#darla the paladin
awesomechocolatesauce · 2 months
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I got a new TV this week and my cat Onyx didn't waste ANY time getting in front of it when I'm gaming.
Ma'am? I'm trying to talk to Astarion!
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spacetimesally · 8 months
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Hey, there, Toy Fans, it's another look back at some more of the Kenner line of Spacetime Sally action figures! Last week we took a brief look at the evolution of the Sally figure, and, this week, we'll take a look at some secondary-character action figures.
Starting with the above: Top left: A very special promotional figure of starfighter extraordinaire, Lance Battleshine, from the Spacetime Sally Animated Adventures. A one-off character and special-guest star lending his voice to the role, you may recognize him as none other than pop music sensation, David Jones. Jones originally didn't want the job, and the only line he speaks in his episode is at the end, when he says, "El-low, Sal-ee" in that unmistakable British-accented voice. Top right: The Sally figure from the Lance Battleshine episode. Bottom Left: Special Agent Paul Townshend in AstroAction Suit. Bottom Right: Metro Sector L SecurityBot.
But wait, there's more!
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Various Bot figures. Top Left: Manny and Mortimer, the unorganized crime duo from the episode, "Modest Score" and, Top Right: Darla-9 from various episodes. Bottom Row: recurring characters, Paladin Fiver-Fiver, Rosco with his CommsBot and Coteko, A-D-4U.
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More recurring characters: Top Row: Left: Commander Raul Jimenez with "bear hug crushing action" and Right: Genevieve Contreras in Mechanics' Spacesuit. Bottom: FlippJett Suit Agent Paul Townshend, and an Agent Townshend figure from the episode, "Call Me, Ishmael"
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And three more various Sally figures to close out this week's further look at Kenner's line of Spacetime Sally action figures. Tune in next week when we look at the line-up of figures that LJN Toys offered up on toy shelves.
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lem-cup-rev · 2 years
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5.5 | Save the Cat
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
The Purified Catra fight was so so good. The choreography was so slick. The tension of trying to defend yourself from someone but also protect them is so strong. The way Catra fights up close with her agility and literal claws has never felt quite so sharp and dangerous! How about when she pulled Adora in close and just raked her claws across her back? I winced! Catra also made being mind controlled really sensual, as she does with most things. She’s literally such a fun character. If anything, the constant flirtation in her voice is her biggest throughline with Catra 1985.
When she fell off the edge I literally went “No!!” I love when a scene just grabs your heartstrings even when it’s a cartoon and you know what’s going to happen.
Oh my God, Catra being an unconscious damsel in She-Ra’s arms? This show hasn’t really been about lesbian romance in many ways, but that was our pulp novel cover right there. Just breathtaking.
So was Catra, like, dead? I assumed she was just injured until she gasped in a breath and it made it seem like she hadn’t been breathing at all. Dang!!
Oh, and new She-Ra was sooooo good. Adora really used every drop of badass in her body. I loved when she called Darla by name in her completely confident voice.
I got surprisingly little from the other parts of the episode! Glimmer and Bow… were there. I liked seeing Entrapta get all tender about Hordak, and it was kind of funny that she was wrong. Why would she think it was specifically that clone then? Cause his hair was messier?
The heist didn’t grab me very much – maybe it didn’t have very interesting set pieces? It’s kind of hard to remember the specific scenes. I guess, as far as I can put it together, the Bow and Glimmer missions didn’t really have any effect on the overall outcome? It was really all about Adora getting Catra and smashing her way out.
I did like the battles a lot! The hand-to-hand combat has been pretty brutal this season and the Hordaks are just getting smashed every which way. Glimmer has evolved from aggressive fist-to-face sparkles to aggressive fist-to-face.
And now the timer is on to establish Catradora!
