#dear kouen
lexsssu · 10 months
Tame (Ren Kouen)
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TAGS: Kouen/Dragoness!reader pining, arranged marriage, smut, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
The first time he met you, you were a vision in pure ivory as the pearly tresses that crowned your head tumbled down your shapely back in rippling waves. A blinding white light glowed in your dainty hands as you flew in the air with the great wings upon your back.
“ [̷̙̠̣̆͠I̸̭͑̊ġ̴̥̬n̶̩̯̈́̿i̵̥̝̘͌̕͝ṣ̶̳̦͑ ̴̪͝M̴̼̥̌͌͝a̶̫̾́̄x̴̱̉͝i̷͇͘m̶̻̳̎̚ȧ̴̬]̴̩̒ “
An explosion akin to the same that created the universe itself turned everything white and for a moment Kouen thought that he would be engulfed and reduced into nothingness.
“Sorry about that. But I got you now, Kouen-san” 
He feels a pair of soft arms circling his narrow waist and a comforting heat press against his body as if to shield him.
The crimson-haired prince doesn’t remember passing out, regaining awareness as he found himself laid on the ground surrounded by his family and subordinates who all fussed over him. However, there was no sign of you anywhere near him and it is only when he meets with the Sindria faction that he spots you beside one of the generals, most likely your father or older brother given the draconic features you both sported and the protective stance he was in. 
Following behind Drakon as your group approached the Kou Empire faction, you couldn’t help but feel as if you were being watched. You simply brushed it off however, surmising that it was probably just a curious onlooker intrigued by your rather exotic characteristics seeing as you and your adopted father made for quite the pair on the battlefield.
You never catch the heated coral eyes that never stray from your figure during the whole exchange.
The second time Kouen properly meets you, you are a vision in red. The traditional crimson bridal attire of his kingdom adorns your body beautifully, contrasting against your snowy locks and silvery facial scales, making them stand out even more.
While he did want to meet you again, the last place he’d imagined it was within your bridal chambers as the both of you were wedded to one another as part of a political alliance that ensured continued peace and even mutual aid between Sindria and the Kou Empire. It was inevitable that he would marry for political reasons even before he became the crown prince, but it still feels like a blur that he’d suddenly found himself about to consummate his marriage with the object of his apparent interest.
“Please be gentle with me.” Bashful golden eyes tried to focus on anything except the man, unwilling to meet his gaze as this was obviously a first for their owner.
You’d never even had a boyfriend back in your old world and yet now you’re already married and about to lose your purity!
Despite the power this new body of yours possessed, it trembled and shook ever so slightly in nervousness and anticipation. It doesn’t even occur to you that you’ve closed your eyes until the prince’s low chuckles slithered into your ears and his rough hand grabbed a hold of your chin to tilt your head up. 
“Don’t worry, dear wife. Tonight I shall pamper and worship you the way you ought to be.”
There is no time for you to digest his words as you found your mouth muffled and pried open by another pair of ruthless lips, his longer and more skillful tongue laying claim to every corner of your mouth as if it were territory to be subjugated. Your inexperienced self was no match against the healthy virile man who was not just a leader amongst his people, but also a Dungeon Capturer who wielded multiple djinn under his control. 
Kouen’s hands weren’t idle as they pinched, groped, and kneaded your body until finger-shaped bruises joined the litany of lovebites he’d left with his mouth and tongue. There was barely anything you could do other than squeak, whimper, moan, and cry out as your body was played with until your toes curled thanks to your first orgasm of the night.
The red blush that decorated your cheeks and the dazed expression on your face has the crimson-haired male utterly hard, his cock pressing insistently against the fabric of his own wedding garb. Though he was never as depraved or fond as other men with pleasures of the flesh, there was something about seeing someone so powerful being completely under his mercy. The way your body was so responsive to his touch has his own burning hotter than he’d ever thought possible.
“Bear the pain for now. I promise it will feel good for you soon.”
His gruff voice momentarily snaps you out of your post-orgasm haze, blinking slowly as he finally takes off his clothes to reveal toned pecs, firm abs, and a delicious v-line that trailed all the way downwards into the pulsing girth of his heavy cock. The tip dripped beads of pearly essence, seemingly inviting you to taste it for yourself. However, that was something that had to wait because Kouen was already rubbing the length of his dick onto your drooling lips, the viscous and clear pussy juice coating his pulsating organ until it was fully lubed up.
“Such a generous hole. Squirting so much just so I can fuck it easily...I think it deserves a reward…” His narrowed eyes, the subtle smirk upon his handsome face, and his lewd words has you turning red all the way up to the tips of your ears.
And yet, you couldn’t help but rub your legs as the spot in between them only burned hotter and seemed to weep as it ached for your new husband’s cock.
Thankfully, you didn’t have to wait any longer as the prince grasped the base of his member which was the thickest part of him before nudging the head against your tight hole until the head finally went in. You bit your lip as you felt your cunt slowly being spread open, while not painful there was still a certain weirdness about the feeling of such a small hole being forced wider.  
It was at that point that Kouen slammed the rest of his impressive girth in a single thrust, coaxing a mixture of a gasp and a moan as your smaller body accepted such a long and hard foreign object inside. You felt so full at that very moment while he couldn’t help but feel as if he were swimming in heaven right now as the moist walls trapped his dick in their velvety depths, seemingly unwilling to let him pull back even an inch.
None of the servants stationed outside the quarters could enter even as hours passed by. It was only during the wee hours of the morning that the prince himself exited his chambers, ordering them to wait on his princess hand and foot lest they want to be out of a job and without their life. 
Meanwhile, you slept blissfully unaware of everything else as the sun rose high in the sky.
When Kouen returns after his morning rituals, he is treated to the sight of your ivory tresses spread across the expanse of your shared bed. The blankets haphazardly thrown across the bed, leaving you naked and displaying your tempting body that had yet to heal from his intense pampering the night before.
Though he is self-disciplined as expected of a crown prince and a son of the Kou Empire, no sane man can ever fend off the feminine wiles of his new wife especially when she seemed to spread herself so provocatively for his viewing pleasure.
That is why you wake up in the midst of yet another orgasm as Kouen hugged your waist from behind, his powerful hips snapping up in rapid bursts as he pumped his cum into your own leaking cunt.
“Who’d have thought that I’d have a succubus for a wife? Hn. Very well, I’ll be sure to tame you by pumping you full until you’re practically dripping my seed and carrying my heir.”
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sunny-mercya · 2 months
Treacherous Love
Po–& Obsessive! False! Sinbad x Male Reader
Fandom -> MAGI
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Having you in his arms, during the early rise of another glorious sun basking morning, was a blessing of comfort for him—reminder that he has won.
While you might haven't been in your best shape these past weeks, bedridden with stress-fever and fatigue of an aching body—muscles, bones and limps still not properly healed over the last years from not only a long past, but also from a recently present fight—Sinbad still had a pleasuring night with you.
Sinbad had a tight grip on your shackle free wrist, tracing his thumb over the bumpy rough whiteish—which resembles more like a strike of lightning or a starry filled row in the nights sky—patch of scared skin.
It's a constant reminder of pain filled past for the both of you and yet, whenever he traces the skin—taking a glance—he felt a wave of pridefulness rushing through him.
After all it had been him, Sinbad himself (and not Kouen) who had freed you—all those years ago, from the iron clutches of slavery—befriended you and brought you back to your kingdom, creating a new alliance and trade-partner.
It had been him, him alone. He's your saviour, the only man you need in your life—Sinbad's the man you're now married to, the only person you will love and be devoted till the very end—till Death.
»Rest well my prince« whispered Sinbad huskily into your ear, prepping a few kisses over your face and onto your swollen lips, knowing well that you're way too out of it—deep in slumber, to be aware of anything around you in your non conscious state.
Sinbad pulled out from you, stretching his body and getting out of the warm comfort of the bed—although he rather wanted to sleep in and having you cuddle up in his arms.
Sinbad heaved out a sigh, slumping in his seat as the stacks of paperworks and parchments towering over him on his desk.
Such a tedious task to do as a king, mused Sinbad—rather preferring you on his lap or walking through the palace garden with you, than doing paperwork—but alias, he needs to suffer through it anyways.
His folk is—just like you—priority over everything.
»Nadia says [Name] might be healthy enough to leave bed early this afternoon. So, if you complete your tasks, you can be there.« Ja'far dropped another roll of parchment onto his desk, while informing Sinbad of your health, leaving the study without waiting for a reply.
Sinbad smiles, Ja'far—his good dear friend—had gone a bit colder towards him, but hearing about your health improvement does lift Sinbads mood and he's ready to complete all his today paperworks neatly, just so he could be with you again.
Maybe, if you're coherent enough, Sinbad would carry you through the gardens—after all, you're found of flowers and he knows how much enjoyment they brought you—but he rather would have a repeat of last night, nibbling on your skin again and hearing your moans of his name.
With a gaps—sitting up in a rush—as if someone had sucked out all the air of breath from your lungs, you awoke from the clutches of dreams—which felt more like a nightmare, getting more and more realistic—and for a moment you didn't recognises your own bedroom, till you spotted the familiarity of the embroidery rug on the wall.
While still feeling the pain of last nights activity in your lower area, you turned your head towards the open window—a slight breeze of salty sea air passing thru and where an ever so blue summer sky was permanent yet again.
Today you felt much better than you had been in the last few weeks, more energetic even and your limps tingling—when heaving yourself out of bed, holding onto the sheets for support—for some movements again as they feel rather stiff and sore and more like a deadweight.
Longing for some much needed fresh air and a change of scenery, you decided—since you didn't know when either Sinbad or Nadia would come to you—to get yourself ready and making your way out of the room and into the gardens.
The Gardens, every kind of them—especially the ones in your home country and (those you preferred much more) in the Kou-Empire—had always been your favourite place to be, just seeing the colourful beauty of floral variety and growing nature had something magnificent magical to it (and it been joked, that the way to your heart would be flowers, which was definitely true—because otherwise you wouldn't have been married a second time)
Walking on the sandy paths through the garden, you felt the slight breeze of summer—which ghosted your skin—and the ray of sun, basking in their warmth, truly a good day to be outside and yet a sense of homesickness rolls over your joyful mood, damping it down.
Sindria—despite having a bit of lonesomeness now, as all your friends had gone back to their respective countries and now, although Sindria being big in populations (not as large as Reim or Kou of course) it feels as if it was only you, Sinbad, Ja'far and Nadia in the palace—was your home now, but so had been the Kou-Empire once as well and you missed it greatly.
You stopped at the pond, sitting down next to it—an ache flaring up heatedly in your legs, having put a bit—even when walking slowly and with steady steps, looking a bit wobbly—too much strain for your muscles—and while gazing upon the waters surface, seeing your own reflection in it, you sucked in a breath.
The tears welled up in your eyes and the first sobs rips through your lips—feelings of guilt and shame crawls through your heart, because not only haven't you thought of Kouen in a long time, but you also haven't send a prayer to him in the above.
