#dead mow five
garthnadermemestash · 9 months
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s17s17 · 2 months
feels a little bit like I broke a toe somehow doing yardwork earlier, not sure what's up with that. I was expecting my arms to hurt more after having to literally fight my hands and make them start working again. at least I also burnt up my last good pair of gloves
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exvangelicalrage · 1 year
christianity is fucking everywhere
When I was a christian, one of the ever-present narratives passed around every church I attended was this idea that christians are being persecuted. The examples were numerous: family values were being eroded by liberals and gay people; atheists didn't want the ten commandments on government buildings; prayer wasn't allowed in schools anymore; teachers weren't allowed to express their faith in the classroom; people weren’t voting for pro-christian legislation; secular music was bringing demons into people's houses straight through the radio waves; profanity scribbled onto playgrounds was corrupting the minds of children... I could go on. And most of these are pretty innocuous things talked about in front of me, a child.
As I grew older, I was let in on the secrets of how sex perverts holy minds and how divorce was a sign a couple had allowed satan into their marriage and how using swear words gave demons a foothold on your mind. I learned that christians must stand tall and resilient to resist the temptations of the flesh, because the government, schools, and pretty much everyone who didn't attend the same church as us (and maybe even some people who did! *gasp*) were dripping with satanic influence.
It sounds like hyperbole when I write it out, but I'm dead serious.
It's been over ten years since my Exit. I thought when I quit christianity that my life would suddenly be filled with "secularism." I thought I'd run into people who actively weren't christian anytime I went to a bar or an event or work. I thought it would take me no time at all to find spaces to exist in that didn't involve christianity. Because, after all, christianity was being eroded, right? It was being attacked from all sides! We had donned the armor of god and were ready to do battle in the lord's name! The enemy was everywhere!
If atheists = the enemy, and then enemy was everywhere, therefore, atheists must be everywhere. Right? 
And now that I had defected, I wanted to find the enemy and ask them to be friends. 
But I couldn't fucking find the enemy.
Because, as it turns out, atheists aren't everywhere, but christianity is.
You can't fucking escape it. You can't avoid it. It. is. ubiquitous. Way worse than dandelions.
There are christians in the office at work. christians at mcdonalds. christians in bars, getting wasted and sexually harassing people. There are christians in your neighborhood. There are christians at the doctor's office. There are christians who hunt and christians who play sports and christians who go to college and christians who mow lawns and pave your driveway and install sump pumps.
There are even corporations who are explicitly christian. Hobby Lobby. Chick-fil-A. Forever 21. Whataburger. Not to mention all those small-town businesses who are closed on sundays, which is annoying af.
There are 2300 people in my small USA town. Guess how many churches. FOURTEEN. In like, a five-square-mile radius. And if I expand to a twenty-mile radius? Over a hundred churches. I got tired of counting, so it could be more. I tried figuring out how many are in my county, but all I got was that there were 72 towns. Multiply that by 14 churches/town? Over a thousand.
If life were a Where's Waldo book, I'd be Waldo and everyone else would be a christian.
All the churches have signs too, just in case you forgot they were a church. One near me says "jesus is risen and nothing can change that." My husband likes to say, "Pontius Pilot would beg to differ," lol. Another one says, "It's not about guilt, it's about being free." Sure. Gaslighting 101, right there.
It's not just churches who have signs either. My neighbor still has up an easter flag that reads "jesus is risen" (this flag replaced the "trump: right to bear arms" flag with two pistols on it). There are a bunch of farms around who put bible versus on signs, too. One nearby says, "He knows every hidden thought," which is super creepy. It doesn't make it less creepy knowing it's a bible verse. And tons of people have christian shit on their cars—bible verses, jesus fish, crosses. Not to mention bibles in hotel rooms (I throw those away when I find them) and christian billboards (I flip those off when I see them).
I even have christian clients and I have to edit their books! Even my therapist is a christian.
christianity is everywhere.
You can't escape it.
Every time I meet a new person who is christian, or remember that someone I know and like is still christian, I experience a surge of disappointment. 
Not you too.
On my worst days, when I am triggered and anxious and full of rage at the ideology that caused me so much pain, I can't even leave the house, because doing so would require me to drive down a road named after the church located on it.
christianity is like hydra. You can run. You can chop off a head or two or three. But it always grows another.
birth is a curse, and christianity is a prison.
