#day6 additional member au
genshinhimbos · 2 years
Ok so I’m fully in 6reeze hell (I became obsessed back when it was just 4nemo and here I am still)
I just really like thinking about what the dynamic would be like between all the anemo boys and how they would sync up with one another in an idol group so here are some headcannons! These are just my personal headcannons btw, I’m not sure if the fandom has collectively given this au lore or anything so don’t mind my ramblings I guess.
(This is mostly inspired by Scara becoming playable, if that wasn’t obvious)
In my mind, the anemo boys idol group kinda works like NCT in that every so often they add another member to the group
As such, I’m gonna think of the current iteration of the group name as more of an “era” name, and each era is defined by the addition of another member
(So 4NEMO was their first era with the original 4 members and 5WIRL was the era after Heizou was introduced)
So now, with the addition of Scara, the group has entered their 6REEZE era
In terms of an idol name, Scara didn’t really have a name he particularly wanted to go with.
The name “Scaramouche” was associated with his past too much for him to be comfortable using it, and he didn’t want to use his real name, Kunikuzushi like some of the other members.
(Venti, Xiao, and Aether have stage names, while Kazuha and Heizou chose to use their real names)
(Venti’s situation is odd. His real name is Barbatos, and he used to go by that as his idol name when he was a soloist, but after joining 4NEMO, he decided to go by Venti. He actually prefers to be addressed as Venti now, and has contemplated legally changing his name)
(Xiao goes by Alatus as his stage name, and Aether didn’t know what he wanted his stage name to be, so he just picked whatever the fans called him after their debut.)
Scara contemplated going the same route as Aether, but in an effort to be more transparent, he had the fans vote on his idol name.
In the meantime though, I like to think that every time a new member debuts, they have a solo feature debut song, where they are the center in terms of vocals or rapping.
Heizou probably had a fun, pop-ey song or something with heavy rap (I see him as a rapper)
But Scara would probably decide to go with a ballad as his debut song.
But not just any ballad… imagine him singing “Shirunoga E-wa” by Fujii Kaze
The other members would be backup vocals or instrumentals (almost Day6 style)
I like imagining Xiao on the drums, Kazuha on synth and Venti killing it on the piano.
Aether and Heizou providing the upper and lower register backup vocals, respectively.
And just. Scara. Absolutely in his own headspace singing this song. An ode to his rocky past and the love he has for his fans—the ones who love him despite what happened.
I feel like the other members would just look at him in awe during his debut performance
And right as he finished, Venti would grab the other members and they would all dogpile on top of him
In conclusion. I have a lot of thoughts about 4NEMO turned 5WIRL turned 6BREEZE.
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horanghaejamjam · 1 year
Coming Soon
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Librarians Note: Due to unforeseeable circumstances new additions to the library do not always arrive at the time they are expected. For this reason exact release dates can not be provided for new additions. However, below you can see the upcoming additions to the library and their progress. If you have any questions about upcoming additions do not hesitate to send an inquiry, I am happy to answer any questions, comments, concerns. 
To be a beta reader please message me with the fic you are interested in beta reading. 
Guide: Additions are listed in no specific order of completion. Oftentimes they are approached based on demand and authors motivation. Fics will be removed from this list as they are posted. 
↪  ☆ - Means this story is priority and will be completed sooner 
↪ (A) - Angst, (F) - Fluff, (S) - Smut, (C) - Commission
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Completed Stories/Queued For Publishing:
↪ Bad Girls Get Punished: Lisa Manobal x Female reader x Jennie Kim (S, C)
↪ ☆ Wake Up!: Choi Jongho x Gender Neutral Reader (A)
Written Stories/Waiting For Edits/Beta:
↪ ☆ Horanghae Chapter 6: SVT members x Female Reader (F)  LOOKING FOR BETA
↪ ☆ Candlelit Dances: Xu Minghao x Female Reader (F, A, S) LOOKING FOR BETA
↪ Seventeen Reaction First Kiss (F)
↪ Day6 Reaction to S/O having motion sickness (F)
↪ Stray Kids Reaction to Fighting With S/O (A, F)
↪ Seventeen Reaction How They Cuddle (F)
↪ Only Mine: Yang Jeongin x Gender Neutral Reader (F, A)
In Progress:
↪ Goddess: Hansol Vernon Chwe x Female Reader (S, F)
↪ Outlaw: Song Mingi x Female Reader (S)
↪ Siren: Kim Hongjoong x Female Reader (S, A)
↪ Our Packmate Chapter 1: Ateez x Female Reader (A, F, S)
↪ ☆ The Panthers Playtoy: Park Seonghwa x female reader (S)
↪ Secret Ateez member x reader for Atiny Halloween Project 
Plotting/Member Or Pairing TBD:
↪ Psycho: Wen Junhui 
↪ Legend of The Fox: Jeong Yunho
↪ When I See You Again: TBD
Cancelled/On Hold Indefinitely:
↪ Calico
↪ Spider Lily
↪ Daechwita
Aka concepts I want to write but do not have a plot for yet. Feel free to request any fic ideas with one or a combination of these concepts!
↪ Royal Au 
↪ Opposites attract (couple that normally wouldn’t go together) 
↪ Mafia Au inspired by Vincenzo 
↪ Mythical Creatures/Magic 
↪ Horror centric fic 
↪ Love triangle
↪ Idol x idol 
↪ Idol x staff (bonus: forbidden relationship)
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ace-angel-judas · 7 months
What would Clara's position be in stray kids in the additional member au?
Clara would be rapper and dancer.
In this au, Alice and Star are also trainees at JYP (even though Star is a JYP artist in the normal au). But Alice becomes a producer for the company and mostly for Stray Kids and Star ends up in Got7 instead of Day6.
I feel like Clara don't realize that Clara is an extremely talented dancer. She was winning underground dance competitions when she was a young teenager against adults. There is a lot of instances of Clara just jumping into random choreos (and hard choreos as well) and dancing like it's nothing to her.
There is a video of Clara walking in and joining a Stray Kids choreo while she's holding and drinking her morning coffee.
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baejl · 3 years
eric is over ear
red velvet 6th member au \ superm 8th member au
jaein being part of the hwaiting squad 
masterlist 🦋 requests are open feedback is awalys important to me!
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"The first guest of today everyone, is no one less than Jaein Anne Kim, from Red Velvet, SuperM, SM, England etc!" Eric said with his fake mic.  
Jaein showed up behind the wall, laughing. She stood right close to Eric, holding her cards with all the things she would need to know to host the show.
"Who told you my english name?" she asked and Eric started to laugh. "What?"
"I never noticed your british accent was so strong!" he said still laughing and Jaein slightly punched his shoulder, laughing too. "Please, introduce yourself." he said trying to compose himself.
"Hi guys!" she waved to the camera and slightly bowed. "I'm Kim Jaein!"
"So, you might be asking yourself 'will Jaein also play?" Eric said to the camera and shook his head. "No, everyone. Unfortunately the budge wasn't enough so she either plays or talks. And, in other to keep all her bones in place, she's gonna be hosting this show with me."
Jaein laughed out loud with Eric's irony.
After a few minutes of introducing the other idols who would also participate - Jaein knew all of them but BM -, Jaein was now clinging on Amber's torso while Eric was explaining the rules.
"You gonna be competing in teams, duos and alone. This will test our friendship with each other."
Jaein quickly cut him off.
"Not that any of this matters because at the end of the day what matters is your individual score." she held a laugh when she looked at Eric.
"Will there be prizes?" Jae asked.
"Yes!" Eric said. "And we, me and Jaein, can take away points if we think it's necessary. Why? Because we're the hosts and we can do whatever we want."
"Oooh..." Jaein whistled. "Can I also give points?"
"No Jaein Anne, you won't give Amber points just because you were from the same agency." Eric answered already knowing the girl's intentions. Amber and Jaein gasped and the other idols laughed.
"Who told you I was gonna do this?" Jaein asked pretended to be offended.
"So, kids," Eric continued and she laughed, he was taking this whole host thing too serious. "we're going to start this episode with a really good game. What is this game called? Jaein," he called her. "can you please say 'Eric is over here' with the most british accent you can do?"
"Sure, Eric." she said at the same tone. "Eric is over here."
"Right, that's the name of the game. Eric is over ear!" Eric repeated with a forced british accent, making everyone laugh.
After a couple minutes frowning her eyebrows, Jaein finally understood the meaning of the game and cooed, surprised. 
"Oh my God..." Amber said, shaking her head and pointing at Jaein. "She just got it now."
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"So," Jaein said when the other people were ready. "everybody put your hands up like a zombie. The game will start..." she glanced at the staff, who gave her a thumbs up. "now."
She watched closely as one of the staff, who was pretending to be Eric, was starting to walk in front of the idols so they could guess if his ear was or wasn't Eric's.
"Ashley is feeling those ears..." Eric mumbled next to Jaein and she slapped his shoulder while the other staff made him a sign to shut up.
