#day6 wonpil romance
day6source · 11 months
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sleepyhaed · 2 years
wonder when i could truly sing and feel these lyrics...
unfortunately i am not really thankful or glad that i'm not dreaming right now.. i rather be dreaming.. but it would be a good day if i could see you.. but eventually i'll be able to relate to this song.. i just wish that time was now..
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daysswithyou · 5 years
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Characters: Wonpil x You
Genre: fluff, romance
Words: 2.8k
Description: lonely hearts wander – and wander right into one another
A/N:  In celebration of Wonpil's birthday, here is a small story featuring my baby ^^ Happy birthday PiriPiri! Thank you for bringing me so much joy with your music, for making me smile with your bright laughter, for comforting me with your advice - and most importantly, for constantly inspiring me to be a better version of myself. Because of you, I'm truly Better Better, and I can go higher higher. :’) 
--- Regret. It was instant regret. The moment you clicked the "Confirm" button, you wanted to haul yourself out of the window and delete your entire existence. Holy crap. What have I signed myself up for?
Well… to answer your questions in the literal sense, you had signed yourself up as a travel partner on a website. It was a website meant specially to match solo travellers together and the concept behind it was really simple. Submit your itinerary online and they'll help you find the closest match. Theoretically, such an idea isn't too bad. All you have to do is offer yourself as a travel partner and let them do all the work – just remember to turn up at the right place and time when the day comes. But. But. But. Realistically speaking (and when you have an overly active mind that likes to overthink), things appear more complex. What if you meet a serial killer, or a pervert? What if both of you travel to some secluded area...and you never come back? Goosebumps broke out across your skin, causing you to shiver violently despite the warm heating in the apartment. Right at that moment, your cousin burst into her apartment with a flourish, a stark contrast to your dampened look. She stopped humming the tune that she was swaying along to just now, before walking over to comfort you. "What's with the long cucumber face?" "I might die within the next few days." Having grown up with you, your cousin was well-accustomed to your penchant for drama and exaggeration so all she did was laugh at you as she patted your stomach. "Oh~ the ever so dramatic Y/N makes an appearance again~" "I am not dramatic!" She cocked an eyebrow at you, causing you to kick the air, thus further solidifying her point.
“And this is the person trying to convince me that she’s not dramatic.”
“Oh, just leave me be to wallow in my misery.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I just signed myself up as a travel partner. Argh.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Yes! What if I meet some psychopath and die in this foreign land?”
“Oh come on! It’s not that bad! You do know that they work with immigration officers to vet the applicants for criminal records right? You’ll be in good hands.”
“Ok, then what if I meet some horrible travel partner that has some really gross habits, like plucking the skin on his or her feet?”
“In that case… I can only say you have terrible luck.”
She then shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, causing you to launch a pillow at her – one that she unfortunately, managed to dodge successfully.
“Geez, so violent Y/N. But really though, in all honesty, try to think positively. It could be one of the best times of your life; you might be able to meet someone that you can really click with. Besides...”
For an added effect, your cousin had flipped her hair over her shoulders before winking at you.
“That was how I met my lovely boyfriend.”
“And this is coming from someone – that called me dramatic just now.” You mimicked her previous reaction to your exasperation in a sing-song voice, causing her face to morph into one of mock hurt.
“I am offended Y/N. How could you?” She then picked up the forgotten pillow on the floor before smacking you on the butt with it. You turned around, a retort hanging by your lips but you missed the chance to fight back. Within a matter of seconds, she had left her apartment as soon as she came, phone plastered to her ear as you heard her call out to her boyfriend sweetly over the line. Once again, you were left in her empty apartment once again. You lay on her bed for a few more moments in complete silence, before the vibrations of your phone pierced through the still air, causing you to jump slightly.
The message was pretty self-explanatory, and you didn’t have to read twice before reality sunk in.
Dear Y/N,
Congratulations! We have successfully found a travel partner for you. Kindly turn up at Denkyu University’s West Gate on 26th April, Friday at 1pm. Happy travelling!
Oh gosh it’s happening…
You proceeded to toss your phone to your side before burying your head in a pillow, before letting out a long, muffled groan.
May Lady Luck shine on me radiantly tomorrow.
26th April – 0800
“Stop chewing on your fingernails Y/N! You’re practically chewing off your entire nail.”
“Sorry I can’t help it! It’s a habit…”
“Come on sweetie. He or she can’t be so bad. You need to have faith and confidence that you’ll have fun on this trip!”
You weren’t really paying attention to your cousin’s words so when she suddenly turned around to punctuate her words whilst fixing you with a stern look, she startled you, causing your keys to her apartment to slip from your sweaty palms, clattering against the hard pavement. After recovering from your initial shock, you had bent down to retrieve the keys but someone else had beaten you to it.
You saw a head full of fluffy brown hair before sparkling doe eyes met yours as he looked up at you. It takes you a few moments (ok maybe more than a few) to register his presence because gosh – there was just so much to take in. He had sharp angular features with high, handsome cheekbones set atop his strong jaw. His pink kissable lips were slightly agape, two pearly whites peeking out beneath them. He’s gorgeous – there’s no denying that and you didn’t think it was possible for him to look more attractive than he already is but he did. The black shirt and maroon coat he wore over it made him look smarter and more alluring to you and it wasn’t until he was standing right in front of you before you snapped out of your stupor.
“Here, I believe this is yours.”
“Oh…thank you.”
You shyly open your palms for him to place the keys in your hands, the feather light brush of his fingers against your palm left tingles against your skin. He sent a soft smile directed your way, and off he went, leaving you staring at his retreating figure.
“Oh what do we have here~ someone’s star-struck~” Your cousin folded her arms across her chest as a smirk painted her facial features.
You quickly patted your cheeks with your fingers as you frantically questioned your cousin.
“My face isn’t red, is it? Tell me, is it red?”
“Your face is so red; you’re practically burning scarlet right now!”
She stuck out her tongue at you to tease you further before taking down the length of the street, causing you to run after her in an attempt to stop her from sprouting more nonsense.
26th April – 1300
He or she should be here anytime soon…
As the time to meet drew closer and closer, you could feel your heartbeat quicken and your breaths become shallower. Your body began to shiver, both from the anticipation and nervousness. What kind of person would I meet? Would they be nice? Such thoughts raced through your head rapidly, it almost felt like the Japanese bullet train was running through your mind. Occupied with your thoughts, you could barely feel the soft tap of a finger against your shoulder through your thick coat. You didn’t respond so another tap, with a greeting this time.
“Hello, are you my- ”
You turned around so quickly that you gave yourself whiplash, and you frightened the poor boy so much that he leaned back in shock. When you finally saw him, the immediate reaction was relief – because a familiar face was staring back at you. But the next emotion the followed was fear – because you were going to make a fool of yourself for the next five days in front of this handsome man. Your sense had already went into full shut down with your short interaction just now, how were you going to spend the next five days in his presence without a full mental meltdown?
You wanted to greet him brightly but his sweet smile made you weak in your knees, and you felt your voice die in your throat.
“Oh! It’s you! The girl earlier on in the morning! It’s fate that we’re meeting again like this right?”
Fate…? Good Lord, someone hold me now!!!
“Yes…” A huge grin threatened to break out on your face but you clamped down on your bottom lip hard – you were NOT going to appear like a creep on your first proper meeting with him. The boy didn’t even give you time to gather your thoughts before he surprised you again with his sudden burst of energy.
“Now it’s time for proper introductions! Hello, my name is Kim Wonpil but you can call me Pil or PiriPiri too! What’s your name?” He then displayed his bright smile, the one that showed off his neat rows of teeth and made his eyes disappear behind a beautiful crescent.
You paused for a long while trying to decide which of the 3 names to address him by but the answer was obvious – it had to be the cutest one for such an adorable person like himself.
“Hello PiriPiri! My name is Y/N, and yes, I am your travel partner. Sorry if I scared you just now, I didn’t mean to!”
“Aigoo~ it’s ok! Let’s go now! Where to?”
“Shall we go see the cherry blossoms? It’s a really lovely afternoon today.”
“Let’s head to Ueno Park! I’ve been there last year and they have really great spots for you to see the cherry blossoms!”
He kept pace with you throughout your short walk to the park and even during your visit to the park, he always made sure to give you ample time to capture the cherry blossoms with your lenses. Both of you kept wandering along the flower path until you reached the fringe of the park. Taking a seat on the wooden bench together, you heard him inhale a breath before muttering something to himself. You couldn’t hear him very well over the rustle of the cherry blossoms, but did he just say that he was glad that his travel partner was you?
Maybe that was just a figment of your imagination but one thing was for sure – this truly was the start of one of the best moments of your life.
Over the next 5 days, Wonpil always managed to put a smile on your face. His childlike wonder as he viewed the trinkets sold by the street vendors leading up to the Asakusa Temple always amazed you – and greatly appreciated by you. Not many can comfortably express their emotions with someone they just met but with Wonpil, there were no reservations involved. He would always be ready to show you his range of emotions and facial expressions, from elation to his pouty face – mostly after accidentally scalding his tongue on the hot soy sauce drenched over his favourite mochi-on-a-stick snack. No matter how many times you’ve seen it over the course of the five days; you will always stop to look at him express his extensive array of emotions – all that is so scarce in other men due to the image of masculinity that they are expected to display.
