#dear dere x reader
jellysxtarr · 6 months
(crying cause this is my first time requesting)
Hihi!, can you do a elliot x very affectionate reader? like they are comfortable with pda, they always give little kisses practically every minute of the day, they like to do random hugs throughout the day and can not stand being away from their lover for hours or minutes at all.
That's actually sweet!
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Elliott with an affectionate S/O
Warnings: /
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ʚ — Elliott doesn't necessarily view themself as an affectionate person. They're open to touch, hugs and hair ruffling here and there, but the act of that seem more platonic than romantic.
ʚ — Having a romantic partner around, who's rather very affectionate around them startles them at first. Seeing you around in their workplace quite often and receiving affectionate on a daily basis was something they weren't used to.
ʚ — Elliott has noticed early on that you're very comfortable with PDA, showing affection in public without seeming hesitant, clinging onto them when you had the chance, sending them messages when both of you had to be separated for the day.
ʚ — They, of course, don't seem to mind. Once they get used to your affection towards them, Elliott will expect you to appear in their workplace (no matter how busy they may be) and accept your affection with open arms.
ʚ — Elliot's affection in return wouldn't necessarily be as massive, and rather small in comparison to your own. Seeing as they aren't used to returning romantic gestures makes it a bit difficult to keep up with your own affection from the very beginning.
ʚ — Sure, they've been asked out a bunch of times by people before, and never returning their feelings afterwords (or were even interested to begin with), the moment a romantic relationship started with you, Elliott wasn't sure what to do.
ʚ — You being affectionate from the start that has sent their heart racing a few times just by the simplest act, making their adoration grow for you every day.
ʚ — They accept quite literally any form of affection you may give, it could be small kisses during the day, hugging them whenever you had the chance, gifts, cuddles after a long day, and the list goes on and on.
ʚ — Even with the difference between how much you both show affection to each other, Elliott shows how much they deeply care for you, being there for you when you need it and never leaving your side one bit.
ʚ — Elliott trusts you, accepting you in their life and not wanting you out of their life either. Their content with having you around.
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ʚ — Your love, that you show them every day, makes their day better the moment you're around them, hell even Emmett had to watch you both being mushy to each other.
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lizhaoyu · 1 year
Okay you don't have to do this and if your inbox is closed that's okay but if they are open could you please do a cro where he just kidnapped them but they're oddly okay with it where they literally do whatever he wants but for exchange of letting them call their parents and tell them they're okay I know this may sound weird but do you mind bearing with me
Guess I'm yours now.
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Here I am, back with another Cro fanfiction. Honestly, I didn't even think I'd get requests, let alone someone liking my stories. Thanks for the request, Anon, here it is. My deepest apologies if it took too long, I just don’t check Tumblr that much and I didn’t know I had requests. Really sorry.
As always, !!GN READER!!
It was extremely dark.
The air was also suffocating. Probably because there's a bag over your head, but you disregarded that.
What the fuck happened? You were just walking home from buying random stuff that you probably don't need at the store and the next thing you know, everything went black.
"What the fuck?" You muttered.
"Oh, you're awake." A voice from a random corner of the room boomed.
"Um, where am I?" You asked.
"In my basement." The voice got closer, assuming that the person approached you.
"I figured." You sighed. You didn't know what you did, but you guess that it's something about buying random shit at the store that you don't need.
"Hm, you don't seem scared at all." The voice spoke, this time much closer.
You don't respond.
“Are you not scared of me? Not afraid of what might happen to you?” It asked again.
“Not really.” You shook your head.
The person hummed.
“Why are you not scared?” The voice asked.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged.
“Hey, uh, I hope you don’t mind but can you take off the bag on my head? It’s getting really hard to breathe.” You awkwardly asked.
You heard footsteps approaching, before stopping in front of you. Suddenly, the bag was pulled off your head.
Your eyes took its time adjusting to the blinding light. Just then, you got a glimpse of your kidnapper’s face.
White hair and red eyes. He looks cool. Like a cosplayer.
“Your eyes look cool.” You quickly shut your mouth.
“Uh-, sorry. That just slipped out. I’m really sorry.” You quickly apologized.
The person chuckled.
"Why, thank you. I'd say you have pretty good looking eyes too." He smiled.
You remained quiet due to embarrassment.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, you spoke.
"So uh... Why'd you kidnap me...? Oh, but if you don't want to tell me, I completely understand. I understand that some people do this for a certain reason, and I don't want to invade your privacy." You smiled awkwardly.
"Haha, don't worry. I don't mind telling you." The person smiled.
Suddenly, he leaned down, inching down on your face.
"I kidnapped you because you seem appealing to me." He leaned away with a smile.
"I saw you outside the store. You were looking at the posters at the window." He recalled.
"Your eyes shined just by looking at the poster for a new product they're selling, like a kid who saw a new toy." He smiled.
"I followed you inside the store. I saw how delicate and gentle you were with handling the things in your basket." He looked at you.
"You'd put things inside your basket even if you knew you'd have no use for them, telling yourself you have the money anyway and will probably have a use for them someday." He chuckled.
'Ah... Now this is really embarrassing...' Your cheeks grew red.
"And I knew right away that I have to take you and have you all to myself. I mean, people nowadays take advantage of people like you, and I knew I had to keep you safe." He smiled softly.
"Thank you for thinking so kindly of me." Your cheeks dusted with pink.
"Even if we're in this type of situation, I know you're a kind person." You smiled.
"Hm? How are you so sure?" He asked, face now serious.
"A-Ah... Well, um... You talk to me normally, and you're kind enough to take the bag off my head when I asked you to." You nervously say.
"I kidnapped you. I took you with me to a place you probably don't know. For all you know, I could be plotting to hurt you after gaining your trust. How are you so sure that I'm a kind person?" He asked again.
You shifted uncomfortably, refusing to answer anymore in fear that he might actually hurt you.
"Haha, just kidding." He chuckled and smiled.
"I told you that you looked appealing to me. How could I hurt you?" He sat down at the ground with you and cups your face into his gloved hand.
"Say, how about you stay with me here from now on? I'll be yours and you'll be mine. How about it?" He asked.
"I... have a request." You spoke quietly.
"Go on, I'm listening." He retracts his hands back.
"Even if you're keeping me with you... Can I still contact my parents and family? I want to be able to update them and talk to them." You asked.
"How sweet. Of course. Just as long as you stay." He nods.
"Thank you." You smiled.
"Now that we've come to an agreement..." He inched closer.
He cupped your face into his hands again, face closing in.
"May I?" He asked, looking directly in your eyes.
You nod slowly.
He smiled.
And with a kiss, your fate has been sealed.
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nanasandwhich · 2 years
Home (─‿─)
. ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦  ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦  ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .
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Days became weeks and weeks became months, maybe to years. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen the sun. All I see is darkness now.
I don’t know how long, I’ve been down in the basement for. It feels like forever. I don’t really remember anything. I forgot my family’s name.
I want to get out of this hell. I want to go home. I miss my family and friends. Everything.
I want to get away from him, but he always catches me. He’s always-
“Oh, Good morning dear!” The man said happily. Walking down the stairs with lots of creeks. So noisy.
You ignored him. Looking at his figure. He walked towards you. You Being tied down to a chair. It hurts. Your hands are in pain. So much bruises. Red, purple.
“Well then should we get started?” He asked with a mischievous grin.
You stared at him with your teary eyes.
“Hm?” Grinning
“But I just woke up, can’t I just have a break??” You shouted. Anger came upon. You can’t control it. It comes and goes with all that hatred.
“Oh, but then where’s the fun in that?” He grabbed a needle by the counter. A liquid moving nonstop at his movement.
“Can I just go home now?! Please!” You cried, begging for your life. Don’t hurt me anymore!
“Oh, not just yet, Don’t worry it will all be over soon!” You will love me!
Blood was a all over the place, with screams in the air.
It was over in a flash. You couldn’t feel anything afterwards.
“Now that’s over, it seems you’ve learned your lesson?” He untied the ropes on your hands with his bloody gloves. You stood up, falling to his chest.
“Seems like you understood!” He hugs you tightly. Almost chocking you.
“Let’s have breakfast!” He turned his head towards you. How lovely
“Yes, I am starving” You hadn’t had a meal in forever.
Ever since you went into town. Cro captured you again.
That’s his name. The one I fear. The one I must obey. Or else…
Cro went towards the trash can with his hand gripping tightly around your hand. He threw out his gloves. He loves when he can feel your warmth against him.
The both of you went up the stairs. With each step you take the stairs start to creeks. You were scared.
You both sat down at the table. Ready to dig in. You being eager to eat. You jumped right in.
“Hungry aren’t we?” He took his fork and split the egg yolk.
“Well, ever since I had my freedom, you always come and ruin it!” You shoved your mouth full of food.
“Oh, sorry, but I just can’t let my dear go that easily” he smirk. Blush all over his face. He truly loves you.
“Your the worst” I hate you
“I love you too ♡” I will never let you go
My first one-shot Σ(ノ°▽°)ノ
Sorry its short ヽ(`Д´)ノ
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iluvshinobukocho · 2 months
Shinobu Kocho x Fem reader! Jealous Shinobu
Story alone word count: 3820
Hey dere! 🤓🥸 Decided to make my own story on the request I’ve been sending people to write. Originally, I was going to let them write my request but I couldn’t wait 😖. Saying this incase someone thinks I copied another persons work. Btw in this let’s just say (Y/n) has brown hair.
Shinobu has been so very busy with patients and Hashira work. So much to where she doesn’t have a lot of time to spend with her girlfriend, (Y/n). The only time they’re together is when Shinobu is eating, showering, or going to sleep/cuddling with (Y/n).
(Y/n) has been holding herself back to not seem clingy to Shinobu, but she can’t handle being lonely anymore. Sure, the girls company with Aoi, and Kanao is nice but she wants to hang around with people around her age. So she decides to face what she’s are scared of.
The brunette walks slowly to her destination overthinking. What if she gets upset at me for being clingy? Should I just go back to my room?
The overthinker shakes her head at those thoughts. No! I’m tired of having no to hang out with and I need to talk to Shinobu about it.
(Y/n) takes a right turns and after reaching the end of the hallway, she’s at her lover’s work room. Her hand stretches out to the door but stops. The nervous brunette feels her heart racing rather quickly and feels her hands get sweaty. She wipes her hands on her clothes and knocks.
“Come in!” She hears her girlfriend say. (Y/n) enters the room nervously. Shinobu turns around gracefully and is waiting for (Y/n) to say something.
(Y/n) stands there which causes Shinobu to raise her eyebrow at her. “Is something wrong, dear?” Shinobu asks walking to her nervous girlfriend.
“I-I just feel lonely. There’s no one for me to be with. I’d like some attention.” (Y/n) says, mumbling the last part making her cringe.
The hashira couldn’t help but tease (Y/n), “Some what?” She says in an amused tone acting as if she couldn’t hear (Y/n). Her girlfriend glares at her knowing full well Shinobu heard her.
Shinobu laughs, “Well lucky for you, I have a ten minute break, so what’d you like to do?”
Without answering (Y/n) drags the shorter girl to the bed and just hugs Shinobu taking in her wisteria with lavender scent, and even a hint of ink was smelt. Shinobu hugs her back and kisses (Y/n)’s forehead.
(Y/n) hums happily, she feels relaxed being in her girlfriend’s arms. The silence is nice, just two lovers alone and appreciating each other’s company.
Sadly for (Y/n) the ten minutes are up and the hashira gets up and goes back to work. (Y/n) frowns, which doesn’t go unnoticed by her lover.
“Oh love, what’s wrong?” Shinobu asks. The laying girl hesitates whether or not she should complain to Shinobu.
