#day6 in the heat of the moment
kayewrite · 28 days
You were beautiful
(bsn ending ending #4)
seungmin x reader!! seungmin x fem reader. word count: 2.5k
bsn alternative ending #4 wherein; seungmin likes you more than you liked him
an: ill post 2 so that ill finish this as soon as i can coz being an uni stud is giving me headaches an: i love this. listen to seungmin's cover of day6 'you were beautiful' for better experience
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part 1! part 2!
Seungmin always loved you.
You were just the oblivious one who never saw it. A genius in academics, but when it came to matters of the heart, you were completely clueless.
He always showed you how much he cared, but you never noticed.
He took care of you in ways that seemed ordinary to you because Seungmin was always caring for the people he loved. But what you didn't realize was that Seungmin only acted that way toward you. He wasn't as attentive to everyone else; his gentle ruffling of your hair, his sincere compliments like, "You're pretty," and the warm hugs he would give you—all of it was just for you.
And yet, you convinced yourself it was nothing special. You believed he treated everyone that way, so you hid your feelings as best you could. You ignored the flutter in your chest when he touched your hair, the tingling in your stomach when he complimented you, and the rapid beat of your heart whenever he hugged you. You thought these were all just friendly gestures.
when you saw Seungmin smiling sweetly at a classmate one day, offering to carry her bag. That was the moment you decided you would never, ever tell him how you felt. What if he laughed at you for being a delusional friend?
Little did you know, Seungmin had only helped your classmate because she was sick. There was nothing more to it, but you didn’t realize that at the time.
Seungmin was the reason you met everyone else. He was your friend since childhood, and when you both entered middle school, he introduced you to his seven friends. You were forever grateful to him for bringing these amazing people into your life.
When college came around and everyone chose different paths, Seungmin stayed by your side, taking the same course as you. Changbin joined as well, drawn by his love for solving problems.
Through it all, Seungmin remained close, and you were always thankful for his presence. But after that party, everything changed.
"You know, I realized I should have kept you to myself," Seungmin had said, his voice slightly slurred from the alcohol, but his words clear and deliberate.
He might have been drunk, but you knew he meant what he said. And that was when you finally realized Seungmin liked you.
You didn’t know how to react, especially knowing the feelings of your other friends. So instead of feeling joy that the person you liked also liked you, you were terrified.
When you walked into class one day, you felt two pairs of eyes on you—Changbin's and Seungmin's. You quickly looked down as you took your seat.
"My girl, you look stressed again," your friend Yuji remarked loudly, her usual energetic tone cutting through the quiet classroom.
"I'm okay," you replied, forcing a smile even though your heart was still heavy from the events of the party.
But Yuji wasn’t easily convinced. She narrowed her eyes, studying you carefully. "Well… you don't look okay to me," she said, her voice laced with concern. She was about to ask more, but thankfully, the professor walked in, diverting her attention.
You sighed in relief, though your mind was far from at ease. As the lecture began, you tried to focus, but your thoughts kept wandering back to the party, and the confusing mess of emotions swirling inside you. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t even hear the professor calling your name.
It wasn’t until the entire class turned to look at you that you snapped back to reality, heat rushing to your face as you stammered an apology. You sunk lower in your seat, trying to hide from the dozens of curious eyes still watching you.
After class, you hurriedly packed your things, eager to escape before Yuji could start questioning you again. But as you zipped up your bag, she approached you, her usual bright smile replaced with something more thoughtful.
Without a word, she placed two concert tickets on your desk, the ones you both had been excited about for weeks. You stared at them, then at her, confusion clear in your eyes.
“Go to the concert with Seungmin,” she said, her tone light, but her eyes watched you closely, waiting for your reaction.
Your heart stopped.
“What?” you whispered, disbelief creeping into your voice. You couldn’t have heard her right.
Yuji nodded toward the tickets. “You should go with him.”
You felt your pulse quicken, shock mixing with a twinge of panic. Yuji had always been vocal about her feelings for Seungmin—so much so that you had convinced yourself to bury your own feelings for him. And now, here she was, offering you the two tickets you knew she valued so much.
“You—what are you talking about?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, as if speaking any louder might break the fragile reality around you.
She smiled gently, but there was a knowing look in her eyes. “Of course, I was just teasing about me and Seungmin. But I’ve always known he liked you.”
The room seemed to spin for a moment as you tried to process what she was saying. How could she just… give up like that? And for you?
“Yuji, I… I can’t take these,” you stammered, pushing the tickets back toward her. “You’ve been looking forward to this concert for weeks. And… you like Seungmin.”
Yuji laughed softly, shaking her head. “It’s not about that. I know what’s really important.”
She pushed the tickets back to you with a firm yet understanding look. “Take him to the concert. I can always get another ticket.”
You stared at her, still in shock, trying to comprehend the magnitude of her gesture. It was almost too much to believe, and your mind raced with a thousand thoughts. You had been so sure that Yuji was deeply in love with Seungmin, and now she was practically pushing you into his arms.
But you couldn’t do it. Not like this.
“Yuji… I’m really grateful. But… I think going with him would be a bad idea,” you replied, your voice heavy with the sadness of everything left unsaid.
Yuji’s smile faltered, a flicker of concern passing over her features. She knew there was more to this story, and as much as you wanted to avoid it, you knew that conversation was inevitable.
Later that evening, you invited Yuji to your apartment, unable to hold in the turmoil any longer. The cozy warmth of your space offered a safe haven as you both settled on the couch, surrounded by the familiarity of your shared memories. It was here, in this comforting atmosphere, that you finally let the floodgates open.
"I don’t even know where to start," you admitted, your voice trembling as you stared at your hands, twisting them nervously.
Yuji reached out, her touch gentle and reassuring as she held your hands in hers. "Start from the beginning," she urged softly, her eyes full of understanding.
Taking a deep breath, you began to recount everything—the mysterious blue sticky note you found tucked into your binder, the tension at the party, and the whirlwind of emotions that followed. Yuji listened intently, her expression growing more serious with each word you spoke.
When you finally finished, you felt a heavy weight lift off your chest, but it was quickly replaced by a new kind of uncertainty. Yuji squeezed your hands, her gaze searching your face.
"You can’t choose, can you?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of empathy and disbelief.
You shook your head slowly, the words catching in your throat. "It feels wrong to choose… like no matter what I do, someone will get hurt."
Yuji’s eyes softened, but there was a hint of concern there too. "But you have someone in mind, don’t you? Someone you feel more for?"
The question hung in the air between you, and you felt your heart constrict painfully. You couldn’t bring yourself to answer, so instead, you bowed your head, your silence speaking louder than any words could.
Yuji sighed, her disbelief evident as she tried to process the situation. "It’s better not to choose than to hurt anybody," you whispered, your voice barely audible, as if saying it out loud would make it more real.
"And what about you?" Yuji’s question was gentle, but it hit you like a ton of bricks. Her concern for you was evident, and it only made the situation more complicated.
"I’m okay," you lied, offering her a weak smile that didn’t reach your eyes. You knew it wasn’t convincing, but it was all you could manage.
Yuji wasn’t fooled. "Okay with hurting yourself?" she asked, her tone laced with worry. She could see right through your facade, and it broke her heart to see you like this.
You didn’t respond, and the silence between you two was heavy with unspoken truths. Yuji squeezed your hands once more, a silent promise that she was there for you, no matter what.
The day of the concert arrived, and as you stood at the entrance, you couldn’t shake the nervousness that gnawed at you. You checked your watch anxiously, your heart racing. 'Why isn’t Yuji here yet? The concert’s about to start,' you thought, worry creeping into your mind as you dialed her number.
Just as you were about to press call, you spotted a familiar figure approaching from afar. Your breath caught in your throat as Seungmin came into view, his new cut hairstyle catching the light. It was the very style you had talked about last time, and the sight of it sent a pang of emotion through you.
He smiled as he approached, closing the distance between you two with a calm, easy confidence that only made your heart race faster. His hands were tucked into the pockets of his jacket as he stopped a few feet away, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Have you seen Yuji?" you asked, trying to keep the unease out of your voice, but the sinking feeling in your gut told you something wasn’t right.
Seungmin hesitated for a brief moment, but then he spoke, his tone light, almost playful. "I think she won’t be coming," he said, feigning cluelessness, but there was something in his eyes that gave him away.
"Why?" you pouted, the disbelief evident in your tone. You couldn’t understand why Yuji would bail on such an important event, especially after everything that had happened.
In reality, Seungmin had asked Yuji to let him take her place, promising to do her assignments for a month in return. He didn’t want to miss this opportunity, not after everything you had been through together.
"You’ve been avoiding me," Seungmin said, his gaze fixed on you, his voice soft but firm. It wasn’t an accusation, just a simple truth.
You couldn’t meet his eyes, so you looked away, the weight of everything pressing down on you once more. The silence between you grew, filled with everything that had been left unsaid.
Without another word, Seungmin reached out and gently took your hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. "Let’s go. The concert is starting," he said, his voice calm, as if this was just another day.
With no other choice, you followed him into the venue, your heart pounding in your chest.
The concert began, and the energy in the air was electric. Seungmin, stood out in the crowd, and despite everything, you couldn’t help but notice how effortlessly he fit into this scene. The band started playing, and though it was your favorite, you couldn’t bring yourself to sing along. The awkwardness between you two hung heavily in the air, a reminder of all the unresolved emotions between you.
Seungmin, determined to break the tension, began making jokes, his voice rising above the music. "You know, I can sing better than that," he teased, his tone playful as he impersonated the voices on stage. His antics were so ridiculous that you couldn’t help but laugh, the sound breaking through the heavy atmosphere. Slowly but surely, everything started to feel normal again, like it always did when Seungmin was around.
When the band played your favorite song, You Were Beautiful by Day6, you couldn’t help but sing along, your voice soft at first, then growing stronger as the song went on. Seungmin stood beside you, singing with you, his voice blending with yours in perfect harmony.
Without thinking, you wrapped one arm around his waist, waving your lightstick with the other, and he did the same, holding you close as the music filled the air. It was a moment of pure, unspoken connection, one that neither of you wanted to end.
As the lyrics washed over you, you glanced up at him, your heart aching with all the words you couldn’t say. If it were just about you, you would have chosen him. But love was never that simple, and the complexities of your situation weighed heavily on your heart.
You buried your feelings deep, trying to hide the pain that threatened to overwhelm you.
"I’m always in love with you," Seungmin whispered suddenly, his words cutting through the music, breaking the silence between you. His voice was steady, but there was a vulnerability in his eyes that you had never seen before.
You knew it, after everything that happened, but hearing it still surprised you, sending a shockwave through your system. After a long pause, you finally replied, "Me too." Your voice was barely above a whisper, and the words felt like a confession you weren’t ready to make. You smiled, but it didn’t reach your eyes. "But we shouldn’t."
Seungmin, always understanding, simply nodded. He didn’t push, didn’t try to convince you otherwise. He knew how complicated everything was, and he wasn’t about to make it harder for you.
You smiled back, grateful that he now knew how you felt. And even though it wasn’t the beautiful, happy ending you had once dreamed of, it was enough. He understood you, and that was all you could ask for.
It wasn’t the most beautiful moment of your life, but in that instant, you felt content, knowing that Seungmin would always be there for you, even if things didn’t turn out the way either of you had hoped. And that, in its own way, was a kind of beautiful.
an: is anyone still waiting for this update? cri masterlist
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violettduchess · 1 year
Happy 1k! 🥳 Could I request nr 9 for Clavis? (Or Napoleon)💖
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A/N: It IS nearly his birthday so why not fulfil a Clavis request? Here you go @my-day6 💜 I hope you enjoy it!
Clavis x female reader
First Kiss Prompt: Heat of the Moment
WC: 1551
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“Get me out of here!”
Your voice cracks at the strain of maintaining that volume. The dark, damp earth swallows the sound of your foot as you stomp it in frustration. Soon all you’re left with is a mighty glare which you lob at the pit’s edge. Above you is a perfect circle of sky, blue and bright, innocently shining, unaware of the fate that has befallen you.
You press your palms against the cool walls of the pit. They are too smooth, too well-constructed. You would never be able to grasp anything and climb your way out. Not a handhold or foothold in sight. Digging your fingers into the compact earth proves to be an unpleasant, crumbling mess of an idea which you give up immediately.
“Damn it, Clavis,” you mutter under your breath, a hand pressed against your side. The fall wasn’t too far, but it still knocked the wind out of you, surprise lending it a helping hand when it robbed you of breath. “Why?”
Of course there is no answer. Just a few fluffy white clouds that drift into view, stretching themselves lazily across the expanse of blue. With a huff, you lower yourself to the ground, crossing your arms. Your pink blouse is already streaked with earth and the fall ripped the side of your gray skirt wide open, up to the thigh. You yank the material closed as best you can, closing your eyes. Fine. You’ll wait. You’re already stuck at the bottom of one of his stupid hidden pit traps. It can’t get any worse.
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The first raindrops are like small, cold kisses, harbingers of a very muddy and possibly dangerous future if you don’t get out of this pit now. You scrabble to your feet, the ground already wet enough to suck at your boots.
