Inked [Part 04]
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Title: Inked [Part 04] — A Missing Piece Summary: Jensen and Dani have a deep talk about Y/N. Jensen is falling for Dani’s best friend but he feels that something is missing. Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Danneel Ackles Squares: Jennel for @danneelacklesbingo Warnings: Past relationships, mention of abuse, mention of panic attacks, mention of anxiety, the reader has a day off, mention of sickness Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: We reached part four! I might add one more part after part 5, I haven't decided it yet. Anyways, in this part we will learn more about Y/N's past from Dani's POV. I hope you like it and feedback is welcome!
| Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 05 |
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*Dani’s POV*
When I woke up this morning, I knew today was going to be a really busy day. That changed when I unplugged my phone and saw Y/N’s text, “bad day, sorry. I’m gonna be late” I sighed, knowing why she was feeling like this, I decided to call her to see exactly why she was having a bad day and how I could help her. After talking with her, I decided to give her the day off, it was the best for her, besides, with her feeling under the weather it was going to be the best for her to not work that day, the only thing I asked her was to call if she felt worse, which I already knew she was not going to do. She was as stubborn as she could only be. I texted the team that Y/N was not coming to work and that they needed to cooperate with the tasks that were supposed to be for Y/N.
With Y/N’s absence, one of you needed to handle the front desk that Y/N was supposed to work on today. I asked Megan to help me there since both of you were the ones with fewer appointments. I was getting everything at the front desk ready when Jensen entered the studio a bit earlier than I had expected.
“Someone is excited” I teased but Jensen didn’t reply, he had a serious look on his face, he looked worried. “Hey, can we talk?” He asked, “if it’s in a private place, better” he mentioned, “yeah sure” I accepted and we went directly to Y/N’s office. It was the only private place inside the studio and it was the only room that had a “No Disturb” sign, so nobody was going to interrupt this little meeting.
I knew Jensen and I knew he had something in his mind that was bothering him, “Is everything okay?” I asked him worried, he took a deep breath and said, “Is about Y/N”, I nodded and he added, “I’ve tried to reach out for her since I left her at her apartment last night, but she hasn’t answered any of my calls or texts,” I hummed, “I was expecting her to be here so I could talk with her.”
“I’m sorry, but she’s not coming today,” I told him and he was surprised, “she was feeling under the weather,” I explained. “Did something happen between you two?” I asked with curiosity, the last thing Y/N had said the night before, was that everything went well. “She didn't tell you?” he asked you, I was confused now, what had happened between them that Y/N did not tell you?, I looked at my hands and said, “she did, not fully detailed but I'm aware of what happened.” I knew Jensen and I trusted him, this hesitation from him was something I was not expecting.
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Jensen sighed again and said “Look, you know her better than me, but the girl that came to the studio yesterday is not the same girl I’ve been talking to over the phone for the past few weeks”, now it was my turn to sigh, “I don’t know what happened between you two or what you’ve been talking but she’s been through a lot lately”
“I know, but… I felt like she was trying to be someone else.” He admitted and I just nodded to Jensen, thinking if I should tell him more about Y/N. It wasn’t my call to decide if he should know, but I could tell that Jensen was interested in her, the same way Y/N was in him.
I took a deep breath before talking, “I don’t know if I should tell you this, but if I do, you have to promise me that you won’t tell her” Jensen nodded and admitted, “Dani, I fell hard for the girl who I talked to over the phone. I was so excited to finally meet her but when I did, I felt like something was missing. It took her some time to finally get comfortable around me.
I sighed again, it wasn't something I should be talking about, it's her story to tell, but then Jensen said “Dani, please,” he insisted, “If you don't tell me I'll cancel all the appointments and I’ll go to her place to talk about it.” I sighed once again, I couldn’t risk it, I was aware that I needed to tell him part of Y/N’s story.
I checked the time and still, I had at least an hour and a half until Jensen’s first appointment. “Fine,” I said defeated, “but you tell a word and you’re a dead man,” he nodded knowing to not break that trust. While I went to the door to put the “No Disturb” sign I asked, “She talked about the tattoo, did she?” Jensen nodded, “both of them?” he nodded again. Back in my seat, I took another deep breath and started to think about what I would share since Y/N wasn’t around to tell her side of the story.
“Around four years ago, she was dating this man that was the perfect boyfriend every girl had dreamt of. All her "friends" envied her for being with him, but not me, I was not a fool.” I started talking, "one day she came to my place and I felt her off. It took me two hours and a few panic attacks to figure it out. I'm not going to get into details, but this man, he was messed up and the worst person affected by it was Y/N," I explained without realizing the anger I've been bottling up over the past few years was showing, Jensen grabbed my hand and squeezed it, bringing me back to the present and calming me down. I gave Jensen a small smile and continued talking, "after their break up, I made her move in with me. Two years ago I almost lost her." I explained with a weary voice. "It's okay Dani, you don't have to tell me more, I understand."
