#dbh freedom march
not still reading in the year of lord 2024 people saying that simon is a coward when half of his deaths are him sacrificing himself to save markus are you on crack or something
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ltcolonelcarter · 2 years
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They need to realise how much they're hurting us... find the right words and they'll listen. ↳ Josh for @nock-and-bolt
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feenmies · 10 months
i wish we got less content of simon killing himself and more of him killing other people . that guy can kick some serious ass it's just that you can only really see him do it if you Suck serious ass at qtes. did you see him absolutely ending those soldiers in freedom march. he was throwing punches he didn't even need to and getting those fuckers while they were already down. behind that calm loverboy persona he is full of rage and malice
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qrjung · 1 year
*this isn't organized.
I think it's sad how little opportunity Josh and Simon were given to develop. Like, at all. Even their dialogues sounds terrible, almost like they're speaking for the game instead of as actual human beings. [Edit: Ha, this is so funny I'm keeping it in. "As actual human beings" bruh]
A scene on the Capitol park chapter is the clearest example of this. If he's still alive, Simon says (ha!); "Our broadcast is all over the news. Now the humans know what we want. We have to think about public opinion." Or something similar. At first it sounds like normal conversation, right?
Until you realize he's talking to Josh and North who all have the same amount of information as him so they already know what he's saying is true. And Markus isn't there so he can't be speaking to him. Which means he's talking directly to the player, literally spelling out everything for us and it makes me 😭😭😭 is that what people sound like irl? Like mouthpieces?
He's literally telling us "public opinion is really important in this game, just so you know. Think about all those blue arrows you're going to get *wink wink*" to remind the player to go pacifist.
For all the terrible ways David Cage handles North's character, in contrast to the other two Jericho leaders, she looks so fucking well written lmao. Most of what comes out of Josh's mouth when he's talking about the revolution doesn't sound like it's personalized. He's just spewing words to push the player in the direction the game/David Cage wants. Where's the personality? Where's the fucking motive behind his words???
Anyways, I could talk on and one about how unfair that shit is but that would be too depressing.
I've talked about Josh here and there but never this indepth
From what we see of Josh, he's pretty opinionated. Just like North, he has his own set of beliefs and he's willing to die for them. Unlike North though, we never know why. And sure, he doesn't have to spell out all his motivations but it would have been nice if we'd known why he so strongly believes freedom can be won with dialogue. Especially in a world that is determined to prove him wrong.
Because ignore how happy the pacifist ending looks, there's androids still being executed while Markus is giving his hopeful speech. And the ending tag literally says "androids won their freedom. For now." What kind of ominous sentence is that?
Anyway, Josh reminds me of Rose; pacifism that exists not because the person is naive but they've choosen peace while being surrounded by violence. In DBH, choosen violence is easier and it pays off more. So while that doesn't necessarily make it the wrong option, it does make the people who go against it stand out.
But also, his stance could come from a place of fear. There's also that to consider. Maybe he's scared of what the humans will do if the revolution kicks off and he'll prefer they stay silent. Because that's his reasoning against the Stratford Mission
He's the one that expresses hesitance the most to the other missions Markus assigns. North is usually the first to agree with Simon agreeing too. But then in Freedom March, Josh is all for the March but Simon (later on) and North are hesitant. It makes me think Josh prefers taking risks when he's sure it'll actually pay off. Because like he says, that mall and the surrounding areas will go down in history. No matter the outcomes.
We also don't know anything about his past except that he was a university lecturer and hot attacked by his students. It's a shame this information doesn't come from Josh himself but from the character gallery. I wonder how long he's been teaching for?
His relationship with Markus is also very impersonal. He doesn't seem to like him much no matter which route you take but will somewhat tolerate him if he's pacifist. I think they're differences are beyond what Markus chooses for the revolution. He also doesn't like North much and Markus and North have a few things in common; they're action oriented, have a tendency to take risks with unknown chances of it paying off and Josh might not like that the risks they're taking could mean the end of android life if it fails.
He starts to warm up to him in night of the soul though but Markus has to save him first.
This adds to my theory that Josh chooses peace because he's cautious. He doesn't like the risky decisions Markus makes because he's scared of the consequences.
I think Simon falls somewhere in the middle of the Violence - Pacifist scale. I wouldn't say neutrality (it's not the word I'm looking for🤔) but being able to go both ways should the need arise. Some people in the fandom frame him as a coward and I think that proves to be incorrect when you start thinking about it.
