#dark siders
lady-owl · 2 years
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Darksiders: Soul Eater Vulgrim
Finished illustration of the demon, Vulgrim from the video game series Darksiders.
A friendly and humble demon merchant, despite consuming the souls of the dead, which you collect from your slain enemies to use as currency to buy special items from him. Seems reasonable.
I love this character, and it always gives me warm fuzzy feelings when I see his charms dangling in the distance marking his Serpent Hole locations. A port in the storm between adventuring and always a friendly face to greet you.
Anyway I had a lot of fun with this. It was a complete spur of the moment thing I started a couple months ago to take a break from my other projects, and kept it in limbo until October since if felt like a good Halloween themed piece, being a demon and all.
As mentioned in my Sketch and WIP posts, the Darksiders series of video games is a real gem and deserves so much more love. Y’all sleeping on this franchise.
I’ll share some close up shots since sizing it down lost a ton of the little details, plus maybe some progress shots since they look pretty neat with just the shadow and lighting effects turned on.
■ Materials: Clip Studio Paint EX | Wacom Intuos 5 touch tablet
■ Darksiders | Vulgrim © Gunfire Games
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crystalwhites · 1 month
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Hey! These are just my views and observations might not be relatable to all, please take what you relate 🤎
This Post consists of only Scorpio, Capricorn, Saturn, Pluto, 8th / 12th house placements
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✦ I'm not surprised 12TH HOUSE rules psychiatric hospital, mental illnesses, abandoned places things that are twisted in some way, that are mysterious
since we are on it, 12th house mystery and 8th house mystery are veryyy different....... 12th is like conspiracy everything that's hard to believe which might or might not be real...and 8th is stuff that everyone knows exists but don't wanna talk about cause it's dark and hidden
✦ Saturn dominancy is definitely something you inherit or like runs in family (not compulsory ofc)
✦ Plutonic moon and plutonic venus make a good match from what I've seen, their wants and needs are similar (also the possessiveness and jealousy :/ )
✦ Capricorns and them questioning themselves whether they're enough.
✦ Scorpios are majorly attracted to Capricorns cause caps are so authentic they just be themselves not trying to lure anything or anyone,....... caps / earth signs don't give a shit about anything and Scorpios like it, their cold persona is very appealing + caps are not pretentious and Scorpios like people being honest and real
✦ CAPRICORN and SCORPIO difference (sun/ moon/rising)
Both of them are mysterious but the difference is Scorpios are secretive and caps are reserved / private ppl. Caps don't mind sharing their things with right person but not announcing it lol where as Scorpios have issues with trust they won't share until something like 10+ years and signed nda.
✦ 8TH HOUSE placements really hate people who don't have depth to them, who are too superficial to understand them
✦ You shouldn't underestimate a Moon in 8th house person's ability to detach themselves from anything or anyone, or at least they can pretend to cause they are so good at hiding their feelings
✦ idk why but I've observed this a lot that in someway or other it has always been unfair with Saturnians
✦ Heard a CAPRICORN STELLIUM say this ----
"your life is 100% your responsibility, no one is coming to save you"
✦ one thing you can expect from CAPRICORNS is keeping things real. They will say like it is and yes that also means no consideration for your heart sometimes cause they don't want anything based on lies, truth and loyalty are important to them
✦ A combination of Saturn and Pluto dominant in a chart 😵😰🥵
✦ Some of the songs from taylor swift album tortured poets like loml, so long London are so deep and heavily emotional perfectly showing her SCORPIO VENUS (pls never break a scorpio venus heart they're too soft <3)
✦ SATURN - PLUTO transits are scary especially in the 1, 4, 7, 10 houses....... pls y'all look out for yourself stay safe <3
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Thankyou for reading !!
