#dean kahler
garadinervi · 1 year
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Kent State University, Kent, OH, May 4, 1970 / 2023
Allison Beth Krause (April 23, 1951 – May 4, 1970), student Jeffrey Glenn Miller (March 28, 1950 – May 4, 1970), student Sandra Lee Scheuer (August 11, 1949 – May 4, 1970), student William Knox Schroeder (July 20, 1950 – May 4, 1970), student
Nine students wounded: Alan Michael Canfora, John R. Cleary, Thomas Mark Grace, Dean R. Kahler, Joseph Lewis Jr., Donald Scott Mackenzie, James Dennis Russell, Robert Follis Stamps, Douglas Alan Wrentmore
(Bibl.: The Truth About Kent State. A Challenge to the American Conscience, by Peter Davies and the Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, NY, 1973. Plus: The Kent State Shootings. An Annotated Bibliography, by William A. Gordon)
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jdyf333 · 6 months
Trump threatens BLOODBATH by Davivid Rose Via Flickr: "If I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath...It's going to be a bloodbath for the country," he warned, while talking about the impact of offshoring on the country's auto industry and his plans to increase tariffs on foreign-made cars. Later, Trump claimed that, "If this election isn't won, I'm not sure that you'll ever have another election in this country." ("If it takes a bloodbath, let's get it over with." ---Governor Ronald Reagan, April 7, 1970, in a speech to the California Growers Council in Yosemite. Reagan had in fact ordered law enforcement officers to silence protesters in Berkeley. After placing tape over their badges and name tags, some of the officers started shooting the protesters. One person was killed [James Rector], one was blinded [Alan Blanchard], and many protesters were wounded by law enforcement gunfire. Most of the victims were shot in the back as they fled.) (On May 4, 1970 at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, Army National Guardsmen fired 67 shots at unarmed demonstrators who were protesting against the war in Vietnam. Four students were killed [Jeffrey Miller, Allison Krause, William Schroeder, Sandra Scheuer] and nine others were wounded, one of whom [Dean Kahler] suffered permanent paralysis. Student John Filo made a photograph of a fourteen-year old girl screaming over the body of Jeffrey Miller. The photograph won a Pulitzer Prize.) Please click here to read my "autobiography": thewordsofjdyf333.blogspot.com/ And my Flicker "profile" page may be viewed by clicking on this link: www.flickr.com/people/jdyf333/ My telephone number is: 510-260-9695
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the-penny-dreadfuls · 6 years
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Dean Kahler watches as a young woman lights a candle in the location where Jeffery Miller died during the Kent State shooting. Kahler, who had also been hit, survived that day, but was permanently paralyzed by his injury. On May 4th, 1970 four unarmed students were shot and killed by the Ohio National Guard during a Vietnam War Protest. Nine other students were injured. In the years to follow faculty, students, and other people who had been touched by the event organized a candlelight vigil on the anniversary of the tragedy. The vigil always began in the locations where the four victims were shot. The young lives that were lost; Jeffery Miller (20) Allison Krause (19) William Schroeder (19) and Sandra Scheuer (20)
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usnatarchives · 3 years
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Campus Scene during Shootings at Kent State University, Records of U.S. Attorneys, National Archives at Chicago, NARA ID 2723186.
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Map of Site of Shootings at Kent State University, President Nixon's Commission on Campus Unrest. 6/13/-12/1970, NARA ID 596837.
In the midst of Vietnam War, President Nixon televised his decision to initiate the Cambodian campaign. This apparent expansion of the war detonated an explosion of antiwar activity that escalated to a national crisis when 4 students were shot at a protest at Kent State University in Ohio.
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Affidavit of student shot, Donald S. Mackenzie, NARA ID 596838.
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Telegram from Doris and Arthur Krause to President Ford re: the Pardon of Former President Nixon, Ford Library, NARA ID 16637619.
Did you know...?