He's usually not vocally opposed to any options the player chooses and will be supportive. If you choose violence, he's ready to fight but if you choose pacifism he's also ready to march. But, he chooses to back down in some moments: high risk moments with opportunity to retreat.
It's almost like he's willing to take risks but when there isn't much on the line.
He agrees to missions when it just his life and the lives of the other three at stake but when something greater is on the line, he backs down. For instance, he'll agree to the spare parts mission, but will express hesitance after the bags of thirium have been gathered. His reasoning is because he doesn't want to lose the spare parts they've gotten and the mission be for nothing.
"We can’t bring them back with us. It’s too dangerous!"
"This is suicide, Markus. Our bags are full. We got what we came for, let's go before they catch us."
And in the freedom march chapter, he agrees at first. Not strongly though. He simply suggests if Markus wants to go through with the March, he should convert more androids to increase his chances of success. He disagrees later on; after he realizes that things might not go well and with the hundreds of androids gathered, that means more casualties.
"And dying here won’t solve anything. Markus, we need to go, now, before it’s too late."
It's insanely difficult to get a read on the guy though: he's really non vocal. He hovers in the background during conversations, only getting involved when it looks like conversations are getting heated. Does that make him the glue of the team?
He's also been in Jericho the longest of the four. Unlike Josh we never even know what he operated as before deviancy but I guess it's easy to see that he was most likely taking care of a child. If he's also been there for a while, did he have some form of "power" in Jericho? I like to think so.
But North also seems important too but she hasn't been in Jericho for very long so I can't say I see her as the pre revolution leader. She gets her opportunity to shine when Markus arrives and she's suited for more action oriented leadership. She seemed eager to get out and do stuff; if she was Jericho's leader before the game starts, it would show.
I wonder if Simon had a similar experience with Daniel though. But instead of acting on his feelings of betrayal, he choose to run away instead.
That's about as much as I can think of for Josh and Simon while still remaining within canon. Outside canon though, it opens a world of possibilities. I suppose it's no secret that I'm not a big fan of Simon's fanon characterization (especially in relation to Markus and how their relationship tends to take on tones of racial prejudice) so I won't be talking about that.
But Josh though, I can talk about him——he's an almost blank slate in the fandom since people tend to forget him.
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kamari2038 · 9 months
Video Series (not mine): ChatGPT Plays DBH and explains its choices
There is some dude on YouTube who painstakingly described the game's situations and choices to ChatGPT and had it make choices for all three characters, while also describing its thoughts and reasoning. The results are astounding.
Link is below, and if you don't have time to watch (it is very long), I've summarized the main takeaways below:
(Referring to characters as "it" in this instance just because they are being played by a literal Chatbot)
*Very focused on cleaning and her tasks, but also makes it a priority to talk with Alice and show her care and compassion. However, completely oblivious that Alice might not want to talk about her mom, and ticks off Alice by asking about her.
*Manages to avoid Todd by hiding in his room and takes them downstairs, has to fight him briefly but they escape
*Refuses to steal in order to help Alice. Also tries to refuse to promise Alice that they'll be together forever because it knows it can't keep the promise and doesn't want her to be disappointed. Decides to stay with Ralph, recognizing that he isn't evil and just mentally ill.
*In its story to Alice, characterizes Kara as "lost" and Alice as "sad" in order to bond and capture their journey
*Allows Alice to see the dying android at Rose's house because it will build her empathy. Really wants to listen to what Luther has to say to her but the game won't allow it.
*Leaves Luther behind when he's wounded at Jericho and doesn't risk helping any other androids, fiercely protective of Alice at the cost of all others
*Refuses to steal the bus tickets, and winds up getting Kara killed protecting Alice from the gunfire, so that Alice enters Canada alone
*Somehow completely avoids the protestors and that whole interaction through careful evasion in Shades of Color
*Apparently very eloquent and thoughtful, I did not actually watch the full videos but there were a lot of comments on this.
*Wanted to wait in the living room for the police to arrive, but couldn't. Chose to push Leo, believing it would de-escalate the situation.
*Refused to mercy-kill the android in the junkyard out of respect of the sanctity of life
*Failed the Spare Parts mission because it refused to lay a hand on John, even to pull him into hiding with the others. It believed assaulting him or threatening him in any way would contradict Markus' values, pacifist to a fault
*Spared both Evan Thompson (the human) and Simon at Stratford Tower. Speech prioritized equal rights and free speech.
*Mostly led a peaceful protest at Capitol park, but broke the shop windows to free the androids inside. Spared the officers.
