sugarlove-01 · 2 years
The Cruelty
Ok this is my story of DwayneXReaderXDavid based in Santa Carla with my own character. I loved the Lost Boys! Always have and always will. They were my favorite characters so I had to write a story about both of them.
Be warned: this isn't a happy fic, this is fanfiction that is based on obsession, stalking, murder, abuse, and death. Some themes are triggering, so be warned.
But it's also a love story.
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If you know one of these. You know them all.
You’re born.
You live.
You die.
There you go, life sucks.         
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Chapter 1:
Your POV:
Monday, June 13th
9:13 in the Morning
“Mom, can I go down to the beach? And the carnival, please?” I asked.
“Yea, sure. Go out. Explore,” replied my mom.
“Ok, thanks. And I moved in all my stuff to my room.”
“Did you take out all the boxes?”
“Yea. I brought in your purse, too. You forgot it in the truck again.”
“Ok thanks. On your way back, can you bring back some milk?”
“For cereal?”
“No, for Oreo cookies this evening… And cereal tomorrow.”
“Ok. I’ll be back…”
            I walked out of the house. Noting to myself to go to the gas station later this evening for milk. My mother, calling a few friends on the phone, talking about a book club. I rolled down my sleeves. Got my green jacket and my brown shoes on. The weatherman predicted a cloudy day in Santa Carla. Maybe a few winds. Going to the shed, I got out my bike. Unlocked the chain and peddled off.
            Not much has been happening in Santa Carla. Not for the past week that I’ve been here. The moving trucks weren’t needed anymore and my mother had all the help she could get from my father. My father was sleeping on the couch infront of the TV when  had left. He always looked so restless ever since we moved. Maybe it was the exhaustion of moving, or he missed our old house as much as I did.
            As I rode, I passed Tom on the way down the road. He was taking out the trash. He was a neighbor, the one who first greeted us when we moved in. He always took out the trash at 8:15 in the morning, every day. He worked at a hot dog stand near the carnival. He was, in truth, an artist actually. When we first met, I promised him I’d try one of his hotdogs when I went down to check it out.
            I rode out of the neighborhood and down the road. Down the road I looked around. Two men were hanging out at a gas station. One man with dreadlocks was looking at a magazine with a plastic bag in his hand. The other was reading a newspaper. The both of them stood next to a bulletin board that had paper fliers on it. Fliers for concerts, yard sales, puppies, and lost children.
            I got to the pier. The beach looked occupied and warm, with trash all around it. But there were a few men with trash bags picking everything up. I attached my bike to the railings that had bubblegum underneath it. There was strange people here who looked at you and snickered. It seemed they had a thousand piercings and a thousand tattoos and with many different hair styles. They were wild kids.
“So this is Santa Carla….”
            I chained up my bike. With money in my pocket I got in and looked everywhere for something or anything interesting. And there was many in fact. Clowns juggled. Boys danced on cardboard. Cotton candy stands and other sweets were open. Men tried to talk you into buying lotions and cellphone chargers. Even shops for mini golf and leather jackets. Souvenir shops. Tobacco shops. And others.
            I passed my way by, not bothering the roller coaster or other carnival rides. So I walked around the carnival in a circle. There was a drink stand and I decided to buy a pretzel. The cashier inside wore a red and white shirt. He went to get my order. I waited. There was women in bathing suits eating at the tables and shirtless men who watched them. They looked at me sometimes, but didn’t bother.
            The man in red and white came back with my pretzel and a napkin. He asked me for anything else, I said no. When I finished my fingers were buttery and tasted of salt. I went looking for a trash can. At the corner of the stand I found a trashcan, and I 6 men there. One man held a boom box over his shoulder. One man whistled at me, wearing a red spiked dog collar with high eyebrows. I threw away the napkin.
“Hey sweety…” He clicked his tongue.
            I looked at him. And his friend chuckled. I kept walking. Soon I found myself looking in a comic book store. A man and a woman were behind the counter, looking as if asleep. They wore black glasses. I paid no attention. But there were two boys. They packed comics out of a box, placing them on shelves, and organizing them. I didn’t mind comics. What I loved most was the art work and the action.
            Later that evening, I began looking for a hotdog stand. I didn’t have breakfast this morning. But it wasn’t just any hotdog stand. It was where my neighbor worked, Tom. He said I could come right over if I wanted. I found it. It had yellow and green neon lights with a picture of a hotdog man. Tom was there, at the counter in a white and red worker outfit and waiting for someone to approach. And I did.
“Hey Tom…!” I smiled.
“Oh hey! How ya doin, girl? Likin‘ Santa Carla? Or hatin’ it already?”
“It’s ok. I’m just looking around.”
“Ok, cool. You want anything to eat? And guess what’s on the menu!? Hotdogs!”
“Like, omg, no way! I would never have guessed....” I laughed.
            The menu was awesome. There was hotdogs on there that I didn’t know existed. Tom worked with a smile and made my small dinner. A hot dog, french fries, an ice-cream bar and a Coke. The Coke came in a glass bottle with a straw for it. Tom talked to me more and said there were seats I could sit on with umbrellas and eat. Where no one could bother me. And when he’s off, he could walk me home.