I shook my head, "I tried to help her by meeting people in general, not a partner, just people to hang out with. When this opportunity came, I didn't hesitate to give it to her. It was the perfect chance. And... " I paused, "You know you can tell me, I won't get mad," he said, knowing what I was thinking. "I knew she admired you and she kinda has a crush on you, so, kinda everything fell into place. I mean, I'm not expecting…" I tried to finish explaining when Jensen interrupted me.
"No, I get," it was his time to sigh, "she's an amazing person, and I knew she would be shy, considering how we actually met, but what I felt was that she was trying to impress me" he finally said. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost time to open the studio and you needed to finish setting some things up.
"Let's give her time to rest today, I'll go to her place later on," I finished the conversation, Jensen nodded and both of you left the office to get everything ready for the day.
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After the morning meeting with Jensen, the rest of the morning went pretty well. Happy clients, the work environment felt nice, everyone was having a good time, except for me. I had a bad feeling about Y/N. I've been texting back and forth with her throughout the morning and she kept telling me that she was fine.
I could tell that she didn't want to talk much, since most of her replies were one-syllable words, but I knew that it was the way she dealt with everything, so I didn't bother her much.
After midday, the studio started to have more people around, so I told Megan to come and help me at the front desk because I couldn't manage everything. With Megan, we were amazed by how easy Y/N made it look.
Y/N haven’t texted me back in almost two hours and I was getting worried, I've been having a bad feeling that something might have happened to her. "Once I'm done with the last client, I'm gonna take a mini-break and I'll call Y/N," I said to Megan and she nodded.
Not even five minutes later, Jensen approached the front desk with worry all written over his face. "What happened?" I asked, "is Y/N," he said, "what about her?" Now it was my turn to be worried, "I was talking with her over the phone when the line went dead" he explained.
I looked at Megan and she nodded, so I grabbed Jensen from the arm and took him to the office.
"What do you mean with "the line went dead"? Elaborate, please" I demanded nervously, Jensen sighed, "we were talking because I called her and then the line went mute. At first, I thought that the call had ended, but it kept going for like two minutes with straight silence." He explained, "I don't know about you, but something feels wrong," Jensen added and I just nodded at what he was saying.
I grabbed the phone line and while marking her phone number, "I know, I have this bad feeling inside, and I don't know what it is" I admitted. The phone line was dead and so was her cellphone. I didn't want to freak out but it seemed like everything was happening all over again.
"How many appointments do you have left?" I asked, "one more, why?" I sighed when Megan knocked on the door "your client is here Jay" she said. Jensen kept looking at me, waiting for me to say something, "go to work, I'll keep trying to contact her." Jensen went to the door and said, "when I'm done, we are going to her place," I nodded.
An hour and a half later, I was seated in Jensen’s car still trying to contact Y/N, but her phone kept sending me to voicemail. “Jay, I’m scared” I admitted and sighed, “Nothing bad had happened to her,” he assured me.
The small trip to her apartment door was the longest. The elevator seemed to be taking all the time to make it to Y/N’s floor.
When we made it to her door, my hands were shaking, please be fine my mind kept repeating like a mantra. Jensen knocked twice on her door and waited for her to answer, when there wasn’t any, I used the spare key she had given me.
“Check her bedroom, I’m gonna check the bathroom” Jensen instructed me once inside. When I entered her bedroom, I saw that the bed had been used but she wasn’t there. I was looking for any sign that told me she did something she had been avoiding for quite some time, I was too focused that I didn’t listen to Jensen calling Ne. “Dammit Dani, come ‘ere” Jensen called me once again, “did you find her?” I asked, “yes, call 911, she’d fainted” I saw her and my body froze. “Dani, please,” Jensen said, bringing me back from my mind.
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A few hours later, I was with Y/N in the hospital. She was severely dehydrated. Luckily nothing more serious than just some rest will fix it. The doctor had explained to me that she needed to stay the night over because of her severe dehydration, I just nodded, thankful that she was fine. After closing the studio, Jensen went to the hospital to keep me company. “It was so hard to keep working knowing that you two were here” I nodded and smiled, “How is she?” I signaled to go outside of her room to talk. “She’s fine, she fainted because she was dehydrated. She has to spend the night here just to make sure nothing goes south” I explained the same thing the doctor had explained to me. Jensen and I stayed outside of her room talking about the studio and how the others wanted to close the studio early to be there with her. Luckily, I had amazing people next to me that cared about both of you.
