#day 13: winter showcase
imogenlefay · 10 months
Chapters: 13/25 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: Christmas Compilation, The Great Seblaine Christmas Extravaganza, Fluff and Sweetness, Occasional hurt/comfort, probably, But mostly fluff Summary:
A collection of Christmas-themed oneshots about Seblaine.
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rosejigglypuff76 · 3 months
Cookie Run Kingdom - Special Episode Ideas
Lately I've been thinking of the possibility for potential storylines for Cookie Run Kingdom! More specifically when it comes to the Special Episodes that the game has to offer.
This there's only been five of these Special Episodes, I feel like I can brainstorm a couple of new ideas if more were to be added in future updates.
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Here are a couple of rules that I decided to make for myself while listing out possible/potential Special Episode Stories & Plotlines: 1) It needs to focus on either a returning character or a brand new character planned out for the given update. 2) A Special Episode needs to be either Flashback Episode such as "A Mermaid's Tale", a Side-Story Chapter similar to "Legend of the Red Dragon", or something that has both just like "Icicle Yeti's Winter Song" 3) Story needs to make sense within a Cookie Run Kingdom setting. So character development for most of the cookies involved. 4) Have at least 2 New Playable Cookies and Magic Candy for Returning Cookies.
Alongside a few extra things that I decided to add, but it doesn't need to apply to every idea: 1) The Special Episode can be some sort of sequel to a previous update, which includes the original chapter's storyline as a bonus for players. An example could be "Icicle Yeti's Winter Song", which includes the plotline of "Lantern in the Snow Story" as a bonus. 2) A cookie who was an NPC prior will eventually become a playable character, releasing alongside their Special Episode. An example comes with Pitaya Dragon Cookie when they released with the "Legend of the Red Dragon" storyline, and was an NPC prior to that. 3) References & Inspiration of various other pieces of media is allowed, just as long as it makes sense with the planned-out storyline.
Without further ado, here's all the storylines for potential Special Episodes in Cookie Run Kingdom!
Special Episode Idea #1 - Bittersweet Flower Within Ones Headspace Story Type - Side-Story
Synopsis For years Dark Choco Cookie wasn't sure if he could ever escape the control that Strawberry Jam Sword has over him. But Day 1 of having it causes a flicker of light that gave the Exiled Prince the hope he needed to break through the curse. A cookie that he sees in dreams, the only cookie that was able to nullify the Strawberry Jam Sword's control. Months after leaving the Cookies of Darkness and thus the control of the Strawberry Jam Sword, Dark Choco Cookie now wanders Earthbread's various forests. Recollecting what he once lost from himself. Even meeting the cookie who he thought only exists in his dreams to help him out during the toughest times.
First-Half of the Story A couple of flashbacks from Crispia Episode 13 & 14 are showcased, all of which lead up towards the point where Dark Choco Cookie left the Strawberry Jam Sword and the Cookies of Darkness behind. Numerous times he recounts the cookie that he often sees in his dreams. Seen as a silhouette during flashbacks, the now Redeemed Prince believing he was someone that he came up with in order to nullify the Strawberry Jam Sword's pain and given eventual hope to break free. He ends up bumping into Peach Cookie, who happily brings him with her. This is where Plum Cookie also makes an appearance, but the meeting was abrupted by an unsuspecting Leek Cookie. Dark Choco helps out Peach and Plum deal with Leek, but unknowingly comes to the aid of a cookie who he thought only existed in his dreams. That cookie is soon revealed to be Herb Cookie.
Second-Half of the Story A few or so months had past, and Dark Choco Cookie is shown to be taken in by Plum Cookie and Peach Cookie's Master called General Jujube Cookie. The Redeemed Prince also got to know Herb Cookie beyond his dreams, and has a stronger bond with him. This eventually leads up to the events of Beast-Yeast Episode 3 & 4. But unlike his father, Dark Choco is the only Cacaoian that's immune to the Pale Ailment. In fact his bond with Plum, Peach, and especially Herb gave him the feeling of true resolution. It also turns out that General Jujube Cookie's Dojo (or something like that) is located in Mystic Flour Cookie's area in Beast-Yeast. But Dark Choco's hope and resolution caused him to finally find himself once again. More character development for Dark Choco Cookie is there, which is also accompanied by character development for Herb Cookie and Peach Cookie as well. This also includes more screentime for Peach Blossom Cookie, who can be classified as the older brother of Peach Cookie.
Story Inspiration Omori (Game)
Main Character Cookies *Dark Choco Cookie *Herb Cookie *Peach Blossom Cookie *Peach Cookie *Plum Cookie
New Cookies *Leek Cookie (Epic Rarity, Ambush Type) *Plum Cookie (Epic Rarity, Defense Type) *Peach Cookie (Super Epic Rarity, Charge Type)
Magic Candies *Herb Cookie -> (Gains the Water Type) Gives the three enemies with the Highest ATK a Shackle Debuff, a shackled enemy's HP is given to heal Herb Cookie and the rest of his party.
Main Reason for the Special Episode Dark Choco Cookie didn't show up that much in the official chapter for Beast-Yeast Episode 3 & 4, and was instead only shown in flashbacks or simply mentioned. This idea of a new Special Episode involving Dark Choco was created to give him the character development that we didn't get to see. Even showing a couple of ways to how he successfully reach said development.
Special Episode Idea #2 - A Desire for The Order Story Type - Sequel Story
Synopsis Sometime after the events of the "Tragedy of the Tower" story, Pastry Cookie continues to follow Reverend Mother's desires to follow the wishes of The Witches. The St Pastry Order is revealed to be located somewhere in Parfaedia City, with numerous believers growing by the minute. But every single believer didn't know the real truth, one that Pastry herself knows far too well. Knowing what she's seen when she ventured to the Tower of Sweet Chaos prior to now, feeling bad for Red Velvet Cookie and the various Cakes who were treated as "monsters" by many. A story about rebellion and independence starts, as Pastry Cookie meets up with an unexpected group of cookies.
First-Half of the Story One faithful night Pastry Cookie ends up finding Red Velvet Cookie lurking around in the shadows of Parfaedia, looking around as if he was trying to hide and run from someone. She secretly follows him, towards one brightly lit up place. Curiousity got the better of her, as she too went inside. Pastry found Red Velvet in what appears to be some type of bar or pub, the latter immediately confronts her but was quickly calmed down. It wasn't just Pastry nor Red Velvet in the scene, but the likes of Sparkling and Cream Puff were also there. Even Red Velvet's cake hound, Chiffon, was also in the building too. Another cookie also heads inside the building, revealed to be Sparkling's Juice Bar. This cookie is what many cookies refer to as the "Detective Princess", due to her royally intelligent and logical crime solving skills despite her young age. It was Walnut Cookie, who's known Sparkling, Cream Puff, and even Red Velvet for quite sometime. The first-half of this Special Episode involves Pastry Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie getting to know each other more outside of their respective alignment. Includes the former of the two slowly drifting away from the St Pastry Order's beliefs, and the latter feeling that he feels more like himself when he's not with the Cookies of Darkness.
Second-Half of the Story The story continues in somewhat of a good light, with Pastry Cookie secretly telling the truth she's seen in the Tower of Sweet Chaos to numerous cookies in Parfaedia. Learning even more about The Witches, knowing that there's more Good Witches compared to the Wicked Witches the St Pastry Order followed. Following the Witch of Order to be precise. Unbeknowst to her, Pastry Cookie didn't expect to get Red Velvet Cookie arrested by Almond Cookie. For once Red Velvet Cookie felt helpless, even worse compared to the prey that he doesn't want to be seen as anymore. Reverend Mother was a few steps ahead of Pastry Cookie, and ended up hypnotizing many cookies of Parfaedia with her magic. Now being nothing more than mindless puppets for The Order. Sparkling, Cream Puff, and Walnut are the only other cookies within Parfaedia that weren't affected by the hypnosis. And the three of them, including dearest Chiffon, decide to help Pastry Cookie finally face against Reverend Mother head-on and rescue Red Velvet Cookie in the process.
