#dating all the way back to when I was in high school! I'm now several years out of college and still drawing despite it all. It was lovely
acatpiestuff · 5 months
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Finally allowed to share this one! I made this a little over a year ago for @xtalezine (xtale created by @jakei95). Its fun to see how my style has changed a bit.
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thatfandomslut · 8 months
Get Her Back!
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Trigger Warnings: messy breakups, toxic relationship talks, jealousy, language,
Hi can you write a fic about fem!reader being Regina's ex? Like they met and started dating during summer. Reader is from another town/state and Regina spent the summer there over some relatives house and they had a nasty break up but then a few months later reader's family moved to her town and she started at Northshore 😂 she sees Regina acting like a queen b before Regina saw her and she befriends Janis and Ian <3 anyways don't spare us all the drama hehe
Mean Girls requests are open.
(Y/n) sat beside Janis as the crowd parted and four girls made their way through the halls. With raised brows, she looked their way, despite Damian's pleas not to. There was Cady, the girl she had met alongside Janis and Damian in French class, a girl with wavy black hair without a thought behind her eyes, a honey-blonde haired girl who looked around at everyone, and Regina George, her summer fling from Newport, Rhode Island. (Y/n) was surprised to see Regina, and she wasn't expecting her to be so popular. Her icy glare surveyed the room as they landed on (Y/n)'s, widening when they made eye contact. Fortunately, (Y/n) had the sense to sever the contact and sit down.
"What was that?" Damian questioned, looking between her and Regina, who let her eyes latch onto (Y/n) for a few moments longer before she made her way to their usual table. Janis was looking just as expectant at (Y/n), but the girl shrugged innocently. She was new to school, she didn't want to be involved in all of the drama high school had to offer within her first week. "Girl, you better answer. I've never seen the Queen Bee break her icy stare for just anyone."
With a sigh, (Y/n) glanced up at him, then looked to Janis for help. But she was curious to understand their connection, too. "Let's just say that Regina and I met when I was staying at my grandparents and she was staying with her grandparents in Newport, Rhode Island over the summer. She left me at a party I didn't want to attend because a guy flirted with me, then ignored me when I apologized. Even though I was apologizing for something I didn't do. The official breakup was through a text." (Y/n) explained casually as she ate some of her pizza. She ignored the wide stares from Damian and Janis, knowing they had a million questions.
Leaning back, Janis tapped her knuckles dramatically on the table. "Okay, okay, so how did you end up in the same school as her?" She looked like she was going to burst if (Y/n) didn't answer her questions. She was getting so red in the face, that Damian had to remind her to breathe, but his actions were not effective. Janis was just too curious about how their relationship went down.
(Y/n) glanced at her nails before looking over to Janis with risen brows. "Unfortunate circumstances. Our fathers are doing business together." She stated simply. A sigh escaped her lips as she looked at her pizza, losing her appetite. "Regina wasn't all bad. She was just jealous. Like, when I think about her, I'm in between keying her car and making her lunch. Sometimes, I think about her, and I'm still enamored by her, but then I'm like 'No fuck her, she left me at a party for a guy flirting with me.'" (Y/n) hummed as she pushed her tray away slightly.
Now, Janis was going to explode. She already was ruining Regina's life with Cady, but what if she also messed around with her love life a bit, too? After all, that is exactly what Regina did when she had a crush on her in middle school. "It's kind of like… You want to make her feel jealous and sad over her loss." She associated as Damian eyed her. He always seemed to know when she was plotting. She made this face where her smile looked a little more sly than usual and her eyes narrowed.
(Y/n) blinked at Janis's statement as she nodded in understanding. A small, bitter laugh escaped her lips. "Yeah, 'cause I miss the way she kissed me and the way she used to make me laugh even though she didn't deserve me." She agreed before standing up to discard her food and trash. She didn't mean to be wasteful. but she wasn't feeling her meal anymore. She was too busy thinking about her ex who gave her a whirlwind of a summer and then provided a whiplash type of breakup. Thinking about Regina brought back the whirlwind feeling and the whiplash after-effect every time. It made her bitter. Janis could relate to that bitter feeling. She never got over what Regina did to her. From the kiss to 'Sissy Liz,' Regina's actions were inexcusable. "All in all… I want sweet revenge but I want her again, too." (Y/n) admitted shamelessly.
Janis smirked, leaning forward, and taking (Y/n)'s hands. She knew that Regina tensed at this because she saw it from her periphery. "We can make that happen for you. Do you see those girls beside Regina? The girl with big amber eyes is Gretchen, and the girl with wavy black hair is Karen… There's a party next week on Halloween… If you flirt with them, that will set Regina off." Janis stated, biting her lip excitedly. "Hopefully, this will set Regina George straight for you," Janis confirmed, winking at (Y/n). (Y/n) considered this for a moment. Finally nodding, Janis almost squealed before the three got up and headed to their next class.
On the night of Halloween, Janis and Damian helped (Y/n) get ready. And Janis had to try not to stare at herself. She understood why Regina was so into (Y/n). She kind of was, too. (Y/n) turned around in her very revealing devil costume, smiling over at Damian and Janis. "So, what do you think?" She questioned, wiggling her eyebrows over at them to get their opinions. Damian smirked over at her as he nodded in approval, but Janis was too stunned to speak. "I'll take your faces as a sign of approval." She said happily as she kissed the little cape over her shoulders. "I'll come right over once the party is over." (Y/n) promised, heading out the door, but not before blowing them kisses.
Regina was blown away when (Y/n) walked into the party, and she was taken aback when she saw Cady's outfit. Everyone screamed when Cady popped out behind the girl in red, but she couldn't say she was phased. She was used to Cady doing things that were out there. Still, she didn't stop herself from texting Gretchen and asking who invited Cady. Regina rolled her eyes when she saw that Gretchen pointed out Cady's crush on Aaron. This was obvious to her, but still, maybe she could kill two birds with one stone. She could make (Y/n) jealous and Cady miserable. Even though a bigger part of her wondered if making (Y/n) jealous was worth it. Until she turned to see a flustered Gretchen and a confident (Y/n).
Regina realized that (Y/n) was flirting with Gretchen. Her plans on getting Aaron back and making Cady miserable were put on hold, her eye twitching as (Y/N) soon moved over to flirt with Karen, too. Was this a game to her? Before she could react, she bumped into Aaron, who almost spilled his drink all over her. That was when she realized that making (Y/n) jealous was more important than making Cady jealous. "I was just looking for you," Regina smirked as she took Aaron to the side, acutely aware of (Y/n) and Cady staring with wide eyes.
(Y/n) felt annoyed as she watched Regina and Aaron flirt, but her heart sank when Regina kissed him. Her eyes landed on Cady, who looked heartbroken in the distance. Making her way over, she led Cady out of the house and towards Janis's. "Okay, that's it." (Y/n) spoke as she barged in. "We need to go farther. She has now officially gone after Cady, too." (Y/n) said, gesturing to the mess that was Cady right beside her, her thick make-up running down her cheeks as tears helped create pathways for them.
Janis cursed as she pulled Cady into her arms. "I completely agree. Let's run this bitch into the ground. She's always been like this. She takes everything too far." Janis gritted her teeth in frustration. She looked very angry, but (Y/n) was beginning to wonder if it was for Cady or because Regina had wronged her, too.
"So, then what did Regina do to you?" Janis looked up, horrified by the question. Damian's neck also snapped up, but his eyes were trained on Janis. Janis tried to get the attention off of her, but (Y/n) raised her brows. "Janis, this is important information. Cady and I have a reason, but what is for you? Why do you care what happens to Regina George?"
Janis flushed a bright red, realizing she wasn't going to drop it. "I guess I don't want to discuss it." She crossed her arms, falling back onto the couch behind her. Not wanting to make eye contact with anyone she slipped her mask over her face. This caused everyone to glance at each other and Damian shook his head at her. Janis knew that she was acting childish, but she didn't want to tell her new friends what Regina did to her. She was embarrassed about it, and she didn't want to lose her illusion as a confident lesbian.
"Janis, it's time," Damian ignored her protesting as he slammed a box down, grabbing a Bratz doll and a Dora doll. He then went on to explain that, once upon a time, Janis and Regina were best friends. He then went on to explain why they had stopped being friends. He explained how Regina had kissed her at a party, even though she knew how Janis felt, and then he explained how Regina outed her to the party-goers and then her class using a TY baby she named 'Sissy-Liz.' (Y/n) looked at the ground with her brows furrowed. "Now you know, Cady and (Y/n), you can never trust Regina George." And thus the revenge party began.
During lunch on Monday morning, (Y/n) ignored the looks that Regina gave her. She was mad at Regina for hurting Cady in an attempt to make her jealous. She was mad it worked, and she was even more upset that she used Gretchen and Karen to try to make Regina jealous. As Janis sat next to her, (Y/n) smiled at the girl before leaning over to wipe off the paint that smeared over Janis's cheek. At the action, she saw Regina storm out. So, in an attempt to finally talk to Regina, she excused herself and followed the blonde out of the cafeteria. "What's your problem, Regina? What the fuck is up with the Sissy-Liz and why did you kiss Aaron?" (Y/n) questioned loudly, stopping the girl down the hall.
Regina looked around at everyone with a glare, pulling (Y/n) into the classroom beside her, thankful it was empty. (Y/n) stared at her for a long moment as Regina glanced her up and down with a glare. In a weak moment, (Y/n) thought about pushing her against the door she just closed and kiss her. "What's my problem? You're the one flirting with everyone at this damn school. And why do you care who I kiss? You're the one who is all over Janis Imi'ike." Regina said Janis's name in disgust as she narrowed her eyes. Then it clicked in (Y/n) that Regina was, in fact, jealous. "Besides, I only kissed Aaron. It's not like we got back together. We talked that night and he likes Cady, for whatever reason." Regina looked away, pretending not to know why Aaron liked Cady. Everyone knew Cady was incredibly sweet and pretty.
Blinking, (Y/n) shook her head in slight frustration. "Wait, you and Aaron only kissed? Also, when are you going to realize that I only like you? I'm pissed that I still love you. You left me at a fucking party, Regina, but I'm still into you. And no matter how much you hurt me, I still want you. Do you know how fucked up that is for me?" (Y/n) sniffed as she tried to hold back her tears. She was not going to cry over this. Again. She refused to.
Regina's mouth was agape as she forced herself to look away from (Y/n). Her jaw clenched, and she felt her own tears welling in her eyes. Only these were real tears, not the fake tears she usually used on people. "I feel bad about leaving you at that party. I should have never done that. Last night, I had a reflection on the treadmill and I realized… I've hurt a lot of people. Most of all, I hurt you at that party because I was scared you would leave me for that college guy. I want to make it up to them, starting with you. I want a second chance." Regina confessed, not knowing how (Y/n) was going to react. "I want to apologize, first. So, I'm sorry." Regina swallowed thickly.
(Y/n) stood there in silence for a moment, thinking about how Regina had left her, drunk at the party with no one she knew. It had stung, but here Regina was, pulling out the stinger. Nodding slowly, she took Regina's hand, intertwining their fingers. Neither of them looked at each other, the silence becoming louder than either anticipated. "I forgive you, and I'll give you a second chance. But I can't just bounce back to being your girlfriend. You can, however; ask me on a date… I will only accept if you promise to apologize to Cady and Janis though. You don't have to do it this second or even today, but you still need to say sorry." (Y/n) said, her thumb running over Regina's knuckles.
Regina felt a bit odd, feeling soft like this. She knew it was the right thing to do though. She really cared about (Y/n) and hated seeing her and Cady rush to escape the Halloween party because of her actions. So, the expectation of apologizing to the girls was only fair. "Okay, I will. I promise. And thank you." Regina whispered. The two stayed there for long moments before they were finally forced to separate, having skipped their last two periods to stand together in silence. As they left, Regina gave (Y/n)'s hand one final squeeze, ready to try again with her. (Y/n) smiled with a nod, ready to tell Janis, Damian, and Cady all about Regina and her unexpected apology.
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obx-pogue4life · 1 year
The Right Path For Us
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Summary: Rafe just wants to be able to feel his girl without anything between them and that need turns into a conversation which leads y/n and Rafe to realize they just might finally be ready to start a family together
Warnings: Fluffy smut. Slight breeding kink, begging, swearing, kissing, slight dirty talk, mentions of sex, pregnancy and marriage
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"Please baby? Let me feel all of you without a condom,"  my boyfriend Rafe begged. "I need to feel you against my cock. Don't you want to feel me without that barrier in between us? Don't you want to feel my hot cum shoot into you, painting your insides with my seed?
"What I want Rafe, is to not get pregnant by my idiot boyfriend who thinks it's ok to just unload in me freestyle because he wants to feel all of me," I say to him sternly. I'm gonna stick with no.
"Awww come on y/n, what's the worst thing that could happen? You get pregnant? So fucking what! Who cares if I knock you up! You don't want that? Please...I know you. You'd love it if I put a baby in that belly of yours. You'd love carrying around a little Cameron and have everyone know that you belong to me.
I start to blush and Rafe gives me that shit eating grin of his, knowing that what he said is right on the money. "I fucking knew it," he brags.
"OK fine, but just because you technically may not be wrong does not mean I am ready- actually scratch that, that WE are ready for a baby Rafe.
"Pffffftttt," he says looking directly at me. He takes my hand and laces our fingers and leads us to the couch. I follow him but am a little surprised at his sudden silence. We both sit down, him still holding my hand and sit a minute in silence. "Do you know how much I love you, y/n?," he quietly asks, turning to face me.
I mimic his turn on the couch and notice how serious he is. "Of course I do Rafe. I love you just as much, with all my heart," you answer him, grabbing for his other hand. I put it directly over my heart and place my hand over his. "Forever," I say softly. Rafe's face lights up immediately and he moves our hands from my chest to his, repeating the word that means so much to him.
"Forever," he says to me. "I would love nothing more than to start a family with you y/n."
"I'm barely 20 years old," I say desperately trying to come up with reasons to tell this gorgeous man in front of me as to why we should not have a baby right now.
"Well that's a shit reason," he says chuckling. "Just because we're young doesn't mean we aren't ready. We are plenty mature and have plenty of money. NEXT," he says confidently.
"Well...we aren't married, we aren't even engag-," he cut you off with a wave of his hand.
"That is 100% your own doing y/n and you know it. If I had my way, we would have been married a long time ago.
"If you had your way, we would have been married in high school and we might not have made it here because you know perfectly well that it would have been really hard to make an actual marriage work when we still have to worry about getting to homeroom on time and submitting book reports," I say as calmly as I can muster.
