#dean was ready to bent over and show castiel how much he respects him
Something that makes my brain rot is the fact that Dean wasn't attracted to Jimmy but he was attracted to Castiel in Jimmy's body.
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The Hunter Who Loved Me (Part 1)
Series Page
Characters/Pairing: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Jack Kline, Dean x OFC
Series Summary: Part Three of Some Sunny Day. Dean's trying to balance his new relationship with Julie and his need to hunt. How long can he keep it from her? And can Julie keep her curiosity at bay?
Section Word Count: 6300
Section Content: language, fluff, dirty talk, smut, Domestic!Dean, Slight Dom!Dean
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How did I get so lucky? That this was turning into just another day in her life with Dean Winchester made her shake her head. This has to be what it feels like to win the lottery.
Julie sprayed the top of the sliding glass door with a window cleaner. She took time to enjoy all the sexiness on the other side of the glass, the view of Dean in her backyard, while attending to her household chore. A few final touches and Dean would be done with the assembly. Crouched down and bent at the knees, Dean added some utensil hooks to the side of the grill. Unknowing, he was giving her all of that gorgeous, serious profile of his to study. Sunshine streaked through his hair and flamed the fiery orange-red tips incognito most of the time. She wiped away the cleaner slipping over her view. 
The grill had been an impromptu purchase on her end the weekend before. She and Dean had gone to, of all places, a home improvement store together. He had noticed a couple things around her house that needed fixing. But he wanted to run the ideas past her and some options before he went ahead and did anything. It was very domestic and thoughtful of him. It brought a huge grin to her face. 
He’d snuck a peck on her cheek when they were alone in the garden and patio center, talking about the drop in price of some seasonal stuff. His eyes lit up at a behemoth gas grill. He whistled and spouted off the stats: three burners, one on the side, plus a sear station burner to boot. The sucker could deliver 60,000 BTUs, which according to Dean, was awesome. Those meaty, handy fingers of his glided over the stainless steel top. Julie heated up.
It was decided that since Julie was throwing Brigida a surprise birthday party that following weekend and the October weather was pleasant enough, why not buy a grill and make it an outdoor affair. Most of the guests would end up outside anyway. Would Dean be keen on manning the meat for her? Julie tossed the unintentional innuendo out and had the six foot plus Adonis blushing in the middle of the display floor.
Satisfied with the streak free glass, Julie went out to check on Dean’s status. He leaned up from his work position and smiled. “All good. She’s ready for action. Just lit her up.”
Julie nodded, sighing in relief. “Cutting it close.” A couple hours from now the guests would arrive. And Brigida would definitely be on time, if not earlier, an hour after that.
“Yeah. But, it only took me threatening three store clerks at nine am this morning. Pulled a working igniter out of the floor model to get this baby up and running.” He waved both hands in the air with a flourish. “Now, we’re golden. No more nose crinkles. The meat’s marinating in your fridge.” He cocked a thumb over to Wes and Samuel’s house. “They’ve got the booze covered and some side dishes.”
“You need me to dash out for anything else before I finish up my food and the cookies to go along with the ice cream cake?”
He shook his head and drew her in by the waist, their bodies snug. “You trust me with all that fire power?”
Her hand rubbed over his vintage AC/DC t-shirt right under the collar. Sweat stippled his brow from the running around and grill tweaking. The mix of it with his sharp, clean soap scent got her warm and tingly. God, how does he make sexy so effortless? “You can handle it. I’m no Prometheus. You should worry more about my mom trying to take over the grill once she gets here.”
“Hey, it’s her birthday. If she wants the tongs and spatula, I’ll hand them over and be her sous chef.”
Julie smiled. “She’d probably love that.”
He grinned and bent down to dust her bottom lip with his mouth. “How many we gotta feed again?”
She rattled off the memorized total. “Twenty-two, not including us. Fifteen adults, three kids, two teenagers, and two dogs.”
Dean tipped his head. “Piece of cake.”
Julie smirked. “Not pie?”
His fingers flirted over the denim covering her ass. “Saving your pie for later.” He leaned down again for a deeper kiss.
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Julie’s backyard had never seen such activity. Lawn chairs scattered over the freshly mowed lawn. Stacey and Carl’s two older children, Evan, 10, and Rory, 7, played cornhole in the driveway. Brigida had latched onto their youngest boy, two year old Dylan, right after everyone had given her a Happy Birthday surprise welcome. Karen’s boyfriend, Carter, the New York Mergers and Acquisitions lawyer, Wes, and Carl kept Dean company by the grill. He seared chicken, flipped hot dogs, checked and rechecked the pork ribs, sipped his beer, and took doneness requests for the beef burgers. 
Samuel chatted under the covered patio with Karen, Stacey, Cat and her partner Sheila, along with the handful of Brigida’s Little Italy neighbors that had made the short trek out of the city to celebrate. Karen’s teenage boys hid most of the time, busy on their phones under the shade of the carport. Julie attempted to involve Karen’s oldest, Khaleel - a sullen 16 who more than likely wanted to be anywhere else - asking if he would man the playlist blaring out of the portable bluetooth speaker. The younger by two years, Kevin, emerged from his cocoon to explain TikTok to Dean. The explanation only furrowed the cook’s brow even more.
Julie caught Dean’s this-is-for-the-guests smile settle into the I’m-actually-kinda-glad-to-see-you version when Cas and Jack finally showed up. Cas had picked up some weekend shifts to make ends meet. Jack was still working his side job as much as he could, balancing school, to save up for his trip to Texas over Winter Break. He was going to MIRL with this fantasy girl if it was the last thing he ever did. At least, that was the confession he had told Julie as the four hung out for a movie and pizza over Dean’s a month back.
Cas took his usual post at Dean’s right side by the grill. Julie glanced over every so often at the comical duo. Somewhere between Abbott and Costello and Martin and Lewis. Dean monitored his friend’s interactions with the new group of men. If Cas needed to pull back on the conversation a bit or shift to another topic, Dean cued him with a slight shake of a head or cough. Cas held his beer in a fierce grip and mimicked Dean when he took a sip. God, there is so much codependency there. What they hell did they go through together? Dean gave Jack a pair of tongs and had him man the second round of dogs. Jack smiled from ear to ear like a teenager getting the keys to the car after passing his driver’s license. And, he’s like a second dad to that kid.    
As was always the case in hosting, and determined to not have her mom lift a finger, Julie barely had time to relax or eat for the first hour of the party. She made sure the other food got served when Dean plattered and presented grilled meats. The two of them used a lot of hand gestures and miming to coordinate everything. Dean would every so often switch things up and make Julie blush with a few obscene ones.   
Once Dean had been schooled by Cat on Salt and Pepa’s breeds - a Samoyed and Belgian Sheepdog, respectively - he had them eating out of and drooling into his hands for scraps. Cas and Jack procured a frisbee from the outdoor toys and tossed it back and forth with the kids. The dogs played monkey in the middle.
Dean called out to Julie once everyone else was situated and eating. “Jules! Got a medium-well burger with your name on it, ready in a minute.” He winked over. She set the last of the latest round of drinks in front of guests and gave him a thumbs up.
Stacey cooed. “Knows just how you like your meat, does he?”
The old college friends did their share of giggling and cackling. Julie pointed a finger from Samuel to Stacey. “No more of your red wine for this one.” 
Carl tapped his wife’s knee. “Take it easy, sweetie.” Stacey gave her husband a slobbery raspberry on the cheek.
“That is a sweet ride.” Carter pointed to Baby in Dean’s driveway as her owner snuck behind Julie. He presented a cheeseburger on a perfectly toasted bun. Julie smiled at the lettuce, tomato, onions and pickles - all her favorites - already on top. The charred meat and fixings smelled divine. Her stomach grumbled. A side glance noted her mom’s own smiling face. Brigida stared over at the both of them while talking to the two older couples.
“Well, you can take a look under the hood later if you want, Carter. Rebuilt her more times than I can count.” He whispered in Julie’s ear. “Eat something before you pass out.”
She grinned, wanting to tease that he sounded like Brigida, but thought better of it. Stacey and the crew were watching their interactions like hungry vultures, ready to pounce on anything too tasty to tease about.
“So, Dean, if the ladies have another girls’ night, maybe we can get us a poker game over at my house.” Carl interjected.
Sheila chimed in, “Only if I can join.”
Julie overheard Cas whisper to Dean in confusion. “Wouldn’t Sheila be a part of girls’ night?”
Dean muttered back, “Not if she has better taste in music than the rest of them.”
Carter shook his head. “Oh, God, you wiped me out last time we played poker Sheila.”
Dean cocked a brow and gave Sheila a lopsided grin. “Some actual competition. Sounds like we gotta make that happen soon.”
Sheila tipped her beer to Dean and gave his frame a thorough inspection.
“My poker skills would benefit from someone new to play with, as well.” Cas nodded to Sheila. “I know all of Dean’s tells at this point. It’s getting rather boring.”
Sheila patted the empty seat next to her. “You might be my new best friend, then, Cas.”
Cas smiled and puffed out his chest.
Dean whispered to Julie, “Should I break the news that he hasn’t a shot in hell?”
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Karen helped Julie with some of the kitchen cleanup before dessert. It was really a ruse for alone time and girl talk.
“How was it?” Karen asked in a hushed tone, in case anyone snuck in. She’d known about Julie going on birth control again. Had actually been the one to give her the idea in the first place.
“Which time?” Julie smiled. “We’ve been at it every night since the middle of this week when I surprised him.” She added. “Sometimes two or three times.”
“Jesus. Two or three? Carter’s five years younger than me and two times in one night has never… never happened. Three?” Karen fanned herself over the sink and running water. “How are you handling all that man, Jules?” Her brown eyes widened while she rinsed plates to drop in the dishwasher. 
Julie answered by holding her hands apart to approximate Dean’s length.
“Get the fuck out of here!” Karen’s voice raised. She slapped a palm over her mouth at the outburst. Water and suds flew everywhere.
Julie crossed a finger over her chest, blinking at the water that splashed her face. “When have I lied under oath?” 
“Be careful or you’re going to get a UTI.” She added in a whisper, “From all that fucking.”
Julie laughed. “I booked a follow up with my gyno as soon as I got the prescription. I see her next week.” She whispered back. “Kar, it was amazing, mind blowing before this. But now, it’s like…” Julie trailed off, daydreaming about her lover in the backyard. Her insides sore, throbbing with the memory of him; a deep and beautiful stoking she couldn’t wait to experience again. 
“I think Carter and Carl have crushes on him.” Karen shook her head. “Carter might come in his pants if he gets that car tour.”
“Don’t tell Cat, but I think Sheila might be crushing, too.” Julie giggled.
“We heard that!” Stacey and Cat screamed in unison. Karen and Julie screamed back in shock. Cat, a bit tipsy herself this afternoon, sported a toothy grin. From Julie’s vantage, she was lighter than usual, airy even. One of her arms draped over Stacey’s shoulders as the duo sashayed into the kitchen.
“Only speaking the truth.” Karen raised a hand as the other still clutched her chest at the friendly fright.
Stacey waved a hand. “I get dibs on Dean when Jules is done with him.” She wiggled her eyebrows.
Julie rolled her eyes. “Not planning on it anytime soon, Stace.”
Cat opened her mouth. Her eyes caught the threat Julie’s eyes beamed with an intentional telepathy. Cat snapped her jaw shut before the other ladies noticed.
“Not fair to keep all the juicy details to yourself.” Stacey whined, sliding out from Cat’s grip and into one of the kitchen chairs. She slumped over the table, elbow propped, cradling her chin in a manicured hand. “Some of us have needs.” She sighed.
Cat leaned against a counter, eyes glazed behind her glasses. “I think Brigida’s had one too many.”
Julie was happy for the segway but not pleased with the content. She settled her own glasses against the bridge of her nose in a nervous tick. “Really? A saw her with a glass of wine. But, she usually only has a little.”
“I think Wes and Samuel made her a special birthday cocktail.”
“Ugh.” She wiped both hands down across her face. “Love ‘em but those men and their alcohol.”
Stacey did her best pigeon impression again. “Do you love ‘em as much as Dean?”
A very deep throat clearing had all four ladies turn their head to the hallway. Dean stood there carrying a huge empty platter covered in meat bits and juices. “Am I interrupting something?” Julie blushed at the proud grin on his face. He skimmed past Stacey’s seated frame. Stacey was eye level with the denim hugging his ass and licked her lips. He excused himself again and slid around Cat, lifting the platter over Julie’s head winding past, to end up near Karen by the sink. “This is a nasty one. Let me take care of this, Karen.” He offered.
She shook her head. “Hand it over. Least we can do after you did such a stellar job at the grill. You got Kevin to eat a burger that doesn’t come in a fast food bag.”
“That is high praise. Thanks.” He smiled and gave Julie a once over before asking, “Anything else have to go out?”
“You think I should grab the ice cream cake out of the basement fridge?”
“It might be a good idea soon.” Dean shrugged. “Everyone’s either winding down or is pretty hammered.” He glanced over at Stacey.
Julie nodded and pointed at the counter behind him. “Would you take that tray out with the dessert plates and all the other necessities? Pretty please?”
He winked. “Yes, Ma’am.”
Stacey groaned. “Ugh. Could you two reel in the cuteness?”
Julie ignored the request. “Thank you. Cat.” She turned to ask her friend. “Wanna help me with the cake?” 
“Um, sure.” Cat hesitated.
When they got down to the basement, Julie listened to ensure Dean’s heavy steps had made their way out the sliding door and Stacey and Karen were busy talking in the kitchen.
“I’m not the best person to ask to carry a cake upstairs.” Cat mumbled.
“You can spot me.” Her hand rested on the fridge handle. “Speaking of looking out for me…”
“I know. I haven’t reached out much since that last conversation we had.” Cat shrugged. “You sounded happy that night, with him. I figured I should mind my own business for once and stop investigating.”
“Thank you, Cat.” Julie smiled.
“He seems decent, Julie. A good guy, even. Simple. Easy.” Cat waved a hand. “I don’t mean either of those things as a negative.”
Julie laughed. “I know. But, trust me, he’s anything but simple or easy to figure out.” She tilted her head. “I’ve been thinking... would you send me over a couple of those books you found?”
Cat pursed her lips. “I’ll think about it.”
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It was ten o’clock by the time Dean and Julie finished with a majority of the clean up from the party. The last dishwasher load had been started, all the guests had gone home, and Brigida was fussing in the kitchen. Dean looked like a very uncomfortable giant next to the birthday lady.
“I don’t need-ah to stay.” Brigida insisted. “Dean-ah can take me home.” Her Italian accent was a lot heavier laced with alcohol.
“No, Dean can’t. None of us should be driving, Ma. We’ve all had a bit too much to drink. You have your extra meds here in your room. You’re going to take them, drink lots of water, and go to bed.”
She waved her hands. “I don’t want to be in the way.”
Julie rolled her eyes and sighed.
“Brigida, we just threw a party for you. How could you think you’re in the way?” Dean asked with true sincerity in his voice.
“Dean-ah.” She clutched his forearm. “I don’t want-ah you to run home. And, I know-ah this one won’t leave me in the house alone-ah. Thinkin’ I won’t be able to walk twenty steps without falling over and knocking myself out-ah.”
Dean shrugged. “It’s not a big deal, I’m pretty tired. Long day.”  
“Ma, Dean can stay over if he wants to.” Julie widened her eyes to encourage Dean to play along.
“Ye-yeah. Sure. We’re both exhausted.” He faked a long yawn and stretched out an arm. “Sooo tired. Gonna conk out as soon as my head hits the pillow.”
Brigida grinned. “You are a bad liar.” She tapped his tummy. “Fine. I’ll get myself ready for bed.” She raised both arms at Julie. “Appy?”
“Very happy.” Julie smiled. “Need me to help you with anything?”
“No.” Brigida motioned for Dean to bend down. She gave him a very long mama bear hug and then squeezed a cheek. “Thank you.”