Kouen had been your first husband, he's the man which had captured your heart—after whisking you away from your suffocating family and demanding an arrangement marriage with you—and who you loved so deeply, like the mortal prince had loved the godly sun.
And dear, dear god, do you miss Kouen—missing him so much, that your heart could break once more—and this time, no one could mend it into a healing—that you could weep for hours and days long once more again, because you just miss Kouen.
Of course you loved Sinbad such as much—as you had loved Kouen—otherwise you wouldn't have married him, but sometimes your heart aches for what's lost now and new wave of guilty regrets washes over you.
It had been Sinbad—after Kouens death—who had been there, in your weeping hours and comforting you through your grieving thoughts.
It had been Sinbad who took care of you, when you had been injured badly during a battle and gave you the much needed support throughout your recovery.
It had been Sinbad, whose understanding enough to give you some needed time of grievance and space—before confessing his love to you and showering you in nothing but sweet love, mending your broken heart back with a new flourishing love.
»My prince is crying, why?«
You flinched in surprise upon hearing Sinbads voice so close to you hear and his arms around your stomach—Sinbad lifts you back up into a standing, moving you in his arms that you're facing him.
When looking up at your husband, through tear stained eyes, you notice the sky's colour being now of orange and red—feeling upset with yourself, how you had wasted days time with crying.
You widen your eyes in horror, couldn't believe that you missing Kouen—and the still remaining grief—was a waste of time, how could you dare to think such unforgivable mean thought.
»Tell me, [Name]. What does made my prince so sad?« Sinbad asks again, swaying slightly with you from side to side—holding you close as you closed your eyes and leaned your head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat.
»I'm sorry Sinbad, I'm sorry. It's not fair to you, but I just keep missing Kouen....«
Sinbad shush you, telling you that it's alright—while leading you back inside the palace and towards the bedroom—but there's a visible sneer of anger on his face.
It had been past midnight, when Sinbad had been finished with you—after rounds and rounds of passionate love making and marking your skin with all sorts of bruises (especially love bites, tons of them), just to make it clear—to remind you—to whom you belong now.
After all, you're married to Sinbad and you belong solely to him and only him—so you still thinking of Kouen, after all these years and the damned work Sinbad had put into to have you return his love, makes Sinbad incredibly upset—mad even—and he had to stop himself from strangling you into unconsciousness, just to show who's your King.
Ja'far—as your friend—could only pity you, because despite your love for Sinbad was nothing but genuine sincere (and stupid naïve), Sinbads love to you was only a possession for him.
Sinbad wasn't Sinbad anymore, Ja'far knew this all too well—but you? You still believed it's the same Sinbad from childhood, who had been so heroic and promised you a better future.
And while Ja'far would always be on Sinbad side, he does pray to the heavens that you realise just how toxic Sinbad has become and free yourself from him.
To be tagged -> @hunn1e-bunn1e ,
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
I heard you're open? If you're not, I apologize. But I saw you have Magi on your list of fandoms and I would LOVE something for Kouen Ren with a Golden Retriever personality type Darling. Like, they catch sight of him approaching and rush to meet him with the happiest, brightest grin. And they will eagerly listen to anything he has to say about his day or something he's picked up an interest in. But they also don't mind that he's basically locked them away because he always comes back.
Magi my beloved... Thank you for this!
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Footsteps with barely concealed giggles echoed throughout the semi small study as the red haired prince sat in his chair, various documents sprawled all over the table. The untrained eye would assume that he was completely focused on the paper in front of him but (y/n) knew him better than that. His brow was ever so furrowed and his arm was just stiff enough to give Kouen away completely.
He was watching them the whole entire time.
"Come out already." he said, his voice laced with a slight hint of annoyance and the tiniest bit of amusement.
"You and I both know you aren't going to stay in the shadows forever, dear."
He was right, you thought to yourself. In a flash you revealed yourself and quickly ran towards him, wrapping your arms across his broad shoulders and resting your chin at the top of his head. A few loose strands tickled your by accident which caused you to laugh. A small smirk made its way across the face of the handsome prince as he kept his mouth shut, his curiosity simply brimming with excitement as he wondered just what you had up your sleeve.
It was odd that you made no moves to end his life.
Kouen expected you to end him as that seemed like a reasonable reaction. Slit his throat while you could, perhaps poison his tea? None of it would work of course but that still didn't make your lack of action any less odd.
Perhaps you were crazy, just a little bit.
"What's with that face mister?"
You had caught him off guard. When did you find the time to crawl on his lap without him noticing? Tracing light and playful patterns across his chin (y/n) looked him dead in the eye, their eyes sparkling with a plethora of ranging emotions. Joy, excitement, thankfulness.
Kouen's heart raced ever so slightly. It was pathetic at how sweet he could be when it came to his little sweetie. With a voice as soothing as a lullaby (y/n) spoke:
"I'm not going anywhere, you know. I'm perfectly happy here, with you."
Kouen had his reasons for keeping (y/n) locked up at the palace, he made sure to make that clear since day one. But he never imagined that things would work out this smoothly.
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myspecialinterest · 4 years
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look what i did :3 i did these for myself and i dont think anyone would but!! if u want them u can use them! and if u give me a photo of any character i can do these w sanrio characters ^_^
<3 a like or reblog is appreciated if you use <3
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lancermylove · 3 years
My Beloved (HC)
Fandom: Magi
Pairing: Sinbad, Alexis, Kouen, Hakuryuu, Judal with fem!Reader
Warning: Mild angst in some of the hcs. 
Requested by: Spiraling anon
Prompt: THE LACK OF MAGI REQUESTS IS A CRIME can I get Sinbad, Alexis, Kouen, Hakuryuu, Judal and Alibaba hcs with a courtesan s/o? 👀 
A/N: Spiraling, I ended up binge watch half of Magi (S1) after seeing your request. XD I really want a third season, but at the same time, I don’t want it...Sin didn’t deserve what he got. Ohtaka seems to have a problem with powerful men or something. T_____T Also, I hope you were not looking for n.sfw because this hc is very sfw. 🤣
Sinbad will spoil you to no end, especially if he's busy and can't spend time with you. He will gift you the finest jewelry, clothes, and footwear. If you are interested in learning an art or studying, he will send the best instructors to you. Sinbad will fulfill any wish you have unless it involves you staying away from him for a long time, like traveling around the world. 
All the other women in the palace envy you to no end. In case any woman bullies you, Sinbad will ask Yamraiha to...you know, have a "nice chat" with her. 
If he is stressed, you're the first person he will visit...after Ja'far forces him to finish his work. Just seeing you is enough to make the king forget about his pain/stress. 
Since you are Sinbad's favorite, no other man is allowed to touch you. Not that anyone would dare unless they have a death wish. 
When Ja'far started noticing Sin's feelings towards you, he warned the king, and even now, the assassin continues to warn Sinbad to control his heart. Ja'far has nothing against you, but he is well aware of how Sin's mind and heart work. 
When the Fanalis learned from his sister that you had taken a liking to him, he was surprised. A lot of people find the Fanalis, including him, to be intimidating/scary.  It didn't take long for him to warm up to the idea of spending more time with you. 
If Muu is in the Reim Empire, he spends time with you every day, or at least stop by to check on you. If he is out on a diplomatic affair or accompanying Scheherazade, Muu will write letters to you. 
The Fanalis doesn't like that you're part of Nerva's court as he isn't fond of the prince. He wants to get you out of the court, even if it means stealing you away. 
Muu always thought he would spend his life alone, but after meeting you, he no longer likes the idea of being alone. He loves you with all his heart and is completely devoted to you. 
If, for some reason, you stop loving him or don't want to be with him, Muu will forever hold you in his heart. 
At first, Alibaba thought of you as a dear friend, but when he fell in love with you, he fell hard. 
The first thing he wants to do is get you out of the royal court (if you are part of anyone else's court). He has seen what his mother went through, and he doesn't want you to experience the same. Just the thought of it gives him anxiety. 
Out of all the men on this list, Alibaba treats you with the most respect. He doesn't shower you with gifts but does shower you with affection. Wherever he goes, you go - as long as it's not dangerous. 
Since you are with Alibaba, you are automatically Aladdin's best friend. The prince doesn't care about the magi touching women's chests as long he doesn't touch yours. He will force Aladdin to sister zone you if that happens. 
Overall, the prince treasures you dearly and plans to do that for the rest of his life. Who knows, one day you might be his wife...maybe his queen. 
At first, Judal only thought of you as a source of entertainment - someone he can tease and prank. That changed when the magi saw another man trying to flirt with you. Something snapped inside him, and well...the man turned into a popsicle...a very dead popsicle.  
Gifts? What are those? The magi spoils you with physical love, mostly cuddles. He LOVES to cuddle, and if you don't, too bad, so sad.
Judal is very possessive; you are HIS, and everyone needs to understand that. He will not let any other man get close to you and will throw a tantrum if needed.
The magi keeps you far away from Al-Thamen's business; he knows what they are capable of, and the last thing Judal wants is for them to use you against him.
There is just one thing Judal doesn't understand...whenever he thinks of something happening to you, he gets this tight feeling in his chest. Why is that?
Kouen would spoil you but within limits. He doesn't want you to think you have control over him, nor does he want to give a delusion of devotion.
He is a prince and of royal blood, meaning his future wife will be a princess. Even if he gets married, the prince will continue to spend time with you and spoil you. 
Like Sinbad, Kouen will not let any other man touch you or get close to you. Everyone in the palace is aware of this, and they also know the prince won't hesitate to kill them. This also means you are not allowed to look at any other man. 
If you can sing, paint, or play an instrument, Kouen will often ask you to show him your talent. 
If you are highly educated and can hold an intelligent conversation, the prince will be very impressed. Kouen will even consider bringing you with him when he travels for diplomatic meetings. 
Rather than giving you gifts, Hakuryuu prefers to spoil you with attention, hugs, and kisses. He still randomly surprises you with gifts since he is royalty and all. 
The prince tries to spend time with you at least once a week, but sometimes he is so busy that he doesn't have time to sleep. If that happens, Hakuryuu writes you an apology letter and promises to make it up to you. 
Like his cousin, Haku respects highly educated and/or talented individuals. If you have any talents, then he will admire you to no end. In case you want to learn a skill, Haku will be more than happy to find a suitable instructor for you. 
The prince loathes the day he has to marry someone else. He knows one day, his family members will force him to take in a royal wife. Even if this happens, Hakuryuu will assure you that his heart belongs to you and you only. He will spend more time with you than his wife, and in the Kou Empire, this is perfectly normal. 
➣ Magi Masterlist
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Kouen courting headcanons
I got a message from @nakunakunomi​ about her struggling to find some fluff between all of the yandere Kouen and well... then I got this idea. Enjoy this little addition to the fluff collection my dear Hazel, I love you ❤
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Kouen respects all people equally, regardless of gender or skin colour. What makes him treat someone with respect or disrespect is simple: their character and the way they treat him. When it comes to falling in love, it's the same. He'll fall for someone's character and general appearance not for their gender or skin colour.