- While Nixon spoke of initiating the Cambodian campaign, he had been secretly bombing Cambodia since mid-March 1969—an escalation of a covert bombing campaign started by President Johnson in 1965.
- Ohio National Guard troops opened fire on unarmed students. There were over 1,300 armed troops, armored personnel carriers, mortar launchers, and helicopters.
- 67 shots were fired in 13 seconds, killing 4 students and wounding 9—one paralyzed for life (Dean Kahler).
- Two of the students murdered weren't protesters; they were walking to class, and one of those was ROTC and planned to enter the military.
- Following this shooting, an estimated 4 million striking students shut down 800 campuses nationwide.
- According to a Gallup Poll, 58 % of Americans blamed the students for the violence at Kent State.
- Dean Kahler, who was shot and paralyzed during the attack, came out of an induced coma to read a letter that began: “Dear communist hippie radical, I hope by the time you read this, you are dead.”
- President Nixon responded to the shootings stating: “When dissent turns to violence, it invites tragedy.”
- President Nixon's Commission on Campus Unrest concluded: “the indiscriminate firing of rifles into a crowd of students and the deaths that followed were unnecessary, unwarranted and inexcusable.”
- A federal grand jury indicted 8 guardsmen, but found they were not subject to criminal prosecution because they acted in self defense.
See also:
Remembering Vietnam: Online Exhibit
Nixon Library's Nixon and Kent State - Fifty Years Ago: Tragedy Strikes at Kent State
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cardstumble · 3 years
Shootings at Kent State May 4 1970
- Ohio National Guard troops opened fire on unarmed students. There were over 1,300 armed troops, armored personnel carriers, mortar launchers, and helicopters.
- 67 shots were fired in 13 seconds, killing 4 students and wounding 9—one paralyzed for life (Dean Kahler).
- Two of the students murdered weren't protesters; they were walking to class, and one of those was ROTC and planned to enter the military.
- Following this shooting, an estimated 4 million striking students shut down 800 campuses nationwide.
- According to a Gallup Poll, 58 % of Americans blamed the students for the violence at Kent State.
via: bandit1a.tumblr.com
The main NYU campus on NYC's Washington Square in the "Village" was one of the 800 campuses nationwide that shut down. There were no graduation ceremonies at NYU that year.
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mintcrash · 4 years
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Art fights from this year! Didn’t do as many, but had way too much fun with them
1. Aternova’s Leo Song
2. Cosyblanket’s Raphie
3. JarredMonkey’s Taiki Yamada
4. zanun’s Pingwin
5. Marci-T’s Dean Kahler
seriously such a cool event, anyone who hasn’t tried should join us next year!
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brinklercph · 5 years
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For to uger siden blev Martin og jeg gift. Det var den mest fantastiske dag og en kæmpe oplevelse. Planlægningen havde egentligt ikke fyldt så meget, men i ugerne op til var der alligevel en del ting, der skulle falde på plads, og kulminationen på det hele blev en dag, der forløb præcis, som jeg havde håbet på. Vi var glade, min far klarede dagen, børnene var søde, og vores gæster gjorde deres for at give os en mindeværdig dag og aften.
Kjolen: Den blev købt på nettet hos den engelske designer Cathrine Deane. Jeg var på jagt efter en enkel kjole med lange ærmer og hals, og dem findes der ikke så mange af i det udvalg, jeg kiggede igennem herhjemme. I foråret havde jeg den traditionelle “kjole-prøvningsdag”, hvor jeg også prøvede modeller, jeg på forhånd vidste ikke lige var mig. Jeg har virkelig brugt mange timer på nettet, og det var lidt af et sats at bestille kjolen, uden prøvning. Men kjolen, der bestod af en en højhalset blondetop og et skørt med slæb og de smukkeste stofbelagte knapper på bagsiden, blev leveret i løbet af tre dage og passede perfekt. Der var ikke engang behov for tilretning. På dagen følte jeg mig godt tilpas i den, men endte dog med at købe et kort tylskørt til brudevalsen og den efterfølgende dans. Jeg endte så også med at bruge pænt meget tid på danseskolen, så det var en god beslutning.