Julie’s heart warmed at the interaction.
His facial features squirmed under Brigida’s vice grip. “Welcome.”
When she retracted her fingers, she announced, “I’ll be up early cleanin’ and makin’ breakfast.” She shuffled out of the kitchen. Her loud voice rang out in the hallway. “Don’t come down here naked in the morning, Dean-ah. Not-ah unless you got plans for me.”
Dean snorted as Julie yelled. “Ma!” 
Dean shook his head. “She’s even more of a pistol drunk.” He wrapped arms around Julie when they were alone. “I’ll hang out until she’s in her room and sleeping. I don’t think it’ll take long. Help you clean up some more. Then, I’ll duck out.” His kiss was soft and warm.
Julie hummed. “You heard her. She’s making you breakfast.” She shrugged. “You can stay.”
Dean smiled. “Sweetheart, if I stay, we won’t be sleeping.”
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They took turns in the upstairs bathroom. Dean first, as usual, since Julie took longer with her nighttime skin routine. Cleanser, applied to her face in gentle circular motions, wiped away the makeup and sweat from the day. Cool water splashed against her skin. Splashes of moments from the party entered her mind. Her mom’s absolute shock and then subsequent soft crying at the surprise. Stacey wrangled the girl power squad together for a group selfie. It would post onto the social medias before Stacey got well and fully sloshed. Cas pulled her to the side to give her a genuine, heartfelt thank you for the invitation. Jack assisted with the dish clearing without even having to be asked. Mom’s ancient, pudgy neighbor, Lydia, who didn’t move once from her seat under the patio, tugged at Julie’s wrist to tell her she needed to do a better job holding onto this man than the last one. 
She patted away most of the wetness with a face towel. This man. She opened the medicine cabinet to put away some items and grab the moisturizer. Everything she disliked about her face on bright display under the bathroom lighting. The pads of her fingers danced over the circles under her eyes and some of the wrinkles forming around her mouth. All those old Italian women and their snarky little comments. Wondering what Dean’s doing with me. Even with all of his secrets and all that she still didn’t know, she still felt that tug of insecurity. Not being good enough. His imperfections, the cracks appearing over the months of infatuation and obsession with this man, were making themselves known. But they were all things she could handle and cast aside at the end of the day. Because all it took was that one second of his eyes locking with hers in that way. That very Dean way. Craving it in that moment, she hurried and worked the cream into her skin.
She entered the dark bedroom. The only illumination was from the television, the volume low and muffled. White light from the screen flashed like lightning over Dean, laid out on the still made bed. 
He had slipped on the grey and blue plaid pajama bottoms Julie bought him. She picked them up as an afterthought one Sunday shopping when he’d started staying over a couple times a week. He came across them, folded and waiting, on the unspoken but understood side of Julie’s bed that was now his. A lopsided grin had been given as thanks.
There was a reason I didn’t buy him a shirt. A remote in hand rested on his tummy and that luscious bare chest. He cradled his head atop two pillows with his other palm; his biceps curled, primed, and ready for action. Legs crossed at the ankles and his foot swayed with an ancy rhythm. The image of him stretched out imprinted in her brain under the bright pops of light as if someone were taking lots of polaroids of this magnificent specimen.  
He turned to her, smiled, then whispered, “Wanna watch something?” The remote was used as a pointing device toward the floor. “I can’t tell if that’s a chainsaw or your mom snoring.”
Julie nodded. “I told you, you can hear everything in this house.”
“Maybe soundproofing needs to be another project.” He frowned. “This is going to be torture.”
She giggled low and soft, hands on her hips, cinching in her oversized nightshirt. “Why?”
His fingers skirted over the comforter creeping in her direction. “Cause I want to make you moan like the other night.” 
That very Dean way. The sexy stare made her smile drop. “Thought you were tired.”
“Come here, sweetheart.” He gave her a chin nod.
Julie sighed and eased onto the bed, aware of every creak and squeak. “Karen was right.”
“‘Bout what?” He opened an arm. His embrace clutched her to his warm chest.
She snuggled in. “You’re going to give me blushing bride syndrome.”
“A blushing what now?”
His lips pressed to hers cut off an immediate response. She nibbled on his chin when he released. “Too much sex. You know, can cause issues down there.”
He pulled back to study her face. “I’m not going to apologize for wanting you.”
“Not asking you to.” She pressed into him.
Mischief lined his lips. “Maybe I should take it easy on you. Give you a break. Since we have to be quiet and all.” He flashed the all-knowing, hot shit grin that stopped her heart. “I mean, we know you can’t keep that dirty little mouth of yours shut when mine’s all over you... or inside you.” His voice was husky and gritty, breathing near her ear. 
“Oh, really?” She whispered her retort. “Who was the one panting and groaning last night about how hard he was going to come?”
Dean latched onto one of her knees. The pull dragged a thigh to rest over his hip. His warm hand traveled and danced along her skin. It snuck under the night shirt; pushed it high up past her waist. Fingers clutched at the top of her bare ass and kneaded. He shifted into her more and wedged their bodies tight. “Nah. You couldn’t have heard that. You were too busy screaming my name over and over.”
A jarring motor-like sound drifted up from Brigida’s bedroom for only a second. They froze in place. Dean chuckled. Tangled together, Julie rested a finger on his mouth. “Shhh.” She pressed into the softness of his perfect pout with more force and threw in a nose crinkle for good measure.
“I wasn’t going to say anything…” His lips struggled to release the words under her finger. Julie had learned early on upon their meeting that Dean enjoyed teasing out a variety of reactions from her.
She sighed and relented the tiny attempt at restraint. “What?”
“When you were in the bathroom earlier and I got a good listen of it all. Actually had something to compare it to.” He paused. “You snore like your mom.” His grin spread slow and wide, lips pursed tight.
Julie’s eyes widened on defense. “No, I don’t.”
“Yeah, you do.” He nodded, still grinning, lifting his brow for emphasis. “Get so loud.” A slight, controlled circling of those strong hips began. The motion matched the sensual rhythm of his verbal descriptions. “You start off so nice and quiet. Then it’s up. And up. And up. Like a freight train in here some nights, sweetheart.”
A few more seconds of silence followed. “Shit.” That was the only admission Julie would allow, listening to his description of her inherited sleeping habits while succumbing to the wondrous feel of his body lighting her up. “Don’t compare me to my mother while doing that, Dean.”
Dean laughed and gave her another chin nod in victory. “Still. Proves my point. Can’t help yourself. Way louder and noisier than I could ever be.” 
Julie nuzzled close, finding the tunnel under his arm. Firm strokes down the slope of his back relished in the heat vibrating through his body. She ran a thumb back and forth over that plump pillow of a bottom lip. “You were the one that almost broke my headboard. Remember? Talk about noise.” And talk about fucking hot. “White knuckling it to get some leverage, slamming it into the wall.” His mouth parted and a hunger filled his gaze. She grinned at the erection hardening more in the pajamas against her patch of curls. “While you were slamming into me.”
He caught her thumb with a clench of teeth. His tongue flirted along the pad before he sucked at it with a low moan. His lips released it when he whispered back. “That was a memorable fuck, sweetheart. You under me. Letting me ride you so hard. Wish I could pound you like that for days. Wreck us both.”
“Jesus, Dean.” Julie moaned, rocking soft against his clothed cock.  “There wouldn’t be anything left of me.”
The hand left her ass, skirted under the shirt. Those meaty fingers landed on the curve of her breast and massaged into bliss. “But what a way to go.” He groaned, then peeled away enough to dip down and mouth a nipple through the shirt. “Shit, got me so hard.” He spoke between licks and sucks. “I wanna fuck you. All. The. Time.” The warmth and wet of his mouth soaked through to the taut nub. “All I could think about today was getting you alone. Here. Like this.” He nudged at the material with his nose to expose the dark, pebbly flesh to the air and his mouth. “Sliding inside you again. Nothin’ but me and you.” He suckled at her tit. When he came up for air and met her gaze, he whispered in that smoke and honey tone. “It feels like home inside you, Jules.”
Dean’s eyes lit up with another flash from the television. Glassy, eager and laser focused with intent. He always downplayed his ability to convey and verbalize feelings. But that confession, those six words - It feels like home inside you - made her whole body shiver. Like the night they’d first had sex. You feel so safe. It had been four little words back then. Not THOSE three little words. But it was pretty damn close.
“I think we should give ourselves a challenge.” The seriousness faded from his face, replaced with that impish grin. “A quiet, well contained, controlled fucking.”
Julie giggled, her body still buzzing from his actions and words. Her hands answered, pulling the pajamas down past his ass. He lifted up from the mattress an inch to assist with the disrobing. The fabric bunched around his knees.
He groaned when she tugged at his cock, free and rigid. She curled toes and peeled the material down far enough so he could shake his feet out the rest of the way. “Turn around, baby.” His voice held an authoritative tone. “Everything. Off.”
In the process of her slow and quiet one-eighty flip she rid herself of the nightshirt. The cool air in the room prickled at hot skin. He moaned at the sight. “That’s not being quiet.” She tisked.
He lassoed her in with a bear hug, onto her side, this time her back sealed along his chest. A haphazard pull at the band released the ponytail. His fingers brushed away strands. Searing lips attacked the exposed flesh of her neck. “Are you gonna be good for me?”
She stifled a moan and nodded.
“Hm.” Fingers slid into the folds, finding the wetness. “Very good so far.” He pushed farther in and searched. Circled her entrance. “All this for me already?” He groaned in her ear. “Goddamn, I wanna get my mouth on that. But we know you really can’t contain yourself when my face is between your legs.” Those fingers ended up at his mouth. She could smell her excitement, inches away. The sound of his lips sucking and his moans stoked her need. “Maybe a challenge for the morning.” He thought aloud.
His body, large and eclipsing, leaned up, shifting. His cock slid between the cheeks of Julie’s ass like a heat seeking missile. She let out a pitiful whine and bit her lip. They hadn’t even talked about that as an option. But every time his cock got tantalizingly close the thought had crossed her mind. She’d never wanted to try, not even with Steve. But Dean. Dean made her want to experience everything.
The sex with Dean had been many things over the past months: fun, playful, sweet, luxuriating, romantic, fast, rough, hard, naughty, and tons of dirty talk. Yet, none of that fifty shades stuff or roleplaying she had anticipated. Almost vanilla sex in comparison from what her mind could conjure up. 
Almost, but never vanilla. Not with Dean. It was that French Vanilla ice cream that you’d get at a family owned creamery worth a two hour drive. One made by an artisan, churned by hand. One bursting with flecks of vanilla bean hitting all the taste buds. It was rich, creamy, indulgent, velvety, cool, lolling about on your tongue, savoring the flavor in the moment, crystalizing a memory for wonderful recollections.  
Still, there was a palpable restraint by Dean, holding back, in terms of physical limits even if never in vocal declarations. Sometimes she thought she could feel the inner shift in Dean. It could be an imperceptible tell if their bodies weren’t so connected; a retraction of his muscles under that worn skin and the myriad of scars she would cling to in mounting desperation of the most amazing kind. He never out and out stated it. Dean never would. But she felt like the pilot in this jet when it came down to it. He was her trusty co-pilot, offering suggestions but always adhering to the final decision, charting her course, making sure she stayed on track, allowing her control. Allowing her safety. 
“No one’s gonna be quiet if we give that a try tonight.” Dean read her mind, again keeping her on track with the original plan. He scooted down, cupping her figure with his. “Any other night, sweetheart, you let me know.” He dotted her back with kisses and wedged a knee between her legs. The motion splayed her bottom half, spreading her. His palm crooked under her knee, bent it just so. “But, this way.” The cock tip pressed at the entrance. “I think we can both get what we need and not wake sleeping beauty.” He licked little patches along her shoulder blade. “What’s that thing you always say?”
Jesus, why is he teasing me now? “When?” She huffed out.
“When you come over and decide to clean up my kitchen.”
“No muss, no fuss?”
He rumbled into her back and began the slide. Inside. “Yeah. That’s it. No Muss. No Fuss.” His large palm grabbed at her breast, latched onto it, thumbed the nipple. She could feel the strength of his hips guiding the wondrous length and girth of his cock. He bottomed into her and stopped. She wanted to feel how tight his ass was clenched in that moment. Sought it out with a hand and squeezed. “Hm.” He approved of the action. “How does that feel, sweetheart?” His voice, low, deep.
“You feel so good inside me Dean. You feel good everywhere.” She moaned when the controlled pistoning switched on. 
“Hm. So, the quiet part is gonna be impossible for you, huh?”
She moaned again, softer, she thought. “This is me being quiet.”
“Baby?” He moaned out the question.
“Would you be alright if I helped keep you quiet?”
A fire lit up in her belly. “Yeah.”
He groaned. An arm threaded between her rocking body and the mattress. His hand slid up her chest, over her neck, her jaw. Settled over her mouth. “If it’s too much.” He panted. “If I get too carried away, you tap. Okay?”
She tapped his ass cheek to confirm she understood. Listened to his inhales and exhales. His thumb wedged between her upper lip and the underside of her nose. Two massive fingers clamped over her mouth. The other two had a firm grip under her chin, ensuring her lips stayed closed. All while he pumped in and out of her from behind, slow and purposeful.
“Feel so fucking good.” He whispered. His mouth pecked at her back, shoulder, her side, her arm, anywhere it could reach. “Four nights into your ‘I’m on the pill’ surprise.” He panted out his confession. “I’m sure I’m going to come down eventually, Jules. If that gives you some hope. About this blushing bride thing.” A soft growl left his mouth. “I mean, I’m no Superman.” She moaned into his hand when his pace and thrusts picked up. He was still very much in control and not rocking the bed like she knew he could. “But, I am Batman.” His chuckle vibrated into her back.
He shifted, circled, found that spot in her and focused all his energy. More muffled moans erupted from Julie.
“Shhh, sweetheart.” He used more of his palm against her mouth now, pressed harder against the flesh. “Be good for me.”
The subtle restraint was electric, increasing her pleasure tenfold. The sounds of her slick and his rutting inside her only made her more wet.
“I gotta feel you cum.” He begged. His other hand glided over the top of her thigh, rested against the mattress and palmed her pussy. “I’m gonna work you quick, baby. Okay?”
She nodded as much as she could with the hold of his hand.
He parted the folds, found her swollen clit and took no mercy. It was hard, fast. Explosions of light began popping into her brain. Her body jerked with slight tremors. It wouldn’t be long. “Yeah, that’s it. I love it when you come undone. Cum all over my cock.” Dean whispered.
His voice tipped her into the orgasm. She moaned, tightened, while he continued to pump.
“Yeah, right behind you, Julie. Yeah. Fuck.” And, he was, chasing her with his own orgasm. The pulsing of his cock, the spilling of him inside, warm, mingling with her wet he’d produced. His pants and groans against her back. His weight on her body, hand still cupping her mouth. “Man. I give us an A for effort. But, I wasn’t much better than you in the sound department. I might need a damn muzzle.”
Julie smiled into his palm.
“Sorry, baby.” He removed his hand from her mouth. “Should have tapped me. You okay?”
She nodded into the comforter. “Oh, yeah.” Eased onto her back. “Definitely. Can we do more of that?”
He laughed, staring with those beautiful eyes, crinkles extending the gleeful expression on his face. That very Dean way. “Sure.” He shrugged. “Just maybe not tonight?” He kissed her lips, then flashed her an exhausted smile. “I really am pretty beat. Been one helluva long day.”
Julie nodded. “Me too.” She tapped his forearm. “Bathroom again for me and then sleep.”
“Don’t be long.” He collapsed onto his back and closed his eyes.
She smiled, closing the bathroom door. He’d be asleep by the time she slipped back into bed. The sounds of his snores would cover a variety of animals from a grunting pig to a snarling lion. But she wouldn’t tease him in the morning about it. She promised to give him a pass.
