#db domino
upgradewater · 7 months
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(db oc) the winds of change whisper in your ear...
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zealfruity · 1 year
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Me and @powdered-kneecaps had a talk about Cutup's slutty slutty ways.
Keeps collecting partners left and right vs string of exes a mile long. They have a board explaining their respective love lives (which I didn't really think about too much while drawing it so don't try to make sense of it).
wdym i forgot echo's handprint in the first submission of this post haha no i didnt
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lifeofclonewars · 1 year
Cutup: What is it called when you kill a friend? Fives: Homiecide Droidbait: Murder Echo: Homiecide Hevy: No, no, wait, they're onto something-
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writingmonet · 23 days
Fives Psychology, part one: heir of the Dominoes
Okay, this may be very, very long, I’m high in caffeine and my brain won’t shut up about this since yesterday. Is this necessary? Only for my sanity. Also, it doesn’t seem to have been written? This is a huge shock for me, considering how popular Fives is (and how underrated Echo criminally is). This is part one. Part two will focus on Rex, Tup, the chip and Echo's return Arc.
Let’s begin chronologically, with Clone Cadets.
SW's chronology is a mess but this episode can easily be placed in 21 BBY at the very early stages of the war. Fives is a member of Domino Squad.
What this episode learn us?
First, Fives closest brother is Echo (he’s his twin, fight me).
And that means a hell of things for us. As @dominosquadsupremacy as pointed out in her own analyze of the episode, Fives and Echo are the closest. Echo wants to change squads? Yeah, sure. But not without Fives. Fives want to change squads? No prob’s as long as Echo’s here. But for that, they have to convince General Shaak Ti.
And guess who speaks for advocating their cause? You guessed it. Not Fives. Fives is not the one talking when he and Echo request to learn of the squad. It’s Echo. It’s Echo who makes the points and Echo who answers Fives' questions when he has one.
Now, Echo does has a reputation of shyness among the fandom, to whom I agree to, toward strangers. Within his squad? Hell no. Echo is the one who calls Hevy on his behaviour. He is the one who engage himself in a physical fight with Hevy because he can’t stand being mock by his older brother. Echo has traits that Fives will display later, but for the current time he does not. Some may argue that this is because the writers didn’t had plan Fives to “die” as it was for Echo and has Hevy was already dead (since this episode is shortly before the infamous Cutadel Arc but was created after Rookies). And you’re probably right by pointing this. But it doesn’t dismiss my point. Quite the opposite I dare to say. Following the “death” of Echo, Fives in his own, was the one who changed of behaviour, encouraged by his closest brother’s death. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Let’s return to our Clone Cadets.
Something I forgot to add is Domino Squad's common ambition: being an ARC Trooper. They all want that, and this will be relevant in the episode ARC Trooper.
During the infamous (absolutely not foreshadowing) fail-test, Fives and Echo are together (as they already were in the beginning), Echo even making a joke at his brother (perhaps to light his mood) assuring him that he’s on his side. It’s a recurring theme among them, being at each other’s side. Wherever Fives go, Echo go. And vice-versa. Until the end of times (sorry, wrong universe.)
Anyway. When they decides to let Droidbait (DB) behind, injured, Fives and Echo are making the decision with Hevy. Cutup is the one staying behind (and does this imply that, if Cutup had survived he would have seen that Echo wasn’t dead? I may overthink it, but for the sake’s of tragedy, let’s say yes). When the test is stopped, F&E exchanges a look (and honestly, Colt was right to be mad at them).
After that, they don't reappear until the end where, Fives and Echo are again at each other's hips, and while Echo takes the Citadel first, he's shortly followed by Fives and the others who cheers.
To the first who tells me that Fives has NO display characteristic traits in this episode, I’ll ask him to rewatch the first 5 mins. Fives get mad at Echo. Since the beginning Fives tends to be angry in stressful situations (as they all are), even toward his twin. Later, more anecdotally but still, he calls on Cutup about his famous girl lie. Again, Fives (I think but this time it’s nearly impossible to be 100% right) is the one stopping Hevy from engaging in a second fight, against Bric (which he would have lost, let us be honest).
To summarises in a nutshell
Fives closest brother is Echo
Fives let Echo do the talking to advocate their opinions, their well-being and ambitions at General Shaak Ti where Fives appears more reserved in front of, more hesitant.
Echo answers Fives doubts and questions. Some might say he's Fives guiding voice.
Fives already has anger (like Hevy and Echo I say) but it's Echo who physically hit a brother
Echo always tries to lighten the mood, not only to Fives.
Being an ARC Trooper is Domino Squad's whole goal. That's what they want.
In addition, while Echo is mainly spoken bout here, the influence of the others, especially Hevy, cannot be denied on Fives. Hevy is the one who considers themselves as just a number when he clearly thinks of himself as an individual. Hevy does not let his brothers down, thanks to 99.
And speaking of Hevy, I present you the Rookies episode.
Now here, this episode is mark by 2 majors events
the appearance of Rex in Fives and Echo's life
The death of all Fives' brother except one
Let us talk about Hevy first. Hevy who dies in a very heroic (but avoidable) way, if only the device had worked properly. Hevy sacrificed himself. We do not have, unfortunately, Fives' reaction to his death, but to say that he was unaffected would be madness.
Because Hevy displays many traits that Fives will also later. They're both bold, impatient, and headstrong. They value their brothers above the republic. Hevy stayed in Kamino to not let down his Dominoes brothers, to ensure their success. He died to protect his brothers, both died doing their duties He also was a man of action, much like Fives.
Much like Hevy, DB and Cutup death has impacted Fives. To honour them he painted a Rishi Eel on his helmet, which he did not change.
Now I think the Rishi is a symbol that represents Domino as a whole. It was the first and only mission they ever did together. It was the last time they were together, free from Kamino's suffocating walls. It was also the place where Fives met Rex.
Rookies introduce us to Rex and Cody meeting the Dominoes. That is major. not only because Hevy, in a few hours, managed to make an ever-lasting impression on Rex, but because Rex decides to take Fives & Echo when he shouldn't have. That's right! Cody presents himself as their new boss. Not Rex. Now, perhaps Cody was simply the boss because he was the superior of Rex. But again, at the end of the day, Rex takes the twins and not Cody.