Something that’s been pretty interesting to me is that the Catradora ship has basically not existed in the show at all. Their childhood relationship is super compelling, but it’s totally up to you whether to read it romantic or platonic. Catra was always super flirty in early seasons when she would attack Adora trying to reclaim her attention, but Adora was a serious paladin and did not reciprocate. I love their relationship, but it’s basically a deep, devoted friendship to me. How will that evolve? I can’t wait!
In this episode, Entrapta ‘good girl’s Darla like she’s a dog. And that’s about all I’ll say about that.
Next time: Dad jokes!
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pynklust · 4 years
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Agna, or as she's known to those around her, Darla Deepcreek, is a Kobold Paladin who doesn't quite know what she wants in life.
DnD Token for a campaign I’m in uwu.
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sporesgalaxy · 5 years
hey i was wondering, have you ever tried out dnd? idk it seems like to me with all the character creation and roleplaying it involves, it would b RIGHT up your alley
boy have I!!! Several times!!!!! I like roleplaying with my friends a lot, but DnD can actually be kind of difficult for me because of how many granular rules there are. I’ve had a much easier time playing FATE Core and Call of Cthulu, which have more….idk how to put it, generalized rulesets I guess? Anyways, yeah!
you didnt ask but just for funsies, here’s all the tabletop rpg characters Ive had and like, actually used for more than one session:
1. Boof
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she’s large…she’s mildly confused……she was literally raised by wolves…..and that’s it baybey!!!! basically the first dnd character I ever made that wasnt 100% a joke
2. Osulf
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Didnt really get to play this fella much but I’ll cherish him always. DnD again. My DM let me harness my Norse Mythology hyperfixation at the time, and he’s an Aasimar Paladin (..oath I think?? fjjdjf its been a long time) who’s dad is!! Heimdall!!!!!!! His mom is a super cool druid, and he was sent on a magical destiny quest by Yggdrasil, which embedded some bark in his jaw. He’s a big nerd and also a furry and he’s doing his best and I love him!!!!!
3. Fiske
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4. Erwoh
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(DnD, Barbarian(?), Earth Genassi) HIMBO SUPREME NEXT QUESTION
5. Darla
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Call of Cthulu character. Her education is super low but she’s still smart as FUCK somehow and she’s THE ONLY MOTHERFUCKER IN THIS PARTY WITH A LIBRARY SKILL. She’s pretty good at coping with all this Unknowable Horror stuff but that doesn’t mean she likes it. I love her.
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championshzm · 5 years
the shazamily but it’s a d&d campaign
billy plays a warlock for obvious reasons
if his warlock patron seems suspiciously similar to the wizard shazam nobody comments on it
he takes pact of the chain (his familiar is a tiger) and basically just uses eldritch blast all the time
i feel like eugene might dm because he might have been the one to introduce them but also victor might do it because the vasquezes probably want their kids to all get a chance to play
but if he wasn’t dming victor would pick a bard
rosa would probably pick a barbarian or a monk if she weren’t sharing a character with victor 
it’d be funny if the rest of the shazam kids were ALSO warlocks like can you imagine a warlock only party
anyway darla would totally play a druid
freddy would play a rogue !! at some point in the campaign he gets boots of flying/winged boots and he uses them way more than necessary “because it’s cool, billy, you can’t stop me”
he also picks up a few spells
pedro would pick a paladin or a fighter
mary would pick a wizard or a warlock (with pact of the tome) but if freddy hadn’t picked a rogue she probably would have picked that too
if eugene wasn’t dming he would probably play a monk because “everyone knows they’re super op” but alternatively a cleric 
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vldfanenesp · 5 years
Retomando los headcanons de mi fanfiction “Hilos de Telar” me di cuenta que a diferencia a las realizaciones de los cinco paladines humanos, las relaciones de los demás personajes no sería tan fácil de contar, principalmente ante el hecho que revelaría mucho de la trama planeada para el fic.
Así que, con este dilema me vi con la necesidad de cambiar radicalmente el diseño de los headcanons para el resto de los personajes de acuerdo a lo que puedo revelar de ellos.