We have had this talk many times over the past several years of dating and we both agreed to hold off until I was finished with college and Rafe played a bigger part in his dad's company. I know that him just being a Cameron alone would support us well beyond our means, that is always a big part of our arguments, but it's very important to me to know that we can make it on our own and support ourselves by having real jobs and skills to fall back on just incase we ever needed them. I also wanted to make damn well sure that Rafe knows I loved him despite his money, not because of it and this was a clear way for me to prove that to him; not that he ever questioned it but I never want to give him a reason to. With a family like the Cameron's, there comes a lot of underlying responsibility and a lot of obligations and I never felt ready for all of that, no matter how much I loved Rafe. Well...until now, that is.
"I still think we would have been fine but that was then y/n," he presses. "What about now?"
"Are you actually being serious right now," you say slowly, thinking.
"Serious as a heart attack baby," he states coolly.
"Please baby? You know I will always take care of you and you know how much I love you. It's only a matter of time before you're a Cameron anyway," he smirks at you, leaning in for a kiss. I sigh into his mouth, knowing he's right and struggle to come up with any real reasons why not to at least try to start a family. It probably wouldn't happen right away anyway and I know how much having his own family means to him. I also know he will always make good on his promise to take care of me and to love me. So maybe now could be the right time?
"So I'm not saying yes but-," THERE'S A BUT!, he interrupts.
"Oh my gosh, eager much," I tease him, poking him in the ribs and smiling. "I'm not saying yes but if I were to agree to this, I want to hear you tell me that this just isn't just about sex. I need to hear you without you trying to put the moves on me that you really want this as much as you say you do Rafe because so so help me god, if you're lying to me just to get me to let you fuck me without a condom-," BABY he interrupts again.
"You know me better than that. I would never trick you like that! What kind of a jerky bastard do you think I am?!," he feigns in mock rage.
"I know that," you sigh apologetic. "This is just a huge step for us and I just really need to make sure we both want this for the same reasons."
"We?," he questions, raising an eyebrow and smirking.
"Yes, we," I say to him, smiling back happily.
"You know how badly I want you and to start a family together," he says taking his arms and draping them around my neck. I might have started out like a little bit of a jerk earlier but it's just because I love you so much and my need for you clouds my mind sometimes. And I know that sounds like a line but you know in your heart that I mean every word of it. The pleasure we'd feel would just be an added bonus y/n," he smirks at me.
"Is that so?" I say egging him on.
"Oh baby," he says raspily, his eyes filling with lust. "You have no idea how good it's gonna be."
I feel myself gulp as my eyes widen from his confidently naughty confession. My breathing gets a bit faster and Rafe immediately notices my body stiffen in front of him.
"What are you thinking, y/n," he asks me, resting his head against my forehead.
"That I want you," I immediately say and then blush. I can feel Rafe's eyelashes fluttering against my face and the way his breath begins to pick up. He presses his lips to mine in a sweet kiss and I can feel the smile on his face. After a minute he pulls away to look at me.
"What else do you want?," he asks me, his tone desperate to hear my words of affirmation.
"I really want to start a family with you," I tell him earnestly. I always have. I just wasn't sure we were ready for it until...," I look at him as the realization washes over me. "Well... until this exact moment. It just feels so right. The more I hear you talk about it, the more it just makes such perfect sense."
Before I could barely finish my thought his lips were on mine in a fevered panic, needy and wanting, as if he hadn't kissed me in ages. Between breaths he paused only to say how much he loves me and how happy I make him, confirming to me that this was absolutely the right path for us. As he lay me down on the couch, his body is pressed flush against mine as he puts my hands over my head and clutches my wrists. I sigh in complete content as he kisses my neck and I let my eyes close allowing that familiar feeling to start bubbling up inside me.
"Raaaaffeee," I moan out, letting him know how good he's making me feel.
"I know baby," he says in between biting and sucking on my delicate skin. He moves to my mouth and gives me a long, sweet kiss. His tongue melds with mine so perfectly, it makes me wonderfully dizzy and all I can think about is how in love I am with him. When he stops kissing me and pulls away it takes me a second to come back to earth. I open my eyes and find him smiling, staring at me and his necklace dangling right in front of my nose. I playfully grab the chain gently and he leans in and kisses me sweetly on the nose.
"What?," I say giggling. He's still looking at me with that goofy grin on his face and he once again makes me blush.
"Now," he says with a twinkle in his eye. "I just have to get you to agree to marry me."
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forest-hashira · 5 months
i have no chill so yes i'm back with a new fic a week after the last one. idk how or why i'm like this so don't ask. this is my second entry for @threadbaresweater's "summertime (and the livin' is easy)" collab event! my chosen prompt for this one was geto + botanical gardens. this got away from me literally in the first sentence AHAHA.
read on ao3 | wc: ~1.8k | cw: gender neutral reader, first date, minor miscommunication, both suguru and reader are bashful as hell and have been crushing for a while, several types of bugs are mentioned towards the end, but i think that's everything!
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When Suguru had invited you to visit the local botanical gardens with him, you’d accepted without much thought, assuming that all your other friends would be there, too. You’d all spent nearly every waking moment together since the weather had gotten warm enough and the days had gotten long enough to spend more time outside, so it seemed like a foregone conclusion that this was going to be another one of those days.
You were quite mistaken.
Suguru was standing alone outside the front gates waiting for you, and while he was usually the first person to arrive whenever you all got together, Shoko, Utahime, or Kento usually weren’t far behind and consistently arrived before you did, so you were a bit surprised.
“Is everyone else on their way?” you asked as you approached, one hand above your brows to block the sun from your eyes as you looked up at him; you’d forgotten your sunglasses, again, something Satoru teased you about constantly. Even with the small amount of shade your hand afforded you, you squinted a bit up at your friend. His hair was pulled fully up into a bun, a hairstyle he didn’t wear as frequently as he did when you were all in high school, but with a heatwave rolling through the area, you weren’t exactly surprised he wanted all that hair off his skin.
After a moment you realized the sun was creating a sort of halo around him. Like an angel, you thought to yourself. He’s certainly pretty enough to be one. The thought caught you off guard, and you hoped it wasn’t obvious that you’d grown flustered by your own thoughts; you didn’t need him finding out about the crush you’d been harboring on him since you were teenagers, especially when no one else was there to save you from yourself.
His brows pinched in confusion, and he cocked his head ever so slightly to the right. “What do you mean?” he asked. 
“Satoru and Shoko and everyone,” you said, now feeling a bit confused yourself. “Are they just running late? Usually at least Kento is waiting with you by the time I show up.”
A look of understanding crossed his face then, and his face visibly reddened. “Ah,” he sighed, looking away from you and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “It’s uh. It’s just us, actually. Sorry, I thought you knew that when you accepted the invitation.” 
“...Oh,” you uttered intelligently, feeling your own face beginning to heat as well, and not just from the sun beating down on you. It never occurred to you that Suguru would want to spend any alone time with you, away from the group; not that you didn’t get along without everyone else – you definitely did, you were just usually around the rest of your friend group – but the occasion for one on one time hadn’t arisen since you’d been partnered for assignments in school.
“We don’t have to go in,” Suguru offered gently, meeting your gaze again. “We can pretend this never happened. Or we can see if anyone else wants to join, I know Satoru’s not doing anything today.” When all you did was blink dumbly up at him, he looked away again, staring down at his feet. “I’m really sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
That brought you back to yourself, and you shook your head vehemently. “No!” you burst out, then cringed at your own raised volume and squeaky voice. “I-I mean, no, you didn’t make me uncomfortable. We can still go in. I looked this place up when you invited me, and I really want to see their pollinator sanctuary.”
Suguru’s shoulders dropped in relief at your words, and his small smile returned almost instantly. “I’d like that.”
As he turned and headed towards the gates, you followed barely a half step behind. You started to pull out your wallet as you drew closer to the ticket booth, but Suguru stopped you.
“Don’t worry about it,” he told you. “I bought our tickets already.”
His words had your face burning yet again, and you looked away sheepishly. “Thanks.” You followed him up to the gates, pausing long enough for the gate attendant to scan the tickets Suguru had bought – he’d printed them out, so the employee didn’t have to try and scan his phone screen, which struck as so distinctly Suguru that it made your heart flutter, though you’d never admit that to another human being.
Tickets now scanned, the pair of you were free to explore the grounds at your own pace. Ever the planner, your friend led you over to the large standing map. “Do you want to start with the pollinators?” he asked. “Or would you rather save that for the grand finale?”
Taking a few moments to consider, you looked over the map; the grounds were bigger than you thought, and you knew with the sun beating down on you, it wouldn’t be long before you were tired of the heat and ready to go somewhere with cold drinks and air conditioning. “Let’s do that first,” you said after a bit. “I don’t wanna run the risk of missing them because they’re hiding from the heat.”
Suguru nodded easily in agreement with your words. “I think that sounds like a good idea,” he confirmed. When he reached up and started tracing a path on the map from the “YOU ARE HERE” sticker to the pollinator sanctuary, you couldn’t help but watch, his hand making the sections of the map look smaller than they actually were. 
“It looks like we need to go this way,” he said quietly, and though you couldn’t quite tell if he was speaking to you or just thinking aloud, his words were enough to bring you back to yourself. “The pollinators are near the back, but this section with the trees should be pretty shaded for the walk back. What do you think?”
He turned to face you then, head tilted ever so slightly as he waited to hear your answer, oblivious to the way you’d been ogling his hand. You blinked dumbly for a moment, processing his words as you did your best not to make a fool of yourself.
“That sounds good, yeah,” you agreed sheepishly. “This way, right?”
When he nodded, you turned and made your way down the path, Suguru at your side. He was right, the path he’d chosen was pretty well shaded from the sun, offering you a bit of relief as you walked. The pace you maintained was steady; you weren’t rushing by any means, but you were eager to see the pollinator sanctuary, so you were walking a little faster than you normally might have.
Birds chirped overhead, singing to each other as they hopped from branch to branch, and the sound made you smile; summer wasn’t necessarily your favorite of the seasons, but right now the pros were definitely outweighing the cons.
“Thank you,” the raven haired man said after a few minutes of comfortable silence, and you looked up at him in slight confusion.
“For what?”
“For agreeing to come here with me,” he said simply. Then, looking a little bashful again, he added, “And for not freaking out on me when I told you it was just us after you got here.”
“Oh,” you said quietly. “I was happy to accept your invitation. And I’d never freak out on you for something like that, y’know. You’re easy to be around, and if nobody else is here it means I actually get to appreciate your presence.”
“You make a good point. Satoru does tend to demand to be the center of attention when we’re all together, doesn’t he?” A soft smile painted his lips as he spoke, and his words made you giggle a bit.
“Yeah,” you agreed. “He does.” 
Conversation was easy after that, talking about everything and nothing all at the same time, but it felt so good to talk with him; to spend time with him without anyone else around, something you rarely got to do, and never felt like you could suggest yourself until now. Now, though, you were sure you���d be spending a lot more one on one time with your companion.
“Oh, what was it that Satoru was trying to explain the other day? He kept comparing it to digi…mon…” you trailed off mid sentence as you stepped out from under the trees, completely forgetting what you’d been saying as you saw the pollinator sanctuary unfolding before you. Your steps slowed, and you looked around with wide eyes, taking in the sight of all the insects flitting between the brightly colored flowers: the honey bees climbing out of blooms covered in pollen; hummingbird moths hovering as they sipped before zipping to the next flower; bumblebees droning through the air; butterflies flitting from plant to plant.
Suguru slowed to keep pace beside you, and unbeknownst to you, he was looking at you far more intently than anything else in the garden. He paused for a moment, letting you walk a bit ahead of him as he admired you. As he watched, a few butterflies flew closer, dancing around your head as they came to investigate the scent of your shampoo. You stilled, though your eyes were wide as you tried to watch what was happening above you. One by one, about half a dozen butterflies landed in your hair, almost forming a crown around your head, making you look like some sort of nature spirit.
“You’re beautiful,” Suguru blurted out, and the sudden compliment startled you a bit. You turned back to face him quickly enough that all the butterflies went fluttering off again, now that they knew you were not, in fact, a flower.
“You’re beautiful,” he repeated, though a bit more bashfully this time. “I’ve always thought that, y’know? I just didn’t want to make things weird between us by telling you that.” He closed the distance between you as he spoke, and he offered you a sheepish little smile. “I hope it’s okay that I’m telling you now, though.”
“Yeah,” you murmured back, smiling just as bashfully in return. “That’s more than okay. You’re beautiful, too, actually. I’ve always thought that.”
A small laugh bubbled out of Suguru at your words, and his expression grew impossibly more fond. “I’m glad we’re on the same page about that, then,” he mused. He was quiet for a moment then, his dark eyes contemplative, before he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek.
The touch surprised you, but it wasn’t unwelcome. You felt your face burn a bit more as he pulled away, but your smile only brightened as you looked up at him.
He smiled back just as brightly, and as he spoke again, he took your hand and laced your fingers together gently. “Do you want to keep going?” “Yes, I’d like that very much.”
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taglist: @mitsuristoleme @kentohours @peachdues @ghost-1-y @witchbybirth
@marinnnnnnnnn @dr-runs-with-scissors @enchantedforest-network
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chaosology · 1 year
haven't i given enough?
— Sam Kerr x reader
based off another fic I wrote, hope it's ok!! masterlist
there will be a part two, let me know what you think :)
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When Sam and Y/N met, everything had just fallen into place. Y/N was interning at the local hospital when the Matilda's had come for a charity event, cheering up sick kids on the ward. Y/N had never been much into sports, instead choosing to lock herself in her room on Sunday mornings when her sister would train. In fact, she had no real intention of even interacting with the team. For all she knew, they were a bother - cluttering the halls and blocking the entry ways.
That was until she slammed right into one of them.
Her pager was quiet for the first time that shift, and she had taken the opportunity to go get coffee from the break room. The pathology results in her hands were suddenly scattered on the ground as she was forced several steps back. She had just cursed, not even bothering to look at her now enemy as she crouched down to pick them up.
"Shit! I'm so so sorry," the voice came, "I'll get it for you."
Her hands were joined by two more that anxiously fumbled around on the vinyl tiles, attempting to pick up the A4 sheets that would just fall from her fingers and slip back out.
"No no, it's fine." Y/N fired back. She wanted to add a sly you've already done enough, but at least her mystery attacker had tried to help. That was more than she could say for others.
"Quite some force you've got there." Y/N followed with. She was too embarrassed to life her gaze from the ground and instead focused on the blue nikes in front of her, now reordering the papers and securing them into her clipboard.
"Yeah, comes with the job I guess"
Y/N looked up and was met with an apologetic set of eyes and a warm smile. She took her outstretched hand, allowing herself to be pulled up.
"I'm sorry. I'm Sam... I'm Sam and I'm sorry." She was tripping over her words awkwardly, a blush beginning to paint her cheeks. Y/N had laughed, looking down to realise her hand was still in hers.
"Can I buy you a coffee?"
"So, when can I meet your family?"