The circle above your head is now gray and foreboding, releasing more and more gleeful raindrops who are happy to be free of their cloudy prison. They freefall towards the royal garden, bringing more and more of their friends along for the ride. Pushing wet strands of hair from your face, you are forced to shut your eyes against the onslaught of steadily falling rain and open your mouth to scream. You’re not sure if it’s a scream for help or frustration or fury but just when you’re about to let go, a voice rings out against the sound of the downpour: “Oh dear, how unfortunate.” A head of twilight hair, dark with rain, and two twinkling golden eyes peer over the pit’s edge.
He leans down, extending a hand which you grab hold of. With surprising strength, he pulls you easily from the pit and onto the soft, cold green grass of the western corner of the royal gardens. You spring to your feet, full of righteous fire, hands curled into fists as you take a step towards him. The Prince does not move. Instead he regards you, head tilted to one side, a hand raised in a gesture of peace.
“I do apologize, my dear. This trap was intended for a brother who was supposed to be collecting edible blossoms for tomorrow’s tea.”
You shake your head and then grab his hand faster than he can pull away. Fueled by anger, by the cold, damp feel of your clothing as it sticks to you, by the dull ache in your side and the feel of your broken skirt around your legs, you yank him towards the gazebo where you are sheltered from the rain and where he can’t slip away from you.
Clavis shakes his head, water droplets like tiny diamond beads in every direction. He pushes his hair back with one hand, his lips still lifted in a grin.
“Do you really want time alone with me—” His quippy remark is cut short by you clamping a hand over his mouth, eyes bright with anger.
“I was STUCK in a PIT for HOURS!”
You’re close enough to him for him to hear you loudly over the now pouring rain, to notice the rain drops sliding from his wet hair down the planes of his handsome face. Something glitters in those aurelian eyes as they regard you over your merciless hand. You shift your weight from one foot to the other, keeping your hand firmly in place.
“I could have gotten hurt in the fall! I could have drowned in there had you not come along! These pits are a HAZARD!”
How dare he refuse to look away in shame. How dare he keep his gaze on yours, his eyes holding you just as captive as that pit did. What is he thinking?
 ~ Your hand is warm against his mouth, your skin softer than silk.
How dare you smell so good, soaked in rainwater, streaked with dirt. How dare you look so beautiful, tendrils of hair framing your face like a work of art. Your clothes revealing so much and so little. Your skirt parted like the Red Sea, revealing a shapely path to what must be the Holy Land. How dare he want you? You, who is forbidden? You, bright flame that deserves so much more than him…worthless, weak little him.
And yet he can’t help what he feels. 
The thunder of his heart echoes through his veins, the feel of your fingers, the palm of your hand bewitching, conjuring a storm inside him. He is lost in the brilliance of your eyes, a universe he could spend eons exploring. Lost and never wanting a way out, ever again.
But he can’t do this. 
He can’t. 
He must keep this secret locked down in the deepest well of his heart, where the shadows lurk and darkness is a tyrant, towering over a small boy who only wants to be enough for someone. ~
He jerks his head away from your hand, blinking, his muddy boot scuffing the wooden floor of the gazebo as he steps back, away from you. The light in his eyes has dimmed.
“Ah my dear, it was only a joke. All in good fun.”
Something inside you shifts as you feel him pulling away. No. You want to see the fire in his eyes again, that glowing gold in all its intensity. 
You step towards him.
“I see you were offended by my silly trap. I’ll be more mindful of where I place them.”
No, this isn’t what you want. You don’t want him rambling on about his pranks, gaze not on you but the falling rain, his body shivering with cold, his spirit slowly folding inward, closing like a flower bud in reverse. 
You take another step towards him until he bumps up against the curved railing, his hands reaching back to grip the wet, white wood.
“I do apologize for upsetting you, dearie. I— W-What are you...?”
Your body is crackling with frustration. He needs to STOP TALKING about the damn trap. You’re still angry at him for digging it but you’re also angry at the way he is retreating further and further behind that façade of his, that wall of quips and polite distance and controlled flame. You’re practically trembling with the desire to.....
You grab him, fistfuls of his wet coat, and pull him to you, capturing his mouth with yours. He gasps audibly, body going rigid with shock. You will not relent. You want that wall between you gone. So you tear it down with your lips, pressing kiss after kiss against his mouth. You tear it down with your left hand, still curled into the heavy material of his lavender jacket like an iron fist. You tear it down with your right hand, the one that has traveled up to his neck and is holding him there, warm palm against slick, cold skin. You tear it down with your leg, exposed and pressed tightly against his.
Kiss by kiss, touch by touch, you besiege him, vanquishing the cold with the heat of your body, crumbling his hesitation with the strength of your will. What man stands a chance against a perfect storm like this?
You feel when you have triumphed. He snaps as if struck by lightning and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you against the long, lean lines of his body, tipping you back so you’re at a better angle for him to taste. You wrap one arm around his neck, holding on as he comes to life, his mouth moving over yours, deepening the kisses, sending your senses reeling. One hand supports your lower back, the other drops to the skin of your thigh and tiny tornados of electricity dance across your skin.
Was this what was hiding behind those quick smiles? Those flashing golden eyes?
You kiss him as the world around you rages, wind and water roaring through the royal gardens, But desire, which has been biding its time, smoldering patiently, now breathes fire into your lungs, blazes white-hot through your veins.
As you both sink to your knees, still wrapped in each other’s arms, as he tears his mouth from yours to hungrily ravish the soft skin of your neck, you don’t wonder what will happen when the storm fades.
Because you know that this? 
This is just the beginning.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart @bubblexly
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day6source · 9 months
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“We’re back to our seats” DAY6, the first complete group concert in 4 years
by News Reporter Lee Min-ji All photos provided by JYP Entertainment
DAY6 successfully completed their first full-length solo concert in about 4 years. DAY6 held ‘DAY6 Christmas Special Concert ‘The Present: You are My Day’ for three days from December 22nd to 24th at Korea University’s Hwajeong Gymnasium in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul. This performance is the first Christmas special concert in 4 years since 'Christmas Special Concert 'The Present'' in December 2019, and the first full-length concert since 'DAY6 WORLD TOUR 'GRAVITY'' in January 2020. Tickets for all sessions sold out quickly after general reservations opened, and additional seats were also sold out, attracting a total of 20,000 audiences over three days. On the 24th, the last day of the performance, an online paid live broadcast was simultaneously conducted through the Beyond LIVE platform. As it was the time to officially announce the end of their hiatus period after all of their members Sungjin, Young K, Wonpil, and Dowoon were discharged from the military, DAY6 released more than 23 songs for My Day (fandom name), who had been waiting for a long time. They put their sincerity into each stage. The title track of their first full-length album, "SUNRISE," their title track, "I Smile," and their seventh mini album, "The Book of Us: Negentropy - Chaos Swallowed Up in Love," the title track of "You Make Me" and the track "Invincible (ONE)" opened in the dark, signaling a thrilling and touching return.
Sungjin said, "I've been waiting for a long time to perform on this stage. I named the performance to give the impression that it's a gift to you. I have a lot of emotions coming up from the beginning. I'll pour out everything today," adding to his excitement. They presented a variety of musical gifts, including "Zombie", "Love Me or Leave Me", as well as major group songs such as "days gone by," "You Were Beautiful," "Congratulations," and "I Like You." During the encore stage, they selected songs that added heat to their hearts, including "Best Part," "Time of Our Life," "DANCE DANCE," and "Freely." All of the members went around the audience to make eye contact with fans and keep each other warm during the winter. In order to give precious memories to the audience, DAY6 put all their efforts into every element of the performance. In keeping with the saying "Trust and listen in DAY6," the members showed off their solid vocals and musical instruments that did not feel any gaps in the hiatus period. They sang the parts that fans wanted to hear again, building up their emotions, and Dowoon also performed a surprise bit at the ending part of "Zombie." The members filled the concert hall with happy laughter, exuding wit and chemistry with a small choreography prepared by each other, as well as a specially prepared Manitou Mission and entertainment charging game video before the encore stage. For the first time in about four years, Day6 and My Day completed a concert together. In response to Wonpil's words, "A DAY6 concert is a stage until the end of the auditorium, so we need your voice," the audience harmonized with DAY6 by singing in unison, cheering, and shouting to the members' accompaniment. Young K extended his hand towards the fans and became a microphone stand, and Dowoon showed his happy heart by giving a thumbs up and saying, "It's My Day to trust and listen to." In particular, the members' stage naturally began following My Day's unison singing of 'Only' and 'You Were Beautiful', adding a lingering feeling to the 'Gift Con' with their fantastic partners 'My Day Six'. DAY6 shed tears of joy in front of their precious My Day after a long wait. Sungjin said, "I missed this moment so much. I had a lot of worries about whether I would be able to do well in this performance, but the moment I saw My Day, it all disappeared and everything became possible. That's how much I missed you, and now that we are together, every moment we will be happy. You've waited for four years, and let's have fun together,” he said, talking about a bright future. Young K said, "I wanted to show you the best of me, 'DAY6 is back.' I'm glad that you had fun. What's more fortunate is that we have a lot to show you. I'm excited that we'll have so much to do on stage as well as music. Thank you for being with us so far, and let's be happy from now on." Wonpil said, "I feel the happiest and most overwhelmed when I do DAY6 concert. I think the best thing I can do for you who have waited is to approach with good music and performances. I will continue to show great performances. Our youth starts again from now on and DAY6 will continue in the future," he said. "I always think, 'I have to become a better person' while watching My Day. I'll do my best, so please keep an eye on me. I'll make good three happy days and work hard for the next happy time. Our lives are so happy to meet you, and that happiness is ongoing." The scene was filled with smiles until the last moment when the happy reunion performance came to an end, and the concluding words, “Thank you for being with us,” remained in My Day’s hearts as a signal of a new starting point, a new page of youth that DAY6 will write in the future. It made me look forward to it.
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localsymp · 1 year
Genmuiweek day6 prompt: ‘Halloween.’💜💙
If u dont like the ship(boyxboy)then DNI. Note: Modern AU
It was around 11.45pm when Genya and Muichiro have arrived to Muichiro’s house after trick-or-treating. They have both agreed to have a sleepover, and have also agreed that whoever got the most candy could do anything to the other. It wasn’t quite challenging for both of them as Genya’s custom was quite fitting to him and basically everyone loved it. On the other hand Muichiro was quite popular around the girls, so it was no big deal he got a lot of candy aswell. Although, now they had to count their candies to see who had more.
The two friends were already changed in pjs, despite not planning to go to bed soon. They were just counting their candies while a small radio was playing some comforting music in the room nearby. Muichiro was nearing the end of his treats sadly, and so he was finally done counting. “Done! I got like 1156 candy! Beat that if you can!” He said as he felt confident that he would win, and sweet victory would be his. That idea was quickly scrapped as he saw that his friend was also finished with counting his own treats. “Well, I got 1162! I win.” He says in such a playful voice that it’s almost unbelievable. “You’re joking right?” Muichiro asks, as Genya shakes his head. “Nope. I can do anything I want to now.” He says as a grin creeps onto his face. Mui sighs as he flops with his back on the bed that he was sitting on. He was just really tired and having to deal with this kind of made it worse, but he would try to stay awake for his friend. Genya just looked over, and approached as he got ontop of the smaller boy, who was a little red, and very curious as to what’s about to happen. “What are you doing..?” He asks, as he can feel his face heat up a bit, getting no answer, but instead feeling his boyfriend’s hot breath on his neck. He felt kisses on his neck, which made him gasp, but they were tickling him alot. He just couldn’t help but giggle quietly as his partner gave more kisses to his neck. He soon felt fingers on his clothed body, and so he felt tickled all over. He laughed, and this seemed so nice. In honesty he didn’t want it to end, but his words said otherwise. “Genyaa! Stop it!” He said a bit louder, playfully as he really didn’t want this to moment to end, but he didn’t really enjoy being tickled too.
In the end, the two spent the night with Genya giving kisses all over Mui’s neck and face, as he continued to tickle him aswell, before falling to a deep sleep.
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yoongiboongipoongi · 4 years
one night stand
REQUESTED by anon: ok ok can i request for a one night stand smut for cho seungyoun? thanks 😊
synopsis: the two of you get a lil too drunk and end up messing around in seungyoun’s bed. UNEDITED
pairing: dom!cho seungyoun x reader 
warnings: sub reader, cursing, drinking, unprotected sex? it’s not implied that they used protection but you can still imagine whatever you want lol
this is my very first request so i apologize if this isn’t good lol. smut starts under the read more line. lowercase intended 
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the two of you weren’t dating, and you both considered each other as “acquaintances ”. however, the rest of your friends thought differently. literally anyone could see the sexual tension between the two of you. as yoomi, your closest friend, says: the two of you are going to start fucking any minute. seungyoun was a goofy kid that always cracked jokes with you, but there was always that one moment where silence enters and the two of you just awkwardly shift in your seats. 