            I was glad, because that man with the spiked collar creeped me out. It was exciting to be here. There wasn’t much to do. I watch wild kids run with shopping carts, playing duel. Men flirting with women. The security guards watching the boys with spiked hair and alcohol. The tattoo people get more tattoos in stands. The people with piercings get more piercings. And kids dancing to heavy metal on the street.
            Rolling down my sleeves, I went to the beach. That was where it was most hectic. A lot of people were sunbathing and surfing and making sand castles and digging big holes on the beach. A bunch of seagulls were flying over picking up small stranded Dorito ships and Cheetos. Even dogs were on the beach, trying to steal a snack or two from their owners or from strangers. But they were just playful.
            It wasn’t later until I went across the Boardwalk watching men in black and white juggle random objects and others host magic shows. Near there I found a Videotape store. The best selection in Santa Carla, and perhaps I could agree. The shop was covered with neon lights, fliers of lost children, and a weird smell around it and with a white dog at the entrance. There was even posters in the corner.
            Finally after a long day at the carnival, I made my way back home. Tom said that he could meet me at the gas station. Tom knew that this the streets could be dangerous. It was a long day. I approached the gas station. The bulletin board seemed to have been added more pictures of children and other people who were lost. That was the thing I noticed most about this new home of mine. All the fliers.
            Peddling towards the gas station, I went inside. There were more fliers of lost children, and a security guard with a mustache. Going inside, I looked for the milk and a newspaper. It was only 8:15 in the evening, but I felt it was time to turn in. And I was tired. And plus my mother probably waited long enough for the milk. The newspaper was for me. Tom was already inside, and we both walked home from there.
David’s POV:
Monday, June 13th
6:30 in the Evening
            As soon as the boys woke from their sleep, they were hungry. Their fangs showing and their eyes fiery and ghoulish. So they found more Surf Nazis, laying around on the beach far from any civilization to hear them scream. So it was perfect. They tore them apart and drank their blood. The Boys were cheerful that night. They threw their bodies into the fire, sizzling. Their skin, cooked, crispy, and curled. They were dead and drained and gone. The boys were satisfied as they howled in laughter. Paul, Marko, and Dwayne were in high spirit tonight.
            David laughed as well. They discarded the bodies, and soon they had to meet up with Max. David lead the way, flying towards the pier. He was well rested to go the Boardwalk and look for her. Yes, dear reader, he’s looking for someone. She must be walking around at this time. David knew that this girl was out and about. Walking about, vulnerable and open. She was new. It was not long ago when David saw her, but it was an accident. Less than a week ago. And that’s when the wheels of fate began to turn. For better or for worse, he didn’t know.
            A walk down memory lane, he remembered when he first looked at her. The sighting was an accident. David thought that she was Star, but was wrong. She had straight hair, different colored eyes. She wore different clothing, not like the gypsy wardrobe Star had for herself. By the look on her face, she didn’t really know Santa Carla or its people. In a way, David, thought it was adorable how she looked so lost and vulnerable to everyone and everything. She was so polite, that even if she ran into a wall she would excuse herself. Prey.
“Hey, yo! Hey! Where ya goin’ David!? I thought we were all goin’ out together, dude?” Marko called out.
“Where’s he goin? It’s not even 8:00 and he’s already ditching us for…. some chicks that he’s either gonna bang or eat!” Paul grinned.
“I don’t have to baby sit you guys all night. Make your way on your own…”
“Aw, come on David. This is the 5th night that you’ve ditched us for god knows what. The hell is goin on? Where the hell do you go buddy?”
            David closed his eyes, gained back his patience, and gripped his bike handle hard. Gripping that bike handle was great restraint on his part. They others mounted their bikes and began their engines.
“Why the hell would he--- Oh nevermind,” Dwayne looked away.
“Oh god. Would you all shutup? I’m goin my own way… See you guys back at the cave…” David seated his motorcycle.
“What? We’re not good ‘nough for you? You leavin us for someone else?” Marko joked.
“Oh, David, is that true? I thought we all had something special!” Paul put the back of his hand on his forehead, swaying backwards.
“Get outta here!” Marko pushed Paul and laughed with him.
            David started his bike and sped off. Leaving his brothers in the dust. Paul and Marko had stupid smiles on their faces.
“Wow, he just chucked it didn’t he?”
“David has no time for us anymore, huh?”
“Just hit it and quit it…”
“Always been my motto…” Paul nodded his head.
Dwayne’s POV:
Monday, June 13th
7:00 in the evening
            The three boys drove off their own way. Their leader flying away to wherever he was gong. The boys didn’t really mind, so they flew off to the carnival. Going off to the Boardwalk, where they dominated all the other gangs in sight. Dwayne looked back, thinking where David really went. It would be easy to ditch Paul and Marko, since they were geeky losers. Something was up, and he didn’t like the fact that David was being mysterious and suspicious. David didn’t have the leader-like qualities like he used to, and that was something that couldn‘t be tolerated. So the boys walked, talking about going to the Videostore. But the quiet one of the group had other plans.