Fives is not extremely prominent in this episode, but even from day 1 hos closeness to Echo was here. Echo checks on him regularly. Fives do not mock him unlike Hevy & Cutup at the start of the episode (and as they did on Clone Cadets). Echo stops firing in a middle of a fight because Fives is touched, and Cody has to remind him to keep firing.
And, at the end of the day, it's the two of them together. They only have each other's left after Rishi and yet we already see the seeds of Fives changing.
Episode 3: ARC Troopers.
We learn and observe multiple things during this episode. Now, I'm going to analyze this deleted scene, who can still be considered as canon.
Fives is impatient to be an ARC Trooper. Frankly, I guess why. He's been in the 501st so long (we know that this episode happened in 21 BBY too but SW years seem to be longer than ours) and it's frustrating not being able to achieve what was his squad dream is (is: because Echo remains).
They have Hevy's name and iconic canon on their armour. They mourn him, like they mourn Cutup (when Fives tries to make a joke but Echo reminds him that it was Cutup who was good with the jocks, not him) and DB too (even the writers won't state it). Their meeting with 99 also taught them that Hevy let his medal to 99 (I headcanon that this medal is all that remains for Echo to his brothers, along with his and Fives' medals).
Defending Kamino is defending the place where them, as a squad, have grow up. They have no love for the Kaminoans (I mean, who has?) but they'll defend the place no matter what
99's death. Here we can see that it's Echo who reacts the most strongly to 99's death. Again, Echo seems to be the impulsive one, who tends to react strongly to emotions and events (hugging 99's in his arms, screaming his name shortly before that). Fives doesn't. He's growing impatient with his lack of evolution and clearly is ambitious and mourns his brothers but he's not as emotional as Echo can be toward 99's death.
At the end of the day, they are named ARC Troopers to which Echo's first reaction is surprise, while Fives' one is pride. They did it. They accomplished their squad dream: being the best of the best.
Now, it is time (as it always is in stories) to deconstruct all of that.
One simple method for that: Echo's death - Fives' closest brother and twin.
Now this essay lead me to the question of: was Echo's fake death always wanted? From what I understood (by comparing to other clones' deaths and Filoni's comments) it appears that yes.
That led me to the other question of why? Pure tragedy, like Filoni likes? Probably. Continuation of Fives legacy? It may have been the wish in TBB, and - writing-wise, this is my favourite option, although she's imperfect and would deserve a writing commentary on his own, I digress.
I'm gonna spare you all the details but Echo's death is a echo of Hevy one. Death for duty, duty for protecting his brother. As seen in the previous episode, Echo tends to react emotionally, harshly and strongly when one of his close brother is in danger. When he run toward the shuttle I bet that the only thing he was caring for was getting Fives outta here.
Wanna an anecdote? What is the common point between the Citadel Arc, Umbara Arc and TBB final in s3? Matt Michnovetz. He wrote those arcs. And, while Echo is never explainly mentioned in Umabara you can feel his ghost on Fives' changing character.
Fives did not take well Echo's death. I do not invent. First of all his reaction, is strikingly similar to Echo's one at 99's death (a violent scream of the name and, should he have time, he would have stayed with his brother but was forced to walk away). Fives pass the rest of the following episode looking behind him as if his twin could reappear and this was just one, big joke.
(I don't want to end up a wall decoration)
Now on Umbara. The episodes are complex so let us be focus. First there is this quote of rex who might appears as anecdotical but who bothers me.
Rex: good to have you back
Fives: just like old times
So this means that between the Citadel (s3) and Umbara (s4) Fives wasn't with the 501st, as Rex lieutenant? Like old times means that they were doing missions together with Echo, but they didn't for a while? Where was Fives all this time? Did he request to take missions solo? I do not know but this imply that, at some point, Fives was gone from Rex's sight and only came back for Umbara, and this seems to have been the first mission they were doing together just like old times.
Now, Fives has an extremely changed demeanour during the arc who reminds us of Hevy and Echo, and he clearly has some left-to-deal issues.
Fives spoken advocation for his brother's well-being - like Echo
Fives strong and commanding leadership - like Hevy
Fives fighting all authority and calling Rex - like hevy
Fives deciding that "screw up that, I'm outta here!" - much like Hevy improvised plan in front of a desperate situation in Clone cadets, in their final test.
Fives clearly struggling to not go physical with Pong Krell to defend Rex - unlike Echo here
His outbursts of emotions, anger and frustration, are very reminders of himself and Echo as well
His closeness to clones like Rex and Tup and Jesse and so on may come from a psychological need to always having someone on his side, like his twin. I'm not sure Fives knows how to remain without anyone on his side (but this is part 2 mostly, so I leave it here)
Then there's this quote:
Where's the honour in marching blindly to our deaths?
Fives saw DB, Hevy and Echo sacrificing themselves knowing that they had no chance to get out of this alive. They walked blindly to their deaths, and Fives never forgot that. If he can stop his brothers from doing so, he will. Pong Krell saw clones as disposable. Rex was too stuck in his commanding-book nature to react. Fives had enough. I think he threw the book and the rules (if he ever respected them) the moment Echo went out of his life. All his actions on Umbara are a mirror of his dominoes brothers and the consequence of Echo's death on his psychological mind. He's Fives ghost and this ghost will never be able to leave him in peace as long as his brothers are threatened and cast aside. Fives is done with commanding officers like Tarkin and Krell who don't care for his brother's lives ("he is the one who never realizes the cost").
An appreciable detail is the animation. On Umbara Fives look clearly exhausted, as if he hadn't slept for a long time. We can see the progress of the animation here and it's all more fantastic if we consider that, yes, Fives probably didn't have a single good night of sleep since his twin's death.
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Personally I only have a face like that when I didn't get my week of goodnight
Okay, this is long enough and I need to go. Don't hesitate to give me your arguments if you think I'm wrong, I would love to discuss it with you. Sorry if this is incomprehensive to you, I wrote that in like one hour and I'm too lazy to do a second lecture.
