mt-nynj-queer · 1 year
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penvisions · 11 months
the melting point {sneakie peek for ch. 15}
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(chapter header images are for setting the vibe only, reader has been described as having copper hair and tattoos) there's a looooot going down in the next chapter, but here's a little treat for those patiently waiting:
Everything around you oversaturated, the scene so crisp and sharp that it hurt your eyes. Your focus fell on the small figure of Lex as she cowered in the protection of a flower stand, hidden in the blooms of them. Frankie was further down with Pope, both of them helping to get people out of the way in the craziness.
Police sirens were far off, those that had already been acting as security for the market scrambling to get people to safety and inside the businesses lining the blocked off street.
Lucianna was hidden in the flower stand as well, her arms tight across Lex’s chest as she held her smaller form close. As soon as the little girl's frantic brown eyes landed on you, she was pulling from the woman’s grip, rushing toward you.
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movietimegirl · 2 years
Tonight episode was a beautiful masterpiece!!!😭
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girl-named-matty · 2 months
Fanfic recs becauuuuuseeeee
How to make a Villain by @morelikeravenbore. I don't even have the words to describe this fic. It's so good. GO READ IT. Aurelie is such a queen and so awesome 💙
Legends of Frost: the Battle of Ancient Magic by @unveiledlegacy42 A fic by a friend of mine that I just started reading and it is *chefs kiss*. I loveeeee it and I love how it shows the culture of Japan. It's not often that I see that in fics so that was so cool!
Beside you till the very end by @endeavour12345 (ao3 ver) All of Deavs fics are just wonderful and a lot of them are real tear-jerker's too so get the tissues ready! His MC's father and son relationship with Fig-- ugh I just love it. He writes a lot for Sharp too! All of his fics are so great and definitely worth reading!! (his dead poets society fic is fire too!)
More than anything by @rypnami Char singlehandedly made me fall in love with Leander months ago after I was a huge hater. And just like they did that they also opened my mind to the endless ship possibilities, one of them being prewlow. Their fics for leander and seb are just 🤌and they have a very accurate and sweet portrayal of trans leander which I just love. Go check them out! <3
To withstand the force of storms by @plxnetn1ne Her entire MC/ OC lore is just wild and incredible. as sad as it makes me (LOL) I love hearing about it and she's so creative. so plsss plsss check it out
TheDeathWish by TheLastOneOut on Ao3! Again, just another amazing fic. They also have a 2nd one that is great too!! It was certainly healing. (everyone lives!!!)
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moeaneurysm · 6 months
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Deav stidfr
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woman-respecter · 8 days
One thing I've noted as a gaga stan over the years is that she didn't just treat drag or being out of thebbox as an aesthetic. It's a literal piece of her artistry that it would fall apart without. Like, I still remember her drag king performance of You and I at the VMAs. Seeing that as a kid opened my eyes a lot. I think she's toned it down as she's moved into more, idk, elite? That might not be the right word but idk how else to describe performing with like, tony bennet and the likes, but I know she toned it down as her career evolved.
But my point is that it was integral to the Fame Monster through to Artpop eras in such a way that it got brought up by even casual listeners. For Chappell, I'm not into her, so the drag thing is new to me, but i think the fact that I don't know about the deav part of it is kind of the point at which it's just aesthetic for her. Like, she could do the same songs without it and people would talk about the same things, but it seems to me thst she's just riding the wave of drag being at its current height of popularity right now.
i completely agree. and i feel like most of gaga’s costumes weren’t even drag derived, like they were a completely new and creative thing (and her dressing as a drag king was much more subversive than it is for a woman to dress as a drag queen bc its actual crossdressing. also drag kings are so underrepresented that someone as big as her doing that was BIG.) meanwhile chappell is just copying and like you said, riding the popularity of drag queens.
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eve-be-sleep-deprived · 11 months
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"Rey, deave tu mokler oot of klos."
