#davos criminal conspiracy
"Dr. Doom" Roubini Ramps Up Criticism of Cryptocurrency Industry and FTX Founder, Calls for Jail Time for "Crooks"
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Nouriel Roubini, also known as "Dr. Doom" for his dire perspectives on global trends, has once again spoken out against the cryptocurrency industry. At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Roubini stated that "Literally 90% of crypto is a scam. A criminal activity. A total real-bubble Ponzi scheme that is going bust." Roubini specifically targeted FTX and its now-disgraced founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, commonly known as SBF, stating that "FTX and SBF are not an exception — they're a rule." FTX, once considered one of the largest and most-trusted cryptocurrency exchanges, filed for bankruptcy in late 2022, while its founder SBF faces charges of wire fraud, securities fraud, and conspiracy, all of which he has plead not guilty to. The economist has a long history of criticizing the cryptocurrency industry, and has previously called most in the industry con-men. This has led to a war of words with Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao. Roubini's latest comments come as U.S. prosecutors allege that under Bankman-Fried’s direction, FTX transferred billions in customer assets to his trading firm, Alameda Research. Roubini urged people to stay away from crypto and argued that "most of these people belong literally in jail. Literally they're all crooks." He also compared the fallout of the FTX collapse to Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, but noted that in that case, a few thousand people "lost their shirt" compared to the millions impacted by FTX. In addition to his skepticism towards cryptocurrencies, Roubini also expressed similar skepticism towards blockchain technologies. He argued that "you cannot essentially create trust with technology alone" without verification from a trusted institution. He cited Google as an example, stating that "Google Docs is a permission database and everybody's using it. Nobody's calling blockchain because it's not blockchain." He went on to say that "blockchain is a fad and it's totally useless technology and wastes a lot of energy." Roubini's comments come as the trial date for SBF has been set for October 2, 2023. If convicted of the charges against him, he faces up to 115 years in prison. Original Article Here: Read the full article
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americanmysticom · 3 years
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US Congress quietly enables funding for Ukrainian neo-Nazi-led Azov Regiment
David Levine
1 February 2016
The 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act, signed into law by US President Barack Obama late last year, did not include a previously expected ban against the funding of the Azov Regiment, a military organization that originated as a volunteer militia in May 2014 and was subsequently incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine.
The Azov Regiment is notorious for the openly white supremacist and anti-Semitic views of its members, and its use of the Wolfsangel, a swastika-like symbol once used by certain divisions of the armed forces of Nazi Germany, as well as its leading role in the Battle of Mariupol in May-June 2014. The regiment’s leader is Andriy Biletsky, a current member of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada (parliament) and also leader of the neo-Nazi Social-National Assembly. In a characteristic statement, Biletsky was quoted by the UK Telegraph last August as stating, “The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival, a crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen.”
The 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act includes a section entitled “Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative,” which appropriates $250 million “to provide assistance, including training; equipment; lethal weapons of a defensive nature; logistics support, supplies and services; sustainment; and intelligence support to the military and national security forces of Ukraine.. .” Additionally, the US is to spend at least $658.2 million on “bilateral economic assistance,” international security assistance,” “multilateral assistance,” and “export and investment assistance” for Ukraine in 2016. All this follows nearly $760 million in “security, programmatic, and technical assistance” and $2 billion in loan guarantees that the US has provided Ukraine since the February 2014 Maidan coup.
In June last year, the House of Representatives voted to amend the 2016 Department of Defense Appropriations Act so as to include the text, “None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to provide arms, training, or other assistance to the Azov Battalion.” Representative John Conyers, Jr. (Democrat-Michigan) had introduced this proposal, pointing out that the magazine Foreign Affairs as well as other leading media organizations characterized the Azov Battalion as “openly neo-Nazi” and “fascist,” and arguing that “these groups run counter to American values.”
According to the Nation, the Defense Department subsequently began exerting pressure on the House Defense Appropriations Committee to withdraw the proposed amendment, arguing that the restriction was redundant. According to this specious line of reasoning, funding of the Azov Regiment should already be prohibited by the Leahy Law, which establishes that “No assistance shall be furnished ... to any unit of the security forces of a foreign country if the Secretary of State has credible information that such unit has committed a gross violation of human rights.”
The Department of State explains on one of its official web sites that it “vets its assistance to foreign security forces, as well as certain Department of Defense training programs, to ensure that recipients have not committed gross human rights abuses. When the vetting process uncovers credible information that an individual or unit has committed a gross violation of human rights, US assistance is withheld.”
Reports published by Amnesty International in 2014 and 2015 gave evidence of widespread torture and summary executions in Ukraine but did not specifically name the Azov Regiment or its members as suspects. The UN also issued a report in 2014 accusing both sides of the Ukrainian civil war of committing acts of torture and attacks on civilian targets.
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rielpolitik · 4 years
THE GREAT RESET: The Great Zero Carbon Criminal Conspiracy - By F. William Engdahl
THE GREAT RESET: The Great Zero Carbon Criminal Conspiracy – By F. William Engdahl
Source – journal-neo.org “…The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. This for most sounds far in the future and hence largely ignored. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, to countless other economies, are setting the stage for creation of what in the 1970’s was called the New International…
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Carlos Ghosn: The C-Suite Fugitive Under Pressure
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BEIRUT, Lebanon — Most global fugitives tend to lie low. They do not beckon reporters to televised news conferences or allow themselves to be photographed drinking wine by candlelight days after being smuggled in a box aboard a chartered jet to freedom.But Carlos Ghosn, the deposed auto executive, is no normal fugitive. Unapologetic and unrelenting, he stood at a lectern in Beirut before more than 100 journalists on Wednesday and laid out his case for how criminal charges of financial wrongdoing in Japan are part of a vast conspiracy to take him down. The highly choreographed event, during which Mr. Ghosn took aim at the Japanese justice system and his corporate enemies, was scheduled 415 days after he was first arrested and more than a week after a team of operatives helped spirit him away from house arrest in Tokyo, where he was awaiting trial.“I did not escape justice,” said Mr. Ghosn, 65, wearing an immaculate blue suit, white shirt and red tie. “I fled injustice and political persecution.”For all the bravado he projects, Mr. Ghosn is a potent symbol of globalism under pressure, an imperial executive in retreat.Until his arrest, he ruled an automotive alliance that spanned continents, comprising Nissan, Renault and Mitsubishi. As head of Nissan, Mr. Ghosn was one of only a handful of foreign chief executives of a Japanese company. But the alliance now threatens to fall apart, a parallel for a time when the global trade order and the military and political alliances that once held the modern world together are facing their toughest tests in decades.For nearly three hours on Wednesday, alternating flawlessly through four languages (English, Arabic, French and Portuguese), Mr. Ghosn talked about how “more than 20 books of management have been written about me.” He referred to himself in the third person and talked about the drop in market valuation at the auto companies he once ran. He drew applause from some reporters, and flattered others, promising to take questions from every region.Mr. Ghosn’s presentation felt, at times, like one he would have delivered to fellow executives and global leaders during one of his regular trips to the World Economic Forum in Davos, the annual gathering in Switzerland that has come to be seen as both a forum for world-changing ideas and a convening of the capitalist and self-congratulatory elite.In a sit-down interview with The New York Times after the news conference, Mr. Ghosn sounded more subdued than during his fiery performance in front of the cameras. He expressed regrets about whom he had hired to replace him at Nissan, admitting, “Frankly, I should have retired.” But Mr. Ghosn remained fiercely protective of his legacy, which is badly