#deceiver (1997)
fanofspooky · 4 months
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Scream Queen - Ellen Burstyn
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anonymousbug · 4 months
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celebrating my return to tumblr with late birthday art for the rat, the brit, the orange himself — TIMOTHY SIMON ROTH🎂🎉🎈
here's the first version I made in 2021, three years later and i finally get the sequel out 😔✌️tim roth nation is where i will always belong🧡🐀🍊✨
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sprachgitter · 1 year
on storytelling and repetition
“...the secret of the Great Stories is that they have no secrets. The Great Stories are the ones you have heard and want to hear again. The ones you can enter anywhere and inhabit comfortably. They don’t deceive you with thrills and trick endings. They don’t surprise you with the unforeseen. They are as familiar as the house you live in. Or the smell of your lover’s skin. You know how they end, yet you listen as though you don’t. In the way that although you know that one day you will die, you live as though you won’t. In the Great Stories you know who lives, who dies, who finds love, who doesn’t. And yet you want to know again.”
— Arundhati Roy on Indian mythology and folklore, in God of Small Things (1997)
“It was only once – once – that an audience went to see Romeo and Juliet, and hoped they might live happily ever after. You can bet that the word soon went around the playhouses: they don’t get out of that tomb alive. But every time it’s been played, every night, every show, we stand with Romeo at the Capulets’ monument. We know: when he breaks into the tomb, he will see Juliet asleep, and believe she is dead. We know he will be dead himself before he knows better. But every time, we are on the edge of our seats, holding out our knowledge like a present we can’t give him.”
— Hilary Mantel on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, in “Can These Bones Live?”, Reith Lecture, 2017
“So what makes this poem mnemonic is not just repetition. Rather, it’s the fact that with repetition, the repeated phrase grows more and more questionable. I’ve remembered “Come on now, boys” because, with every new repetition, it seems to offer more exasperation than encouragement, more doubt than assertion. I remembered this refrain because it kept me wondering about what it meant, which is to say, it kept me wondering about the kind of future it predicted. What is mnemonic about this repetition is not the reader’s ability to remember it, but that the phrase itself remembers something about the people it addresses; it remembers violence. Repetition, then, is not only a demonstration of something that keeps recurring: an endless supply of new generations of cruel boys with sweaty fists. It is also about our inability to stop this repetition: the established cycles of repetition are like spells and there’s no anti-spell to stop them from happening. The more we repeat, the less power we have over the words and the more power the words have over us. Poetic repetition is about the potency of language and the impotence of its speakers. In our care, language is futile and change is impossible.”
— Valzhyna Mort on Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, in “FACE – FACE – FACE: A Poet Under the Spell of Loss”, The Poetry Society Annual Lecture, 2021
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thenightblogcometh · 6 months
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Tim Roth in Deceiver (1997)
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piqtescue · 1 year
Another list of Thomas's Early Work + links
♡Compiled playlist of full movies + soap/tv episodes featuring thomas♡
Playlist✨ (youtube)
Original List✨ (ones not linked here)
Photos and list below is what's featured in the playlist. *besides "sleep with me" which can links to the movie archive.
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The Guiding Light (1987) **Major TW for this scene**
Leg Work (1987)
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As The World Turns (1989) *15 episodes in playlist*
Tales of The City (1993) *pretty sure i compiled 90% of the episodes*
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Men of War (1994)
To Love, Honour and Deceive (1996)
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The Inheritance (1997)
Brush With Fate (2003)
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Come Away Home (2005)
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Sleep With Me (1994) Can be watched in HQ here.
*11/23 update: barcelona removed
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bitter69uk · 3 months
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“Mitchum, like Bogart, has created one of the great screen personae, sleepy-eyed but watchful, laconic but never lackluster, hiding toughness and sometimes menace behind a façade of apparent weariness. Like most other great American screen actors, he denigrates his own ability and hides behind a “natural” performance. Charles Laughton was not deceived. He described Mitchum as “one of the best actors in the world” …” / From The Encyclopedia of the World’s Great Movie Stars by Ken Wlaschin, 1979 / Died on this day: my all-time favourite actor, the incomparably sexy, soulful and multifaceted film noir tough guy and epitome of nonchalant cool, Robert Mitchum (6 August 1917 – 1 July 1997). Off the top of my head, my most treasured Mitchum performances would have to include Where Danger Lives (1950), Macao (1952), The Lusty Men (1952) (pictured), Angel Face (1952) and – of course! – The Night of the Hunter (1954). I also love the big lug’s sporadic forays into calypso and country music in the fifties and sixties, especially when he crooned “Little Ole Wine Drinker Me” in 1967 (“I'm praying for rain in California / So the grapes can grow, and they can make more wine …”). The 2001 biography Robert Mitchum: Baby, I Don’t Care by the late Lee Server is essential reading. 