“anda is our driver so let’s drink all we want tonight!” yoomi cheers and jumps up, acting crazy despite not even being at the club yet. you let out a small cheer after her and put down your makeup brush. you would usually put on fairly heavy makeup when you go to the club, but not when seungyoun was there. even though you consider him as a friend, it wouldn’t hurt to impress him at least a bit. you made sure your makeup was subtle but still showing your beautiful features. you put on light eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, foundation, and your favorite lip tint. 
the colorful lights were spinning around as loud music played, you looked around your surroundings, seeing crowds of people having the time of their lives (cue the day6 music). 
you, anda, and yoomi went to the second floor to find your other friends. according to yoomi, seungyoun was going to be there too. you bit your lip in excitement and walked into the private room. your eyes wondered around the group of people and on the very right you saw him. he was wearing a white button down shirt, a few buttons undone, plain black pants, and a black denim jacket with graphic designs printed all over it. simple, but extremely hot. the way he was sitting already drove you crazy. he was laid back slightly, legs spread out. you could already imagine you sucking his big fat di- 
“y/n? come sit down!” yoomi pulls you to the seating area. you feel a bit flustered, and you leave a little imaginary slap on your face for letting yourself get carried away into the world of horniness. 
the rest of the time you spent there was full of dancing, drinking, and constant glances towards seungyoun. you just couldn’t help it. it’s HIS fault for looking that good. he seemed to notice your glances, without even turning your way. you could tell by his small smirks occasionally. 
after everyone had left the club, you stumbled outside and looked around for anda and yoomi. when you looked to your right, you sat yoomi stumbling around with her boyfriend. 
you called out to her, “hey yoomi! where’s anda?” 
“i don’t know! i think she got drunk this time. i told that hoe not to drink, fuck,” yoomi walked off into the distance clinging tightly on her boyfriend’s arm. 
you sighed and stood, waiting for absolutely nothing. 
“what are you doing, standing there?”  seungyoun walked beside you, confused. 
“uh? i don’t knowwww” your speech was weird because of the large amounts of alcohol. your cheeks were extremely pink. 
“you know i noticed you looking at me the whole time,” he chuckled. 
“it’s cause you’re really hot-” you slapped your hand over your mouth in surprise. if you were sober you would probably run away in embarrassment, but instead you giggled and said: “oopsy, didn’t mean to say that”.
he turned his head over to look at you with an unreadable expression. 
“you think i’m hot?” he slowly walks towards you, another smirk slowly building on his face. you giggle again and nod aggressively. you were definitely going to regret this in the morning. once he was close enough to you, he bent down to match you height and tilted his head slightly. 
having a slight pout on your face, you matched his actions and tilted your head in the same direction. you blinked slowly, still feeling drunk. you noticed he also had a slight blush on his face from the alcohol. 
he slowly moved his face closer to you, until you dived forwards into his lips. he was a bit taken aback, but he quickly adjusted and grabbed your waist. it went from 10 to 1000 quickly, but neither of you cared. both of you were expecting this to happen anyways.
his lips were now stained a bit from your lip tint, but that didn’t matter. the two of you continued sucking the hell out of each others lips, not caring that you were both making out in an alleyway by a club. both of you roamed each other’s bodies with your hands, knowing what’s about to happen later tonight. 
after being in the alleyway for who knows how long, you ended up in his bed an hour later. he was on top of you with both of his hands by your head. the two of you were breathing heavily, eyes both filled with lust. 
immediately the two of you started removing your clothes, too eager and impatient for the foreplay. seungyoun threw his clothing to the floor, not really caring where it lands. 
after the last article of clothing was removed, your hands went to grasp his shoulders, already dripping wet with excitement and arousal. 
he used two fingers to circle your clit the gradually enter you. thrusting his long fingers. you were squirming in pleasure, burying your head in the pillow you were laying against. 
“fuck you’re so wet already,” he spreads your legs and grips your thighs with his hands. 
“put it in already,” you whine. 
“if you say so,” your curses were cut off with a sharp gasp. he entered his cock into you and started thrusting. he was the perfect size for you, hitting all the right spots. you moaned in pleasure and grabbed the bedsheets. your back was arched, giving seungyoun a closer view of your boobs. he brought you closer to the wall and leaned your body against it, so instead of you laying down, you were sitting slightly upright. he kept thrusting wildly while sucking on your boobs, leaving hickies on them occasionally. 
you pulled on his hair, lost in pleasure. “i’m about to cum!” tears threatened to spill as you were approaching your high. your legs were begining to shake and you pulled seungyoun into a heated kiss. 
“fuck you feel so good around my cock,” he groans. 
“cum on my cock,” your eyes roll back, letting out a pathetic moan. both of you came at around the same time, seungyoun coming after thrusting wildly for a few more seconds. 
the regret will hit you in the morning, but hey, at least you got good dick. 
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kpoppwriter · 3 years
Hullo! Congrats on 6k!!! You totally deserve it heh. Can I request #8: 'You never thought a single phrase could break you so much' with any member from day6? I can't choose and I trust your intuition with this stuff! Also hope you're hyped for their subunit comeback 💙
❧ Synopsis: You never thought a single phrase could break you so much
❧ Genre: angsttttt
❧ Warning: it's angsty sorry
❧ A/N: I had to do Brian cause I couldn't think about the other boys in such an angsty scenario without getting sad
~※ 6K Drabble Masterlist ※~
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"You know there's a lot of things I have to do in my profession that I may not like.”
"Yeah but we could have talked about this before I found out through Twitter."
You and Brian had been in a heated discussion about the dating rumor that came out about Brian and some other idol. Normally it wouldn't have been a problem if it hadn't been confirmed by JYPE. Brian - your boyfriend - had forgotten to inform you of his other partner.
"It's just a publicity stunt for our comebacks later this year, Y/N,” he sighed, “You know that."
"I do know that but what pisses me off is that you didn't tell me beforehand."
“Why do I have to tell you this? Why is it so important? You know I'm dating you and only you."
It took everything in you not to raise your voice. You knew you wouldn't get anywhere by yelling so you just took a breath and continued talking normally.
"Its important to me - to our relationship."
"You don't understand how complicated dating is as an idol.”
"Then talk to me. Don't bottle it up."
He was quiet for a moment. You could tell he was holding back his true emotions. Like he’s been doing for months. He was getting more and more distant with you and you could tell he'd lost feelings for you. This whole dating thing really was the last straw.
"You wouldn't understand."
"I want to understand! I want to make this relationship work!” you said in an exasperated tone
“This is too much, Y/N. This is just a fabricated relationship by our companies, okay?!” he let out a long sigh, "I didn't have a choice - I never did."
"Yes you did!" you finally yelled, "You had the choice to get into this relationship. You had the choice to talk to me when things started to get complicated. You had the choice to come tell me about this stunt but you chose to keep that all to yourself and build up all this resentment towards me instead!”
The silence that followed your words was deafening. Tears were fulling streaming down your face at this point. You didn't care how pathetic or crazy you looked. You were just broken. The guilt was evident on Brian's face, the sadness making his face look older. He reached a hand out towards you but you stopped him.
"Don't,” you choked back a sob, “Don't you dare."
He let his hand drop to his side. You were both too far gone now and you both knew this couldn't be fixed. And god, did that hurt.
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zoetekohana · 3 years
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the cotton candy haze mirrors the warmth of your gaze ↪︎ or: in which taichi and mimi are spending the summer together, having fun, and falling in love. ( listen )
NOTE: this playlist is dedicated to @aeonsofgrace as she inspired me to compile another one for the michi summer weekend over @taichixmimi. 
this one (unlike the “location unknown” fanmix which is semi-angsty and more serious) contains songs with a fun summer vibe to create a story of how taichi and mimi spend the summer together, grow closer together and ultimately fall in love with each other.
lastly i wanted to keep the cover as simple as possible, just the two of them against a backdrop of the sun.
☀︎  ☀︎  ☀︎
01. sarah kang feat. eyelovebrandon ☀︎ summer is for falling in love
and the cotton candy haze mirrors the warmth of your gaze raise your glass to mine and as we drink, we would lock eyes so we could disregard the thought of ever having to part for summer is for falling in love
02. forrest nolan ☀︎ summer vibe
and i know i said that we should hang out next week but oh, since then i find it hard to get sleep so if you don't mind that i'm asking how 'bout tonight? because, baby you're my summer vibe take your picture while we're bathing in the summer light if you want it girl, i got it, two's enough to party
03. lenno & the bee’s knees feat. monogem ☀︎ better with you
we can take a ride, take a ride to the other side only if I'm going with you
i just want your lovin' 'cause everything is better with you
04. fleurie ☀︎ sparks
sparks for the first time your eyes as pure as the night sky street signs and headlights stick in my mind's eye as i take in this moment
my ship is capsized i am tongue-tied and all i know is baby, i'm in love with you
05. day6 ☀︎ 태양처럼 (like that sun)
bamsae gidaryeo nan achim haega tteumyeon neoreul boreo gal saenggage seolleeo ga
i’m waiting all night for the morning sun to rise my heart races at the thought of seeing you
06. bien ☀︎ electric dream
movin' in slow motion to the beat can you feel the heat? it's you and me we're alive in an electric dream
07. la belle vie ☀︎ nuit chaude
eux comme moi savent que la nuit est chaude
si chaude qu'on s'en brûle les doigts nos coeurs tambourinent si fort que l'on entend que ça
they like me know  that the night is warm
so hot that you burn your fingers our hearts are pounding so loud that you can hear that
08. ariana grande ☀︎ into you
i'm so into you, i can barely breathe and all i wanna do is to fall in deep but close ain't close enough 'til we cross the line, yeah, yeah
09. ingrid michaelson ☀︎ young and in love
we'll turn it up play the music loud so we can sing along and teach me all the words to your favorite songs we can make this moment last all summer long
10. alina baraz ☀︎ my whole life
sunsets, sunsets, never been so brave when you, when you, look into my eyes you gotta say it's true and i gotta say it too
i do i can see my whole life when i'm with you
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peaches-writes · 4 years
i like you
skz of christmas day 5: christmas concert with seungmin
member: seungmin  wc: 1.1k genre: fluff, friends (sorta dating) to lovers au, college au, established relationship au, fem reader note: yall know that one jaehyun pov tiktok where the pov’s like jaehyun paskuhan date or summ yeah that
You press your SLR closer to your face, tilting the lens upwards while snapping more photos of your senior, Younghyun, as he leads Day6 to a cover of HONNE’s “Day 1.” You experimentally adjust the settings as you move to your left where the stage lights hit more frequently, eventually focusing on your other seniors Wonpil and Dowoon as well whom you have equally great views of from where you end up on the right side of the stage. 
“Hour by hour, minute by minute...again, thank you for having us SNU!” Younghyun sings into his microphone, waving at the energetic crowd of your university’s annual Christmas concert. “ I got mad love for you and you know it...” 
You bring your camera down after, adjusting its strap on your shoulder and holding the gadget itself in place on your side. I’ll just take photos again later, you think to yourself with a small smile, finally letting yourself sway gently to the music. 
“I would never leave you on your own, I just want you to know, oh...” As if on cue, someone then swiftly moves from behind you, head ducked down and arms pressed to his chest carefully so as to not get in the way of the people standing behind the two of you at the very front of the metal barriers. “You’ll always be my day one—this one’s for all the lovely couples who came out tonight and, hopefully, every pair who will be couples after this! We’re rooting for you guys!—day zero when I was no one...” 
“Hi.” Seungmin nudges your side with the widest grin you’ve ever seen him wear in a while, careful of your cameras clashing against each other between the two of you. The month’s worth of stress from planning this concert has clearly exited his system now that his favorite band is on stage. “Taken a lot of good photos so far?” 
You glance over at him and nod enthusiastically. “Yeah, I think I already got enough for the seniors. I’ll take photos again when 3racha goes on.” 
“Me too.” He hums with a nod of his own. After a brief pause, you then feel his fingertips gently graze yours, making you look down. “Do you want to take a break?” 
“Break as in food and water?” You raise an eyebrow with a chuckle, taking his hand in yours and swinging it in the remaining space between the two of you. In front of you, the song ends and the entire open field of students, faculty, and visitors cheer. “I could use water..maybe candy, it’s been thirty minutes.” 
You then see Seungmin chuckle sheepishly and briefly look up at the stage, mouthing something to Sungjin before turning to you again. “I was thinking...we could go off-duty for now. Hyunjin’s covering too, anyway.” He shrugs, pulling you gently towards him and to the direction of backstage. “Let’s go?” 
“Oh, what for?” You tease, following him anyway when he starts pulling you harder towards the direction of the empty backstage. The other acts have gathered on the other side of the stage to watch Day6, leaving the backstage area mostly empty of people. “We could just listen to the rest of the set here.” 
His voice growing faint in the expanding distance behind you, you hear Sungjin announce into his own microphone, “So this next song was actually requested by a dear friend. Hopefully everything turns out well tonight! This is one of our originals and it’s called I Like You...” 
You reach the backstage shortly, just as the song starts and Seungmin immediately motions for you to put your camera down. “I haven’t been alone with you the whole day.” He pouts as he places your SLRs on a nearby table, taking your hand again after. “Did you really have to take everyone else’s work a while ago?”
“You’re a weirdo, Kim Seungmin.” You scrunch your nose up as if feigning distaste, laughing right after when he wordlessly links your arms together and gently sways you to the music. You still have a view of the stage as you stand on the sidelines of the open area behind it, the music loud and clear despite the distance. “And we were understaffed literally two hours before the biggest concert of the school year because most of the people were enjoying the fair. I had to be here as Coordinator.” 
“Still...” He pouts deeper, making you coo at him. “I had the whole day planned and everything...” 
The revelation makes your eyes light up. “What did you have planned, hm?” 
