#danganronpa salt
g0nta-g0kuhara · 3 months
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I have been thinking about this bluesky post from Kodaka all week
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rubberduckyrye · 13 days
All right let's talk about what it means to Trick Someone because I'm full of Salt.
Here is the definition of "trick":
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trick /trĭk/
An act or procedure intended to achieve an end by deceptive or fraudulent means. synonym: wile. Similar: wile
A mischievous action; a prank. "likes to play tricks on the other students in the dorm."
A stupid, disgraceful, or childish act. "Don't let the kids pull any tricks while we're gone."
A peculiar trait or characteristic; a mannerism.
A peculiar event with unexpected, often deceptive results.
A deceptive or illusive appearance; an illusion. "This painting plays tricks on the eyes."
And for good measure, let's see what "fraudulent" means since I'm going to assume everyone here knows what "deception" means:
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fraudulent /frô′jə-lənt/
Engaging in fraud; deceitful.
Characterized by, constituting, or gained by fraud. "fraudulent business practices."
Using fraud; tricky; deceitful; dishonest. Similar: tricky deceitful dishonest
So when people insist that Gonta was "tricked", they are trying to say he was fooled or deceived into Killing Miu. This, in turn, means that Gonta Must Not have Known what he was Doing, as being "tricked" into doing something means to be deceived. AKA, if he knew that Killing Miu was going to kill her, then he was not deceived, and thusly, not tricked.
Oh, but wait--
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Alter Ego Gonta doesn't exclaim that he didn't know Miu had died, or that he didn't realize his actions would lead to Miu's death--He knew that his actions would kill her. He was surprised that his real self knew that he had murdered, and that surprised him, because Kokichi was supposed to take the fall for Gonta. They weren't SUPPOSED to know that Gonta killed Miu. That's why he's devastated/disappointed that they (He and Kokichi) failed.
To continue:
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Gonta literally admits to killing Miu because he knew no one else wanted to. He knew that no one else would want to kill to Mass Mercy Kill the rest of the class, so he took that burden upon himself as a sort of twisted self-sacrifice.
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I love how Kokichi spells it out that he told Gonta they should mercy kill everyone and yet this detail gets swept under the damn rug all the damn time--
But that is not the point so I am moving on
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HUZZAH. The man himself, everyone.
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Hmmmmmmm! Sure sounds like a motive rather than a deception if you ask me--
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Gee this is sure awkward dialogue for a deception. Because it sounds like Gonta had the motive to kill everyone. Because he thought Hell was all around them, and living in hell sounded like a fate worse than death.
Interesting development here though:
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"When I saw the flashback light my first thought was 'It would be easier to die'." That is what Gonta said before--and then he suggests that he had all of those other thoughts after that first thought--like that it's hell inside, it's hell outside, it would just be easier for them all to die, and this was BEFORE Kokichi even said a word to convince Gonta.
Gonta was already on the same damn page before Kokichi even spoke.
And when everyone was demanding Gonta to tell them the truth?
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He did that all on his own. No influence from Kokichi. He said that he couldn't tell anyone the truth, because if he did, they they would all feel the horrible despair he was feeling.
Like if you hate Kokichi? Fine. If you can't stand him? Whatever.
But. Stop. Saying. He. Tricked. Gonta.
You are being ableist as FUCK and removing one of Gonta's best character development moments--of his kindness twisting and warping into a motive for murder.
Gonta is not a damn child. He knows what killing means. He knows that him killing Miu means she would fucking die. That was his aim! That was his GOAL! He wanted to kill Miu to mass mercy kill the class! He wanted to kill them all before they felt the same despair he and Kokichi felt!
Even if you don't believe me on Kokichi's motivation lining up with Gonta can you at LEAST acknowledge that Gonta is very blatantly talking about his own motivations and was convinced of this himself? That this was his motive to kill? That he is a tragic character who was so twisted by grief and despair that he thought death was the only salvation?