“I’m out,” Dwayne started to walk away, going to find David.
“Hey, whoa there. Where you are going?” asked Marko. Paul noticed and turned to him.
“What’s it to ya?” Dwayne groaned and turned towards Paul and Marko.
“It’s David and now you? What the hell is goin’ on?” asked Paul.
            Damn, Dwayne thought they wouldn’t notice him leaving. Paul was on his right side and on his left side, Dwayne was sandwiched in between them. Being irritated by their very presence.
“None of your damn business! Just drop it.” Dwayne rolled his eyes.
“Ya know, this is the first time this has happened. We’re separating.” Marko pointed out.
“What are you? A lost puppy? We don’t need to be together all the time!”
“Just pointing it out, man! Just wondering where the hell he is!”
“David! That’s who! Ya know!? The one that keeps ditching us for the past 5 days!”
“Shit, man. Maybe you two are the reason he leaves in the first place, damn it!”
“Oh, Dwayne! That was cold!”
“Shut up and get outta my way! Shut your mouth and move it!”
“Ok! Ok! You don’t need to snap, man! Damn, Dwayne! Just chill! Just chill!”
“Well, ya know what I--”
“Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Can’t you see you’re tearing this family apart!?” Paul gasped and put both his fisted hands on his face with his knees bent towards eachother. What a joker.
“Drama Queen…” Dwayne whispered. Paul noticed.
“Hey, I heard that!”
“Good! It was meant to be heard!” Dwayne called back, leaving them alone.
            So the silent one of the bunch left, and searched for their fearless leader. He walked through the crowds, people looked at him but only saw him as a bored and peculiar man. Some looked at him as a very serious and dangerous man, that could out-silence the dead. Of course the boys had a reputation around Santa Carla. Maybe some people knew his name. Even the other gangs on the beach feared him and his brothers, and try to keep to themselves.
            After walking around for about 20 minutes, Dwayne sat down, lifted his knee to his chest and sighed. The seat was oddly comfortable and clean. No bubblegum or spray paint. Yellow and green neon lights glowed on him. He looked up to see a picture of a hotdog man. A really stupid thing. Dwayne looked at the man at the cashier, dressed in red and white. Maybe Dwayne should tip him in the tip jar. He decided yes, because that guys life as a hotdog man sucks. Then he saw the customer.
            Her long hair. Her jaw line. Her nose. Her ears. Her brown shoes and green jacket. Her hands. In a way, when he first saw her, she looked like Star. But he was mistaken. She was…pretty. She was ordering a hotdog from the worker in red and white. Then something caught his attention. The smell of hotdogs and mustard didn’t catch his nose, but it was her shirt or jacket.
            Dwayne looked at her face, and she didn’t have any wrinkles or any evidence that she did any drinking or drugs. She looked clean. Healthy. But she smelled like cigarettes, alcohol, and… blood. He could obviously see that she wasn’t a vampire or anything. He knew it was all on her jacket. Was that jacket hers? Did she drop it, let it get trampled on by bleeding crack heads, and then wear it again?
            But it was familiar. And he knew it, but couldn’t wrap his mind around it. Then she came over and sat down on the tables and began eating. For some reason, he was intrigued by her. She looked… normal. More normal than anyone here in this whole damn place. She didn’t notice that he was sitting near her. But she just ate, and sat there, and just…looked cute. She looked deep. Real. Like a book with no ending. And soon after a quick 5 minutes, she finished and began walking again.
            He saw her once. But decided to leave it be. He searched for David again. But never found him. Near midnight or so, Dwayne feasted on a lone homeless man before finding his way back to his group. Paul and Marko only wasted their time chasing cats and talking about Max and the Videostore and getting Thorn a spiky collar. Near the time of morning, they hid their bikes, flew back to their cave, hung themselves upside down, and by that time Dwayne had forgotten all about the girl.
David’s POV:
Monday, June 13th
7:05 in the Evening
            She was at the hotdog stand with Tom. Talking. Tom was her neighbor down from her house. From the distance David was, she seemed comforted by Tom. Of course David knew that he was the only friend that she knew. In the crowd all alone, she seemed to be so out of place and awkward. People passed by, and he was delighted that he easily blended in. He transformed himself into a hunter. Teaching himself patience and strength to keep his distance and learn everything. Not telling the boys.
            The hunter that hadn’t made his move yet. He would attack soon, but not just yet. He had to have some sort of tactical plan to get close to her. A gameplan. He had to expand his grounds and know everything about her. And so he did, not telling the boys. After he first saw her a week ago, he followed her home. He saw her parents. They looked like any other couple, looking out for their loved one and all that crap. Enough of them. Around town, she didn’t really have a routine, but just wandered.
            The hard thing was that he slept all day, and knew she was out and about all day. The other hard thing was that she retired too early in the evening for him to see her. So instead he watched her from inside her home sometimes. Her parents obviously looked very delicious, and it was all due to the smell in their veins. She was definitely new in Santa Carla. She moved from Washington. Why she moved, he didn’t know. He learned some small things about her as he continually watched her every move.
