#dean steinhelm
im-a-puma · 2 years
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Not the dean hating on us
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leseigneurdufeu · 2 years
Starting Queen B 2 and...
X is soooo Dean Steinhelm (or if she isn’t, the opportunity is missed).
- Was on the hearing room and new about the sentence: it was posted before anyone could leave and it was only Steinhelm, MC, Ian/Ina, and maybe a few members of the faculty/other witnesses? don’t know.
- Never took action against the Belvoire Ranking System or the Person to Watch award, until MC won. Then all of a sudden it’s totally possible to do and the only moral possibility.
As for motives:
Belvoire is full of very powerful, very influent students. How do you keep them in check? By making them fight each other for the Queen’s throne. I’d even say she had some kind of pact with Poppy: since Poppy wasn’t much of a target because she was too powerful, she was a danger. There was much less infighting and so she could become a liability for the well-oiled system of Steinhelm. So Steinhelm said “I rig the system so your poss stays in the top 15 whatever happens and you keep the entire student body in check” to which was added later “also give me blackmail material on the newbee because she is disrupting everything”. That’s how the Ian/Ina x MC photos arrived in X’s hands (in the Dean’s hands).
Then Poppy was thrown out of the throne by the Newbee, who had managed to destroy Poppy’s photos. The Dean could hardly admit how she got them if Poppy’s were dust. So she created a X personna, to blackmail and stalk (which are forbidden by the law so she couldn’t do it in broad daylight). She used the personna to get the photos in a way that wouldn’t seem suspicious. Then she realized that MC was way too popular/efficient now that she had atomized Poppy. The risk was not that people would stop fighting each other: the risk would be that they (the poss or the whole school, depending on scenarios) would set off to find out who had blackmailed her. The risk was that they would unite against her.
So she did two things:  firstly, destroy the T and the ranking system, to disrupt any unity in the student body while also giving assurance to lower ranking people and destroying the confidence of higher ranking ones. Secondly, keep her X as a personna who would be the only adversary of MC. Since you had ‘infinite votes” in their popularity course it could be rigged without any problem (IDK how it will end though I’m at chapter 2 of QB2). And it would keep MC focused on 1) the popularity race and 2) thinking X was a fellow student.
The goal was to eject MC from the system by the natural way (having her graduate) but not letting her in peace for the year she had left so she wouldn’t stir trouble or worse, reveal to the world the Dean’s whole system.
More proof of that is that if she had the capacity to destroy the ranking and abolish the T, and always thought it was the right thing to do because it’s a vomit pit or whatever she said, why wait until MC was queen (or Chloe) to do it? Because she was allied with Poppy. Why ally with Poppy? To keep the system in place. Why keep the system in place? To make sure the underpaid, middle-class professors wouldn’t be bullied, overruled, whatever, by the rich snoty upper high class billionairs they had for students.
So anyway, here’s my full thing about how Dean Steinhelm should be X and if she isn’t then it’s a big missed opportunity. But we’ve had Elite-University-Drama books before (Foreign Affairs, Queen B, Elementalists somehow...) we might have new ones and have this kind of motivation behind the vilain.
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Sent by anonymous
'Here's a crack theory: What if the dean is X? The only reason I thought of this was because it's weird that X immediately knew about the hearing when only mc, kingsley, and the dean were there.'
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sneakybananabox · 3 years
The Twins take on Belvoire Ch. 2
Thank you for the positive feedback from chapter 1.
Warnings: Cursing
Chapter 2
All Bea could do was watch this trainwreck happen in what felt like slow motion. Her sister was coming face to face with the woman she spent the night with. The woman who also happened to be their Anthro professor. Bea was tempted to look around for cameras to see if maybe they were being Punk’d. Of course, Ashton Kutcher never came out.
“There is no problem here Professor Kingsley. Sabina and I were just talking about girl things.” Chloe sweetly replied with a sparkle in her eyes. She eyed the professor sweetly. She had heard about professor dreamy; this was the first class she signed up for.
Sabina didn’t know if she was more shocked by the woman, she slept with being her professor or Chloe using her actual name. It sounded nice coming from Chloe. Wait no she needed to stop. She had to deal with the matter at hand and stop getting distracted by pretty women. Should she transfer out of the class? Will it be weird between them? She knew every inch of Ina. Maybe it won’t be so bad. If she was lucky maybe she could get extra special tutoring just to spend time with Ina.
“Get to your seats you two.” Ina said while going to the front of the room. Ina didn’t even give Sabina a second look.
Sabina went back to sit next to Bea and of course the only spot open for Chloe was next to her. She wished the universe would take her to dinner first before being fucked. Can the universe give a bitch a break?
“Don’t get too excited with me sitting next to you, Farmhand.” Chloe scowled at Sabina.
“Don’t worry I won’t, just try not to fall in love with me.” Sab smirked. She winked at Chloe. She may be crazy, but she is pretty sure she saw a blush. Chloe has a weakness.
“In your dreams. Just because you are attractive doesn’t mean everyone is going to swoon for you.”
“Chloe, did you just call me attractive? So, you do like me. I knew you couldn’t resist this Midwest charm.”
“W-what no absolutely not. I would never.” Chloe couldn’t help, but stutter.