Story Inspiration Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5 Royal
Main Character Cookies *Pastry Cookie *Red Velvet Cookie *Chiffon *Cream Puff Cookie *Sparkling Cookie *Almond Cookie *Walnut Cookie
New Cookies *Chiffon (Epic Rarity, Ambush Type) *Reverend Mother Cookie (Epic Rarity, Magic Type) *Walnut Cookie (Super Epic Rarity, Ranged Type)
Magic Candies *Pastry Cookie -> (Given the Light Type) Has Two Cookies with the highest SPD (includes herself) to increase by +35.5% as the battle continues *Red Velvet Cookie -> Power now hits all enemies on the field, but does the most damage to two rear-most enemies. Brings the two rear-most enemies towards the front, inflicting Injury Debuff and decrease in DEF. *Sparkling Cookie -> (Given the Light Type) Heals all Party Members, but gives extra progressive healing to the Two Cookies with the highest ATK with the power being similar to the Blind Healer's Staff Treasure *Almond Cookie -> Magic Candy Power includes Shackle Debuff & Injury Debuff, all enemies will have their SPD and ATK decreased
Main Reason for the Special Episode Since Pastry Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie's story is seen with so much potential, this idea for a Special Episode involving them was created. Tackling the serious themes of religious cults (St Pastry Order) and gaining your own sense of individuality. Having themes similar to that of Persona 4 Golden & Persona 5 Royal. Plus the story taking place in Parfaedia can given the potential of more character development for Almond Cookie and Cream Puff Cookie. Sparkling Cookie also makes sense to be in Parfaedia with his overall concept, and a couple of other stories he appeared have the possibility to be mentioned in dialogue (mainly Holiday Express Story, but also Tropical Soda Islands Story).
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Cookie Run Kingdom - Special Episode Idea Template
Special Episode Idea #0 - TBA Story Type - TBA
Synopsis TBA
First-Half of the Story TBA
Second-Half of the Story TBA
Story Inspiration TBA
Main Character Cookies *TBA
New Cookies *TBA
Magic Candies *TBA
Main Reason for the Special Episode TBA
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lilenui · 5 months
A question, if I may be so bold: what is it you like about Shino and Yamagi, as characters and as a pairing?
You've been in the fandom much longer than me and I'm curious what resonated with you about that relationship in particular, in the first place. (The curiosity is possibly motivated by having spent so long picking apart my own obsession with the show, I turn to wondering about others' enjoyment of it as a change of pace!)
Ohhh. I don't think I can answer these questions without giving a bit of backstory, so! I started watching the show on 16th of December 2015, around the time the first cour was finishing airing, just before the two-week winter break. I binged the first 13 episodes and the rest - as it aired. And even on that first watch, there were three pivotal scenes which made such strong impression on me I distinctly remember myself watching them, I remember my reaction.
The first scene was Shino pulling Yamagi out of the Mobile Worker during the first encounter with the Turbines (but of course). Essays could be written on that moment alone. It's just such a well crafted sequence, rising orchestral music perfectly timed with their clasping hands and Yamagi's reaction, his little gasp and a hand Shino grasped held to his heart. It definitaley raised an eyebrow, but most importantly, it set the tone for what Shino and Yamagi's narrative came to be: a collection of small, personal and intimate moments weaved into the grander narrative, very effectively showcasing personal stakes for the people involved in the fight. Of course everyone in Tekkadan has their own personal stakes, but what elevates Shino and Yamagi for me is how palpable was Yamagi's yearning, like his whole world depended on Shino's survival.
The second scene was Shino mourning his comrades after the Brewers fight. This scene floored me, it was as if a whole new emotional dimension to his character was torn open before me, and sucked me in immediately. I was instantly invested in this character. Murata's fantastic voice acting had a lot to do with that as well. Shino was cute before, if a bit loud, but all these new depths and layers!! Funeral Rites as a whole was a double whammy to me, stellar episode from beginning to end. And to top it off, it ends on Shino seeking Yamagi out to thank him. This is my third key moment, it solidified to me that whatever it is between Shino and Yamagi, is real and undeniably there. Yet another private scene loaded with tension and subtext. The dissonance between what the characters are feeling and what they're saying also added a whole different, poignant layer to the dynamic. Shino just a few minutes ago demonstrated he is a character of some considerable heft, but now he's also showing how considerate he is, that he values and acknowledges any act of kindness he's awarded and it's directed at Yamagi personally! In private! He made it so, so easy to become invested on Yamagi's behalf. I became obsessed within a span of few days, and from then on, my pathological attachment to them was being forged through months and months of pain and fearful anticipation.
Didn't help that it's such a smartly written relationship, nuanced, subtle. I think the fact that they are not the main characters helped a lot in this case. It doesn't beat you over the head with overly dramatic gestures, the strength of that relationship lays in how normal and relatable it is. It's just two boys, one has a crush, the other is oblivious, but not hopelessly so. I really wanted this for Yamagi, and I wanted the sunny boy to survive, I wanted them to defeat the odds. I was always aware all the necessary components for an effective tragedy were already there, but I dared to hope! Paradoxically, the more obvious the looming tragedy, the more I deluded myself it can be avoided because it's too obvious. Needless to say I got burned so badly I don't think I'll ever hope for anything ever again. I'm still hurting. I still think it was a colossal waste of a beautifully established queer romance. It could've been historic. Making fanworks for them is how I cope, and I think I'm going to be coping for a long while yet.
Apart from all the above, their interactions are just so great! They're filled with warmth, but also some bite. Yamagi is head over heels in love with Shino but he's not oblivious to his faults, he gives banter and push back. Sometimes he forces Shino to confront realities he'd rather avoid. They are a good match because their contrasting personalities are not so much at odds with each other but rather they compliment one another. And it's by design because, just like Mika and Orga, the two were designed around each other since the beginning. Shino is the Sun, Yamagi is the Moon. Much like Shino needs (and enjoys) Yamagi to discipline him at times and bring some sense into him, Yamagi needs Shino's energy to push himself beyond his self imposed limitations. The CD drama showcases this aspect really well, imo. I love that Yamagi's presence forces Shino to go a couple levels of intensity lower, so he can meet Yamagi where he's at, and that's where we see the real tenderness in Shino come out. Also because their scenes often just happen to involve physical contact of some sort, that in itself generates a lot of great chemistry. Now, most of that comes from Shino just being the guy with no sense of personal space, but it's also more opportunity to show how different is the touch he has for Yamagi and the other guys. Because Yamagi is not just "one of the guys" and never has been. I guess in Shino's mind Yamagi has his own category. He's so protective of him, and looks at him with such fondness. It's his own, patented "looking at the one I want to protect" type of smile. It's such a mutually uplifting relationship. I'll die on the hill that Yamagi triggered the resolution to Shino's character conflict, he is responsible for Shino's growth just like Shino is responsible for Yamagi's.
They're a solid unit and a great team, much like in personal life, their skills and capabilities compliment one another. I could go for an entire season of just this dynamic. I love me some back-to back buddies and I prefer the dynamic to be equal. Most my previous ships were that, though admittedly this is more of a Shino and Eugene's thing. "The one who waits, and the one who goes into action" is more of a traditional heteronormative ship dynamic, but I still love it because of how good Yamagi is at wrecking Shino's posturing. Yamagi demands to be Shino's equal, and he is. It's pretty much solidified between us that Shino is destined to be dragged by the dick by his sarky twink and honestly, more power to him.