Hope you liked and related 🤎
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short-wooloo · 4 months
Because the stupid acolyte witches have brought it back to the forefront with their nonsense, I need to remind everyone
People who either never read or haven't read the Darth Plagueis book in a long time always seem to forget that Plagueis' experiments FAILED
He tried-TRIED to create life through the Force, it didn't work, badly, it didn't work so badly that it managed to piss off the Force which in turn retaliated by creating Anakin, Plagueis' attempt at creating life was so unnatural, such a perversion, so offensive that the Force created a life form for the purpose of destroying the sith
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libbee · 1 year
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Scorpio is known for sex but I think it is the earth signs that are actually sensual. Earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn deal with senses and are the most stimulated by touch, visuals, taste, voice, beauty, pleasures of the senses. They are not intuitive but rather sensual, materialistic and interact with what is tangible, seen, physical. While Scorpio is intuitive and deals with intangible, unseen and spiritual.
Then why is Scorpio linked to sex? It is not about sexual pleasure and more about craving rebirth. Fact with Scorpios is that they discover a layer of themselves everyday going through life. Their identity, personality, beliefs need evolving and they need to die to be reborn. That intense sex is them tuning to their intuition and when they orgasm something in them dies. Since it is intuitive, each Scorpio will know what has died but it is not possible to tell it in words because it is a symbolic death. Sex to them is like a ritual, a sacred practice that assists them in passing from one stage to the next.
The force of 8th house is against will power. At best I read on a social media forum it being described like "Plutonic force is like your head being shaved against your will power, no matter how much you resist, it will happen".
Rahu can be such a fake, illusion maker and a mirage. Wherever it is placed in the natal chart can show what area of life is shown as the "ideal, picture perfect, larger than life, wow factor" but it is actually just empty behind the screen. If Rahu is in 1st house, native appears to be this dashing, grand, all-rounder person but actually nobody knows if they are actually that person or not, nobody seen them doing what they claim to do, it is just the image. If Rahu is in 10th house, they have this mirage illusion of being hard working, leader, planner, entrepreneur but they are not actually all that. If Rahu is in 7th house, they have this image of ideal partner, picture perfect couple, dream partner but actually it is just a mirage. It is the social perception that is ideal/mirage but in private something entirely different happens. For eg, they gift 100 roses to their loved one in office. Wow! How lucky, how romantic. Yet at home, they are like the partner does not even exist, totally different.
8th house moons can be hypersensitive to their mom's voice. It is as if they grow up and suddenly they are super reactive to their mom. If she says anything, 8H moon screams. "Be quiet!", "Change your tone of voice", they complain their mom irritates them which can be actually repressed memories of childhood being triggered every time mom says something. In the worst cases, they can even abuse their moms which is called "reactive abuse" where the party can no longer tolerate the abuser and explodes in anger.
Fire sign risings surely give the PERCEPTION of confidence, self assurance, burning hot even if they are extremely insecure inside, it would not appear in their persona. It is the rising sign that is how others see us and how we show ourselves to others, it is autonomous, spontaneous and unchangeable for this lifetime. Fire signs can be going through failures but not show in their faces.
Planets in 1st house emit the energy of themselves. But beware! 1st house is just the persona and your impression on others - not the actual person behind the mask. So Sun in 1st house = public perception is they are so confident and self secure. Mercury = they are so intelligent and cheerful. Jupiter = they are so wise and guide. Even if native is not these things, people are somehow convinced that they are those qualities just because of their facial expressions + language + vibes.
It is very important for 8th housers to be discerning in choosing their company/partner/friends. 8th housers are prone to feeling negative emotional hurts because they have survived extreme emotional situations in childhood, the side effects of which will last a lifetime. I also think that these natives inherit emotional wounds from their ancestors that makes them carry so much burden on their shoulders. So, they should choose such people who are empathetic, emotionally intelligent, know some psychology and know that "the wounds of swords and gun can heal but not that of the tongue". An unhealed 8th houser is like an open invitation to the world "come use me" and when the native has had enough of betrayals and shocks, they turn inwards to start doing self introspection, analysis of human nature and undergo drastic transformation.