Kouen is a determined man in all aspects, love is no exception. Once he's set his eyes on someone, he'll go through a lot of length to win over their heart. There are, of course, lines he does not cross. The welfare of his country goes first, no matter what, and he will not do anything that will endanger or cause trouble for his people or his family. His love life should only affect him.
No means no. Easy as that. If the person he is pursuing tells him he's making them uncomfortable in any way, he'll back off and stop doing whatever makes them feel that way. This does not mean that he's not persistent though. If it's just certain behaviours or advances that'll make people uncomfortable, he'll stop those and pursue them in other ways. He'll bring or send gifts, depending on what's possible and he'll send letters if it's over a long distance, mostly starting out as simple, friendly letters, but not lying about his interest either.
If he gets rejected properly, that's that. It'll hurt his pride and ego, but he'll respect the decision. He will never do anything without consent. Until he gets that rejection though, he will continue to try and win the person of his interest over.
If he gets a yes to a date though, he'll go all out while still making sure the other person is comfortable. Are they more introverted? He'll arrange for a picnic somewhere calm and pretty. Do they prefer something more extravagant? He'll take them to a fancy restaurant. Something where they don’t have to interact much perhaps? He’ll take them to a play.
Kouen actually prefers someone doesn’t make it too easy for him. To him, it’s nicer to slowly get to know each other than to immediately get into a relationship. It also brings him more satisfaction to win someone's heart rather than just get it handed to him. He’s the crown prince, people throw themselves at him all the time, he wants someone different from the masses. Someone who will challenge him on an intellectual level, both before and in the relationship.
Once he’s in a relationship with someone, it’s exclusive. He is a rather possessive man and he will not share his lover with anyone, though he will also be highly devoted to them and he won’t be with someone else as long as he’s in a relationship.
He doesn’t mind taking things slow in a relationship. As I mentioned, he is devoted to his lover and he just wants them to be happy and comfortable. If that means he’ll have to wait for a while before he can do certain things with them, or that he’ll have to ask consent often, then he’ll do just that. He holds his lover in the highest regard and will never do anything to harm them or make them uncomfortable.
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babymagi · 2 years
what pet names might people call their lovers? :0
you can do anyone u want but as the resident muu simp i do ask that u include him 🥺
@mashed-tots I know this is you lol
Starting off with Muu bc you specifically requested him ;)
Muu: Darling, sweetheart, kitten
Alibaba: Sunshine, butterfly, babe
Morgiana: More specific, it'll be something curated to that person
Hakuryuu: Dearest, Love of my life, Mommy/Daddy
Kougyoku: Blossom, lovey
Judar: This man has a whole nickname encyclopedia but if I had to guess one of the more generic ones would just be Peach
Sinbad: Darling, sweetheart, prince/princess
Ja'far: Refers to them by name or a nickname
Masrur: Wife/husband/spouse
Sharrkan: Babe, bae
Yamraiha: Honey, bubs/bubble
Kouen: Refers to them by name
Koumei: ^^
Kouha: The most embarrassing nickname you can come up with (snookums or something)
Hakuei: Darling, dearest
Titus: Kitten, love, dear
Sphintus: Baby, dear
Yunan: Flower, sweetie
Scheherazade: My love, dearest
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Hello dear ✨ I just now saw that matchups are open and I hope it’s not too much of a bother if I ask for one? I’m super sorry if this is too long. Just ignore me if it’s too much.
I‘m a straight female, caring, independent, analytical and responsible but can also be very stubborn. Regarding friendship I’m super loyal but never forget if somebody did me wrong. I’m kinda protective in a subtle way where I casually shield friends from the lively crowd at concerts, putting myself between them and a road, making sure they eat and never go home all alone at night etc… My friends are quite protective of me as well because they think I’m too polite and kind at heart. This makes me feel uncomfortable though since I don’t feel worthy of protection or caring. I’m not good with being physically affectionate and comforting others but people told me I always find the right words of advice and that I’m very good with words in general. You don’t want to mess with me because my words can be very hurtful if I’m pushed too far. Furthermore, I tend to have a rather rational and cold view on most things which sometimes clashes with my empathy for others. People say I’m a big softie when it comes to the people I love. Sometimes I forget to take care of myself, for I am too busy. I tend to feel very insecure in bigger crowds and my sense of direction is a disaster. I love reading and learning about different languages, taking long walks and converse about books, tv shows, life and philosophy with friends. Since I’m quite athletic I also love working out but unfortunately will never be physically strong. 🥲😂 Oh, and since I saw it in another ask: I could never put up with somebody who is all evil and stuff.
Thank you so so so much if you decide to do the matchup! 🧡🧡 Have a lovely day and stay awesome!
Thank you! You too and sorry for the wait.
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He will absolutely love your responsible and analytical side and thinks that you’d do very well in helping Sindria out. Other than that, Ja’far will view your caring and loyal self as something that just makes his heart melt. Your strength to take care of people you cherish will work amazingly on him (as he needs to take better care of himself) and he’ll absolutely admire you for that. This man will not hesitate to assist you with taking better care yourself and that may cause a few arguments depending on how you react. Ja’far will both like and dislike your stubbornness which may also cause a few arguments but will never be able to stay mad at you for too long.
He’s very protective of those he cares about so if he sees you uncomfortable in a crowd he won’t hesitate to do anything he can to help you feel more at ease wether it’s holding your hand or directing you to a more secluded place. I feel as though Ja’far would love taking walks with you and would admire you especially when it comes to learning new languages. He’d enjoy talking about books with you and would definitely give tv a try if it meant having more to talk about. He will definitely grow to be interested in philosophy and talks about life and wether it’s your physical strength or not, Ja’far would already view you as incredibly strong.
Other matches are Yunan, Kouen and Sinbad
16 notes · View notes
keepthisholykiss · 4 years
Hoshigumi’s “Romeo and Juliet” Roundtable Discussion (2021) - Kageki March 2021
While I normally just post a bunch of musumeyaku content I wanted to share something I thought was really fun! As the livestream for RETJ B Cast has passed this month and the A Cast stream is tomorrow. I decided it would be fun to share this roundtable discussion with the cast and directors! I absolutely (from a very biased perspective) adored B Cast and am looking forward to seeing A Cast. The insights from the cast are so wonderful and everyone has clearly thought through these roles thoroughly. It brings me a lot of joy to see what everyone thinks of a show and characters I hold so near and dear to my own heart. I hope that you enjoy these words as much as I have. ✨Note: This translation is entirely for fun!! It was not done in painstaking detail and if things are not perfect then that is okay by me. I mostly just want people to enjoy the general idea or sentiment of what is here. And, while most if it should be a decent translation, I don’t hold myself to a professional standard as this is just a thing I do sometimes. Also please do not steal this translation and pass it off as your own, it is mine, thanks!
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Participants (Adaptation and Direction) Koike Shuuichirou (Direction) Inaba Daichi (Production) Takeuchi Jun [TL note: this isn’t a staff member I was familiar or could easily find the accurate name translation of so I went with this] (Senka) Ema Naoki (Hoshigumi) Miki Chigusa, Shirotae Natsu, Tenju Mitsuki, Yumeki Anru, Aizuki Hikaru, Rei Makoto, Seo Yuria, Ayaki Hikari, Arisa Hitomi, Amahana Ema, Kiwami Shin, Maisora Hitomi
Production Staff: Hoshigumi’s performance at Takarazuka Grand Theatre until March 29 will be the musical presented by Sumitomo Mitsui VISA Card, “Romeo and Juliet.” And it is directed and adapted by Koike Shuuichirou and co-directed by Inaba Daichi. This is an adaptation of Gérard Presgurvic’s musical which is an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. It was first performed in 2010 with Koike-sensei’s adaptation and direction. Rei Makoto, who played Romeo in the shinjin kouen in 2013, will play Romeo again as the top star of Hoshigumi. Additionally, Ema Naoki who has played the role of Father Laurence three times before (including the first performance) will appear again from Senka.
Everyone: Thank you very much.
Production Staff: We are looking forward to working together with all the performers so that you can feel the passion of the new Hoshigumi, including all of the new members.
Koike: “Romeo and Juliet” will be performed in Takarazuka for the first time in 8 years. The reason for performing it with Hoshigumi again is of course because so many people want to see Rei Makoto’s Romeo. And there are many people who have been in the play’s first performance as well as the second, so they have a deep understanding of the work. It is almost like jumping over a bar you have set for yourself. You want to challenge yourself again and again, to clear that bar, and show a great performance of “Romeo and Juliet” for current Hoshigumi. This time, we have Inaba Diachi as co-director and Noguchi Kousaku as assistant director. The two of them, who were young at the time of the first performance, have grown up so much since then! (laughs).
Inaba: (laughs)
Koike: Just like how Rei Makoto has grown, so have the directors. This is one of the wonderful things about Takarazuka. I feel that this is a performance that shows this off very well.
Inaba: When we are rehearsing now, I remember the crying and frustration in the rehearsal room 10 years ago. (laughs)
Koike: The agony! (laughs)
Inaba: At the time of the first performance I had watched a few versions of the “Romeo and Juliet” musical including the French, Hungarian, and Russian versions. I wondered how the work could be adapted for Takarazuka. Koike-sensei wrote lyrics for not only “Romeo and Juliet,” but also for other Shakespeare adaptations. I feel that is one of the reasons why this work can keep being performed. When I watch the rehearsals now, I see that every scene has become very elaborate in such a short period of time. This time we have a new cast as well as a change in roles, so we will keep our rehearsals fresh each day and hope to present the 2021 version of “Romeo and Juliet.”
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💕- A Beautiful Love Story Returns - 💕
Koike: Now, let’s discuss the roles starting with Rei-san.
Rei: Right. When the curtain opened for the first performance, I can still vividly remember the shock of the audience at the opening and the start of the scene. I was really excited about having a rock musical because it was so fresh and the costumes and sets were so innovative. There are a lot of rock musicals, but “Romeo and Juliet” was really cool and thrilling. It was a turning point for me and a chance to work beyond my fears and challenge myself in many ways. I feel that even now it is a chance to encounter a new me again. When I played Romeo in the shinjin kouen I watched Yuzuki-san as much as I could and thought about how I could get close to her performance. So even now I find myself thinking of Chie-san’s Romeo. However, I don’t think of that as a bad thing! I think it’s because Chie-san is the one who breathed life into Romeo for the first performance and now the show has continued to be performed since then. I would like to find my own way of expressing myself and expressing my emotions for the first day of the show, while working on the details.