When it comes to the characters themselves, looking back at my other anime blorbos, it's undeniable I have a type(s). Feels like I tend to gravitate toward either the sanguine or the sardonic, and nothing in between. Shino and Yamagi embody these traits to a T, albeit and in a more subdued fashion and maybe that contributes to me being so into them. Although they also carry unique emotional vulnerability that effectively breaks the trope. Shino is this larger than life, louder than life, unreasonable, bombastic man, but he is also the one with deep rooted insecurity and feelings of his own disposability. Yamagi is the stoic, sarcastic, sophisticated man in the making, yet he is the one with the all encompassing, melancholic infatuation. I adore Yamagi's entire character as a concept. He had my heart in a vice. I don't know how anybody can not feel for him. I think I've already said a lot about why Yamagi is so special to me above. He's this strong, uncompromising, loving soul trapped in a fragile body. Completely out of place for his surroundings but still capable enough to make himself indispensible. I honestly think he's cool! We cannot forget he drove a freaking train, jumped out of a moving vehicle, and climbed a mobile suit! It's like he can go from vulnerable to takes-no-piss attitude in a second. Like he's very cute and all, but he's also a bit of a bully. There is no extravagance in his looks and mannerisms (beside his fabulous hairstyle) and it's very refreshing to see in a gay anime character.
As for Shino, in general he seems like a character created with a lot of love. I think all in all, he's one of the most well crafted, multifaceted characters in the entire cast. I love all his little quirks and eccentricities. His free and unabashed expressions of emotion. The way the good and wholesome aspects of his personalty contrast with the reality of who he is, a trained soldier willing to kill for his cause. He's the character who shows this contrast within Tekkadan really well because of how vividly his jovial personality clashes with his circumstances, I think. I love juxtapositions like that within characters and Shino has those in spades. Most notably, the self-sacrificial undercurrent which manifetsts outwardly as him willing to take the protective role, no matter the cost. His lust for life and utter devotion to his family combined with the casual acceptance of his mortality give me chills. Or the mask of a horny goofball covering the more reflective bits of his nature. I like that he seems to be incapable of guile. Like he's so genuine and so utterly lost whenever he's witnessing the gang's scheming sessions. He's great with children, he's free of prejudice, he's a great caretaker and a rock solid support for his mates. And if I'm being honest, I was not at all surprised when he was revealed as bi, like maybe it's feeding into the stereotype, but I've personally always saw enough flamboyancy there for that to be a possibility. I think this doesn't just serve his romantc plotline, it also informs his character more broadly, in that his capacity for love is virtually endless. I just wish he was let out of the closet more openly and allowed to live his truth. Goddamn he deserved better.
Also he's just hot!! Excuse me, but how is Shino not the hottest guy in IBO? Like I realise he's not intended for the audience to be necessarily perceived as that, McGillis and Gaelio are obviously the intended heartthrobs, but it's no coincidence Shino demolished "most desirable" ranking within the small queer community I watched the show with, lmao. Have people seen his original character artwork by Yu? The dreamy eyes, full lips, lashes for days? That's Tekkadan's true pretty boy right there! It's weird because he's the hot and dangerous war-man, and my cute baby boy I want to protect with all my might at the same time. I cannot with these conflicting feelings :u
Anyway! I think I've rambled so much and it still doesn't feel like I even touched anything beyond the surface. Hope there's at least something to read there (-u-)v
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beigetiger · 1 month
More writing-based notes for scenes I want to put in Where the Wild Things Go when I get back to my computer:
- Go back and input a scene talking about why the Hummingbird wants to leave their parents permanently, preferably by showcasing the parent’s attitude towards Wild Things.
- Go back and show more of the Hummingbird adjusting to living in a forest and the culture that goes along with it, probably before the Hummingbird has their full transformation and they’re still living with the Spider alongside the other young Wild Things
- Show the Hummingbird learning to craft a spear that they can use in hunting and learning how to use said spear.p
- Show how the Wild Things typically survive in the wintertime, since large farmland is pretty much impossible given the circumstances. As a result, the Wild Things are more social with each other and hunt in groups to ensure that nobody dies of cold and that everyone gets to eat.
- The Hummingbird creating a place to live, possibly sharing a living space or living nearby the Cyclopean Feline, basically finding the materials to decorate it and make it livable.
- Show a different winter, and a much harsher one, where a group of Wild Things are nearly shot to death after chasing some sort of animal into the field near the Civilized Society. This leads to a Civilized Person leaving a couple bags of food near the edge of the forest, which leads to a debate about whether or not the food is safe to take or if it’s been poisoned/if they’ll be shot upon entering the field to grab the food. But desperation leads the Hummingbird to go out and grab the bags before quickly retreating to the forest.
- The Hummingbird, now a much better flier, doing air trickshots through the trees alongside other flying Wild Things.
- The Cyclopean Feline adopting a young Wild Thing (maybe 12-13?) and the Hummingbird agreeing to co-raise the kid with them. The kid is probably on-par with a griffon but has the front half of a tiger and the back half (including the wings) of a dragon. Basically show them raising and interacting with the kid.
- The Hummingbird unwisely getting near the Civilized Society and spotting a partially transformed kid inside the wall who is being chased. Hummingbird then dives down, grabs the kid, and flies away with them, which causes a ruckus within the wall and gets the Hummingbird in vague trouble when they get back.
- Another average day in the Hummingbird’s life now that they’re slightly older and a more functional adult, plus them checking in on the now fully-transformed Wild Thing they saved. They also fly around with the Tiger-Dragon.
- The Civilized Society getting more and more aggressive towards the Wild Place, which eventually leads to a party of them going out to capture Wild Things. They nearly capture the Tiger-Dragon, who’s probably around 16-17 at this point, but the Hummingbird saves them and gets captured instead.
- The Hummingbird is caged inside the wall and meets an old classmate of theirs, who is their jailer. The classmate recognizes them and is horrified by their transformation, but the Hummingbird eventually convinced them to unlock the cell and let the Hummingbird fly away.
- Civilized Society continues to be aggressive, which causes more and more Wild Things to leave the forest in search of somewhere better. The Hummingbird, Cyclopean Feline, and Tiger-Dragon stay as long as they can, but eventually also choose to leave together in search of somewhere safer. The Spider, however, opts to stay so it can continue to care for young Wild Things. The family wishes it luck and then leaves.
- Show a couple different places that the family travel to and see if it’s a good fit for them, leaving for various reasons. They do, however, eventually find a place they like and decide to stay. They then have to learn to adjust to this new place and to having fewer Wild Things around.
- The three of them continue to live their lives and they all slowly get older. They also reminisce along the way about the Wild Place, and the many creatures who lived there alongside them.
- Eventually, the Hummingbird and Cyclopean Feline are quite old and struggle to do many tasks, but are still relatively happy and enjoy their life together, especially since the Tiger-Dragon is capable of caring for them. The Hummingbird does eventually die (although not of violent causes), and dies looking up at the sky and seeing the birds flying around.