Atlast, she does, “It’s just that you’re always so busy and I feel lonely.” (Y/n) reveals. Shinobu is a bit surprised because she didn’t think (Y/n) felt this way.
“What about the girls? You can hang out with them too.” The short girl suggests.
(Y/n) sighs and shakes her head, “As much as I love the girls. I’d like to be around with someone who is around my age. Someone who understands me.”
The hashira’s mouth forms into an ‘o’ shape. She nods and comes up with a solution, “Why don’t you just go make friends with someone from outside? Instead of just people from the butterfly estate? What about some hashiras?”
(Y/n) shivers at the thought of trying to make friends with anyone outside. (Y/n) is a quiet type of person and and. So the thought of going outside and meeting others not inside the estate, scared her.
She’s afraid she’ll embarrass herself. She’s a bit familiar with most of the hashiras and doesn’t know if she’ll get along with them.
White haired scar dude is too aggressive, snake boy doesn’t care about anyone but the pink haired one, pink haired is too talkative, flashy guy just cares about being flashy, and Gyomei is nice but she sees him as a father figure. There are two hashiras she hasn’t met and doesn’t know much about them.
“Okay. I’ll try making a friend” (Y/n) said as she stood up from the bed. Shinobu smiles and makes her way (Y/n). She wraps her arms around (Y/n)’s neck and kisses her passionately.
(Y/n) smiles into the kiss and puts her hands on Shinobu’s waist bringing her closer. After a bit they pull away and Shinobu guides (Y/n) to the door.
“Good luck on making a new friend, my love. And please don’t take too long” The Hashira says in a soft tone knowing how she her girl is. (Y/n) almost folds on how sweet Shinobu sounds, but she just nods at the short girl.
(Y/n) tried being friends with the mist hashira but he seemed to be lost in thought and just ignored (Y/n). The whole interaction was awful she introduced herself and he just asked her, “What was your name again? I forget unimportant things”.
Safe to say she was embarrassed.
Then on her way to the next hashira she found another kakashi. She asked him if he knew the directions and he responded rather rudely, “I do know where it’s at but why should I tell you? You don’t seem important enough to be meeting with a hashira”
The poor girl was shocked at how rude he was and just apologized. That really ruined her day, so much for trying to make friends with a hashira.
Right now (Y/n) was on her way back to the butterfly estate when she saw a guy sitting down alone next to a tree. He had a split type of haori the right side is just fully maroon, while the left side is squares patterned as the colors red, yellow, and green.
(Y/n) made her way to him and sat down on the opposite side of the tree, sighing. “This place sucks. I can’t seem to make any friends here. Is the place here always this bad?”
The silence was so loud you could just hear it. After a long pause, “Yeah.” the guy responded in a monotone voice.
Well he definitely isn’t much of a talker (Y/n) says in her head.
“Do you think I’m not liked by people?” The guy asked. The question caught (Y/n) off guard. “Well I don’t really know who you are since I just met you. You just seem like the silent type though.”
“Talking to people is tiring” The mysterious dude stated.
(Y/n) laughed, agreeing. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m not like other people who can talk so much. I can barely hold a conversation for so long. It’s hard to fit in when they’re so different compared to me.”
The phrase ‘I’m not like other people’ made the mismatch haori dude perk up. They were similar to what his thoughts were about himself.
“You… You also don’t think you fit in?” He asks turning to (Y/n). (Y/n) hums a short ‘mhm’. The brunette also turned around in realization.
Then, the two people laying under the tree asked the same question, “What’s your name?”
Today had been a success for (Y/n), despite all the things that happened earlier.
(Y/n) was finally coming home after like 2-3 hours. She was glad she made a friend, tomioka-san! She even found out he was the last hashira she needed to meet!
They had been talking the entire time about each other’s life. The happy brunette was hoping she’d find him again tomorrow to hang out.
After two minutes of walking, she finally arrived home.
Aoi had been waiting outside of the butterfly estate waiting for (Y/n). The moment Aoi saw the brunette she marched right up to her.
“Where the hell have you been all day? I finally convinced Shinobu-sama to finish work early but she went back to work because you weren’t around. The poor girl has been working nonstop!” Aoi scolded the older and much taller girl.
“Sorry I-”
“No no no don’t apologize to me! Go to Shinobu-sama already!” Aoi interrupted now even more upset than before. (Y/n) widens her eyes and nods nervously.
The taller girl rushes inside to look for her hashira girlfriend. She found the insect hashira knocked out snoring softly on her working table. The brunette smiled at the sight of this and quickly scooped up her girlfriend.
“(Y/n)?” Shinobu mumbled, waking up a bit from all the movement. “Yes, my butterfly?” (Y/n) replied, smiling softly at how cute her girlfriend was.
“I missed you. I didn’t think you’d be gone for so long.” The sleepy girl said inching closer to the brunette.
The strong girl carried Shinobu all the way to their shared room and placed the sleeping beauty on her bed. (Y/n) changed clothes quickly and went to give her girlfriend a goodnight kiss.
“Love you, sleep well.” She whispered, making the latter smile and open her eyes a bit.
“Love you too” the hashira whispered back causing the very much awake girl to smile. As (Y/n) stood up , she felt a tug on her shirt. She turned around to see Shinobu frowning at her.
“Sleep with me please? You were gone all day. You were missed” Shinobu said groggily to her lover. The non-hashira nodded and laid down.
Shinobu immediately embraced the latter and smiled, finally being with her girl. (Y/n) turned to Shinobu, “I made a friend today” she spoke happily.
The shorter girl congratulated the latter and immediately fell asleep causing the brunette to laugh.
About a month have passed since (Y/n) became friends with Tomioka and they’ve gotten so close she now calls him by his first name.
Now for Shinobu (my glorious queen ‼️) who thinks Mitsuri, the love hashira was her girlfriend’s friend. She couldn’t be more wrong.
The insect hashira finally been given a break for a week and she wants to spend it with her favorite person. She pretty much runs all the way to the love hashira’s mansion where her girlfriend is ‘at’.
She knocks on the door, and waits a bit for it to be answered. Mitsuri opens the door with the snake hashira on her side.
“HIIII SHINOBU!!” The pink haired girl exclaims excitedly, rushing to hug the latter. Shinobu pats her back and breaks the hug.
“Hi, Mitsuri! Thank you for becoming friends with (Y/n) and keeping her company while I’m busy. I hope you don’t mind but could I borrow my (Y/n)?” She says immediately already wanting to see the brunette.
The Love Hashira has confusion written all over her face, along with the Snake Hashira.
“Oh! I’m afraid (Y/n)-san isn’t here. She seems very sweet though, I’d like to be friends with her someday.” The love Hashira responded.
The shorter girl was confused was Mitsuri not (Y’n)’s friend? Now that she thinks about it (Y/n) never did tell her who her new friend was. She recalled falling asleep right after congratulating the brunette.
“Oh! Apologies then. By any chance do you know where (Y/n) is?” Shinobu apologized, a bit embarrassed.
“No, sorry! Come again next time though!! And, tell (Y/n) I’d like to be friends!” Mitsuri said happily as she waved goodbye.
Shinobu waved back, and left. Who could (Y/n)’s friend be?
After a while of thinking the small girl came to the conclusion it’d be Muichiro, so she made her way to the Mist Hashira’s estate.
She knew it definitely wasn’t Sanemi for obvious reasons that dude is a walking bomb. He’s ready to explode any second now right up in anyone’s face.
Can’t be Gyomei either, she knew (Y/n) saw him as a father figure. Rengoku is nice but very loud and can’t hear well. And, her girlfriend is definitely not friends with Tomioka because well… he’s Tomioka.
As the hashira turned a corner she saw her girlfriend laughing and walking with someone. That someone looked familiar, tall, mismatch haori, and messy spiky hair.
Upon seeing the person she already felt agitated, but seeing him with HER girlfriend? Ohhh she did NOT like that one bit. A vein could already be seen on her forehead, and one starting to pop out on her neck.
She quickly made her way to the duo and wrapped her arms around (Y/n)’s waist. The Hashira nuzzled into (Y/n)’s neck, not caring about the guy next to them.
The non-hashira immediately smiled, recognizing who the person hugging her was. “Shinobu!!! I didn’t know you weren’t working today” she exclaimed turning around and returning the hug.
Shinobu smiled at this and the forehead vein disappeared temporarily. Once the couple pulled away from the hug, the small hashira turned to the guy next to her girlfriend.
“Sooo why are you with my girlfriend, Tomioka-san?” Shinobu asked with the forehead vein forming again.
“Oh yeah! Giyuu-kun is my best friend! The one I was telling you about. I’m so excited for you two to get along! Well actually you guys already know each other so ” (Y/n) exclaimed.
Shinobo was ready to explode upon hearing what (Y/n) called him. Seriously!? Giyuu-kun? Just how close are they? (Y/n) didn’t even speak to me informally in such short time! She was so going to pick on him even more when (Y/n)’s not around.
“Kocho is your girlfriend?” He asked (Y/n) who nodded happily.
The shorter girl’s eye started to twitch upon hearing his voice. “Yes! She’s my girlfriend and we are happy together. Been going strong for two years and NOTHING will get in between us.” She said with her fake smile she’s practiced using so much.
Shinobu got closer to (Y/n) and hugged her waist possessively. She kissed (Y/n) while glaring at Giyuu. (Y/n) pulled away shocked a bit by the sudden kiss. She tried pulling away from the hug too but Shinobu’s grip was way too strong.
“Shinobu I don’t mind you hugging me but we’re infront of someone remember? I don’t want to make it awkward.” The brunette whispered a little embarrassed.
“Fine.” Shinobu let go of (Y/n) but not before giving her another kiss and grabbing her butt a bit making (Y/n) let out a small moan. (Y/n) was extremely embarrassed and red. She was going to give Shinobu a lesson on how to act infront of others.
“Oh… Err well that’s good for you guys.” He said with a deadpan look but also looking away from the awkward sight infront of him.
“Yeah it is. I wonder when you will find someone. It must be pretty lonely huh? Can’t relate, I don’t think you’ll find anyone your whole life.” Shinobu fired at Giyuu, smirking. Giyuu didn’t look like he cared and just gave her a blank face.
“Uhmm… so Shinobu are you going to join us shopping? Me and Giyuu-kun were on our way there.” The brunette asked finally recovering from her embarrassment.
“Yes! I got a whole week off and would like to spend it with you alone” The hashira responded and glared at Giyuu when saying ‘alone’ which didn’t go unnoticed by (Y/n) who just raised her eyebrow.
As they all started to walk, Shinobu made sure to stay in between the duo. The order was Giyuu, Shinobu, and (Y/n).
Atleast, that was the order for a bit “Actually. Kocho could I be next to (Y/n)?” Giyuu said.
Ohh he just HAD to open his mouth didn’t he? Shinobu stared at him dead in the eyes and gave a fake smile. Right when she was about to say no, (Y/n) moved to the middle. So now it was Giyuu, (Y/n), and Shinobu.
Shinobu couldn’t help it and let a frown slip. If it wasn’t for her girlfriend there, Giyuu would be getting punches with insults thrown left and right. The short hashira took (Y/n)’s hand and pulled the girl closer to her.
“So how did you guys become meet? I wouldn’t expect my beautiful, kind, and amazing girlfriend to be friends with someone like you Tomioka-san. I wonder if she felt pity for you and became your friend because no one likes you.” Shinobu said looking straight at Giyuu with the biggest fake smile ever.
(Y/n)’s eyes widened in shock on how her girlfriend was treating her bestfriend. “Shinobu! That is not how you treat others. Please stop acting immature.”
“It’s fine (Y/n). I’m used to it already.” Giyuu said trying to defend Shinobu a bit.
“Used to it? Is this not the first time?” (Y/n) asked in surprise, getting more upset now. Shinobu hissed at Giyuu for just making things worse and exposing her.
