#dcm monsters
socks-pawn · 1 year
Hey ‘nonnies! I need help finding a fic that I can’t for the life of me remember the title of or find in my history ;-;
Basically Doc take Ren out into the night to find a wild creeper to fuck Ren and aaaaaaaa I wanna reread it again ;-;
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beanswithbones · 5 years
It has come to my attention, that there is a sufficient lack of DMC5 Death Scissors fanart
I have seen this, and I have taken it upon myself to make more.
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
filmbyteam did wayv's and superm's teasers!! this link is an archive of all their works: http://muhive.net/tag/filmbyteam/
they mostly worked with nct. and now work with the boyz!! i would rec checking tbz teasers because the quality is great. filmbyteam started working w them during the stealer era (late 2020). my favorite work w them is generation z (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcIJc93D42Y).
rumors are that sm didn't pay them well so they moved onto the boyz. and that's why the creativity for nct dropped immensely..... :(
HELLO ANON!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU?!?!?!!!! the way i sometimes just pose random questions in the tags and then people come thru.....i love y'all sm what did i do to deserve u.......
i have actually been eyeballing the new tbz teasers because they look GREAT and they makes up for how sad their performance design in kingdom made me!! i didn't love the aesthetic of the stealer and the other comeback of theirs i saw (breaking dawn...? maybe?) because of personal taste but it definitely stuck out to me that the designs were really strong and cohesive.
also i'm not at all surprised, sm is notorious for that, the same thing happened with the art director who did f(x)'s 4 walls and shinee's odd (my beloveds). sm is cheap and they want to get highest value for best price obvs, so i really don't trust their current creative directors + decisions. the bait and switch they pulled on me with dcm...........why. heartbreak. there were SO many good ideas in the teasers and then they COCKED IT UP!!
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dreamcreatemesh · 7 years
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gaykey · 3 years
didn't think i could be this much more excited for kibum's comeback but here we are! the concept is amazing and I love that the space/alien theme is something we've seen before with his previous mvs and dcm, this feels like the highest point for this concept through all those mvs (also i can't shake off the idea that i've seen this monster before, the face looks very familiar)
same, like with every piece of new info or teaser we get, i get more and more giddy!
god yeah, all our little ideas and wishes for this comeback plus the things we've seen him and shinee do before, it's like all that, but bigger, and more. like the concepts sort of coming to a head?
shinee have been dropping bits and prices of this spacey/time/dimension travel thing for a while now.
and i think the monster looks so familiar because it's like an amalgamation of those classic sci-fi monsters.
it's giving me creature from the black lagoon/it cane from outer space/the blob vibes
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these are all iconic movies and ones that have been parodied, rebooted, re-worked and used as huge inspiration throughout cinematic history, so yeah, key's monster will look familiar because of that i think.
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doberbutts · 4 years
Hi back on my bullshit once again, you followed me and now you have to deal with me
In talking to a Chi breeder while conducting my research, we got on the topic of hypoglycemia and what steps they take to avoid it. While I spoke briefly about the topic in this post, the breeder also gave me some tips that I wouldn’t have otherwise known. Remember that while I’ve always liked the various terriers of the world, I’ve never personally owned one. My grandfather’s JRTs never needed anything like this, nor did my sister’s (admittedly large at 12lbs) chihuahua, nor did any of the small dogs owned by various roommates prior to this.
I had always sort of rolled my eyes when warned about the risk, thinking that the problem would be easily mitigated if only the owner was feeding a proper high protein diet to make up for the higher metabolism and not feeding their dog so much junk... until a client dog of mine was given plenty of sugary, fruit-based, carb-heavy treats during class and sugared out at home. He was thankfully okay- after his owner spent several thousand dollars at the emergency vet to figure out why his dog had a seizure and then went completely unresponsive (that dog also later developed diabetes according to an update sent to me from his owner, could have been related considering he was a “teacup”) but that was the first time I saw an otherwise-healthy tiny dog go through a sugar crash. When I got Tiki, one of the first things we did was swing by my store to grab some Nutri-Cal, so I could pull her back from that abyss if need be.