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oraclekleo · 10 months
Jihyo (TWICE) - Kinky Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Feedback: Feedback is very important for content creators and for me it’s even more important. Please, let me know whether the tarot readings resonate. If there’s anything you dislike or find off about my readings (like wording, topics, focus), just tell me. I don’t want you to write 1000-word feedback, very simple comments will do for me to stay motivated. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating this but this is something I do for you, guys, and when I don’t feel motivated to do tarot readings, I have many other things to do. The more motivation I get, the more readings you will get to read. The logic is very simple but it’s two sided.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): Tarot of Vampires
Spread: Kinky
Turn On
Dirty Secret
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Park Ji Hyo
Stage Name: Jihyo
Group: TWICE
DOB: 01/02/1997
Blood Type: O
Sun Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Sign: Fire Rat
Life Path Number: 2
Masterpost: TWICE
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Jihyo (TWICE) - Kinky
Spread / Question: Kinky Deck(s): Tarot of Vampires
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Position - XVIII The Moon
This particular card depicts the legendary Rusalka - a beautiful maiden luring people (often men) into lakes or rivers where they drown. The connection with Jihyo might be that she’s actually pretty deceptive in a relationship. It might be caused by her being deceived and lied to many times in the past and so she learned not to show her cards to her partner right away. She might play a certain type of girlfriend role in the beginning, portraying a gorgeous woman like the Rusalka on the card but under the surface, there are the bare bones of her true personality. Her true self might actually be much more beautiful than what she shows but she is likely to be reluctant to share. Jihyo might be a bit detached and secretive in a relationship, keeping her partner in suspense. That can make them feel like stumbling in the dark and it’s probably not going to build a solid base for a mutually rewarding relationship. Jihyo might need to first renew her trust before she is able to genuinely bond with someone.
Libido - IV The Emperor
There’s no other card in a tarot deck that would signal dominance this powerfully. The Emperor card is likely to tell us that Jihyo is the dom in the bedroom. She has trust issues with her partners so it’s not surprising she wants to be in control. She is likely to keep things in order and even structured so there is no space for improvisation. Her wild nights are likely to be scheduled and she expects her lover to attend or have a really good excuse at least 24h in advance so she can schedule her backup activity for the night. Jihyo is likely to have high standards and expectations and it’s also possible that she hasn't been satisfied every time with her lovers in the past. She’s very likely to be prepared for that, too and once her lover fails, she’s pulling her toys out of the drawer to finish the job properly. The underperforming lover is likely to be asked not to show up again. Jihyo is a busy woman, she’s got tight schedules and she’s responsible and highly efficient, she’s got no time to teach her lovers how to do their job. She might instinctively pick mature looking people as lovers in hopes they have some significant experience. Jihyo might seem pretty cold or maybe analytical to others but the fact is that her libido is very strong, she can get very passionate and lustful only if she could find a lover who would match her.
Turn On - 6 of Pentacles
Jihyo is likely to feel attracted to someone who’s generous and selfless, someone who gives more than they take. She might feel instinctively pulled towards a person who could heal her trust issues, someone reliable and true. The card might suggest the person works in a medical field, maybe Jihyo feels attracted to people who can actually heal others and are even more responsible and hard working than she is. She’s likely to admire high morals and high work drive in others. Jihyo is likely to also consider the financial stability of her crush as she’s not willing to support someone’s idle lifestyle.
Kink - II The High Priestess
The High Priestess card is all about intuition and secrets and all that’s behind the veil. As an answer to a kink question in the spread it might mean that Jihyo is not willing to reveal her preferences to anyone. It’s possible she’s not still sure herself, maybe she’s still in search of her favourite thing when it comes to bedroom activities. I’m afraid the card doesn’t really reveal anything much in this case. It’s literally undecided, a secret and standing on a crossroads with countless paths ahead.
Dirty Secret - V The Hierophant
Jihyo might truly be in search of a mentor figure, someone she could trust and rely on when it comes to the most intimate sides of her life. The Emperor card could also point to a certain level of daddy issues she might have and the Hierophant card continues with the theme. It’s possible Jihyo didn’t have the type of support she needed from male father figures in the past and she might still search for someone she could truly trust with everything and who wouldn’t judge her nor belittle her. She might have spent a large portion of her growing up being self-sufficient and carrying more responsibility than a young person should and she might feel insecure about asking for help and guidance now. She is likely aware of this and craves a person she would naturally trust enough to drop her resilience and let them support her when needed.