You elbow him gently with the proximity but it takes Seungmin a while to answer as he looks away, hiding a faint blush dusting his cheeks. “Did you see the Octopus ride they set up just yesterday? I was gonna ask you to go with me...then maybe give you the stuffed puppy I won at the shooting games.” He rambles once he’s gathered enough courage to do so. You listen intently, continuing your swaying as heat rises up to your own neck. “That took a whole afternoon, you know, but I’m not sure if you’d appreciate it the same since I didn’t win it in front of you...” 
He turns to you after with the fondest gaze, taking in a deep breath before continuing, “So, uh, I guess this is my last chance for the whole fair this year. What I’m trying to say is that...”
Your breath catches in your throat, your hands turning clammy as Seungmin leans even closer than before. “W-What—?”    
In the distance, the music briefly stops right after the bridge, catching you and Seungmin off-guard. “Just say, ‘I’m sorry.’ That’s what you all gotta do, I’ll be fine...” Jae dramatically sings off as the instrumentals stop, snickering loudly right after. “Kim Seungmin, wherever you are, the hyungs are wishing you good luck! Anyway, Merry Christmas SNU!” 
Seungmin scoffs at this as the moment’s effectively broken, making you laugh as the music comes back in full force with the last chorus. “Oh my God, I swear—” 
You cover your mouth with your one hand and playfully push him away by his shoulder, throwing your head back in amusement. “Did you tell them to say that?” 
“No! That’s so embarrassing!” He groans, slapping a hand to his temples. “Now, it’s all ruined!” 
You’re quick to shake your head as you bite down your laughs, taking Seungmin’s hands in yours again. “No, no, you were doing so well! Just pretend like—pretend like Jae didn’t say that.” 
“You just mentioned it so now I’m thinking about it!” 
“Yeah, well, whatever! Are you gonna finish your confession or what?!” You pretend to be annoyed with a huff, making him relax and laugh. 
“Fine!” He plays along, taking a step closer to you again. Taking another deep inhale, he then asks in a more gentler tone, “Y/N, will you officially be my girlfriend?” 
You wait for the music to die down before answering with a nod. “Yes, of course.” You smile before tiptoeing up to his level for a kiss. “Finally, that’s done!” 
december 21 (seo changbin)
skz of christmas (masterlist)
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day6 as boyfriends headcanons?? fluff and smut pls 🥺
A/N: I hope you enjoy this and I’m so sorry it took me so long to finish, I  had bad writer’s block );
He gives you loving gazes all the time
You could be brushing your teeth and you look over to him
He’s looking at you like you’re his whole world
Oh, that’s right you are his whole world
“What? Do I have something on my face?”
“No, I just love looking at you.”
You have that romance movie cliché type of love
Your friends are jealous of the love you share together
However, he’s wary about PDA, but he will hold your hand in public
Maybe a kiss on the cheek
He just prefers to keep those intimate moments between the two of you
He occasionally serenades you with his guitar
Sometimes, you’ll ask him to play because it helps you fall asleep
He loves looking down to see you all curled up and hugging his pillow
Sex is absolutely amazing
You both praise the hell out of each other
It can get rough sometimes but that’s usually when he’s really stressed
But he always makes sure you’re okay with it beforehand too
He loves morning sex and the peppered kisses that come along with it
He loves the way you look when you’re riding him
It brings him to his knees every time
He will give you whatever you want if you ride him
You were sitting on the couch watching a show when you heard the front door open. You look over and you see Sungjin with his shoulders hanging low, he looks exhausted. He trudges over to you and you motion in front of you, “Sungjin, sit down,” you tell him, he gives a strange look but obliges. You help him take his jacket off and begin to massage his shoulders, working your hands to get the knots out. He lets out a few groans as he closes his eyes and relaxes under your touch. “Baby, why are you doing this?” he asks, curious at your sudden actions. “I knew you were practicing really hard today, I just wanted to help you relax a bit.” Your hands move down his arms, deeply massaging more. He lets his head fall back against your chest, turning his head to kiss your cheek. He wonders how he got so lucky to find someone like you.
#1 Supportive Boyfriend
He loves making you happy
You both are always joking around and pranking the others together
He loves it when you wear his clothing
Especially when the first thing he sees in the morning is you in only his shirt
“Babe, you’re drooling.”
He always makes sure you have a few of his shirts and hoodies before he leaves on tour
You will never not have any confidence around this man
He always hypes you up
He doesn’t really care about PDA
He will give you a loving kiss in public like nobody is watching
Silent giggles at night
He’s so playful with you
Being absolute crackheads together
So much kissing in the morning…plus other things
Morning sex is his favorite thing
Most of the time it happens cause all you’re wearing is his shirt
He just lifts the shirt up and slides into you
Loves pleasing you
Always eats you out like you’re his last meal
Such an amazing lover omfg
He wants to watch you come undone beneath him
He’ll definitely overstimulate the hell out of you
You were walking in the park with Jae, laughing at each other's jokes and stories from when you were younger. You looked over and saw an ice cream stand, immediately grabbing his hand and running over there to look at the selection. Before you could even grab your wallet and tell the worker what you wanted, Jae had already ordered your favorite flavor along with his own cone as he took his wallet out. You looked over to him smiling because he remembered your favorite, ”Thank you, Baby. you know I wasn’t expecting you to pay?” you tell him, before giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles over to you and nods, ”I know, but I still wanted to pay.” You chuckle then look down at his wallet and see in one of the clear sleeves a polaroid of the both of you. You had taken that picture on your first anniversary; you were both on the couch and he had his arms around you, and he was kissing your cheek. ”You keep that photo of us in your wallet?” you asked after he put his wallet in his pocket,  the both of you grabbing your cones and walking down the path in the park. He quickly pulled his wallet back out and opened it to reveal the picture, he smiled so lovingly as he looked at the picture and remembered that day. ”Yeah, it’s my favorite picture of us.” ”Oh yeah, why’s that?” ”It’s the day I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you,” he softly said, looking over to you. You stopped at his confession, looking up at him and smiling, ”I love you so much, Jae,” you begin as you lean up and kiss him, ”You’re a damn cheesy,” you finish before slightly smearing your cone on his nose. He gasps and begins laughing, ”Oh, you’re so done for!”
 Young K
What a gentleman
He randomly surprises you with flowers at work
He opens your car door for you
Actually, he opens every door for you
Even when you said he didn’t have to
But he just loves to do simple gestures like that
He always makes sure you’re taken care of
Especially when you’re sick
”Baby, I don’t want you to get sick!”
”I don't care, you need to be cared for! Now eat your soup and take your medicine.”
He’s very protective of you
But not in a toxic possessive way
You’re just his baby, you know?
He wants to make sure you don’t get hurt
Another one who’s very playful
Although, not so much in bed
He’s dominant and never lets you top
But jesus, is he so fucking great
He’ll have you crying in pleasure within 2 minutes
And that’s just when he uses his fingers
Don’t be a brat to this man cause oh boy
You’ll get punished with spankings, overstimulation, and orgasm denial
He won’t stop until you’re begging
But if you aren’t a brat
Look forward to praising and getting rewarded with what you want
 Brian had taken you out on a picnic in an area that was very secluded and breathtaking, you laid in his arms, both overlooking the shallow river in front of you. Brian played with your hair as he hummed ’Fly Me to The Moon’ by Frank Sinatra, it was a scene out of a romance movie.  ”The water looks so refreshing,” you stated, glancing up at him. He smiles then gets up and pulls you up with him ”Let’s go see how ’refreshing it is.” You giggle and run to the river with him, the cool water came up to your knees and you smirked at Brian and splashed him, he gives you a shocked look and returns the smirk ”Oh, you're gonna get it.” You both have a splash battle, your laughs erupting into the area around you. It ends with you jumping into his arms, he deeply kisses you then walks back to the picnic blanket and you both lay down with him on top of you. One thing leads to another and you’re both making love as the sunsets and twilight appears, a million stars shining on you both.
Absolutely soft for you
Loves kissing you so much
And just touching you
You have movie nights together 
He can be such a romantic cliche 
But you love it 
He randomly surprises you with flowers 
”I saw them, and I thought of you!”
He has big heart eyes for you
You could be doing a mundane task and he's just leaning on the wall watching you with a smile
Sometimes when you bend over while he's watching
His heart eyes turn to lust 
And depending on whether he's in his dom or sub headspace
He either pushes you over the nearest surface and then fucks you until you're screaming
Or comes up behind you and whines for you to touch him while pressing his bulge against you
If he's in his dom headspace and you want your way
Start softly begging for him and then take his fingers and suck on them
He will give you exactly what you want 
His sub headspace is so sfusud
If you're sitting down, he will get on his knees
Place kisses up your legs and tell you how much he needs you
 You woke up and immediately called the dream you were having; it was a wet dream. The heat between your thighs was unbearable, you look over and see the Wonpil was still asleep, you sighed and decided to not wake him up, assuming he was exhausted after the previous night you had together. You slip your hand under your panties and begin rubbing your clit, your other hand covers your mouth to muffle the sounds trying to escape you. Just as you're about to push two fingers in, Wonpil’s voice fills the room ”What are you doing, Angel?” You halt your movements and widen your eyes, you begin to stutter while trying to find the words, his smirk is devilish as he hovers over you. ”I-I wasn't doing anything- I was j-” ”Don’t act so innocent, you had me pinned underneath you just last night,” He purrs into your ear, you crumble and start roaming your hands his body. ”Baby, I need you so much. Please touch me.” He leans down and places a kiss on your lips before replacing your hand in your panties with his own. 
Another soft boy
He worships the ground you walk on
Makes sure you know how much he loves you everday
Ngl he is a little awkward at first in your relationship
But when he gets comfortable it’s amazing
You both have so much fun together
He tries to teach you how to play the drums
So patient with you and makes sure you don’t feel bad if you mess up
“Oops, not that one, Baby, you’re gonna hit the crash symbal not the hi-hat symbal. That’s okay though, I did that too when I was first learning! It took me forever to learn this part in this song.”
He’s always holding your hand
Anytime you ask him to help you with something he feels so happy
He loves it when you need him
And he loves it when you need him
When you need him, he feels so powerful and dominant
He’s definitely not a Hard Dom, he is sooo soft
He loves teasing you though
But when he is his usual submissive self
He is so pretty when he begs for you to fuck him
You caught him masturbating once and nearly fell apart when you heard him moaning your name
And you practically caved in when he looked up at you and pleaded for you to touch him
It was 2 A.M when you woke up to a call from Dowoon, he was on tour in a different country and even though it was only one more week until he was home, he was missing you a great deal. You groggily answer the phone, ”Hello?” ”Oh no, did I wake you up?” he asked, sounding a bit upset. You crack a small smile and reassuring him it's okay, besides you didn't have anything to do the next day, why not stay up all night talking to Dowoon? You both talk about each other's day, what was new and how his tour was going. There a small pause in the conversation before Dowoon speaks ”God...The things I would do just to see your face right now.” ”I know, Baby, I miss you so much right now.” ”One more week and then I'm cuddling you until the world ends.” You chuckle at his words, the both of you continue to talk until you end up falling asleep on the phone with him. Before Dowoon hung up, he said ”I love you so much, Baby, I'll see you when I get home.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Pairing: Brian Kang x reader
Genre: marriage au / fluff
Warnings: it’s their wedding night, naturally it’s rather sensual and about intimacy though it’s only suggestively written at best.
Word count: 836
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It felt surreal to be in this position. The heated kisses you were so familiar with fell into further lust, fingers searching for an entrance through all your layers. Your own were in his hair, laced at the roots, tugging gently when his mouth dipped to your neck.
The gasping, the touching, you had experienced it now and then when desire took hold of you both.
Tonight, you would drown in it all.
“Wait,” you breathed, pushing apart from the man now lovingly marking you as his own, imprinting himself into your soul. Brian’s lips with your sudden move were left parted, his tongue snaking out just enough to lick them and make you groan with impatience from your logical halt. “This is too expensive to ruin.”
“You’re right,” Brian answered; tone thick with equal parts of lust and desperation. “You’re right.”
“I think I can get it off,” you mumbled, slipping your arms around either side for the enclosures. He watched you for a moment before letting out a curse, shifting in behind you. Your hands fell short as his took place, unfastening the lavish dress bit by bit. It wasn’t long until lust overwhelmed Brian again, his lips falling to the nape of your neck, trailing kisses down your spine as he opened the dress up further. When there was enough room for you to get out, he ran his hands back up to your shoulders, assisting the garment down until it fell with a soft flop to the floor.
You now stood in the least amount of clothing you had since you started dating him. And now as his wife, you would get to see all that had been hidden from your sight as well.
The hesitation evaporated when he slowly stepped in front of you, marvelling your body within the moonlit room. You saw the admiration and the desire fill his face, the breathy wow being enough to send you back into his arms, wanting him to have less clothing on as well. Brian chuckled at your eagerness, allowing you to take him out of his shirt and unfasten his slacks before he picked you up into his arms, kissing you passionately. Blindly kicking off the pants now around his ankles, he turned, carrying you over to the hotel bed and placing you down, hovering over you. He smiled, brushing the hair around your face away.
“Are you too expensive to ruin?” he mused with a small smile and you felt your lips tug into a similar expression, reaching out for his bare arm.
“Will you ruin me? I think as your wife, you’ll only make me soar higher.”
“I better make sure I do just that, huh?” he murmured, his lips returning to yours, sending you off to another realm that had been out of reach until now.