We chatted a bit about that, and then the breeder said something I’d never even thought of. They said they don’t ever wean the puppies onto mush or canned food, because they find that both of those are fairly sugary and are more likely to make one of their young weanlings crash. They wean directly to kibble supplemented with fresh eggs and veggies from their garden and chickens, and at the pup’s own pace. This creates puppies that are not picky, that are hungry for their food, and that have significantly less chance of sugaring out. They do keep sugary syrup on hand just in case, but since starting to do things that way they’ve noticed they don’t have to worry about it as much. They try to keep treats as meaty and low-sugar (and low-starch) as possible, and their chews are generally things like horns and hooves rather than kongs filled with (sugary!!) peanut butter.
While I do have some leftover cans and (frozen) freshpet that I plan to stuff into kongs, this makes sense to me. I’m a big fan of lower carb, higher protein foods anyway as a carnivore’s diet is going to emulate that- regardless of grain in or grain free (and this breeder feeds grain in) a carnivore’s stomach is adapted to eating more meat-based proteins than anything plant based. Even the taurine-deficient DCM is causing an issue because of a lack of digestible taurine, an essential nutrient found in red meat, not carbs and starches and sugars. Regardless of what form of food I feed, I always choose meat-heavy foods with as minimal starches as possible (unless feeding raw, certain canned foods, or certain dehydrated foods, zero starch and carbs is impossible because meat powders in the processing and so something must be added to create a “solid” appearance) (this is where you see the prevalence of grain-free foods having absurd amounts of peas, legumes, lentils, and potato come into play- cheap ways to artificially boost the protein percentages and an added bonus to use it as a starch) (also why I have always sought foods with low starch percentages, as these have been known problem ingredients well before the DCM crisis hit)
This is interesting to note for me, because I genuinely had not been sure what “the best” thing to feed Tiki would have been. She ate kibble, canned food, freshpet, the various fresh foods from various companies, and never really seemed to have any complaints about any of them. Towards the end she was canned only as she wouldn’t eat anything else, but how much of that was due to the fact that she was literally dying rather than anything to do with her personal preference? And I would have never connected the dots, though it definitely makes sense as quite a few canned foods are quite heavy on the carbs and starches (so are some kibbles, though not the particular kibble this breeder feeds). 
It also, idk, just sort of made me happy to know that these folks treat their dogs like... dogs. They’re definitely more of the dress up the tiny dog and tiny dogs belong on laps and carry my tiny dog around everywhere with me type of people on the surface that I would initially be comfortable with, but in actually speaking to them it was nice to hear them say how they hate the stereotype of picky little dogs and won’t feed into that, they give their dogs chews and toys, they temperament test and are constantly out training and competing (when covid’s not happening), their more drivey higher energy dogs they go out and compete in performance sports even if they just do fun-runs and don’t actually title just to do stuff with them. The amount of people who come into my job who, when I suggest something correctly sized for their tiny breed, say “oh my dog is a chihuahua they can’t do that” makes me nuts, even more so now, because I spoke to someone with more than a decade of experience breeding chis and their dogs chew bones and play fetch and compete just like any other breed out there.
Just, something about the “oh we don’t do sugary snacks just in case with hypoglycemia, so we give the dogs hooves instead” made me so happy to hear strictly because so many people at my job won’t even consider buying a chew for their tiny dogs. I have to argue with people that greenies and fresh kisses are not going to break their little dogs’ mouths if they chew on them unless that dog has a pre-existing dental issue, meanwhile this hoard of chihuahuas gets a whole hoof each to gnaw at when they’re being terrible monsters. 
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kotorikei-blog1 · 7 years
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Henshin outfit for my characater Etch
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chihooahooas · 4 years
Something I take a very hard stance on is believing science. If you believe veterinarians push food for money you're just as bad as the anti vaxxer conspiracy monsters.
I'm not putting up with it, I'm not staying silent. Explain to the families of the 3 dead dogs who all died under the age of 5 from diet associated DCM that your boutique food is worth it. Bag the body of a 4 year old golden whose heart took up his entire chest and whose symptoms came so quickly his family had no idea what was happening.
Fuck off with your pseudo knowledge and your Petco degree. You're being fed propaganda, not me.
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kr--o · 8 years
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i’d be lying if i said i didn’t have fun w/ this!! 
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poehlerised · 6 years
Same ask meme, 3 years on
So noone asked me but I’m sick and bored and I thought it would be fun to do this ask meme 3 years later to see how I’ve changed. 