Por ejemplo: 
Coran x Ilak (Corak? Tal vez?)
Para este headcanons no puedo revelar mucho en los aspectos que componen su relación. Pero debido a que Ilak no es personaje muy conocido y solo aparece en el volumen 2 de los cómics, desdí mejor aprovechar este canon para darla a conocer. 
Ilak es una Davdabhau, una raza humanoide canina-felina, que Lance llama “furrys” (por obvias razones).  Los davdabhau son una raza guerrera, con tradiciones tribales, sociedad polígama y jinetes de dragones (bueno, algo parecidos) llamados Kotkas.  
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Esta raza guerrera han sufrido esclavitud por parte de los galra por miles de años. En realidad dan a entender que han existido por mucho tiempo ya que tienen el conocimiento de la extinción de los alteanos.  
Ilak es una mezcla de sacerdotisa y chaman de su gente, guarda los secretos e historias de los mismos, así como su lado espiritual. Y al igual que las hijas de su fallecido lider, tiene la misión de guía a su gente a sus tierras sagradas.
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Su cocimiento sobre historias es muy amplio, así como de criaturas de la galaxia, lo que podríamos llamar pociones y espiritualidad. Ilak destaca en sus conocimientos y su filosofía aunque puede ser bastante dramática en su forma de expresarse. 
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Desde el principio de los cómic claramente se nota una conexión entre ella y Coran, dado principalmente en sus posiciones similar como fuentes de sabiduría y conocimientos  a sus respectivos grupo. Ademas compartes gustos similares y una curiosidad innata a pesar que la de ella es más solemne a comparación de la hilarante de Cora.  
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Sus personalidades contrastantes, pero motivaciones y gustos similares, me fascinó desde un principio para verlos como una potencial pareja. Algo que Pidge comparte:
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Así que definitivamente Corak tendrá cabida en “Hilos de Telar”
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Vamos! Tienes un vuelo romántico estilo HTTYD. 
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petepaintswarhammer · 6 years
Bumbling Around The Commonwealth Part 6b - It’s all about flying ships...
So this weekend adventure started when I spotted the logo for a Tall Ship on my radar as I was heading to Bunker Hill and being a Tall Ship man myself I had to go see what that was all about. So that’s when I found the Constitution inexplicably crashed on top of the bank… Naturally I had to investigate further! (also… where did it launch from to end up there in the first place? Inquiring minds want to know)
Imagine my surprise when they recognised me from my service record and I was welcomed aboard!
I was slightly concerned when the first mate threatened to KILL ME! There were a lot of bots below those decks and I did not like the idea of trying to take them all on. Luckily that was only a temporary misunderstanding and I was soon meeting the Captain. I ran his errands and as it happens my Intelligence is high enough that I was able to fix most of the systems myself. Apart from the guidance systems… Those I would need to collect the parts for. So I trekked over to the Poseidon energy plant to collect the required replacements. That’s when I ran into my first Mirelurk Hunters… I do not like Mirelurk Hunters… I managed to isolate them and pick them off one at a time but I lost so much health and used up so many stimpacks. To avoid further encounters I fast travelled back to the Constitution. Once the raiders turned up I helped defend the constitution before heading to launch control. Honestly with everything else in Fallout being what it is I expected it to either just catastrophically explode or just fail to launch, a lot of smoke and noise but no actual movement. I was not expecting it to majestically fly through the air! Ok… it didn’t quite make it to the Atlantic but it’s closer than it was. It was also the first time in a long while that I ended up shouting “xbox record that!” at my console.