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The early morning had arrived, the sun seeping through slowly, brightening up the room you now rested in. You were warm, given the man wrapped around you, your naked body feeling none of the chill of the morning. Sleep had come and gone already, your mind eager to start living in this new world as husband and wife. Of course, after all your celebration yesterday, you had a small taste of it. As the new sun rose into the sky, you knew today was the real start of this marriage.
It was just you and Brian right now.
“Awake?” Brian mumbled into your shoulder, kissing it softly.
You smiled, attempting to glance back at him. “Entirely.”
It wasn’t just from your slumber; it was a state of mind. After the sounds of euphoria had died down last night, you noticed you felt different. Your soul had been enchanted by him years ago, and now it had rightfully found its place entwined with his. You would never be the same again, and it excited you.
Much as the hand that shifted from around your waist to your hip bone, lightly tracing over your skin did. You wondered now that your body was his as well if Brian would ever make you feel any less giddy over the years you had ahead to explore one another intimately. Right now, it felt as if you had never connected with another human, even his light touch drawing you into a heady atmosphere.
How you had managed to abstain all this time from something so addicting, you had no idea.
“Awake enough?” he repeated, his lips kissing over the sensitive skin on your neck. You nodded and he chuckled. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too.”
“Waiting for each other was worth it, don’t you think?” he whispered in your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine. “I’m glad I don’t have to wait anymore though.”
“You’re making me wait with all this talking,” you replied with a whine and he chuckled again, turning you around so you faced him.
“You’re too expensive for me to ruin, I’m going to take my time with you.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[DAY6 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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sneezyminniejo · 4 years
Hi I have a request
Felix is at the dorms alone sick with a stomach bug and he calls Chan because he gets very sick
Thank you
Here it is. Hope you enjoy
TW emeto
Interrupting Hyung
Felix felt absolutely miserable. He had somehow caught a stomach bug, and was all alone in the dorm. He hadn’t gone to bed sick, but he sure as heck woke up feeling like death. Unlucky for him, the other seven members had already left the dorm to do various activities when he woke up. As such no one knew he was sick.
Felix had known he was sick from the moment he had woken up, and he was a bit glad that no one else was home because then he would be able to be sick in privacy for a while. The first thing he did after waking up was head to the bathroom for the thermometer. He needed to know how high his fever was. It turned out not to be very high at 100.9, so he decided that he didn’t need to tell his hyungs or his two dongsaengs.
When it hit noon, Felix decided that he should probably eat something. However his stomach had been feeling a little weird all morning, so he decided to make some instant ramen. He had only managed to eat half of his ramen before he felt full, then decided to go watch some tv in the living room while the food began to digest. After about thirty minutes, it became very clear that the food wasn’t going to digest properly, and he needed to get to the bathroom soon. He had just barely made it to the toilet in time and knew he was going to need help, so he called Chan.
At the company, Chan for once was able to do his weekly vlive at a reasonable hour, that wasn’t the middle of the night. He was about thirty minutes in when he got a phone call. He was currently playing a song from Day6 when his phone rang. Chan’s face lit up upon seeing the caller id, and he promptly answered. “Hey Fe-” He didn’t get very far in greeting the younger Aussie as he had been interrupted by the sounds of loud gagging followed by the splash of liquid onto more liquid. “Felix, Are you alright.” All Chan heard on the other end was a soft “Hyung” before more retching. Chan hung up and knew he needed to get to the younger soon. He stopped the song before addressing Stay. “Sorry guys, I’m going to have to make this a short live today. There’s an emergency back at the dorm that I need to deal with. Thank you Stay, Thank you baby Stay. I’ll see you next time.” Chan quickly gave Stay the usual hug before ending the live and rushing to the dorm.
When Chan arrived home, he followed the sounds of puking and found Felix curled over the toilet, not puking, but looking extremely uncomfortable. He quickly moved to lean Felix against the wall, not missing the heat radiating from him, and then flushed the toilet. “Felix, why didn’t you tell you’re hyungs you were sick?” Chan asked as he grabbed the thermometer. Felix waited until his temp was read before answering. It read 102.2, “Hyung, I went to bed feeling fine, and when I woke up this morning everyone else had already left for the day. I didn’t want to ruin anybody’s day. Besides, I didn’t feel too bad this morning.” Right after Felix finished speaking, he lurched towards the toilet to puke again, but missed, and instead puked all over his lap.
Chan waited for what seemed like minutes, but was more like one, then helped get Felix cleaned up. “Do you want me to help you to your bed or the couch?” “Couch please.” Chan helped Felix to the couch, then went about gathering everything they had in the dorm they would need and texting Changbin to get the rest at the store.
He joined Felix on the couch a short while later, handing him a bucket and then turned on Doraemon. He had also started a pot of chicken broth, since he wasn’t sure Felix would even be able to handle noodles. Changbin arrived just as the broth was done cooking and got a bowl ready quickly and brought it over to the sick Aussie along with the medicine and electrolyte drinks he had purchased. The three just chilled on the couch watching various anime and helping Felix when he got sick. The two Aussies eventually fell asleep and the other five members returned home to Changbin shushing them while he cleaned out the sick bucket.
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interstellix · 4 years
morning comfort ↳ lee felix
genre: fluff
summary: sometimes spending the whole day is simply just what you need after a rough week
word count: 1433
requested: no
warnings: none
a/n: did absolutely not write this after he posted his 200828 selfie and while having day6′s when you love someone on repeat and sobbing throughout it. nope. not at all
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you wake up in the same stance you fell asleep in.
despite having been in a deep slumber, it's the noise of the heavy rain that drags you out from it, inviting itself inside through the open window. along with it comes a somewhat chilly breeze – the bedroom has become cold but in your current state, you don't seem to mind at all.
gently wrapped around a pair of arms, the body heat radiating from behind you serves just the right amount of warmth to leave you content.
you have no idea what time it is but even if your phone on the nighstand is a mere arm's length away, you don't bother checking. truthfully, there's no reason to, not when staying in bed a saturday morning after a long week seems like a way more tempting idea.
when the muffled yet rumbling sound of thunder suddenly breaks the silence in the bedroom, you instinctively shift your head up towards the window.
"don't move."
you don't know whether it's the low voice murmured in your ear or the warm breath fanning the back of your neck but either way, it sends a shiver a shiver down your spine. in response, you receive an amused giggle.
you ignore it and rather answer, "I'm not going anywhere, felix." there's a short pause before you continue, "what time is it anyway?"
said one hums and as much as you try to be discreet about it, another shiver runs through your body. this time though, he doesn't comment it. "last time I checked it was almost seven – probably a bit past it now."
"seven?" you answer in a scoff, the post-sleep exhaust raspy around it.
"that's okay, we can stay in. it's not like we have anything to do today."
you blink, thinking a bit until you remember, "we have to go grocery shopping today though. I have to pick up the clothes I ordered the other day and there's some paperwork I still need to fi–"
"I said, we don't have anything to do that," felix repeats, cutting you short but soon adds, "we can take that later. I'll go shopping and pick up your clothes, you finish your wo–"
this time, you cut him short. "absolutely not; I'm going shopping with you or you'll just get that gross cereal brand; besides, you always forget stuff."
"gross? gross? I think you're talking about those you, for some reason, like," felix retorts. "and mind you, I try my best."
"felix, your best is not enough when you forget to buy stuff even when you have the damn list," you laugh. shortly after though, you sigh, "whatever, it's too early for this. let's just take it later."
"that's what I said from the start!"
"okay, okay, I get it so stop yelling in my ear already "
felix chuckle. your shirt has sightly slipped off from your shoulder and he lets himself settle a light peck to the revealed skin. as he goes on, his voice softens, "sorry." you simply shake your head but when you soon decide to move around again, felix speaks in something between a whine and a groan, "y/n, don't get up."
"baby, it's seven in the morning, how can you be so annoying?" you say but can't help laughing. "I told you I'm not going anywhere, lemme just..."
as soon as he realizes you're just trying to turn around in his hold, he becomes content again, evident in the small smile you're met by. "there you are, morning-breath."
"oh, hush, my breath doesn't smell."
there's another peck to your forehead. "g'morning."
you raise an eyebrow at him, "you say that now?"
"jesus christ, you sure like to complain today, huh? and you call me annoying."
chuckling, you lean in for your own peck, pressing it to his cheek. "I'm just kidding."
felix only nods. his eyes close and the arm around your waist holds your body a tad closer to his. his hand finds its way under your shirt, thumb lightly rubbing the skin of your back.
you let yourself move even closer to him but even while you dig your face into the crook of his neck, you ask, "isn't your arm practically dead by now?"
it wouldn't be a surprise if it were, considering how it's been underneath you the entire night. felix doesn't deny it but he doesn't seem particularly bothered about it either, "it's fine, beautiful. I don't mind."
you, however, aren't as happy about it as you click your tongue. "no, you're fucking up your blood flow."
"how do you have the energy to complain so much this early?" felix questions again. he complies though, but no more than shifting his arm upwards. your head ends up resting on it, the slight change in weight easing the pressure just enough.
the rain has grown heavier as it hammers against the glass of the window. the occasional noise of thunder shatters from the clouds a bit harsher. the bedroom is still chilly outside the covers but with you curled up underneath it, it really doesn't matter. the tasks you have to do stay lingering in the back of your mind but you can't find it to be as important anymore as long as you remain in the comforting hold you're wrapped in.
after suffering through an unusually exhausting week, you can't remember when the last time was that you felt as calm, serene even, as you do in the current. felix seemingly feels the same as he, after a while, murmurs against your hair, "do your paperwork tomorrow."
"felix, you know I want to get stuff finished as soon as possible," you sigh.
"it's not due until another, what, two weeks? I'll help you with it tomorrow." he pauses, only going on once you can't find it in yourself to protest. "let's have take-out today. we can go shopping tonight, I know you like late-night shopping anyway. besides, you're picking up your stuff in the same store, right?"
you can't help chuckling against his neck. while answering, you reach your arm around his frame, fingers tenderly running through his hair, "what's with you today? you're oddly clingy."
felix moves back just enough to see you and sighs. "it's been forever since we had time for this. let's just stay like this today."
you know it's true and you know you've missed this as much as he has. the longer you think about it, the more you feel yourself give in. however, when you decide to hum, looking like you're still considering it, the frown reaching his features immediately purs you in defeat. thus, in an airy laugh, you answer, "fine. paper work tomorrow and shopping tonight."
faster than you've ever seen it happen, felix breaks out in a wide grin, the corner of his gleaming eyes crinkling up. with your free hand giving his chest a light slap, you snort, "you look like a happy kid on christmas."
"well, I mean..."
curiously, you pull back to get a proper look up at him. felix just keeps smiling at you and for a short moment, his hand slips out of your shirt, reaching to tenderly cup your cheek.
"that's because..." he begins in a silent murmur before slowly leaning in, lips locking with your own. you melt under the touch and before long, you can feel him smile against you as you willingly respond to it.
the kiss is far from the first time. it's heartfelt and pleasant, your lips slowly moving against his leading it deeper for each second passing and yet, it conveys nothing but the purest of feelings held for the other.
you're barely aware of when or how it happens but in one way or another, you end up on top of felix, legs straddling his waist. even then, you don't part. you don't part when another unexpected roar of thunder surprises you, nor do you part when he laughs at your starled reaction.
it's only once you're both out of breath and in almost desperate need of air that you finally break the kiss. as you sit up, the hands humble on your cheek and thigh leave to intertwine with your own.
gently swings your hands from side to side, the most fond of a look spreads across his face; what does feel like it's the first time is the beating in your chest tapping harder against your ribcage and cheeks almost burning; affection in the cleanest sense of the word lacing the sweet confession emitting from felix,
"that's because I love you."
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miastideclock · 4 years
Day6 At Their Weddings
Hey 👋 I have request about day6 on your wedding day, like their reaction to seeing the reader in wedding dress, how will theu be yhe whole wedding, what music will they choose for a first dance, honeymoon details and such... Thank you🙏
Word Count: 👁 👄 👁  I don’t even wanna try and find out lmaooo Warnings: -The length of these are quite different, and I am so sorry about that -I tried my best to avoid the mention of the reader’s parents or family, but if I have incorporated any family or extended family without noticing, I am really sorry and do ask you to let me know so I can correct my mistake. Thank you.
my years of watching ‘Say Yes To The Dress’ finally pays off
this is gonna be a rIDE, i dont know if this is the format you wanted it in, but this is what you’re getting lmao my bad.
some of the songs i listened to while writing -Circles by Golden -No One Like You by Dualties -Spaces by One Direction
OKAY, so
Wedding Dress:
For the wedding dress I pictured something elegant, yet relaxed. It’s very simple, but the lace detailing adds that little something I feel like. The sweetheart neckline is flattering no matter what your body type is, as is the bodice. 
You can pair almost anything to this dress, so jewelry could be a pop of color, or you could keep it more lowkey with some dainty pieces. 
Sungjin would appreciate the simplicity of the dress, that way it let’s your own beauty be the center of attention. 
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I feel like a garden-wedding is bulls-eye for someone like Sungjin. It’s sophisticated, but with a childish-charm. The trees and fairy lights are a perfect combination. I don’t really have a lot other than that to say about the location in particular.
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Your first dance would be so cute. I chose Your Song by Elton John, just because I feel like it adds to the sophistication of it all. It’s a classic song, that way it will be easier for your guest to enjoy the moment you two share, with you. 
