#damn the number of Snapchat filters he uses
buttonbubble5sos · 6 years
On a scale of 1 to Luke Hemmings, how often do you use Snapchat filters?
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hoe-imaginess · 4 years
I require Tamaki headcanons about how he is in a relationship pre and post... I must know how this shy boy secures the bag!
yes!!! I turned this into more of a… like… scenario type of thing… long read… but my hungry boy deserves it
Tamaki Amajiki 
•Ok first off he has such a massive crush on you that it’s not even funny. Any time you walk into a room he has a mini heart attack 
•He’s probably had a crush on you for years but never pursued his feelings because he wouldn’t even know how to
•He’s such a dumb baby. If you sit near him in class (actually—EVEN IF YOU’RE IN THE VERY ASS BACK OF THE ROOM) he always looks straight ahead, never moves, like a literal statue. Because he knows if gets even a glimpse of you his face is going to burn until it melts off. He won’t even turn around to talk to Mirio or Nejire. His eyes are glued to the chalkboard all day
•He gets a little jealous of Mirio because obviously, Mirio is outgoing as hell, and probably chats with you often. Tamaki gets so anxious about it; watching Mirio make you laugh is like a knife in his gut because UGH he wishes he could work up the courage to even talk to you and Mirio is making it look easy
•OH yeah Mirio is a horrible wingman (not on purpose, we still love you Mirio). He thinks that by interacting with you, it’ll somehow encourage Tamaki to join in. But it does the exact opposite: how is Tamaki supposed to slide in and spark up a conversation when Mirio is so charismatically overpowering?? Like, how is he supposed to compete with that? 
•Oh shit Nejire is even worse she absolutely annihilates Tamaki on the daily
•Tamaki will be minding his damn business and then you walk into class and Nejire slaps him on the back of the head, points at you, and shouts, “LOOK WHO’S HERE TAMAKI!” And he dies a little on the inside 
•Despite this, you may actually struggle trying to decide if he likes you. Like, yeah, he blushes whenever you come around—but is he blushing because of you? Or because he has the social skills of wet cardboard and dreads interaction with literally the entire population? And it’s not like he’s going to tell you; whenever you two do get the chance to talk he’s either deathly silent, or makes up some excuse to run away
•One time you two were partnered up in class and before you could say ¼ of a word to him he stood up, asked to use the bathroom, and then never came back
•At one point Mirio and Nejire completely exhaust their patience. They corner you after class and not so inconspicuously invite you to hang out. Tamaki shortly afterwards gets a text from Mirio telling him the same thing (not mentioning that you’re going to be there ofc), and when he shows up and sees you his soul physically leaves his body, but Mirio and Nejire disallow him to run off
•He’s on edge the whole time. Anytime you even look his way he starts sweating bullets. But hanging out with you mitigates some of his anxiety, probably because he gets to spend personal time with you outside of school (especially when Mirio and Nejire suddenly disappear and leave the two of you alone) so it’s not exactly easy to slip away or go mute like he usually does; he actually finds that conversation with you gets easier 
•He’s still a bit awkward, but it’s a great improvement from the years he spent crushing on you from afar and having literally no outlet for his feelings. Now he at least gets to talk to you and omg he loves it… but then he hates it, because OMG he gets to TALK to you and HEARING you talk about LITERALLY ANYTHING makes him fall for you so much more and kajshdkajsh he played himself
•But okay! There’s been some progress! You exchange numbers because come on, you’re friends now, right? But he’s a total dweeb when he texts you. You send him one “Good morning! How are you?” text and see him typing for an hour straight because he has no goddamn idea how to reply. He ends up just replying “Yes.”
•Things get easier and Amajiki learns how to actually breathe in your presence without having an anxiety attack. You two get along well and of course, he’s so damn cute, how do you not start crushing on him too? It’s fairly obvious to everyone that you two have a little thang going on, but Amajiki is way too nervous to make a move, even though Mirio and Nejire have assured him countless times that you clearly like him back, so what’s the hold up?
•You probably have to make the first move, sorry boo. The next time you two hang out (ALONE, might I add, because Amajiki is at least comfortable enough now that Nejire and Mirio no longer have to be chaperones) you catch him off guard with a kiss. On the cheek? The lips? Doesn’t matter—either way this kills the man. He blushes so hard you swear he’s about to have an aneurism
•While he stutters through his surprise you get to confess your feelings. You probably know how he feels about you already, so if Amajiki doesn’t manage to reciprocate due to shock, that’s okay
•Mirio and Nejire hound him the next day for details but he’s too flustered to share (and honestly, he’s still trying to decide if it was all a dream)
•He eventually gets around to his confession, even if it’s a little unorganized and chaotic. You already knew that he liked you, so he didn’t really need to confess (but he felt bad about not not reciprocating when you did so he stood in front of the mirror all night and practiced his own confession) but he still gets an A for effort
•Nejire and Mirio lose their goddamn minds when you two walk down the hallway holding hands for the first time. They’re your biggest fans
•Post-relationship Amajiki is still a giant nervous dork baby. You could be five months into dating and when you smile at him, all that goes through his mind is “Omg are you smiling at me? At me? Is there someone behind me? IS IT ME? ARE YOU SMILING AT ME?”
•He’s so bad at planning dates, especially fancy dates when he wants to take you to a nice restaurant; clearly he’s thoughtful enough to even think of that, but it’s the technical stuff he can’t do. Mirio has to call the restaurant and make the reservation for him skskdjskjd poor Amajiki
•And when it’s time to buy a gift for you, Nejire has to take him shopping. Amajiki knows what you like (he’s actually really good at picking presents) but he’s convinced that it isn’t going to be enough, or that you’re going to hate it, that you’re going to break up with him because he’s such a bad gift-giver, etc. Nejire is there for emotional support… but mostly to force him to make a decision, otherwise he’s at the mall all day second-guessing himself
•It’s so funny because yeah he’s an anxious wreck, but he’s still Suneater and a member of the Big Three and one of the strongest heroes in the country who takes on perilous, life-threatening missions—but at the end of the day he’s curled up under his sheets, staring at his phone trying to decide if he should reply to your Snapchat with a regular selfie or if he should use a filter, or if he should reply at all because it’s kind of late and he’d hate to keep you awake ya know? But also what if you WANT him to respond and he doesn’t and THEN he hurts your feelings and then you break up with him over a Snapchat and—
•Oh god he saves all your voicemails so he can listen to them when he’s busy with hero work and needs a pick-me-up ksksjsksksk I love him
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softestsaddestbitch · 4 years
December TC Challenge
stole this from @elder-edda (sorry for creeping! just, given the usual demographic of the tc community I was excited to find another 20-smthg)
1) what color is your tc’s hair?
He has just, simple brown hair but he’s starting to go grey which, no lie, is 100% doing it for me.
2) is your tc married?
Yes? He doesn’t wear a ring and I believe she kept her last name which makes me think it’s more of a civil partnership since they’ve been together since the early 2000s at least. But he also will refer to her as “my wife” and was telling me once that they waited until “after they got married” before moving in together.
3) if yes, do you care? would you do something with them regardless of their marriage?
I know these questions are general but I do take offense at the idea of being a homewrecker/other woman. I’ve met his wife, she’s really nice.
4) what’s your worst memory with your tc?
I put my foot in my mouth SO OFTEN. Good lord. Especially my last semester at that school? He was acting weird and I had just realized after fucking ... four years?? that I romantically liked him. So I kept bringing up my weird age fixation and other bs bc I have adhd and am possibly autistic?? and can’t read a room to save my life.
5) what’s your best memory with your tc?
One year we had a really bad snowstorm, so bad in fact that I had my first-ever snow day. The college that I used to go to has four campuses across as many cities, and C has to drive in twice a week to my (old) town from his. Now, morning classes had been canceled but afternoon classes had been given the go-ahead. C, who does not check his emails until he arrives at campus, evidently did not get this message until he was already in town and therefore didn’t have a morning class, but did have an afternoon class. On this day I had a late morning class that had been reinstated, but my prof didn’t get that memo so I also was on campus but didn’t have a class. So I went to visit his office, which I had been doing throughout the semester (I didn’t have a class with him at the time) and we just ... hung out for like 2 hours. It was so nice and one of the anecdotes he told me still haunts me lol.
sidenote: at the time, I hadn’t yet realized that I liked him, but I still went out of my way to visit him. Damn I was a dumbass.
6) does anyone in your school know how you feel?
ish? I told a classmate but in a “haha joking” kinda way. And a friend who went to that school knows. No one at my current school knows.
7) does your tc know how you feel?
I think he might? might have a lil inkling which would explain why he started acting so weird my last semester. Or at the very least was told/realized how bad it could look that he was getting so chummy w/ a student.
8) do you think there’s any chance your tc reciprocates your feelings?
He and his wife have been together for around 20 years now. No. No, I don’t think so. Maybe in an alternate universe.
9) are you getting your tc a christmas present? if so, what is it?
I have in the past! Specifically like, a tin of cookies lol. I’ve also given him an actual present when I left. I do intend to send him a Christmas card every year but not this year because ... you know ... the apocalypse.
10) have you ever flirted with your tc?
Flirtation inherently has intent. So, no. How he interpreted our interactions I don’t know.
11) how long have you had a crush on them? what began it all?
I was at my old school from September 2014-April 2019, I had C for the first time in September 2015. Like I mentioned above, I did not realize I had a crush on him until literally the middle of my final exam of my class with him December 2018, so I’ve only consciously had a crush for about two years now. However, as I also mentioned, I went out of my way to stop by his office, even when I didn’t have a class with him. And my relationship with/feelings towards him are complicated so I’m not going to say I did so solely because I like him, but I would put it maybe closer to somewhere in 2017. You don’t plan your schedule around someone you don’t feel strong feelings for.
12) do you believe you’ll get over them shortly after you stop taking their class/have the chance to spend time with them?
As of today, it has been been exactly a year and a half since I last him in person. In the time since, I have cried over missing him, routinely gone back to keep up with his current research projects, and made his picture a part of my home screen. I almost exclusively listen to the playlist I made for him -  so much so my Spotify Wrapped is pretty much that playlist with a few extras.
13) what kind of grades do you get in their class?
Haaaaaa pre-supension I was failing his classes. My first semester back I got .... a mid/high 70? and I finished my last class with him with an A+ and the essay I had written for his class had the highest grade between the two classes so..
14) does your tc ever do any tiny, little things that you adore?
When he puts a hand in his pocket and leans against the wall. When he tucks his hair behind his ear because he keeps falling in his face (he has long hair, a little past his shoulders). When he can’t stop himself from googling something even if its in the middle of class. How you can ask him anything at any time. The way he would chuckle at my jokes. How his handwriting hasn’t improved in decades. How easily he brushes off toxic masculinity. His candidness and willingness to share little anecdotes. The way he used to always smile whenever he saw me. That he goes home everyday to have lunch with his wife.
15) are you their favorite student?
I was! And it was obvious to other students that we had a friendly, casual relationship too. For a time, if his other students had questions about him they would ask me, and I usually had the answer. I didn’t matter in the long run, but I was. 
16) do you two share any tastes? movies, books, music, etc.
He’s a legal historian, I’m a baby legal/political historian. We also like the same historical cooking youtube channel.
17) is your teacher religious?
I doubt he would say he’s religious, but I feel like we have a similar relationship to religion which is to say no formal association, but had profound effects on our childhoods and subsequently, presumably, how we view things as adults.
18) do you masturbate to them?
19) do you communicate with them outside of school?
I sent him a meme once. And asked about the socialist uprising scandal he was apart of. I also almost emailed him while at a museum exhibition with my history friend. These are all through email.
20) do you have any tc songs or songs you relate to your tc? what are they?
SO my number one song this year was “You are the Reason” by Calum Scott because, you guessed it, of him. But also:
I Lost a Friend - Finneas When You’re Ready - Shawn Mendes You Are in Love - Taylor Swift Break My Heart Right - James
& given the season, especially w/ what transpired last year, Last Christmas by Wham!
21) what’s your favorite thing your tc has said/memory you have with them?
One time he kinda trailed off in the middle of lecture after stating that he thought of xyz a particular way which contrasted one of the popular schools of thought, and the way he plainly said, “well, yeah, which I guess ... is I’m arguing it” almost like he was semi-surprised with himself has always stuck with me. 
But also, in addition the memory I shared earlier, we spent an hour and a half talking about grad school and what to expect and how to get there. 
22) do you plan to continue a relationship with them after you leave school?
I trid, I really did. But he doesn’t “socialize with students part or present” so I can’t exactly see him. But I did get some academic-related from him at the beginning of the year.
23) how will you deal during the summer? will you see him/her?
He’s a hermit who used my last vacation before I moved to go on all the vacations he had to postpone because he was working on his last book. And this past summer ... Covid. This question is obviously directed at high school students, but in general, he lives in the back of head always, and when I’m in my hometown for the summer my heart aches because theres a none-zero chance I’ll see him, but I know I won’t.
24) does your tc support gay rights?
Yes. He’s never been put in a position that I know of where he had to outright condemn homophobia, but in one of his classes, he actively made the choice to make the very first reading of the semester about how women in ancient times had more agency than assumed, and also how the woman in the case study was a lesbian.
25) what class do you have with them? And what period? Do you have them every day?
History classes. I won’t get into specifics because it’s kind of an eclectic mix and I’m paranoid someone from the area could come across this. But I had him twice a week every semester that I had him. Again this kind of question is more so applicable to high school students, not so much university students.
26) have you ever drifted out during a lecture thinking about them and missed information?
No. In his classes he is too enthralling, and I’m a good student otherwise.
27) have you stalked them online? what did you find out?
