#danielle kyle
Head Over Feet--Ch. 8
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Chapter 8
           “How do you do that again?” The kid’s name was Noel, and he was fascinated by one of the videos I’d pulled up from one of our shows. It was Hanger doing the running shooting star press. The kid had asked me to replay it at least a dozen times.
           Standing beside him, I watched the kid as he studied the move on the screen. His fingers kept toying with the zipper on his jacket.
           “I was never really good at it,” I said honestly. “But basically, you get a short running start and then do a backflip onto the other guy.”
           He looked up at me with a furrow in his brow. “But do you lead with your head or your chest or your foot? How do you know you’ll land in the right place?” He tugged his jacket zipper up and down, like it was a nervous tick. “What angle do you do? Can you do the geometry in your head?”
           I felt my eyes bulge in surprise. “Geometry? We don’t really think about it that way. At least, I don’t.”
           The furrow in Noel’s brow got deeper. “But how do you do it if you don’t do the math?” His frustration was palpable. He tugged his jacket zipper with more force.
           I paused the video and sat down in the chair next to where he stood. The sound of the zipper was loud in my ears. “We just feel it. And practice a lot. I mean, a lot! My friend Adam here… he’s done that move hundreds of times. He can tell you exactly how many steps he needs to take and where he’s going to land without looking. He can do it with his eyes closed in his sleep.”
           For a second, I thought about reaching out to put my hand on his shoulder. But the tension in his features let me know that might not be a good idea.
           “It’s like this thing called muscle memory. Right? Like when you do something so often and so many times that you don’t even think about it anymore,” I said slowly. “When Adam does that move, his body kind of does the math for him.”
           Noel opened his mouth to speak, but a shadow fell over us before he could. Ellie stood there with a faint smile. She settled her hand in the space between his shoulder blades. When she spoke, her voice was low and soothing.
           “It’s time for special, Noel. You don’t want to be late.”
           The frustration in his features smoothed out. The fidgeting with his zipper slowed. He looked up at the clock.
           “Ms. Kyle, may I go to my special now?”
           Ellie smiled and dropped her hand back to her side. “Of course. Don’t forget your bag.”
           Noel nodded and went to grab his backpack. He gave Ellie a wave as he walked out. The moment the door closed behind him, she sank into a chair and covered her eyes with her hands.
           “I’m sorry about that,” she said, her words muffled behind her fingers.
           I laughed before I could stop myself. “Why? The kids were pretty awesome.”
           “I meant Noel.”
           “Ellie, seriously. He just had questions.” I had the urge to reach out to her. I settled for scooting my chair a little closer. “Hell, I haven’t even thought about geometry in ten years, let alone with a shooting star press!”
           She laughed and I couldn’t help but feel my heart racing in my chest. It made something slip down into my toes—this warmth that enveloped me. Ellie let out a faint sigh and took a breath. When she looked back over at me, I couldn’t stop myself.
           “Go out with me.” I cringed as the words spilled out. Almost like a demand rather than a request. “I mean—”
           If I didn’t know better, I would have thought she was blushing.
           By the time I got home and dropped my bag, I was convinced the whole thing had been some sort of fever dream. There was no way that I’d actually asked Ellie Kyle on a legitimate date. I’d clearly had some bad Taco Bell or something. In reality, I was in some massive hallucination while I was in the emergency room. Or I’d wake up any minute to find that I’d overslept and missed my entire visit to Ellie in the first place.
           Groaning, I flopped down on the end of my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I’d barely closed my eyes when my phone went off. Ellie’s name appeared when I clicked on the screen.
           Let me know when you want to get together. Thanks again for everything today. -E.
           My God. It had really happened.
           Heart pounding in my throat, I took a screenshot of the message and sent it to Sam with the words don’t talk about my nuts ever again. After a moment’s thought, I sent the same one to Nick. Maybe that would make both of them leave me alone.
           I should have known it wasn’t going to be anywhere near that easy.
           Not five seconds later, my ringtone blared through the room.
           “What, Sam?” My voice came out a little gruffer than I intended.
           Laughter rolled through the line. “Close,” my little brother cackled.
           “Oh hell,” I grunted. “I’d rather talk to Sam.”
           “I’m here, too!”
           The urge to hang up ran through me. It was one thing for Sam to haze me about not dating, but it was something else entirely for my baby brother to back her up.
           “When is it?”
           “Where are you going?”
           “Don’t go to Black Bear. Go somewhere nice.”
           “Make sure you get a haircut.”
           “And clean up those mutton chops!”
           “STOP!” Their rapid-fire questions and comments swam through my head, making it ache. “Jesus, please stop.”
           Instantly, silence crackled down the line. It was almost like I could hear them breathing. When I closed my eyes, I could imagine the two of them on the sofa in Sam’s apartment with Nick’s phone on his knee and both with contrite expressions.
           “Sorry,” Sam said after a few moments of strained quiet.
           I sighed and sat up, my head in my hand. “It’s okay. I’m still surprised as hell myself.”
           For half a second, I thought back to that day in LAX when we first met Sam. How I secretly put her number in my phone from the tag on her luggage. I had every intention of asking her out the instant I saw her. But then I saw how my brother looked at her and heard how he talked about her in the days afterward. I couldn’t bring myself to go through with calling and asking her out. Not when it was clear that Nick was already smitten with her after ten minutes.