Part 2
Series Page
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Destiel Trope Collection 2019 Day 25: Roommates
PB&J | @dmsilvisart Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1785 Main Tags and Warnings: roommate au, pining Summary: Have you ever dated someone to make someone else jealous? Dean has a very important question for Cas. Cas is oblivious and apparently Dean is an asshole.
It's All Benny's Fault | @casbeanwrites Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 7904 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, guinea pig, fluff, dean in denial Summary: Everything was fine in Dean Winchester's life, until the day his (ridiculously adorable) roommate forced him to adopt a guinea pig, and everything went to Hell.
Me Too | @isolemnlyswear-iamsuperwholocked Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2736 Main Tags and Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Roommates, Based on a Tumblr Post, Inspired By Tumblr, Miscommunication, Misconceptions, Openly Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Bisexual Dean Winchester, Mentions of homophobia, Homophobic John Winchester Summary: Dean has to get a new roommate, asap. He can't deal with it anymore- the dude has no idea what personal space even is, for one. He stares at Dean all the freaking time and it's starting to make him uncomfortable. Not to mention the fact he might have a crush on the blue-eyed weirdo. Cas has to get a new roommate, asap. He can't deal with it anymore- the dude has completely no respect for his sexuality. All his friends made jokes when Cas was with them and Dean just laughs, and Dean acts way too weird around him for it to be normal. Not to mention Cas isn't ready to have another crush on someone who could never like him back.
sunday morning coming down | @reallyelegantsharkfish Rating: Mature Word Count: 2395 Main Tags and Warnings: Recreational Drug Use, Marijuana, Demisexual Castiel, Mutual Pining Summary: Smoke can do all kinds of stuff to you, maybe. Maybe make you want to touch, want to kiss. Maybe make you want to cook dinner and lay together reading and laugh together on long drives through the Hill Country, Baby’s wheels tried and true around the curves and bends.
Holiday Traditions | @suckerfordeansfreckles Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1356 Main Tags and Warnings: roommates, best friends to lovers, mentioned homophobia, emotional hurt/comfort Summary: Ever since Dean has known Cas, since they moved in together almost three years ago, Cas has dreaded the Christmas season. Every single time, it had taken him days afterwards to find his smile again. Every single time, he came home and hid in his room for as long as possible. Every single time, Dean’s heart broke a little more for him. But Cas survived the holidays again this year, and he’s done with family for the next few months. And Dean, the awesome (and totally smitten) best friend he is, decided to treat Cas today. Make December 29th 2018 the best one Cas has ever had. Starting with breakfast in bed.
Wake Up, Sweetheart | @breathingdestiel Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2766 Main Tags and Warnings: au, best friends to lovers Summary: Dean decides to confess his love to Cas. It doesn't go as planned.
La Vie A Plus | @thebloggerbloggerfun Rating: General Word Count: 6260 Main Tags and Warnings: Asexual Castiel, Artist!Castiel, Punk!Castiel Summary: Dean Winchester is hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with his best friend and roommate, Castiel. Castiel - with his blue hair, and his tattoos, and his artwork, and his perfect everything. Dean never stood a chance, really. It only sucks because, as far as Dean can tell, Castiel is definitely not interested. But love, much like art, has a way of being unpredictable. Even if you think you know where you're going with it.
Truth or Dare | @lemonsorbae Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1190 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - College/University, First Kiss, Fluff Summary: What else is there to do when the power has been out all day?
Perfect | @galaxystiel Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 6712 Main Tags and Warnings: College AU, roommates, fluff, 5+1, Summary: Five times Dean told Cas they’d figure it out, and one time he didn’t need to.
Roommate Wanted | @supernatural9917fic Rating: Explicit Word Count: 23088 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe, Roommates, Gay Castiel, Dean thinks he's straight, Switching, Dean/Cas Big Bang Challenge 2018 Summary: Dean Winchester moved to Pontiac, Illinois six months ago when his girlfriend Carmen got a new job. Unfortunately for Dean, Carmen then left him for her boss, so he needs to find a roommate ASAP. Castiel Novak needs to move out of his brother’s house before his niece is born, and when he finds Dean’s ad on Craigslist, it seems like the perfect solution for both of them. So what if Dean is ridiculously gorgeous? Castiel can keep his crush under control. So what if Castiel is gay? Totally straight Dean isn’t at all affected by seeing him hook up with dudes. They’re just a couple of completely platonic roommates. Well… that’s what they think, anyway…
Like Home | @nickelkeep Rating: General Word Count: 4549 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Mutual Pining, Cupcakes, Wedding Planning, First Kiss, Living Together, Castiel and Dean Need to Use Their Words Summary: Castiel's twin sister Hannah is getting married, and as the Man of Honor, he's been along for the Bridal Show and Wedding Planning ride. After talking about the last one with his best friend/roommate Dean, Dean suddenly wants to tag along (mostly for the free food). Can Cas handle pretending to be engaged to his best friend?
First and Only | @almaasi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 35782 Main Tags and Warnings:Romance, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Flashbacks, Non-Chronological, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Cuddling & Snuggling, Virgin Castiel, Voyeur Castiel, Demisexual Castiel, Demiromantic Castiel, Switch Castiel, Autistic Castiel, Openly Bisexual Dean, Switch Dean, Homeless Dean, Thief Dean, Moving In Together, First Time, First Kiss, Ice Skating, Alcoholism, Public Displays of Affection, Minor Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester Summary: Single bachelor Dean bets he can have sex more times within a calendar year than his happily-married brother. But when Castiel – Dean’s roommate, best friend, and total virgin – asks Dean to be his First, Dean’s plan to bed numerous strangers goes up in smoke. Over the weeks, then the months, Cas becomes his go-to guy. His “fuck buddy”, if you will. But that doesn’t sound right. It doesn’t feel right. Dean was Cas’ First, but now he wants to be Cas’ Only. Now he’s gotta figure out how the heck to court a guy he’s successfully wooed a hundred times already.
The House That Wanted to Be a Garden | @almaasi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 32982 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe, Romance, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Friends to Lovers, Sharing Clothes, Cuddling & Snuggling, First Kiss, First Time, Naked Cuddling, Accidentally Moving In, Home Improvement, Fairies, Magic, Believer Castiel, Demisexual Castiel, Gardener Castiel, Skeptic Dean, Musician Dean, Famous Dean, Grumpy Dean, Bisexual Dean, Dean vs Gardening, Summer, Autumn, Hygge Summary: AU where Dean accidentally moves in with his neighbour, Cas, who is surprisingly okay with it. Or: Every time Dean fixes anything in this cursed house, a random plant pops up and breaks it again. The woo-woo weirdo named Cas on the other side of the river keeps insisting that Dean must've offended the forest fairies. He offers his own home's amenities for as long as Dean needs them. But with each passing night, and every bent pipe, fritzing electrical system, or shattered window, Dean finds himself returning to his own place only to sleep. And then... one night... he doesn't even do that.
Room for Two (The Mattress AU) | @almaasi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 14548 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - College/University, Roommates, Romance, Fluff, Crack, Sharing a Bed, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Literal Sleeping Together, Wet Dream, Sleepy/Unconscious Sex, Accidental Sex, First Time, Insomniac Castiel, Dominant Castiel, Autistic Castiel, Switch Castiel, Comfortably Bisexual Dean, Switch Dean, Horny Dean Summary: ✔ College roommates ✔ Buying a mattress together ✔ Faking a relationship to get a discount ✔ Sharing a bed ✔ Roleplaying as a couple to "test the bed" ✔ Fake kissing becomes real kissing ✔ Fake sex is Way Too Real ✔ Cuddling ✔ Wet dreams ✔ "Oh no I thought I was dreaming but it was real life" ✔ Matchmakers Sam & Charlie ✔ Cas seems kinda clueless but actually understands everything ✔ Mutual respect, support, and understanding ✔ Friends to lovers ✔ Mutual pining ✔ Go౦ԁ sHit
Sharing the Rain Dog | @almaasi Rating: Mature Word Count: 19837 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - Human, Historical (1999), Fluff, Romance, No Angst, Accidental Dating, First Dates, Rain, FBI Agent Castiel, Musician Dean, Singer Dean, Flustered Dean, Shared Custody, Domestic Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Moving In Together, First Kiss, Sharing a Bed, Dean in Panties, Cuddling, Uniform Kink, Clothed Sex, Sexual Roleplay, Non-Penetrative Sex Summary: When some asshole hits a dog with his car and drives off, the first two people on the scene are Dean and Castiel. Castiel's an FBI agent with a plane to catch, and he doesn't have time to take the dog to the vet. Dean's a musician, and he doesn't have the money. An agreement is reached: Dean goes, Castiel pays, and they'll exchange details and meet again to work things out. But who gets the dog? Sooner or later they're going to realise that having shared custody of one pitbull isn't ideal. She needs one home, not two. One stable, loving home...
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Lazy Days and Dumb Bets
Title: Lazy Days and Dumb Bets
Pairing: Dean x black!reader
Other Characters: Sam, Jack, Castiel
Summary: Its just another lazy day at the bunker and Dean believes that one of the reader’s favorite movies can’t make him cry, so he agrees to a bet.
WC: 1,524
A/N: For all the black girls who love Supernatural, but don’t get a chance to see themselves in the show or in fanfic. 
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Today was a rarity, surprisingly, there was nothing to hunt, no archiving to do, or any cleaning to be done around the bunker. So, everyone was having their lazy day in the bunker. Sam was rereading Game of Thrones, Cas was doing whatever he does in his free time, Jack was playing on the Xbox you gifted him for Christmas, and Dean was watching Dr. Sexy, M.D. 
And, you were in your room watching tv and doing your hair. You finally had the chance to take your raggedy ass box braids down. Like, it should be a crime for how long you kept those things in, but hey when did you have the time to take them down. You were a little over halfway done with taking down the monstrosity of your hair when Dean came in. He was wearing his signature lounging about outfit: long, grey robe with a pair of black sleeping shorts and shirt that fit just right, and house slippers, just looking every part of a DILF. 
Dean was leaning against the door with his legs crossed and pointed at your hair, “You know you could’ve done that in our room. I wouldn’t have mind.” Looking up at him you replied, “I know. I just didn’t want to get hair everywhere and I really didn’t feel like watching another boring episode of Dr. Sexy.” Feigning anger, Dean said, “Hey! You respect Dr. Sexy!” Chuckling to yourself, “Ok Whatever you say. What did you need anyway?” Dean made his way to your bed, pulled you closer to him and placed a sweet kiss on your cheek, “I just missed my favorite girl and I wanted to spend some time with her.” “Well, I guess I don’t mind, since you miss me so much, but you can only stay on two conditions,” you said as you held two fingers. “Ok, shoot,” Dean replied as he made himself comfortable. “One, you help me with my hair and two, we’re watching what I want to watch.”
“You got yourself a deal, sweetheart.” Dean was reaching for the scissors and extra comb when you grabbed his wrist and faced him menacingly, “Don’t fuck up my hair, Winchester! If you do, Baby will be sporting some new scratches.” Dean just moved your hand and turned your head straight, getting ready to start, “I don’t know why you always have to threaten Baby every time I help. I only messed up that one time and it wasn’t even noticeable!” “It was one time too many. Now hush- “you turned around to shush him, “I’m about to start the movie.”
“Yes ma’am,” he gave his best salute, “What are we watching?” Giddily rocking side to side, you answered, “Coco.” Dean stopped taking down the braid he was working on and turned you to face him, “A cartoon? Are you serious, Y/N?” Jumping up from your seat, you yelled, “Hell yeah!” “First of all, its such an amazing movie, that it’ll even make you cry, Dean Winchester! It even won Best Animated Feature at the Academy Awards. And, second of all, you’re one to talk!” “What the hell do you mean by that?” Doing your best Spongebob meme impression, you bent over and looked at Dean, “Oh. Mr., I watched every episode of Scooby-Doo and always wanted to be in the gang, and Daphne is settling for Fred. Headass!”
Dean actually blushed at the mention of his childhood cartoon crush, “Alright, alright, alright. I can see your point, but ain’t no damn cartoon is gonna make me cry.”
“Wanna bet,” you asked with a smirk and raising one eyebrow. “Yeah, what do I get when I win?” Scoffing and rolling your eyes, “If you win, which means you have no soul, I’ll bake you any three pies you want and won’t complain about how unhealthy it is. But, if I win, you’ll let me drive Baby whenever I want to for a week.” Dean didn’t even think about and quickly gave his answer, “Deal.” You went to shake his hand to seal the deal, but he shook his head no and pulled you into his lap, “Uh huh, sweetheart. We don’t seal deals with handshakes, we seal them with kisses.” Dean’s hands started to leisurely roam your body starting from your thighs to your ass, hips, stomach, breasts, and eventually caressing you around your neck, while he kissed you. Regrettably, you pulled away from the kiss, tugging Dean’s bottom lip with your teeth as an end to the kiss. Just above a whisper with your forehead leaning against Dean’s you replied, “Deal.”
It was 90 minutes later, and the movie was almost over, which usually meant that you were in your bed bawling your eyes out, but this wasn’t the case today. You knew without having to look at Dean, that you won the bet and you were smiling from ear to ear. You heard him sniffling when Miguel tried to get Mamá Coco to remember her father, but by the time they were singing Remember Me, Dean was rocking more than a single man tear. You had enough decency not to poke fun at his vulnerable state, but you knew once the credits started rolling you would be getting on that ass.
Miguel and Natalia Lafourcade had just begun singing the pop version of Remember Me, when Dean just blurted out, “Fuck Ernesto De La Cruz!” You tried your hardest not to laugh, but some of your laughs did spill out. Mocking Dean, you replied, “Hey, what happen to, ‘Ain’t no damn cartoon gonna make me cry?’” Dean didn’t answer you and just walked out the room instead. For a tiny bit, you thought you really hurt his feelings, until he came back into your room and threw the car keys to you, “Here. You won. Be careful with her,” Dean mumbled. You caught the keys with one hand, tossed them on your bed, and then spider monkey jumped Dean, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, “Aw thanks babe. I promise I’ll take good care of her just like her owner. And since, you’re being such a good sport about this, I’ll still bake you those pies while I deep condition my hair” And just like that Dean Winchester turned from a sourpuss to a kid in the candy store. “Did I ever tell you, you’re the best girlfriend ever,” he asked with a low growl. Tilting your head up to think you answered, “I think so, but I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.” Dean gave you the kind of kiss that you felt all the way from your fingertips down to your tippy toes and answered against your lips, “You’re the best girlfriend ever.”
A couple of hours later, Dean was stabbing into his cherry pie like he wields an angel blade and was muttering ‘Fuck Ernesto De La Cruz.’ Sam was making his way through the kitchen when he stopped and asked, “Who the hell is Ernesto De La Cruz?” Before you could even laugh at Dean, he answered, “An evil motherfucker! He gives Lucifer a run for his money!” By this time, Castiel and Jack made their way into the kitchen to inspect all the commotion. Tilting his head in a Cas-like manner, Jack asked, “Who’s eviler than my father?”
Between chuckles you grabbed Jack’s shoulder and looked up at him, “A cartoon character.” Sam raised his eyebrows at Dean, “Seriously, dude? A cartoon?” Even Cas decided to put is two cents in, “Come on, Dean. I seriously doubt a cartoon can evoke that kind of emotion.” Dean pointed his cherry covered forked at the taller Winchester and his angelic best friend, “Coco is a masterpiece! I bet you can’t watch it without getting attached.” Smugly smiling, Sam answered, “I betcha we can. And if we can, you have to eat my so called ‘rabbit food’ for a month and if we don’t, we’ll take over your chores for a month.” Not skipping a beat Dean replied, “Deal,” and he started walking towards to the Dean of Fortitude to begin an impromptu Winchester Movie Night. Watching all your favorite men walk away, you thought to yourself, this is gonna be awesome.