"IS OBVIOUS IT'S NOT YOU ERIC!" Jamie shouted while everyone started to laugh, even the staffs.
"You're so stupid!" Ashely said.
"What the fuck just happened?" Jaein said sitting on the floor with her hand on her belly, laughing.
After getting ready again and Jaein telling the rules, they restarted the game. Real Eric was the first one to go and after him, two other staffs did the same.
"This is definitely Eric..." BM said.
"You've been saying this for the last five minutes BM." Jaein answered him and giggled, when the last man passed by them, the staff gave her a sign. "Okay guys, you can take your blindfolders now."
"My ears just got felt up..." Eric said while he got his place with them. His ears were red as two tomatos.
"We're going ahead and try to guess which was Eric Nam's ear." Jaein read her tab. "Please, raise your hands if you think it was the first ear."
Amber, Ashley and Jamie raised their hands.
"Now, raise your hands if you think it was number two."
Peniel, BM and Jae raised theirs.
"No one for number three?" Eric asked.
"How can someone hear with that ear?" Jamie said. "Like, do we have to shout at the person?"
"This person has feelings, Jamie." Eric said giggling. "Now, the reveal is, Eric Nam's ear is... the first one!"
After ten minutes of the girls celebrating, the boys trying to explain themselves why they thought it was number two and getting the penalty, everyone calmed down and stood in the line they were earlier.
"Be sure to watch next week's episode everyone..." Jaein said.
"And to like and share this video with all your friends." Eric completed her. "It was the first episode of Hwaiting guys, I hope you all enjoy. Jaein, can you please say the name of today's game again?"
"Eric is over here." she said and they cracked up.
"I'll never get used to it!"
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lunnanunna · 3 years
I’m the Best
DAY6 Extra Member AU
Summary: [Requested] It’s Parker’s first stream, and Jae’s on it so it’s bound to get loud.
Warning: swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung @galacticstxrdust @kimonmars @mythicalamphitrite​ @poutypoutybin​ @sunflower-0180​
Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from a taglist.
A/N: Was taken place before Jae decided to stop streaming. This was requested, which is why I wrote it. Parker, Sam, Lexi, and Bao are written by request, and seeing as I have time this week, send in any requests you have for them. 
Requests are open! Please like, leave a comment, or send an ask. Doing any of these things is one more reason for me to keep writing.
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“Okay guys, I’d like to introduce the newest member of Day6 that will now be on Twitch,” Jae spoke into his mic, looking at the camera.
“Hiya,” Parker greeted as she turned her camera on. She waved and grinned at all the comments flooding in. Parker was honestly surprised to see so many people joining her first stream.
Ollie, Yoori, and Jae finally convinced Parker to open up her own Twitch account, and here she was, being introduced in one of Jae’s streams.
“It took so much convincing, but I got the child on here,” Jae nodded proudly.
“Ollie and Yoori were the ones who did more of the convincing. Jae just offered to buy me food,” Parker pointed out, smirking.
“It worked, though. Didn’t it?” Jae shrugged, looking into the camera.
“This is true, but you better actually follow through,” Parker glared at the screen. She then looked at her second screen where all the comments were coming in. Chuckling she read one of them out loud.
“Jae get her something delicious!”
“Alright, alright. What do you want?” Jae rolled his eyes as he pulled out his phone.
“Can you order that vegan kimbap from that restaurant that Brian found?” Parker asked, reaching for her strawberry smoothie.
“Sure. I think I have it saved here,” Jae spoke as he looked through his phone. “Want anything else?”
Parker shrugged, but then answered out loud when she saw that he wasn’t looking. “Surprise me.”
“You’re actually pretty easy to please as long as it’s vegan, so I gotchu,” Jae snorted.
“Okay then while we wait for the food to get here, how about we start up a game?” Parker suggested, already pulling up Mario Kart. They had decided to start off with this game, then see where it’d take them.
“Sounds good,” Jae said as he put his phone back down, “The food should be by your place in about half an hour.”
“Perfect! Dowoonie will probably bring it in for me,” Parker smiled, setting up the code and sending it to Jae.
“Must be nice to have your very own servant,” Jae sighed, shaking his head.
“Hey! He’s my best friend, not my servant. He’s just a sweetheart!” Parker defended, wishing Jae was next to her so she could punch him in the arm.
“Sure,” Jae quriked a brow at her.
“Whatever,” Parker rolled her eyes, then muted herself as the game loaded. “Such an annoying human,” she spoke into the mic for her viewers to hear. The Aussie chuckled as they laughed with her.
“You better not be talking crap about me! I’ll know,” Jae warned Parker.
“I always talk crap about you,” Parker snarked once she was unmuted then stuck her tongue out.
“Real mature,” Jae rolled his eyes.
“Thank you,” Parker said, smugly.
The two silently went through their character lists and then chose what karts and modifications they wanted, then after a game of rock, paper, scissors, Parker got to choose which track.
“What’s the point of you picking, if you always end up picking at random?” Jae threw his head back in annoyance.
“It’s so I can get that exact reaction from you, my friend,” Parker cackled.
As the first race began, Jae and Parker focused on their tasks, but soon the oldest started talking again.
“So, Parker, what’s your streaming gonna look like? Schedule, games, etc.?” the guitarist asked.
“Well, seeing as we’re still prepping for some things, it might not be too often, but after all that is set, it’ll probably once a week? How’s that sound guys?” Parker directed the last question towards the viewers.
Taking a quick peek at their comments, Parker saw that they liked that idea. She smiled, holding a quick thumbs up then focusing back on the controllers
“As for games, I play anything and everything. So you guys can suggest. I’ll probably even make a roulette type thing with different games on them and let fate chose,” Parker nodded at her own idea.
“I seriously hate playing with you! Like why are you so good?!” Jae yelled as he fell off the track and had to wait to be placed back on it.
“Simple. I’m just the best. Always have been. Isn’t that right, guys?” Parker winked at the camera, resting her chin on her palm.
Jae snorted, then screamed when Parker launched a squid. “The ink!”
The maknae cackled as she advanced to the finish line. “Hell yeah!” she cheered, doing a little dance.
“Don’t get too cocky. I’m getting hyped now. I’m not letting you win. I’m not letting her win,” Jae repeated the last bit to his viewers.
“As if he could ever win,” Parker smirked at her own viewers.
A knock came from her door, and Dowoon popped his head in. “Soo, your food,” he said, scurrying in. He smiled quickly at the camera, and Parker snorted as his hood was completely covering his head, zipped and tied.
“Very nice, Oppa,” Parker smiled.
Dowoon saluted, then shouted, “Hey, Hyung!” then ran out.
“I didn’t even get to say hi,” Jae pouted.
“Oops,” Parker shrugged as she opened her food. She smiled at the kimbap and veggie rolls, along with another one of her favorite smoothies, this one being mango.
“Did I do good?” Jae asked, arms folded over his chest, smirking.
Parker, who was mid bite of her veggie roll, sent a thumbs up, cheeks filled to the brim. “Mm-ood-mf,” she tried answering.
Jae rolled his eyes. “Finish chewing,” he waved her off.
Parker nodded, but instead of talking after she was done chewing, she took another bite, this time of the kimbap.
Jae chuckled then after sending a sneer towards Parker, started the next round.
“Yah!” Parker protested, obviously not ready. She choked a bit on her food, and Jae just snickered. “You’re going down, Park Jaehyung!” Parker dropped her food to pick up her controllers again.
“Where’s the respect?” Jae asked, laughing.
“There’s never respect in Mario Kart, you made that abundantly clear,” Parker as she hollered, zipping past him.
Parker then started singing I’m The Best by 2NE1. She could definitely get used to streaming.
Parker’s Masterlist
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honeypwark · 4 years
[ Missing ]
  ↳ Roller Coaster era (late Jan-early Mar 2019)
       ↳ Lily goes missing. All hell brakes loose. Every idol ever tries to find Lily.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
There’s a kind of contentment that comes with being absolutely exhausted. When you’re that tired, you know you’ve done your best and pushed yourself yet you’ve withstood the tiredness and given it your all. That’s usually how Lily feels after a long day of practicing. She’d be extremely tired, ready to drag herself home and flop into bed and start over the next day. But not today.
The exhaustion is there, wearing well into her bones but instead of feeling content, she just feels tired. She’s not even supposed to finish practicing for another hour and yet she is just so tired. Usually she pushes on through, telling herself the pain now is worth it in the end. But this doesn’t feel like the tired she’s used to. It’s so much concentrated, seeping into mind and making her just want to sleep.
She stumbles over her own feet again as she tries to work through the dance break at the end of her solo comeback song for the nth time. She takes a breath and bends over, coughing as she braces herself on her knees. She just feels completely wiped out; maybe she’s been pushing herself too hard? She wobbles over to the couch on the side of the room and sits down with a sigh.
“Okay, Lily. Take ten then we’re back,” she says to herself.