Tagged by the incomparable and dynamic @maurellis
nicknames: Daddy Cropper, Gay Old Smelly Boob, Pasta Masta, Lawrence
gender: All woman baby star sign: Bad at being a Virgro. Not organised enough. height: 5′3 (do you have any idea how much I wish it was five foot two because i just watched the gaga documentary and I think I’m a little monster now????) hogwarts house: Hufflepuff (just made a new pottermore account took the quiz again) (no I do not have a lot going on for me right now)
favorite color: Yellow! time right now: 12:35 PM
average hours of sleep: a tight 9 hours
lucky number: 4 (how egotistical and wet is it that I just choose my birthday date) last thing i googled: how to spell Florence Nightingale favorite fictional character: Leslie Knope blankets i sleep with? Barely even one because...
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favorite bands/artists: Gotta get up gotta get out gotta get home before the MOR! NING! COMES! what if I’m late got a big date gotta get up before the SUN! COMES! UP! up and away... dream trip: DCM with Hayley and Anna! dream job: Abbi Jacobson’s Soulmate what i’m wearing right now: Boners of the Heart (unauthorised shoutout) T-shirt and underwear when did i make this blog: too long ago how many blogs i follow: honestly like 6, it’s just people I know irl and someone with an icon that’s a pug with some palm trees in the background (another unauthorised shout out) posts: go count them in my archive, closest guess wins this JAR OF CANDY! what do i post about: anything I find funny. So pretty much just screenshots of Jack McBrayer saying things. when did my blog reach its peak? long, long ago. do you get asked on a daily basis: absolutely not why did you choose your URL: because it’s a poorly formed pun, okay?
I tag: @visiodei @littlesnowpea @jell-o-shot just so someone will read this out of pity and confusion xxxx
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dustedmagazine · 6 years
Constant Mongrel — Living in Excellence (Anti Fade)
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Living In Excellence by Constant Mongrel
It’s turning into a very good year for punk rock. Or maybe it’s always a good year for punk rock in Australia and more of that is finally getting over here. In any case, add Constant Mongrel to the pile of outrageously great, in-your-face punk bands notching a win in 2018.
Constant Mongrel has been around for just under a decade, starting out as the joint project of Tom Ridgewell and Hugh Young, adding Amy Hill (also excellent in Terry and Primo!) on bass soon after and picking up Andrew Murray on guitar to complete the foursome. The band has two previous full-lengths—2012’s Everything Goes Wrong on R.I.P. Society and 2013’s Heavy Breathing on Siltbreeze—as well as the 2015 DCM EP (also R.I.P. Society).
Dipping into these now, via the bandcamp, there’s a lot to like, but little to herald exactly how strong and dark and powerful Living in Excellence is. If you’re missed Constant Mongrel till now, you’re still in time for the good stuff, the focused fury of clanging guitars, the bleating, unravelling blares of sax, the blink-and-they’re-over Fall-ish blasts of keyboard and the bleary, jaundiced excellence of the vocal delivery. If you crossed Joy Division with the blunt force of Eddy Current Suppression Ring and the Dead Boys, it might sound a little like this.
The disc starts with the monster force of “600 Pounds,” with its heavy guitar scramble, its tom-battering drums, its rallying chorus of “Because the right is on the rise/my interest is too.”  Fury and nonchalance sit in perfect opposition, as deadpan lyrics unspool disassociatively against a backdrop of explosive clangor. Later the title track spews the same spluttering disgust, the same adrenalized assault, the same clean, monolithic wall of squalling sound.
Late in the album, sounds get a bit more various, with the amped up, one-two rollick of well-named “OK Oi,” followed by the nearly wistful, nearly indie-pop chiming-ness of Constant Mongrel’s ode to eider down (“Puffy”). Yet even so, this is a very cohesive album, with one gut-punching song after another, the violence tempered by resilience, the clamor threaded with memorable tunes. Living In Excellence is another reminder that 2018 may have been a shit year for human beings, but the music has been very, very good.
Jennifer Kelly
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socks-pawn · 1 year
Do you remember when you read it maybe that could help pin point stuff?
I'm pretty sure I read most of the explicit fic on the hermitcraft tag Soo i can maybe help?
I think when season 9 started up (march 2022), if not, during the gap between 8 and 9?