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doodleduck · 1 year
Snowchester is eerie when you venture just beyond the main compound. It’s silent. Image the dead of winter but year round. The silence is almost comforting until you notice the lack of life. No birds sing and nothing stalks in the nights. You can hear nothing but wind. When it was first being built the forest surrounding the community was mowed down and hasn’t grown back. The forest has been replaced by vast fields of tall grasses that blow and shift in the wind. Grasses that grow in poor soil. If you are super lucky you can maybe find a five legged frog hiding in the stagnant water. Under these fields is a hidden laboratory. Some days if you lurk out there you can hear the hum of an accelerator. A chain link fence with warnings hung on every corner separates the forest from the field. The outside forest is made up of solely pines and when you step inside, the canopy blacks out the sun. On the other side of country stands the mansion, giant and imposing. If standing close enough you can hear the clicks of the machines working inside. Behind the mansion is a beach. It is not a sandy beach, instead it has rocks smoothed over centuries of crashing waves. You can find trinkets and sea glass down there. In the summer the water is mildly chilly but tolerable. In the winter it is below freezing. Ice sheets will crack and crash against shore. As more blizzards move in the waves get harsh. When you look out you can see nothing but whitecaps, the spray from the water will feel like needles. It is entirely cold and wild outside of the compound
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nicklloydnow · 6 months
“The Next (and Final) 24 Minutes”
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“At minute 72 of a confict that began at 3:03 p.m. EST, 1,000 Russian nuclear warheads begin striking America in a twenty-minute-long barrage of nuclear hellfire. One thousand nuclear warheads strike a nation already decimated by 192 Russian SLBM warheads and two North Korean thermonuclear bombs. North Korea's third and final ICBM-launched from the Hoejung-ni underground facility in Hwapyong County, North Korea failed upon reentry.
The barrage of 1,000 nuclear weapons strikes a nation already stripped of electricity and littered with the dead bodies of nuclear bomb blast victims, victims of radiation poisoning, of airplane, train, subway, and automobile crashes, of chemical explosions of floods from burst dams.
There are 1,000 flashes of light, superheating the air in each ground zero to 180 million degrees Fahrenheit.
1,000 fireballs, each one more than a mile in diameter.
1,000 steeply fronted blast waves.
1,000 walls of compressed air, accompanied by several-hundred-mile-per-hour winds pushing forward from the 1,000 fireballs, mowing down everything, and everyone, in the path.
1,000 American cities and towns, where all engineered structures in a five-, six-, or seven-mile radius change physical shapes, collapse, and burn.
1,000 cities and towns with molten asphalt streets.
1,000 cities and towns with survivors impaled to death by flying debris.
1,000 cities and towns filled with tens of millions of dead. With tens of millions of unfortunate survivors suffering fatal third-degree burns.
People naked, tattered, bleeding, and suffocating.
People who don't look—or act—like people anymore.
1,000 ground zeros transforming into 1,000 mega-fires, each soon to be burning over an area of 100 or more square miles.” (p. 276, 277)
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madcatacres · 10 months
I've seen a number of posts about ofmd's Ed Teach changing his careful avoidance being a personal killer after his dad (and no, shooting someone who's already shish kebabed does not count *by his rules* which are what we're talking about here - "technically the fire killed those people") and then mowing through a bunch of British navy guys when he thinks Stede may be dead after that massive attack on the Republic of Pirates. The immediate trigger is concern for Stede but also, Ed's first kills are a couple of armed uniformed bullies harassing who they think is a harmless fisherman, an old man, an easy target, over the mere fact that he might be fishing.
Ed killing the two naval guys in the rowboat pulling alongside his is a proportionate response there even without a panic or fugue state triggered by grief/concern for Stede. If soldiers or pigs decide they're going to fuck with you while and because you're a solitary, isolated helpless target and you can respond with lethal force, that is both proportionate and morally justified (fuck the law) as self-defense. You are in fear for your life in that situation if you have half a brain.
The pirates on and around RoP are also, I have to say, at war. This is a show that balances humor with issues about trauma and slapstick violence with occasional actual real world consequences, yeah, but remember historically this is an era when you could be a sort of franchised pirate called a privateer, the justification for the British Navy attacking Republic of Pirates is definitely that these are people attacking ships not under the control of a crown, not that they are just out there doing pirate shit, killing and maiming and robbing and worse (the worse gets mostly kept out of ofmd's slightly more light hearted and allegorical piracy-is-queerness universe, I feel like I need to specifically and briefly address that).
Besides that, while we're only shown adult pirates lying around the republic dead, we don't see any live children either. Whereas we've been very clearly (while the crew is shopping for stuff for Calypso's birthday) shown children running around the Republic earlier (two of them being the waifs played by Taika's kids). The level of atrocity beyond which the British were unwilling to go to is not tidily defined. Incidentally kids historically got pressed into service (one of the OFMD BTS photos I have seen shows a flyer posted with others in RoP referring to impressment so I think it's safe to consider it something alluded to by the actual show's plot) - quick rip from wikipedia article on impressment, "In 1703, an act [of the Parliament in England] passed limiting the impressment of boys under 18 years of age to those who were not apprenticed."