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harmoonix · 1 year
Lilith in Gemini
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*This applies if you have Lilith in Gemini in your natal/sidereal or vedic chart* !!!
🌌 Lilith in Gemini is the type of person who is always curious about the dark things, the things that are secret, the things that only few people know 🌌
🌌 When Lilith is in Gemini which is partially/half influenced by Mercury the native will have an erotic voice, or a voice that most people would find hot 🌌
🌌 Lilith in Gemini magnetism is that they have a powerful voice to attract people into them, tho that they may be a bit struggling when talking they still manage to seduce 🌌
🌌 Lilith in this sign feels the most powerful when they have to talk about naughty things because they tend to be naughty a lot 🌌
🌌 They can tend to be isolated/closed on themselves a lot of times but they surely keep themselves at a high level of understanding 🌌
🌌 They are great at communicating and creating bounding with people but they can also tend to be anxious if there is an case 🌌
🌌 Lilith in Gemini has a lot of sexiness and magic, if you know how to use your voice, you won, you attract, you seduce 🌌
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- Harmoonix
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laifromthecosmos · 4 days
Why are Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn planets that take time to achieve something?
versão em eng-pt / version in eng-pt
Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are planets that, for different reasons, are associated with a slower trajectory in terms of achievements. Each has a distinct approach, but in common, they symbolize processes that require patience and development over time.
Mercury is the planet of communication, intelligence, and learning. Although quick in movement, Mercury is linked to processes that demand constant adaptation and learning. Achieving something with Mercury depends on the ability to communicate, analyze, and learn from situations. Progress is incremental, as Mercury's success relies on accumulating knowledge, experience, and adapting to various scenarios.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, wisdom, and spiritual growth. It governs generosity, ethics, and natural law, but its action is slow because it involves the search for meaning and truth. Jupiter’s achievements require long-term vision, the expansion of horizons, and internal growth. Since Jupiter also symbolizes teachers and gurus, it teaches that true success comes with patience and the gradual maturing of understanding.
Saturn is the planet of time, discipline, and restriction. It is known for testing patience and resilience, imposing challenges and obstacles that slow down progress. Saturn rules over karma and maturity through experience. Its achievements are lasting, but only come after much effort, hard work, and overcoming limitations. It rewards only those who persist and learn from difficulties over time.
These planets require a continuous process of development, patience, and persistence before delivering significant results.
Wherever these planets are in houses in your chart, something will take time to come to fruition. Mercury in the 5th house, for example, may indicate that your higher education will be necessary to achieve your goal, and this may take time. Saturn needs improvement and therefore achieves success in the course of a mature age. Jupiter needs to act in the time of the universe and be very clear in what it is doing, sometimes a person can take time to discover what they really want to do. There is no point in rushing into your career, love life or finances when these three planets are located in these respective houses.
They take the necessary time, but the result will be great.
Por que Mercúrio, Júpiter e Saturno são planetas que demoram para alcançar alguma coisa?
Mercúrio, Júpiter e Saturno são planetas que, por diferentes razões, estão associados a uma trajetória mais lenta em termos de conquistas. Cada um tem uma abordagem distinta, mas em comum, eles simbolizam processos que exigem paciência e desenvolvimento ao longo do tempo.
Mercúrio é o planeta da comunicação, inteligência e aprendizado. Embora rápido em movimento, Mercúrio está ligado a processos que exigem adaptação e aprendizado constante. Conquistar algo com Mercúrio depende da habilidade de comunicar, analisar e aprender com as situações. O progresso é incremental, pois o sucesso de Mercúrio depende de acumular conhecimento, experiência e se adaptar a diferentes cenários.
Júpiter é o planeta da expansão, sabedoria e crescimento espiritual. Ele rege a generosidade, a ética e a lei natural, mas sua ação é lenta porque envolve a busca por significado e verdade. As conquistas de Júpiter exigem uma visão de longo prazo, expansão de horizontes e crescimento interno. Como Júpiter também simboliza professores e gurus, ele ensina que o verdadeiro sucesso vem com paciência e o amadurecimento gradual da compreensão.