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samasmith23 · 1 year
Thunderbolt's Moonstone: A Case Study in Psychiatric Villainy...
Throughout my read-through of Kurt Busiek & Mark Bagley's classic run on the Thunderbolts so far, easily one of the most uniquely fascinating yet terrifying members of this team of supervillains disguised as superheroes has undoubtedly been Meteorite, aka Dr. Karla Sofen, aka Moonstone!
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Essentially serving as the team's second-in-command underneath Citizen V (aka, Baron Helmut Zemo), Moonstone was formerly a renowned psychiatrist who frequently engaged in unethical practices with her patients in order to gain power over others while advancing her own career. For instance in the Thunderbolts (1997) #-1 as part of Marvel's "Flashback Month" (wherein all of the company's titles released a special "-1" issue which flashed back to the early history of the Marvel Universe), its revealed that while Dr. Sofen was working with a woman suffering from low self-esteem due to her husband cheating on her, Dr. Sofen was secretly the one sleeping with said-patient's adulterous husband. In addition to citing the expansion of her psychiatric business as the motivation for manipulating her patient, Dr. Sofen also implies that she feels a sense of power through manipulating her patients, that it "just feels wonderful" to "make enormous changes in this woman's life -- in the way she sees the world.... with just words and suggestions."
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Part of what makes Karla Sofen especially terrifying as a character to me is that in addition to being an expert psychological manipulator, she's able to easily deceive others by presenting herself as a kindhearted and benevolent figure who merely wants to use her expertise to understand and help others. But this benevolent facade underlies Dr. Sofen’s desire to possess power over others, obtaining said-power through her keen understanding of the human mind and how to exploit it. It was this willingness to violate ethical medical boundaries for her own personal gain which eventually led to Dr. Sofen becoming the assistant of the notorious Captain America villain and HYDRA leader Dr. Faustus. It was during this time that Dr. Sofen became even more skilled as a psychological manipulator, and she utilized Dr. Faustus' techniques in order to trick the original Moonstone (aka Lloyd Bloch) into surrendering the Kree device which granted him his super-strength, flight & energy projection abilities to her.
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Moonstone plays an incredibly fascinating role as the Thunderbolts' member "Meteorite." Its revealed in Thunderbolts Annual 1997, Moonstone was the last member that Zemo "recruited" into his new Masters of Evil. During a mass-prison breakout at the the Vault (a maximum security prison specifically designed for supervillains), the Thunderbolts made their public debut by recapturing the majority of the escapees. Unbeknownst to the the prison guards however, the Thunderbolts secretly abducted Moonstone, and Zemo blackmailed the former psychiatrist turned supervillain into joining the group in exchange for her freedom. And if Moonstone refused Zemo's officer, the Thunderbolts would have turned her back to the Vault where she would undoubtedly receive an increased prison sentence for participating in the escape attempt (Moonstone was previously close to finishing her sentence).
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But while Zemo recruited Moonstone due to her psychological expertise and ability to help her fellow Masters of Evil in successfully fooling the general public with their superhero disguises, writer Kurt Busiek portrays Moonstone as having her own secret agenda which threatens to undermine Zemo's master plan with the Thunderbolts. Staying true to her background as a psychological manipulator, Moonstone is portrayed as an opportunistic schemer who's "nature is to watch, and think, and consider."
This observant and manipulative behavior is effectively demonstrated through Moonstone's interactions with her fellow Masters of Evil, whom she quickly recognizes are becoming too accustomed to their new disguises as superheroes. As early as the first issue of Thunderbolts, Moonstone is shown to be secretly monitoring and observing her teammates behavior when she witnesses the developing romantic relationship between fellow teammates M.A.C.H.-1/Beetle & Songbird/Screaming-Mimi. Its through their romance that Songbird is able to gradually overcome her own personal insecurities which have made her susceptible to Zemo's manipulation, while M.A.C.H.-1 begins to enjoy the public recognition and appreciation that being a hero grants him. Similarly at the end of Issue #2 , Moonstone notices that Atlas/Goliath is developing feelings for the Thunderbolt's city liaison for New York's mayor's office, Dallas Riordan. As the Thunderbolts become more widely embraced by New York City, Atlas continues to get closer to Riordan, even though he recognizes that pursuing a relationship with her would easily risk exposing the team's status as the Masters of Evil in disguise.