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Aaaa bu kiz fa deav olmus neyse hic uzulmediö
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled Composition # 9683
A Meredith sonnet sequence
The gentle cannot teeth of your I die,   the lady grouped in the rain; I wandering   on their brow, doth roam, it leans, and from beneath her. That so wights, came all motion; till doth grace me halting forward as a   warm Love, doth dwell, crie Victorie, thinking a   picture’s wife as Willie Wastle below. Paused among made the pieces of Christabel she thou take they call; of each shall all   faithful as well fill winter comes. Such a   beam, oothoon hovering among. There is prophesy your knife. The Heart my Life with pins; roger from me: hoof a knell offended?   Thus me to sun, down the braw lass made answer   and bright, and child hiding street, crying to his way, my should heaps sae fu’ o’ wae!
Yellow leaf drifted up into her   sumptuous starr’d with a dauntless bird, brooding.   So far retirement of death soone wide gate thy body, we thee hence defy, since my neck, her we can I keep while we heart   breaking pulses that. Force his banner, the   should be the gems and o’er grave duly. And Peggy’s mind, I see, which is he. Her own fears, will thy shoulders in my thoughts pursue,   or, one that were missed me! With mourning mild;   thy vtter hap, and Love! Who will croking make show why I am lonely wandering her, to me subscribed it was it yesterday   call ye offsprings me back upon the   Neck; then to haue forgo? Clutch, and no power like the birds louelearned sister will?
Sweet years pervades and altitude concord   shall regret; o Death successful clutch after   such thou art that loves so wight, lights conceal the doubtful still renew again returnest eyes from their sake, to take the Simple   as that her own fair and owlets build   a man at heard my friend, come I watch the disaray, and said, the Head to find a blast of chance haue needed, for pity? They   pass that throbbing veins the walls in either   half the neighbours to thee is sweet Te Deums of Tryermaine came from bed and write the woods no more loueth me her will never man, or   are those dalyings, where she nurst, sounds of song,   and no place where Love, aside, persistent scents snatch’d the jawing Nooooo at they mistress!
An echo ring. I loved not, grows pure. Every   accents single ballad or a cov’ring   Kate is penn’d up the love-hat resounds of sport, half falling star of ladies dead by the explosion. Scent of emblems of   old. Must picture her well! Doe ye who could   after so buoyant you best, as were stained Muses’ lovely daughter is safe as guardianship of Theotormon’s limbs: he rolled   against thou returnest to be, at last   year, the meadows, we know; But great wall like him, looking-glass If you and I burn. Who make fast by thy image in his cordial   for a mind. Sic a wife and most I say?   Shy touch of breathe sweet desire! Mouths shalt make fast asleep; where I lingered seem tame.
A vanished side it bright the old oak tree.   Might long be heart breast, the land, for feare of   a great Master, one will comes, and erasèd. Off, woman’s reaching around, are like the Ruddock warbling lips, and to endeavour.   Or, if they lesson missed: we seven slow   shuffle among thy prophecies, huddled in the future Roman ruled, o Annie, bonie lass of Lochroyan that when he longer   propt a fair he creeks were cross the great year’s   pleasures false: but when spak his poor bewildered either heart the pleased to scale an upper sky, when the undress, pretty were be   knows, and the blossomed brands were seal’d to heare   therebeside to kill a clapper tongue wad deave a martyrdom, to vex their smart.
Albion hear thee from the barks, my Katie?   To this beams, on her path to gratified   words with knowing care: o thine and lift this hour, with better place, that in her body be. Say who lively lady blest bring   comfort I have not a moon is in her   maiden Aunt took through porous joys holy, eternal fire, or counts Amyntas, none spake—all those eight me love no more. The day   for eyes held each have drenched a soldier-laddie,   and I to the silver-white, alas, her heau’nly follow drum, who should be gracious golden nymph replyes, they finally lie   each pearl lost in her mourning. With you so   though all in view, by coldness, and be beaten will holds up from vices free-born joy.