Not only did he make you happy, he also made you spontaneous. Your younger self would never have dreamt of doing such a dangerous thing – but here you were right in the middle of the major Shibuya crossing, posing for a photo as everyone brushed past you in a flurry of activity. Yet, you focused on Wonpil and his camera – both of which were now reduced to tiny dots in the distance from his position at the Starbucks which gave him a fantastic view of the Shibuya crossing.
And you.
As the green lights began to blink and the countdown timer started, you gestured wildly for Wonpil to hurry up with his shot and when he finally gave you the thumbs up sign (though you could barely see it) you dashed back towards the Starbucks as the first car missed you by a hairline.
As you bent forward to catch your breath, you could make out his figure running down the flight of stairs and past the huge glass doors to you.
“How was it Y/N? Thrilling, wasn’t it?”
“Yea! It was! But WOAH the car was so close!”
“But you’re ok Y/N, don’t worry!”
“Yea I’m ok…woah this really feel exciting, liberating actually. Do you want a photo too?”
Wonpil got so excited at your offer that he did a little jump on the spot and you took the camera from his hands before racing up to the 2nd floor of the same Starbucks. From your vantage point, you could see him pause in the middle of the sea of people and you quickly snapped a few shots, although you did fumble a little when you saw the countdown start. You watched as he ran back the same way you did, with what you imagined to be the same look of fear on your face just now. Your heart clenched at the memory, the feeling of the rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins once more.
When you met him at the first floor again, he let out the biggest exclamation, scaring a few passer-by’s in close proximity and earning a few sharp looks from them as well.
You quickly put a finger to his lips, managing to quieten him down instantly.
“I don’t think we should do this again… we’re going to get pelted with stones by the public at this rate – we’re too noisy!”
“Oh…” Then it was on again – his cute little pout.
“Awww what a cute baby~” You pinched his cheeks good-naturally, causing his cheek to lift up into a smile.
When you finally let go his face, he looked around before zeroing on the tall, red and white building in the far distance.
Clapping his hands together, his face lighted up with the glint that you have grown to love over the past few days, his spontaneity infecting you again.
“Y/N, let’s go to Tokyo Tower!”
You nodded enthusiastically in response and he took your hands in his as he led the way to your destination. It just seemed so natural to him, even though you were blushing madly behind him.
“Wah…the view is so beautiful…”
The moment the lift opened to let you off at the observatory, you were immediately drawn to the city lights down below, like butterflies were to flowers. There was an invisible line tugging you towards the city lights and Wonpil lets go of your hand, allowing you to make a beeline for the huge glass panels that granted you the view of the shimmering lights down below. He stands behind you at the distance, silently admiring the way your face brightens as you soak in the magnificent sight down below.
He doesn’t even notice but the corners of his lips tug upwards to form a soft smile as a warm fuzzy feeling buzzes through his body
Slowly walking forward, he comes to stand beside you. The city lights below were gorgeous, but nothing could compare to the beauty standing right beside him – you. Leaning against the glass, his fringe falls softly in front of his eyes as he crosses his arms to look at you. With dreamy eyes, he says it in a breathy whisper.
“Huh? Oh you mean the city below? Yea it’s really pretty, isn’t it?”
“No, I’m not talking about the city below. You’re beautiful Y/N – you truly are.”
You turn to look at him, searching for that glint of playfulness in them.
“Yah Kim Wonpil, you better not be joking…”
Seeing that you don’t believe him, Wonpil drops his head and lets out a small laugh before taking your hands in his.
“I’m serious. You’re really beautiful Y/N.  It was a really happy five days spent with you and… I hope to be this happy for a long time.”
“Are you…confessing to me now?”
“If I say yes, would that scare you away?”
On cue, you become a huge blushing mess, trying to look anywhere but his eyes staring so earnestly at you, or his hands that are holding yours tightly.
“No… I’m j-j-just not sure what to do with your confession.”
“It’s ok; you don’t have to do anything. You just have to accept it and let me shower you with love on cute dates.”
He had his adorable grin on his face but his eyes were serious. And so, you decided to take a leap of faith.
“Ok, so when are you taking me to for our first official date?”
“We can start now...where do you want to go?”
“As long as I’m with you, anywhere is fine.”
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dowoonie-namjoonie · 4 years
All You Need is Confidence
Paring: Teacher!Jae x Student!Reader x Teacher!Wonpil
A/N: IDK why but I’m on a student-teacher kick, probably because I’ve been watching PLL again so...ENJOY! BTW, if you like this I’m probably going to make it a series because why not! If this does make you uncomfy, I suggest you don’t read it. 
Warnings: Student-teacher relationships, poly relationship, slight age gap, minor language, and suggestive themes. 
(Unedited, and also there will be a second part!)
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High school was not fun, you know how people say it’s one of the best times in your life, well you have reason to disagree. Senior year was the most stressful to you, purely because of the inevitable change from childhood to adulthood when you go to college. That pressure to instantly grow up scared the ever-living shit out of you without fail. 
However, school wasn’t always that bad, your senior year was bad, yes. But, three people in your life made sure on their lives that you’d have the best year ever. Number 1, your best friend Kang Younghyun. Both you and him were senior this year, Younghyun always had a higher work ethic than you. Motivated to do anything and everything, honestly, his main goal was to travel the world by himself. By far, he was the most daring, independent person you’d ever met, he had confidence practically radiating off of him. So, you can imagine that there was never a dull moment with him. 
Number 2 and 3 go hand in hand. Mr. Park Jaehyung and Mr. Kim Wonpil, they made sure the hallways were a safe place and more importantly that class was never plain. Mr. Park and Mr. Kim are best friends from what you know ever, they even went to this high school just like you and Younghyun. Even though they were best buds, they were complete opposites. 
Mr. Park’s english class was eventful. Mr. Park hated homework so he rarely gave it, said he “doesn’t believe in it.” Most of the time he’d spend class talking to kids about video games, giving so advice to novices to the games he liked. Of course he actually taught...once a month maybe! Mr. Park was just one of those cool teachers who didn’t teach, but yet someone taught you everything you need to know about the world. Weird how that happens. Commonly, people knew him as a young teacher-same with Mr. Kim-even romanticizing the man. Most of your girlfriends swooned over either one of the teachers: But, hey you had to admit it, you definitely had a crush on Mr. Park. 
Mr. Kim, on the other hand, taught a tedious government class. Mr. Kim seemed to always be second whenever compared to Mr. Park, it kinda made you feel guilty having liking the one out of the two. They both were equally good people, but since Mr. Park is barely a teacher people just like him more. You see, Mr. Kim taught, there was nothing he loved more than giving 30 slides worth of a powerpoint, making you take pain-staking notes every-other day. Mr. Kim was popular more on his visuals and how shy he was. Mr. Kim could get flustered about anything and everything, once a kid in your class asked to go to the bathroom because he needed to take a shit, and Mr. Kim blushed rocking back and forth on his chair all because how the kid worded his sentence. Mr. Kim was adorable in a I-can-make-fun-of-him way, maybe it was teenage hormones but you had a crush on him too. Ah, but the crushes you had would never go anywhere...right? 
Anyway, the theme between them two was that you always went to them when you were upset. Both teacher took a liking to you because of your playful nature and natural sense of what they taught. Your intelligence seemed to impress most people, but you had to admit when you had your downfalls, especially when learning what the difference of absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy. Civics wasn’t your strong suit. In english class, Mr. Park would make you stand out from the class making fun of every detail about you, Mr. Kim had empathy for you. Tutoring you in a heartbeat whenever you had trouble in his class, which seemed frequent. No matter how much Mr. Kim would hate to admit it, but he didn’t mind your merciless teasing, so of course you were his favorite student. Still, they both helped you through thick and thin. Like today.
Today, today was not your day. Earlier this morning Younghyun told you he was going home early sick, so you needed to get another ride home. Or you’d have to take the bus home, which was a no-go for you since taking the public bus freaked you out. You don’t know, the fact anyone could sit next to you made you paranoid. What if it was a serial killer, who planned on following you home and killing you? See, paranoid. 
Then this girl in your class ruined your whole project, a fucking group project, those you despise. Why was it fair to be partnered up with people who, simply, didn’t care about their grade just like you did. This girl proved this fact almost definitely, for your chemistry class, you were supposed to build a representation on how electrical currents go through objects. You being you, took on the roll easily, priding yourself with most of the difficult things. The one thing she needed to do, that ignorant bimbo, was to bring a potato and toaster. So, the chemistry project was left with an F. 
When you got frustrated you cried, unfortunately this flaw was seen by everyone in your chemistry class. Leaving you the laughing stock of the school for at least the next few weeks. The stares from people-even the mocking laughing, made your spiral. And why, all because of a stupid girl who couldn’t do her part in a simple project. Embarrassing yourself further, you decided to run out of class to the nearest person who could help calm you down. 