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Vielsen: Vi blev gift i Christians Kirke på Christianshavn. Byens smukkeste kirke, synes jeg, og samme sted som begge børn er blevet døbt. Kirken er trods sit smukke og statelige ydre anderledes med sine mange loger, der har givet den navnet teaterkirken, og den er på engang både rummelig og intim. Præsterne er moderne, og der er plads til, at man ikke følger alle traditioner. Organisten spiller også klaver, og det valgte vi i stedet for orgel til salmerne Se nu stiger solen, Op al den ting som Gud har skabt, Nu falmer skoven og det er så Yndigt at følges ad. Jeg deler netop dette, fordi jeg selv brugte en del tid på at finde de helt rette bryllupssalmer.
Receptionen: Den blev holdt hjemme for kun den nærmeste og meget lille familie, fordi min far, på grund af sin alzheimers, desværre ikke kunne være med til festen om aftenen. For også at fejre dagen sammen med ham og vise ham, at han er vigtig, var det så fint at have en lille fejring derhjemme med bobler, kransekage og snacks. Efter vielsen havde vi desuden samlet alle gæsterne i kirkens have med lidt bobler, fordi vejret viste sig fra sin absolut bedste sensommerside.
Festen: Vi så kun to steder, da vi startede på bryllupsplanlægningen, for vi var begge helt solgt, da vi besøgte Dansk Arkitektur Centers nye lokaler i BLOX på Bryghusgade. Som et tegn fra himlen kan man se over på kirken, og fra den store tagterrasse er der den fineste udsigt over København. Stilen er enkelt med cognacfarvede 7’er stole i læder, Ombria service i smukke farver fra Kahler og store glaspartier. Vi bestilte en bryllupspakke med velkomstdrinks, 3 retter, kaffe/avec og natmad. Det var super lækkert, og der blev bare ikke sparet på noget. Vi havde selv booket et band – A Celebration band, der desuden også varmt kan anbefales, og der var bare god stemning til ud på natten. En fed feature var desuden en Myselfie photo booth, der overraskede pga. den gode kvalitet. Vi havde den både med hjemme til receptionen og om aftenen, hvor den tog flotte billeder trods skiftende lyssætning. Det er bare en super sjov måde at fange stemningen og gæsterne, og der var ingen, der holdte sig tilbage.
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Overnatning: Vi blev ved vandet, da de sidste gæster forlod festen og gik de få hundrede meter over til Mariott Hotel, der var så søde at have opgraderet os og så champagne og kage frem. Vi var mætte på mad, hvin og den gode oplevelse, så vi lod det stå, men tanken var meget sød. Tilbage er mindet om en fantastisk dag!
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Den mest fantastiske dag For to uger siden blev Martin og jeg gift. Det var den mest fantastiske dag og en kæmpe oplevelse.
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portlandiajames · 5 years
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#kentstatemassacre #may4th1970 #4deadinohio #vietnamwar 🔥🔥🔥🔥. Remembering the Kent State May 4th, 1970 Massacre🔥 Forty-nine years ago on the campus of Kent State University, my Alma mater, Ohio National Guardsmen unleashed a volley of rounds into a crowd of unarmed college students during a mass protest against the bombing of Cambodia by United States military forces. Twenty-eight guardsmen fired approximately 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others. Killed by National Guard Troops: Jeffrey Glenn Miller; age 20 Allison B. Krause; age 19 William Knox Schroeder; age 19 Sandra Lee Scheuer; age 20 Wounded: Joseph Lewis, Jr. John R. Cleary Thomas Mark Grace Alan Michael Canfora Dean R. Kahler, permanently paralyzed from the chest down Douglas Alan Wrentmore James Dennis Robert Follis Stamps Donald Scott MacKenzie (at Kent State University) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxC8q_ugCtn/?igshid=8hcfjthq3os0
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topworldhistory · 4 years
A weekend of escalating tensions exploded into 13 seconds of gunfire—and four dead in Ohio.