“N-no! I always treat him nicely. This is just how we joke around!” Shinobu tried lying but (Y/n) saw right through.
“Giyuu-kun I’m sorry we can go shopping a different day. I’ll let you know when.” (Y/n) apologized. She didn’t have to tell Giyuu twice.
He waved goodbye and skedaddled not wanting to get in the lover’s quarrel.
(Y/n) dragged Shinobu all the way home and to their room not saying a word the whole entire way.
Now Shinobu was regretting how she treated Giyuu a bit. Actually, no she didn’t. How dare he try to get close to her girlfriend.
She was thinking of an apology in her head to tell (Y/n) when they arrive home.
The moment they reach their room the brunette locked the door and let go of her hashira girlfriend.
“What was that!? Why were you being so rude to Giyuu-kun. And don’t even think I forgot on how touchy you were infront of me.” (Y/n) questioned angrily, crossing her arms and tapping one foot.
“Ughh… will you please stop calling him that.” Shinobu complained, rolling her eyes not liking how close they are.
“Giyuu-kun? There’s nothing wrong with it. Me and him got very close this past month. So what’s up with you, why are you just insulting him?”
“It’s because Tomioka isn’t really the ideal friend. He’s.. he’s just so bland and basic. He literally doesn’t talk a lot and he’s painfully unfunny. Seeing him just annoys me and seeing him WITH you made me more upset.”
“What? Oh for fucks sake Shinobu! You’re just annoyed that he doesn’t talk much? Have you actually tried to get to know him? He’s actually pretty funny.” (Y/n) defended Giyuu. Shinobu was going to respond but was cut off.
“Shinobu, I really don’t get you… You tell me to make friends but the moment I do, you get all angry and just throw insults at them? You know I was really excited for you to get along with Giyuu-kun but clearly that was too much to ask for.” (Y/n) said with tears threatening to come out.
Realization hits Shinobu by seeing just how much her girlfriend is hurt by her actions.
“(Y/n) I’m sor-”
“No go apologize to Giyuu first and please be mature.” (Y/n) said leaving their room and slamming the door. Shinobu winces at how loud it was.
Gosh I really did mess up. Am I serious? I got jealous of Giyuu being close to (Y/n) but I’m literally dating her! Now I have to go and find where that water hashira is at if I went to be good with (Y/n) again. I really need to make it up to her.
(Y/n) was helping Aoi with patients. She already helped 12 of them and now she just needs these last three. She immediately sighed walking into the room containing the trio Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu.
Zenitsu was complaining about the rehabilitation training and Inosuke was making a mess of the place stuffing his face with food. Tanjiro was sitting peacefully on his bed listening to Zenitsu while telling Inosuke to slow down.
Tanniro noticed (Y/n) and greeted her. She greeted him back but went straight to Inosuke, telling him to slow down with his food which he actually did do. Tanjiro was surprised at how calm Inosuke is with either (Y/n) or Shinobu around.
Tanjiro could tell (Y/n) was upset though. He smelled a hint of anger and sadness. “(Y/n) are you mad? I’m smelling a hint of anger.”
“You idiot! You never ask a girl if she’s mad when she clearly is!” Zenitsu shouted. He could hear how loud (Y/n)’s heartbeat was, it was loud and thumping hard.
(Y/n) chuckled at the duo, “Yes, I’m a bit upset. Something happened but it’s okay. No need to worry”
Tanjiro nods in understanding.
When the brunette is done checking up on the trio, Zenitsu and Inosuke are sleeping soundly except Tanjiro.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be nosy but are you perhaps upset with Shinobu.? I smelt Wisteria earlier so I’m guessing you were with her.” Tanjiro asked.
The non demon slayer sighs and nods. After she explains the situation, Tanjiro’s a little surprised. He didn’t think Shinobu was so protective of (Y/n). He started to smell Wisteria again so he perked up.
The door flew open scaring (Y/n) but then she saw who was at the door. No one other than her girlfriend. She huffed and turned the other way dramatically. She wasn’t that mad anymore after talking to Tanjiro but she liked to be dramatic.
Shinobu entered and dragged (Y/n) away.
“Goodluck (Y/n)-san!” Tanjiro whisper shouted.
When the couple reaches their room again, Shinobu locked the door and hugged (Y/n) tightly around her waist. She looked up and stuck her head in the non demon slayer’s neck.
“I apologized already. I’m sorry, I realized how I acted was immature. I was just jealous seeing him make you laugh. I was selfish for only thinking of myself and not thinking how you’d feel. You were excited for both of us to become friends. Please.. forgive me I don’t like fighting with you” Shinobu choked out trying not to cry.
The brunette couldn’t help but laugh a bit knowing the hashira was fighting back tears. so she raised Shinobu’s head and kissed her lips softly. Shinobu smiled knowing this was a confirmation her girlfriend forgived her. After a short while they both pull away out of breath.
“It’s fine now let’s go shower you stink of ink and a bit of sweat. Were you running?” (Y/n) asked scrunching her nose as a joke.
Shinobu pulled away from the hug and lightly punched her. “You’re the one who reeks of medicine and blood.” The shorter girl fired back.
The couple both laughed and went to go shower.
This was my first time ever writing. Hope people like it. Go check out @shinobushaori version of this story! I think she did a much better job! 🙏🏽🫶
I didn’t double check everything so there may be mistakes. I apologize for them.
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narinni · 8 months
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🎀𝐹𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝒫𝒶𝑔𝑒🎀
Hello Dear! For my very first post i would like to define exactly what I will be posting and my rules.
🎀𝒩𝓊𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝓃𝑒🎀
I will be posting drabbles, scenarios, and reactions. Writing is mainly the point of this blog, but I’m definitely open to discussing topics like culture, politics, fashion, but not that often. I also will only post in English. It seems simpler to just post in one language, but you can request things and talk to me in another language, as long as it’s one I understand(see my bio). Also, because there is a pretty big chance of me posting nsfw content, I want NO MINORS to be interacting with NSFW content.
🎀𝒩𝓊𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑜🎀
I will write about most genres and scenarios, but here are some I can definitely do:
Genres( like blank!character x reader, or character x reader{fluff}, or character reaction to blank)
~Smut(limited will be explained)
~Yandere(limits will be explained)
~Basically all the deres, lol
~ooh almost forgot, I will write for any gender and specified pronouns! If you have a specific way you want yourself to be referred to(like size, features, race, ethnicity, personality), make sure to include that!
~Monsta x(ot 7, Wonho will always be apart of monsta x to me😭)
~IVE(no smut for minor members)
~AOT(all characters)
~Kakegurui(no smut for minor characters)
~Haikyuu(no smut for minor characters)
~Madoka Magica(no smut for minor characters)
~Howl Pendragon
~No Face
~Literally any Ryan Gosling character
~Patrick Bateman
~Leon Kennedy
~Ada Wong
~Claire Redfield
~Chris Redfield
~Jill Valentine
~Ethan Winters
~Mia Winters
~The Baker family(minus evelyn)
~Lady Dimistrescu
~Bella, Cassandra, and Daniella
~Mother(mommy) Miranda
~Carl Heisenberg
~Ryu(street fighter)
~Ken(street fighter)
~Luke Sullivan
~Cody Travers
~Basically any SF character that isn’t a minor(it’s way to many to list💀)
~Red Dead Redemption
~Horror Movie characters(I’ll look them up if idk, and see)
~XQC(he’s annoying as shit but he’s a cutie)
~Ludwig Ahgren
🎀𝒩𝓊𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒🎀
Here’s some things I will NOT do:
~Rape(self explanatory)
~Nothing too freaky(peepee poopoo stuff💀, feet)
~Smutt or anything remotely sexual for a minor(character or real person)
~Su*cide(self explanatory)
~Overly descriptive gore(yes I will write about death, murder, and injury, but nothing over the top and super descriptive)
Hooray You made it to the end! I will be posting on my own accord, but feel free to request anything that’s on the list. I will try my best to get to any request, but I am a busy college student(yay psychology😒). I do apologize in advance for any bad grammar, English isn’t my first language but I think I do pretty well.
🎀𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓇🎀
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ichikashaven · 2 years
Cro x Reader DEAR DERE
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Ever since a certain ‘incident’ your memory has been reclining in bits and pieces as you can only watch small sweet times slowly go out of reach within your memory, sometimes even large fragments, its gotten so bad you can barely make out some people who you talk to frequently.
You don’t know how you can stop it...and to put it frankly its getting worse and your scared to remember...the only thing guiding you is a promise you made to someone years ago...but who was it?
“Lee.” She puts a hand over your face waving it back in fourth over your head as you lay down.You feel your eyelids gradually go from half lidded to open as you take in the surroundings.A  cool refreshing breeze comes in from your window lightly tapping you awake as the person speaks to you again.
The bed creaks as you turn on your side facing the person who called out to you as you look around your bedroom.Its mostly empty except for a bed, desk, and a side table, shouldn't there be stuff in here?Seeing your now awake form the voice turns around from the desk after arranging the pink roses on your desk.
“Lee it’s almost time to depart you should start to get changed.” she gestures to the suitcase next to the closed door to outside the room inches away from the door frame.
‘Depart...? I don’t remember needing to go anywhere...’ then again your memory is bad, as you think about it more she notices the confusion on your face as she sighs, and begins speaking.
“You forgot again....” she mumbles to herself before making eye contact with you and beginning again “You’ve had memory issues for 5 months now so as your legal guardian I've decided to send you to your home town to hopefully trigger some memories.” she states as you look up “Oh.” you reply dully rubbing your eyes.
She looks at you grimly as a reaction to your not-caring demeanor with your memory loss you used to be so sweet and caring what could have possibly happened?
Honestly how could you care or not care? This feeling is just utter emptiness to you...why are you feeling this empty even with your memory loss...you realize it.
She reaches out her hand to help you get up, you look up at her to see a horrifying face eyeballs scattered around blood gushing out with multiple mouths and a blurred face. 
You look in half-shock resisting the urge to throw up as you hold your mouth and go to the end of the bed hitting the wall tears falling out the world is spinning around you blurring.
‘Its at I thought...’
‘get me out of this nightmare’ you curl into a ball face in your thighs the blurred and moving eyeballs in your room suck you in...
“mmph...” you try to scream from your nightmare but all that comes out are muffles is something in your mouth?
“Oh~You're awake...?” You look up to see a young man with white hair and strikingly red eyes turn around and look at you.
Wait...you remember this? Wasn't he the guy who you met at the train station...?
He smiles at you as he walks to you cupping you cheeks rubbing with his fingers vividly with a lust filled face.
“You’re so....mesmerizing...” his smile grows bigger as his eyes dance circles around you swirling with green and red.
You try to resist thrashing and muffling screams with the rope in your mouth as your thrashing slowly comes to a stop.