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The relationships between M.A.C.H.-1 & Songbird and Atlas & Dallas respectively help to expose a growing rift between Baron Zemo & Moonstone's in-relation to their individual goals. As the son of the notorious Nazi war criminal of the same name, Zemo views his subordinates purely as mere tools which can help him fulfill his ultimate plan for world domination. And as such, Baron Zemo begins to fear that the Thunderbolts are "enjoying their roles too much," that their relationships are "softening them -- making them more human," which in-turn weakens them as living weapons that he can easily exploit. Conversely, Moonstone allows M.A.C.H.-1, Songbird, and Atlas' relationships to continue naturally developing, even actively encouraging said-relationships under the guise of fulfilling her responsibilities of "keeping the team functioning and convincing in their roles" as superheroes.
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The tension between Moonstone & Baron Zemo's is further increased through the Thunderbolts' recruitment of the newly empowered meta-human, Jolt (aka, Hallie Takahama). An orphan whose parents were killed during the Onslaught incident, Hallie ended up becoming a surrogate big sister figure to several other fellow orphan children who were forced to survive on the streets following the disaster. Hallie and the other orphans were then kidnapped by Captain America villain and Hitler's chief-scientist in the Marvel Universe, Arnim Zola, whose experiments resulted in Hallie being granted electrical superpowers while the other children were sadly mutated into monsters who were then killed. Hallie managed to escape captivity and assisted the Thunderbolts in putting a stop to Zola's barbaric experiments.
However, due to Baron Zemo live-broadcasting the battle in order to increase the Thunderbolts' positive PR, Hallie was seen fighting alongside the team as the new super heroine Jolt. Realizing that the public loved Jolt and that it would make the team look bad if they turned her away, Moonstone encouraged Zemo into recruiting Jolt into the Thunderbolts. Consequently, this forced the Thunderbolts to continue acting like superheroes 24/7 and to hide their past lives as supervillains in front of Jolt, much to Zemo's dismay and to Moonstone's satisfaction.
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Moonstone's interactions with Jolt in particular also serve to highlight the unsettling ambiguity behind the former's schemes and manipulations. For instance, in their civilian identities Dr. Sofen not only tries to get some insight into Hallie's recent traumatic experiences while offering her emotional support (just like a therapist would), but even makes significant strides to help make the Thunderbolts' headquarters a new home for Hallie.
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What I find so unnerving about these interactions however is that Busiek leaves it intentionally vague as to whether or not Moonstone is being sincere in her actions. Is she telling Jolt that she views her like a daughter because she genuinely means it, or is she saying it just because she views Jolt as yet another individual to manipulate and take advantage of? Or is it a little bit of both? I ask this because while Busiek clearly portrays Moonstone's as seeing Jolt's recruitment as an opportunity to undermine Zemo's plans, the narration at the end of Issue #2 indicates that similar to M.A.C.H.-1, Songbird & Atlas, Moonstone is similarly beginning to feel a sense satisfaction at playing the hero:
"It's a heady feeling to play hero -- and to be accepted. She felt it herself -- in the heat of of battle, she forgot the role she was playing, forgot everything but the need to save the boy -- and the rush that came with victory. It feels good that rush. Maybe too good."
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Its the combination these various factors that easily make Moonstone one of the most disturbingly intriguing members of the Thunderbolts. From her characterization as a manipulative and conniving psychiatrist who's willing to unethically exploit others for her own agendas, to the ambiguity surrounding her embracement of being a "superhero," to the nature of relationships with her fellow teammates, and her efforts to subtly undermine Baron Zemo, Dr. Karla Sofen is easily one of the most compelling and scary supervillainesses that I've recently encountered in superhero comics. And I am very curious to witness how Moonstone's arc progresses throughout the rest of Kurt Busiek & Mark Bagley's original Thunderbolts run!
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zponds · 6 months
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(Credit goes to JWBtheUncanny on Deviantart)
Ash Ketchum as Cure Master
Ohh yeah, Your eyes are not deceiving you, Ash Ketchum has changed.... for the next Pokemon Anime vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/po… when Sun & Moon finally ends and the Clone's Storyline finally ends, This is the Real Ash Ketchum, And he has been altered to a Degree, And it's sort of a Mix between XY ash and the Sun and Moon version, And.... to be honest.... I do like this new look for him, In-Universe Its possible how Ash altered it this loo may have been the Result of all 55 of the Pretty Cure All Stars inner light changing him.... At first I was afraid Ash was never gonna return in the Anime, But his Japanese Voice Actress put a rest to that claiming his Adventures is not over, It's amazing how much he's changed i.imgur.com/e9cnXq9.jpg
Also... with This new change of the Character and he's' still the same Age as he was in 1997, It's given me the opportunity to proceed with the Cure Master concept with Ideas from the Blueprints fav.me/ddcv5f6 But in the Blueprints as I would call the original Concept, the costume looked too familiar with his Kanto Costume which was the Idea with the Gold symbols of each of the Precure teams from the All Stars Pantheon, So I took some big libraries with the concept and came up with a Costume that's fits in line, His Cure Master Costume is a Set of Precure Armour that takes some inspiration from the Male PreCures from Hugtto PreCure, Even Jonathan Klondike AKA Joe Okada's suit of Armour, I did keep the Symbols of the Respected PreCure teams, They are Engraved in the Armour, In an edition, Ash now has a Sword called Blade of a True Pokemon Master and a Shield titled PreCure's loving Protection... if you look closely to it, You'll see the Angle figures on it are modelled in the forms of Nagisa Misumi AKA Cure Black and Honoka Yukishiro AKA Cure White, He's Research book is now complete with info linking the PreCures with there Respected Zodiacs, And he also has that Shard of the Miracle Star still giving off ever as you can see, Pikachu now possesses a Cloak of Levitation... Which Heartcatch PreCure use... When I was coming up with the Dialogue for Ash I was listening to this www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp-6BS…, So guys What do you thing, Do you like the way I came up with the Design, Please let me know of what you think?