On May 4, 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard trying to disperse a crowd of student demonstrators at Kent State University opened fire, killing four students and wounding nine others.
More than any other single event, the Kent State shootings would become a focal point of the ongoing, bitter divisions among Americans over the Vietnam War. The deadly outburst marked the culmination of several days of confrontations between law enforcement and protesters, which had begun after President Richard M. Nixon announced in a TV broadcast that he had authorized U.S. troops to invade Cambodia.
Nixon’s decision, which expanded the Vietnam War at a time when the United States had been in the process of withdrawing its troops, immediately sparked anti-war protests at colleges across the country—including Kent State.
Nixon's Invasion of Cambodia Triggers Protests
President Richard Nixon during a television address regarding military actions in Cambodia, 1970.
May 1, 1970
Around noon on the day after Nixon’s speech, some 500 Kent State students and faculty gather on the Commons, a large, grassy area in the middle of campus. They bury a copy of the Constitution to symbolize Nixon’s “murder” of constitutional principles by invading Cambodia without a declaration of war or consultation with Congress. A second rally that afternoon also ends peacefully.
That Friday night, a crowd of drunken protestors form in downtown Kent and begin taunting local police and breaking some store windows. The town’s entire police force mobilizes, forcing the demonstrators back to campus after Ohio Mayor LeRoy Satrom declares a state of emergency. Things finally quiet down by 2:30 a.m.
READ MORE: How Nixon’s Invasion of Cambodia Triggered a Check on Presidential Power
National Guard Arrives at Kent State
May 2
Worried about more unrest, Satrom asks the governor, James Rhodes, to mobilize the Ohio National Guard. When Guardsmen begin arriving on the Kent State campus that evening, they find the school’s Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) building has been set on fire. A crowd of some 1,000 people surround the building, many of them cheering and confronting firefighters to prevent them from extinguishing the blaze. Using tear gas and bayonets, the National Guardsmen clear the campus by midnight, ordering students into their dorms.
The Kent State Shootings (TV-PG; 5:23)
WATCH: The Kent State Shootings
May 3
By Sunday, more than 1,000 National Guardsmen have arrived on campus. Governor Rhodes flies to Kent that morning, and holds a press conference calling the demonstrators “the worst type of people that we harbor in America.” With Rhodes’ support, Kent State administrators announce they are banning a protest rally planned for the next day. Further confrontations between students and Guardsmen break out that night after demonstrators assemble on the Commons near the Victory Bell, which is normally used to celebrate football victories.
Tear Gas, Thrown Rocks, Then Guardsmen Open Fire
May 4
Defying the ban, people begin gathering on the Commons around 11 a.m. By noon, some 3,000 people are there, including a core group of some 500 demonstrators around the Victory Bell, and many more onlookers. The target of their protests shifts from Nixon, Cambodia and the Vietnam War, to the National Guard and its occupation of Kent State.
After the demonstrators refuse to disperse, some 100 of the National Guardsmen begin to march across the Commons. They push the crowd up a slope known as Blanket Hill and down the other side into a parking lot.
Following the crowd into a nearby practice football field, the Guardsmen find themselves blocked in by a fence. They throw tear gas canisters and point their guns at the demonstrators, who yell and throw rocks and other debris at them. After about 10 minutes of this, the Guardsmen begin to move back up Blanket Hill. The crowd cheers their retreat and continues throwing things at them.
From left to right: William Schroeder, Allison Krause, Jeffrey Miller, and Sandra Scheur, the four Kent State University students killed on campus when students battled with Ohio National Guard troopers.