“Both of you shut up. I am trying to listen to Professor Kingsley.” Bea was ready to throw a book at the both of them. Why is Sab even flirting right now knowing she just slept with a professor. Of course, her sister has gotten into trouble on the first day of classes. Every time Sab gets into sticky situations she always has to clean up after her. Don’t get it wrong, she loves her sister and would do anything for her, but sometimes it feels like all she does is get into trouble and flirt with women.
After class when everyone cleared out Sabina stayed behind. She had to talk to Ina, especially after such a long night spent together.
“Well, Hello there professor.” Sab approached Ina confidently.
Ina never looked up from her laptop.
“Is there something I could help you with Ms. Hughes?”
“Wow, how formal. I wouldn’t expect it considering I know how you tas-.”
“Ms. Hughes last night was a mistake. I didn’t know you were a student, and it was completely wrong.” Ina was frustrated. How could she make such a mistake? She would never imagine that she could get herself in such a predicament. She was jaded by Sab’s charisma, her toned arms, and the bright smile. She thought about her lips against her neck. Wait no this is exactly how she got into this.
“We had a nice night, Ina. How can you sit there and tell me it was a mistake?” Sabina felt her stomach tighten. She couldn’t tell why her words hurt. She has been with many women. She never actually committed to anyone. It just wasn’t her thing. It would be just another person she would disappoint, and she couldn’t handle that. She felt as if her parents would always remind her how much of a disappointment she was and she can’t handle her partner doing the same.
“As I stated Ms. Hughes last night was wrong. It is best if we just keep our relations to just the professor/student. Now if you don’t have any questions about Anthropology, I have work I must attend to.” Ina couldn’t look at Sab. Of course, she had an amazing night. Sabina was so different from others she had met. The woman she spent the night with might not let others in, but Ina could see through her armor. She wanted to be loved just like anyone else. While they participated in more intimate activities, they spent quite a bit of time just talking in bed while the hours passed. It was one of the best nights Ina has ever had, but she had a career to protect. Everything she had worked for would be lost, years of work down the drain. Ina doesn’t know if she could just start from scratch.
“Well then, sorry for my mistake then professor. I will be leaving then.” Sabina thought their night would have meant more. She had shared certain parts of herself with Ina. Maybe it was the drinks and how warm she felt with Ina that allowed her to share herself. It was a mistake she won’t be making again. God, she needed a drink or coffee. Maybe even both.
After the first day of classes Bea and Zoey were sitting on the couch. It was syllabus day so there wasn’t much work to be done. Bea was already done with what little homework was done and was already skipping ahead.
“Jeez Bea, how are you already done? We practically just started work.” Zoey wondered what kinda robot she was rooming with.
“I don’t know. I was always a bookworm when I was younger, and I guess I never lost it.”
Before Zoey could tease Bea, Sab walked into the living room after slamming the door. She stomped past them going into her room. She dolphin dived onto her bed. Zoey and Bea could only look at each other confused.
“Hey Sab, how was your day?” Bea yelled out to her sister.
“Oh, you know the usual. Chloe was an ass as usual. I got sorta dumped but we weren’t dating so I don’t think it really counts. I thought maybe since we were in a new place, I could try a new me. I was wrong and disappointed again. This is why I don’t like opening up.”
“Okay doom and gloom. We need to get out tonight. Lucky for us there is always a frat party. We aren’t invited, but these frat boys are easy. Pretty women are practically Kryptonite.” Zoey hopped up and jumped on top of Sab.
“Zoey, as much as I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, kissing some frat boy's ass to go to some shitty party sounds like it will make me feel worse. Sticky floors and the smell of shitty beer. It makes my stomach nauseous thinking about it. What kind of fraternity has a party on a Wednesday anyway?”
“Maybe at other colleges, but this is Belvoire. You haven’t seen anything yet. Every day is a reason to party for them. Now get your cute sad butt up.”
“I will get up, but you are all sitting on me.” Sab turned, throwing Zoey off onto the floor.
“Great, now I will have a bruise on my ass cheek. You will pay for that Sab. Bea! You get ready because you are coming out with us. Roomie night!!”
Zoey had helped pick out the two girls’ outfits for tonight. She ordered them all clothes and even had them delivered. It was like door dash for the designer. Sabina had a designer leather jacket paired with her favorite skinny jeans. They hugged her in all the right places. She had her hair down for the night. Bea sported a white shirt with a dark denim jacket and a pair of black shorts. Zoey walked in to check on her two roomies.
“Wow, I have the two hottest roommates on campus. I can’t wait to make everyone jealous.” Zoey dressed in a fitted black dress. It cradled her curves, Sabina’s jaw dropped.
“You are talking about us as if you don’t have a mirror in your room. I don’t know if any words I could use would even do you justice.” Sabina put her arm out for Zoey to hold. “Milady, may I escort you to tonight's festivities.”
“Sabina such a sweet talker, but I won’t deny such chivalry. You are driving though.” Zoey linked her arm to Sabina’s.
“Yes, hello I am here too guys. Also, you look amazing Zoe.” Bea followed the pair to Sabina’s Jeep.
After arriving at the Alphas house. They were stopped in front by a guy about their age.
“Well Hello Michael fancy seeing you here.” Zoey smiled at him, using her sweet voice.