I can imagine Sungjin practicing months prior, so that the dance would be perfect when the day finally is here. awh my heart
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Hawaii, USA. Again, it’s classy, it’s sophisticated, it’s very on brand. You can relax all day, eat pineapple and other fresh fruits, go on excursions and explore. Hawaii is a place of many opportunities, so I can guarantee you and your newly-wed won’t go bored. 
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The Wedding Day:
Sungjin paced around the room, thinking about every single thing that could go wrong. He was nervous beyond belief, but he would never let anyone know that. 
He had to admit that in the beginning of the planning process, he always laughed at the men who were nervous, cause what was there to be nervous about? You were marrying a woman you love, there is no simpler task.
But now he got it. Every feeling you could think of washed over him at the same time, but none of them stopped him from wanting to go through with it. 
In the chaos that washed through his head, there was one thought that stood out before the others. “I love her.” A knock could be heard on his dressing-room door, his best-mean peeking his head through. 
“They’re ready for you.” Dowoon spoke softly, not wanting to startle the groom. Sungjin nodded before looking at himself in the mirror. He had to look perfect for you. Dowoon made his way over and stood in front of him, so Sungjin no longer could see himself in the body-length mirror. 
“Nervous?” He asked as he fixed the collar of the groom. 
“Yes.” Sungjin finally admitted. 
“Getting cold feet?” Dowoon asked yet again, the slightest hint of panic in his voice. 
“Never in a million years.” Sungjin replied. 
Dowoon let out a breath of relief and took a step back to see if there was anything else on the suit that needed to be fixed or moved or tucked. But as he found nothing, he nodded his head, meaning Sungjin should head out the door and into the garden.
Walking down the aisle with his mum was something Sungjin never completely realized would be happening until she was standing there waiting for him. She was dressed in a peach-colored dress. She was after all one of your bridesmaids, so she wore the appropriate dress. 
He kissed her cheek before looping his arm with hers, then making their way down towards the pastor. The walk felt long, longer than it needed, because that just meant more time for his head to get even more chaotic and messy. But contrary to what Sungjin was sure would never happen- they made it to the end. 
He stood on his side, his hands folded into each other as he waited. 
The music changed ever so slightly, meaning the bride was on her way. Sungjin turned so he was looking directly at the door where you would come through, waiting excitedly. 
A few seconds passed, and the double doors opened, revealing you. Every messy thought, or chaotic state his brain had ever had vanished. Sungjin could finally think clearly, all because of you. 
You held your bouquet tight in your hands as you walked down the aisle. Your heartbeat picked up as you closed your husband to be. 
You finally made it to the end, and to be honest? You don’t remember 80 percent of the ceremony. The only part you truly and clearly remember were the two most important words you and Sungjin would ever share.
“I do.”
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jesus christ
some songs i listened to while writing -California by Bernhoft -Twit by Hwasa -Somebody To Love by Abhi The Nomad
Wedding Dress:
Jae is.. well- he is Jae. And even with a gun to my head, I could not know why I feel like this is the perfect dress for his wedding- I just do. A sheath dress with lace detailing is elegant and sleek, yet light and airy. 
With the clean neckline, a dainty necklace would be enough, a small pair of earrings to go with it.
Jae would love the dress on you, but you could also wear a trash-bag if you so pleasebecauseue he is convinced you could pull off anything.
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The fun and the beauty of a beach wedding would go perfectly with Jae’s personality. The ocean air is a lovely detail for a wedding, it brushing against your cheek as you look at the love of your life, the last time he would be your fiancé, in a few moments- he would be your husband. 
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For your first dance I’ve chosen You by Petit Biscuit. It’s a soothing song, with a vibe that could calm down the angriest of men. 
The song takes you back to the memories of when you first met Jae, as he was the one who introduced you to the song. The lack of lyrics mean nothing to you, as you have made your own meaning of it. 
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As a man of many countries, Jae has been all over the world- so when you planned your honeymoon, he told you not to worry about if he has been there before or not. With that in mind, you booked your trip to Paris, France. 
Going for walks along the Seine, admiring the Eiffel Tower at sunset, or experiencing the magnificent art at the Louvre- all things you and Jae are planning on doing. 
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The Wedding Day:
Standing a few hundred feet away from where the ceremony would be held stood one singular groom. His eyes were closed as he was standing with his hands in his pockets, feeling the gentle ocean breeze brush against him, like a thousand warm kisses peppered all over him. 
This was the most calm he had been in months, and he felt like he could finally relax his tense stance. Whatever happened from now on, it happened- and there was nothing he could do about it. He thought that would only make him more stressed, but there was just something about it that calmed him. 
“You lost?” Sungjin suddenly spoke from Jae’s right hand side. Sungjin happened to be Jae’s best-man, so it was, among other things, his duty to make sure the groom was okay
“No, I’m pretty sure this is exactly where I’m meant to be. Sounds cheesy though.” Jae replied with a chuckle, causing Sungjin to let out a snicker of his own. 
“You ready to do this?” Sungjin asked again after a few minutes, this finally opening Jae’s eyes. Jae nodded and they started walking back. 
The sun would be setting in an hour or so, so the heat was just perfect on the stunning summer evening. You and Jae had been planning this wedding for what seemed like an eternity, and you were both over the moon that the day was finally here. 
You were in a beach hut just by the place of the ceremony, looking at yourself in the mirror, inspecting your makeup. 
“You look stunning, dear.” Jae’s mother said from behind you, she also looking at your makeup. 
“Absolutely breathtaking.” A bridesmaid chimed in. You gave them both a smile and then got to your feet, shaking out your hands in a nervous manner. 
“You ready?” Your maid of honor asked you as she came into the hut from outside where the wedding would be. You looked at her for a second before nodding slowly. “Good, cause Jae just walked down the aisle, you’re up baby!” 
You gave her a look, but couldn’t keep a smile from joining the scolding eyes. “A little late with the heads up maybe?” You chuckled as you grabbed the bouquet from the table, making her laugh. 
The doors opened and you made your way over to the aisle, taking a deep breath as the ceremony properly started. 
You found yourself walking faster than you had during the rehearsal, but you didn’t care. You wanted to reach Jae as fast as you could, because the faster you got there, the faster you could start the rest of your lives together. 
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Young K
some songs i listened to while writing -17 by Pink Sweat$ -All Night Long by Machine Gun Kelly -Needs by Verzache
okay so
Wedding Dress:
For our main man Brian, I chose something bohemian-chic. It’s fun, it’s light, it’s stunning. The rustic vibe of the dress is something i think would fit perfectly with the theme of the wedding.
The whimsical essence of the dress makes it kind of hard to pair with jewelry. I can imagine some small raw diamond earrings, and maybe a single thread necklace with a light pendant. Anything too heavy will easily drown out the dress and make it seem almost messy. Not very cute.
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Tall trees. The warmth of the wood mixed with the soft touch of lights and georgette fabrics laced in between the branches. The forest is the perfect place for such a wedding.
The birds chirping, and the trees talking- what could be more romantic?
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Dancing on a patio in the forest, moving to the smooth rhythms of Your Hand In Mine by Explosions In The Sky. This song is awfully slow at first, but as it picks up after a few seconds, you can’t imagine anything other than twirling around in Brian’s arms, as if you were the only people in an empty forest, ready to be with one another until the end of time.
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Perfectly matching the rustic theme of the wedding, your destination sends you to Rome, Italy. Whether it’s making a wish in the Trevi fountain or renting a vespa to go to the closest Gelato shop- Rome won’t let you down.
With a stunning view no matter where you look, it’s a perfect place for a honeymoon and to take hundreds of pictures of the trip you’ll remember forever.
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The Wedding Day:
Taking a deep breath, Brian stepped out of the car that took him to where the wedding would be held. Jae, his best man, stepped out with him, hyping him up- but Brian’s mind was too occupied to hear a word of what he was saying. 
“- and I just know that if you want to back out, I know she would understand.” Was all Brian needed to snap out of it.
“Back out? What are you talking about?” He questioned as he stopped in his tracks. 
“You’ve been spaced out all day, and the face of pure panic isn’t exactly helping your case.” Jae pointed out. Brian caught himself frowning during multiple points during the day, so he could kind of make out where Jae was coming from, and he felt happy that Jae would let him back out of he wanted- but that was not the case.
“Have you lost your mind? I love her more than I can even begin to explain. Even with a gun to my head, I would never dream of backing out of our wedding.” Brian spoke in a cool and calm voice, making sure that Jae understood the value of his words. 
Jae gave him a nod. “I hear you, loud and clear.” 
From there, they made their way down the patio-ed trail into the woods where their wedding would be held, lights decorating the trees surrounding them. It was straight out of a fairytale.
Brian had to admit that he was scared about the wedding, but not because he didn’t love you- cause he did. More than anything. It was because he was scared he wouldn’t be enough for you.
You on the other hand was sat in a car on your way to the location, stressing out your brains. 
“What if I trip? Or what if I say the wrong name? I know that only happens to assholes in 90′s sitcoms, but-” Your rambling was cut off as your maid of honor called your name from next to you.
“Babe, you need to calm down! You’re not gonna trip, and you’re not gonna pull a Ross, okay? You’re gonna get there and wow everyone with your dress and your hair and your everything- and then you’re gonna marry the love of your life and start your forever okay?” She snapped you out of it.
You took a deep breath and nodded. You had gotten this far without any complications- so you only had one small step left, and that was to start your forever. 
“Okay, let’s do this.”
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some songs I listened to while writing -Wish You Were Sober by Conan Gray -My Strange Addiction by Billie Eilish -Can I Call You Back? by SHY Martin
Wedding Dress:
It’s big, it’s sexy but with elegance and class, it’s flattering to anyone- it’s perfect. A Princess-style wedding dress is such a gorgeous choice, no one would be surprised if Wonpil absolutely lost his breath looking at you. 
A dress like this is so beautifully simple, you can’t go wrong with some jewelry. Personally, I would avoid a chunky necklace, and rather opt for some longer, dangling earrings, letting your bare neck and collarbones make a statement of its own. 
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Matching the personality of the dress, a Ballroom Wedding is elegant, it’s classy, and it’s so much easier to clean up than any of the other locations we’ve seen today.
A ballroom might seem boring to some, but it’s surprising what you and your husband-to-be can do with a bursting budget and a wild imagination.
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For your first dance, I Will Follow You by Toulouse will be playing. An emotional song, perfectly conveying your emotions for one another, to your guests.
“Ever since you touched my hand, I knew.” The song sings. And it’s true. Both you and your husband can confirm that the first time you ever brushed your hand against his, there was a spark. Actually, more than that- it was fireworks.
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With jungles, temples and waterfalls, Bali, Indonesia is the perfect destination to explore, have fun and also relax with the love of your life.
Renting a private tour guide one day, and just hiking to waterfalls and jumping into the water another day. Watching the sunset while being in each others arms, not being able to imagine a more perfect moment than that.
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The Wedding Day:
“What do I do? The wedding starts in like forty minutes, and I have zero clues as what to say for my vows. I mean, of course I vow to love her until I take my last breath- but I want it to be special.” Wonpil stressed out loud. Maybe it was to his best man, maybe it was to the wall behind him- none of them could answer.
“Okay, your hair is as perfect as it can get.” Brian spoke as he tweaked the pieces that fell over Wonpil’s forehead. Wonpil shot him an unamused look making Brian chuckle. “I’m just messing with you. You look great.” 
Wonpil turned around to the full-body mirror and inspected that there were no pieces of dust on his suit, or scratches on his shoes. He sighed and nodded, agreeing with Brian’s statement, cause truth be told- he did look great.
“I can’t stop thinking about what she is gonna look like. And not only in the wedding dress. How she is gonna look sleeping on the plane to Bali, or how she is gonna look laughing at dinner- or how she is gonna look when we give our toasts. I can’t wait to look at her and be with her forever.” He sighed, grabbing the edges of his jacket and straightening it out even more, something Brian was pretty sure was impossible. 
“Why don’t you just say that?” The best man commented. Wonpil looked at him for a second as if he was hesitant, but soon came to realize it was actually a pretty good idea. 
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s simple but special, and it’s right from the heart.” He smiled, thanking Brian.
In the dressing-room across the hall, a particular bride was pacing back and forth, her bare feet making small noises as the underside of her foot made contact with the hardwood floor.
“I know I’m breathing, but it feels like I can’t breathe.” You muttered out, one of  your bridesmaids jumping to her feet to get you something to drink. She picked up her light pink bridesmaid-dress and ran for the kitchenette and roamed the fridge until she found a bottle of water. After tossing it to you, and you taking a sip- you thanked her. 
“Okay, I found it!” Your maid of honor suddenly burst through the door, making everyone in there turn to her and let out a sigh of relief. 
The it in question had been your bouquet, it being a collection of both your own and your husband-to-be’s favorite flowers. That was the reason it was so special- you had made it together. 
“Oh thank god!” You exhaled and walked to meet her at the door. You gently grabbed the bouquet out of her hand and looked at it in adoration. 
“Does that mean you’re ready to get married?” She asked in a hushed tone. You looked at her, then the flowers, then back up at her before you let out an excited sigh and nodded. 
“Let’s do this.”