I'm so sad, I just wanna read about the wild creeper's tentacle dick and how needy Ren is while Doc watches lkjgskdh;jdh but I've kind of accepted it's gone, so no issue if this doesn't lead to anywhere :)
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dreamcreatemesh · 7 years
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b8rack · 7 years
It’s a time of great change in the b8rack Audio Kingdom! I have a completely new second system and just made what has turned out to be an incredible fix to the preamp in my main system. This particular journey began last summer; at a Kentucky yard sard I bought a Kenwood KA-6100 Integrated Amplifier, a set of Kenwood 4-way speakers, and a cheapo JVC turntable together for $10. Unsurprisingly at that price, all of them were broken; the amp wouldn’t turn on, the wiring of the speakers had rotted away, and the turntable was missing various important bits (I decided it was unsalvageable and tossed it). I ended up scraping the speaker cases as well, since they were also in poor shape and undersized for the speakers inside of them; the woofers are 15″ monsters and the tweeters are old-fashioned ‘horn’ types (they look like small civil defense sirens- and for very good reason, since civil defense sirens are horn-type tweeters. The square flare greatly amplifies the sound respective to ordinary speakers, making them extremely efficient- i.e., very, very loud even without much power). Since this combination of huge woofers and horns is at the heart of most classic kit speakers (such as Klipschorns), I saved the remaining bits with the idea that someday I’ll be foolish enough to attempt to build a speaker system of my own design. I was dedicated, however, to completely restoring the amp to factory specs. Integrated amps combine a pre-amplifier (which filters the sound and switches between components) and a power amplifier (which takes the tiny electrical current outputted by the preamp and turns it into enough power to fuel speakers) in one case. You can also think of an integrated amp as a receiver minus the radio bits. While generally considered a step below a separated preamp and power amp setup (which is what I have in my main system), in truth many integrated amps are just as good. Looking at the specs for the Kenwood, I was amazed that the distortion figures are identical to my Rotel RB-850 power amp, which is 10 years newer and is very respected in the audiophile world. While I doubt the Kenwood will ever become the heart of my main setup- I like the Rotel way too much- it would make a brilliant office or bedroom unit. Making it work, however, turned out to be a trick. After the fuses (which were fine) the first components I suspected were the capacitors, which are very similar to batteries and older ones often decompose over time. There were two ‘caps’ that seemed to be leaking, so I removed them and bought replacements; since each of them seemed to be half of an identical pair (presumably left and right channel), I replaced their mates as well. After this it turned on; however, sound only came out of the right side about 90% of the time, and the left side about 5% of the time. After many fruitless attempts to completely fix it, I abandoned the project for many months- until school ended about six weeks ago. After much mulling over the schematics, I finally discovered that my assumptions about the mated pairs was a bit misguided; I had replaced a non-polarized capacitor with a polarized capacitor. Electricity needed to potentially flow in either direction through it, but could only flow one way. Once that was fixed, sound came out of each speaker about 60% of the time. However, it was now very clear that all of the knobs- and particularly the input selectors- were not in good shape, and they had to be twisted just right for sound to come through equally strong from both channels. I hoped that frequent use would rectify this, but after a few weeks it was clear that would not be the case. This takes us up to last weekend, when I was given a beautiful Pioneer PL-31D turntable. While in terms of sound quality the Audio-Technica AT11e cartridge it came with is... okay, the table is excellent, on paper about on par with my old Dual 1242- though the Dual was in such bad shape I knew the immaculate Pioneer would sound much better, and it would make a fantastic and classic compliment to the Kenwood. I decided to, within a single operation, upgrade the cartridge a top-of-the-line Audio-Technica AT13ea that came with my Thorens (and has been unused for the past three years), properly set up and calibrate the turntable and the connection with the amp, and actually buy circuit cleaner to try to salvage the amp’s switches (I went with the highly rated DeoxIT D5- $16 for a bottle that will last years). It took several hours and two rounds of cleaning, but by the end of yesterday the amp was 100% operational, and the turntable was spinning beautifully. While the speakers currently wired up are not great (my plan at this point is to eventually upgrade the speakers on my main unit to electrostatics and then wire my DCMs to the Kenwood), it is clearly an excellent little system. However, in the process of working on the Pioneer and researching the Audio Technicas, I also ended up rereading the manual for the Shure V15 Type IV cartridge currently on my Thorens (my main turntable), in particular about its extremely specific capacitance needs. Basically, in a receiver or component system there is enough wiring between the cartridge and amplifier to actually maintain the storage of electricity, which in sufficient quantities can inhibit the passage of sound. My setup has always seemed very