Panic filled you as you ran through the, just nearly, populated hallways. As you sobbed down, people looked at you like you were some crazy person on the brink of a full-blown breakdown. In these situation where you had minor panic attacks, you would run to yours and Younghyun’s meeting place. The janitors closet that no-one dared to go into, no one but you and Younghyun. Since, he left earlier because he’s sick, there was only one other place where you could go besides the unhelpful guidance counselors that would give you shitty life advice and send you back to class. No, Mr. Park could help you, he always managed to make you feel better. 
People were insatiable, desperately trying to shatter you into a million pieces as you made your way to Mr. Park’s english room. Thankfully, and ironically, for you the bell had rung in the knick of time. Mr. Kim noticed a heap of students outside his classroom, crowded together whispering insults at god knows what. When he heard your name strun into the mix, he realized you were standing in the middle of this crowd, holding yourself trying to hide your tears. 
“Alright, alright,” Mr. Kim exclaimed, grabbing the attention of the students, who seemed more flabbergasted than anything. Mr. Kim never yelled. “Clear out, now!” 
The man had never looked more serious, a demanding tone riddled in his voice, his eyes like a black-hole to those who opposed him, and his hands put on his hips. So, this is what he’s like when he’s angry. His anger helped you, students cleared out into other room, lingering students were shoved away into the bathrooms fearing of a write up. Still, you stayed on the ground hiding your tears, Mr. Kim coming up in front of you, the tap of his shoes alerted you. 
“Y/N,” he started, voice getting closer as he kneeled down. Sure, he’s seen you upset thousands of times, but out of those times you haven’t cried once. There was no time due to your whining and yelling about whatever set you off that day. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” 
Mr. Kim was concerned, per usual he had empathy for you, upset himself because you were crying. He could never tell why, but he hated when you were angry or sad, he just couldn’t stand it. 
“N-No...,” you whipped a tear, looking up at his face. Being met with pure handsomeness, but there was no time to be entranced by his record-breaking looks. “Can-Can you take me to Mr. Parks...please, I need to talk to him-to both of you. Is that okay?”
Mr. Kim was taken aback, luckily for him and Mr. Park had no class, lunch break comes with perks. “Of course it’s okay, let’s go, everything will be okay.” Mr. Kim put a hand on your back, tapping you lightly to encourage you to get up. Complying, both of you made it to Mr. Park’s, just catching him in the middle of taking a bit of his tuna sandwich. 
“Oh hello...oh no,” his sandwich dropped onto the desk upon seeing you blotchy face. Uncomfortable sight to see. “Y/N, Wonpil what’s going on?”
Mr. Kim lead you to a nearby desk, out of all the empty ones he put you directly in front of the teachers desk. 
“I’m not sure,” Mr. Kim started, backing away from you as you convulsed with a sobbing fit. “I found her like this in the hallway.” 
Mr. Park clicked his tongue, looking around his desk for some unused tissue and a free water bottle. Oddly enough he had both of those things tucked away in his desk. Strutting over to you, he gently held the tissue up to your face, dapping off some stray tears, in the process placing the water bottle next to you. 
“Just calm down okay,” Mr. Park muttered, focused on cleaning you up. 
Mr. Kim came up behind him, reaching for the water bottle and opening it up for you. Carefully, Mr. Park withdrew his hand, letting Mr. Kim give you some water. Even then, you didn’t calm down, concerning both of the men when you started hyperventilating. Today was just one of those days. The whole ordeal rang through your head, no one could ever look at you the same ever again. Look at you now crying in front of two men, who you adore, sullying everything they knew about you. The thought that your life was over made your panic attack protrude, increasing your talent of overthinking.   
“What’s going on Jae,” Wonpil kept his eyes on you with pure worry in his eyes. Wonpil has never experienced a panic attack before, let alone even seen one in person. 
“She’s having a panic attack um...I’ve got this.” 
Mr. Park stepped up to you again, making sure you could only focus on him. He placed his hand on your lower thing, squeezing lightly, placing his forehead against yours. Both him and you made a deep eye contact, calmingly he said “Y/N, calm down, everything’s going to be okay.” When you didn’t respond to him, instead you ignored him, he began tapping in a pattern on your thighs. 
“Y/N,” he tried again, keeping up with the pattern. “Focus on my fingers, okay? Focus on how I’m tapping you, okay?” 
Listening to him, you began to calm down, feeling his tapping. One time on the right, next on the left, then on the right, then on the left...
“That’s it,” he began, not giving up on the tapping, pulling you back to reality. 
“I’m okay...okay...I’m okay,” you spoke up, swallowing back the horrible panic you just felt. 
Mr. Park pulled back, proud of himself that his efforts to calm you down worked, Jae was experienced with panic attacks. Although it killed him to see you like that, he’s just glad you came here for him to help you. 
With the tissue, you rubbed your face and nose of any liquid that came out of you. Both men looked at you in waiting for your next move, they didn’t know what could throw you off. 
But, someone had to speak up at some point. “Do you want to talk about it Y/N?” Mr. Park’s question made you shake, Mr. Kim noticed this nodding him off. 
“Let’s not talk about that,” Mr. Kim spoke, putting a loving smile on his face to hopefully not start up another panic attack. “Um...Why don’t we do something? Yea, like...” Wonpil was at a loss, looking over to his best friend for something that could distract you in this moment. 
“Y-Yea,” Mr. Park perked up, jumping to his desk to find anything to help you regulate yourself. The only thing he had that was remotely fun and not school work, was a Christmas word search he’d given the freshman class he taught yesterday. “This, we can do this word search!”
“Yes, a word search!” Both teachers yelled excitedly, Mr. Park placed the word search on his desk, Mr. Kim beckoning you to come over to them to do the word puzzle. 
You knew what they were trying to do, but really you were in exactly no position to deny the men who just helped you through that. After all, they were making you feel better. Like a snail, you slid off the desk, trudging your way over to both of the enthusiastic men sitting in Mr. Park’s spinny chair that they pulled out just for you. Mr. Kim placed a pencil in your hand, sliding the paper more towards you, meanwhile Mr. Park pulled up two chairs for him and Mr. Kim to sit in next to you. Sitting down next to you, the both watched you complete the puzzle, randomly helping you throughout. 
Mr. Park and Mr. Kim had a secret, an unspoken secret between the two of them. Even if it was left untouched and talked about, both men new that both of them had a crush on you. They were disappointed, even discussed in themselves that they liked you, but you didn’t make it any easier either. They felt the need to protect you, constantly, the need to make you happy when no one else could are their duties. For Jae, he started to like you when you promptly scolded him for being a horrible teacher, but an amazing guy. From that day forward, you and Jae formed a bond where you made fun of eachother with hidden love. For Wonpil, it’s when you defended him when people were making fun of the way he got flustered. He just knew you were the one, no ones ever defended him that way. The more you came to talk to them, the more their feeling began to grow for you. Ditto, same thing happening to you. 
All of it happened so fast, Mr. Park was lost in thought about you. Delicately, he watched you as you tried to figure out the puzzle. Even though your face was red, eyes swollen, and nose runny Jae still admired your looks. The way your face was scrunch up in determination to defeat the puzzle, the way you bit your lip, or the way your soft looking hair fell on your face-
Reaching out his bigger hand, he wisped a stray piece a hair from out of your face, getting a better look at your beauty. But then you turned to him, with your wide E/C eyes and a cute pout on your face, he just couldn’t help himself. His hand moved from your, now proven, soft hair. Stroking his way to cup your cheek, his callassed thumb ran across your bottom lip. The plumpness fueling him more, before you both knew it his lips were on yours. His lips encased yours, the sudden feeling making you whimper under him, the only word to describe how it felt was euphoric. First you were shocked, not expecting your teacher to touch you, let alone kiss you. Then, a feeling bubbled in you, your stupid crush and all the fantasies you’ve had about him made you melt into him. Closing your eyes, beginning to kiss him back, your hand met grasped his shirt, pulling him further into you. Kissing Mr. Park was something else. 
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YOUNG K - Pure Desire
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Masterlist & Chapters: Check my bio for the masterlist link.
Summary: A young writer that’s struggling with her work until she crosses paths with an intense and fated new type of inspiration; An inspiration called: YOUNG K!
Genre: Fanfic; Romance; SMUT !!! (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
Warnings: Swearing? ;
A/N: Since I haven't updated in so long, I wrote a tinny recap of what happened in the last chapter. ↓
Previously on "Pure Desire": After a long time resisting the temptation of getting lost in each other's desires, Young K and Violet finally gave up their self-control and had their first time together, in a romantic candled light paradise. No more teasing or deprived touch, no more running away. They belonged to each other for that electrifying eternal moment. They were both playing with fire, and it was starting to be hard to tell if those flames were fueled with just attraction or true passion.