Another 90 minutes later and you had two badass hunters, one angel, and one nephilim all crying to Miguel and Mamá Coco singing together. All of them were so focused on the tv screen that they didn’t notice you holding your phone, recording them. As their tears dried up, you heard a choral of “Fuck Ernesto De La Cruz!” and ended the video. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to make fun of the boys, you went into your messages, looking for the group chat you had with Jody, Donna, Alex, and Claire to send them the video. With the video you captioned it, Look at these big ass babies lol! Not even 5 minutes after you sent the video, you saw the three little dots forming and you knew you were gonna have a hilarious night with the ladies. Thank Chuck for lazy days and dumb bets. 
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bamby0304 · 5 years
The Hart III: Secrets
Chapter Nine- Fever
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Series Masterlist
Summary: Three months… Dean was gone for three months and now he’s back. He’s back and he truly has no idea how much things have changed. Life moved on while Dean was in Hell, and now things are complicated. With new faces and troubles right around the corner, will the trio find a way to come back together? Or has all hope been lost?
A/N: Okie dokie, the ep Monster Movie? I skipped it. Why? I loved the ep, don't get me wrong, but since my last chapter- seeing as Lizzie's taking some time away from the guys- I felt like skipping the ep was the most logical thing. Everything would have happened pretty much exactly like it did on the show, only Dean would have been pissed that he had no idea Lizzie had a boyfriend- which Sam had filled in the blanks about- and he wouldn't have stopped worrying about her either.
Warnings: Angst. Violence.
Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door to the diner I'd agreed to meet the Winchesters at. It had been a few weeks since I'd run off with only a letter to assure them that I would be fine. During the time apart, Sam and I had shared a few phone calls, but I'd avoided all and any contact with Dean. Out of fear.
But now there was no running. No hiding. It was time to face him.
I saw the backs of their heads as they sat at one of the booths. They were silent, waiting. It made me a little more anxious, knowing that they were expecting me any second.
You can do this.
Walking passed, I slid into the seat across from theirs and looked up at them. "Hi."
Sam shifted where he sat on the edge, a light smile playing on his lips. "Hey, Lizzie."
Dean turned away from the window to meet my gaze. "Tristian didn't want to come in and introduce himself?" he asked. He wasn't happy, that was clear in his tone.
I sighed, having expected something like this. "He did, but I thought it would be best he meet the two of you under less tense circumstances."
Frowning, Dean looked from me, to Sam and then back to me. "You're telling me, you just spent the last few weeks doing God knows what, with a guy neither one of us have met?" He shook his head. "What the hell were you thinking, Liz? This guy could be a serial killer for all you know."
Rolling my eyes, I leaned back in the seat, feeling less tense and more annoyed. "One, I can take care of myself. Two, what I do is my business and not yours. And three, he is a killer... he's a hunter." Crossing my arms across my chest, I glared at Dean. "A hunter who doesn't mind that I have psychic powers, might I add."
This is what we were really doing here. This is what I'd met them for. To talk about how we were supposed to go forward, now that we knew my powers were growing just like Sam's were.
"Lizzie," Sam's smile slipped as he looked at my empathetically, "we don't mind-"
"Dean does," I noted, cutting the youngest Winchester off.
"No. He doesn't." Sam turned to give his brother a pointed look. "Right, Dean?"
Looking out the window again, Dean's jaw tensed as he hesitated a moment before speaking. "I'm not gonna lie, Liz. It scares the hell out of me." Turning his gaze to me, he went on, "But I know you don't have any control over what's happening to you. And I know you and Sam need support, not judgment."
Shifting in my spot slightly, I felt a little uncomfortable with the weight of their gazes. Sam and Dean, they meant a lot to me. They're approval meant more than anyone else's. More than Bobby's, Ellen's and Jo's. The brothers were my best friends, and I wanted nothing more than they're support, loyalty and respect.
"Have you..." Sam cleared his throat, trying to figure out the best way to go on. "Have you, you know... figured everything out?"
"You mean, have I learnt how to control the fact I can now start fires with my mind?" Looking down at my folded arms, I shrugged. "Things are better."
"Have you been using the power?" Dean asked.
"No." Sighing I looked to each brother. "I'm not stupid. If the angels don't want Sam using his powers, they won't want me using mine. I know they came from a demon. I know they're meant for bad. So, I'm gonna try not to set things on fire. Try. But it's not like I'm a pro at controlling it right now."
"And your other power?"
My eyes snapped to Dean. "That power has saved all of our asses more than once. Castiel hasn't said anything about it, so as far as I'm concerned, it stays."
Dean and I sat there, staring at each other, almost glaring. The tension between us grew with each passing second. It was clear he wanted me to give up all of my powers, but just like with everything, compromising was the best we could do, because there was no way I was giving it all up.
Moving things with my mind wasn't as bad as setting things on fire. Besides, I'd been using telekinesis for so long, I was practically a professional now. When it first started, I could barely move a spoon in my coffee. Now? Now I could break trees, move objects like cars, and so much more. Restrictions were minimal to me now.
But none of that mattered to Dean. He wanted it gone, wanted me to stop. He thought it was dangerous, reckless, like playing with a ticking time bomb. His worry wasn't just about what I- or Sam- might do, but also about my safety. None of us knew what might come from me using the power so much, and that scared Dean, I knew that. But he didn't have to be a dick about it.
Clearing his throat, Sam spoke as Dean and I continued to stare at each other, "So, does this mean you're back? You're hunting with us again?"
"If that's what you boys want."
"We just want you safe, Liz."
"I can handle myself, Dean."
"You sure about that?"
"Okay." Sam smiled awkwardly, trying to soften the mood as he went on, "Well, Dean and I think we might have a case. So, you ready?"
Giving a short nod, I slid out of the booth. "Let's go."
Liz, Sam and I stood in front of the coroner as he unzipped the body bag that sat in front of the four of us. "Agent Tyler, Agent Perry, Agent Whitford, meet Frank O'Brien."
"He died of a heart attack, right?" Sam asked.
"Three days ago."
"But O'Brien was forty-four years old and," Sam opened O'Brian's folder, "according to this, he was a marathon runner."
"Everybody drops dead sooner or later." The coroner shrugged. "It's why I got job security."
"Yeah, but Frank kicked it here," I noted. "Now, just yesterday, two perfectly healthy men bit it in Maumee. All heart attacks, you don't think that's strange?"
"Sounds like Maumee's problem to me. Why's the FBI give a damn, anyway?"
"We go where we're sent sir. Do as we're told." Liz gestured to the body. "And we were told to check out the results of Mr O'Brian's autopsy."
The coroner frowned at her, confused. "What autopsy?"
I gave him a quick smile. "The one you're gonna do."
Now dressed in the proper gear for an autopsy, Liz, Sam and I watched as the corner cut into O'Brian's chest with a scalpel. None of us reacted as the blade sliced through the skin. This wasn't even close to the worst thing we'd seen.
"First dead body?" the coroner asked without looking up at us.
I gave a short shake of my head. "Far from it."
"Oh, good. Because these suckers can get pretty ripe. Hey, hand me those rib cutters, would you?" He gestured to the table of tools by Liz. She did as he asked, not even thinking about what she was grabbing- she just knew.
It didn't surprise me. Liz, she knew a lot about a lot. I guess all those years with Bobby, she learnt a few things. Sometimes she even knew more than Sam, and he was the smartest person I knew. The two had a lot of similarities.
Like their powers. I didn't like that they could do these things, and I sure as hell didn't like that they did use the powers they had. But I knew there was no way I could keep them from doing what they wanted, what they felt was right, even though I was pretty sure what they were doing was wrong.
At least Sam had agreed to stop, and Liz was willing not to set things on fire with her mind. If she was willing to compromise, I was happy with the choice she made.
But I'd be happier if she stopped it all, completely.
As the coroner cut O'Brian's ribs open, I looked over the body, noticing a distinctive mark on one of the finger on his left hand.
"Is that from a wedding ring?" I asked, reaching forward to turn the hand so I could get a better look. "I didn't think Frank was married."
"Ain't my department."
"Any idea how he got these?" Sam gestured to the scratches that ran up and down O'Brian's arm.
"You know what? When you drop dead, you actually tend to drop. Body probably got scraped up when it hit the ground." The coroner paused, looking into the chest, seeming surprised or maybe confused. "Huh..."
"What?" Sam asked.
"I-I can't find any blockages in any of the major arteries." Reaching into the chest, he pulled out the heart. I had to hold back as I gaged, wanting to throw up. "Heart looks pretty damn healthy. Hold that a second, would you?" He gestured for me to take the heart.
Out of instinct, I grabbed it, but was filled with regret in an instant. I was wrong before. This was the grossest thing I had ever done.
"I've got it." Liz actually smiled as she grabbed the heart from me, looking it over curiously. When she noticed Sam, the coroner and I watching her, she looked up and shrugged at us. "I wanted to be a surgeon when I was little."
Looking impressed, the coroner got back to work, reaching into to cut more of O'Brian's insides. Only, as the scalpel cut into the next part, juice squirted out, right onto Sam's face.
"Oh, sorry. Spleen juice."
I grabbed one of the plastic cups and bent down to fill it up with some of the filtered water in the waiting room of the sheriff's station. Reaching into my pocket, I grabbed one of my pills and popped it into my mouth, swallowing it just as one of the office doors opened.
"Hell's bells, Linus, have you seen my-" The man that had stepped out of the office stopped himself as he looked over at the brothers and me. "Who are they?" he asked the deputy as Sam and Dean stood from where they'd been sitting, waiting.
"Federal agents. I, uh-"
The sheriff cut Deputy Linus off, "And you kept them waiting?"
"You- you said not to disturb..."
Ignoring him, the sheriff gestured to his office. "Come on back, fellas, ma`am." Turning he started towards his office as Sam, Dean and I followed. Reaching the door, he stopped us before we could enter. "Shoes off."
Doing as he said, we all kicked off our shoes. I sighed as my heels sat next to Sam and Dean's shoes. Usually I didn't care about the height difference between the brothers and myself, but with how insecure I was feeling with Dean right now, I wanted those few extra inches.
Stepping into the sheriff's office, he offered each of us his hand to shake. "Al Britton. Good to meet you."
"You too." Sam nodded, taking the seats in front of the desk as Al gestured to them. "Thank you."
Moving to the other side of the desk, Al grabbed a bottle of sanitizer and poured a decent amount on to his hands and rubbing it in. I shared a look with Dean- who was equally weirded out- as he sat next to Sam and I sat next to him.
"Okay." Al sat down in his seat. "So, what can I do for uncle Sam?"
"Well, we're looking into the death of Frank O'Brien," Sam started. "We understand some of your men found his body."
Al nodded, leaning back in his chair. "They did. Me and Frank... we were friends. Hell, we were gamecocks." Dean gave a little snicker, causing me to elbow him in the ribs and for Al to give him a stern look. "That's our softball team's name." when Dean's smile fell, Al added, "They're majestic animals. I knew Frank since high school. To be honest, I just this morning got up the strength to go see him. Frank was... he was a good man."
"Yeah." Dean gave a nod. "Big heart."
I glared at Dean, wishing he'd take this seriously. O'Brian was a person, and Al was his friend. They deserved more respect than Dean was giving.
"Before he died, did you notice frank acting strange?" Sam asked. "Maybe scared of something?"
"Oh hell, yeah. Real jumpy."
"You know what scared him?"
Leaning forward, resting his arms on his desk, Al gave a short shake of his head. "No. Wouldn't answer his phone. Finally, I sent some of my boys over to check on him, and well, you know the rest," he started to cough then, taking a moment to stop before he reached over to grab the sanitizer again.
Dean and I shared another look, not understanding this guy's thing with the sanitizer. I mean, people aren't really like that, are they...?
Slathering his hands with the gel, Al looked to the three of us again. "So, why the Feds give a crap? You don't really think there's a case here?"
"No, no. It's probably nothing. Just a heart attack," Dean assured him.
"No way that was a heart attack," Dean stated as the three of us walked down the street, headed for the Impala.
Sam shook his head. "Definitely no way. Three victims, all with those same red scratches. All went from jittery to terrified to dead within forty-eight hours."
"So, what are we thinking? Something scared them to death?" I asked, looking to each brother. "Because, I mean... the list of things that can do that is practically endless."
Dean nodded, agreeing with me. "Ghosts, vampires, Chupacabra? It could be a hundred things."
"We make a list and start crossing things off," Sam suggested.
"Alright, who's the last person to see Frank O'Brien alive?" Dean asked.
"Uh, his neighbour, Mark Hutchins," Sam answered as we were about to cross the road, almost at the car.
Before we could cross though, Dean stopped us. "Hang on, hang on."
"What?" Sam and I asked at the same time.
Pausing a moment, Dean didn't look at us as he spoke. "I don't like the looks of those teenagers down there," he stated, causing Sam and I to look over at the group of teens standing between us and the car. "Let's walk this way." Dean gestured to the other side of the road, crossing it without us.
"Am I missing something? Did something happen while I was gone?"
Sam shook his head. "Not that I know of," he answered as we followed Dean.
Lizzie, Dean and I sat on Mark Hutchins' couch, across from him and the snake he held. "Tyler, Perry and Whitford." He smiled at us. "Just like Aerosmith."
"Yeah, small world." I quickly went on, wanting to get back to the case. "So, the last time you saw Frank O'Brien?"
"Monday, he was watching me from his window. I waved at him, but he just closed the curtains."
"Hmm. Did you speak to him recently? Did he seem different?" I asked, before elaborating. "Uh, scared?"
"Oh, totally." Mark nodded. "He was freaking out."
"Do you know what scared him?" Lizzie asked.
"Well, yeah, witches."
"Witches?" I shared a look with Dean and Lizzie. It seemed we might be onto something here... "Like...?" I pressed.
Mark shrugged. "Well, Wizard of Oz was on tv the other night, right? And he said that green bitch was totally out to get him."
That's not exactly what I was hoping for... "Anything else scare him?"
"Everything else scared him. Al-Qaeda, ferrets, artificial sweetener. Those pez dispensers with their dead little eyes. Lots of stuff."
I looked over at my brother then, noticing the way he watched the room, his eyes darting to all the reptiles in their cages and around the room. It was like he was on edge, maybe even scared. Something was definitely up with him.
"Mark, could you tell us what Frank was like?" Lizzie went on with the questioning.
Mark hesitated a moment, not sure if he should answer or not. "I mean, he's dead, you know? I-I don't want to hammer him but, he got better."
"He got better?"
"Well, in high school he was, he was a dick."
"A dick?" I asked.
He shrugged again. "Like a bully. I mean, he probably taped half the town's butt cheeks together," he explained, causing Dean to chuckle lightly. Mark turned to him, unimpressed. "Mine included."
Clearing his throat, Dean dropped his smile, trying to be serious. "So he pissed a lot of people off. You think anyone would have wanted to get revenge?"
"Well, I don't..." Pausing a moment, Mark looked to each of us with a confused frown. "Frank had a heart attack, right?"
"Just answer the question, sir," I told him.
"No, I don't think so. Like I said, he got better. And after what happened to his wife."
"His wife? So he was married."
"She died about twenty years ago. Frank was really broken up about it." Looking over at Dean, Mark smiled lightly, seeing the nervous look on my brother's face. "Don't be scared of Donny." He pet the snake he was holding. "He's a sweetheart. It's Marie you got to look out for." He nodded to the couch, behind us. "She smells fear."
Lizzie, Dean and I looked behind us to see another snake coming up and over, heading towards us. Tensing, Dean looked away, making a noise of discomfort as he tried to ignore the snake. Lizzie though, she surprised us all.
"Hi there." Smiling, she reached over to run her fingers down the body of the snake. "She's beautiful."
I honestly could not believe my eyes. The snake slid over the couch, and onto Lizzie's lap as she continued to pet it. I'd known Lizzie had guts, but I'd never imagined she'd be that brave. All the while, Dean was doing everything he could to keep himself from completely freaking out.