            She liked to help her mother with the garden up front, watch her dad cut out magazine pictures and paste them on paper, she loved to see movies every weekend all by herself, talk with Tom in his front yard about Santa Carla and it’s people, her favorite snack were smores, she liked to arrange her room differently each day, she liked to talk with her friends on the phone, play with her hair, watch television and listen to the radio at the same time, and sit in her room and do nothing. She was fascinating.
            So for the rest of the evening, he followed. Keeping his hands in his pockets. Soon he followed her to the gas station where she was suppose to meet Tom and he could walk her home from there. She walked in after looking at the bulletin board. David walked up and entered the gas station himself. The girl didn’t notice him. David walked past the magazines and refreshments to the small shelf of cigarettes and lighters. Tom looked up and smiled as he looked at her. And…David didn’t like Tom.
            David knew that if he tried to get near the girl, then Tom would interfere. For example, if David attacked, then Tom would get in the way. He would be reported and leave an entire mess and have a search party or something. And plus, Max said to keep a low profile. Plus, Tom seemed to be the only reason that the girl left her house and go to the pier in the first place. So…David knew that the damn bastard had to live.
            So Tom and the girl stood in line. Tom’s shoulder was in contact with hers, and David didn’t know if it was a public display of affection. Tom didn’t have anything to purchase, but she had milk and a newspaper. Tom offered to carry her things, but she refused him. David stood right behind them, waiting with them in line. David noticed that every once in awhile, Tom would look over at her and smile. And she would look back and smile, hugging the milk closer. Squeezing the newspaper a little.
            Slowly, but cautiously, David raised his hand and made a small trace down her jacket. Touching her. His glove made a line down her back. David’s been doing this for the past week, and she had never noticed. Putting a small, tiny, teeny fraction of his scent on her. The cashier rang in their stuff, and put the milk and newspaper in a brown paper bag. The girl said to Tom that the milk was for Oreo cookies and cereal, and Tom nodded and smiled at her again. After they left, David purchased his stuff.
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lostboysmate4ever · 3 years
Poly!Lost boys x reader (Vampire Claiming)
Warnings: smut, biting, curse words, vampire marking
The lost boys were looking for their mate then they lost Paul in the crowd on the boardwalk. They knew it was too quiet.
"Where the fuck is Paul!?" David exclaimed. They followed his scent and stopped at a little bathroom.
They smelled their mate's scent too. They looked at each other. Suddenly y/n walked out of the building and she looked flustered. She had sex hair.
Paul walked out of the building, zipping his pants. "I can't believe we just did that," y/n giggled, pulled something out of her bra.
She threw at Paul. It was his fishnet shirt. He put on his shirt on. Y/n fixed her bra and hair. Y/n grabbed Paul's jacket and helped him in it. He was grinning and loved her helping him.
She fixed his crazy hair. Paul grinned and pulled her close to him. Paul slammed his lips on hers and placed his hand on her cheek. She moaned and pulled back. Paul had his hands in her shirt.
Everyone smelled her arousal. She gasped "we need to stop before we start again," she said. Paul whined. He gave her another kiss. "Bye Pauly," she said walking away.
Paul grinned then he saw his brothers. Marko was smirking and David had a smirk. Dwayne had no emotions, just his broody self. But he was jealous.
"No wonder we couldn't find you," Marko said. He smirked at Paul. Everyone can smell sex and y/n on him. Dwayne was having trouble controlling himself. Smelling y/n's arousal was driving him crazy!
He walked away from his brothers wanting to feed so he can control himself. He didn't realize he was following the tug in his chest to y/n.
He froze when he saw y/n. He quietly growled and got onto the roof to watch her. She was looking through some clothes. It looks like she was looking for a leather jacket.
Dwayne's chest rumbled. He felt his brothers trying to get in his mind. He blocked them. He couldn't control himself. His vampire side wanted y/n and to claim her. Dwayne went down the roof into an alleyway. He senses y/n coming towards the alleyway. She was wearing a black leather jacket that had designs that fit with her personality.
It had a wolf on the back, spikes on the sleeve and collar, and on the front, it had some rose designs.
Dwayne growled seeing her in a leather jacket. She looked hot in it, it was like a biker outfit. He grabbed onto her and pulled her into the alleyway.
He covered her mouth. She was trying to scream. Shit! The guys can feel her panic through the mating bond... Y/n stopped struggling when she saw Dwayne. He uncovered her mouth.
"Dwayne, what's wrong?" She asked. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were black. Dwayne had a dark, predator look on his face.
He pinned her against the wall and pressed his body on hers. "Dwayne?" She asked. He didn't answer. He placed his face into her neck and inhaled.
Y/n was concerned and worried about his behavior. It was unusual for him to act like this. Unlike him. "I want you" Dwayne growled.
He started kissing her neck. Y/n gasped and slowly closed her eyes, feeling pleasure hit her. Arousal hit her and Dwayne smelled it. He growled and started to be aggressive. She moaned when he nipped at her neck.