bruised. “The revival of Nissan, nobody’s going to take it from me,” he insisted. Mr. Ghosn’s story isn’t a neat one. Company insiders have described him as increasingly haughty and imperious. Though he blames the Japanese justice system for its unfairness, he agreed last fall to pay $1 million to settle a civil case in the United States, which barred him from serving as an officer or a director of a publicly traded company for 10 years. Mr. Ghosn did not admit wrongdoing under the terms of the settlement, but it essentially ended his chance of ever running another large global business. A man with passports from several countries and homes across the world, Mr. Ghosn and his wife, Carole, who also faces a Japanese arrest warrant, are essentially stuck in Lebanon, where they have family and own property but are not free from prosecution. On Wednesday, Lebanese prosecutors said Mr. Ghosn must submit to an interrogation over his flight from Japan.France is also investigating whether Mr. Ghosn used company money from Renault to throw a Marie Antoinette-themed party at Versailles in 2016. And Nissan has accused him of siphoning millions of dollars from the auto company to pay for his yacht, buy houses and distribute cash to members of his family — all of which he denies. Mr. Ghosn argued that in most countries, he would not have been held for months in jail for these types of allegations. He said he felt he was being treated “like a terrorist.”During the news conference, he flashed giant slides on a white wall behind him, showing various corporate documents. In explaining some of the questionable personal expenses, Mr. Ghosn used a defense common on Wall Street: He said other executives at Nissan had signed off on the transactions, which made them authorized by the company.Since his arrest in Japan in November 2018, Mr. Ghosn and his supporters have worked aggressively to tell his side of the story and attack his critics.He has employed lawyers on at least three continents, talked to a Hollywood producer about making a movie about his legal ordeal and hired a public relations firm that advised the National Football League on its efforts to reduce head injuries.In France, the “Committee to Support Mr. Carlos Ghosn” formed on Facebook. Some of his supporters there blame the government for failing to stand up for Mr. Ghosn, a French citizen, for fear of angering the country’s “yellow vest” protesters railing against the global elite.In Lebanon, where Mr. Ghosn grew up, he is celebrated as a member of the diaspora of business leaders and artists who have achieved worldwide success. Hours after he landed in Beirut, Mr. Ghosn met with the country’s president, Michel Aoun, and other top leaders, and operatives who helped him carry out his escape had ties to the country. Lebanese supporters paid for billboard ads across Beirut with the executive’s face on them and the message: “We are all Carlos Ghosn.” But in truth, there are few people in the world who have Mr. Ghosn’s money and influence.A grandson of a Lebanese entrepreneur who ran several companies in South America, Mr. Ghosn was born in Brazil in 1954. His family moved back to Lebanon when he was 6, and he later attended college in France.“I’ve always been someone who was different,” he wrote in his autobiography in 2003. Mr. Ghosn went to work in the auto industry after college and made his mark revitalizing Renault. In the 1990s, he helped turn around Nissan by slashing jobs and upending its corporate culture. “It was a dead company,” he said on Wednesday.Mr. Ghosn expanded his auto empire further by creating the alliance of Renault, Nissan and another Japanese company, Mitsubishi.His leadership of Renault, which the French government partly owns, gave him political standing in France. In Lebanon, some people hoped he would run for public office, maybe even president.Mr. Ghosn’s personal and professional empire collapsed when he was arrested at the Tokyo airport on his return from a trip to Lebanon. By that point, he had stepped down as chief executive at Nissan, but was still its chairman.From the airport, Mr. Ghosn was taken to jail, where he was forced to live in solitary confinement for weeks at a time. He was allowed to shower twice a week and was let out of his cell for 30 minutes a day. Prosecutors, he said, hid the evidence against him and prohibited him from contacting his wife in Lebanon.He was released on bail, but he was jailed again in April after he announced that he planned to speak with the press. Last fall, Mr. Ghosn said, his lawyers told him that his case could drag on for five years, which he said was a violation of a basic human right to a speedy trial. It wasn’t all glum. Two days before his Dec. 29 escape, his secretary made him a reservation at a Tokyo restaurant where he enjoyed his favorite salad with sesame dressing, according to the restaurant’s manager. He posed for photos with about 40 customers.Mr. Ghosn wouldn’t talk on Wednesday about how he got from Japan to Beirut, despite reporters’ attempts. Government-authorized media accounts from Turkey, where Mr. Ghosn landed on the first leg of his journey, have said he was smuggled inside of a large box from an airport in Osaka, Japan.The box was loaded into the storage area of a private plane, which was accessible from where the passengers sat, according to the Turkish account. The two operatives working with Mr. Ghosn told the flight attendant not to bother them.After takeoff, Mr. Ghosn was let out of the box and sat in the passenger area, which contained a bed and sofa and was separated from the front of the plane by a locked door. For about 12 hours, the quintessential global citizen was officially stateless, flying high above Asia in secret.The Bombardier jet landed in the rain at Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul. A car pulled up to the plane and then drove to another jet parked a short distance away, according to the Turkish media. That second plane then took off for Beirut.At least 15 operatives were involved in the operation, and some of them were not aware of whom they were extracting from Japan, according to a person briefed on the operation. They assumed that the plan was to rescue a kidnapped child.In the interview on Wednesday, Mr. Ghosn said he had planned the escape himself, but with help from others, whom he wouldn’t disclose. “Little by little,” he said, he began to think through a strategy for getting out. “When I started to do that, it kept me motivated. It kept me alive.”During the escape, he kept telling himself: “You need to always remember what happened to you. No matter what, never forget that.”Ben Dooley reported from Beirut, and Michael Corkery from New York. Reporting was contributed by Vivian Yee from Beirut, Hisako Ueno from Tokyo, Liz Alderman from Paris, and Emily Flitter and David Yaffe-Bellany from New York. Read the full article
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/chanda-kochhar-the-rise-and-fall-of-indias-celebrated-ceo/
Chanda Kochhar: The rise and fall of India's celebrated CEO
Image copyright Getty Images
The fall of Chanda Kochhar, the iconic banking CEO and a poster woman for Indian industry, holds a cautionary tale for the entire business community, writes the BBC’s business correspondent Sameer Hashmi.
India’s third-largest lender, ICICI Bank, on Wednesday found the former chief executive guilty of violating internal bank policies and professional misconduct.
It was the culmination of an investigation set up by the bank to look into allegations of conflict of interest. It concluded that she had failed to make mandatory disclosures and her actions were not in line with the bank’s internal processes.
The bank also announced it planned to “claw back” all bonuses paid to Ms Kochhar between April 2009 and March 2018, an amount estimated to run into millions of dollars.
Ms Kochhar had risen through the ranks of ICICI to become its chief executive in 2009.
But she went on indefinite leave in June 2018, following which she announced her retirement in October 2018 even as the investigation against her was still continuing.
‘The face of a movement’
Ms Kochhar was one of India’s most celebrated bankers and arguably the most prominent female chief executive in the country.
For nearly a decade, various surveys consistently called her one of the world’s most powerful and influential female CEOs. For many Indian women, especially those working in the corporate sector, Ms Kochhar was a role model.
“She was the face of a movement that encouraged women entrepreneurs. Her downfall has done immeasurable harm to Indian chief executives, especially women business leaders,” Gurcharan Das, author and former chief executive of Procter & Gamble India, told the BBC.
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Image caption Ms Kochhar with Ivanka Trump, daughter of the US president and his adviser
Ms Kochhar began her career as a trainee at ICICI in 1984 after getting her MBA. At the time, ICICI was a financial institution that helped companies with project financing. It got a banking licence in 1994, following the liberalisation of India’s economy.
Ms Kochhar’s ascent mirrored ICICI’s journey from a small financial institution to one of India’s largest technology-driven financial service behemoths.
Under the tutelage of KV Kamath – the larger-than-life boss who headed the bank through much of the 1990s and 2000s – Ms Kochhar was given charge of several significant projects which saw ICICI set itself apart in a market dominated by public-owned banks.
In 2009, at the age of 48, she beat several other strong candidates to succeed Mr Kamath as chief executive.
Unlike her predecessors, who followed a more inclusive leadership approach, Ms Kochhar ran a tight ship with complete control and authority.
She was credited with navigating the bank out of troubled waters following the 2008 global recession.