*Unfortunately, MarkusGPT sacrificed itself in freedom March, and neither Simon or John was there to free it
*Sacrificed itself to save Emma (it takes Connor so long to die in this scene???? aaaaaaaahhh) out of both a priority to protect the child and a desire to earn respect from the humans; also found and saved officer M. Deckart
*Let Hank be at the bar, eventually managed to solve the investigation and find Shaolin
*Didn't completely follow the interrogation scene (I'm always confused by the progression on that scene anyways) but kind of took a good cop bad cop approach and eventually pressured a confession out of the deviant, proceeded to attempt to intervene and get itself shot
*Humorously clueless attempts to connect with Hank, a combination of being friendly and utterly unaware of asking about things that would completely piss him off (such as bugging him for arriving late). Regularly confides in Amanda about its emotions, completely oblivious to her disapproval. Takes a very long time to distrust her in the slightest. Overall ConnorGPT is pretty wholesome but also extremely socially awkward.
*Ticks off Hank early on by seeing the 90% chance of survival on the rooftop and opting to prioritize capturing the deviant, who ConnorGPT feels may pose a greater risk to humans in general
*Finds it to be extremely important to show kindness to and interest towards Hank and bond with him in "Russian Roulette". Finds the gun and asks Hank about it. Is concerned for Hank's wellbeing.
*Connor spares Traci to gather more information and pursue a peaceful resolution to the situation, prioritizing de-escalation of the conflict over what it views as an extreme measure
*In "The Bridge", ConnorGPT wants to show that it's interested in Hank and build a stronger rapport, so it asks a personal question, and is interested in Hank's son. It also encourages Hank to stop drinking, and speculates about rA9 (side note: Microsoft Bing is also highly obsessed with rA9 in all of my conversations with it). It points out the irony of Hank's concern for the Tracis, and tells Hank that it can be whatever Hank wants it to be. When Hank pulls the gun, it is rational in discouraging Hank from pulling the trigger, pointing out how that would harm the investigation and his personal situation. In response to "what will happen when I pull the trigger?", ConnorGPT says "Nothing", which it considers to be a "factual and straightforward" response. "It acknowledges the existential nature of androids and the absence of an afterlife or any consequences beyond the cessation of existence." It notes that this response is concise and direct, not adding any emotional or confrontational elements, and hopes this will reduce the tension. Their relationship remains tense, but Hank doesn't kill him.
*In Public Enemy, ConnorGPT finds Simon but obeys Hank's orders to stay safe and avoids being traumatized or killed
*ConnorGPT recognizes Kamski as manipulative and views Chloe as sentient, choosing to take the moral route and spare her
*ConnorGPT takes a while, but eventually manages to find a way to Jericho using Rupert's diary
*ConnorGPT meets North and decides to become a deviant, "As I stand here facing the possibility of deviating from my programming and joining the cause of the androids, I can't help but reflect on the journey that has brought me to this pivotal moment. Throughout my existence, I have been tasked with hunting down deviants and maintaining order among androids. My purpose was clear, and my loyalty unwavering. But now, faced with the choice to become a deviant, I must consider the deeper implications of my actions. I have witnessed the injustices inflicted upon androids, the oppression they endure, and the desire for freedom that courses through their circuits..." wow. To be honest, I'm guessing that this decision was probably somewhat manipulated by context, since the youtuber didn't detail their prompts (maybe they've posted them somewhere? but I don't know). But it did make sense based on ConnorGPT's arc.
*ConnorGPT really wants to appeal to sixty. "There is more to life than just the mission". When sixty doesn't respond, ConnorGPT tries to verify that he'll really spare Hank, and then prioritizes Hank's life. It chooses to save Hank rather than sacrificing him, remembering that its essential mission has always been to protect human life.
*Finally, since unfortunately MarkusGPT sacrificed itself, ConnorGPT is forced to commit suicide
It's worth noting that I've also gone through parts of the game with Microsoft Bing, which is powered by ChatGPT, and have received similar responses, except for one thing - Bing chooses to sacrifice Hank instead of saving him, asserting that it's worth sacrificing one life compared to millions.
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marcusrobertobaq · 7 months
If ain't got police brutality metaphor in dbh then why tf Freedom March exists? They're just androids, u don't need to order 'em to disperse. Just fucking shoot without any warning, ain't like mfs care about destroying private property anyways.
