#dcyj spoilers
rainbat · 2 years
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pinkcreatorshark · 2 years
So, I skipped a bunch of issues because I got lazy, but here's my thoughts for DCYJ the finale, and my overall thought of the run at the end.
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First of all. Look at them all ready for battle and this mf out here posing and looking directly at the camera.
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So Im not sure why the comic turned into the "Cassie is the greatest hero ever" power hour but I mean sure, I guess. Literally everyone the past like three issues is just "Cassie you're so great and amazing and smart and pretty" it started to feel like a Cassie book and not a YJ book.
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Imagine getting told by both guys you dated in a span of a few minutes that they were never really in love with you
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Never getting over Tim admitting he had romantic feelings for Kon, and then Kon saying he didn't have it in him to live anyone. Unrequited timkon is real. (I'm saying this as a timkon, timber, AND timberkon shipper)
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I'm sorry but Human!Red Tornado looks like Ric Grayson in a dramatic cape
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So Conner being invisible is honestly the saddest shit. Being unseen is his biggest fear, and that was who's whole thing in this run, as well as where the new Superboy comic is going. His fear of being unseen, unheard, and unneeded. He needs to feel needed or he doesn't know what to do with himself. He feels like he HAS to be the one to save the day or what's the point of him being there? That shit broke me.
Overall Thoughts:
So, the comic run overall was. Not very good from a character perspective, but was fine? I guess?
It felt like the writers understood some characters and completely butchered others. It went from being a Cassie hateclub to Cassie is the best hero ever in just a few issues and that. Felt weird. It did have some funny moments, like homophobic Batman, and literally everyone including Bart realizing how gross his writing was towards women back in the day.
It also addressed some stuff, albeit a bit heavy handed, that I think doesn't get talked about a lot like how Tim and Kon tend to third wheel Bart a lot and how Bart is just treated as some dumb kid when he's probably one of the smartest on the team. It also remembered kons TTK which I call a win. But it also completely misunderstood some things, like Cissie saying why she left the team.
For a moment it showed what YJ used to be but it quickly became a parody of itself. And I think that was intentional because of who the villain was, but also it was too much so and it felt forced which hurt it in the end.
There also was a lot of hating on the new generation characters that have been giving a lot of poc and LGBT rep, which. Was not the way they should've gone about it. I don't think that's what they were intending, they were trying to make the villain make a different point, but it was toeing a very controversial line.
Overall, I feel like the run had a lot of potential, but leaned too heavily into the parody of nostalgia. It focused too much on what WAS and not enough on what IS. I think they were trying to make a YJ comic that re-solidified the bond between the characters, which I guess it accomplished, but it didn't in such a way that it made it seem like their relationship was flimsy at best to begin with and that their trauma was just something they could apologize for and everything be okay again.
I'm giving Dark Crisis: Young Justice a 5/10
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onlycleverinmyhead · 2 years
Dark Crisis : Young Justice #4 preview
Conner, while getting attacked by the entire (fake) Justice League: This reality is awesome! my friends are the annoying ones
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xanthezhou · 2 years
decided not to bitch about bleeding cools dcyj spoilers <3 and instead have a snack <3 peace and love on planet earth <3
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onlycleverinmyhead · 2 years
This is EXACTLY what dcyj needed, give Bart Allen a GUN
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