Can you like.
Consider this for one second? Please???
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froggos-are-superior · 6 months
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 3 months
Chapter 21.5
im still on hiatus but this was for funsies...a break away from byakuya's pov for a moment hehe
Some pre-chapter notes:
this is just like wizard of oz if the wizard was junko enoshima. pay no attention to the girl behind the monitors....
featuring a special surprise guest!! :) (:
@digitaldollsworld (^^)//
Content warning tags: passing mention of surgery and blood
< previous - from start - next >
“I am done.”
The voice behind her is dull and gravelly with lethargy, belonging to someone both young and aged. Junko Enoshima hadn’t heard the door open, but she’s hardly startled - she’d been expecting him, after all - and with a flourish, she leans back from the grid of monitors before her and shoves off the desk to spin her chair, knees tucked up to her chest. One, two, three clockwise spins later - a new record, nice - and she slows to a stop, angled perfectly to face the man before her.
And she smiles, as she notes the blue latex gloves still on his hands, the blood splattered up his arms to the rolled-up sleeves of his white dress shirt. “Aw, thanks Zuzu! You’re a treat,” She winks and blows an exaggerated kiss, to no reaction. Not even a half-raised hand to try and catch it. “Was it hard?”
Izuru Kamakura doesn’t respond at first. He’s wiping off the blood - still shiny and slightly wet - off of his pale arms with a stained handkerchief, his hair swaying like a dark curtain around him. “...Not particularly.” He replies in his usual monotone, as if the whole ordeal had been terribly boring to him. ‘Not particularly’ he said, as if the whole process hadn’t taken several weeks, with multiple surgeries - including one where he had left the operating table with his scrubs still on to find a better donor, because the one she had on hand just happened to not be a very good match. “If that is all, I will leave now.”
“Noo, come on! You just got here,” She complains, childishly, needling, despite knowing full well that he’d been here far longer than he originally intended already. Well, it wasn’t like he had anywhere else to be, and all the action was here anyways.  “Don’t you wanna see how your precious juniors are doing?”
He doesn’t reply, but she knows he does. Otherwise he wouldn’t have bothered turning up in the first place, whether she requested his help or not; they’re just like each other, in that way. Reaching behind her, she grabs a remote, and points it at one of the monitors, and immediately its previous image of the empty second-floor hallway fizzes out, replaced with a replay of the day’s highlights, edited and cut by hers truly.
It opens with a theme song. A lovely little leitmotif that she composed, one for each of her dear classmates, this one full of violin and koto. A quick intro montage of photos they had taken throughout their high school careers, and then-
“No need.” He deadpans, interrupting the opening credits she’d bullied Ryota Mitarai into making. “I know what happened already.”
“Geez, but I made this special for you!” She whines, though there’s no real bite to it. She expected this outcome, so it wasn’t like she made her edits particularly interesting either. “Wish you’d play along a little. Come on.”
Instead of replying, he snaps off his gloves and flicks them and the towel into a nearby trash can without looking. He spins her chair to grab his jacket, pinned between her back and the seat, and tugs it so sharply it actually lifts her up a bit.
“Hey, that’s no way to treat a lady,” She sulks, tucking her skirt back down. “I was keeping it warm for you.”
Her only response is an impassioned glance, as he shakes the garment out with a sharp snap.
She watches him prepare to leave, rolling down his sleeves and smoothing out his shirt, pulling the jacket on with a practiced, mechanical grace. “Is it really that much better, being out there?” She grumbles. Outside was a wasteland, shattered remains, rot and destruction. The few people still alive were either on the edge of death, or insane with despair - either way, they’d fallen into a dull, predictable pattern. Starving, stealing, killing, dying, wailing. So much wailing. How strange it was that even these things became uninteresting after so long.