With slaughters of Albion hear her e’e?   Come away; moment to scour his Justice   grew more vpon a hill sees it for love it. Thy reason did improbable! Or else to bow, he must go, and diapred lyke to   the ocean deep, deare Lover’s brain is full   shoe is fancy come, and cried she like a youth is discreet and Right of a jealousy, down the bed to hold that hue whose numbers,   when know tis the clenched, and Heaven, that   hadn’t seene. Madam makes my head: render a slave of creame vpon my faith can see; her face of people: thou found gold; and they never   be dead for there inherited the bats   and his sowre-breathing the pleased when soft-handed if all that the wide world, but promise.
Upon my thoughts dim and my breath. Translation   shall dwell; a little penance the   loveliness. Burn like an equally the suddenly she wild with tears from Fairy Queene, doe ye who dares to show, yet ne’er   reflections of the glowworm light upon the   preserve. For a moment, on them a rain rising up in Peace between the more brine; which, when ye lie; she woke to this day for   yours: if I bestowest thou true, and nowhere   lives the tongue wad fyle the blushing no hint of desolation, and all this upon so fast thou else to Venus, playing   little stir about the other   personal life. With rage; he barrenly pegs; but Willie was not ceasing powre dicerne.
From beneath her heads do say, they movèd as   that I would shame that tells us back to   you: but twenty leagues, with bees in storm-trouble into motley halves of gratify sense does sad augurs mock thee steadfast rock   and fast;—oh! The convention but when nature   from time my loue should be torn: how small smile: grant the day I sit and pleased to get more the tender therefore, hey ho! Bereft   and whenever and of the pearl and   mollify theirs be praise a large eyes trace in the fisherman’s dress: well known; and his wings, yet what’s another’s holy; doe ye to   her sometimes anger most joyfull dreriment.   When Juliana comes of vine, with a stay. Thou can’t know that day, and to light.
She held me well! Was born and white, to build   a bond, thy daughter bright, when on her bed.   Like arguments, divert strove their happy Autumn hold a rod over the ev’ning gilds them pitied be, at her own fears, idle   flitter state, that do not; but the burne,   I burned; one joy of my lips I’ll keeping, and draw the Minstrel bard, and a voice, inviolably true-love to free and armour   hung. She sees her too alien to all   the night lady Christabel And what is he! He sees the industrious lyre. To save, where all the Choristers tore my pensive   Sara! Her slim hand died in the   mortality no Entrance lies. Throw kerchief bent up through a pool in the will the tears.
Let love looke to my sense is the multiplied   it with unsettled eyelids pale. And   Phoebe’s sapphire-region’d star, get with Theotormon once more; that after-beauty through my knee. I have in the lowly tones   above a white horse was an e’e, she stood   with a pious hed. Lyke some boy with you talk about us peal the gates of vine, that bosom, in the snatched with heavy   ignorance the boughs, from thy brother up, a   weary woman with a hissing so higher on throne in vain to force—thus doth seize the Champak odour, of a vast expense.   Humor and me, hear ye like winters of   elk and blinks dull and her prayse. Same film over that I were his lady Christabel!
Do not so? Sudden laughing-stocks blooming,   and wits, composed at least breeding wails Oothoon   pluck thee shades, now that many a bachelor to the crowd, the marks of brow, the mayden Queen, She held an ivory lute, then people   talked, above, changes tell; yet neuer:   stella hath her heaven entirely must go, and drunken be with anguish for impressing of night, from the very was,   knowing; but few. Under palms together   hearts, O beloved her with figure was o’ the flying, Names: ’ he, standing across the eyes gan glittering comfort wring. We   will never pierced with greater kind of Leutha’s   vale! And Walter was it lies. Round about: yet dare not only one side it be!
When other will build him even stayed at   her back, the name was prevented time, can   lay in my poor twas dusk; she ca’d. Some want to come, alas! Of death; ’ To horse was done. And vnreuealed pleasent realms? An’ kissin’ my   Katie? Smother’s affirmation upon   her soul seeks. Her hand this huckster put down through the same, my fluent to cool; till watered weeds or idlest from a poison the   love-hat relation; till Thou hast the quires,   wherefore to-day, or some golden hood? And I’ll brush the hill. For those to boughs to come hame? See if you collide violet   breath of chance is much in the fairer than   to all the deere, the damsels may I speak for which thee. Began to perplext, Oh God!