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lgcjino · 7 months
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his birthday comes off a homesick high. 
maybe it was because he had gone home the month before, but remnants of his old life still linger, the new zealand sun a nice reminder against his skin in comparison to the usual winter dullness it would take from the seoul cold. it doesn’t help that the days leading up to his birthday, he receives endless hints and texts from his friends back home about some type of party they’ll be holding in his absence.
but where there are birthday downs, there are also birthday ups.
this year’s birthday ups comes as another notch on his belt of a career he has yet to taste but the sentiment is there. it’s a nice thought, a birthday cafe made in collaboration from the artist and the company’s cafe kitchen crew. jino hadn’t thought it would happen this fast — he was barely even an actor!
this month surely would be chock-full of firsts. this one being one of the very firsts of the month, especially.
sitting down with the chef was an experience, jino had a dozen or so ideas and he couldn’t quite put them into words. but he wants something that reminds him of home, without being too overdone, something that reminds him of childhood but also a bit of his present self. 
the final product is to be expected as jino finds himself smack dab and center, towering between the very chef and barista who had helped him come up with his concoction. 
with his hands clapped, he waves at the camera after a short but cordial bow, barely able to keep the ecstatic grin from spilling over his lips. he was practically jumping up and down from excitement, enough so that he could hear the barista at his right muffling a laugh behind a hand. 
the cameras were rolling, moon jino, get serious! 
“g’day, everyone!” his kiwi accent is brisk, rolling over his english as he introduces himself. “i’m moon jino, here with —” he makes sure to leave enough time for the chef and barista to introduce themselves, laughing when the barista stumbles over his greeting, lightening up the mood to ease her nerves. “i know — it’s okay,” hand to his chest as he exaggeratedly raises his shoulders up and down. “i’m excited to tell them our news, too!”
“so, you’ve probably seen this scenario before but today, we’re here to show you how to make the delectable treats we’ll be selling at the legacy café this february 13.”
a hand points at one camera, a sudden close up shot — “you haven’t forgotten what february 13 is, right?”
he makes a pause, a belated ding, as he looks to the chef, on his left, for the answer:
“what’s the right answer, chef-님?”
“your birthday?”
jino grins, clapping his hands as he nods and the camera zooms out to showcase all three of them again. “yes, yes, you are right. it’s my birthday and while i would love all the gifts and treats that come with it, i’ve decided to share the love with all of you.” he pinches his nose bridge as he lets out an exaggerated huff, “there’s just so much love to give, and here it all is for you — in the form of this menu!”
jino stands, like a pole, smack dab in between the chef and the barista as they fuss away at their jobs — jino, being jino, and from obvious and thorough instruction prior to filming, had been cleared to just … stand there and look pretty and while jino’s first instinct was to help —
he also did not mind being hands free as he explained the menu at full length. 
“now, there are two components to this menu, a sweet treat and a savory one! i’m not really a sweet tooth but i do love my savory goods. and i think this has the best of both worlds.” as the chef lays the finishing touches to the first part of the menu, jino tilts his head to glance down at her creation. 
“look at this — we are calling this,” he gives pause, lending his makeshift microphone — a wooden spoon he had taken from the spare utensils at the corner of the island — to the chef. 
“jino’s best friend.” the chef answers while placing the last skewer on the plate and providing a better view of the dessert. on a white scalloped plate lay two skewers, each had three rice flour dumplings. one set was shaped to appear like a dog ( specifically a shiba inu ) head while the other set was of the dog’s fluffy behind, decorated with a sweet soy glaze.
“ah, yes. jino’s best friend — get it? like man’s best friend?” he laughs, before returning the ‘mic’ back to the chef.
“and why are we calling this jino’s best friend, chef-님?”
her answer, while rehearsed still makes him choke a laugh, as he hears it in real-time.
“because you’re a dog, jino-씨.”
“yes, everyone. you’ve heard here first, i — moon jino — am apparently as loyal and as cute as a dog.” at least … this is what he assumes is the reasoning behind it all.
as the camera pans over to the person on his right, jino laughs when the barista, in their utmost concentration lays the final component to the drink: the hokey pokey crumbs and the tiny yakgwa cookie.
“now, this is one that was harder to come up with. i was trying to find a bridge between new zealand and korea and our very smart barista over here had the brilliant idea of making a latte with a honey base.” the barista nods their head, presenting it to the camera, "and if you don’t know both 약과 and hokey-pokey have a honey-flavor in common."
“you might know this flavor pairing as it’s a crowd favorite — it is also one of my grandpa’s favorites, which happens to be mine as well because of him, it’s 오미자 (omija) tea with a 약과 cookie. it can get a little too bitter so we added cinnamon and honey to balance the flavors as well as a hokey-pokey cream. i tried to convince them to make it an ice cream but —” 
“that would make another dessert, jino-씨.”
“yes, what he said. it would make another dessert but i looked it up and some countries think affogatos are drinks! especially when the ice cream melts and — okay, sorry. getting off topic,” the barista lays the honey cookie atop of the thick honey-comb toffee cream and with a smile presents it to the camera. “this is what we’re calling a yakgwa float. it’ll be presented to you like this in layers so make sure you mix it well with your straw and don’t forget to eat the cookie. it’s the best part.” he says with a wink.
his wink is met with laughter, scattered across the studio, and in that moment, he takes the time to set the ‘microphone’ spoon down and moves to take a sip of the drink the barista had prepared. 
he lets out a satisfied sigh — “yeah, that’s a nice taste. just the right amount of sweetness.” which, as his grandpa always says, is the best compliment a dessert could get. 
“and that appears to be it.” he begins clapping, enough to get the rest of the staff and the barista and chef at his sides to do so as well. 
“let’s give it up for our very talented chef and barista for all their help, because let’s be real, without them, this would not have been at all possible. thank you. take a bow, take a bow!” and they do, to the roaring applause of jino in all his excitement.
“i just want to thank everyone, again. it’s a new year and i’m honestly so, so thankful for all the blessings and love. i hope to do my best for you all.” he ends it on a high note, a bow, and a grin so wide that it’s practically overflowing with gratitude that despite everything he’s said, he’s not sure if he’s scratched the surface of how deep his appreciation goes. standing up, again, he takes note of the final cue from the staff and he looks to the camera again with a grin.
“this has been jino and i’ll catch ‘ya on the flip side.” he bows again before sporting a cheesy salute to the camera. 
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the photocards
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left: the dog-shaped dango aka jino's best friend  — a set of 2 japanese rice flour dumplings skewered and shaped to look like a dog’s face with a sweet soy glaze
right: the yakgwa float — magnolia berry tea latte sprinkled with honey and cinnamon; topped with whipped hokey-pokey (new zealand honey comb toffee) cream, and a dusting of hokey pokey crumbs and a yakgwa cookie for decoration. can be served hot or cold. 
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jovenshires · 9 months
💙Smoshblr December Asks Day 18💛
What are your top 3 fave clothes, that you currently own? (can be faves for any reason, like comfort, smth you love to wear on special occasions, etc. 🤗)
Bonus: What are your top 3 fave accessories? (like jewelry, belts, bags, etc. 👜)
oh my god....... this is so hard bc i am a Fashion Girlie. but i digress. have some gpoys as well to showcase the Fits bc i am Proud of Them
the first is this cropped sweatshirt that says practice safe hex. i love her. SO much. i study witchcraft (one day ill practice. one day.) and i think this shirt is so funny and the and when fall hits? im a menace this is all i wear. (bonus shoutout to the patterned jeans in that pic bc they'd probably be my fourth pick for this list i LOVE those jeans.)
second is this brown corduroy skirt!! this is a more recent addition to my closet (i think i got it like last year?) and i wear it all the time. it is sitting on my bed to be put away from the wash rn. it's so cute and simple and goes with so many different things. ive got this outfit i really like to do with it (but no pics of the full thing unfortch) i call my shaggy fit where i wear this with like a lil green tank top sweater combo and its SUCH a cute winter/fall fit. (also this picture peeps one of my weeb tattoos so enjoy xx)
third and finally i cannot believe this is the best picture i have of this stupid thing (censored the face and an identifying landmark in the background LKNFKNSFLKNR) BUT this lil plaid overshirt? i have had that thing since i was literally... 13. so like 12 years and i STILL wear it ALLLLLL of the time. showing my arms makes me Uncomfy so this thing is a lifesaver. and i also wear a lot of plain black clothing so if smth needs a lil spice? ya just throw this bad boy on. plain black dress? plaid overshirt. lil romper? plaid overshirt. plain t-shirt? plaid overshirt. she's everything to me.