So yeah Ed absolutely gets blood on his hands personally for the first time in roughly thirty-five years, and that is a huge step for him but it's not only things falling into place with his integrating his identity, and killing for the crew and for love in the metaphoric landscape of piracy being queer love and family, it's also probably (in context of the show) more moral/responsible than the killing by proxy he's been doing as a pirate (although this is a show about pirates. Sort of.) So. Jackie's poisoning the occupying force and the guerrilla warfare in the stolen uniforms in context of the plot pass as reasonable measures (if desperate). I haven't seen those characterized anywhere as personal murdery actions. (Slightly off topic, I did see a post complain that Jackie passing out the poisoned booze wasn't FAST enough or, overlooking the incident entirely, that there wasn't an explicit enough example of racism/colonialist violence being punished in S2. Beg to differ. Jackie being less hotheaded than S1, pre-unbearding Jim is also entirely in character.) The staff of Spanish Jackie's, citizens (?) of the Republic of Pirates, and crew of the Revenge (and QAR) have been invaded and are at war. Ed's also at war, but no longer at war with himself.
I'm just gonna post this phrased awkwardly because every time the thought comes to mind and I want to compose something worded well I don't get around to it.
I'm leaving out any mention of a character death which I do not consider controversial and which had no immediate influence on Ed's (combat) actions. Also have some S3 speculative thoughts I'm keeping out of this rambly mess of a post.
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fenlock · 1 year
A list of gifts that I’ve been given by the fae.
-A live mouse. Safely caught and taken outside, only for the same mouse to keep returning to the exact same place in my house. Finally I drove it over a mile away to a small overgrown cemetery, after which it did not come back.
-A live fish. Still have it in our outdoor pond with some koi and goldfish.
-Strange bones, including a femur too long to belong to any native species, and what looks similar to a squirrel skull but with a beak-like mouth.
-Lots of fish bones, particularly gar jaws.
-Large dangly gold earring.
-Various small charms and trinkets, like stuff that would go on a bracelet.
-Neat rocks, usually quartz or agate.
-Once I asked the fae near my uncle’s house to keep the house safe from intruders while I was staying there alone, and literally everybody forgot I was there, including a cousin who had promised to come out and mow, and my own mother. Myself and the house just vanished from their active thoughts unless I contacted them first. Not quite what I had in mind when I asked for protection, but I was indeed safe.
-Clovers. So so many clovers. Anytime I’m within a decent sized patch, at least one four-leaf clover will be there. I’ve even found a few with five leaves. I literally have a dictionary with dozens of pressed clover leafs in it. If I find one while I’m with other people, I give them away.
-Not entirely certain if this was fae, but it’s definitely weird. Found a dead doe while walking down some railroad tracks with a friend. Feeling sad for her, we gathered some flowers and placed them and some spare change we had near the body. Later that night we found the exact same amount of change laid out in a line along the side of the road. Visiting the doe the next day, the change we left had vanished, despite being hidden underneath the flowers where people wouldn’t find it. (Side note, that deer had lots of weird occurrences around her, including her head going missing and then reappearing still attached so...)
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theretirementstory · 4 months
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26/05/2024. Oh my goodness, I am inside my own four walls, waking in my own bed and relaxing in my own chair and it is just wonderful! Okay, so I only got home on Wednesday evening and have to visit the hospitals in Paris and Troyes over the next few months but who gives a fig, I will say it once again, I AM HOME 😁.
The beautiful card, pictured, was made for me by a friend in the UK, she had hoped it would arrive before I went into hospital, however it was a wonderful surprise to receive it when I returned.
My garden, which I had been longing to see, is still waiting for the gardener to arrive with his mower. He now assures me it will be Monday or Tuesday, it really needs to be otherwise I may need a goat to clear “the pasture”.
The irises are all dead now, I did a little dead heading yesterday. There was a weed (it wasn’t there before I left) which, if left, could have grown into a tree. However the root system was not deep and I removed that very easily. I noticed that one of the hellebores was flowering and am praying that when the gardener does arrive that he doesn’t mow over the top of it too. The œillets (pinks/carnations) are starting to flower and I really would like to try and reclaim my borders which are full of weeds and grass. The cherry tree has the most cherries on that I have ever seen, my neighbour tells me they are not ripe yet, I think by the time they are the birds will have eaten the majority. Noticed a blackbird in the tree gorging itself on them. I need to take things slowly and so I will need to, eventually, do a little bit at a time.
My peonies have not flowered again this year (well they are only young). On Thursday I took a telephone call which was from one of the florists in town. She said she had a delivery for me 🤔 I thought, who would be sending me flowers? The bouquet arrived, six beautiful pinky/white peonies oh my goodness who had sent them? I read the card that was with them and promptly burst into tears. The bouquet was from “The Trainee Solicitor” and “The Reconnect Navigator”. What a wonderful surprise 🥲.
Anie had been shopping for me on Wednesday and kindly brought the shopping down around 8pm. She also brought me a bunch of œillet from her garden. She hugged me (we both had masks on so I guess that was alright). Monique had volunteered her help, I just have to ask. Lots of people want to come and see me but until I get a programme of where I am and when, it’s a little difficult to organise. Well it is early days too I suppose.