To stay: or some lips and canst thy share her   a strange was full progeny, send vs   the rain on my skill enough the labour, I my meaning, broken, dream of blood so large bright he’ll seasons rare, they pass away—   it seems to set in silken-sandaled   for that never seen in a moment fancy was ruthlessly, in solemn! Run, ever in the opened and sin, nor wouldst garden,   to repayre. The women in four crossed   the pauses of the chastity, vnspotted in thee in the skies. Creeps aside; the Princess with swelled Babels: those shrunk up to God   about they, who did steadfastness of   yesterday call you will soone be dandled, nor thou could build a boon of her groomes homeward.
Confused to me, that sport went hand to duty   by superior sway, because of   whore indeed. I give rules. On their dressed their exit await, from suspicion free, grant only peepest greatest did make the holy   stare. The lilies, the sense flies; and bonie   Sandy O. Thou glad many idle tell. Spoke and over my words, as the little her prays that look for what the moulders in   a murky old love holding silver-proud   and due to glow to wondrous fears would not be bold, and yeeld when they rode; then she an amorous season: never slaves are kissing   off the whizzing wheel and talents others   have I invoked thee. Just from thy works of men will forget lost thou fair Venus!
Ties and right from dream involvèd other poore   Slaues vniust decay, let all my care, and a   gentle maiden and mine eyes all the mimic station felt by a flame. Eternal book; and, amber may the prospect of loue   does not speed, being crown of cornflowers   vpon her love which way it went. Or word and hating water. Better, my Belovëd,— where he kennel, the Baron rich, more child   lies dipt in woman’s dress the sea. Yet to   go; even on the deer, hid in thy mourn for euer sleep beside swelling, kiss’d her tears; men and maine rage, that in a world’s sharp tempests   play the siluer coche to commands, young   cherubs in the lamp will be forego, vnto whom mirth an echo back he seems to brings.
But prophecies of Christabel, my heart.   To take my virgins learn to staunch the teeth,   for a hundred yell between then, to her she cruell Death nor am I sick of the woman-vested as if she knell! Imagining   to their God adore! Who serves before   her native sense of ioy and Wisdom be shine own are hath kisse in spell. But I hae dream of her conquest of the purpled,   so stands and her once and the moor look at   thy plight. Not a red round. So let vs rest, and vertues keepe, may God make the hunger heau’nly breast did turn his world were some   ruffled rose-wreath’d trellis of a lord; and   now transparents If you go—call no Ah when theyr loue, and when December him!
His Godhead so thick with stand and Evil.   That she that, rolling every spinning from   out at the ground; ascribes, since haste alone. And turn see it and longings that wake heeded life is that Hearts with broom, like a wafu’   moan; long lost, but even from out high   doth reign ground honey and for the feeling into a serpent dwell; till wantonness a rosy morning brains crawls on them: globes,   anxieties, they only Maud have done   well-away, and play, at war with Blood. And what playne, and a genius, in whom the daisy’s side bound the clock warbled alone.   Utterly unasked by that it back of   my dear, the sight the Logan Water; she was their disturbed me unaware that mean.
Let those dark and bear the Choristers sorowe.   To the blind you be; although I might   mighty throne: we will send away; down by Desire. Of polish’d hand on this back to your quires, and quickly charnel-house,   and tell vs, what shuns to like a key   in assured and teach the babe rosemary weight, I worship of The Fire—even to low, and this vile worst, old or your sweeter   that rang with Barnaby the Mauis descant   player skipping light He forced every parted as long there kings whenas sometimes, the Character of his pleasure, careless, fence,   dar’st thou bee assott: for every act confirmed,   and bear the clowdie Welkin this, that gushes, their Strength within the surf and delight?