Why is this so M̷̛̛͓͆̅͌̉̂̓̓͒̉̆̚ ̶͎͍̹̥̪̟̟͑́͊́̓̇̎͂̅e̵̢͍̗̬͖̗̺͓̲̞̲̊̒̽̔͊͌̀̍́͊̄͝ ̷̨͎͓̣͕͔͕̫̻̫͛͌͆͋̆͜s̴̢̪̤̥̟͎̎͋͂͌͐͛́̉́̓͋̎͘̚̚ ̷̢͓͚̘͓͚̟̠͙͔͂̿͆̓͑͂̌͛̇͝ͅm̷̛͈͉̜̞͉͎͖̩̼̄́͊̎̊́͌̆̋ ̴̡̡̠̦̩͕̖̬͎́̽͐͌ȩ̴̝̙͍͉̯̯͚̬͉̱̖̗͇̈́̈́̓̈̈́̓ ̴̨̳̙͙̗͇͕̞̎̍͐̔̑̎̿ͅr̴̢͖̲̰̭̪̖͙͎̙̖͖̰͂̐ ̸̖̖̟̦̺̠̪͉͍̥͎̥͙̩̀̑̄̄̀̎̋̚͘͜͝i̴̧̨̼͓̹̤̙̼͍̱̳̟̍̋̔͐ͅ ̶̻͖̖͖̈̓̽̈́̇̈́̃̓̓̃̐͝͝z̶̧̖͙̪̙͖͇͓̏̋͌̈́̕͜͝ ̸̢̧̤͕̓͐̋̈́̈́̉̽̓̋́́͝ǐ̷͚̫̊̔͜͠ ̷̨͓̱̝̝̆̑̅͗͑̿̋̀͘ͅn̷̘̙̜̘̟̼͇̼̪͕̥̺̦̝̗̋̊̊͆͊̇̆͗̈́̑͊͒͘͘͠ ̸̖͈̤͓̳̙̳͔̭͈̩̘̾̈́͂̐́̾̐̐̈́͋̿̚̕͝ģ̴̳͕̦̙̮͉̘̟̠̣̖̬͊́͌̽͋̑̚
The more you stared the more you wanted to stay in this never ending trance.
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strxife · 2 years
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Warnings: Mature themes, 13+ content
Vampire Aristocrat!Cro x Poor Villager!Reader
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Precocious Tutor teaser~
Fandom:dear dere
Side note : Y'all go cancel Hoshi she made me work my butt off making this just to ask someone else and tell them theirs was better IN FRONT of me 😃 /joke but not really fiwuerfhuwui
Also say hello to Mr.clean guys! @nymphicmuse
Just how did you get in this predicament? You thrash to stop his mouth becoming closer and closer to your collarbone but his hold… His hold on you was too tight but not too much for it to be suffocating. I’m the end your thrashing was coming in vain when he opens his mouth preparing his fangs as you brace for impact.
But how did you fall for it all? Now that you think about it your life does flash before your eyes. Is he going to suck on you empty you till you're pale and bony, or will he have mercy on you? Now you have time to think and it’s true what he said you’ve been incredibly dumb, that’s the only way you can phrase it right now as you thrashing becomes slower until it stops.
A couple days earlier-
You just got home from getting groceries just to be greeted with a black card without an envelope on top of the carpet to your house. You look at it strangely before you go down on one knee and examine it wanting to see what’s on this mysterious letter. ‘Shouldn’t there be a envelope?’ You think to such a weird letter and also couldn’t they just put it in the mail box?
Picking it up you get back on your feet and read the front in your head. ‘Hello we are interested in your assistance with a tutoring job.If you are interested please report to report to the top of the mountain at the mansion if you accept the offer you will get 3k per week.’
You stare at it blankly. 3K!? ‘No,no,no I must’ve read it wrong let me re read it…’ You re read it again with a look of shock it’s definitely the right number. Then you look at it with disgust… ‘It’s one of those rich aristocrats that live in the upside of the town they’re out here paying 3k for jobs while we suffer just to support our families.’
You doubt anyone is going to actually go it’s probably some lame joke by them.You crumple it up into your pocket not caring if you damage the letter. You know they were just testing you... joking that they have the luxury of mindlessly paying people 3k.
What a sick joke.
little did you know in due time you would desperately need that money.
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“Papa what do you mean they cut off our funds!?” You speak harshly to your grandpa who only responds with sweet sorrowful murmurs. "The aristocrats are paying more and more taxes and we now don't have enough money to support us..."
He strokes your back soothingly as your sorrowful cries echo in the small room as the couch creaks with each tremble of your thighs as you papa embraces you in a pleasantly soothing hug.
"It's all going to be alright [Y/N] I'll find a way to get us some money." he whispers in your ear...how is your sweet and caring old grandpa going to get enough money to pay for the aristocrats unreasonably high taxes
No you can't depend on your sick old grandpa anymore hes already endured so much...you cant put him through that at least anymore.
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You were walking around cleaning the house when you stumble upon something on the kitchen counter curious you take a look. 'Its..the same card?' the same card you got today was in your hands which you thought you had crumpled. In horror you go to your pocket fishing out the crumpled card.
You found it how was another one on the kitchen counter. You set them next to each other feeling weird about the current predicament when you hear your name.
"[Y/N] Is something wrong?" your grandpa sweetly calls out. You cant worry him with this.... "Nothing Pa! Just looking through our papers!" you say as normal as you can muster.
He gives you a half hearted nod as if he still didn't believe your words 'Dang Pa is really smart.' you think in your mind before rereading the card once more glazing your pointer finger over the words as you read in a swift movement.
'Maybe this might not be a joke?' you ponder in your mind before intensely shaking your head no, it must be a joke everyone in the downside of town gets under paid they would never give away over a cent for commoners.
But what if it wasn't a joke what if you were the one who doomed your weak papa? What would that feeling be like even if there was the slimmest of chances of helping your papa you would take it.
'This is what I need to do' you grip the letter lightly knowing the extra letter on the kitchen counter could have been a sign to stop holding back and help who needs you the most.
You decided.
You will go to the mansion...*ehm* castle on top of the hill/mountain....
and thats how it started....
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italoniponic · 2 years
Hello, I have a request for Malleus, Leona, Jamil, Azul and Riddle. The Tsum Tsum event gave me this idea. Reader, like the Tsum Tsums, falls from the sky out of the glowing portal and falls hundreds of feet to the ground. Reader bangs on the floor (we're ignoring physics and Reader stays alive xD) and as the boys look at Reader, as they walk towards Reader, Reader just has an "I'm so fucking done with this shit" expression on the face xD
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, dear!
As we spoke before, I only made this for Malleus, Jamil and Riddle this time (but I’ll do Leona and Azul some other time). And I’ll admit that I gave up on doing this in hc format and actually made 550 words mini-scenarios with it since it’s a very simple plot. This is basically a silly crack fic at this point, situated before the main story as a way of Reader falling into Twisted Wonderland but there’s some mild explanation for that in the story. But I really hope you like it~
Thanks for the request <3 |
Riddle Rosehearts, Jamil Viper, Malleus Draconia x g!n reader that fell from the sky / crack-fic / mini-scenarios / 550 words each / comedy / small dose of angst / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry’s Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
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It was a beautiful night full of stars. Riddle was able to identify each of the constellations above him, the result of all the intensive study that his mother forced him to do. But what people normally looked upon with delight, Riddle repeated the stars’ names automatically to himself and without much emotion.
Until then, Riddle’s day had been quiet and normal. He had done the daily duties of a dorm leader, finished the homework scheduled for that day, checked the garden of hedgehogs and finally, he was walking around the school, heading in the direction of the Mystery Shop to buy some more ingredients for the tea stock. 
What was there to search for more? He already had the crown of Heartslabyul, was feared and respected by his students and colleagues, his grades were perfect, and he followed all the rules. Riddle’s life was straight as a line, every step marked like card numbers.
But in a way, this just took some of the joy out of him. Riddle didn't know how to put it into words, but it was his heart felt. How long would he be able to live in this labyrinth that suffocated him? After all, was he in the wonderland he wanted for himself or was he forever awake in the greyest, saddest reality?
“In a world of my own… w-what is that?!,” Riddle exclaimed loudly.
In the middle of the sky, a strong white light appeared and a large hole opened up. Riddle covered his eyes a little to protect himself from the blinding light, but gradually he began to hear a noise. In fact, a continuous scream that seemed to get louder and louder. He moved a little closer to the supposed portal and managed to see something coming out of it.
Too late, Riddle didn't run from there in time to stop the unknown thing from landing on top of him at an absurd speed. There was another big noise, a lot of pain and confusion. Riddle felt a certain weight and it was then that he noticed a person sitting on top of him, one hand on his torso as you gave a vague look around, as confused as he was.
You looked up, seeing the portal close at last. You sighed.
“I'm so tired of this shit…,” you grumbled, defeated. “I won't be able to find that ‘old hag’ to at least thank for the spell. O-oh, hi!”
Suddenly, you seemed to notice the boy literally below you, his face painted in the most beautiful, intense red you've ever seen.
“I'm sorry, Ri... I mean, unknown person I don't know at all!,” you stood up quickly, one hand protecting your neck and the other offering to help him.
“Who are you?!,” Riddle questioned nervously.
“A dream, a nightmare. People don’t know.”
You chuckled, giving him a kind and good-natured smile. That disarmed Riddle a bit. Despite the strange way you got there — you were the weirdest person he'd ever seen before — you didn't seem dangerous. He even dared to observe you better and reflect that you were even pretty, but this thought was soon put behind .
“I think I should report this to Headmaster Crowley,” Riddle said after clearing his throat. “Come with me.”
“As you wish, Your Majesty.”
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Jamil was tired and the day hadn’t even come to an end. All he wanted was some peace and silence. It wasn't even a matter of finding a moment to dance and get rid of all the tension that dominated him. If Jamil could disappear into thin air, he would. He just didn’t want to see or hear Kalim suggesting a new feast and causing more trouble.
Would this be the way Jamil would live out the rest of his days? Solving the problems of others while living on the fringe of shadows? He didn’t know how long he would endure this pressure. 
The temptation to do something about it haunted him, whispering in his ear like a venomous snake that salivates just at the thought of its master’s revenge. Controlled and subtle, a grin formed on Jamil’s face. He would have no problem planning any of this. He was smarter than people imagined.
No one would know where the hit would have come from. Would anyone be able to accuse Scarabia’s always careful, compassionate, and trustworthy vice leader? Never.
Jamil paused for a moment in the courtyard, watching the sun slowly walk down to the horizon, preparing to give its way to the darkest evening. There was no one around and he could laugh very softly, his mood a little better suddenly. 
“One jump ahead... but what the fuck is that?!,” he got suddenly frightened by a great light appearing from the sky.
The light seemed to come from a hole that opened up above. Jamil had no idea what it was, so he stayed away from it as much as possible. Still, he remained on alert for any sign of danger.  
After some time, he began to hear a continuous screaming sound and then a person fell out of the mystical hole, like a genie coming out of the lamp. Such an unknown figure landed flat on the Main Street floor, but after all, you seemed safe and well — even if it was a physically lethal fall for a normal person.
Jamil heard you howl in the direction of the closing portal, annoyed and exhausted at something. He looked around, undecided whether he should approach you or call some teacher to deal with the situation. Lucky for him that Kalim was far away or he would have run towards you without a second thought.
What would he do if you were dangerous? Probably fry you just in case like an insect. 
“Huh, that's a good plan,” Jamil thought to himself, cautiously.
“Hey, Ja… t-the guy with nice hair!,” you waved in his direction. “A little help here, if possible?”
This really shocked Jamil. He even ran his fingers through one of his braids before shaking his head and pulling himself together. He carefully watched you get up — realizing he was too apprehensive to get close to you — and realized he'd never seen anyone like you before. 
“Where am I?,” you asked calmly.
“Twisted Wonderland. Who on earth are you?,” Jamil was still holding his magical wand, not wanting to give in to the feeling of familiarity you had. He understood enough about it to fall for that old trick.
“A diamond in the rough... I'm kidding!”
You started laughing, making Jamil's heart race. “Oh, shit. I’m in love.”
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Malleus was feeling lonely again. Partly because he was indeed alone on the roof of a dusty, old and forgotten dormitory in the school, but deep down, it was because he had felt this way forever. Malleus was aware that he was loved and cherished by many people, but somehow he always ended up alone at some point.
It was late morning, the sun slowly rising to dawn. Malleus let out a deep sigh, wondering if it was really worth going to Night Raven College anyway. 
How could he better understand humans if he wasn’t close friends with any? He knew Silver, but not even the sleepy human boy knew much of his own kind outside the Valley of Thorns. Malleus wanted to be a good future king for his people. He wanted to get closer to others, to form the much-talked-about “connections that last a lifetime.” 