           It was something I was ashamed of, even if no one knew. Truth was I hoped no one ever knew.
           “How can we help?” Nick asked evenly. “What d’you need?”
           I scrubbed my face with my hand. “Honestly, I don’t have any clue. You know how long it’s been since I’ve been on a date.”
           Before I could spiral back into thoughts of Her, Sam’s voice rushed down the line. “It’s dating bootcamp for you then, Matty!”
           My head fell forward. I put it between my knees, sure I was going to panic if I didn’t. An ache started behind my eyes, throbbing in time with my heartbeat. “You know what, Sammy? Sure. What’s the worst that could happen?”
           She squealed so loud I nearly threw the phone across the room.
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saprozoicworm · 2 months
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recently got back into drawing again so some of these are older
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beebox-illustrations · 4 months
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Was feeling like drawing them in old school boy/girl band poses :)
Have a nice weekend everyone ✨💪
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pikumi-peepee · 1 year
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they all got hit w my sillyinator
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dc x dp idea number I-can’t-remember
So I’ve heard there’s this this comic where they’re supposed to get married but Catwoman leaves Batman at the altar.
Now imagine if she was sucked into dp world and didn’t run away. So like the whole time she’s in her wedding dress and being like “holy fuck I’m getting married in an hour, better make this bullshit side story QUICK af.” And maybe by the end she manages to come back with Dani in tow and be like hello dear I’ve brought our newest child<3 as she rolls up to the altar in her dirty ass, torn beyond repair ten-thousands-worth wedding gown.
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mtkmsp · 4 months
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Class photos! Based on the episode where they do get their photo taken. I limited it to 16, because I was too lazy to do more, and that felt like the "regulars" of the class, lol. I sorted them alphabetically. Below, an alternate version with regular Kenny, and the individual portraits!
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I actually did this version first LOL but I really wanted to make the ass version as well.
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I keep wanting to draw everyone properly but it's very time consuming so class portraits will do for now :P
(tagging's gonna be annoying.......)
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bluerosefox · 4 months
That Good Ol' Fenton Charm
Single dad Danny (to deaged Ellie and Dan) meets his neighbor Selina Kyle after one of her cats get into their apartment and he finds his kids playing with it.
Cue meet cute where Selina at first is just flirting like always but Danny charms her (aka being a bit dense but somehow adorkable, its charming)
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nerdsleaze · 5 months
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Gotham City Sirens returns this August from DC, but this time it has a Wild Wild Twist!
In the new story, Harley, Ivy, and Catwoman are going on a Western themed adventure out by Gotham’s county line, facing off against the likes of Punchline, and a quartet of mysterious new villains called the Nasty Boys, a “cowboy-henchmen sensation soon to be sweeping the nation,” according to DC’s news release. Or, as Williams puts it, “ominously horny half-naked cowboys with automatic assault weapons.”
Source: Polygon
I'm seriously just happy to see Punchline again! Please, DC keep her and make her the badass she deserves to be! 💜
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celebsbyseb · 1 year
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up-side-in-side-out · 1 month
Monster high (sort of) AU!
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Explanations under cut!
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Kyle is the MC! He died the night of his school dance and was resurrected years later by Ike. Kyle doesn’t realize he’s dead for awhile, it takes him till he sees the school to know there’s a whole monster society.
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Ike is Kyle’s sort of creator. The boy is an orphan who wanted to create his own family. He made Sheila and Gerald first, then used Kyle’s corpse to make himself a brother. Ike forgot to wipe Kyle’s memory though, so Kyle reanimates remembering everything from his human life. Kyle eventually comes around to thinking of Ike as a sibling.
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Stan is his first friend! He’s who introduced Kyle to the rest of the monster world. Stan’s a werewolf who has trouble transforming into his human form, he’s usually stuck in wolf or hybrid form. His memory is foggy when he’s a wolf, and he can’t remember many details of his transformations.
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Kenny is a ghost/zombie. Usually his body wanders around on its own until Kenny repossesses it. Kenny prefers being a ghost, but if his body dies so does his soul, so he makes sure to keep the corpse safe.
Butters is a newly transformed vampire, who really hates the idea of drinking blood. He uses blood bags to avoid killing, but he still feels wrong drinking the blood
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Speaking of vampires, here’s Nichole! Unlike butters, she was born a vamp. Her and Kyle dated back when he was alive but Nichole only agreed to go out with him so she could get him alone and drink his blood. She thinks it’s really cool they can hang out again, as she enjoyed his company. Kyle is very conflicted on how to feel.
That’s all I have for now!!! Hope you enjoy!
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wan90645 · 2 months
Hey chat here’s a compilation of every relationship Kyle was in but fumbled them all because he’s destined to be bitchless till the day he dies
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saprozoicworm · 11 months
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dug around on my floor and found some scribbles in the corner of my room
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wwprice1 · 2 months
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10 awesome DC covers for October!
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rakudetama · 1 month
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South Park’s Trouble doubles!
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earthmoonz · 4 months
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the cast of wifey so far... (minus a select few)
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