#darth lachris
darth-lemoncupid · 2 years
darth lachris: your reputation precedes you.
me, playing as the imperial agent: WHAT REPUTATION?!
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liaprime · 3 months
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Found a Lachris clone today!
Which is cool because I have one of those too (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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Well, this sure was the weirdest cutscene for BOTH OF YOU to get the odd invisible-saber glitch huh
sjhdkjdgjdg I was too busy laughing at the stupidity of it that I didn’t get to ESC out of it in time for a re-run so ig we’re just stuck with these screenshots now 🤷🤣
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
NPC Profile: Lerrek Serrus
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Standard intro, 101.
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Uli is logical like that.
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Spoiler: He is not proud his family are slaves.
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I mean... even the Imperials call it an occupation.
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This guy is having a bad day. (Don’t worry, dude. Zenith is about to shoot you.)
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We all have to accept when we’ve made poor life choices.
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Serrus only gets 45 seconds of screen time, but he leaves an impression. Even as a Sith Apprentice, he realizes that his actions are not going to work out. His semi-independence - he’s out on assignment guarding Imperial officers while he should probably kept on a shorter leash - is a rare mis-step for Darth Lachris, one of my favorite Sith from the game.
Its also telling on how the Sith Empire actually operates.
Unfortunately, we don’t get any follow-up concerning Lerek Serrus, and that’s a pity.
The Jedi Consular story is full of NPCs who get interesting introductions, and then are tossed aside without follow-up.
Honestly, things like this are one of my biggest issues with the J.C. story.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
It happened. Tyr got kissed.
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And it wasn't by Malavai or Lana? Heresy! ...don't worry, his thing with Lachris was more of a quick fling than something solid.
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serenofroses · 2 years
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Darth Lachris: [4/?] sw:tor Nevrakis legacy.
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space-outlaw-jin · 1 year
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Darth Lachris..always a pleasure to destroy the enemies of the Sith in your name
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Legend of Lightning Chapter 90. Hard Pass
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Ah, come in Jedi,” his smile was strained. “Thank you for salvaging the op in Balmorran Arms. I had no idea Darth Lachris and her Marauders would be guarding President Galba.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“As you can imagine, comms being down is causing some trouble with our information gathering. Subutarik has split his remaining forces between Bin Prime—which replaced Sobrik as our capital until twenty years ago—the Picclitin hills, and the Serholf river valley. All these places are good beachheads for incoming forces. Bin Prime is largely depopulated, and abandoned after the Treaty of Coruscant. The Resistance and Empire both stripped it clean of anything worth stealing, which was why it wasn’t a priority for us. But it’s defensible, so any incoming army would be able to establish a foothold if they land there. I’m asking Master Satele to take charge there.”
“I understand, Sir.”
“I’d ask Jedi Kira Carsen to go to Serholf. It’s way too open, which is both pro and con. Unfortunately, plains are where the Tayirchids are best. But I’ve seen Jedi Carsen, and I have faith in her mobility.”
Vajra had his fears but said nothing. Kira was certainly even better than Marric thought, but he was still afraid. “Why do you want me in Picclitin?”
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Dark Rank 1 golden eyes achieved :D Also, I remembered last minute you can flirt with Darth Lachris, so he absolutely did >:3
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shynmighty · 2 years
23 and 26 for the swtor asks?
23. Share some of your favorite quotes/dialogue with us!
PC: This ship is... huge. Scourge: Yes. PC: Huge. Scourge: Yes. Is there a question? PC: Why such a huge ship? Scourge: Ugh -- It doesn't matter. We need to stay focused.
Hands down, the best dialogue in the game. But there are a lot that are almost as awesome. This game has so many awesome quotes.
Does the entirety of the Sacrifice trailer count?
26. Who is/are your favorite non-companion NPC(s)?
I'm a proud member of the cult of Aristocra Saganu. He had no right to be that hot. Bioware, what the heck. See also: Jonas Balkar. Yes, I'm one of THOSE people. 😂
Honorable mention: Sergeant Jaxo, Beryl Thorne, Darth Lachris, Darth Jadus, Crysta Markon, Darth Vowrawn... and because I love to hate them, let's add Darth Baras and Skavak. For funsies.
Thanks so much for the ask!!!! 🥰
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roguescarlett · 2 years
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Darth Lachris.
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chissgendered · 2 years
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"Ha! Shall we take a walk among scorched ruins and skulls, discussing plans for the future?"
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So when are BioWare going to fix the game breaking bug that made Darth Lachris straight?
She told me herself, she swings both ways violently with a lightsaber
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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*judging each other*
Alternate title: if we weren’t on opposite sides and I wasn’t in deep deep cover I would probably sleep with you
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Kudos to Darth Marr for training a stable Sith that herself rises to the rank of Darth.
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Confession: I have a huge ladyboner for Darth Lachris. She could get it from me any day!
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