#damsel’s an ankle biter
not-your-damsel · 4 years
Mira esto, lookie here, y’all!
*Could be spoilers for some people, please be warned
I swear, it’s like everyone in My Hero Academia is damn well taller than me besides Micro Mineta! So, I just learned the height of Daddy Fatgum and my ass has truly blown to another dimension. Even when Fatgum is Fitgum, he’s damn tall at like 6’ 2”/3”.
That’s a whole foot taller than me.
Almost a year ago, Reddit user RussianKyle was kind enough to make an impromptu height scale up of several characters: Fatgum, Centipeder, Aizawa, Bubble Girl, and someone who knows my pain, Kaniko. It was actually pure luck that someone in the lineup is my height. Kaniko’s the shortest of the group coming in at 5’ 3” like me, Bubble Girl at 5’ 6”, Daddy Aizawa comes in at 6’ 0” Hello Sir, that’s hot as hell, Centipeder scales in at 6’ fuckin’ 9” (no offense to him or his character but I’m the biggest bitch when it comes to any insect under the sun besides inch worms), and last but never fuckin’ least, is Fatgum who dings in at 8’ 2”!!!!!!! EIGHT FEET TWO INCHES!
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Teehee, my height kink is showing!
Look at everyone on the list compared to Kaniko/me in that mustard-y color! I’d reach Taishiro’s elbow, his elbow!!! What is this madness?
This is also a great time to talk about how much I can’t wait to see how the guys of 1-A turn out as adults. I’m a firm believer that Hitoshi’s gonna be a big guy (everyone is to me at this point, honestly) and no, I don’t take criticism 😛🤚🏼 When we first meet him, pushing through the other students to stop at 1-A’s door (btw does anyone remember what episode this was?!), if we look at him closely, he’s just about the tallest one in the crowd save for a couple other boys. That nervous neck grab tho, bless💜
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Now, Toshi clocks in at 5’ 9” & he’s 15 when we first see him here. Puberty has been known to last for guys into their 20’s and while height may stop, their muscles keep on developing. Let that sink in, because Hitoshi Shinsou’s 5’ 9” at 15 and that’s the same height as Dabi who’s no older than 25 (look in the comments). Strange as shit, I wouldn’t know because I’m a 34 yo woman who’s been 5’ 3” since she was 13/14 years old.
Let’s also touch on the beautiful Daddy Birb Hawks. I really wish someone would make up their mind about his height. Yeah, ok, he may not be the tallest pro hero, nowhere near Enji who towers in at 6’ 4 3/4” (Golly, I swear these are mountain men!), but I keep seeing that Keigo is either 5’ 4”, a whopping inch taller than me, or, he’s 5’ 8”. Idk which I’m more inclined to believe but since I like my men with rulers for bones in ‘em, I’m gonna stick with the latter for now until I know definitively.
I’ll leave you, my beautiful flowers, with this for now and maybe we can discuss who we think out of the guys of 1-A + Shinsou because my mans deserves the whole fucking universe fight me on that, I’ll bite your ankles, who’s gonna be a power tower of a pro hero!
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I take the slightest most tiniest comfort that I’m taller than Tokoyami. But something tells me he’s gonna have a growth spurt and be a beautifully tall, intimidating pro hero birb! On the scale here of 1-A, I’d be placed right in between Mina and Izuku at 160cm. No one in the class is my height, kinda dope. Sorry for the long post my darlings! 💟
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tyrannysaurusfloof · 5 years
"i’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met" or "I’m not a damsel in distress. i’m a damsel doing damage" with Angus and Anti?
Why not both? ^o^
“I’m always on the lookout for Damsels in Distress in my line of work, but I wasn’t expecting to come across you.”
Anti nearly froze in his fight with a bear - which might have helped since Anti was only using a small knife - to find Angus leaning against a nearby tree and watching his struggle. Making a sound as he kissed his teeth, Anti ducked under the swiping paw and threw a middle finger at Angus just in case the noise he had made hadn’t been enough to tell Angus to piss off. The older Ego did not move, merely whistled as the bear roared and attacked harder and harder, until Anti caught the claws to one arm and went down, panting, hissing in pain and eyes narrowed.