Koike: The powerful singing was also praised in that shinjin kouen and, in some sense, I think it was one of the best parts. But that might be the hardest thing about this new performance because now the audience is expecting it. I hope that this will be a Romeo that only the current Rei Makoto can show. When there was that first performance we had members that could have only been there, then. And now that we have the current performance we have members who are only here, now. So I think it is better not to think about it too much in the sense of putting pressure on yourself in a way that may make your vision smaller. Inaba-sensei, what do you think?
Inaba: Mako-chan (Rei) has played the roles of Ai, Benvolio, and Romeo in the shinjin kouen and really seems to be the embodiment of “Romeo and Juliet.” That’s why when I watch the rehearsals I can see so much of the previous cast members through them. If we can channel that feeling into confidence then I think Mako-chan’s Romeo can be born into a new type of Romeo on the stage.
Rei: Yes, thank you very much.
Koike: Let’s discuss the role of Juliet, played by Maisora.
Maisora: This is my first time to perform in this production and I have learned so much from each piece of advice I have received from the staff and upperclassmen who have performed in it before. I would like to learn and absorb even more! I had imagined before this that Juliet was pure, innocent, and straightforward but Koike-sensei told me that she was a person with a strong conviction and willingness to take action. I felt that I couldn’t be Juliet without strength. Usually, I think about how to express myself as a musumeyaku in the presence of otokoyaku. But this time I want to learn how to break out of my shell and expose what can come from me, and go beyond myself.
Koike: That’s right, Juliet is very independent. If she had been a passive girl, Romeo might not have come back from Mantua. The times are far more trying in this time of the story, going against your parents requires a lot of energy. She is waking up more and more to what it is that she wants. I think it is more interesting for her to gradually wake up to what she wants throughout the story, to let her world become more three-dimensional. It helps move the conversation. Maisora is very good at doing everything, a perfect student. But this could be an issue for the audience, having that perfection already. I think striving for imperfection and breaking out of your shell is a good thing.
Maisora: Yes!
Inaba: That’s right. When we think of “Romeo and Juliet” we have this image of Juliet who stands beside Romeo, but it’s not like that. Juliet is a key person who changes something with her own actions. It’s an older work but I think it still reflects the way of life for women today. I think Hitton (Maisora) has a strong core and I hope she uses this in her performance. Also I would like to see this used in Juliet’s transformation of girl to woman after her marriage to Romeo.
💙 - Thoughts of Those Living in Verona - ❤️
Koike: I’d like to start by talking with the members of the Capulet family, but we will of course speak to everyone.
Everyone: (reactions of excitement)
Koike: We can discuss your beliefs in your roles, I think that will be interesting! So let’s start with Lord Capulet.
Tenju: What is most important to me is the Capulet family, which has been around for generations, continues to thrive for years and decades and that my family can be happy. Now that my only daughter, who I have devoted my life to, is 16 years old, the question is who she should marry. When I look at my daughter (Maisora), I remember so many things about her growth, but I can never say what I am thinking. But I also feel that she is similar to me in some ways, and that is what I love about her.
Koike: Where is your daughter’s happiness?
Tenju: My daughter’s happiness is based on money and status. I believe that the strength of that status will protect her.
Koike: What about your wife?
Tenju: I love her, but I can’t express my feelings to her face to face. I feel frustrated because we haven’t had the time to spend together.
Koike: And how can you fix that?
Tenju: If we were to face each other honestly, it would be fixed. I that maybe… there is a possibility.
Koike: If you are thinking about it, then why don’t you?
Tenju: Our pride won’t allow it.
Koike: I see. What about you, Mrs. Capulet?
Yumeki: I wouldn’t want to say this in front of my husband but…
Koike: Say it as if he wasn’t here. (laughs)
Yumeki: To tell you the truth, I think that Juliet might not be the daughter of my current husband.
Koike: You think so? (laughs)
Yumeki: Yes (laughs) But I told him, “She’s our child.” I was forced into a political marriage for money and to protect my family. And then Juliet was born. But I really wanted to live my life according to my own desires and not just give up on being a woman. So I also have my nephew Tybalt and a few others. But as for my husband, I can’t say much.
Everyone: (laughs)
Yumeki: When I see my husband flirting with the maids I don’t say anything to them! (laughs)
Koike: Right. When the play was performed in Paris again, it was added in that Juliet was her mother’s illegitimate child. I felt it would be better to show her sincerity in seeking Tybalt’s help against her husband’s lack of understanding. She actually uses him as a confidant. At the end of the story, when she is with Lady Montague, she finally awakens her own love of her daughter. I think it is better to focus on the parents’ grief after the suicide because it is a difficult concept to convey for understanding. She wishes she had thought more about Juliet. But I think it’s great to have a role of a woman who truly feels that there are many arguments and demands for freedom on her own side. Now let’s look at the A Cast and start with Aizuki-san as Tybalt.
Aizuki: I have been fighting with my family each day since I was born, but I’m fighting to protect the Capulets and my beloved cousin. Even if she’s not being who she really wants to be. I am also fed up with my aunt, Juliet’s mother, who has been wooing me for years.
Everyone: (laughs)
Koike: What do you want to do now?
Aizuki: To be the person that will inherit the Capulet family.
Koike: What do you like about Juliet?
Aizuki: She is strong to her core. I think I am drawn to her because she has a strength that I do not.
Koike: I see. And what do you think of the Montagues?
Aizuki: Of course we hate each other, but we’ve been taught to hate each other since we were born, we were raised that way. So it’s natural for us to hate each other after all. But when Juliet marries Romeo, those feelings [of hatred] change.
Koike: Right. Well, let’s talk to the nurse.
Arisa: Juliet is a gift, the reason for my life, so I don’t have to think about what she wants to do. I just say, “I understand.” I can understand how she wants to become a wife to her husband, to be an adult. But I still respect the pure heart of Juliet. I am proud of her for living true to her heart.
Koike: Where is your love for Juliet?
Arisa: I did some research on the character of the nurse and learned that she herself had lost a small child. I think that she wanted to raise Juliet even at the risk of her own life. I think that Juliet’s existence itself is the source of her love. That’s why I still have regrets of not following Juliet’s wishes before her death. That’s how I can continue to grow.
Koike: In Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” there are many scenes where the nurse speaks from her heart and in the musical a song takes the place of that. The reason why that scene looks how it does is because the nurse is so loving and nurturing, wanting Juliet to have a happy marriage. I think the song reflects the emotions of the nurse that are not told on stage, so I would like the focus to be on that. Since now the nurse and Juliet are close in age I think she tends to be more like a strong older sister. But in the first performance, when she was played by Reimi-san she was the same class as Nene-san and really had a sense of someone who took care of Juliet.
Inaba: It felt as though Remi-chan was supporting Nene-chan regularly!
Koike: If Juliet needed support, I think there could be many great nurses! But Maisora-san is very capable so it feels as if she doesn’t need a lot of help.
Maisora: No, no!
Koike: I think it could be good also if we could somehow turn that dynamic around somewhere!
Arisa: Yes!
Koike: Alright, we started with the Capulets, now it’s time for Count Paris.
Ayaki: Well, I have the most money in Verona. And I might be the origin of the concept of the “three highs,” - high education, high status, and high income - a concept that would become more popular in the distant future.
Everyone: (laughs)
Ayaki: When I see the Montagues and Capulets fighting every day, I wonder what they are doing wasting their time. But it is true that they rule Verona, so if I want to rule Verona as well then I must become involved with one of their sides. When I heard that there was a very pretty girl named Juliet, I thought, “I should go there.” But, I heard that there was a troublesome successor named Tybalt. However, even if he took over I could be something like a stockholder.
Everyone: (laughs)
Ayaki: I will be in charge of Verona. But, now that everyone is dead, I am wondering how I will manage Verona.
Koike: In the original story, Paris is killed by Romeo, but in this one he doesn’t get killed. So surely he would survive. I think he’d probably have his eyes on other Montague and Capulet girls as well. (laughs)
Inaba: (laughs)
Koike: That was very interesting. Now, let’s move on to the Montague family, starting with Lord Montague.
Miki: As the head of the family, my most important responsibility is to protect the Montague family. There is no doubt that Lord Montague has been at odds with the Capulets since birth. However, unlike Lord Capulet’s complicated family, Lord Montague has a deep love for his wife as well as Romeo. However, as the only Montague son, Lord Montague imposes his own ideas of how things should be onto Romeo. He is not able to be close to his feelings. Therefore, Romeo’s mother is the one that can help him best. This is why Romeo’s mother is the only place he finds comfort. It is only when Lord Montague loses his beloved son that he realizes how much he means to him.
Koike: I think part of why Romeo is able to grow up a bit more carefree is because his parent-child relationship was fairly good. It might not have been a very close relationship. But I still think that Lord Montague was an average father figure at least. Romeo was a poetic son in a way.
Rei: (laughs)
Koike: I think that he is a fun child for the times, but his father remains fairly bureaucratic. So, what about Lady Montague?
Shirotae: I have to admit that I have always wondered why the Capulets and Montagues hate each other so much, after fighting for generations. I have been trying to persuade Benvolio and Mercutio to stop fighting. I think the biggest difference between myself and Lady Capulet is that I have doubts about conflict. Romeo is the son that Lady Montague has taken good care of and raised, so when he commits suicide, she realizes her own mistakes and helplessness.
Rei: (reacts sadly)
Shirotae: I believe that I am the first one to truly take in Romeo and Juliet’s feelings. So I hope that I can lead the house of Montague to move forward without letting their deaths be in vain.
Koike: While Juliet’s mother is more pretentious, Romeo’s mother is more of a motherly type. In this, the Montagues may have hired a nurse themselves but Lady Montague may have raised Romeo on her own as well. So if we can present it correctly, the audience will understand that Romeo is a representative of his mother as well. I think that Lady Montague now has the atmosphere of a mother.
Shirotae: Yes.
Koike: Here’s Benvolio.
Seo: Romeo and I are cousins and Mercutio lives nearby, so we’ve all been playing together since we were kids. Whenever we were studying, Mercutio would always ask us to stop and leave but Romeo would always fail to do so. We’ve always been close, with all the good and bad in each other. When we’re alone we cannot do much but somehow when we’re together the three of us have a strange power that makes us invincible. Even in the midst of the war between the Montagues and the Capulets, I feel like our power is growing. When I do something bad, I always get Romeo’s attention. But when he does something wrong, Lady Montague will find out and scold Romeo for it.
Miki: (laughs)
Koike: What kind of games have you played with Romeo and Mercutio?
Seo: When we were little, I think we used to play-fight. But as we’ve gotten older it has gotten more practical.
Koike: I see. The young people of Verona are all delinquent, as in other versions. I went on a trip to Verona a long time ago with a friend of mine. She was a tall woman and as we walked together in the park, the young people around us were teasing us. (laughs) I thought of the young friends of Romeo. I think there’s even something like that in Benvolio that’s bad-natured, even if he’s pure at heart. The bad pattern may be the least present for Seo. (laughs)
Everyone: (laughs)
Seo: (smiles embarrassingly)
Koike: I think it also comes down to a question of how to display this story. I think it’s the kind of people who are born and raised in the city, who form cliques, hang out with girls, and they go to places like the local club. WEST SIDE STORY is a story about poor immigrants but it’s somewhere you can expand this story to as well.