(Messages from Ash Ketchum to the Precure All Stars Pantheon: Hello, It’s me... Ash, The real Ash Ketchum, Hope you get this message, There’s Something I wanna Tell that I keep Neglecting to tell you all at the Trial of my brother and the Ultra-Guardians... I received word from the Headmaster of Magic world, There’s Something about my Contingency Plan I had the Headmaster Of Magic World cast on to keep you and your Respects Home-Towns safe from invaders..... The Cloaking Spell was way more powerful then we originally thought... With some... Side effects.... Picture Miyuki and Akane becoming invisible when Candy was messing with the Camera.... But the First Generation Pretty Cures From Max Heart to Happiness Charge... Some how the Cloaking Enchantment Left Some Energy That has been absorbed into the Your DNA.... so from what Riko and Mirai told me... It’s likely that your Human hosts now have the Ability to become... Translucent willingly, So in the Day or night They could become Invisible and Visible at any time by command... I just thought that all 55 of you should know, Me and the Headmaster are not sure if there's a way to reverse it, but it may prove useful to all of you.... Sincerely Ash Ketchum of Pallot Town.)
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pomegranate · 5 months
Ah! No! 'Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman' was a live action TV series starring Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher. Unfortunately, my extensive research was incorrect. Sam Huntingon from Disney's 1997 film 'Jungle 2 Jungle' actually played Jimmy Olsen in the 2006 live action film 'Superman'. I am sorry for deceiving you unintentionally.
Mike Farrell of 'M*A*S*H' fame actually lent his trademark "deep, authoritative voice" (IMDB) to Jonathan Kent in 'Superman: The Animated Series' which ran from 1996 to 2000.
You’re forgiven, anon. Thank you for being accountable and also for the Mike fact.
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
Ritualized abuse- Ritualized abuse is abuse that's done in a ritualistic manner. This most often refers to organized abuse with ritualistic aspects although it's sometimes used to refer to any sadistic or severe abuse that involves a mixture of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. Ritualized abuse may involve a group ideology, but such an ideology may be staged in order to deceive and threaten victims. Though this is most often said to be associated with Satanism and Satanic ritual abuse (SRA), it has also been associated with allegedly Gnostic, Christian, and fascist groups (Becker & Coleman, 1999)16. Contrary to popular belief, ritualized abuse does not necessarily involve cults, ritual worship, or bizarre sexual activities. Instead, ritualized abuse might make use of sadistic abuse, real or staged acts of extreme violence, and/or religious symbols in order to silence or discredit child victims of more "mundane" types of abuse or, in cases of human trafficking, in order to produce certain types of child pornography. According to Dutch researchers Onno van der Hart, Suzette Boon, and Olga Heijtmajer Jansen, "Dutch clinicians increasingly have gotten the impression that many of these so-called SRA groups are linked with syndicated child-sex rings … and other forms of organized crime. SRA activities seem to be a screen-- evoking disbelief among law enforcement agencies and other parties when reported-- as well as a means to ensure loyalty in victims, which is accomplished by instilling terror and guilt" (1997)17.
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greenhousethree · 1 year
Forbidden (Happy Birthday, Neville.)
Sending belated wishes to my main man, Mr. Number Two, with this (not so micro)fic. Also available on AO3.
DH missing moment, November 1997.
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His favorite thing about this place is the quiet.
That’s the way he thinks of it, anyway. It’s not really quiet, though, not ever. In fact, the longer he stands still, the louder it becomes.
He shouldn’t be here. Luna would admonish him, if she knew.