She coughs again, clearing her throat before settling further back into the couch and leaning her head back. All it takes is a few deep breaths with her eyes closed and she’s out like a light.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Lily Lee~ Unnie made you breakfast,” Nayeon sings gently as she enters the maknae line’s room.
The eldest member carries a plate of blueberry pancakes, Lily’s favorite. All of the members are well aware of how hard Lily is pushing herself to make her solo comeback go nothing less than perfect. They know she feels guilty for being given so many individual opportunities over her members despite all nine of their reassurances that they’re nothing but proud of her. Nayeon decided to surprise Lily with her favorite breakfast in bed.
Nayeon doesn’t think she’s heard Lily get up this morning. Tzuyu and Dahyun are still asleep in their bunks and Chaeyoung is out to brunch with a friend. Lily’s bunk, however, is empty, save for Blue curled up in his usual spot at the foot of the bed. Nayeon leaves the room and her eyebrows only knit together further when she checks and finds the bathroom empty.
“Jihyo, do you know where Lily is?” Nayeon asks.
Jihyo, Sana, and Momo sit in the living room eating the extra pancakes Nayeon had made. (The best ones, of course, had been puts on Lily’s plate.) All three of them look up at Nayeon’s question.
“Is she not in her room?” Jihyo asks.
“Just checked.”
“She didn’t stay at Jisung’s dorm last night, did she?”
“No, she was practicing until late,” Momo reminds the leader.
“Did anyone hear her come in?”
“We all went to bed before her but maybe?” Sana says.
Jihyo glances around at the growing worry on her members’ faces.
“Okay, um, Sana. Go ask the others if they know where Lily is and whether or not they know she came home. Nayeon, put Lily’s plate in the microwave and finish cleaning up the kitchen. Momo, call Lily’s cell and see if she’ll pick up. I’ll call Jisung and see if she’s with him.”
The other three girls set off to do as they were told and Jihyo pulls out her phone. She quickly finds the right contact and calls Jisung. NCT Dream’s dorm is practically Lily’s second home. She is constantly spending the night there, the other group’s maknae never complaining to give up his bed to Lily for the night if it means getting to joke around while eating cereal together the next morning. If not for their endlessly busy idol lives, they would be attached at the hip.
“Uhhh... Jihyo sunbaenim? Hello.”
The boy who answers the phone is not Jisung.
“Hello, who is this?”
“I’m Jaemin, one of Jisung’s members.”
“Where is Jisung?”
“He’s showering but he should be out soon- oh, he’s right here.”
Muffled, Jihyo hears, “Hyung, why are using my phone?”
Louder and closer to the phone, Jaemin answers, “It’s Lily’s leader.”
Jaemin presumably hands the phone to Jisung.
“Jisung. Is Lily with you?”
“With me? No.”
“Oh, okay.”
“W-Why? Is she okay? Did something happen?”
Jaemin says something Jihyo can’t understand. The sound that follows sounds suspiciously like Jisung hitting his older member.
“We’re not sure where she is right now,” Jihyo answers.
She looks up as Sana, Nayeon, and Momo return to the living room, several of the other girls coming with them, all looking worried.
“Do you need help finding her? I can call her,” Jisung offers.
“No, it’s alright, Jisung. Thank you, though. Bye-”
“Wait! Will you let me know when you find her?” Jisung says quickly before she can hang up. “Or ask her to text me when she’s home?”
Jihyo blinks, “Uh, yeah. I’ll tell her to text you. Bye, Jisung.”
Jihyo hangs up.
“She’s not with Jisung,” Jihyo announces to the others.
“My call went straight to voicemail,” Momo says, “Her phone’s either off or dead.”
“I don’t like this,” Mina says. “Lily always tells us when she’s staying with someone.”
“Yeah,” Tzuyu agrees quietly.
“What if something happened to her?”
“She might just be at ITZY’s dorm. They live a little closer to the company.”
“But what if something did happen to her?”
“She was walking home late at night; someone should have gone to get her.”
“She’s so little.”
“If someone tried to grab her in an empty street she wouldn’t be able to do much.”
“What if someone recognized her?”
“What if she got kidnapped?!”
“What if she got followed by a sasaeng!?”
“Guys... GUYS!” Jihyo calls to get everyone’s attention. “Worrying like this isn’t going to help anyone. I’ll stay here with Sana in case she comes back. You all split up and start trying to find her.“
While the others hurry to pull on coats and shoes and throw their hair up into ponytails, Sana walks over to Jihyo.
“What are we going to do?” Sana asks.
“We’re going to start calling people,” Jihyo answers. “Anyone Lily knows and we don’t, we’re going to figure out their phone number and call them.”
“How are we going to do that? Like, I don’t have any of Blackpink’s phone numbers.”
“Well... okay. But you know Nayeon. And Nayeon knows Jisoo. Find connections like that.”
A few minutes later, Jihyo has gotten Blackpink’s eldest’s phone number and been told she’s not with them. Nonetheless, Jihyo tries to remember another one of Lily’s countless idol friends to try and call.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
What had gone from a ten minute break to a nearly nine hour night of sleep leaves Lily still fast asleep on the couch of a practice room that morning. She’s shifted onto her side, curled up and sleeping soundly. She wakes slowly, blinking and groaning at the bright overhead lights still shining from the night before. She eventually sits up and rubs the final remnants of sleep from her eyes. Her phone is dead, she realizes, getting the time from the clock on the wall instead.
10:13AM? Really? She was asleep that long? She’s almost surprised her body let her sleep for so long; she usually can’t make it past seven hours of consecutive sleep. She knows her members must be worried sick about her not being home after being alone the night before. She should head home right away to let them know she’s okay. As she pulls her coat on, she hopes her members aren’t worrying too bad.
Unbeknownst to her, the members of Day6 and Stray Kids are scouring the entire company building for her. Nearly the entire kpop idol community has become aware of Twice’s missing maknae as Jihyo and Sana have continued calling more and more people. If there was ever a day to run into an idol somewhere in Seoul, today would be that day as anyone who is able to is out looking for Lily.
“Come on, idiot, don’t actually be missing,” Jae mutters to himself as he starts checking in and out of practice rooms.
Despite Jae’s mean older brother act, it’s obvious and impossible to deny that he cares about the younger American. He’s always teasing her about her height but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how easily someone bigger than her could grab her and force her into a car or down an alleyway or-
Jae spots Lily leaving a practice room further down the hall. The girl turns toward him.
“Oh, hey-“
Jae crashes into Lily in a hug, squeezing her tightly.
“Okay. Hi, there.” She pats his back as she hugs him back, confused as he usually only briefly hugs her in parting, “Is today a special occasion or...?”
“You are an absolute dumbass, Lilliana Lee!” Jae yells at her, smacking the side of her head.
“OW! What was that for?!” she whines.
“Your members have no idea where you are!” Jae exclaims. “They think you’ve been kidnapped or killed or something and have everyone you’ve ever even looked at for more than five seconds looking for you.”
“They woke up and you weren’t at the dorm and you weren’t answering their calls so they started calling people to see if you were with them and now every idol ever is searching the entirety of Seoul for you but you’ve just been in a practice room?!!”
“I fell asleep! I didn’t mean to!”
“You can’t just disappear like that!” Jae continues to scold her. “You’ve got so many people worried over nothing and- shit.”
Jae turns away from Lily and covers his eyes.
“Are you-,” Lily steps around him to look at his face, “Are you crying?”
“No,” he says firmly.
“I think you are.”
He glares at her, “I’m still mad at you.”
She steps back with her hands raised, “My bad.”
He sighs, “Alright. Let’s get you home.”
“Okay,” Lily agrees softly.
She lets Jae lead her down the hall, coughing into her elbow before entering the elevator. Jae already has his phone out, texting his members to stop their search because he’s found her.
“Are you sick?” he asks.
“I just think I need some water,” she says.
“You should take some medicine when you get home, just in case.”
“Aw, you do care about me. The only tsundere I know is Jae Park.”
Jae shoves his phone into her hands, “Shut up and call Jeongyeon. You get to deal with her wrath.”
Lily looks at Jeongyeon’s contact that has been pulled up on Jae’s phone and gulps.
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okskz · 4 years
Elsy + Jinyoung ft. Young K
jinyoung and elsy were supposed to hang out with each other but he suddenly cancels on her, leaving young k to take his spot.
hope you guys enjoy! please feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated!
[8th Member of Got7]
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Right when Elsy was done with rehearsals, she stepped out of the dance room to find the nearest restroom to change her outfit. She didn’t want to go back home to get ready so instead she brought herself some extra clothes to change to.
She was getting herself ready before Jinyoung could arrive so the two could go out. Elsy even ended dance rehearsals just so she could see Jinyoung.
And as she was pulling her hair out of her scrunchie, she began thinking about him. The last time she saw Jinyoung was the night he told her he loved her.
She wasn’t avoiding him. She just didn’t want to see him. They would only call and text and plus the girl was in fact busy to even see him.