In theory. He’s a fifty-year-old history professor whose reaction to a description of the big lipped/tiny face filter on snapchat was “that sounds disgusting.” The man doesn’t have social media, and if he does those privacy settings are on so students can’t find him he thinks he’s very professional. I do visit his mini-bio section on the college website fairly often tho.
28) have you ever run into them outside of schools? what happened?
I did once. He introduced me to his wife, who said “oh you’re E! C has talked about you” and it apparently he had done so positively, and blew my mind because this was back when I was failing classes and also, as a person, I don’t believe that people think about me when I’m not there. They gave me a restaurant recommendation and afterwards his wife surprised me a they were leaving the restaurant because ... we had listened to them, and they also went there for lunch that day.
29) has your tc ever spoken of teacher-student relationships? what did they say?
It had recently come out that it had been found out that another professor had been in a relationship with a student and he’s the one that brought it up before class one day (with all of us not just me). He didn’t say anything for or against it, just that it was generally discouraged, but that most schools did have policies in place to handle the situation.
30) do you regret telling anyone about your tc? if you’ve kept it a secret, why have you done so?
Absolutely not. I can’t tell my best friends because they’d do nothing but give me shit for it and it would call every time I mention him into question. But the friends that I have told ... its been so freeing, and like a weight has been lifted from my heart. One friend in particular I unloaded on her all my emotional shit pertaining to him this past summer and she was so understanding it legit since then I’ve been less distraught when thinking about him. It still hurts, but it feels less like I’m suffocating now.
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particularemu · 5 years
The Cupcake Dilemma | A Kim Seungmin Scenario
Word Count: 1985
Type: Fluff
Warnings: None really… I guess cursing if that bothers you?
Prompts: 43 (Frost the damn cupcakes.) and 51 (I’m your husband. It’s my job.)
Author’s Note: Everybody’s been soft over family stray kids, so I added a son into the mix. 
Send in a number!
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You sighed, yet again, as you scrolled through the endless photos Snapchat had to offer you that night. There were plenty of golden images of Minho with the cat filter and Chan with the giant nose filter. Hyunjin had some pretty selfies of him with that heart filter — god he always looks good. You couldn’t help but laugh when you reached Jisung’s.
The boy sent you a picture of his wide eyes — a picture that reminded you of a psychopath ready to claim his next victim — with large bolded text that read “DON’T YOU DARE FUCK UP OUR 895 DAY STREAK” 
You quickly pointed your camera at your feet, snapping a picture of your award-winning giraffe socks that Seungmin gifted you for Mother’s day, and sending it to Jisung. There was no way you were letting that streak go. It had to be one of the biggest accomplishments of your life. 
Well… Marrying your best friend and having a son with him was probably your best accomplishment. But this Snapchat streak was a close second. Come on, you and Jisung were going on 3 years with that streak! 
Sure you cut it close — with it being 11:45 PM and all — but you kept the streak up anyway! 
Speaking of... 
You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were forgetting something. Oh well! You get that feeling an awful lot and frankly — you’re usually forgetting something that isn’t important. Being a mom does that to you. 
The important things are taken care of. Your son’s presents are wrapped and hidden in the closet, you have the ingredients for his favorite meal for dinner, and you’ve… not prepared the cupcakes for his class tomorrow. 
Oh shit! 
That’s what you were supposed to be doing! 
Panic bubbled in your chest as you darted to the kitchen, quickly cracking eggs and pouring oil into the Kitchen Aid bowl before pouring in the 3 boxes of cake mix. You turned on the mixer and preheated the oven, thanking the gods that you somehow remembered.
Sure it’d be a long night, but you were still going to be able to give your son the joy of handing out cupcakes to his class. 
Ever since that snobby rich kid in his class brought in homemade cupcakes from his mom, who owns a fucking bakery you might add, your son has been wanting YOU to make homemade cupcakes for him to bring on his birthday. 
Of course you agreed and told your son you’d bake some cupcakes, not thinking about the fact that you were no baker. He’ll have to settle for box cake mix. He probably wouldn’t know the difference anyway. 
Once the batter was all mixed, you poured the cake mix into cupcake wrappers, until you filled all the muffin pans you owned — which is a surprising number considering Seungmin’s mom bought you one for a housewarming gift, your mom bought you one as a birthday gift, AND your son picked one for you for Mother’s Day.  
Oh yeah… you also bought one because you forgot about other 3 sitting at home. 
All those pans came in handy. You managed to fit all four into the oven, which was AMAZING because that meant you didn’t have to stay up until 3 AM waiting for all those damn cakes to bake. 
You scrolled through your phone a bit while the cupcakes baked, sending odd pictures to whoever was awake. Thank god Hyunjin and Jisung have HORRIBLE sleeping habits, or you’re sure you would have fallen asleep to let the cupcakes burn. 
Once your timer went off, you pulled the cupcakes out of the oven and set them on a platter to cool. 
The hard part was done. Now all you have to do is wait. Perhaps it’d be a good time to get in a cat nap? After all, you can’t do anything until the cakes are cool. 
You stretched your body out on the couch, resting your head on one of the throw pillows as you set an alarm for 5 AM. An hour should be enough time to frost the cupcakes. If not, then oh well. You tried. 
Tiredness took over your body as you sunk into the couch cushions, sleep taking over almost instantly. 
Seungmin couldn’t help the sigh that escaped his lips as he woke up, yet again, at 4 AM for no apparent reason. This wasn’t the first night this happened, no… this has been going on for about a month — ever since you started staying up later. 
Perhaps he had a sixth sense when it came to you? 
Who knows… 
Seungmin reached over to your side of the bed, feeling a bit disappointed when his hand came in contact with the cold sheets. You didn’t come to bed last night. 
He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. You’ve been staying up later, you seem tired all the time, and he felt like he didn’t get to see you as often. Perhaps you were stressed out from work? Or maybe he did something wrong?
Seungmin rubbed his eyes as he sat up. He might as well go and check on you. Besides… something smells good in the kitchen and it’s making him want to snack.
Seungmin walked out into the living room, eyes widening when he saw the cupcakes in the kitchen. Why the hell were you baking cupcakes at 4 AM? He knew it was his son’s birthday today, but he didn’t see why you needed to make cupcakes this early. 
“Baby?” Seungmin shook your shoulder lightly. “Baby? Why are you sleeping out here? You should go to bed.” His thumb rubbed your arm as you started to wake up. 
Your hands reached out to rub your eyes as you smiled — missing your husband’s gentle touches, but wait… What time is it?
You shot up from the couch, frantically grabbing your phone to check the time. Oh thank god! It was only 4:15 AM. You still had time to frost the cupcakes. 
“Woah, woah, woah. Everything’s okay!” Seungmin wrapped his arms around you. “What’s going on?” 
“No time to talk. I have to frost the cupcakes.” You shot up from the couch, before grabbing a butter knife in the kitchen. 
“Hold on love.” Seungmin chuckled, “Why do you need to finish the cupcakes now? He won’t be eating them until after dinner right?”
“Do you remember that asshole kid with the baker mother?” You yawned. 
Seungmin laughed at your saltiness. “Of course.” 
“Well our son wanted me to make cupcakes to take in to his class.” You explained, frosting the cupcake in your hands.
“Why not buy them from the grocery store?” Seungmin asked as he leaned on the countertop. 
He couldn’t help but wonder why you were so worked up over these cupcakes. Surely his son wouldn’t mind you grabbing some — no offense — prettier cupcakes from a bakery, or from the grocery store down the street. 
“Because.” You put the… rather unique… looking cupcake into a container. “Asshole kid brought in homemade cupcakes.” 
Seungmin couldn’t help but laugh. “Fuck that asshole kid.” 
“Right?” You glided the knife over another cupcake, globbing frosting on the top. “Why couldn’t he bring in store bought cupcakes like everyone else?” 
“You know…” Seungmin grabbed a cupcake and bit into it. “It’s not going to be that big of a deal if you buy cupcakes from the store. If we do it now and pack them in those containers, he won’t know the difference.” 
“Asshole quit eating the cupcakes.” You smacked his arm, making him giggle. “And no. I’m not going to be that mom.”
“What mom?” Seungmin took another large bite of the cupcake in his hands. 
“The mom who buys cupcakes from the grocery store when her son asks for homemade cupcakes.” You glared at your husband. “I’m not going to let this be the reason our son resents us later in life and turns to a life of pimping and selling prostitutes.” 
Seungmin let out a loud snort at your comment, hand darting in front of his mouth to keep what was left of the chocolate cupcake in his mouth so it wouldn’t fly across the kitchen. “If this sends him down that road I think we have bigger problems.” 
“Just shut up and frost the damn cupcakes.” You chuckled, tossing an unfrosted cupcake in his direction. 
“Okay okay! Just quit waving that knife around.” Seungmin grabbed another butter knife and started frosting cupcakes alongside you. 
The two of you frosted in silence for a while, simply enjoying each other’s presence as you globbed frosting on the chocolate cupcakes. Although they didn’t look the prettiest, they were still homemade, and you felt like you deserved brownie points for that. 
Seungmin broke the silence after a while. “You know… He’s not going to hate you if you go buy cupcakes.” 
“But he requested these ones.” You mumbled. “He doesn’t ask for much, and this is his birthday!” You couldn’t help but sigh. “I just want his birthday to be special.” 
Seungmin smiled softly. “It will be. Especially when you’re going through all this trouble to make these.” 
“I know I should have made them yesterday, but I got so busy.” You sighed. “I had to re-teach him how to divide fractions, because his teacher fucking sucks. But first I had to re-learn how to divide fractions because apparently the education system can’t teach kids how to divide fractions the way they did when we were in school.” 
You put another cupcake into the container, pausing to rub at your eyes. “Then I had to go to work and deal with Shelly’s high-pitched bullshit, then come home and teach our son how to do his homework AGAIN.” Another sigh escaped your lips. “I just got overwhelmed.” 
“You know what would have made it easier?” Seungmin shoved the knife in the frosting. “If you relied on me more.” 
You knew this was coming. It was true, you did have a bad habit of just handling everything yourself because it was easier. You had a routine! You get your son up, make him breakfast, make him lunch, double-check his homework, take him to school, go to work, pick him up from school, help him with homework, make dinner for your family, play with your son before he has to go to bed, tuck him into bed, then use what little energy you have left to drag yourself into bed. 
Wow… Maybe he was right. 
“It’s just easier if I handle it myself.” You mumbled. “You’re busy and —” 
“Don’t act like you aren’t busy too.” Seungmin cut you off. “Look, I know my job is pretty demanding, but I can help out. He’s my son too. There’s no reason for you to do everything.” 
You smiled at him as you drowned another cupcake in frosting. “Why are you so amazing?”
Seungmin couldn’t help but laugh at the sad ensemble of cupcakes in front of you two. “You probably won’t think I’m amazing after hearing this, but these cupcakes look like shit.” 
You glanced at the mess of frosting and decided to admit defeat. “Okay fine, let’s go to the bakery and get some cupcakes. It’s 5 AM, I think they’re open now.” 
Seungmin kissed you on the forehead. “I’ll go get them. You go get some sleep.” 
“What? I don’t mind going with you.” You pulled your shoes on and grabbed your jacket. 
“No.” Seungmin yanked your jacket from your hands and threw it back on the coat rack. “You need to go get some sleep. And call in sick today, you don’t need to deal with Shelly’s bullshit running on 2 hours of sleep.” He chuckled. 
You smiled. “You take such good care of me.” 
Seungmin laughed. “I’m your husband. It’s my job.” 
“Now go get those cupcakes before our demon spawn wakes up.” 
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sweethails · 6 years
Prompt List #7 (Q-V)
Send a request with the number(s) and which prompt list it’s from if you don’t give me the prompt list I will just assume its from #1. and also Give me the character you want!  
[Example request]: Can I please have number 2 from prompt list #7 and number 72 from prompt list #10 for peter parker where the reader finds out Pete’s spiderman
You can send in your own prompt(s) or just send in a request without one. these are here to use at your leisure (Most of these are not mine. Credit goes to those who made them.) I am add to this list occasionally so check back later for new ones. This is prompt #7 (Q-V)
I do not take straight up smut requests even if some prompts sound slightly dirty. (I might change my mind who knows send me your smut request and i might decide to do it) There may be some repeat prompts but bare with me I’m trying to clean them up. Thanks enjoy!!!!!!
There are 282 prompts in this list
Quick, pretend your talking to me."
Quit beating me up!"
Quit looking at me with that stupid expression. You’re pissing me off."
Quit smiling at me, I can’t stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that."
Really? Right now?"
Regardless of what they think, I know you’re an amazing person."
Remember that time I said I thought you were cool? I lied."
Remember that ‘I owe you’ you gave me? Well this is it. You ARE wearing this couples costume"
Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither."
Remember when we were little?"
Remind me to kill you. Please."
Rise and shine, motherfucker."
Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change."
Run for it!"
Running seems to be all you’re good at."
Safety first. What are you? FIVE?"
Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity."
Say what?"
Scaring the kids? You already do that without a mask"
Scientists say the universe is made up of neutrons, protons and electrons. They forgot to mention morons."
Scoot over.  I wanna sit next to you."
Seriously!?! The powers out?"
Seriously, staring at me won’t get me to be your new years date."
Sex doesn’t make you any better at playing Overwatch."
She always burned so brightly."
She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips."
She’s complicated like the DaVinci code, you know but harder to crack."
She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage."
She’s dead…"
She’s hiding behind the sofa."
She’s hot, but she’s evil."
She’s lost without you."
She’s not yours."
Shh, it was just a bad dream. Just a dream, okay? None of it was really."
Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go."
Shhh. I know."
Shhh…  You need to be quiet."
Shooting star. Make a wish."
Should we decorate Fall or Halloween themed?"