 I headed back to Sanctuary and feeling that I had delayed the main quest enough for now I finally set my waypoint to Park Street Station and determined to rescue this Nick character. I battled my way through the subway station and ended up at the gate of a Vault. As I’ve been playing through I’ve developed a bit of a bugbear with the game. I am far more accurate with my sniper rifle outside of VATS than I am when using VATS. I’m guessing I need to put more perk points into rifle skills to increase that VATS chance to hit or just not be so damn lazy and actually line the shots up myself…
 Anyway I locate Nick, killing Dino with a sniper headshot (not in VATS), and we head out of the vault. Stealth never seems to be much of an option in this game so Nick and I “go loud” against the trigger men and fight our way clear to Slim and Darla. Clearly I’ve not put enough points into charisma as I couldn’t persuade Darla to leave and the resultant shotgun blast to the face… well… safe to say she’s not going to be leaving Vault 114… Nick and I headed straight back to Diamond City and we discussed the case and followed the lead to Kellogg’s house. Luckily we had Dogmeat with us already so we followed them straight to Fort Hagen. I’d already randomly visited Fort Hagen previously so resistance was pretty light… Until I headed down in the lift… By this point I’ve taken to carrying around a decently modded Righteous Authority so dealing with synths has become easier. I followed the combat path, picking up a bobble head along the way, until the final conflict with Kellogg himself. It was odd to see a human so closely aligned with the synths. I mean it turned out that Kellogg was pretty heavily augmented himself...
 As we head out onto the roof into the night, search light illuminate the area. Look up to see a massive airship escorted by vertibirds… please don’t let it be the Enclave was my first thought but that fear was quickly assuaged by a voice over a loud hailer. The Brotherhood of Steel were here in force and they were going to save the day. Well I can’t see them liking Nick all that much… I’m going to go meet Piper back in Diamond city to finish off the mission and then go and find Paladin Danse back at the Cambridge Police Station and see if he’s been able to link up with the airship yet… But that will be for another night.
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ao3feed-stucky · 6 years
by captainsmeesh
I wanted a Fallout 4/buckysteve for forever so someone had to do it (you're welcome). Bucky and Steve go from having an almost normal life after the war, until the bombs dropped and Steve was forcefully taken out of the Vault. Bucky's on his way to rescue him, even if it kills him. No one can hide from the Institute and it's best weapon: Steve Rogers.
Words: 5702, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Fallout 4, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Colonel Phillips, Howling Commandos, Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, Jim Morita, Gabe Jones, James Montgomery Falsworth, Jacques Dernier, Codsworth (Fallout), Mrs. Whitfield, Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Able, Mrs. Able, Vault-Tec Representative, Preston Garvey, Mama Murphy (Fallout), Sturges (Fallout), Marcy Long, Jun Long, Dogmeat (Fallout), Piper Wright, Danny Sullivan, Mayor McDonough (Fallout), Nat Wright, Percy, Myrna (Fallout), Takahashi (Fallout), Doctor Sun (Fallout), Ellie Perkins, Nick Valentine, Skinny Malone, Darla, Kellogg, Doctor Amari (Fallout), Irma (Fallout), KL-E-0, Daisy (Fallout 4), Fahrenheit (Fallout), Finn (Fallout), John Hancock (Fallout), Hancock, Brian Virgil, The Children of Atom - Character, The Institute - Character, the railroad - Character, The Minutemen, Brotherhood of Steel, Cait (Fallout), Tommy Lonegan, X6-88, Paladin Danse (Fallout), Curie (Fallout), Strong (Fallout), Robert Joseph MacCready, Deacon (Fallout), Desdemona (Fallout), Drummer Boy (Fallout), Glory (Fallout), Tinker Tom (Fallout), P.A.M. (Fallout), Doctor Carrington (Fallout), Mister Tims, Elder Maxon, dark!steve - Character, Winter Soldier Steve - Character, Rebecca Barnes Proctor
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Idk what i'm doing, don't hate pls, why is their relationship so sad all the time, bucky needs to chill, steve needs to chill even more, idk how to write fight scenes so pls forgive that one, tags will be updated (obviously), the first chapter always sucks ass just fyi, no one in the game ever told the SS what any of the new mutants were so wtf, bethesda why, the chapters get longer too
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"What even is a paladin anyway?" Darla asked him.