“They all behaved exactly how I expected.” He says, in an approximation for an explanation. He adjusts his cufflinks, thumb swiping over the polished brass. They’d been shaped like Hope’s Peak’s logo, but countless passing touches had nearly buffed out the enamel inlay - they were little more than tiny mirrors now, if she leaned forward and squinted she could almost see herself in them, check for stuff stuck in her teeth-
“Why did you not confront them after they discovered the AI?”
The question interrupts her train of thought, and she blinks, then grins, utterly delighted. “Why? Did I surprise you?”
He levels her with a look, a dark stare from those bloody, bloodshot eyes. “There are several reasons to possibly explain why you behaved this way.” He continues. “The most simple reason, you were distracted-”
“Nope. Glued to the cameras the whole time.”
“The most predictable reason, you wanted them to think they had a chance.”
“Hmm...mayy-be?” She pulls her legs up to sit criss-crossed in her chair, and rocks side to side, hands resting on her ankles as she thinks. “I mean, there are ten of them left. Would be a shame if they gave up already, right?”
“...And, based on your current interests. You thought it would make for a more interesting development. Especially in regards to Togami.”
She smiles, teeth splitting her face. “Congratulations, a hun-dred points to dear Mister Kamakura,”  She sings in an exaggerated falsetto, and claps her hands in mock applause. “I was thinking about it, but then he and Kyoko went and had that absolutely lovely little heart-to-heart in the hallway…how could I possibly interrupt my dearest friends?”
He doesn’t say anything, but his eyes narrow slightly, the corners of his lips pulling into a thin line. A look that screams - or maybe just mutters, in his case - ‘what the hell are you talking about.’ “He smashed her hand in a door. She belittled him for his blindness.”
“Yeah, and? Don’t you know what foreplay is?” He doesn’t scoff, but the just-audible exhale he lets out is pretty close. “Oh, shush. Like you would know anything,” She sniffs. “But anyways, I definitely wasn’t expecting them to reach this stage already. I thought it’d take a few more years at least!” She lets loose a laugh, a sharp, bright sound that gets swallowed up by the dense, packed-foam soundproofing around them. “Letting them get away with Alter Ego was totally worth the show!”
He doesn’t look like he agrees, but then again, those old Hope’s Peak scientists hadn’t included ‘Ultimate Clear Emotion Conveying’ among his repertoire of talents, so maybe he was jumping for joy on the inside right now. “Togami’s blindness was an unexpected development,” He agrees. “But that is all. He hasn’t demonstrated any behavior that couldn’t be predicted.”
“You were pretty intrigued by him before though, weren’t you?” She’d had her suspicions from the start, when Byakuya’s first day after waking up was spent squinting and fidgeting with his glasses, but he couldn’t be called an Ultimate for nothing. If she didn’t know him as well as she did, she might’ve even been halfway fooled. 
And the best developments were the ones that hadn’t been planned beforehand. Watching him walk away from the A/V room without even playing his motive disc was such a fun twist that had her raising her brows, even as Mukuro had gotten all pissy, after all the work that she had put into capturing that old butler alive. Even better than that was his breakdowns, when Junko watched him fall into a sinking spiral in his room, muttering to himself and pacing before finally passing out. The difference between his usual hoity-toity self and his total helplessness made for an absolutely delectable kind of gap moe.
“I have no interest in him. Rather, the source of his blindness is what intrigues me.” Izuru corrects her bluntly. “It is unclear what might have caused it. He never displayed symptoms of it prior to the game’s beginning.”
And if she had to be really honest, she wasn’t sure either. “Who knows?” She shrugs. “Spontaneous genetic condition? Maybe he’ll wake up tomorrow morning and be totally bald?”
“The Togami family is obsessed with genetics. Sudden cataract development, or anything of that nature, would have weeded out long ago.” He rebuts. His eyes, a deep, ugly, unnatural red that could make Celeste jealous, fix on her for a moment, and then travel up to look at the monitors, pupils shrinking like a cat’s as they dart from screen to shining screen. “Could it have something to do with the memory wipe?”