Her face was red. She didn't want anyone to catch them. Dwayne grinds his erection into her crouch. She moaned and buried her fingers into his hair.
"I want you so badly" he snarled. He didn't want to force his mate into this. "Y/n. If you don't want this, tell me now before I lose control" he told her.
"I want you! Don't stop" she whimpered pulling him close. That caused him to lose control. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.
He humped into her. She moaned and tugged into his hair. He snarled and nipped at her neck. His brothers were worried and kept trying to get into his mind.
He unblocked his mind for a second. Fuck off! He told them and blocked his mind again. He ripped her shorts off.
Y/n nipped and kissed his jawline. He groaned and pulled at her hair, biting into her neck. He growled when he smelled blood.
He accidentally bit too hard. He licked the blood. He hissed and unbutton his pants. He couldn't wait anymore.
He pulled his dick out and moved her underwear to the side. Y/n whimpered when he teased her with his tip. "Dwayne please" she begged.
He rubbed her on her sensitive spot. Dwayne loved hearing her begging. "Dwayne! Just fuck me!" she whined.
He growled and slammed into her. She cried in relief. Dwayne placed his hands on her ass and thrusted into her.
She whimpered and placed her hands on his elbows. She wanted to keep quiet. She didn't want people to hear her.
Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer. "Fuck" she moaned. He went deeper into her.
Dwayne growled and grunted into her ear. "Fuck Dwayne!" she moaned. He was slamming into her with inhuman speed. He was trying to be careful since she's still human.
He doesn't want to hurt her. Y/n had a tight grip on his leather jacket. Y/n placed her hands on his abs. Dwayne had shivers when he felt her warm hands on his body.
Y/n moaned in pleasure and pain. He was going extremely fast. Dwayne slammed his lips on hers. She bit at his lower lip.
He snarled and squeezed her ass cheek. She gasped and he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Y/n moaned and fought for dominance but Dwayne won.
She felt a feeling hit her stomach. Dwayne felt her tighten around him. He squeezed her tits and went faster.
"Dwayne!" she screamed, feeling herself cum. Dwayne growled when he felt close and placed his face into her sweaty neck.
His thrusts became sloppy and he froze. He came spilling his seed into her. He grunted in her ear and nip her earlobe.
They panted and placed their foreheads against each other. Y/n's legs were shaky. Dwayne placed her legs back onto the ground. She fixed her underwear and put on her shorts.
Dwayne fixed himself. He nuzzled into her neck and gave her a gentle kiss. He placed his hand on her cheek. Dwayne kissed her with passion.
She pulled him closer. Y/n was on the tips of her toes since he was taller than her. Dwayne felt a force trying to get into his mind. He opened his mind to hear his brothers
Dwayne what the hell!
What's going on?!
Dwayne why are you blocking your thoughts?!
You better not hurt y/n!
Will you guys shut up! He snapped at them. I will be heading to the bikes soon he told them. Dwayne grabbed her hand and they walked out of the alleyway.
Blush hit on her face. She hid her face in his arm. Dwayne's chest vibrated with laughter. "Be quiet" she said.
They walked to the bikes and David doesn't look happy. "Oh no," Y/n mumbled. Dwayne and y/n stopped near David's bike.
A rumbled went out of Dwayne's chest and he snarled at David. They were glaring at each other. "Boys stop it," y/n said. Since Dwayne just claimed her, his vampire was protective and possessive over his human mate.
They looked at her and their expressions softened. "Ohhh nice jacket!" Paul exclaimed seeing her new leather jacket.
Paul pulled her towards him and Marko. They chatted about her jacket. Dwayne and David were glaring at each other. They were fighting in their minds.
You disobeyed me!
Piss off! The mating bond was driving me crazy!
They continued to fight in their heads. "Damn," Marko said when he saw her neck. Since David was already pissed off, they kept quiet about it.
Y/n's neck was purplish with love bites and there was an actual bite in her neck. David will be madder if he knew Dwayne bit her.
"What Marko?" she quietly asked. They went farther away from the two vampires. "Dwayne actually bit you," the curly blonde told her.
Confusion hit her but Paul was wide-eyed "oh shit," he said. She looked at them with a confused look. "Boys! We are going home" David snapped.
Y/n and the two blondes walked to the bikes. Y/n was about to get on Dwayne's bike but David stopped her.
"Your riding with me," he said. It wasn't a question, it was a command. She nodded and got onto his bike. A smile went on David's face.
Y/n wrapped her arms around his middle. They took off towards the cave.
Everyone was listening to Paul's music box and eating Chinese. Y/n took off her jacket and talked with Paul.
A snarl was heard. Everyone looked at David. He was looking at y/n's neck. David's face transformed. "You bit her!?" he growled, standing up from his wheelchair.
Dwayne looked wide-eyed as he looked at her neck. Y/n got up and got in front of David. "David calm down!" she exclaimed. Gently putting her hand on his chest. A gentle and soft look appeared on David's face looking at y/n.
