#dao the joining
dwarvenwarden · 4 months
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illuminchim · 2 months
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MDZS Kingsman AU.
Is Wen Ning third wheeling? Yes, of course… someone save him
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albaharu · 4 months
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im so excited for da4 i drew all my charas with my faves for each game <3
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Jiang Cheng had what, 3 months? To gather up rogue cultivators to be his disciples? And yet when we see him with Lan Wangji on their hunt for Wei Wuxian he actually has quite a significant amount
Baby girl was clearly doing something right
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wifiwuxians · 3 months
psst xue yang enthusiasts and fellow artists... join our simple n quick birthday collab! i think it would be so cute to have a bunch of different yangs drawn by a bunch of different people all chilling on one canvas! the deadline is july 21, so please give it some thought 🍬🍰
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sithwuxian · 19 days
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why can't queer people just say i love you 😭😭😭😭😭
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When you have to raise a nephew alongside your girlbossing
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symphonyofsilence · 8 months
I was reading a "Meng Yao joins the Yunmeng Jiang Sect" AU when it occurred to me that WWX, JC, & MY would have been so much like Mo Ran, Xue Meng, & Shi Mei. (Also Shijie would have had someone in possession of a brain cell to talk to)
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tea-cat-arts · 3 months
Women slightly older than Wei Wuxian just look at him and go "welp, guess that's my little brother now"
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Down memory lane
"Lan Zhan, do you want to know how I actually died?"
Lan Wangji drops his chopsticks right onto the floor, the question shocking him out of the placid tiredness of a long day travelling.
They've been passing through towns and villages in their seemingly forever honeymoon, but, as the anniversary of the First Siege and Yiling Patriarch's death approaches, whispers, rumors and trashtalk have become louder and increasingly frequent.
People bring up the terrible monster living in the Burial Mounds, make up outlandish stories about imagined crimes, and debate on how he died - though all agree it was gruesome and deserved.
They're in an inn now, at the edge of a picturesque village near the sea coast, enjoying local dishes and wine, in a secluded corner of the establishment's dining area. But though they've deliberately chosen to sit as far away from the crowd as possible, conversation drifts through the air like the aroma of freshly cooked meals and words of insult and curses reach their ears nevertheless.
"Wei Ying..." Lan Wangji speaks, struggling to break througu his stupor, "You do not need to-"
"I know, I just want to." A small smile. "You've asked me before, and I didn't tell you - but we've agreed there are no secrets between us, right?"
"Wei Ying, this is not a secret-"
"I blew myself up."
Silence befalls them both. Lan Wangji finds himself unable to name what he's feeling, a whirlwind of emotion stirring within him. Wei Wuxian does not seem affected, gazing out the window at the starry sky.
His tone had been casual, as if the words he's just said do not hold much weight, as if it is normal, expected, for him to say them.
I blew myself up.
Lan Wangji has always wondered whether Wei Wuxian really died devoured by corpses and resentful energy, he who had so much control over them.
He has always had some doubts, but the thought of his beloved taking his own life hurt too much to ponder. For Lan Wangji too, the hypothesis the rumors presented was easier to swallow than the truth.
"You could have stopped it." He finally says, realization slowly dawning on him like a soft blanket of cold, icy snow.
"I could." Wei Wuxian responds, closing his eyes briefly before turning towards Lan Wangji, "But I had no reason to. There was no more room in the world for me."
"There has always been room in the world for you, Wei Ying." And Lan Wangji reaches across the table to take his husband's hand in his, both to comfort Wei Ying and ground his own spiralling fears.
Wei Wuxian's eyes widen for a moment, shining under the soft candlelight, before a beautiful, warm smile settles on his features. "I know you said not to, but thank you - for making room in the world for me."
There is a slight tremble to Lan Wangji's hand as he caresses Wei Wuxian's knuckles.
"...and also thank you for giving me a room literally because I'm broke as hell, I could never afford an inn!"
Laughter is pulled out of Lan Wangji before he can stop it and Wei Wuxian can only wish he's forever able to hear the melodious sound of it.
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birb--birb · 3 months
LORD I forgot how fucking funny the banter is in origins
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I'm back on my bullshit thinking about the Hawke siblings again and how much I love a "both twins live" AU... but y'know what I love just a little bit more? An AU where all three Hawke siblings are alive, but one of the twins still get attacked by the ogre in Lothering and is presumed dead when they actually survived.
I like to think that since the narrative in DA2 is framed as a story Varric's telling Cassandra, we can play around with the fact that he's an unreliable narrator. Varric wasn't there in Lothering. He only knows what Hawke told him. It makes for a better story if Leandra, Hawke, and the surviving twin get to huddle around the dead twin and say their goodbyes... especially if they didn't actually get to do that. I mean, a lot of us already have that train of thought when it comes to Leandra's death and Hawke getting some closure through her final words telling them how proud she is. Whose to say Varric didn't do that for the lost twin, as well?
