#day 3 2022
misscorn · 2 years
Day 3 -Birthday/Jealousy
I finished writing this from my phone and am posting from my phone for @sihjrweek because while I was working on this my laptop starting smoking and then died :)
Takano Masamune supposed that luck and misfortune really were two sides of the same coin because while he felt quite happy to be leaving his apartment at the same time as Onodera RItsu, it was clear from the look on Ritsu’s face that his neighbor did not feel the same. 
“Good morning.” Masamune said as they headed toward the elevator together.
Ritsu eyed him for just a moment, hesitantly walking beside him. “Good morning…”
“Did you eat breakfast today?” Masamune asked as he hit the elevator button.
“Yes.” Ritsu scowled, not appreciating immediately being interrogated. 
“Just coffee is not breakfast.”
“I had breakfast!” Ritsu insisted. 
“Sh, some people in this building are still trying to sleep.” Masamune scolded, mostly just to annoy Ritsu and not because he was genuinely concerned for their neighbors sleep cycles.
However, Ritsu’s actual need to be considerate and polite overpowered his instinct to yell at Masamune, meaning he ended up rolling his eyes when he thought Masamune wasn’t looking. There was a soft ding and the elevator doors slid open, both of them stepping in.
Masamune yawned, leaning against the wall as they started descending. Of course, he couldn’t help but to notice the way Ritsu’s eyes kept flicking over to him nervously. That wasn’t new, but it seemed to be at a higher rate today. Was something on Ritsu’s mind? Before Masamune could ask, Ritsu’s phone went off. It made the younger man jump a bit before he answered.
Masamune didn’t try to eavesdrop, but it was unavoidable to hear Ritsu’s side of the conversation, which seemed to mostly just consist of ‘thank you’s to his parents. Ah, his mother must have called again and recruited his father into it this time around. Masamune wasn’t entirely sure what Ritsu could be thanking them for, though. 
“Yes, yes…um, I don’t know, I haven’t made any kinds of plans yet,” Ritsu’s eyes once again flitted toward Masamune and Masamune pretended not to notice, “but please don’t set up anything for me, I’ll probably be too tired after work anyway.” He added quickly, becoming quiet for a few moments and Masamune couldn’t make out much from the phone, but he definitely heard Anchan come from Ritsu’s mother. 
Masamune tried not to scowl or roll his eyes. An was a…nice girl. She was fine. But the fact that Ritsu’s parents still seemed to think that Ritsu was going to marry her was more than a little irksome. 
Well, that’s one way to put me in a bad mood quickly, Masamune thought to himself as Ritsu pleaded his mother not to bother An with ‘that kind of thing’ which didn’t help Masamune’s jealous imagination. 
Maybe she’s trying to set them up to spend tomorrow together, Masamune thought, standing a little straighter. Tomorrow was Ritsu’s birthday, after all, so of course Ritsu should spend it with his ‘fiance’, at least that’s what Masamune assumed mama Onodera’s logic was. However, Masamune intended on spending that time with Ritsu and nothing was going to stand in his way.
God, I feel like it snuck up so fast, Masamune thought, but that was likely due to the whirlwind, high-stress environment that was their everyday job. Not that Masamune wasn’t prepared. He had a cake for them to share, drinks, and a gift in his apartment. 
He just may have forgotten the detail of actually inviting Ritsu over to his place.
Of course, that was going to be remedied the second that Ritsu hung up the phone, which seemed to be happening soon as the elevator dinged once more and the two of them were let out on the ground floor. Ritsu said several goodbyes before he was finally able to hang up.
“Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” Masamune asked as they left the building together and started heading toward the train station. 
“...Tomorrow?” Ritsu echoed, blinking at Masamune in confusion. "Not today?"
“Yeah.” Masamune said. Was something about his question not clear or was Ritsu still half asleep?
“...No?” Ritsu said, furrowing his eyebrows a bit and frowning
“Good, keep it that way. You’re coming over to my place tomorrow after work.” Masamune said.
“Y-You can’t just decide that!” Ritsu immediately argued.
“I already did.”
“W-Why tomorrow anyway?” Ritsu asked. “Are…are you b-busy t-tonight or something?” He continued, refusing to look at Masamune as he spoke.
Masamune raised an eyebrow at that question. “I’d love to spend every single night with you, but I’m planning on staying at the office later tonight, trying to get ahead on some work.” He said, so that I don’t have to worry about it on your birthday, idiot. 