“We’re paladins of Voltron. We’re a group who defend the universe. Help those who need it, no matter who they are.” Smiles. “We’re like guardians in a sense.” Shrugs. “Not sure how to explain it.” 
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awesomechocolatesauce · 10 months
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New playthrough! Maybe now, I'll romance someone else!
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...Damn it.
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
I've Had Enough Wars to Last a Lifetime
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2r0KEzO
by captainsmeesh
I wanted a Fallout 4/buckysteve for forever so someone had to do it (you're welcome). Bucky and Steve go from having an almost normal life after the war, until the bombs dropped and Steve was forcefully taken out of the Vault. Bucky's on his way to rescue him, even if it kills him. No one can hide from the Institute and it's best weapon: Steve Rogers.
Words: 5702, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Fallout 4, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Colonel Phillips, Howling Commandos, Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, Jim Morita, Gabe Jones, James Montgomery Falsworth, Jacques Dernier, Codsworth (Fallout), Mrs. Whitfield, Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Able, Mrs. Able, Vault-Tec Representative, Preston Garvey, Mama Murphy (Fallout), Sturges (Fallout), Marcy Long, Jun Long, Dogmeat (Fallout), Piper Wright, Danny Sullivan, Mayor McDonough (Fallout), Nat Wright, Percy, Myrna (Fallout), Takahashi (Fallout), Doctor Sun (Fallout), Ellie Perkins, Nick Valentine, Skinny Malone, Darla, Kellogg, Doctor Amari (Fallout), Irma (Fallout), KL-E-0, Daisy (Fallout 4), Fahrenheit (Fallout), Finn (Fallout), John Hancock (Fallout), Hancock, Brian Virgil, The Children of Atom - Character, The Institute - Character, the railroad - Character, The Minutemen, Brotherhood of Steel, Cait (Fallout), Tommy Lonegan, X6-88, Paladin Danse (Fallout), Curie (Fallout), Strong (Fallout), Robert Joseph MacCready, Deacon (Fallout), Desdemona (Fallout), Drummer Boy (Fallout), Glory (Fallout), Tinker Tom (Fallout), P.A.M. (Fallout), Doctor Carrington (Fallout), Mister Tims, Elder Maxon, dark!steve - Character, Winter Soldier Steve - Character, Rebecca Barnes Proctor
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Idk what i'm doing, don't hate pls, why is their relationship so sad all the time, bucky needs to chill, steve needs to chill even more, idk how to write fight scenes so pls forgive that one, tags will be updated (obviously), the first chapter always sucks ass just fyi, no one in the game ever told the SS what any of the new mutants were so wtf, bethesda why, the chapters get longer too
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2r0KEzO
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 6 years
I've Had Enough Wars to Last a Lifetime
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2r0KEzO
by captainsmeesh
I wanted a Fallout 4/buckysteve for forever so someone had to do it (you're welcome). Bucky and Steve go from having an almost normal life after the war, until the bombs dropped and Steve was forcefully taken out of the Vault. Bucky's on his way to rescue him, even if it kills him. No one can hide from the Institute and it's best weapon: Steve Rogers.