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Image caption Ms Kochhar is credited with navigating ICICI out of troubled waters following the 2008 global recession
Ms Kochhar was also renowned for her attention to detail – not only when it came to running the company but also when making public appearances or being interviewed.
She invested in a very strong PR machinery that ensured her public profile was meticulous. When I interviewed Ms Kochhar at her office in 2012, her communications team had a number of requests and queries ranging from the type of questions that would be asked to camera angles and even the size of the plant in the background.
Her love for saris and diamonds was well known. Her former colleagues say she was very particular about picking the right sari to match the mood and tone of an occasion. She even wore them while attending international conferences like the World Economic Forum in Davos – making it a style statement.
The fall from grace
Ironically perhaps, it was her lack of attention to disclosing allegedly critical information about her husband’s business dealings with a client of her bank that led to her downfall.
Ms Kochhar’s problems began in October 2016 when a whistleblower raised allegations of conflict of interest against her.
Initially the issue did not attract much media attention, but in March 2018 the story began to gain traction in the Indian press.
The scandal centres around a $456m (£347m) loan issued by ICICI bank to consumer electronics company Videocon Industries.
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It had been alleged that Ms Kochhar sanctioned loans to Videocon Industries, violating the bank’s lending policies, in exchange for an investment by its owner Venugopal Dhoot in a business headed by Ms Kochhar’s husband.
Ms Kochhar, her husband and Mr Dhoot have denied the claims.
Soon after the allegations surfaced in April, Mr Kochhar said they were all “false”.
Speaking to India Today TV, he said, “Where is the conflict of interest? ICICI Bank will have relationship with all top corporates in India. If I can’t touch any corporate who deals with ICICI, is it fair to me? Can I function like this? I am a Bajaj MBA and a Harvard alumnus. I am an educated professional. Should I sit at home just because my wife is the CEO of ICICI?”
Mr Dhoot also denied any wrongdoing, insisting in an interview with the PTI news agency that the loan to his company was given on merit. He also said he knew all 12 members of the panel that approved it, not just Ms Kochhar.
Initially, ICICI’s board dismissed all the allegations against Ms Kochhar.
But continuous media glare and questions from investors forced the bank to set up an inquiry to investigate if Ms Kochhar had violated the bank’s rules with regards to conflict of interest and internal lending.
Even then Ms Kochhar did not step down, choosing instead to go on indefinite leave in June 2018. She resigned four months later.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Ms Kochhar has denied all the charges against her
But after the investigative committee – headed by a former Supreme Court judge – submitted its report, the bank decided to treat her resignation as termination. The report did not, however, investigate whether Videocon invested in her husband’s company in exchange for loans.
Speaking soon after that, Ms Kochhar issued a statement talking about her “disappointment” with the decision.
‘I am utterly disappointed, hurt and shocked by the decision. I have not been given a copy of the report. I reiterate that none of the credit decisions at the bank are unilateral. ICICI is an institution with established robust processes and systems which involve committee based collective decision making with several professionals of high calibre participating in the decision making,” it read.
The controversy has also raised questions about the credibility of the board and its failure to investigate the matter when it was first raised.
Shiriram Subramaniun, who heads InGovern, a corporate governance advisory firm, called the episode a lesson for company boards across the country.
“Companies need to recognise that their primary duty is toward the shareholders and not star chief executives,” he told the BBC.
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But Ms Kochhar’s troubles didn’t stop there. Last week, the country’s federal investigating agency, the CBI, filed a case of criminal conspiracy and fraud against her and her husband Deepak Kochhar.
They are looking closely into Ms Kochhar’s role in the ICICI decision to sanction the loan to Videocon. In its preliminary complaint report, the organisation accused her of receiving “illegal gratification through her husband” to sanction the money.
It also accuses her of cheating, dishonesty and “abusing her official position” by sanctioning the loan to Videocon. It has also filed a case against Mr Dhoot and is investigating the roles of senior ICICI bank executives who were part of the bank committee that sanctioned the loans.
The bank told the BBC that they were not willing to comment about the investigation at this stage.
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businessliveme · 5 years
Fallen Automotive Titan Carlos Ghosn Flees Japan for Lebanon With Trial Pending
(Bloomberg) –Carlos Ghosn, the fallen automotive titan facing trial in Japan for financial crimes, fled the country for Lebanon, according to people familiar with the matter, marking a stunning twist in a saga that began with his shock arrest in Tokyo just over a year ago.
The former head of Nissan Motor Co. and Renault SA arrived in Beirut, according to one of the people, who asked not to be identified ahead of the release of a public statement. He was awaiting trial for what prosecutors and his former colleagues at Nissan called a pervasive pattern of financial misconduct and raiding of corporate resources for personal gain — allegations that Ghosn has denied.
Ghosn’s escape to Lebanon, where he has citizenship, puts him in a country with no extradition agreement with Japan. The 65-year-old has said he’s the victim of a conspiracy between Nissan executives, prosecutors and government officials to prevent him from further integrating the company with Renault.
Ghosn fled Japan because he doesn’t believe he will get a fair trial in the country, said one of the people familiar with the matter.
Neither Ghosn’s daughter nor his attorney in Japan responded to calls seeking comment. No one answered the phone at the Tokyo Prosecutor’s Office, the Tokyo District Court and the Immigration Bureau of Japan, and nobody was available to comment at the office of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Ghosn, a globetrotter who for years was a regular at events frequented by the rich and famous — including the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland — was released on bail in April under the condition that he live at a registered address and not leave Japan.
Terms of Release
The strict terms of his release were designed to prevent him from absconding. He wasn’t permitted to spend more than one night away from his house without a judge’s permission. A video camera was trained on his front door, and at the end of each month, Ghosn was required to provide a list of everyone he’d met.
Around town, the former executive was tailed by unmarked sedans. At parks or restaurants, men would get out of the cars and follow him on foot.
History shows beating a criminal charge in Japan is almost impossible. Courts there have a nearly 100% conviction rate as Japanese prosecutors have a range of procedural advantages unavailable to Western counterparts. In many cases, the prosecution can introduce evidence obtained without a proper warrant.
Japanese prosecutors and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission both claim he and Nissan violated pay-disclosure rules by being compensated $140 million more than the company reported to shareholders.
Ghosn also faces breach-of-trust charges related to transactions that transferred personal investment losses to Nissan, and that moved money from a dealership in Oman into a company he controls in Lebanon.
Extradition Pacts
It’s not clear how Ghosn left Japan since his passport was confiscated as part of the conditions of bail. According to Lebanese media, he arrived on a private jet from Turkey. Neither is it clear how Japan might get Ghosn back: The country has extradition treaties with the U.S. and South Korea, according to the foreign ministry’s website.
Ghosn’s allies have long feared he would be unable to get a fair trial in Japan. His wife Carole told Bloomberg Television last month that he should face trial in France, describing Japan’s “hostage justice system” as one that considers those who are charged “guilty until proven innocent.”
Ghosn was born in Brazil and raised in Lebanon, where he has investments in real estate and vineyards and continues to be viewed as a business icon and wunderkind. His image has been used for national postal stamps.
Since the early days of his incarceration, Ghosn won support from Lebanon.
Lebanon’s ambassador to Japan bought a mattress for Ghosn in December 2018 and pushed to have him moved from solitary confinement. Hady Hachem, the chief of cabinet of the minister of foreign affairs, said at the time that the government was also demanding the Lebanese citizen be allowed to contact his family and was making sure he had proper legal representation.
–With assistance from Isabel Reynolds, Lisa Du and Finbarr Flynn.
The post Fallen Automotive Titan Carlos Ghosn Flees Japan for Lebanon With Trial Pending appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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global-news-station · 5 years
Of the many people who made history in 2019, some surprised themselves and the world by emerging from obscurity to make their mark, though one remains anonymous for the time being — “The Whistleblower” behind the impeachment probe into US President Donald Trump.