The dietician had a laminated sheet on the back of the door in my room, it showed things that I was allowed to eat, on there were Mars bar, Twix and Kitkat. I have dreamt of Mars bars and Kitkats, still not had one but think I may treat myself next week.
Yesterday was the BBQ for the association, of which my knitting group is part. I received a photo and was totally surprised to see that numbers have dwindled so much that everyone attending seemed to be just around one table. it looked as if there were only 14 people in total. it really is quite sad as before Covid the groups seemed to have such a large number of members.
It was a full five days work last week for “The Trainee Solicitor” and “The Reconnect Navigator” so this long weekend (Bank Holiday Monday) is going to be a nice break again. There were plans afoot to sort out the garden hedge etc but not sure if that got started yesterday although grass seed (?) had been purchased so it may have found it’s way from the box to the ground by now 😉. “The Reconnect Navigator” had been and had her nails “done” and very nice they looked too.
“The Photographer” has been to London for a few days. He went to meet up with a guy he had worked with. He had a good time but didn’t appear to do as much as had been mooted. He visited his Aunt and Uncle too which was another nice visitor for them. He has got a few irons in the fire with his photography so that is interesting. His children are away on holiday with their Mum and Grandad who is visiting from Vancouver!
“The Jetsetter” back from her adventures in Vancouver, has been back at work. It won’t be for much longer though as another holiday is beckoning.
Onto the music slot this week, I am reminiscing over holidays long gone but memories are wonderful things. Numerous visits to Sousse in Tunisia, nights spent in “La Grotte” disco, taking over the dance floor to tracks like “I Surrender” by Rainbow, released in 1981 or the song I loved so much from 1976, “If You Leave Me Now” by Chicago.
It’s Fetes des Meres here today (as it is in a number of countries) so I am happy with my Mother’s Day present of the beautiful peonies. Well they were really to wish me well on the road to recovery but have been given a dual purpose now.
Bon Dimanche
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jem-in-eyee · 2 years
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By DENIS SARAZHIN - “PANTOMIME NO. 9. 2017” / “MOWING”, from ‘bright dead things’, by Ada Limón
Sources :
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gubbin-galoshes · 10 months
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One summer afternoon before the pandemic, most of the outdoor flea market vendors had packed up their trucks. A few hopeful sellers were left scattered in the graveyard of empty tables. One of those was a brisk old man in a checkered shirt who shouted echoing across the empty lot: "FREE BOOKS! THEY'RE GOING TO THE DUMPSTER! THESE BOOKS ARE TRASH IF YOU DON'T TAKE THEM!"
Compelled to rescue as many as I could, I loaded my arms with as many books as I could carry. I gave the old man an uncertain look, a silent plea for confirmation that it was really okay that I take them without paying, but he shooed me away and I staggered across the mowed field back to my car.
Upon my return home, I stuffed the books into the sideways spaces in my bookshelves, vowed to read them one day, and forgot them.
Five years passed. In that time I read a few of the books and added them to donation piles: Aesop's Fables; The Jungle Books; The Scarlet Letter; Gone with the Wind. There was one book that continued to survive on the shelf, perpetually in a state of I'll get to it one day: Stargate by Pauline Gedge, published in 1982.
Most of the reason I hadn't read it yet was in its appearance: the dust jacket was torn up and dusty and had a fragile, crumbling texture. The book's edges were splotchy, like the pages had been infested with something at one point and maybe got sprayed with saltwater on the deck of a boat. I expected to turn the open book upside-down and dead insects to fall out. So it remained on the shelf.
A few days ago I was finally bored of rereading A Psalm for the Wild-Built and scoured my shelves for something new. The ratty old copy of Stargate beckoned, so I carefully removed the dust jacket, rifled and flipped the pages to clear them of debris, and started reading.
Ixelion stepped under the archway of his Gate, the box clutched tightly in his hand, and the guards with their silver wands and stiff capes of scales greeted him with soft, deferential voices.
This is not at all what I'd expected. I'd opened the book under the assumption that it had been the inspiration for the 1994 movie of the same name. After reading for awhile (and being incredibly confused) I looked it up: Pauline Gedge isn't credited anywhere in the movie. Officially there is no correlation: the titular Stargates in the book and movie are networks of interplanetary portals, and that is the only similarity.
As of this writing, I'm about 40% into reading the book and I can't stop thinking about it. Gedge has managed to make me fall in love with immortal gods, dream about the richly realized worlds of each planet, and scream at the pages as good-intentioned characters make horrible decisions. The writing style is gorgeous and perfectly paced to match the unhurried dread of the story. I already know this volume will sit ready on my shelf, where I can open it to a random page whenever I need inspiration to write.
There's still more than half of this book to go. I've been waking up early to read a chapter before the day starts, and going to bed early so I can get at least two chapters in before sleeping. At this point in the story, I have no idea how it could end except in awful, beautiful tragedy.