You looked over to the couch where Sam was resting with her phone, the sun painting a warm glow over her body - she looked beautiful. The question had caught you off guard, Sam could tell. The way your body tensed and nervously chewed on your lip. Your relationship with your family was... complicated.. In the nine months you'd been dating, there was never any mention of your relatives despite your meeting hers.
Your older sister Ami was everything you weren't. She was sporty and athletic, witty and carefree. She exuded an air of confidence that you could never quite match no matter how hard you tried - but that you could handle. It was the taking.
At 14 you stood anxiously by the lockers as you admired Cara Stevens from afar. She was so dreamy, blonde curls framing her freckled face. She had all the important qualities you needed as a 14 year old: she was pretty, a year above AND she had the nicest stationary in her grade. You couldn't believe when she walked over to you of all people, leaning against the door of your locker. Your heart was racing, almost beating out of your chest as you met her eye.
"Hey there, you're Y/N... right?" she had asked. She smelled of fresh mint and you swear she could combust right then and there. "I was just wondering if you could give me your sister's number? No harm in trying, right?"
All feeling had left your body as you absentmindedly scribbled down her mobile number, saying nothing as you watched Cara walk over to her friends and hold up the number like it was a trophy.
You cried in the bathrooms that day.
At 19, you met Grace Li. She was your first proper girlfriend, as you swore off dating in high school to focus on getting into medicine. Grace was studying radiology and you bonded over your mutual love of the sciences, regularly making dates out of shared lectures and labs. Grace clicked instantly with your family, always coming over and helping out when she could. You didn't think much of how she would always sit next to your sister and chat when she had the chance (even if the seat next to you was free.) You thought her inviting out your sister when you went clubbing with friends was just her trying to make a good impression.
You realised you were wrong when you walked in on them with their tongues down their throats in the bathroom.
Your sister had only offered a half-hearted apology that morning. "It's not my fault, Y/N. She came on to me and we were both super drunk. You guys weren't even that serious, right?"
It irked you that it seemed she hadn't even wanted a relationship with Grace, only to win her over and have her claim. But they were only human, right? You spent that weekend in bed crying not only from sadness, but the all-consuming guilt from momentarily hating your sister. You felt so awful.
You never saw Grace again.
At 23, you begged your mum and dad to drive you to the hospital for your first day as an intern. All throughout your childhood, they would take your first day of school off work to drop you off. You'd get breakfast before and play Strawberry Kisses on the radio, singing in the back of the car and kicking your dad's seat to annoy him. You had worked your ass off to get here and wanted nothing more to relive a favourite childhood memory on what would be the most exciting day of your life.
As you left your room to meet in the kitchen of the family home, you were greeted by the obnoxiously yellow note on the fridge.
"Sorry love, Ami was subbed in for a big game! Maybe tomorrow? x"
Your emotions had bubbled up to the surface as you ripped the note from the fridge. It crumpled in your hand as you stood there, tears falling down your cheeks. You had wiped them away pathetically, sniffling as you grabbed your lunch and stuffed it in your bag. The drive to work was silent. There was no Strawberry Kisses, no breakfast and kiss on the cheek. There was no photo of you in your scrubs outside the hospital, mimicking the cheesy grin you made in your kindy photo.
They never made up for it.
So yes, the relationship with your family was strained. There was no awareness on their part; instead, they would pass comments at the table about how you were oh so distant. They would tease about Ami "stealing" Grace as you sat eating, feeling like a little girl all over again. You loved your family, but they had the ability to reduce you to nothing in seconds without even realising it. The worst part was could never quite bring yourself to criticise it, always too guilty to think even a bad word.
You had wanted so desperately to keep Sam a secret, but she was getting impatient. You texted your mother that evening, asking if she was free for dinner and made plans for the following Saturday. Sam held you in that arms as you slept that night, but you couldn't quite rid yourself of that sinking feeling in your stomach.
When you arrived at dinner that night, you noticed the way your sister left the spare chair next to her and insisted you sat next to your father. Sam had looked almost uncomfortable at first, but next you knew she was having an animated conversation with Ami about football. The sinking feeling returned.
As you laid in bed that night, you traced Sam's face. She was exhausted - having fallen asleep as her head hit the pillow. Your fingers danced delicately across her cupid's bow, running down her jawline and coming to rest just above her heart.
The tender moment was interrupted by the buzz of her phone. She was too far gone to even notice and the screen eventually turned back off, returning the room to darkness. Until it buzzed again. And again.
Frustrated, you grabbed it to put it on silent. Thats when you noticed.
"Heya, it's Ami. Lovely meeting Y/N's better half tonight :) Send me that link we spoke about? x"
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munsonluhvr · 10 months
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader word count: 3.7k warnings: fluff, nervous Eddie, bullying, mentions of a fight, light cussing, alluding to eating disorder, probs misspellings lol
next chapter: part 2
You take a deep breath as you open the door to exit your classroom; feeling relief that you were finished with your least favorite class – chemistry. 
Sneakers squeak all around you, your fellow schoolmates excited to be out of class and going to lunch, as you made your way down the hallway. You get to your locker, twisting the lock that held the door closed until it popped open. To your surprise, Chrissy Cunningham, your closest friend, slides up next to you, leaning against the set of lockers that neighbor yours.
“Look who survived chemistry another day,” she exclaims, nudging your shoulder. Chrissy knew how much you hated chemistry. 
“Somehow; I zone out by the first twenty minutes,” You say, shaking your head. “I’m not looking forward to the final.” 
Chrissy giggles, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “That’s me with Mr. Khan’s class. He makes history so boring.” 
Before you could respond, Jason Carver, Chrissy’s boyfriend, sneaks up to hugs Chrissy from behind. She squeals with surprise, and you roll your eyes, annoyed by how in love your friends were. They had been dating for some time now, always having their hands on each other. Since then, you’ve been a third wheel, nonetheless, still very included.  You put your books away, re-locking the door. 
“You survived chemistry again, y/n!” Jason says, catching your eye.
Chrissy giggles, “That’s exactly what I said.” 
You laugh, leaning back on your locker, joining Chrissy and Jason who watch fellow school-mates walk by. Several guys from the basketball team came up to Jason, patting him on the back and saying hello. Their girlfriends, who were friends of yours and Chrissy from the cheerleading squad, came up to you and Chrissy. Your group is bigger, having accumulated boys and girls from the basketball team and cheerleading squad. You chat together, laughing as your friends make jokes. Your eyes are pulled away from your friends when Eddie Munson, leader of the 'Hellfire' club walks by with his friends.
Your breath hitches as you watch Eddie walk by who is in deep in conversation with Dustin Henderson, laughing about something someone in their group said. Just as he passes by, Eddie looks up, making eye contact with you. Your stomach twists, already blushing under his gaze. His eyes go wide, noticing your gaze on him, and he pauses in his steps. 
You take in his appearance, as you usually do every day, and your fingers dig into the fabric on your skirt. Today, he wears Hellfire's club t-shirt, a jean jacket, black jeans (hugging him in all the right places), and his typical dirty white sneakers. His face was beautiful, as always, freshly shaved and a smile planted on his mouth.
You're pulled out of your gaze when Jason claps his hands, also pulling Eddie out of his trance. “Keep moving, freak.” 
Eddie's eyes automatically drop to the floor and he picks his pace to catch up with his group of friends that moved forward with out him. You blink, turning back to Chrissy who shoved Jason lightly. "That's not nice, Jason." Chrissy muttered, shaking her head. "Don't say that."
You feel guilty, associating with people that make fun of others, calling them names to make them feel inferior. You turn your head slightly to watch Eddie walk away, heading into the cafeteria. Jason and his friends laugh, amusing themselves.
You look back at Chrissy, "Should we head into lunch? I'm starving."
She shrugs, and then nods. "Sure."
You and Chrissy make your way into the cafeteria, weaving through the large crowd that is doing the same thing; Jason and his friends trail behind. The table you and your friends sit at every day waits for you completely empty, the perks of being on the cheerleader team. You hate to admit it, but you enjoy being popular. Being elevated in the high school social system adds an extra layer of ease and carefree-ness. Or does it?
Your eyes flick to find where Eddie and the Hellfire club sit, always on the right side of the cafeteria. You spot them sitting down with trays already in hand.
"I'll get your food for you, y/n" Alex, a friend of Jason, says as he pulls out one of the chairs for you to sit down. You smile, putting on your pleased face. Alex is sweet to you, but that's about it. Of course, Jason would disagree. Alex plays rough on the court, usually targeting the skinniest kids on the opposing team to knock over. He laughs when they fall, high-fiving other players. It makes your stomach twist to watch from the sidelines.
You sit with the some of the girls who wait for their boyfriends to bring them their food that the cafeteria is serving today. After only a minute, Alex places your tray of food down in front of you and you thank him. He smiles at you, pleased with himself, and you try your hardest not to roll your eyes. Jason had told Chrissy, who told you, that Alex had a major crush on you, spilling his intentions to ask you to prom. You had pretended to be excited, but in reality you would rather skip prom than go with him.
Jason sits next to Chrissy, who sat with no tray in front of her. You frown, "Chrissy, aren't you going to eat?"
Chrissy shakes her head, looking down at her lap. "Not hungry," she says simply.
Jason leans forward to look over at you, snickering "I think she's on a diet or something."
You turn back to your tray, picking up your fork. You bite your lip, thinking about all the times you've noticed Chrissy skip a meal lately. You didn't know if you should say something but you decided it was best to not bring up questions in front of everyone.
Conversation flowed across the table, the loud hum of everyone else chattering in the cafeteria. Chrissy whispers to you about how Alex was staring at you from the other end of the table but you couldn't get yourself to look over. Conversation came to a halt when a performance from another table occurrs.
"As long as you're into band, or science, or parties.." A voice, who you identified as Eddie, says as he stood up on one of the cafeteria tables. Everyone's attention turns to where he stands, elevated over the rest of the cafeteria. Jason and his friends snicker, watching him.
"-Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets," Eddie says, aiming his gaze to the table where you and your friends sit.
Jason stood up quickly, his chair knocking over behind him. "You want something, freak?" Jason yells back to Eddie. Chrissy covers her face with her hand, embarrassed by her partners outburst. You shrink in your chair, arms crossing in front of your chest, although you can't help but continue to watch Eddie and Jason's interaction.
In response, Eddie makes horns with his fingers, sticking his tongue out accordingly. For a brief second, Eddie and Jason have a moment of exchanging intense gazes and your breath hitches in fear of what will happen next. Surely, Jason could easily beat Eddie to a pulp in a fight.
"Prick," you hear Jason mutter, turning to pick his chair up and sit back down.
You breathe out, feeling relief that the intense moment between the two boys is over. Jason, however, is still annoyed.
"What is Munson's problem? It's like he wants to get his ass beaten." Jason says, shaking his head.
You zone out, letting the other boys conspire together. Chrissy leans over, nudging your shoulder. "Boys are so stupid, right?" She says, smiling big enough to show her two front teeth that overlapped. You smiled, agreeing, "So stupid."
The bell rang loudly across the cafeteria sending everyone to disperse from where they sat. Jason leans to kiss Chrissy on the cheek and followed his friends out of the room. Your eyes catch Eddie walking out, and again, he looks over and catches your eye. You smile, and his face expresses surprise that a girl in a cheerleader outfit would lend him such a gesture. You feel embarrassed for a moment until Eddie lifts his hand slightly, offering you a small, almost unnoticeable wave. You return the wave, and he smiles too, continuing to walk out the cafeteria doors.
Your stomach flips at the littlest interaction with Eddie, although this was the most you and Eddie had ever interacted before. You had noticed him look at you sometimes, and vice versa. Eddie had caught you looking at him too. But of course, your friend groups and social status kept you apart although you knew you wouldn't care what either would have to say about being seen with Eddie.
The rest of the school day went by quickly, you only had two classes left. The first one, English, went by fast without much excitement. History was your last class of the day and what occurs upends the rest of your day.
The previous week, Mr. Kepner had assigned a paper on a historical moment that was similar to the historical events the class had covered already. You had chosen to write about Egyptian civilization and you hoped you had done a decent job as you underestimated the complexity and denseness of the topic.
At the beginning of class, Mr. Kepner places graded papers on everyones desk. You take a deep breath before flipping the paper over to see a '100%' placed at the corner of your paper. Written next to the grade was 'see me after class.' You frown wondering how you could be in trouble by getting a perfect grade.
Your stomach was in knots for the rest of the class, afraid to hear what Mr. Kepner had to say to you. When class concluded, you walked up to your teachers desk.
"Y/n, I must say well done on your paper." Mr. Kepner says, taking his glasses off.
"Thank you, Mr. Kepner."
"I was thinking that you should submit the paper for the school's annual scholarship contest." Mr. Kepner says, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "I dare say you'd have a good chance at winning."
You're flattered, feeling stupid for worrying so much about the paper and not having confidence in your work. "I'd love to; do I have to fill out a form?"
Mr. Kepner begins to explain how to submit the paper and your mind went to the fact that you were cutting it close to missing your bus. Normally you peel out of class to miss the first bus instead of waiting twenty more minutes for the next one.
"-and that should be enough. I'll sign off on your submission of course." Mr. Kepner says, handing you the form to fill out.
You nod, taking the paper and side stepping away from his desk to head towards the door.
"Miss y/n, I still have more to discuss with you." Mr. Kepner says, watching you head towards the door. "I think you should take AP History next year. Your work is far more advanced than your classmates and I think you'd be better suited there."
You nod, still inching towards the door. "That would be great, Mr. Kepner. That would help with college admissions too. I'm really sorry but I have to catch my bus."
Mr. Kepner nods, standing up. "So sorry to keep you, y/n. I hope I didn't make you miss the bus. See you tomorrow."
You peel out of the room, listening to the door slam behind you. You jog to the end of the door at the hallway, ignoring the stares from the people you run pass. Once you reach the end of the hallway to the parking lot, you push open the door. Your eyes scan the parking lot to see the back end of your bus driving away from you.
"Fuck," you whisper to yourself.
"Let me guess, that was your bus." A voice says beside to you. You turn your head to see Eddie standing next to you.
You turn quickly back to look ahead of you, "That was my bus. Freakin' Mr. Kepner made me miss it. "
Eddie hums, "Ohh yeah. Mr. Kepner is a chatterbox. You're y/n, right?" Eddie leans against the brick wall of the school, his leg propping him up.
You nod, "That's me."
"I'm Eddie Munson." Eddie says, pushing himself off the wall to stand next to you. He has a curious smile on his face, as he puts his hand out for you to shake.
You match his smile, amused by his hand placed in front of you. You take his hand, shaking it. "I know who you are."
Eddie stares at you for a minute, analyzing your face. His eyes move from yours to your lips. You feel nervous under his gaze and you cough to break the moment. "So, what are you still doing at school? I'd assume you be out the minute the bell rings to go play that game you and your friends play."