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sergeantgoggles · 5 months
I adore how your writing! Especially when I came across your Cutup/Driodbait prompts!!
If you're willing could I suggest Pink Beige for those two?
Awww I don't get to write nearly enough Domino Squad. Have some Rishi angst!
Pink Beige: How protective are they? What would make them overprotective?
Droidbait helps Cutup sleep at night, but Cutup prefers a more direct approach when dealing with a problem.
AKA: Cutup has some anger management issues, don't worry about it.
Droidbait should have been back by now.
The rumble of Liquid Tabana moving through the generators that kept this station operational was also the reason Cutup couldn’t sleep. The power room was located just next door to their barracks, and Cutup couldn’t understand how the rest of his squad managed to sleep through it. It grated on his nerves, and the one person that could take his mind off of it and help him fall asleep should have been back from latrine duty over an hour ago.
Cutup sighed, tossing onto his back to stare at the blank ceiling. The near silence was maddening to the point that Cutup’s head started to ache. At this rate he might as well head to the medbay and get a pain shot, or better yet, a sedative, but then he would risk oversleeping for duty in the morning. Right now, it was a risk he was willing to take, even if it mean dealing with a cranky Sergeant O’Niner.
Finally, the door to the barracks hissed open, and Droidbait stumbled in. It didn’t take Cutup long to realize that something wasn’t right. There was a gait to his walk and he was holding his arm close to him, cradling it to his side. Suddenly, sleep wasn’t important, and Cutup bolted upright out of his bunk and rushed him at the door.
“DB?” His breath caught as the light from the corridor illuminated the bruises and cuts on his face, and Droidbait shied away from him. “Hey, don’t be like that. What happened to you?”
“N-Nothing,” Droidbait lied, obviously. “G-Go to bed, Cutup.”
“Nah-uh. Tell me what happened,” Cutup demanded, getting increasingly louder in the almost silence of the room. Echo stirred next to them, and above him, Hevy was already waking up.
“What’s going on?” he asked and rubbed a hand over his eyes sleepily.
“Droidbait’s hurt,” Cutup said curtly. “Get up and help me.”
Hevy, never one to shy away from helping a brother in need, hopped down from his rack and looked Droidbait over, wincing at he took in the shiner on his eye. “That looks nasty, DB. What happened?”
“I said it’s nothing!” Droidbait wailed, which finally stirred Fives in the back corner of the barracks. Echo was now sitting up, concern etched on his face.
“That doesn’t look like nothing, Droidbait,” he stated obviously. “The reg manual says in situations like this you should—”
“I don’t care about your kriffing manuals, Echo!” Droidbait hissed, but it only served to agitate him, and he held his head in his other hand, swearing under his breath. “…S-Sorry…”
Cutup and Hevy shared a look, private conversation passing between them. Then, Cutup stepped closer, crowding Droidbait against the wall, and gingerly lifted his chin to examine him.
“Stop…” Droidbait whined, but Cutup only frowned deeper as he turned back to Hevy, nodding.
“I’m taking him to the medbay,” he said with finality. “Call the Sergeant and have him meet me there.”
“You’ve got it,” Hevy said, already punching in the numbers on his comm. Cutup didn’t question why he had a direct line to O’Niner, but he had a sneaking suspicion that it had something to do with the amount of time they’d been spending together recently. No matter. Droidbait was his priority.
Cutup didn’t give Droidbait a choice, easily picking him up and carrying him in his arms. He protested, Cutup knew he would, but he quieted once Cutup kissed his bruised cheek. “Hang in there. We’ll get you fixed up, buttercup.”
Droidbait huffed at the stupid nickname, but once again didn’t argue. They were silent as they walked, even when Fives ran up beside them and fell into step.
“Just in case you need another set of hands,” he’d explained. Cutup didn’t verbally reply, but he was grateful to Fives all the same.
The extra hands weren’t needed this time, but Fives still stuck around until O’Niner came in, eyes hard with annoyance until he saw his recent recruits huddled together around one of their own, injured and quietly weeping. They cleared out, save for Cutup, who held tightly onto Droidbait as O’Niner joined them.
“Droidbait, I need you to be honest. What happened to you?” He asked, and Cutup was shocked at how gentle the Sergeant was.
Droidbait explained that he was finishing up his shift when a few of the other rookies from a different squad had jumped him, called him a few names, then started to hit him when they weren’t getting what they wanted out of him. The whole while, Cutup’s blood boiled. How dare they lay hands on another vod? Sparring was one thing, and sometimes squads would just fight to blow off steam, but this?
Cutup couldn’t listen anymore. Droidbait’s injuries would heal, but he already suffered low self-worth that he kept hidden from everyone but their squad. He wouldn’t just bounce back from this. Careful not to jostle him much, Cutup removed himself from Droidbait’s side, motioning for Fives to take his place.
“Hey, don’t start anything,” Fives warned quietly as O’Niner continued talking with Droidbait. “I’m serious, Cutup.”
“I’m not starting a thing,” Cutup hissed and turned his shoulder to Fives, stalking away. “I’m finishing it.”
“Cutup!” Fives called after him, but he didn’t stop. He knew where to find those other troopers, and he was going to make them pay for what they did to Droidbait.  
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suck-a-egg · 2 years
Domino Headcanon Time, Hoes
I am working on a fic for this post but it wont be out for a while because I have a dumb dumb idiot baby brain and will focus on it way more than anything else.
so in the meantime, here are alot of headcanons about the Domino Squad some of these are sad
Domino age order from oldest to youngest: Hevy, Fives, Echo, Cutup, Droidbait
Domino squad is an actual defect squad where as the bad batch was made to have their 'defects'
because they were defects none of their chips worked the way the were supposed to
Hevy isnt good at spelling. He's not allowed to send out any reports without someone proof reading them for him.
Fives is the motherhen of the group. Hes the only one who can safely get inbetween Hevy and Echo when their arguements go a little too far.
Echo was considered the runt of the batch, and was often watched for decommisioning. It was constantly held over his head, which is why he became obsessed with the rules. If he could follow their rules and hit all the bench marks then they would have no reason to decommission him.