But this book's fate had been the landfill before I secured its unlikely rescue. I hope the same for its characters.
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lindsaywesker · 11 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. 
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
A zoilist is someone who gains pleasure from finding fault.
15% of Americans own no books, and 20% own fewer than 10.
It is only illegal to eat human flesh in one of the 50 US states, Idaho.
Research has shown that people are happiest at 7:26pm on Saturday evening.
92% of people type things into Google to see if they spelled them correctly.
In 2003, a Coca-Cola employee was fired because he was drinking Pepsi on the job.
In 1979, British politician Terry Dicks lost an election to his competitor Michael Cocks.
Lonely people take longer, hotter showers to replace the warmth they lack socially or emotionally.
In 2015, an aquarium in Vancouver gave their one-eyed rockfish a false eye because he was being bullied.
You can fail a drugs test if you eat too much food with poppy seeds in it.  Your urine would show as having morphine in.
At Two Oceans Pass, Wyoming, a mountain stream splits into two: one flows into the Atlantic, the other into the Pacific.
A five-year-old boy who went missing from his home in Alabama for 13 years was found when he tried to apply to college.
According to The Economist, Boston, Massachusetts is the best prepared city in the United States for a zombie invasion.
The ‘your mother’ insult is found in nearly all cultures and is as old as humanity itself, with examples in Shakespeare and the Bible.
In 2004, the USA delivered $12 billion in one hundred dollar bills weighing 363 tonnes to Iraq.  Nobody knows where it has gone.
In some European countries, they have parking spaces solely for women.  They are usually in heavily lit areas, close to petrol stations etc.
In 1956, Vyacheslav Ivanov won an Olympic rowing medal only to drop it in the lake while celebrating his win.  He dived in but never found it.
In 2015, a Manchester man began graffitiing giant penises onto potholes so that the city would fix them faster.  He was nicknamed 'Wanksy'.
French club FC Thionville will play an away fixture in New Caledonia in the South Pacific as part of the French Football Cup, a round trip of 19,883 miles.
In the 16th century, codpieces were so big they were used as pockets where men were said to carry handkerchiefs, purses, ballads, bottles, pistols and oranges.
Andy Warhol would often go into hair salons to get his wig cut.  Then next month, he would come back to the salon in a longer wig and act like his wig had grown.
If you play the tenth song on Weird Al Yankovic’s album ‘Bad Hair Day’ in reverse, you will hear, “Wow, you must have an awful lot of free time on your hands.”
In his application for a professorship at Trinity College Dublin, the Irish poet and future Nobel laureate W.B. Yeats misspelt the word ‘professorship’.  He didn’t get the job.
The scent of freshly mowed grass is the lawn actually trying to save itself from injury.  Plants release a number of organic compounds called green leaf volatiles.  When plants are injured, these emissions increase like crazy.
In 1988, a woman named Jean Terese Keating disappeared while awaiting trial for drunkenly killing a woman in a car crash.  She was arrested 15 years later after bragging at a bar about having gotten away with the crime.
In the 19th century, the phrase ‘Newcastle hospitality’ meant either ‘roasting a friend to death’ (subjecting someone to ‘a severe gibing and bantering’) or ‘killing a person with kindness’ (not allowing someone to leave the room until they fell dead-drunk under the table.)
Scottish man Angus Barbieri fasted for 392 days, from June 14, 1965, to July 11, 1966.  He lived on tea, coffee, soda water and vitamins while living at home in Tayport, Scotland, and frequently visited Maryfield Hospital for medical evaluation.  He lost 276 pounds and set a record for the length of a fast.
Nas listed his then 7-year-old daughter, Destiny Jones, as an Executive Producer on his fifth studio album ‘Stillmatic’, so she will always receive royalty checks from the album.  Nas' album, Stillmatic, was released on December 18th, 2001.  It sold over 342,600 copies in its first week of release and peaked at No. 5 on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart. 
Sanju Bhagat's stomach was so swollen he looked nine months pregnant, and his breathing was so bad that he was rushed to hospital.  Doctors suspected his enlarged abdomen was a tumor until they opened him up and found that he'd been carrying around his absorbed twin for 36 years.  This condition is known as ‘fetus in fetu’.  One twin absorbs the other but will continue to leech nutrients from the host.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day.  Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday!  I love you all.