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some songs i listened to while writing -Heels by NoMBe -1901 - triple j Like A Version by Petit Biscuit -Drift Away by Sons Of Zion
Wedding Dress:
A-Line Wedding Dress, a sleek yet flowy choice for a rustic wedding such as your own. The soft silhouette and backless detail is a glorious mixture of sweet and sexy, coming together to make a stunning dress that is the perfect match for most anyone. 
The detailing in the lace is more than enough accent, but if you insist, avoid long, dragging necklaces and earrings. With the tone of the dress, dainty, rose-gold jewelry would be the best match.
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A big, glorious venue for anyone with the wish of a fairytale wedding. A Castle is perfect for feeling like a Disney-princess on your big day. The candles and lights mixed with the aesthetic of exposed brick is enough to make the perfect wedding pictures- but why stop there? 
Most castles has a garden of sorts, often lined with large trees and fresh grass, making any wedding photo look like its dragged straight out of a movie. 
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Your first dance will be one people would have to wait long to forget. Moving to the tunes of Happiest Year by Jaymes Young, holding your now husband close- an unforgettable feeling. You chose this song both because the melody is stunning, but also because the lyrics truly do speak to you. After being engaged for a year, both of you could confirm that it had in fact been the happiest year of your lives.
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The Maldives. You might think it’s kind of cliché to go there for your honeymoon because it’s overused - right? Well, I can promise you, it’s for a reason. 
Whale shark tours, local markets, beach days, snorkeling safaris- the fun is close to endless. Whether you go there for the activities, or it’s for the views- there is no way you’ll be let down. 
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The Wedding Day:
Standing in one of the towers of the castle, stood a single groom, looking out one of the massive windows. The reception was getting closer and closer, and the chairs down on the lawn was getting filled up with more and more of your friends and family by the second. 
“DOWOON!” The familiar voice of Wonpil called. The sudden noise didn’t even make Dowoon flinch as he had been expecting it ever since he got to his little hiding spot. The groom looked to the side to see Wonpil marching at him at a terrifying speed. “Why the hell are you not in your dressing-room? The wedding is about to start any minute now!” 
Dowoon had to snicker at Wonpil’s panicked state. You’d think he was the one getting married, truth be told. “Don’t worry, I was on my way there now.” Dowoon spoke calmly. 
One would think that on his wedding day, Dowoon would be a bit more freaked out- but he wasn’t. He had never been more calm, cool and collected in his entire life, and to him that meant something. It meant that even on essentially the most stressful day of his life, he was grounded, all because of you. 
You too had the same train of thought. Walking around in the flower garden on the other side of the castle, you hummed gently to yourself. You were on your way back to the dressing-rooms as the massive watch on the side of the left tower told you the wedding was soon to begin. Without a care in the world, your bare feet made their way through the soft grass, making you smile as it tickled your feet. 
As you got closer to the back entrance of the castle, then one you had exited through, the better you could see the figure leaning against the door. It was your maid of honor. She stood in a stunning dress, her arms lazily crossed over her chest, giving you a smile as she waited for you. “You enjoying yourself?” She asked as you got closer. 
“Yeah.” You breathed and stopped a few meters in front of her so you were still in the grass. 
“Nervous?” She asked again. You needed a moment to think about this one. Cause on one hand, of course you were nervous- but on the other, just the thought Dowoon made your shoulders relax and your jaw unclench, as you always found yourself in a relaxed state around him. 
“Maybe. I’m not sure yet.” You smiled as you spoke in the same way you had earlier. Your maid of honor chuckled at your words, then reaching out her hand for you to grab, leading you back to your dressing room to get your shoes back on, then getting you ready to walk down the aisle.
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i really hope you liked it!! I’m so sorry it took so long- I wanted to do it just right!  Feel free to request again!
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onyourzeus · 4 years
• stress-free | kwp
ykcyj ➝ arskyh
title: stress-free pairing: kim wonpil (of day6) & you (she/her pronouns) genre: FLUFF, college!au words: 3.4k
author’s note: @pirimiritiddy​ requested a fic about wonpil, and here it is. it went on for longer than i previously planned, buuuuut. i hope it’s still okay aaaa 
(this is the 1st time i’ve written something for wonpil so if i get his personality wrong, i do apologize. i am also a baby myday huhu)
this dot fic (bullet style) is part of the falling asleep on the bus scenario that i intend to write for each day6 member. check out the others: dowoon (currently only 2/5 completed)
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
wonpil hates his schedule for this winter term 
who assigns a class that is only available at seven in the evening??
3 times a week
did he mention it’s a major lecture he’s required to take?? 
psychology of stress, more like
this class is giving him the kind of stress it is specifically warning its students about 
anyway, what can he say. he chose this major, there’s only 1 more term after this one and then finally: graduation
it’ll be fine, he’ll live
thank the heavens they didn’t need to attend the first two meetings, but some reading material was provided 
and was expected by the professor to have been read and reflected upon 
the class is really living up to its name because when wonpil opened the pdf 
it was 30 pages of tiny font sized sentences (for ants!) about the definition of stress and how it affects every part of the body yada yada yada
wonpil tried. he really tried 
that is to say he fell asleep on his desk while going over the same 20th page of the document 
if it weren’t for jae shaking him awake, he’d miss his first night class 
it would’ve been nice… if only the professor didn’t take attendance (something about being generous enough to make the first 2 classes “free,” so everyone has an obligation to come in for the remainder of the semester)
great, he’s stuck freezing his ass off just walking to the bus stop alone 
hopefully they turn the heater all the way up in the auditorium or else
the thousands spent in tuition would have literally been for nothing
overdramatic wonpil, can you blame him 
he thinks about reading the remaining 10 pages on the bus, even if he knows nothing of value will be absorbed
he wants to tries anyway, he does feel a little bit refreshed from that impromptu nap 
the bus has arrived, and it’s packed as usual; a lot of the students riding the shuttle are just yet to take off in the following stops
wonpil squeezes his way inside, 30 pages of stress psychology research gripped in both hands 
“excuse me, sorry,” wonpil mumbles, eyeing for a spot to sit to make him comfortable 
because once all the people standing up leave, it’s usually a race for the exit 
he’ll never understand college students
finally, he sees an empty seat way in the back. there was a girl on one end and two other students who seem to be ready to get off on the right side
wonpil doesn’t mind sitting next to someone, but once those 2 are gone he’ll just scoot over to give the girl on the left some privacy 
she seems very much in deep sleep anyway, wonpil wonders if her stop is coming or she’s riding to go to campus? 
wonpil doesn’t have time to think about other people, it causes him unnecessary stress
once sat down, his eyes focus on the last page he left off of 
the words register as gibberish in his brain, and with the bus moving so much it makes it even more difficult to follow along the paragraphs
wonpil takes in a deep breath, holds it in, and sighs very heavily 
his patience is usually the best out of his friends, but this class is turning more and more into the psychology of how to get you stressed tf out instead 
the bus nears its next stop, and the two people on his side stand up to leave, yes he can breathe normal air
hold on
his shoulder feels heavy 
turning his head slightly, for some reason once the bus had stopped its engine the girl’s head had flipped over to lean against wonpil’s shoulder instead 
oh no oh no oh no 
his shoulders suddenly freeze, as if blasted with a ray gun filled with ice 
it’s heavy and he can’t move, it’s numb and this girl’s hair is splayed all over his his sweater 
and she
she smells of coffee, and wonpil inhales it in
it’s not foul or anything, but it’s definitely exuding notes of espresso bean and freshly roasted coffee 
it makes wonpil feel a little more awake 
but he still can’t move his shoulders, and suddenly he’s panicking because the bus started moving again and even though capacity has lessened by 80%
someone decided to sit on the other end of the row he’s at
so if he even attempts to move, he’ll still be seated next to someone 
wonpil grumbles, lower lip jutting forward
something shifts
and he realizes he shook his shoulders a little bit with his frustration
“ah…” he exclaims inaudibly, panicking at the possibility that he had woken her up from her nap
wonpil tenses up, shoulders stiff and eyes peering at his side to see what she’s up to
she lifts her head just a few inches off of wonpil’s shoulder, and for a moment he’s relieved that maybe she realizes what’s going on
but wonpil only hears a soft yawn coming from her, and she returns to using his very rigid shoulder as her pillow during this bus ride
let’s just say that the next thirteen minutes was more stress-inducing than wonpil wanted it to be
right when the bus reaches the final stop (main campus), wonpil exerts any and all efforts he has to shake his shoulder, up and down, enough to elicit an awake response from this stranger 
the moment he feels her let up, wonpil dashes through that bus door like there’s no tomorrow
he is greeted with the coldest wind hitting his face, and his shoulder feeling numb from all the.. pillow roleplaying it did, if you will 
wonpil feels bad, borderline guilty for leaving her like that— what if she’s asleep until now?? he can almost hear soft snores from her end for a minute there, too, and it took so much of wonpil to resist chuckling at it while in panic mode simultaneously
suffice to say, he was not able to read the rest of the document
in wonpil’s defense, he had encountered it first hand — how stress overcomes one’s body and mind 
he forces himself to focus on what’s ahead, as boring as it sounds
he enters the lecture hall with a few minutes so spare, deciding to sit in the back
the projector screens are big and wonpil is not about to take his chances of getting called on today
luckily enough, he finds a row with visibly no other student sitting around the area 
shoulder feeling more alive, he comes back to his senses as well 
he takes off his outer sweater as it had become toastier inside. he still had a couple layers beneath his clothes
as the professor starts talking, wonpil finds himself yawning a few times
he doesn’t know if the video playing on screen is boring him or the girl in the bus affected his sleepiness
suddenly he remembers the smell of coffee, and how that’d sound real good right about now 
he slaps both of his cheeks lightly, trying to take him back in the zone of at least writing down important notes 
he’s on the fifth bullet point of his note-taking when the door behind him opens abruptly
it wasn’t loud or disrupting to the whole class, virtually no one even batted an eye
but thats because they’re far from the door
and wonpil is literally ten feet away, so when he feels the cold suddenly hit his back he had to know the source of the sudden hit in temperature
the class hadn’t been going on for less than an hour, and there have been students coming in on the other end of the auditorium
so wonpil isn’t that surprised that another student has just arrived 
he caught a glimpse of her hair, but that’s about it as wonpil goes back to his tedious notes 
until the very same person scoots herself in wonpil’s row
he huffs under his breath, the illusion of some privacy now shattered 
with a polite (semi-forced) smile, wonpil turns to the side to greet his classmate
again, wonpil becomes frozen in spot 
kind of like when you feel a magnetic pull somewhere, you follow it
and then suddenly you see it from afar, not believing your eyes if it’s actually real; if it’s actually there
in wonpil’s case, he’s one seat away from her
recognizing the flow of her hair, but more importantly
that distinct scent of coffee beans from her clothes 
this time, wonpil has a clear look on her face and he’s… speechless 
his polite smile has turned into a look of awe, eyes glued towards her 
she senses his gaze, turns to him and quickly bows down as a polite greeting 
“sorry, but has the class been going on for a while?” 
she speaks 
“oh, um, what— what?” 
“oh,” she looks confused, but rephrases her question, “what time did the class start? i had a hard time finding this lecture hall.” 
she’s talking to him, not just leaning her head on his shoulder
was all wonpil could say 
“it started at 7? cool, i’m not that late then!” she cheers, grinning shyly. wonpil watches the way she puts a strand of hair tucked beneath her ear. she’s pulling out her laptop from her bag when she notices a pair of wide eyes still on her person
“is… is this seat taken?” she asks, and wonpil hasn’t even taken in the fact that this is the same person from the bus 
tongue-tied wonpil strikes again, blinking back his own obliviousness to her question
“i mean— no, now it is, by you. you’re sitting there, um, i— feel free to sit wherever you want”
he’s scrambling for his words, flustered cheeks heating up amidst the warmth of the room
she just nods her head in understanding, and wonpil finally realizes he’s been staring at her direction for longer than he should have
the professor verbalized into her mic which causes wonpil to look to the front all of a sudden 
right, right. he’s at a lecture. what’s gotten him so fidgety and embarrassed and now all that he’s pretending to type on his google doc is
just so he looks busy next to the girl who fell asleep on him on the bus
was there any point in preoccupying his mind with thoughts of her, and her head resting on him? no it’s stupid, wonpil knows this. 
people do it all the time, by accident, due to exhaustion, they don’t mean a thing by it
but wonpil is curious, and this is going to kill him. for sure
so he peeks at her again, and like a normal, decent student that she is (compared to wonpil at this point let’s be real) her hands are busy hand writing whatever the professor was saying
meanwhile, wonpil continues to sdfjskgnglddfjs his way to a passing B in this class
even in this large, spacious lecture hall he can still take in her scent
maybe it’s a new perfume that’s up and coming, that’s why it smells so strongly on her
oh! he can ask that? hey, do you mind sharing what line of perfume you’re using? it smells really good
it sounds like a common question, right? i mean if you wear strong fragrances you’re bound to be asked a question about it
he’s about to ask, he really was so ready to ask, what was he gonna lose? his dignity? 
over a simple, inquisitive question? 