Shouldn’t you be with him/her?"
Show me what’s behind your back."
Shut up and kiss me already."
Shut up and kiss me."
Shut up."
Since when have we ever been friends?"
Sing along with me"
Sirf tum hi ho"
Sit down and eat the damn food!"
Sit in my lap."
Sit on my lap"
Sit still"
Sleep in your car if you don’t like it."
Snow angels!"
Snowball fight!!!"
So am I supposed to be weirded out that you’re a werewolf? Dude, I know."
So I was driving past a pet store and couldn’t help but wonder how cute an animal would be like in our home.."
So stick that in your juice box and suck it."
So that’s it? It’s over?"
So turns out people from my school are actual vampires but that’s cool because the chances of me becoming a vampire just went up."
So, is Halloween your favourite time of year by default then?"
Some people just need a high-five. In the face. With a chair."
Somebody’s cranky.Somebody needs to shut up."
Someday you’ll go far… and I hope you stay there."
Something’s not right…"
Sometimes I forget my middle name."
Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies."
Sometimes I really don’t like you"
Sometimes I really don’t like you."
Sometimes I wish the sun wouldn’t go down."
Sometimes you have to think of yourself as a priority."
Son of a bitch."
Sorry doesn’t fix everything."
Sorry I ruined your birthday and summoned a demon, but they were real nice. They even helped us bake the cake."
Sorry isn’t going to help when I kick your ass!!!"
Sorry I’m late."
Sorry, this is just really different from our constant arguing."
Sorry. I don’t speak skank."
Sorry… I wasn’t born with a filter."
Sort yourself out first."
Sounds like you have a problem."
So… Looks like we’re the only ones without dates, huh."
Stand up."
Stay awake."
Stay here tonight."
Stay with me forever."
Stay with me"
Step out that door andIswear we’re done."
Stop being difficult."
Stop being so cute."
Stop being such a baby."
Stop biting that fucking lip!"
Stop copying me."
Stop distracting me!"
Stop distracting me"
Stop eating the kids’ candies."
Stop hogging all the blankets!"
Stop ignoring me…"
Stop it."
Stop making empty promises!"
Stop pretending you’re okay, cause I know you’re not."
Stop staring at me."
Stop stroking your plushie."
Stop teasing me so much…"
Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night."
Stupidity Isn't a crime, so you’re free to go."
Such big evil in such a little thing."
Summoning a monster.
Sure.  Why not?"
Sweetie, I’m gonna need you to put those few remaining brain cells together and work with me here, okay?"
Take a picture, it’ll last longer."
Take me home. Now."
Take my jacket. It’s cold outside."
Take off your shirt."
Take that back!"
Take your medicine."
Talk to me."
Tea is so much better than cocoa!"
Tell her the truth!"
Tell me a story."
Tell me once more"
Tell me this isn’t you."
Tell me what’s wrong."
Tell me you need me."
Thank you, Captain Obvious."
Thank you, for everything."
Thanks for helping me back there."
Thanks for nothing."
Thanks for the gift… I guess."
Thanks for the.. Uh.. Gift?"
That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard come out of your mouth."
That is way too expensive."
That look in his eyes. That was enough to tell me he didn’t feel the same anymore."
That night never happened!"
That was an order."
That was kind of hot."
That was last year's theme."
That was supposed to be me, not him."
That was unexpected."
That was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done."
That wasn’t funny."
That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?"
That’s doing me head in"
That’s how the story goes."
That’s in the past."
That’s just adorable."
That’s my theme song."
That’s never going to happen."
That’s new."
That’s not even fair."
That’s not fair."
That’s not gonna happen."
That’s not helping."
That’s perfect for them!"
That’s starting to get annoying"
That’s sweet."
The bow was perfect before, but then I got paranoid and had to check to make sure it was still in there."
The corner store didn’t have your favorite, so I got you this instead."
The diamond in your engagement ring is fake."
The female of the species is more deadly than the male."
The first second I saw you and I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were."
The girl is strange no question."
The government didn’t give me a choice."
The house is so warm."
The kids said they miss you but they don’t want you to come home."
The kids, they ambushed me."
The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids."
The last thingIsaid was for him to never come back."
The least you could do is not hog the blanket."
The moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up."
The nights still young."
The night’s still young."
The one day I can return to this realm, and this is the greeting I get?"
The only way you’ll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken’s ass and wait."
The racoon did it
The store ran out of Easter eggs."
The trash gets picked up tomorrow. Be ready."
The tree looks… Nice…"
The universe may not always play fair, but at least it’s got a hell of a sense of humor."
The way I feel when I’m with you…"
The world can be amazing when you’re slightly strange."
The world was too cruel for us."
Then come here and make me."
There are some remarkably dumb people in this world. Thanks for helping me understand that."
There are some things you’re just going to have to let go."
There is no us, there never was."
There is no ‘us’."
There is nothing on this Earth that you could do to make me go back to you."
There is nothing wrong with you."
There is nothing you could do to make me love you any less. Okay? My love doesn’t come with strings."
There was never an us."
There were two so I figured one was mine-"
There’s a fucking ghost in our bedroom."
There’s a herd of them!"
There’s always another way."
There’s been some real friction in our friend group lately. I suggest an orgy to save our friendship."
There’s no way I’m going out in that weather!"
There’s nothing I can do anymore."
There’s nothing quite like being lied to, is there?"
There’s only one bed."
There’s only one bed…"
There’s so much blood."
There’s so much snow in my boots."
There’s someone for everyone, and the person for you is a psychiatrist."
They can’t hurt you anymore."
They didn’t deserve you."
They hide paper towels in their room and I don’t know why."
They may not understand you, but I do."
They’re going to love you, don’t worry!"
They’re gone."
They’re kind to everyone, even me. I guess that was my weakness all along."
They’re monsters."
They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off."
They’re right behind me aren’t they?"
They’re so cute when they’re asleep."
They’re your best friend before anything else."
This always happens"
This has to stay between you and me."
This is a totally inappropriate soundtrack."
This is a whole new level of moronic, even for you."
This is an excellent time for you to become a missing person."
This is awkward."
This is definitely going on Snapchat."
This is delicious!"
This is fucking boring"
This is fun.Seriously, we’re trying to hide a body."
This is girl talk, so leave."
This is going to hurt."
This is hard for me too."
This is just great."
This is new."
This is the best cookie I’ve very eaten."
This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done."
This is the fifth night this month, just tell me what’s going on."
This is the opposite of whatItold you to do."
This is the worst cookie I’ve ever eaten."
This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it."
This is why I fell in love with you."
This is why you’re my best friend"
This isn’t fair!"
This isn’t going to go very well, now is it?"
This isn’t goodbye."
This isn’t my idea of a good time."
This isn’t what I wanted."
This isn’t what it looks like."
This isn’t who I am."
This isn’t your fault, okay? I promise."
This isn’t your fault, okay?"
This is… exactly what it looks like."
This place gives me the creeps."
This place hold a lot of memories for me. Some bad, some… No. No, no, all bad."
This place is a mess."
This place is creepy."
This shall be my day! Why? Because I declared it!"
This should be against some sort of rule."
This tastes horrible."
This was a mistake."
This was fun— Let's do it again sometime!"
This wasn’t meant to be a date, but we’ve had such a good time and now it’s 2am and I should really go home…
Thou shall not enter thy room, heathen!"
Thought I might find you here"
Three cups of coffee wasn’t enough?"
Time changes people."
Trick or Treat?"
Trust me."
Trust you? You don’t know the meaning of the word."
Truth hurts, doesn’t it?"
Try it"
Tu hali iyk zaalim hai"
Um.. somebody broke that."
Um… I’d rather not."
Up to roasting marshmallows?"
Volunteering at a Haunted House.
  Other Prompts Here Masterlist Here Request Here
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kendricksendrick · 6 years
Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
is your room messy or clean?
i wish it was clean but i am too busy and EVERYTHING gets thrown on the floor currently
what color are your eyes?
do you like your name? why?
ya its easy to spell lol
what is your relationship status?
describe your personality in 3 words or less
lowkey dead, lit
what color hair do you have?
what kind of car do you drive? color?
a fucking 2002 toyota sienna SILver
where do you shop?
anywhere i can
how would you describe your style?
skater meets pjs meets the 70′s??
favorite social media account
tbh this one
what size bed do you have?
it can fit 2 people so queen?
any siblings?
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
i dont.know
favorite snapchat filter?
leaves ad big glasses one
favorite makeup brand(s)
NYX tbh
how many times a week do you shower?
daily my hair greasy af and im always dirty
favorite tv show?
30 Rock
shoe size?
how tall are you?
sandals or sneakers?
fuck man i love slides, but i also love vans but i also love wearing no shoes at all
do you go to the gym?
too busy
describe your dream date
um idk ma
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
im a delivery driver where i work so i got some bill$ ya feel
what color socks are you wearing?
i was wearing black and white ones
how many pillows do you sleep with?
do you have a job? what do you do?
ok i work at Jimmy Johns 
how many friends do you have?
what kinda question is this
whats the worst thing you have ever done?
been a bitch and back stabbed
whats your favorite candle scent?
idk lemon
3 favorite boy names
3 favorite girl names
yep idk
favorite actor?
Zack Efren
favorite actress?
who is your celebrity crush?
tied for anna kendrick and brittany snow but also now blake lively fuc
favorite movie?
pitch perfect’s also Silence of the Lambs
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
wish i had more time to read
money or brains?
do you have a nickname? what is it?
may may
how many times have you been to the hospital?
been in it 1x lol
top 10 favorite songs
oh god just look up hannah may on spotify
do you take any medications daily?
birth control so i dont bleed to death or something 
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
what is your biggest fear?
hmm idk give me one
how many kids do you want?
whats your go to hair style?
down or low messy bun or braid
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
who is your role model? me bitch
what was the last compliment you received?
“I like your socks”
what was the last text you sent?
“lol sounds good to me” to my internship supervisor ha
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
fuck idk
what is your dream car?
not a minivan
opinion on smoking?
i dont do it but i dont care just not in my face
do you go to college?
no but want to 
what is your dream job?
god damn idk 
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
suburb probs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
um yes
do you have freckles?
ya but kinda poopy ones hah
do you smile for pictures?
how many pictures do you have on your phone?
so many
have you ever peed in the woods?
yea when i was fishing
do you still watch cartoons?
when i have time
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
WENDYS but mcd’s for fries
Favorite dipping sauce?
what do you wear to bed?
tshirt and underwear
have you ever won a spelling bee?
pff no i used to get out on purpose
what are your hobbies?
can you draw?
not really
do you play an instrument?
clarinets and sax’s
what was the last concert you saw?
Modern Day Romeos
tea or coffee?
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
do you want to get married?
what is your crush’s first and last initial?
are you going to change your last name when you get married?
boi idk
what color looks best on you?
do you miss anyone right now?
do you sleep with your door open or closed?
do you believe in ghosts?
fuck yea i got beat up by one once
what is your biggest pet peeve?
when i tell someone to lose my door multiple times and they still dont
last person you called`
the random number that called me
favorite ice cream flavor?
mint choco chip
regular oreos or golden oreos?
eew regular only wtf
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
what shirt are you wearing?
freshman year marching band t
what is your phone background?
my lake fiends and a PINK background
are you outgoing or shy?
do you like it when people play with your hair?
do you like your neighbors?
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
in the shower..
have you ever been high?
no i wishh ha
have you ever been drunk?
ugh again i wish i wasrn tbh
last thing you ate?
favorite lyrics right now
“ I still remember the moment we met The touch that he planted The garden he left I guess the rain was just half that effect “ -Julia Michaels, ‘Heaven’
summer or winter?
day or night?
dark, milk, or white chocolate?
milk only
favorite month?
july and november
what is your zodiac sign
who was the last person you cried in front of?
um idk 
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25 Days of December Drabbles
Hello loves! Due to my inactivity over the past month, I have decided to close requests for imagines so I can catch up and refresh the old Wins sis writing skills! If you have requested an imagine, I hope to get them all out asap!
Do not frown to much though, because this is not a hiatus! I have decided to do 25 days of drabbles! Below are a list of prompts. Pick one or two, and send in a request! For 25 consecutive days I will post drabbles, and will start December 1st and go up until December 25th! Depending on how many I get, there may be level us, or ways to get more than one drabble out per day! ;)
Thanksgiving also happened yesterday, and I just wanted to say thank you for being in my life and allowing me to write for you! I am so thankful to be able to write for you!
Drabbles are on a first request basis, so whoever requests first will therefore get theirs published first!
Please let me know the number(s) you would like and also the pairing! (No romantic pairings please!) Feel free to send them in asap, I’ll start lining them up!
The tags are open, drabble requests are open, imagine requests are closed!
Thanks guys, and let’s get this holiday season started!
Prompts: 1. “I need some help in here!”
2. “Did you really just drop your phone in the sewer?”
3. “Son of a Grinch”
4. “Put the damn thing on, and let’s go!”
5. “I typed up my list and put the things I have to have in Times New Roman, so it should be easier for you to read”
6. “If you’re batman then I am Spider-man!”
7. “Is that a pig?”
8. “Some assistance is required in room 3A!”
9. “Shut up, sit down, and check the attitude at the door”
10. “You’re just jealous I’m the cute one”
11. “I feel like I should be concerned but I’m not….not even a little bit”
13. “Maybe their just a little late?”
14. “Stop whining, it’s just hair”
15. “They can’t actually be dating…”
16. “Is that a smart idea?”
17. “Hey lets go break some shiz”
18. “Can you please stop reading and actually interact with your family?”
19. “I said no, and that means no”
21. “It’s not my fault Tom Holland is a beautiful creature”
22. “Shhh….I gotcha”
23. “Is that my shoe?”