All that to ask what if the ogre attack happened, but the group was so overwhelmed by darkspawn they had to flee further and couldn't check the twin who "died?" Flemeth still showed up, but it was too late to go back and say goodbye.... so Hawke made a deal with the Witch of the Wilds and they all pushed forward to Kirkwall.
Imagine Bethany, left behind with broken bones and bleeding in the sand, fading in and out of consciousness as the remaining darkspawn surround her. She knows how to heal, how to fight back, but she's weakened. Her staff lays out of reach. Air shakes in her lungs. She tries to call for help, but only wheezes come out. Where's her mother? Her siblings? Did the ogre get them, too?
At this point, we all know what happens to the women darkspawn take, and Bethany could've met that fate; she doesn't have the strength to fight back as they drag her away. But before they can bring her underground, she's saved by another group of survivors. Perhaps they're more soldiers fleeing Ostagar, or townsfolk who recognize her from Lothering. They do what they can to treat her wounds but she needs a healer, so they bring her with them to seek refuge in Redcliffe... except they eventually realize she's an apostate. Well, she doesn't seem dangerous, but they still contact the templars.
Bethany wakes in a warm but unfamiliar bed with skilled healers tending to her. Templars hover by the doorway. First Enchanter Irving greets her, gentle in explaining she's safe inside of Kinloch Hold and that she's going to survive. When Bethany asks about her family, he gives her a sympathetic smile and says they only found her.
Bethany, who never took to embracing her magic the way her older sibling did and always felt like it burdened her family... has lost that very family. Could they survive the ogre and darkspawn? Or did the ogre tear them apart, too? How did she survive... but not them? Did the Maker really have such a sense of humor? How else would she end up in the Circle, a place her family went to great lengths to keep her safe from?
She doesn't want to think about it. She hopes they made it to Kirkwall, but the prickle of dread that crawls up her spine knows how unlikely it is. Bethany finds comfort in speaking with the mages who rotate in to heal and bring her food. Some feel trapped by their magic just as she does, but others remind her of her older sibling in the way they embrace their magic, a gift from the Maker. The younger apprentices who aid the mages ask her questions about what lies beyond the walls. The templars mostly keep their distance, but one is friendlier than others. A man with curly blonde hair and a sympathetic view of the mages bothers to speak to her more than his fellows do.
She's still in recovery when Uldred and his blood mages attack the tower, but she survives. Bethany heals, even as she's haunted by nightmares of the ogre wrapping its tainted hand around her body to crush her, flinging her aside to lay among the limp bodies of her family... haunted by the horrors the blood mages unleashed on the tower. She aids in restoring the tower the best she can, and accepts her new home, her new life. When she's well enough, she lights a candle for each of them; her father, mother, her eldest sibling, her twin... she even lights a candle for the family mabari, and prays to the Maker to give them her love as they stand at His side.
The Blight ends. Years pass. Bethany settles into her new life, becoming a fine example for the younger apprentices she mentors. She witnesses wrong doings against her fellow mages, loses friends to their harrowings or tranquility. She accepts what she is, even if bitterly. The Chantry's teachings about magic scar more than enlighten; she sees it in some of her fellow mages, feels it in herself. Secret meetings. Whispers of escape, of freedom. More escape attempts. Harsher restrictions.
Around this time, back in Kirkwall, Knight-Captain Cullen stands where he always does in the Gallows courtyard. He notices Hawke appear with some of their companions. It hurts to think back to Kinloch Hold, but something occurs to him: he knew of another Hawke who was brought to the Circle while he served there. They only spoke once before... well, before. He wonders if there's any relation. When Hawke wanders over to speak to him, as they always do, Cullen brings it up.
Hawke pales. A beat of silence. Cullen recognizes heartbreak; he sees it unfold in their eyes and swell in their throat as they realize that all this time, their baby sister was alive.
Then the day comes where new whispers float among the mages in the Circle. A visit by a Grey Warden. Most, including Bethany, assume he's here to recruit... until Irving comes to her. He says this warden's requested, though more like insisted, he see her now. But then Irving smiles; the warden in question said his name is Warden Carver. He received an urgent letter that his sister is here, alive, and he demands to know if that's true.
Bethany nearly collapses when she sees him.
While the reunion can't last; she can't leave the Circle and he has his calling; the twins embrace, sobbing out apologies and exclamations that they thought the other was gone. Carver tells her of Kirkwall, the expedition that led him to the Grey Wardens, and their older sibling's status as Champion. With a gentleness she never knew her brother to have, he tells her what happened to their mother, and more tears flow freely. Their sibling learned about her from a templar, though Carver grumbles that the bastard could've said something sooner.
There's the Maker's humor again.
...Now flip the script: imagine Carver being left behind instead.
For as strong and passionate as he is, that ogre still picks him up and slams him to the ground. Bones crack. Black splotches flood his vision, agony exploding across his skin. His sword flies from his hand. The soulless bastard tosses Carver aside like he's nothing, and he's left to lay there. His mother's cries muffle in his ear as though he's stuck underwater, sinking slowly into the dark.