Following are brief profiles of eight history-makers in politics, climate and humanitarian activism, music and astronomy who were unknown quantities in 2018.
Trump impeachment ‘Whistleblower’
Although huge efforts have been made to expose him, the person whose complaint threatens to bring down the president of the United States is still known only as “The Whistleblower”.
Reliably reported to be a mid-level, male CIA analyst in his early 30s who specialises in Eastern European issues and previously worked in the White House, he filed an anonymous complaint in August charging that Donald Trump pressured Ukraine counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky to help find dirt on his Democratic rivals — a violation of US laws against seeking foreign help in US elections.
It was a finely written, nine-page memo describing specific Trump actions, and while it was based on secondary sources — his colleagues in the intelligence and diplomatic communities — first-hand witnesses have corroborated what he said, and more, in the months since it surfaced.
By sending his complaint to the inspector general for the US intelligence community, The Whistleblower set in motion a series of reviews and then news articles that quickly snowballed into the House impeachment probe that may see Trump put on trial in the Senate in the new year.
Many whistleblowers stay anonymous, and some collect million-dollar rewards for exposing fraud.
But this one will not gain a reward and likely will not remain unknown. Conservatives have already circulated a name and photograph online.
Republicans in Congress have tried to expose him, alleging he is a Democrat out to get Trump.
But the impeachment process he sparked now fuels itself, meaning that, outed or not, his impact will long be felt in Washington politics.
Greta Thunberg, 16, climate activist
What started as humble protest has turned Greta Thunberg into the world’s green conscience and the voice of a generation’s frustration with inaction on climate change.
It all started in August 2018 when Thunberg decided to skip school and sit outside Sweden’s parliament, holding a sign reading “school strike for the climate”.
Within months her struggle gained worldwide attention and the shy 16-year-old — with her piercing eyes and trademark braids — found herself addressing world leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos and at the European Parliament.
Young people from around the world began staging their own school strikes, and the “Fridays for Future” movement was born.
  Following her ethos of avoiding air travel, she crossed the Atlantic on a zero-emission sailboat to attend a UN climate summit in New York in September.
The Stockholm-born teenager’s eyes brimmed with tears and her voice cracked with emotion as she delivered a fiery speech to world leaders.
“How dare you?” she thundered.
“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.”
Thunberg, the daughter of an opera singer mother and an actor-turned-producer father, has also faced severe criticism and been subjected to a swarm of online conspiracy theories.
Some have mocked her youth, called her a puppet of doomsayers or tried to discredit her because of her Asperger’s syndrome, a diagnosis she has never hidden.
But no one can deny that the passionate climate activist’s struggle has helped put climate change back at the top of the agenda.
A survey published by the European Commission in April found that six in 10 Europeans thought “climate change is one of the most serious problems facing the world,” an increase of 17 percentage points compared with 2017.
Venezuela’s Juan Guaido
For a long time he didn’t distinguish himself as an outspoken critic of President Nicolas Maduro, but when he proclaimed himself president in January, Juan Guaido suddenly emerged as the socialist leader’s main opponent.
A key challenge now is to continue to inspire a wilting opposition.
  When he burst on the scene in January, the 36-year-old lawmaker initially energised a weakened opposition whose key leaders were imprisoned, exiled or in hiding.
On January 23, a few days after taking the helm as speaker of parliament, the only state institution controlled by the opposition, Guaido proclaimed himself acting president, declaring Maduro’s re-election illegitimate.
He was swiftly recognised by the United States and about 50 other countries. His popularity rating among Venezuelans soared to 63 percent. By October, however, it had dropped more than 20 points.
A trained industrial engineer, Guaido said he has “tried everything” to push Maduro out of office, as the country endures a deep economic crisis that has driven 3.6 million people to flee since 2016.
With great fanfare on February 23, Guaido tried to break a border blockade to bring stockpiled international food and medical aid into the country, calling on the military to abandon Maduro. The gambit failed.
On April 30, a military uprising won support of only a handful of officers and was quickly subdued by the government.
Guaido, married with a two-year-old daughter, describes himself as a survivor of the “Vargas tragedy” — a December 1999 landslide in the northern coastal state where he lived with his mother and five siblings, which killed thousands.
The Venezuelan prosecutor’s office, considered a branch of government by the opposition, has filed a number of lawsuits against him, for which he could face up to 30 years in prison.
But Washington has repeatedly warned Caracas that jailing Guaido would be Maduro’s “last mistake”.
On January 5, his term as parliament speaker officially ends. Agreements between political groupings could allow him to remain in the post, despite a drop in his ability to inspire mass protests, most Venezuelans having abandoned the street to focus on the daily business of survival.
Revolutionary ‘icon’ Ala Saleh of Sudan
Ala Saleh, dressed in traditional white Sudanese garb and standing atop a car, became the symbol of Sudan’s uprising as she led chants against the now-ousted autocrat Omar al-Bashir in April.
Saleh, 22, was propelled to internet fame after a photograph of her with one hand raised in the air singing and cheering along with crowds of protesters went viral, earning her the moniker of “Kandaka”, or Nubian queen.
An engineering student, Saleh grew up in a middle-class Sudanese family in Khartoum and was relatively unknown until her photograph went viral during the anti-Bashir protests.
But since earlier this year, she has become a voice for women’s rights in the northeast African country, where centuries of patriarchal traditions and decades of strict laws under the former regime have severely restricted the role of women in Sudanese society.
“The existing discrimination and inequality women face, coupled with conflict and violence over decades, has resulted in women being subjected to a wide range of human rights violations, including sexual and gender-based violence on an epic scale,” Saleh said at an open debate at the UN Security Council last month.
She told the UNSC that even wearing trousers or meeting male friends took courage as it was criminalised under the former regime.
During Bashir’s 30-year rule, authorities enforced a strict public order law that activists said primarily targeted women, through harsh interpretations of Islamic sharia law.
On November 26, the country’s new transitional cabinet led by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok scrapped the law, although the ruling sovereign council has yet to ratify the move.
Saleh has faced criticism for attracting global attention even as many female activists faced brutal punishments during Bashir’s rule.
But many defend her rise to fame.
“She was a normal person like all others who took to the streets against the former regime,” said activist Khalid Tabidi.
Migrants activist Carola Rackete
German Carola Rackete was the captain of a migrant rescue ship in the Mediterranean who became a left-wing hero in Italy for challenging then far-right interior minister Matteo Salvini’s “closed ports” policy.
The dreadlocked Rackete, 31, was skipper of the Sea-Watch 3, one of several ships used by international charities to aid migrants attempting the perilous sea journey from North Africa to Europe on rickety boats.
On June 12, Rackete’s ship picked up 53 migrants adrift aboard an inflatable raft off the coast of Libya.
The Italian authorities allowed some of the migrants to be taken in for health reasons but refused entry to 43 others, leading to a two-week stand-off at sea.
As conditions on board worsened, Rackete eventually sailed her ship to the island of Lampedusa despite an order from Italian officials not to dock there.
She was arrested on June 29, although a judge overturned that order on July 2, saying she had acted “out of necessity” because of the migrants’ condition.
Italy’s highest court is set to rule in January on whether Rackete’s arrest was warranted.
Salvini described the incident, in which Sea-Watch 3 allegedly hit a police speedboat, as an “act of war” and referred to Rackete as “the German criminal”.
During a visit to Italy in November to present her book “The World We Want”, Rackete was given a police escort after coming under attack from anti-migrant groups.
But she said the harassment “does not really affect me”.
“On the contrary, I am now more sensitive to the racism that some people suffer and to the discrimination and social justice that exist in the world,” Italian media quoted her as telling supporters at the book launch.
The fairytale rise of Lil Nas X
A little over a year ago, Montero Hill had dropped out of university, was living with his sister, had no job, car or even a driver’s licence.