24. “Where are my socks?”
25. “Can we please cut the crap?”
26. “What’s that smell?”
27. “Did you get shorter, or am I just taller?”
28.“You left me”
29. “What’s a snapchat filter?”
30. “Maybe these are the good old days…”
31. “I want to join a band”
32. “What are you doing?”
33. “Hot cocoa night?”
35. “I’m back…but not for long”
36. “Homecoming?”
37. “Maybe you just need some cheering up?”
38. “What do we do if this is the end?”
39. “Please don’t leave?”
40. “I love (them) and that’s all that matters!”
41. “Can we not do this now?”
42. “Are you just gonna stand there?”
43. “Maybe you’re just jealous”
44. “Mistletoe or missed my toe?”
45. “You’re telling me we’re against a gingerbread man?”
46. “Not the gum drop buttons!”
47. “Maybe tumblr is where my soul belongs?”
48. “Hand it over”
49. “If you cared..”
50. “Merry Christmas to me”
51. “Fuzzy socks or fuzzy blanket?”
52. “Did you drink that?!”
53. “He’s a charmer, am I right?”
54. “Maybe we could…I don’t know…dance?”
55. “Well my big sister said…”
56. “Well my big brother said…”
57. “I’m gonna kick your arse”
58. “Watch your language!”
59. “Can e not talk about the bruise?
60. "How are you doing that?!”
61. “Nah fam, I’m out.”
62. “If I had wings, they’d be broken.”
63. “What’s a Santa?”
64. “I made you this”
65. “Please don’t cry”
66. “Are you filming me?
67. "Can you carry me?”
68. “Out like a light”
69. “I saw that!”
70. “You can’t just go around lighting stuff on fire!”
71. “Did you check the janitors closest?”
72. “Make me.”
73. “So if you’re him, and he’s you….who am I?”
74. “Don’t hit me again.”
I’ll make more if needed. Tagging the tag list to get this out and out :)
@winchesters-favorite-girl @percussiongirl2017 @metaphysicalmisha @sisterwinchesterwriter @staticweekes @lil-sister-winchester @high-my-name-is-riley @the-third-winchester-warrior @fandom-queen-of-wonderland
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Snap King
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Snap King
Every morning you had the same routine. You’d wake up, roll on your side and instantly check your social media. Just like every other millennial. You’d play through all of the snapchat stories that accumulated while you were sleeping. Most of your friends that didn’t have work, turning up the night before. 
The noise seemed to of woken up your boyfriend and he rolled closer to you cuddling against your side, and join you in watching your snapchat stories.
“Mornin’” Jay grinned kissing your bare shoulder.
“Morning.” you leaned your head on his, snuggling him. You snapped a photo once, you got the filter to finally focus on Jay’s face. ���Perfect~” and you instantly sent it to Loco.
“What the hell is this?” He sat up grabbing your phone and pointed to the gold heart near Hyukwoo’s name.
You laughed at just how quickly he was able to brush off sleep. “It's a heart?” you raised a brow trying to figure out what in the world was wrong with your boyfriend. “Hyukwoo’s my snapchat bestie.”
“Where’s my heart?” he pouted, glaring at your screen. “Put a heart near my name”
“Babe, that’s not how snapchat works” Grabbing your phone you poked his cheek. “Will you relax. You never snap me anyway.” you padded out of bed and into the bathroom. “Hyukwoo snap’s me all the time. It’s really cute.” What started off as an occasional snap, became a competition to keep your snap streak going and soon enough you were ranked best friends.
“It’s not allllllll that cute” Jay huffed, leaning on the bathroom door as you washed your face. “It’s kinda sad.”
“Stop being jealous.”
“I’m not jealous!” he grumbled, stomping to the bathroom. “Excuse me for not liking it when my girl has another man’s name in her phone with a damn heart in it. I don’t even care.-Not like it’s an accomplishment or anythin...anybody can do that.”
You rolled your eyes watching your boyfriend pout and grumble his way to the kitchen. “He’s such a Baby” you looked down at your phone seeing two notifications. One was a snap from Loco saying good morning, and the other was a selfie of Jay with a crown emoji on his head. “I can be number one” you read the text across the screen. 
And you just knew it was going to be a very long day.
Jay being extra was no new thing, you were actually pretty used to it. But him sending you a snap every hour on the hour was some next level extraness that you got over pretty quickly. And if you didn’t reply you had to deal with a barrage of three follow up “Why are you ignoring my snaps?” snaps
You rolled your eyes checking yet another snap from your boyfriend who was working your last nerve.
“I’m trying to work!” you recorded yourself, sending him a snap.
The moment you sent it out, he replied with another snap of him dabbing with a “You replied!” caption.
“You pain in the ass.” you mumbled setting your phone on airplane mode just to get some work done at your desk without your phone going off every hour. Jay was no social media aficionado, he knew the basics, but half the time he’d call V-app, and instagram live periscope and he rarely ever posted on snapchat. You never knew who much you appreciated that until he abused his snapping privileges and he started hindering your work. Rolling your eyes you glanced at your phone and smiled at the photo of you two with Jay, pecking your cheek. “Cute pain in the ass…”
Jay pouted sitting in the AOMG lobby, staring at his unread snaps. “Answer…”
“Hyung, it’s your turn to record” Hyukwoo popped his head out of the studio.
“Lemme alone” he huffed.
Hearing the chime of the snapchat sound from Hyukwoo’s phone he quirked a brow. “Who’s that? My girl? You girl thief…”
“What are you talking about?” he laughed, slumping onto the couch. “It’s just Crush” he showed him the phone “What’s wrong?”
“Stop snapping my girl all the time. Snap your own girl”
“But our streaks” he chuckled. “We don’t even talk about anything. Half the time she snaps me photos of you sleeping.”
“R-Really?” he tried to not sound too happy about it, but he couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeah it’s kinda sappy, but we can keep up our streaks.” he smiled. “You guys are really cute. She even snaps me when you cook and sing for her.”
“She shares all that?”
“Yeah, she’s actually pretty sappy. You’d know if you ever checked her story” he opened up his snapchat and clicked on your story. There was a shot of you rolling your eyes, while Jay bumbled around trying to figured out how to post his snaps.
Another selfie of you at work with the caption. “I love you Jay but I need to work”, followed by another snap of you pouting looking at the clock with a “I miss you…” caption.
“How home she never send those to me?”
“She always post those kinds of snaps, and you barely ever use it so I guess she’s just used to it.”
Jay couldn’t wipe that cheesy smile off his face for the rest of the day. When he made it home he smiled seeing you reading a book on the couch. You always did that when you needed to unwind. He knew you must of had a hard day. He walked behind the couch, letting his strong hands massage your tense shoulders. “Hey Baby…”
You sighed, closing your book and leaned into his touch. “Welcome home”
He kissed the top of your hair. “I’m sorry for annoying you today”
“Only today?” you giggled, looking up at him letting him kiss your lips. “Mmm…” you grinned, nipping at his lower lip. “I think you owe me an apology for every other day.”
Caressing your chin he smirked “I could think of a few ways to apologize”
“Oh yeah? And how’s that?” you quirked a brow before squealing as he effortlessly lifted you in his arms and carried you into the bedroom.
Woot another request down, Thank you @thomas-sangster-imagines for sending it in and I’m so sorry for taking so long to get to this. If you guys liked it once again please let me know~ <3
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trulymadlysydney · 7 years
Birthday Girl (submission)
On your birthday you wake up to tons of notifications on twitter and Instagram, from family and friends but also fans wishing you a happy birthday and other well wishes. Your heart is warmed by the kind messages from people all over, you think that maybe a little bit later you’ll do a quick Instagram live stream to thank everyone. 
It’s tradition that whoever’s birthday it is gets to pick what’s on the menu for breakfast (or in this case, brunch, since it was so hard to get out of his cozy grasp this morning). You kindly ask Harry for his famous pancakes, but instead of bananas (like he always requests), could he pretty please throw some chocolate chips in, and maybe some whipped cream and strawberries on top, and even though you know he’ll say that “it’s too much sugar for this early in the mornin’ love, but since it’s your birthday…” he’ll reluctantly toss the chocolate chips in anyway. 
As he’s getting everything ready, he hands you your coffee with a kiss to the forehead, telling you to go cuddle up on the couch and he’ll call you when everything is ready. 
As you shuffle over to your shared living room, with your favorite fuzzy blanket wrapped loosely around you and your favorite morning playlist softly drifting through from the kitchen, you get comfortable in your self-designated corner of couch. You take a sip of your coffee and open up Instagram, ready to make your short little live message for the fans. 
"Good morning friends! Or should I say afternoon since it’s almost 11 here,” you giggle. “I woke up to so many lovely messages and I just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you for helping to make my birthday so special already.” 
Immediately you see lots of followers have tuned into your live stream, with messages starting to appear at the bottom, and a rising number of viewers showing at the top. You answer a few of the messages popping up at the bottom, as Ed Sheeran’s "Perfect” starts to echo through the speakers in the kitchen, and you smile thinking that it’s one of your favorite love songs. 
“It’s pretty cold here today, so I think I might say in my blanket for as long as possible. Maybe find a good movie to watch while I eat my birthday pancakes." 
As you continue to talk to your phone, your ears perk up to Harry’s voice starting to sing along with the song and you start to panic ever so slightly. Whenever Harry sings, your heart always slightly flutters, but this time it’s for a totally different reason.
Of course everyone knows that you are with Harry, you have been for years, but you purposely make it a point to not make a show of it. You both like to keep your private lives private, something that is hard to do when he has the job and life that he does. The last thing you want is to cause any drama with his fans, to have anyone thinking you are showing him off, or invading his privacy, especially on your birthday of all days. So with a frozen smile, an ever so slight wide eyed expression, and multiple messages from quick fans who already picked up on the fact that it was indeed Harry’s voice in the background, you try to gently get up from your seat the sneak to the next room, hoping that it will all go unnoticed. The video is in fact live, it’s not as though you can delete it later or suddenly end the video just as his voice appears without causing suspicion.
As you start to make your move, he hollers, "Oi you don’ like my singin’? Get paid to do this ya know, s’not very nice to jus’ ignore my performance.” He is standing across the room from you, watching you with his infamous smirk, his arms folded across his chest. That’s when he sees the way in which your holding your phone and he asks, “whatcha doin’ love?“ 
Panic runs through you as you swallow and answer, “Umm, doing a live video thanking everyone for the birthday wishes.” He knows you better than anyone, so you hope that the look in your eyes will tell him what he needs to know. 
But instead, he makes his way to you and plops himself down on your lap, trapping and slightly crushing you with his weight, not that you would normally mind, but under this particular circumstance, you begin to worry. He keeps his gaze on your phone as his face appears in front of yours.
He’s not one for social media, using it minimally for both his personal and professional life, never wanting to be in his friends’ snapchats or have his personal pictures being posted too often. In your two years of being with each other, you’ve posted maybe two or three photos of the two of you together, only with his permission to share these personal moments. So for him to willingly put himself in this live stream, you’re confused and a bit anxious. Maybe he doesn’t understand what this is? Maybe he thinks you can not post it at all, or even delete it later? 
He continues to stare at the screen, watching the mass influx of messages popping up at the bottom, and the dramatic increase of viewers at the top. He seems unphased. 
"Haz it’s live,” you gently whisper with a smile, almost hiding yourself behind his large frame. “Can’t delete it.”
“S'why it’s called a live stream, innit?” He quips. 
You’re shocked to say the least, that he would insert himself like this, that he would knowingly make his private life public like this, but you suppose there’s no more use in questioning now, not with the camera still pointed on both of your faces. 
“Wha’s tha’?” He asks, pointing to the bottom right of the screen.
“Hearts.” You murmur, your chin resting nervously on his right shoulder. 
“ ’N what’re the numbers?“ 
"How many people are watching.”
“Hmm,” he hums, “Wha’s all this?” He points again, this time to the bottom left. 
“People commenting, saying hello. Asking questions.“ 
He pauses for just a moment, continuing to let his eyes wander over the screen, smiling occasionally and then furrowing his brow. 
"Why’s everyone sayin’ happy birthday? Mine’s not fo’ two more months.” He waits a moment before turning and giving you a cheeky smile.
You roll your eyes at him but can’t help but laugh. “S'my birthday, Harry” and you give him a pout. 
He just laughs at you, and turns back at the screen. He gives the screen one last furrowed look, then begins to stick his tongue out at the screen. Repetitively. He raises his eyebrows and continuously sticks his tongue out, and you are extremely confused as to what is going on.
“Harry, what are you doing?“ You giggle softly. It’s hard to give a true laugh with his heavy weight still on top of you. 
"Wanna be the dog,” he states matter of factly, sticking his tongue out once more. “Where’s th’ dog?“
You laugh again, this time a little more loudly, “That’s snap chat love, this is Instagram. It doesn’t have all those filters." 
He frowns, looking like a little boy who didn’t get his way, and you just want to give him kisses all over because he looks so damn cute, and if your phone wasn’t in front of both of your faces, with thousands of fans tuning in, you would. 
Your tummy gives a soft growl, bringing you back to reality and you are reminded of the breakfast (well, brunch) that awaits you. 
You let out a soft sigh, "Pancakes done?” You ask, as you rest you head against him, watching him watch the screen. 
“Oh shit!!” He all but yells. He pops up from his seat on your lap, slightly knocking you over in the process. Your phone jostles and you’re thankful he didn’t knock over the coffee mug that is sitting on the coffee table before you. 
You stay seated, laughing loudly, as you watch him rush into the kitchen, grabbing the spatula to check the damage, but you just know these ones must be burned. You turn you attention back to your phone, pursing your lips as you try to contain the love and joy and utter bliss you feel. He may be a tall, lanky, soft, silly dork, but he’s yours and you love him with your whole heart. 