Saturno é o planeta do tempo, disciplina e restrição. Ele é conhecido por testar paciência e resiliência, impondo desafios e obstáculos que retardam o progresso. Saturno rege o karma e o amadurecimento através da experiência. Suas conquistas são duradouras, mas só chegam depois de muito esforço, trabalho duro e superação de limitações. Ele recompensa somente aqueles que persistem e aprendem com as dificuldades ao longo do tempo.
Esses planetas pedem um processo contínuo de desenvolvimento, paciência e persistência antes de entregar resultados significativos.
Onde quer que esses planetas estejam nas casas do seu mapa, algo levará tempo para se concretizar. Mercúrio na casa 5, por exemplo, pode indicar que sua formação superior será necessária para atingir seu objetivo, e isso pode levar tempo. Saturno precisa de melhorias e, portanto, alcança o sucesso no decorrer da idade madura. Júpiter precisa agir no tempo do universo e ter muito claro o que está fazendo, às vezes uma pessoa pode demorar para descobrir o que realmente quer fazer. Não adianta se apressar na carreira, na vida amorosa ou nas finanças quando esses três planetas estão localizados nessas respectivas casas.
Demorarão o tempo necessário, mas o resultado será ótimo.
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caturnmoon · 8 days
🌝How did everyone fare during the full corn moon and partial lunar eclipse in Pisces yesterday? ♓️
🐟 Honestly for me as someone with Pisces hovering over an angular point in my chart (the fourth to be precise), it was the perfect day to reflect and pay attention to some deeply buried feelings and anger regarding my familial roots and upbringing and current issues with those connections. This eclipse is the first of a few for the upcoming eclipse season 2024, and I believe that it’s asking us to truly “dive deeper” into the murky depths of feelings that we may gloss over and keep hidden on a day to day basis. These experience are meant to be faced and felt so we can swim past them in a healthy way. Confronting them with compassion and love while still honoring that righteous feminine rage as well. 🌊
5.17.2024 & 5.18.2024
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robotsandramblings · 2 months
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this is from a Legends comic, and i don't know if it's ever mentioned again or if it ever made its way into the disney canon as well.
but i think this is a really neat concept! and of course i immediately thought of Hunter... it would be really neat if he could do this too.
like i know CF99 didn't have their own Jedi but i'm guessing they still worked alongside them frequently enough. so he wouldn't recognize the "smell" at first but would eventually figure it out. and then we could have some interesting scenes in the BB show post-Order66 where he catches little whiffs of ionized lightsaber air. and he immediately gets an equally worried and terrified sick feeling in his gut.
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talagalaxies · 2 months
Just realized how such big girlfailures the Aniseya twins are. Osha fails to want to be in the coven, fails to be a jedi. Mae was once a gifted witch in the coven but now she can't even do her jedi killing mission right, even never identify who her master was.
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alcida-auka · 3 months
Hot Dark Siders forever
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, Qimir, Maul, Asajj Ventress.
I love them all. I love them if they return to the light (Ben and Asajj), I love them if they are permanently lost puppies (Maul and likely Qimir).
They are all very, very good.
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scarscannotbereplaced · 3 months
The Dark Truth About Scorpio Rising Men: Decans Unveiled
First Decan of Scorpio Rising (Ruled by Mars)
Alright, let’s cut the bullshit and dive into the first decan of Scorpio rising. These guys are ruled by Mars, the god of war. Yeah, you heard me right. These men are aggressive as hell and impulsive as fuck. They’re the ones you see tearing it up in sports, dominating the gym, and flooding your Instagram with their jacked physiques. Why? Because they’ve got all this pent-up energy and an insatiable thirst for power.