“I don’t think you and the farmhands are on the list Zoey.”
“Who are you calling Farmhand?” Sabina was having a shit day and was not about to take it anymore from this weasel. Zoey put her hand on Sab’s arm to calm her.
“Actually, we are here to show you how we party in Farmsville Michael. Unless you frat bros can’t handle it.” Bea confidently walked up.
“Oh, you are so on Hughes. I think we will give you a run for your money.”
“Well bring it. My sister, Zoey and I are forces to be reckoned with.”
The trio walked into the house and out into the backyard. The house was spotless and not a single spot was sticky. Of course, they have their home cleaned regularly. Bea shouldn’t be surprised. Some of the kids of the wealthiest people in the U.S attended this school. The backyard felt like walking onto a country club. A pool with a waterfall and waterslide. The water wasn’t clear though. It was a bright color and smelled like lime? Jello? These rich kids were weird. They had a DJ mixing on top of the rocks near the waterfall. People were dancing, drinking, and playing games. Bea was surprised, but she was glad she came out. She would spend nights staying back home and barely went out. Now was her time to enjoy herself and have fun. As she eyes the pool a guy jumped off the rocks and sunk into the green viscous liquid.
“Yea Ford!” The boys cheered on the jello.
“Alright let's get some drinks and show these frat bros how it’s done.”
“Couldn’t agree more with that. I need a drink after today.”
Sabina went over to the bar and immediately downed two Tequila shots.
“Alright Sab pace yourself. We just got here.”
“Bea if you are going to mom me tonight, I will throw you into the jello pool.”
“Alright, your hangover tomorrow.”
“Ladies, we are here for a good time. Let’s leave the bickering at home.”
“Yea Bea don’t be a square.” Sabina saw a girl facing her way. She glanced at her and caught a blush on the girl. She sauntered over to her with two beers in hand. She extended a drink to the girl and smiled.
“I’m Sab. I couldn’t help but notice such a stunning woman without a drink. It’s such a crime no one has offered you one already.”
“I was just thinking the same thing Sab. I’m Hayley. Now are you going to make me wait for a dance too?”
“Forward. I like it.” Sabina led her new friend to where everyone was dancing. Sabina pulled Hayley closer as they swayed to the beat. Hayley put her arms around the taller woman’s shoulders. Sabina pulled closer by the hips.The more she looked into Hayley’s eyes the more she felt lost into the music. The alcohol hit her system. She leaned her head forward and waited for permission from her dance partner. Hayley closed the distance and they kissed earnestly. Sabina pulled her closer by the hips which elicited a soft moan. They kissed like time was about to run out. Sabina’s hands roamed Hayley’s body. Her skin felt as smooth as silk. Sab’s heart rate increased, but there was also something else settling inside her heart. They made out for what felt like eternity. After they finally had to come up for air.
“Well Sabina this has been nice, but I should check up with my Zetas.”
“Zetas? A sorority woman, even hotter.” Sab gave Hayley a devilish grin. Hayley took Sab’s phone from her pocket and entered her number.
“In case you ever get lonely Sab. Maybe I could help with some company.” She left her with one more kiss on her lips. After Hayley left the dance floor Sabina went back to the bar to get some more beer. Hayley was gorgeous, but it was just physical. It wasn’t like when she spent the night with Ina. The words of Ina calling her a mistake rang over and over in her head. The words settled in her chest and slowly darkened her heart. She promised herself she would never do this again. Not after the girl from Farmsville nearly destroyed her once before. She went over to the bar and grabbed a bottle. She gave a few 100-dollar bills to the bartender. She needed this pain gone.
Bea got roped into flip cup with the Alphas. Her team consisted of her, Ford, and Carter. The other team was Luis, Michael, and Liam. Ford started against Luis and got the team an early lead. Carter fumbled and of course Bea had to be quick for the win. Bea pulled the win and the boys erupted with excitement.
“Well Hughes you weren’t kidding about showing us up. I haven’t ever been dethroned.” Luis was quite impressed.
“You and your roommates will always be welcome to the Alphas house.” Liam smiled brightly.
Little did Bea know that a certain pink wearing being was watching the events unfold. Of course, Poppy had to attend all the parties. She had a reputation to uphold. Not to mention Carter was rushing the Alphas and she was the good girlfriend. Being the Zeta queen after her dad pulled some strings as a freshman no less, she would have to maintain the Greek relations. Something about Bea really grinds her gears. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, was it because she didn’t bow to her? Everyone feared the Min-Sinclairs, but she didn’t even bat an eye. She didn’t know of her father Piers and the power he holds in New York. She watched her outdrink the Alphas and dance with the group. Poppy could see her toned legs. She had a few tattoos on both legs which made her hotter. Besides being some annoying Midwest farmer, she was quite attractive. Her pride wouldn’t let her admit it out loud. She wasn’t blind though. Bea and her twin were quite the eye catchers. Something about Bea though was different. She had to push whatever thoughts about Bea away. It was time to show her who the queen really is.
“Wow boys I didn’t know you rented a petting farm for the party.” Poppy gave Bea a smirk.