But now, she was missing him. So when he suggested the two to go out, Elsy didn’t hesitate to say yes.
Elsy began applying some makeup when she called Jinyoung, having her phone on speaker. She pouted a little when he didn’t answer, so decided to call again.
And still no answer.
By that time Elsy was ready to go, only needing Jinyoung to answer his phone. She even sent him a text saying she was ready and to let her know when he would arrive.
After about five minutes of waiting in the restroom, Elsy left to start making her way down to the first floor, hoping he would at least call her back.
But enrich when she stepped out of the restroom, her phone began ringing. Quickly answering it, she placed the phone against her ear.
“Hey, sorry for not answering.”
“It’s okay.” Elsy smiled, relieved that he finally called back. “I’m ready by the way, so let me know-“
“About that.” Jinyoung began, causing the smile on Elsy’s face to drop. “I’m sorry, princess but I’m going to have to cancel our plans. Something came up suddenly so I can’t make it.”
Elsy began frowning, pouting her lips. “But I really wanted to see you.”
She heard Jinyoung sigh through the phone. “I’m sorry, but I’ll make it up to you soon, okay? And you’ll be able to see me on the day of your performance stage.”
The girl knew there was no way to try and convince Jinyoung to not cancel, but she could already feel herself getting bummed out. “Okay. I’ll see you then.”
“I gotta go now.”
Elsy was about to tell Jinyoung goodbye but was cut off when hearing the phone hang up already. Groaning, Elsy had no other choice but to go home. She wasn’t in the mood to do anything else.
That was until she bumped into Young K when going down the first floor. “Elsy!”
“Oh, Young K.” She half smiled.
“Hey what’s wrong?” He questioned, seeing that she looked a little down.
“It’s nothing, really. I was supposed to hang out with Jinyoung tonight but he ended up cancelling. So, now I’m a little bummed out.” She shrugged.
“Hm, so what are you going to do now?”
“Head home. I have nothing else to do.”
Young K thought for a moment until he began smiling at Elsy. “Well that’s no fun, why don’t I join you in whatever you had planned?”
Elsy gave her full attention to Young K, feeling herself start smiling too. “Wait really? I didn’t have really anything planned but-“
“Then lets go find something to do!” He said, cutting her off. Young K grabbed onto Elsy’s hand and began dragging her until the were out of the building. Elsy couldn’t stop herself from laughing.
From the looks of outside, it was beginning to get dark. And the two wandered around town until finding something the two wanted to do. It was Elsy who stopped right in front of a carnival, looking over at Young K with a huge grin on her face. Young Kngot tje hint, nodding his head as the two rushed inside.
“Any ride you want to get on first?”
Elsy looked around the place. There weren’t many rides to choose from. But her eyes did land on the teacups first and that’s the ride she chose first.
Sitting across from Young K, Elsy began giggling. Her mood taking a total opposite of what she was feeling when Jinyoung had cancelled on her. But she definitely didn’t mind being with Young K now, she was having fun.
“Whatever you do don’t spin it.” Elsy warned. “That much.”
“We’ll see about that.”
“Brian!” She screamed out once the ride had started. Young K already spinning them around. Elsy was laughing hestarically as she tried to stop Young K from doing so.
The next ride the two got on was a rollercoaster. And they both sat in the middle, side by side. The employee sat the down the bar in front of them, Elsy already gripping on it tightly. “I don’t remember the last time I’ve been in a rollercoaster. So please don’t mind my screams.”
Young K only chuckled, patting Elsy’s hands. “You’ll be fine.”
And Elsy was fine, until they made it to the top before dropping down, making all of Elsy’s hair blow back. She began screaming out loud, closing her eyes shut as she clung onto Young K’s arm. She had her head hiding behind his shoulder. Young K only laughed at her.
When the ride was over, Young K helped Elsy out and the girl was still clinging onto his arm. Young K chuckled, slightly tapping her head. “It’s over now, Els.”
Elsy quickly let go of him, shaking herself off. “Never doing that again.”
“You’re a loser.”
“Hey!” Elsy went after Young K once he began running away from her. The two sharing a laugh once Elsy caught up to him.
Elsy sat crisscrossed on a bench with Young K beside her as the two shared a bag of cottan candy and popcorn.
And after a couple of more minutes, Elsy took out her phone, wanting Young K to snap photos of her in front of the water fountain. He took the phone out of her hand and began snapping photos once Elsy began posing for them.
Then it was Elsy’s turn to take photos of Young K.
Elsy looked around, seeing an older couple walk by and she quickly stopped them. “If it’s no trouble, could you take a picture of us?”
The older lady didn’t hesitate to nod her head and grabbed Elsy’s phone. She took a couple of snaps of the two then gave the phone back to Elsy.
“What a beautiful couple you two are.” She smiled sweetly at them before walking away.
Elsy’s eyes grew wide as she snorted, hearing Young K do the same. “Oh my god.” She laughed. But for some odd reason the girl could feel her face get warm.
“Well that was something.” He laughed too. “Any other ride you want to get on?”
Elsy looked up at the giant ferris wheel, pointing her finger to it. “That one.” She answered.
After finishing riding the ferris wheel, Elsy last choice of ride was the merry-go-round. The both of them got on a horse right next to each other. “This was always my favorite ride as a kid.” She said. “Now, take a picture of me.”
Elsy smiled when Young K brought up the phone in front of her. And as he was taking the photos with the lights of ride shining on her, even he could see how beautiful Elsy looked, without even trying. Young K always knew Elsy was a pretty girl, but it was something about that moment as he took the photos.
Elsy smiled once looking at the photos Young K took, placing it back in her pocket once the ride finally began to move
And right when Young K wasn’t looking, Elsy took a small glance at him and out of nowhere the girl’s mouth turned into a huge grin without realizing it.
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sunlight-additions · 4 years
Angel’s Profile(Day6)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
{Korean Name}
JaeHwa Tae
{English Name}
{Stage Name}
{Date of birth}
December 22, 1993
Korean (Native)
Mandarin (Chinese)
JYP Entertainment
Vocals: 84%
Rap: 48%
Dance: 24%
Acting: 91%
Music production: 82%
Father-ByeongHo Tae(B.1969)
Mother-EunJi Kim(B.1969)
Step Father-Alejo Diaz(B.1970)
Step Brother-Benito Diaz(B.1993)
{About her}
Brian and Angel have known each other since middle school
Her parents divorced when she was 8 when she then moved to Canada
She was a figure skating prodigy and even went to the Youth Olympics with her partner where they won gold
A sweetheart but will not hesitate to fight someone
Is obsessed with candles for some reason
Plays violin and piano
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macheezee · 4 years
I am deleting all of Sun's content as I do not have plans to keep her or continue her anytime soon.
I have everything saved up on my phone in case I do want to continue, this acc would be transformed into my personal acc since I don't have one :)
Feel free to follow me on @jiah-official where I would start posting my oc soloist in a few weeks.
I hope y'all understand <3
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bangchanswolfpelt · 3 years
🎃Kinktober 2021👻
hey y'all, i'm gonna try to do Kinktober this year!
seeing Kinktober over the years going from kind of a solitary thing to something people take requests for has been really cool, and i'm nightmarishly indecisive, so i'm opening up requests for it this year! the goal is going to be at least a drabble per day, just to keep the bar low enough to clear everyday, but we're probably gonna go longer for a few of these, because i'm incredibly bad at knowing when to stop.
ETA: Kinktober fills for this year will be linked here, but can also be found collected under the kinktober 2021 tag or here on AO3.
how we're gonna do this:
requests are going to be first come, first serve (but even if your request isn't filled for kinktober, i might keep in my back pocket for later 👀)
struckthrough kinks are kinks i will not be writing
ETA: i don't write member/member, i only write reader fic (tho i do write poly)
each number on the list is for the corresponding day of October; the kinks beside it are the kinks available to request for that day (you can ask for additional kinks to be included—i'm actively encouraging detailed requests!—but the kinks available for that day are meant to be the main feature of sorts)
you can request one day per message (i'm not gonna say one day per person 'cause like. you can just get on anon and i really don't care that much. go fuckin nuts if the spirit moves you, babes)
feel free to request as many kinks as there are per day, but if you request more than one, please let me know which you'd prefer to be prioritized if i can't work them all in
feel free to request multiple people per day, but as above, please let me know if there's someone you'd prefer to be prioritized
i usually try to stay away from gendered pronouns/petnames, but i do tend to write readers with breasts/vulvas; if you'd prefer more vague descriptions or no focus on the reader's genitals at all, feel free to request that, too!
if you feel like it, please be specific about what you'd like to see out of your requests, especially re: kinks—there are a lot of kinks on this list i am very into and am very comfortable with, but there's a few i'm less familiar with but still wanna try writing—don't be afraid to give me a little direction!
do NOT be afraid to get too weird with your requests—it's the season to be spooky, babes, i'm ready for anything ;]
who to request:
i can confidently write for every member of BTS, Seventeen, Mamamoo, Stray Kids, TXT; Jay Park; Jessi; Taemin; BM from KARD; Wonho; Jae from Day6
i cannot write Ateez or BTOB with any confidence at all, but that has not stopped me from writing 5racha/Mayfly
to make my roommate laugh, please request GOT7
kinktober 2021 prompt list
Peach Jam: Yeonjun // Rimming // neutral!reader, new sub!Yeonjun, praise kink~
Hands Down: Yeonjun // Spanking // teasing dom!Yeonjun, ass/tit/thigh/pussy spanking, spit, sweet aftercare
Adorn You: Chan's birthday!! || Chan // Body Worship // taking care of overworked Chan<3
Pretty Please: Hyunsik // Bimbofication, Cockwarming, Collaring || With a Bow on It: Jeonghan's birthday!
