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Eun-chae swept dutifully, taking advantage of the mid-afternoon slump to rid the cafe of debris. Businessmen on their lunches had already come and gone, high school and college students had cleared the racks of sweet-buns and went home. Only a few stragglers remained; an ahjumma in the back corner sipping a cup of tea as she did every day, and a bright - eyed university student she noticed had come nearly every day. They’d never spoken, not anything past pleasantries. She would simply take advantage of her lunch break to study, occasionally looking up from her work to see him doing the same. It was a nice routine - being in such close proximity with someone, but not speaking, yet sharing a camaraderie and general sense that homework sucked. This day, however, was a little different. 
She rested her broom in the corner after calling out to her boss that it was time for her break, and disappeared into the back, returning with twin lattes and steamed buns, her bookbag slung over one shoulder. Silently, she slid a bun and latte towards the young man, and sheepishly grinned. ‘You looked like you needed it.’ 
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floralcrowncd · 4 years
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The blonde made her way over to the lunch table where Yoosung sat, carrying her own floral lunchbox and a chocolate milk. On days when she was at college during the lunch hours, she often brought her lunch. She wasn’t all that keen on some of the food they served in the lunchroom and she wondered if it was even healthy. 
“H-Hi Yoosung! H-How have you b-been?”she asked, taking a seat across from him. She placed the lunchbox and small milk carton onto the table, smiling brightly at her friend as she did so.
@dedicatedheart​ :: liked for a starter.
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-> new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want (♡)
I have so many Face Claims for OC's that I want to use. I'll list some here:
Shibuya Tomochika
Haruka Nanami
Nanami Momozono
Mai Sakurajima
Yuina Wakura
Tomoe Koga
Ohona Matsumae
Akari Ochiai
Ayano Tateyama
Kuriyama Mirai
Sayuki Sakurai
Kaori Fujimiya
Nene Odagiri
Saya Endo
Nako Oshimizu
Hiro (Soul Eater)
Neapolitan (RWBY)
Claire Redfield
Hinata Ema
Anastasia (Cinderella Girls)
Mine (Amnesia)
Erishuka (Karneval)
Inga (UN-GO)
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cherinyn · 4 years
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[ CHAERIN. ]     Yoosung! Good afternoon. [ CHAERIN. ]      Have you had lunch yet? [ CHAERIN. ]      I’ve heard something interesting from 707 here.
      The woman typed on her phone the moment she saw the name. RFA were filled with such strange people. She still couldn’t believe her eyes about some of them. However, what she wanted to speak about was one of the campaigns she was doing for one specific game. Plus, Yoosung seemed like a genuinely kind-hearted person and she was curious about some things. Perhaps, she could get some information out of him during calls or anything like that. 
[ CHAERIN. ]      Do you play LOLOL?  [ CHAERIN. ]      It’s super popular among teens and young adults right now!
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amoungwildflowers · 5 years
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Penny has entered the chatroom.
[Penny] Hello. Am I the only one in the chatroom? [Penny] I had a bad day at work and I really need someone to talk to right now. [Penny] I wish Seven and V would let me bring Firestar to Rika’s apartment. He always makes me feel better when I’m sad.
@dedicatedheart :: starter call.
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lilstrawbxrry · 5 years
My url? :)
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Do I Follow Them?: Of course!
Why Did I Follow Them?: I check the ‘mystic messenger RP’ and ‘mm rp’ tags quite often to see if any new people have joined and I pretty much follow any account I see because the community has become a lot smaller over the years so I want to support everyone who still muses MM characters!
Do We Role Play?: Yeah! ^^ On both your accounts!
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Yeeees.
An AU Idea For Our Muses: For Sharon and Yoosung specifically, I think something working with the concept of ‘suddenly transported to another world/fantasy world’ would be very interesting. Especially if it’s a dimension where magic exists so there would be some RPG game elements involved. (Honestly I’m influenced by anime with this because so many recent anime have used this ‘isekai’ concept)
A Song For Our Muses: Once again, I’m a weeb so I only know anime songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKM8X3JzA54 I figured this one would fit because it’s all about ‘growing’ and ‘becoming a better version of yourself’ which seems fitting because both Yoosung and Sharon might be perceived as a little ‘childish’ compared to some other RFA members.
Do I Ship Our Muses?: At the moment I feel like they have more of a strong platonic bond but I can definitely see some possibility for romance as well!
What I Think About The Mun: Thank you so much for listening to my rambling on Discord.
Overall Opinion: Wonderful AND talented person who can accurate write as several muses which means you have my full respect because I’m out here with just my single muse. I’m looking forward to writing with you more in the future!
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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gameboyheroes · 5 years
@dedicatedheart -- (( Post-Saeran + Vampire Seven )) 
Saeyoung & Yoosung 
A laugh escaped the vampire, nodding at the blonde's question. "Yeah. I want to protect his humanity. It's the only thing that's different from me." Saeyoung smiled, holding the physically older male closer to his side; despite Saeran pushing himself away a little. "That's why... I became V's son outside of the agency. And before your repeat your question, I’d do anything to become his mirror again, but there’s no cure aside from killing me.”
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hagikhika · 5 years
CLOSED. (with @dedicatedheart // opm lyrics starter call!)