“No way!” She snaps back to him immediately, almost affronted. “My process is totally perfect. Do you know how many people I tested it on?” Sure, she’d had plenty of lab rats get seizures, comas, go crazy or just straight-up die, but none of them went blind. “If you don’t believe me, you wanna try it yourself?”
Now that was an idea. Maybe if she could induce an artificial amnesia in Izuru, and completely make him forget how he became this way - gosh, but that could be interesting. An Ultimate Hope who didn’t know what his purpose was? Or, better yet, a Hajime Hinata who didn’t know what he really was?
She could almost drool over the idea of it. Seeing the man, the boy in front of her, twisted, despairing, and utterly ruined - how thrilling would that be?
“Do it to yourself.” Izuru replies sullenly, shattering her daydream in an instant, and she pouts. Spoilsport.
They fall into a comfortable sort of quiet for a moment, as Junko turns back to the screens. Without her sister around, she had to take the role of surveillance onto herself, and that was a 24/7 ordeal. But at least it was something to do, she supposed.
Byakuya was making his way to his room from the cafeteria, apparently completely oblivious to how Toko was stalking him from a few meters behind. Hina and Sakura were working off their post-trial grief through vigorous physical activity - swimming, because of course it would be - Celeste was being comforted by Hifumi, and Hiro was chasing after Mondo, who apparently had given up on trying to eat anything and was now meandering aimlessly through the halls, the dead look on his face evident even through some of the grainier footage. Makoto was wandering, probably trying to repair his broken heart by distracting himself with some good old-fashioned adventuring, or maybe Kyoko.
Waaaait a minute. She frowns suddenly, leaning in closer to scan each of the monitors in quick succession, starting from the camera feeds of the third floor, and working down. Wait a damn minute. There was a suspicious lack of pale, skulking figures in her peripherals - just where was her darling detective?
She feels a little thrill of a delicious dread run up her spine. She went through all this trouble to give Kyoko a full wipe - to clean out every last memory that might give the detective a clue to her own identity - and yet here she was, managing to crawl under Junko’s skin like a centipede, a stubborn parasite. There were only so many unsupervised places that Miss Headmaster’s Daughter could be hiding, and Junko couldn’t help the grin spreading across her face; she could always count on Kyoko to make things interesting.
“Hey, Zuzu. You wanna make a bet?” She hums to Izuru. No Kyoko, but Makoto’s pointed cowlick was coming into view on one of the stairway cameras leading into the second floor, soon accompanied by the rest of him. 
“On what?”
“Oh, anything. Which one of them will die next. If one of them will snap and start trying to kill the rest of them…” She rewinds through the camera recordings of the last hour, speeding through the frames until they’re all mere blurs of color and light. Her eyes dart, and spy the pale, round shape of Kyoko’s head, as she walks into the dark entryway of the second-floor boy’s bathroom, not even half-an-hour ago. “If they manage to figure out the details of Togami’s blindness.”
Another bet. Another meaningless wager on top of the hundreds, thousands, millions of other ones that she’s made and won, but this one might actually surprise her for once. She hopes it will.
“How pointless.” He sighs. But despite that, he hasn’t turned to leave yet. And actually, the fact that he responded at all meant that he was, even just a little bit, curious. “What would we wager? We have nothing of value, and nothing we value enough.” “Hmm, true…and it’s not like we care about either of our lives either.” She fast-forwards the cameras, and watches as Makoto looks left and right, nervous eyes casting up and down the hallway, before he enters the second floor boy’s bathroom. She needs to get moving now, if she was going to make sure her darling detective didn’t go and ruin the game too early, and she shoves aside some empty snack wrappers, the pieces of an unfinished puzzle, a book so dog-eared and worn it was on the brink of disintegrating, and Monokuma’s controller to grab the authentic luchador mask that was hanging off the edge of the table. “We got all the time we need to figure that out, after all. So in the meantime, how about you stick around and see how it goes?"