Sometime later, when Y/N was already awake and the doctor had explained everything to her, I was able to let my guard down. She needed to listen to me. “You gave us quite a scare Y/N,” I said using her full name, “I told you to call me.” she just looked at her hands, “I was really worried, you weren’t answering your phone,” I said, grabbing her hand and letting some tears fall. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you. You had a lot of things on your plate.” she admitted, “baby, you’re not a bother and you know it. What happened?” “Wait, us?” I smiled shyly, “Jensen was the one who found you" you explained, and that’s when she remembered what she was doing before everything happened, “I should call him, he needs to know,” she said and I smiled, “he is outside if you want to talk with him” she nodded, “I’ll let him know. Uh…” I stopped talking, thinking how I could formulate the question, “What?” she asked impatiently, “since you have to spend the night, Jensen offered to stay with you. And before you say anything, he moved his appointments to the afternoon, so no, you’re not a bother” I finally said and she nodded again.
After talking with Jensen and he assured me he was going to call if anything happened, I got back to Y/N’s place to clean and organize everything. After what happened, I started to consider moving in with her again. I wanted to help her, but first, I needed to know what was going on with her and I had the feeling that she might open up with Jensen. I just hoped she was right and everything got better. It was what Y/N deserved.
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Tag List is open (Link in description) If you are crossed out, it means I'm not able to tag you
Inked Tag List @danneelsmain | @deandreamernp |
Everything Tag List @iguessweallcrazyithinktho | @thevelvetseries | @mrspeacem1nusone | @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem | @caplanreads | @vivalaluciforever | @maliburenee | @alexxavicry |
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Thanks to @firefly-graphics for the dividers
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Inked [Part 01]
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Images from Google
Title: Inked [Part 01] — The Beginning of Everything Summary: Your best friend since high school opens a tattoo shop and offers you a job position you can’t deny. This opportunity brings a lot of people into your life, and some of them are meant to last for long. Pairing: Danneel Ackles x Reader Squares: Tattoo Artist!AU for @spnfluffbingo// Free Space for @anyfandomfluffbingo // Tattoo for @danneelacklesbingo // Tattoo Shop AU for @badbitchesbingo // Tattoo Shop AU for @spnaubingo // Warnings: Tattoos, Alternative Universe, nothing else I believe Word Count: 2357 A/N: Welcome to the first part of the story! I'm still working on it, so please be patient. This came as an idea on one of my many tattoo sessions. I hope you like this!
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You were fairly new to the tattoo world, it wasn’t exactly unknown because you had a few on your body but you loved the art and history that came with them, but something you never expected was working for it. Unlike Danneel, your best friend, she was a tattoo artist and had always dreamed of opening a tattoo shop and being known for it. She has been working in the industry since she was 16 and now, over twenty years later, she was one of the best in the industry, but never had the chance to get her own studio.
After a lot of hard work, she was finally able to open up her own tattoo studio, and of course, she asked you to be part of her team. “I want you to be my shop assistant,” she said when she gave you the news. You couldn’t deny the offer because you needed a change of air and she was your best friend after all. However, you warned her that you didn’t have a clue on how to do it, but still, you were going to work hard.
The studio was a big warehouse that needed a lot of hard work and remodeling, it was going to take a few months to have it ready for use. While painting the studio, she explained to you that you were going to manage the social media of the studio and sometimes, her own as well. Dani’s idea was to open up the studio in about four months or so, around the beginning of fall.
It took you three months of really hard work to assemble the most important things, the workstation for each tattoo artist, the front desk area, your office, and a small break area.
You created the social media account a month into renovating the studio. It was worth all the hard work Dani was putting into it, the whole world needed to know that if you work hard for your dreams, they will come true.
Since Dani offered you a job in her studio, and you were really happy about what she had achieved, you needed to give her something. You asked your friend Luke, who was also a tattoo artist and Dani’s colleague to paint the sign of the studio. “Sister Jo Tattoo Studio” was the name that Dani chose.
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You were twenty days away from the date that Dani had planned the opening but still, there were a few important things that were missing, therefore the opening was delayed for at least two more months. “Please, reach the clients and rearrange their appointments, I’m sure they will understand” Dani requested you while finishing the setup of your office. Between finishing the last touches of the studio and planning and rearranging Dani’s agenda with her old and newest appointments time went fast, when you realized you were a week away from the opening day.
Dani made a post on her social media about it, the support she got was truly amazing. The number of people who were excited about this chapter in her life was overwhelming. In just a week, you received around a thousand emails asking for available job positions, appointments, and photographers asking for collaborations with her to promote the opening.