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nnn-lll-nnn · 11 months
i like the way you think
</>,mYstic this is Raster 2-2, adjust fire, S6stem Iàded, over.</>
</>Raster 2-2 this is Mystic, Adjust Foreà, System Aided out.</>
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</>Ten Digu5T Grid; {{RS6239588790}}<, out.</>
</>fIve BTRs in the open, request splashH over.</>
</>Five BTRs in the open, request splasgEgvdhvd out.</>
</>Message to Obseve4rR,; Bravo, five guns, two rounds, He D HE DElayed in effect, TargrehtYhn Number; Jukiet, X-Ray, Quebec, 52307, over.</>
</>M.T.O.M†#; Bravo, 5 guNs, 2r s iund IuOunds, °HE Delayed in effect, Target Number; Juki eht X-Ray Quebec 5-2-3-0-7, out.</>
</>sHot over.</>
</>asShohtHyn, Out</>
</>Splash out</>
</>aAmbush front side front side dead ahead!</>
</>2-6! Conat-90 at your three o'clock!</>
</>tAke out that Conat take it out take it out!</>
</>rOger engaging with SHavelin!(²</>
</>gEt our caliber 50;on that sector fCover that sector!</>
</>3 o'clock three coOcloCkk check your fie4 chEch k your fire!</>
</>Raster! This is Raster-2-aActual! EWe have engaged over 2-90 enemy mechanized infantry bakced by at least 20 tanks! Can Cyclone assist, over!?</>
</>rAster two Acrual this is Raster, negative on ground fire support or assistance Cyclone is already occupied and deployed, Raster out.</>
</>Ten aDigit Grid! Romeo Dier4aHyN, 63091, 89655, over!2</>
</>Ten Digit Grid; •π`√§Romeo Sierra, 6309189655, out!ñÀ²”№¡@/²/¢^°~[™]####</>
</>Cilumn of tree fife enemy Conat-90s with attached dismounted infantry, numbering fife zero to one zero zero request splash, over!</>
</>Cilumñhß of Yree fiVeffe hostile Conat-90 MBTs, with attached dismiuntedD infantry, nunberingahq 5-0 to 1-0-0, request salpsh out.</>
</>mEssage to Observer; Beavo, two rounds, HEPR, four ginsZ, DeltAhyn, 5 guns one round HEVTA, Target Number; Juliet X-Ray Quebec, 57170, over.</>
</>Message tO Observer! Bravo! Two rounds HEPR, Fiour Guns, DELTA 5 Guns One round HE V T! TARGET Nunber #--#-_----j-uliey-hynt-#-_--x-rày-_-que-_mb-_bechkyhn!-_-___-_-6-____fives_yhnevehn-one_sevn+_+__+_--_-_-sevnen_tzero_-_-oOUT_-_-##-_OYT.OUT_!</>
</>Shot, over</>
</>Shot! Out!</>
</>sPlash, out.</>
</>2-1 2-3! 2-5 is down I reepar!t!Hyngvvvhynv!2-5 IS DOWN!</>
</>2-7, 2-4! Interrogativevwh Atzhyn your status over?! </>
</>2-4! 2-7! OUT DIFTY IS DOWN I SAY AGAIN OUTR FIFTY CAL IS DOWN! /Break/! we are down to our last javelin I repeat we rare down to our last javelin rounds how copy so far over?!</>
</>Solid copy on all, /b4reak/! Be advised; We ar3 unable to maintain our position! We can't contjnue to provide you with supporting fire! Get your assesßvGa out oce bve hYn there right now! We are leaving within ten mil e KS Kes! Get it donw! Right now right mow¡!</>
</>Mysitc i! Raster 2-2! Ten diGit Impact Grid follows! Ronmneo eyohne Sierra! 636, 599, 0143! OVER!</>
</>Taster 2-2,;tvYHhnz isz Myst8Oukhyhn, Ten Digit Impact Grid; {{RS6365990143}}, OUt.</>
</>COLUMBN OF TN-14S with attached infantry request splash, DdDanger close over!¿/</>
</>CcColumn of TN-14s with attached infantry request splash, Denverddneb Denviguenger ClCklyhnous out.</>
</>MTO; Bravo, 10 guns, 2 rounds HEPR A, Charlie one round two guns HEVT, Target Number;knmber;;;;;Juliet X-Ray Quebec, 90755079, over.</>
</>MTO BRAVO! TEN GUNS! RTWIN ROUNDS HEPR! CHARLIE 1 GUNS ONE ROUND S HEVUHYHNHYN№###T A RGEY T HYVNYTNTHYNẞ№################################IU4ueiutoutoutourour!№!!!#!?2!!2!_!8</>
</>Shot, over.</>
</>Splash, outm.</>
</>Ten Digit Grid; RoneoYhnv Sierra, Six Tree Faour, Six Zero Niner, Zero Two NjinerVekvhyyehyn Two, Danger Clos e, Correct and GirlYehn for Effect, outm</>
</>Shot oher.!</>
</>SH№$#HYN SHOT, OUT!</>
</>sSplash, over!</>
</>Splatcsh, out.</>
</>GrGood Effect on target! 2-5 enemy TnN-14s destroyed, 3-5-0 enemy dismiunted infantry personnel suppressed, alll targets emLiminatedyhyn end of mission, and thanks, ovrr!</>
</>Good egfect, on target, 2-5 enemy TN-14 sz VhunVhynNztz,b ,, tree fife zero enemy dismounted infantry personnel suppressededVyhntnksngzxeirntzvhyn, end of mission, out.</>
</>All Anna personnel, this is Anna Actual, we are engaging hostiles fighting Raster-2 in five mikes, REDCON 1 now, over!