Peanut Butter Vibes: Joshua // Foodplay
One of the Rotten Ones: Felix // Overstimulation // hard dom!Felix/bratty!reader
Pillow Talk: Wheein // Somnophilia // shy embarrassed Wheein
How You Fill Me Up: Seokmin // Breeding, Sensory Deprivation
Forgot All the Rules: Taehyun // Humiliation
Swimmin' in a Mirror: Soobin // Clones/Selfcest // too much cum >:D
When the Wolf Comes Home: Beomgyu // Incest, Exhibitionism/Voyeurism // jealous, mean dom!Gyu
Nothing I Won't Do: Soobin // Size Difference // sweet dom!Soobs
Show the World to Me: Soobin //Omorashi // pervy!Soobs, subby, embarrassed reader
Sanguine Addiction: Minho + Seungmin // Free Use, Bloodplay, Stockings // vampire au, competitive fucking
Cherry Bomb: Beomgyu // Crossdressing, Praise Kink // subby Gyu
Beating Heart Baby: Soobin // Medical Play // subby Dr. Soobs
Up’s the Only Direction I See: Yeonjun + Soobn // Three(or more)some // oops, all switches
Jessi // Mommy Kink, Orgasm Denial
Soobin + Beomgyu // Double Penetration (1 hole) // cute subby SooGyu
Big Matty's birthday! || Distention/Cockbulge // Scissoring // Role Reversal
Minho // Titfucking
Fuck Around, Feel My Heartbeat: Jisung // Shotgunning // makeouts and spit kink~
Beomgyu // Watersports, Knifeplay // mean dom!Gyu
Beomgyu // Pregnancy, Formal Wear // cum, dirty talk, praise, Gyu gets baby fever at a wedding >:]
Minho's birthday! || Soobin // Lactation
Beomgyu // Waxplay
Hongjoong // Pegging<3
Beomgyu // Facesitting // overstimulation, dirty talk/praise, sweat/olfactophilia
Yeonjun // Dacryphilia // subby!Junnie, tied up and overstimulated
Soobin // Prostitution // subby virgin!Soobin/prostitute!reader
Wonho // Halloween breeding 🎃
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aquainnie · 5 years
Valentines Day with Stray Kids ♡
♡⋆⁎ Person of Interest: OT8 Stray Kids
♡⋆⁎ Genre: Tons of Fluff, Literally 0 Angst, School AU
♡⋆⁎ Requested? Y/N
♡⋆⁎ Word Count: 2207
♡⋆⁎ Additional Info: Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you’re spending it with the person/people you love, whether it’s romantic or platonic! I have a couple of notes about this reaction.
This took 3 days to write and is my longest piece of writing!
Chan and Hyunjin’s are based off of personal experiences, of course without the confession part. (I’m giving all of my friends candy this year and my school is selling wooden roses and I WOULD buy one for myself but dang the line is way too long and I need FOOD, they’re sold at lunch)
The reactions alternate from the member confessing to you confessing, so be aware of that!
Enjoy reading, and have an awesome Valentine’s Day! Please know if you're alone this year, you can still spend this holiday with your friends and family. Spread the love today!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
c h a n ♡
Chan was always aware about the observant side of you; the side that over analyzes everything to see if there’s a hidden message. That’s why, to confess to you on Valentines Day, he wanted to put your skills to the test.
Fundip: the gift Chan would be giving out to the majority of his classmates, of course, including you. Each one of them was personalized to the person getting the small pack of sugar, which helped Chan with his plan. His plan? Every single pack would have a smiley face on it, except yours, which would instead have a heart on it.
Soon after passing the candy out before class, his friend, who knew of his scheme, Changbin, nudged Chan on the shoulder.
“I think it worked, dude. She’s asking people around her something,” Changbin subtly says to Chan, who’s palms were getting sweatier by the second. You eyed Chan suspiciously, who made eye contact back. Grabbing your blue raspberry flavored pack, you raised it in the air with your two fingers and pointed at it dramatically, eyebrows raising up in exaggeration. Chan laughed silently in response, waving you off as to say, “Talk to you later after class.”
Right after class, you immediately caught Chan by the doorway, waiting for you. Before he opened his mouth to explain, obvious blush on his face, you spoke first.
“Nice candy. And yes, I’ll be your valentine.”
m i n h o ♡
Listen: it wasn’t your fault you fell in love with Minho, the “bad boy” in your class this year. I mean, his leather jacket, flirty attitude, countless pranks in class, intimidating tone...
Is that a cat airpod case?
Regardless, by now you’ve fallen head over heels with your classmate, who you’ve only spoken to once or twice due to your timid nature. But this year on Valentines Day, you aren’t missing your chance to make a move.
And you immediately started regretting making that card last night. You saw a small pile of gifts Minho got, but even though it was clear he rejected all those girls, you couldn’t help but tremble.
Deciding you couldn’t present your gift directly to him, you set the lousy folded piece of paper you ever so delicately drew inside of it on his desk, set off to the side of the other failed presents.
As soon as the bell ring, signaling the end of class, you attempted to rush out of the room, only to be stopped by Minho.
“Hey Y/N!” He called out, which you mistakenly turned around in response. You were only a few feet from the door when he started approaching you, your feet taking to the back of the wall.
“Do you make this?”
You nodded, trembling at his response. This was it, you were going to get rejected, feeling like a loser holding your textbooks tightly around your chest.
Then, Minho lit up into a bright smile.
“I love it! Those cats you drew were awesome, they even kinda resemble my own lil’ kittens! And yes, I’ll be your valentine.”
c h a n g b i n ♡
For once, you and Changbin agreed on the same thing: that your friend group made a stupid event. I mean, secret santa, valentines edition? Then again, they’re your friends, might as well play along and draw a name from the hat.
Well, at least both of you announced to the group that your gift would be very minimalistic. Then again, you had a tiny crush on him..
Might as well put a little effort into it.
Valentines Day arrives swiftly, everyone having their gifts ready in white, paper bags.
“Okay, I guess everyone can start passing out gifts!” Someone finally announces and soon, everyone was turning left and right passing out their gift.
You notice Changbin standing there silently, clutching his bag quite tightly. You approach him from the side, extending your arm holding the bag. Changbin raises his eyebrows in surprise, looking up at you before taking the bag and gently opening it.
“Snorlax?! Ah, you should see my gift for you..” He pulls out a small Snorlax pushie out of your bag as you giggle at his shock. It was your turn to be shocked however, as he gave you his bag. Inside..
“My own Gyu? Oh, it has a pink bow on it, cute!” You smile, examining the soft plushie in your hand.
“Look at the tag..” you’re able to hear Changbin grumble out. You look up to see him scratching his ear, his cheeks a very faint red that you’re barely able to make out. You open the tag and read what’s written on it.
“Be my valentine?”
h y u n j i n ♡ 
“Man up!” They said,
“It’ll be fun!” They said,
“Yeah right,” you mumbled quietly as you clutched a dollar in your hand, waiting behind tons of people to purchase this artificial rose.
Honestly, your school is a genius for thinking about selling fake roses and giving them out at the end of the day. With relationships blossoming everyday in your grade level, they might as well double the amount of them in a single week.
Also, they’re getting tons of profit from this event, especially with you as one of their daily customers. Always a blue rose, always with your unreadable signature at the bottom of the note. It’s not like your massive crush, Hyunjin, can read it anyways, right? And you’re happy you can see him smile everytime he gets one. All because of you.
Valentines Day, you don’t feel alone carrying a single real blue rose in your hands as you scanned your grade level. Huge teddy bears, bouquets of flowers, some may say you under did it. But you know Hyunjin’s the type to not put on a show, so you shall do the same.
“Hi Hyunjin.. Here’s your last rose!” You shyly say to the boy sitting at his desk, doodling in his journal. He looks up, definitely not expecting you to be the one purchasing the blue roses.
“You’re the one who—?” You cut him off, nodding. He starts laughing at clapping, making you giggle as well. He gets up from his seat and gives you a tight hug.