Who knows, even fall in love. But, apparently, he was not rated for any of this. He was bound to be as hard and lonely as the gargoyles he admired so much. Maybe that's what he liked about them. This feeling that someone understood him perfectly in his essence. 
“I wonder... huh?,” Malleus interrupted himself when he noticed something strange in the sky.
Suddenly, a hole had opened and revealed a large, bright light coming out of it. Malleus floated over to check what was happening, while remaining very careful as he approached. He seemed to be hearing someone’s screams and wondered if this person was trapped inside.
But after some time, his questions were answered — with more to come. 
You had nothing to do but scream at your fate. You fell at full speed towards the ground and although the sight of a scenery formed below you, this wasn’t very reassuring. But suddenly you stopped in the air and felt a kind of greenish magic envelop you.
“Well, well, what do we have here?,” you heard a voice ask.
“Damn!,” you exclaimed, surprise. “Ma...!”
Without realizing it, you landed on the ground again, but Malleus had floated you there and softened your fall a little. It made you a little upset but it didn't shake your excitement to recognize him. The spell that strange woman taught you really transported you to Twisted Wonderland afterall!
“Ma... ah, never mind... hi,” you got up, tired, and greeted him. 
If Malleus hadn’t seen you just fall from an unknown portal — which, by the way, was closing above you — he would have thought you were suffering from chronic insomnia by your state and your expression. He approached you, curious.
“You're a human, by any chance?”
“Huh, yeah. Kind of. Ah, thank you for helping me land,” you thanked and retorted at the end. “Help.”
Malleus didn't understand why you moved your index and middle fingers together in the air, but you made him smile anyway. You didn't seem like a threat or dangerous being, something he would need to fight against. But in fact, someone very nice, with a good mood and a decent appearance. He couldn't help but study you with his eyes.
“Unknown human, would you like to be my friend?,” Malleus suggested, a wide grin on his face.
“I can be whatever you want, horn-boi.”
And then began the most beautiful love story.
| Special notes: Also, as you can notice: the first sentence the boy’s spoke are the chorus of the protagonist's songs in their movies. Why? My theory is that I'm slowly losing sanity... |
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kanaesparadise · 3 years
Welcome To My Simping Paradise~
Hi dears! I’m Kanae and first of all, the reason I opened this blog is because I want to improve my English and have some fun. So if you see typos, feel free to let me know!
And for now, I just want to write articles and fanfics about Valorant.
What types of articles do I write?;
And you can ask for character!reader x character.
What kind of articles do I can't write;
First of all; I can't write anything that makes me uncomfortable. I really love taking quests but pls try to respect my rules.
Dere types (Like Tsundere or Yandere, because I don't think everybody has a only one dere type)
Kinship relationship
Child reader x characters (if you want me to write an article like brother/sister - sibling relationship, not in a romantic sense, please specify, otherwise I will refuse to write)
Male reader (This is because I do not have a command of a male reader and have difficulty writing. I just can write the women pronouns. Actually many of my articles are not have any pronounce but sometimes I can use feminine adjectives.)
Character x Character (I'm not a person who likes to ship characters with each other so it's very difficult for me to write such articles. But yk, I don't have a problem with shipper peoples.)
NSFW (I can't write these things 'cause I'm suck at it. Pls forgive me)
That's all I want. I'm sorry if it's too much but I want to make something I can love.
See You!
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Sound Of The Devil~ 1 (One Shot) Cajun Accented Human Alastor X OC Marie (Hazbin Hotel) (Yandere)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, this one shot is going to be beyond smutty And Alastor is going to be making marie a hot mess. Now this is obviously not canon alastor this is just how we imagine him if he was sexual. We do not say this is how he should be and as long as no one is being hurt there is no harm in it. This is all for pleasure and entertainments and we hope you enjoy!]
(Marie's pov)
I let out a sigh, rubbing my eyes as I yawn as I just finished locking the front door a d am now bringing out the trash as I put it down when I hear a scream as I stand up as I see a man running well Stumbling his way towards me. "S-Sir?" I asked as I backed up when I saw the blood as I see a shadow before I see the person. He was a bit taller, in the 6 foot placement, slende--no wait. No there's no way..
"R-Run! H-He's the devil!" The man said as he grabbed my skirt as I see him now.
"Al... astor ." I whimper out
"Oh dear me, cher~" He says. "Now I nevuh wanted you to see me like this cher, not like this... Dere is no helping it cher, yor are gonna have ta come with me."
I was frozen in place gripping the trash in my hand it is tearing. He slits the man throat and my face is splatter in blood. I scream and run back into the building. I run to the door but when I got there I remember it is lock and turn to run to get the keys but Alastor face is an inch away from mine.
"Now cher ya shold go to sleep, ya'll need your rest for tonight my sunberry sweetness.~" He purrs then slams my head into the wood of the door and everything goes black.
(He couldn't just use a pressure point??? He just slams her head xD)
(XD He knows just how to slam it in just the right way it only takes one hit XD
(XD With only a big chance for some serious concussion)
I swore I heard the flash of a camerea as everything was black as I freaked out before I realized it's just my eyes are closed as I was met with a sudden painful throbbing as I let out a whimper as I felt like I would cry, not only from that nightmare. But the pain what did I do to my head?
(Oh look you get her!)
(bad! Go to the corner!)
(And think of what you done!)
I tried to go and grab my head but I cant move my arms.... Why Cannot I not move my arms!? I look at them and see them tied and thick padded leather binds against a bed frame. I started to panic and felt like I have a panic attack!
"Calm down cher~" I hear the calming and soothing voice of Alastor I know he did this but his voice no matter how afraid I am it makes me fell calm and safe. "I am sorry, I may have hit ya a bit to hard awn the head jest give me a moment cher. I take real good care of ya."
I let out a whimper. "Alastor..Alastor tell me you didn't do what I saw.." "Oh cher it gonna be awright." Oh god. Oh god he killed him. He's going to kill me!
"Oh god...please..please don't kill me Alastor."I whimper out.
He started laughing. "Kill ya Cher? Why awn earth would I evah do a thing like that!?! No no no Cher~ I am going to make ya'll mine Mawn Ange~"
(Mawn Ange Canjun accent for French mon Ange aka my angel!)
(...well I would say that's worse but it's not ;3)
(;3 no it is not)
"i-,I-I dont--"
"aw Cher." He said pushing my hair out of my face.
"you're adorable~! Ah loved ya ever since I first met ya, you was always so put togedder~ even wit dat boss of yours, yous still smiled and did da best you could~" he said leaning in as I turned my head from his out of fear
"Buy ya saw sumthing ya can unseen Cher." He says. "I love ya to much to kill kill ya so I am going ta do something better Mawn Ange~"
"What?" I ask shaking and her turns my head to him.
"I am going make ya all mine!" He says and starts to unbutton my blouse. "Boudy~ Mind~ Und soul~"
With that my blouse and skirt were off and I was in nothing but my bra, panties, stockings and garters.My eyes widen as I let out a small whimper as my hands tried to cover, but the straos kept them tied to the posts. The one day I wear the nice undergarments my friend got me..
"D-D-Don't look."
"Aw now cher ain't nothing no one hasn't seen." He said smirking as I just looked away, shaking still.
"Wait don tell me cher yous still as untouched as fresh snow." He said as my face and went red
I blush more. And he pulled out a camera. He took several photos of me.
"WE got ta document dis moment Cher~ So we know jus the way ya look before I have ya screaming ma name and falling into a passionate mess of all ya breathless moans and glistening skin just like fresh dew awn the mawning lawn. Mawn Ange"
He took them, smiling at the roll before he pulled down my panties suddenly. I gasped and he got between my legs and licked my core and I cry out and he snapped a photo just as I did. Why did that make me shudder in need?
I squirm when I felt him lap at me.
"S-stoo I-It feels weird! Please my stomach! It feels like something's forming!" (Good~ Also that soon? Come on Marie xD)
(XD Yeah Marie XD What does that Accent Edge that much.......... well it does to me so I feel you XD)
I cried out when he shoved his tongue in and I convulsed and he drank what cam out of me camera flashing and I am panting and arching my back rubbing into his face with reckless abandon.
I..I didn't want the feeling to stop, I hasn't ever felt something like that,never!
(Oh girl ..you're so screwed)
(XD So screwed XD)
[So if you want to hear the voice Alastor Ed talk in Alastor roll as Cajun there is two videos you can find it without having a time stamp one of them is a animation the other just a recording of that moment. Look up Hunicast Cajun Alastor and trust me you ears will be very happy XD
Anyways hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy all of our friends!]
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jellysxtarr · 1 year
okok so i had a VISION!!!!!! if its alr could you write some headcanons of cro w an s/o who's like aubrey from omori??? like him n lee in the game he knew her from a While Ago except w the reader in this theyve changed a LOT, yk like aubrey!!! hopefully this makes some sense sorry if it doesnt
I see your vision and I'm definitely liking it!
I hope I understood your requests correctly though, please do tell if I misunderstood. Hehe hoho small scenario of the true ending from sweet dreams.
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Cro with a Aubrey! S/O
— ✦ —
Warnings: toxic mindset, yandere behavior (?), reader gets drugged (with a detailed description?)
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✦ as obvious as it was, you've changed a lot. But even with how much you've changed, Cro still recognized you while spotting you on the train.
✦ he didn't view you as different person, you just changed over the years, causing you to look different and having a change of personality completely.
✦ Cro still viewed you as you, the same person he became obsessed with, his prized possession. How can he view you differently now?
✦ of course, he'll even ask if you want anything to drink and he'll get it right away! Maybe even offer to sit with you and strike a conversation if you wish! Which he had to hold his composure while doing so.
✦ he looked..oddly familiar to you, even you couldn't pinpoint on why he is familiar, you don't recall meeting him your entire life (or outside of border springs, everything from there is a blur to you). In your conclusion, he looked strange, he's giving you a odd feeling which makes you rather avoid talking with him much. But he doesn't mind if you do, Cro will still be watching you after all.
✦ once he gets your drink (if you asked for one) and take a few sips from it, you suddenly felt nauseous. Hell, even drowsy while not even being able to think straight or wonder what the hell you even drank. You were already tired from the trip to Border Springs (which probably still takes a few hours), and feeling like you're about to go unconscious doesn't make anything better.
✦ not being able to keep your eyes open any longer, you lose consciousness and probably won't wake up for a good few hours, wasn't that just your luck? But, it won't matter much. Cro's here to watch over you instead, taking a seat right next to you while holding you close (even looking at your face more closely while he's at it).
"..you're hair looks differently." He starts, his fingers gently holding a few strands of your hair "you used to be taller than me. You've changed so much. But I'd still recognize you anywhere." He closes his eyes, seeming to enjoy the moment while you're unconscious (hell, even a blush spreading around his cheeks).
"Do you remember our promise? You said you'd be with me forever." He stays silent for a few seconds, opening his eyes and looking to look at you "you won't disappear off someplace again, will you?"
"..hahaha! You would. You'll leave me again. You'll abandon me again. But that's okay. You see, I've changed, too. I don't need you to hold on to me anymore.." He trails off for a short moment, his gentle touch on your hair and chin not changing a slightest bit.
"..because I wont be letting go of you a second time." Silence returns once again for a few seconds, only yours and his breathing left.
"We'll be arriving soon. Sweet dreams, [Name]. There's more for us to catch up on."
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lizhaoyu · 2 years
If I can’t have you, no one should.
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A/N: First time creating a story here, decided to make one for my lover, Cro. But I think he's too OOC here, as these are just my imagination. 
No words can explain just how much I love this man like please come out of the game and kiss me and love me and do anything you want with me. I am so much better than Petunia Flores or whatever her name is but tbh I think she’s pretty but you’re mine, Cro.