Cutup loves music but has absolutely no musical talent. This does not stop him from screeching lyrics to the galaxies most popular songs across the base.
Droidbait is often left behind on accident, he has been left in the mess hall more times than he can count.
Hevy and Echos relationship wasnt always rocky. At one point they were pretty close but after the multiple decomming scares, Echo pulled away to make it easier for Hevy if anything happened.
Echo didnt choose his name, he didnt like it at all but the rest of the squad made sure that he never had the chance to introduce himself so he was stuck with what they had named him. In the end, he kept it because he saw it as the one and only gift he had left from his batchmates.
Outside of missions, Fives went silent for months after the citadel and the only person who could get him to talk was Rex.
Droidbait insists on going by db because its 'less embarassing'
Cutup was the only one to embrace their squads differences. He would would practically hold an open mic night on any other cadets who would pick at them.
the cadets around Kamino will often tell one another about the "Fall of the Dominos" about how three died heros but were never spoken of again and how the two survivors went insane from grief and one lost his mind while the other lost his body.
Hevy use to steal pudding cups for Droidbait when they were cadets. he never had a reason to do it he just would.
theres a dent in one of the walls in their pod room and no one really knows how it got dented (Hevy Kyled the wall)
Echo has spiral curls that he purposefully keeps buzzed down because otherwise Cutup would start playing with them
This is a pretty common headcanon for Fives but theres too much evidence behind it, Fives shows affection through boardline violence, he gave Cutup a concussion once after an overly affectionate headbutt. Droidbait has multiple bruises on his arms from loving punches. Hevy got shoved into Sergeant O'Niner once and was given cleaning duty for a week that he forced Fives to do with him. During their 501st days he got a little too touchy with Echo and he started fighting back and ended up chasing Fives to Rex's office on multiple occassions.
and yes i do think Fives and Echo are pod twins, its another reason why Echo was watched for decommisioning.
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frost7077 · 2 years
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The Domino squad
(The DB is for Droidbait and the 40 is for Cutup)
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meridiansdominoes · 1 year
Hi! I came across your Domino Squad fic a few years ago, fell in love with it, rediscovered it last year, and have reread it happily many times over ever since! Thank you for being an incredible author! I wanted to ask, 1) what helps you the most during writer's block? 2) which Dominoes relationship dynamic is your favorite? (e.g. Echo/Fives, Hevy/Droidbait, Rex/Fives, Cutup/Ahsoka, etc.) Thank you!
Eee! Thank you so much, you're so kind, and I'm so glad you could get some enjoyment out of my fic!
One thing that sometimes helps me if I get writer's block is to skip ahead and write a scene that I'm actually excited for instead of something that feels boring at that time! Sometimes this means I jump ahead a little bit, sometimes a LOT, like end of the book a lot haha, but it gets me excited and gets ideas flowing. I can figure out how to connect the cool scenes later. Another thing that helps is lowering my laptop screen so that I can't see what I'm writing as I type, that's a great way to just get stuff out without worrying too much about the small details. You can go back and edit later! And honestly sometimes I just have to switch projects for a while, or take a genuine break. Even though it's annoying sometimes I just have to chill until I'm ready and excited to write again!
For the Domino squad dynamics, I think that Fives and Echo are so iconic. Their pasts as ARCs allows me to do fun things with them. They've got a history, and they're so experienced that there's always fun unspoken communication I can put between the two of them. In my most recent chapter I did some brief but fun banter between Echo and Cutup as well, which I found to be delightful and I think I'll be exploring it more in the future! I also have a soft spot for Fives and DB.
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indira-korr · 2 years
The name’s Rex. But you’ll call me "Captain" or "sir". (935 words)
I wrote a little introduction to my 'Echo has the hots for Rex' idea.
Relationships: Echo & Fives
Additional Tags: Clone Troopers Painting Armor (Star Wars), Sort Of, Secret Crush (on Rex), Fives is a Little Shit, Teasing, clone shipping, in the future… If things go Echo's way
Echo keeps the handprint on his armor. For multiple reasons… Fives is a little shit about it
Ficlet under the cut or on AO3:
The name’s Rex. But you’ll call me "Captain" or "sir".
Fives enters the 501st barracks—their barracks, he reminds himself proudly. He can’t help but smile at the sight of Echo sitting on the ground in front of his bunk, hunched over his chest plate with a cleaning cloth, and surrounded by the rest of his armor.
They both made it. A few days ago, they became part of one of the most famous battalions in the entire GAR. If only the others had too.
Even if they had their differences, he knows Hevy, DB, and Cutup would be proud of them. He misses them with a fierceness he didn’t think possible before. But now, he and Echo are the only Dominos left. Fives doesn’t want to think about what he’d do if he lost Echo too.
“You missed a spot,” Fives teases as he puts on his best happy face, settles down next to Echo leaning against the frame of his bunk.
Echo just hums absentmindedly while staring at the piece of plastoid in his hands.
“Whatcha thinkin?” Fives asks and bumps his shoulder against Echo’s.
The almost inaudible little huff is just something Echo does sometimes, as if he’s laughing at a joke only he understands. Fives grins. There is a lot more to Echo than most people assume at first glance. To some, he may seem like a stickler for the regulations, but Fives knows better. In order to bend the rules—without breaking them—you need to know the rules. And Echo knows the rules.
“I want to keep it,” Echo replies as he dreamily strokes the handprint on his chest plate. By now, it has dried off completely and is starting to peel off.
“Yeah, you should,” Fives agrees and a genuine smile spreads across his face. “I think Cutup would get a real kick out of that. You wearing the blood of the eel that killed him? That’s bold.”
“You can’t know for certain that it was the exact same one,” Echo objects. “Unlike water-dwelling eels, the Rishi eel isn’t territorial and liv—”
“Okay smartass,” Fives interrupts what could turn into a full fledged lecture on Rishi wildlife otherwise. “Then why do you want to keep it if it’s not the same one?”
“I… umm,” Echo hesitates and blushes. “It’s symbolic… even if it’s not the same one. So… yeah.”