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     “Changing hues, the change of seasons will leave you no clues.” Sincerely, she spoke as if gathered from personal experience, “as desperation spreads within a broken soul, life just leaves you......feeling dead.”
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frozcnhearts · 5 years
12, 22, 29 ( for Saeran )
Get inside your character’s head! - @dedicatedheart
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12: Favorite Book genre? 
In all honesty? Probably books about the different plant. However, he also secretly still likes the books Seven read to him, when they still were children. Whenever he has a hard time, they remember him when he still felt something like hope, when he saw a light at the end of the tunnel.
Even if it all was just a lie.
22: Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
Eventually making some crappy doodles, as it was shown that he likes ( or liked ) drawing as child… it could also be that he'll let his anger out on it… or does really nothing, to not cooperate.
It really depends on the personality tbh. Unknown would cross his arms and refuse anything. Ray would draw small flowers or MC and himself ( or Rika and himself, since he sees her as mother figure ). AS!Saeran ( the one in the dark Suit ) would… either just ask what the fuck he's supposed to do with it, eventually would grow impatient though.
Tomato Saeran would… idk tbh. Eventually he'd make the same doodles as child!Saeran. 
29: Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
Honestly. He'd blame Seven for it. Because who the heck else would burn that damn house accidentally, while cooking? ( at least it's a headcanon I kind of share with @diverse-hearts, lolol ).
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dcsidcrium · 5 years
      ||  Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
//When talking about her pack, specifically her two wolves and not people she’s adopted into it, she collectively refers to them as ‘the boys’ or ‘my boys’.  She’s raised them both from pups, and they’re the closest thing to family she has (until Dani comes back around)
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diverse-hearts-a · 5 years
@dedicatedheart continued from [X]
It was just one of those days.   Where everything seemed as though it was going wrong and all she wanted to do was eat junk food. Given that she was usually the type to either survive only off sweets or forget to eat altogether, perhaps this was actually a good sign. It wasn’t that often that the blonde showed signs of being hungry if there were no cakes around. 
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She smiled softly as she got her desired hug, gently holding the other close for a few moments before giggling at his question. It’s been a rotten day but his naïve mind was helping to lift her spirits already. It seemed as though she had chosen the right person to have as company.   “You honestly don’t know why people laugh at that number?”, she asked, taking his hand and starting to lead the way towards a nearby restaurant, “Come on. My treat. Sixty-nine is way too much but I bet we could finish like thirty between us”
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startravellers-a · 5 years
@dedicatedheart liked for muse roulette and got a grumpy lad
Saeran was well aware of why he wasn’t trusted alone. He was unwell, not completely oblivious - after the last stunt he’d pulled, it was unlikely that Saeyoung would leave him entirely alone for a long time. While he found the attention smothering, he at least understood it, and that wasn’t what his issue was - not right now, at least. His issue was who Saeyoung had chosen as today’s babysitter.
Yoosung was the RFA member that Saeran felt most uncomfortable around, except perhaps Jumin. Yoosung was her cousin. Saeran had no idea how to act around him. So he sat as far from Yoosung as he could get, angled away from him, staring intensely at a point on the wall and wishing that he was anywhere but here.
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soyuyog · 5 years
💖 How do they say ‘I love you’ without really saying it? 💟 What is their stance on PDA?
💖 That’s funny because in general he’s bad at expressing those sorts of emotions aloud, and even bluntly. But ways he expresses these without saying these are shown in his gratitude. He’d most likely do something cheesy like name some code after the person he’s infatuated with, hiding it deep within a program he’d create. 💟  Growing up in an abusive household he’s not quite use to PDA in general. Even after rehabilitation is he still getting use to physical contact from anyone that isn’t his brother ; since at this point he’s only ever use to anything from him. 
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( ( Alaine; closed starter - to @dedicatedheart ) ) sc
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Alaine looked over at the phone, not surprised to see Yoosung calling her at this time. She assumed he was one of the RFA members that stayed up late, probably later than most of them. 
Before the call would end and end up being a missing call, she answered, pressing it up against her ear. She was first to speak, “I’m guessing this is about LOLOL?” she wasn’t able to hide the small laugh that escaped her. She couldn’t understand how someone could become so addicted to a game, but she wasn’t as harsh about it to him as the other members were. “But, really, what’s on your mind, Yoosung?”
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trxumerjunge · 5 years
❛ Everything okay? ❜
@dedicatedheart || 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃 /  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒. || Accepting
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It took Ayumu a while to comprehend the words that Yoosung had spoken to him, his ears ringing and blood rushing up into his brain as he rubbed at his forehead, a grimace on his face. 
He really wasn’t okay but he didn’t wish to worry the blond-haired male that he slowly grew to care for. “Yeah, everything’s okay Yoosung,” He replied to the question, wearily settling himself back on the bed he had just tumbled out of. “Just got a little lightheaded for a second…” 
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lilstrawbxrry · 5 years
@dedicatedheart liked this post to take care of the sick strawberry
“...Thank you for coming all the way here to look after me. Don’t you have an important test coming up?”
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Her voice sounded slightly raspy from the sore throat, a few coughs following each couple of words. “I think it’s just a cold, so if I take some medicine and rest for a couple of days, I should be fine.”
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