These men have a presence that screams “respect me, or get the hell out of my way.” They’re detached, cold, and couldn’t give two shits about delving into their emotions. Vulnerability? Nah, that’s not their style. They’d rather choke on their own pride than admit they have feelings. They’re the gym bros, the police officers, the selfish bastards who’ll do anything to be on top. They lie, manipulate, and scheme their way to power. If you’re looking for empathy, look somewhere else. These guys are all about that raw, unfiltered Aries energy – masculine to the core and allergic to anything that might bruise their fragile masculinity. Oh, and let’s not forget – they’ve got a psychopathic streak that makes them downright dangerous.
Second Decan of Scorpio Rising (Ruled by Jupiter with Pisces Influence)
Now, onto the second decan, where things get a bit… deeper. These men are ruled by Jupiter, with a touch of Pisces influence. Don’t let that fool you into thinking they’re soft, though. These guys are artistic as hell, with a dark, mysterious aura that keeps you guessing. They’re the musicians, the metal vocalists pouring their rage and pain into their art.
They’re not as detached as the first decan, but they sure as shit aren’t open books. They’re the quiet ones, the guys with headphones on, lost in their own world. You know there’s something intense simmering beneath the surface, but good luck getting them to spill. They’re emotional, much more so than the first decan, but they hate the company of others. They prefer to stick to their family or a close-knit group of 1-3 friends. They’re not plastered all over social media – they prefer to keep you wondering, intrigued by the depth you can sense but can’t quite reach.
Third Decan of Scorpio Rising (Ruled by the Moon with Cancer Influence)
Finally, we get to the third decan, where Scorpio’s intensity meets the emotional tidal wave of the Moon. These men have a presence that can send shivers down your spine. Their aura is dark, almost menacing, but it’s all a front – a protective shell to hide their deep, tumultuous emotions.
These guys are vengeful as fuck. Sense danger or hidden animosity from someone? They’ll destroy them, emotionally, mentally, and if push comes to shove, physically. They don’t take disrespect from anyone and get into a lot of physical confrontations because of their intense empathy. They give respect, so they damn well expect it in return. They’re the martial artists, the fighters with a fire burning in their eyes. Covered in dark tattoos, they walk into a room and command attention without saying a word. Their eyes? They’ll pierce right through you.
And while they look like the kind of men you’d avoid in a dark alley, get to know them, and you’ll find they’re fiercely protective and surprisingly nurturing to their close circle. But don’t mistake their kindness for weakness – they’ve got a manipulative streak, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. They’re incredibly close to women, loving and admiring them deeply, but they manipulate them too, knowing exactly what a woman wants or needs because they’re so in tune with female emotions. They’re the dark knights, the ones who respect women deeply but aren’t afraid to play mind games.
Unlike the first decan, these guys actually have friends – a small, tight-knit group they’d die for. They protect their own with a vicious loyalty, especially the women in their lives. Emotions run deep with these men, and their anger is a force to be reckoned with. They’ll fight anyone for their friends and family, no questions asked.
So, there you have it. The men of Scorpio rising, each decan darker and more intense than the last. They’re not for the faint of heart, but if you’re looking for raw, unfiltered masculinity and a presence that demands respect, look no further. Just don’t expect them to open up – they’re masters of keeping you at arm’s length, and that’s exactly how they like it.
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jebiknights · 5 months
why is fanon so into. making obi-wan close to like everyone BUT Anakin, the guy he canonically saw as a brother and best friend. like apparently he cares more about Cody, the 212th, dex, the random guy he saw down the street, literally everyone but anakin? does it feel like fandom has really been minimizing their bond to you lately or is it just me?
I mean they've been doing that for years lmao, but I took a break from fandom for like a year and a half so I would not doubt that it's gotten worse lately.