Seo: Yes.
Koike: Here is Mercutio.
Kiwami: Yes. I was lonely because I had no one to talk to when I went home.
Koike: Oh, I didn’t know that. (laughs)
Everyone: (laughs)
Kiwami: I was very lonely and dark inside. But Romeo, Benvolio, and Lady and Lord Montague taught me what love is. When I was with Romeo and my friends, they filled the loneliness inside of me and were more than just my family, they became invaluable. I want to be the shield that can protect Romeo.
Koike: When I see Kiwami in the rehearsal room, I feel that Mercutio is not a boy who has grown up without knowing affection but rather someone who has had love all of his life. I think he is a young man who is dependent on those around him, or somewhat spoiled. Inaba-sensei, do you think this is easier to understand in “WEST SIDE STORY?”
Inaba: It’s easy to see that conflict there. The Polish immigrants come first and then the Puerto Ricans come in.
Koike: I think that the Yankee-like image of an uptight older brother gives off a “cool” image. Everyone is doing a great job creating this appearance but I think it would be good if we could act it out similarly to how you mentioned. If the characters are played by someone who fits them it will come out clearly but if they don’t fit the character, then it will be difficult to display the role. I believe that an actor’s every move can make people feel what is inside of them. For example, when a first-year student comes into the troupe, you can tell just by how they walk when they are under a lot of pressure or if they are very happy. So, I think it is better to create a way to make audiences feel “this is how this person is,” in the little things like how someone dances. How do you feel about this Inaba-sensei?
Inaba: That’s an interesting way of thinking. I think it would be interesting for me if Mercutio could see things differently. He is dependent on Romeo and Romeo’s home, right? Like how Riff lives in Tony’s house because he doesn’t have a home.
Koike: That’s right. In the 1968 film “Romeo and Juliet,” Mercutio is portrayed in a very interesting way. The actor who plays him is not very good, but when he dies his performance does make you cry. I think it is a good example about why how you play a role matters.
Kiwami: Right.
Koike: Now, let’s go to Friar Laurence.
Ema: Yes, I’m sorry for not quite making it.
Everyone: (laughs)
Ema: He’s been around a long time, a priest serving God, and yet he still has misgivings. I’ve played Doc in “WEST SIDE STORY” so I’m familiar with the angle of being depressed by the helplessness of adults. But in the end everyone, including the adults, have hope for recovery so that is what saves me.
Koike: What about Romeo?
Ema: For Romeo, Friar Laurence was a different person than his parents. He loved Romeo so much that it was a shame to let him die.
Koike: After 8 years, what new discoveries have you made?
Ema: I have had a lot to think about since becoming a member of Senka and my role has changed. I am looking forward to appearing again!
Everyone: (laughs)
Ema: I also think it is impossible for any adult to present the right things and move the world alone.
Koike: I see. Next, is Death.
Amahana: Death is always behind each of use or waiting for us at the end of our lives so I hope I can bring that kind of atmosphere to the stage. I want to express that I felt something beautiful in Romeo’s soul and was very attracted to it. This story begins because Death wants that soul. I think this is a story with two sides to the same coin, Love and Death, and I want to express that in the end.
Koike: I hope you can continue to display that resistance to one another, between Love and Death.
Amahana: Yes.
Koike: When I was watching your Death yesterday I felt like it was Romeo’s alter ego during “Kowai.” I thought it was interesting that the creeping shadows seemed to synchronize with each other, like a phantom that sticks to you and won’t leave you. I thought it would be interesting to have them stick close to each other. Even if the choreography is the same, it won’t look the same if the performers are different, so you can color it your own way. I’m sure it’s a lot of work playing two roles. I’m sorry for that. (laughs)
Everyone: (laughs)
Koike: Let’s move to B Cast, shall we? Here’s Tybalt.
Seo: The people around him say he’s a dangerous man who will lose his temper at any moment. Some people worship him, but in reality he has no real friends. When I was a child, I had a straightforward admiration for heroes just like those I saw around me. But the Capulets suppressed that admiration. I fell in love with Juliet, the one bright spot in my life, and her presence helped me. I’ve been carrying around a lot of resentment, wondering how to get out of this situation, and these feelings come out in me towards the Montagues. But my main desire is to carry on the Capulet family.
Koike: Because he loves Juliet, he gets very upset when she is married in secret. It is nice to see that anger revealed.
Seo: Yes.
Koike: It is interesting that he gets to the point where he is willing to kill because of how he loves her. Anyway, here’s Benvolio.
Ayaki: My cousin Romeo has been like a brother to me since he was born, but he is the heir to the Montague family so we are in very different positions. It’s not something I want to be, but I am a little jealous of him. I also admire Mercutio’s recklessness, which is something I don’t have. When I’m with both of them, they show me a world that I can’t see on my own. I think that’s why I can stick by them even when we have different personalities. Although I do think Romeo himself might be unaware of this situation.
Rei: (sulking)
Everyone: (laughs)
Ayaki: This is why I think it is important for me, as the person closest to them, to teach them. I believe that when we are together, there is nothing to be afraid of, and time will last forever. I actually think ignorance is Benvolio’s biggest sin. It would have been easier if he had died along with Romeo and Mercutio. But, by surviving, he was able to realize what Mercutio realized right before he died as well as Romeo’s teachings of what it means to love. However, I became aware that I let Juliet die because I was in a hurry to tell Romeo she was dead. So the next time something happens I will think about it more carefully and do my best to lead the Montagues and make Verona a city full of love.
Koike: Well I guess either way, Verona can be yours someday. (laughs)
Everyone: (laughs)
Ayaki: Benvolio is the one who wants to make Verona everyone’s city and Paris is wondering how to make the city his. (laughs)
Koike: I see, well let’s discuss Mercutio.
Amahana: I am the nephew of the Prince, so I’ve been ostracized since I was a child. But after meeting Romeo and Benvolio, I realized there were people who would look out for me that weren’t my uncle. When I met them, I realized that there were people who could see me for who I really was. Romeo was from a good family, he was kind to everyone, and said things with a pure innocence. Things like, “we are the kings of the world,” which made me admire him more than any family or other friends. When he does something stupid, Benvolio stops him. I really love the atmosphere of being with them, I feel like I am my strongest. When I’m fighting, I feel like it is my reason to live. But sometimes I cannot admit things to myself, which is part of why I explode in the final duel. In the end, Mercutio realizes that he really wanted to stop what he was doing and that fighting was futile. In the end, he dies with the hope that his dear friend Romeo will be happy.
Koike: Right. Listening to you now, Mercutio seems like a very happy guy. It might be more likely that he is happy singing with his friends as kings of the world. Even though he is happy, I think there is a part of him that’s escaping from everyone else and it is important to see him feel that.
Amahana: Yes.
Inaba: There is a void that cannot be filled even if you are the “king of the world.” That’s why they fight for something.
Koike: That’s right. I think that quarrels and fights are an outlet for stress. So it would be interesting to learn the types of stress they are under. Now, let’s talk about Paris.
Kiwami: Paris has money and, when he looks at himself in the mirror, he sees that he is beautiful. There is nothing that he cannot have. He is surprised to find that for the first time in his life, Juliet, the woman he went out of his way to marry, avoids him. I thought I would get what I wanted but she married Romeo instead and I am stuck where I was before.
Koike: I think he probably is one of the first to get the message about Juliet’s death. He is probably thinking, ‘What’s so bad about me that she died before the ceremony tomorrow?’ (laughs) Now, let’s talk about Death.
Aizuki: Death loves to hate people. The hatred of the people in the city fills Death with a sense of love. Romeo is the one who is different from the others, I want to get into his head and turn his fate with my own hands. It’s exciting to see fate take a turn for the worse.
Rei: (looking scared with her hands on her chest)
Everyone: (laughs)
Aizuki: I would like to control the ending. Where Romeo and Juliet’s love is fulfilled by Death.
Koike: I think that can be cool and a little creepy. In the case of Ai-chan I think they are more distant so it would be good to create an overview of all that happens in the world. Piisuke on the other hand, seems to be a bit more introverted and human-like, so I think it would be good to have an image of them getting involved in people’s deaths. I think both are possible. Even if the songs are the same, the impression will change depending on how you approach it, and the audience will perceive it differently.
Aizuki and Amahana: Yes!
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✨ - 2021: Hoshigumi’s New “Romeo and Juliet” - ✨
Koike: From your perspective, Ema-san, how is Rei-san’s Romeo?
Rei: (shaking head)
Ema: I’m sure everyone will say, ‘Good!’ but more than that, ‘Romeo is charming! Romeo is attractive!’
Koike: That’s right. When I worked as an assistant director for “Romeo and Juliet” 40 years ago, Mine Saori and Daichi Mao were the role of Romeo in the plays. Mine-san played the role with a sense of, ‘this is what a good lead is.’ Rei Makoto is Rei Makoto and this is the only way this Romeo can be done. I think it is better for Rei Makoto to show us something that says, ‘this is the only way this can be done!’ I think everyone will say that [Rei Makoto] has great skills but can always add more to that.
Rei: Right.
Koike: What do you think about Maisora?
Ema: The role she played in “Golden Desert” was very good, even if she didn’t have any lines. She still has a lot of room to grow, so I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of Juliet she will become.
Koike: I see, thank you very much. Lastly, why don’t you tell us about your own enthusiasm?
Maisora: Once again, I realize that Juliet involves those around her. I believe that she has a strength and straightforwardness because she grew up with a strong father, mother, and nurse who accepted her. I would like to live my life as Juliet without lying, with honesty and love for Romeo from the bottom of my heart while doing my best.
Rei: I am filled with gratitude for being able to perform in spite of the current situation. I want to take the feelings of the audience to heart and hope that they will bring home the best of that feeling for having come to the theatre. There are still many weak points for me personally and for Hoshigumi as a whole, so I want to work harder toward the first day of the show to create a performance that will impress the audience.
Inaba: I have been involved with this work for a long time, with this being the fifth time it has been performed at Takarazuka. To be honest, there was a part of me that thought I would get bored after five performances. (laughs) However, now that we are rehearsing in with a fresh mind I can feel everyone’s spirit of, ‘We must do it!’ I think the charm of “Romeo and Juliet” is its freshness. And after all this practicing, I want to be able to share this new time of Romeo and Juliet with audiences.
Koike: I am really looking forward to it because I think everyone will grow and the members will be refreshed by the rotations. I know that it is hard with a double cast but even so, I hope there will be synergy where one role can influence the perspective of the other. I believe that the enthusiasm of Hoshigumi is very much intact and I hope we can create “Romeo and Juliet” 2021 together.