“Hm, does someone hear that? It sounded like a wretched bitch flew in.” The Alphas tried to hide their laughter. Ford ran to grab a napkin after shooting beer out his nose. Bea watched as Poppy lost her smirk.
“Listen here, Farmhand. I don’t know how they do things in the middle of the cornfield where you're from, but I would watch how you talk to me. No one here stands against a Min-Sinclair and lives to tell the tale.” Poppy could feel the anger rise in her chest. Everyone bends to her whim. Who does this girl think she is!?
“Whoa there Pops, you look like you’re about to pop a vessel. In case you missed the memo. I am not just anyone. I’m not sure what gold nugget flew up your ass, but I don’t let bullies just walk over people. If you excuse me, I am going to hang out with my new friends.”
Bea started to walk past, but Poppy put hand to her chest.
“I will not be ignored Hughes!” Bea tried to hold back the surprise. Did Poppy just actually use her name?
“Pop, I am going to suggest you get your hand off of me.”
“Or else what pig g–”
“COWABUNGAA.” Ford jumped from the top of the waterfall into the jello pool. Lime jello shot out the pool and landed on the pool. A little lightbulb went off in Bea’s head.
Bea didn’t even let Poppy react, before throwing her over her shoulder. She tossed Poppy in with ease. Everyone could hear the squishy sound from Poppy’s landing. Throwing off her denim jacket, Bea dived in after Poppy.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Farmsville?! This outfit costs more than your pathetic life. Now I smell like a lime took a shit on me.” Poppy felt cold and sticky in every nook and cranny. When she got back to Zeta, she was going to spend at least an hour in her rainfall shower.
“Lighten up Poppy, we are at a party remember? Bea moved closer to Poppy. She smelled sweet and citrusy with almost a hint of cocoa. It was intoxicating. She had to admit there was something about Poppy being angry that made a little spark go off in her chest. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Where is this feeling coming from? Bea lifted herself from the pool. Poppy looked like she was struggling to get out. Her mom always taught her to help everyone she came across. She was probably going to regret showing the Zeta queen kindness, but it was built into her to help.If they didn’t start off with such a rocky relationship and Poppy didn’t seem so painfully straight she might have asked Poppy out in another timeline. She went over to where Poppy was and offered her a hand.
“I wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole farmhand.” Bea could tell Poppy was furious.
“Listen we have been assholes to each other, let me do this and then you can go back to being a supervillain.”
Poppy thought for a second. Her Zeta girls were too busy flirting with the Alphas, not one of them even checked if she was okay. Everyone was too inebriated to even see what happened.
“Fine, just don’t use your freakish farm strength and rip my shoulder off.”
Poppy knew Bea would eventually show her weakness. Instead of letting Bea help her out she pulled with all her might so Bea would fall back into the pool. Poppy pulled herself out of the pool.
“I figured you would be too nice for your own good, Hughes. I don’t need anyone’s help. Let that be a lesson for next time. Don’t fuck with me.” Poppy sauntered off.
“Well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.” Bea muttered to herself. She felt disappointment well up in her chest. She could only curse her emotions for getting the best of her. She waded in the pool for a moment just trying to decipher her feelings. Zoey finally came over holding up Sab.
“Bea, I leave you alone for a second and here you are floating in a dessert.”
“Zoey, I do not have the time just help me out. Also, I see the tequila is catching up with my sister.”
“Yes, and she is practically a noodle, and I can barely support her. Get your cute butt out of that pool and help me.”
“Zoey, did I ever tell you that I think you are so beautiful?” Sab slurred, barely able to stand up. Bea came up on the other side of her sister and placed her arm around her.
“Alright sis, let’s get you home.”
Bea and Zoey walked/dragged Sab to the exit from the rager. The sound of music was drowned out by everyone’s phone going off at once. Everyone whispered while looking at the trio trying to exit.
Damn it’s always the hot ones who cheat.
Of course, those dumb cornhuskers couldn’t get into college otherwise.
Zoey pulled out her phone and quietly cursed under her breath.
“Bea, I know we have to get Sab home, but you should read this. We will have a lot of damage control to do.”
Bea looked at the bright screen and suddenly any drink she had left her system. Her eyes went wide as the headline of the T called the twins cheaters. It claimed they cheated on their SATs and through most of their classes. Who the fuck cheats in PE and how is that even possible!? What idiot came up with this?
“I should have known you two were in the wrong place.” Chloe walked up with a shit eating grin.
“Of course, it was you. It would have to be someone so dense.” Bea wanted to pummel Chloe for trying to fuck with her and Sab. Her thoughts were interrupted by her phone going off. It was an email from the Dean. Bea was still waiting for Ashton Kutcher to come out and tell her that she was being pranked, but that would be too easy.
Dear Ms. Hughes,
Due to recent revelations, you and Sabina have been placed on academic probation. We will be investigating the authenticity of the evidence received. While we contact you high school administration and handle this situation, I expect you both to be on your best behavior. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the registrar office.
Dean Steinhelm
Bea was sure her heart plummeted through her stomach and straight to the ground. How is she supposed to fix this? That dumb blonde has the twins walking on eggshells now. For now, though she just needed to get her sister back home. They loaded Sabina into her Jeep and Bea drove them home. Zoey sat in the back with Sab just to make sure she was ok. She slept most of the time while slurring incoherent sentences.