“Be..my valentine?” You managed to say, still overwhelmed by what’s happening.
“Of course!”
j i s u n g ♡
Jisung was panicking. Going around the dorms left and right, asking all of his hyungs for advice (because let’s be honest, if he goes to the three maknaes of the group, he’ll become even more of a laughing stock than he already is).
“But hyung!!” Jisung waddled back and forth on Chan’s bed, arms locked around his legs.
Chan sighed once more. “Well, what does she like?”
“I already told you, I’m not sure!!”
“Then, I don’t know, get them a stuffed animal? Make them a song?” At the second suggestion, Jisung’s ears perked up.
“A song! That’s a good idea, hyung! Thanks!!” Jisung suddenly jumped out of the bed and scrambled to his room, leaving Chan wildly confused.
A week later, as the classroom was decorated with heart streams and colored paper, you sat with an empty heart for another year. Of course no one would want you as a valentine, you’re too “cold” and “quiet.” That is, until your good friend Jisung plopped into the seat in front of you.
“Listen to this,” he demanded as he placed his phone on your desk and slid it over, a song on the screen. You looked at him suspiciously, in which he smiled wider. You took the phone and held it near your ear, making sure the volume was loud enough for you to hear yet quiet enough for no one else to.
Needless to say, when the short song was finished, you were flooded with emotion as you gave the phone back to its owner.
“Yes, I’ll be your valentine.”
f e l i x ♡
With both of you as the class clowns, it was incredibly easy for you to think of a way to ask Felix to be your valentine. Really, he shows you the latest memes everyday at break, how could you not make your own and turn them into valentine cards?
“Y/N..! You never give me memes back, when will you get some for me?” Felix whines to you at break time as you roll your eyes in annoyance.
“Find me three Pewdiepie memes and I’ll give you some tomorrow,” you negotiated, clearly not getting a good response from Felix.
“I swear you like THAT Felix more than me! I’m hurt, Y/N,” Felix starts to fake cry, wiping his dry face with his finger.
“Go ahead and cry, you big baby.”
“You suck!”
The bell rings, and Felix heads back to his seat.
“Okay, do I still suck if I have some memes for you?” It was the next day, and despite that Felix didn’t bring you your Pewdiepie memes, you still wanted to give him his present.
Once you turn your phone around that you discreetly pulled out of your bag, Felix immediately starts laughing.
“Donut ever leave deez nuts1!!1!1” He says out loud, you laughing along with him too.
After you calm down, you asked him. “Do you get the joke?”
“Yeah, the donut and the deez nuts— Oh— oh!” He looks up at you with wide eyes, and seeing you fall back into your chair with laughter confirms his thoughts.
“Is this your way of asking me to—?” You cut him off with a nod, still bubbling with giggles.
“I— Yeah! I would’ve asked you but I’m a coward so— Woah!”
he hits the woah afterwards
s e u n g m i n ♡
Seungmin likes to think he has two personalities. There’s the “Quiet Prankster” side and the “Hopeless Romantic” side. The more Seungmin thought about it, the more he realized he probably got the second side from Day6, but that’s not the point here! He has to make his Valentine's Day gift extra special, just for you!
After using several of Minho’s post-it notes to scribble down some ideas you would like, he finally settled on two. The very original and very romantic bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. Seungmin facepalmed at his originality, but knowing you, you would like anything, so it’s better to keep it traditional.
Wrong. Oh dear god he was absolutely wrong for once.
Because when the 14th arrived and Seungmin came to school clutching his small bouquet of sunflowers and a heart shaped box of chocolates, you stared at him wide. 
“These are for me?” You asked, keeping your distance as you pointed at the gifts.
“Yeah, why? Is there something wrong?” Seungmin started to worry.
You waved him off with your frantic hands. “No, it’s fine, it’s just...”
“I’m allergic to chocolate/flowers.”
“O-Oh.” Seungmin looked down at the objects in his hand as if they were his enemy. Suddenly embarrassed, his ears grew bright red.
You laughed at his attempt, but still wanted to assure him it’s fine.
“It’s okay, Seungmin! I could give the flowers/chocolates to my friends if that’s okay with you. And I know you’re going to ask me this, so yes, I’ll be your valentine.”
j e o n g i n ♡
Scanning the kitchen surroundings, you knew this plan would fail. You never realized the stereotype of “covering the whole kitchen in powder” could actually come true, because it was right in front of you.
Simple sugar cookies for the sweetest boy in the classroom, Jeongin, right? Well, not very simple if you’re being honest. How did flour get to the top of your head? You weren’t even sure at that point.
Suddenly, your older brother, Woojin, stepped into the kitchen area looking down at his phone before retracing his steps to you.
“D-Do you need help?”
You whined loudly and nodded, Woojin chuckling a little bit before leaving to get a broom and dustpan.
While you told him who you were baking the cookies for (because thank god, he’s such a good older brother that you can literally tell him anything and he wouldn’t judge), you two sweeped up the floor and threw a new batch of cookies into the oven.
“I think I got it by now. Woo, thank you so much!”
“Yup! I’ll be in my room if you need any more help.” You two salute each other off, leaving you standing right in front of the oven waiting for the batter to cook.
With some homemade icing recipe you found online, you frosted the heart shaped cookies with cute messages. Gently tossing them into a box, you slipped it into the fridge and slept anxiously for the next day.
Before class, you nervously tapped on your crush’s shoulder as he sat in his desk, fiddling with a pencil. Jeongin whipped around to see you holding out a box of homemade cookies to him.
“Hi, uh, I’ve actually liked you for a long time and wondered if you could be my valentine?”
Jeongin beamed. “Since the gift is as sweet as the person who gifted it, of course!”
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
I just read your series Destined and wow, what an amazing world you have created. I even read the Jackson and Jaebeom additions and wonder if you will ever consider adding more to this world? I don't think I've ever read a soulmate au as unique and presenting the issues with having a soulmate as realistic as this one! And with the addition of Jinyoung being a doctor, that nearly made my heart stop! Anyway I just wanted to share my thoughts with you. Thank you for this story. 👩‍⚕️ anon
Thank you so much for your review of Destined! It’s definitely a favourite on this blog.
Yes, I have a part 4 planned for Destined. I actually came up with it’s title today (to go along with the equally cheesy other titles in this series so it all matches up), or should I say, Doctor Park came up with it - long story.
Anyway, I’m hoping to write it some time this year as it’s been in the planning stages for most of 2020! Also I had another idea for a soulmate au in this universe because of the rules it possesses but I don’t want to write it with any of the other Got7 members (actually wanted to write it with Mark, but he’s already got his story line set in stone with Sera) so it looks like I might have to think of another idol to add into this world. It could be a Day6 member or Exo or Monsta X idol ... not sure when I’ll work on bringing this idea to life, however. 
Haha well, if your heart stopped, Doctor Park could revive it, right? So you’re in good hands here. 
Thank you again for your kind message, I love hearing what people think about the worlds I create <3333 
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kissandmxkeup · 5 years
4 (I think? The lap one) and author au? Day6 if I can but if not svt!! hi friend I’m sure this will be great ~
Yup, that’s the lap one! Since you didn’t request a specific member, I just did them all because I am That Extra
Also, she didn’t request it, but this is lowkey dedicated to my favorite MyDay, @ohyouaremyday!
“Daddy! Are you done?”
You followed the four-year-old through of the door, giving the girl a quick glance as you picked her up
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Park, we were playing hide-and-seek, and-”
“It’s no trouble, I’m impressed that you held her off for this long.”
He opened his arms, and his daughter gladly leaned in towards her father
As he took the girl from your arms, he gave her a warm smile
“No, Yeojin, I’m not done yet. Almost, though, I swear”
She pouted at him, and you felt your heart swell at the sight of Sungjin interacting so easily with the girl
Most of your babysitting gigs were always for stuck-up parents that basically wanted to see someone else raise their kids for them, and you were so grateful that Sungjin not only cared for his daughter, but also seemed to be legitimately good with her
“I wanna play with you, though!”
Your focus snapped back to the situation as you saw a glimpse of sadness in Sungjin’s eyes, quick enough that Yeojin didn’t notice it
“I’ll tell you what, you can sit in my lap until I’m done working, and then we’ll play until dinnertime, okay?”
The girl cheered, and he smiled so genuinely that you felt like you were gonna pass out from the sight
“I’ll be around if you need me, Mr. Park-”
“You’re more than welcome to stay in here with us, I like having you around.”
The comment took you by surprise, and he immediately tried to backtrack
“What I meant was, if Yeojin needs something, it’ll be good to have you directly around. To help her.”
Although you knew he didn’t necessarily mean it, your chest hurt a bit, but you smiled anyway
“Of course, Mr. Park.”
“Tell me again, why are you writing a self-help book?”
Jae scoffed at you, ruffling your hair with a playful eyeroll
“Because the other Day6 members need it, duh”
You pretended to believe him, but he saw right through the act
“Seriously! Dowoon needs help learning English, and Brian needs to-”
You cut him off by pressing your lips against his cheek before looking down at his paper
“Definitely…so, when did Dowoon or Younghyun suddenly share your name?”