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OH BOY OH BOY okay so two of these are like. staples to my wardrobe and the other one is. just for fun!
so the first one - my best friend handmade this for my birthday. this is my very own clown collar!!!!!! katie lore drop incoming - i am obsessed with clowns. i have a clown collection and a clown tattoo. so of course when she went to knit me smth she made me this!! i have not had the occasion to wear it but. im manifesting it soon (i will say she gave me this While i was dressed as a clown)
the second picture is of my class rings. (don't worry they've been heavily censored i'm not doxxing myself <3) the lighting is terrible and they also. don't leave my hands so the gems are grody as hell but the gems are blue zircon (my brother and mother's birthstone) and amethyst. im not even like. very proud of being an alumni from my schools but they remind me how hard i fought and all i learned to be where i am today and honestly. i love a ring! i love a ring moment and i wish i wore more so. class rings stick around.
and FINALLY. oh Boy oh Boy. i can talk about this thing for hours. this is my backpack. it is Covered in pins and keychains (spot all my special interests in there....... so many things....) and i take it Everywhere with me. this is actually the Third iteration of this backpack - i had a black backpack that all these pins were on (it broke tragically), then his white backpack had different pins, and now we've moved the black backpack pins onto the white backpack. im a bag enthusiast and a pin collector (i have so many pins....... so many) so i have multiple bags with pins all over them but. these pins are my faves.
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ANYWAY. sorry ab being so extra but i love all these things soooo yeah <3<3<3
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kpoptimeout · 9 months
K-Pop Debuts and Comebacks for the 3rd Week of December (Dec 11 - Dec 17 2023)
Dec 11
Popular veteran girl group Apink is back for the holidays with this festive track!
HWANG CHI YEUL - Beautiful
Well-loved balladist Hwang Chi Yeul returns for the end of the year with this jolly winter track!
PUNCH - Just Another Day
OST Queen PUNCH showcases her attractive vocals in this soothing ballad.
SHIN JIMIN - Twinkle Little Star
AOA's leader Jimin is back solo in this experimental pop rock performance!
Dec 12
BOL4 - Snowball
BOL4 returns with ethereal vocals perfect for Christmas!
Indie space-themed soloist ID:EARTH drops another dark and alluringly unique track!
Dec 13
LEE MU JIN - Episode
Singer-songwriter LEE MU JIN warms us in these cold days with his endearing vocals!
Dec 14
No releases.
Dec 15
Jang Yoon Jeong - One Pick
South Korea's Queen of Trot Jang Yoon Jeong is back with another catchy and positive bop featuring a diverse array of women and girls beautiful in their own unique ways!
Park Won - Over the window ft. Paul Kim
Veteran singer-songwriter Park Won collabs with junior Paul Kim in this emotional ballad.
Dec 16
JUNNY - Promise
Rising Korean RnB soloist JUNNY croons in this smooth release.
Dec 17
No releases.
What is your favourite release of the week?
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ryttu3k · 9 months
Whitlams? Whitlams!
Interesting venue. Kind of kitsch in a fun way. Food was very overpriced for what it was (the vegan version of the falafel burger was… a falafel patty smeared in hommus and wrapped in lettuce) and my disabled ass did not realise it was a standing venue only, so the barstool I had dragged in to the back of the room meant that while I could at least sit, I couldn't see shit.
Eh. I've seen them a bunch, and it's the sound that's the most important part <3
Early stuff featured Scott Owen from The Living End on the double bass. Gotta have the double bass for stuff from the first two albums, y'know? Setlist as below, there was a lot of singing along in general, but will mark with an asterisk for the ones that were genuinely singalong territory because that was just fun:
Gough *
End Of Your World
Where Is She?
Met My Match
Winter Lovin'
The Ballad Of Lester Walker
Following My Own Tracks *
I Make Hamburgers * ("MORE SAUCE!")
No Aphrodisiac *
Fall For You (introduced with, "Let's do something from this century!")
In The Last Life
Charlie No. 2 * (singalong here was very sweet, I think Tim toned down his own mic to showcase the audience a bit more? Like it was almost the audience singing it with Tim accompanying)
Melbourne *
Charlie No. 3
Royal In The Afternoon *
I Will Not Go Quietly *
Laugh In Their Faces
Blow Up The Pokies
Up Against The Wall (an interesting note on the passage of time - when it came out in 1997, it had the lyric, "She was one in a million / so there's five more just in New South Wales." There are now eight million people in NSW!)
I Get High (with Jak performing Stevie's parts)
Happy Days
You Sound Like Louis Burdett * (extremely enthusiastic!! Definitely not alone in this being my favourite!)
Then, for the encore:
You Don't Even Know My Name
I'm Different
Thank You *
Album count: Introducing (6), Undeniably (7), Eternal Nightcap (7), Love This City (2), Torch The Moon (3), none from Little Cloud, Sancho (1). So very heavily from the first three albums, aside from Thank You and Blow Up The Pokies, Fall For You, I Will Not Go Quietly, and Royal in the Afternoon, and In The Last Life.
Actually quite amusing looking at the different crowd demographics when you consider my last concert, which was… Måneskin. To be expected when one band has an average age of about 23 and the other has an average age of about 57, haha. I'm an oldie when it comes to Måneskin fans, but a lot of the crowd tonight were more like… youngish boomers, older millennials, but pretty solidly gen Xers who were teens and young adults for when those first three albums came out between 1993 and 1997. (The Måneskin members weren't even born yet!) I got into them a bit after the Love This City release when I was 13, so I was actually on the younger side.
There was a dude there wearing a black velvet shirt, bright blue corduroy flares, and a white belt. Fab outfit tbh.
Got a tour shirt. Expensive but it has my favourite lyrics from my favourite song on it (from Louis Burdett - "Banana chairs out on the concrete / telling stories to the stars"), and also they've been one of my favourite bands for... shit, coming up on twenty-five years now, and I still don't have any merch. I kinda had to.
So, really good, aside from the overpriced food and the whole 'can't see shit' part!
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chattanoogazoo · 10 months
2023-2024 Asian Lantern Festival
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From Nov. 16, 2023, to January 14, 2024, the Chattanooga Zoo will keep its doors open after-hours for its second-ever Asian Lantern Festival. Beginning at 5:30 p.m. each night of the festival, attendees will take an evening tour of the Chattanooga Zoo with a large collection of stunning lanterns, games and moving, interactive displays to light the way.
“This event helps bring our community together to make unforgettable memories while also inspiring a deeper appreciation of animals and our natural world,” said Darde Long, president and CEO of the Chattanooga Zoo. “This year, to create a newly enchanting experience for our patrons, we’ve updated the displays to feature an entirely new collection of lanterns that showcase Chinese culture, a winter wonderland, a variety of undersea life and, of course, our beloved zoo animals.”
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The lanterns, which took over a month to construct and span the entire zoo property, feature large displays of butterflies, holiday lights, a wide variety of animals, a giant crab, a dragon that’s 30 feet tall and much more.
Additionally, Santa Claus will visit the festival and take pictures with attendees at no additional cost on Dec. 15, 16, 22 and 23. For closing weekend, Jan. 13-14, The Pop-up Project will present an interactive performance across the Zoo grounds including dancers, live music and aerialists.
This year’s newly revamped Asian Lantern Festival is supported by Chick-fil-A of Chattanooga, the presenting sponsor. 
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The festival occurs Wednesday through Sunday each week until its final night on January 14, 2024. The festival is open from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. each night.