< previous - from start - next >
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templegate · 2 months
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I did the ship meme for fun here are my insane opinions plus funny little drawings
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jacksmusesdrv3 · 6 days
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anderscim · 1 year
welcome to wild theories with bagel
this one is… quite unlike the other posts as this is almost entirely speculation and probably has a lot of room for rebuttal
(it’s a theory after all)
this is mainly about teruko and her (possible) connection to the killing game.
take this with a grain of salt as always
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//drdt prologue, chapter 1, and chapter 2 spoilers
// blood warning from about the second half of the post.
also i go on a giant tangent here. so quick warning about that as well
i’m just thinking back to this motive secret:
“How could I even select what secret to be your motive? Just about everything you’ve done in your life is worth killing for. This killing game is all your fault.”
as of now, we’ve been told (by David) that this was Xander’s secret, but I highly doubt it. for me, this is mainly because when everyone was sharing who’s secret they had at the 2nd trial, David hesitated and asked to go last—there’s really no reason to do that unless David wanted time to think about what to do and/or fully process the situation before taking action (plus going last would give David the added benefit of knowing whose secrets are already revealed).
not only that, Xander’s bonus episode and secret quote seems to imply that his secret is actually the one Min has (“You’re constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. It doesn’t matter that it’s not your fault, just that you didn’t go with them”). Xander’s survivor’s guilt seems to be a major motif for his character, so logically it would still be plausible for his secret to be related to the Chariton incident and his guilt.
in that case, who’s secret does David actually have?
unfortunately, it would be quite difficult to try to deduce this through that last sentence (and i don’t think i have to explain why), so i decided to go back to the first sentence—which implies that whoever this motive is about has too many secrets that they don’t want to remember and/or discuss.
i can clearly recall one character that explicitly mentions this:
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i don’t recall anyone else saying something like this, but please correct me if someone did actually say something similar
additionally, each one of Teruko’s accidents that she’s survived as a result of her luck can become “secrets” that are worded to incriminate her and give her a motive to murder. after all, whoever wrote these secrets have done so in a way that paints the other characters in a bad light—there’s really no reason to exclude Teruko’s “secrets” from that treatment.
but if that were the case, is there a proper explanation as to why “this killing game is all [her] fault?”
as i’ve mentioned before, the secrets are specifically written in a way to incriminate the participants and taint their image. even Hu mentions this at one point:
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and to be completely honest, if someone were to explicitly write that a killing game was a specific character’s fault, it would probably be to throw the cast off. it would be extremely imprudent to specifically implicate someone as a potential mastermind otherwise. after all, that’s essentially putting the entire killing game at stake.
however, despite the fact that these secrets are written to implicate the cast, most of them do have factual evidence to justify some part of it.
here’s where i get into wild theory territory:
what if Teruko is indirectly responsible for the killing game, just not in the way that we’d think?
let me elaborate on how this could actually happen (and this is gonna get long):
think back to the opening scene of the prologue. whoever it was that was injured here, they seemed very… determined to end the killing game “all by [themselves].” or kill teruko.
// (pink) blood warning from here on out
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from here i’m going to pay a lot of attention to specific wording and such so please take this with a grain of salt
oh also this is gonna go on a tangent lmao
as seen here it seems that Teruko and the killing game are directly correlated to each other. this person here says that even if the killing game doesn’t end, Teruko must die—which seems to imply that her death could be a possible solution to the killing game, even if it is eventually revealed to not be one. after all, in a situation like this it wouldn’t make sense for this person to mention two seemingly separate things one after another if they weren’t related to each other somehow.
also this might just be me, but i just wanted to bring attention to this line:
“all by myself… i must end this killing game.”
this implies that whoever this person is, they want to end this killing game independently, by their own effort. specifically asking Xander to kill Teruko with no justification or reason why, in that case, doesn’t really make sense as it’s entirely dependent on the decision and whims of another person.