That last week was very chaotic, staff meetings with the crew members, hours organizing tattoo supplies for each tattoo artist, labeling everything for everyone’s knowledge, chaotic week.
You were really nervous about the party Dani and you organized for some of her intimate friends and the staff members. You gifted them some original merch for the first day in the office, each t-shirt had their name on the back, Dani’s read “Lady Boss”.
The party went great, the crew members of the studio were lovely people, you knew you were going to have lots of fun working there. All of the guests attended except for one, this artist couldn’t make it to the party, you kind of expected it, every tattoo artist you met in the past six months was always busy.
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During the first week of work, you got very overwhelmed with the number of messages and emails you had to answer. You knew Dani trusted you, but now you were having second thoughts about this job. You noticed that your work shift was kinda short to be able to do everything. Most of the day you used it to answer all the messages, which included Dani’s account. Whenever someone saw you, you had the phone between your hands and your laptop in front of you, you probably were answering messages for Dani and for the studio.
Even though Dani asked you to run the studio’s account along with her account, sometimes you helped some of the crew by answering their emails too. As overwhelming as it sounds, you couldn’t help it, you were always ready to help anyone. There weren’t too many people in Dani’s team, she was very meticulous in choosing which artists were going to be working with her.
Your anxiety started to get worse with the following weeks of work, you weren’t used to being reached by hundreds of people every day. You couldn’t believe how rude people can be for not being answered in the first hour after they had sent the message. You tried your best to answer as many messages as you were able to and do the other things you were needed to.
With every anxiety crisis you had, Dani was there next to you, helping you to get it through, putting your favorite song to ground you. Both of you knew this was going to happen and she didn’t care. “Just do what you can, I’ll handle the rest,” she told you after one of your crises “I just want you to be okay. I love you” you hugged her and said “thank you, Dan, for everything. I love you too”
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You bonded with all the artists as soon as you started working with them. Sister Jo was your new family. One day, Tim said jokingly that you had too much “visible” skin for someone who worked in a tattoo shop, he suggested that you needed to start getting tattooed by them, all of you laughed, but for them seemed like a serious matter, you, in the other hand, were fine with your tattoos. “When are you getting tattooed by one of us?” Luke asked you a few days later, bringing back what Tim had suggested, “Don’t know. My hands are kind of full as well as your schedules,” you said, “Don’t worry, we will make it work” Luke said heading to meet his client.
True to his word, a week after, Dani showed up in your small office with a manila folder, “What’s this?” you asked confused, you didn’t know what it was since you do everything by email, “Meet me at my station in an hour” she said leaving a second later.
When you opened it, inside there was a drawing and a small note that read “I figured you will need this. Don’t cheat until it’s done. Love u, Dani”
An hour and a half later, Dani was cleaning the tattoo, and all the crew was anxiously waiting for her to finish. “Thank you guys, this means a lot to me,” you told them. The first one to see it was Megan and said “it’s original, I really like it,” then was Luke, “what does it mean?” he asked curiously “I know what it is but, what’s the meaning behind it?” Dani sighed and said, “is something that has a big meaning” she sighed and said "you can interpret as you want, the real meaning will remain private between N/N and me," Luke lifted his hands in surrender and the rest of the team left you two alone.
"Thank you, Dani," you said, opening up your arms to hug her, "anything for you babe." She said hugging you back. She covered it up and both of you got back to work.
The following day as you were working in your office, Dani showed up at your door and said pointing to your desk "I left that for you, I need you to check it up and give me your opinion. No rush" and then she left. You grabbed said folder and put it with the rest of the things you needed to finish.
Once you got everything done, you checked what Dani gave you. Inside the folder were some samples of different posters. You thought she might have mistaken the folder, you didn't have a clue about art and all sorts of things.
You were about to get her when she showed up at your office, "baby, book a staff meeting for tomorrow morning, please" you nodded jotting it down so you didn't forget, "Dani, wait, what's this?" You asked and Dani looked at you, "So, what do you think? These are some samples for the flyer that we're going to put on the front of the studio to promote our new guest." She explained, "But there are no names in here, how…" "is a surprise guest," you looked at Dani and asked, "and how people will know if they are interested in getting a tattoo by this artist?" You were making a point, and Dani knew that you wanted to know who this person was, "you're going to get emails every Friday with his appointments and you will have to fit them in ours, he will be coming in two months" she said ending the talk.
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The next day when you woke up, you had a notification on your phone for the staff meeting, something felt wrong and you didn’t know what. When you arrived at the studio, all the tattoo artists were there, you had to look at your watch to double-check the time, you were late and you’re never late.