“and now before we go on a twenty minute break, it’s time to introduce yourself to the person sitting close to you”
why do college professors have to do this? 
wonpil bites his lip, at this point in time he’s a senior who’s fed up with ice breakers like this. if it were any other person sitting next to him, in front of him, behind him— he would just go with his usual introduction
“hi i’m kim wonpil, studying psychology and i graduate in the spring. i’m taking this class for a major requirement” 
then go about his merry way.
but with her? she and him have history
sort of, and it’s the kind of history that is recent and wonpil is unsure if she is even aware of the weird string of fate-like connection they have 
or, wonpil, hear your consciousness out
it’s not a big deal, and in the scenario she doesn’t remember she fell asleep on the bus on another person
then you can just say hi like usual, and cut the string of fate there and then
(but does wonpil really want that?)
oh crap she’s started it 
wonpil braces himself for whatever outcome this interaction comes out to. he’ll let her speak, and tailor his response from there
“i’m sorry, this might be really weird but that’s your sweater, right?” 
so she didn’t give her name, her major, anything substantial about herself but instead shoots wonpil a question
pointing at the sweater that’s draped on the seat in front of wonpil
wonpil doesn’t even check to look. he gulps, nods his head and squeaks, “yeah… why?” 
something in her eyes flash by, almost like a glint of recognition
she puts a hand on her mouth, and wonpil can make out the faintest shade of pink blushing its way to her ears
it’s kinda cute
“did someone happen to… fall asleep on you on the bus coming to campus today?” 
“... yes?” 
“that was me” she buries her face even further into her hands, almost lowering down to the chair 
wonpil thought she was gonna fall for some reason so he had to remedy the situation somewhat
“i.. i, um, did you have a good nap?” 
great comeback 
wonpil was so ready to leave the auditorium and never come back after the break
but he hears her giggle, and slowly come out of her shyness
and it’s a sweet sight, to finally see the way her cheeks look full of embarrassed laughter
as she twirls around a length of hair nervously
and taps the pen on the surface of her desk repeatedly 
it was endearing, and wonpil forgets about why he was panicking in the first place 
she then explains that she had work the whole day, and only had an hour to rest up before going to this 7pm class
wonpil listens intently, watching her mannerisms and the lilt in her voice when she continues to apologize for falling asleep on him without realizing it
“i’m not usually a deep sleeper, but work was exceptionally tiring today and i just needed at least a bit of shut eye” wonpil nods understandingly, almost worried about her health
“where do you work if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“at the coffee shop a few blocks away from campus,” she answers, head tilting to the side “i’m still wearing my uniform for it… is it too obvious?”
wonpil didn’t even realize her black long sleeves was a cafe uniform
but it did explain her strong coffee smell 
“something like that,” wonpil decided to say, curling his lips upward, feeling content and relieved at the turnout of events 
for the 20 minute break, wonpil thought they’d reconcile over what transpired between them and mind their own business soon enough— even if he thinks it’s hard to do that now knowing something about her
which intrigues wonpil 
and, quite frankly, he’d like to talk to her more
just so he has an excuse to watch her emotions paint her face beautifully
but there was a pause right after their short conversation 
and in real Awkward Wonpil Fashion, he shows her the 30 page reading material, in all of its flimsy glory and starts asking questions about it
“so uh did you read the whole thing? i thought it was interesting up until the part that i dozed off” 
and wonpil got his wish; he sees her eyes shine in surprise at his sudden attempt of an intellectual discussion
but she doesn’t deter him away
and actually, she’s read the whole damn thing. and wonpil was beyond amazed at the level of detail she explains to him about the parts he didn’t understand
he actually starts typing real notes while she was talking
this made her laugh in between her explanations, and wonpil didn’t understand what was so funny about
the fight or flight response
“it’s just. the way you’re typing this down so seriously, i’m sure the prof can explain it better”
wonpil shakes his head no, shakes it so much it hurt his temples
she laughs again, and he likes hearing that sound
“do you want to see what i’ve typed the past hour and a half of this class?’
“bet :p”
“actually nevermind” flashbacks of dsfkjsdjffdslkg ring true in wonpil’s mind as he quickly backspaces the nonsense in his notes
and the conversation continues from more psychology talks, to figuring out they’re in the same major but she’s a recent transfer student from last year 
and had been juggling work and school since the start of her senior year
wonpil wonders why he hasn’t seen her in the coffee shop yet
he would have done a double take the first time meeting her there for sure
“oh you’re too kind,” she suddenly replies??? 
wonpil had said his thoughts out loud 
without further embarrassing him, she says that she had only started working there since it’s more convenient for her; wonpil feels grateful she doesn’t dwell on the compliment any longer
alas, the break finishes and the droll of the professor’s voice reverberates throughout the room
this time, though, wonpil definitely feels more alert (awake enthusiastic) as the two of them exchange little comments about the class material
and before you know it, class is over and wonpil is an excited bunny. since they’re by the door they got to leave before everyone else
wonpil thinks it’s time to part ways… but this time they’re not fully strangers at all. they’re taking the same class, same major, they even know each other’s name. 
surely this isn’t the last time, right?
“hey, wonpil…” he didn’t even realize that they have started walking towards the bus stop together
“i think i owe you one,” she starts, stopping her tracks to face him. eyebrows up in hesitation, wonpil waits for her to finish
“you know, for taking over your personal space for my own comfort”
“oh that? haha that’s nothing :)” honestly if wonpil can do it again he’d volunteer in a heartbeat
“no, really. let me make it up to you. coffee? on me? i make a mean cappuccino” she winks 
it strikes through wonpil’s heart 
no need for resuscitation.. yet
“or a matcha latte? whatever you’d like it’ll be on me”
“anything!” wonpil exclaims, suddenly realizing the offer being given to him, the excitement bubbling up inside him again. “i mean, anything you’d like to have me try. surprise me,” he corrects himself
that manages to have her grin widely, eyes twinkling in excitement similar to wonpil’s and he thinks
they can get along
they can get to know each other better this way 
“would you be up to go for one now?” 
“oh— oh! now?” 
“yeah, that way none of us takes the risk of falling asleep back on the bus hehe” 
well, he really wouldn’t mind that happening a second time
“really now, wonpil?”
andddd he exposed himself again
it’s fine, she tugs his hand slightly to lead him to the bus that has arrived and wonpil follows in a daze
it’s a little full, so they have no other choice but to stand and hold onto the railings above
“guess no falling asleep here…” she teases, and now wonpil can’t use his hands to hide his blushing face
but the feeling of her just close by 
and the scent of coffee lingering in the air
in between them
just inches away from each other
it’ll do for now
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shinsoups · 4 years
‘get to know me’ tag game
Rules: answer the questions and tag people you’d like to get to know better.
tagged by: @tangerinefluff​ @brazil-hinata​ @chibishae34​ and @saving-empress-ac​  i dont have a lot to tag anymore haha since 4 of you tagged me to this already! thank you so much 🥰✨
tagging: @b0ku4ka @doodleniella​ @eilime910​ @gayerthanthee​ @tsukeijii​ @vicassa​ @kagebunshiin​ (pls feel free to ignore this if ur not comfortable sharing info about yourself) ✨
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What do you prefer to be called name-wise? Sey 
When is your birthday? december 9
Where do you live? philippines
Three things you are doing right now:
finishing a draft report
while listening to some lofi/jazz ghibli playlist
drinking coffee at the moment
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
pjo (2013 i think i binge read my friends collection! i got pulled into it)
bts (2015-present)
day6 (2017-present)
haikyuu and bnha (2017 up to present) 
How has the pandemic been treating you? its tiring to not know what day it is and to think its already december i feel like i wasted 9 months without doing something at all :(
A song you can’t stop listening to right now? Love Me Less by MAX How old are you? 20+ 
School, university, occupation, other? university and working? as a volunteer at the moment near our place. i help organize modules for less fortunate kids who weren’t able to enroll this school year. so i help make said modules and teach parents so can they teach their kids.
Do you prefer heat or cold? cold. im not really good when its too hot, i feel suffocated and sweaty 
Name one fact others may not know about you. i like to write and draw? actually i try to do that haha my friends are not aware how i write for fandoms and actually own a tumblr account like this \
Are you shy? yes. i usually don’t talk a lot. i just like to listen to others and tbh i’ll only speak once im asked or if needed lmao
Pronouns? she/her
Biggest pet peeves? people who chew with their mouths open, the so-called Filipino time pff
What is your favorite “dere” type? dandere? or maybe tsundere
Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be. probably just a 5. i tend to live my life just for the sake of living haha i dont put that much pressure on myself. a friend told me if im following a dudeist kind of life. i dont even know myself anymore haha
What’s your main blog? howcanisey (its a day6,skz,bts, got7 blog) i started posting on main after deactivating my amino account sksks
List your side blogs and what they’re used for
heyheysey  - feels like this is main already haha this was originally a haikyuu!! love blog but since i love so many anime, manga and manhua this became a messy blog already. i also post fics and art? here
musubimsby - i made this so i can reblog all the fics i like and read (to be read fics as well) which some are +18 or nsfw content 
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? as long as people know how to respect everybody then im good, they’re good. also pls do know i dont talk a lot. really, whenever i talk in tags its just me doing monologue lmao i dont bite but i tend to forget to reply in conversations most of the times. im not ignoring you...there’s just a high chance my attention span has been limited to 3 seconds once again.
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Of Snow Days and Best Mates
This is lowkey thanks to @day6andetcetera its not quite what you asked for, but I think its super cute. Thanks for the inspo and Merry Christmas.
Master List
“Come back here!” You shout, chasing after the younger boy who’d just dropped a snowball on your head. 
“I’m gonna die!” Felix squeals, hiding behind Sungjin who quickly puts his hands up in surrender upon seeing the large chunk of snow in your hands. Snow had been falling for days, and you couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate christmas than to go play in it with all your friends, but what had started as a competition to see which group could build a better snowman (Day6 had won by creating a whole snow band, complete with snow instruments) had quickly devolved into a full on snowball fight. It was mostly group versus group, but Jackson had broken the alliance by picking Bambam up and throwing him into a snowdrift, so now it was a free-for-all. Your fingers were numb, and your nose was freezing, but you were having fun, so it didn’t matter. 
“Oi Felix!” Chan calls, and you hear the satisfying sound of snow colliding with his jacket right before he dramatically falls to the ground. Sungjin smiles innocently as you raise the snow, but before you can throw it, someone is dumping more snow on your head. You turn to find Young K, followed closely by Jae and Bambam, whooping and running away. 
“Bambam you traitor!” You cry, giving chase. His whoops turn to high pitch squeals as you strike him in the back, snow exploding all around him. 
“Look! We made a snowman!” Youngjae announces, smiling proudly at the sculpture he, Seungmin and Jeongin had been working too hard on. Just as he says this however, a snow ball comes flying past him, knocking the head clean off. Jeongin lets out a strangled shriek, staring at the massacred snowman in horror. 
“Changbin hyung!” Seungmin practically growls, scooping his ammo. Changbin lets out a small scream, but its cut off as the younger man’s perfectly pitched snowball collides with his side, sending him sprawling into the snow. 
By the time you finally decide to call it a day, the sun is low and you’re all exhausted. Jinyoung had left first, taking Youngjae, Yugyeom and Bambam with him. Sungjin was soon to follow, with Dowoon and Wonpil in tow, and not long after, Stray Kids’ manager arrived to escort them back to their dorms, soon leaving only a few of you. 
“Here you are, darling.” JB sets the warm cup in your freezing hands, letting you relish in its warmth before ever actually taking a sip. Those of you remaining had chosen to go to a café instead of heading home, wanting to have a warm drink before heading home. 
“So do any of you have plans for tomorrow?” Young K asks, delivering the rest of the drinks to your table. 
“Y/n and I are going to do a small gift exchange with the kids in the morning, and then head over to my mom’s.” JB explains, and Jae chokes on his drink.
“Kids?” He splutters, “I wasn’t aware you’d even had one.” Everyone, except for poor Jae who was still hopelessly confused, burst into laughter. You reach over, setting your hand on his softly.
“The cats, sweetheart.” You explain, “He always calls them the kids.” 
“Oh!” Jae breaks into a smile, “And here I was thinking I’d get to be an uncle.” 
“Oh please, you know Mark and I would be their uncles.” Jackson counters. 
“A kid can have several uncles, or they can have several kids.” Young K argues, “You don’t get to hog their kids.” 
“Well they aren’t even allowed to have kids before me!” Jackson huffs, getting rather heated about the whole ordeal. You simply sit back, watching the boys argue about your nonexistent kids. 
“Should we tell them we aren’t planning on having kids anytime soon?” JB whispers, draping his arm over your shoulders. “Or that Jinyoung is going to be their godfather.” 
“No, let them have their argument.” You turn back to him slightly, finding his smile just as big as yours. “Do you think they’d notice if we went home?” 
“Probably not.” You barely have to share a look before he’s standing up, completely unnoticed by most of the boys, except for Mark, who gives you a small wave as you collect your coat and drink. JB drapes his arm back over your shoulders, pulling you close as you walk towards his car. 
“How long till they notice?”
“I give it at least ten minutes.” You both laugh at his decisive tone, practically leaning on each other as you walk. 
“Today was really fun, I’m glad I got to spend it with you and your friends.” You confess. 
“I’ll be honest, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. Thank you for convincing me to come with you.” He swoops down, planting a chaste kiss on your cheek. “You’re the best.” 
“You’re welcome, oh and babe?”
“Yeah?” He turns back to you, and you smash the snow in your hand against his cheek before dashing away. “Yah! Come back here! You ruined my moment!”
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