prone to shorts and thin sound, and I wondered if adjusting the cabling to reduce capacitance might help. The manual recommends 200-300 picofarads; when I measured my system, using a multimeter at the wires leading into the cartridge, it registered 900 picofarads, far above what is acceptable for any cartridge. I expected that the cable connecting the Thorens to my preamp was to blame. Interestingly, though, when I tested the phono input of my preamp, bypassing all of the turntable wiring, my multimeter read 750 picofarads. This meant the cable is at about 150 picofarads, which is actually pretty decent; my phono preamp stage, though, is only supposed to have 90 picofarads, less than 1/8 of the capacitance it indicated. When I was given the preamp- an AGI 511- about five years ago, the previous owner had mucked around with the phono input jacks, and the rest of the jacks had a design flaw that was causing them to fail one by one. I did a massive repair job about three years ago in which I replaced all of the 20 jacks with very nice new ones, as well as several capacitors in the phono stage and some of the cabling leading to the jacks. However, I was not great at soldering then, and my handiwork was very uneven; later, I also discovered that, while I was very faithful to the original design, there is a popular modification that fixes the jacks and also reduces the complexity and abundance of their wiring. Basically, the jacks were originally soldered to a secondary board that connected with a ribbon cable (two wires for each jack) to the main board, and it’s much simpler to simply fan out one end of the ribbon cable and directly attach each wire to the appropriate jack directly, eliminating the need for the second board. On the spot today I decided to execute this mod. It took about three hours to do the job. However, halfway through, I noticed, when examining the main board in the preamp, several big dollops of solder that were clearly out of place. It seems that when I did the repair job three years ago, I accidentally dripped solder into the works, shorting out several resistors and doubtless affecting entire circuits. It’s amazing that I didn’t spot this, and even more amazing that it had no apparent effect on the functionality of the unit (i.e., every switch seemed to do exactly what it claimed). After removing the excess solder, though, the capacitance was down to 250- and when I finished the rewiring, it was down to 150 (it probably needs more capacitors replaced, which I will save for another day, since it is now at the edge of the recommended limits). I was AMAZED, when I set it up, at the difference in sound after the repair- and the discovery that several quirks in the unit had simply vanished. For instance, the tape inputs (and to a lesser extent the aux input) were always sort of muted, but are now much louder and full-bodied. The ‘tone send’ button, which controls an input and output for a graphic equalizer, actually shuts down the output now when the button is set to ‘off.’ And, best of all, EVERY input (including the phono stage) is much, much clearer and more detailed; the soundstage is broader, and no longer just deep in the middle but all the way across my speaker wall. It is less warm sounding; it sounds less classic and more modern (interestingly for a 40-year-old device). However, it has clearly turned the corner into a real audiophile dream machine, and I can’t wait to use it and use it and use it.
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windingdongs · 7 years
Wallock D. Gaster
Wallock UT gaster 8’3” 498lbs 552 years old (sep 20) ghoul/lich General in the war Royal scientist post-war, royal advisor/monster DCM post-pacifist Prominent features: gaster cracks/scars, damaged right socket, blackened fingers, hand holes, black vein-like protrusions around hand-holes and exposed ribs, exposed ribs, protruding spine and extended coccyx Fluent in wingdings and sign language. He can be understood through forcing his magic into another through direct contact or spreading his magic throughout a room to be understood, though it can be uncomfortable and oppressive, especially to other undead-types. Wallock was born a ghoul and raised by his father, his mother having fallen in childbirth. His father was distant, but not uncaring, suffering from the severing of the soul-bond and loss of his wife. Wallock was a fairly happy child, though lonely, until he learned of the cause of his mother’s death. He blamed himself thereon and grew reserved. Still young, he lost his father to the violence of the war. A human troop attacked his village, breaking into his home. His father was killed trying to defend him, and he soon was aswell, but not before he was toyed with and beaten, ragged lines carved into his face. He cursed his assailants and swore his revenge on his dying breath. He’d reawaken to the ashes of his village. Traveling from village to village, he was taken in by many families along the way, including Adel’s (undyne’s future mother), Gerson’s, Grillby’s, and finally Asgore’s. He’d meet the young prince on his journeys and live with the Dreemurr family until he was old enough to join the army. There, he would rejoin, train, and become a fellow general among Adel, Gerson, and Grillby (sans generalship with gerson; he advanced up to captain).
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cf-cosplayfactory · 7 years
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*Cita Craft, craft, craft... I didn't expect to be able to build this monster on my own o_O #Canon #canonshooter #nostale #gameforge #cosplay #crafting #huge #foam #DCM
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