You give your phone once last playful eye roll, and whisper so he can’t hear you, “And he brags he used to be a baker.”
“Oi! I hear’ tha’! Jus’ cause it’s your birthday doesn’ mean you get t’ be mean t’ me!” 
You glance down at the comments one last time, seeing all the loving remarks from his fans, but the ones that stick out to you the most are the ones that tell you something that you already knew. You smile, “Yeah, ‘m one lucky girl,” you think to yourself. 
With one last thank you and goodbye to the live stream, you ditch you phone and your blanket on the couch, and make you way to the kitchen where Harry has already put new batter into the pan. You smile as you snake your arms around him, nestling your face and nose into his back, giving him a small squeeze.
“New one’s ‘ill be ready in a mo’,” he murmurs, slowly swaying back and forth with you to the new song playing. 
You hum in response, forgetting all about the pancakes, just wanting to be in this moment with him, to feel his warmth, to smell his smell, and to remember that you are indeed one lucky (birthday) girl. 
THIS is one of the cutest submissions I have EVER gotten holy shIT I'm so in love 😍
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jasonblossomsghost · 7 years
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? spotify 100%% i used to use pandora but i also used to think bangs were a good idea so
3. what color are your eyes?brown/hazel 5. what is your relationship status?single but that could change perhaps if a cute girl wants to lower her standards to the fucking ground lmaoo7. what color hair do you have?medium brown9. where do you shop?Ross, Charlotte Russe, and Rue 21 mostly. also target sometimes11. favorite social media accounti only have tumblr and snapchat so tumblr13. any siblings?i have seven siblings actually!! i only live with 2 tho bless15. favorite snapchat filter?the dog bc im basic af17. how many times a week do you shower?usually about 4. any more than that and my hair gets weird19. shoe size?like a 6-7.5 21. sandals or sneakers?sneakers all the way. sandals make me uncomfortable23. describe your dream datealright so ideally its with a person who likes me (if not, it would be a lil awkward). we would go to build-a-bear workshop and make each other bears bc im a sentimental piece of shit then go to the zoo maybe??? and get ice cream and just generally do cliche cutesy bullshit bc im a sucker for that sorta thing
25. what color socks are you wearing?i took my socks off like five minutes ago but they were light pink w/ dinos27. do you have a job? what do you do?i have a job (that i’ll be out of in a week rip) as a tutor for satan :)29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?once in the sixth grade this boy (my best friend at the time) asked me out. i said no and ran away. i heard he cried after. people thought i was a heartless bitch but turns out im just gay so31. 3 favorite boy namesim gonna do TRADITIONALLY boy names bc i don’t think names have genders but yeah anyway. i like noah a lot!! almost every noah i’ve met has been cool. i also like oliver bc its a fancy name. also Kai is a really cool name (sidenote: remember when like all the beautiful boys in stories that people wrote online were named kai??)33. favorite actor?hmmm probably The Rock or Jack Black. i love them35. who is your celebrity crush?oH MAN WHO ISNT TBH. i love hayley kiyoko, shura, laverne cox, angelina jolie (esp when she played Legs in foxfire,,, damn), and a ton more37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?i don’t read a lot tbh but my favorite book rn is the Outsiders39. do you have a nickname? what is it?ehlow calls me Or bc shes bi trash for me41. top 10 favorite songsi’m just gonna do my top 10 atm and not of all time bc thats too hard1. Coffee Talk - Broadside2. First Time He Kissed A Boy - Kadie Elder3. Mother & Father - Broods4. Don’t Take The Money - Bleachers5. Billie Jean - EDEN6. Mr. Brightside - The Killers7. Nicotine - Panic! At The Disco8. Teenager in Love - Neon Trees 9. New York Soul pt. ii - Jon Bellion10. High Enough - K.Flay
43.what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)i think its combination???
45. how many kids do you want?ZERO
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)i think its like medium sized??
49. what was the last compliment you received?”you are the light in my darkness” - my friend haley 51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?4 or 5. my mom told me he died in a blizzard like a hundred years ago lmao53. opinion on smoking?kill yourself slowly if you want ig but stay away from me bc this bitch got asthma55. what is your dream job?founder of a non-profit for LGBT+ youth57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?nah my hair is really particular59. do you smile for pictures?only if im forced tbh61. have you ever peed in the woods?nope63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?i can’t have either anymore rippp but i preferred wendy’s65. what do you wear to bed?a sports bra/tank top and shorts67. what are your hobbies?suffering, being gay, watching the office
69. do you play an instrument?no but im trying to learn piano for my senior project!!!71. tea or coffee?tea 100% coffee gives me anxiety and is also gross without a ton of sugar73. do you want to get married?i mean, i like the poetic beauty of choosing to be with someone every single day and not being bound to them by law BUT i need those family benefits so yeah probably if i can trick someone into marrying me75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?only if they have a cool last name77. do you miss anyone right now?,,,perhaps,,,79. do you believe in ghosts?idk??? i want to tho81. last person you called`my little sister so she could let me into the house83. regular oreos or golden oreos?can’t have either but gluten-free regular oreos are better than the vanilla ones so regular85. what shirt are you wearing?one of the 10 black v-necked shirts i own87. are you outgoing or shy?in the middle probably?? like i don’t approach people like every day but im not shy lmao89. do you like your neighbors?one of my neighbors is a redneck bar so no91. have you ever been high?who needs weed when u got dissociation tbh93. last thing you ate?im 85% sure it was chocolate95. summer or winter?summer. i’m less stressed in summer
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?milk but dark is ok. WHITE CHOCOLATE IS GROSS AF
99. what is your zodiac signscorpiooo
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aworldinsideaperson · 8 years
Scott’s Stepsister-Isaac Lahey-Part 3
Friendships and Sleepovers
Part 1-Moving and Meeting
Part 2-School Days
Teen Wolf Imagine: #114
Word Count: 2,742
Warnings:None that I can think of?
Summary: While the parents are away the teenagers will play. Melissa and Matthew take a weekend away leaving Scott, Isaac, and Y/N home ‘alone’. Scott’s friends come over, as do a few of Y/N’s friends from back home. It’s a night filled with friends, getting to know each other, and pizza. Lots and lots of pizza.
A/n: It’s finished! Finally! I am so happy that it’s done you don’t even know!!!!!! I hope you all enjoy it I am going to go work on that damn riverdale fic and probably close my tumblr tab for a few days. Goodbye.
Tumblr media
Coming Soon
Last Imagine
It had been several weeks since school started, Y/N had gotten to know Scott and Isaac’s friends but more often than not she would find herself in her room when the group would come over. Not that she hadn’t been invited to hang out with them, she just was still uncomfortable among this group of friends. With the exception of Isaac, she was more comfortable with him than with anyone she had met in all of Beacon Hills.  Otherwise she had settled in quite nicely. She was doing well in her classes, she had made a few acquaintances and it was starting to feel like this place could and would be her home.
Y/N sat on the couch, her knees to her chest as she sent silly snapchats to Isaac, who was sitting in a chair beside her. They laughed at the faces and filters when they heard the front door open then close. The two looked up to see Scott walking into the house with a smile on his face. He moved into the living room and plopped down on the opposite end of the couch and took his own phone out.
“Hey.” Scott said, eyes on his phone.
“Hey.” Y/N and Isaac replied in unison, something the two had done more than once recently.
“How’s Kira?” She asked eyes never leaving her own phone.
“She’s good, she asked how you were doing. I told her you were settling in well.”
“She’s sweet.”
“You should hang out with her some time. Her, Lydia, and Malia. They like you.” Scott eyed her for a moment before training back on his phone.
“I-” She started but was cut off by the sound of two sets of footsteps coming down the stairs as Melissa and Matthew made their way into the living room with the children.
“Oh good, you’re all here. We wanted to talk the three of you about something.” Matt started
Matt sat in the chair across from Isaac and Melissa sat on the arm of the chair with Matt’s arm around her. They looked at the teenager for a moment before continuing.
“Next weekend we are going away. Just the two of us.”
“And we wanted to set some ground rules.” Melissa said with a smile.
“Number one, no ragers. Y/N I’m looking at you.” Matt stated, pointing a finger towards his daughter with a light smirk on his face.
“Oh, come on, that was one time and it wasn’t even my idea! Besides I was 14, how much of a rager could it have really been?” Y/N questioned, rolling her eyes.
Her father shook his head. “Just, keep partying to a minimum.”
“You guys have to eat real food at some point over the weekend. We are leaving you money for take out but please try to eat something resembling a vegetable.” Melissa practically begged even though she was fully aware there was no chance of it happening.
“Finally, just be sure to clean up any mess you make before four PM on Sunday. You can have as big a party as you want, as long as we don’t know about it.” Matt said, smiling at the kids before him, only to have Melissa look at him as if he had told them to set the house on fire.
The three of them laughed at the exchange. “Is that all?” Isaac asked.
“Yup, go back to sitting on your phones as a group.” Melissa said before standing up, followed by Matthew as the two made their way out of the living room and toward the kitchen. Y/N stood up and followed them, reaching out to grab her dad’s arm. “Hey Dad, I wanted to ask you a question.”
“Yeah sweetie, what’s up?”
“I was wondering if I could invite the girls over this weekend.”
“Kira, Malia and Lydia?” Melissa asked.
“No, actually, a few of my friends from back home. They have been asking about coming  to see me and I figured now was a good a time as any.” Y/N Elaborated.
“I don’t see why not. Do you have any objections?” He asked, turning to Melissa.
“Nope, the boys will probably have their friends over to so that could be fun for all of you.”
A wide grin spread across her face. “Awesome I’ll let them know. Thanks.”
“Any time sweetheart.” Y/N hugged her father tightly before skipping back into the living room with a smile still on her face.
“What’s got you all smiley?”Scott asked, looking up from his phone causing Isaac to do the same.
“I have friends coming over this weekend from back home.” She replied excitedly.
“Any hot girls?” Isaac asked hopefully.
“All hot girls.” She assured.
“Awesome! So, we’re having a party?”
“Nope, just a sleepover. Invite your friends too, so you won’t bug mine too much.” She chuckled and plopped down on the sofa with her phone, already texting her three best friends.
The week passed and before long Friday came. Y/N, Isaac and Scott stood on the porch saying goodbye to Matthew and Melissa.
“When are the girls getting here?” Matthew asked as he hugged tightly to his daughter, rocking side to side with her in his arms.
“They should be here any time now.”
“Alright, well, let them know that I said hello.”
“Will do.”
Matthew finally pulled away and kissed his daughter’s forehead. “Have fun this weekend.”
“I will.” She assured.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too. Have fun.”
“I will.” Matt leaned down and kissed Y/N on the forehead once again before stepping off the porch and heading to the car.
The three teenagers stood waving goodbye from the porch as their parents pulled away. As if on queue, once their car was out of sight a bright blue SUV pulled into the driveway. Once the vehicle came to a stop and the engine was shut off three doors opened to reveal Y/N’s best friends from home. The boys covered their ears as the four young women squealed with joy. Y/N ran down the steps and across the small front yard to greet her friends, taking each of them into a long overdue hug.
“Oh my god I can’t believe you’re here!” Y/N screamed while holding tightly to a short blonde. “And who’s car is this?”
“Mine.” An average height brunette stated with a smile. “Divorce gift from my parents. Hyundai Tucson in caribbean blue. They said it’s so I can get between their houses easier but I think they just felt bad about not getting divorced until I was practically in college.”
“Well it’s nice. We should take it for a ride before you go. Come on in.” The four made their way up to the porch where she introduced her friends to Scott and Isaac.
“Scott, Isaac, these are my friends. Izzy,” Y/N pointed to the short blonde to her left. “Marie,” She pointed to the redhead with her arms wrapped around Y/N’s shoulders from behind. “ And Sam.” Y/N laughed and pointed to the brunette on her right. “Girls, this is Scott, Melissa’s son, and Isaac, Scott’s friend that lives with us.”
They all said their hellos, and as Y/N lead the girls into the house the Jeep pulled up to the curb. Rosco was hardly to a stop when Stiles jumped out and ran around the front of the vehicle. Then out came Malia, Lydia, and Kira. When they all made it to the porch they were quick to move inside and settle themselves in. Once inside Y/N directed her friends upstairs before turning to Scott.
“Alright, we’re going up to my room if you need me.”
“We’ll be down here if you want to join us at any point.”
“Okay, thanks Scott.”
Y/N bound up the stairs two at a time, meeting her friends once again in her room. Again the squealed and hugged each other tightly before sitting down to talk about what they had missed in each other’s lives. Y/N and Sam sat with their backs against the headboard of her bed, Izzy laid across the end of the bed and Marie sat in a chair in the corner of the room.
“Oh oh oh, and Marie has a girlfriend!” Izzy exclaimed excitedly.
Y/N’s eyes grew wide as she turned to Marie. “Really? That’s amazing!”
“Yeah, I came out to my parent’s last month.” She stated, a smiled and a slight blush coming to her pale cheeks.
“How did they take it?” Y/N asked, having heard horror stories of children coming out to their parents.
“Surprisingly well. Dad said ‘at least you won’t be a teen mom’ and Mom I think I relieved that I’m not keeping secrets from her anymore.” Marie replied with a laugh.
Y/N smiled, pleased with her friend’s happiness. “So your relationship is good again?”
Marie nodded. “Just like before.”
“Meanwhile, Izzy and I are still hopelessly single.” Sam interjected dramatically.
“Same here.” Y/N laughed.
“Speaking of single. Your future step brother and his friend are super cute.” Sam smiled thinking about the cute boys she had met downstairs.
“Scott has a girlfriend, Kira.” Y/N explained.