!!TW!!: Implied kidnapping, implied murder, implied gore. SCROLL AWAY/CLICK AWAY IF ANY OF THESE TOPIC ARE SENSITIVE TO YOU.
The day went by normally.
Then, why did this happen? Today was just a normal day, like any other day.
Waking up, getting ready for school, eating breakfast, going to school, eating lunch, going home, eating dinner, getting ready for bed and sleeping.
“Please...! Just let me go...!” I pleaded with whoever did this to me.
Now, my hands are tied together as a blindfold was tied tightly around my eyes, blocking my vision.
How the hell did I get here?
I heard shuffling from the corner of the room.
“I promise I won’t tell anyone what happened! Please, just let me go!” I cried.
“...Why should I?” A smooth voice echoed around the room.
Footsteps slowly approached, before stopping in front of me.
My breath hitched.
I could feel the person’s presence in front of me, but my body seems to seize all of its movements.
The next thing I know, the person’s hand was on my jaw.
“He touched you like this, didn’t he?” The person asked in a low voice.
“W-What are you talking about?” I asked in a shaky voice.
All of a sudden, I felt his warm breath on my cheek.
“He was this close to you, wasn’t he?” The person asked another question.
What the hell?
“H-Huh...?” I muttered.
“Did you let him do that to you?” The person asked again, questions after questions.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about...!” I shook my head.
“That boy in your class.” The person took their hand off my jaw, wrapping both arms around me.
Suddenly, the photography project from earlier came into mind.
“Ah... He’s my... photography class partner... We were working on our new project, which requires us to have a photoshoot...” I absent-mindedly explained.
Hold on a second, why am I explaining to him?
“I don’t like the way he touched you.” He says, holding me close.
What does he mean?
“Uh... What? What do you mean by that?” I asked.
Why am I so calm in this situation?
His voice was smooth as silk, sweet as honey, and calming like a warm sunny day.
His touch was comforting. He was slow and gentle, as if I’d break if he made the wrong move.
All these were enough to calm me down, as if I was having tea on a winter morning.
“He’s gone.” He muttered. enough for me to hear.
All of the comfort and calmness suddenly vanished.
My thoughts raced as to what he meant by that.
My heart started pounding, and my body felt uneasy.
What does that mean? 
“...What?” I asked, my voice was low and shaky.
Suddenly, he laughed and hugged me closer.
“Hah, you’re really cute, you know?” I felt him smile.
“He was in the way. An obstacle that I had to get rid of in order to get back on track.” He continued, still whispering.
What the hell is he talking about?
I stayed silent, still confused. When he realized this, he laughed again.
“You really are clueless, aren’t you?” He said in between laughs.
“I killed him.” His expression changed to a more serious one.
His voice was low, devoid of any sort of emotion.
My body froze as shivers went down my spine. 
I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed by shock and fear.
Shocked because of what he just said, and fear of what he might do to me.
“I tore open his chest because he touched you. I mangled his body because he touched you.” I can feel his hold tighten on me as he speaks.
My blood ran cold. Suddenly, the air inside the room was suffocating. 
The atmosphere was so tense that I flinched when he reached for the back of my head.
He proceeded to take off my blindfold, not taking his other arm away from my waist.
The thick fabric fell from my eyes, and I was met with glowing red eyes.
Frenzy swirled in his eyes, as if I was in a daze.
As the blindfold hit the ground, his lips curled into a soft smile, his eyes slightly squinting.
“Your eyes look amazing.” He says.
“It’s too bad that it’ll witness something it never wants to see.” He removed his arms from me, standing up.
Just then, my eyes shifted behind him.
Blood was splattered across the walls and floor.
A table was placed in the middle of the room.
Just then, I was able to spot it.
I gasped audibly.
My photography class partner laid there, chest tore open, blood gushing from every little part that was visible.
I choked back a sob, earning the man’s attention.
He looked down on me, gaze softening.
“Don’t worry, the same won’t happen to you.” He smiled, leaning down to touch my cheek.
“Unless you try to struggle.” His smile dropped as he took his hands off of me, tone shifting into a monotone one.
He stood up properly, before walking towards the table.
He touched the table, and slowly picked up a bloody knife and inspected it.
I couldn’t move. My whole body shook in fear.
“Now, let’s get into our... activities.” He turned to me, bloody knife still in hand, walking towards me.
And at that moment, all I knew was that if he can’t have me, no one will.
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pretty-pink-seaslug · 4 years
2024 edit: why is everyone finding this old ass post
This post is meant for my mutuals, but if you’re curious enough to read for yourself just heed the warnings!
This is basically a list of writers I’ve seen nonchalantly write character x reader rape fics n shit, do keep in mind tho that these writers are mainly yandere writers, and don’t try to hit me with shit like “If you can’t handle rape maybe you shouldn’t read yandere” or stuff like that cuz y’all are canceled— and for the love of god do NOT @ these people and do NOT harass them in any way, remember this post is meant for people who would care not to see these mfs ok 👌 oh and fun fact dubcon is pretty much the same exact thing so the writers that titled them as “dubcon” and not “Noncon” also go on this list:
•mercurymetals (I wish I didn’t find out ;-; I love their writing and I didn’t know they wrote anything nsfw and I’m praying they don’t see this)
•bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love (they also wrote incest aka step sister reader x shigaraki rape so like cool)
•(edit) staruplatinum (they’re retired but just Incase they come back)
•(edit) korpuskat
•(edit) palbabor (damn eldritch demon ass name—)
•(edit) monst
•(edit) yanlovex3
•(edit) seiyasabi
•(edit) httdoggo
•(edit) yanderejojoimagines
•(edit) ravenzeppeli (Better yet it was untagged and unwarned!!! 🤪🥴)
•(edit) d0nterra
•(edit) savnofilter
•(edit) lord-explosion-baku
•(edit) theodora3022
•(edit) vixenpen
•(edit) tomurasprincess
•(edit) lets-just-daydream (She doesn’t even write yandere these are just things she clearly thinks is ok I guess— hell sometimes it’s not even warned like the one where she didn’t tag Stockholm syndrome and slavery)
•(edit) angxlyxn (I’m telling you it’s always the ones with the set aesthetics that are the most fucked)
•(edit) honeytea8
•(edit) the-writing-hero-ghostwriter
•(edit) alonelytinywriter
•(edit) shorkbrian
•(edit) softyswork
���(edit) abigsoftvibe
•(edit) nanasparadise
•(edit) lixis-sin-cauldron
•(edit) captainmcslashypaws
•(edit) sugarfairychan
•(edit) butkacchanwewerefive
•(edit) bloody-roses00
•(edit) drxwsyni
•(edit) abbacchiosbelt
•(edit) myyanderehero
•(edit) love-toxin
•(edit) wickedyan
•(edit) kazooli
•(edit) coldsoba
•(edit) darlingyanderes
•(edit) mistabullets
•(edit) urdearcrybaby
•(edit) lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten (the discord mods got her nooo)
•(edit) babiebucciarati
•(edit) yanderegarbage
•(edit) bu-bu-bunnywrites
•(edit) nympsycho-ao3
•(edit) moonmagicglowup
•(edit) pinky-the-elephant-room
•(edit) plums-princess
•(edit) critter-junior
•(edit) hawkschick
•(edit) mangospams
•(edit) libiraki
•(edit) toorusushijima
•(edit) the-lady-writes-what
•(edit) m00nchildthings
•(edit) chelsgal1993
•(edit) thegreatshippingwar
•(edit) electricshippingstuff
•(edit) notlycheesden
•(edit) massacremonday (nice job on not tagging rape and also using very specific tags nobody’s gonna block btw 🥰 consider this a hit list)
•(edit) kickshaws-corpse
•(edit) amothwhowrites
•(edit) yandere-lovebites
•(edit) nasti-bnha
•(edit) angelamajiki (theyre also super into incest so like—)
•(edit) cherrytenko
•(edit) andeyeoof
•(edit) sohin-ace (I had hope for you dude 😭)
•(edit) strawberrythiccshake
•(edit) insomniacfics (consider this a hitlist homie 😎)
•(edit) fallensvint (another incest writer— what is with rape writers and liking incest????)
•(edit) akazasbrat
•(edit) za-yandere-warudo
•(edit) degawrites
•(edit) chibikochannumberone
•(edit) nonobadcat
•(edit) novasdarling
•(edit) remember-to-be-gentle
•(edit) sluttbuttsstuff
•(edit) bvtterflykisses
•(edit) honeydarlings
•(edit) fatgumsupremacy (fatgum would never >:0 )
•(edit) yanderechuu
•(edit) asce-of-hearts
•(edit) villain-hotline
•(edit) the-scythes-pen
•(edit) lasquadrayandere
Remember to read the disclaimer at the top! And extra fun fact: I did NOT actively search for these blogs’ names, I searched for them through how I unfortunately found them at first (looking up yandere insert character/fandom and then seeing this shit, sometimes not even searching up the yandere part) extra disclaimer to not harass anyone on this list! And even if you do end up harassing them don’t you dare blame that shit on me cuz I told you not to—
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| tender heart | j.jh
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: fluff + angst
a/n: i gotta be honest, i had troubles writing a softbf!jae so idk if i wrote this request correctly or if there’s enough angst :// though this is so long overdue but i hope this scenario fits your visualization my dear~ 😉 enjoy! ~j.
the wave of annoyance began to completely wrap you. you pressed the bridge of your nose at the once subtle noise, later blowing up like fireworks at your apartment. the invitation wasn’t your choice, rather your boyfriend’s. he brought them over because they had their weekly boys’ night. it would be alright if they could lower the prolonged cheers over some video game they’ve been playing for an hour now.
finals were approaching and although you wanted to study or get some peace/quiet, your boyfriend’s turntable was consumed into the boys’ voices. you had to pass this exam because you retook it this semester and you were already having it under control, not today. twisting the pen between your fingers, you decided to put yourself to bed for a few short minutes to rest a bit, maybe clear your mind at least.
it hasn’t been a second that you took another soft pillow and covered your whole face to block out the loud screams. the door of your bedroom swung open. jaehyun noticed how tiredly you walked to the kitchen counter to grab a cup of coffee. no matter how messy you looked now; a tangled high bun with some strands meeting the nape of your neck, his t-shirt that reached your mid-thighs and the crooked glasses on your nose— he still loves you like he did when he first met you.
whilst immersed into the game, taeil nudged the rest of them in secret, telling to look what jaehyun was up to. “pst.” he jutted his lips as they pointed to the kitchen. even from a distance, jaehyun’s ears were prominent when they turned red. “he’s all lovey-dovey to her again.”
putting weight on one leg, you waited for the water to boil and rested against the counter. jaehyun’s warm palms sneaked around your waist, wrapping yourself to him for a hug where his chin rested just on your head.
“what are you doing?” he asked with a playful tone in each word.
“hm?” a spoon in mouth, you hummed in response to give him a hint of bitterness for his actions today. once you poured two packets of sugar, you turned to face but he had you in his stretched forearms. only the friction of the stirring sound of your mug was heard.
he stared into your eyes for a while before leaning in to kiss you. seeing his friends giggling at the corners of the living room, you became flustered and stopped him from being sweet. “c’mon baby. you locked yourself in your room all day. let me kiss you.” he whined, going forward to continue where he left off.