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whorunthewcrld-a · 3 years
An older sister has to do what an older sister has to do
Jun wasn’t often permitted to venture far from their families estate outside the main palace in Rakushou. Especially once Ren....left. But they couldn’t argue when the first princess requested her presence. It was the first time she’d left the capital since Pyron had died and come back, since Ren had left. Honestly, I was the first time she’d really left since they’d moved to the capital since she’d helped Princess Hakuei capture Paimon. But here she was, now in a military camp, kneeling in front of the princess in question wondering exactly why she’d been asked to join the Northern Subjugation Army.
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“My Princess, I am honored that you have called for me but I have to ask,” there was a pause as she stood up from her greeting and gave her princess and dear friend a soft smile. “What is it you need of me?”
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Hakuei  waved away the guards that were standing at either side of her desk and waited until they’d taken a position outside of the tent, outside of earshot before she returned the smile in kind. 
“I requested you join us because I have a special task to assign to you, Jun. I have since received a letter from Hakuryuu. He has decided to travel to Sindria. I cannot leave my post, our mission here is too important but..” here she paused, frowning in thought for a moment before continuing. “I worry about him venturing to such a country. And so, Jun, I would request as one of my household that you also travel to the country of Sindria as my envoy to check up on my little brother.”
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“However, I don’t have the authority to do so ‘officially’ and so I must ask that you travel incognito until you arrive. I will write a letter of introduction that should get you into the palace after arriving, but it would be...unwise to let the Emperor or Empress know about this until it’s all but too late for them to stop you. Will you undertake this endeavor for me?”
Jun tried to hide the blossoming excitement in her chest at the mention of Sindria. Not that she was interested in the country itself, but the last correspondence she’d received from her brother had told he that he was safe in Sindria, having been taken in by none other then the King and Queen. She would have agreed regardless, she looked at Hakuryuu much like a second little brother, but to be able to see Ren again. How could she say no?
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“Of course, my Princess. I would travel to the end of the world for you, especially if it’s for both you and Hakuryuu. You both mean a lot to me. I shall leave as soon as possible.”
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“I knew I could count on you, Jun. But stay the night. We shall plan your route together before you leave. We’ll have to avoid Ballbad, Kouen is there as well as Koumei and they will find out. Not to mention I doubt there will be any ships going to Sindria from there right now anyway,” she trailed off. It would be so much faster to go that route but...they’d have to deal with it. “I believe traveling through Akita and sailing from there will be the best option.” Hakuei was busy pointing to the map on her desk, deep in the planning of this trip and Jun just nodded at all her suggestions. She would travel any distance to make this trip. 
Just wait for me, Ren. We’ll see each other soon. 
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I had to. Also, changed it a bit as I went ;)
There was no doubt in her that her father cared and loved her. There was never a day in her life that she didn't love spending time with her father, uncles, and aunts. But there was no denying that sometimes she wished she had someone to spend time with other than her father's entourage.
"You're late, pipsqueak."
Her laughter rang with a bubbly air to it when Judar's complaint reached her ears the moment she turned the corner into their secret meeting space. Though he held a sour look on his face, it seemed to vanish the instant she stuck out a fresh peach in his face. 
"Peaches were calling me, Juju. Besides, I brought you some, too."
Judar pouted for a brief moment before huffing and taking the fruit from her hand. "You're lucky I like you."
Yeah, I am. 
Befriending the magi was certainly an unexpected outcome for her. It'd happen out of nowhere, frankly. She almost doubled her in age but she swore that talking and teasing him were quite enjoyable times. Judar had been plenty rude during their first meetings, but something about the way he treated her—with no fear of repercussion from her father or the rest of her family—was refreshing enough to come back to try and speak to him again and again. Despite the many failed attempts, she eventually succeeded in befriending the wild magi and she would have never expected to find such a grand friend in the antisocial boy.
"What about pie?" she asked, eating through her own peach as the two sat beside one another. Grabbing the tossing ring they'd been playing with, she tried her best shot at it and pouted at missing.
Judar scoffed and lifted his wand in the air with a circling flare. A ring of ice formed before he tossed it towards the stake in the middle of the garden. "You suck at baking."
"But you eat my stuff, don't you?" she pointed out. 
"Only because your food is actually edible unlike Hakuei's."
She gasped, indignantly. "Auntie Ei can cook!"
"Poison." Through chuckles, she playfully shoved at Judar making him miss the ring toss for once. "Hey, don't cheat."
"I'm not cheating." Taking her turn, she tossed only to be interrupted by a flare of ice that shot from his wand and freezing the ring in midair. He broke out in rambunctious laughter at her pouting face but eventually, she joined in with a mild chuckle. "Are you leaving with Auntie Gyoku to Balbadd today?"
The subject changed immediately changed his demeanor as he roughly bit into his peach, smacking as he bit. "Yeah."
Unable to help herself, she let a long drawn out sigh escape her. "It'll be boring without you."
"Damn right, it'll be." 
“Don’t give Auntie Gyoku such a hard time, okay?”
“She’ll be the one pulling me around everywhere, watch.”
“Try not to destroy everything.”
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do.”
"Don't get lonely without me, okay?"
She expected the usual banter from him of how she'd be the one that would miss out on his presence, but funnily enough, he said nothing in return. Instead of that, he simply sat there eating away at his fruit. The little princess took that as the most forward way that she'd ever know for him to agree. Despite their widely different ages, she and Judar were some kind of kindred spirits in spite of being the complete opposite of each other. Where he was loud and obnoxious, she was quiet and empathetic. Where he was angry and power-hungry, she was calm and calculative. So different and yet the loneliness of not having someone like themselves—he as a magi and her as the princess of the Crown Prince of Kou—brought them together. She wasn't anything special. She wasn't a magician nor a fighter. But she could think her way out of a nasty situation if the occasion arose. Judar could only do so with brute strength and his magic, and ever since becoming what one would call friends with her, relied on her when those situations came around. 
"Always have one of those idiots from Kouha's vanguard or one of Kouen's household with you."
"Huh? Where is this coming from?"
Without warning, Judar tossed the peach pit he ended up with as far into the garden as he could. "None ya." Before she had the mind to ask, from far away, she overheard Junjun, Jinjin, and Reirei searching for her not far from where they were. Both rouse knowing that their peaceful time would have to end sooner than they thought. The little princess, however, still wanted to know where Judar's sudden comment came from. Before she could even ask him, however, he pushed her forward with a gale of wind that blew her skirts over her head, letting her long pants show—something she wasn't allowed to wear according to Ka Kobun. By the time she put her skirts and disheveled hair back in place, the trio of magicians found her and immediately threw a fuss over her current state.  
Why won't he tell me what's wrong?
On the other side of the palace, Judar languidly landed on the grass not far from where a certain witch and her priests had been apparently waiting. His ruby glare fell upon them the moment Gyokuen gave him a sweet facetious smile.  
"My dear Judar, where have you been? We've been searching all over the palace for you?" the empress said.
"Nowhere," he deadpanned. Determined steps took him past the bunch of them but he didn't get far away enough to not hear Gyokuen's next words.
"You depart today, don’t you, Judar?” She feigned a drawn-out sigh. “It’ll truly be lonesome without you here, my boy.” A chuckle escaped her lips, her hand raising to cover the lower half of her face with her sleeve as she laughed. “I suppose I can enjoy some time with my granddaughter. I'm sure with you gone to Balbadd, she'll be so lonely, wouldn’t you say?"
The way Judar slowly stopped in his tracks and turned his head over his shoulder didn't give much away, but the way that his tone dropped and his eyes narrowed upon Gyokuen was more than enough to get the message across. The day she dared touch a hair on the princess's head was the day she lost her life. Enjoying his expression very much, the empress laughed coyly before waving her sleeved hand at him dismissively.
"Now, now, don't give me such a scary face. Of course, that will only be if she wants to spend time with her sweet grandmother. I'm sure that would take much convincing, wouldn't it? Her father more than anyone, really." With another chuckle, she waved again. "Have a safe trip, my dear. We'll see you upon your return."
It was with that that the empress and his priests left Judar be, leaving him along in the grand garden. Heaving a sigh, Judar was intent on making his way to where Kougyoku and Ka Kobun waited for him to depart when a presence stopped him. Giving a sidelong glance, he found Kouen hidden behind the hallway with his back towards the gardens and surely within earshot of what had just occurred.
That piercing red gaze fell upon Judar, both remaining still as could be in that standoff of theirs. It was after a full minute that Kouen finally broke his silence, placing one of his hands on Judar's shoulders as he passed by him. 
"Thank you."
Judar froze for a second, blinking once then again. Had he just heard right? Did Kouen just thank him? What the fuck for? Judar clicked his tongue not wanting to entertain such an idiotic idea before turning on his heel to make his way to the Kou Princess and her vassal. 
She'll be fine. 
Yeah, she would be. With the kind of family the little princess had, there wasn't a doubt in Judar's mind that she'd live through his absence. And if that witch or those priests dared do anything to her, well, they would taste firsthand what kind of destruction an angered magi was capable of.
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durtlesloveformagi · 4 years
Hey Guys, I just wanna share a very old story and arts that I did regarding on how Baira Sharma, my oc, and Koumei Ren first met in their early-mid teens. This will also show how Baira's personality was like before he disappeared/kidnapped for 6 years which will change quite a bit, but never lost his feelings/love/hopes for Koumei. Although there will be changes in the story in the future. Sorry if I had a couple of them out of characters. ^^'
Okay! Let get on with the story and remember that this is very old arts and story.
The Day We Met
Story and Oc Created by Durtle on March 24, 2019
Magi is not mine obviously, and this is for fun!
Do not steal my oc or my storyplot!
Location: The Kou Empire Palace's royal stable for the horses.
Kouen was dragging his little brother, Koumei, to the royal stable after kicking him out of his own bed and it was already past noon. Koumei was not looking forward going to the stable because he was too tired to do anything and wanted to be lazy. Koumei let his body go limp to send a message to his big brother that he wanted to do nothing today, but it did not stop Kouen as he kept dragging him on.
Koumei: Why are you taking me to the stable, Brother?... * he whined a bit as he tilted his head over*
Kouen: Because a bird told me that you had not been practicing your horse back riding, Koumei.
Koumei: ...and this bird doesn't happen to be Hakuren?
Beside that, I am perfectly capable of riding a horse, Brother.
Kouen: *shot his brother a harsh glare as he asked him a very good question* and exactly when was the last time you ridden a horse?
Koumei: !!! ... I can't recall when the last-
Kouen: -then you practice! That's final, Koumei!
Koumei: Noooooo... I don't wanna...
Kouen: TCH!
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Koumei: Why do I need to practice that badly?
Kouen: I am pretty sure horse back riding was one of the requirements if we wants to serve Hakuyuu and Hakuren. Beside, they told me that the one of the princes from Hindrica, Prince Baira Sharma, loves it and wanted to invite us along on trails. Take it as a huge honor to ride with the princes, Koumei!
Koumei: Geez... You takes this too seriously... Why is that Hindrica Prince here again? Isn't his country an isolated kingdom with big walls that will never allow anyone in or out without the King's permission?