At 12:24 p.m., just after reaching the top of the hill, the Guardsmen turn back and fire their M1 rifles and pistols, some of them aiming directly into the crowd. In 13 seconds of shooting, they fire between 61 and 67 shots. Jeffrey Miller, Allison Krause, William Schroeder and Sandra Scheur are killed, and nine other students are injured, including Dean Kahler, who is shot in the back and left permanently paralyzed from the waist down.
In the stunned aftermath of the shootings, Kent State faculty marshals persuade the angry crowd to leave the Commons and avoid further confrontation with the nervous Guardsmen. The administration immediately shuts down the campus, and it remains closed for the rest of the spring semester. Meanwhile, anger over the shootings triggers a nationwide student strike that shuts down hundreds of high schools, colleges and universities.
National Guardsmen Sign Statement of Regret
Even decades later, it remains unclear exactly why the Guardsmen opened fire on the crowd of students at Kent State on May 4, 1970. In subsequent investigations and federal court testimony, many of them testify that they had feared for their lives, and were acting in self defense.
Nixon Responds to the Kent State Shooting (TV-PG; 1:56)
LISTEN: Nixon Responds to the Kent State Shooting
Many people question whether the crowd posed that serious a threat, but criminal and civil trial verdicts accept the Guard’s position. In January 1979, a civil settlement is reached by which the Ohio National Guard pays those injured in the shootings a total of $675,000.
As part of the settlement, 28 Guardsmen sign a statement expressing regret—but not an apology—over how things went down on May 4, 1970.
“Some of the Guardsmen on Blanket Hill, fearful and anxious from prior events, may have believed in their own minds that their lives were in danger,” the statement reads. “Hindsight suggests that another method would have resolved the confrontation.” 
from Stories - HISTORY https://ift.tt/3aRAKUX May 01, 2020 at 07:51PM
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elsantodelrock · 6 years
Generalmente, cuando se trata de algún personaje de ficción que supera la barrera del tiempo y se mantiene vigente a través de versiones actualizadas de la versión original o reversiones a cargo de escritores que aportan a la construcción del mito que le rodea, el nombre del autor original queda para la posteridad como mera referencia cultural.
A veces, solemos imaginar a un autor como alguien que la pasaba encerrado escribiendo, sin imaginar el contexto que le rodeaba o las situaciones que le llevaron a crear esa obra que convirtiera su nombre en un ícono pop de marca registrada.
Ian Fleming, autor y creador de James Bond, el 007 original, tuvo una vida más que interesante y agitada, por lo que las situaciones que dieron pié a las aventuras del agente secreto más famoso del mundo fueron motivo para desarrollar una miniserie que este 7 de Mayo estrena en Europa Europa.
¿Quieres saber más?, ¡Dale Play y sigue leyendo!
Miniserie de cuatro episodios que narra las verdaderas aventuras del escritor Ian Fleming, el creador del famoso Agente 007. Estreno lunes 7 de mayo a las 20:00 horas por Europa Europa.
Playboy, jugador y espía, Ian Fleming fue el equivalente del Agente 007 en la vida real: un agente del servicio secreto británico durante la Guerra Fría. La serie de cuatro episodios sigue la vida y aventuras del autor británico que creo al personaje de James Bond en 1953. “Fleming “ estrena el lunes 7 de mayo a las 20:00 horas por Europa Europa.
La serie presenta a Dominic Cooper (Captain America: The Winter Soldier) en el papel de Fleming, un hombre seductor y sofisticado cuya vida dedicada a la búsqueda del placer se ve alterada ante el surgimiento de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, lo que conduce a la creación de una de las figuras más icónicas de la literatura moderna: James Bond.
A pesar de la guerra, Fleming sigue dedicando su vida a conquistar mujeres y disfrutar de la fortuna de su familia. Siempre ha vivido a la sombra de su hermano (Rupert Evans) y es motivo de decepción para su madre (Lesley Manville). Su verdadero sueño es convertirse en alguien importante.