It was only then that Angus stepped forward and into the frey, hands up, making himself seem bigger than the bear. Or at least, that’s what Anti assumed he was doing, until Angus continued walking forward and hugged the bear. All Anti expected was to see those claws disappeared into Angus’ flesh, but the bear simply growled in confusion and stayed still.
“Easy my beaut,” Angus murmured, “My beautiful girl. You’re just protecting your little anklebiters right? Nothing wrong with that.”
“Ankle…biters?” Anti whispered, vision a little woozy from the blood loss. Huh, had the swipe been that deep?
“Sprogs, young’uns, kids if you will.” Angus explained, “Now, how are you doing my dear Damsel?”
“I’m not a Damsel in Distress.” Anti snapped, “I’m a Damsel doing damage.”
Angus burst out laughing as the bear backed away and Anti noticed cubs come from the undergrowth and approach the beast. The Survival Hunter approached Anti, kneeling down beside him and taking Anti’s hand gently to turn his arm and look at the claw marks.
“A Damsel with some damage done I’ll say,” Angus grinned, “Do you wanna come back to my place and I can sort you out?”
“No.” Anti muttered, pulling his arm out of Angus’ grip and glitching the wounds away. “Why d’you care anyway?”
“Oh Anti,” Angus smiled, “You know the answer to that already.” He stood and pulled Anti with him, brushing the Ego’s messy hair from his eyes, “But you picked a fight with a mama bear, and that was rather stupid.”
“I didn’t know she had kids,” Anti protested, “Won’t that stupid.”
Wrapping his arm around Anti’s shoulder, Angus began to walk them away from where Anti’s blood stained the grass - knowing it would soon be drawing more predators - and led him back towards Angus’ base of operations anyway.
Or home. Most people called it a home.
“Hey…will you tell me again why you care?” Anti asked in a rather sullen voice, head tucked under Angus’ chin as they walked.
“Sure.” Angus agreed breezily, “I’ve been falling in love with since the day we met. That’s why. Now come on my beautiful Damsel, you don’t need to fight bears to impress me. You do that already.”
“Shut it.” Anti stuck his tongue out and shoved Anti away, but Angus noticed the way Anti was smiling and flushing as he stalked away.
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colormemused · 7 years
❝ He’s not a bad guy. I kinda feel bad. ❞
Naomi dropped the socket wrench that was in her hand slowly down to her chest. Thankfully Kate couldn’t see her face; Naomi was currently hidden underneath the front end of the souped-up hot rod she was tinkering with. Richard really wasn’t all that bad of a guy, she supposed. He was a freakishly tall, a clumsy oaf, and a bit of a square. He slicked his hair back with more grease than ol’ Principal Figgins. He had an interesting way of folding his pocket squares and ate grilled cheese like a 5 year-old ankle biter – perfect squares with the crusts cut off. 
“Yeah, I guess not,” Naomi offered halfheartedly, her voice devoid of emotion. Richard really wasn’t her favorite topic in the world to talk about.
“But ya’ see, that’s the thing. To hell with that! Why do ya’ feel bad? Kate–” Naomi was pulling herself out from underneath the car. She was covered in grease and oil, but she wanted to tell this to the other woman’s face. “It ain’t your fault. None of this– don’t be blaming yourself. If anyone’s to blame– it’s Richard, all right?” A small smirk was growing on her face. “For being such a wet rag.”
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She knew that wasn’t all that Kate was alluring too. Kate had been trying to lead Naomi into yet another conversation about what’d gone on between the two of them. A conversation about what had been building ever since the day they’d stumbled into each other the day Kate had come home to Lima on a visit. But talking about that was something that Naomi Puckerman did not do. Things were always better when they were left unsaid. Words would tarnish the memories, and the intense romance budding between the two of them would ebb away. And Naomi would be left alone, once again – as it always seemed to be with the women she opened herself up to – to pick herself up by her bootstraps whenever Mr. Perfect would charge in to rescue his damsel in distress.
No, Naomi wanted to keep a hold of this – whatever had developed between the two of them – for as long as she could. She was selfish and didn’t want to let go of Kate. And she wouldn’t let go until Richard would throw Kate over his shoulder and take her back to New York, or Kate grew tired of her – whichever would come first.
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