That day didn’t start as a good day, and this was triggering your alarms for an anxiety attack. Dani noticed your behavior and knew what was going on. She sat next to you and handed you a cup of coffee, she put a hand on your leg and said “I asked them to come a little bit early, I needed to talk with them.” You started to feel the anxiety creeping up, something was definitely wrong and you knew it, “Is everything alright?” You asked worriedly, “Just hear us out” Luke mentioned, “Sweetie,” Dani called your attention, “we think you need to take some days off,” she said, “Why?” Megan started saying “You’ve been working so hard for all of us and you deserve them,” Luke continued, “we noticed the changes in your behavior, we love you and we want you to be okay,” “It's just for your well-being. We all support you” Dani finished, you didn’t understand why she was asking you that, but what they said was true, you were very anxious lately, a day or two off didn’t sound that bad.
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After taking two days off, the following weeks were a total success, the studio was well known, all the appointments that were available now were booked. You even had walk-ins and events for certain holidays that were already planned in advance. You could see in Dani that this was all that she had ever dreamt of. You were really proud of her and all her achievements. Your anxiety was under control again, which you were grateful to the team for those days off, you really needed them.
But there was only one thing that kept your anxiety at bay, the mysterious tattoo artist. You didn’t know who it was, you guessed it was important since he was sending you his appointments and you just had to add them to your studio’s calendar. Dani was very silent about this thing, she was the only one who knew and to be honest, could be anyone, she had gotten too many friends in over twenty years of tattooing.
You were answering an email when your phone started to ring, “Oh shoot” you said when you realized what it was, “what happened?” Dani asked, “I should start promoting your mysterious tattoo artist, he is coming in two weeks” you explained, “You kidding right? Is that time already?” she asked, surprised by how the time flew. The studio was having a great moment and every single day was very busy.
You were so busy that you had totally forgotten about it, thank God for setting up reminders for everything, if not, you would’ve totally forgotten.
“Go home Y/N,” Dani said “I’ll finish here, don’t worry”, “Let me finish this, and I’ll go,” you commented to her. You did as you said and started gathering your things, your phone buzzed notifying you of a new message, you thought it was another person asking for an appointment, but you were wrong, it was a text message, “who texts nowadays?” you said aloud to no one in particular, when you opened it, it was from an unknown number.
“Can’t wait to meet you, sweetheart.” the message read, ``Who is this?” you said aloud and Dani came to check on you, “Is something wrong?” you showed her the text message, “oh yeah, I forgot about it.” You looked at her waiting for an explanation “This is the mysterious guest. You are technically my assistant, so I gave him your number.” You nodded understanding, “So is a he,” you said “that doesn’t narrow down the list at all” Dani laughed at your comment, “You can talk to him, but you cannot ask him his name or any type of question that could reveal his identity.” “Fine, mom,” you said disappointed. “Anyways, go home, take a bath, relax a little and talk with him, you really gonna like him” you grabbed your things because Dani was practically kicking you out.
“I’ll call you later so you can tell me how this guy is treating you, don't save the juicy details” she winked and you laughed.
How were you going to find out who this guy was without asking his name?
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Tag List (Is Open - DM or Link in Bio)
Inked Taglist @danneelsmain | @deandreamernp | @maliburenee
Everything Taglist @iguessweallcrazyithinktho | @thevelvetseries | @mrspeacem1nusone | @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem | @caplanreads
Supernatural - RPF @akshi8278 | @wonderfulworldofwinchester
Credits for @firefly-graphics for the divider
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Inked [Part 02]
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Images from Google / Edit by me
Title: Inked [Part 02] — Revelations Summary: You finally figure out who the mysterious artist is. but after a bad day, Dani shows you why she is the best friend you could’ve asked for. Pairing: Danneel Ackles x Reader Squares filled: Free Space for @danneelacklesbingo // Warnings: AU anxiety, bad coping mechanisms, Dani is an amazing friend, bad day, Word Count: 2.5k
| Chapter 01 | Chapter 03 |
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"So, how's the talk with the mysterious guy?" Dani asked you while entering your office with a cup of coffee. "Is it weird to say it, but I really like him," you admitted shyly, "why is it weird?" She asked you, "because I don't know him at all. I don't know his name, I don't know what he looks like" you explained, "so, what's the matter?" She questioned, "I don't know, it feels weird"
Dani kept looking at you, she clearly could see that you were really interested in this guy and you knew she wanted to tell you something. “Spill it,” you said, “I can’t deal with that smirk of yours, you know I hate when you get like this”, she gasped “like what?” she laughed, “like this, all excited, you are going to tease me all day and I have too many things to do.” She rolled her eyes, “fine, I won’t, but please, don’t think too much about this”, you sighed “fine, now go and let me work”
You hated that Dani knew you too much, with just one look she knew everything you were feeling and thinking, and now, because of her little teasing, you were going to be thinking about this guy all day long.