“And Isaac?” Izzy asked excitedly.
“Isaac is single.”
“And you aren’t…” Sam’s voice trailed off, indicating she was asking a less than appropriate question about Y/N’s relationship with Isaac.
“Oh my god no! Are you kidding? We live together that is a disaster waiting to happen. He’s nice to me and we spend a lot of time together because Scott’s almost always gone, and he is attractive in a tall, blonde haired, blue eyed, strong jaw kind of way, but it could and would never happen.” Y/N stressed, though it was obvious the thought had gone through her mind more than once.
The girls could hear laughing from downstairs. Y/N looked around the room to see all of her friends staring at her door longingly.
“Do you guys want to go downstairs?”
“No.” Marie said turning back to her phone.
“Yes!” Sam exclaimed, eyes still trained on the door.
“Only if you want to.” Izzy spoke softly, turning to look at her friend.
“Come on, let’s go.” Y/N stood up and made her way to the door followed closely by her friends. When they came to the bottom of the stairs they were met by Scott.
“Hey, I were just about to come up and let you know we are ordering pizza.” Scott said with a smile to the girls.
“Awesome. We thought we would come down a join you guys, is that okay?” Y/N asked, her voice more timid than the confidence she had hoped would come out.
“Absolutely. It’s your house too.” Scott said with a laugh as the five of them moved into the living room.
“What do you want on your pizza?” Stiles asked from the floor, a phone in his hand.
“Well I want cheese.” Y/N said, sliding down onto the floor in front of the chair Isaac was sitting in, his legs on either side of her as she took out her phone.
“What about your friends?” Stiles was still facing her, his thumb pointing over his shoulder to her friends who had seated themselves around the room.
“We’re right here.” Sam said sarcastically.
Stiles turned to the girls rolling his eyes. “What do you want on your damn pizza?”
“Cheese.” The three said in unison, a practiced feat the four had mastered many years ago.
“See, wasn’t that easy. Can’t you ever be that easy?” Stiles said, turning to Y/N.
Not looking up from her phone she replied. “If I made everything easy for you there would be little to no joy in my life.”
“I’m glad I can bring you joy.” Stiles said, rolling his eyes once again.
“Anyway, these are my friends from back home, Sam, Marie, and Izzy. Sam, Marie, Izzy, these are Scott and Isaac’s friends, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, Liam, Mason and Kira. She’s also scott’s girlfriend.” Y/N quickly introduced the groups before training her eyes back on her phone.
“Nice to meet you.” The three girls once said again in unison, causing themselves to laugh.
Y/N looked up from her phone toward Mason and Liam. “How did you two get here?”
“We walked because Stiles wouldn’t pick us up.” Liam replied, throwing Stiles a slight glare.
“Oh, well, good to see you again.” She said, quickly turning back to her phone.
“So what have you all been talking about? We can hear you upstairs.” Sam asked, looking around the circle
“Just making fun of Stiles.” Isaac explained.
Stiles huffed. “Why are you so mean to me?”
“Because Stiles, you’re an asshole.” Isaac stated plainly.
Offended, Stiles turned to his girlfriend for backup. “Malia, am I an asshole?”
Though she didn’t give him any. “Yes.”
The girl’s mouths dropped and Sam spoke up with a laugh. “Savage.” It continued on like that for hours, talking, laughing, being teenagers, having fun.
Later on that night, after everyone had gone to sleep throughout the house Y/N sat at the kitchen table with her computer typing away. Isaac stepped into the kitchen, surprised to see her still awake.
“Hey, what are you still doing up?” Isaac asked with a yawn, moving around the kitchen to get himself a glass of water.
“Working on my english paper.” She stated, continuing to type away eyes never moving from the screen
“That’s not due until next Friday right?”
“Yeah but if I finish it now I won’t have to rush last minute and I’ll have time to revise and edit.” She explained with a smirk.
“God you are so studious it’s almost nauseating.” He laughed, his eyes staying on her.
“What are you doing up?”
“Just a nightmare so I came to get a drink and a snack.” He said, reaching into the bowl in the center of the table and picking up an apple.
For the first time since he  came into the room she looked away from her computer and at him. “Do you want to talk about it?” She had heard him many nights move from his room, down the stairs and back, almost a nightly occurrence for him.
“Not particularly.” A silence fell between them as she turned back to her computer, the only sound being the clicks of the keyboard. The conversation felt over but Isaac wasn’t ready for it to be over so he spoke again. “So it seemed like you were having fun tonight.”
“I was.” She said with a smile.
“You should hang out with us more. You aren’t pushing into our group if we enjoy your company. I mean we let Stiles hang out with us and no one likes him.” Isaac laughed and took a sip of his drink.
Y/N smiled and nodded. “I think I will. Lydia invited all the girls to go shopping tomorrow and I think I’ll go this time.”
“You should, you’ll have fun. Your friends are nice.” He stated, determined to keep the conversation going as long as he could.
“Yeah, Izzy seems kind of into you.”
“I could tell, she’s not really my type. Besides Liam was trying to flirt with her and I could never disappoint the kid like that.”
“He was?”
“Yeah, didn’t you see the way he kept getting close to her and helping her with things she clearly didn’t need help with? Yeah, total freshman move but adorable all the same.”
“Do guys really flirt like that?” She asked in disbelief.
“Some do. Some are more direct, some are more subtle, some just stare longingly at the girl hoping she’ll notice.”
“Which one are you?” She asked out of curiosity though it may have come off as flirting in the moment.
“You see I would tell you but then I’d have to kill you.” The two laughed together for a moment before Y/N let out a deep yawn.
“Alright, I’m going to head to bed. Goodnight Isaac.” She said, standing up and making her way out of the room
“Goodnight Y/N.” Isaac watched longingly as as she walked away and all he could think was how he was in too deep and that this would be the death of him.
@imaginesandsmutforusfreaks @girlwiththebow @sharon6713
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nikineon · 7 years
Hi answer all the ones ending in a prime number :p
Damn... you are making me do math and shit... 
2, 3, 5, 7, 
2. My room is much cleaner than it used to be, but I usually have laundry on the floor and random junk on my dresser. 
3. My eyes are hazel!
5. I am openly dating and loving it!
7. Naturally, my hair is light brown. Right now it is murky, swampy blue/green/purple and I love it. 
12. I have a full size bed, and it was my first new one ever and I am proud of buying it lol. 
13. I have two full sisters and one half sister who is 6 and I help care for her!
15. my favorite snapchat filters are any of the temporary ones. I love them. 
17. I usually shower about 3 times a week fully. 
22. right now, I don’t have the time, but once my second job ends I would like to get into strength training and some cardio
23. My dream date involves laughter, shared smiles and shy glances, casual physical contact, delicious food and good conversation. 
25. I am currently bare foot!
27. I have two jobs! I work as an English teacher for 8-10th grade and as an after school and summer school teacher for K-5. I love it so thoroughly. I could not imagine being happy doing anything else. 
32. Elizabeth, Alexandria, Danielle. I love how versatile these names are, and I have important OCs with these names who have been with me for years. 
33. Uhhhhhh Donny Yen is great, love Viola Davis, Jaden Smith kills me, and I look forward to seeing more from Chadwick Boseman! 
35. I have more crushes than I have socks... 
37. I do! So much, in fact, that I cannot choose. I even get free books in exchange for reviews. Sometimes I even score ACRs, so that is pretty cool! Ummm my favorite recent read was Afterworlds. Death gods, lesbians, and both sad and happy endings. A book within a book detailing a young author’s journey to publication and the writing of a sequel. Loved it!
42. I do! I take a bunch of vitamins as a result of my surgery (B12, D3, Calcium Citrate), Prozac, allergy meds, and the occasional sleep aid. 
43. I have combination skin. Some parts are dry, some oily, some normal. Changes in weather also have an impact. 
45.  NONE! Nope, parenting is not for me. I would be more than happy to foster or adopt teenagers who needed a place to be safe, but that won’t be for a while. 
47. I live in a shitty apartment in a big city with the most fabulous roommates/lifemates I could ever hope for. Hufflehouse is a dream and I cannot wait until we have an actual house to call ours. I filed all my paperwork to get pre-approved for a mortgage this week and I couldn’t be more excited. 
52. My dream car is currently a honda cr-v, but in an idea world I want something with space, comfort, good speakers, great gas mileage (or electric!!), and one that is as reliable as humanely possible. I would love to go a year without any issues!
53. eh. Depends? I know it can be the only way for some to relieve stress or anxiety so like, I won’t judge smokers and I enjoy smooth smoke (like hookahs or some electric ones), and the smell of cigarettes reminds me of my parents. However, sometimes the smell can trigger bad memories and I CANNOT be in a place where people smoke indoors for long without facing consequences to my health. 
55. I am doing it? idk I guess to make it better I would love to do something with kids in a less formal setting? Like, as a guidance person or a camp guide or like, a cooking class or something where I am not in charge of hitting standards and test scores and stuff. 
62. Yeah! If it is interesting, why not? 
65. As little as possible
67. Already answered
72. Starbs
73. Not really? Like, Harris and I might get married because it would be fun and make things easier, but like, I don’t want to spend my life with one person and I have some pretty bad connotations with marriage and weddings that I would need to overcome so like... not for me I guess. 
75. I am gonna change my last name because I don’t want any connection to my bio dad and my step dad has already given me permission to change my name once I have the money together!
77. I miss lots of people! I miss you, I miss @mxnotmrdarcy and @impromptuonedykedanceparty, I miss being close to my sisters, I miss my lil sister anytime I don’t get to see her, I sometimes even miss my bio dad before I remember what he put me through
83. Golden! Or peanut butter oreos
85. A striped skater tank dress with pockets! 
87. Outgoing
92. ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaah
93. A mini donut
95. SUMMER god damn get winter as far away from me as possible
97. dark and/or milk depending on my mood
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sportanimefantasies · 8 years
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I honestly only have Snapchat for the filters now, HAHAHA.
But then it got me thinking, do our babies use Snapchat? So here’s a few headcanons for you, my loves!
You guys expected this one to be the first one, c’mon let’s be real. Bokuto totally has Snapchat. And not only for the filters, he loves using Snapchat. He likes getting people unguarded. Like when people are sleeping in public? He’ll snapchat them with a canny caption or something, haha.
Bokuto’s favorite filter is any animal. Or anything that gives him big eyes. Or a weird face. Actually... He just enjoys all the filters... He doesn’t even have a favorite. Bokuto will just say all of them are because they’re so funny.
Ushijima actually gets confused with Snapchat. He downloaded it because Tendou and Ohira told him it would be fun. It took Ushijima twenty minutes to realize he had to hold down onto his face to get a filter... And another fifteen to do the face swap right with Tendou.
Ohira actually recorded Ushijima trying to work Snapchat. Ushijima didn’t realize he would make as many faces as he did trying to work the damn app.
After awhile, Ushijima eventually just left Snapchat in a folder he had. He doesn’t really use it or any social media app.
Hinata and Nishinoya are best friends on Snapchat! They send each other snapchats over and over again, its really just a conversation with each other that never ended?
Tanaka was banned (via Daichi) from using Snapchat for awhile because he snapchatted Daichi in the club room with his shirt off. It wasn’t on purpose, it was more of recording himself and Daichi just happened to be in the direction Tanaka recorded? Either way, Daichi got super mad because people that weren’t in the club saw and wouldn’t stop mentioning it.
Seeing Daichi become so upset made Tanaka scared too use Snapchat around him.
Daichi only has Snapchat to see what others do in his bored times. Which is rare since he’s so busy with school, volleyball, homework and personal affairs. But on the occasion nights where Daichi can’t sleep, he actually watches alot of people’s Snapchats.
Sugawara was looking through Daichi’s phone for pictures of the notes and found Daichi’s selfies with some of the Snapchat filters. No one really knows since Sugawara uses the selfies for a bribe whenever he gets hungry and Daichi is being mean to him.
Sugawara discreetly throws in little jokes about Daichi using snapchat filters because Suga knows which is Daichi’s favorite. Its the contour’d one. Daichi likes using that filter, occasionally without his shirt on.
Also another obvious one. Kise and Oikawa love using Snapchat. And of course their favorite is the dog one. But they know they look good in all the “make me look good” snapchat filters haha.
Aomine first hated when Snapchat came out because he could never avoid it. He didn’t have one, but he might as well have with Momoi and Kise around. They loved Snapchatting their business and daily activites and whenever they were with Aomine, he was the main thing on their story.
Eventually (especially being with Momoi so much) Aomine just got used to it. He still rolls his eyes whenever Momoi uses the Snapchat filters to take pictures together but he doesn’t argue anymore.
Momoi’s favorite Snapchat filters are the crying one and the animal ones. Especially the latest Llama one. She likes the big eyes on the crying one and the animal ones are just so adorable!
Kenma just has Snapchat to embarrass Kuroo or anyone on the team. He takes pictures of anyone asleep. Especially Kuroo. His main thing on Snapchat that everyone loves is “Kuroo’s hair still looks like bed hair even when he does...” laundry, cooking, playing video games. One day everyone wouldn’t stop asking Kenma questions when Kuroo blow dried his hair after the shower and it was somehow close enough to the bed head hair style he was infamously known for.
Iwaizumi does the same thing as well. But he has more fun with it and yells at Oikawa more for actually getting mad. Whenever Iwaizumi is especially fed up with Oikawa’s antics, he Snapchats Oikawa asleep. Only the ugly in Oikawa exists when he’s asleep. Hey, didn’t you know that’s how you get your beauty sleep really to work?