He stammered, hiding the paper under his hands
“It’s a work in progress! You’re not allowed to see it!”
“Uh-huh…am I gonna be in it?”
He thought for a second, then shot you a grin that made your knees weak
“Definitely, they need to have a positive role model in there somewhere, and you’re the most perfect person I know”
You threw yourself backwards onto his bed, pretending to be too startled by his comment to move
“At the very least, can I sit on your lap until you’re done working?”
He laughed, opening a drawer and pushing the papers inside
“No, but I can come lay down next to you”
He flopped next to you and pulled you close, and you felt the peace that came with Jae flood your senses, letting you relax in his arms
Young K/Younghyun
“Younghyun, it’s three in the morning, please come to bed.”
Your voice was rough, words hushed against the dead of night
He looked up from the desk, giving you a smile; your hair was messy, and the t-shirt that hung loosely from your frame was wrinkled and sitting at odd angles
“I can’t just yet, I have to get this transcript to the publisher by Sunday and there’s still so much to do, and-”
He stopped, noticing that you were sitting yourself down in one of the oversized leather armchairs of the large writing study
“Well, I’m just gonna sit here until you’re done. We have a giant bed, but it feels lonely without you.”
He found himself smirking as he looked back down to the chapter he was working on, filling in details as needed
After some time, he looked back up to notice that you were facing away from him, slightly shaking under the cold air of the room
“Would you like me to light the fire?”
You shook your head in denial, and he realized that he’d have to play differently if he wanted you to get warm
“C’mere, you can sit in my lap until I’m done working.”
You turned your head around to face him, and he pushed away from the old cedar desk, arms opening to you
In a minute, you curled yourself into his body, the shaking coming to an end as he shared his warmth with you
He returned to the papers in front of him, and after some time, he looked down to see you asleep on his lap
He smiled, pushing away from the desk and lifting you into his arms, carrying you to bed without a second thought to his papers
“Hey, how do you explain the concept of multiplication to five-year-olds?”
You looked up from your book, confused about the question
“You…don’t? Start with addition or counting, multiplication is definitely above their level”
Wonpil let out a sigh,putting his feet up on the couch and letting his head fall against his knees
“I know, and that’s what I told my manager, but he’s insisting that I need to try, and-”
You scooted down next to him, leaning your head against his shoulder
“I know it’s hard, and you’re being asked to do something that isn’t super reasonable, but I promise that you can do it.”
“Thanks, I really needed that. I might just call again tomorrow and tell him that I’m pulling blanks, offer some other ideas or something.”
“That’s what I would suggest. Now, can I sit in your lap until I finish this chapter? I’m reading Kang Younghyun’s new book, and it’s really good”
He smiled, putting an arm around you and lifting you into his lap
“Mind if I read it with you?”
You nodded, turning to the front of the book so he could experience it as well, excited to spend time with him after the stress of his job.   
You looked down from your bunk bed, eyebrows furrowing at your boyfriend/roommate’s quite sudden outburst
“Working on the English paper for Professor Park?”
He nodded, and you could feel the stress radiating from him even from across the room
‘“Do you need a break? He’s a tough teacher on grading, and if you’re stressed he’s gonna know.”
Dowoon shook his head, and you felt bad for him. You’d had the same teacher last year, and on top of being…eccentric (he shipped himself with the creative writing professor, and it was kinda weird), he was also notoriously tough on his students
“I need to finish this before midnight, and I don’t know if I have time even now”
You climbed down from your bunk, wrapping your arms around Dowoon from behind
“I know, babe, but it’s hard to do the work if you can’t focus. 10 minutes, and then right back to it. I’ll even sit in your lap until you’re done writing.”
He nodded, and you pressed your lips against his jawline as he leaned back, letting his head fall against your shoulder and letting out a quiet groan of frustration
“I’m so lucky to have you.”
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ace-angel-judas · 5 years
Girl Friends
Pairing: Melody/Clara/Star 
Series: AOMG Member, Seventeen Member. Day6 Member 
Rating: None 
Synopsis: Girl friends are always there for each other. 
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Melody pouted as she rested her head against the table, staring at her blank phone. Not one message from her boyfriend in the past three days since she’d left, it was starting to make her think. 
Now Clara and Star were trying to cheer her up, Star in the kitchen chopping vegetables for dinner while Clara was typing on her laptop. They were good friends to have, she could see why Vernon loved Clara so much, she was a very giving person. 
“Being depressed won’t change anything,” Star explained as she placed the knife down. 
“That’s all I can do,” Melody mumbled and lifted her head. 
Snorting, Clara shook her head. 
Turning to Melody, Star smiled at her. 
“So what happened?” 
Sinking in her seat, Melody sighed, “He said I was lazy and didn’t have a job basically, I get  that he was tired but it was still mean,” 
Both girls shared a look before Clara spoke, “He does know you earn more than him in terms of royalties right?” 
A shrug is all Clara got back as an answer. 
“This is what I mean, dating producers is just too much hassle,” Star shook her head, “They concentrate too much,”
“He used to be a kpop idol, Star,” Clara stated.
Gasping, Star whipped her head around and stared at Clara and Melody in disbelief. She couldn’t ever imagine, Christian, with tattoos and the constant swearing, a kpop idol.
“Your lying!” She pointed at her.
“No,” Melody passed her phone to her friend, “He really used to be an idol,”
Star gingerly took the phone and stared at the screen in horror. Melody and Clara exchanged a look before Star handed her phone back to her, shaking her head.
“I hate it..,”
Shrugging, Melody placed her phone on the table. There still was no messages or calls from Christian, but one from Dabin. Clara sat up from her place on the couch, jumping on her spot.
“Let’s get drunk tonight,” Clara nodded, “Get out minds off this relationship stuff,”
“Oh,” Melody shook her head, “I don’t normally drink without Christian..,”
“Fuck Christian!” Clara slammed her hands on the table.
Star looked at Clara, “Technically, she has and does,”
Clara made a face, “Either way, forget Christian and the fight and the stupid stuff, let’s get drunk tonight, yeah?”
“Okay..,” Melody pouted, “But I’ve never been drunk before,”
“Don’t worry, we will take care of you,” Star smiled.
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staycatcher · 5 years
Brewgie’s Prompts!!!
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These are all prompts I’ve been keeping to myself or just general prompts, feel free to send in requests with a member and any additions or mixtures of these you’d like! These prompts most likely have an originally intended member, but I’m really flexible with these, you can send in your preferred member or say you want the original!! Either is perfect!~ Feel free to add personal additions and mixtures from this list you’d like!
What I’ll Write!!!
As of rn, I’m only willing to write for stray kids, dreamcatcher, jimin park (the female soloist), x readers (any/all pronouns), platonic or romantic and everything but smut and gore, for now, I’ll update if things change! 
Also, I’m a human being so if you send in a req, please be patient with me; I’m a perfectionist and won't post anything unless I’m pleased with it :D Please understand that I also have the power to reject ideas I’m not comfortable with writing or generally don’t feel inspired to write
All you have to do is be following me and send in a request through my asks:D the formula to put in the ask is as follows: number(s)! member(s) x pronouns reader, genre(s) [+platonic if you want]
I.e. “hello~ can you please write a  39 reverse! + 7! Seungmin x they/them reader, fluff and comedy, please n thank you with a cherry on top” 
Entries I did will be linked with an “x” at the end of the prompt! 
The Prompts!!! 
Bowling date!
 Carnival/Theme park date! 
 Study date! 
 Coffee date! 
 Date idea that you give me! :o
 Kinds of dates headcanons!
 Meeting for the first time! 
 You confess to them!
 They confess to you! 
 Member as boyfriends headcanon! 
 Kissing them for the first time! 
 Kinds of kisses headcanons! 
 Frech kiss / makeout (that’s as smutty as I’ll go-)
 Cuddling them for the first time! 
 Kinds of cuddling headcanons! 
 You wear their clothes for the first time! 
 Caught in the rain! 
 Truth or dare!  
 Spin the bottle! 
 Seven minutes in heaven! (see 13, tho it’s not necessarily guaranteed, it could be an awkward seven minutes~)
 First sleepover! 
 Road trip!
 Transplant donor au! (this is weird, ngl, but basically one of the members was your kidney donor, and you meet up later? It’s weird-) (or I guess you get an organ donation from them that you received when they died but that's sad-) (the reverse is good too!) 
Blind! You (Like my Chan fic) (the reverse is good too!)
 Wheelchair-bound! Member (the reverse is good too!) 
 Mentally ill! You  (the reverse is good too!) (also feel free to specify what kind)
Roommate au! x
You show up to a costume party / halloween party and you dress up as the same thing or a matching couple, completely unplanned! (if you want the same or couple let me know or I decide~)
You work at a store/cafe/anywhere-really and they make you flustered whenever they come in, and they flirt outrightly to you and leave good tips! (the reverse is good too!) 