Finalmente tendrá una oportunidad cuando es reclutado por un oficial del ejército para sumar sus esfuerzos en contra de los nazis, lo que le permitirá descubrir sus talentos y mostrar lo valioso que puede ser.
Fleming comenzará a vivir aventuras de todo tipo, arriesgando su propia vida, mientras enfrenta sus propios demonios interiores ante la posibilidad de experimentar el amor. Su encuentro casual con una cautivante baronesa (Lara Pulver) se convertirá en un apasionado romance que afectará la vida de ambos.
FLEMING Episodio 1 – estreno lunes 7 de mayo a las 20:00 horas En Londres, 1938, Ian Fleming es un playboy disoluto, eclipsado por su padre héroe de guerra muerto y por su exitoso hermano. Mientras visita el bar de un club de jazz, conoce a Ann O’Neill, una seductora celebridad. A diferencia de muchas de sus conquistas, Ann es más bien un rival para él. Ella ya tiene un esposo y un amante, Esmond Rothermere. Fleming encuentra consuelo en los brazos de Muriel, una hermosa ciclista. La madre dominante de Fleming le busca un trabajo como ayudante del Almirante de la Inteligencia Naval John Godfrey. Rápidamente provoca la ira de Godfrey cuando prepara un esquema poco ortodoxo para obtener información de dos submarinistas alemanes capturados. Inesperadamente, los valiosos hallazgos de Fleming hacen evidente que un enfoque imaginativo podría ser justo lo que requiere esta labor en tiempos de guerra.
FLEMING Episodio 2 – estreno lunes 14 de mayo a las 22:00 horas La seductora Ann invita a Fleming a la fiesta de cumpleaños de Esmond, y aunque Fleming ha traído a Muriel como su acompañante, la química sexual chisporrotea entre ellos. Mientras tanto, Francia parece estar a punto de derrumbarse contra las fuerzas nazis. Atado al trabajo de oficina y desesperado por ser un hombre de acción, Fleming intenta persuadir a Godfrey para que lo envíe a Francia a supervisar la destrucción de archivos secretos en una de sus oficinas. Para su sorpresa, Godfrey acepta. Fleming comienza su misión, pero cuando surgen obstáculos inesperados, ¿cómo manejará las peligrosas consecuencias?
FLEMING Episodio 3 – estreno lunes 21 de mayo a las 20:00 horas Mientras entrenan en el Campamento X en Canadá, los estadounidenses le piden a Fleming que use sus talentos para escribir un plan para una Agencia Central de Inteligencia. A su regreso a Londres, Fleming convence a Godfrey para que forme la Unidad de Asalto 30, un grupo de duros soldados preparados para jugar sucio, con él mismo como oficial al mando. Fleming cree que la nueva unidad de Comandos de Inteligencia es la clave para vencer a los nazis. Mientras tanto, continúa su relación con Ann, pero se niega a comprometerse, mientras que Rothermere deja en claro que tiene la intención de ganarla de una vez por todas.
FLEMING Episodio 4 – estreno lunes 28 de mayo a las 20:00 horas La guerra está a punto de terminar, pero Fleming sigue convencido de que los nazis están ocultando planes nucleares y que los británicos necesitan encontrarlos antes que los rusos. Finalmente, consigue permiso para ir a Alemania para tratar de recuperar los planos. Logra rastrear los documentos, pero se encuentra cara a cara con The Werewolves, un grupo de soldados alemanes renegados que morirán antes de abandonar la causa. Ya en Londres, las celebraciones están en marcha, pero la llegada de la paz también significa que las relaciones en tiempos de guerra deben reevaluarse. ¿Fleming y Ann encontrarán finalmente una manera de estar juntos? Además, con la guerra en su apogeo final, los días de Fleming en Inteligencia Naval están contados: ¿qué otra forma encontrará para canalizar su ingenio e imaginación?