Kouen: Yes, Hindrica have walls that our empire can't defeat and they are on oversea lands, so it will be very complicated to claim the territory. The Hindrican Prince is here because his grandfather, King Anupam, and our Emperor reach to some agreements where we could unite our forces one day. Every summer, King Anupam will send his grandsons, Baira and Sachan, to here where they can learn our culture as we learn theirs. Although we are not allow to enter Hindrica just yet.
Basically, we just need to spend some times with them and teach them our ways.
Koumei: *sighed dramatically* Why can't they get this over with and sign a peace treaty than wasting our times playing horsey rides?
Kouen: I agree with you, Koumei. Now get on!
Koumei: Huh?! *Koumei realized he did not noticed a grey Hidaka stallion which was already saddled in front of him until now. He felt uneasy because it had been a while as he might slip off and injure himself.* Can we do this another time, Brother? I don't feel well...
Kouen: Get. On. The Horse!
Koumei flinched at the last word of Kouen's as he finally gave in to his naggings. The messy redhead went to the stepstool that was set there next to the horse, and it did not even notice him. Koumei grabbed on the horn of the saddle with one hand as the other guided the stirrup to one of his feet. When he put some weight on his foot with the stirrup, he tried to move his second foot over to the other side of the saddle gently, but unfortunately he lost balance as he accidently slouched down harshly, startling the stallion.
The Hidaka Stallion swiftly stood up on its two legs as it neighed wildly like it was being attacked. Koumei panicked as he unconsciously held onto the horse. Kouen almost panicked as well, but he kept on a brave face for his brother as he ran straight toward the frightened stallion to grab the reins, not caring he might hurt himself. As soon as he grabbed the reins, the horse bolted as it dragged Kouen across the ground, causing his fingers to slip off the reins and left him behind. Koumei was still on the horse as he screamed for help!
The Hidaka Stallion kept galloping, yet it seems like its does not know where it going as it stayed in a straight line. From a distance, there was a group of three princes minding their own business, strolling with their horses. The two imperial princes of Kou Empire had their own Hidaka stallions, and Prince Baira had brought his Marwari Stallion along from his country. The princes halted their horses as soon they heard screamings as they looked over their shoulders as saw Koumei on a runaway horse.
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Hakuren: Is that Koumei?!
Hakuyuu: Oh dear...
Just before the imperial princes had a chance to think, the Hindrican Prince already made his move as he commanded his steed to follow the rouge stallion. Just when the Marwari Stallion got close enough, Prince Baira quickly got up on the seat of the saddle with his feet as he skillfully kept his balance. Koumei did not notice someone was trying to save him until he felt something just jumped on behind him.
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Baira: I got you!
Prince Baira hastily reached for the reins as Koumei tried his best to stay out of his way. Once he grabbed a good hold of it, he started to redirect the stallion to calm down and it worked because it was slowing down along with the Marwari Stallion. The frightened horse had finally stopped. Koumei let out a huge sigh of relief, but only to earn some chuckles behind him. The messy redhead turned his head to see who was his savior, and the only thing that captured him was the Prince's gorgeous golden green eyes. Koumei felt his cheeks burns while he can feels his heart pounding as he tried to break the gaze, but failed.
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Baira: Are you alright? ... Koumei? Is it?
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Koumei: !!! *snapped out of his gazings* Y-Yes! I am safe, thanks to you-!!! ... I am sorry, but who are you again?
Baira: *let out a heartly laugh as he slipped off the horse* Why I am Baira Sharma. One of the princes of Hindrica~
Koumei: Ehhh?! You are- I mean! Your highness, I apologizes for my carelessness that frightened the horse and wasted your times upon me. *bows his head furiously toward him*
Baira: *laughs again* Don't worry about it, Koumei. Here allow me. *Puts his hands on Koumei's side to help him to get off the horse and he let him* And beside, it's not your fault that you frightened this creature.
Koumei: It's not, your highness?
Baira: *gently grabbed the Hidaka Stallion's noseband and guided its face toward Koumei* If you look closely, the mane had not been groomed for a long time and the hair covered its eyes. So it's not surprising that this horse got startled.
Koumei: !!! I did not realize that...
Kouen: Koumei!!!
Koumei and Baira looked over to a direction where Kouen who had hitched a ride with Hakuyuu with Hakuren trotting toward them.
Hakuren: Are you two alright?
Baira: Yup. This little miss here was shaken, but she is alright. Ha! *pats on Koumei's messy hair*
Koumei flinched as he heard Baira's last sentence. Baira thought he was a girl. Sure, he got long hair and pinkish clothings, but still! He slowly turned to the Hindrica Prince and he never felt so furious and embarrassed at someone before.
Koumei: I am not a girl! *kicked Baira's in the knee*
Baira: Huh?! *not even phased by the kick because it felt like he was being attacked by a small pigeon against his knee*
Kouen, Hakuyuu, and Hakuren: !!!!!
Koumei: Wahh! I hate you!!!
Kouen: What the heck!
Hakuyuu: Oh dear...
Hakuren: Koumei! Noooooo!
(At least we knew where did Kougyoku got the dramatic meltdown from. LOL JK)
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The two Imperial Princes and Kouen got very nervous because how else will they explain to Emperor Hakutoku if King Anupam decided to call off the arrangements with such simple assault against Baira. What even more shocking was that Koumei, out of all the people, was the one who did the assault. When Koumei realized what he had done, he took his cue to run for it back to the palace in a hurray to hide his embarrassments. Kouen tried to called Koumei back to apologize to Baira, but he apologized on behalf of Koumei instead along with Hakuyuu and Hakuren as they hope nothing will affects anything in the future. Baira reassured them that he was not the type of person who would tattletale over silly things, and he said it was his fault for upsetting Koumei. The Kou Princes and Kouen felt so relief that Baira was such a honest and selfless person.
As the time for the supper of the day approaches, Koumei decided to stay in the garden to hide as he sat on the ground near the bushes. He did not wanted to show his face at dinner, especially with Prince Baira there. He never felt so ashamed of his childlish act toward him. He thought he would not dare to lash out like that, but it was Baira's fault for upsetting him. Yet, he never felt something like that toward to someone before.
Koumei: That jerk...
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Baira: Who is the jerk?
Koumei flinched as he slowly turned to see Baira, but this time he was not wearing his head wrap as his hair was in full view. Koumei got nervous because he thought he was going to get some scolding or yelling, but Baira sat down next to him with a laugh.
Baira: I am just kidding. I know I was a jerk before.
Koumei: But your highness, I never usually-
Baira: You can drop all that "your highness" nonsense since we are friends now. Ha ha. *gets closer*
Koumei: F-Friends?
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Baira: Yup! I also wanted to apologize for assuming you being a girl. It's just that during my studies with language, I learned that Koumei was a common name for girls.
Koumei: Ohhh... The name. That makes sense. I guess you were a bit too deep in your studies for that kind of assumption, but interesting observation though. Thanks for apologizing... and I apologize for kicking you when you did not deserve it.
Baira: No apologies needed. I got plenty from your brother and your cousins nonstop. Ha ha ha! And you know what... Koumei really suits you! The meaning-
Koumei: -ah *rolled his eyes* The meanings of my name. I know. It's being a bright person I am. Nothing new.
Baira: Yes, but...
Baira pulled up his hand toward Koumei, but the redhead shut his eyes, expecting some kind of impacts for being a smarty-pants like usual. Yet, there was no impact and Koumei only felt one of his cheeks being gently caressed. Koumei opened his eyes and look up ahead, only to see Baira looking at him so sweetly. Koumei was confused and he wondered if this was one of Hindrican greetings.
Baira: Koumei, there is a part of your name that means "Beautiful," and it really suits you!
Koumei: !!! *blushed*
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The feelings that Koumei had when he first saw Baira's eyes came back and this time was because of his kindness and intelligent. Koumei couldn't believe his ears and wondered if Baira's blind. No one had ever called Koumei beautiful before. Just weirdo or mop head, but not beautiful. Koumei never thought there would be a boy who was kind, intelligent, selfless, athletic, and most of all handsome would called him beautiful.
Baira: So... Is this is the Kou Empire way of bonding as friends, Koumei?~
Koumei: !!!?
Koumei took it back because Baira was a complete clueless, oblivious idiot who don't know how to read the mood!
(He will learn the moods in the future though LOL JK)
Koumei was not amused, yet disappointed, as he pushed the prince's hand off of his face, but he understood that Baira was trying to be friendly. Maybe too friendly.
Koumei: If you just wants to be just friends, then friends don't just go caressing each other's cheeks.
Baira: They don't? *tilted his head over like a confused puppy*
Koumei tried not to laugh at his adorable facial expression as he tried to cleared his throat.
Koumei: No, they don't, Baira.
Baira: .... !!! Oh! Oh crap! I am so sorry! *blushes a bit as he just got the idea of what he just did* But I really did meant that you are beautiful.
Koumei: Never mind that! *tries to hide his blushing face with his sleeves*
Baira: Sorry... back in my country, we don't have many friendly public gestures in a long time, and I just went with the flow here. But hey! Now, I have you as a friend, you can teach me all about it!
Koumei: Eh?! I am not sure if I am suited to teach you that kind of thing since I don't have many friends.
Baira: Then we will learn together! So what do you say? Friends forever? *put out his hand for Koumei to shake*
Koumei sat still for a minute as he thought about it. He wasn't very sure of it since Baira was a bit childish for a 15 years old, but he was so sweet and would not mind to spend more times with him at all as the redhead took the prince's hand and shook it.
Koumei: Friends Forever.
Baira smiled gleely like a child and Koumei could not help it but laughed at him. From that day on, the two boys became good friends and grew closer as years goes by.
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Hope yall enjoyed this. :3
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Yandere Kouen 'you don't know what I'm capable of '
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♡ Ren Kouen ♡
His grip on her hand was much tighter then it should have been. (y/n) stared back at the red haired prince, fear and panic washing over her like a tidal wave. Kouen was never a man of many words but dear God how she prayed right at that moment for him to just speak, to say something in order to break this deadly silence. His eyes felt like sharp daggers as he stared down at her as if he was trying to give her a silent command.
After a few tense seconds (y/n) could not help but to let out a silent whimper which caused Kouen's grip to tighten even more. The weak sound did not go unnoticed by the prince as he only brought (y/n) closer to him, their faces mere inches away from each other now. She could feel his hot breath on her lips as he never broke eye contact with her. (y/n) lowered her gaze due to the fact that she could no longer handle the intensity that was just radiating off Kouen. Dominance and power were always in Kouen's grasp but this was something new, something much more dark.
On the other hand though Kouen knew what he wanted and what he wanted was (y/n). Her timid nature was usually rather endearing to him but right now all he wanted was for her to just listen to him, even if he bearly said anything. A he smirked a little as he tilted (y/n)'s chin upwards, forcing her to look up at him.