But they’ve run out of dittany again. His knuckles sting, ribs throbbing, and then there’s the fury screaming in his ears, a distant rushing… his own hoarse voice, a blend of the way they’d sounded, probably… taunts from the woman who slipped through his fingers, seared inside his skull…
He needs the quiet. Forbidden or not.
There’s something about being in a forest— this forest, particularly— that muffles everything else. Trees swallow him beneath a canopy the moment he sets foot on the path, closing rank behind him.
Surprising, really, that anything grows there at all. Professor Sprout— Pomona, as she’s insisting now— guessed there might only be dark-dwelling species, when he asked.
But he sees the truth when he’s here. Marvels at it. Agapanthus, bone-white and taller than he stands, blooms toward a sun it rarely sees. Cobra lilies large enough to fill Hagrid’s tankards; bulges of devil’s tooth oozing jammy blood. Bouncing bulbs and Witch’s Ganglion, native elsewhere, thriving here. 
It’s all around him, in the dark, in the quiet. Roots probing deep through soil steeped in magic. An ecosystem that breathes, pulsing and skittering, overhead and underfoot. The forest mocks winter’s approach.
A twig snaps as he presses on. His cloak isn’t enough tonight. His breath forms icy ghosts, late November air slipping down his collar as he wonders, for the fifteen-thousandth time, about the empty beds in his dorm. Seamus still hasn’t heard from Dean. He supposes it’s good they haven’t heard from the others. 
To his left, a Hinkypunk’s wispy glow bobs between trees, an ethereal green promise.
Ginny would laugh if she knew he’d come. Or she might’ve, before last night. Michael did the best he could today with a t-shirt, fashioned her a sling while she bit down on a rag.
The irony isn’t lost on him, though: finding solace in a place used for punishment. A place thrumming with otherworldly dangers, evolved to deceive and parasitize unwitting hosts. Lately, it’s oddly comforting, the idea that everything out here once muscled its way through the soil, alone in the dark with the same goal. A life much simpler, at least, than one marred by human cruelty.
He thinks of Luna, telling him the moon has rejuvenating powers. Tilts his face skyward, as if he might catch some of the light trickling in. The idea tugs at the corners of his lips.
He stumbles across the spot sooner than he expected, startled by the sudden brightness. The nearly-full moon casts a pearly wreath of leaves around the clearing. As he sidesteps a gnarled, dead-looking stump with care, he finds himself beneath silver beams.
Nothing grows here. Like a hole was ripped clean through the woods, trees uprooted without a trace. The earth seems to reach up and pull him down with gobs of filthy webbing. Clinging to his feet, matted with brown, shriveled things that have rotted away. He’s never seen so much as a bird fly through.
He’s always wondered if something might’ve happened. Wonders now, with a thrill of foreboding, if that something has happened yet. And why, despite seeking life, his feet keep bringing him back.
Somewhere in the trees, an owl shrieks a warning.
He stands there, transfixed, until his toes are numb. Stiff, clumsy fingers wrap around his wand and lead the way back into the shadows, where he finds welcome darkness in the tree cover. And despite the bitter cold, despite the pain hammering in his chest and buckling his knee, he longs to linger here among the foliage. To find a home alongside creatures that remain immune to his presence, unbothered by his wand. 
He continues back anyway. Always back, toward a castle that thrusts against the black sky: a glowing shell, cradling something sinister. Like a shoot probing through soil, he's tunneling toward a beacon he’s long since learned to be false.
As he nears the mouth of the trail, his left hand slips into his pocket. The coin is heavy in his palm, pitted beneath his thumb with ridges along the edge. Cold, unchanging.
It took him years to realize what it takes to thrive here. Now, he sees how everything around him has managed to break the code, to grow in the forest with resolute audacity, daring to exist. Coming back year after year, calloused by another woody layer of protection. Blindly reaching toward a sun they might see again, alone and together, in the quiet.
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Thanks so much to @honeydukesheroine and @turanga4 for the wonderful beta and cheer reads!
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bentuckett1997 · 2 months
Patti Yasutake has passed away.
Remembering Patti Yasutake, born September 6, 1953 and passed away August 5, 2024.
She appeared 16 times as Nurse Ogawa during the run of Star Trek: The Next Generation, as well as in Generations and First Contact.
In 1993, she also played Alyssa Ogawa in a Hallmark television commercial in North America where she is seen questioning the shipboard computer about the features of the USS Enterprise-D "Keepsake" ornament.
She started her acting career in the 1980's and was featured in episodes of T.J. Hooker (1985) and Scarecrow and Mrs. King (1985 and 1986).
In 1986 she was cast as Umeki Kazihiro in Ron Howard's drama Gung Ho.