Sam and I walked up to Baby, seeing Dean in the front seat, scratching at his arm absentmindedly as he read the papers he was holding. The three of us had split up hoping we'd find something that might tell us what the hell was going on.
"Hey. Any luck at the county clerk's office?" Sam asked as he got into the front with Dean, while I climbed into the back.
"I'm not sure I'd call it luck." Dean handed over the papers he'd been reading. "Frank's wife, Jessie, was a manic-depressive. She went off her meds back in '88 and vanished. They found her two weeks later, three towns over. Strung up in her motel room, suicide."
Looking over Sam shoulder, I gave the article a quick read. "You think Frank might have been a part of it?"
Dean shook his head. "No, Frank was working the swing shift when she disappeared. Airtight alibi." He turned on the car before driving onto the road. "How was Frank's pad?"
Sam shrugged. "Clean. Searched it top to bottom. No EMF, no hex bags, no sulfur."
"So probably no ghosts, no witches, no demons," Dean noted. "Three down and ninety-seven to go."
"Yeah." Sam sighed as he looked over to Dean. I noticed him frown at something. "Dude, you're going twenty."
"And?" Dean didn't seem to understand Sam's confused tone.
To see for myself, I leaned forward to take a look, and sure enough Dean was going no more or less than the speed limit. "Dean... you never go the speed limit."
"What? Safety's a crime now?" He sounded offended as he continued to drive... through an intersection... passed our hotel.
Sam watched the building as we passed it. "Dude, where are you going? That was our hotel."
"Sam, I'm not gonna make a left-hand turn into oncoming traffic. I'm not suicidal," Dean told him as if that were obvious. But as Sam and I looked at him, confused, Dean seemed to realise what he'd said. "Did I just say that? That was kind of weird." He chuckled lightly.
A noise started in the back ground, getting our attention.
"Do you hear something?" Feeling around, Sam looked for the source of the noise, finding that it was coming from the EMF meter in his pocket.
Still frowning, Sam moved it closer to Dean. The beeping increased. When Sam pulled the meter away, the beeping stopped...
"Am I haunted?" Dean started freaking out, looking from the road to the reader and then back. "Am I haunted?!"
I sat in the back of the Impala while Dean sat in the front. We were waiting in the parking lot by the hotel, while Sam called Bobby to see if they could figure out what the hell was going on. That meant, I was stuck babysitting Dean.
Watching him I shook my head, reaching over to slap his shoulder. "Stop scratching."
Since last night he'd started scratching his forearm, right where we'd seen the scratches on O'Brian's arms...
He grumbled, dropping his arms as he turned to pout at me. "I can't help it."
Sighing, I climbed over into the front seat and sat next to him. "Turn around." When he opened his mouth to speak, I shook my head. "Just turn around." Once he did as I told him, his back now facing me, I reached over to turn the radio on before sliding closer to him as I rested my hands on his shoulders.
Eye of the Tiger started to play as I began to push my fingers into his shoulders, giving him a massage so he would relax a little. Sure enough, the tension started to lessen as he leaned back into me a little more.
"Oh, God," he groaned. "You're really good at that."
A smile played on my lips as I continued. "My mum used to make my sister and I give her massages after longs days at work. It didn't take me long to get good."
We sat there a little longer, Dean leaning into me more and more as I kept massaging his shoulders, my fingers getting in deep, really working all the tension out. Groaning, Dean relaxed completely, practically going limp. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly at how adorable he was being right now.
"You two okay in there?"
I jumped at the sound of Sam's voice, my hands flying off Dean as I pulled away from him as much as possible.
"Sam!" My voice was a little higher than usual. Getting out of the car, I moved to stand next to the younger Winchester. "I didn't see you there."
"Clearly." He grinned down at me.
Dean climbed out of the car as well, then, coming over to lean against Baby, standing next to me. "Dude. Look at this." He showed Sam's the scratches on his arms.
Sam sighed at the sight of them, not sounding happy at all. "I just talked to Bobby," he noted, handing Dean the box of doughnuts he held.
"And?" Dean asked, smelling the doughnuts before passing them to me.
Sam and I looked perplexed and surprised. Dean never ignored food. He was always thinking with his stomach... I guess whatever's wrong, really is messing with him.
"Um, well, you're not gonna like it," Sam started.
"It's ghost sickness."
"Ghost sickness?" Dean actually sounded disappointed, as if he knew what that meant.
Sam gave a short nod. "Yeah."
"God, no."
I looked to each fo them. "Do you guys even know what that is?" When Dean shook his head, I rolled my eyes. "It's believed that certain spirits can pass diseases over to the living. It's why bodies are no longer displayed in homes during funerals and wakes."
Dean watched me, shaking his head, impressed and shocked. "How do you know all this stuff?"
"I lived with Bobby, Dean," I noted, a grinning playing on my lips again.
"She's right," Sam started. "Symptoms are, you get anxious..."
"Then scared, then terrified, then your heart gives out," I finished.
"But, we haven't seen a ghost in weeks." Dean noted, looking to his brother.
Sam shrugged. "Well, I doubt you caught it from a ghost. Look, once a spirit infects that first person, Ghost sickness can spread like any sickness through a cough, a handshake, whatever. It's like the flu. Now, Frank O'Brien was the first to die, which means he was probably the first infected. Patient zero."
"Our very own outbreak monkey."
"Right. Get this, Frank was in Maumee over the weekend. Softball tournament. Which is where he must have infected the other two victims."
"Were they gamecocks?" Dean asked, pushing off Baby.
Sam shook his head. "Cornjerkers."
"So, ghosts infected Frank. He passed it on to the other guys and I got it from his corpse?"
"Right." Sam gave a short nod.
"So now what, I have forty-eight hours before I go insane and my heart stops?"
Pausing a moment, Sam and I shared a look before he corrected his brother. "More like twenty."
"Super." Shaking his head, Dean leaned on the car again. "Well, why me? Why not you? I mean, you got hit with the spleen juice." He gestured to me. "You played with the heart."
"Yeah, uh, see Bobby and I have a theory about that too. Turns out all three victims shared a certain, uh, personality type. Frank was a bully. The other two victims, one was a vice principal, the other was a bouncer."
"Okay..." Dean nodded, waiting for Sam to elaborate.
"Basically, they were all dicks."
"So you're saying I'm a dick?"
A laugh escaped my lips before I could stop myself. When Dean looked at me, offended, I shook my head. "You're not a dick, Dean. But, I mean... Frank and the others used fear as a weapon..."
"Now this disease is returning the favour," Sam added.
The offended look only increased as Dean looked to Sam and me. "I don't scare people."
Sam scoffed, amused by this brother's denial. "Dean, all we do is scare people."
"Okay, well then, you two are dicks too."
"Apparently, we're not." Sam actually looked a little smug then.
"Whatever. How do we stop it?"
"Find and gank the ghost that started it." I shrugged. It really was that simple.
"We thinking it was Frank's wife?"
"Who knows why she killed herself, you know?" Sam shrugged before he gestured to the hotel behind him. "Hey, what are you guys doing waiting out here, anyway?"
Dean looked up the hotel nervously. "Our rooms on the fourth floor. It's... it's high."
"I'll see if I can move us down to the first." Sighing, Sam shook his head as he started to walk off.
"Thanks," Dean called after him.
Once Sam was gone, I opened the box off doughnuts, offering them to Dean. "You know you want one."
Carefully, he reached in a grabbed one, watching as I did the same. He didn't take a bite until I did, wanting to make sure they were safe.
This is gonna be a long day...
I was headed for Dean's and my hotel room. Lizzie had insisted on getting her own room- which was still on the fourth floor. Neither Dean or I had liked the idea of so much distance between her and us, but at the same time, I understood. Things were still a little tense, Dean going through all of this hadn't changed the facts.
Lizzie's powers were growing, and it scared Dean. Dealing with me had been tough, but now he had both of us changing, I guess it was a little too much. The fact he was protective over her, and that she has a boyfriend he didn't know about and no one's met... well things aren't exactly running smoothly.
But I knew he understood that Lizzie was trying, and Lizzie knew he was trying. It was just a matter of getting used to the three of us being together again.
Opening the door to our room, I paused at the sight of a broken clock on the floor. Looking up, I found Dean sitting on the couch, a beer in hand and his feet on the coffee table.
"Everything all right?" I asked, moving to come sit on the single chair by the couch.
"Oh, yeah. Just peachy." He gave a sarcastic smile. "Find anything?"
"Yeah, Jessie O'Brien's body was cremated, so I'm pretty sure she is not our ghost." Lifting my feet onto the coffee table, I nudged his foot. "Hey, quit picking at that," I told him, seeing that he'd been scratching his arm again. "How you feeling?"
"Awesome. It's nice to have my head on the chopping block again. I almost forgot what that feels like. It's freaking delightful."
"We'll keep looking," I assured him, a moment before he started coughing. "You okay? Hey!" But instead of answering, the coughing got so worse he began to choke. "Dean."
Getting up, Dean hurried- as fast as he could while he choked- over to the sink. Leaning over it, he gaged and cough until he spat something into the sink.
Moving over to stand next to him, I looked down at the wood chip as he picked it up. "We've been completely ignoring the biggest clue we have, you."
He pouted. "I don't want to be a clue."
"The abrasions, this, the disease, it's trying to tell us something."
"Tell us what, wood chips?"
I hated this. I hated feeling helpless, and weak, and scared. Deep down, I knew everything I was doing was ridiculous. The real me would kick my own ass right now. But this disease was blurring everything, keeping me from taking control. I hated it.
What I hated more was the fact Liz was driving.
As she stopped Baby by the lumber mill, she still couldn't wipe the smile off her face. I'd wanted to drive, but she insisted that time was an issue and we could waste any with my slow driving. Sam hadn't even blinked as he gave her the keys while I watched, too nervous to argue.
Getting out of Baby, I looked up at the mill. "I'm not going in there."
Liz shrugged, moving to the trunk. "Fine, stay out here. On your own. If this place really is haunted, a scared lonesome man would be the perfect prey."
I swallowed hard, refusing to admit that her words had done exactly what she wanted. Now I was too scared to stay out here on my own.
Reaching into my jacket, I pulled out the bottle of whiskey I'd stashed in there earlier, and took a quick drink. "Let's do this." Moving to stand next to Liz as she unlocked the trunk, I looked at the building again. "It is a little spooky, isn't it?"
Shaking his head, Sam reached into the trunk and grabbed a gun, offering it to me.
"Oh, I'm not carrying that." I shook my head. "It could go off." Leaning into the trunk, I grabbed a flashlight. "I'll man the flashlight."
Sam chuckled lightly. "You do that."
Grabbing a gun for herself, Liz grinned as she turned to me. "Stay close, okay?"
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
Her grin simply grew. "More than you could possibly imagine."
Walking around the lumber mill, we had been moving in silence when the EMF meter in Sam's hand started going off... because Dean had moved closer to his brother.
Dean chuckled lightly, looking up at his brother. "EMF's not gonna work with me around, is it?"
"You don't say." Sam sighed, putting it away. "Come on."
Before either of them could take a step though, I noticed something on the ground. Lifting my hand, I sent the object to my palm, startling Dean as I did. "'To Frank. Love, Jessie.'" I looked to the brothers. "It's Frank O'Brien's ring."
Dean frowned, moving over to check it out. "What the hell was Frank doing here?"
I shrugged, pocketing the ring. "No idea."
Continuing, we walked into a room full of lockers. We could hear rustling coming from further into the room. Following the noise, we stopped by one locker in particular. Sam reached forward without hesitation, and opened the locker.
A cat jumped out, causing Dean to scream louder than I'd heard anyone scream before.
"Oh, poor baby." I stepped up to the locker, grabbing the cat. "Hi there." I smiled, scratching under its chin. "You didn't mean to scare the big baby, huh?" Looking over at Dean, I gave a cheeky smile.
He looked from me, to Sam, seeing the amused looks on our faces. "What? It scared me."
Shaking my head, I started to walk out of the room, still holding the cat- who was purring, and cuddling into me. Sam followed close behind, with Dean catching up after him. As we walked into the next room, we each moved in opposite directions to look around.
Petting the cat's head, I wandered around, not really finding anything off use. The place was a mess, abandoned, dusty and dirty. The sheriff would have a fit if he had to come here. I chuckled to myself.
"Luther Garland," Sam read from an I.D. card he'd picked up from the desk he was looking over.
"Hey, this is uh...this is Frank's wife," Dean noted, pointing to a drawing on the desk he stood at.
Moving over to his brother, Sam took a look. "Plot thickens."
"Yeah, but into what?" Dean asked, grabbing the picture, tearing it from where it had been stuck to the desk.
The moment the picture had been ripped off, all the machines turned on
"Well... that can't be good," I noted, putting the cat down on the ground as I grabbed my gun from the back of my pants, getting ready for whatever might pop up.
Looking over at the brothers, I spotted Sam turning just in time to see his brother run out of there faster than I'd ever seen Dean run. Both Sam and I looked over at whatever had Dean dash off, finding ourselves looking at a large, scary looking guy in the corner, dressed in a janitor uniform and not looking happy at finding us here.
The thing started towards Sam, who raised his gun the same time I did, the two of us shooting the ghost before he could reach Sam.
Once the ghost was gone, Sam and I hurried after Dean to make sure he was okay. We found him hiding behind the Impala, taking another drink from his whiskey. He was shaking in fear, like a terrified child.
Sam looked down at his brother, showing us the I.D. card he'd grabbed from inside the mill. "Guess we got the right place."
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charlie-minion · 7 years
Why do you think they made it seem like Dean does'nt care if Cas calls Sam instead of him at first I thought he was a little bent out of shape about it but now it's like whatever
Hello,dear! Let me give you a kind of long answer to your question. I’ve been saying for over 2 yearsnow that there’s an unrequited love story going on since Jeremy Carver took thereins of the show.
Season 8(and the first episodes of season 9) was mostly about Dean’s feelings for Cas.Season 9 (and a huge part of season 10) was about Cas’ feeling for Dean. IMO,season 10 gave us the clues we needed to understand the unrequited love storybeing told through subtext. Season 11 emphasized that story (e.g. Dean felt a lot moredesperate than Sam to save Cas whereas Cas felt unloved and expendable). Season12 gave us the beginnings of “I can tell you/show you how much you mean to me”without making it totally clear. That’s why in season 13 we can still see that neitherCas nor Dean are sure of where they’re standing regarding their feelings foreach other. That much is obvious!
I mean, in season 13 Dean spent 5 episodes hitting rock bottom until Cas came back. The audienceknew just how much Cas’ death affected Dean. Jack knew it. Sam knew it. BUT CASDIDN’T KNOW IT. The moment Cas came back Dean hugged him and said, “Welcomehome, pal”.
I’vewritten many posts where I’ve tried to explain that every time Dean has attempted to tell Cas just how much he really feels, Cas has left. (This is just one of them)
Dean wasoverexcited in 13x06 simply because he got the win he wanted (Cas). The momentJack disappeared and Cas said he was going to talk with the angels, Deanimmediately invited himself to go with Cas in episode 7. Notice that he didn’tinvite himself and Sam. “Introduce ME”, “I’ll bring a six-pack”. Dean didn’tuse the “safe” plurals, and Cas left AGAIN.
From our point of view, weunderstand Cas, but what about Dean’s point of view? Cas didn’t call him in 13x07.Dean was the one who made the call when Cas tried to explain about Lucifer. Cascould find a way to let Dean know that something was wrong, but the thing is…Cas wasn’t the one who called!
And afterDean and Sam went to the place to see what was going on, Cas didn’t call again. Onemore time Dean was the one who made the call (of course, by this point Cas was trappedin Hell, but Dean still doesn’t know that!) When Asmodeus answered the phonepretending to be Cas, he said he was following a lead and was going to tellDean when he knew more. He didn’t give any details and quickly ended the callwith a “See you soon, Dean”.