</>YeryoneNmo this is Yeryomenmko-3-6, interrogative; where is Vityaz? Over?</>
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skrillien · 11 months
i'm not some fucking loser like ***** who like, hates x musician despite claiming to be part of the fandom, but i will say the fact there's a deadmau5 diss track which: includes the line "used to love deadmau5, too bad he's dead now", goes on some random ass tangent about minecraft, has to remind itself it's a deadmau5 diss, and follows that reminder up with "fuck dead mow five".... it might be the peak of musical comedy
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captainthomasrobbie · 2 years
Frozen with fear, burning with hatred
Charlie Lonnit-centric fanfiction
Sometimes, even when you try really hard, and give all you have, it's still not enough.
After all, we all can, and will, be erased.
What was your home? Paper not stone, A lean-to at most.
The ceiling, grey, as if mirroring the emotional state the person staring at it was feeling. Charlie was stuck, frozen in fear, and losing himself to his thoughts, he was fighting himself to not close his eyes. To keep moving. He was the one who got them all on this Isle, he should be the one who would get them out, right?
And when you pulled your half away; Gravity won. Like it always does. Did I weigh a ton?
If only it would be possible... Jamie is well, dead, well dead. Mark can't walk properly and his own hand was severely burned. Kate and Erin were fine, for now, if a bit traumatized. They were unharmed. Charlie was glad, he was guilty for he was the one who brought them here. He already hurt them some much, least he could do is help them get away. Whatever it takes.
He was surprised when Erin accused him of being Du'Met's complicit, did they really think he would kill his Crew like this? Did they think him a monster same as the one they were trapped here with? Was he?
Would it be easier.... To just delete? Our pages and the plans we made?
Mark believed him, but Charlie saw the look in his eyes, it wasn't a light decision. He knew, he could not trust any of them. They didn't trust him, why should he? Should he even trust himself? He followed them into the lighthouse, looking over his shoulder and saw a silhouette in the back. Shiver went through his whole body and as he looked back at his crew, he wondered, if it wouldn't be better to just go straight to deaths arms.
Erase me! So you don't have to face me. Put me in the ground and mow the daisies. Ah, the memories, see how it goes. When you.... Erase me. Erase me.
Kate joined them, Charlie was- oh so very happy- to see her, she was alright. And he wanted to help her, she looked at him sternly, did she not believe him? He knew their bickering was nearly nonstop but he thought that when the push comes to shove she would be at his side. Now tho, she pushed him aside- no, shoved him. She said she would rather do this alone... She would rather be alone than be helped by him, even with a dangerous murder behind their backs. And Charlie? He honestly didn't know what to do about that information.
So what will you do? With no me for you? I know what we said, but if I left a thing or two, we know that you don't seem to think about what you need 'til you reach to find that you've-
He was terrified as he watched the policeman fall down dead. None of them hesitated to climb on the boat, but whatever they done, it wasn't starting. Du'Met was close behind them and Mark took a sharp harpin he found on the floor, ready to protect them. Walking over, ever so slowly, Du'Met cracked his knuckles, his eyes burning with hatred, his face blank as a sun in eclipse. Charlie suppressed a shiver. Kate was trying to start a boat and when Du'Met thrown Marks only weapon away- Erin took Charlie on his elbow and with as much strength she could foster threw him at their attacker, sending both Charlie and Du'Met out of the boat to the wooden planks.
- Erased me! What the fuck is this? You're crazy! Turned around in two weeks time replaced me.
The boat finally started and they put some distance between themselves and the isle, there was a mistake tho, Charlie was missing. He looked at the boat in hurt and surprise. They left him here. After all he'd done. But maybe- he truly deserved this?
Ah, the memory, everybody knows how it goes; you just? Erase me!
Du'Met took him back to the castle, not killing him yet, he showed him the proofs of how his 'friends' were doing... Kate and Mark have become known for the story and now have more job offers than ever before. Erin is doing what she always wanted, video editing. They are doing great now, their little happy ending.
Did me like a bro and tazed me? Fireworks - poof- it's gone, amazing. New bio, you've gone solo. Drawing mustaches on our wedding photo!
Charlie found hatred in himself, flame slowly burning him from inside, it wasn't shame that was slowly eating him alive, it was the hatred. With every single video that his captor showed him, he fell deeper and deeper.
Erase me! Erase me!
He couldn't believe himself as he looked at his hands, bloodied from the red substance of his once dear friends... He found them and... It felt good, it felt so good. He couldn't help himself, he started laughing, histericly, tears pouring from his eyes. He looked up at a person looking at him from further away, white mask sitting firmly on his eyes. Charlie knew this was the end.
Erase me! This is us shouting baby! Erase me! Do we call the cops now, baby? Ah, the memory everybody knows about the brand new home.