Eddie places a hand on his chest. "It's Dungeons and Dragons; it's not just a game, it's a lifestyle. I'm waiting to make some extra cash." Eddie says, pulling a small bag with green lumps in it. You had previously heard some of the basketball players talk about Eddie's quality of products. You raise your eyebrows and nod, "I see."
Eddie tucks the bag away and clasps his hands in front of him. "When does the next bus come?"
You sigh, "Twenty minutes or something like that."
Eddie coos, "That won't do. I can take you home after my client comes."
You laugh, "Your client? Pretty fancy for a drug dealer."
"I'm not a drug dealer, it's just a side hustle."
"Sure," You say, a teasing tone lacing your words. You don't want to come off excited to spend time alone with Eddie. "If it's not any trouble, I would appreciate a ride home."
Eddie nods and before he could speak, Alex turns around the corner. "Y/n?" Alex says, looking between you and Eddie. "Is this freak bothering you?"
You shake your head, "No, Alex. I just missed by bus and I'm waiting."
"Are we going to do this or not? Twenty bucks, brother." Eddie says, displaying the bag of weed to Alex. Alex scoffs, "I'm not your brother and here." Alex places a paper bill in Eddie's hand.
Eddie takes the bill, tucking it into his pocket. "Thanks for doing business."
Alex ignores Eddie, turning towards you. "Y/n, I'll drive you home so you don't have to wait."
You grimace, but catch yourself and put a fake smile on. "It's okay, Alex. Eddie already offered."
Alex turns to Eddie who offers him a simple smile. Alex shakes his head, "I'm sure Eddie has a club of freaks to attend to. Just get in my car."
You turn away from both boys, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your puffer jacket. You want to signal to Alex to get the hint and leave you alone. You wanted to spend time with Eddie, certainly not Alex. "You have practice anyway, Alex. You couldn't drop me off and get back in time."
"Run along," Eddie says, snickering. "You heard the lady."
Alex glares at Eddie and mutters an expletive at him. Alex saunters away, taking one last chance to look between you and Eddie. Once Alex is gone, Eddie turns to you. "Shall we?"
You nod, following Eddie across the parking lot. The brisk Indiana wind cut through your jacket, sending shivers to your skin. Eddie guided you to his car which wasn't far from where you started near the school. His car was a large, maroon colored van, most certainly bought used, with a white stripe in the middle. Eddie walks over to the passenger side, opening the door quickly. He leans in, swiping objects of the seat.
Eddie backs up, helping you into the van. "Sorry for the mess, I didn't expect a co-pilot today." You smile, glancing at him. You could tell he was nervous by the way his eyes shifted.
You sit down in the passenger seat, taking a look around. In the middle of the two front seats there's a pile of cassette tapes. You lean over, picking two up; Iron Maiden and Metallica. Sometimes, late at night, you wondered what music Eddie might be listening to in his room at the same moment. Now you knew.
Eddie climbs into the van, sticking the key into the ignition.
"Nice music," You say, hoping he didn't ask what songs you liked. You had never listened to Iron Maiden or Metallica but you wanted to come off as cool to Eddie.
Eddie takes the cassettes from you, looking at which ones you picked up. "You like Iron Maiden? And Metallica?"
You nod, folding your hands in your lap. "Yeah."
Eddie raises his eyebrows, glancing at you. "I didn't expect that." Eddie puts the car in reverse, barely looking to make sure there was nobody walking or driving behind him.
"What do you mean?" You ask, cocking your head at him.
Eddie shrugs, "You're just a cheerleader, you know. I definitely didn't expect for you to be in my car ever."
You laugh, "Why not? I'm still a person even though I'm a cheerleader."
Eddie pulls out of the school's parking lot, starting to drive towards the street. "You hang out with Jason and all his friends. They don't like me at all."
You bite your lip. "Jason doesn't speak for all of us."
Eddie coughs, nervous at the sound of you alluding to the fact that you don't find him weird. "Where do you live again?" Eddie asks, before he pulls on to the street. You tell him your address, and he brings the car to a start again.
You sit in silence as Eddie drives. Your body flushes, the reality that you're alone with Eddie starting to settle in. You notice Eddie taking glances at you and clearing his throat. "Which songs from Iron Maiden do you like the most?"
You stomach clenches at the question. "Oh you know. They're all so good, how can you pick just one?" You roll your eyes at your response, and you look out the window.
Eddie laughs, "You're never listened to Iron Maiden before, right?"
You sigh, glancing at Eddie. "No, I just said that to sound cool to you."
Eddie raises his eyebrows again, turning his eyes back to the road. "Why would you need to act cool? You're already the cool one; in fact, you being in my car would get you kicked out of being popular."
You turn towards Eddie now. "Why do you think I care so much about being popular?"
"Don't you?"
You sit back in your seat. "No. It's lonely; you seem to have more genuine friendships with the Hellfire club."
"So you're watching me and my friends?" Eddie says, a smirk playing on his lips.
You are embarrassed at your choice of words and you quickly search your mind for a comeback. "It's kind of hard not to when you stand on a cafeteria table and publicly launch insults at the people I'm sitting at the table with."
Eddie laughs, shaking his head. "That was pretty good, wasn't it? God, I didn't think you'd be like this at all."
"You keep saying that, what do you mean?"
"I just- I don't know. I just always imagined you'd be-" Eddie stumbles over his words, causing you to look over at him. "The truth is I've had like a major crush on you since sophomore year and I always assumed you'd be a certain type of way because you're a cheerleader but you're..."
Your heart thumped at Eddie's confession but you tried to play it off. "But I'm kinda nice, right? You out of all people shouldn't judge how another may be."
Eddie glances at you, "Fair enough."
"So you've had a crush on me?"
Eddie nervously laughs, "I was hoping you wouldn't come back to that."
You cross one leg under your other, turning towards Eddie. "How could I? That's quite the confession."
"I shouldn't have said anything."
You shake your head, glad to finally get this secret off your chest. "I'm glad you did because the crush is reciprocal."
Eddie jams on the breaks, sending you forward until the seatbelt caught you. He turns towards you, cars honking behind him. "Really?"
You look in the side mirrors, watching cars dodge around you. You flinch watching a car almost slam into the back of Eddie's van. "Eddie you should probably drive," you say, afraid of what will happen if his car continues to sit in the middle of the road.
Eddie listens to you, pressing the gas. He turns the car onto your street, leaning forward to look for your house number on the mailbox. "It's the white one," You say.
Eddie parks the car in front of your house. "You really like me too?"
You smile at him, sad that your social status makes it seem impossible for you to be with Eddie. "Yes," you say simply.
Eddie's nervousness appears again, his words beginning to jumble and his voice high-pitched. "I-I, wow that's cool, I mean."
You laugh, opening the car door. You lean over, deciding to be bold, and you place a kiss on his cheek. You inhale, embracing the strong cologne he has on. You pull away, moving to grab your backpack and hop out of the car. "Thanks for the ride, Eddie."
You look back at him from outside the car. He offers you a small wave, startled by your move. You turn around but then turn back again. "Would you ever want to go out sometime?"
Eddie's jaw slacks, "Y-Yeah, I'd love to."
You smile, glad that he agreed to go out with you. You drop your backpack on the ground, pulling a sheet of of notebook paper out and finding a pen at the bottom of your bag. You write your home's phone number on the paper and hand it to Eddie. "Call me sometime." Eddie folds the piece of paper, putting it into his jacket.
You turn around, leaving Eddie behind you. You feel his eyes trailing you and you smile to yourself, proud of your boldness.
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808airsoftbros · 1 year
Obsessive Step Mother (Bae Suzy)
Author: A yandere oneshot I've written in Wattpad. Hope you all enjoy it and if you want to see more of my works do check out the Masterlist.
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To whoever reads this,
I've completely lost count of how long it's been since my stepmother imprisoned me inside our home without any means to contact the outside world.
However, the only way I could eat it was with my stepmother Bae Suzy or her butler delivering me food, it was delicious and nice which helped make my prison more bearable but regardless, I'm always finding ways to escape.
But leaving this hellhole isn't going to be easy or simple as there are security cameras all over the manor and outside. All the windows and the doors are always locked and even if I managed to lockpick the door the alarms will go off as soon as I step foot out of the mansion.
I've learned all of this from my previous attempts of escaping and I was met with harsh punishment by Suzy. Consequences went from being locked into solitary or the basement, nearly starving me to death, and rape.
Yeah, my stepmother doesn't play games or joke around too much, Suzy and I go way back into my childhood days. It all started when my Appa and Eomma had officially divorced due but I don't know the reasons as I was too naive, Appa had decided to remarry and hooked up with Suzy.
What my Appa found bizarre was how addicted and attached Suzy was to me, she wouldn't leave me alone nor let me out of her sight for a millisecond.
At first, Appa didn't think too much about it for a while until I entered high school, and things started to get concerning.
My Stepmother had forbidden me from dating any girls or barely any freedom at all, of course, I kept on protesting and arguing but it all ended with severe repercussions.
My Appa finally had enough of it and attempted to file for divorce for such erratic parenting but Suzy had clever tricks up her sleeve and it turned out that Suzy had sinister plans in mind.
She hired a hitman to assassinate my Appa and inherit all of his income and the whole manor, thus leaving me in her care.
That's basically how I'm here trapped in confinement for a while, I'm currently about 18 years old and I thought being an adult would grant me freedom from this prison but I was more than wrong...
When I tried to start a new life from scratch, I worked at a local grocery store far from home but somehow her bodyguards managed to catch me and bring me back here.
That's all I have to say for today...
Concluding writing in my journal for today, I heard a soft knocking on the door meaning it was time for dinner.
The door slowly opens revealing my devil of a stepmother, holding a tray of food and drinks for the two of us.
"Dinner is ready, darling, I hope you're hungry~." She said to me before putting it down on the table.
Looking at the plates of food on the tray, it appears to be curry with rice, ramen, and Korean beef.
Each dish looked delicious and mouth-watering as my stepmother knows how to cook well, she places a towel napkin on my lap and tucked one in the collar of my shirt to avoid getting any crumbs or small spills on my clothes.
"Now, open wide~!" She instructed me as she scooped up some Korean beef and I did what she asked before she feeds it to me.
The beef tasted delightful as always just like the rest of her food, she continues to feed me like a delicate and fragile child.
With each bite I took out of her hand, she watched me like a predator eyeing her prey making eating unpleasant.
It was obvious she has serious mental health problems but I doubt she couldn't give a shit about it as long as I remain here.
After we were finished with dinner, it was time for my stepmother's special dessert, she called in the butler to pick up the dirty dishes on the tray, and once he had taken away the plates for us, he left us alone in my room.
My stepmother goes up to the door and locks it to make sure that I don't try to flee, she was wearing a black bathrobe and she gave me an evil smirk before slowly walking towards me.
"I hope you're not too full, honey because it's time for dessert~." She said to me before removing the bathrobe revealing her lingerie.
Her smooth and silky skin was literally to die for as she takes good care of herself just for her precious stepson.
"On the bed, sweetie and mommy will take good care of you~." She instructed me and I quickly got onto the bed by instinct.
Crawling on the bed towards me, she takes off all of my clothes leaving only underwear before cuffing me to the bed frame.
"You love how mommy takes control of you, huh~? Good, because I love it too~." She whispered to me before attacking my neck leaving hickeys all over it.
One of her kinks is to leave marks on her territory because of how lovesick she is but there's nothing I can do nor do I have a say in anything.
"Oh, one more thing, mommy has something to put on you~." She informed me before revealing a pink collar and my eyes widened in terror.
Putting on the collar around my neck, she latched on a leash as well putting her in a position that allows complete dominance over me.
Seeing no point in the handcuffs, she takes them off before tossing them aside in my room and she places my hands on both of her breasts.
"Now, shall we enjoy ourselves~?" She proposed to me and I nodded.
"I want an answer, baby boy~." She demanded me in a sweet but psychotic tone and I gulped.
"Y-Yes, mommy," I answered her and she smiled.
Last night left me all exhausted because of how sexually demanding she was and my legs are bloody sore.
My snowballs have been utterly drained out and I have bruises in places that I thought were impossible.
But I knew all the hell and torture is far from over, as my stepmother has more ideas planned in her agenda.
I have no idea if she was actually safe or not but I believe she would one day want to have my kids. Whether or not it's true.
Today, she was out for another business meeting in a foreign country leaving only her butler,  maids, and bodyguards to watch over me.
Once again, I tried to escape but of course, everything is sealed off and there are eyes in every corner leaving no options for a stealthy escape.
However, there were many tools and resources I can utilize thanks to my training in boy scouts as they taught me to be resourceful and I can make do with anything like ropes, tape, lamps, you name it.
Searching around the room, I found the handcuffs from last night, there was a lamp and drawers full of my clothes.
The door was locked but I had an idea as I looked in my closet to find a broken vintage fan, I yanked off one of the metal blades and used it to pry open the door.
Getting outside of my room, and rushed to the security office to avoid detection by the cameras as they rotate periodically.
Knocking on the door, the guard opens up and I ambushed him before going inside to shut off the cameras and security alarms.
Finally, I got to the front entrance when the coast was cleared and got the door opened with no problems but I was caught by one of the bodyguards.
"Mister Bae, please return to your room this instant!" The guard ordered me and I grabbed a vase.
Throwing the vase with all my might, it landed a direct hit on his head causing him to fall on the floor unconscious.
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Walking out of this hellhole, I made sure that the tracker was taken off before I left the manor for good.
Finally, I was free from my stepmother and I begin a new life without her always breathing down my neck.
I grabbed some money from her office so I can buy some food and clothing to last me until I find a job.
Taking a taxi to town that is the furthest from the mansion, I stopped in the middle of a city that is unknown to me but I was excited.
When I thought everything is going well for me, I happened to spot a black luxury SUV parked on the curb beside me.
The window rolls down and I was surprised that I had coincidentally been caught by my stepmother and boy she wasn't too pleased to see me here.
"Y/N, get in the car... Right. Now." She coldly ordered me but I sprinted the fuck out of there and ran deep into the crowd where it will be harder to find me.
I can hear the guards chasing after me but I hear the chatter as they were having a difficult time trying to locate me but I was smarter than them.
Going into a clothing store, I bought some clothes and changed into another outfit to blend in with the crowd.
The idea had worked when the bodyguards had walked past me like I was a nobody to them leaving me free from my stepmother's grip.
From that point on, I started a new life without her by working at a big office building as an office clerk.
A few months passed by and so far everything was going great until I had gotten a meeting with a client.
"Hello, you must be Miss Bae, right...?" I asked until I had looked right at the woman making me freeze.
Getting a closer look at her, I realized that Miss Bae, the client I was supposed to meet turned out to be my stepmother.
"Hehe, thought you could get away this time, did you~?" She asked me as she stood up from the chair.
"Well, shit..." I muttered to myself.