“Oh.” Ritsu said a little too quietly for Masamune’s liking. 
Before Masamune could ask what that ‘oh’ was supposed to mean, Ritsu’s phone went off again. They continued to walk to the train station together, Ritsu apparently talking to an aunt and uncle of his, expressing his gratitude and thanking them with a smile as they spoke animatedly over the phone. The sounds of both foot and regular traffic echoing on their way to the station was enough to keep their words muffled from Masamune. 
Masamune couldn’t help but to feel a little petty, wishing that Ritsu would cut the conversation short. He enjoyed commuting to work with Ritsu; it meant a little extra time with the man that he loved outside of the office. How was Masamune supposed to subtly flirt and embarrass him in public if Ritsu was on the phone? Ritsu wasn’t even looking at Masamune!
Annoying, Masamune thought, staring at the device in Ritsu’s hand and cursing the creator of the first phone for putting him in the position of being ignored by his favorite person. Hopefully it wouldn’t continue to be a distraction. 
The phone, in fact, continued to be a distraction. Throughout the workday it pinged with messages and rang with calls, making Ritsu flush with apology as he inevitably silenced it.
It irritated Masamune to hell and back, not only because of the sound, but because since when was Ritsu so damn popular? Just who the hell was hitting up Masamune’s (soon-to-be) boyfriend so much?! 
“Seems like someone really wants your attention, Richan.” Kisa teased with a laugh as Ritsu rushed to put his phone away after he finally silenced it.
“N-No, it’s nothing like that!” Ritsu denied frantically.
“Aw, come on, who is it? You never tell us anything!” Kisa complained. “I’m starting to think you don’t like us.” He added with a pout.
“What? That’s not true at all! And like I said, it’s not like that-it’s not just one person.” 
“Oh, Richan! I had no idea you were such a player!” 
“What?! No! You’ve got it completely wrong!”
“I don’t knoooow, you denying it just makes it look worse.” Kisa grinned. 
“Really! It’s mostly family, they’re just telling me ha-”
“Kisa, stop distracting the noob! Onodera, stop falling for his bait! Both of you get back to work!” Masamune ordered, irritated with their bickering. 
Kisa said an insincere and far too cheerful apology while Ritsu mumbled out something that might have been ‘yes, sir’ before they both focused on their work once again.
Hopefully that’s the last of Kisa teasing Ritsu for a while, otherwise this is going to be a long day, Masamune thought with a quiet sigh, but at least now I know it's his family that’s been blowing up his phone and not that Nao asshole or something. I wonder why his family keeps getting into contact with him today. I hope everything’s okay. If there was an emergency I’m sure he would tell me that he had to leave right away. 
Masamune looked away from his work, planning on observing and assessing Ritsu to see if he seemed extra distressed today, but he ended up meeting Ritsu’s eyes. Ritsu jumped a little at being caught staring before looking away quickly and practically trying to faceplant himself into his work - as if that would make Masamune forget how Ritsu had been staring at him. 
Now, in any other context, Masamune might have felt flattered, happy, even excited or smug at catching Ritsu staring at him. 
But why had Ritsu looked so sad?
“Good work today everyone, see you guys tomorrow!” Kisa beamed, getting ready to leave. Mino had already left, but Ritsu, Masamune, and Hatori were still hard at work.
“Ah, Kisa-san, is it okay if I walk you out? I actually have something I want to discuss with you.” Ritsu said, standing. 
“Sure!” Kisa said, a little surprised by the request, but not displeased. Ritsu assured the other two men he’d be right back before he started to leave with Kisa. “Is everything okay, Richan?” Kisa asked as they started to walk toward the elevator, Kisa perhaps purposefully going a little slower than usual.
“Yes, everything’s fine, it’s um…honestly it’s silly and really embarrassing to ask about…” Ritsu admitted. 
“Aw, come on, we’re friends! There’s no need to be embarrassed about anything.” Kisa assured. 
“Right, well…” Ritsu took a deep breath. “What if…there’s a person who says they like you - says they l-love you even and they - um - they forget your birthday?”
“Oh my god, is it your birthday today?! Did you tell me that, did I know that, was I supposed to know that?” Kisa asked.
“No! I mean - yes - today is my birthday, but I don’t think I ever told you that?” Ritsu said. “A-Anyways, um, what do you think that means?” He asked. 
“Wait, did you say that someone loves you? So you do have an admirer?!”
“I shouldn’t have said anything, please just forget I asked!”