Echo can feel Fives’ stare on him, but he doesn’t look up. Fives may have everyone else fooled with his casual and jesting attitude, but his mind is sharper than a laser scalpel and he knows exactly where to cut.
The handprint is a symbolic reminder of their time on Rishi and how it ended. And it is a tribute to Cutup.
Only... That’s not all it is.
Echo was so relieved, when the inspection team found them in the gorges beneath Rishi Station. But then another eel showed up, and Echo was sure that was it. He was sure that another one of their group would end up as an eel meal.
Force, was he wrong.
Without hesitation and with one quick and perfectly smooth motion, the Captain finished that eel off—with a single shot straight in the eye.
It was the most impressive thing Echo had ever seen. Hevy’s ‘Nice shot' was an absolute understatement.
The introductions that followed were still echoing in his mind: 'The name’s Rex. But you’ll call me Captain or Sir.’
Echo could swear he felt it, when Captain Rex put his hand on his chest plate and marked him with the eel's blood. Of course he didn’t actually feel it. He couldn’t. And yet… he still feels it.
“Alright then,” Fives says and takes the chest plate. “Let’s get some paint and make a print that lasts.”
Echo blinks. Fives already has the cleaning cloth in his hands, and Echo reacts before he thinks—something he will regret for a very long time.
Fives is lying on his back now, and Echo stands over him with the plate and the cloth in his hands. Fives could’ve put up more of a fight, but he didn’t have to. He got what he wanted. His suspicion is now confirmed. Echo likes Captain Rex. Well, everyone does, but...
Echo likes Captain Rex.
And Fives is going to enjoy this—a lot.
“Whoa fine,” Fives cedes and raises his hands in a mock gesture of surrender. “No need to get all touchy about it.”
He should probably wait until he starts teasing Echo about it, but the urge for mischief is quickly growing inside of him. Fives also knows that, deep down, Echo enjoys their little games too. And he absolutely loves lecturing and scolding Fives, so this will also be a chance to cheer him up a bit.
“Well…,” Fives continues and can’t help suppress the grin spreading all over his face. “Unless you want to ask Rex to get all touchy and help you make a new handprint.”
Fives quickly gets to his feet, ready to run in case Echo decides to continue their scuffle.
“Shut up,” Echo demands—futilely, because he should know that Fives will never shut up about it ever again. “And it’s CAPTAIN Rex to you. Show some respect.”
“Sir, Yes Sir!” Fives says with a salute and a face as straight as he can manage. “Sooo… maybe we can get some clear varnish to make that print a bit more durable.”
“You want to help with that?”
“Of course I’ll help,” Fives declares and grips Echo’s shoulder. “I may torment you, but I’ll always be here for you. I hope you know that.”
“I know," Echo grumbles playfully. "Me too."
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tenshindon · 2 years
Plz post ur essay about why you think DBZA was a damaging thing plzzzzzzz
for a minute i just thought you were asking me to ramble bout why DBZA was cringe but no i just remembered i told you guys i had a official essay on why DBZA was cringe
i'll give you a diet version of it though it's under the cut
DBZ's audience already was disconnected from the franchise in that DBZ was so late to become popular in the west, never mind the original run of DB. with no proper background of the characters, DBZA was free to run with characterizations and interpretations and no one would think it was any less accurate or ill fitting (not to mention no one's going to knock on people for making a parody- i doubt the DBZA team even expected DBZA to become as popular as it did). the late 2000's also offered a grittier internet experience, so even if someone did have a complaint they'd definitely be laughed at to hell and back
i don't think DBZA would be able to get as far as it did if it was just jokes though; while some of DBZA's jokes still land imo, i've seen numerous people praise its interpretations of plot points and characters (not saying i agree of course but it's been an opinion i've seen a lot over the years) and that's what's let its popularity sustain. i think people genuinely take DBZA as The Best Way in ingest DBZ both in a timely manner and narrative/character wise- which is just doing yourself a disservice if you're skipping out on the original material
when DBZ finally did start to actually gain traction and people had more access to the series or were more willing to watch it, DBZA already had made its mark on fans. hell- i think this much is evident when a character like nappa is able to be in a game like fighterz and have such a prominent role, but a character like raditz who had just as much of an equal role in DBZ as nappa is hardly mentioned in the franchise anymore
and i mean. do i have to mention goku's characterization throughout the years.
i'm not saying DBZA was The Absolute Downfall of domino of DBZ's changes, but it's hard to deny it feels as though there was an influence of sort
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jgvfhl · 2 months
Came here to tell you that you informing me of Carré de Cinques has made me want to draw him in french-canadian traditional clothing. Gonna put him in one of these bad boys and have him do a silly jig to an aggressive violin-heavy tune i stg-
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FUCK YEAH!!!!!! I'LL BRING THE SPOONS!!! I gotta go back and remind myself of the rest of Domino Squad's names fjjfjd
I know there was Écho and Hévy but I think DB and Cut had separate French names 🤔
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upgradewater · 7 months
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(db oc) visions of babygirl bouncing in my head
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zealfruity · 1 year
Clones as Incorrect Quotes 2/2 Master Post (Domino Squad Lives AU and Fives+332nd Live AU version)
Unholy mixture of random generators, unsolved/ghost files banter, and things my friends have said
Mostly just headcanons following below
A few notes for these: Tup is NB he/they. Hardcase is genderfluid. Vaughn is agender they/them. Nax is a she/her. Jesse has no idea how any of this works, someone help him. Domino Squad Lives AU has the main blue boys interact with the 212th on a more personal level, so some of these involve a mix of the two groups. Every single character is having an existential crisis in the other AU. NO CLONESHIPPING HERE!
(Domino Squad Lives Fix-It AU):
Echo: Do you take constructive criticism?
Cutup: No, only cash or credit.
Waxer: The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it.
Echo: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Cutup: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Droidbait: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Hevy: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'
Echo: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make
Hevy: *flips the board*
Cutup: *standing on a balcony and sneezes*
Fives: *standing on the roof* Bless you.
Cutup: God?!