It figured, honestly... that he'd survive Ostagar while his fellow soldiers were cut down all around him, that he and his eldest sibling would flee the field when all hope was lost... that he'd make it home to get his family out of Lothering... only to die protecting his mother. And why not? He is a protector. A warrior. It's a honor to die saving those he loved... so why didn't it give him peace?
Carver eventually wakes in the night among the bodies of fallen darkspawn. Everything aches painfully hot and his thoughts reject coherency. He knows his family is gone; they're dead, or they've fled... either way, he's alone; left behind. Something's broken inside of him, but he has just enough will to pull himself up at the sound of approaching footsteps. A group of survivors find him- funny enough, the same group who aided Bethany in an alternate timeline. Imagine that.
That's how Carver ended up in Redcliffe's Chantry with an overworked healer tending to him. He doesn't even flinch when the mage works their magic on him, knowing all too well the sensation of healing magic seeping into his skin, mending the flesh. He tries not to think of Bethany, or what might've happened to her.
The Chantry's overwhelmed with townspeople hiding from a danger outside that he can only assume is darkspawn... except it's not. He wonders how hard he hit his head when he hears the undead have come from the castle to slaughter what they can of the town every night. But then he sees it with his own eyes when one breaks in, taken down by a templar, and never before has he ever felt so useless.
Then the last two remaining Grey Wardens arrive. They're crucial in the final fight against the undead, swearing to enter the castle to stop the attacks at the source. While Carver couldn't participate in the final fight, something he complained loudly about, he did what he could in his condition to help like sharpening swords and handing out supplies. Mostly to keep his sanity and quite his thoughts throughout his recovery.
When the time came, he took up his sword again in the name of all those he lost.
An archdemon was said to be on the horizon, and the Grey Wardens needed everyone they could get to fight. Carver fights in the battle of Denerim where the Hero of Fereldan defeated the archdemon. He cuts his way through every darkspawn he sees. Ostagar flashes red behind his eyes. Lothering clutches at his heart. So much anger and sorrow built up inside him, flooding out in his tears and screams. Blood everywhere. Fire and smoke.
Then it's over.
In the aftermath of the Blight, like so many others, Carver has no home to return to. No family. He thinks to go back to Lothering to help rebuild, only to hear the lands were too tainted. These tainted creatures took everything from him... That's what eventually brings him to Vigil's Keep, standing before the Hero of Fereldan themself, asking to be made a Grey Warden. He already dedicated nearly two years of his life to killing darkspawn, and he had nothing else. Even when faced with the Joining, holding the chalice of darkspawn blood and being told to drink, he didn't flinch.
Life as a Grey Warden isn't as simple as he assumed it would be, but Carver finds purpose in his calling. Over the years, he grows to view his fellow wardens as family. He travels all over Thedas, venturing down into the Deep Roads to help clear out hoards of the darkspawn. But then comes the day he finds himself in Kirkwall, and it doesn't take long before he hears the name Hawke on the lips of the townspeople. His eldest sibling was not only alive, but they're quite popular among the people. But what about Mother? Bethany? He doesn't have to snoop too far to learn templars took Bethany away to the Gallows, and that Leandra Hawke was the final victim in a string of murders committed by a blood mage.
Carver finds himself standing outside the estate, glaring at the door. Furious. Heartbroken. Bitter. He wants to scream. This entire time, they lived. He's torn between wanting to reunite with his older sibling again, to get the truth from them, and wanting to barge into the estate, demanding answers to how they could let the Circle take Bethany... after what Carver sacrificed, how could they let Mother die like that? Was it all pointless in the end?
He leaves without knocking. He can't bring himself to see them. Not that it mattered. Before he could leave Kirkwall, the tensions with the qunari finally overflowed, and chaos fell upon the city. He's forced face to face with his older sibling again, but he wasn't prepared to watch the recognition slowly bloom on their face, or for all his anger to turn to mush. Carver's the first to speak.
"Somehow, I knew it would be you."
.............So, yeah. I really like this idea.
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murmel-malt · 1 year
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just thinking about gwen in a more fereldan style armor
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mac-tirs · 3 months
Looking for a young, small Dragon Age server that's OC-friendly, inclusive of all identities, against bigotry and marginalisation, and enthusiasts of all Dragon Age content? Wanna get hype about Veilguard and make friends at the same time? Just want a place to talk about how much of a buggy mess modding Inquisition is?
Well, I've got the server for you! This is Dragon Gayge, my own server that I just opened a couple of days ago. Come join us if you're into the whole Dragon Age thing, or if you want to get into it before Veilguard comes out!
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starrywangxian · 8 months
you've heard of red and blue gays? of course, you have.
you've even heard of black and white gays? sure.
well, wangxian are both soooo
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underthevenadahl · 5 months
Grey Warden Joining pendant I drew up a while ago for my Brosca. I've always felt like it would be cool for different Wardens have different pendants depending on what was available. But maybe it's just because I love customizing every little detail of lore my Wardens have.
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