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I see these everywhere. and i mean EVERYWHERE. and also i need motivation so lets go ig
10 notes- i'll drink on weekends too(i forget cos on weekends im just at home and not at school lugging around my frank green in my tote bag)
20 notes- i will(try to) pay attention in class
30 notes- i'll watch my whole watch later playlist on yt
50 notes- i'll actually do the techniques im learning in ✨therapy✨ to help with my anxiety and shitty social skills
75 notes- i'll take my iron tablets every day
100 notes- i'll start my assessments when i get them(i have one due tomorrow which i was gonna finish now but i'm doing this apparently)
125 notes- i'll ask my crush to hangout alone during spring holidays
150 notes- i'll try to go for a run or at least a walk every day
500 notes- i'll write another chapter of my fanfiction
1k notes- i will actually make an effort to get clean
2k notes- if i see someone pretty that i want to go out w in public i'll ask for their number cos holy fuck i need to put myself out there. even if we js end up being friends cos holy shit im lonely
3k notes- i will actually finished the dress i started making
4k notes- i will try to get over my crush cos its ✨never gonna happen✨(she so pretty and masc tho its gonna be hard)
5k notes- (this is so far up here cos idk how to do this so im gonnna need a lot of time to figure out how) im gonna try to demolish the rumour that im gay thats going around a bit.**
6k notes- i will finish all my crochet projects and not start any new ones until im done.
**context. i go to an all girls school and theres a lot of people so its not like everyone knows everyone, even in my year(theres approx. 174 in my year alone, and theres 6 year groups at my school cos high school is 7-12 where i live) but some people know me ig cos i know a few girl who are more notable, im in the top class and i recdntly started sitting with a group that the popular girls call furries.
(theyre a pretty big group and popular girls hate them cos one or two of them are trans - ftm, ftnb etc, no mtf cos my lovely/s catholic school wouldnt let trans girls in- several of them are gay, a few of them are emo, most of them are poc's and a few of them dont have english as their first language. overall they are seen as the "weird kids" in my year)
so this rumour apparently is going around that i like a girl in my class(i absolutely do but if you havent noticed my school is hella hoomophobic and i could very well get beat) which js isnt ideal and is gonna lead to a lot of issues, especially if a lot of people start believing it so if you guys have any advice pls lmk. and its not like i can js get a fake bf and show him off cos its a GIRLS SCHOOL. if i reconnect with a friend from primary school tho we could pretend to be dating and like make a post on social media. but then kids at his school would find out and hed either have to tell them its fake(which would eventually find its way back to my school, and when i say eventually i mean immediately) or he couldnt get a girlfriend so that probs wouldnt work.
i know it sounds like im making a mountain out of a molehill but ive got years to go here and i dont want to spend all my high school years getting bullied bc even if i went to a teacher about it or smthing id have to like analyse them first and try to figure out which ones are homophobic or not.
like learning about why "being gay is a sin"(pretend im saying that really mockingly) is literally in our curriculum.
holy shit that was longer than expected.
no pressure tags: @wishiwereheather13 @loserboyfriendrjl @fracturedsunsets @chasingthemoony @stars-and-leather @starsofleo
thats all im doing idk how you guys can stand js copy and pasting moots over and over i cant do this i did the first six that came up and that seems like enough 🤷‍♀️
begun doing
going to do
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propheticbride · 20 days
Smile for the Camera
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𐙚 Steve Rogers has taken freshly initiated baby frat brother, Peter, under his wing. And what better way to help break the boy in than Steve allowing him to help record a sex tape with his two partners?
𐙚 Steve Rogers x Reader x Natasha Romanoff/Peter Parker x Reader (tw: straight porn)
Peter Parker had miraculously been the only one to pass the seven days of hell within the Avengers frat house. Everyday a challenge was given to the boys who wished to pledge, every one harder than the next.
Not only had Peter outshined all of the boys, but he had impressed Bucky, an almost impossible feat. So when they had taken the boy, along with two other boys, in the middle of the woods and ordered them to down a 60oz and dive naked into the lake, and swim across and come back without puking, Peter had stood there, in full nude, smiling with the question.
‘I'm in right?’ despite shaking to death from the cold, he was grinning.
Steve, being the only one in the house from Peter’s high school, agreed to take him under his wing. It was either him, or Brock, but Peter happily agreed for Steve after looking the straight faced man up and down. Brock scared him.
Peter had come freshly from high school, on a fancy ass scholarship nonetheless. A bit naive, but smart as a whip that caught on quickly without needing to be told twice.
Steve and him got along quite well, and found several things in common. However, Steve found one thing odd about the boy.
It was no secret that the frat was a sex factory, even those with members that had girlfriends. So when Peter had accidentally walked in on you, and Natasha giving your boyfriend a blowjob, he admitted days later (when he could actually face Steve) that he was a virgin. Too caught up in his grades and dancing that girls and dating hadn't even crossed his mind.
That's when Steve got the idea. Albeit, when he was very drunk, bar hopping with Bucky.
Now Steve wasn't a sick guy, but when you have a sexy-confident woman as your girlfriend, along with having an adorable subby baby as your other girlfriend, things get pretty interesting inside his head.
Natasha needed to be convinced more than you did, her mostly being protective of you.
“I don't want her being exploited by your asshole friends. You already see how Brock and Jack look at her. How Bucky and Sam try to tell her dirty jokes when I walk away for a second.” Natasha had pouted. “I don't want them seeing my baby in such a vulnerable way.”
Now Steve wasn't submissive, him and Natasha both being equal doms in bed, but Steve had come to learn that it was true what they said. Women are wiser. And Natasha did own most of the brain cells, even in big bad dom mode, she was always reasonable.
Those times when Steve wanted to overstimulate you, Natasha would tell him you were already at your limit.
So when he discovered that his new baby frat brother was a virgin, his wheels began to turn. And after a long conversation with Natasha and you (mostly the redhead’s overprotective ass) he had the perfect idea in mind.
He spoiled Peter with breakfast, then lunch, and then promised him dinner after his 'present’. Peter was confused.
“You don't have to get me anything.”
“Oh I know that.” Steve nods.
When Steve opened the door to the frat and locked it, he instantly heard your sighs of pleasure. When Peter followed Steve up the stairs, Steve stopped him and requested he get the camera and stand from the main closet.
“What's that moaning?” Peter is visibly nervous when he asks.
“Left some porn on. Just get it.” Steve demands.
Peter nods and goes to fetch it. However, the sighs never stopped.
After his frat brother disappears upstairs, Peter sighs and claims the camera, quickly heading back up the stairs as the moans grow louder. Who leaves porn on?
He opens the door, without knocking, and nearly drops the camera when he sees the sight in front of him.
Peter had first met you a couple nights ago, when Steve introduced you and Natasha as his girlfriends. Peter struggled to comprehend the dynamic. Natasha hadn't been the warmest to him, but to be fair he watched her to be cold and distant to every other frat member, not excited that her girlfriend was being lusted after. Steve didn't seem to care, having his complete trust they won't ever attempt to try at anything, all having their own girlfriends and lovers at their beck and call.
But now you lay on the bed, your hands fisting the sheets while Natasha eats you out, her tongue focused on your clit while her two fingers plunged in and out of you.
Steve stands against the window, leaning back and looking at him with a grin. “You gonna set up the camera?”
“Y-Yeah.” Peter hesitates, quickly setting everything up.
“Puppy, how does that feel?” Steve asks you.
“Really really good daddy!” you cry.
“Yeah? Mommy’s tongue feels really good huh?”
Natasha pulls her fingers out and places both of her hands on your hips, immediately latching onto your clit and sucking it.
You cry and grind against her face, which she happily allows, beginning to moan to add vibrations to you.
“Steve Steve Steve-”
“I'm not pleasing you baby.” he informs you.
“Natasha. Mommy!” you cry.
Natasha begins to lick you out wildly, until you begin to shake and tears stream your face. You cum with a scream, and silently whimper as Natasha licks you completely clean.
Natasha pulls away from your cunt, licking her lips and giving you her fingers to suck.
You happily take them in your mouth, holding her wrist, and sucking them completely clean.
Natasha was wearing a deep red cami set, while you donned, or was once donning, a soft baby pink cami dress that was pushed up to your breasts, your panties completely gone, giving Peter a good view of your cunt. It made him turn red in the face almost immediately.
“Peter…right?” she asks, with an uninviting tone.
Peter nods, eager to please her for some reason. He then shifts his weight, feeling his boner getting bothersome.
“Steve?” Natasha asks. “Is he just going to stand there?”
“No. He's going to be a good boy and behave. Aren't you?” Steve asks him.
He nods again.
“Use your words.” she snarks.
Natasha hms in approval, then stands up and pulls his arm closer. “You can touch her. But no kisses, or fingering. Or putting your mouth on her. Just touch her.”
Natasha then shoves him onto the bed.
Peter would be lying if he said he didn't find you attractive. Even at the most recent frat party, the night you were introduced, with you and Natasha kissing and her grinding you against her. Or the time you got up on the tables and danced ‘Can't Take My Eyes Off You’ drunkenly with Bucky’s girlfriend (in an appropriate way.)
And now, you were lying there looking at him with lust in your eyes, cunt on display, and spit gleaming around your mouth.
You whine.
“What's wrong baby?” Natasha beats Steve to it.
“Wanna feel good again.” you admit.
“Greedy girl. Natasha just made you feel good.” Steve shakes his head.
“I haven't even gotten to cum.” Natasha pouts.
Peter feels almost as if he's intruding on this moment. It feels sexual of course, but so intimate. Yeah. Steve and Natasha are your doms, but also your caring significant others who would do anything for you and each other. He stays quiet.
“Hmmm.” Natasha comes to your side, allowing you to roll over and meet her face. You exchange small kisses against each other, so loving, so soft. “I'm gonna ride your face. Daddy is gonna fuck you, and Peter is gonna rub your pretty clit. Make mommy cum and she'll be so happy.”
You nod and roll onto your back, making grabby hands as she pulls her flimsy shorts down, arousal evident on her panties.
Steve begins to undress as well, taking his dick out and giving it a few pumps.
He then looks at the younger boy, “You can undress too.”
Peter nods and begins to shed his clothes.
“Hey.” Natasha stops him. “Look, you seem like a good kid but I don't want to see you naked, and I don't think baby should either.”
“Alright. Just your boxers Petey.” Steve nods.
He nods, and follows Steve orders, removing all but his boxers.
Natasha settles over you, and before she's even ready, you immediately pull her down and hold her thighs. Natasha moans, a throaty and desperate whine that goes straight to Peter’s growing hard-on.
He couldn't get harder than he was at that moment.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck!” Natasha cries. “You feel so good puppy oh god!”
“Feel good mommy?” Steve leans into a kiss Natasha.
She leans into it. She pulls back breathless, “So good daddy. Our puppy’s mouth is so so good.”
She begins to grind, you happily flattening your tongue and holding her down as she rocked.
Peter gets lost, watching it unfold. Sure he watched porn, but nothing was like this.
Steve quickly moved and slammed into you, catching him off guard.
“Go ahead and touch her Petey.” Steve instructs.
He nods, and quickly brings himself to the side of the bed, leaning against the soft fabric, hand immediately attaching to your cunt while he begins to run circles into your clit. You whine against Natasha, which causes her to pant and moan more at the sensation.
“Fuck. Daddy, she feels so good.” she cries.
“I bet mommy, puppy takes so good care of her doms doesn't she?” Steve rocks into you, not paying any attention to Peter anymore.
“She's the best girl. She's my favorite girl.” Natasha coos, pushing some hair out of your face as you suck and lick her.
Natasha begins to shake, rock and whimper fast. She cums with a slight squeal, as she rubs and pulls at her nipple to help her truly finish.
“Puppy let mommy up.”
You quickly shake your head and begin to lick up her arousal.
“Puppy I mean it.” she warns.
You hold onto her harder.
Steve laughs slightly, you never challenge him, but thanks to Natasha’s spoiling you, you tend to be bratty towards her.
“If mommy cums again, I'll spank your ass red. We have a guest over, you want to misbehave?” Natasha asks.
That quickly makes you release her, and she stands up once more.
“Rub her clit harder Peter.” she frowns at his fragile touch on you.
Steve laughs again, shooing him away before folding your legs up to your chest and begins to pound into you at a faster speed.
“Steve please!” you squeal.
“S-She's kinda loud…w-won't the other guys hear?” Peter swallows, not taking his eyes off your form for a second.
“Oh they hear. Her little fans are probably jacking it.” Natasha rolls her eyes, pulling her panties back on. She trails back to the camera and zooms in a little.
Steve cums inside you with heavy pants and a throaty fuck.
Natasha turns the camera off and closes it.
“Baby. Say goodbye to your guest.” she smiles.
“He's rock hard puppy.” Steve laughs, pulling out and reaching for his boxers.
You reach out and palm him through his boxers, he slowly rocks up against you.
“Fuck.” he swears in a low voice.
Steve and Natasha don't say anything, they know you love to please. Love, to please.
Like that one time when Bucky’s ex cheated on him, Steve had been able to convince Nataha to allow you to cheer him up, grinding against him with just your undergarments on, making him cum.
You quickly sped up, and Peter began to rock into your palm and you gave him a sly smile.
“Does it feel good?” you mumble to him.
He nods, you haven't spoken to him yet, and now you have. He was too dizzy.
“Yeah. Really good puppy-”
“You don't call her that.” Natasha hisses from behind them. “Steve tell him.”
“Nickname is sacred Petey.” Steve warns.
Peter cums with a high moan within his boxers, and you touch him through it.
“E-Enough. P-Please.” he begs.
“M’sorry.” you retract your hand.
A clapping of hands causes him to jump.
“Time to go Peter.” Natasha is opening the door and tapping her nails against it, a bit annoyed. “Baby needs a bath and then it's her nap time.”
“She gets grumpy. Both of them do.” Steve says the last sentence just to him. “C’mon, I'll see you out. I think Pietro is home from hockey practice. You share a room, yeah?”
Peter collects his clothes and is walked out by Steve, “Welcome to the frat house bro, lemme know when you want dinner and we'll go. On me.”
The door shuts, leaving Peter standing there, cum in his boxers, and his mind attempting to process what just happened.
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venusloverblue · 8 months
Now I understand
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
words count: 766
summary: You and Billy are dating, but you have doubts as to why he was interested in you.
warnings: fluff, fluff and fluff
a/n: Hii everyone, I bring you another one shot of Billy. I must say I'm not a fan, in fact I don't think I like what I wrote, but I upload it anyway because I like to be embarrassed. If you see any grammatical errors, don't be afraid to tell me, it helps me with my English. With that I say byeee.
The wind blowing in through the open window of the Camaro hits you in the face, and in the background you hear a rock song from a band that your boyfriend listens to. You don’t talk to each other, but that doesn’t make the atmosphere uncomfortable, in fact, the silences between you usually feel comfortable.