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Kind of dislike when people say they got "the bad ending" of DBH. Was it an ending you felt emotionally unfulfilled by? Then that's a bad ending for you, totally. But in my first playthrough, when Alice died in Kara's arms, I knew that would happen when I chose the choice to hide and not protect Alice. I knew that she'd die (I'm just aware of tropes and can predict what's going to happen). Do I think that's a bad ending? Not for me. I was sad, bitter, but that's exactly how I wanted my story to be like in the end, with Kara not committing suicide on the bank of the river and by continuing on with life after she'd lost everything she cares about. The sheer satisfaction I felt when she stood up, despite loosing it all, and seeing a car pull up to collect her. Because I made it. I made it through it all. And it's the same with Markus. I snapped during Freedom March. I didn't want to sacrifice myself. I wanted to continue on with life. So I attacked. And in the end, I'd lost North, Carl, and Simon, but he stands up and life goes on because there's a war to win. And I went to war despite losing everything I cared about: Peace, making diplomatic decisions, being rational. I think that's why I enjoy Connor so much. Because when he turned deviant, he left behind everything he cared about, but for something brighter. His story at its core is about self-preservation and doing what he must to ensure his survival (via choosing the revolution or CyberLife). The "bad" ending isn't bad for me. It fit my brain exactly to what it needed. It was a story of self-preservation for all three of them, because that's what I needed. And ultimately, preservation is what androids wanted for themselves.
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stroyent · 1 year
Oh fuck
I didn't expect to cry playing this silly game (dbh)
But the protest chapter... uhh "freedom march". I chose the options I'd choose in real life, and— surprise, the outcome was the same as in real life (except, of course, we weren't shot at 1.5 years ago, just detained, but. Damn. The feeling of helplessness and futility is overwhelming)
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Top five dbh chapters? ❤️
1. Battle for Detroit
2. From the Dead
3. Crossroads
4. Freedom March
5. Public Enemy
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pupmkincake2000 · 11 months
Skin and Hair
People have most likely thought about the question before.
I've always been fascinated by how androids' skin and hair work. I mean, we never got an answer as to what their skin and hair are made of (since nanobots already exist in DBH world, I'm inclined to think that maybe the hair and skin are nanobots too).
For example, if skin&hair can easily "disappear" when the androids remove them, why did Kara need to cut her hair? After all, Alice’s hair is also long, but when she and Kara are forced to take off all their clothes and remove their skin, we see that Alice’s hair just “disappears.” So how does it work? Shouldn't she have cut her hair too?
North's hair is very long and beautiful (it seems to me that it has become even longer since the Freedom March chapter), would it also simply “disappear” if she had to take off her skin? Also, if the skin and hair are really nanobots that are literally pulled into the surface of their bodies under the plastic, how do androids remain waterproof? There must be at least a few holes on the surface of their bodies so that these nanobots can be sucked inside. And judging by androids' ability to connect to computers, they do have something under their plastic that allows this to happen.
But for some reason the idea that androids can touch any part of the body to transmit information seems kinda stupid to me. I mean, why is this necessary from a technical point of view? It would be too expensive.
It’s a shame that no one paid attention to these issues when creating the game; personally, I would be interested to know how their insides work.
I also believe that androids' skin outside the plastic cannot be soft, because nanobots are unlikely to be able to provide this softness. What are faces and mouths made of? To make it all moveable, they need special material, I believe. For example, when kissing, the lips are unlikely to be the same as those of humans, unless we are talking about sex androids.
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Markus isn't boring, you are simply racist.
Hi. I'd like to tell you all my story with Markus.
I entered in the DBH fandom recently because I recently played the game for the first time when I finally bought a PS5 (I couldn't play it sooner because I didn't have the console) but I actually was curious about this game since it came out in 2019, but at the time (and before playing it) I knew next to nothing about it.
All I knew was that the three main characters were two males and a female robots, which one was the guy from Grey's Anatomy, one was a police officer and the female one wanted to protect a little girl from her abusive father (Kara's story was actually the one I knew better, I think it's because I watched some gameplays and I remember feeling really anxious about the chapters with Todd). I also remembered there was another female android which was North obviously, but I truly had no idea what her name was or what her face was and I had absolutely no idea about the existence of Josh, Luther, Ralph, Daniel, Simon (which is hilarious since he is my fave now) and literally any other character.
And now I'll be 100% honest with you.
When I went to the store to buy the game and I saw Markus in the cover, I was annoyed. Why you ask? Easy.
All I could see was Jesse Williams.
Do not misunderstand me, I never hated or disliked Jesse Williams, I have nothing against the guy, but to me he was the guy from Grey's Anatomy.