What makes you think that Dean hasn’t called Cas? In13x08, Dean asked Sam about Jack (not about Cas), and Sam’s answer was: “I talkedto Cas and…” If Dean had been calling Cas and the angel hadn’t picked up, Ithink the message Dean got when he learned Sam had been able to talk to Cas waspretty clear.
It’simportant to notice that as long as Cas is alive, Dean can manage. By the endof 13x08, Sam reminded the audience that Dean had a very rough time at thebeginning of the season but was apparently fine now (no matter if Jack wasmissing and Mary was still believed to be dead). “It feels really good to hear youtalk like that again”, Sam said.
Deandecided to respect Cas’ choice to go look for Jack alone in 13x07. He told him not to doanything stupid (though he knows that hasn’t really worked before). Dean has always called and texted Cas when he’s been worried, but this time (according to Dean), Cas has decided to communicatewith Sam instead. I guess Dean has simply respected that choice too.
Let’sremember Dean has NO IDEA that Asmodeus has Castiel trapped in Hell. Obviously,our Prince of Hell is avoiding Dean as much as possible because it would be alot more difficult to deceive him than to deceive Sam. Arthur Ketch is workingfor Asmodeus; we don’t know what he might have said about Dean and ‘his angel’ (Samwas ready to buy the lie that Ketch had a twin brother, but Dean wasn’tfooled). Ketch could have perfectly told Asmodeus to be careful. 
In 13x09 wesaw Dean calling Patience and leaving a voicemail just once. However, we laterfound out that she had 6 missed calls from him. The last time an enemy had kidnapped Cas to trade him was in 9x18 when Metatron caught him and exchanged him for Gadreel. In that episode we got a shot of Cas’ phone with 6 missed calls from Dean. Coicidence much? 
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Going back to Patience, the last thing Dean said in his voicemailto her was a request for her to call him back. After that, Dean’s next line was a question to Sam: “Anyword from Cas?” 
In the previous episode, Dean didn’t ask Sam that; he askedabout Jack. This time he seemed resigned to the idea that Cas was purposely ignoringhim but not Sam. Do you really think that Dean hasn’t left voicemails andmissed calls to Cas? Dean Winchester who constantly calls and texts Cas when hedisappears!? The problem is that Cas is not calling him back. He’s communicating with Sam,though, so Dean knows he’s okay; he’s just not willing to talk to Dean.
Thatexplains why Dean didn’t call Cas to tell him about Jack in 13x09. If Cas doesn’twant to talk with him, then Dean can let Sam inform Cas of what’s goingon.  Of course Sam would not call Cas totell him Jack had murdered someone without having enough info first. In theepisode we saw Sam reluctant to accept that Jack had really killed Derek. Oncethey found Jack, they learned about Mary so most likely Cas was not at thefront of their mind from that moment on.
I don’tthink it’s so hard to buy that Dean didn’t call Cas, considering that “Casmodeus”has decided to favor Sam and not Dean. I really want to know how Dean willreact when he finds out that Cas has been trapped all along.
I don’tbelieve for a minute that Dean’s like “whatever” when he sees Cas is communicating with Sam and not him. On thecontrary, the first thing I thought when I saw that was: “Damn! That’s notgonna add anything good to the idea Dean has that his feelings for Cas areunrequited”. But I’m here precisely for this kind of drama! Let’s see whatthe new year brings for our favorite hunter and his angel.
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Ten Years In Waiting Epilogue Part Two
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AN: Well guys, it’s been a wild ride, but it has come to an end. This is the last installment of Ten Years In Waiting. It has been one of my favorite things to write since I started this blog, and I’m pleased with how everything turned out. I want to thank @dean-the-smol-bean for reading over parts and giving me feedback as I wrote the last two parts. You have been a gift! Thank you to all of you that reblogged, and liked this story. It means the whole world. If you have not had a chance to read the previous parts, I will link them below. Love you all, as always. 
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Epilogue Part 1 
You took a nervous breath, pinning the last piece of your curled hair in place. You looked at yourself in the mirror, checking for any imperfections in your makeup and hair before inspecting your dress. Normally you would not have even tried it on, but your sister and Emily had begged and begged when you were shopping. The second you had zipped it up you knew that you wanted to walk down the aisle in this dress. It contoured perfectly to your body, falling gracefully onto the floor, its train whisping behind you. The integrate lace sleeves started a bit off your shoulder, its pattern decorating your arms, with the neckline showing just the right amount of skin. You brought your hand up, touching the single strand of pearls around your neck and smiled softly. They had been your mother’s, a gift from your father on their wedding day. She had always promised that you would wear them on your big day, and when your sister showed up last week and presented them, you had been speechless. You blinked in an attempt to prevent your tears from ruining your mascara.
“You look beautiful.” You turned to find Sam standing in the doorway holding David in his arms. You laughed as David pulled on his little bow tie, obviously growing frustrated with the fancy clothes the grown ups were forcing him to wear.
“Thank you, Sam.” He bent over and set the toddler on the floor, allowing him to stretch his legs for a bit. He made his way across the room to wrap you in a tight hug. Over the last few years you and Sam had formed a bond of your own, one of friendship and trust, often at Dean’s expense. Honestly you thought of him as your own brother, which was fitting seeing as you were about to be in-laws. He released you, before reaching over and removing the bouquet out of David’s hands, much to the little one’s dismay.
“You might need these” he joked, handing them to you. You shook your head.
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“Yeah, maybe.. So how’s Dean doing?” you asked, already guessing his answer.
“Oh he is doing great!” you raised an eyebrow, not convinced. “Okay, He’s a bit nervous…. There’s a lot of sweat across the hall.” You sighed. You had prepared yourself for Dean’s nerves, after all… it was Dean you were talking about. Sensing your mood, Sam placed a hand on your arm. “It’s a good nervous. He loves you (Y/N).” You smiled.
“I know.”
“I’ve never seen him more happy in my entire life. Thank you for that.” He said, seriously. Just then your sister poked her head in the door, before sending Emily in.
“They are ready to start!” You beamed, looking at your daughter.
“You look so beautiful, baby.” You said, hugging her tightly.
“Mom…” she whined, her teenage embarrassment shining through, although a small smile did spread on her lips.
“Okay! Let’s get this show on the road.” Your sister urged, picking up her own bouquet and ushering Emily and David out to their places. You took hold of Sam’s arm, taking a deep breath and followed them downstairs. Sam’s girlfriend Eileen was waiting for you at the bottom, giving you a friendly smile. Sam bent slightly to give her a peck on the lips before pulling back and signing to her. Even though you were learning to sign, you didn’t catch everything, but whatever Sam said caused a blush to rise across her cheeks. She smacked him on the arm playfully before getting in position behind your sister. The backyard of your home had been decorated for the event, simple white chairs helping to form the aisle from the backdoor to the small arch that was constructed for the ceremony. It was just before dusk, the sky just beginning to show shades of purple and pink. The backyard was lit by twinkling lights along the chairs and weaved into the flowers around the altar, casting a fairytale like glow over the evening. 
Dean stood with next to Garth, who you had meet a few weeks earlier and who had insisted on officiating. You watched as Dean chuckled at your children making their way forward to the music, David not quite cooperating. The toddler sat down in the middle of the aisle, causing Emily to become red in the face. Eventually, after several moments of chasing down her brother she sighed and picked him, and the pillow containing the rings, up and carrying them the rest of the way. Your sister followed next, helping Emily when she reached the end by taking hold of a struggling David, then Eileen who was quickly becoming an important part of your little family.   
“Ready?” Sam asked, looking down at you.
“More than ready.” You replied, unable to take your eyes off of the man waiting for you. When the music changed, you placed one foot in front of the other, trusting Sam to lead you and set the pace. You could feel him restraining you a bit, sensing your eagerness. You were thankful for it, because if he hadn’t been there you would have been at a dead sprint, falling over your dress and face planting in front of everyone. When you finally, what felt like a lifetime, arrived Sam kissed you on the check, untangling your arm from his and putting your hand in Dean’s. Dean gave him a brotherly nod before he took his place by Castiel. You turned and handed your flowers to Emily who was smiling behind you.
“You look beautiful.” He breathed, leaning over to kiss you on the cheek. You smiled.
“You don’t look half-bad yourself, Winchester.” He laughed, pulling back and taking in the sight of you. The two of you walked a few steps to a small table that was placed to the side and picked up the tall candle in the center. One by one you lit a candle for each of your parents, along with an extra one for Bobby, in remembrance and as a silent ‘thank you’ to the people who were responsible for making you who you were. Returning your places, Garth nodded before beginning.
“Now, Dean-o here has told me to ‘not blabber’ and to ‘get to the good stuff’ “ he stated, using air quotes “which I can only assume means he wants to go straight to the vows. BUT I want to say something first, if you don’t mind?” Dean rolled his eyes at Garth, but nodded. You knew Dean better than most people and you knew that it was all an act to appear tough. He loved his friend, which is why he had allowed him to do this in the first place. “ Now, I only met (Y/N) and the kids a couple of weeks ago… Big Guy over here keeping em’ all to himself.” he joked, nudging Dean and causing the small crowd of friends and family to laugh. Dean shook his head but smiled at you, the small crinkles around his eyes showing. “But I see the way that Dean looks at her.. Just like I look at my sweet, Bess.” He winked at his wife who was sitting a few rows back, who blushed and covered her face. “I’m just glad that he finally found somebody who turned him into a big ole’ softie… It’s about time.” Again, another round of laughter at Dean’s expense passed through the backyard.
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“Alright, alright…” Dean mumbled, shifting anxiously on his feet.  
“All I’m saying is that I’m happy for you, man.” he replied, hands raised in surrender. “Now, you two have written your own vows. (Y/N), would you like to go first?” You nodded and took a deep breath in an attempt to control your emotions.  
“Dean, the night that we met you were my knight in shining armor, but I would be lying if I said it was love at first sight. You were this big tough guy, who never let his guard down, but I can remember the exact moment that I realized I wanted to be with you.. It was our fourth date, I called and canceled because I was sick. An hour later you showed up at my sister’s house with chicken noodle soup and The Three Stooges on DVD. Even though we started out rough, you have become someone that I trust with my life, someone that I admire, and someone that I respect. You are the most caring, most loyal person I have ever met in my entire life. Since that first night you have been saving me, Dean. Every single day, and every way imaginable you push me to be my best self. You’re a wonderful father to our children, and someone that I am proud to call my partner. I love you very much, and I’m so excited to spend the rest of my life with you.” Leaning over, you pressed a kiss to his stubbled cheek and touched a hand to his chest, directly over his heart.
“Well, that’s going to be a tough one to follow. Dean, would you like to say your vows to (Y/N)?” Garth sputtered out as he wiped at his cheeks. The entire gathering of people seemed to be blowing their noses or blotting at their eyes with tissues.
“Um yeah..” he said, giving you a smirk before clearing his throat. “Here goes nothing…. We both know that I’ve seen a lot of bad crap in my life. Hell, I’ve seen enough for a hundred lifetimes. I never thought that I would be able to have anything good, never thought that I could have a life that didn’t revolve around the job. But somehow.. We found it. I never pictured myself a dad either..” As if on cue, David struggled his way out of his sister’s grasp and made a mad dash past Dean, only to be intercepted by Castiel who swooped him up easily. “but I guess we know how that turned out.” The two of you chuckled as Castiel whispered something into David’s ear, and were surprised when the two year old stilled and watched you both intently. With the toddler controlled, Dean continued. “I can’t promise that I will be the easiest to live with, or even tolerate. But I’ll will do right by you and the kids. I love you, (Y/N). You have given me everything, a home, a family. I guess what I’m trying to say is.. Thank you.”  
“That was beautiful, Dean.” Garth said, slapping him on his back. “Let’s move forward shall we?” he asked, nodding to Emily. She stepped forward, producing the wedding rings and placing them in his hand. He gave one to each of you before continuing. “Do you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), take Dean winchester to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold from this moment forward?”
“I do.” you said, smiling excitedly and sliding the golden band on his ring finger.
“Do you, Dean Winchester take..”
“Yeah, Garth.. I do.” Dean interrupted, his eagerness making your heart beat wildly inside of your chest. He slowly slipped the ring onto your finger, both of you taking a moment to admire how it looked alongside your engagement ring.
“Well by the power invested in me, thanks to the internet, I now pronounce you two kids husband and wife! Well go on, KISS HER!” Dean raised an eyebrow at Garth’s encouragement, giving you a devilish smirk before reaching forward and pulling you into him. The crowd erupted with applause but nothing else mattered to you as soon as his lips touched yours. You let yourself get lost, pouring everything you had into the kiss. You heard the distinct sound of Sam whistling when Dean dipped you back, deepening the kiss and allowing you the opportunity to wrap your hands around the back of his neck. Smiling, he pulled back and gave you a wink before returning you upright. Emily ran forward, wrapping her arms around your waist while Dean turned around to retrieve David from Castiel. With your children wrapped around you and your husband whispering sweet nothings into your ear, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. When it was just you and Emily, you had been happy. But there had always been something that was missing from your lives. Never in your wildest dreams did you ever imagine being a part of this family and having so much love in your heart.
You weren’t sure what the future held for you, but you were certain of one thing. The ten years in waiting? They were worth it.