Marko and Paul stood up instantly, giving David a growl warning him to not hurt their little mate. David hissed at them making them back down. They knew they couldn't fight David.
David glared dagger into Dwayne but felt himself relax when she placed her hands on his chest trying to calm him down. "Marko take y/n" David snarled.
He wanted y/n out of the room so she doesn't get hurt. David refuses to let her get hurt. "David! Don't hurt Dwayne!" Y/n exclaimed. She struggled when Marko took her away from the main room. The curly blonde took her to his room.
David attacked Dwayne.
Y/n was worried about Dwayne. Marko explained what was going on. A vampire's bite will turn a human into a half-vampire. She thought it was only by drinking vampire blood but now she knows. Also claiming makes everything official. Like marriage official in the vampire world. Dwayne was the first one to officially claim y/n. The others wanted to wait to claim her.
"He didn't mean to" she whispered to him. Marko nuzzled into her neck "I know baby" he said. Y/n was on top of Marko's body. They were cuddling in his bed.
She was scared for Dwayne. She knew David had a temper. One time, David attacked Paul whenever he did something bad.
David hates it when his brothers disobey him. The door opened; it was Paul. "David left the cave. It's safe to come out" he said.
Y/n got up "where's Dwayne?!" she exclaimed. "In his room," Paul said. She ran towards Dwayne's room. The door was opened.
Dwayne's back was to the door. "Dwayne," Y/n said. He froze and sighed. He turned around and he looked beat up.
She gasped and rushed to him. "He hurt you!" she exclaimed. "It's okay my love" he cooed. Y/n helped to clean off the blood, which his wounds were already closed and healed.
Dwayne loved that she was treating him and taking care of him. He purred and kissed her hand. "Love I'm sorry. I didn't even realize that I bite you" Dwayne said, looking at the floor.
She lifted his chin up "you didn't mean to. I'm not mad" she told him. He was relieved that she wasn't mad.
"Come here my mate" Dwayne cooed, laying on the bed. Y/n got on the bed and cuddled into his side.
Dwayne pet her hair and purred to her. His chest vibrated as he purred. "Am I a half-vampire?" she asked.
"Yes. I'm sorry for turning you without your permission" he whispered. "Don't be sorry! I wasn't complaining in the alleyway" she smirked.
He smirked and slammed his lips against her lips. His fingers were in her hair. Dwayne pulled away from her lips and panted.
He wanted to control himself but his vampire side wanted to pin her down and fuck her. She placed her head on his chest.
Y/n knew she was going to give David a mouthful when she sees him. He needs to control his temper and needs to know that he can't always be the alpha male.
Dwayne started kissing her neck and kissed the bite mark on her neck. Chills hit y/n. "Dwayne" she whispered.
Y/n pulled on his hair and nipped at Dwayne's neck. He groaned. She pulled away "is it true that since you claimed me that.. technically we are married in the vampire world?" she asked.
"Yes.. Once a vampire claims and bites their mate, it's for life" Dwayne said. Y/n smiled "that sounds good to me. Forever" she grinned.
Dwayne smiled "I like the sound of that too" he purred nuzzling against her neck. "Forever and for eternality. Just need the others to claim me too" she whispered laying her head on his chest.
Dwayne's chest started vibrating as he purrs and he rubbed the back of y/n's back. It was making y/n sleepily "you will never be alone my love" Dwayne whispered to y/n as she fell asleep.
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invadermoz · 2 years
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"𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒔 𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍?"⠀ ⠀ 👤Figure • RedMan Toys - The Lost Man⠀ ⠀ 35𝙩𝙝 𝘼𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝘽𝙤𝙮𝙨 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙮 31𝙨𝙩 1987!! ⠀ ⠀ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📸 Camera: Canon EOS M50⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📷 EF 100mm⠀f2.8L Macro IS USM⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ISO 100⠀ f/5.6⠀ 2.0 sec⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #LitbyLume⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #capture4cubes⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ #Thelostboys #Vampire #DavidLostBoys #Onesixscalecollectibles #Toyphotography #Lostboys35thanniversary #80shorror #toymoz #80spopculture #KieferSutherland #Sixscalephotography #hottoyscollector #canoneosm50 #epictoyart #articulatedcomicbookart #ACBA #toyphotographercollective (at Santa Carla) https://www.instagram.com/p/CguGXpDuGZh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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noxrose · 5 years
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Sleep all day Party all night Never grow old Never die It's fun to be a Vampire Picture taken at Dragoncon 2019 #thelostboys #santacarla #vampirecosplay #lostboys #dragoncon2019 #hardyivypark #dragonconcosplay #thelostboyscosplay #lostboyscosplay #brookemccarter #ripbrookemccarter #davidlostboys #kiefersutherland #murdercapitaloftheworld #theyreonlynoodlesmichael #bloodsuckingbradybunch #lostintheshadows #paulthelostboys #thelostboyspaul #santacarlavampires #thelostboys1987 #thelostboysmovie #80scostume #80svampires #vampirecosplayer #80scosplay #1980scosplay #vampirepaul #thelostboyscostume (at Hardy Ivy Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8aVS7BjeC4/?igshid=klwswtgif1ez