“Ina we can talk about this. Why do I have to be a mistake to everyone? I thought you understood me.” Sab quietly spoke in her sleep. Zoey sympathetically held her hand. She looked over to Bea to see if she could hear Sab’s ramblings. Bea was focused on driving with her furrowed brow. Probably still thinking about the dean’s email.
When they arrived in the dorm the two sober women helped carry Sabina into her room. Bea put a water bottle and some pain medication to help the hangover in the morning. Bea turned out the lights and left the room. She showered and changed into her pajamas letting her exhaustion from the night take her.
They better rest up now because tomorrow was time to deal with a shitstorm.
Next Chapter
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silverstone12345 · 3 years
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Dean Steinhelm:
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Man.....I feel bad for her.
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wherearemychoices · 3 years
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You know retrospectively I can't say she's wrong.
The Queen B cast are almost entirely awful people who definitely will make the world a worse place
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cloud9in · 3 years
yes do more do more 😮
Alright up next is @fundamentalromantic.
You give me Dean Steinhelm vibes from Queen B because you’re OLD and TEETHLESS. Time for bed granny.
All jokes aside, maybe, I can lowkey see you as Serafine DuPont from Bloodbound.You just appear randomly but manage to leave a metaphorical trial of magic behind you. Interesting and complex as well.
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harbingerofdespair · 3 years
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Gonna make my guess now. X is dean steinhelm or however you spell it.
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Dean Steinhelm: If you and Kingsley are caught together, they’re going to be fired and you’re going to be expelled.
MC and Kingsley:
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shirleydanders · 3 years
dean steinhelm gotta be x. that bitch is praying on my downfall
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emillow · 3 years
Author's Note: This is my headcanon about the ending of Queen B Book 2. I wasn't satisfied with the ending with Poppy I wanted to know more what happened after they graduate from Belvoire. Remember this is only based from my imagination, and I apologize if there are any lapses in my grammar. I'm still new with writing. THIS IS AN AU WHERE BEA HUGHES (MC) IS TWO/THREE YEARS YOUNGER THAN ANY CAST OF QB.
"Adieu For Now"
It's been two weeks since I graduated from New York City's most prestigious institution, thanks to my late aunt's massive inheritance. My parents made the decision to relocate to New York City, take over my aunt's business, and leave Farmsville behind to begin a new life, you know how the story goes.
My reign as Belvoire's badass angel Queen B has come to an end. All of my friends and foes have left, probably living their best or worst lives in the real world.
Zoey began her path to become a well-known DJ with the help of her mother and mentor, a.k.a. THE LIL NOS F HIMSELF. To be honest, I'll miss the days when we spent our time together hanging out, going to wild parties, hooking up with some of Belvoire's hottest girls and guys, as well as devising a plan to stop Poppy, X, and other potential enemies from ruining my repuation, but with Zoey and my posse by my side, we were unstoppable and managed to graduate in the end.
Lexi's old job is taken by Professor Ian Kingsley. After being fired from Belvoire due to allegations of him sleeping with a certain student...me...well, it only occurred once...ok, maybe twice...but I ended things with Ian after the school board nearly discovered our illegal relationship. Dean Steinhelm offered Ian his former position back once we proved the school board 'wrong,' but he declined, stating that he wanted to start over.
I haven't pursued him like a love-sick school girl since then, and it was probably the best that we stopped. Ian told me that he still has feelings for me, but I wasn't willing to give him what he wanted. I'm not selfish to let him destroy his career over me again, besides he's not the only person I've ever slept with during my time in Belvoire. Ian and I decided to keep in touch and agreed to remain friends, and only friends. No more, no less.
Of course, I'll never forget about Poppy Min-Sinclair, the ex-bitchy ice queen/sworn enemy/rival/fling who tried to ruin my life when I first got into Belvoire. All I wanted was to experience a normal college life: go to classes, hang out with friends, join exciting parties, and obtain a degree at the end of my senior year, but that bitch gave me a hard time since I set foot in campus.
You see, Belvoire University, has a strange popularity-based caste system. Where Poppy Min-Sinclair was their Number One Queen in the student rankings. She was known for being a ruthless, manipulative, narcistic, yet witty, cunning, and ambitious leader. Not until I arrived on campus. I was the new small-town girl genius who skipped grades and came from new money, thanks to my dead rich aunt who left her massive fortune, to my parents and me. Everyone in campus was interested in knowing who I was.
Poppy didn't take that quite well, so every attempt she made to ruin my life always backfired at her. And again and again I always remind her that she messed with the wrong person. For the past two years we were always at each other's throats, competing, giving insults, and fighting for the position of Number 1 as Queen B in Belvoire, after that we always end up in bed doing hate-make outs, constant hookups, you get picture, but it was our 'normal' way of getting to know each other, believe or not behind that crazy alpha bitch attitude is a softie when it comes to animals. No one knew this side of Poppy, except for her family and me. Heck, she owns at least twelve animal shelters in New York, she even plans to make a zoo to rescue endangered animals. That's how she cares about animals.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for that horrible skank, which I clearly did when I said I choose her, and it's always been her throughout my graduation speech. Poppy being Poppy, denied everything and spouted angry words about how she loathed me and everything, but I knew better.