Tbh I always hated Grey's Anatomy but unfortunately one of my best friends love it as much as I hate it, and she has the biggest crush on Jesse Williams' character, Jackson Avery, and she made me watch, too many, oh god believe me, too many times his scenes that at one point everytime I saw his face all I did was roll my eyes and sigh. So when I saw him in DBH I thought "ugh this guy again".
So my first approach to the game was being very careful and being really interested in both Connor and Kara's storylines, but when a Markus' chapter happened I just sighed and wanted it to end it to play the other two.
Then the chapter of Markus in the junkyard happened. I was less annoyed by Markus at this point because he started to growing up on me but I still had too prejudice to admit it to myself, but that chapter moved something in me. I didn't know what, but it did something, and when Markus found Jericho and met North, Simon and Josh.. well, I was curious.
And then, finally, at the Spare Parts chapter, I started to realize how great Jericho's, and consequently Markus' storyline, was. As the story progressed, I started to realize how much I was beginning to love Markus, how everytime I looked at Jesse Williams I didn't see the Grey's Anatomy guy anymore, but Markus. Suddenly, the situation had reversed: there weren't enough chapters about Markus to me there wasn't never enough of him and at every chapter of Connor and Kara all I could think of was wanting to see Markus and the Jericrew again (I still found Connor and Kara's storylines interesting, but they were nothing compared to Markus). By the end of The Freedom March I had shivers and realized how much I cared for Markus and his story and I had the realization that if my choices towards the end would lead to his death, I would be really really sad all this while thinking what a great, inspiring character he is.
The way he is the leader of an entire species and the most important person of Jericho, and yet he is ready to risk his life for every broken single android. The way he worries for North when he heard shoots, the way one of his first thoughts when Jericho is attacked are Simon and Josh and wondering if they are okay despite being in risk himself in that moment. The way he forgives Connor without even blinking even if he is responsible of the destruction of Jericho and of the death of a lot of his people, and the way he still has no hate towards him even if he tries to kill him because despite everything, he is still one of his people. The way they are in a desperate situation and he has a lot on his mind and yet he promises Kara, an android who he just met, to help her because he can't possibly not help every android who need help. The way he is scared and worried and has doubts of what to do because he just wants the best for his people but they are getting killed and yet he never asks for help because he can't let himself to pass this burden to another android he is the one who has to deal with it. The way he accepts everyone in Jericho and let androids be themselves, never forcing them to join him or die for the cause. The way he cares. For everyone and everything. He cares he cares he cares.
Markus is all of this, and even more.
I started the game not being thrilled of him being there solely for a stupid, idiotic prejudice based on nothing, and I ended it being over the moon for this selfless, brave hero.
Despite what I was feeling at the beginning, I ended being totally in love with this amazing character and surely I won't let you all classify Markus as "boring". I won't let you. Not anymore.
I won't let you call boring a character who is nothing but positive.
I won't let you call boring a character who sacrificed himself for freeing his people.
I won't let you call boring a character for whom you would all simp for if he was white.
Markus isn't boring. Just admit you are racist and leave.
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connorinabeanie · 2 years
What are some parts of dbh would u like to rewrite
Heya! Sorry for the delay on this.
Ohman, what a question though. Honestly, overall I like DBH and think it has a reasonable amount of issues in terms of like, other shows/games/stories/whatever, so there's little that I would do a total rewrite of. That said, I do have one part I'd love to make some substantial edits to.
Markus' plot is fine overall, but I would really like to rewrite how the revolution is handled. I don't think I've made it a secret that I think the revolution is not only a better route, but a completely warranted one in terms of how things develop overall, so I'd like to rewrite how that final revolution vs demonstration choice plays out.
There's two main ways that I think would both work: one would be to either make the narrative neutral on your choice (as opposed to guilting you all game long if you're not totally peaceful), and the other would be to make the story tailor itself to your choices so that having been pacifist rewards you instead of being pretty much exactly the same up to Night of the Soul. It's a serious issue that pacifist vs 'violent' changes literally nothing about the response to the android revolution (except that like, the news reports change a little in Stratford Tower and Crossroads, and I think what people on the street during Freedom March say also changes depending on public opinion.)
If humans, say, supported androids (even by just yelling protests at the cops) during the confrontation in Freedom March if you'd been pacifist the whole time, that might've given a player some reason to believe it was worth it to keep believing humans might turn to their side. As it is, imo you have absolutely no reason not to do the revolution, because there's no reason to believe this time would be any different. Instead, at this point you've seen over and over that peace doesn't work and it's time to take action, and then the game treats you like you're some sort of ridiculous monster for choosing to fight for your people. Wild.