ESTRENO MINISERIE DE CUATRO EPISODIOS FLEMING Lunes 7 de mayo, 20:00 horas por Europa Europa Estreno episodio cada lunes de mayo a las 8pm Repetición: los jueves a las 10pm
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Admiral Brandel (WOLF KAHLER) at Tambach
Picture shows: Esmond (PIP TORRENS)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER)
Picture shows: Second Officer Monday (ANNA CHANCELLOR)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) Interrogation room corridor
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) and Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Esmond (PIP TORRENS)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) and Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) Ann O’Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Sergeant Dixon (DEAN LENNOX KELLY) and Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) arrive at checkpoint
Picture shows: Sergeant Dixon (DEAN LENNOX KELLY) at Tambach
Picture shows: Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) Interrogation room corridor
Picture shows: Esmond (PIP TORRENS)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) and Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) and Sergeant Dixon (DEAN LENNOX KELLY). Interrogation room corridor
Picture shows: Esmond (PIP TORRENS)
Picture shows: Second Officer Monday (ANNA CHANCELLOR)
Picture shows: Sergeant Dixon (DEAN LENNOX KELLY) at Tambach
Picture shows: Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Sergeant Dixon (DEAN LENNOX KELLY) at Tambach
Picture shows: Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) and Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Sergeant Dixon (DEAN LENNOX KELLY) and Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) in the Interrogation room
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Esmond (PIP TORRENS)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER)
Picture shows: Second Officer Monday (ANNA CHANCELLOR) and Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) and Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER)
Picture shows: Second Officer Monday (ANNA CHANCELLOR) and Colonel Donovan (STANLEY TOWNSEND) in office
Picture shows: Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) and Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ann Oâ™Neill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER)
Picture shows: Ian Fleming (DOMINIC COOPER) and Ann OâNeill (LARA PULVER)
Picture shows: Admiral Brandel (WOLF KAHLER) at Tambach
El canal Europa Europa está disponible en México por: AxtelTV (626), Totalplay (493), Sky (435), Megacable (425), izzi (627), Cablemás (627), Cablevisión Monterrey (627).
Más información Sitio web: www.europaeuropa.tv Facebook: @CanalEuropaEuropa Twitter: @EuropaEuropaTV
  Europa Europa: Dominic Cooper es Fleming, lunes 7 de mayo a las 20:00 horas Generalmente, cuando se trata de algún personaje de ficción que supera la barrera del tiempo y se mantiene vigente a través de versiones actualizadas de la versión original o reversiones a cargo de escritores que aportan a la construcción del mito que le rodea, el nombre del autor original queda para la posteridad como mera referencia cultural.
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terrieallison510 · 6 years
Kent State, Jackson State Survivors Talk Student Activism
Awesome Black Metal Stuff!
On the morning of May 4th, 1970, Dean Kahler, a student at Kent State University, called the professors of his morning classes to let them know he wouldn't be there that day. He wanted to check out the protest, he told them, that was scheduled for noon at central campus. The action, a continuation of weekend-long actions at Kent, was in response to President Nixon's announcement on April 30th
This article originally appeared on www.rollingstone.com: Kent State, Jackson State Survivors Talk Student Activism
The Most Offensive T-Shirts Are Here!!
from Terry A RSS Feed https://ift.tt/2IdkraZ via IFTTT
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howardmackenzie75 · 6 years
Kent State, Jackson State Survivors Talk Student Activism
On the morning of May 4th, 1970, Dean Kahler, a student at Kent State University, called the professors of his morning classes to let them know he wouldn't be there that day. He wanted to check out the protest, he told them, that was scheduled for noon at central campus. The action, a continuation of weekend-long actions at Kent, was in response to President Nixon's announcement on April 30th
This article originally appeared on www.rollingstone.com: Kent State, Jackson State Survivors Talk Student Activism
from Rolling Stone Latest Sports and Music and Movies and Politics and Culture News https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/features/kent-state-jackson-state-survivors-talk-student-activism-w519846
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