I rolled my eyes, knowing all those angry comebacks and insults were nothing more than hollow words, so I did the logical thing, I kissed her in front of everyone to get her to quit talking. Everyone was shocked, including Poppy's parents. Nevertheless, everyone cheered, I heard some of the frat boys and zeta girls made a bet on my love life.
I took a step back and left her side to finish my graduation speech. After that, I led everyone to our post-graduation party, but my joy was short-lived when my parents called. Due to an emergency, they informed me that I needed to return home early. This threw me off guard. My parents have barely enough time for me since we became wealthy. I was hopeful that they'll come because their only daughter had graduated as summa cum laude, sadly they didn't appear. At least Poppy's parents cared enough to see her graduate, I envy her for that.
Back in Farmsville, I was raised and taught that family always come first. My relationship with my parents wasn't always like this, I had a wonderful and loving relationship with them, especially with my dad, but that changed when my father took over his late sister's company. He became distant, cold, and busy. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure why he called. I was surprised to say the least. This is the first time he approached me in nearly two years.
I notified my posse, which includes Zoey, Carter, Chloe, Veronica, Penelope, Thomas, Professor Roberta, and Taylor, that I need to go home immediately due to some family emergency via group chat. My entire posse agreed to assist me. Penelope and Zoey helped me in leaving the party, so I can get into my dorm room and packed all my things. Carter and Taylor then volunteered to carry my belongings and wait for my chaperone to pick me up from campus. While Chloe, Veronica, and Thomas stayed at the party to keep everyone entertained and announce my departure once I'd left.
I took one last glance at Belvoire before leaving. Here, I made both good and unpleasant memories. It shaped me into the person I am now. I turned to face my friends, especially Zoey.
"I'm going to miss you guys a lot." "Thank you so much for everything," I cried. Giving them all a big embrace.
"Me too, boo," Zoey muttered. "We'll all miss you."
"Hah! Bea, you'll always be our QB," Carter said.
Taylor dried her eyes and said, "No matter where you are, just call us whenever you need someone to talk to."
A vintage automobile honked at me. "It's time to go home, Miss Bea."
I smiled at everyone I knew as I wiped away my tears.
"Your ride is calling you." Penelope added, "We'll make sure to take care of the rest."
"Thanks guys, and it's not goodbye, more like see you later!" I salute and hug them one last time.
While I was inside the car, I've read Thomas post on The T about my departure.
Wassup Thoroughbreds!
This day has been an emotional ride for our graduating seniors here at Belvoire University. Some cried, some don't, and some our relieved to end this crazy school year. Too bad I won't be posting anymore juicy news here on The T, cause I'm about to graduate myself. But eh, enough about me.
In any case, if you're wondering why Queen Bea disappeared from her own party. Unfortunately, our benelovent QB had to leave early, because she had an important business to attend to. Of course, she didn't forget to thank people who loved and despised her throughout her reign. Let's not blame the poor girl. Her life has been living hell since the day she came to our school. All our new QB wanted was to live her college life peacefully. But not in Belvoire. Despite coming from new- money she proved again and again that no one dares to mess with her. Afterall, she's naturally a born genius. She did skip two years in middle school, became valedictorian and all-time prom queen back in Farmsville High, dethrones Poppy as the new QB, and now graduates college as SUMMA CUM LAUDE at only nineteen. I bet Mama and Papa Hughes must be ecstatic of their daughter's achievements.
Here's her farewell pic and message to everyone.
-Inserts picture of Bea waving goodbye at Belvoire-
"Congratulations Graduates of Belvoire! See you next time for our school reunion. But this time, take your life seriously. We'll be on our own once we graduate from college. There'll be many hurdles ahead of us when were in the outside world, but I'm certain that we'll all succeed in achieving our dreams. Goodbye, Bea Hughes
That was a very wholesome message coming to our Queen B. I almost cried she really did make a difference for the underdogs this past two years. With her heart of gold, sense of justice, great intelligence, and mercy. Our new queen B is truly a saint. Just look how she beats Poppy and outrank her for being number 1. Speaking of Poppy, I've heard she's angrily looking for Bea, our queen left her enemy turned to lover without saying goodbye to her. So, Dear Bea if you're reading this make sure to look at your phone, because Poppy looks very upset right now.
P.S I'm leaving the "T" to my trustee apprentice "S" who'll be in charge with "S" from now on, because you know their name starts with letter "S". Anyway, it was nice knowing you all. T is out.
-Kisses The T-
I smiled at Thomas' post. Wait did he say Poppy? I scrolled my phone and read his post for the fifth time
"Shit I forgot about Poppy!". I thought. When I went through my phone there were at least 50 unread messages, and 17 missed calls from Poppy.
Bea please reply I need you to talk to you.
I gulped, feeling guilty for leaving her behind. I was too preoccupied with the party and then my parents suddenly called. Just when I was about to reply.
THUD! The car bumped into a big whole, accidentally throwing my phone out of the car window, and seeing my beloved phone for nearly two years get crushed by rush vehicles. All my contacts, memories, and pictures where there. Damn it!
"SHIT, NOOO! MY PHONE!" I yelled in panic.