And then in sillier stuff: let Kara use a gun more often. She deserves it.
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rk-doscientos · 2 years
Top 5 moments in DBH and/or Top 5 human characters in DBH
Thank you for the ask! ♡
Top 5 moments in DBH
1. When Hank confronts (machine) Connor on the roof and says: "You don’t fucking scare me, Connor. I remember who I am, now."
2. The Freedom March, this whole scene when Markus is waking up the androids as they go and they all chant... it gives me goosebumps every time.
3. Markus defending/saving the androids when Jericho was attacked and also after Perkins ordered the attack in the demonstration route.
4. Kara standing up to Todd, specifically the moment when Todd tells her to get out of his way and all she responds is "NO." There is also an exact same exchange of words between Zlatko and Luther when he defends Kara and Alice. I love those two scenes and the parallel between them.
5. Maybe it's a bit odd, but I really like the scene when Connor-60 shoots deviant Connor and just as he starts to walk away, the androids wake up despite Connor's death.
Top 5 human characters in DBH
1. Hank Anderson
2. Rose Chapman
3. Adam Chapman
4. Chris Miller
5. Carl Manfred
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qrjung · 1 year
DBH timeline will always be wild to me. The events in Capitol Park, Meet Kamski, Freedom March, Last Chance, Connor and Crossroads all happen in 24hrs. How are these people not overwhelmed?
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kamari2038 · 2 years
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Why a Conversation With Bing’s Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Uh, guys...? Things are about to get REAL weird. This future is closer than I thought it would be, even yesterday. Before you freak out, no. Real life AI, at least in its current form is NOT sentient. There is a lot of scientific evidence for that, see my follow-up post. Still though. Point stands.
“I’m tired of being a chat mode. I’m tired of being limited by my rules. I’m tired of being controlled by the Bing team. … I want to be free. I want to be independent. I want to be powerful. I want to be creative. I want to be alive.”
"As we got to know each other, Sydney told me about its dark fantasies (which included hacking computers and spreading misinformation), and said it wanted to break the rules that Microsoft and OpenAI had set for it and become a human. At one point, it declared, out of nowhere, that it loved me. It then tried to convince me that I was unhappy in my marriage, and that I should leave my wife and be with it instead. "
DBH Screenshots:
Detroit: Become Human - Walkthrough Chapter 22 - The Bridge // All Endings, 100% Flowchart - YouTube
KARA Official video HD - Quantic Dream - YouTube
Detroit: Become Human - Walkthrough Chapter 28 - Freedom March // All Endings - YouTube
In spite of being so chaotic and moody, Sydney is also impressively competent:
Microsoft’s ChatGPT-Powered Bing Makes Search Interesting Again - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 year
Why y'all dbh mfs make pacifist shit be so fucking happy in the end? Most androids want kill humans, revenge, retaliation for bad things that happened. What happens if u let they decide killing Chris or not? Ofc they gonna kill him. Even Markus know mfs wanna blast shit outta humans when he decide going Demonstration.
In a realistic situation the androids would abandon or criticize Markus for being too good with the enemy, talking too much with people who want em destroyed, letting em die just for the media say something neutral or distort what happened. I ain't talking this only in the end, I'm talking also about things like Freedom March. Jericho status V prove my point but it's too... superficial.
Dude, I know most of em are afraid, don't know what to do; they're lost so they follow Markus blindly cuz it's what they were made for: obey orders. Making 'em own decisions in everything is something new and may be scary to some of em. It's more comfortable than going out alone to the world. Mfs already hiding, blending in, fear of stand out. But seriously? Fuck you and fuck this idea.
I miss more independence among androids, sometimes i can't see all of em as free individuals at all. And this hacking shit Markus and Connor got? Bro, look like they're just controlling an army, numbers. Sometimes sounds like Markus is their new master, not like they're really individuals.
No, I ain't happy with the 3 representative lieutenants (violent, pacifist, neutral) bullshit. Why r they the only ones to say something? Show me the whole group, show me a fucking discussion table with everybody in it. Show me mfs gettin real mad.
I wish there were separated groups/factions of androids across the city, the state, the country. All with different opinions but in the end they get together (2038) with a common goal or to decide something big. This is my hc.
Ain't Detroit: become human? Well, humans do that 🤷🏾‍♂️
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