And idk it's ridiculous! I think it comes down to for whatever reason, a lot of people just don't like Anakin. There's a depressing lack of sympathy and grace for him in a fandom where a lot of the themes of the franchise are about just that. There's a huge contingent of fandom that hates Anakin to the point that they will destroy the characterization of the other characters in order to shit on Anakin (often it's characters like Cody and Quinlan, who many only care about as side characters in an Obi-Wan story, who take the fall too which is even more insidious to me). I just don't get it, ngl.
I do think it speaks to a lack of understanding of the character (of Obi-Wan) though lmao. Like you said, he saw the man as his brother and best friend, I think they're even implied to have a Force Dyad in the Kenobi show? To me it's crazy to write a fic centering on just one of them during prequel trilogy era and not? Mention the other? Even in passing? You watch the show, read the books, and often the other comes up even just in ways that are like "god anakin/obi-wan would give me so much shit if he saw me doing this". They are two halves of the same warrior!!
I read a fic once that was SO GOOD up until the epilogue where they did a small time skip and for some reason they randomly aged up Ahsoka to be Obi-Wan's Padawan instead of Anakin. The way people go out of the way to cut Anakin out of Obi-Wan's life is just so crazy.
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libbee · 1 year
Some Venus in 8th house transformation notes:
May also apply to Moon in 8th house, Venus in Scorpio, Moon in Scorpio but especially to Venus in 8H
* Venus in 8th house is a mystery. The emotions are intense. When she is happy, she is euphoric. And then she starts crying because she just recalled a repressed past memory.
* Venus in 8H is psychologically draining but financially secure. As if universe wants her to suffer psychological turmoil yet feed her and keep her warm. As if the universe compensates for her psychological experience with financial security through parental inheritance and spousal income.
* This placement is eccentric and different from many other placements. This native deliberately likes to be private, secretive and hidden. It is because she wants to keep her life hidden from public view. Not just because she fears evil eye, but also because she wants authenticity in her personal life.
* Did I say authenticity? She has a core natural personality. Intuitive, emotional, sensitive, perceptive, psychically penetrating, empathetic. She is a healer. She knows that anything which is put in public display on social media loses its authenticity. She knows that words spoken in public are insincere. She does not care for public validation, it is depth and natural connection that she craves.
* Since she battles her own complexes everyday, she can also read other people's complexes easily. Life is a constant shadow work for her. Others may be ignorant of their shadow, insecurities and reactions, while this native can read people as if playing a piano, so easily and so beautifully.
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* No doubt, this placement is psychologically challenging. The life theme of native revolves around transformation, rebirth, renewal, occult, psychology matters. Everyday is a new chapter in her life. Every morning she wakes up a different person. Since her core is so unstable and transformative, she finds identity and stability in occult, esoteric and mystical knowledge. Relationship is also based in identification with spouse, change in identity after wedding, merging identity with partner, having sex to "dissolve" the ego identification and become one with the universe with each orgasm.
* There is a major transformation in her younger self to older self. Before transformation, she could be impulsive and irrational. After transformation, she is completely changed, has emotional control and psychic insight. She can "see" what others cannot.
* One suggestion would be to not torture yourself with crying sessions to let go of the memories of past. We acknowledge that you are a sensitive person and you had a traumatic life, but you are not the only one with trauma. Almost all astrological placements have emotional trauma, that is just part of life. Venus 8H clings to her trauma, lives in it, keeps reliving it, that is where she self destructs. Try to live in a flow. Acknowledge the past and know that you are not alone. Do not let it fester into narcissism. Understand that even though people don't show it, everyone is suffering with emotional issues secretly - who knows this better than Venus 8H who herself keeps her dragons as pets with cute collars. Indeed, her inner demons obey her, she is that spiritually awakened and aware. You go to her house and find shadow dragons playing in grass.
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* So much shadow work makes her fearless, as if she is rugged and unharmed. There is a healing vibes around her. People feel at peace with her. Being in her company is like meditating in Buddha temple, that serenity, safety, security, compassion and kindness. Feminine essence at its peak. Imagine an incense stick burning with its smoke, so serene and quiet, so mysterious and elegant. That is her soul. Always in touch with her emotions, never reactive and never defensive. Just flowing peacefully with the flow of life. Look how poetic smoke is, it makes no noise, leaves no traces, it is poetry to the heart.