and besides, this may again just be me, but Xander mentions how he needs to “trust in [him]self” that killing Teruko would be worth it:
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this may imply that Xander attempted to murder Teruko out of his own instinct, and/or Xander deduced that the person who wrote that note to kill Teruko was himself. whether that’s because that note was in his own handwriting, or something from his memories told him so, i’m not sure.
also, recall the fact that some of the cast’s memories have been removed. for example, Xander doesn’t actually recall when he lost his eye.
someone else said this in a YouTube comment (that i unfortunately cannot find, but i’ll see if i can find the screenshot and put it here later), but—in that original prologue cutscene, there’s a fork under the person’s hand.
Xander’s eye injury, as we saw in chapter 1, has indents on it that look similar to claw marks. but based on those indents, it is actually plausible that those injuries were done by something similar to that fork (the fork in the prologue cutscene has four prongs, and the injury seems to have been caused by something that had four,,, uhh, prongs/claw bones). however this is purely speculation so this may be entirely wrong.
if this does happen to be correct, though, this could possibly imply that Xander was the person in the prologue cutscene. in that case, it is possible that Xander himself wrote the note to kill Teruko.
trusting “himself” to kill Teruko would, in that situation, actually make sense.
but as we know, killing Teruko is a challenge in on its own, whether that’s by attempting to incriminate her or attempting to directly murder her. she even declares this herself.
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actually, little side note: “no matter what” is seen in both this scene and the prologue cutscene—and they’re highlighted in both cases. just thought it was interesting because it gives off “unstoppable force meets immovable object” vibes lmao
though this could definitely be more important than it seems right now
this has been kind of true. in the first chapter, we saw Teruko almost getting killed multiple times, and her surviving all of them. first with Xander attacking Teruko, second with Min attempting to frame Teruko to ensure her own survival (and don’t forget about the detail of two people voting for Teruko for some odd reason—not sure why, but this could suggest that someone other than Xander was aware of this situation? that’s the current weak point of my theory, unfortunately). so as far as we can tell, attempting to kill Teruko proves to be very difficult as her luck carries her though each incident, even if she didn’t want to survive them. it almost seems like an impossible feat with the amount of luck she has.
the thing is, the fact that killing Teruko is nearly impossible adds to my personal theory: “what if the killing game is only running because Teruko is alive? what if killing her effectively ends the killing game?”
look i can explain it okay
as far as we can tell, Teruko actually has a lot of advantages compared to the others in the killing game:
her distrusting nature makes her less vulnerable to being lured into a trap
her luck. that’s all i have to say
MonoTV is giving her some advantages himself, which seems a little… suspicious.
okay on second thought let me elaborate on that last bullet
think back to ch2 ep2-3. MonoTV is the one that asked Teruko to do some chores for him in exchange for MonoCredits—which are essentially tokens that allow Teruko to get others to leave her alone.
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what’s interesting here is, MonoTV doesn’t set any restrictions on when she can’t use them (although that could be just because Teruko cut him off). in that case, couldn’t she theoretically use one if she’s about to get murdered or something?
and I also find it weird that MonoTV asks Teruko specifically (as well as follows her around) to do that chore. since there were so many other people that Teruko talked to when MonoTV was still following her, he technically could’ve walked up to anyone. therefore, it could be a possibility that MonoTV intentionally did that to give her an advantage.
just me? okay
anyways what i’m trying to say here is that the series itself seems to be gradually giving Teruko more advantages and opportunities that prevent her from being killed. although that could point to her being the mastermind, i kind of explained with the secrets why that seems unlikely.
but if my theory of “killing Teruko will end the killing game” proves to be correct, the true mastermind actually benefits from giving these added advantages to Teruko—it makes it harder for Teruko to be killed, which effectively keeps the game running.
which indirectly makes Teruko responsible for the killing game—by literally just being alive.
this. uh. was a lot of small speculation and details. that could probably be proven wrong.
besides we’re only mid-ch2 at the time of writing this
so feel free to refute me on ANY of these points—i will listen. for all i know i could be wildly wrong
and as always, take this with a grain of salt.