"But my phone… Poppy…she, she…"
"Poppy Min-Sinclair? The girl who bullied and nearly ruined your life? Are you friends with her already? I'm sure your father would love to hear this."
"Sebastien, you know my parents doesn't care about me. There too focused on taking over my aunt's company" I sighed "Besides I need to call Poppy I kind of confessed to her that I like her in front of everyone, and I kind of made her parents angry when I kissed her."
Sebastien groaned. "Oh my goodness. What will your father say?"
"Uhh, Dissapointed…Maybe?...Hehe…"
"Young lady. I'm sure your father will be upset but not disappointed. If you must know he's basically proud of you."
"Really? How about Mom?" I gleamed like a little kid who wants nothing more than to spend with her parents. What? Just because I'm a 5'8 ½ ft, attractive young adult woman, doesn't mean I don't like being pampered by my parents.
Sebastien gave me a rare smile. "Your parents are very proud of you, Miss Bea." I know they don't show it as much as they used to, but know that they adore you and only want the best for you. Once you've returned home. Your folks have planned a major surprise for you." he said, grinning.
Really? I looked him with skepticism. When was the last time they surprised me with something? Right, when I found out that my late aunt had left her entire fortune to my family. At first, I was excited since my family can afford to transfer me to a prestigious university. Since, they have the money to give me anything I want. I adore my parents and am grateful for everything they've done for me, but all I want is to go back to how things were. We used to live a simple life. Farmsville was a place that I'll greatly missed. I missed living on our farm back home, caring for our animals, competing in town-events and winning them all, seeing my mom and dad's smile, and so many fond memories that I'll never forget.
Going back to the surprised. Poppy was going to wait for now. Now I know I may sound like a douche for ditching Poppy behind (You are a douche). Shut up mind! I'll get back to her after my so-called surprise with my parents, and it's not like she'll cry about it, right? She's a headstrong, yet crazy bitch who's probably in the verge of madness texting me and demanding an explanation for leaving her behind, and maybe about the stunt that I pulled earlier. Yeesh. I'm seriously dead.
Author's Note: I'm not good at writing stories so please bear with me. By the way I plan to finish this story until the very end and maybe I'll make more Poppy x MC stories in the future. See you in the next chapter.
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choiceskatie · 3 years
Extra Credit (Smut-tember)
Books Featured: Red Carpet Diaries, The Nanny Affair, Queen B, The Royal Romance
Warnings: 18+. NSFW.
Word count: 1000 (you have no idea how difficult I found this lol)
Summary: Dirty Dalton goes to college when the children’s nanny doesn’t quite do it for him anymore.
Author's Note: Happy @smut-tember! I've missed most of the event bc I was awol, but to make up for it, I challenged myself to using every single word on the list for week 4 lol (hence why sticking to the word count was v hard). I also added in a couple of my own words lol, all of them will be highlighted in bold! It was honestly so fun writing cringy smut on purpose, but it feels illegal to even post this lmao. Thanks @lsvdw-blog for prereading this mess and howling with me all the way lol.
Tagging at the end but do NOT feel the need to read this shitshow 💀
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“Class dismissed.”
The instant sound of loud chattering and chairs moving eclipses Thomas Hunt’s deep voice, once thought to be commanding now completely powerless before the group of racious college students.
“Don’t forget! Sam Dalton will be here on Friday so make sure your projects are up to scratch! This is your senior year and if you don’t-”
The door slams shut behind the final student as they file out of the room without a backward glance at their professor.
“Hello, Mr Dalton.”
“Please, call me Sam.”
The man smiles as he nods his head graciously. “Dean Steinhelm wanted me to offer you a warm welcome to Belvoire, and we apologise that Thomas Hunt was unavailable today. Off for stress, between you and I.”
“Ah, so you’re not the man I was scheduled to meet with today?”
“Afraid not, sir. I’m Ian Kingsley, anthropology.”
“Not a problem. Shall we?”
He gestures towards the groups of students scattered around the lecture hall, all with bright eyes and naive smiles. Did they really believe that Dalton Enterprises would choose filmmaking for their first endeavour after breaking out of science?
Anyone with half a brain should be able to surmise that Sam Dalton is here looking for the tightest snatch he can find, and where better to look than a group of college students? If he gets to tear a hymen in the process, even better.
He feels his man meat strain painfully against his slacks as he comes across a group of particularly attractive girls, their outfits leaving little to the imagination as their globes nearly spill out of their dresses, the hem barely covering their meat curtains.
“And who do we have here?”
“This is Bea Hughes,” she smiles up at him, a twinkle in her eye as she fights for his attention. “And here we have Riley Brooks.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Mr Dalton.” Sam doesn’t miss the seductive rasp in her voice as she gazes through fluttering lashes, eyes hooded as she bites her lip.
Sam stifles a smirk as he speaks with them, practically smelling the girl’s moist honeypot as she tries to get as close to him as possible.
After making his rounds, he pulls Professor Kingsley to the side.
“I’d like to conduct some one-on-one interviews before I decide.”
Ian doesn’t miss the sly smile gracing their guest’s face as he speaks, as if the sight of his bulging phallus wasn’t enough to confirm he was a dirty freak.
“Who were you thinking of?”