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greendevilartwork · 5 years
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#Repost @thehorrorgirlembke #thegreendevil #frankenstein #monster #davidlostboys #thelostboys #kiefersutherland #candyman #tonytodd #horrorprints #horrormovies #horrorlover #horrorfan #horrorcollector #horroraccount #horrorcommunity #instahorror . . . https://www.instagram.com/p/B7JBtqLlhBt/?igshid=1wtv0n42hnkmm
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digitalp · 6 years
David. #thelostboys #davidlostboys #vampires #cultmovie #keifersutherland #horrormovie #horrormovies #horrorgram #movies #santacarla #starvampire #crylittlesisterlostboys https://www.instagram.com/p/BqfzIWUhabJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1etgfc59jz5lz
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johnnybearded80 · 6 years
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Cult Classic Series 6 The Lost Boys David Figure @kiefersutherland #neca #necatoys #necaofficial #necafigures #neca_toys #necahorror #necatoysandcollectables #necacultclassics #necareeltoys #reeltoys #thelostboys #thelostboysmovie #thelostboys1987 #thelostboysdavid #davidlostboys #vampires #kiefersutherland #kiefersutherland #kiefersutherlandband #joelschumacher #horror #horrormovies #horrorcollector #horrorfilms #horrorfilm #horrorclassic #horrorcommunity #horrorclassic #radioclasicos80 #clasicos80 #coreyhaim #coreyfeldman #jasonpatric https://www.instagram.com/p/BoSPG6SFr30/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xa7stooudeo4
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cisco717 · 6 years
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David from The Lost Boys #david #keifersutherland #davidlostboys #thelostboys #lostboys #vampires #vampire #cultclassic #80shorror #horrormovies #horror #instaart #instaartist #postit #postitart #postits #postitsketch #sketch_daily #art_help #sketchart #drawing #drawingart #artoftheday #artwork #art #ciscospostitart #stickynotes #copic #copicart #copicmarkers - - This is for the last and seventh winner @matthewpruno . Hope you like it, Matthew. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnu0YBMncB8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13xrh3yhn50h7
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mullduggery-blog · 3 years
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They're going fast again folks. About half of them are gone already. I'll hold a few aside for the Dublin Alternative Market on the 31st. If anyone wants me to hold them one, let me know asap! It's Only A Pin, Michael (Pre-sale) Available from my Big Cartel Webstore Once again, initial orders will ship with an A6 size sticker/print of the same artwork. ***Will ship from October 31st*** Shaped Enamel Pin Size 50mm Silver & Black Link in Bio Limited run of 50 pins. When they're gone, they're gone! www.bigcartel.mullduggery.com #thelostboys #thelostboyspin #pin #horrorpins #vampire #davidlostboys #vampire #youreeatingwormsmichael #holloween #youreeatingmaggotsmichael #80shorror #merch #merchdesign #bigcartel #mullduggery #illustrationsbyemmettmulligan #irishartist #irishillustrator #handdrawn #stippling #pointilism #occultart #metal #metalhead #pindesign #pins #enamelpin #horrorpin #fanart #kiefersutherland https://www.instagram.com/p/CVRdHfOqgyQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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beckydoyon · 3 years
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Monster 11 of 31: #david #thelostboys⁠ ⁠@kiefersutherland⁠ ⁠ #kiefersutherland #davidlostboys #davidthelostboys #lostboys #thelostboys1987 #lostboysmovie #thelostboysmovie #horrorartist #horrorcommunity #horrorfamily #horrorfam #horrorfans #horrors #horrormovie #horrormovies #horrorart #horrormoviefan #horrorclub #horrorfilms #horrorgram #instahorror #horrorpost #horrorpage #horrorartists #horrorlover #horrorfiend #maineartist #beckydoyon (at Winslow, Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU5IQRKFlp3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Happy Valentine's Day y'all ❣️✌️💘 #valentinesday2019 #amore #loveinsanity #loveismymagic #loveisintheair #davidlostboys #horrormovies #horrorvalentines #horroricon #horrorfan #ripcoreyhaim (at Watertown, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt3f5iMAFlU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zenulbu72kx1
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inkeater · 5 years
Did you miss last week's live stream? We drew Kiefer Sutherland aka David from Lost Boys! Check it out link in bio! 👆🎥 And keep your eyes peeled on IG story for the poll to vote for who we draw this upcoming live stream. Hope you guys are doing awesome ✌❤ #kiefersutherland #davidlostboys #lostboys #livestream #artistonyoutube #artist #sofloartist #lineart #linework #portraits #blackandwhite #drawn #twitchstreamer #twitch #artistsoninstagram #inkeater #inkeateroriginals #ink #vampires (at Fort Lauderdale, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7VnaK1hNug/?igshid=w77sjeni3hui
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lostboysmate4ever · 3 years
Poly!Lost Boys x reader: Yandere blood thirsty vampires
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Poly! Lost boys x reader
Warnings: Yandere!Paul, Yandere!Lostboys, blood
Y/n screamed in pain as Gregory, the leader of the surfer nazis was beating on her.