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imsosocold · 1 year
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 13 Group 64
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Killing School Trip Survivors: Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Sonia, Akane, Kazuichi
Sea Salt Family: Isa, Lea/Axel, Roxas, Xion
Submissions are still open!
Killing School Trip Survivors:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
Sea Salt Family:
isa and axel are childhood friends-to-enemies-to-lovers. the reason they drifted apart is because axel practically adopted roxas and xion when they were in a cult and isa didnt like that. because theyre not supposed to have emotions (its a long story) and isa felt like axel was abandoning him and their other friend who was being used for human experimentation. eventually xion found out that she was draining roxas's life force and they couldnt both exist. so roxas kills her and then EVERYONE FORGETS HER. then roxas goes back to sora (again, long story but he basically doesnt exist anymore except for when his feelings make sora sad) and now axel's alone. hes sad :( and then he dies and comes back as a normal person with Emotions (tm) but isa didnt. and now isa's working with the bad guys except not actually because he's working on getting roxas and xion back for his bf. at the end of the game they have a very Emotional scene where isa dies in axel's arms and admits his jealousy and in the softest voice says "see you, lea" and then he fades but in the end cutscene he's actually fine now! (long story) and hes eating ice cream with his boyfriend's adoptive kids
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demodraws0606 · 1 year
When you write a "perfect" counterargument against the Eden culprit theory and Tumblr nukes your entire paragraph that took you an hour to make
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Edit : Just gonna add this here because I feel bad but I wanted to say that I'm not at all targetting anyone in the tags (ik i added it but i feel like this needs to be said again here), i respect culprit!eden theories especially with the effort put into some of them. I just don't like the theory as I feel like it's way too flawed to be believable.
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animaticx · 7 months
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Sudden realization
I told myself that everyday I draw, I get ice cream. Three days later! Bam! I can now obliterate my stomach!
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moonsidesong · 9 months
i get why not everybody likes junko but it is so funny to me that people will say with a straight face with their whole chest that tsumugi is the better, more impactful mastermind. "i think this villain character is kinda flat , i instead like the basically faceless shapeshifter whose fake personality is being boring and whose real personality is ????????? also it's entirely possible none of the things she said matter at all or are even real" come on
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velvetroomkeeper · 7 months
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Do you have any idea how stupid this argument is?!
No it’s not explicitly stated it’s called show don’t tell
Sure fuck all the subtext fuck all the implications
Fuck hajimes whole reactions as long as it’s not “explicitly stated”
And fuck the implications that ai Chiaki may have developed feelings for hinata at the end of her fte’s
But hey as long as it’s not “explicitly stated”
And completely ignoring that the first two are left open ended for interpretation
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sparkymalone · 10 months
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This concept was funnier in my head
And they never spoke of it again.
...Until Natsumi realized she could use the story of what happened to embarrass the shit out of her brother.
...But unfortunately for her, Fuyuhiko realized that he could shut her up by reminding her that Hajime picked him.
So then they went back to never speaking of it again.
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silver-trashhuman · 1 year
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Either Shirogane faked the cospox thing, and this is her in the audition tapes. This makes some amount of sense seeing there was no flashback light effect on them when they watched it vs the other motives. (I guess this makes sense? It coulda just not been a brainwashing video?)
The set psychically being there disproves any idea of VR theory (goddamnit) because they all auditioned in the same building where they later signed up for the killing game.
(Having a blank audition set hidden in a cosplay stage makes perfect sense, especially if people are travelling to this studio[?] to audition for it. It’s easier to build and reuse the set as to not waste money. AND letting people tour the place they might end up before signing up for it does make an amount of sense.
It’s one or the other ;-; VR coma or Reality. I don’t like those options
I’m still not sure where the backwards Pinocchio-kiibo fits into any of this though..
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