seeance · 5 years
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖ 
Was it sad that this was sort of familiar? That this wasn’t the first time his younger brother had acted kind of out of it. Klaus’ concern was evident in his eyes, and he moved closer to where his brother was- without invading too much of his space.
 “Julian, you’ve been missing for years.   What happened to you?”
He repeated, his tone softer.
 “Where’ve you been? We were worried?” 
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@dangerousxboy​ | from x
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ecstre · 5 years
⦁ 🐇  ⦁
“You’re Klaus’ friend, right?”
She gave him a big, wide smile, the former mentioned had spoken quite highly of this one. Hell he practically begged her to let him bring this man. For some reason he kept calling him ‘his cousin’ even though she knew that wasn’t entirely true.
“What are you called?”
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tigcrballs · 6 years
"Who are you?" -Julian /this'll be good lol.
🕷Mr. Nancy🕷
“From the looks of it- someone who has far more of a sense ofstyle than you.”
He chuckled low before he gave the demi-god a little nudge.
“I’m Anansi, but most people now a days justcall me Mr. Nancy. And I’ve been around for along, fuckin’ time.”
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amongtheisles · 7 years
The hideout quiet at this time of night. After their job, Daud had retired for the evening, Thomas and a few others had gone out, which left a skeleton crew behind. That suited Billie fine, she had info to go over, things to do.   That was, until Julian came into the common room. 
The way he moved was ghostly, silent and alone as always. It was clear to Billie, even if she didn’t already know, that Julian had gone through serious trauma before ending up with them. His rage was evidence enough to how bad shit had been for him.   Which drew her thoughts to Marcus and Danny- the Whalers that went on a job alone with Julian...and died on the job. Never to be seen again.      “Julian, I got to ask you something-”
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xwildatheartx · 6 years
First Kiss
• • Ronnie • •
So she had been spontaneous, finally getting up the nerve to act on her feelings. Ronnie liked him, Hell she’d liked Julian for a while now. For a long time she hadn’t felt confident enough in her control of her powers to even try...but with his help she’d gotten stronger. So much that she decided to kiss him. But, he just looked at her, and she bit back on her lip, suddenly feeling sober once more.
  “I like you.”  She knew she couldn’t lie to him. He was stronger psychically, more perceptive than her in a lot of ways...  “A lot.”
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for @dangerousxboy​ | Continued from x
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emmaxmeyer · 5 years
Julian was just so worn down and everything was confusing. He couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't."We can't remember." He mumbled.
“That’s okay. Jules, I think you’ve had a lot going on...why don’t we get you something to eat...clean that blood off you. And you can try and  get some rest. Where you’re safe.”
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seeance · 5 years
‘  kill ‘em all. admit it, even you’ve thought about it.  ‘-Julian
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖
“Fuck that. No. I already have enough ghosts coming after me just because I can hear them. I don’t need a bunch SUPER pissed at me because I cut their time short.”@dangerousxboy
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annicbelle · 8 years
Persistence {drabble}
Her brother Julian’s answer was the same as always, a simple, flat-
Every day that he was there, every day that Ana saw him, she’d ask him to hang out with her. Sometimes it was watch a movie, or to go play outside with her, maybe play a game. But whatever the question, it was always the same answer. 
 And in her innocence and youth, she’d just smile,  and nod, and say,   “Okay, maybe next time.”
 So instead, she took her crayons outside, along with her stack of paper and sat down at her tiny pink table. Ana drew a brightly coloured picture, of her and her older brother catching frogs at the creek in the woods. Once it was done, it would join the other drawings she’d done: them playing at the park, playing with the cats together, sneaking snacks in the kitchen, etc. Things that she imagined brothers and sisters did together, things they had never done.
 Perhaps it was because he was WAY older, too old, too serious and too ‘cool’ to be silly with his little sister. Or so she imagined. But, for now, she would still ask her brother to play, and still wait for the day he finally decided to say yes.
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“No, I stand by what I said-  cheeky mistfit. Least you   were back then.”
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bihexuals-blog · 9 years
[[ dangerousxboy ]] [[cont from here]]
[ ʝ ]
Julian looked over to where the voice came from. What a nuisance. Now he was going to have to deal with this person so they don’t go blabbing to the cops. Sure, Julian has paid off a few of the Portland cops. But he still tried to keep a low profile. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at them, his men dragging the now dead body away. He had to deal with this person and quick.
    “What did you see.”
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Truthfully, Jaz didn’t give a shit what this man did in his spare time, including kill people. For all she knew, dude being dragged away had it coming. But she, did not. So working out of this situation could be tricky, but she turned to apathy, as she always did in crisis. 
“I ain’t see shit, honestly.”
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emmaxmeyer · 6 years
What is Emma's most cherished possession?
(imma gonna go with Emma in her Walking dead verse.)
Emma’s most cherished possession is a set of dog tags she wears around her neck. They are not hers. She got them from Julian , her foster son when he passed away. Originally, they belonged to his father. Julian wore them every day until he died, and it’s the only thing of his she has left.
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seeance · 5 years
✖ k̳l̳a̳u̳s̳ ✖ 
“Well have you certainly missed some shit, Cuz.”
He pushed up the sunglasses to the top of his head, his wild hair poked out from around it. The bruise around his left eye prominent. It certainly was the lesser of all of his injuries. But on top of that, he still felt twitchy, the downside to being sober.
“But it is good to see you.”
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↟Cousins }{ Jason & Julian
Spotting his cousin in the hall, Jason made his way over to him, giving his shoulder a soft tap.
  “Hey man,-” He said coming up next to him.
“-are you planning to skip   next period?”
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head’s up, very important post.
{ i’m in the hospital right now, some recent activities with my boyfriend or whatever the hell he is had pissed off my kidneys and bladder so that’s why i’m here, and i’m really going to need distractions. also, my mother has allowed her boyfriend to turn off my phone even though i pay the bill, to block me on the wifi for no reason at all, and even though i forced them to give me my laptop back he says i’m not allowed to have it in the house anymore so that’s why i’m not answering kik and why my presence here will be stagnant. all kik threads can continue here, and i’m tagging all those that’re involved in any threads with me right now just to make sure you see this post, sorry if i forgot anyone. if you want me to make the starter to continue any kik threads we have, let me know and i will, and i will be doing all other replies as well. } xgoblin transvaliant dangerousxboy dcmina thexclarks ashtughnughwin maximumwebhead 
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