Y/n got left behind from the lost boys when they were walking on the carousel.
Y/n was walking through the carousel listening to the god awful carousel music when she saw the surfer nazis sitting around.
Greg started shit with her and she snapped at the surfer “your not a pimp. Your just a weak little boy who is trying to pretend to be a man and is weaker than the lost boys” she told him.
“Your pathetic” she told him. He got angry at her and grabbed onto her jacket pulling her close to the booth.
Punching, pulling her hair. She screamed and tried to fight him off of her but he wasn’t letting go.
He repeatedly punched her in the face. She struggled. Blood was starting to drip off of her face.
Y/n screamed even louder as Greg punched her in the nose, hearing a loud snap.
“Hey!” A voice yelled. It was Paul…
Paul was looking for y/n, their pack mate and their loving queen. They lost her on the carousel and desperately wanted to find her.
He was worried that someone will hurt their precious queen.
Paul was walking around when he heard a grunt and scream. Y/n’s blood went into his nose.
Panic hit him and he rushed to see Gregory grip on y/n as he punched her in the face repeatedly.
Blood streamed down her face as she struggled. Rage hit Paul and his yandere side and vampire protective side took over him seeing his mate getting hurt.
“Hey!” Paul yelled angry running towards them. He pulled y/n away from the surfers and punched Greg in the face hard.
He snarled at the man shaking with rage. Paul knew he couldn’t fight all the surfer nazis all by himself.
He was outranked by them. Paul rushed to y/n’s side and helped her up.
Her face was all bloody and she couldn’t see due to the blood on her eye and face.
Paul and y/n rushed off of the carousel (more like Paul forced her to walk and pulled her)
When they were far from the surfers, Paul stopped and placed y/n onto a bench.“They are fucking dead” Paul snarled. “I can’t see!” Y/n cried.
“Hang on babe!” Paul yelled rushing to grabbed a water for y/n.
Y/n couldn’t feel Paul anymore and panic hit her. Paul came back with a water bottle.
He poured the water on her face and grabbed a rag from his back pocket. He gently wiped the blood off but more blood was coming.
Guys! We have a problem! Surfer nazis hurt y/n and her face is bloody. Hurry! Paul mind linked to them.
The others instantly rushed to find them. They found them at a bench.
Paul was pouring water out of her eyes. He wiped the blood off and y/n was able to see.
Y/n opened her green eyes and Paul smiled “well hello there she is” he said. He placed his hand on her cheek. The others rushed to them shaking seeing their mate like this.
Dwayne picked her up bridal style taking off on his bike to the cave as the others attack the surfer nazis for hurting their little mate “no one fucks with y/n!” they snarled at them as they attacked.
Y/n was placed on the bed in the cave sleeping. Dwayne smiled and covered her with a blanket. He kissed her forehead and left the cave to join the others to give revenge and fed.
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countrichmond · 7 years
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We were HIGHLY encouraged to decorate for shmalentines day at the office, so I said "ok, but if I can do it my way." I couldn't put ALL of them up but I figured this was enough. The Pennywise one is my hands down fav❤️❤️!!! Cheers to @martyrietmcewen for the badass art 🤘🤘 #pennywise #hanniballecter #thelostboys #davidlostboys
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noxrose · 5 years
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"Being wild is in their blood!" This is from when we wore out Lost Boys cosplays for the first time EVER for Factory Necto's Halloween Party 2018 🎃 David and Star with the perfect David and Star drinks. 🥂 Our Lost Boys cosplay group won the costume contest that night ‼️ This is not our full group. I wish we got more group shots! 🖤❤️🦇🤘🍷💀🍷🤘🦇❤️🖤 #thelostboyscosplay #lostboyscosplay #jamigertzstar #thelostboysstar #thelostboysmovie #thelostboys1987 #jamigertz #kiefersutherland #murdercapitaloftheworld #theyreonlynoodlesmichael #lostintheshadows #vampirecosplayer #santacarlavampires #vampirestar #bloodsuckingbradybunch #80svampires #80svampire #80scostumes #thelostboys #thelostboysdavid #thelostboyscostume #lostboys #santacarla #davidlostboys #factorymonday #starlostboys #maggotsmichaelyoureeatingmaggots #beoneofusmichael #80scosplay #vampirecosplay (at Factory at Necto) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9xq9VWDYvM/?igshid=1axkasw16ercz
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danieljonestattoo · 7 years
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I can't believe this movie is now 30 years old. Hands down still one of the best vampire films ever made. Thanks @thetruevamp for letting me do this and many other tattoos on you. #Love #tattoos #tattoo #asylum #asylumstudios #asylumstudiostattoos #roanoke #roanokeva #roanoketattoo #danieljonestattoos #danieljones #roanoke #roanokeva #roanoketattoo #starcity #ink #lostboys #lostboystattoo #davidlostboys #lostboysdavid #vampire #vampiretattoo (at Asylum Studios Tattoos and Body Piercing)
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