“Either of those brunette sluts with the big blue eyes,” he inclines his head towards Bea and Riley, Ian’s jaw twitching.
“I don’t think Bea would be interested-”
“Trust me, she’s interested. They both are, just depends if you’re an ass or tit man, am I right?” He chuckles disturbingly as Ian’s fists ball in the pockets of his pants. “Hmm, I think we’ll go for tits today. Send her to your office for me, please.”
Their hands are all over each other as soon as the lock is turned. He pushes her up against the door, grinding his rock hard member into the heat of Riley’s lady cave.
His hands trail down the sides of her body, cupping her thighs and hoisting her up as he strides to the large mahogany desk and lays her down.
“Strip for me. Let me see that juicy ham wallet.”
She’s quick to follow orders, her clothes laying in a heap on the ground only seconds later.
Sam’s eyes fixate on the wetness dripping from her secret place, his fingers gliding in with ease as his head drops to her fun bags, tongue and teeth teasing her udders.
“You’re soaked. Just how long have you been thinking about my trouser snake?” His lips move down her abdomen as he speaks, her body trembling. “Hmm? Have you been thinking about my baby gravy filling you up?”
Any chance of a reply is caught in her throat as his tongue dives into her love tunnel and her hands fall to his hair, pulling tightly as he groans and his phallus throbs.
He pulls her clit into his mouth and suckles on her coochie meow meow, a premature release of love juice coating his boxers as his excitement gets the best of him.
Despite that, he’s steel hard and ready to go again in seconds, standing back to quickly undress before he flips her over, her chest meeting the cool desk as he tilts her hips up towards him.
He plunges his veiny pecker into her in one sure stroke, her pussy cat clenching around him as she struggles to take his vigorous thrusting.
His hands smooth over the globes of her ass, slapping and palming both over and over until she’s whining uncontrollably.
He spreads her cheeks, slipping his thumb into his wet mouth before sliding it into her puckered hole and grinning as he feels her body shaking.
“What’s your boyfriend gonna say?”
Their position offers Riley the opportunity to look confused as she wonders what the hell he’s talking about.
He grabs a fistful of her hair and yanks her back, her back meeting his chest as his lips latch onto her neck. “Tell me. What’s your boyfriend going to do when you go home and you’ve been fucked into oblivion by me? When your meat pocket’s been ruined like the little whore you are.”
What the fuck? Is this doing it for him?
“Are you gonna come for me, Riley? Let me feel your jizzle.”
“Jizzle? Girls don’t-”
“They do when it’s my pork sword fucking them.”
His words are laboured as his thrusts take on a life of their own, his rod driving home and home again until he spurts his seed inside of her with a loud yell.
He pulls out of her, his love stick softening and baby batter dripping down her thighs as he catches his breath.
“Oh, you might want to get a razor on your way home. You missed some pubic hair on your ass.”
@charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @forallthatitsworth @ao719 @burnsoslow @mia143 @stateofgracious @mainstreetreader @emkay512 @jerzwriter @lsvdw-blog @chemist-ana @kat-tia801 @txemrn @thefrenchiemama
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thelonewolfstar · 3 years
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I had a realization after today's chapter. X doesn't suffer from split personality disorder, but X is like The T for nobodies. If you remember in book 1, you can make an announcement without revealing yourself. If you notice that X sometimes sounds like a sassy b—nevermind, sometimes X sounds very professional. Today X sounded like Benji(the obsessed nerd). I'm starting to suspect that Dean Steinhelm could be behind this. She made X persona to have an excuse to dissolve the T rankings without these self-centered students directly hating her. The dean is clearly fed up with these students disrespecting her, especially Poppy who always get away from her consequences just because daddy Sinclair funds Belvoire. The dean wanted to expose Ina/Ian's affair without jeopardizing her credibility as a dean. Why didn't the dean exposed MC right away? This is due to the fact that not every player(including myself) having affair with professor Kingsley. The dean made X to get rid of MC and Poppy.
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Lexi's face model is so pretty I'm simping over her since she appeared as Cecil in Perfect Match.
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Can’t wait for Queen B book 2 when my MC is called into the Dean’s office to be apprehended for her supposed relationship with Kingsley and she’s carried into the room on the shoulders of the frat guys, Regina George-style, so when Steinhelm brings up the pics and asks MC what she has to say for herself and her actions, MC lowers her glasses and says that she’s too rich to need a sugar daddy, so someone as young and hot as her has no reason to be thirsting after Kingsley’s grown ass when she’s surrounded by the finest selection of himbos hotties she could ever want. She dips Carter into a kiss to prove her point. The frat boys cheer. Kingsley is immediately obliterated. Obama is there.
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princediavolos · 3 years
queen b spoilers under the cut
so they changed the identity of x from dean steinhelm to persephone dalton, which makes more sense imo because why would the dean of an institution be involved in all these dirty politics that goes on 😭
the ppl on spoiler op’s account are talking about how selene is related to persephone because they’ve got this whole greek goddess thing going on, WHICH MAKES SENSE because this whole innocent character trope was getting annoying when we keep getting options to be mean towards selene lmao can’t wait for her to drop that evil jeff duffy smile in the qb finale
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silverstone12345 · 3 years
If that ain't the truth...
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Dean Steinhelm:
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