"You don't know what I'm capable of, (y/n). I suggest that you behave yourself from now on because if you don't there will be serious consequences."
He said it so casually yet so demandingly, his voice soundind more gruff then even before. She had no idea what she had gotten herself in to but all she knew at that moment was that she was royally screwed.
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atherissquamigera · 4 years
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Oh dear.....why her? Why? Couldn’t she just stay in the library where she didn’t have to talk to people she didn’t know? 
Internally screaming, the young slave made her way across the courtyard. Scroll in hand. Toward the teenage magi that was currently in one of the numerous peach trees that were scattered around the grounds. 
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“U-um, sir magi, please, master Kouen is requesting you take meeting documents to read---please” She called meekly, unsure what she was supposed to do if he just...refused to take them as he was supposedly prone to doing. 
The serpent-like woman had been avoiding practically everyone as much as humanly possible for the last 2 months since she became Kouen’s personal slave, so this was the first time she actually had to be in the same vicinity as Judal, let alone having to directly speak to him. 
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Henlo Cookie! for the Magi surprise opening, I am once again asking for my favorite man with the goatee 😌😌😌 Maybe a tiny drabble with an established relationship, reader wants to surprise him with a home-cooked meal. One problem: the reader is royalty themselves, and does NOT know how to cook. It's disgusting but made with love. Fem or GN, whichever fits best, focus on just the whole interaction. Thank you my love! *sending another complimentary forehead smooch*
Haazzeell!! Awww you want to cook for the man with the worst goatee in the world? That can be arranged! 😇😉❤ enjoy my dear! 
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The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
It was a saying you had heard many times before. You often overheard the servants saying it when they talked among each other about their latest romantic endeavours. Now you and Kouen had been together for a long time already. There was no need for you to try and win his heart anymore, you were already more than sure you had it. And yet, those words stuck with you every time you heard them.
So today, you’d end those pesky thoughts once and for all.
You had stood in the kitchen for hours to create the plate of food you now held in your hands. The cook had given you the recipe to one of Kouen’s favourites, which you gladly made. The food looked a little different from the way it was usually made, but that was because you were no professional cook, right?
Eagerly, you knocked on Kouen’s door. His familiar voice told you to come in, and you nearly couldn’t contain your excitement. You opened the door, careful not to drop the plate as you held it with one hand, and closed it behind you. Kouen smiled from behind his desk as he saw you enter.
“My love, since when do you bring me my food?” he asked. “Since I made it.” You answered proudly.
The surprise was visible on Kouen’s face at your statement, though he couldn’t say he disliked the idea of you cooking for him. There was something romantic about it. He beckoned you to come closer and pulled you down on his lap as soon as you had set the plate down. You let out a slight yelp at the sudden move and looked back at Kouen, who was smiling before he leaned in to place a quick kiss on your lips.
“Thank you. As you can see, I’ve got my hands a bit full now,” his hands briefly tightened at your waist to prove his point, “so, why don’t you help me?”
You laughed at the excuse he used and lightly smacked his shoulder, before picking up the fork anyway and picking up some of the food with it. The moment you turned back towards him with the fork, Kouen opened his mouth so you could feed him. You couldn’t contain your own happiness at the sight. So this is what they meant with ‘love goes through the stomach’. He was showing such a cute side right now.
The moment he had the food in his mouth though, his expression immediately dropped. First neutral. Then it slowly contorted into disgust. You could see it was hard for him to swallow the food and there were tears in the corners of his eyes.
“Y/N… you didn’t really follow the recipe, did you?” “I did! Except for with the chili peppers! It said I only needed to put in a little bit, but I know how much you love spicy food so I put in some extra!” “Love… how many did you put in?” “Well, they were so tiny so I put in 10!”
Kouen leaned his head against your chest.
“… Is it that bad?” you asked cautiously. “Darling, a little pepper goes a long way. I have no idea if it even tastes good because all I can feel is my mouth and throat burning. Did you taste it yourself before coming here?” “I... did not.”
You hung your head in disappointment and shame. If you had just tasted the food before coming here, you could’ve spared yourself, and Kouen, this embarrassment.
Kouen’s hand gently urged you to look up at him. This face was red but there was still a slight smile gracing his lips.
“I appreciate the effort, my love. But next time you want to try something like this, just follow the recipe, or ask the cook for help.”
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watanabes-cum-dump · 4 years
Meant for you chapter 13) Lucky me
Amaris sighed as she fitted her horse for the journey, she’d train soldiers over the course of two months, teaching them the art of assassination and espionage. 
The girl turned to see Kouen getting off his horse and running towards her. He stopped in front of her with a small smile, a bit out of character for the young and usually serious third prince. 
“Kouen, hello” she greeted, turning away from her steed for a moment. 
“I heard that you’re setting up a training camp in the mountains, so I came to see you off” 
Amaris smiled at the young red head “Thank you, Kouen. That’s very kind of you” 
Kouen pulled something from his belt “I also wanted to give you this” he opened his palm to reveal a bright red ribbon. 
“A... ribbon?” She asked, puzzled. 
Kouen looked at her sheepishly “It’s red. Red is the colour of luck here in Kou, and I doubt you can fight with your hair flying around your face” 
She laughed “That’s sweet of you Kouen, but I think you might have overlooked the bright red colour. It’s easy to see” 
“Ah. I’m sorry, how stupid of me. I forgot you’re an assassin” he sighed. Amaris took his hand, gently taking the ribbon from his hand. 
“No, it’s alright. I can just wear it when I’m not on missions” she assured him, tying some of her hair out of her face with the ribbon. “It’s alright” she told him again with a smile. “Thank you. I guess you’re lucky too since you’re hair is red, huh Kouen?” 
The prince scratched the back of his head sheepishly “I suppose so, yes” 
They were like that for a few moments, tenderly staring into the other’s eyes before Amaris broke it and adjusted her horse’s bridle “I’ll see you in a few months, Kouen” she said before giving him a hug. Kouen returned it. 
“Alright. Please be safe, and if it’s not too much, write to me every once in a while” 
Amaris shot him a crooked but sincere smile “You don’t need to worry about me, Kouen” she said before getting onto her horse and riding off. 
On the journey to the mountains, Amaris’ hand always wandered to the back of her head to the ribbon. It was a bit odd, and yet refreshing having her hair out of her face again. She was so used to it covering most of her face and obscuring some of her view, she had even gotten used to fighting with half of her view obstructed. She also had to admit that she found it a sweet attempt by Kouen. She knew that he liked her, but, she wrote it off as an innocent crush. He’d grow out of it eventually.
Meanwhile back in Rakusho...
"So! Did ya give it to her!?" Hakuren asked excitedly, seeing his cousin enter the garden where him and Hakuyuu were sparring. 
Kouen nodded "Uh, do you think she'll like it?" 
"Oh please! Of course she will!" 
Hakuyuu sighed and put his sword down "I take it you're talking about wooing General Amaris?" 
Hakuren nodded and gave his brother a thumbs up "Yup! Kouen here is in the hands of the best ladies man in Kou!" 
"I'm curious, what did you give her?" 
Hakuren beamed proudly "I told him to give her a ribbon" 
Hakuyuu did a double take, trying to process just what in the hell Hakuren had just said "What?" 
Hakuren held his hands up "I know it sounds bad-" 
"It is" 
"But here me out!" Hakuren pleaded "The ribbon is red, it symbolizes good luck! And Kouen here was a smooth criminal and told her that it would also help if she tied up her hair so that he could see her pretty face!" 
Hakuyuu sighed "For the second imperial prince, you sure are an idiot" 
Kouen paled "D-did I mess up!? Should I not have given her that!?" he asked, clearly worried and on the verge of panic. Hakuyuu had to admit his little crush on the imperial general was rather endearing, he was something of a royal mess in front of her. It was rather cute to see them interact. 
Hakuyuu shook his head and put a hand on Kouen's shoulder "No, it's alright. It's a sweet thought, but, maybe something a women would like?" 
Hakuren scoffed "That's boring! She's a warrior you should give her a dagger!" 
"She's a lady too!" Hakuyuu argued "Kouen, the choice is yours and though a dagger might come in handy to a general, Amaris is also a young noblewoman and you should treat her as such. Some flowers, perhaps" 
"Tch, when have you been good with women?" Hakuren asked. 
"I know how to treat women like they're women. As sweet as it may seem, you're leading him to treating Amaris as if she were your friend instead of someone you're interested in. Kouen, the choice is yours on who's advice you want to follow" 
Kouen bowed his head "I'll think about what you said, both of you. Thank you" he said before bowing rigidly and walking off. 
Hakuren scoffed "Flowers? What's she gonna do with those?" 
Hakuyuu sighed for the umpteenth time "It's a sign of affection, I'm not surprised you don't know" 
"Hey! I've courted plenty of women!" 
"Have those courtships ever lead to anywhere?" 
Hakuren was quiet but Hakuyuu could see the answer very clearly. No. No they didn't. 
Back to Amy...
The ride was rather quiet, and Amaris knew that it was a two day journey and that she'd have to stop at nightfall. The sun was already high in the sky, and as boring as traveling might seem, it was beautiful out here. The path she was taking went through a forest, but she knew that she'd also pass mountains and lush valleys. She wished she could enjoy this with someone, perhaps her dear friend Hakuren. The silence and loneliness was a bit saddening, as she had just come out of a year of loneliness. 
"At least I have you" she said, petting her horse, Kuro's, neck. He whinnied and shook his mane a bit. 
Amaris sighed and started humming as she rode leisurely, petting Kuro's neck every once in a while or fiddling with the red ribbon tied in her hair.  This reminded her of her long road trips in the other world. Place to place with no one there beside her. Just her, and him. Just them. And the car, that damned car. And those roads so long and endless. 
'Come on, lighten up' she reminded herself 'You have a home now' 
But despite all of that, she knew she was still running. From what she didn't know. She just knew that she was running, but, at least she'd have someone to run to. 
"You wanted to meet here miss...?"
The woman chuckled, keeping her hood over her face. "My name isn't important" she said. The assassin crossed his arms. looking at her expectantly while she rummaged through her robes. 
She handed him two thick stacks of Huang, he empire's paper currency. He took them and counted them, muttering as he did so. When he was done, the looked up at the woman. "This is quite a lot of money. What do you want?" 
She smiled, eyes glowing red under her hood as she spoke in a maniacal voice "I want you to kill general Amaris" 
Who could this mysterious woman be!? *le gasp* lol I hope you'll excuse how short this chapter is. I have a clear direction in which this story is going to go now, and I've written it out. You guys are in for quite a long ride and I hope that you guys wouldn't mind staying here a bit longer and reading all of this. We're already seventeen chapters in with one more in the making! Thanks for all the reads so far! I don't have a clear schedule in mind yet especially since I went back to school recently, but I think I should be able to work on this on Wednesdays since I have online classes those days. Sorry about the short chapter again and have a nice day!
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