“ngmpf,” you placed the spoon in the gap between. “no.”
he let out a breathy chuckle at your response, kissing the spoon instead. “i guess an indirect kiss works just as fine.” jaehyun swooped you up, carrying you in a bridal style before sitting back on the sofa. your whines did nothing on him, he ignored you and went forth with his desires. cheeky grins and snickers grew quickly as you blushed so hard in front of the boys.
you knew this was in his nature; sweet, loving and caring. although you loved that about him to the point he softens your heart, sometimes it had gotten a little too much and you weren’t used to his public display affection especially when he does it all the time. there should be limits, but apparently ‘limits’ was a non-existent word in his dictionary.
his friends anticipated your participation for the next round. to them, your silence went for two ways: one was you’d join them, and two, refuse their offer and just watch.
and you chose the second option.
donghyuck began acting cute with his palms together. this gesture became contagious when mark and the rest of them followed, taking you a back and leaning against jaehyun.
“please y/n? one round only.” jungwoo sang in the tune of dreamgirls’ ‘one night only’.
“we won’t bother you afterward.” mark nodded.
then their eyes trailed to jaehyun who now was admiring you with a hearty look. he had you on his lap, hugging you like a child would do to a stuffed bear. he knew how much his friends like you, so when it came to persuasion, it was his job to make you surrender. “play with one game, baby.” he handed you the controller with a persistent plead, dimples sinking the more he smiled widely.
you held in your squeal and blushed more than before. and you finally gave in with pursed lips. “fine, one game and that’s it.”
yuta was now in the kitchen with johnny and jaehyun. they prepared ingredient toppings for homemade pizza, takoyaki and fruit punch. he saw how you actually didn’t keep your word and went for three more rounds. he propped his chin against the counter, sending you hearts he wished you would notice.
“how are you able to endure it?” johnny asked the guy and jaehyun turned to his direction.
“endure what?” he asked for more emphasis into his question that both of his hyungs shared a look. it wasn’t the first time jaehyun saw their expressions in this manner.
“whenever y/n’s in ‘tsun-tsun’ mode.” yuta noted while mixing the takoyaki batter.
ah yes. tsundere; a nickname that yuta’s been calling you even before you dated jaehyun. two words combined where ‘tsun’ meant ‘blunt’ while ‘dere’ meant ‘lovey-dovey’. in fact, it was his idea to make you both meet as total opposites attract. he felt you were each other’s key to both of your locked-away hearts for relationships. so when he managed to set you both on a date for fun, you and jaehyun did clicked, and fell in love in the process.
of course, this was revealed later than imagined and to his surprise, you weren’t mad or anything.
jaehyun shrugged in complete silence, but a smile still evident and shown on his face. “if it’s y/n, it’s alright for me. she’s probably just not as affectionate or showy whenever there are people around. it’s different when it’s only the both of us alone.”
“how would you know if she cares for you when you’re in public? tsunderes like her are kinda hard to read.” yuta stated and it was definitely true. jaehyun would like it if you could be a little bit true to yourself on the outside, not just masking something you were not.
“it’s hard to explain.. but i know it well if she’s being herself.” he spread the sauce onto the new laid-out dough.
your throat thirsted for a drink after screaming at the younger boys for killing you instantly in three consecutive rounds. so headed to the kitchen to find yuta and johnny smiling with the same grins and snickers.
these two- they’re at it again.
“agh, i’m thirsty.” you fanned yourself and grabbed a cup to pour water into. a sigh escaped from your lips and wondered why you spent time into playing rather than studying for your finals. you weren’t supposed to delay or procrastinate what you scheduled today for, but seeing jaehyun and his friends on their free time had you feeling annoyed again. it wasn’t your time of month yet either so why were you so cranky when you thought you’ve calmed down?
jaehyun immediately switched from being serious to a boy in love. he took a piece of pepperoni and placed half of it into his mouth, leaning closer to yours. his pearly whites shown and he giggled wide before speaking. “eat this.” he said between breaths. your boyfriend looked funny and cute at the same time. you were so close to giving in before realizing the two guys behind him started to tease you with their eyes.
you took the piece with your hands and ate it. much to jaehyun’s dismay, his eyes changed and you didn’t notice it. “ey y/n, you’re supposed to get it with-”
“stop this!” you hissed coldly and covered half of your face from the sudden loud tone. you felt instant regret but your pissed personality had already outweighed that. “tsk you’re too much, can’t you see that yourself?” you walked away, your drink long forgotten.
your boyfriend sighed and pulled you on the arm. “so you’re saying it’s a problem that i’m being too attached?” he asked, his voice slightly higher but man that punched real hard.
“i’m saying you should at least know when and where to act this way! i thought we talked about this!” you managed to break free from his hold, but he wasn’t having any of your childish breakouts.
“shouldn’t you be asking yourself that, y/n?” he placed the glass bowl down with more strength on the counter, gaining the others’ attention and diverting their gaze onto you. “all i ever did was to be your boyfriend and myself but here you are, being someone i thought was slowly changing.”
you gulped and nearly choked on your own saliva at is words. in the months of dating him, never have you faced this side of him before. “changing? the heck i’m not. did you forget that i have finals next week? and if you claim you’re actually ‘being my boyfriend’, why did you invite them here when you have your own place to deal with your quality time?” you crossed your arms.
jaehyun felt the strings of his heart strum in a painful way. was this what yuta and johnny meant by ‘enduring’? well, his answer was incorrect, he couldn’t distinguish his girlfriend’s real self and the masked one right now. “i did tell you but you always put your anger over my feelings that it blinded you from seeing what’s in front! how about you act like my sweet girlfriend for once whenever the guys are here?!”
your heart sank at the realisation of how differently you behaved in comparison with jaehyun and with his friends around. you didn’t want to cry in front of them now that you felt the tears prickling and stinging your eyes. with heavy steps you set your pride down and head back to your room. jaehyun watched you rub your eyes with his tshirt and groaned at how far he went with his words. “oh, crap.” he whispered.
yuta and johnny pursed their lips and clasped their hands simultaneously. “sorry jae. we might have provoked- or make her shy-”
jaehyun shook his head, disagreeing with their claims. “you did nothing wrong. it made me realise how stupid i looked when i’m too affectionate with her. i didn’t even know i’m already making her uncomfortable. love is blind.”
they both had jaehyun between them for a group hug. “you’re still soft even when you’re mad at her. you love her so much haha!” they teased. “aren’t you going to her room? it looked like she was crying.”
“let her be. she’ll come out later.” jaehyun assured them, heading back to continue with the pizza making.
“how do you know that?”
“you’ll see.” he bursted into teasing giggles that his friends found him a little evil, but they understood where he was coming from.
you woke up from crying too hard and your head spun in circles from the pain it had left. there was no point in going out now because your eyes were swollen and puffed up. jaehyun thought you were changing and that hit you the most because you really weren’t.
“stupid jaehyun.” you hugged your pillow and noticed how hideous you looked from the mirror’s reflection.
the aroma of pizza made its way out of the oven and entered your room. you haven’t had a meal since breakfast and it lured you to sneak a peek. however, you were shy to show yourself. there were few knocks onto your door, asking you to take a bite. you couldn’t face jaehyun and you’ve never seen him so crossed. in the end, you knew you had to apologise. he was the best thing you could ever ask for and there was nothing that could replace him.
carefully, you turned the knob without a sound. the guys were still immersed into the game, so walking in stealth mode wouldn’t make them notice your existence. you wore jaehyun’s sweater and put on the hood; soon tied a knot to cover your face. from the gaps of your door, you spotted jaehyun making the second- or third batch of pizza. you had to make sure you stood behind him.
jaehyun hummed a song he always liked to sing. he turned with two plates in his hands to place them in the oven, later realizing you stood before him and wrapped your arms around him. “what’s wrong, y/n?” he passed the plates to johnny and hugged you back. he could feel how you tightened your embrace, like you didn’t want him to escape.
“i’m sorry.” you mumbled into his chest to prevent the tears from falling and from guilt.
he winked at his friends for his accurate prediction and cleared his throat. “what did you say?” he held in his smile.
ah she’s in dere mode.. they thought the same.
“i’m sorry for what i did.” you whined while still hugging him and hopping slightly because you didn’t want to cry in front of his friends.
“i can’t hear you.” jaehyun singsonged and this irked you a bit.
“i said i’m sorr-” you finally looked up, only to be greeted with a kiss the forehead.
the rest of them could see how flustered you were; your arms not knowing what to do nor where to place them, and then they formed sweaterpaws at the sudden action, it looked like you panicked a lot too.
jaehyun let you go and his eyes softened that you began to blush and panic again. “what?”
“just thinking how pretty you are.” he pat your head in assurance that he forgave you.
you inhaled quite a long one before letting it all out at his comment. “y-you. st-stop tha-t.”
“stop what?” he hummed as he bent down to see you properly; red face and swollen eyes. heh, she did cry..
“stop smiling like that. you’re too handsome and it’s killing me.”
“wow, never thought i’d be embarrassed when you compliment me.” he purposely made his voice loud to tease you.
“i’m dissing you!” you butt back, grabbing a pizza slice from the counter.
the others covered their mouths from laughing.
and she’s back to tsun-tsun mode..
jaehyun made you sit on the stool by the counter, where you were levelled with his soft, chocolate brown eyes. “although you’re cute in this version of yourself, you don’t always have to put up a front. you’re with me, so be you. don’t mask who you actually are.”
you pursed your lips at his advice. well he wasn’t wrong. “fine. where should i start?” your cheeks began to turn red again.
whilst rubbing circles around your waist with his thumbs, he pondered for a moment and you saw how he lit up, already knew what to answer.
“try giving a little piece of the y/n who always has a tender heart. that’s the girl i fell for.”
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embersoot · 5 years
Dere Game - Cesta Rosewood
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[ ] You tilt your head when you’re confused.
[ ] You love sweets and cute things.
[ ] You are often confused and lost in conversations with your friends.
[ ] People often call you cute.
[x] You care a lot about your friends.
[ ] You embarrass yourself a lot with silly question or statements.
[ ] You like bright, soft colors.
[ ] You enjoy listening to cute, sweet, gentle songs.
[ ] You add things to the end of your friend’s names.
[ ] People often say “aww” when you’ve done something clumsy/silly.
[ ] You like anime/movies about romance, love and friendship.
[ ] You come off as tough and confident on the outside, when you are actually soft and emotional on the inside.
[ ] You often hide your true feelings for someone.
[ ] You are caring but deny it when someone tells it to you.
[x] You are protective.
[x] When someone bugs you, you tell them right away strongly, but are still worried that you’ve hurt them.
[ ] You are easily embarrassed.
[ ] Compliments make you feel awkward and you always deny them.
[x] You tease and bully the one you love to hide your feelings.
[x] You can be violent at times.
[x] You may hurt people a lot, but regret it right away.
[ ] You never cry in front of others.
[ ] You are often loving, caring, sweet - until someone upsets you badly.
[ ] When angry, you normally hide it until the time for revenge is right.
[x] You can at times, be obsessive.
[ ] People have said you are “two-faced”.
[ ] People tell you that you’re nice, but can be creepy at times.
[x] You scare the crap out of your friends when you get upset.
[ ] People find it weird to see you anything other than gentle and smiling.
[ ] When you’re upset, sometimes you still smile, even when saying something harsh.
[x] You can get very violent.
[ ] You love to help people, but often love to help yourself more.
[ ] You like colors like dark blue or light red.
[ ] You don’t show your emotions to others.
[x] When you become close to someone, you slowly open up.
[x] Although you don’t show it, you are easily made happy.
[x] You care for others a lot, still you don’t show it.
[ ] People think you are mysterious.
[ ] You can be shy.
[ ] You aren’t very loud, rather silent.
[ ] You know who to trust and who not to.
[x] You choose which friend you can trust wisely.
[ ] You like simple colors, like light purple or white.
[ ] You are rather mature.
[ ] You are a shy person.
[ ] You are quiet and don’t speak up for yourself.
[ ] You look down instead of straight forwards when walking.
[ ] You sometimes go to extreme levels just to get out of public speaking.
[ ] You have stage fright.
[ ] You are stoic and not very open.
[x] You hide yourself with your hair at times.