You’re a waiter and they’re the performer at a fancy restaurant and you have a crush on them! (the reverse is good too!)
Athlete! Member x Mascot! You! (the reverse is good too!) 
Class Partners! / Lab Partners! 
 Nanny! Au (you nanny their kids or they nanny yours, doesn't necessarily need to be their actual kid it can be a sibling or anything) 
 Neighbor! Au (can be from childhood or current~)
Badboy! Member 
Badgirl/boy/enby! You 
Goodboy/girl/enby! Member 
Goodgirl/boy/enby! You 
Baker! You au! (the reverse is good too!)
 Tutor! You 
Tutor! Member
 Chicken/food deliverer! You (i wrote a crackfic that I never posted that can be recycled-) (the reverse is good too) 
Idol! Member x Idol! You
Fan! You x Idol! Them (I suppose the reverse good too, lmao it’d just be more of a challenge!) 
Fan! You x Idol! Member but you bias another member (I suppose the reverse is good too, lmao it’d just be more of a challenge!) 
Trainee! Au (y’all were or are currently trainees together) 
 Idol! Member x you (basically no aus involved it’s just what it's like dating them as they are now) (I suppose the reverse is good too, lmao it’d just be more of a challenge!) 
Makeup Artist/Stylist! You (I suppose the reverse is good too, lmao it’d just be more of a challenge!) 
 Best friend! Au 
 Friends to lovers! Au
 Enemy to Lover! Au  
 Family Friend! Au 
 Fake dating! Au 
 Soulmate! Au 
 Rejected Soulmate! au (Like my Minho fic)
 Arranged Marriage! Au 
 Foreign exchanged student! you au (the reverse is good too!)
 College/University! Au (just higher education au, not necessarily with frats/sororities involved) 
Frat/Sorority! Au (Can be the same universe as my “Anguish” fic, or not~)
 Grease! Au (inspired from the movie Grease)
 Artist! Au (either you or member is an artist!) 
Tattooer! au (either you or member or you both can be tattooers!)
 Hogwarts! Au (Indicate what house you want the reader to be in if you want~) (PS I have my own sortings for them, but you are welcome to specify what house you’d want them to be in)
 Bender! Au (Kind of like tlok/atla where you can bend the one of the four elements or can be the avatar and its subcategories, or can be a specific thing like lightning or ice/snow) (Feel free to specify i.e. airbender! jeongin x nonbender! you)
 Merperson! Member au
 Merperson! You au
 Pirate! Au (the mermaid and pirate thing can be combined:D)
 Cowboy! Au (Feel free to specify i.e. sherif! you x cowgirl! jimin) 
 Werewolf! Au (Feel free to specify i.e. werewolf! chan x alpha! you)
 Shapeshifter! Au (Basically like the werewolf au, just not wolf..) (Feel free to specify i.e. catshifter! felix x human! you)
 Fairy! Au (Feel free to specify i.e. fairy! yoohyeon x you) x
 Witch! Au (Feel free to specify i.e. witch! seungmin x demon! you)
 Elf! Au (Feel free to specify i.e. elf! you x hyunjin)
 Druid! Au (Feel free to specify i.e. druid! you x minji) 
 Demon / Angel / Fallen Angel! Au (Feel free to specify i.e. demonl! minho x fallenangel! you) 
 Fantasy au idea you give me! 
 Cryptid Hunting! Au (got the idea from here, and hunting as in searching/finding not killing cuz it’s not cool to kill cryptids)
 Prince/ss/x! Member au! (i already have mental concepts for skz so just send in a member! But if you have a ~vision~ already I’d be intrigued to hear!) 
Royalty! Au! (basically all royalty dynamics besides like prince stuff i.e. prince/ss/x! you x knight! changbin) 
 Last day on earth! Au (basically, you or the world has one final day on earth, and you get to decide how you want to spend it / what you’d do) (Can be considered an apocalypse au but I can’t write or read gore so it’s not that side of it, or can just be that you, alone, will die, that’s a concept too lmao)
 Disney/Pixar! Au (I already have concepts for what princess movie with who for skz, so send in a member for that! But if you want a non-princess movie let me know! I.e. Brave  with Jimin) 
 An au idea you give me! :o
 Inspired by the song “Thank God for Girls” by Weezer 
Inspired by the song “Sunburn” by Ed Sheeran
Inspired by the song “Passion Fruit” by drake (but I like the paramore cover hehe ;))
 Inspired by the song “Overnight Sensation” by børns (I have a really cool idea for this one👀)
 Inspired by the song “American Money” by børns
Inspired by the song “Boyfriend” by coin
Inspired by the song “From Afar” by Vance Joy
Inspired by the song “Heart Eyes” by coin
Inspired by the song “You Think” by SNSD (a battle of badness with badboy/girl/enby! Member x badgirl/boy/enby! you)
 Inspired by the song “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson (my idea was to write this but the reverse! Like the reader is a badass Billie Jean and the member is pining for them) 
Inspired by the song “i love you” by Billie Eilish
Inspired by the song “Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince” by Taylor Swift
 Inspired by the song “I.L.Y.” by The Rose
 Inspired by the song “Insomnia” by The Rose
 Inspired by the song “What can I do?” by Day6
 Inspired by the song “Chocolate” by Day6
Inspired by the song of your choosing :o (note, if I don’t find the song you choose to be inspiring to me or appropriate I’ll have to reject it
 Request me anything,’:o (note, if I don’t find the req you choose to be inspiring to me or appropriate I’ll have to reject it
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kwanisms · 5 years
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I have a few series that are coming, starting January of 2020 that I would like to update everyone on.
First, I plan on finishing Tales from Camp before I start any of these.
The Bet part 3, which is the final part, will also be coming in the new year.
Second, I am working on the four mini series from my requests earlier this year, which are Trouvaille (Seokmin), Yuanfen (Joshua), Want You Back (Sehun), and Serendipitous (Soonyoung).
See what series are coming and when below the cut!~
I have three social media AUs planned
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Genre: social media au, angst, fluff, day6 au
Pairing: Reader x ???
Warning: language, alcohol consumption
Summary: After a year abroad in Canada, Brian comes back to find not much has changed, except his bandmates have made a new friend who happens to be someone from his past; his high school crush, (Y/N)
release date: 2020.02.07
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Genre: social media au, angst, fluff, smut, seventeen au
Pairing: Jun x Reader
Warning: sexual content, alcohol consumption, language
Summary: After spending her winter break in China with her friends, Y/N comes back for another semester. she soon is caught up in a whirlwind romance and learns that sometimes your friends can be the ones who hurt you the most.
release date: 2020.05.01
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Genre: social media au, angst, fluff, implied smut, demon!NCT au
Pairing: Reader x ???
Warning: occult themes, language, sexual content, alcohol consumption
Summary: Ready for a new year at uni, Y/N moves into her dorm and learns her roommate is huge into the occult. Thinking nothing could possibly happen, Y/N is shocked when she is lumped into accidentally summoning a literal demon with an interesting proposition.
release date: 2020.09.14
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In addition to the social media aus, I also have three big series planned for 2020
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Genre: science fiction, sci-fi, mystery, horror, space is scary (and beautiful, but also very very scary), seventeen au
Pairing: Seungkwan x OC
Warning: graphic descriptions of body horror, mature content, sexual content, a lot of suspicion, and foul language
Summary: After the last maintenance crew of the EA Roanoke 7016 miss their wake up call by neatly 9,000 years, the find that they are the only people still alive on the ship. When a member of the crew goes missing and is later found unconscious, suspicions arise that one of them is lying or, perhaps, they aren’t alone after all.
release date: 2020.04.07
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Genre: futuristic dystopian society, angst, fluff, smut, mirror’s edge inspired AU, day6 au
Pairing: runner!Jaehyung x OC, runner!Young K x OC
Warning: strong language, dark dystopian themes, alcohol consumption, violence, graphic sexual content
Summary: In the city of Glimmer, everything from news to fashion is controlled by the Conglomerate, an alliance of rich and powerful families. Several small groups of couriers called Runners exist, living outside the Caste system and working above the city. One employ, Kang Mi Rae, has her life forever changed when she is fired from her job and, in a strange series of events, is saved by a group of runners from ShaoSec forces. In order to survive, Mi Rae has no choice but to learn how to run.
release date: 2020.08.04
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Genre: steampunk au, sky pirates, angst, fluff, smut, ateez au
Pairing: Seonghwa x OC
Warning: alcohol consumption, mention of death, major character death, sexual content, strong language, more warnings in each part
Summary: Living in the sky is not always easy, especially with a religious order policing everything you do. One florist, Bang Min-ah, has always wondered what life outside Arcadia is like. Little does she know, she’s about to find out how very different life is when a group of sky pirates accidentally kidnap her.
release date: 2020.11.02
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