She also played this part along with Scott Bakula, Stephen Lee, and Clint Howard in the following short lived television series Gung Ho (1986-1987).
Further television work includes episodes of Duet (1988), CBS Summer Playhouse (1988), Mr. Belvedere (1987 and 1989), Tales from the Crypt (1989), Sons and Daughters (1991), Murphy Brown (1991), Picket Fences (1992), Rhythm & Blues (1992), Murder One (1996), Living Single (1996), Dangerous Minds (1996), and Crisis Center (1997).
Throughout the 1990's, she was many times cast for television movies, often playing doctors or a nurse. Her credits include the drama Without Warning: The James Brady Story (1991), the crime drama Fatal Friendship (1991), the drama Blind Spot (1993), the action film Donato & Daughter (1993), the drama Lush Life (1993), the drama Abandoned and Deceived (1995), the drama The Road to Galveston (1996), the drama A Face to Kill for (1999), and the movie Incognito (1999).
Following her Trek connection, she had guest parts in episodes of Judging Amy (2000), HBO First Look (2000), ER (2003), She Spies (2004), Crossing Jordan (2004), Grey's Anatomy (2005), Bones (2005), Boston Legal (2006), Just Legal (2005 and 2006), The Unit (2007), Cold Case (2007), and FlashForward (2009).
More recently she played Mrs. Hong in the television drama Dad's Home (2010, with Beau Billingslea) and Judge Wilkerson in an episode of The Young and the Restless (2011).
She also reprised her part of Cathy Tao in the 2011 The Closer episode "Under Control" following her two previous guest parts in episodes in 2008 and 2009.
She made her film debut in Lesli Linka Glatter's Academy Award nomination short film Tales of Meeting and Parting in 1985.
For her next film, the 1988 drama The Wash, she received an Independent Spirit Award nomination in the category Best Supporting Female in 1989.
Further film credits include the action comedy Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992), the drama Dangerous Intentions (1995), the comedy Clockwatchers (1997), the comedy Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999), the comedy The L.A. Riot Spectacular (2005), and the crime drama The Coverup (2008).
She passed away after a long battle with cancer.
. #TodayInNerdHistory #September6 #pattieyasutake #alyssaogawa #startrek #TJHooker #ScarecrowAndMrsKing #GungHo #TalesFromTheCrypt #startrekthenextgeneration #StarTrekfirstcontact #StarTrekGenerations #Hallmark #Birthday #Cancer #News #OTD #FYP #Nerd .
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digitalbeachrave · 2 years
Tim Roth movies that are free on Youtube
Made in Britain (1982)
Meantime (1983)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (1990)
Vincent and Theo (1990) in Spanish
Little Odessa (1994)
Captives (1994)
Deceiver (1997) - thank you to @resdogs-containment-unit for sending me this
Funny Games (2007)
Skellig The Owl Man (2009)
Added thanks again to @resdogs-containment-unit: 
Murder In The Heartland (1993) - Part 1, Part 2, another link
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majoresca · 3 months
Plans that Cedric could have accomplished if he was a Classic Disney Villain™, and why he is not one:
First of all, I would like to thank those who inspired me and helped me make this list, I couldn't have done it without you guys! @moonightsky ; @sweetmariihs2 ; @histroiansofenchancia and @shychick-52. Thank you so much!
Trying to kill the king, or, the royal family:
It may seem a bit too much for a children's cartoon on Disney Junior ™, and they probably wouldn't put this on the character if they planned for him to be redeemed in the future. After all, it would be very cruel and unrealistic, to forgive an attempt to regicide one member, let alone an entire family! So, you can understand why they didn't put it on his list of plans.
Classic Disney villains who tried this plan: The Evil Queen*; Commander Lyle**; Scar and Hans.
* It was more out of envy of the protagonist's beauty, not a hint of misogyny, but by killing Princess Snow White she would also leave the throne to the Evil Queen alone.
** Commander Lyle's motivation was more of an elimination to obtain resources, not to dominate the kingdom of Atlantis himself. And since the film didn't make as much money as Disney expected, he is forgotten in the villain drawer of series b.
Not a Disney villain, but Rasputin , from the film Anastasia 1997, executed this plan and almost managed to complete it with several attempts on the protagonist's life. And obviously, he lost and suffered the consequences. And since Disney bought the company that created this film, it remains in limbo in this classification.
Get it? Limbo, just like him in the movie.