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The Curses We Utter, Pt. 8
Series Masterlist
Summary: This starts off BEFORE the scene of the 'fast forward' I previewed in the last portion of Part 7! Also, a certain character is singing in this (hehe) so I will indicate that dialogue with asterisks :-)
Word Count: 7446
Warnings: Violence, character death(ish), cursing, smut, extreme/adult situations…
Much was being planned over a couple pots of coffee that morning, you all knew you were going to need it. You and Dean were going to work on warding the dungeon, while Sam and Rowena worked out a new and improved spell to summon a Prince of Hell. It had to precise; as Rowena had suggested using your blood, you were hoping to god it'd work the way you needed it to. In most cases, the recipient being summoned could appear at anytime afterward, and anywhere…that was a risk you couldn't afford to take, not with the kind of power Asmodeus held. You sat next to Cas, who was beside Crowley at the table. Sam had taken Dean to the library with he and Rowena, to ensure he knew exactly what was needed (and how to paint them out exactly, Sam had said). Toying with the hem of your black t-shirt, you realized the v-neck cut showed more cleavage than you liked- especially on a day like this. Castiel sighed next to you. He had been quiet all morning, and you wondered if you should re-think your approach to meeting your Father. "You okay?" You questioned him. He pressed his lips into a flat line, but his eyes remained loving and friendly on you. "Yes, I'm…uncertain, that's all. You're sure you want to go through with this?" You nodded. "Yeah…I am. It's the only plan we've got right? Either we talk him out of hunting me down for the rest of my life, or-" Crowley's salty words cut you off. "-and convincing him to keep his bloody paws off my throne!!" His voice carried far in the room, but it didn't alarm you- all of you were used to his insulting outbursts. You rolled your eyes, giving a groaning response to him. "Ugh! Yes, Crowley! We will attempt to talk him out of my taking your filthy fucking throne!" You spat him a look of disgust around Cas, who sat back in his chair allowing you to with pleasure. "Anyways…as I was saying: It's either this, or…letting him find me outside of the bunker…" You let words trails off. Castiel folded his hands in front of him. "I've gone over it again and again in my mind. I'd like to say Crowley's right, that this isn't a fool-proof plan…but the latter…" He paused in thought and stared down. "…You can't stay down in this bunker forever. I know that. So as I've said before- I've got your back." He reached over to you, placing one of his hands on top of yours like he had just a couple nights before. It was comforting even though he was always cold. As his blue eyes bore into you, you realized he always seemed to look at you a certain way, like he knew something you didn't. His gazes were always filled with wisdom, respect, …or maybe it was love? Understanding the Angel wasn't important to you, though; all that mattered was he was there. "Spare me the theatrics, you dim-wits!" Crowley's gravelly voice broke through the air, making Cas grit his teeth in anger. Castiel stood from his chair quietly, turning to Crowley. His head leaned back to look up at the Angel towering over him dominantly. Cas's lip curled down at him. "Speak another word, and I'll feed you to Asmodeus like a piece of meat to a wild dog." He threatened, and his low snarl sent a visible shudder through both yourself, and Crowley. 'Get 'em, tiger!' Right on time, Dean, Sam and Rowena re-entered the room. 'Thank god!' You thought. "Are we almost set?" You asked, rising from your seat. Rowena happily but nervously nodded to you. "Yes, just the actual warding itself is left." You smiled at her thankfully as a thought pressed your mind. "Rowena, if you wanna go while we do this, I won't blame you. This isn't exactly safe…" You told her. It was the right thing to do, whether Asmodeus was your Father or not, he was still a Prince of Hell; and very powerful. Shuffling over to you gracefully as her heels clicked, she pressed her red lips into an affectionate smile. "My dear…I've always got a trick up my sleeve. And I've not been a very, how do you say it…scrupulous person, for most of my life. I'll be here, no matter what." She tossed one of her red curls over her shoulder and shrugged excitedly. "Besides…Prince of Hell and what-not…maybe he needs a Queen?" Rowena purred in laughter as Crowley made some god-awful gagging noise behind you. Grinning at her light words, you nodded a thank you to her. Dean stood behind Rowena, holding up pages you assumed were the sigils and symbols Sam and Rowena sketched out for you both. You nodded to him as well. "Ready?" He tilted his head to the side, gesturing for you to follow him. On your way past Sam, he patted you on the shoulder and said, "See ya in a bit." * Dean and yourself were almost done in the dungeon. The holy oil had been poured in overlapping circles all over the floor, just in case he didn't end up where you needed him. At first you thought it looked a little ridiculous, but then figured you couldn't be too careful. It was getting exhausting having to keep mentally reminding yourself that Asmodeus was your Father; as Crowley told you so anyways. It made sense to you though, how your eyes were yellow when you really focused on your energy, or when you were emotional…nonetheless, it still scared the shit out of you. "I'm almost done Dean." You glanced over your shoulder as you shook your red spray paint can vigorously, seeing him gathering up the four empty cans you'd already gone through. He had shed his flannel halfway through warding the east wall, and you couldn't help looking at him every time he turned around. You knew you should be concentrating on the task at hand, but watching his muscles ripple through his t-shirt made your heart race in ways you shouldn't divulge. "You should take your shirt off so you don't get paint all over it." You smirked wildly at your shrewdness as you finished up on the wall in front of you. You were glad you'd spoken it low enough to give yourself a 50-50 chance that he'd hear it. "Whooaaa easy there tiger…" You heard him drop his can, and then felt his hands wrapping around your stomach. You leaned back into him, exhausted from your 'extracurricular' activities the night before. Dean stood with you in his arms silent for a moment, then bent down to kiss your neck. "We need to get started." His breath against your ear made you wish you could hit the pause button, just for a couple hours. "I know…are you still with me on this?" You asked, lacing your fingers through his on your side. "A hundred percent, princess." * The lot of you stood in the dungeon surrounding Rowena and Sam as they prepared to summon your Father. A stone bowl sat on a stool in front of the two of them, Rowena tossing in ingredients and herbs flamboyantly, and Sam performing the incantation flawlessly as expected (you secretly nicknamed him Hermione Granger). Crowley stood between you and Cas, and Dean was by your side. Cas gave you a nod, and Dean had given you one of his confidence boosting pep talks moments before. "(Y/n)…" Crowley nearly whispered at your side, leaning toward you. The handcuffs still bound him, and he was in the dungeon with you for no other than reason than knowing he didn't want to be. You clenched your jaw. "What?" You growled back. "There's still time to stop this. You don't know what'll happen…this has 'bad moon rising' written all over it." Crowley warned. You saw his eyes were sincere, and his tone was grave and almost sobering. "Crowley…I'll kill you myself if you say another word." You replied to his grievous monition, paying it no heed. 'He asked me for help, and he's getting it. End of story.' Rowena motioned over to you, jolting you out of your blank stare at the bowl. "We're ready, (y/n)." You went to her side, presenting her the palm of your hand. As promised, she and Sam found a way to link your blood to the spell; hopefully ensuring Asmodeus would be compelled to come to your precise location, and nowhere else in the bunker. You nodded to her as she presented her familiarly old, but ridiculously sharp (you knew from experience) dagger, slicing it across your hand quickly. Wincing a bit at the sting, you stretched your hand out over the bowl letting it trickle down into it. "Now, Samuel." Rowena ordered Sam to conclude, and he chanted something else you couldn't begin to fathom. The bowl lit brilliantly with sparks that shot out around it, leaving a small feeble flame in it's place. Dean moved forward beside you as every person in the dungeon held their breath in suspense. He grabbed your other hand and squeezed it hard in reassurance. Your eyes were glued to the empty space before you, awaiting to see a Prince of Hell appear at any second. Your palms were sweating, and you grasped Dean's hand tighter the longer the wait progressed. Sam shot you a confused look, and you wondered if the summoning spell worked at all; when suddenly, the sound of feet hitting the floor sounded. And there he was. A man stood before you all, right where you hoped he'd be. He was tall and lean, looked to be in his mid-40's, wearing a modern-cut suit, all in black. His shoes shone so bright they were almost the first thing you noticed. Thick, dark blonde hair was styled slicked back against his head, matching his short-trimmed facial hair. "I'd ask to whom I owe the pleasure, but…I already know who you are." He stayed put as no one dared to speak a word, and he flashed an endearing grin at you with blinding white teeth; he was speaking to you, and you only. You were so enamored by his presence, you almost forgot… You took a quick stride forward, presenting your lighter. Lighting it quickly, you tossed it to the floor just in front your feet. Asmodeus chuckled to himself, and watched as the Holy Oil surrounding him came to life. The flames moved swiftly around the rings, igniting nearly the entire dungeon floor with colossal holy fire. It was up to you now. Asmodeus rose his gaze from the flames, his features illuminating in an orange-yellow glow. His eyes fell on you, and much to your relief, they seemed kind for the most part. "Pumpkin…I'm glad you found me." He said with a deep masculine voice, smiling gently with his bright green eyes. You shrank a little when he spoke. "Are you Asmodeus, the-" He interrupted you. "-the Prince of Hell, God of Lust himself? Yes precious, I am…and I've been dying to meet you." His honeyed voice was dripping with ego, and you reminded yourself not to say anything you usually would have. You shifted your stance. "Look, not to be straightforward and sound all cliche', but…are you my father?" You forced the words out of you like an exorcism. "And who told you that, might I ask?" He replied, his modern English accent precise. You cleared your throat and didn't dare to look at Crowley. If Asmodeus had common sense, after a quick 'eeny-meeny-miny-mo' he would figure it out himself, but you didn't want to chance it. Before you could think of what to say however, he answered for you. "Ahh. The cockroach crawled out of his pit…" He shifted his eyes to Crowley, who straightened his posture immediately. "So is it true?" You said boldly, attempting to regain his attention, while sensing Dean flinch behind you. It worked, and he refocused his gaze to you. "It's true. But that's not the only reason you called me, is it?" He knowingly raised an eyebrow at you, a smirk forming with it. "No, it's not…but I want to ask you something before we get to that…" You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, crossing your arms over your mid-section. The flames still licked at the air, the glow of them lighting your face eerily as you stood so close to them. "…Why haven't you tried contacting me, before this? All those years after my Mom…I-I've just wondered about you my whole life. It would've been nice knowing you were there…" Your voice was timid, your form sheepish as your shoulders sunk at your own words. Your Father locked his eyes on yours, his demeanor shifting from charismatic to intimidating in just moments. "Oh, please. Don't even start on the 'absent father' bullshit with me!" He was fuming, causing Dean to move closer to you, as you jumped at his sudden outburst. You remained silent, deciding to let him throw his temper tantrum and not get in the way. Asmodeus ran his hand through his thick blonde hair, ruffling the style just a bit. He shook his head at you, then continued. "You didn't need me…you've never needed anyone. And that is what makes you dangerous, (Y/n). When I met your whore of a mother-" "-Don't talk about her like that!" You cut his words off, barking yours back at him. He rose his hands in the air, palms facing you to signify he'd restrain his insults. Flashing his green eyes at you, he opened his mouth again. "When I met your…'dear mother'…I could feel you in my loins, I could taste the power we would share! And now that you're of age, a woman, we can reclaim our rightful place-" "-In Hell?" You were blinking back tears as your said the words. This wasn't going the way you'd hoped… You quickly raked the tears away, remembering literally everyone you cared about was watching you right now; you didn't want to be weak…again. Your Father nodded at you, a devilish grin splaying out on his lips. "Yes darling, Hell. It's ours for the taking…" He glanced at Crowley, who shrank back, then returned his cold eyes to you. "You know, when I heard you were seen with Crowley, I was hopeful for you; not that he would be my top pick for you…I mean being a woman with your power, you could have any man or woman you wanted. In Hell, that is." He paused, earning a disgusted look from just about everyone in the room, not including Crowley- who glanced at you just long enough to send you a perverted wink. 'Ohhh gross.' Asmodeus looked at Castiel and Sam briefly, then to Dean, eyeing him up and down as he ground his teeth. "But, as rumors prove true, you've chosen the Winchesters! Over everyone else in the world…you found them." His eyes narrowed on Dean, who wasn't frightened in the least- he ate scumbags like him for breakfast. And that's how you saw your own father now…a scumbag. Dean rose his hand, pouting his lips with sarcasm as if asking to speak. "Actually, uh, we found her. Yeah, we rescued her from the demons you ordered to torture her." He finished with a smug smile, puffing his chest out a bit. He placed his hand on the small of your back to show support. Asmodeus glowered at Dean, his upper lip curling angrily. "No, you deflowered her, Winchester!" 'Fuck.' You half-expected Dean to pull away from you then, but instead he stood his ground. The room fell silent for a moment, except for the crackling of the fire and flames feeding on the Holy Oil. Dean tightened his grip around the back of your waist. "Yeah, well…I love her. And she loves me too. Besides, you weren't exactly around for me to ask your permission…" Your heart fluttered hearing Dean say that out loud, not only to your father, but in front of everyone else. You stood taller, showing affirmation to Dean's words. Asmodeus lifted his chin threateningly. "Boy, I will skin you alive where you stand-" You roared at him, taking a step closer to the flames. "Stop! Please, Dad- Asmodeus, whatever the hell I'm supposed to call you- I'm not going with you. I have a life here, people I love. And if you ever cared about me at all, you'll let me be." Cocking his head to one side, he looked like he was weighing your statement in his head. "I made you, doll. You belong to me. You're the 'Hammer to my Thor', (Y/n)! You're alive for one purpose; you…are…a…weapon." Your pulse quickened, and your chest rose and fell heavily with rage. "Fuck you." Asmodeus rolled his eyes with amusement, mocking you. "(Y/n)…you have a throne waiting for you! Armies upon armies of Demons and monsters at your fingertips…and you'll throw it all way… for this? For them?..." He grew angrier, taking a step closer to the flames. "...For a hunter with a rotting liver? The best he has to offer you is a weak, unfulfilled life. Maybe you'll have a couple of brats along the way; but you will perish, dear. You'll be stashed away in this bunker for the rest of your life." Your Father's words stung, taking your breath away as he spat them in your face. 'Looks like I don't need to worry about Father's Day after all.' "I'll make this easy for you- come with me, and I'll let your friends and your boy toy live. If you don't… I'll kill every last one of them; starting with the Witch, then the Angel…and I'll finish with you." You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling Dean's arm on you tighten further. "So what's it gonna be…your Father, or them?" He questioned. Glancing up to Dean, you saw the sternness on his face, but his eyes were begging you to stand your ground. He made you promise him before all this, that you wouldn't take a deal from him if things went awry; that you'd stand up for yourself, for both of you. You reminded yourself of the warding and holy fire surrounding Asmodeus; he can't hurt you here, not right now at least. You met your father's hard, calculating gaze, and answered him. "I don't have a Father." The Prince of Hell ran his tongue over his teeth, shaking his head furiously; he looked like he was going to implode. He stared you down one more time, clenching and unclenching his fists insidiously. "So be it." Asmodeus's words had just left his lips when you all braced for whatever was about to happen. Drawing in an enormous breath, he rose his right hand in the air, fingers expertly poised… SNAP. With a snap of his fingers, the Holy Fire surrounding him extinguished all at once. Utterly pleased with himself, he surveyed the flameless ground around him, then looked up to you with sinister enthusiasm. "What…no applause?" He grinned at you all, advancing toward you with a couple of steps. Every one of your stayed quiet and frozen in place; you had no backup plan, nothing. You looked at Dean out of the corner of your eye, his jaw clenched, ready to attack. He swept in front of you, holding you back behind him with his right arm. Beside you, Rowena caught your eye. Her expression was dismal, but she gave you a sad smile, as if she was saying 'We tried our best' in defeat. Castiel and Sam stood on the other side of Rowena, wearing the same 'we're shit out of luck' expressions as she was. "Well, this has been fun…but I have promises to keep." Asmodeus spoke, focusing his attention to Rowena. She stood firm against his intimidation. As you realized what he was about to do, your heart jumped in your throat. You tried to move, but Dean held you behind him. "No!" Asmodeus rose his arm again quickly and flicked his wrist, snapping Rowena's neck instantaneously with a resounding 'crack', sending her limp body to the floor. You closed your eyes, knowing she was dead. 