ve updated.
Best of luck on your future works!!
ok hehe rest below the cut
GDJHSDHJSJDHSH i actually wasn’t going to end the chapter with that, bc i usually like leaving it at 4 scenes BUT I HAD THE IDEA AND COULDNT LET IT SLIP BY HAHAHAHHA it would be just his luck to get THAT as his word right after all that LMAOOO and yk damn well he’s gonna take it the wrong way
🤭🤭🤭 the sneakiness and having to hide it is something else that it’s gonna be explored more in chapter 5 & 6. i just planned chapter 5 and i’m gonna start writing it friday i’m rlly excited for it, i think it’s the chapter i’m most excited for thus far.
the conflict between her and dottore when it comes to family is gonna be a BIG ONE, djsjdjjsjd i actually literally changed the whole original fic at chapter 2 to center around this conflict. without too much spoilers, i got the idea from the tik tok audio that goes “if i betray you, i betray myself. but if i betray them, i betray my country. my country is very dear to me.” “dearer than i?” “no, not dearer than you” HAHAHHAHA i’m rlly excited to get to that point too
DELTA AND IOTA WERE LITERALLY A TOWN OR TWO OVER FROM HER BEFORE SHE LEFT TO LIVE IN THE CITY. when iota finds out, he cries LMAO. if they had found her first, it would be the end of all things for dottore LMAOO he would be miserable 💀💀💀 the only thing that would’ve made it worse if gamma was there too. he hasn’t been introduced in the fic yet.
SOBS ILYSM 🥹🥹🥹🥹 that rlly might’ve been the sweetest thing anyone’s said to me i’m quite literally about to cry, i wish i could give you the biggest hug. i love asks and comments, theyve deadass been what’s pulled me out of writers block like dozens of times. i think i told you in the ao3 comment but ur comment there saved my ass like three times HAHAH. i showed my bf and i was like “if i ever start complaining about being stuck, send me this” and he DID and it worked like a charm every time LMAO. i always try to respond but sometimes it just takes me half an eternity because i’m swamped with work and drained SOBS. so i’m sorry if it ever feels like i’m not responding bc i promise i try to get to it at a decent time but i just get so overwhelmed and then i crash for a few days.
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mamamittens · 10 months
Things I did today
Confirmed that standing for about 10 hours makes my joint hurt like an wizened husk. Already knew but nice to confirm I guess.
Specifically that my left ankle is a bitch cause I favor my right side for breaks that's just leaning on the other side and wriggling my foot around to feel the blood rush to my toes.
Listen to hours of music and reddit stories while working cause otherwise I'd lose my shit listening to cardboard scraping around in sensory overload. (The fucking boiling hot tea people share, bless them and oh my God I am so sorry you're living in a bad Hallmark movie, YIKES)
Had subway. It was nice.
Stayed off my feet so I don't cry tomorrow standing on them all day again and knowing it may very well be this way well into next week. Might massage them a bit but I'm afraid of the noises I'd make if I did that.
Things I did not do
Go to bed early.
Write for literally any fic.
What else is new.
Look, I'm just really not sure how to interpret "Kraken WBP" alright? My mind keeps insisting cheeky large mermaids but there's already that in OP so Krakens have to be different but how different???? How would reader and WBP even interact for long??? Why??? Kraken means tentacles to me but, like, all of them??? All of them got tentacles, this feels weird, that can't be right what now???
I'm starting to wonder if it's going to be a tradition that the last Spooktober fic just never gets written cause that's also what happened last year. A mix between straight up putting it off and faltering on how to execute the idea. It's all well and good to pitch the idea but follow through is a bitch sometimes. Doesn't help that it's not anyone's specific request so I'm not disappointing anyone in particular by just never writing it...
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As for my other fics, it's really hard to motivate myself to write right now since work has extended an extra hour so my fuck about time has shortened as well. I've slept better though (passed out with my phone in hand and woke up at 2 am to plug it into the charger) so there's that. Still so fucking tired but at least my paycheck will be nice.
Be better if they gave me that damn raise I should have gotten TWO YEARS AGO FOR CERTIFICATIONS but whatever. I'll just die mad about it like every other mild inconvenience, it's fine. Chill. Totally chill.
I am so chill right now.
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hoes4hoseok · 10 months
txt as emails i can't send
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enhypen version ☆ sour version ☆ masterlist
"i'm gonna see sabrina today YAY <3"...is what i wrote as the caption for this in APRIL when i started writing this. she was AMAZING though. enjoy!
beomgyu as read your mind
"you say that you wanna be alone, but night & day, want me at your beck & call"
beomgyu is 100% cryptic but (hopefully) only until you actually start dating
so it might be very hard to read him & figure out whether or not he wants you
he definitely thinks of a partnership as a team (as he should)
but...he might have trouble doing that if he hasn't dated anyone in a hot minute
i think he'd be kinda unintentionally hypocritical & be like "just tell me" when you're hiding something from him
&& then turn around & do the same thing LOL
hueningkai as already over
"how am i supposed to close the door when i still need the closure?"