[ ] You speak very quietly in case you say something silly or you sound weird.
[ ] You are afraid of meeting new people.
[ ] You are a hard worker.
[x] You do not have as many friendships as others, but those you do have, you’ll cherish very much.
[Quiz Here!]
Tagged by: @littlestcreampuff
Tagging: @glitchphil (any), @irielle-firine, @the-real-arcanist-val, @bigdumbchicken (any), @the-soiled-dove, and you, dear reader!
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denimwrites-archive · 7 years
My Han Solo
Prompt: Request by @helplesshansen - “Could you do a jared x reader where everyone’s trying to set you two up but youve been secretly dating??“
Fandom: Dear Evan Hansen
Pairing: Jared Kleinman X Reader
Summary: The squad has had enough of your and Jared’s flirting and decide to set you up on a movie date and become frustrated when it doesn’t work. It’s probably because you’re already dating, but you don’t have to tell them that.
Word Count: 2,342
Warnings: Kind of implied sexy times? Very bad Star Wars references? language
A/N: I haven’t seen any of the new Star Wars movies, and I haven’t seen any of the classic ones for god knows how long (I know don’t kill me) so I left descriptions really vague, only making references to character nicknames and stuff. Also for the subjects/books I talk about I just used the stuff I learned in my senior classes cause it’s what I know. Thank you so much for the request, and I hope you like it!
“Hey there sexy, how was that English quiz? Want to help me study for it during lunch?” Jared asks walking up to you in the hallway. You roll your eyes as you put away your chemistry textbook, while Alana’s eyes widen next to you.
“You mean tell you what the questions are so you don’t fail? I don’t know, I kind of like to see you squirm.” You glance at him with a smirk. Jared lets out a whiny groan.
“(YYYY/NNNN), c’mon. I need to keep up my grades to keep my car.”
“Well then maybe you should actually study rather than look up those stupid pictures you’re always going on about,” Alana cuts in.
You point at her with a thankful nod, “She’s got a point, Kleinman. Memes are getting in the way of your education. It might be best to cut them out until you can find a good balance.”
Jared gasps in mock horror, placing a hand on his chest. “I can’t believe the words I’m hearing coming out of your mouth, (Y/N). I expect that kind of thing from Alana, but you? I thought you actually understood me!” He turns away with a huff, and takes a few steps as if he’s about to storm off. But he turns back around with an endearing look on his face. “You are actually going to help me though right?”
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you nod your head. Jared pumps his fist in the air. “Alright then babe, we can go over it during lunch. I’ll even buy. Mickey D’s okay? It better be, cause I’m broke. See you then!” And then Jared’s gone, disappearing down the hall.
Shaking your head, you turn back to your locker and grab your math textbook before closing the door and making your way down the hallway. “I don’t know how you put up with him,” Alana says, falling into step next to you.
“He’s Jared, we kind of have to put up with him.” Alana gives a small nod and you chuckle. Soon enough lunch rolls around and as you make your way to your friends’ table in the cafeteria you see them huddled together talking about something. But as you get closer, they seem to break up.
You raise a brow at them as you set down your stuff. Jared comes up behind you and sits next to you, McDonald’s in hand, “What were you nerds talking about?”
“I was just about to ask them the same thing,” you say looking at them suspiciously. Evan’s cheeks turn red, and he’s looking anywhere but at you two, while everyone else just sits there with ‘innocent’ looks on their faces. Turning to Evan you ask him, “Anything you want to say Ev?”
He just shakes his head at you, before concentrating on the lunch plate in front of him. Squinting at them all one more time, you then turn to Jared and start to talk about the English quiz that he didn’t attempt to study for. He gives you your McD’s order and you dig into some fries while going on about the parallels in The Poisonwood Bible.
As you explain, you keep snacking on fries, and eating the other food Jared brought. When your fries run out, you start to steal some from Jared’s section. Connor tries to steal one when Jared isn’t paying attention, but he immediately pulls them closer to himself. “Excuse me, Murphy, I know you weren’t just trying to take my fries. Right?”
“What the hell, Kleinman? (Y/N) can take them, but I can’t? What kind of friend are you?” Connor responds, exasperated.
“The broke kind? I’m sharing cause they’re helping me with English. If they weren’t doing that I wouldn’t be sharing my food with them?” Jared says, as if it was obvious.
“Hey! You’d totally share with me if I wasn’t helping you with English cause I’m helping you in history too.”
“That is true. Actually, that reminds me, can you help me study for my next test? I kind of fell asleep for most of the notes.”
Letting out a sigh, you reply, “Yeah, sure. When is it?” When you see Jared’s sheepish smile you let out a groan, “It’s tomorrow, isn’t it?” He gives a nod and you really want to slap him. “Goddamn it, fine. I’ll study with you tonight, but you’re buying snacks and you can’t be stingy.”
“Um… Did you not just hear me defend myself to Murphy? I’m broke?” Jared asks, gesturing to the McDonalds you two were eating.
“If you really couldn’t afford it you’d still be eating the school’s lunch,” Alana points out. You give him a look and he shakes his head.
“I will never sink to that level again. My palette has since grown past the muck that is served as food here,” Jared says, lifting his nose in mock distaste.
Everyone rolls their eyes and you go back to your explanation for English, while the rest of the group quietly watches you and Jared interact. They were all tired of your teasing and flirty demeanors towards each other, and were ready to get you two to confess your feelings, but were unsure how to do it yet.
When lunch ends you all go to your respective classes and soon enough the day is over. Heading to Jared’s car so you can help him study for his history, you see Evan waiting for Jared to come and unlock it. Greeting him, you both wait in comfortable silence, until Evan clears his throat.
“S-so, um… We... I mean, Connor, A-alana, Zoe-e, and I-I were thinking of h-h-h-aving a movie night and um… I was wond-dering if you and Jared wanted to come? Or if we could-d do it at Jared’s house?” He asks, looking at his shoes.
“Yeah, Evan, that would be cool. You want me to ask him about having it at his place?” you ask. Evan nods and you nod back, “Yeah, I can do that. When do you want to do it?”
“M-maybe, Friday?” Evan says, questioningly. He’s fiddling with the end of his shirt and you gently place a hand on his arm as a placating gesture. He looks up at you and gives a small smile. Returning it, the moment is interrupted by Jared making an entrance.
“Ready to ride, bitches?” He walks around to the driver’s side and gets in, throwing his stuff in the back, and starting the car. Evan sits in the passenger seat, and you take the backseat, forced to move Jared’s shit out of the way. The good news about Jared taking his time is that most of the traffic is gone by the time he pulls out of the school’s parking lot. Dropping Evan off first, you wave goodbye then head to Jared’s.
When you get into Jared’s room, he immediately pulls you into a kiss and you can’t help the smirk that makes its way onto your face. Pulling away, Jared lets out a whine at the loss, trying to follow your lips. “I thought I was here to help you study. If we’re just going to make out I kind of want to get some stuff done first.”
He lets out a small groan. “But I’m studying in the form of practicing for my most important subject: being a boyfriend. C’mon, you know I can’t fail that.”
“You also can’t fail history, or you’ll be held back. And I don’t think you want to repeat senior year, do you?” He lets out a sigh before begrudgingly going to his backpack and pulling out his history textbook. “Good boy. If we have time, you can study for both subjects?” At that, his head perks and you can’t help the giggle that escapes.
“Oh, really? This wouldn’t be one of those stripping games would it? I get a question right and you take off some clothing, I get it wrong, I take it off?” He asks, with an eyebrow wiggle.
You chuckle and shake your head. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Jared. I was suggesting that you study first and if you get done early, we could do something else.”
“Well I like the sound of something else, so let’s get started, shall we?”
Two hours later and Jared was pretty well prepared for the test tomorrow. You wanted to help him study more, but he was becoming a little impatient and whiny, so you decided to take a break and watch some TV and cuddle. Cuddling turned into a little make out session and let’s just say that you didn’t get much more done that night.
However, you did get to ask Jared about the movie night at his place that Friday, and he agreed to it, as long as he got to pick the movie. The next day, you relayed the news to Evan and he seemed pretty excited. When he brought it up during lunch, everyone agreed on 7 o’clock for the meet time and who was bringing what snacks.
Friday came sooner than you expected, and you headed to Jared’s house a little early to help him set up, along with just wanting to spend some time with your boyfriend before the movie. When seven rolled around, you were sitting on the couch with Jared, ready for the others to arrive so you could start. After half an hour with nobody showing up, you start sending some texts that no one responds to.
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you and Jared decide to just watch the movie on your own. Star Wars was always a good marathoning movie series, and you got through the first three before passing out on Jared’s shoulder. The next morning your neck is stiff, but you feel safe in his arms. Snuggling in closer you ignore your phone as it goes off.
When you finally wake up a few hours later, your eyes meet Jared’s and you can’t help the smile that makes its way onto your face. Giving him a lazy kiss, you sit up and finally check your phone. You see you have a few missed calls from Alana and Zoe, and about 100 texts from the group chat. As you scroll through, and listen to the voicemails, you can’t help but roll your eyes at their ‘plan’ to get you and Jared together. Like leaving you two alone would just solve the problem.
Jared seems to have had a similar experience when he looks up from his phone. Staring at each other for a few seconds you both burst out laughing. It was just so much fun to tease them. When your chuckles and giggles grew quiet, you both planned what you would say.
You ended up staying over Jared’s for most of the weekend, and finished your Star Wars marathon with a fake lightsaber duel, reenacting some of the more iconic scenes and quoting as you went. Some of the duels end in tickle fights, which you are proud to say you were the victor. But Jared always retaliated with a flurry of kisses and you ultimately decide that you were evenly matched. Needless to say, it was a really great weekend.
That Monday at school, while putting books back in your locker and talking to Alana, Jared comes up behind you and gives your side a poke, making you jump. Giving him a look, you turn back to Alana, who seems to be assessing your interactions with a critical eye.
“Sorry about Friday, something came up. How’d the movie night go?” she asks with an ‘I’m totally not interested but give me all the details anyway’ air about her. You smirk a little and lean in like you’re about to tell a juicy secret, when Jared lifts you and carries you away down the hall.
“Put me down, flyboy!”
“Sorry Princess, can’t do that. Got a galaxy to save,” he replies. You can’t help but laugh at his antics, while also trying to get out of his grip. “C’mon Leia, you’ll be fine with Chewie. Speaking of…” he trails off, dropping you at your first period where Evan just stares at the two of you from his desk. “Take care of them, furball, or it’s your head!” And with that Jared disappears and you’re left shaking your head at him.
“What was that-that about?” Evan asks, a very confused look on his face.
“Jared’s just a little swept up in Star Wars fever. Thinks he’s Han Solo or something.”
“Well, he-he called y-you ‘Leia’. D-does that mean…” Evan trailed off, really hoping that you’d say that something happened during the marathon and that you two were finally together.
“He’s just wrapped up in a fantasy. I mean, yes, I am a totally badass resistance leader,” you say, “but I don’t think I could put up with Han if I were in her shoes.” Evan seemed to let out a breath at your answer and left it at that. Class started and soon enough it was lunch.
As you got food, Jared came up and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You smirked at him and told him about Evan’s reaction which got a chuckle out of him. When you got to the table, everyone was looking at you expectantly, but when you didn’t say anything they seemed to deflate a little.
Eating and making light conversation, lunch was over all too soon, and you grabbed your stuff ready to head to class. Jared stopped you outside the cafeteria though, and made sure that no one was looking as he gave you a small peck on the mouth. “I love you,” you said with a growing smile.
“I know,” he replied with an eyebrow wiggle, and then he was gone down the hall like nothing happened. You made your way to your next class and just shook your head at his actions. Oh Jared Solo, you will be the death of me, you can’t help but think to yourself.
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