“WAIT and this bastard forgot your birthday?!”
“Good night Kisa-san, please have a safe trip home!”
“Don’t you let this person off easy, Richan, if they really love you then they better make it up to you!” Kisa huffed. 
“Good night!” Ritsu repeated, quickly retreating from the conversation. That had been a bad decision in the very long line of bad decisions that was Onodera Ritsu’s life.
“They’re not good for you if they don’t prioritize you!” Kisa called after him and Ritsu decided to pretend like Kisa didn’t exist for the sake of his own sanity. 
I don’t know why I thought that was a good idea, Ritsu thought as he entered Emerald and got seated back at his desk. 
“Everything okay?” Hatori asked.
“Yes. Sorry about that, it’s sorted now.” He said to Hatori with a slightly tense smile before throwing himself back into his work. 
Right, his work. Ritsu should just focus on his work! Today might be his birthday, but it was still like any other work day. He couldn’t do anything subpar just because today was supposed to be ‘special’. And so what if Masamune hadn’t said happy birthday to him? Ritsu didn’t want him to! Ritsu didn’t want any kind of birthday celebration with him whatsoever. Ritsu should be grateful that he got so many kind messages from family and friends, especially at his age when birthdays start to matter less and less. 
It’s not that big of a deal that he forgot… Ritsu tried to tell himself. Besides, my birthday isn’t even over yet! There’s still time for him to say something…not that I care…at all…
Ritsu couldn’t even convincingly lie to himself. This whole debacle had him feeling like he was in high school again trying to decipher his Senpai’s feelings. Masamune said he loved him, yes, said it maybe a little too often in fact, but how serious was that declaration? Was it not serious enough to memorize one little date and say happy birthday when that date rolled around?
Maybe he’ll say something when Hatori leaves. Maybe I’ll stick around since he said that he’d be working late tonight, Ritsu thought. Ugh, I’m so selfish. I keep pushing him away, but want him to wish me a happy birthday anyway. How pathetic is that? His mind added miserably. Okay, enough moping, Ritsu told himself as if that would make a difference, sitting up straight, let’s get some work done! 
Masamune would definitely say something before Ritsu left to go home. 
“Onodera, you should head out.” Masamune said. Hatori had left a little while ago, leaving just Ritsu and Masamune in the office and while Masamune liked it being just the two of them, he didn’t want Ritsu to exhaust himself before tomorrow. It wasn’t like Masamune had anything crazy planned, but he didn’t want Ritsu to be dead on his feet while Masamune was trying to celebrate with him. 
Ritsu looked over at Masamune and stared, understandably shocked that Masamune was trying to shoo him away. “Um-but I-” He started to protest, fumbling over his words as he struggled to gather his thoughts and actually come up with a coherent argument as to why he should stay behind. 
“I don’t want you to wait up for me and end up fainting. Again.” Masamune said. 
Ritsu frowned at that. “I’m just fine, Takano-san.” 
“You did good work today, go home and relax. I don’t want you to be too tired tomorrow.” Masamune said. 
“Yeah, we’re spending tomorrow after work together. Don’t tell me you already forgot.” Masamune said.
Ritsu didn’t say anything, just quietly and slowly started to gather his things before standing. He was then very still as he watched Masamune for a few moments, not moving to leave, but not speaking either. 
“Is something wrong?” Masamune asked when he realized that Ritsu was just standing and staring. 
“No-uh-I guess…I’ll just be leaving then…”
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Get home safe.” Masamune said. 
Ritsu still didn’t move yet. “Is there…a-anything else you want to say to me?”
Masamune frowned at that question. “No? Is there something you want to say to me?” He asked. “Actually, now that you say that, I’ve been meaning to ask if you’re alright. You’ve been acting a little off today.” He said. 
Ritsu seemed to carefully weigh Masamune’s words before he stood a little straighter. “I’m fine. You know what? I actually meant to tell you that I just remembered that I do have plans tomorrow, so I won’t be able to spend time with you. Good night, Takano-san!” He snapped before storming out, suddenly much angrier than Masamune had seen him all day. 
“Wha-Onodera!” Masamune called after him, standing and following. “What the hell is going on with you?” He asked, feeling blindsided by the small outburst.
“You not knowing is the entire problem.” Ritsu said cryptically, making Masamune frown. 
“How am I supposed to know if you don’t tell me?” 