“Babe, there’s a party tonight at Tina’s house, I’m going with the guys, do you want me to pick you up and we can go together?”
Dating Billy, one of the most popular boys, brings that on. There’s always a party at night at one of the popular guys’ house. Ever since he came to Hawkins he became a high school sensation, all the boys wanted his friendship and all the girls wanted to have him in their beds, that part you always tried to ignore for their sake.
You still didn’t know how you had gotten someone like Billy interested in someone like you, a girl who tried to go as unnoticed as possible. You were not interested in being popular, the only thing you wanted was to have good grades so you could go to a good college with a full scholarship, that way you would not generate more expenses to your parents than they already had.
That’s why you never expected the bad boy to look for you all over school looking for a date because he was curious about you, at first you thought it was some kind of joke that was going to leave you in a bad light, with that in mind you decided to deny him that date causing Billy to look for every possible way to get your attention so he could get a date with you. To the surprise of many, he succeeded and took you on a date where he impressed you with how gentlemanly he was and made you rethink your opinion of him.
After several dates, he proposed if you wanted to be his girlfriend in his blue Camaro under a starry night getting you to say yes to his question.
“Love, are you there?” Billy’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts and brings you back to reality, where he asked you if you wanted to go to a party.
“Sorry, I was lost in my mind” You say to then answer the question he asked you at first. “I really don’t know Billy, next week I have a math test and you know I’m not very good at it.”
“I know, but this time you have to go to see me dethrone Harrigton from his throne.”
“Billy, you know how I feel about those things, they’re bullshit. Besides, I’ve already seen you dethrone Steve and the truth is that dragging you back to your car is not in my plans” With that the conversation ended because he had already parked at your house. You give him a kiss on the cheek and get out of the car, from his side there is no answer to your statement.
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It is night time and you are in your room studying for your exam, you are listening to the music of David Bowie, one of your favorite artists. While you are about to turn pages in your study book you hear something knocking on your window, at first you think it’s some bird that crashed into your window, but after listening to it three more times you decide to see what it really was.
When you open the window you can’t believe what greets you, it’s Billy with his big smile, in his hand you could see some stones, with them he was trying to get your attention. You instantly went downstairs to open the back door of the kitchen, he comes in with a flirtatious smile that always left your legs shaking.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were going to Tina’s party to dethrone Steve” In your voice can be heard the surprise of finding him there at that moment.
“I planned to go, but with you. So here I am to have a fun night of study with my girl” He grabs your waist and brings his mouth to yours planting a kiss that causes the butterflies in your stomach to awaken.
At that moment you understood why Billy was interested in you, maybe others don’t understand it and it’s because they don’t feel it. When you kiss him the world around you disappears and you feel that Billy completes what you are missing. You assume he feels the same, so you keep kissing him.
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babeyun · 3 months
dilemmas & desires ✩ k.sn [teaser]
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✩ series m.list
✩ synopsis: kim sunoo was by far your biggest opponent - both in and out of the court room. he fought his way to the top, and you hated coming in second to his wins...much like you hated being second priority to his studies when you dated in law school.
✩ genre: rivals to lovers | second chance romance.
✩ pairing: attorney!ksn x fem!attorney!reader
✩ word count: 793 [full fic: tbd]
✩ rating: 18+. minors dni.
✩ warnings: dark themes. mentions of drug rings, murder (non-descriptive)/death, quite a bit of misogynist undertones in the world of law (none from sunoo). i think that's it for now?
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tuesday, november 7th.
"bail is set at fifty thousand, cash or bond." judge kang minkyung bangs her gavel, making your shoulders jump as you process what she's said. fuck, you think. i'm screwed.
"i can't…i can't pay that." your client is near tears, and you can almost cringe in on yourself as you place your hands on her shoulders. "don't worry, mrs. jung. we'll get it all sorted out, alright?" you let her go as the officer guides her back out, running your hand through your hair frustratedly as you avoid the defense attorney's eyes.
"y/l/n, a word?" he clears his throat as the courtroom empties, and you merely glance over your shoulder at him. you snatch your briefcase off the table before making eye contact, grimacing at his gentle smile. "what, kim?" you're walking towards the door, before feeling his hand circle your arm with a loose grip.
"you don't always have to be so defensive, you know." he says pointedly, and you yank your arm out of his grasp. "unless you're going to offer my client a plea deal, i don't believe there is anything for us to discuss." your voice is laced with insecurity, and he can hear it. 
"your client laundered money for over twenty years, y/l/n. she has connections to several drug rings, and she refuses to talk. we both know she's going to try to lie on the stand, and then she will have a perjury charge on her back. a plea deal won't help her now, not when she's choosing to fall on the sword herself." he shakes his head, and you just roll your eyes. "then i'll see you when this goes to trial." "this little schtick, acting like you don't care? it might've worked for you in law school, and it might work with the other district attorneys, but i see right through you." he scoffs, before pushing past you out the double doors. pressing your lips into a firm line, you follow suit, keeping your eyes on the ground before you as you make your way to the front entrance. barreling down the steps, you can hear reporters shouting over him, question after question.
and you can't help but feel a little envy boil in your stomach. that should be you, the top attorney in your jurisdiction. you should be respected so widely, you should be badgered by shifty reporters wanting answers about your cases and clients. your photo should be plastered across billboards, newspapers, the sides of public transportation. 
instead, you're haunted by him. you're cursed, coming second to him in every which way – salutatorian in high school, magna cum laude in university. losing more than a third of your cases to him, the unbreakable bond he holds with the population of seoul is unbelievable. any time you're in a courtroom with him, you're always bound to lose. you'd never won a case against him in the three years you've both fought for the heart of the jury – and you hated how easily he'd won you over, too.
your relationship with sunoo in law school was something far beyond your wildest dreams. it was a perfect balance of work and romance – hours of practice case briefings, editing each other's essays and bitching about the long hours of your internships. all while sneaking gentle kisses, holding hands in the library under the table, laying in his bed snuggled into each other so tightly you could feel his heart beating softly under your hands. this all seemed so docile, so domestic – just two aspiring attorneys working through the turmoil of legal research and peer reviews by dancing around your romantic feelings for each other.
the difference between you and sunoo? you let your feelings take precedence. you noticed a drop in your grades, a lull in your determination to the best. you let your guard down as he carefully wrapped you around his finger, with promises that would go unfulfilled and sweet nothings whispered in your ear as he'd look over your case analysis papers. he took this as the perfect moment to strike, to knock you off your game, to take the spot you so deserved for himself.
it was selfish. and you told him so, only to be told that you would always come second to the sole love of his life – justice. "you were never a priority, y/n. don't expect that to change."
"stupid." you mutter to yourself as you hail a cab, feeling eyes on you as one finally pulls to the curb for you. looking up, you catch sunoo's line of vision, his lips pursed as he gives you a curt bow. you scowl, before slipping into the impatient driver's backseat. "where to, miss?"
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BABEYUN © 2024. no translations, reposting or modifications are allowed. do not claim as your own. viewer discretion is advised. your media consumption is your responsibility.
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taglist [those in red could not be tagged!]: @thesassy-mia @starfallia @ramenoil @hoonieversies @wintabite @shnnzsworld @eneiyri @jjongsha @ilovejungwonandhaechan @oopshee @capri-cuntz @petalsofink @teddybeartaetae @chocminteu @moon0fthenight @delvziion @heeseungthel0ml @marimariiiiiiii @thenastone
✩ a/n: since i didn't manage to finish the fic in time for his birthday, i figured i'd throw in a teaser for the modus operandi series. i hope you guys enjoy this one! happy birthday kim sunoo, you absolute angel.
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brooooswriting · 8 months
Hello, I love your writing so much!
Can I request this prompt with Brie, pretty please?
"Don't go on that date."
"You know why."
"Say it."
Where Brie and R are friends but R is in love with her. Maybe a little angst with a happy ending?
No pressure if you don't feel like it. Thank you 💜
I love this request
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“Please, Brie, I promise she's so sweet and nice. Plus, she's hot. You'll like her,” Lizzie tried to convince her as she sat across from her. She and Scarlett had gotten her a blind date. You sat in the kitchen with Tessa, playing some card game that was long abandoned as you listened to their conversation. Your heart broke when you heard Brie say that she'll go.
But this was your own fault. You had gotten friend-zoned a long time ago, as Brie never took your flirting for real. You had flirted too much with too many people in front of her. However, she was the only one who never noticed how different your flirting was when it was with her.
You were so much more truthful, and you always complimented her. It wasn't hard to realize that you were in love with her. They all knew; Scar, Lizzie, Tessa, Robert, and even Chris. At this point, you were sure she knew, too, but she didn't feel the same, so she acted like she didn't know.
Lizzie felt terrible for you, but it was no use. No matter how much she pushed you, you never made a move, and she also didn't wanna see Brie so lonely. So, once she met this girl she immediately thought of her blonde friend.
“Y/n, Tessa. Get over here so we can finally watch a movie,” Scarlett called out once she had decided which movie to watch. With a sigh, you both stood up and made your way to the couch. Unsurprisingly, you had the seat next to Brie, the worst thing that could have happened to you at that moment. She smiled up at you, making your heart beat faster.
“Hey, lovely,” you said with a smile as you sat down. It wasn't unusual for you to call her pet names like that. Another thing that was different from your normal flirting was that you never once called somebody lovely or darling. But it didn't matter now. If Lizzie’s Girl was really that perfect for the blonde, it was over for you.
You had been so in your thoughts that you missed the whole movie. It was impossible to recall even one scene. During the film, the actress decided to cuddle into you, making it even harder to concentrate as you imagined a life where this was normal. “So, how'd you like the film?” she asked once the post-credits rolled, but you only stared at her. “Y/n?” she called out again, making you flinch a bit before focusing on what she said.
“Sorry, what did you say?” you asked once you had collected your thoughts.
“What's wrong?” brie suddenly asked, using her hand to cup your face. At this moment, you realize that you couldn't do this. It was too much, and so you did the only thing you knew how to do. You left.
“I'm sorry, I gotta go. Thanks for hosting Scarlett. Bye, guys.” You rushed the words out as you stood up. Disappearing before anyone could stop you.
Nobody had heard from you in two days, and you hadn't planned on talking to anyone for the next couple of weeks. Today was Bries' blind date, which meant that for the next week or so, everybody was going to talk about it. That was something that you could go without. The only texts you read were the ones from your home screen. Several pictures of the blonde trying on different outfits for tonight. Gosh, how you hated this. There were texts from the other three, hyping her up and telling her which one looked the best.
‘I’d rather stay home in a hoodie and sweatpants, ’ the newest text from Brie read, and again, you looked at the picture. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw that she was wearing your hoodie, the one from high school with your name on the back.
Ten minutes later, you stood in front of Brie’s house. As is trying to remake a disgustingly cheesy movie, it had started pouring halfway to the blonde's house. You looked so out of place, you were wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, and your hair was in a messy bun. For a moment you considered walking back to your apartment, leaving Brie to get with someone else. But now you were here and you had to at least try.
So, like any sane person would, you hammered on the door until she opened it. The second the door was open, you interrupted her. “Don't go on that date,” you got out between rattling teeth, the coldness, and the rain getting to you.
She looked at you for a second. “Why?” her face was stoic, not showing any emotion, making this a living hell for you.
“You know why” you answered, looking at her still wearing your hoodie.
“Say it” Her voice was desperate and her eyes pled you to say something. Anything that she could hold on to.
You mumbled an unsure ‘Brie,’ making her shake her head and take a step back to close the door. “Because I love you, and I have for years. Because I have been flirting with you since forever, and you flirted back, and if you didn't just flirt to play, then that means that you like me too.”
It was silent for a moment as Brie leaned against the door. “You flirt with everyone y/n. That's just your personality.”
“No, it's different with you. Don't you get that? I'm not flirting with you; I'm complimenting you. I'm giving you my heart,” you argued back. Then again, silence followed as both of you were unsure what to say. “One kiss,” you suddenly blurted out. Making yours and Brie’s eyes go wide.
“One kiss. If you want me to leave after that, then I will. But please, you have to give me this chance. I know that I came at a shitty time, but I couldn't watch you go out with somebody else. Not again. Not after everybody treated you like so much less than you actually are. If this is-” Before you could finish your monologue, Brie surged forward and pressed her lips to yours. Her hands clasped the back of your neck while yours landed on her waist to pull her closer.
Your heart soared when she suddenly pulled away, her movement hectic, making you flinch. “B-Brie?” you called out quietly and unsure as she looked around frantic.
“My phone, I- I gotta call Lizzie. She has to cancel the date.” She said, walking inside to get her phone, leaving you in front of the door. You were unsure if she wanted you to come inside or not, so you just stood in front of the door. Cuddling Six thirty when he walked by for a moment. “Are you coming?” she called out for you, making you hurry inside and close the door.
“I know, Lizzie, I'm sorry, but,” she looked at you for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. “Y/n is here, and” she was interrupted by Elizabeth rather quickly then.
“I'll tell her. Bye. Have fun. But not too much fun,” and then she already hung up. She discarded her phone on the counter going back to you.
“Sooo, now what?” the blonde asked when she sat next to you on the couch. Out of habit, she scooched closer to you while you wrapped your arm around her.
“How about Star Wars and some hot dogs?” you received a kiss as an answer before she laid her head on your shoulder.
Sometimes, it was worth taking the risk.
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southerngothicchic · 4 days
How Can I Refuse You
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Gator Tillman x fem!reader
A, not so simple, request from the handsome, Sheriff's deputy forces you to confront your burgeoning feelings for him and what an actual relationship with him would entail
"Spend the night with me," Gator breathes, into your neck.
He presses several wet kisses along your skin, as he awaits your response. The feeling of his lips against any part of you is almost enough for you to immediately give in to whatever he wants. Though, in this moment, you hesitate.
"I can't, it's too risky..."
"It'll be fine," he instantly assures, raising his head. "Its late, and everyone will already be asleep. We'll just have to be real quiet though."
"That's all you're worried about?" You then ask, your eyes widening in disbelief.
"Pretty much, yeah," he confidently replies. "This isn't the first time I've snuck a girl into my room."
You decide not to question him further as you begin to pull away with a sigh. His hand is quick to cradle your jaw.
"I just really want to be with ya tonight, is that so bad?" He softly asks, while tilting your head up slightly, to have your eyes meet his.
Even the darkened cab of his truck can't hide the infatuation in his eyes.
"No, it's just-"
He stops you by pressing his thumb to your lips.
"From the way you were moanin' my name a few minutes ago, I would think you'd wanna be with me..."
"Its not that I don't want to be with you, it's just..." you pause, trying to think of a way around revealing the level of repulsion you feel at the thought of being in the same house as his father.
His smug expression fades as you search for the right words.