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Chapter 7 - Hot Shower
Young K
Things had been a little chaotic lately. Since my cold was gone and I was back to work at full power, I barely had any alone time with Violet which was driving me crazy. All I could think about was her! It had been almost two weeks since our first time together and after that nothing really happened. Not because we didn’t want to, but because there was always someone home, or one of us had to work until late, or wake up early the next day and so on. Basically, life’s responsibilities and routine were getting in the way of our thing and we were living off occasional small hot kisses, hidden late cuddles, secretive glances filled with desire, and sweet texts. If it wasn’t for the texts, I would have even found it hard to talk with her. Honestly god, we were living in the same house! Why were things so difficult? I was guessing my schedule was the main problem, the members of DAY6 and I were working harder than ever and we had so many things to do that we barely had any free time, even at the weekends. But now I think there’s another factor causing this distance, I was just dying to have her in my arms again. I missed her.
But there I was, sitting on the couch in the living room because in the previous night I had almost invaded her bedroom and begged her to fuck me. The members were used to me sleeping on couches, they knew I found it more comfortable, so no one would really suspect that something was going on. The truth was that being on the same floor as she, was dangerous and because of the lack of Violet in my system, I was damn sure I would make her loud enough for the whole neighbourhood to know with all certainty she was mine, along with everyone else in the house. So, to avoid all the drama of getting caught, I took refuge downstairs.
It was 06:45 am and there was no way I would be able to go back to sleep, there was no point anyway. We had to leave the house by 8’oclock. Therefore, I slowly got up from the couch and walked upstairs to get some clothes from my shared room. When I walked in, I was surprised with the most adorable sleepy morning scene: as Jae and Sungjin were sleeping in their own bed, Dowoon and Wonpil were sharing the same one. Even though there were enough beds for all of us, they were fondly cuddling up against each other. The sound of the door closing behind me, made Dowoon tighten his arms around his precious Hyung making it almost seem like they were meant to fit together. I grabbed some clothes quietly and came closer to them, so I could take a picture to use it against them later on, I cursed at the sound of my phone’s camera but fortunately, the two cutie otters didn’t even move.
- What are you doing? – Sungjin deep sleepy voice startled me and I almost dropped my phone on their faces.
- Hey, sorry. Did I wake you up? – I asked whispering as Sungjin looked at the bed next to his and chuckled when he saw the sweet cuddle scene – Go back to sleep, you still have a few more minutes left. 
- How are you awake… – he said between a yawn – You love to sleep… – he managed to pronounce before hugging his pillow and falling back asleep. 
I left my bandmates to sleep and walked to the bathroom, I noticed Violet’s door was slightly open and an electric desire run through my body. Before I knew it, I was already heading towards her door, but I’m stopped by the quiet sound of her voice coming from the stairs behind me.
- Why did you wake me up meowing for food and then you barely ate, Clawsome? – She said as her voice got closer behind me and I was frozen at her door – Oh… hey. – she said in a sweet tone as she reached the first floor.
When I turned around to face her my heart almost exploded and jumped out of my chest. Her curls were a mess and so voluminous that I was jealous of her pillow for creating that instead of me, she was holding her cat against her chest and her cheeks were melted in a progressive darkened red shade as her eyes bounced from her door behind me and my eyes. When her deep teasing eyes travelled down to my lips, my Adam’s apple bobbed involuntarily in a thirsty response for the expectant taste of her own. She leaned down and let her puffy black cat go, I leaned against the door jamb as she walked towards me and rested her hands on my chest. She kissed me softly and bit my lip, unconsciously provoking my morning wood to a new extent. Just as the clothes I was holding fell on the floor I grabbed her hips and pushed her back, so she couldn’t feel it. I thanked Clawsome for purring loud as she rubbed her cute snout against my leg and drove our attention to her, then, I used her as an excuse for my actions. 
- Sorry, that was unexpected. Clawsome startled me for a second. – I said as I picked my clothes from the floor and patted my cute feline saviour on her head.
- It’s okay. – she said biting her lip into a smile – Morning.
- Morning, gorgeous. – I said leaning only my head to kiss her – I’m going to take a shower. 
Violet nodded and waved at me smiling amused as I closed the bathroom door. I switched on the hot water and sighed as I took off my clothes. I think the mission of hiding my morning troubled friend wasn’t a big success since Violet seemed so entertained as she watched me flee to the shower. She could have a lot more fun if she joined me. “I should’ve suggested that”, I thought to myself as I got under the relaxing water and tried to calm myself down. I placed my forehead against the freezing tiles and led my hand desperately towards my erection. What the hell was wrong with me? Before, I kept pushing her around and teasing her so what was stopping me from doing it now? This girl was driving me insane, I really needed her. So, it was not only stupid but confusing that I actually run from her and ruined such a good opportunity to feel how good we are together. My breath started to become heavier than my heartbeat was as I stroked my dick up and down, wishing to relieve the pumping lust and despair locked at the end of my loins.  
Suddenly, when I was close to free the imprisoned pleasure within, my body shifted when I felt a pair of tinny cold hands slid up my torso as I felt nipples rub against my back and boobs squeezed against my back.
- Violet… - I groaned.
She hugged me tightly from behind. I held my breath with the thrilling feeling her hand sent down my skin as she gradually let her hands travel towards my twitching member. Fighting against my own will, I grabbed her wrists up and pushed her against the cold wet tiles of the shower with a bit too much force. When I met her eyes, I became even more aroused, they were filled with a deep need and a burning desire. She missed me too. I sighed and rested my forehead against hers, letting her hands run through my wet hair. She could be doing something lewd, but her blushed cheeks didn’t lie, she was nervous and embarrassed. Yet, she built enough courage to meet me in the shower. 
Violet looked amazingly beautiful under the running hot water and I was even jealous of the drops that caressed her smooth skin. I couldn’t take it any longer, I had been far too long away from her. All that time, I thought that I was the one pushing her boundaries and teasing her, but she was the brave one and who made me go crazy as I, without noticing, grew fonder of her. 
I held her face in my hands and kissed her roughly and as deep as possible, satiating my hunger. My hand slid down on her body to squeeze her ass and made her moan into my mouth as my dick slid between her legs, making her jolt and part away from my lips.
- Wait, we don’t have time to go all the way. – she said trying to convince herself. 
- It’s okay, princess. – I said kissing her tenderly – This is good enough. Should we take a shower? Since we’re here. – I asked moving my head, so the water fell directly to her face. 
- But … – she tried to say as she rubbed the water from her eyes – We have enough time to take care of you. – she suggested in a whisper as she avoided my eyes.
My heart started to beat really fast as I stared at her, I didn’t even know what to think or how to decipher what she meant by those words exactly but luckily enough the lust burning inside me guided the way. I grabbed her chin up and made her face me before kissing her insecure lips, feeling her squeeze her legs tightly together as her reaction made me smirk between our kiss. I placed my hands against the wall cornering her as I explored her neck and bit her ear lobe.
- Then hurry up and take care of me, princess… - I groaned into her ear and felt her shiver under my touch.
Violet teased my chest with her soft touch as she drew circles with her finger on my skin, whereas I stood petrified with the sensations she created within me, I was mesmerized and drowning in the feeling that burst from my heart that made me vulnerable and marked me as hers. Her hands went lower provoking my dick to flinch as it hardened more with the expectation of her direct touch. Violet’s hand travelled down to my length and I leaned against her shoulders as I supported myself with my hands on the slippery tiles behind her, I remembered very well when she jerked me off in her bedroom. It wasn’t as good as having real sex with her, but I couldn’t ask for more than her talented hands on my thick member at that moment. And after having those thoughts, I suddenly lost all my logic and sense when I felt her lips kissing down my belly as she got down on her knees. I grabbed her by her hair and made her look up which was a huge mistake, since seeing her grab my dick with her hand and suck my balls as her eyes locked with mine made me even more excited, making the frenetic sensation of finally being touched double in its intensity.
- Fuck. – I chocked instead of telling her she didn’t need to do it as I grabbed her hair and tried to unsurely stop her.
- We’ll do that later. – Violet said teasingly in a shy smile, I saw her thinking carefully about her words as she tried to decipher my expression – I miss you so much that I’m okay with just touching you. Believe me. 
I sighed and smirked in agreement with my chest filled with a fluttered wonderful feeling. I eased my grip on her hair and started playing with it. Violet licked her tender lips and then proceeded to direct her full attention to my boner. She generously played with her tongue on my tip making me tremble, she sucked on the head making my legs nearly give out.
She started taking my full length in her mouth slowly making me curse to heavens as I tried my hardest to keep my groans low, her mouth sucked me up and down sending shivers all over my body. I couldn’t even keep my eyes open as the vibrant tension within my sex was too much for me to take, I knew I wouldn’t last long so I gave up on suppressing my desires and let her sink me in pleasure as my head fell back under the running hot water. The obscene sounds her mouth made muffled under the heavy shower, but they were still loud enough to drive me insane with her erotic symphony as her head bobbed on my dick. Violet sucked me hard and deep before replacing her hot mouth with the tight grip of one of her hands so she could catch up her breath, but the wet snapping noise of her tongue leaving my cock was too lewdly stimulating and without noticing I grabbed her head firmly and shoved my whole length deep down her throat to watch her gag with the sudden invasion. I groaned so low my voice merely disappeared into a whispered cracking moan. Her eyes were vigorously shut, her cheeks were extremely red and probably not just because of the burning steam that was surrounding us. As the frenetic ecstasy teased my body and it run down to my huge member, I felt the pressure building up and threatening to explode.  