Cutup: Get in loser, we're going shopping.
Droidbait: This is a McDonald's drive thru.
Nax: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
Wooley: I need life advice.
Cutup, sipping Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
Fives: *coughs blood*
Droidbait: Don't die, Fives!
Fives: Don't tell me what to do!
Cutup: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I've ever done.
Droidbait: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real.
Cutup: They're not.
Droidbait: Haha, very funny.
Cutup: I'm serious. Didn't you hear?
Droidbait: No... what happened?
Cutup: …Why would you fall for this again-
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Cutup*
Cutup: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
Droidbait: Quitting! It's like trying, but easier.
Hevy: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don't set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It's risky and I like it.
Cutup: Hello friends!
His Squad:
Cutup: You might be wondering why I'm stuck to the ceiling
Cutup: You're mean!
Droidbait: You're meaner!
Cutup: Yeah, well, you're ugly too!
Droidbait: You're uglier!
Cutup: You're a dumbass!
Droidbait: You're a dumberass!
Cutup: You think "dumberass" is a good insult!
*Cutup and Hevy are planning to break in somewhere*
Cutup: We need to distract the guards.
Hevy: Right.
Cutup: What are we gonna do?
Hevy: I'm gonna break their elbows while you poke their eyes.
Cutup: Deal.
Nax: Hey, DB! Did you know you’re my BFFLWYLION?
Droidbait: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Nax: Best Friend For Life Whether You Like It Or Not.
Droidbait: That’s one way to say it, I guess…
Wooley: I am strong! I beat Droidbait at arm wrestling!
Hevy: Anyone can beat Droidbait at arm wrestling!
Droidbait: Hey-
*Cutup sends more than 5 messages in a row*
Hevy: I ain’t reading all that.
Hevy: I’m happy for you tho.
Hevy: Or sorry that happened.
Cutup, to Wooley: You know, Hevy can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.
Cutup: *blows airhorn at Hevy* GET FUCKED!
Hevy: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Cutup: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Hevy: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Jesse: Actually I did the math, Cutup would have $225, not $0.15.
Cutup: Fam I’m right here....
Wooley: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Tup: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Wooley: Sorry I only have a dollar.
Tup: :(
Jesse: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Echo would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent.
Wooley: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice.
Jesse: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Fives: Yeah and he wants soda and apply juice.
Echo: Apply juice to what.
Fives: Directly to the forehead.
Rex: Great chat everyone.
Droidbait, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Echo: Time for plan G.
Wooley: Don’t you mean plan B?
Echo: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Droidbait: What about plan D?
Echo: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Tup: What about plan E?
Echo: I’m hoping not to use it. Cutup dies in plan E.
Boil: I like plan E.
Oddball: Are we really going to let Hevy keep Beam?
Cody: We kept Cutup.
Kix: Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops!
Droidbait: *loads shotgun* I got this.
Kix: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
The poor Jedi that got Cutup assigned to them after the war: I assume you realize that this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in this Order.
Cutup: Is there any kind of idiocy you would be more comfortable with?
*At the police station*
Denal: Hi, I’m here for Domino Squad.
Corrie guard: Who’s Domino Squad?
Denal: Ah, you must be new.
Fox: What has the galaxy ever done for you?! Why would you wanna save it?!
Jesse: Cause I’m one of the idiots who lives in it!
Hevy: How does that even work?
Droidbait, mocking him: hOw dO yOu UsE a cOmPUteR aNd KnOw wHaTS GoiNg oN iT DoEsNt mAke SeNSe?!
Hevy: Your face doesn't make sense.
Cody, to Trapper: If you see Cutup, give him this message *makes a neutral face*
Cody: He’ll know what it means.
Trapper: oh, and Cody said to give you a message.
Trapper: *makes a neutral face*
Cutup: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut?
Fives: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
Longshot: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window.
Cutup: ...We're on the ground floor.
Longshot: I know but I want a dramatic exit.
Hevy: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Denal: What do you call disobeying the law?
Domino Squad: A hobby.
Denal: *crosses his arms*
Domino Squad: That we do not engage in.
Droidbait to Tup: First rule of battle, vod’ika... don’t ever let them know where you are.
Hardcase, shooting out of frame: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo!
Droidbait: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
Hevy: Really love that airports have to specify that you're NOT allowed grenades. Like damn there go my traveling plans
Droidbait: Ideally we get down there and Cutup’s just dead. And then we can end the mission, and I can go home. Obviously very sad, thoughts and prayers, but... I don't have to go down there, then. So... *weighs options between his hands* Lose brother, don't have to go in the tunnel. I think it comes out to be a wash, to be honest, so…
Hevy, about possibly getting too beefy for the armor: Regulations won’t look as good as my thighs will so they aren't valid.
Fives+332nd Live AU (possible official titles include Bones In The Ocean AU and Resistance Leaders AU, I’m workshopping it rn)
*The squad has just arrived in a new city. Fives looks around at the wanted posters to see if he’s on any of them.*
Omega: Fives, are you a criminal?
Fives: Not here, I'm not!
Rex: Uuh, watcha got there?
Fives, with a lightsaber: A smoothie.
Fives: Damn, Tech, are you secretly cool?
Tech: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss, cool.
Fives: I do not.
Ahsoka, texting CF99: Want to help me murder someone?
Echo: Sure who we hitting?
Ahsoka: someone who looks evil
Some guy: What am I supposed to do?
Bounty Hunter Fives: If I were you? I’d try and make peace with whatever deity, pantheon, or Divine Other you believe in.
Some guy: I’m an atheist.
Fives: Then just get ready to die I guess.
Fives: So, are you two friends?
Omega: Yes.
Crosshair: No.
Fives: Hello Crosshair, made anyone cry today?
Crosshair: Sadly, no. But it’s only 4:30.
Fives: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to?
Echo: Schrödinger's boys.
Crosshair: FUCK!
Wrecker: What about cracking open a cold milkshake?
Tech: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.
Tech: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison.
Fives: ...
Echo: ...
Crosshair: ...
Wrecker: ...
Tech: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
Fives: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a.