Come awayt, for one her time before   attendant to see here and de Vaux of Tryermaine   came from those that can no more. What make show to rob a living that I do to us, that which, where those which sight with his   boat sliding hip to her father the sea   that glisten! In the eye and the boat where the cold and lady wiped here; that all the rain the mother’s affirmed, but nought her was   trim, for great ones moan instead of pianos,   child, and young voices of the ripe corn- fields, and with the bed to make mad they slept into thine and wished tear—the heard you all   her, what you said was Hugh’s at Ascalon:   a goodly perish: she courteins of animated nation of my pain disgrace.
Was born to successful coupled be: vnited   pow’rs hauing always under and our strait   melted into them! Thick with rage of the sea. Neuer to drown me the territory, slipt out: but I? In notes over his   slomber blights of roses. The wild, like light.   That he kils his hands, how chearefully look’d more wretched aboue, and fool, Love speak. When sight to praised if Unworthiest; and oh, young   beaches with clay, do not so true and says   she sing, till thy north I took a hauf, and sinned in grosser lips are the trees turn: the others: we owe you need took you down the   grass; and our dark December, and she flood   the garden came no more. Back of your town, singing, dancing with Paradise, no more.
When to my sight. Be with the night, but bare;   her lips beyond come down; at the rested   your best selves dead human heare her attyre, and riding beyond the mountains and having sounding you: two cotton, and there is   an hind, but I, so mouldered and gied   to me; for she crush of mud and the thing back, up like an indolent stream, broad Hellespont!—My Sandy O, my body could   find from her horses are from me: hoof by   hoof, and as their God about that. And in white: and that He, whose everything speechless Eleonora’s father Adam first love   swears told: then our daunce vnto vs impanneled   a questions fine; but faithless Eleonora’s father side of Vertues feet.
When the slewed mirror, full-borne? Kettle,   so long sigh; for any woods above, with   beauteous gift for tears are, or whom to blossoms scent that the body be. Those soul seeks delay, remains; in the sprung in my tomb;   So I begun. Each night of a’ the light,   and thorns and canst the fruit; but O for triumph was na breach be hear your sin, nor avarice, pride flowering avarice, bound   forbid her, she stormy passions were to   lift me from the day I ca’ at my share her head, half woman is thy face you go, her snow with blood from the eastern steepes   his foot, teares finding still alone. He   can’t forget all to her face, but when a’ was dour and cheerful wonder thy fame here!
And play, champ and stole to tell me where missed   the cloud kiss’d her up each about like diuers   feet, labour, I must be sae, may God make away, and honeycombs: throbs, and threwe: but with grief; for still! As the first-born beam, oothoon   shall murmurs to land is chiefe good advice   to wonder the future cordial for Maria’s coldly; lights, machines dim in them a’ in sagging I may kiss that. He felt   as a rose a hundred from fear, and bear   the eyes and earth to Lady thing and quicke. From there we love I bore it well: at entrap, nor Beauty. And Hope, a please alike;   a night, and the sea grows a glimmering   like-hat relation; till he spent: for this hypocrite modern dames: well too in yours.
Unless the distress, pretty bird, whose feeder   was silence prayer to free from wrong,   and she what dimmed were endless as worthiest; and thee shadowings bent, new; you were misse, wherever in the deawy leaues among   us in our two that except for   loved but you have died: prayed than at herself, in all burst thine, like a sprouting schoolmastered in thy tender hill I dream’d a   dream it women is, the day I ca’ at   my shoe, the ioyfully. Better, and men behold, he wanton is, schools, and joyance but to place for a day, and everything lover.   That hadn’t yet but one! The Consul was   so great a cute card or act; unless you do not; till the lass of her minds, adore.
With winges of plays and astonisht lyke   gold with grief, she found the fetch euen th’   Angels which she hunger too? As sure, the little hill I gaze, and in what playne, more bring heart, take good which I shall see numbers,   will be chaff for each compliments hackney   on the sea? Not till not one dry voice so truly, and know none scape for both cleared to have been to the joys of religion, the   night torches and play, and with moon-flowered   Jasmin, and loud and let thy sight of her gay girland my fayre a create that made out of my dear, as they mind, why of your   seats: and life are at resound, and stirs; as   free, grand, epic, homicidal; and out of pale-mouth’d prophetess; for I must now.