"Why don't we just go back to mine, like we usually do?" You counter, reaching up to touch his cheek.
"Because I wanna have you in my room tonight," he replies, pulling you closer. "In my bed, where I know you're really mine."
"You shouldn't be so paranoid," you say, dismissively. "I'm not seeing anyone else, Gator, you know that. I only want you."
"Then you should want to spend the night with me," he practically pouts.
It's exasperating how childish he can be sometimes, you think, as instead of rolling your eyes, you kiss his plush bottom lip.
"You're too cute for your own good," you breathe, into another kiss, before pulling away.
"Does that mean-?"
"Yes," you sigh. "You win, now let's go before I change my mind."
You find the stillness of the Tillman house unnerving as you quietly follow Gator through the kitchen. You never had the desire to set foot here, though you knew if you kept dating the Sheriff's son, you would have to cross its threshold eventually. Dread prickles at the back of your neck as you climb the stairs, making you cringe at the slightest creak beneath your feet.
Your frazzled nerves have you squeezing Gator's hand as he leads you towards his room. He smiles as he opens his bedroom door, still silently reveling in his victory.
You're surprised to see his room is illuminated by a soft, purple light. It casts shadows over the posters on his wall, leading you to think it hasn't changed much since he was in high school. Your thoughts are interrupted when he steps in front of you. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you to him. A smile still plays on his lips as he gazes at you.
He takes a few steps back, guiding you further into the room. He then sits on his bed and pulls you onto his lap. Your knees settle into his comforter as you straddle him. His large hands frame your face as he takes a moment to admire you again. He notices your lingering uneasiness before leaning in to kiss you, softly. His tenderness catches you off guard, as you were anticipating the opposite.
"Does being here freak you out that much?" He quietly asks, with his nose pressing into your cheek.
You nod, slightly.
"Just focus on me, then, baby," he breathes before kissing you again. "I'll make ya feel so good, you'll never wanna leave."
You allow yourself to melt into his kiss despite how wrong it feels. Something inside of you urges you to leave, but you're anchored to the man below you. Your lips desperately meet his, over and over, seemingly never wanting to stop.
You quietly sigh his name when his attention switches to your neck. He grins against your skin, loving the way it falls from your lips. He greedily wants more as he presses wet kisses and little bites along your skin. He instantly gets what he wants when he sucks harshly right above your shoulder. Your fingers curl and claw at his shirt as you moan his name a little too loud.
"We gotta be quiet, remember?" He reminds, pressing his finger to your lips.
You nod, your cheeks burning with embarrassment and lust. You kiss the tip of his finger, before whispering an apology.
"Its okay, baby," he soothes, lowering his hand so he can kiss you again. "I know you can't help it... always whinin' and cryin' for me, and I haven't even fucked you yet."
You whimper into another kiss while your nails lightly scrape at the back of his neck.
"That's what you want, right?" He breathlessly adds, between kisses.
"Yes," you reply, nearly delirious with desire.
"Make me yours tonight."
That's all it takes before he's pulling your shirt off. The sensation of his rough hands gliding over your skin makes you shiver.
You're then laying completely bare beneath him as he kneels between your legs. The sight of him is like something out of a dream, or possibly a nightmare, you aren't sure which.
He runs his hands up and down your thighs, making sure your legs stay spread around him. Your eyes linger on how he's throbbing for you, knowing you're aching for him just as much. He places his left hand on your stomach, while his right reaches for your face. His long fingers brush your cheek before he rests his thumb against your lips. He applies only the slightest pressure and you open your mouth just enough so he can drag his thumb across your bottom lip.
"Fuck, look at ya..." he breathes, as his eyes travel your body before meeting yours. "Prettiest fuckin' thing I've ever seen."
You hum in approval, flicking your tongue over the pad of his thumb. He then inhales sharply, pushing it into your mouth. You happily wrap your lips around it and suck, while gazing at him sultrily.
He softly moans before pulling his thumb away, worrying he'd blow his load then and there if you kept on.
"You're too fuckin' good at that, shit..." he pants, while you smile up at him.
"You already know I can't help myself when it comes to you," you defend, as he strokes himself. He smears your saliva over his leaking tip, gasping as he pumps his hand a few times before lining up to ease himself inside you.
Your hands twist into his sheets as his hand covers your mouth. The other on your stomach drifts to your hip, as he pushes himself as deep as he can.
Once his hips meet yours, his gaze darkens as he asks, "Are you gonna be good?"
You nod, your eyes pleading for him to move. With a smirk, he slowly lowers his hand, but keeps a loose grip on your jaw as he begins thrusting his hips in languid strokes. You whine, turning your head to the side, trying to use his pillow to muffle any sounds that might escape.
"No, no, baby," he scolds, using his hold on your jaw to turn your face towards him. "I want ya to keep your eyes on me."
You whine again as you look up, into his eyes. He grins while gently caressing your cheek with his thumb. It's another surprising display of tenderness that he seems to reserve only for you. Your mouth falls open after whispering his name and he immediately places his thumb back, between your lips. You lazily lick against his skin with every thrust as you fight to keep your eyes open.
He curses under his breath, while his hand glides over your stomach, to your breast. He squeezes roughly at first before leaning over to place wet, soothing kisses across your chest. He notices the hickies he left are starting to fade and he's determined to leave new ones. He has to mark you as his, one way or another.
His hair, now a sweaty mess, falls around his face. It tickles your cheeks as he hovers over you. You reach up and brush it out of his eyes, not realizing until then how long it's gotten. He kisses you deeply, while the coarse hair on his chest brushes against you, making you writhe against him.
He breaks the kiss to catch his breath and gaze at you again. You wonder what's going through his head in these quiet moments, but you're too afraid to ask. Afraid that he'll confirm what you already know... that his interest in you goes beyond simple infatuation. You're not sure if you could handle his confession of love, now or at any point.
This wasn't meant to be anything more than a series of casual hookups, but his possessiveness soon changed that. He couldn't stand the thought of another man having you like this. Even the way his own father looked at you infuriated him. For once in his life, he was going to have something that was his and only his.
"Has anyone ever told you how handsome you are?" You softly ask, surprising him and yourself.
He shakes his head. "Just you."
You smile before he kisses you again. He softly moans into your mouth when he feels your legs tightening around his waist. It's your silent way of urging him to keep going.
"Yeah?" He breathily asks. "Ya want more?"
Nodding, you whisper, "Please."
He grins before picking up his pace and roughly thrusting into you. It's all you can do not to scream as you quickly pull him into another kiss. It's sloppy, filled with little whimpers as he fucks you into his mattress.
"This better?" He teasingly asks, with his wet lips at your cheek.
"Y-Yes," you answer, almost too dazed to speak. "Just don't stop, please..."
You hate how whiny your voice sounds but you know it's such a turn on for him.
"I don't plan to. I'm gonna keep ya like this all night," he breathes, into a kiss.
You gasp his name against his plush lips, while your back arches from just how deep he's fucking into you. You're not sure if it's ever felt like this until tonight, so deep and raw.
He needs you to know you truly belong to him. It's something you've known for some time now, but didn't want to admit. It's the dull ache that lingers after he leaves. An ache that increases when you're alone, laying in bed or otherwise. You shouldn't want this, or him, but you're drawn to what's underneath his brash facade. There's a sweetness that's been dormant since childhood, a sweetness that he only feels comfortable revealing to you.
You feel privileged to be the person that gets to experience this side of him. It also frightens you because of how easily you could fall in love with him.
The feeling of his teeth biting into your shoulder jolts you back to reality as you softly cry his name.
"Sorry baby," he breathily apologizes, "ya just feel too good."
"Its okay, just don't bite so hard," you dreamily reply.
He kisses the top of your shoulder, soothing what's going to be one of many marks that litters your skin. Your vision is a purple tinted blur as you struggle to keep the gaze of the man above you.
"I know you're close, I can feel it..." he whispers, as the tip of his nose brushes yours.
Your nails dig into his biceps as he fucks you hard and fast. You're both desperate for release, mouths barely touching, only exchanging low moans and grunts.
You finally connect your lips when your body begins to tremble around him. It's so intense that you can hardly kiss him, as you really just need his lips to absorb all the tiny whines and whimpers of his name.
His bedframe begins to squeak as he thrusts even harder. Your nails claw at his shoulders, through his skin's almost too slippery for you to properly cling to.
"I'm the only one who fucks ya this good, right?" He asks, roughly holding your face.
"Yes, j-just you," you breathe, gasping for the air that's been punched from your lungs.
He flashes a grin before rewarding you with a messy kiss.
"You were made for me and only me," he continues, as he gazes into your watery eyes.
You whine his name one last time and his hips finally still. He presses his forehead to yours as he fills you with everything he has. He's so overwhelmed by the intensity of it, that he doesn't move until his body stops shaking. You're practically being crushed underneath him, but you still too dazed to care.
He's looking at you with renewed adoration, like you're his most cherished possession. Before tonight, this would've frightened you but now it evokes a different emotion. A warm realization settles within you as you think maybe hearing those three little words from him wouldn't be so terrible. For the first time in your life you seriously consider the thought of truly belonging to someone.
A smile spreads across your lips as your hand reaches to cradle his face.
"Will you spend the rest of the night with me?" He softly asks, leaning into your touch. "I don't want to let ya go."
You nod, before guiding his lips to yours.
"And I don't want to go," you whisper into a kiss.
You would worry about the world that lies beyond his bedroom door in the morning. As for the few remaining hours before sunrise, they belonged to you and the man you loved.
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multifandumbmeg · 6 months
Alright SCREW IT here's my Kiara defense post:
Is it annoying to watch get paired off with everyone in the main cast? Sure. Let me explain why that's not a character flaw or terrible, unplanned writing so yall can put some respect on her name.
1. They're ALL in love with her, and literally throwing themselves at her all the time. This is so important and well-documented that John B literally tells us IN HIS INTRODUCTION TO THE GROUP in episode one. It is literally so relevant to their entire group dynamic that he brings it up in the first episode summary of who they all are. Guys actually do this I have seen this happen. One of my high school best friends was constantly manic pixie dream girled (despite being profoundly depressed) and several entire friend groups of boys fell in love with her. She dated one guy, who was a piece of shit and dumped her saying it was because of his parents but told his friends it was because she had too much baggage. The fallout was so bad, one guy from one of the friend groups tattled to her and a different guy, who was best friends with the douche, literally got into a fight with him and THE DOUCHE HAD TO CHANGE FRIEND GROUPS BECAUSE HIS BOYS KICKED HIM OUT. I'm serious about these teenage boys all having the same taste and thinking it's a competition.
2. John B kissed HER. She immediately shut him down. Immediately. Everything before that can easily be explained as Kiara being concerned about him after losing his father. Teenage boys are dumb anyhow, but it's particularly easy to see why John B and JJ, who have both been routinely neglected and grew up without mothers (read, any positive female attention/influence) would interpret this as Kiara having feelings for them. They fall in love with anyone who sincerely gives them the time of day, basically. And that's a little too relatable moving on.
3. "Mixed signals" by kissing boys on the cheek. While I would not recommend this, I think there was a very clear pattern to her behavior and I have a theory I'm 99% sure is canon, based on copious textual evidence.
Kiara was in love with JJ all along. I'll come back to this. She only kissed the boys she friendzoned on the cheek. With John B, I genuinely think she never had any sort of romantic feelings for him and just saw him as a best bro. But she was worried about him, and maybe realized he listened to her more when she did it. Nonetheless, the minute he gets with Sarah it's almost like she feels relieved and never does anything remotely mixed signals to him again. Now Pope? That is a rich text. What the hell is going on with her and Pope?
4. When Pope first confesses, Kiara is once again caught off-guard. She once again rightfully turns him down IMMEDIATELY and gives extremely accurate and self-aware reasons. Her rejection of him is surprisingly mature, that the life he plans on and wants is ultimately and assuredly not compatible with what she wants for herself. So why did she kinda date him? Honestly, I think it was an attempt to move on from what she believed were doomed feelings for JJ. After all the things that happen in season 1, after Pope going off the deep end a little bit by smoking weed, getting drunk, and engaging in acts of violence, as well as ditching his scholarship interview, Kiara suddenly experiences a spark of attraction towards Pope.
Because he's acting like JJ. Reckless. Using substances to cope. Chaotic. Spontaneous. She knows these things are bad for Pope, and she's at times put off by how un-Pope-like they are as his friend, but she has a type. So following a moment of attraction and the sudden supposed loss of John B (and Sarah), she decides to give it a go. Maybe Pope's different after everything that happened. And he is, but not quite the way she was expecting. To link this back to the cheek-kissing thing, honestly, I think Kiara lowkey has the ick 😂. She consistently shoves any of the boys who try to touch her at all away except for JJ, the entire series mind you, except for these little cheek kisses like that's all she can manage to do. She kisses Pope like twice and ends up sleeping with him, at which point she realizes she just can't do it. She's not consistently attracted to her, and she can't get past her feelings for JJ, so she calls it off. Again, that's a fair healthy, and kind thing to do. When you realize it's not going to work, especially if you have feelings for someone else, it is distinctly NOT dragging people around to cut it off. If Kie has a real problem, honestly? I think it's that ultimately she wants a man she can fix. And Pope's fine. So that's him out.
My proof that the writers absolutely intended Kiara to have feelings for JJ from day one:
"Did you tell JJ?" specifically. Just JJ. She doesn't want HIM to think she's taken.
Shoving away John B and Pope every time they try to hug her or put an arm around her etc. Letting JJ hug her, take her hand, sling his arm around her etc. She also goes out of her way to touch him by taking his arm, holding him when he's crying, hugging him several times and then almost kissing him. So in a way, I'd very much like you to consider, Kiara was not in fact sending everyone mixed signals, her problem was that she was so consistent. Consistently attracted to and in love with someone she thought had no real interest in her. JJ flirts with her jokingly, and from episode 1 and the convo in the bell tower between John B and Sarah, we know that he's a horny little dude. And that's not surprising either, because people who've been abused tend to go one way or the other- either very physical touch-seeking in an attempt to balance about the bad, or very touch-avoidant. JJ is clearly, demonstably in column A. Not just with Kiara, but he also initiates hugs with John B and Pope, touches their faces, and even kisses Pope on the cheek once. He's clearly a very touchy person with everyone, so I can see how Kiara would be unsure about his feelings when he very much does not communicate his wants or needs with words.
Finally, the proof that Kiara had feelings for JJ, and that Jiara was the direction the show was headed, was in their conversation in thr storage container. When JJ tells her what he wants from life and plans to do with the money, it's a direct parallel to her initial reject of Pope. He wants to travel the world and be spontaneous and non-sedentary and have no use for money. Everything she said to Pope and is always trying to explain to her parents. That was 0% accidental, that was the writers making it clear: these two are a match, they're compatible on a much deeper level.