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Around lunchtime, you got an email from the mysterious artist demanding to talk with Dani as soon as possible. You left everything and went to her, you explained everything and she looked at you with a worried face, this seemed to be serious.
Dani went to your office, gave you some of your things, and locked the door, leaving you behind. “What happened?” Tim asked and you shrugged your shoulders, “the mysterious artist sent me an email demanding to talk with Dani asap and now she is locked up in my office and I don’t have a space to work” you explained. Tim looked at you with the same worry as Dani, this wasn’t good and this guy was scheduled for the following week. “Uhm, Tim,” you called, “since is my lunch break, I’ll go to the bar around the corner,” he nodded “yeah, go, don’t worry”, “Thanks, I’ll take this stuff there, so I can keep working” Tim motioned you towards the door, “I’ll tell Dani to call you if she needs you” he finally pushed you outside. At that moment, you got a text “Hey sweetheart, can you talk now?” you smiled, “Yeah, give me five to settle” you texted back.
You were at the bar, texting back and forth with this guy, you felt so good talking with him, he had a way to charm you, while you were answering some emails as well. “Can I call you?” His last text read, “I feel like something is going on with you”. You hesitated, he was talking with Dani too, you didn’t know what to do, so you just ignored his text and kept doing your stuff.
Your phone started to ring, you were worried it was him, when you checked, it was Dani, “hey girl,” you greeted, “everything alright?” she hummed “Tim said you are at the bar, can I come?” you were worried, what had happened? “Yeah, sure.” “Ok, I’ll be in two,” she said and hung up.
As promised, two minutes later, Dani entered the bar and sat next to you in your booth. "Is everything alright?" You asked, "the guy wanted to talk with me over the phone while he was talking with you," you told her, "and did you?" She asked excitedly, "no Dani, he was talking with you" she rolled her eyes, "honey, it was a five-minute call. Jay told me he is coming to town early to hang out and not coming only for work" she explained and you nodded.
Dani and you stayed there for a while, it was nice to be just the two of you outside the studio, spending time with each other. Of course, she questioned you about the tattoo artist and you, she finally made you admit that you really liked him and that was the main reason for your hesitation towards him. She knew that as soon as you knew who he was, everything was going to change. She was just hoping it wasn't.
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Back at the studio, you were in your office doing nothing, most of the pending work you've made while at the bar and what was left could wait. You grabbed your phone and opened the chat with the artist. "Sorry for leaving you without answering, Dani showed up and I got distracted," not even a minute later, the bubble that he was writing you back appeared, "not a problem sweetheart, I assumed you got work to do." He was always so considerate "you up for a talk?" You sent it, he read it and called you. "Hi Jay, how are you?" He didn't answer you immediately, you heard him sigh and he said: "hi darling, I'm good now that I can't talk with you." "I haven't figured out yet who you are, but Dani let your name slip today." He chuckled, "I figured. It's nice to finally introduce myself and not be all mysterious" you chuckled, "well, you still are a mystery to me because I just know your nickname and your profession"
The conversation went for over an hour, you hadn't realized it until Dani showed up asking for something. "I think you have to get back to work," he said, sounding disappointed, "I do, but it was nice talking with you. I just…", he sighed "I know and don't worry, I'll be around in two days." You gasped, "you serious?! I can't wait to meet you" you knew about this, Dani had mentioned it earlier, but you needed to sound excited about it. "I can't wait to meet you either. Leave a spot open in your agenda because I'm taking you on a date." He said and you blushed, "Ok, Jay. Can't wait, bye," you said and hung up.
Dani was at the door waiting for you to finish the call. When you looked at her, she was smiling, "what?"She shook her head and approached your desk, "Did you just say Jay?" You nodded, "when we were at the bar you told me his name, I guess you didn't notice" you explained, "and I didn't say anything, so when I called him and greeted him, he didn't deny it, so I just figured out that Jay was Jensen Ackles", Dani sighed, "Are you mad at me?" you chuckled, "No! Why would I?", "I don't know", "Don't worry, everything is fine. So, what do you need?" Dani took a deep breath and got to work with you.
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The day before, Dani and you stayed after hours working on upcoming events. Also, it was a way to make you talk about what was going on between you and Jay, she was very happy to put the two of you together.
You told her that you've been a fan of his work for quite some time and that you had a crush on him, but you explained to her that you didn't have your hopes too high because there was no way that someone like him would pay attention to someone like you.