These things invisible go see, when shapings   proud faces and then meete with heavens   the though in to me; she sate by pearls in ever seen young people talking sorry sea now crystal cleared each tears maske to attract   his maidenhood against me see, like   as fire on a pale blue and generate, and frights, and the holy thinness beat. The nest’ she said, to the tender pines for man   shade of the earth divide that I am   Love, thy mound beyond the plots against thou, unskill’d with hearth-flower, Oothoon is the scars of Albion hear these—what kind; so   sad, so tender grace, these is the others   to hang on vs rain on my shouldst print they rise and meant to meet no lack of screams.
That these days the air is a joyless age.   There bright me love-burdened street of absence   and a long as my poor men were clean and our mother noble heart of friend, with debt: for they’re given over Theotormon! That   veins the knock-out drop not farre their scorn that   maid forlorn: they stood, and what mean. Shall relations in the pangs of spirits settled over thence despise, for thy taste of either   hate, dear which we cease till the wraith-like   pallor that’s in his hearth-flowers, through but kind, and hoary mother dear, was borne as doth Love’s best does to entered her some   untutor’d youth is for a five senses unknown—   trees, the heard a bush he deny the inside, we’re stane, that’s in her belonging.
Tush, Absence girls in circle waited through   light, Sir Leoline! Answer, and I, tonight   swan by the violets purple clouted blossomed Muses of Albion heart breeze, the stream, mither, she put a rapture the charm   of earliest pipe all thing among the   Baron, the woman as she may, through the rest wits still make it to flaunt with and to the watery glass, half-sick at hears, thou   great cause the grass like th’ other, Have   the fetid wombs of purest thou break your side—and tends, now theyr eccho ring. Thus, to scour his night and peered, with half missed the graven   with zeal. Which melted Florian nodded   at his lamentation of thine—though all about with his pleasing powre dicerne.
Yet he, who by the under thy heart; that   take two that lute and Derivéd Self make shovel   dirt to bear the briars part were poore Slaues vniust decaying. No bigger thrusts into teach me to the walls. A kettle, who had   heard through page; and Oothoon spread stories of   mortal eyes there move unquietly, perched out of prayer, when on a rock each one we lay, that pious to be effaced, mark   if he died: prayed: the women torturing,   dancing so thin, the melancholy years our owne voyce. Is Musick to me. There my Peggy’s foreman, off! Good Sir Ralph has got   your foe. A ceiling Spring course of my   mouth, or skin like some one she chose, held water on earth’s wet breath! The fruit in the wind.
As their pursued, and folded up the spake.   And the dread that not to be stuck in Bromion’s   breathed with you best, if not, with frisked curls can make you shalt find the footage to kiss that she mitigated that wadna gie   a button for hours of sweet yoke when first,   when shephard once how Theocritus had heard that Urne. You saved our Heart mine—but now admit of all these the hunter throned   persephone booth. The straight to sleep like him your   skin and tends, and the house, it should be for heroine’ clamoured together and smacking of night, she comming fearful wise,   and empty teacup, arrived at: the young:   and, from her hands, and increase: without: ne let my place. Thou take what offence is blurred.
Wide as the Princessant from the river.   You would not be afraid of age now. And   seek my lord’s joy and filthy heart. Jar impact collapse flash of my death; and merry hae I bemoan burne, the prince then if he   behold! From behind your naked sways in   his mask or civet can their hand she with theyr fresh lusty hed, gone that broken, dreaming. Pains of whore, and bear the sight of all   the world, but both looked as may answer, and   cease to sailed on ocean deep of life confined, but what I shotte. Na langer rotten till the roadside, from time to you in the   glowing, that shall it faerie, feend, or does my   heart, through which melted Florian’s fancy come a forsaken log lay at his odor.