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* But this journey was not easy. The emotional healer today was once a wounded mess. We never appreciate how much of a difference emotional intelligence can make to human relationships. It changes conversations, there is no competition but understanding. She talks not because she wants to look good or show off her knowledge, she speaks because she genuinely feels a connection to your heart. Connection beyond superficiality. Connection that transforms her listener. Anyone who comes in contact with her is transformed, bewitched, hypnotized. Even the most angry person can calm down in her company, it feels just so safe to be with her. You will be heard and seen and accepted for your flaws and faults and mistakes because in the 8H there is no right or wrong, life is just a music of ups and downs. All fateful detours and blunder mistakes lead to spiritual insights. She does not judge you for anything, her only question is, "How did it make you feel? What did you learn from that experience?"
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Now, depending upon the rest of the chart, we see how their life manifests. For eg, If there are significant fire placements, then the native will not be so secretive and like to be in limelight for their image.
But in conclusion, something that I have noticed with this placement is a significant lack of self concept. They are easily influenced by the energy of people, absorb the energy in their environment and may even become somebody else. This is of course not nice experience because then they will be torn apart between their natural core (intuitive) and the false adaptation they just performed, this may lead to neurotic behavior and unnecessary psychological suffering. One tip is to write down the keywords related to this placement like "transformation" "sensitive" "empathetic" "shadow work" "inner work" "secretive" and whenever you feel anxiety in social settings, mentally recall these keywords to create a stable identity/anchor in your head so you do not accidentally get carried away in someone else's energy. They are especially overwhelmed by the energies of air/fire placements that lack watery elements, because these natives are too smug and harsh for the sensitive person. Another tip is to have some will power which can be hard for these natives are pleasure seeking and indulgent too, so perhaps with some practice, behavior and emotional reaction can change. Repeated exposure to environments that trigger your insecurity and instability then practice grounding yourself in your natural core, who you truly are inside.
These natives can even make therapeutic healers, energy workers, witches, can assist you in passing from one stage of life to another, just how psychotherapy or surgery or birth or death works. They are the surgeons (penetrating vision) of the soul (just a joke).
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Today I was a very proud mother when my daughter chose a red lightsaber 🖤
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laifromthecosmos · 6 days
Mula Nakshatra: The Primordial Cosmic Force.
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versão em pt-br
Tropical Astrology orients the zodiac to the point of the Vernal Equinox, which marks the beginning of the sign of Aries. Vedic astrology orients the zodiac from the 'Galactic Center' to the center of the Galactic Sun, where influences pass through us via the fixed constellation of Sagittarius. The Galactic Center is called 'Brahma,' the creative force, or 'Vishnunabhi,' the navel of Vishnu. From the Sun emanates the light that determines life and intelligence on Earth, directing the seven rays of creation and the distribution of Karma.
In terms of sidereal astrology, the Galactic Center is located at the beginning of Sagittarius. In the Vedic system, it is found in the lunar constellation (nakshatras) called 'Mula,' which means 'the root' or 'origin.' Mula can thus be seen as the first in the series of lunar constellations. It marks 13º 20' of Sagittarius, in the middle of which the Galactic Center is located. The last in the series of lunar constellations is Jyeshta, which means 'the eldest,' found at the end of Scorpio. This shows that the ancients knew of the Galactic Center and named the constellations accordingly. The Mayans identified the Galactic Center as Hunab Ku, representing the Supreme God and Supreme Creator. It is considered the 'Mother's Womb' that constantly gives birth and gave birth to the Sun and the planet Earth. It is believed that Hunab Ku directs everything that happens in the Galaxy from its center through the periodic emission of 'Consciousness Energy.'