After your conversation with Jay and later with Dani, made you feel weird, which meant you ended up spending a weird night, you didn't sleep much, your anxiety was starting to bother you again, you needed to shut your mind for at least a few hours. The only way to do it was, put on your headphones and set on repeat the one song that would calm you down.
The next morning when you arrived at the studio, you went directly to your office. Your anxiety was high and you were afraid of getting worse, you needed to be alone and most importantly, relaxed.
You heard that Megan was at the other side of the door, she needed to talk with you but you couldn't do it. Your mind wasn't at the best place, you scribbled something down on a piece of paper and you slid it through under the door. "I'm busy, come back later. If it's urgent email me" the paper read, and in small writing at the bottom of the page said "please paste it on the door. Thanks", you heard Megan doing what you asked for and you were left alone again.
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You have been in your office with your headphones on blaring the only song that would keep you focused, and because of this, you didn't hear Dani entering your office and locking the door.
She stayed there doing nothing, just looking at you. You may have not heard her, but you knew she was there waiting for you to either talk or acknowledge her.
She stayed like that for twenty minutes, then she grabbed her phone and texted you, "go home, you need it", you shook your head, "no, I can't. There are a lot of things to do here, Jensen is coming today to check his place because tomorrow…", Dani engulfed You in a tight embrace, "breathe" she said in your ear, "everything will be fine," you leaned your head to her body and let the tears flow. You wanted everything to be perfect, not only because it was part of your job, but also because it was Jensen, someone who you admired and looked up to. "Let's take you home, ok?" Dani attempted to move you, "no, please, I can't be alone now" you admitted. She changed her body position and hugged you. That's when she noticed how dark the circles under your eyes were. You clearly hadn’t slept and weren't having a good time. With a lot of work and effort, Dani convinced you to take a nap there in the studio promising she was going to stay with you and not leave your side.
When you woke up a few hours later, you felt calmer but with the anxiety at bay, Dani was there next to you, as she promised. She informed you that everything was settled down and that you didn't need to worry about anything else. Knowing yourself, now you were worried about what you didn’t handle while taking a nap. Yes, you needed to sleep, you were cranky and with a migraine, but still, it was during your work shift and it wasn’t okay.
You got out of the office with Dani and it was deadly silent, “where is everyone?” you asked confused, you had to double-check the time because you were alone with her, “They guys were free, so I sent them home early”, “why?” she chuckled, “they weren’t doing anything and you needed to rest. It was the best for all. Besides,” she gestures to the new work station for Jensen, “I was able to concentrate better while I did this” she said proudly, “that looks good.”
You noticed there was a dark envelope with a post-it with your name in it at the front desk. Since it had your name, you picked it up and opened it, “what’s this?” you asked out loud, “Look for yourself,“ Dani winked. When you remove the papers from the inside, you couldn’t believe it, “oh my god!” Dani asked her team to make some samples of the tattoo you asked her to design, “the guys don’t know what it means, but they know it is important. They wanted to let you know that they are with you and that you’re not alone.” she said, hugging you, “you can choose whichever you want and get it done tomorrow.” She explained, “Tomorrow?” you asked, “why tomorrow?” “Because,” she looked into your eyes, “I asked Jensen to do it.” you gasped “you did what?” she nodded. “You really expect me to not book an appointment with him for you? You wanted to get one from him for ages. It was now or never” you just hugged her and broke down. Dani was an amazing friend and person, you couldn’t have asked for a better friend.
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You started your workday somewhat better than the day before, you were at the front desk crossing out appointments as the clients were arriving. Luke sat with you between clients, you were explaining to him some rescheduled you make to fit two clients that were having problems with the original time given. “Do you have an appointment today?” he asked you, “uh, no” you said, “well, the calendar says something different” he said, you looked up to the calendar and saw your name, “I didn’t know you were getting a tattoo,” “that makes us two” you were sure that appointment wasn’t there the day before, you needed to talk with Dani about it. “You know where Dani is? I need to talk with her about it”, Luke shook his head, “I believe she is finishing with a client,” he told you, “I will tell her that you are looking for her”, he finished and then he thanked you for helping him with his clients.
Half an hour later, Dani showed up at the front desk, “Hey, Luke told me you were looking for me,” she said sitting next to you “what’s this?” you asked her, showing her the planner “your appointment,” she said, “Didn’t I mention it yesterday?” she asked you confused and that’s when you remember, “Oh, that appointment. I totally forgot about it,” you laughed, “he totally is messing with your head,” she bumped your shoulder ”I booked it after hours to give you both some privacy, if not this would be chaotic” she explained when Megan came to ask for your help.