4. So if they always planned on JJ and Kiara, why didn't those two just get together to start? The answer, my friends, is jealousyy. This is a common tactic in writing to get a couple together: force the reluctant one to acknowledge their feelings by putting the other in a relationship with someone else. Im short: every moment between Kiara and John B or Pope was to show us JJ did not like that and therefore that his feelings for Kiara were serious, unlike how she interpreted them and him being a flirty himbo with other girls. It also helped Kiara realize she wasn't getting over him any time soon, and that she couldn't avoid her feelings either. So it forced them both to give up and acknowledge to themselves that they had feelings for the other.
5. "Teenage girls don't act like her" JOKES. This is the dumbest argument I've seen, I'm sorry. I'm happy you have met such well-adjusted teenage girls but buddy... I have known some teenage girls and people who used to identify as girls at that age who would make you roll over in your grave. Some people don't know what they want, some people desperately crave attention, some people just can't seem to avoid drama or make good choices and sometimes that's even a resulted of untreated disabilities or mental illness. Sometimes it's all of the above. My point is absolutely there are teenage girls who act like Kiara and faaar worse.
6. Lastly, why not John B or Pope? Why was Kiara totally valid for not liking them romantically? Well feelings are feelings so she's valid anyways but can we talk about them both touching her/making moves at inappropriate times without consent?? It's understandable she likes JJ and feels the safest around him when he's the only who doesn't act like he wants or expects anything from her. He never kisses her without consent, let alone while running from the cops randomly. He never tries to put his arm around her or make a move in the middle of them having an emotionally intimate conversation where she is clearly seeking emotional comfort. I'm not saying John B or Pope are bad people, but with Kiara both showed a lot of immaturity and failed to read the room numerous times. They acted whenever they personally felt attraction, regardless of where she was at at the time. There's such a thing as reading body signals, and the only times JJ comes close to making an actual move on Kiara is when she comes to him, gets close to his face and leans in. In the end, he only kisses her after she looks him dead in the eyes and tells him I LOVE YOU. That's on respect. Also, John B and Pope both get their shit together and learn this with their next girlfriends! So good on them!
But Kiara confessed to JJ at a random time too! I hear you shouting. NAY. Incorrect!! JJ is actively avoiding her and having a mature conversation about how they feel about each other, and also the fact that he stole from her family, and that is on HIM. That is a result of his issues and his fear and poor coping mechanisms. Kiara forced him to address it at an inopportune time because she already attempt to address it privately TWICE and he wouldn't let her. So all she did there was clear the air and make her own feelings known, which he needed to hear. That is the last conversation they have before he attempts to apologize and confess back. That is what convinces him that Kiara's feelings for him are both genuine and serious, and that no amount of pushing her away will succeed. She loves him unconditionally, which he did not know was possible until then.
So in short!! Kiara actually behaves like a real human being. She's not crazy, extremely selfish, nor an example of writers just testing out the waters and seeing what the fans want or who has the most chemistry. She is very consistent. The only thing I can really begrudge about her behavior towards her friends (her parents are a different story) is that she's insensitive to both John B and Pope after rejecting them, which I believe is because she doesn't realize they had actual feelings for her so much as thinking she's hot.
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aetlasx · 25 days
pair: eddie munson x witch!reader
summary: Ah, memories. You journal your first day of high school, but things quickly take a turn just a few weeks later.
tw: menstruation, pad/tampons, bullying, name calling (pls lmk if there’s anything I missed)
a/n: just stick with me lol. he’ll be in the first part. Also, this is an AU!! For spooky season!! thank you so much for reading!!
*the chat font is the diary entry and it goes back to normal at the end*
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August 22nd, 1983 It's been a few months since i've written in this thing. I thought it'd be a good time to start now since I finally made it to high school!
You know what that means? Four more years till I leave this shithole!! Better than five. June was actually waiting by the door when I got home, she really wanted to hear every detail of how it went. I told her about my classes, I have Jonathan in two and Nancy in several. I told her how the school and people were so different from anything I was used to. But, it doesn't take her long to find something wrong with the way I think. She started with her usual warnings and advice, all the things I need to avoid, all the mistakes I shouldn't make. I know she's just trying to protect me, but it feels like she can never have trust in her little sister.
On the other hand, at least Teddy asked if I had fun. He's always been the one who knows how to lighten the mood, especially knowing how his wife is. He asked about my teachers and any clubs that looked cool enough to join. He even asked about Jonathan and Nancy.
Jonathan was definitely not as excited as me. He's quite, but he's always been that way.I know that his mom was excited for his first day of high school, she even convinced him to bring his camera. Right now, I'm trying to convince him to join the newspaper but he just shrugs me off. And Nancy, well, although it's been one–girl is practically glow. Within just 8 hours of the school day, she was able to meet a boy. She kept gushing about him and is pretty excited for the rest of the school year here. I'm genuinely happy for her.
Before June could add her two cents, I interrupted her with how I stopped by Aunt Claudia's after school to see how Dustin's day went. He was already sprawled out on the couch, 'exhausted' from fighting with his new math teacher. It had been a bit since I had seen them, I slaved away my summer at my job so stopping by, I felt grateful that they weren't even mad. I'll have to start hanging out with him again.
Anyways, I’m determined to make the most of freshman year with my friends. I’m ready to prove that I’m more than just a product of this stupid town.
Wish me luck!!
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September 16th, 1983
I think I lied. I don’t know where to start…but a four year wait is too long. I don’t know where it all went wrong but it started over the weekend.
Sometimes I’d like to think that if my mom was still around, this wouldn’t have happened. Hell, June is like my mom, why did it happen. I’m talking about mother nature’s gift. It seemed as though no on thought to inform me that a girls first period would be this chaotic.
Nance and I had a movie night planned. I hadn’t really talked to her much, only in class, because her new boy toy or whatever—Steve Harrington, was taking up most of her time. I thought this would be a good time to just catch up and gossip, I was wrong. That Friday was horrible. I ended up throwing up, getting the chills, my body ached to no end. But I was still determined to make movie night happen, especially since June and Teddy were gone for the weekend.
As I was dying on the couch, Nancy finally showed up. But to my disappointment, it was only to cancel. Her and Steve were going out on their first date. I don’t know if it was how hot I was feeling or my intestines twisting, but black spots started clouding my vision. I just remember her screaming for Steve and once I knew it, I woke up in the hospital.
What I’m about to write, I’ll say with confidentiality…probably because I’m the only one reading this. Whatever.
A period is probably normal for all females. What’s not normal is having to go to the hospital and having your best friend’s boyfriend make fun of you because the doctor called you a late bloomer. I mean, she apologized but, if I could’ve just died on that bed, I wouldn’t be here.
Even June lectured me when I interrupted her weekend getaway. The whole ride home she kept complaining and saying ‘how could I not know’ and ‘you just gave us another unnecessary bill’. Like, sorry my baby’s natural response has ruined something for you.
Fuck. That’s not even the worst part. When Monday came back around, everyone was looking at me when I walked in. I know how cliche it sounds after what had just happened but knowing how popular Harrington was and who his friends were, he had already told the whole school by now. During gym, Carol and a few other girls threw pads and tampons at me. I got called ‘Bloody Mary’ and ‘Leak Freak’ in the hallways, at lunch, and anytime anyone had the chance. I tried to stay strong, I even hoped Nancy would say something to me during class or at least when she saw me but she just looked at me with sympathetic eyes. It’s just hard to believe that a few weeks ago, everything was fine. We were making fun of our teacher, gossiping with Barb, and even went shopping but I guess things change. Now when I look at her I’m just consumed with rage.
Jonathan has been supportive, though. The evening I got out of the hospital, he had actually brought over some of my favorite snacks and listened to me cry all night. Even when the mocking was bad, he’s stuck by my side. He’s told some kids to fuck off, walks me to class, and I’m grateful, don’t get me wrong but knowing that I have to wake up and go through it again doesn’t really ease my pain.
I feel like my chances of making friends and actually joining some clubs are ruined. When I try talking to some new, they give me dirty looks. When I go to ask about different clubs, they turn me away. I’ve lost hope. Thought this was suppose to be a fresh start but I guess not.
And just to add more salt to the wound, I haven’t been able to sleep. Every time I close my eyes and drift to away, I’m met with such an unsettling environment. The atmosphere is thick, groggy, red. It’s coated in fog, but a man I’ve never seen before always walks through it. He says his name is Henry, he starts talking about my worries and pain. It’s always the same—he says he’s ‘there to help me’, he’s there to ‘take away the pain because he knows what it’s like’. I truly don’t know what has caused my subconscious to create things like this but I guess I’m just tired of feeling like shit.
I don’t even know why I bother keeping a journal around. Sometimes I feel like I won’t even be here in the future to reminisce on the shitty days like this. Why would I even? I guess it’s just easier to write these things down than having to say them out loud. I thought I’d be able to make my sister, aunt, cousin, and friends proud, but I’m starting to think I’m just not cut out for this.
Closing the diary, the blonde places it back in the shoebox you hid it in. Pushing it back under your bed, standing from the place he sat. A satisfied smirk on his face.
He’d been following your turmoil closely, knowing that this was just the turning point. Your struggles were feeding into his plans. This entry was straw that broke the camels back—your vulnerabilities, your fears, and your desperations. It was almost too easy.
“Your suffering is almost poetic,” Henry said to himself, walking out of your room, your house, determined to take action now. He planned to finally confront you, to force you to acknowledge the full extent of what your destiny could be with his help—with what he had to offer.
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Buck & Eddie: 2023 - 2024 Rereleased and Unreleased Photos
A timeline of the photos that were released by JS, JCC & TM since 6B.
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After TM (9-1-1 showrunner) recently released two "never before seen pictures" of Buck and Eddie, one as recent as last night, I started thinking about all the photos and videos that have been released of them since the start of 6B and it was quite interesting to see it all once I put them together.
Reminder, Buck and Eddie were barely shown to be work partners let alone friends for 98% of 6A and after 6x13 aired, they were shown to be living separate lives again for the remainder of 6B after Eddie was forced into dating again even though he said he wasn't ready. Aside from the Buckley-Diaz Family scene in 6x1 and the small amount of time they shared at the end of 6x7 and the time they were partnered in 6x13 (my favorite episode which was the finale for me since the last 5 episodes could have been yeeted to the sun); they didn't work side-by-side like they did before Eddie quit the 118 in 5x10. That's why the timing of the rereleased and unreleased photos and video is so jarring.
First, in April 2023, JS released the picture below of Buck and Eddie at the poker game before 6x13 aired and he spent most of that three-week mini hiatus counting down to the day when he was going to reveal it on Twitter or X or whatever it's called this week.
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Second, in April 2023, a photo of the clapperboard was released weeks in advance for 6x17 which was an episode JCC directed. It includes a picture of Buck and Eddie at the bottom of it.
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Third, also in April 2023, after 6x15 aired, several posts alluded to Twitter users being in an uproar about the introduction of ND and how Buck hurt Eddie’s feelings with that BS line about her seeing him (which everyone but Buck knows was a bunch of BS).
Don't try to debate me on this because Buck’s words hurt Eddie and it doesn't matter if they were intentional or not. He broke Eddie’s heart with that $hit so... I digress because thinking about it still pisses me off (it's been months but I'm still not over the way S6 ended).
Anyway, it was posted on Reddit (linked here) that JCC posted the photo from season 3 below on 9-1-1's TikTok account but the question is why would he release it since he didn't direct 6x15? The OP of the thread explained how he never posts things about episodes he didn't direct so it was interesting to read this information but since I only saw it on Reddit and nowhere else, it's unclear if there was a motive behind it.
Full disclosure: I don't have a Reddit or TikTok account, so I don't know if this post was legit but the date on it is April 25, 2023.
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Fourth, in May 2023, right before 6x18 aired, TM decided to release a video of Buck and Eddie from season 2 but why did he do that? Especially right before that BS episode that had Eddie acting like he was in high school again and giggling over some chick he witnessed almost kiss her brother in the mouth in 6x5 and Buck settling once again for a woman who only wanted to use him for his "Firehose" and nothing else like AC, AM and TK did?
What exactly was the point? Was he trying to tell viewers something or was he just piddling around on FB like he did last year when he responded to a viewer with a long post about the storytelling decisions he greenlit for LS?
Reminder, TM was working on LS for the past two seasons while he left OG in the hands of KR who literally destroyed all of Buck’s character development and growth by regressing him with TK, LD and now ND. Seasons 5 and 6 went into a tailspin of Buck not growing or learning from his mistakes and the responsibility for that lies solely at the showrunner's feet and who was in charge? It was KR.
The way Buck's gazillion storylines ended was not long form storytelling especially since he was constantly being regressed. He said he didn't want to make the same mistakes but he kept making them and instead of letting him go back to therapy (which he clearly needs) she let him flounder and read self-help books and donate his sperm to that loser Connor (reminder Connor wanted to run out on his pregnant wife because the baby wasn't biologically his but I still believe the baby is his and not Buck's). She wouldn't let him talk to the team like he used to do so they could offer him some good advice about the important life decisions he was trying to make but in Season 5 she had no problem letting Buck tell the 118 about his dumpster fire of a relationship with TK.
Fifth, in January 2024, TM was at it again with posts on Facebook (I don't use FB) but this time he posted two unreleased photos of Buck and Eddie. Apparently, he released the one below a few days ago but it was discovered by a blogger who posted it on 911blr. Based on Eddie's appearance, it looks like it may have been from season 5, possibly sometime around 5x16 "May Day" but who knows.
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Sixth, last night, the photo below was released by TM and it's never been seen before either. Based on Eddie’s appearance, this picture looks NEW like it might be from Season 7 but who knows with all the unreleased promos and pics from previous seasons that started circulating in S6.
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In the photos above, Buck and Eddie are shown in every season except for the most important one... Season 4. The shooting is missing and so is the will reveal. (I don't count the picture on the clapperboard because it appears to be one JCC added to it for whatever reason and it wasn't an official photo or video like the others.)
So, are they still using the shooting and the will as the catalyst for them becoming a CANON couple? Only they know what they're doing but whatever it is the question has become why are they doing all these cryptic Buck and Eddie posts and releasing photos of just the two of them? What are they trying to say, if anything?
Hopefully it's not so they can do a repeat of the things they did at the end of seasons 4 and 6 and delay them getting together yet again.
If they're going to finally let them be together then it's time to stop with the delay tactics and get rid of all those one-dimensional LIs. Leave N and M in season 6 where they first appeared and should have remained.
If they aren't planning to make Buck and Eddie CANON then they should let them stay single. It's been 6 years; how long do they realistically believe viewers who actually care about them as characters are going to keep waiting? In the past, actors and actresses have left shows around the fifth, sixth and seventh seasons so hopefully that won't happen on 9-1-1 but nobody has time to wait around for 15 seasons for Buck and Eddie to get together.
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