Words: 2204, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Fallout 4, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Colonel Phillips, Howling Commandos, Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, Jim Morita, Gabe Jones, James Montgomery Falsworth, Jacques Dernier, Codsworth (Fallout), Mrs. Whitfield, Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Able, Mrs. Able, Vault-Tec Representative, Preston Garvey, Mama Murphy (Fallout), Sturges (Fallout), Marcy Long, Jun Long, Dogmeat (Fallout), Piper Wright, Danny Sullivan, Mayor McDonough (Fallout), Nat Wright, Percy, Myrna (Fallout), Takahashi (Fallout), Doctor Sun (Fallout), Ellie Perkins, Nick Valentine, Skinny Malone, Darla, Kellogg, Doctor Amari (Fallout), Irma (Fallout), KL-E-0, Daisy (Fallout 4), Fahrenheit (Fallout), Finn (Fallout), John Hancock (Fallout), Hancock, Brian Virgil, The Children of Atom - Character, The Institute - Character, the railroad - Character, The Minutemen, Brotherhood of Steel, Cait (Fallout), Tommy Lonegan, X6-88, Paladin Danse (Fallout), Curie (Fallout), Strong (Fallout), Robert Joseph MacCready, Deacon (Fallout), Desdemona (Fallout), Drummer Boy (Fallout), Glory (Fallout), Tinker Tom (Fallout), P.A.M. (Fallout), Doctor Carrington (Fallout), Mister Tims, Elder Maxon, dark!steve - Character, Winter Soldier Steve - Character, Rebecca Barnes Proctor
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Idk what i'm doing, don't hate pls, why is their relationship so sad all the time, bucky needs to chill, steve needs to chill even more, idk how to write fight scenes so pls forgive that one, tags will be updated (obviously), the first chapter always sucks ass just fyi, no one in the game ever told the SS what any of the new mutants were so wtf, bethesda why, the chapters get longer too
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2r0KEzO
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brotherhood-ao3feed · 8 years
The Sole Survivor
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l74iYw
by MedicalMadness
Nora just woke up from a 200 year nap. Her husband is dead. Her son is missing. The search begins.
Words: 2411, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Fallout 4
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen, Multi, Other
Characters: Nora, Nate, Father | Shaun (Fallout), Synth Shaun, Vault-Tec Representative, Codsworth (Fallout), Raider Character(s), Preston Garvey, Sturges (Fallout), Jun Long, Marcy Long, Mama Murphy (Fallout), Dogmeat (Fallout), Ghoul Character(s), Paladin Danse, Scribe Haylen, Knight Rhys, Paladin Brandis, Cricket (Fallout), Piper Wright, Mayor McDonough, Danny Sullivan, Nat Wright, John the Barber (Fallout), Ellie Perkins, Skinny Malone, Darla, Nick Valentine, Conrad Kellogg, Geneva (Fallout), Arthur Maxson, Proctor Ingram, Proctor Quinlan, Proctor Teagan, Knight Captain Cade, John Hancock (Fallout), Finn (Fallout), Daisy (Fallout 4), Irma (Fallout), Doctor Amari, X6-88, Original Characters, Robert Joseph MacCready, Pickman (Fallout), Fahrenheit (Fallout), Bobbi No-Nose, Mel (Fallout), Takahashi (Fallout), NCR Character(s), Ronnie Shaw, Brian Virgil, Courser Character(s), Madison Li, Edward Deegan, Deacon (Fallout), Desdemona (Fallout), Glory (Fallout), Drummer Boy (Fallout), Doctor Carrington, Kent Connolly, Lancer Captain Kells, Captain Ironsides, Captain Zao, Tinker Tom, Arturo Rodriguez, Myrna (Fallout), Doc Crocker, Yefim Bobrov, Vadim Bobrov, Travis Miles, Solomon (Fallout), Sheffield (Fallout)
Relationships: Female Sole Survivor/Nick Valentine, Paladin Danse/Sole Survivor, John Hancock/Sole Survivor, Female Sole Survivor/Male Sole Survivor, Father (Fallout) & Female Sole Survivor, Female Sole Survivor/Sturges, Robert Joseph MacCready/Female Sole Survivor, Deacon/Female Sole Survivor, Cait/Female Sole Survivor, Paladin Danse/Original Character(s), Female Sole Survivor/Original Female Character(s), Robert Joseph MacCready/Original Character(s), John Hancock (Fallout)/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: My First Fanfic, POV Female Character, Action/Adventure, Romance, Comedy, Horror, Sad, Spoilers, Mild Gore, Mild Language, Violence, Mystery
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l74iYw
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