“You are supposed to know.” Ritsu said, walking faster as if that would make Masamune give up. Briefly, Ritsu was grateful for the fact that most employees had cleared out by now and weren’t witnessing Masamune chase Ritsu down desperately. 
“How?” Masamune reiterated as they stopped in front of the elevator and Ritsu pressed the down button aggressively, ignoring him. “Ritsu, look at me, talk to me, what have I done to make you so upset? Please just tell me so I can fix it.” 
“I shouldn’t have to tell you.” Ritsu said. 
“I’m a lot of things Ritsu, but a mind reader is not one of them. I’m not gonna play these stupid games with you.” Masamune said, getting frustrated at Ritsu’s unwillingness to communicate. 
“It is stupid.” Ritsu said with a sad laugh. “It’s stupid and childish, but you’re supposed to know.” He added, starting to struggle to choke out his words. “You’re supposed to know because you love me.” 
Masamune stared with his mouth slightly agape, for once at a loss for words. He started to shake his head as he tried to grasp for even the smallest bit of understanding as to what Ritsu could possibly be talking about. "I don't understand." 
The doors to the elevator opened and Ritsu stepped in, but Masamune kept them open with his arm. "I'm not letting you leave without talking about this." 
Ritsu's anger suddenly seemed as though it had burnt right through him, leaving him tired and defeated as his shoulders slumped. "I really want to go home Takano-san." 
"You're running away again." 
"No-I'm not-it isn't like that." Ritsu assured. "Please, I just want this day to be over. We can talk tomorrow." He offered.
Masamune couldn't help but to smile bitterly. "Your schedule suddenly clear again?" 
"Good night, Takano-san." Ritsu said. 
Masamune didn't move yet, staring Ritsu down and waiting for him to inevitably give in like he always did, but Ritsu refused to meet his eye. 
"Tomorrow. Before work I'm marching over to your place and we're talking so be up bright and early." Masamune said sternly before he finally stopped blocking the elevator doors. 
Even as they started to close, Masamune continued to stare at Ritsu and Ritsu continued to stare at his own feet. 
The second Masamune’s brain could register sunlight the next morning he was in front of Ritsu's door and knocking insistently. 
It took a few minutes, but eventually it creaked open with a very unhappy looking Ritsu standing behind it. 
"I told you I would be here early." Masamune said before Ritsu could get in a breath to complain. "Can I come in?" He asked. 
"I don't think that'll be necessary." Ritsu said. "This shouldn't take very long." He added. "Do you know what yesterday's date was?" 
"Yesterday's date?" Masamune repeated. What the hell was Ritsu going on about? 
"Yes. Do you know what yesterday's date was?" 
Masamune couldn't believe this was how the conversation was starting, but he supposed it was better than having no conversation at all. "The 26th. Happy birthday today, by the way, I'm sure this isn't how you wanted to start it, but you insisted on waiting to talk." He answered, crossing his arms. 
"Are you joking?" 
"About what?" Masamune asked, starting to get frustrated. "If anyone is messing with someone here, you're definitely messing with me." 
"Takano-san. Yesterday was the 27th." 
No, no, no, no, no-
That couldn't be right, yesterday was the 26th of March, today was Ritsu's birthday, today was the 27th of March, Masamune didn't miss Ritsu's birthday, Masamune didn't miss the chance to celebrate with his one and only love-
Masamune rushed to take his phone out of his pocket and checked his calender, a big fat '28th' staring him in the face. 
"Fuck me, are you fucking kidding me?!" 
"Takano-san, not so loud, there are people still sleeping!"
"I'm so sorry." Masamune said, ignoring the scolding completely. "I'm so, so sorry Ritsu - I forgot your birthday - except I didn't forget I'm just a huge fucking moron!" He groaned. 
"I-It’s really not that big a deal…" Ritsu tried to say, suddenly feeling very silly for his behavior yesterday. 
"Of course it is, it's another birthday that I didn't get to spend with you, and it's all because I'm fucking stupid." Masamune said miserably. "God, what is wrong with me? No wonder your phone was going crazy, all the people who care about you AND who know how to check their fucking calender were wishing you a happy birthday. God damn it. God fucking damn it!" 
"Get inside before people start to become concerned, you're making a scene!" Ritsu said, grabbing Masamune by the wrist and pulling him into his apartment before shutting the door.
"I didn't forget Ritsu, I really didn't. I have stuff over at my place to celebrate, that's why I asked you to keep your evening free today because I thought-" Masamune cut himself off with a frustrated groan. "I'm so stupid. This is why you were upset with me yesterday, right? Or have I done something else extremely idiotic recently?" 