Today — thanks to record-breaking single “Old Town Road” — he is the millionaire country-rap superstar known as Lil Nas X.
The song topped the Billboard Hot 100 for 19 consecutive weeks between April and August, breaking a record dating to the mid-1990s when Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men spent 16 weeks at number one. Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee with Justin Bieber also topped the charts for 16 weeks with “Despacito” in 2017.
All versions of “Old Town Road” have been played more than 1.3 billion times on streaming site Spotify.
Lil Nas X, 20, composed the song based on a beat he purchased for $30 from a Dutch record producer.
The result merged thumping bass and rap with a twangy banjo sound more associated with country music.
Billboard barred the song from its rankings of country music songs, arguing that it did not have enough elements of that genre to merit inclusion.
A few days later, Lil Nas X released a remix of what was already a hit, starring country star Billy Ray Cyrus, father of pop star Miley Cyrus.
Even with the added legitimacy of Billy Cyrus, a two-time Grammy nominee in country categories, the remix was also left out of the country rankings.
Both versions went on to become number one in the main Billboard charts, catapulting the previously unknown artist into the celebrity stratosphere.
Lil Nas X has also seduced fans with his down-to-earth personality and humour. He has never hesitated to don traditional country clothing, including cowboy hat, jacket and boots.
After successfully achieving a rare marriage of rap and country tunes, the young artist shook the hip-hop world in early July by announcing that he is gay.
Although some female rappers had already come out, such as Young M.A, Lil Nas X became the first prominent male rapper to do so.
It was a significant development for an industry that, while less macho than in the past, tends to present a more traditional side of masculinity.
The woman who photographed a black hole
US computer scientist Katie Bouman became an overnight sensation in April for her role in developing a computer algorithm that allowed researchers to take the world’s first image of a black hole.
The 30-year-old, currently an assistant professor at the California Institute of Technology (Cal Tech), was a member of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration when the team captured the image.
Bouman said she first began working on the EHT as a graduate student studying computer vision at MIT and found that black hole imaging shared striking similarities with work she had done on brain imaging based on limited data from an MRI scanner.
The EHT Collaboration had spent more than a decade building an Earth-sized computational telescope that combined signals received by various telescopes working in pairs around the world.
However, since there were a limited number of locations, the telescopes were able to capture only some light frequencies, leaving large gaps in information.
In 2016, Bouman developed an algorithm named CHIRP to sift through the true mountain of data and fill in the gaps, producing an image.
While the images were captured in 2017, the final result had to be independently validated by four EHT teams working around the world to avoid shared human bias.
On April 10, 2019, a final image was released — a moment that Bouman, then a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, described as “truly amazing and one of my life’s happiest memories”.
Testifying before Congress in May about her research, Bouman praised her team that included several early-career scientists — like herself — whose work had been vital to the project.
“Like black holes, many early-career scientists with significant contributions often go unseen,” she said.
But that’s not the case with her anymore.
The post 2019’s unforeseen history-makers appeared first on ARY NEWS.
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ao3feed-tywin · 5 years
A Red Right Hand
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2nEoapF
by FrostbitePanda
“It’s been four days,” Robb went on, clearing his throat, “and as far as the Cloaks know, there hasn’t been a replacement yet.”
Theon picked something out his teeth, charming as ever. “Aye. That old coot Davos Seaworth’s been filling in.”
“That old coot is the best smuggler in the seven boroughs. Maybe in all of Westeros. He has other things to do— he can’t do it forever… and The Dragon needs a keeper.”
“Astute,” Theon deadpanned, slouching back in his chair with a sigh and leaning it back on two legs. He waved a hand. “So... what? You want me to put in a good word for you, Stark?”
“No,” Robb replied, face impassive, “I want you to put in a good word for Snow.”
  (a historical AU / Peaky Blinders crossover. Dany the Queen of Thieves and Jon Snow the spy. my entry for Jonerys AU month 2019.)
Words: 13778, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), Peaky Blinders (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Davos Seaworth, Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Yara Greyjoy, Missandei (ASoIaF), Grey Worm, various OCs, Tywin Lannister, Alliser Thorne, Janos Slynt
Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Westeros, post WW1-ish, Alternate Universe - Peaky Blinders Fusion, peaky blinders crossover, Inspired By Peaky Blinders, and also the tale of Marm Mendlebaum, it's just a lot of almagamation, just... go with it idk, PTSD, criminal Dany, criminal underbelly, somewhat of a procedural, somewhat of a Grand Conspiracy, vaguely critical of capitalism, vaguely critical of colonialsm, okay there's nothing very vague about it, sorry - Freeform, Jonerys AU month 2019, Politics, Plotting, Betrayal, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Violence, Guns, Romance, our two idiots being idiots, some magical realism, cause why not, rating to go up, and tags to be added im sure, Revolution, Industrial, aesthetic, i am also staring at my other WIPs don't worry
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2nEoapF
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americanmysticom · 3 years
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The West spent two years locking citizens down at home, forcing the shut down of businesses, force injecting workers, masking children, and punishing dissidents—only to turn around and say we need to fear a threat of dictatorship in the East.
I’m going to have to pass.
Candace Owens@RealCandaceO·Mar 5
[This is quite correct. But I don’t think the people of Ukraine are laughing, for the apparently eight years of brutality - being under the thumb of a Nazi puppet regime of the corrupt political class, of the US.
I’m not sure which measure the US Globalist Government is more upset about - Russia moving to the Gold standard, or losing ready Nazi battalions. ]
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harrythegreekblr · 6 years
Soros' "Love Judge" tried Carter Page Russian spy case, now has Trump's lawyer case too
Federal District Judge Kimba Wood (pictured above) is a former Playboy Bunny.
Judge Wood was dubbed "The Love Judge" by the New York City tabloids in 1995 when she was named as the "other woman" in a divorce case.
Judge Wood was "selected" to preside over the Michael Cohen case. It is a new criminal case and is pending. 
Cohen is one of President Donald J. Trump's personal attorneys. Cohen's office and home was raided by the FBI. The itemized list of what was taken has yet to be disclosed. No charges have been filed as a result of the raid. They may take a year, two years, or never.
Cohen's case was called a "random assignment" by the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York. The Judge's courtroom is Room 26A, 500 Pearl St., New York, NY.
There are 43 judges in the district where Judge Wood works. The odds of her being randomly assigned a particular case is two per cent. To the nearest tenth of a percent, it is 2.3 per cent.
The percent drops even further considering Judge Wood is a Senior Judge. This means she works part-time, gets assigned less cases, and is assigned a lower workload. 
Yet, the luck of the draw in the Cohen case went to Judge Wood.
Coincidence? Does a chain of connected circumstances matter?
Which Judge signed the warrant approving the raid and seizure of evidence? That has yet to be released too.
George Soros is like Don Corleone, the Godfather, of the Deep State. 
Last year, Forbes Magazine listed Soros as the 19th richest person in the world. Forbes estimated Soros' net worth at $25.3 billion dollars. Forbes is the largest global media network specializing in business and investing.
Soros called President Donald J. Trump "a danger to the world" at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland on January 25th. The video below is from Bloomberg, a global provider of 24-hour financial news and information
Soros bet big on Hillary Clinton being elected President in 2016. She lost. Trump won instead. Soros' bet cost him a billion dollars, according to the Wall Street Journal, a daily newspaper specializing in business.
Soros' wedding on Sept. 20th, 2013 was attended by friends and family. It included World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde. 
U.S. Federal District Judge Wood officiated the wedding.
  Judge Kimba Woods
In 2010, Judge Wood presided over the criminal trial of ten Russian spies. One of the FBI informants at this trial was Carter Page. The FBI planted Page into the Trump Campaign for President. 
Page was used by James Comey, former FBI director, as a walking wire-tap. Page was the basis of the FISA warrant used to spy on Donald Trump. This warrant was approved in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Wood has never been a FISA Judge.