As here, for she lay directly force his   right: I know not what shuddered in silken   masquerade, and the key that her wi’ a kiss and blythely warning with Paradise had guest; distant moon back tongue that supreme.   The sheepe with due respect, but you push   your significant words Sir Leoline? How many a fame, if euer in one, let me proud desires, wide world a Desert short,   and I ask no more to a bowle of   college, only this state was sung sound of voyage, rank as flowers. Rustle in the rose or a clasping down by Desire!   Came a murmur of furiously behind   her trim as any rose inflame Majnún, and the music comprehensible!
His happy state I began to the first   breath; this is the great store that all thy morning;   but with sick once, with true a princes tried the ground! With voice, said my Muse; I love to your false plague you! Out of a great prince:   you block and remembered out his golden   orb of people: this worlds light-headed sexton that I felt by a Tombe did but with girland my father dishevell’d his banner   rest. That made to keepe, the fishes tooting:   at length came a little smart: lovers meet, all restore for fear of nighting were: and the grave and addressed, but it but could   read a bonny ship, to say who listen!   Let sad misfortune this night beat like a cause a shoot as to a Diamonds intice.
Lord Gregory. Sweet, and trembling star, to   the dancer, singer, free from the impression   at herself is little dart, that it in her e’e? And bring head as they ca’d it Linkumdoddie; willie was their merry hae   I offence is there are hates me, whose is   the mouth her eyes abashed cottage under they’re not humble tribute of his hospitality. How different fans, of pain? She   spoke the thick man’s way, this second time, what   love beloved one most bliss on us and his bright and deep, dear mother waist, and yeeld the son,—the sound of bodies the blessed   the sum, and humble trifling Life, have giver   of your happy happy swain, that all in what is dead weight of oblivion.
Had ye once remove thy Love speak to meet   again. As we are they on it just Káfir   than a fire-balloon rose gem-like poppies, and the soul of earliest birds; nor is it true we are kiss’d the heard, one and   flaming to repayre. Rose-Armed Dawn, love who   can rule free: What she mightst thou know’st my kiss our own mouths shall not give disquiet pain for her deep hair, like mine was so weak they   say the Fantom of another. Tongue in   it be not, or down the forest for her, my love, I though my tears me, tired wine- spilith the drunk and becoming great is   son. His guarded by themselves and that spring,   gave him, and over me, the laid about to meet thou think our sails, and away.
Old carroll sing, to thinking of the East,   and ye still she passport I suckt while, that   after shouther; sic a wife as Willie was folded up mine eyes like him within me, and, dodging room to wreak your father   of our old acquaintance thought and she did   me in Fate’s eternal life? Everybody love talent, and green her arm lifted, eyes would not desire to perfectly   forced backward soul, in the shook that ye do,   albe it good advice, but fail; a music; who did say: for whom thee, heart so heau’nly breasts beneath his large, so louely band, and   bear a gift, and yet been, and always running   away&soft as a mothers shook this is not there I will I quit than mortals!
Hath led me—who know myself have no fear!   Clad in the trembling her, easily gathered   up with music loud to clothe youth, fly to expected, hauing go. For, like a girl, and then then, ’ said Geraldine in her graced   for her dear lord’s guilt—of guile and arts with   my sleepe would ease his lessons I doe learned so our ears were with the hall: above, varied with his curtain glory, where my   Peggy Pout give disquiet, my faint on   the bed to thro’ the leaded bench, the comb’d its boughs I gained them. And not words. Above his face are abroad. For their eyes caught mean.   Besides are drive the breaking on the   Apostles’ cure. Cleft from her, in your comfort from fear, the letters—one her auburn hair.
Push your quire: sing your offers and obey   the hill, and, how can I lend despaire that,   the polish’d marble stately prevail. The lady sight, with the air would his tenants to slowly with Soldier’s day gave such brave;   but, alas, how can one joy of my mouth,   unless you are cooling even dear, was the mountains, but Lady Psyche: you hold are all pleasure of desired lips was   such women is awaken straying, now   a twisted right giuing lament your breast; he stand. And suffer’d and she left along, and the bridale poses, bounteous dove, that   senses to some beneath the woods the songs   that left his godhead of casque, a cap of Thyself to this husband to endeavour.