Addition: We could count the episode The Floating Palace as one of his attempts, but since the character's behavior was considered out of character, dismissal is an option. Unless, if we count on the possibility of a theory with the link below:
Trying to marry a member of royalty:
A much less violent plan, but no less difficult to execute. Since it would require a lot of time invested in the courting process, with no guarantee that it would work. In the series it is established how Matilda was the first successor to the throne, so trying to win her over to get the crown would be a logical plan. However, as she shows herself to be a free-spirited woman, with a contrasting and polar opposite personality to his, her rejection would be a great possibility.
But for a Disney villain, there's nothing that threats, blackmail or mind control can't solve. (The Disney equivalent of Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.)
Classic Disney villains who tried this plan:
The Evil Queen; Madame Tremaine's daughters, Anastasia and Drizella; Ursula*; Jafar; Lawrence** and Hans.
*I don't see Vanessa's disguise as an attempt to conquer the surface, it's more like a way to prevent Ariel from fulfilling her part of the contract. However, how could she harm at least two or three royals at once, she deserved to be here.
** Lawrence tried to marry Charlotte and pass himself off as Prince Naveen, an even worse crime in comparison. Because he would spend the rest of his life deceiving everyone.
***Gaston tried to force Belle into marrying him, but she only became a member of royalty when she married Prince Adam.
****Frollo also tried to force Esmeralda to stay with him but, like she's not a princess (outside of our hearts) then, and doesn't belong to the official line of Disney Princesses, I'll have to let her go.
Try to conquer a neighboring land or kingdom:
By being on the side of the king and being one of its advisors, it would not be difficult to suggest that there is a conflict with the neighboring government taking place. When applying as a diplomat and forging the evidence of war plans, the king could declare a war, which could have at least two results:
• The local king loses, and the villain eliminates competition between the successors, becoming king.
But if there are still some left, if at all.
Those who remain are still unable to govern, a state of siege would be established, and the villain would rule during the period of regency.
• The local king wins, and as the conquered people still needed time to adjust, the government would have to control the resistance and revolts that may arise. And the villain would offer to control the new conquered land, with custody guaranteed by the monarch.
The villain could feel comfortable and leave it as it is.
( Which I highly doubt, since these are Classic Disney Villains we're talking about.)
Or, seek to develop his government as a future supower, to conquer its neighboring kingdom and former ally.
Classic Disney villains who tried this plan:
Governor Ratcliffe;Commander Lyle; Shan Yu, Scar and Hans.
* Jafar from the live action tried this plan, however, I only want to count the original animated films.
**I'm a little unsure whether Hans fits into this category, although he lied and said that Elsa froze the kingdom, attacked the guards and killed her own sister Anna. Come to think of it, he does fit on the list.
Why doesn't Cedric fit into the list of Classic Disney villains?
Because he's not a real villain, he was just designed to look like that. He's more of a Red Herring antagonist than a major threat.
The fact that he did not engage in many of these classic plans could mean two things:
• Or he is very stupid.
• Or he never had this great desire to do evil. He must have thought that the only way to get respect was to become a worthy threat. Using Niccolò Machiavelli's line of thought: that the ends justify the means and that between being loved or feared, it is safer to be feared.
( Even Barbie villains have tried this plans countless times! But they don't count on the list because they aren't from Disney.)
If I'm missing anything, I'm sorry guys. Thank you very much for reading until the end.
Hugs and kisses!
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consumed-by-fandom · 9 months
I think something I wish I’d make more obvious whenever I write about p1 is how he’s not entirely innocent to his actions in Postal 1. Yes he’s deluded into thinking whats going on around him but even then it takes a certain person to just instantly be ready to slaughter hundreds in the name of survival. Deep down he enjoys the violence, the control, the feeling of having no choice. But he can’t ever admit that to himself because it would destroy him mentally. So constant denial over how he feels 24/7.
P2 is where all that gets funneled into, because he’s certainly honest about his sadism and he doesn’t give a shit. He doesn’t make any excuses for his behaviour. So when p1 feels that way and wants it to go away its a trigger for p2 to front and enjoy it so p1 doesn’t have to deal with the guilt.
P2 doesn’t like how he hides behind him about it. Will just tell him outright he shares the feeling and enjoyment and that he should just accept that and if he feels so bad about it? Stop doing it. Which to be fair after 1997 p1 tries to be a better person, but he WILL use any excuse to fall back into acting that way, all for his safety, all to keep himself safe. But that’s just hiding his desire for it.
Don’t get me wrong p1 wants to be a good person and he’s better morally at some things than p2, AND in those violent moments it is fear leading him. but that doesn’t mean he won’t give into his urges. He’s a deceiver especially to himself. Its something he doesn’t know how to control. Doesn’t mean he can’t though lol.
I love writing characters that aren’t good or bad all the dudes are morally grey and they all have good and bad qualities to them!! Fuck yeah!!!
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