Comey identified Page to the FISA court as a "Russian" spy. Comey never told the court that in truth, Page was an American citizen. 
Once the Page warrant was approved, it resulted in round-the-clock surveillance of Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, their families, associates, and anyone they emailed, talked to, or came in contact with.
President Bill Clinton nominated Judge Wood as Attorney General based on the recommendation of his wife, Hillary.
Through no fault of her own, Judge Wood withdrew her nomination.
Still believe that the Michael Cohen case was randomly assigned? Or was it "court shopped" to find the Judge most favorable to the Prosecution?
Who did the "shopping"?  Who picked the Judge? Who is out to get President Trump?
Or maybe Cohen really "was a victim of circumstance."
On Friday, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) sued the Trump Campaign for President, Russia, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and several relatives, associates, and friends of President Donald Trump.
The suit alleges a conspiracy harmed Democrats financial through WikiLeaks' publication of internal party emails during the 2016 Presidential Campaign.
The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court of Southern New York, Manhattan. 
The Judge?
John G. Koeltl. 
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gingersteigrad-blog · 7 years
The Criminal's Guide To Bitcoin - Cloud Mining
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That can be the same with the surviving cryptocurrencies, along with the businesses which are catering to that market; together with exchanges and crypto mining companies, among others. There are "mainstream companies" that need entry to bitcoin and there's "huge pent-up demand" from clients, he said. They, the producers of those "intangible goods" must be remunerated, if they're to outlive - if they wish to sell their delicate-items. Bitcoin as a type of cost for services has seen growth,and merchants have an incentive to accept the digital currency as a result of charges are lower than the 2-3% sometimes imposed by bank card processors. You may be asking now, whether or not there is just a system upgrade or ‘new fork’ that would ‘fix’ Bitcoin in this regard. Now, the place do you keep your cash? I keep money in Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, to not speculate, but as a store of value. Stocks and shares are escalating or deteriorating in costs on an nearly daily basis, and is you sustain with the stock market news, you will have an thought of how things will be within the near future. In case you ask, "How a lot is one Bitcoin?" you'll always know from their repeatedly up to date charts.
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Conspiracy News: Benjamin Fulford
I’m a paid subscriber to your blog.  Thanks for the great work and for standing up for the truth.  I have a few questions I hope you can address.
1 . Justin Trudeau is still pushing a carbon tax and seems very much aligned with deep state interests.  Is he going to be a one-term prime minister for Canada?  If what you say is true about Canada managing the U.S. military and financial system after the deep state is taken out, I doubt he’s got the financial acumen to succeed at anything beyond teaching people how to snowboard.
BF:  Justin Trudeau is just a yes man for the Scottish Rite Freemasons.  His grandfather (Margaret Trudeau’s father) was Lord Sinclair, of the family that founded the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.  When he gets new marching orders, he will change his tune.  In any case, the issue of Canada is separate from the individual named Justin Trudeau.
2.  When you talk about the deep state take-down, is it just politicians and plutocrats?  What happens with the media personalities that so vehemently push the deep state agenda?  What happens to news outlets like CNN and MSNBC?
BF:  When the power transfer is complete, many of the slaves in the media corporations will simply write what their new bosses tell them to.  Many will be fired and arrested, though, because their crimes run too deep.  In the future, we will make sure freedom of the press is never again subverted as it was by the corporate takeover we have experienced since the 1980’s.
3.  Along with the super-technology being released, will the new science and physics be taught in schools?  Will we be able to do a Mr. Wizard-like experiment in our kitchen to create anti-gravity or generate free energy?
BF:  We shall see, but yes, I assume a lot of this will be available for all.  However, much shall remain classified because we do not want everybody to be able to make nuclear weapons or the equivalent in their backyards.
Thanks for your work and dedication.  All of our prayers are with you.
BF:  Thanks for your support.
A major peace deal was reached last week in negotiations that took place literally under the light of the blue-blood super moon in a certain Asian country last week, according to sources who were present.  As are result of this, the Nazi faction of the world military-industrial complex has agreed to align itself with the light side of the force.  Thus in the near future, Nazi technology, notably anti-gravity and hypersonic (Mach 20+) air travel, will be made available to the “surface population” of the planet, the sources say.  One of the participants in the negotiations was a close relative of Admiral Richard Byrd, of Antarctic exploration fame, who has frequently visited Nazi Antarctic bases, so this is the real deal, folks.  We will have more details toward the end of this report.
In addition, a deal was reached between hitherto opposing parties in Asia that will allow for the development and use by the white hats of large gold deposits in Bougaineville, Indonesia and elsewhere, the sources say.  In the case of Bougaineville, it means both King David Pei II and his opponents are now on board.  The gold will be used to back a soon-to-be-announced cryptocurrency that will be used to finance a Western development project similar in scale or larger than China’s ongoing trillion-dollar One Belt One Road project, they say.
Meanwhile, back in the U.S., the purge of Khazarian Satanists from all levels of government is accelerating.  According to Pentagon sources, “Trump’s State of the Union speech gave the green light for the purge of deep state from the U.S. government with the activation code:  ‘I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.’”
The huge media fuss in the U.S. about the release of a FISA memo about the FBI carrying out a politically motivated surveillance operation on Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign was hysterical, because the “official” release makes it possible to actually start arresting people in the deep state.  The article in the link below, even though it is from the satirical site, The Onion, is actually pretty much true. https://politics.theonion.com/fbi-warns-republican-memo-could-undermine-faith-in-mass-1822639681
The fuss over the memo has distracted attention from the much more important ongoing disclosures about the mass-murdering medical/pharmaceutical complex.  Here Dr. Robert Gallo, one of the so-called co-discoverers of the HIV virus, has now come out and admitted he was forced to create it in order to “wipe out the African race,” according to CIA and other sources. https://pinvibe.com.ng/forced-create-hiv-virus-secret-weapon-wipe-african-race-dr-robert-gallo-finally-speaks/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgiMqgjS-zM&feature=youtu.be
In reaction, U.S. military and agency white hats have destroyed cabal bio-labs and shot down cabal satellites last week in the ongoing undeclared U.S. civil war, Pentagon sources confirm.
One Pentagon source who was involved in a raid on a cabal underground base, says they discovered “people in …
It is looking more likely now that we will see a world government rather than a world war in the coming months and years based on what is happening around the world.
First of all, a year after the World Forum at Davos featured Chinese President Xi Jinping as its star, this year Western leaders gathered at Davos in force with U.S. President Donald Trump as the top attraction.  What’s interesting is that this year’s Western-dominated Davos theme, “Creating a shared future in a fractured world,” is very similar to China’s theme of “Building a community with a shared future for mankind.”
Of course, the Chinese and Americans are still duking it out over who will be in charge of this “shared future.”
Pentagon sources this week were gushing over the top about Trump and his Davos performance, noting, “Trump rocked Davos, with globalist CEOs from EU multinationals promising to invest and create jobs in America.”  They added that “With the cabal defeated and unable to stage any more false-flags or start World War 3, Davos established the Trump world order and may have launched the global currency reset.”
Even more alarming, though, was the Pentagon source’s assessment that “a cabal underwater base off Alaska may have been nuked as the military rally behind Trump, who has been promoted from POTUS to GEOTUS (God Emperor of the U.S.).”
The Chinese, for their part, had the following to say about Trump at Davos via their official Xinhua News Agency:  “The United States is like the boxer who vows to obey the rules when dominating the fight, but claims the rules must be changed when he is losing.” http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-01/28/c_136931719.htm
The U.S. military government under Trump was able to buy time for itself last week by threatening “immediate arrests” of Democratic Party politicians, who “caved in to end the U.S. government shutdown in less than 72 hours,” Pentagon sources note.  The sinking of an Iranian oil tanker off the shore of Shanghai also postponed the start of the gold-backed petro-yuan as a replacement for the U.S. petro-dollar.  However, as things stand, the still-bankrupt current U.S. regime has only bought time until February 8th.