Tech: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory.
Fives: Fuck you.
The self-taught medic with no license in the lower levels: Fives’ a 10 but that's all we know about him.
Kix: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it.
Ahsoka: I know, that's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out.
Kix: Th-that's not how that works-
Fives, to the BB: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, that’s easy. Just don’t die. That’s it. Refuse to die. There you go.
Tech: But how-
Fives, ignoring him: “But how”, you may ask. Well, easy. Just don’t do it. Refuse to. Say “no thanks”.
Echo: *nods sagely*
All of them: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
Tech: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Fives: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Tech: Somehow that's worse.
Rex: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Crosshair: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
Hunter: Didn't you die?
Fives: That was months ago, dude. Things change.
Omega: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Omega: And I started thinking.
Omega: Like, it was just trying to get food.
Omega: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
Hunter: Are you ok?
Jesse 5 months into Resistance work: You know I think my life has value.
Wrecker: Who are you and what have you done with Jesse?!
Fives: I'm so sad woa woa womp womp.
Echo: I am tired of fighting my own demons, give me physical ones.
Fives, months into being on the run: I’d kill to go absolutely ham on a dexter-grade hamburgussy.
Echo: Nothing wrong with a little government overthrowing in the sake of friendship.
Wrecker: Aw you little reg guy.
Dogma: Shut up do not call me that.
Omega: Gentleman ori’vod.
Dogma: Stop I am a STRANGER who is RUDE!
Echo after Fives tells him that he tried to assassinate Palpatine: Yeah I think fighting the Chancellor’s a pretty good way to get labeled a traitor.
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lifeofclonewars · 1 year
Clone Cadets Liveblogging
Okay nobody said whether or not they'd like my Rewatching Clone Cadets for the First Time in 18 Months reactions or not, so I am making the executive decision to post them lol. Enjoy!
Okay if they have a clip from DB's deleted scene during the intro, why couldn't they include the scene itself?
-> also the medbay is mostly Kaminoans and droids
Why didn't DB move to the next barrier? No wonder Fives had to tackle him. Also Fives has to run directly forward and then yank them to the side. Talk about shifting momentum
Hmm Shaak Ti calls Echo by his name even when Echo hasn't like,,, fully accepted it as his name yet and it's mainly so the audience knows who he is
Cutup's accent doesn't make an appearance until he talks to Fives a full 3 minutes in
They call for a cleaning crew but it's literally just 99 and some droids
"ARC troopers follow orders" I mean... Mr. Future ARC Echo isn't wrong...
What the freak does it mean that Jedi don't feel concern? Isn't that something that goes hand in hand with compassion? Also screw Lama Su. Also the fact that Lama Su knows specifically Domino is giving me future angst ideas, oop
Colt's speech is supposed to help them realize 1) teamwork as a squad but also 2) competition isn't going to do you any good in the field. But it's Kamino so obviously it doesn't work (cough Bravo Squad cough)
When the time does the turn and step thingy, I think DB is first and either Hevy or Cutup are last
Dang, Hevy takes out a whole line of droids in one go
Aww Fives and Echo are basically saying they're a lil group. I love the twins. They stick with each other
Bric says clones giving names to each other is a joke >:( I would like to fight him, please
"I could think of one for you right now, sir" #cutuprights
This reignited my desire to work on that one WIP I have that has Hevy finding out how Cutup got his name and wanting to punch the crap out of Bric in return
99 saying he never got a chance or a team :(
Hevy being so attached to his rotary cannon that he was gonna take it with him, lol
Ohhh I get why 99 calls him Hevy now. The whole anchor analogy he uses, and carrying a heavy weight. But he must've seen the good sides of it, too, when Hevy was younger. Carrying the heavy weight of his brothers with them
Hevy: *chooses his name* Domino: :O Domino: :)
They really went from 1.5 names to 5 names overnight lol
Also them just springing into action at the start of the second final instead of starting behind the barricades like every other time the course is run??
Domino effect to the barricade
I still wish the soundtrack for this whole episode was on Spotify
Fives walks backwards and shoots behind. He's got Domino's back. The other 4 walk forward and have his <3
Cutup's lil roll into the slot thingies lol
Hevy definitely would've made ARC, too, if he'd lived longer
99's smile gives me life. Also Hevy saying he's one of them. 99 is the best honorary Domino member, confirmed
Okay thank you all for indulging me, lol. Hope you enjoyed it
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writingmonet · 13 days
Domino Survives AU - Sneak Peak
Just a little extract from a yet-to-be-published story where Domino Lives!AU. It's a project I had started a few months ago because the opportunity was so good. It's far less advanced that TNLLFY (who's my main project) but I wanted to show it because everyone loves a good Domino Lives.
The story title will probably be: the mad in us.
“Cutup!” He hears clearly this time, as much as he feels the pillow in the middle of his face, making him rise suddenly.  “...Leave…,” he growls, recognising DB’s face.  Oh, right. I was drunk. His brother gave a second shot, another pillow in the head, which finished to wake Cutup. “Kriff, get out of here!” Cutup command, unamused with an awful headache threatening him.  “I’m serious, Droidbait! Get out! Out, now!” His brother’s mouth subtly grins, before disappearing. “I’m serious as well, Cutup. I was waiting for you. Departure for a new mission, don’t you remember? You have four hours to make yourself presentable, which includes starting to take a shower, eating something and regaining some colours”. Before they realize you drank goes unsaid. The fear of the Captain wakes up Cutup, whose eyes grow wide in fear. “You didn’t tell Rex”, he begs, almost. “Or Cody…” “No. I didn’t tell them about your hangover. I didn’t tell anyone if that can reassure you. Only that you were sick. Coric or Kix may be mad at you though.” Cutup groans a "right" that his brother doesn't seem to hear - or maybe he doesn't care.
Now, if you didn't know I write angst. Most of the time my stories end bitter-sweet (the fanfictions and the originals ones too). Not because I want it (well, yeah maybe a bit) but mostly because that's what a lot of fandoms are, in the end. This story is no exception.