Hector Munday was sitting in his chair in his home in lighthouse, mother sitting near window as she always did. And now, his spouse, his beautiful creature, sitting across him, was Charlie Lonnit. The man who truly understood. The man whose pain was greater than those who Hector grasps at Normaly. His fingers traced his cold cheek, smiling softly at the corpse in the chair. Kissing his forehead lightly he started the voice recording again. The voice of the man, singing the song full of his pain.
Erase me! And you'll never have to face me! Erase me! Option-Command-Escape me! And if you feel nothing? Guess what I'll wanna be?
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
1. Time fries: Belgians face skyrocketing 'Frietflation'
Belgian food lovers, brace yourselves: the price of a packet of Belgian frietjes, or frites, has increased 13% compared to last year — the largest increase in 20 years, according to Statbel, Belgium's official statistics office. Read more.
2. Top five EU countries to educate children
With its variety of cultures and curricula, education levels across the EU vary widely and disparities between Member States are sometimes striking. If you ever wondered where is the best place to educate children, a number of factors must first be considered. Read more.
3. Miss Belgium attack: Suspect arrested for attempted terrorism
The man who attempted an attack on the Miss Belgium's final event that took place on Saturday in De Panne has been arrested for attempted terrorist murder. Read more.
4. Multilingualism strong among Europeans, less so among native English speakers
The EU officially recognises 23 languages and encourages multilingualism. But people's foreign language skills vary widely across the bloc. Read more.
5. Mowing the lawn or hosting a party, what are Brussels noise regulations?
From mowing the lawn on a Sunday morning to organising a house party that goes on until the early hours (or maybe, moving into a house next to a popular nightclub in Brussels' city centre), noise nuisance affects everyone. When should you keep quiet in Brussels? Read more.
6. Adult acne on the rise in Belgium, according to leading dermatologists
Often affiliated with the teenage years, acne - a long-term skin condition that occurs when dead skin cells and oil from the skin clog hair follicles – is increasingly common among adults in Belgium, according to data collected by the Royal Belgian Society of Dermatology and Venerology (RBSDV). Read more.
7. Hidden Belgium: Basiel Urban Greenhouse
Thomas and Jane have turned an abandoned house in the heart of Bruges into a cool coffee bar and plant shop. They ripped out the old interior of the house on Mariastraat to create a lofty white space on two levels with exotic house plants filling every corner and an orange tree growing in the back garden. Read more.
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trashymammalishere · 1 year
100 Getting to Know You Questions
Who is your hero?
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
What is your biggest fear?
What is your favorite family vacation?
What would you change about yourself if you could?
What really makes you angry?
What motivates you to work hard?
What is your favorite thing about your career?
What is your biggest complaint about your job?
What is your proudest accomplishment?
What is your child's proudest accomplishment?
What is your favorite book to read?
What makes you laugh the most?
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
What did you want to be when you were small?
What does your child want to be when he/she grows up?
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?
Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?
What would you sing at Karaoke night?
What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?
Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Who is your favorite author?
26. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?    27. Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?    28. In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read?    29. Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why?    30. Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why?    31. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island?    32. If money was no object, what would you do all day?    33. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?    34. How would your friends describe you?    35. What are your hobbies?    36. What is the best gift you have been given?    37. What is the worst gift you have received?    38. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?    39. List two pet peeves.    40. Where do you see yourself in five years?    41. How many pairs of shoes do you own?    42. If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?    43. What would you do if you won the lottery?    44. What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.)    45. What's your favourite zoo animal?    46. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?    47. If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?    48. How many pillows do you sleep with?    49. What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)?    50. What's the tallest building you've been to the top in?
 51. Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?    52. How often do you buy clothes?    53. Have you ever had a secret admirer?    54. What's your favourite holiday?    55. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?    56. What was the last thing you recorded on TV?    57. What was the last book you read?    58. What's your favourite type of foreign food?    59. Are you a clean or messy person?    60. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?    61. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?    62. What kitchen appliance do you use every day?    63. What's your favourite fast food chain?    64. What's your favourite family recipe?    65. Do you love or hate rollercoasters?    66. What's your favourite family tradition?    67. What is your favourite childhood memory?    68. What's your favourite movie?    69. How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out?    70. Is your glass half full or half empty?    71. What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love?    72. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?    73. What was your favourite subject in school?    74. What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?    75. Do you collect anything?
76. Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion?    77. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?    78. Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?    79. Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise)    80. Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous?    81. What do you do to keep fit?    82. Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken?    83. If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce?    84. Who was your favourite teacher in school and why?    85. What three things do you think of the most each day?    86. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?    87. What song would you say best sums you up?    88. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?    89. Who was your first crush?
90. What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?    91. On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are?    92. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?    93. What was your first job?    94. If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join?    95. How many languages do you speak?    96. What is your favourite family holiday tradition?    97. Who is the most intelligent person you know?    98. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be?    99. What is one thing you will never do again?  100. Who knows you the best?
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