#dd shambler
fuzzy-set · 19 days
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When the squad took the shambler's spawn as their pet
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wrongringreply · 17 days
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cutest thing in dd
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randomdoodler · 8 months
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My piece for the The Darkest Dungeon Fan Art Zine of 2023 Check it out here!
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chais-corner · 1 month
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angrybatart · 5 months
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No shit, Sherlock. I was actually looking to see if I had herbs when I mis-clicked.
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engels-art-gallery · 2 years
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@darkestprompts Promptober, I'm a little late for the party, real life happened.
Day 3 Dark Woods
What happens when you run out of torches...
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crusaderananas · 4 months
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junawer · 4 years
Butcher’s Beloved taking on the Shambler
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beeapocalypse · 3 years
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worlds most fucked up liberal arts major
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Party level 0. 
Saw strange shrine. 
Read description and thought that using tourch would destroy the shrine. 
...Never ever in my life I was SO WRONG. 
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owo what dis
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darnestdungeon · 4 years
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DD rarepair generator! 💖
Here’s a randomizer that spits a DD pairing and two trope options! You can use this to get ideas for your writing or drawings, to find new possible ships you’ve never considered, or just to get a good laugh at the cursed randomized results!
(More about it under the Read More!)
I’d challenge you all to write/draw whatever you get, but in all honesty, this generator can totally throw some upsetting results depending on what you toggle, so I won’t challenge anybody– if you do make something though, tag it as #ddshipgenerator :D
Special thanks to @reynauldapologist for all the feedback and testing! 💕
Some more information under the read more!
Tapping to change an item:
Let’s say you got your favorite ship, and instead of randomizing everything from scratch, you just want to see some other tropes for it.
Jester ❤️ Bounty Hunter
truth serum and huddling for warmth
All you have to do in this case is to click on the tropes to change them!
Jester ❤️ Bounty Hunter
tied to the bed and serenading
The same goes if you want to change just one character, you can click until one you like better shows up! 
Jester ❤️ Leper
tied to the bed and serenading
Trust me, you’ll thank me for this function if you enable Enemies and Monsters. I apologize in advance for all the cursed imagery this generator will throw at you if you allow all the options… 😔
(I truly hope this inspires people to make some nice things rather than just cursed content, otherwise I’ll never balance out the evilness I put into the world by making this lol)
Monster and Enemy dilemma:
One thing you might have wondered, why did I separate “Enemies” from “Monsters” in the toggle options? Isn’t the Shambler, for instance, a monster and an enemy? Yes, he is! But see, there is at least one monster who isn’t an enemy (Abomination beast form), so I made it this way so those who might want beast Abom won’t have to go through all the enemies! 
Additionally, someone might not mind seeing their favorite character shipped with a Cultist Brawler or a brigand, but could get pretty upset to see them sorted with the Swine Pig or the Shambler. So not all enemies are the same!
I was conflicted over separating human enemies from monsters, cause there are some who are classified as human but are also eldritch (the Collector) or beast (like the swine folk). So I decided to put in “Enemies” just those who are solely human, everything else is categorized as a monster!
As of now, Monsters enemies are super rare to get sorted into the generator, cause I couldn’t figure out how to double tag them as both enemy and monster, so I just made them into a sub category of enemies (which lowers their odds!). If you have any idea of what I’m talking about and know a solution, please let me know. (Please don’t make fun of my coding, I just learned all of this…)
I didn’t include every common enemy or even boss (left behind Drowned Crew, Flesh, thing from stars and Darkest Dungeon level bosses) just cause I didn’t feel like, but if you have any requests let me know! From the skeletons I put only bone courtier cause I think he’s funny and memorable, and from the swine folk I put only the Swine Prince and Wilbur, those are upsetting enough.
About the tropes/suggestions:
So, for the tropes that show in the generator I wrote down some of the most common tags we see in fanfics, plus some suggestions from friends (also some random words related to DD). I tried to steer clear from way too dubious tropes cause I feared they might be upsetting to some. I kept tentacles though, cause I thought it was funny and theme-appropriated for DD.
While I don’t believe I included any possibly triggering trope, please let me know if that’s the case, I can totally make a toggle for triggering content so those would only show when enabled!
If you have any suggestions of tropes I didn’t include, send me a message! I can’t guarantee I’ll include every suggestion, but if you have any feedback or constructive criticism let me know! This is just a silly generator, but I’m all ears.
About perchance:
Imma leave here a link for the tutorial about Perchance, which is the thing I used to make this generator! I learned the basics just to put this together, but the possibilities are endless when it comes to random text generation in this platform! 
Perchance tutorial
That’s about it! Let me know if you like this tool, I’ve been wanting to do one of these for a while now!
DD rarepair generator! 💝
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randomdoodler · 1 year
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To celebrate DD2
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coffee-in-veins · 3 years
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each and every time i take Rey and Dis out for a stroll, the game just yeets ALL the shambler altars my way. i barely see them otherwise but when those two make a step out of Hamlet? all your altars are belong to us. all of them i said @,..,@ literally! 2 on s short expedition is the bare minimum. once i had 5. 5 shambler altars. in one expedition. which i think wasn't even a long one? and since i have a rule that if any of those two die, i have to delete the save, my usual response is to sing a crude ditty, whistle and pointedly look away while i stroll by. ofc Rey got sick of it eventually and tried to use it (compulsive is such a wondrous quirk, i swear), but bless RH for making the altar actually needing a torch to be used properly. just. y r u like this, dd? why? and this is after i took great pains to hunt the thing down in pitch black previously.
also, we broke the threshold of 1 million gold for the estate. Ancestor's ruminations about how "the crows and the rats made it their domain" sound so pissy now. like, beatch, everything is upgraded trice over, everyone has all the skills regardless of their usefulness and we lock and unlock quirks for the fun of covering living legends with dung-made medicine. be a sweetheart, granddaddy dearest, and shuddup already, will ya?
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angrybatart · 7 months
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My brother requested Occultist holding a baby Shambler. This is just a wip, so I'm looking for suggestions or advice on anything that needs to be fixed/adjusted before I finish and send it to him. For context, we had a long convo about DD hero headcanons.
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jiinouga · 7 years
*plays darkest dungeon to teach myself how to manage stress*
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