"Recently? Just this." Ritsu said, trying not to sound too amused and failing.
"You're enjoying my suffering." 
"A little bit." Ritsu admitted. "Now that you're not screaming in the hallway, its a little funny to hear the demon editor in chief call himself an idiot so many times." 
Masamune scoffed a bit, mostly at himself, still in disbelief. "Consider it a late birthday present: my full admission that I'm the biggest fucking moron on planet Earth." 
Ritsu smiled just a little. "But, um, i-it was silly of me to get upset anyway." He added, starting to turn red. "I mean - I'm an adult so birthdays aren't that big of a deal to begin with and there's no reason for you to remember it…" 
"Of course there is. You said so yourself yesterday: I should know because I love you." Masamune said. "And I do love you. So, so much." He added, taking Ritsu’s hands in his and holding them tightly. 
Ritsu blushed even brighter, staring down at their clasped hands. "Well…I-I can still come over tonight. I-It’s not like I celebrated my birthday with anyone yesterday, so…" He swallowed hard, slowly dragging his eyes up to meet Masamune’s. 
Instead of responding, Masamune leaned in to kiss Ritsu softly.  
"Good morning, Richan!" Kisa said brightly as he sat beside his coworker. "Any updates on what we talked about yesterday?" He asked, always endlessly curious about Ritsu's love life.
Ritsu turned just a hint of pink. "Um, it ended up just being a misunderstanding." He said dismissively. 
"Well, I'm glad it worked out in the end." Kisa said. "You guys, did you know it was Richan's birthday yesterday? And he wasn't gonna say anything!" Kisa announced to his other coworkers.
"Kisa-san…" Ritsu said in complaint. 
"Happy late birthday Onodera-kun!" Mino said cheerfully.
"Happy late birthday. Did you celebrate after work yesterday?" Hatori asked. "We could've all gone for drinks."
"Oh, no, I really wasn't feeling up to it anyway, but um-I-I have plans tonight." Ritsu said, unable to help the way his face burned. 
"Oooh, what kind of plans Richan? Whatchya look so shy for~? Could it have to do with that person?" Kisa pressed. 
"Kisa-san, please…" Ritsu was not above begging so that they could move away from this topic.
"Stop harassing Onodera and get to work." Masamune said plainly. 
"I didn't hear you wish Richan happy birthday, Takano-san." Kisa pouted.
Masamune sighed at Kisa's petulant behavior before looking at Ritsu.
"Happy late birthday, Onodera. I'm sure that next year we'll all make sure to say it on time." 
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cloversdreams · 2 years
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs Relationships: Tachihara Michizou/Tanizaki Junichirou  Summary:
Michizo was nervous. He was also freezing his ass off. It was so cold tonight. He brought his hands to his mouth and breathed on them in a feeble attempt to warm them up. Michizo rubbed them together quickly to generate some heat before he finally jammed them into his jacket pockets. He frowned to himself and glanced off to the side.
Logically, he knew there was no reason for him to be on edge. Sure, he was about to go out on a date with the guy he’d been crazy about for way longer than he cared to admit. Yes, it just so happened to be Christmas Eve. No, that didn’t make this a Christmas date. Probably. He had no idea, actually.
@bsd-rarepairweek day 3 - distance
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suicidal people deserve a space to talk about their suicidal feelings without risking hospitalization/institutionalization or being accused of being manipulative or attention seeking
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breakbleheavens · 2 years
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You're on your own, kid Yeah, you can face this You're on your own, kid You always have been.
HAPPY 33RD BIRTHDAY TAYLOR ALISON SWIFT Born December 13, 1989 in Reading, Pennsylvania.
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lovestraykings · 8 months
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221023 case 143 ending fairy // i.n 💖
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candaceaprillee · 2 years
Happy N7 Day!!
Have a WIP that I probably will never finish but it makes for a fun coloring page. 😛
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almond-gallery · 3 months
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extremely late barricade day post. barricade month
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autisticandroids · 3 months
CASTIEL: Stop. What's the point if you don't mean it? You fear me - not love, not respect, just fear.
[youtube with closed captions]
a godstiel pity party. i'd like to thank an anon i got way back in february of 2021.