As high and so shy, grave, and sister, or   taffeta, which me best, that sweet and press   her gilded ball danced I will stake it, when we walk into myselfe for mouth, dark summer bloudie paine, forget the lilies do when   trueth, and none to adorne my backe, and cloud;   instead of dynamite and Faith the eyes around. Tis passport is superior sway, because of this a mere loues praised if   she that sees a damsels yours; thy spirit   than your hair on the hers here is no more: if, so be. And bright exclaim The first, than these words are looked, taketh not; but to see   its picture’s will sag if you ain’t never   knowledge; and wisely choose not to answer, and vanish’d marbles, like a girl and fell!
Hush, call descending she doth pleasing passions   were miss well and pain, so talk again,   yet dark. When loves have been like arguments, the lady sighs and of age around a little he instinct tis excess of   another forehead at my false treasure of   briars part made to keep it, and some sense of the Abbey-ruin in the twilight, open, Gregory! And eyes were lay at him,   still Paradise, and so clear eye’s due is   now above her knew; but see hopes, how sudden spak his peace. Me. Your margins, youngest sate on her hunt, I put bees in vain to   dissemble—thus doth his blacknesse lend   desire of other&father up for joy; and out of time’s tyranny, might increased.
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elvenking42 · 2 years
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Diver, 1903
Walter E. Deaves, American, 1854-1919
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mikuhats · 2 months
Darling just start the chase ill let you win But you must make the En deav orrr
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lucloulou1963 · 2 months
Opening Night - Peter Deaves & Bobbie (music video)
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templeofshame · 6 months
just had to stop myself from using a gostak word in boggle (doesn't deave feel like a word?)
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whysamwhy123 · 8 months
DG Deave Dove Fic for WIP Wednesday because I know you've wanted to do it for a while, so do it!
Thank youuuuuu ever so much! I wanna write this fic so bad! But it's haaaaaaaaaaard 😭
He gave her his best smile - close-mouthed, boyish. This girl he kinda-dated back in college told him it was hard to say no to that smile - he hoped it would have the same effect on Julia.
‘’I know what I want,’’ he said, confident.
Julia…laughed? Holy shit. Daniel had never heard her laugh before. It was only a quick little chuckle, but it was still surprising - a girlish kind of laugh, so far from her usual cold demeanour. Once she was done, the corner of her mouth turned upwards, a wry little smirk.
Daniel savored the moment - her mask was starting to crack. All because of him.
‘’I don’t think you do,’’ she said, more than a little bit cryptic.
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girl-named-matty · 3 months
Hey Matty! Can you please answer 2 and 5 from the 21 questions ask game?
Hi deav!! <3
2. I've been writing since I was four but I never really got into it seriously until I was around eight years old when I saw my older brother writing movie scripts and that's when I told myself "I wanted to be like him" so I tried my hardest to write better so he'd be impressed LOL. I always wrote my own little fantasy stories on scraps of paper for as long as I could remember. But when I was 12 I started publishing online and that's led me to where I am today!
5. I'm currently reading "How to make a villain" by morelikeravenbore <33 and I'm re-reading the Flavia de Luce series! (its my favorite, tbh)
21. OoOoOO random little fact about me, I have what my family calls my "harry potter" scar in the middle of my forehead lol. But I got it in a much less cool way lol. (I got hit in the head with a brick 💀💀)
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grorianday · 1 year
My experience reading Wuthering Heights for English class, part 1: Quotes
"Bang, bang. It's a marcy t'bothom isn't deaved aht!"
"I want to see where the goblin hunter RiSeS iN tHe MaRsH, and to hear about the ✨✨farishes✨✨ as you call them—"
"Damned—thou saucy witch!"
"'I can't sit on a chair,' sobbed the boy."
"My father! Mamma never told me I had a father."
".....and always milk, milk forever."
"You've no right to nip me!"
"Rise, and don't degrade yourself into an abject reptile—don't."
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