'What have I done?!' "Please stop! I'll go! I'll go!!" You scream at him, shoving Dean as hard as you could toward Sam and Cas. You weren't about to see all of the people you cared about slaughtered because of you. You'd find some other way. Asmodeus chuckled, standing feet from you now. "Sweet, sweet child of mine…the time for bargaining is over." His expression fell solemn, turning to the wards and sigils on the walls. "Those can't hold me, just to let you know…now, where's the Angel…?" You couldn't catch your breath, stammering, your thoughts running wild. You closed your eyes quickly, trying to regain the focus you needed to use your inner strength. You imagined what you did to the punching bag; only replacing it with the son of a bitch about to kill your friends. Opening your eyes, you knew they were yellow by the way your father looked at you. First he was surprised, then he seemed impressed. "You can try, dear-" Your right arm lashed out, hurling him to the back of the room and colliding with the wall. Your head was spinning…it took a lot out of you. You keeled over, leaning on your knees for support as Dean rushed to your side to help you straighten. Your Father was eliciting groans and curses under his breath as he stood again, stomping toward you with fury. Trying to push Dean away, he didn't budge. "Go!! Get them out of here!" You ordered, gesturing to Sam and Cas standing several feet away. Dean only looked at you with purpose, and said 'No'. Sam and Cas replied by keeping their feet planted where they were; none of them were leaving you to face this mad man alone. Crowley was plastering himself against the wall like a coward, attempting not to be noticed by Asmodeus. You grimaced as you realized they weren't going to leave you. He was feet from you now, as you tried to recover yourself from the dizziness. Seizing your arm out at your father a second time, he flinched- but then sneered at you. Withdrawing your arm and blinking, your eyes returned to (y/e/c), and you looked at Dean in defeat. "You're outta juice for now, doll…you're new at this, aren't you?" He taunted you, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Just for that little stunt, you're Angel and your boyfriend are next." Your screams filled the room as he swept his arm through the air, slamming Dean and Castiel against the wall, completely immobilized. Sam charged him, lunging with everything he had- and with another sweep of his arm, Sam was thrust against the floor with a cry of pain as he collided with the concrete. As your Father's focus was swayed to Sam, he quickly returned his attention back to Cas and Dean. Castiel's eyes widened, and let out an echoing cry, as he mustered everything he could to grab onto Dean's arm; and in a flash, he and Dean were gone. You blinked rapidly, your eyes darting over the wall with confusion. Then, it dawned on you what had just happened. "Ha! Your boyfriends just left you!!!" Asmodeus whirled around on his heels in laughter to face you. "The Angel just 'whooshed' 'em both outta here…just like that!" His laughter at you utter loss for words bounced off the walls, teasing you. 'They left me.' You could sense Crowley still behind you aways, most likely still trying his damnedest to blend in with the walls. Sam had picked himself up and stood, knees bent, ready to fight. His nostrils were flaring, a pained look plaguing his face while he tried to catch his breath. You didn't try to beg, or get him to stop; he wasn't going to, and you knew that now. Asmodeus was at arm's length with you now, just chuckling and hee-hawing at your misery like the bastard he was. "Ya know, let's play a game…it'll make this more fun- for me, not for you obviously…" He was still chortling, hand on his stomach to calm himself. "Let's play…cat and mouse. I like that one." He winked at you. You ground your teeth, giving him your best bitch face yet. When you didn't reply he moved closer to you, the laughter leaving him altogether. "If you don't play along nicely, I'll kill Sam right here, right now." He muttered in annoyance. Your Father exhaled slowly, and you could almost feel his hot breath on your face. Looking at him, you could see he wasn't joking. His eerie expression sent chills through you, and he spoke again, low and threatening. "Run." For a brief moment you were frozen, unwilling to believe what was happening. Crowley scuttled out the door before you could blink; his handcuffs clanging together as he went. Sam darted over to you in just a few steps and snatched up your hand, hauling you out of the dungeon behind him. Just before he could drag you past the doorway, you whipped your head around to catch one more glimpse of your Father. His eyes were vicious when they probed yours, wearing a wicked smile that betrayed all innocence. In that fleeting moment, you thought to yourself, 'Sometimes, the monsters win…' *************** Hand in hand, you and Sam raced toward the door out of the bunker; Crowley trotting behind you struggling to keep up. At last, you both were nearly sliding around the corner, the landing and stairs in sight. "C'mon!" Sam yelled back to you, yanking on your arm as he sprinted even faster. 'Almost there. Almost there…' Your legs were burning with the adrenaline, closing in on the stairway that lead to safety. You dared to glance behind you, ensuring Crowley was the only monster there; but he didn't seem all that monstrous anymore. Finally, the three of you were tearing past the giant table you loved so much, freedom in sight; when suddenly and without warning, a distant and mysterious humming sounded throughout the bunker. The lights flickered once, then everything around you fell. It was a maddening, sinister darkness that was something out of a nightmare. You, Sam and Crowley came to a screeching halt, plowing into each other. Sam was jerking you behind him every which way as he turned about in a circle trying to see. You could hear his shaky voice saying, 'No, no no…' over and over. The pitch-black darkness lasted briefly before dozens of red lights illuminated with an astounding flash; a shrill winding sound of a generator powering up with it. Joining in the ominous melody, low-toned alarms buzzed loudly from every direction. Pulling away, you saw Sam's face in the red glow. His eyes were hopeless and despondent as he looked down at you, his lips turned downward in despair. "We're locked in…he cut the power." His pulse was so rapid that you could hear his heart beating. "If we go now to turn it back on, he'll be waiting for us…you guys need to hide. I'll go." He said beneath his breath. "No!" You scolded him in a whisper, grasping onto his forearm. "Dean and Cas left, don't you leave too-" He cut you off, grabbing your face with both of his hands, his hazel eyes piercing yours urgently. "Don't. They'll be back. Cas wouldn't leave unless he had a plan." Sam let go of your face, seeing the fear in your eyes. "Okay. We all hide." He released a breath he'd been holding this entire time, collecting your hand again, ready to lead the way. You nodded, looking to Crowley as he agreed dismally. Sam quietly fished a set of keys out of his pocket, passing them to Crowley with a look of disapproval. Seeing they were the keys to the handcuffs, you knew it was the right thing for him to do. You couldn't leave him defenseless, whether you hated him or not; and either way, he was certainly the lesser evil at this point. 'An enemy of my enemy is a friend…' You thought. Sam pointed, ordering Crowley to take the kitchen. He rolled his eyes, but quickly padded off in that direction. The two of you headed back to the hallway you'd come galloping through moments before. Sam steered you right this time, and that was when you heard Asmodeus's voice echoing in the distance behind you. He was toying with you, calling out to you like a psychopath at the climax of a horror film; and you'd be damned if you didn't cringe with terror. "Oh, (Y/n)! I thought I'd make things even more interesting… Dammit, the looks on your faces when the lights went out were priceless!!" Your father's voice sung out over the buzzing alarms, teasing you with carelessness. Both of you kept going. As the red glow flashed overhead, you could see his jaw clenching just like Dean's when he was angry. Sam led you around a corner and down the hallway that would eventually take you back to the dungeon. "Sweetheart…come out, come out, wherever you are…" Asmodeus chided with a hint of eagerness, making your blood boil. "You know, I've got all the time in the world down here with you!! We could catch up, get to know each other…" His voice trailed off, falling further behind you to your relief. "…or I could rip you apart, limb from limb…" Sam pulled you further down the hallway, knowing too that the dungeon was the safest place at the moment… if you could get there in time. You heard your father's voice again, drifting eerily through the air, and sounding frighteningly closer. "…You know, I love the Rolling Stones…don't you, Dear…?" He called. Your brows furrowed, thinking to yourself that he truly was a mad man. You turned another corner, both of your feet stalking as quickly as they could without making too much sound; and just then, you heard him singing. "…*Time is on my side…yes it is…Time is on my side…yes it is…*" The Prince's voice flowed flawlessly, bouncing off the walls and echoing toward you. His haunting song prevailed, and the only thing you could do was to keep moving. "*…Now you always say…that you want to be free…But you'll come running…you'll come running back to me…*" "…*Go ahead, go ahead and light up the town…remember, I'll always be around……time is on my side…yes it is…*" Holding back tears, you were steps away from the dungeon door at last. It was left open still, and Sam glanced back at you, quickly ushering you in first. Once you made it in, Sam stayed put just outside the door way. His head turned from side to side on the look out for Asmodeus, then he looked at you. "I'm gonna try to get the power on, okay? Stay. Here." He ordered in a whisper. You shook your head in protest, moving forward to stop him when he held his hand up at you. "(Y/n), I'll be fine-" Sam's words ended abruptly, when out of nowhere a dagger was plunged into his side. Asmodeus. The outward thrust of the dagger sent his blood spattering onto your face as Sam fell forward; revealing Asmodeus leering behind him, wielding the weapon. Your blood-curdling screams filled the dungeon, not caring if you too were about to be slaughtered. You threw yourself down next to Sam, crying out his name. "I told you this would happen, (Y/n)…" Your father said to you, wiping the dagger off on his suit-jacket's sleeve wickedly. Sam crashed down to his right side, gasping for breath between cries of pain. You ignored Asmodeus, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of your attention. Out of instinct you threw your black t-shirt over your head, leaving you in your tank top, and bundled it up against Sam's wound. "Sam, stay with me! Stay with me, you're okay! Breathe…just breathe!!" Tears were flooding down your cheeks, watching your friends face contort and wince in agony. You looked up to the villain onlooking your living nightmare with sheer pleasure, who jeered down at you with insulting green eyes. Hearing heavy footsteps treading quickly outside the door, Asmodeus turned at the sound. In that exact moment, you watched as Crowley hurled himself into him arduously- the sound of bodies crashing to the floor resounding before you. Freezing where you were for a moment kneeling next to Sam on the floor, you heard Crowley and your father struggling outside the door. "Sam, c'mon we gotta go, but I can't carry you-" Your fearful voice trembled as you did your best to sit him up, holding onto your shirt against the bleeding gape in his side. At your words Sam moved, like he'd been trained for this moment his whole life. You groaned as you helped heave the giant to his feet, draping one arm over your shoulder to sustain him. "You with me?" You asked him, ready to move past the doorway; still hearing the punches and curses from the onslaught on the other side. Sam tried to nod in reply, and you stepped through the doorway. You turned your head to the left; you saw an exerted Crowley to his back with you facing your father, who was splayed on the floor and bloodied. He was the only thing standing in between him and you, but it looked as if he was drained already from the fight. A demon going against a Prince of Hell, no matter how powerful, wouldn't last long. As Crowley sensed you behind him, Asmodeus disappeared before your eyes. The King of Hell let out a growl at the empty floor where your father had just been. You would be glad he was gone if you'd known where fuck he went off to…being taken by surprise again couldn't be an option. "I'll find the bastard…take Moose and run!" Crowley tilted his head in your direction and commanded you with red eyes; and you moved your asses as fast as you could. *********** "(Y/n) slow down…I can't-" Sam tried to speak through clenched teeth. You could still hear the ongoing assault in the bunker, a better distance from you now. You were passing the table, heading for the library. It was the only other place you could think of where you wouldn't be trapped rats, seeing as how it had two exits. He was leaning on you harder now, and your muscles burnt terribly trying to hold him up. 'Cas, Dean, where are you?!' You screamed internally. "Shh- don't try to talk, we're almost there." You pressed Sam to keep going, because you knew there was no way in hell you could carry him. Dragging your feet and barely there, you were finally in the library. You didn't bother closing the doors behind you, mostly because you couldn't; you needed to help your friend first. The two of you made it as far as the third table before Sam collapsed. You toppled down to the floor along with him as the immense weight of him nearly crushed you. You righted yourself, moving first to apply pressure to the wound. The lights were still flashing, red death glows screaming 'war' blinking at you, reminding you of the impending doom with every flare. Your gaze darted from his wound to his face, his eyes were closed now after collapsing, and his breathing was rigid. "Sam!! No no no!!!" You reached out, tapping his cheeks with your palms in attempt to wake him…but he didn't. 'No, no no!!!' ***************** You wished to god you knew how to turn the power back on…you could leave him to find the utility room, get him to a hospital- but if you were killed along the way, Sam would be left unprotected. Something snapped in you then. Your chest tightened, your throat felt like it was closing…and you couldn't control it. The rage, the agony at watching one of your best friends dying, seeing Rowena die…from a call you made to summon a god damn Prince of Hell into the bunker. You didn't care anymore if he found you; you'd kill him when he did. But the tiny voice in your head was telling you that you weren't strong enough, taunting you… 'Locked in. We're locked in.' "Sam!!" You could barely hear your own screams over the ear-piercing alarms resonating through the bunker. Your hands shook furiously while you gripped your t-shirt you'd made into a makeshift bandage, and put as much pressure on his wound as you possibly could. You felt hot tears surging down your face, the bright and eery red lights still blinking with rage. 'Check his pulse…' You shifted your weight to your left hand to free your right one. Your hand, trembling and blood-stained, felt around his neck feverishly for a pulse; it was faint, but it was there. "Sam!! Dammit, say something! S-Stay with me, please!" You felt knives in your windpipe, while you implored an unconscious Sam through uncontrollable sobs. You returned your attention to his wounded side, and exerted more pressure to it again. Your eyes widened at the sight of the younger Winchester's blood, as it soaked through his shirt and rose between your fingers, trickling down the backs of your hands. Looking up, you whipped your head from side to side trying to see through blurred vision. The library re-illuminated, flooded with a red glow as the lights above you flashed again. "Crowley!!!" Your hoarse voice roared out at the top of your lungs- you needed him. Needed to know at least he was alive. More broken sobs escaped your throat, your teary eyes returning to Sam's near-lifeless body on the floor next to you. Still holding your body's weight into his wound, you cried his name out again. "Sam!! Please- no no no no…" Then, you heard a noise. 'Running…someone's running toward me…' You tried to decide whether or not you should hide, but then it dawned on you that it didn't matter- dead or alive, you weren't leaving Sam. "(Y/n)? Is Moose…?" Crowley's british accent sliced through the air, and you breathed an enormous sigh of somewhat relief. "Crowley, help him!" You begged, new and old tears mixing with the dried blood spatter on your face as they fell. He stood before you now and crouched to his knees. "You know I can't love…the bastard took everything I had. He could be back at anytime..." You watched as his features were lit by the red lights, and you saw the King of Hell was as sad, desperate, and afraid as you were. You gasped as the shirt you were holding to Sam's side slipped, dripping with crimson. You cried out, replacing it as quickly as you could. You knew there was no use, but you weren't giving up. Not yet. "Anything from Cas yet? Or Dean? Where's my Dad?" Your horrified eyes searched Crowley's, your face contorting in pain when you could see they held no good news. "Couldn't find him…and nothing from the dynamic duo." You bit down hard on your lip. It took you by surprise when Crowley hung his head. 'Pulse!!! Check his pulse!' You shook yourself, pulling it together- you felt around Sam's neck again for his pulse, and it was weaker. You closed your eyes. 'This is all my fault.' You couldn't even cry anymore; your breath hitched and your entire body shook as you fell back to your heels. Crowley's hand was on your shoulder in an instant. "You should've listened to me, love." ===>PRESENT TIME You ignored Crowley's harshness, even though his words sounded kind. "You can fix this, (Y/n). You can." He said, leaning down trying to catch your eye. You shook your head with a huff. "How the hell do I do that?" You replied. "You can heal him, you just have to focus. If I could show you, you know I would, but…you have to want it. And I know you do…so just try. Couldn't hurt." Crowley spoke in a hushed tone, gripping your forearm to guide your hand back to Sam's wound. Shooting him an uneasy look, you followed his direction. "Remember (y/n), just see it in your mind- want it. Make it happen." He urged you on, releasing his hand from your arm to let you try. Inhaling then releasing your unsure breath, you closed your eyes and pressed your hand into Sam's wound. You imagined healing him in your mind, thinking of what you thought it'd look like; his insides healed, his skin merging back together, and waking up. God, what you'd give to see him open his eyes. You not only wanted it, you needed it. You loved him, because he was your friend, and Dean's brother…and you knew how much Dean needed him. Your thoughts were wandering to Dean, as if you wanted to save his brother not for yourself, but for Dean…and because it wasn't Sam's time. Death couldn't have him yet. "(Y/n)…" Crowley's small but stern voice broke your train of thought, and you opened your eyes. Disbelief flooded your face, and for a second you couldn't breathe. The most beautiful golden glow was fading; leaving Sam's wound, and traveling back into the palm of your hand, where it disappeared. Your eyes darted to Crowley's. He was wearing the proudest grin a King of Hell could wear, and you smiled warily; wondering if you'd really done it, when Sam's eyes fluttered open. "(Y/n)? What the hell happened?" Sam looked at you, hoisting himself up to rest on his elbows. Holding a finger to your lips to tell him to be quiet, you slowly removed the t-shirt that was soaked in his blood covering his injury. And there it was, you'd done it. The gaping stab wound was gone, the blood on his skin the only reminder of it remaining. "I'll be damned…I didn't think you could do it." Crowley said sarcastically, shooting you a wink. Sam lifted his shirt, the events that took place dawning on him suddenly. His eyes widened as he looked up at you. "Did-Did you heal me?" He asked, his brows furrowed in question. You nodded vigorously as more tears, joyful tears, sprung from your eyes. You crashed down into him with a bear hug, trying to contain your happy sobs. 'I did it…I really fucking did it. He's alright…' You thought. A new voice sounded in the library's doorway, and your joy was torn from you instantly. "Isn't this cute?" Asmodeus stood, looming there like he was getting off on destroying your small win. Crowley squeezed his eyes shut in frustration, and you all rose from the floor to face him. The three of you soaked in the scene before you, Sam towering behind you and Crowley at your side. And every single one of you smiled enormous grins, and you laughed out loud softly. There stood your Father in the doorway...you should've been frightened, or at least angry- but you weren't. Because unbeknownst to him, Dean and Castiel were standing behind him. Asmodeus chuckled, shifting his hands to his hips in disregard. "What's so funny to you…your imminent deaths?" He scoffed, his devilish eyes searching yours. "No, I'm smiling because…" You said, sauntering toward him with a stride. "My boyfriend is behind you."
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