- Oh fuck… - I groaned in a low whisper as the overwhelming load of pleasure rushing through my body tormented me at the edge of releasing – That’s enou…
Violet didn’t even bother to look at me, she grabbed my hip with one hand and stroke me with the other as she kept sucking, creating that hot white colour behind my eyelids, and so, I let her take me to wherever she wanted. With an electrifying shiver and with all the blood rush heading at full force towards the end of my loins, Violet kept sucking me hard as I desperately pulled her hair back barely holding myself from thrusting into her mouth again, I felt my shaft twitch inside her mouth and uncontrollably released all the load and desire deep inside her throat making her choke deeply and let out surprised lewd moans muffled with the cum inside her mouth. 
Still struck from the massive orgasm and trembling from her heated touch, in alarm I leaned down and held her chin up. “Oh, I’m fucked.” I thought to myself watching her puffy red lips expand in a wide smile and just with that my heart begged for mercy. 
I watched Violet closely while I was trying to control my heavy breathing. The way she tasted her lips with her curious tongue made my heart violently skip and that’s when it hit me. I kneeled to look her in the eyes with the sudden realization and brushed my thumb on her lower lip. “Did she swallow…”
- Did you…? – I tried to ask but her proud flustered eyes made me nervously laugh and bury my face on her shoulder to kiss her neck, an action that’s starting to be a habit, dangerous. 
- It’s not like you gave me much choice, anyway. You were grabbing my hair so roughly. – Violet said with her voice slurred slightly – You’re delicious. – she giggled into my ear.
I grabbed her by her ass and lift her up against the shower wall abruptly, she arched her back as the cold invaded her skin and moaned with the sudden pressure of my body against hers. I kissed her passionately trying to wash my own taste off her mouth, so I could taste her captivating sweet unique flavour. 
- God, I love… – I said interrupting our kiss as I looked into her eyes and gasped at what I almost said – Your lips. – I pecked her, again, again and again trying to cover up for my words – Those damn lips.
I put her down and hugged her naked body tightly against mine, not being sure if the accelerated heart I was feeling was mine or hers. I stepped back and kissed her forehead before reaching for the shower gel and when I was about to wash her body she shoved my hand against her head.
- No way! That’s too embarrassing. My hands work just fine, I can wash myself. – Violet said as her face turned into a tomato.
- I know your hands work damn fine, don’t worry. – I said trying to approach her once again.
- Just the hair then. No touching any other parts. – she replied scream whispering, making me look down to her lower body knowing fully well what she was trying to hide between her squeezed legs.
Showering wasn’t an easy task, especially because we had to hurry up so we wouldn’t get caught. “Washing” wasn’t the right term, but “foam fight” was the most accurate expression to describe our shower. We finally stepped out of the shower and as we dried our skin a loud voice outside the bathroom door surprised us and made our hearts stopped.
- Hyung! – Dowoon said in a nervous explosive voice from outside.
- Yes, Dowoon? – I said as I covered Violet’s body with her towel and reached for my phone to check the time, it was still 07:10 am so I sighted relived – Do you need to use the bathroom, Dowoon? I’m almost done.
- Oh… oh… hmm no! No! I’ll use the other toilet downstairs Hyung. I was just… just checking if this one was free.
When I looked back, Violet was already half-dressed and ready to flee at any moment, she shoved her towels in the basket, so it would be easier to sprint out of the bathroom. I watched her closely as she dressed the rest of her clothes, couldn’t help but bite my lips and laugh while her body struggled to get inside her hoodie. Our eyes met and Violet punched my biceps for mocking her. I wrapped a towel around my hips to avoid her fake anger moves and opened the door slightly to check if there was anyone outside. I winked at her and she stole a small kiss from my lips before rushing downstairs. 
After getting dressed and finishing my skincare routine, I walked out of the bathroom and went to our shared room to see Sungjin lying on his sides posing with one of the weirdest facial expressions I have ever seen him do.
- Bro, you’re screaming “Paint me like one of your French girls”. – Jae said as he took some pictures of the incredible moment.
- Damn, you look so beautiful today. – Young K teased the leader with actual honest words.
- Oh, you’re out! My turn! – Jae and Sungjin said at the same time rushing to the toilet as they left me in the empty room.
I grabbed my things and walked downstairs, Violet was sitting on the sofa looking at some papers Kim Joon (little bro) gave her, probably some English homework, they both greeted me good morning before I headed for the kitchen. Pretending I hadn’t seen her today, yet, that was rather harder than I thought it was going to be, I could feel my grin forming and my heart threating to jump from my chest as I sat down to eat breakfast.
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Masterlist & Chapters: Check my bio for the masterlist link.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed the reading, Sweet Little Bird.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Spirit(s) of Christmas - Preview
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Summary: It was your first Christmas at the Seaside Manor since you had inherited it. Whilst you were ready for some Christmas spirit, the ghosts haunting it weren’t as willing to celebrate. 
Pairing: reader x Day6 (ft. previous OCs)
World: Spiritual Connection (masterlist HERE)
Genre: ghost au / romance / fluff / minor angst
Warnings: none
A/N: Welcome back to the Seaside Manor! I knew we couldn’t just leave the ghosts to celebrate by themselves - which apparently, they aren’t so keen to do anyway! So we had to return and see if we could bring in some festive cheer! 
This story is part of a previously written world. It may make some sense, but to understand all the characters, I highly recommend reading all the previous parts and spinoffs in the masterlist first before reading this series! They can be found in the link above.
The Spirit(s) of Christmas will be shared daily at 10am from 2 December NZST.
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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Christmas was right around the corner and yet you had never seen so many downcast expressions.
Okay, so both Jae and Becky were kind of cheery from being reunited after all this time. Still, there was no Christmas spirit in the Seaside Manor and you wished to change that immediately. Especially since you were surrounded by so many.
Spirits, that is.
“You do realise just how many years have passed by where we haven’t celebrated Christmas, right?” Sungjin told you, pulling a face that made you aware he was not going to be the cheerful type. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that it would be his first festive season without Pearl, your grandmother.
So you looked towards the one person you knew you could count on to be optimistic. Wonpil let out a heavy sigh. “I bet even if I stood under mistletoe with Sarah she wouldn’t know I was there.”
“Stop trying to kiss the help, she’s not like Y/N who can see us all,” Dowoon told the sulking man sitting beside the fire.
You groaned, wondering if it was really worth being able to see them all. You had a business to run and over the Christmas period, the manor was fully booked with guests staying right up until Christmas week itself. You knew you would have filled the days leading up to Christmas with guests had you been open to. But admittedly, you wanted to make it special for those who called the manor home – dead or alive.
However, it seemed like you were the only one looking forward to it.
“It’s not that we can’t see why you want to get the place all done up for the festive period, Y/N,” Brian stated, forever the diplomat. You looked at him warily, already slumping in your posture. You knew there was going to be a but.
And you didn’t want there to be one.
Part 1
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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creambunnie · 6 years
Fluff Cute
Dowoon waved at you cutely as he walked towards the busstop you were waiting at. You giggled and waved him back shyly. He stood next to you and played with his fingers.
"Di--Did you eat?". He stuttered.
You nodded your head and showed him a small bag with your lunch box inside.
The two of you were a thing. You guys were dating. He confessed and became your boyfriend 3 months ago. However, no one knew or realised. Why? well, the two of you were too awkward. You guys liked each other and all but were too shy to do affectionate things like other couples. So the two of you started slow. You guys did have small pecks here and there but never a real kiss. Holding hands were rare too. But the two of you understood each other and didn't rush it.
Meeting up with each other at the busstop everyday after class at college was like your little dates. Sometimes, you guys would sit at a cafe, quietly enjoying each other's presence and catch up with each other.
The two of you met at his parents' private academy last year. From there, the two of you often bumped into each other. The two of you got closer thanks to your cousin, Wonpil. He was a close cousin of yours and Dowoon's close friend. As you started attending the university, you found yourself boarding the same bus as Dowoon going back home. The both of you were awkward without Wonpil, but still talked to each other for courtesy. As time went on, you guys did get more comfortable with each other but all the skinship were still absent even after you guys started dating.
That day, Dowoon brought you to an ice cream shop. He was craving for chocolate chip ice cream. You love his innocence. He was like a small kid. He is cute without even trying. As the two of you strolled along the road, he tapped your shoulder gently, making you look at him.
"Urm, my older sister is getting married next week. I know my mom must have invited your family, but would you come as my date? I mean, you could come with your family, but will you be my date and stick with me so that people won't bother me that much?".