Bokuto and Kuroo are best friends on Snapchat, but who didn’t see that coming? But its not pictures with captions to respond back to the other. Their Snapchats to each other are more of embarrassing each other. Or taking normal pictures but coming up with a funny caption. “Here we have Kuroo trying to hit on a girl, but he’s going to get rejected. Oh see, she walked away and now he’s coming back all sulking.” “Did anyone lose a pile of garbage? *picture of Bokuto exhausted on the gym floor*”
Murasakibara has Snapchat to record all the food he’s ever eaten. Its more of his little notebook or memories to remember what he’s eaten.
Akashi is one of those Snapchatters that never show his face really, its pretty rare. He uses Snapchat to record fun times with friends or mainly for scenery. He’s quite the photographer, really.
Kuroko? He uses Snapchat for Number 2. It’s really Number 2′s Snapchat since its all him. Kuroko tried hard to get him and Number 2 in a selfie with the dog filter. It happened once. Kuroko saved the picture immediately.
Kiyoko are one of those people you HAVE to watch on Snapchat. Not only is she gorgeous but she makes the most ordinary things look so interesting on her Snapchat. But she doesn’t Snapchat as often as others would love to see as well. Everyone loves seeing Yachi in her Snapchat as well because they’re just adorable together.
Kageyama uses Snapchat for volleyball. Once a week he records himself (with the help of Hinata or Yachi recording) setting, spiking, or serving. It wasn’t planned or anything, but someone went up to him and said “I like watching your volleyball Snapchats. I kind of look forward to it ever week.” Then it hit him he does Snapchat just volleyball once a week.
He got a little embarrassed, but Kageyama did it at first because he wanted to see his forms. And when he posted it he wanted to see if anyone else would have feed back, to clean up his form or anything.
Himuro is the Snapchat model. He is gorgeous to watch on his Snapchat. Everything he does is beautiful. If you were to hate him, you still couldn’t unwatch his Snapchats, enjoyingly.
Everyone loves watching Himuro do his cooking on Snapchat. 30% of his watchers told him they have become better cooks ever since they watched his Snapchats.
Kagami likes using Snapchat to post himself using the filters. He likes the way they look and make him sound. Hahaha.
Teppei likes showing off his friends and adventures more than himself. There’s selfies with him in it hanging out with his friends every now and then, but he likes showing his friends off more. But he rly does like Snapchatting Number 2 with himself.
Never trust Midorima with your ugly selfies. He will screenshot and he will use them for a bribe whenever the time has come.
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lifesobeautiful · 7 years
The Truth About Tinder Dating
For a lot of people, Tinder dating is one of the best things that ever happened. There, they can meet a lot of potential partners who can get into a relationship with them. While some are successful, others aren’t.
So, you’ve downloaded the app and placed a 10/10 selfie as your profile photo. You giggled to yourself at your clever bio. Now, should you begin swiping?
A big “No”.
You ask why?
Via cnet
– Oh hell no, he’s from the Valleys. – His chest is SO hairy! – He’s got a dog- way too big of a commitment. – He’s a farmer. I’m not ready to be shoveling shit at 5 am. – Why on earth is he using the butterfly Snapchat filter? – 5’8″? Nope, he’s vertically challenged. – Why is it ALWAYS the ugly one in a group photo? – Okay, he’s interested in Politics, History, and Sociology. I feel like he’s far too intelligent for me. – Ugh! He’s actually pouting! – Is he seriously doing that pose? I don’t know if that’s supposed to be a joke.
And here’s more:
– Swearing at the camera. Charming! – His sunglasses are actually offensive to my eyes. Ew! – 19 is a bit TOO young, although he is fit. – No hair. Pass. – Why is he carrying one of those fake Gucci shoulder bags? The worst creation I’ve ever seen. – ‘My 3-year-old boy is my world’. Oh, no. I’m not ready for that kind of commitment. – Ooh, this guy? Fit- not.
So, why are women so shallow on Tinder? People can’t stop judging each other there.
The Real Deal with Tinder
Tinder is a genius app if you’re self-obsessed and if you enjoy rating people like you’re Tyra Banks from America’s Next Top Model. Unfortunately, not everyone you’ll see in that app can pass your standards.
There’s a good chance you could be swiping 32-year old, Carlsberg-swigging Neil who works in the garage and frequents students’ house parties because he’s not ready to grow up.
And you know what?
There are quite a few Neils in the Tinder world. In fact, I have dated a few of them.
Tinder dating unleashes a whole new world that I wasn’t definitely ready for…
1. Dating a 33-year old guy who lived at home and sent me photos of which cardi he should wear for work. 2. Going for pizza with a roid head who had a secret fetish of pulling on my double chin. I genuinely wish this was a lie. 3. Being taken to the cinema and my date falling asleep on me halfway through Crimson Peak. I really liked that film, you know. 4. Being sent a wrong text message basically saying that I was one of four he was dating. When asked what number I was, he said two. Damn. 5. During university, I actually considered letting Darren come around and massage my feet for £100.
So, does Tinder work?
Via thetechnews
I am sure that you can get a few dates (with Neil) there or maybe free food. However, I really don’t think Tinder is the one for marriage.
Well, it didn’t work for me. Although I did have a giggle at Neil 1, 2 and 3, I feared that when I am 30 years old, I’ll be sitting on my sofa watching Bridget Jones and convincing myself that Neil from Cardiff would look okay- if he shaved his sideburns & stopped wearing socks with his Jesus sandals.
Swipe you later girls and guys!
The post The Truth About Tinder Dating appeared first on Dumb Little Man.
This article was first shared from Dumb Little Man
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survivorwesteros · 8 years
Episode 7: I feel personally victimized - Luke
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why are they abaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
also steffen or drew will win this season bookmark this.
I can't Beloeve
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So glad to be back in the game! The amount of shock in the chat was awesome! Hahah I'm just glad I didn't get eliminated without receiving a single vote. Although I know I'll get one now!
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First of all I feel personally victimized by the hosts for allowing people to come back. Next I feel personally victimized because Darian came back and he has reason to target me!!! Going forward I'm trusting Drew the most because I love him so much :) Ashley, Steffen and Jordan are also strong allies of mine. I want to target Darian next and then I want either Brian, Lily or Andrew out. Jordan should leave fairly soon too because he's a big threat and that means betraying him but I need to do what I need to do to win.
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So I got some kick ass items at auction today. I got a Wildfire, which can reset a round and make all of our challenge results null so we have to do them over. I also got a ride on a dragon thanks to Steffen, even though we don't know about it yet. He got to choose two others to take with him and chose Drew and I, which I really awesome because I am starting to like Steffen a lot. Hopefully we can get closer in the upcoming days. I also got a turkey leg, which gives me an advantage in a challenge up to final five, so that is pretty chill too.
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Darian and Lily coming back????? UGLY!!!! KEEP THEM!!!!!!!! But also like I'm rebelling more against the fact of HAVING two people come back than the reality of who they are. If two people were going to come back, they’re DECENT choices because at least they both like me? But they come with their own vendettas against other people I like and it’s a PROBLEMMMMMMM. Darian coming back means the tension between him and Luke is gonna come to a head sooner rather than later. And Lily wants to take out both Andrew and Steffen QUICK because of reasons. Meanwhile WHAT EXACTLY HAS MY ASS BEEN DOING???? Aligning with almost every damn person in the game! Jordan specifically said “i feel like were aligned with too many people at this point. Like we need to actually get on a side” and my internal monologue is laughing because I think I’m connected to even more than he is because I’m with Steffen too???? 
1. Me Ashley Jordan Darian  2. Me Ashley Luke Steffen 3. Me Ashley Andrew  4. Me Ashley Andrew Luke Jordan 5. Me Jordan Lily 
I’m about one second away from starting one with Brian and Nic just for shits. And THEY’RE ALL FUCKING TARGETING EACH OTHER!!!! Luke and Steffen bonded on call over wanting Darian gone and have brought up Jordan’s name, Jordan and Lily want Steffen gone, Lily is PUSHING for Andrew to go and Jordan and I can only keep her at bay for so long, and LITERALLY NO ONE IS BRINGING UP BRIAN AND NIC TO GO like I’m about to upset a whole group of people really quickly. I think my best course of action right now, if Ashley would be open to it, would be to blindside Darian right the fuck back out. I need to convince Jordan that our five-person alliance (listed above as #4) is the most important thing in the world right now because it’s numbers after this vote. It’s also another alliance that I have with both Ashley and Jordan so if they’re on board for the Darian blindside, then we can do it without pissing anyone off. Except Darian but I mean whatever, it’s not like I have to see him at high school the next day (sorry Ashley!!!). And it keeps Luke happy, and I’m all about keeping Luke happy. And it might convince Brian and Nic that we’d go for Lily next and just cleanse the field, and honestly that’d be nice too. 
This is my dream boot list, at least for now (subject to like 18,000 revisions so like take it with the entire container of salt that for some reason is a current Snapchat filter with the Morton’s wig and umbrella) 
10th place: Darian, with the consent of Ashley and Jordan  9th place: Brian because whew comp strength  8th place: Steffen because I don’t know that I can hold Jordan and Lily off any longer on that one 7th place: Nic, to, in the words of Lord Voldemort, kill the spare 6th place: Andrew because he might not see it coming at that time? The kid has been to the Citadel so fucking much, I can’t 5th place and beyond I don’t fucking know yet??? That’s a really tough position to be in because everyone in that final five would potentially want to work to the end with me but they’re all also threats to win. Ashley has been a main co-conspirator since the very beginning for me, but walks in with at least Darian’s vote almost pre-destined. Jordan and I work well together and his reputation often works against him, but I honestly think this isn’t the jury that would hold that against him like Costa Rica did, and he would have Ben’s vote almost pre-destined. Lily’s story could go either way, in that she’d been voted out twice, she doesn’t deserve to win, or that she’s fought back in twice and made it to the end. Especially if people like Steffen and Jordan are on jury, that’s going to really resonate with them as people who have won buybacks and almost won with them before. Luke probably has the least amount of connections from that potential jury pool, but has a great story of being the only foreigner and needing to adapt to our schedules, staying up until 4-5am every night to participate with us when we’re at our most available. Steffen would really respond to that, having played seasons from Norway and understanding the struggle. Honestly I could end up with the worst case to present in any configuration of that five, but I’ll worry about that as we get closer because I think that’s the configuration that best LEADS to me getting to finals. I can argue my way through a lot of things, and if I lose, I lose, I’d be happy losing to any of them. This might be the strongest social game I’ve ever had?? Or I could be wildly delusional and other people have just as many chats with just as many leads and I don’t factor into anyone’s final plans. We’ll see, I guess
Pray for me, it’s gonna be a fucking bumpy ride. 
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So Steffen, Drew and I's dragon ride ended with me getting a vote revealer, Drew getting an advantage in a challenge of his choosing, and Steffen got a vote stealer. We all agreed to it and are now in a semi alliance. So this should be interesting.
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So I won immunity yay :) Sam got mad at me cause she spent a long time making that challenge and I beat it in 8 minutes so i felt bad and decided to make an actual confessional. Shocking right? Anyways even if I didnt have immunity I think Im in a good spot? like okay, so i have a lot of alliances. I have one with Andrew Drew Luke and Ashley, one with Drew Ashley and Darien, One with Lily and Drew and then i sort of have an alliance with Nic. Meaning I am not aligned with Steffen, meaning ideally Steffen goes. lily told me she has the power to take away someones immunity so thats good that thats on my side. Either way, things are good for Jordan. First confessional done, dont expect another
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me to jordan yesterday: lets vote out steffen lily to me today: i was thinking steffen for next tribal 
ok sooo i do think steffen is a big threat and could win but i feel bad about voting him out cause im not invested in this game and idk if he is but he could win so i feel guilty if i vote him out and stay over him r . i. o. p. in peace
well well wel......... this is perfect. darian came to me wanting to blindside a threat so i said drew and now he's doing all the work to get drew sent home :o i spoke to steffen abotu it and hes good and darians gonna try to get andrew/brian/ashley so hopefully that works. 
i have a really good feeling where this is the episode where my edit goes from INV to MOR3
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HONESTLYYYYYYYYYYY disregard the boot list, scrap it, move on from it, delete the confessional, it NEVER. HAPPENED.
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Lily has gone to Drew, Jordan, Darian and Ashley to try and get me out. Ashley and Darian came clean to me about it and now we’re sorting stuff out now.  darian thing lets him see a random alliance chat don’t like it. Lily is after me, then Brian, then Andrew. Drew has an idol from the citadel so now we’re strategizing. trying to spill that Luke wanted Brian gone. Lily has Drew and Jordan but only Jordan. Nic has to vote Drew. Drew might have to self vote Brian has to vote lily Andrew will vote lily Darian votes Drew Steffen votes lily Ashley votes lily Lily votes SteffenJordan votes Steffen Luke votes TBA 
so Luke came to me with Jordan tea about how now Jordan is voting me out well good job Lily I officially say you can choke now [17:46:00] Luke: So do we know what's happening yet? 
[17:46:08] Jordan (Westeros): no one is talking [17:46:19] Jordan (Westeros): if i didn’t have immunity id be freaking out [17:47:15] Luke: That's why I'm freaking out!! [17:47:23] Jordan (Westeros): i want to target steffen tbh [17:49:39] Luke: Oh wow really? You think that could work? [17:49:49] Jordan (Westeros): i think we could potentially get the voes [17:49:51] Jordan (Westeros): votes 
So screw you Lily, and Jordan next time you go behind my back, be a little more creative you little toad and as soon as Jordan tried to get me to vote out Andrew IM LIKE SURE but then sent those receipts to andrew also I might now have Luke voting out Lily 
[11/30/16, 6:42:48 PM] Brian: [2016-11-30, 11:38:39 AM] Brian: have you heard anything about the vote today? [2016-11-30, 12:19:23 PM] Lily Owen: Yeah, people are planning on Steffen [11/30/16, 6:42:59 PM] Steffen Bøhn: oh yeah [11/30/16, 6:42:59 PM] Brian: [2016-11-30, 6:42:13 PM] Brian: so idk [2016-11-30, 6:42:13 PM] Jordan Pines: no one has said it to me [2016-11-30, 6:42:17 PM] Jordan Pines: ive heard steffen so far [2016-11-30, 6:42:22 PM] Jordan Pines: and i think thats where I’m leaning
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So I am terrified for this upcoming tribal. Some shit is going to go down. After the auction there are so many items in this game that I can't even keep my head straight.