When you got back, Dani looked at you with a knowing look, making a point about why she gave you that appointment, you smiled understanding. You sat in your spot and grabbed one of Dani’s hands, “you didn’t have to do it, I don’t know how I’m going to pay you for this” you said and she sighed, “you won’t,” you looked at her surprised, “what? what do you mean?” She turned her body to look at you, “I’ve talked with the whole team and we all agreed that you’re working your butt off in here. Consider it as a gift for everything you do for us.” she said and added “is not up to discussion. You will get it done whether you like it or not.” You just hugged her, it was a very kind gesture from them.
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While having your small break, you grabbed the envelope she gave you the day before and decided to carefully check all the designs and choose which one you were getting. All of them were incredible, but the one that Dani did was the chosen one, she knew the true story behind it and it was special.
The tattoo you were planning to get wasn’t big but the placement where you wanted was very intimate to expose to someone who you barely knew. The tattoo was going to be placed in your sternum going upwards a little over your breasts. Jensen probably was aware of this, so probably that was one of the reasons why Dani gave you an appointment after work, mostly for the privacy in the studio. By that time it was going to be just the two of you.
When he promised you a date, you never imagined this was what he had planned. Definitely, it was something you would never forget.
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Thanks to @firefly-graphics for the dividers
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sofreddie · 3 years
My Turn
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Summary: Danneel and Y/N have a little fun, just the two of them.
Characters: Alpha!Intersex!Danneel x Omega!Female!Reader
Warnings: Smut (PWP, Unprotected Sex, Knotting), Fluff
Word Count: 581
DANNEEL BINGO: ALPHA!DANNEEL (@danneelacklesbingo)
A/N: A timestamp drabble for Our Kind of Love. Feedback is appreciated. : )
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"Oh, Alpha," Y/N crooned as she settled atop her Alpha, taking her cock to the root. "Always feel so good."
Danneel moaned, her eyes drifting over the Omega straddling her. She wanted so badly to throw her to her back, make Y/N take her Alpha cock until they were both satisfied. But that wasn't what they had agreed to.
"Please, 'Mega. Please, go faster." Dani panted harshly as Y/N smirked and continued to glide up and down Dani's shaft at a glacial pace.
"Uh uh, Alpha," the Omega teased, "I'm in charge tonight."
Y/N threw her head back, moaning as she slowly rode her Alpha, enjoying the feel of every hard inch sliding in and out of her hungry core. It had been a while since she had her Alpha to herself. With Jensen away for work, Y/N planned time alone for her and her Alpha. She loved Jensen, but she needed time alone with Danneel.
Y/N wanted to take what she needed, make Dani beg for release. She wanted to feel empowered and in charge for a change. Dani was all-too-happy to comply, excited for a change of pace and eager to see what treats and teases her Omega had in store.
Y/N expertly wound them both up, holding them back from the edge. Dani hated and loved it in equal measure. She noted in the back of her mind to convince Jensen to let Y/N dominate him just once. She was certain he'd love it.
Dani's hands traveled over Y/N's hips and up her sides en route to her perky and bouncing breasts. Y/N grabbed Dani's hands before they could reach their goal, pressing her wrists back into the mattress.
"That's against the rules," Y/N chastised, "Keep them there."
As she sat up straight once more, Y/N gave a sinful twist of her hips. Dani's head shot back in surprise, a loud moan tore from her throat. Her hips bucked up into the pliant Omega. She squeezed her hands into fists, fighting the urge to reach up and grab at Y/N once more.
"I'll stop," Y/N warned.
"No, please don't. So close, 'M-Mega."
Dani was desperate at this point, Y/N having denied them both of sweet release multiple times. It was delicious torture. Y/N increased her pace gradually until she was bouncing in Dani's lap, the slapping of their skin echoing around the room.
"Come for me, Alpha," Y/N breathily begged, "Knot me. Please."
Dani could hold on no longer as Y/N's sweet begging tone shoved her harshly over the edge. Her knot expanded and locked them in place. Y/N came hard, her walls clenching and flexing around Dani's knot, milking her for all she had.
Y/N collapsed against Dani's chest. Dani finally allowed to move wrapped her arms around the Omega in a sweet embrace. Though her knot was receding, she wasn't ready to part from their moment.
"I like being in charge," Y/N said with a yawn, making Dani laugh.
"I guess we'll have to visit that more often then, won't we?"
Y/N lifted her head to meet her Alpha's gaze.
"Do you think Jay would do something like that?"
Dani could tell she was timid on the topic. Omegas were usually the submissive types. But Dani had no problem giving control to her Omega when she needed it. She was certain Jay would feel the same.
"I think he'd jump at the chance to let you use him as you wish," Dani chuckled and Y/N joined.
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