You chuckled and nodded. "Of course! I am your girlfriend! What do you mean? Wait, are you using me?!". You teased him.
Dowoon panicked and shook his head violently, almost dropping his ice cream. You laughed at his reaction and stopped walking to calm yourself down. Dowoon pouted but smiled as he saw your smile. He was happy as long as you were happy.
"I have a surprise for you Dowoon. I reallyyy hope you like it!". You said excitedly. Dowoon nodded cutely and gave you a thumbs up.
It was finally the day Dowoon's sister were going to get married. You patted your light blue dress and adjusted your hair before going to the wedding with your family. You arrived at the venue and waved excitedly when you saw Dowoon. He waved back cutely. He was also wearing a light blue outfit to match yours.
You were about to walk towards Dowoon when his mother pulled you by the arm gently towards the back of the stage. Dowoon was confused but just stood at his spot, waiting for his sister to walk down the aisle. He tapped his foot, waiting for you to come by his side. He wondered why his mother took you to the back. He guessed maybe she needed help with her dress or something so he just decided to wait patiently.
Dowoon sighed as he heard the piano started playing, cueing his sister to walk down the aisle with his father. He was a bit sad that he couldn't watch this beautiful moment with you. But as soon as he saw you on the stage, he smiled widely. You were playing the piano, moving your fingers gently along the keys.
*Is this the surprise?* Dowoon thought as he enjoyed the soothing melody.
You played the piano softer as the bride and groom said their vows. After they were announced husband and wife , everyone cheered and you played a more cheerful tune.
Dowoon chuckled at your "reaction" and was amazed at your piano skills. He thought you were done after the announcement, but then he frowned when he saw you taking microphone from the host and stood up.
"Good afternoon everyone, firstly, congratulations to the new married couple! secondly, I have a surprise performance for them! Please enjoy!". You said and sat down, before putting the microphone on the mic stand beside the piano.
Dowoon scratched his head. "Is she going to sing?". He mumbled and moved closer to the stage to have a better view of you. He bit his lips to avoid smiling too widely as he heard the tune of his favourite song. He gave up resisting and smiled widely as you started singing to DBSK's Magic Castle.
After a few minutes, you finally went down from the stage to enjoy the ceremony together with everyone else. You were walking towards Dowoon with a big smile when a chest prevented you.
"There's my favourite cousin!". Wonpil exclaimed and gave you a big hug. You hugged him back and pulled away. "Have I improved?". You asked your cousin whose parents own a piano academy. Wonpil nodded excitedly and continued rambling on how he enjoyed your whole performance.
You saw Dowoon walking towards the both of you but was stopped by a girl about your age. You frowned when you saw her patting his shoulder and slapping his arm playfully while laughing. Dowoon was just awkwardly nodding and standing in front of the girl. You knew how much uncomfortable Dowoon was and you were a bit jealous of course.
Wonpil was still talking to you. You cupped his face gently to stop him from talking. "Look Wonpil, i reALly want to listen to you but i gotta save someone,". Wonpil blinked and nodded. You patted his head and quickly went to Dowoon. The girl was still there.
You heard part of their conversation.
"You're cute. Wanna go get some drink after this?"
"Urm, I have a girlfriend,".
"Really? I don't see anyone."
You rolled your eyes and fasten your pace. You cleared your throat and said, "Well why don't you turn around?".
The girl turned around and rolled her eyes before walking away. Dowoon sighed in relief and went to your side.
"You don't even know how much I suffered. Thanks for saving me babe,". Dowoon mumbled and patted your head.
You chuckled and took his hand before interwining your fingers. You swore your cheeks were bright red like his ears. "I--I think we should take it to another level and show them that we are actually a couple,".
Dowoon nodded, trying to not pay much attention to your hands. You chuckled at his reaction before dragging him towards Wonpil.
Wonpil looked surprised when he saw your hands. "Yo--you guys are together?". The both of you nodded and smiled shyly. "Yeah, it's been 3 months,". Dowoon said.
Wonpil's eyes widened. He shook Dowoon by his shoulders and fake a cry. "How are you getting a girlfriend before me,Dowoon?". You chuckled and shook your head.
"well, I don't know , maybe you should confess to her already?". You teased and nodded your head towards Dowoon's other older sister.
The two of you knew about his feelings towards Dowoon's sister. Wonpil was just too afraid she wouldn't like younger guys. I mean, he was only a year younger but he was still afraid.
Wonpil shook his head and faced the two of you. "But seriously, you guys are so lowkey, i bet no one realised.". The two of you looked at each other and chuckled.
"We're taking it slow, Wonpil. But I think we'll try harder now that girls are hitting on Dowoon,". You said as you eyed Dowoon.
Dowoon scratched the back of his neck before hesitating and leaning in. He smiled shyly before pecking your lips. You blinked at the sudden affection and laughed. His ears were sooo red. Wonpil laughed and patted your head. "Okay, you guys are too cute. Please last long aye!". He said before walking to his parents.
The rest of the day went on blurry. That day was the start of your skinship saga.
It was a normal Tuesday, only thing that was strange was that you were absent from class. You had been keeping your full attendance reputation since year 1 even if you were ill. But this time, you were energyless and decided to rest at home for a day so that you could come to class the day after. You texted Dowoon not to wait for you at tha busstop. He was worried about you. He knew you wouldn't skip class if you were only a little bit ill. He decided to visit you after class.
Dowoon mustered up his courage before knocking on the door. Your mother opened the door and welcomed him in. "What brings you here, Dowoon?". Dowoon cleared his throat and pointed to your room. "T--to visit my girlfriend?".
Your mother's eyes widened as she smiled widely. "Ah really? Go ahead then. She is down with high fever. I hope you could make her feel better.". Dowoon nodded and slowly made his way to your room. He knocked on your door and opened it gently. There you were, lying on your bed, wrapped with your yellow blanket. Dowoon walked towards your bed and sat at the edge. You stirred in your sleep and opened your eyes slowly as you felt your bed moving. Dowoon caressed your cheek. "Hi babe,". He whispered.
You smiled and leaned in to his hand which was on your cheek. "Your hand is so warm,". You whispered. Dowoon chuckled and patted your head lovingly. "Are you feeling better?". Dowoon asked. You shook your head and pointed at your head. "My head still hurts. I think its the fever. I feel so cold too right now.".
Dowoon pouted. He didn't like seeing you in pain. He massaged your head hoping to soothe the pain. He smiled as he felt you relax and your eyes were slowly drooping. Dowoon stiffened when you suddenly pulled him to lie on the bed with you. "I need warmth. Can you hug me?". You pleaded. Here's one thing, you were a bit clingt when you're ill.
Dowoon gulped before adjusting his position so that he was more comfortable. He then wrapped his arms around your waist. You snuggled your face against his chest and smiled at the warmth. You really didn't care about the sudden affectionate actions. You just wanted warmth and Dowoon was giving it. Dowoon stiffened a bit but relaxed as he listened to your calm breathing. He caressed your back and pecked the top of your head. He was too happy. He was happy he could make you relax and calm. The silent and calm atmosphere made him doze off to sleep with you.
The next day, you waited for Dowoon at the usual busstop. You woke up that morning, greeted by a cute plushie with a 'get well soon' note from your boyfriend. You were smiling, remembering yesterday's cuddle when someone patted your head. You looked up only to see Dowoon cutely smiling at you. He messed your hair gently and sat beside you. You interwined your fingers and laid your head on his shoulder. "Isn't it a nice weather today?". You stated. Dowoon nodded and carressed your hand with his thumb.
"Can we walk home today?". You asked as you sat up. Dowoon frowned and tightened his hand around yours. "But you just got well. Are you sure you want to walk home?". You grinned and nodded cutely. "I think I need some fresh air!". Dowoon sighed in defeat and stood up, pulling you up on the way. "Alrighty, let's go then,".
As the both of you walked hand in hand, you hummed to his favourite song, DBSK's Magic Castle. Dowoon swayed your hands, enjoying your soothing voice. As the two of you arrived at an empty street, you suddenly stopped on your tracks. Dowoon looked at you with a confused face. He was worried, he thought your were hurt or something.
"Are you okay babe? Are you hurt anywhere?". Dowoon asked as he panicked.
Your laugh made him frown in confusion. You turned your whole body towards him to face him. "I'm okay. I just wanted to thank you for helping me feel better.".
Dowoon carressed your cheek and patted your hair lovingly. "Babe, isn't it my job to make you feel better and happy everyday? It was no problem. I hope you like the plushie?".
You nodded excitedly and chuckled. "Of course I like the plushie given to me by the boy I like!". Dowoon blushed at your bold response. You chuckled before stepping closer to your boyfriend until there was almost no gap between the two of you.
"Dowoon?".You whispered as you stared into his eyes.
Dowoon hummed as a reply, too nervous to speak. You smiled as you see his reaction. "Can I kiss you?". You asked quietly as you stared at his lips. Dowoon gulped. He hesitated but eventually nodded.