It is clear that the United States, the most indebted nation in world history, is untenable and needs a complete reboot of the current world system in order to survive.  The Chinese, for their part, are the biggest beneficiaries of the current system and would like it to continue to evolve in their favour, as it has been doing for years.
What to do about this situation will be the topic of high-level talks this in Asia this week on the day of the January 31st Super Blue Blood Moon between representatives of the White Dragon Society (WDS) and representatives of the 13 bloodline families who control the current system.
The WDS will be proposing a…
The shutdown of the U.S. government over the weekend is likely to become permanent as top-level negotiations continue to discuss its replacement, multiple sources agree.  The Western old-world-order leadership is gathering this week in Davos, Switzerland to debate this very issue, the sources say.
Pentagon sources, meanwhile, say “the shutdown was orchestrated so Congress can be arrested, as they lose immunity while not in session.”  In addition, the sources say U.S. President Donald Trump “was summoned to meet top brass at the Pentagon on January 18th, as the Navy hunted for rogue submarines and the military uses the shutdown to arrest cabal, terminate the corporate government, and launch the Republic to usher in the global currency reset (GCR).”
Furthermore, the sources continued, “The House may release the FISA memo, which will take down criminals in Department of Justice, the FBI, the Democratic National Council, the CIA, plus the Obama and Hillary Clinton organizations.”
“Trump may even read the memo at the State of the Union address on January 30th,” the sources added.
The sources also say, “Zimbabwe opposition leader Roy Bennett was killed in New Mexico to solidify the Zimbabwe dollar and pave the way for the GCR.”  A gold-backed Zimbabwe dollar is being pushed by many as a new African currency to replace the current mishmash of Rothschild-controlled currencies.
However, it is still far from certain that the GCR will take place as envisioned by the people in the Pentagon and agencies, since worldwide, the situation is extremely volatile and slipping out of U.S. control.
The most important factor to bear in mind is that the U.S. government is the most indebted government in the history of the planet and much of that debt is owed to China.  If the U.S. unilaterally reneged on the debt, it would no longer be able to control the U.S. dollar system that allows the Pentagon to operate around the planet.  The result would be that U.S. soldiers, who are already not receiving pay thanks to the government shutdown, being forced to beg on the streets or else rob people at gunpoint around the world.  As if to underline this situation, the Chinese rating agency Dagong downgraded the U.S. sovereign and local government debt to BBB+ with a negative outlook, putting it below Peru or Morocco.
Here is what they had to say about the U.S. debt:
“The perennial negative impact of the superstructure on the economic base has continued to deteriorate the debt repayment sources of the federal government, and this trend will be further exacerbated by the government’s massive tax cuts.  The increasing reliance on the debt-driven mode of economic development will continue to erode the solvency of the federal government.”
Dagong probably does not realize just how deep the problem runs.  The Pentagon, in its first-ever audit using outside auditors, has already found that $21 trillion went missing between 1998 and 2015.  That is more than 35 times the entire official U.S. military budget for 2016, multiple sources report. https://www.sott.net/article/374124-pentagon
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go-redgirl · 7 years
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President Donald Trump arriving Friday at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. | AP/Markus Schreiber
Trump calls report he ordered Mueller’s firing ‘fake news’
01/26/2018, 05:09am
Associated Press
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Friday dismissed as “fake news” a New York Times report that he ordered the firing of special counsel Robert Mueller last June, but backed down after White House lawyer Don McGahn threatened to resign.
The newspaper reported Thursday that Trump demanded Mueller’s firing just weeks after the special counsel was first appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Trump pushed back against the report, without addressing the specific allegation, as he arrived Friday at the site of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
“Fake news, folks. Fake news. Typical New York Times fake stories,” Trump told reporters.
McGahn said he would not deliver the order to the Justice Department, according to The Times, which cites four people familiar with the request by the president.
Trump argued at the time that Mueller could not be fair because of a dispute over golf club fees that he said Mueller owed at a Trump golf club in Sterling, Virginia. The president also believed Mueller had a conflict of interest because he worked for the same law firm that was representing Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner.
Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller, did not immediately return a call for comment Thursday night. Ty Cobb, a White House lawyer working on the response to the Russia probe, declined comment Thursday night.
The response from Democrats was nearly immediate. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said that if the report in The Times is true, Trump has crossed a “red line.”
“Any attempt to remove the Special Counsel, pardon key witnesses or otherwise interfere in the investigation would be a gross abuse of power, and all members of Congress, from both parties, have a responsibility to our Constitution and to our country to make that clear immediately,” Warner said.
The report comes as Mueller moves ever closer to interviewing Trump himself. The president said Wednesday that he would gladly testify under oath — although a White House official quickly said afterward that Trump did not mean he was volunteering to testify.
Last June, when Trump was considering how to fire Mueller, the special counsel’s probe had not progressed far, at least not in public.
At that time he had yet to call on any major witnesses to testify and had not yet issued any charges or signed any plea deals. But that would change just a few months later, when federal agents would arrest former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos and ultimately turn him into a cooperating witness.
Since then, Trump has largely stopped talking about explicitly trying to fire Mueller, but has instead shifted to accusing Mueller and his team of being biased and unable to complete a fair investigation.
The latest evidence the president has cited was a string of text messages from a former agent on Mueller’s probe, which show that agent vociferously opposing the president. But Mueller swiftly removed the agent, Peter Strzok, from his probe after learning about his texts.
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former Trump adviser Rick Gates were charged by Mueller with criminal conspiracy related to millions of dollars they earned while working for a pro-Kremlin Ukrainian political party. And former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn agreed to cooperate with investigators in a plea deal revealed two months ago. Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI.
Mueller’s investigators have been focusing their inquiry on questions surrounding Trump’s firing of Flynn and also his firing of former FBI Director James Comey. They have slowly been calling in more witnesses closer to the president himself and, recently, began negotiating the terms of a possible interview with the president.
On Thursday, Trump’s lawyer said that more than 20 White House employees have given interviews to the special counsel in his probe of possible obstruction of justice and Trump campaign ties to Russian election interference.
John Dowd, Trump’s attorney, said the White House, in an unprecedented display of cooperation with Mueller’s investigation, has turned over more than 20,000 pages of records. The president’s 2016 campaign has turned over more than 1.4 million pages.
The number of voluntary interviews included eight people from the White House counsel’s office.
An additional 28 people affiliated with the Trump campaign have also been interviewed by either the special counsel or congressional committees probing Russian election meddling. Dowd’s disclosure did only not name the people nor provide a breakdown of how many were interviewed only by Mueller’s team.
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mystlnewsonline · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/trump-calls-report-he-ordered-muellers-firing-fake-news/74795/
Trump calls report he ordered Mueller's firing 'fake news'
WASHINGTON/January 26, 2018(AP)(STL.News)— President Donald Trump on Friday dismissed as “fake news” a New York Times report that he ordered the firing of special counsel Robert Mueller last June, but backed down after White House lawyer Don McGahn threatened to resign.
The newspaper reported Thursday that Trump demanded Mueller’s firing just weeks after the special counsel was first appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Trump pushed back against the report, without addressing the specific allegation, as he arrived Friday at the site of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
“Fake news, folks. Fake news. Typical New York Times fake stories,” Trump told reporters.
McGahn said he would not deliver the order to the Justice Department, according to The Times, which cites four people familiar with the request by the president.
Trump argued at the time that Mueller could not be fair because of a dispute over golf club fees that he said Mueller owed at a Trump golf club in Sterling, Virginia. The president also believed Mueller had a conflict of interest because he worked for the same law firm that was representing Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner.
Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller, did not immediately return a call for comment Thursday night. Ty Cobb, a White House lawyer working on the response to the Russia probe, declined comment Thursday night.
The response from Democrats was nearly immediate. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said that if the report in The Times is true, Trump has crossed a “red line.”