something about the yeehaw energy in this song screams hueningkai to me
but beyond that, i low-key think hueningkai wouldn't have the guts to break up with you
&& i don't mean that solely in a the way that he strings you along, but rather the "i like you a lot so i'll keep making out with you but this is not working & we both know it" way
you could sense it too but you'd kind of be the same way 😭
that's not healthy though!! we all know that right?!
yeonjun as bet u wanna
"hurts to see me out of your reach, bet you wanna touch me now"
i can see this going both ways, no matter who dumped who, one of y'all would probably regret it!!
if it was you regretted it, it would be sparked by just seeing him him again
whereas i can picture yeonjun having terrible timing and realizing he still wanted you after you were already moving on with someone else
either way, you would not get back together after this fiasco. because damn.
also. something about the yeehaw energy in THIS song screams YEONJUN to me.
soobin as skinny dipping
"it'd be so nice, right? right? if we could take it all off & just exist"
soobin wouldn't want to go no-contact after your break up, but that's just how it works out sometimes
it's hard to see someone you still love & not be with them!
so naturally, you'd stop going to your coffee shop at the same time & texting him about your family drama
but you'd miss each other
so naturally, you'd think a lot about meeting him again under different circumstances when you could forget about the unintentional pain you caused each other
i think if you did meet each other in the future, friendship would definitely be on the table
&& maybe more further down the line :)
taehyun as things i wish you said
"i waste my time, i waste my life on idiotic things, like things you never said, things you'll never say to me"
taehyun may be honest with you when you break up but,, that doesn't mean that the truth is what you want to hear
so he'd tell you as much of the truth he thinks you can "handle" but that just hurts you more because you fill in the gaps yourself
&& afterward you'd just kind of be hoping it's hurting him as much as it's hurting you
when it isn't — & you have to remind yourself that he would have told you if it did
but really,, would he?
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enhypen version ☆ sour version ☆ masterlist
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amadwinter · 11 months
20 Question Fic Writer Tag
shamelessly stolen
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
30… somehow I published 27 fics this year yikes. And there will be more
2.) What's your ao3 word count? 
216,689; 167,675 written this year
3.) What fandoms do you write for? 
Star Wars, almost exclusively. Hoping to finish my one Marvel WIP but all the others on my hard drive will probably remain in the graveyard. Might get around to some HP stuff again at some point
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
An Unorthodox Courtship, won't stop to surrender, the thrill of the fall, you can't just leave me, will you give in to me? (not counting my Marvel WIP whoops)
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I TRY but damn I’m bad at it
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Maybe monsters begetting monsters? Or please and thank you. There’s a real pattern I have for hurting Obi-Wan. Special mention to always for it being angst-y in a non Dead Dove way.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
An Unorthodox Courtship, hands down. There’s no Palpatine, no more war, they’re together, they’re allowed to be together, and they’re happy and expecting babies. Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Shockingly, no. I’m extremely surprised, given some of the things I've written.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
A million flavors of M/M. And like one F/M but it was incest so that tracks.
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Only one! I wrote a Marvel/Star Trek crossover in a haze on my phone (and I Never write on my phone) when I went to see Batman v. Superman in theatres. Strange time for inspiration to hit, but what can you do?
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not really. It might be interesting to try some day!
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Of ALL time? That’s a difficult question. I’d have to say Kirk/Spock because that’s one I can keep coming back to years later. My tastes in media and shipping might have changed, but K/S is eternal.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
:( too many. There’s one Marvel fic that was a behemoth with 30k words written, which was maybe 5-10% of the outline. I fucking loved it. Time travel, Tony angst, Bucky was Tony’s PA for some reason… Unfortunately I fell out of love with the fandom, and, well. The summary was “In the year 2023, most of the superheroes of the universe have been deleted from existence and the rest gather to use time travel as a last resort to save reality”, which ended up being the plot of Endgame, so that killed the rest of my drive to write it.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
I can write a lot of words. Now, are they good words? *shrug*
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I don’t know how to objectively analyze my own writing, and I don’t know how to ask for con crit.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do it and I probably shouldn’t. It’s easier for readers to not have to deal with the translations, but I can’t help myself sometimes
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Oh fuck wrote and put online? I can’t remember what drivel I put on deviantART back in middle school, but I do remember writing on the Assassin’s Creed Kink Meme when that was a thing, so that might be it. Warrior Cats might be a safe assumption otherwise.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
PROCEED WITH CAUTION because I had fun writing it start to finish, and it’s probably the least serious fic I’ll ever be able to write because I am TERRIBLE at it
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anterocash · 2 years
Boss Call.
It’s easier to make a phone call than to get on a plane and sit for fifteen hours, going through the customs hassle, just to have a conversation with the manager of Bean Through. 
(Cash doesn’t know what’s left in Korea for him, so why bother going back?) 
Zoom or FaceTime would be cute if his hair weren’t in that awkward stage and his beard just as difficult Cash doesn’t feel like being distracted by his face for an hour. 