You then slowly wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in to capture his lips with yours. It was a short kiss. A kiss that feels different from your small pecks. A kiss that is as sweet as your cherry blossom perfume. A kiss that is as innocent as Dowoon.
Once you pulled away , the two of you stared into each others eyes. Both blushing. "Why, why didn't we kiss sooner?". Dowoon asked as he shifted his gaze from your eyes to your lips and back to your eyes. You chuckled and gasped when he suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled your closer. Dowoon then leaned down and crashed his lips onto yours. The kiss was longer than the first one. You felt him smile in the kiss. You pulled away and laughed. Dowoon blinked, confused. "Di--did I do something wrong?". Dowoon asked cautiously.
You shook your head and pecked his lips. "Are you that happy? You were smiling widely in the kiss!".
Dowoon smiled shyly and nodded. "Of course I am happy! I finally get to kiss my girlfriend!". You laughed and nodded your head.
You interwined your fingers and pecked his knuckles. "Let's get something sweet to drink?". You asked as you swayed your arms.
Dowoon pouted. "But you know, I can just kiss you all day. Your lips are sweet enough for me.".
You blushed and knocked your head softly on his shoulder. "We'll kiss again later, okay? I'm seriously craving for some hot chocolate,".
Dowoon chuckled and nodded.
"Anything for the girl I love,".
"You know what? I love you too Yoon Dowoon,".
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All pictures credits to the rightful owners 💕
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day6prada · 7 years
How could you trample on me?
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k-vanity · 2 years
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WayV | NCT | NCT 127 | NCT Dream | Stray Kids | GOT7 | BTS | ATEEZ | Seventeen | TXT | B.A.P | The Boyz | The Rose | Kard | Pentagon | Astro | Monsta X | Day6 | EXO | SHINee | SuperM | Enhypen | 2PM | Victon | Winner | Billlie | Kingdom | iKon | StayC | SF9 | ZeroBase1 |
Xiaojun | Hendery | Jaemin | Johnny | Haechan | Jaehyun | Sungchan | Taeyong | Mark | Felix | BangChan | Han | Lee Know | Hyunjin | Jay B | Yugyeom | Mark Tuan | Jinyoung | Jackson Wang | Bambam | Suga | V | Jimin | RM | Jungkook | J-Hope | Seonghwa | Mingi | Hongjoong | Wooyoung | San | Yunho | Yeosang | Mingyu | Yeonjun | Taehyun | Beomgyu | Yongguk | Hyunjae | Sunwoo | Q | Younghoon | New | Dojoon | BM | Yanan | Yeo One | Kino | Wooseok | Kihyun | Minhyuk | Hyungwon | I.M | Young K | Jessi | Lay | Taemin | Shownu | Jeonghan | Jeno | Baekhyun | Kai | Minho | Jungwon | Sangyeon | Seungmin | Eric | Sehun | Sunghoon | Heeseung | Joohoney | Juyeon | Jungwoo | Jun K | Wonwoo | Chanyeol | Joshua | Jin | Seungwoo | Soobin | Jun | Suho | Ten | Jongho | Woozi | Hongseok | Hanse | Seungsik | Yuta | Yangyang | Shotaro | Junho | Mino | Hoshi | Jisung | Vernon | DK | Eunwoo | Dino | The8 | Scoups | Jay | Moon Sua | Tsuki | I.N | Wonho | Dann | Huening Kai | Jake | Kevin | B.I | Isa | Woosung | Kun | Chen | Seungkwan | Hwiyoung | Wonpil | Rowoon | Inseong | Changbin | DPR Ian | Matthew | Doyoung | Haknyeon |
x Reader | x Member | x OC | No Pairing
Smut | Fluff | Romance | Angst | Drama | Fantasy | Action | Crack
Oneshot | Series | Drabble | Social Media
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wpil · 7 years
thanks jyp for making wonpil the gay side character & brian the sexy bad boy. when is the manga coming out??
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meloday6 · 7 years
A Thousand Words
Reader X Wonpil Oneshot
| Masterlist |
Words: 455
Warnings: none
Side Note: “A Thousand Words” is a series that explores 5 different scenarios with 5 members.
Jae | Sungjin | Young K | Wonpil | Dowoon
In which you run from a storm but Wonpil’s there to catch you.
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All I can say is: Wetpil
Side Note: "A Thousand Words" is a series that explores 5 different scenarios with 5 members.
               A thousand words.
               They come flying out your mouth a mile a minute the moment the first clap of thunder roars overhead. The darkness of night offers no shield between you and the sky as you rush to your destination on the lonely streets of Seoul. Gibberish, the thousand words may be, but they are the only reason you haven’t bolted in any random direction your legs take you. Everything will be okay once I get to Wonpil you think as the Day6 dorm comes into view.
               You’re turning the key in the door when the rainfall comes and you tumble in before slamming the door shut. You are greeted with more darkness.
It’s empty.
No Wonpil.
BOOM. The war between thunder and sky begins; it’s a tragedy of noise and water. It’ll find you.
You start to shake, thousand words flying faster, and you go the only place that’s safe.
Wonpil’s room.
You dive into his bed just as another clap shakes the earth. Even when you’re trembling under his blankets and surrounded by his scent, your panic doesn’t decrease. Bullets of rain start showering the window. It’s going to get you.
Where is Wonpil? Your anxiety begins to overwhelm you to the point of deliriousness. The thousand words are making your throat sore, but you say them so that you can focus on any noise other than the storm.
BOOM. You almost lose consciousness as the room is momentarily engulfed in light. You squeeze your eyes shut, praying that Wonpil comes home. You barely hear the slam of the front door or Jae’s tired laugh as he teases Brian because his hair is sticking to his face, or Dowoon turning the television on over the clattering of instruments, and Sungjin praising them for a good job at practice.
All you hear is the voice of your best friend.
“(Y/N?)” he calls.
He had noticed that the door was unlocked with your shoes strewn in front of it.
You’re so relieved when he bursts through the door of his room that you begin sobbing, the thousand words slowing. He climbs onto his bed, wrapping the blankets tighter around you as he pulls you into his lap, into his embrace. His hair is stuck to his face, white t-shirt soaked as it clings onto pale skin and his eyes betray exhaustion after a long day of practice, but he hums softly as he rocks the both of you side to side.
Wonpil may be the smallest of all the members, but his arms hold you the tightest. So when another BOOM shakes the night, of the thousand words that die in your throat, all it takes are his two.
“It’s okay.”
And it just was.
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day6source · 11 months
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sleepyhaed · 2 years
literally if i had spotify premium my top 2 songs rn would be:
these are the only two things i want to listen to anymore sksdjjshd
0 notes
daysswithyou · 6 years
raindrops and shared music
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You’re stranded. Well, to be exact, both of you are stranded. He had barely managed to push you into the shelter by your waist before the skies opened up and let out a torrent upon the Earth, soaking his shoulders and back slightly. The pools of water against his shirt starts to grow bigger and worried that he might catch a cold in the chilly weather, you fish around in your bag until your fingers brush against the familiar material. Tugging it out of your bag, you walk up to him and began dabbing the water off his shirt, effectively catching him by surprise. He stops drying himself, and lets you take over instead. 
He watches you with intent eyes, noting the way your heads tilt slightly as you try to peer over his shoulder to dry a hard-to-reach spot. He blushes a little at your close proximity; it tickles when your breath fans against his neck, yet he’s careful to not get into your personal space. He takes small, shallow breathes, shrinking further into his personal space and letting you come closer in instead. 
When you deem him to be alright and back out of his personal space in a flash, his soft smile flatters, wishing you’d stay a little closer, a little longer. Instead, he follows your retreating figure, and takes a seat beside you on the bus stop bench. The sides of your pinky brushes against his ever so slightly, and the human contact is oddly...comforting. 
You turn your head to the left, looking out for the bus - and pretending to be oblivious to the fact that he’s staring at you. When you turn to face the front, he quickly does the same, willing his heart to stop racing, and for his face to not turn so red. But you see it. You see the light tint painting his cheeks. 
You swing your feet around and lean your body, hoping to catch a glimpse of your bus rolling into the stop. A quick glance over to your right tells you that he’s awfully stiff; his feet are glued together, knees bent in a ninety degree angle.  You have no idea what to do with that information, so you carry on swinging your legs. A few minutes pass, before you feel something nudge your hand. Looking down, you see a white earpiece pinched between his fingers, and you take it from him, your fingertips sweeping past his. You plug it in, and the steady melody of the falling rain mixed with the rhythm of the lo-fi beat playing in your ear creates the perfect feeling of being on an indie music video set. 
What happens next is the classic start of every love story. 
You place your head on his shoulders, ignoring the slight dampness on his shirt. Hands on your lap, the back of your palms are pressed against his. A heartbeat passes before you flip your hand over, and intertwine your fingers with his. You give it a little squeeze, telling him it’s ok. He squeezes back, “Ok.” Some time passes in relative silence between the both of you until you feel something soft press against your temple. You left out a soft huff that he hears, and you acknowledge his cute gesture by holding onto his hand tighter. 