“Any attempt to remove the Special Counsel, pardon key witnesses or otherwise interfere in the investigation would be a gross abuse of power, and all members of Congress, from both parties, have a responsibility to our Constitution and to our country to make that clear immediately,” Warner said.
The report comes as Mueller moves ever closer to interviewing Trump himself. The president said Wednesday that he would gladly testify under oath — although a White House official quickly said afterward that Trump did not mean he was volunteering to testify.
Last June, when Trump was considering how to fire Mueller, the special counsel’s probe had not progressed far, at least not in public.
At that time he had yet to call on any major witnesses to testify and had not yet issued any charges or signed any plea deals. But that would change just a few months later, when federal agents would arrest former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos and ultimately turn him into a cooperating witness.
Since then, Trump has largely stopped talking about explicitly trying to fire Mueller, but has instead shifted to accusing Mueller and his team of being biased and unable to complete a fair investigation.
The latest evidence the president has cited was a string of text messages from a former agent on Mueller’s probe, which show that agent vociferously opposing the president. But Mueller swiftly removed the agent, Peter Strzok, from his probe after learning about his texts.
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former Trump adviser Rick Gates were charged by Mueller with criminal conspiracy related to millions of dollars they earned while working for a pro-Kremlin Ukrainian political party. And former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn agreed to cooperate with investigators in a plea deal revealed two months ago. Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI.
Mueller’s investigators have been focusing their inquiry on questions surrounding Trump’s firing of Flynn and also his firing of former FBI Director James Comey. They have slowly been calling in more witnesses closer to the president himself and, recently, began negotiating the terms of a possible interview with the president.
On Thursday, Trump’s lawyer said that more than 20 White House employees have given interviews to the special counsel in his probe of possible obstruction of justice and Trump campaign ties to Russian election interference.
John Dowd, Trump’s attorney, said the White House, in an unprecedented display of cooperation with Mueller’s investigation, has turned over more than 20,000 pages of records. The president’s 2016 campaign has turned over more than 1.4 million pages.
The number of voluntary interviews included eight people from the White House counsel’s office.
An additional 28 people affiliated with the Trump campaign have also been interviewed by either the special counsel or congressional committees probing Russian election meddling. Dowd’s disclosure did only not name the people nor provide a breakdown of how many were interviewed only by Mueller’s team.
By Associated Press, published on STL.NEWS by St. Louis Media, LLC (TM)
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dvineyinspiration · 8 years
Weakened States
It is now eight months since the referendum result and high time I concluded my blog series.  One of the good things about the time elapsing is that some of the influences at play have become clearer.
The influence that is now much clearer since 23rd June is the involvement of Putin and, I would argue, the interests of oligarchs that Putin represents.  Surely it is too much of a co-incidence that Trump, Farage and Marine Le Pen are all Putin sympathisers.  I am not a great one for conspiracy theories, but since there is no obvious reason for any of these three to have common cause with Putin, one must assume there is something going on here and I think that distinguishing this is important to understand the attack on democracy that we are living through.
About five years ago I read a book called Treasure Islands by Nicholas Shaxson. It is about tax havens, how they arose, what they have become and what they represent.  It is a great book and a terrifying book.  The experience of reading it was like something going ‘click’ about world politics.  I will attempt to summarise what that ‘click’ was.  
The first part is to understand what a tax haven is.  Naively I had always seen tax havens as states that chose to offer low tax rates in order to attract rich business men.  What the book pointed out was that these are states that have been captured by the super rich.  What I mean by ‘captured’ is that the state legislatures are controlled by the super rich setting the rules to suit themselves.  Obviously the rules are set to further their interests and the two rules that are really important are as follows - that there is complete secrecy and that there is minimal taxation.  The flip side to this is that there is no accountability and no contribution to society.  
What the book also clarified is that there is a mindset that goes along with this.  The culture is not ‘oh good we are getting away with something’.  The culture is ‘we are superior to the rest of society, we should not have to contribute or be accountable, it is the rest of the world that is at fault.’
So far so sickening but not yet terrifying because we have it in our heads that these are tiny island and city states.  Something about their size makes them seem insignificant.  The terror comes from learning that they now contain half of all the world’s wealth.  
What it made me realise is that half of the world’s resources are controlled by people with a vested interest in eroding Liberal Democracy.  Liberal Democracy is a way for our rulers to be openly accountable.   This is directly opposite to what a tax haven is.  And it threatens tax havens because ultimately as things stand nation states sanction tax havens and could ultimately wipe them out if so minded.
When you follow this train of thought, you suddenly understand that this body of oligarchs have disconnected themselves from society, they see themselves as superior and the rest of us as inferior but they are vulnerable because there is enough people power left on the planet to end tax havens if only the will to do it could be summoned in the electorate.  Therefore they must do whatever they can to stop that happening by subverting, eroding and ultimately trying to destroy democracy.
The other part which is terrifying is that while tax havens are legal, they are deeply intermingled with criminality.  This is why they need secrecy.  So the full picture is of a massively wealthy, criminal class attacking and eroding democracy not only as a matter of self interest but a matter of belief and having immense resources to do so.
With this in mind does it really surprise us that we have such a dis-functional press, weakened democracy, that we cannot seem to find institutions to trust in, that the EU, the super-national affiliation that with most power to stand up these elites, is the most under attack?
If we need a vision for what the world will look like if we allow this vested interest to have its way, we can get a pretty good idea from Putin’s Russia with it’s sham democracy, corruption, public opinion skilfully managed by state control.
What we don’t know is how organised it is.   As the Panama Papers revealed these people sort of do rub shoulders in the world’s tax havens.  Somehow I can’t quite believe in some dark side Davos where the Barclay Brothers sit with Putin and the Sinaloa Cartel round a table Spectre-style thrashing out strategy to bring down Western Democracy, but I find the idea of informal networks and co-operation entirely plausible.  Let’s hope some brave, brave journalist can shed light.
In the UK our public school system is a perfect breeding ground for the kind of arrogance that is required to join in this mindset and why we should not be surprised the Tories gave us Euro-scepticism, the Referendum and now seem to be bullying us into a hard Brexit.  And of course the psychology of superiority / inferiority finds chimes with supremicists everywhere.
What is needed therefore is an opposition to stand up against this and fight for a strong and healthy state.  It is important now to get that this is a real fight.  That we are really under attack from some seriously unpleasant people and that we need to go after them.
Thankfully we have still have some tools at our disposal.  We still have a free press, we have free speech, we have democratic institutions but the gloves need to come off.  We need to have the enemy pointed out to us and the game they are playing exposed.
We also need a leader.  Corbyn has two fundamental problems for me.  First he does not get the argument I am making.  He does not see that the EU is our best hope of withstanding this attack.  He thinks that if we can reverse globalisation we can solve our problem.  He refuses to stand up and tell everyday communities they are being duped by the Brexit vision. I can’t also help wondering if he has a problem criticising Putin out of some archaic pro Soviet sympathy.  
The other problem is that is a hopeless leader.  His message does not cut through.  Rather than drawing people in, he seems to be forever alienating and falling out with people.  He has always been an outsider in his party and somewhere in his psyche he seems to create being an outsider.
The simple fact of his unpopularity is a huge problem in itself and one that he should recognise and rectify by resigning.  The forces I have been describing are currently having a field day.  The only thing that will slow their progress are opinion polls showing they will lose the next election.  Without that they have nothing to fear.
So we now need a new leader to articulate the problem we are faced with and a radical plan for dealing with it.  This will be my final blog - a sketch of the new deal I think we need to put our democracy back on track.  It is a solution that must include strengthening democracy and dealing with inequality.
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americanmysticom · 3 years
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Russell Bentley / Regis Tremblay  Update from Donetsk Front Mar 2, 2022
see also;
2.26.22: The INFORMATION connects SPIRITUAL BATTLE/LIES from the ENEMY! PRAY! And We Know Published  February 26, 2022
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