Tickets are available at chattzoo.org/events/alf-2023. General Zoo admission tickets are not required, only an Asian Lantern Festival ticket is required for entry. Additionally, Asian Lantern Festival tickets do not grant general admission to the Zoo throughout the day.
For more information about other Chattanooga Zoo programs, events, animals and more, visit chattzoo.org or call 423-697-1322.
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limetameta · 2 years
OTP questions: 7, 8, 16, 31, 41, 42, 57
7 Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
Riza Hawkeye is restless one day and she's just about to announce that she's going to go on a jog when Kimblee, known lazer in beds, just casually asks: ''How about you use that pent up energy for something useful?'' Riza tells him she's not in the mood for sex. He scoffs. ''So juvenile, I was thinking to build a pillow fort.'' And Riza, ngl, she's down for that. So they just build one just because one day and hide in there for fun.
8 What happens if one of them gets sick?
Riza Hawkeye is fully functional with a fever of 39-40 degrees celsius, like she's not missing work. She's chugging water and sweating this bad boy out. Kimblee is like nearby in case she does need taking care of, but she's VERY MUCH got a handle on things. You think she's weak?? Pfft. No, she's not going to so much as complain about anything. Ever.
Now if Kimblee gets like a 37,8 fever he showcases it like it's the end of the world and people need to hear his last will and testament. Riza makes him soup. He cries and says it isn't the right kind of soup. She goes on a run to fetch him medicine and he takes it but he complains so much about it. This is a primadona when sick.
16 Can they stay up all night just talking?
31 Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
Riza can. Kimblee can. Kimblee refuses to. Riza promises that she's going to get back at him so hard for all of these little moments of pda when they get back home. Kimblee looks entirely too pleased with himself.
41 Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering?
KIMBLEE. I even have him do this in my fic Central City Stroll
42 What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
It's a summer night and the sky is full of lightning bolts, it's in the middle of a thunderstorm. Kimblee and Riza are watching all of this through a window and just chilling. They're wearing their home clothes and have like an ice tea in hand or something to drink.
Meanwhile in the middle of winter, heating on max, Riza dying and going to open the window to air the place out a bit - Kimblee shouting that she's being abusive towards him and that she's not welcome anywhere near him ever again for letting the cold air inside. Riza, short sleeves and sweating: Solf, it is A HUNDRED degrees in here! - Kimblee covered in blankets and hissing at her: If you open that window I'll have to refuse you entry into the bed - Riza opening that window anyway and just going: That's just the risk I'm willing to take. - Kimblee gasping at her audacity.
57 Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
Kimblee is the holder of the grocery basket. He takes this duty very seriously. Especially whenever Riza tries to put her 13 in 1 shampoo bottle. He protects the basket with his LIFE and tries to stop her. Riza will learn how to properly take care of her hair if it's the last thing Kimblee does. But yeah, Kimblee also tosses stupid shit into the basket and Riza has to say: We don't need that. / Kimblee makes a whole case on why they do indeed need an obscene amount of candies. Riza just tells him he's paying for that if he really wants it. Kimblee is like no big deal for me *takes even more candies now that he's worn her down into agreeing to let him buy them* Somehow when they come home Kimblee sees a brand new 13 in 1 shampoo bottle in the bathroom.
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
Bejeweled? And sweet nothing?
Helllooo 😊 Thanks for asking me this! (psst, your advent calendar is a hit, you should be so fucking proud of yourself. I know I've already said it, but I'm saying it again because I know you were struggling with writing, and I think you deserve the praise!)
The post
Bejeweled: What's your favourite jewel? Okay!!! I'm big on jewellery. I love rings and necklaces and bracelets and pendants. However, I don't own that many pieces due to the fact that I'm semi-allergic to certain metals, as a result, I can't have piercings (the shitshow involving the two times I've pierced my ears is proof. rip to 10-year-old me dreaming of having a nose ring one day). So, I mainly wear rings- silver, preferably. Most of the time, I wear amber, but I do have an opal ring that my sister bought me for my 19th birthday, but one of the stones fell out and I haven't gotten around to getting it fixed (so it's hidden away right now). One of my rings, I've had for 13 years, and it still fits (which is a nice surprise haha). I also have an absolutely beautiful amethyst bracelet that my dad bought me from a mine in Wales (if my memory is correct) about... twenty years ago now. So, I would say my favourite materials for my jewellery are silver, amber, opal, and amethyst. Sweet Nothing: What makes you feel content? Warmth. Fresh bedding. A hot drink. Spring-time breeze. Summer sunshine. The colours of autumn. The freshness of winter. A good home-cooked meal. That fresh book smell. Classical music that showcases a cello. Touching different textures. A hug from someone I love and who loves me in return. Co-existing with someone who understands. Praise. Acceptance. Patience. (I couldn't think of a way to write it other than compiling a short list)
Thank you again!! 🥰
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I posted 8,270 times in 2022
That's 6,233 more posts than 2021!
358 posts created (4%)
7,912 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,213 of my posts in 2022
#asks! - 68 posts
#mutuals! - 57 posts
#will &lt;3 - 40 posts
#spoilers - 17 posts
#save - 17 posts
#livebloging - 16 posts
#fave - 13 posts
#ask game - 12 posts
#ranboo - 11 posts
#tftsmp - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i have a new class today that i don’t know anyone in and also i do t know anyone at lunch so i am eating alone and outside even though it’s
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Lost Boy- Kassidy Mae Claren
My best friend just published her first book and I want to help boost it
more info below the cut
Short description: Peter Pan retelling from the perspective of a lost boy.
Official description:
Will has spent his entire life waiting. He waits for a place to call home. He waits for people to call family. He waits so that maybe one day he can feel found.
When all of his problems are solved in Neverland, a magical island where no one grows up, he begins to wonder if maybe he has finally found peace.
He quickly discovers he may just be surrounded by those he cannot trust. Who will he believe? Is this really family or all lies?
If Will wants to find what he’s always been looking for he must find a way through thw deceptions. He must learn to change for the better, to truly trust, to grow up, and to finally stop waiting.
in conclusion: you should buy Lost Boy and support my best friend!! :]
12 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
la creatura!!
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Him <3
18 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Ranboo photos I got yesterday
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See the full post
26 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
Okay, so my friend and I worked to choreograph a show for our winter guard showcase and so I present to you, our duet, wither and rot 🥀
34 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ranbunny isn’t real, he can’t hurt you
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45 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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notxjustxstories · 2 years
Your kinktober posts are nothing but filth they hardly have anything to do with the characters
Thank you?
I don’t know what’s funnier, the fact that you’re accusing me of posting plotless filth for kinktober of all fandom events, or that you’re just straight up wrong. Despite my best efforts, every post I’ve made so far has had something significant to say either about the oc in it or their relationship with their partner(s), but even if they didn’t, not every piece of fiction has to have some deeper message. Some people just wanna write people fucking and that’s totally cool.