The energy of the Galactic Center is primarily transmitted by Jupiter, called 'Guru,' the teacher in Vedic astrology, and by Sagittarius. Jupiter is said to be the teacher of the Gods, the cosmic power of light. In this regard, he is even the teacher of the Sun, the guide of the world. Jupiter represents and directs Galactic Light to the solar system.
This association of Mula with the Galactic Center suggests a strong connection to primordial and cosmic forces, symbolizing the ability to access deep and transformative wisdom that may surface from intense experiences or a spiritual quest. The strong influence of Mula may manifest as a deep connection with these cosmic energies, reflecting a desire to get to the core of issues and seek the truth in its rawest and purest form.
Ketu, the planet that governs Mula, also deals with reaching the core of everything. It stores past Karmas and releases those mature enough to be experienced in the present. It can help gather the necessary tools to fulfill the objective of the present life. This is suggested by the symbolism of the tied roots. Mula, therefore, helps in gathering, meaningfully, the talents developed in past lives.
Mula is concerned with investigating invisible or unknown things. Along with its counterpart Ardra (which lies directly opposite in the zodiac), Mula has the strongest and deepest sense of investigation among all nakshatras. Mula is directly associated with medicinal purposes. In ancient medicinal systems like Ayurveda, roots of various plants are used for medicine preparation. Similarly, Mula is also related to the root of diseases, such as microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, etc. Like everything under Mula's jurisdiction, these microorganisms are invisible to the naked eye. The fact that the roots are tied suggests a sense of limitation. As a result, Mula often does not allow much freedom or dispersion of energies, causing people to dive deep within a limited sphere.
Mula Nakshatra is deeply connected to the figure of Nritti, a powerful and enigmatic goddess of Vedic mythology. Nritti is often associated with destruction, chaos, and dissolution, but her influence goes far beyond just being a destructive force. She represents the primordial forces that deconstruct and dismantle to allow something new and more authentic to emerge. Nritti is the goddess of transformation through destruction. She governs the process of disintegration necessary for renewal and regeneration, reflecting the idea that for growth to occur, something old must be undone. In many ways, Nritti can be seen as the guardian of the boundaries between the known and the unknown, between comfort and chaos, symbolizing moments of crisis that challenge old structures and beliefs, paving the way for personal and spiritual development. Mula's symbol is a bundle of tied roots, representing the exploration of origins, the unveiling of deeper truths, and the search for the essence of any situation. However, to reach the roots, one must undergo processes of destruction and deconstruction, aspects deeply connected to Nritti's energy. Those who have significant planets in Mula Nakshatra may experience intense moments of destruction and rebirth throughout their lives, being called to abandon old identities, beliefs, and situations to transform into something new and more authentic.
Nritti's influence on Mula also emphasizes the importance of facing chaos and the unknown as part of the path to enlightenment. Mula is the nakshatra of deep investigation, where the sought truth is revealed, often in a harsh and challenging way. Nritti guides this quest, ensuring that illusions are destroyed so that the truth, no matter how raw, can emerge.
It is in Mula's nature to quickly cut and destroy things that have lost their value. Most often, it regrets its actions in hindsight. Only when its Universal will is aligned does Mula operate in a wise, Jupiterian manner. The struggle between universality and individuality reaches its peak here, as individuality is at its highest expression. The process of individualization begins in Ashwini, is celebrated in Magha, and culminates with completed individual experiences in Mula. Beyond the realm of the ego and egocentrism, Mula is a proud and arrogant nakshatra, often unable to comprehend its own power and abilities. In some cases, this is good, as its capacity to inflict damage on itself is restricted by its ignorance. Its terrible and demonic side comes from Ketu's negative functioning in its lower aspects, potentially generating ego, vanity, and arrogance, which can lead someone to commit abominable and demonic actions.
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adamantinetower · 10 months
Can't stop thinking about lana beniko and my sith warrior. They are very in love. I need to make them more toxic tho.
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