In CW, Domino's death gave development to Fives (and Echo by extension) so this is one of the objectives to keep their complexity/development with their much-lived brothers. This story is no time-rewind, that I can tell :)
It's simply to answer this wonderful question I had in a sketchbook after listening to an Arcane-analysis video:
What do we do with the mad inside of us?
What I can add without saying too much is:
Hevy & DB are in the 212th (they're Cody adopted kids)
They're all ARC-Troopers
And that's all for now :)
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john-carle123 · 3 months
Successful Digital Transformation in Global Enterprises
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In the world of business, nothing speaks louder than success stories. When it comes to digital transformation, global enterprises have been leading the charge, turning challenges into opportunities and emerging stronger in the digital age. Let's dive into some inspiring case studies that showcase how these corporate giants have successfully navigated the choppy waters of digital transformation. Buckle up – we're in for an exciting ride! 
1. Microsoft: From Software Giant to Cloud Leader 
Remember when Microsoft was all about Windows and Office? Those days are long gone, thanks to a remarkable digital transformation journey. 
The Challenge: Microsoft was losing ground to companies like Google and Amazon in the cloud computing space. 
The Transformation:
- Shifted focus from packaged software to cloud-based services
- Invested heavily in Azure, their cloud computing platform
- Embraced a "mobile-first, cloud-first" strategy 
The Result: Microsoft is now a leader in cloud services, with Azure generating over $59 billion in revenue in 2022. Talk about a comeback! 
Key Takeaway: Sometimes, transformation means pivoting your core business model. Microsoft's willingness to cannibalize its own packaged software business in favor of cloud services paid off big time.
2. Nike: Just Do It... Digitally
Nike has always been about pushing boundaries. Their digital transformation journey is no exception.
The Challenge: Nike needed to connect directly with consumers in an increasingly digital world.
The Transformation:
- Launched Nike Direct, focusing on e-commerce and direct-to-consumer sales
- Developed the Nike app ecosystem for personalized shopping experiences
- Used data analytics to predict trends and optimize inventory
The Result: In 2022, Nike's digital sales accounted for 24% of total revenue, up from just 4% in 2010.
Key Takeaway: Nike's success shows the power of putting the customer at the center of digital transformation. By creating personalized digital experiences, they strengthened their brand and boosted sales.
3. Domino's: From Pizza Joint to Tech Company
Who would have thought a pizza company could become a tech leader? Domino's did just that.
The Challenge: Domino's was struggling with negative perceptions about their product quality and outdated ordering systems.
The Transformation:
- Overhauled their menu and improved product quality
- Introduced multiple digital ordering channels (app, social media, smart devices)
- Implemented a tracker system for real-time order updates
The Result: Domino's stock price increased over 2000% in the decade following their transformation, outperforming many tech stocks.
Key Takeaway: Digital transformation isn't just for tech companies. By reimagining their business through a digital lens, Domino's turned pizza delivery into a tech-driven experience.
4. Walmart: The Retail Giant Goes Digital
Walmart, the world's largest retailer, proves that even the biggest ships can turn if they're determined enough.
The Challenge: Walmart was losing ground to Amazon in the e-commerce space.
The Transformation:
- Acquired e-commerce company Jet.com
- Invested heavily in their online platform and mobile app
- Implemented AI for inventory management and customer service
The Result: Walmart's e-commerce sales grew 79% in 2021, with the company now ranking as the second-largest online retailer in the U.S.
Key Takeaway: Walmart's story shows that it's never too late to transform. By leveraging their physical store network and embracing digital technologies, they've become a formidable e-commerce player.
5. DBS Bank: World's Best Digital Bank
Singapore's DBS Bank proves that even traditional industries like banking can lead in digital innovation.
The Challenge: DBS needed to stay relevant in an era of fintech disruption.
The Transformation:
- Adopted a "digital to the core" strategy
- Leveraged cloud computing and AI for backend operations
- Launched digital-only banks in India and Indonesia
The Result: DBS was named "World's Best Digital Bank" by Euromoney in 2021, with over 99% of its transactions now digitalized.
Key Takeaway: DBS's success demonstrates the importance of a comprehensive approach to digital transformation, data consulting services touching everything from customer-facing services to backend operations.
6. Siemens: Industrial Giant Turns Digital Master
Siemens, the 170-year-old industrial manufacturing company, proves that old dogs can indeed learn new tricks.
The Challenge: Siemens needed to stay competitive in the era of Industry 4.0.
The Transformation:
- Developed MindSphere, an IoT operating system for industry
- Implemented digital twins for product development
- Embraced agile methodologies across the organization
The Result: Siemens' digital business now accounts for over €5.6 billion in annual revenue.
Key Takeaway: Siemens' journey shows how traditional manufacturers can leverage digital technologies to create new revenue streams and improve existing processes.
Key Lessons from These Success Stories
1. Customer-Centricity is Key: Whether it's Nike's personalized app experiences or Domino's multiple ordering channels, successful transformations put the customer first.
2. Leadership Commitment is Crucial: In all these cases, the transformation was driven from the top. Leaders need to champion the change.
3. Embrace a Digital Culture: It's not just about adopting new technologies; it's about fostering a culture of innovation and agility.
4. Data is Gold: From Walmart's inventory management to DBS's personalized banking services, data analytics played a crucial role in these transformations.
5. Think Beyond Your Industry: The most successful transformations often involve thinking outside traditional industry boundaries. Who would have thought Domino's would become a tech company?
6. Continuous Evolution: Digital transformation isn't a one-time project. These companies continue to evolve and adapt in the face of new technologies and changing customer expectations.
Wrapping Up
These case studies show that successful digital transformation is possible, even for the largest and most established global enterprises. It requires vision, commitment, and a willingness to fundamentally rethink how business is done.
But here's the thing – your company's digital transformation journey doesn't have to mirror these exact stories. Every business is unique, and so should be its transformation strategy. The key is to learn from these successes, adapt the lessons to your context, and chart your own path to digital success.
Remember, digital transformation is not about becoming a different company; it's about becoming a better version of yourself. So, what's your digital transformation story going to be? The digital future is waiting, and it's full of possibilities. Let's make history together!
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