I doubt you’re wondering since you either haven’t actually read any of my kinktober fics or completely lack any and all reading comprehension skills, but I’ve added the significance of every post I’ve made so far below the cut.
adding per @lizziesxltzmxn's suggestion
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(various kink/trauma related triggers, as tagged in their original kinktober posts)
Day 1 - showcases the fact that no humanity!Hope is so attached to and obsessed with Di that she’s willing to compel Di to kill herself and turn her into a heretic if she thinks she’s going to be taken from her
Day 2 - shows how Luna’s empathic connection to Clark alters her own feelings for others
Day 3 - the trust Bucky has in Sahar that he wants her to use his trigger words on him, their respective trauma, the guilt Sahar carries for removing Bucky’s autonomy contrasting with the knowledge that she had to look out for herself, and the guilt the Winter Soldier (not Bucky- the Winter Soldier) deals with as he undergoes deconditioning and reintegration
Day 4 - how the relationship between Minako and Kaia’s past lives ended horribly and violently but they’re still attracted to each other even though they’re angry to the point of wanting to hurt each other, framing how much they have to recover to have a healthy relationship
Day 5 - Erin’s god-tier survival instincts and how her mind works
Day 6 - how the Hex affects Wanda and Danica’s relationship and the limitations/strain Wanda’s own power put on it because she wanted the perfect sitcom life, not recognizing the cost
Day 7 - more on Erin’s god-tier survival instincts but also the fact that she likes giving up control and may have ulterior motives to sleeping with Loki and Bucky than just doing what she thinks will keep her alive long enough to be rescued, with a side of hinting that Loki’s aggression and threats of brutality aren’t what they seem either
Day 8 - Elena’s knowledge and fear of her own power both in her adolescence and in the days leading up to the Chitauri invasion when she’s in closer proximity to the mind stone, with a bonus reflection on her view of sex growing up in a small town compared to having two partners who are invested in mutual consent and her enjoyment
Day 9 - highlighting a domestic, submissive moment with a character who is supposed to be in control at all times in her job, set over the backdrop of a work situation in which she is very much not in control
Day 10 - more exploration of how growing up in a small, conservative town damaged an oc’s views on love and sex with bonus human!infinity stone lore and the implication of absolute trust between an wlw couple
Day 11 - further exploration of Wanda’s powers & Danica’s desire for her wife even in a situation where they’re supposed to be “just friends” per the rules of the Hex
Day 12 - how homophobia affects the lives of two women in love in the 1940s-1950s + the utter beauty and tragedy of an immortal woman literally begging Death to “take her”
Day 13 - the pull between reincarnated lovers and how despite their anger towards each other they are still very much in love and willing to prove it
Day 14 (I haven’t even posted this one yet so spoilers? I guess?) - a highly emotional, vulnerable moment between two partners + Eve is described in her intro as getting married and giving birth at age 18, and since I don’t write explicit scenes with minors, it’s implied that she gets pregnant in this scene- rather befitting that the personification of the soul stone starts the process of creating new life the first time she’s physically able to
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iblackfashion · 2 days
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1. The Power of Black: Why Every Woman Needs It in Her Wardrobe
Content Ideas: Discuss the versatility and timeless appeal of black clothing.
Visuals: Create a mood board showcasing various black outfits.
2. Black Outfit Inspiration for Every Occasion
Content Ideas: Curate looks for casual outings, work, formal events, and nights out.
Visuals: Outfit collages or lookbooks.
3. The Best Black Accessories to Elevate Your Look
Content Ideas: Highlight essential accessories—bags, shoes, jewelry—that complement black outfits.
Visuals: Product recommendations with images.
4. Fashion Icons in Black: A Look at Style Legends
Content Ideas: Profile fashion icons known for their signature black styles (e.g., Audrey Hepburn, Rihanna).
Visuals: Iconic photos and outfits from these figures.
5. Styling Black for Different Seasons
Content Ideas: Offer tips on how to wear black in summer, winter, spring, and fall.
Visuals: Seasonal outfit inspirations.
6. Body Positivity in Black Fashion
Content Ideas: Celebrate diverse body types and showcase styles that flatter every figure.
Visuals: Feature real women in black outfits, promoting body positivity.
7. Sustainable Black Fashion: Brands to Watch
Content Ideas: Highlight eco-friendly brands that focus on black clothing.
Visuals: Infographics on sustainable fashion practices.
8. DIY Black Fashion: Customize Your Wardrobe
Content Ideas: Share DIY projects for customizing black clothing (e.g., cutting, dyeing, embellishing).
Visuals: Step-by-step tutorials with images.
9. Trendy Black Dress Styles for 2024
Content Ideas: Review the latest black dress trends and how to style them.
Visuals: Runway looks and street style photos.
10. How to Transition Your Black Wardrobe from Day to Night
Content Ideas: Offer tips for transforming a daytime black outfit into an evening look.
Visuals: Before-and-after styling examples.
11. Exploring Black Fashion Through Cultures
Content Ideas: Examine the significance of black clothing in different cultures and traditions.
Visuals: Cultural illustrations and fashion photography.
12. The Best Black Skirts for Every Body Shape
Content Ideas: Guide readers on choosing black skirts that flatter their body types.
Visuals: Examples of different skirt styles.
13. Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of a Fashion Blogger
Content Ideas: Share insights about your daily routine, outfit planning, and fashion shoots.
Visuals: Candid shots from your day.
14. Fashion Week Roundup: Black Fashion Highlights
Content Ideas: Review the standout black fashion moments from recent fashion weeks.
Visuals: Runway photos and commentary.
15. Interview with a Designer: The Allure of Black Fashion
Content Ideas: Feature an interview with a designer who specializes in black clothing, discussing their inspirations and designs.
Visuals: Designer portraits and their work.
0 notes
dan6085 · 24 days
Here’s a detailed list of the top 25 festivals around the world, celebrating culture, music, art, and tradition:
### 1. **Carnival (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)**
- **When:** February or March (before Lent)
- **What:** The world’s most famous Carnival features parades, samba music, dancing, and extravagant costumes. The Sambadrome parade is the highlight, where samba schools compete in an explosion of color and rhythm.
### 2. **Diwali (India)**
- **When:** October or November
- **What:** Known as the Festival of Lights, Diwali celebrates the victory of light over darkness. Homes are illuminated with oil lamps, fireworks are set off, and families gather for feasts and prayers.
### 3. **Oktoberfest (Munich, Germany)**
- **When:** Late September to the first weekend in October
- **What:** The largest beer festival in the world, Oktoberfest is a celebration of Bavarian culture with beer tents, traditional foods, music, and lederhosen-clad revelers.
### 4. **Mardi Gras (New Orleans, USA)**
- **When:** February or March (before Ash Wednesday)
- **What:** A vibrant festival known for its parades, masked balls, and street parties. Beads, costumes, and the famous King Cake are integral to the celebrations.
### 5. **La Tomatina (Buñol, Spain)**
- **When:** Last Wednesday of August
- **What:** The world’s largest food fight, where thousands of participants throw tomatoes at each other in the streets of Buñol, creating a red, pulpy mess.
### 6. **Holi (India and Nepal)**
- **When:** March (Full Moon of Phalguna)
- **What:** Known as the Festival of Colors, Holi is a Hindu festival where participants throw colored powders at each other, dance, and celebrate the arrival of spring.
### 7. **Burning Man (Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA)**
- **When:** Last week of August to the first week of September
- **What:** A unique festival where participants create a temporary city dedicated to art, self-expression, and community, culminating in the burning of a large wooden effigy.
### 8. **Chinese New Year (China and worldwide)**
- **When:** January or February
- **What:** Also known as the Spring Festival, it is the most important traditional Chinese holiday, marked by family gatherings, fireworks, parades, and the iconic dragon dance.
### 9. **Glastonbury Festival (Somerset, England)**
- **When:** Last weekend of June
- **What:** One of the most famous music festivals in the world, Glastonbury features a diverse lineup of music, arts, and performance across multiple stages over five days.
### 10. **Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Edinburgh, Scotland)**
- **When:** August
- **What:** The world’s largest arts festival, showcasing thousands of performances ranging from comedy, theater, music, and dance in venues all over the city.
### 11. **Day of the Dead (Mexico)**
- **When:** November 1-2
- **What:** A festival honoring deceased loved ones, where families create ofrendas (altars) with flowers, candles, food, and photographs. The celebration includes parades, sugar skulls, and skeleton costumes.
### 12. **Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (California, USA)**
- **When:** April
- **What:** A major music and arts festival featuring performances from top artists across genres, as well as large-scale art installations in the California desert.