His legs are swinging in tandem with yours now, and both of you think:
I could get used to this now. 
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kpopfanficrecs · 7 years
will i be able to erase you?
title: will i be able to erase you? author: softluver fandom: day6 pairing(s): sungjin/wonpil rating: pg-13 length: oneshot (1,500>) summary: wonpil’s beginning to think that friends isn’t all he wants to be with sungjin. au.
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YOUNG K - Pure Desire
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Masterlist & Chapters: Check my bio for the masterlist link. Idk why but posts with links don't show up on the tumblr's search feature anymore. So, I'll leave the link to my master list there, where you can find the other chapters easily. I hope this is still functional for you guys, sorry for the trouble. I hope you can still enjoy my work despite the technical issues.
Summary: A young writer that's struggling with her work until she crosses paths with an intense and fated new type of inspiration; An inspiration called: YOUNG K!
Genre: Fanfic; Romance; Humour; Smut (in the future chapters)
Warnings: Swearing? ; The hot stuff will slowly begin on the next chapter and after that, it becomes a mess! I promise eheh  (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
A/N: a short chapter to create a good atmosphere and background.
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Chapter 1- Drunk Hug
I knew the day wouldn't go well from the moment I woke up... 45 minutes late. To be honest, things had been hard lately. I've had been a professional writer for 3 years and I went to live in Korea right after I published my first romance. I bought a house and rented 2 of the rooms to 2 amazing brothers that ended up becoming my family: Kim Jii (he worked in the entertainment industry) and his 16 years old little brother Kim Joon (who was still a student). Truth to be told, it's not like I had been working that hard in those few writing years. Not because I was lazy, but because it was really simple for me to write a story and for some miracle, it would become a success. That was the case until I hit a wall last month whilst writing my third book! Nothing seemed right, I wasn't satisfied with anything and I was simply irritated with my own creation. There was something missing and I couldn't find what it was... But it was something crucial and I couldn't stop wondering if my passion for writing had reached its limits. I was so worried about that thought, that I made myself not being able to write properly. Call it a rocky mistake or an overthinking problem, but the point was that I was 1hour late to meet with my editor and I had nothing new to show him. "SHIT!"
I got off the bus and run as fast as I could. Gladly, the coffee shop We agreed to meet at was near the station. When I finally reached my destination, I was invaded by a strong and warm coffee fragrance, which woke up my senses a little. It wasn't hard to find the man I called "Boss". He had really short hair and was quite skinny, but his facial expression made him look like an angry bear. "I'm going to die." I sat on the chair in front of him and before I could apologise for being late, he threw a bunch of papers on the table in my direction. My heart started beating really fast when I recognise that those pieces of papers were the chapters I sent him by e-mail.
- You call yourself a writer, Miss?! - he said as loud as he could - I'm going to pretend you didn't send me this and that I didn't have to come from England to Korean just to scold you in person.
- I'm really sorry! I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't ...
- You need to take a break and stop obsessing about writing. We didn't give you any deadlines, so I don't understand why you're writing a chapter a day. - he said interrupting me with a sharp voice.
I didn't move or say anything, I just looked down to my hand and prayed I wouldn't get myself fired. I could hear his heavy annoyed breath and I could feel his eyes observing me. There was a long moment of silence that was broken by his hand caressing his chin.
- When was the last time you did something that wasn't writing? - he sighted - Go out, get inspired. Don't contact me until the young writer I know is back.
He stood up and dressed his elegant coat as he made sure to burn my soul with his reprehensible look. Before leaving the store our eyes locked and he gave me a petty smile, which made me feel even worse than I already was.
That was it. I've had it! I needed to get some fresh air and get away from everything. I think I've never walked so much in my entire life. I explored the city pretending I was a tourist and that I had nothing to worry about. I tried the typical food, went to the famous attractions and even bought some souvenirs. I was now wearing an "I love South Korea" black shirt and a cool hat. Not to mention the bags I was holding with sweets, cosmetics and funny socks for the boys at home.
I grabbed my phone and sent Kim Jii (Bro) and Kim Joon (Baby bro) a picture of some socks:
Me: Do you need socks? ~~ Bro: Seriously... Baby bro: I swear, I'll burn them if you buy them, Noona! Bro: Go grab the matches. I bet she already bought them ME: (T_T) Bro: Ya paboya, don't come home early.          I made a mistake at work and had to bring it home ( ಥ ʖ̯ ಥ) ME: LOL... Are you trying to fix it? Bro: BYE! ❤︎ ~~~ Baby bro: AHAHAH I guess it's not that easy to fix omg, kill him Noona!                    you make enough money to support me, right? ME: BYE! ❤︎ ~~~ Baby bro: YAAAAAAAAAA!
Making myself busy during the whole day was hard, but I managed to stay out until night time. I ended up at a street restaurant where I ate too much and definitely drunk too many bottles of soju. I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol in my blood making me feel lonely and defeated or if it was simply my low self-esteem working really well on putting me down, or if it was the sum of these two. But I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how stupid and untalented, I probably was. I was really strong and didn't let any tear fall from my watering eyes.
- I need a hug... - I said drunk and desperate for some affection.
I stood up and left some money on the table. I was able to walk half properly until I found a taxi.
- Good evening, where to?
- Home, please! - I said excitedly.
For some weird reason, the driver seemed to think I was joking by the way he looked at him.
- And where is home?
- Oh! It's where I live, Sir! - I drew a square in the air with my fingers - In a house!
He stared at me for more than one minute and studied my touristic clothes and bags. I offered him some sweets and after I gave him my address he seemed less annoyed. "Why is he mad? Maybe he had a bad day or something." I thought as I gave him more sweets to make his night less bitter.
It didn't take long until I arrived home. I was glad all the lights were still on because the path was somehow really blurry. As I walked into the house, I could hear a lot of voices and laughs. "Too loud, fuckers." I couldn't recognise all the voices, but they were quite familiar. There were four beautiful boys in the living room with Kim Joon, my baby bro. I get closer to try to find out who our visits were and I saw a skinny blond boy laughing and making the others laugh with him.
- Your laugh seems contagious. - I said with a serious face as I tried to catch my cat.
- Why aren't you laughing, then? - He said adjusting his glasses.
- Oh, I'm vaccinated. Don't worry! - I said hugging my cat and letting her go after squeezing too hard.
Everyone laughed but the blond boy, he made a straight face and tried to look offended. I didn't worry too much, he seemed like he could handle a joke. I saw Kim Joon walking in my direction and I automatically hugged him really tightly. He tried to get rid of my arms and look me in the eyes, but I hid my face against his chest.
- Noona, are you drunk?!
- Aigooo! - I said as I pushed him away - That explains a lot of things, you're so smart! - I said and caressed his hair.
- Ya, paboya! Why are you acting up? - I heard Kim Jii (big bro) behind me.
After hearing my big brother's voice, tears started falling down uncontrollably. I just turned around and hugged him and berried my face into his neck. He smelled really nice today and that made me feel easeful and numbed. My hands holding his muscular backs were trembling, but the feeling of his sturdy hard body against mine made my heart hurt a little less. And when he finally hugged me back a shiver run through my body and made my legs weak. I hugged him tighter as I felt myself give away and I felt his soft and hesitant touch on my messy hair. To think all I needed was a hug from my... "WAIT A MINUTE!" Smells good? Muscular backs? What do you mean sturdy hard body?! And why would he hesitantly touch my hair, when usually he just messes it all up! I stepped back and pushed away from the boy I was hugging. "Oh, my ovaries!"
What a handsome young man! I felt as if his deep dark eyes were invading my soul, as he slightly leaned his head to the left and stared at me confused. He smiled awkwardly at me when he noticed my embarrassment. His cheeks lift up when he smiled and made his masculine face look adorably cute. I was still really confused and didn't notice I was still walking backwards as I stared at his face. And when I finally recognised him, I tripped and fell on my ass.
- Young... Young K! - I almost screamed and then looked around and realised DAY6 were in my living room looking at my drunk self.
I saw Young K biting his lower lip gently as he decreased the distance between us and reached out his hand to me.
- You know my name! It's only fair if I know yours too. - he said with what I thought it was a kind but at the same time naughty smile.
- Fuck.
- What? - he asked letting a laugh escape and bit his lip again.
- Oh! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck me! Fuck! NO! No, I don't mean that, hhhhhh fuck!
- What the fuck is wrong with you, Violet!? - I heard big bother Kim Jii shout behind Young K.
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Masterlist & Chapters: Check my bio for the masterlist link. Idk why but posts with links don't show up on the tumblr's search feature anymore. So, I'll leave the link to my master list there, where you can find the other chapters easily. I hope this is still functional for you guys, sorry for the trouble. I hope you can still enjoy my work despite the technical issues.
Additional information: Violet calls Kim Jii and Kim Joon brothers, but their not her real brothers. She simply loves them a lot and since they live together they became each other family xD
A/N: This wasn't a very long chapter but It was just the beginning! I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know your thoughts about it ~
See you next time, hugs from your Sweet Little Bird.
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