So Darian got approached by Lily, who said she wanted to get Steffen out. She had this whole hit list and whatnot, and stupidly told Darian a lot of crap. So basically he comes to me and tells me everything. So now we are working with Steffen to try and find a solution... Hopefully all of this stuff is true, because if not, who the hell knows who is leaving tonight.
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jillmckenzie1 · 6 years
The Silver Lining – Online Dating on the Road
Once upon a time, in a galaxy not so far away, I came across a guy on Bumble who immediately proclaimed in his bio that faith was the number quality that he was looking for in a woman. Okay. He then proceeded to say how much he loved positivity and hated photo filters: “Real is beautiful.” You got it, bud. I second the filter hate train. I mean, I’ll send you a dumbass video of me with cheeseburgers circling around my head, but a hard no on the cat ears for public visibility. In true Stephanie fashion, I led with: “Should I start sending all my Snapchat filter selfies now or later?” (don’t worry, the answer is yes, I do amuse myself). Here’s the part where you sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. His response: “Funny, Funny. I wonder what a vagina looks like filtered? Huh [insert light bulb emoji]. I have an idea. Test it out for us. Send me one both ways. I’ll let you know [insert smiley face emoji].”
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Yep, this actually happened. Seriously. I responded and questioned why, on any planet in any point in time, he believed this response would be an acceptable way to speak to a woman. Ever. I recall using words like “disgusting” and “degrading” (I’m sure the screenshot is somewhere deep in the abyss of my iPhotos if you need evidence). His response? He was joking. Right. Super funny, dude. Real funny. Report. Block. Terminate. Bye.
If you’re single, you’re not surprised by this story. If you’re in a relationship, I hope to God you are completely astounded. And, while I often think dating apps are the absolute devil, it is also the current means to an end. Are you even a real single person if you are not on a dating app? Not even kidding. Okay, slight over exaggeration, but truly, never in our wildest teen years did us 30-something-year-olds imagine using our phones to score a significant other (AIM, sure, but not our phones).
So, I exist in my current reality. Fact: I’m single. Fact: I’m transient. Fact: I’d like to be in a relationship. Fact: I don’t care whether or not that relationship exists in a transient or stationary state. So, yes, if our vibe is high and you want to hop in the Airstream and explore every end of the earth, great. If you work in a job you love in a city that you call home, ask me to stay. Let’s ride the wave. Together. Because, seriously, doing life with someone who really gets you better than anyone else ever could is the real damn deal.
Back to dating. I don’t think anyone actually dates anymore. I am actually convinced that it’s not really a thing these days. There’s like pre-dating in which you entertain the idea of actually dating. And then there is friend-zoning or jumping deep into the abyss of quasi-matrimony. I speak with experience from the former, not the latter. And, mark my words, “friends with benefits” is so hot right now. I actually went toe-to-toe with two guy friends at a bar last weekend in a pursuit to convince them that the typical Millennial male is more often than not seeking a friend with whom he can simply have sex than an actual committed relationship (let’s just say they didn’t disagree). Because, I actually do believe that most men do not want to sleep around with handfuls of random girls. They seem to be perplexed by their own paradoxical existence of not wanting anything serious (i.e. being forced to attend your grandma’s 80th birthday with you) while simultaneously wanting to have sex as much as humanly possible.
Let me present to you exhibit A.
I moved to Denver in my Airstream last spring. I met a guy on Bumble who happened to be on the way to a bachelor party for the weekend. I assumed we would engage in an hour-long text conversation that would end with him asking me to send nudes or with him sending me a completely unsolicited dick pic (because, yes, as you can assume from the above scenario, guys really do that). I’d tell him to (a) Google a nude, any nude (most certainly not mine), if that’s what he wanted, or (b) I’d cuss him out for exposing himself like a disturbed and arrogant asshole, and I’d add another tally to my list of douchebags found in the wild.
Welp, surprisingly, he proved me wrong. Beyond that, he actually seemed interested in who I was as a human being, and he proceeded to text me non-stop over the course of the weekend. While at a bachelor party (I feel that this detail needs repeating).
So, he returns home three days later and we commit to actually meeting face to face (like, whoa). And, for lack of a better word, it’s flawless. We’re super funny together (priority one), conversation is natural, and chemistry is fire. We hang out for a few weeks, which inevitably leads to sex. Immediately, he drops the bomb: let’s be friends. Let’s. Be. Friends? Oh wait, I’m sorry, correction, let’s be BEST friends. Perfect. Great. Because, I’m really lacking in the best friend department (insert massive eye roll here).
At this point, I assume it will die out. I assume that he used the nice guy “let’s be friends” card in an attempt to save my feelings and he will vanish as quickly as he had appeared. But, no. He quite literally continues to pursue my friendship. For a month he asks me to do nearly everything with him. He also proceeds to pay for everything: climbing, concerts, movies. Let’s note here that he also proceeds to take my clothes off on a semi-regular basis (despite his constant commentary on us needing rules to prevent such happenings). Final bomb: after a Luke Bryan concert, while sitting on a bench enveloped by a Colorado night sky, he tells me that he loves my soul. I’m sorry, what? Like, we are dating, bro. We. Are. DATING. I don’t care what you title me, but let’s call this thing by its Urban Dictionary definition. He follows up this statement with the fact that I simply deserve better. One, I think I am being dumped for the first time without ever actually having been in an established relationship. Two, fuck off. No one gets to tell me what I deserve. I decide that. So, no, I don’t deserve better. You simply deserve less based on your own evaluation of whatever this thing is that we’re doing. Say that, please. Own that.
So, spring came. And, spring went.
Summer roared in like a lion, and I committed myself to rock faces and mountain peaks, two things that I find to be (surprisingly) much more predictable than men. I also dove even deeper into my work (don’t worry, the digital dating gods still delivered amidst my commitment to my professional projects).
Enter exhibit B.
As a freelance creative director and brand strategist, I work remotely for all of my clients. Idaho. California. Kentucky. Texas. I sometimes wonder if I have a subconscious goal to knock off all 50 states. With all that being said, I met a guy in another state who pursued me completely on his own accord. My vision had always been to travel with my Airstream, but I was never 100% certain on dates. This guy gets my number, he uses round-about questions to engage me in some witty banter, and low and behold he says, “Move down here and I’ll fix all your dating problems.” Wow. Bold statement. I like it. So, after a couple months in this state of flirting euphoria, I commit (amongst a sea of many factors, but I’m intrigued by what’s happening here). He calls me pet names and we have running jokes, and if you know me, these are the keys to my heart. So, I’m smitten kitten. Without any expectation of what will actually become of it. If anything.
The point here is that I show up. I have the luxury of saying yes and then doing something about it. I want to be next to him, so I choose that. Because his voice brings this uncanny smile to my face, and when his name appears on my iPhone notifications, there is a simultaneous level of excitement and comfort. He is fireworks, and he is coming home. And the beauty lies not only in the feeling, but also in the reciprocation of the feeling. Because, there is zero bone in my body that has interpreted anything that he’s told me as being untrue.
Until I’m there. Until I’m standing in front of him begging for every inch of contact. And, that alone becomes the culmination of months of aggressive flirting. Me. Begging (like, seriously, just kiss me before I scream). Because he likes me, but he doesn’t know. I’m sorry, what? Yes, he likes me, but he doesn’t know. Because, self-admittedly, he is a tease. And, he likes it, even though he’s not proud of it (his words, not mine). Perfect. Great. Because, my character flaw is not consuming enough water daily. The effect of this flaw on other people: zero.
At this point, I need to clarify two things. One, I respect people who have an awareness about what they do not know. There is nothing wrong with not knowing. I would take harsh honesty over a sugar-coated lie ten times out of ten. My frustration or disappointment or bewilderment exists in the actions that suggest otherwise. I get it, the pursuit is fun, but if you are not ready to take the elk out of the woods after the hunt, then why are you going hunting in the first place? Terrible metaphor, by the way, but rolling with it. Two, I do not believe in forcing anything in life. I spent far too many years making things happen in the pursuit of checking off items from some proverbial checklist (which is entirely bullshit, by the way). So, for someone not to choose me does not devastate my being. Yes, I have feelings. Lots of them. Too many of them, probably (hello, Leo over here). But, in a world where we get to choose everything (for argument’s sake), I’m not into forcing anyone into a choice that involves me.
What I have observed in this last eighteen months of singledom is that no one wants to commit. To anything. There is no need to commit to anything. Most guys are on dating apps to have sex. Okay, rephrase, most guys are on dating apps posing like they want something substantial in order to get sex. I actually have the most respect for bios that read, “If I’m being honest, just looking to hook up.” Bravo. Kudos to you, dude. Because, I have had my own seasons of wanting more and wanting less. And, there is nothing wrong with either choice. There is nothing wrong with existing in either space. It’s the lack of honesty that burns me to my core. Stop flirting with me if it’s not going anywhere. Stop wasting my time. I don’t need more friends off of Bumble, or sliding into my DMs, or through obscure means of getting my phone number. Truly. I’ve reached my lifetime quota after 34 years.
In tandem, what I have observed in the last eighteen months about myself is that I am, most certainly, a lover and believer of words. And, that is the crux. That online dating, or simply just dating, is this whole show of words. That are so easily believed. And it’s just all shit. If I had a dollar for every guy who suggested running away with me in my Airstream, I would have been able to pay straight cash for my new F-150 a few weeks ago. Seriously. There’s one in LA, and a couple in New Jersey, a handful in Texas, and so many in Colorado that I’ve actually stopped counting. Because the minute I say, “Okay, I’m calling you on this statement,” my experience indicates that they can’t live up to it.
Great, tell me all about your fantasies, homeboy, only to ghost two days later (or, better yet, I find out about your undying love for your current girlfriend on your second to last Instagram post from five days ago). Newsflash, smoother operator, this is my actual life over here. Hope you enjoyed your glimpse.
So, yes, I’m attempting to not grow cynical. I’m also attempting to unpack two very real personal questions. One, if a game must be played in order to win the affection of another, and that game requires me to act outside of my normal state, then am I even winning if I do “win?” For example, guy articulates that he doesn’t know if he wants anything. Then, the same guy asks for me to bring him food because he’s stuck at work. I show love through service, so naturally, my being is dying to deliver said food. But, guy advice (based on my current inner circle) is usually, don’t bring him the food: “He’s using you. If he can’t say that he wants you, but is willing to get favors from you, show him that you don’t have time to do him favors without him giving you a respectable level of commitment.” And, this is fair. This actually makes sense. But, still, I deliver the food (yep, that’s me) because, yep, that IS me. And, I don’t want to be anything but myself. Ever.
Two, what is my responsibility to give people space to be honest and themselves but also to guard my own heart in that process? I believe in ease. I believe that there are certain things in life that mysteriously and beautifully fall into place. I’d like to believe that a romantic relationship would unfold in a similar fashion. But, if this guy says he doesn’t know and then proceeds to engage with me in a fashion that suggests otherwise, should I believe his actions or his words? And, the fact that I’m asking that question is my answer, right? If the right person were standing in front of me, I’m confident I wouldn’t have to be choosing between his actions and his words in the first place because there would be an alignment in both areas that carries the level of integrity that I demand for in my own self. Yet, here I am, FaceTiming my best male friend at 7:32pm on a Wednesday night to ask how to respond to the 47th text message from a guy who just doesn’t know what it is that he wants from me, making me perplexed on how to proceed with my own verbiage and actions.
At this point, let’s add the nomadic element to the mix. And, I am quite confident that therein lies a bigger piece to this commitment-phobic puzzle. Because, it is easy to fall into a routine with someone who resides within your city limits and has a similar schedule to your scripted life. It is an entirely different thing to choose a person who has the freedom to leave. To ask someone to stay requires a deeper level of commitment. It means that someone is choosing for me to do life alongside him, and it means that we are taking off into the sunset together or I am abandoning the road to call someone my home. Ultimately, that choice is my desire. Because, the more I embark on adventures alone, the narrower the gap becomes for me to experience those things for the first time with someone else.
And, I’m starting to question whether or not anything is actually beautiful without it being shared, without it being seen through two sets of eyes in the same moment, if anything is real without the conversation of that thing existing between two coherent bodies.
So, I continue to sit and manifest these desires in the belief that, one day, I’ll be done with the exhibits. That, one day, someone will choose me, and I will choose him back. Without force. Without fear. Without the twenty questions. Granted, maybe I’ve already missed out on Mr. Perfect somewhere in between. Because I didn’t like his shoes. Or his haircut was weird. Or, I swiped left because he failed to include a bio (c’mon, guys). Regardless, I know that wanting something requires attention to that thing. I know that wanting someone requires intentionality to his existence. So, I’m here. Showing up. Attempting to live outside of our digital dead zone. Attempting to keep doing the work to have that one thing that my heart yearns to explore. I can reason that if it were easy, then everyone would do it. Like, really do it. It’s not easy. Not everyone does it. Like, really does it. But, it will damn well be worth it.
Meanwhile, if you need help with your pickup lines, don’t hesitate to slide into my DMs. They’re currently still free for the taking.
from Blog https://ondenver.com/the-silver-lining-online-dating-on-the-road/
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