### 13. **Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival (Harbin, China)**
- **When:** January
- **What:** The world’s largest ice and snow festival, featuring stunning ice sculptures, ice palaces, and winter activities in the freezing temperatures of Harbin.
### 14. **Saint Patrick’s Day (Dublin, Ireland)**
- **When:** March 17
- **What:** A celebration of Irish culture and heritage, marked by parades, music, dancing, and wearing green. The Dublin parade is particularly famous, attracting visitors from around the world.
### 15. **Venice Carnival (Venice, Italy)**
- **When:** February or March (before Lent)
- **What:** A historic carnival known for its elaborate masks and costumes, gondola parades, and grand balls, celebrating the tradition and culture of Venice.
### 16. **Songkran (Thailand)**
- **When:** April 13-15
- **What:** The Thai New Year’s festival is celebrated with a massive water fight across the country, symbolizing the washing away of the old year and welcoming the new.
### 17. **Running of the Bulls (San Fermín, Pamplona, Spain)**
- **When:** July 6-14
- **What:** Part of the San Fermín festival, this event involves participants running ahead of a group of bulls through the streets of Pamplona, followed by traditional festivities.
### 18. **Carnival of Venice (Venice, Italy)**
- **When:** February or March (before Lent)
- **What:** A glamorous event where participants don elaborate costumes and masks, participating in parades, balls, and other festivities throughout the city.
### 19. **Hajj (Mecca, Saudi Arabia)**
- **When:** Dhu al-Hijjah (Islamic month)
- **What:** The annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, which every Muslim is required to undertake at least once in their lifetime if they are able. It is one of the largest gatherings of Muslims in the world.
### 20. **Cannes Film Festival (Cannes, France)**
- **When:** May
- **What:** The world’s most prestigious film festival, where the best films from around the globe are showcased and awarded, attracting filmmakers, celebrities, and cinephiles.
### 21. **Yi Peng Lantern Festival (Chiang Mai, Thailand)**
- **When:** November
- **What:** Thousands of lanterns are released into the sky in this beautiful festival, which is held to honor Buddha. The sight of the glowing lanterns floating into the night sky is mesmerizing.
### 22. **Inti Raymi (Cusco, Peru)**
- **When:** June 24
- **What:** The Festival of the Sun, an ancient Incan festival celebrating the winter solstice, featuring traditional dances, music, and a reenactment of the Incan ceremonies.
### 23. **Hogmanay (Edinburgh, Scotland)**
- **When:** December 31 - January 1
- **What:** Scotland’s New Year’s Eve celebration is one of the biggest in the world, featuring street parties, fireworks, music, and the famous tradition of first-footing.
### 24. **Notting Hill Carnival (London, England)**
- **When:** Last weekend of August
- **What:** Europe’s biggest street festival, celebrating Caribbean culture with parades, music, dancing, and vibrant costumes in the streets of London’s Notting Hill.
### 25. **Bastille Day (Paris, France)**
- **When:** July 14
- **What:** France’s national day is celebrated with a grand military parade on the Champs-Élysées, fireworks over the Eiffel Tower, and various festivities across the country.
These festivals are some of the most iconic and celebrated events around the world, each offering a unique glimpse into the cultures and traditions of the places they originate from. Whether it's through music, food, art, or religious practices, these festivals bring people together in celebration of humanity's rich diversity.
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nandneeeeeee · 2 months
Top 17 Festivals and Events to Experience in Almaty in 2024
There is always something going on that will catch your attention and make you smile, whether you are a local or a visitor. Discover the top festivals and events in Almaty, celebrating culture, music, sports, and traditions all year round. Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan, is a vibrant cultural hub that offers a plethora of activities for locals and tourists alike. From music and the arts to sports and traditional celebrations, there are numerous things to do in Almaty-Kazakhstan that can enrich your experience in this dynamic city. Here are the top 17 festivals and events you shouldn’t miss in Almaty in 2024.
1. Nauryz Meyrami
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Nauryz Meyrami, the Kazakh New Year, is one of the most significant and widely celebrated events in Almaty. Held on March 21, it marks the beginning of spring and features traditional music, dances, and culinary delights. The city comes alive with vibrant decorations and festive activities.
2. Almaty Marathon
The Almaty Marathon, held annually in April, is a major sporting event that attracts runners from around the world. Participants can choose from various race categories, and the marathon route takes them through some of the most picturesque parts of the city.
3. Star of Asia Almaty
This international music festival, held in May, brings together renowned artists from Asia and beyond. The Star of Asia Almaty festival showcases diverse musical genres and offers an unforgettable experience for music lovers.
4. Almaty International Film Festival
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Film enthusiasts will appreciate the Almaty International Film Festival, which takes place in June. The festival features screenings of international films, workshops, and panel discussions with filmmakers.
5. Medeu Ice Skating Rink Events
The Medeu Ice Skating Rink, one of the highest rinks in the world, hosts various events throughout the year. From ice skating shows to competitions, there’s always something happening at this iconic venue.
6. Alma-Ata Jazz Festival
The Alma-Ata Jazz Festival, held in July, is a celebration of jazz music that attracts performers from all over the world. The festival offers a mix of concerts, jam sessions, and workshops, making it a must-visit for jazz enthusiasts.
7. Silk Road Festival
In August, the Silk Road Festival takes place, celebrating the rich cultural heritage of the Silk Road. The festival features traditional music, dance performances, and handicraft exhibitions, providing a glimpse into the region’s history.
8. Almaty City Day
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Almaty City Day, celebrated on the third Sunday of September, is a grand celebration of the city’s founding. The day is marked with parades, concerts, fireworks, and various cultural events throughout the city.
9. Kok Tobe Fest
Kok Tobe Fest is a summer festival held on Kok Tobe Hill, offering panoramic views of Almaty. The festival includes live music, food stalls, and various entertainment activities for visitors of all ages.
10. Eurasia International Film Festival
Another major film event, the Eurasia International Film Festival, takes place in October. It showcases films from Central Asia and beyond, promoting cultural exchange and cinematic excellence.
11. Almaty Book Fair
The Almaty Book Fair, held annually in November, is a paradise for book lovers. The fair features book launches, author signings, and literary discussions, making it a haven for literary enthusiasts.
12. Almaty Fashion Week
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Almaty Fashion Week, held in December, is a glamorous event that showcases the latest trends in fashion. Designers from Kazakhstan and abroad present their collections, offering a platform for creative expression.
13. Winter Universiade
The Winter Universiade, an international multi-sport event for university athletes, takes place in Almaty. It features competitions in various winter sports, drawing athletes and spectators from around the world.
14. Kazakh Cuisine Festival
Food lovers will enjoy the Kazakh Cuisine Festival, which celebrates the country’s culinary traditions. The festival offers a chance to taste authentic Kazakh dishes and learn about their preparation.
15. Almaty Opera and Ballet Theatre Performances
The Almaty Opera and Ballet Theatre hosts numerous performances throughout the year. From classic operas to contemporary ballets, the theatre offers a rich cultural experience.
16. Independence Day Celebrations
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Kazakhstan’s Independence Day, celebrated on December 16, is marked with grand festivities in Almaty. The city hosts parades, concerts, and fireworks, celebrating the country’s independence.
17. International Mountain Day
Almaty, surrounded by majestic mountains, celebrates International Mountain Day with various outdoor activities. Hiking, climbing, and nature walks are organized to promote environmental awareness and appreciation for the mountains.
Almaty is a city that thrives on its diverse cultural and recreational activities. From traditional celebrations to modern music festivals, there are endless things to do in Almaty throughout the year. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, make sure to immerse yourself in these vibrant events to experience the true essence of this dynamic city.
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