#spn#vid#spnamvarchive#so fun fact i started making this more than a year ago. got it 90% done. and then was like no this isn't working#i will come back to this later.#it turns out that i needed to make some videos about cas and angels (the love club + help i'm alive amvs)#in order to make this one. anyway this video is about french mistake robert singer voice season six#i really struggled with it because i could NOT find the thread until i realized that it needed to be literally godstiel pov#it's about love and desire and jealousy and hurt and omnidirectional rage <3#it's about the fact that cas is so utterly dependent on dean for his self-image - however dean sees him that's it#it's about having a moment of reflection about lashing out before you do it but doing it anyway#it's about taking cruelty and dishing it out#and crucially. it's about being pregnant#mpregpocalypse#fun fact: i made a post about working on three season six amvs all the way back in nov. 2022#and only now have they come to fruition (this one + love club + metric)#anyway. have you heard that cas is obsessed#the thing is i do kinda want to add some specific director's commentary here. like the first verse is about cas being like.#incredibly deeply emotionally vulnerable to dean. as in: his emotional state and self-image is totally dominated by what dean thinks of him#and if dean is mad at him. and then the second verse is about... dean upsetting him and him responding to that by Killing Everybody lol#like he has a moment of reflection ['certain regrettable things are now required of me' + killing rachel] where he's like i've 1) also done#bad things and 2) i feel bad about it so maybe i will regret Killing Everyone. but then he does it anyway due to everybody keeps turning#on him. i feel like the rest of the amv is self evident. i guess i should note that 'share a paradise' is about how both of them have#a nostalgic view of the early days of their relationship when it wasn't Like This lol. but everything else i think is self evident.#oh and the reason the other angels flash onscreen with their burned wings at the end is i'm EVOKING the image of cas' wings burning. even#though it doesn't happen. i'm evoking it
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noliaert · 1 month
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Finally got around to finish this one! Here's my ode to iwtv season 1! <3 I made both a version of bailey's claudia as well as delainey's 👍👍
Close ups 👇
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tayatraer · 1 month
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Good morning, last hero
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Greetings, last hero
The explanation (and versions without text) under a cut:
"Posledniy geroy" (or "Last hero")  was written in 1983 by the band "Kino". It tells about a hero. This hero is a man of his time and a brave dreamer. He goes forward, no matter what, and at the end of the song you believe that the hero can do everything and will defeat everyone.
In 2022 i left DreamSMP and MCYT fandoms for a lot of reasons that I don't want to talk about. But in recent days i startet rediscover it, and I feel like I got back home.
In 2022 i wasn't skilled enough, and to be honest i was afraid to post anything. But time goes by, things change, and now im here.
I'm know i'm very late, but now, looking back, it's a kind of duty for me, which I'll be happy to fulfill.
Sleep well king, and thank you.
Version without text:
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cloudcastor · 2 years
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Desire for all that is Lost
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The Princess of Wales in pastels🌸
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marionette-j2x · 2 years
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Huntlow Week 2022 (Day 4): "Comfort"
Haha! Pain- :D
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 7 months
Adding on to my The Batman post, I forgot to mention how much I adore the way they handle the no killing rule. In terms of plot, I don't think it's mentioned at all as a sticking point. He won't kill and that's that.
But there's one particular scene. Carmine and Selina. Bruce has just punched Carmine to the ground, saving Selina's life, and is now trying to wrestle the gun away from her. She tries to convince him. "He has to pay!"
And right here is where I thought that stupid classic line was gonna be. I could see it coming like a freight train. "If you kill him, you'll be just as bad as he is." But then... I'm wrong. It doesn't happen. Instead, Bruce makes a very different statement.
"You don't have to pay with him. You've paid enough."
And with that, he gets the gun and Carmine is arrested. There's no moral high ground, there's no shitty logic.
Bruce has seen what The Roman has done. Who he's hurt. What he's taken away. Selina's mother. Her girlfriend. Bruce's own parents. He knows better than anyone the need for revenge. For justice. But he also knows that this man before him, lying bloodied on the floor, has taken enough. He's taken their families, their morals, their innocence. But he doesn't get to take away their lives. He doesn't get to have that power.
And then Carmine is shot and killed anyway so Selina got what she wanted in the end either way.
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jack-kellys · 26 days
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omfg r u stupid or WHAT.
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originalartblog · 1 year
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Happy first anniversary to my Dazai Goosamu AU! It has been one year since I made the edits that officially kickstarted this madness!!
I finally finished this tiny needle-felted guy and took him outside for a small photoshoot as celebration! 🦢
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