He’s sitting at his desk, AirPods in and ready. At the same time, Cash types away on his laptop; he might as kill two birds with one stone – Cash hadn’t realized he had started two utterly different Sci-Fi series a year ago, one document for the Clifford Park books – a series set in a world where humans and androids co-exist as two races and another document open for his Sci-Fi book for the girls – a slow burn romance about teenage supernaturals: a witch coming into her powers and her male counterpart; the broody werewolf consumed with self-hate it’s filled with twists and turns – also dragons. The prequel for A Manufactured Heart has already finished. It is poised to be released in March to coincide with the premiere of the Hulu drama. 
Riding off the high success of the first book: The End of Fog, Cash quickly got to work on the sequel, much to Larry’s urging. Cash has the bulk of the following two books already written, and if he gets high enough? Could write another one before it’s even due. He always has his reservations until the direct deposit hits. Then the shame of enjoying the money settles until the sheer happiness that takes over Ashley’s face when he’s bought her a gift zaps the cold from his bones, and a fist takes his chest. Lily Lee is the absolute bane of Cash’s existence, but it’s worth it when needed. 
Cash finds it somewhat ironic that his readers can accept a detective chasing after a robotic serial killer but not the precious seventeen-year-old heroine simply trying to do her best at the end of the day. Cash knows how he cultivated his audience, and while his past attempts to derail his future, he won’t let that stop him from getting paid. Never. 
It feels like years have gone by when the line finally clicks over, and Cash shakes his head with a huff, totally fucking with the other man, “about damn time, did I interrupt something?” 
“Won,” the coffeehouse manager greets sagely; the sound of Cash’s quick fingertips tapping away at his laptop should bring a familiar comfort to the rat owner. It’s not when they have pressing matters to discuss.
“Yes, boss?” Cash still has a jovial hint to his voice when he responds. 
“Why didn’t you tell me the two weirdos that sit in the back of the shop were drug dealers?” 
Cash immediately laughs, even if it’s not what he wants to do. “You think Minho is weird? Me too, Jay is just an asshole –” 
“Answer the question.” 
“Because it wasn’t my idea,” Cash explains with a sigh; he isn’t even typing anymore. Leaning back into his chair, he sighs again and takes his glasses off to rub his eyes wearily; not even there, and those two knuckleheads are twisting the thorn in Cash’s side. It’s not guilt he feels – it’s technically still his business – he’s still signing checks for it. Cash feels worried and presses his fingers deeper into his eyes. “What happened?”
“They have my employees doing deliveries when they go on their routes.” 
“Oh, that’s so smart –” Cash mutters, impressed. That explains the sudden jump in delivery sales, almost at the same volume as their foot traffic inside the shop. Cash doesn’t know why he didn’t think of that himself while still in Korea. “Let me guess, lots of to-go orders?”
“He’s paying them good money, I can’t lie. If you weren’t so giving… Maybe I would be doing those drops as well. Why didn’t you tell me they were doing that in the shop, Won? I’m the last person you should keep in the dark about something like this.”
Cash hates when he’s rightfully called out. It adds insult to injury in his mind – he holds his tongue for a beat. Do not be an asshole to one of the few people you can trust. 
“I have no idea, I just… After all the bullshit with Hwan and how they didn’t tell me until I caught them, I didn’t want to think about it… dude, if you want a cut, ask them.” Cash sits up and starts typing again, “Bean Through is yours,” Cash says quietly as the words leave his fingertips, “tell them to either give you what you’re due or get out, and if you don’t want to confront them –” the guy has a mean right hook.
“I don’t need to speak for me, Cash.” 
He can’t see Cash, but the writer still puts his hands up, “hey – I’m not trying to – c’mon dude, you know me.”
“Yeah, I do. That’s why I’m not angry with you; a little peeved you didn’t tell me after the OD, but Hwan is okay. All that matters.” 
It’s still a touchy subject; Ryuhwan is well on his way towards a healthy recovery from his accident (Cash likes to call them accidents because usually, it’s not on purpose except when it is.)
Cash nods thoughtfully before putting his fingers on his laptop once more. “He uh –” Cash clears his throat, “he texted me the other day,” things have been awkward between Cash and Ryuhwan since he’s been back home. Maybe, they spent too much time together right after the incident. The younger man hadn’t taken to Cash telling him he was moving fifteen hours and a different time zone away. 
The offer lingered in the back of his throat; he never said it, and Ryuhwan was too hopeful.
“Other than that, what did you want?”
Cash snorts at the man’s words, shaking his head in amusement. “Jeez – since when was it a crime to call a friend on the telephone?” 
“Won, you hate talking on the phone.” 
“Yeah… but…” Cash sighs for what feels like the millionth time since they started this conversation, adjusting his glasses to get the pressure of the arms digging into the back of his ears, “I miss knowing what’s happening in real-time, don’t get me wrong, I love it here, miss you like crazy, but I’m happy where I am at the same time,” he tries to explain when he’s cut off.
“What has Seulgi told you?” 
Cash relays all the juicy information he’s managed to get from his former slash current Korea base assistant – she’s still on the payroll and attends to different affairs in Korea that regard Cash. She also clears out the foul air in the home above the shop and dusts it when needed. 
Seulgi is great, Cash thinks.
“Well… that was only the tip of the iceberg.”
Cash loves to gossip. He gets comfortable in his chair.
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